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Creamy gazpacho • White pizza • Swedish sponge cake • Strawberry cocktail Premiere edition

table of contents

4—7 creamy gazpacho with roasted red pepper 8—11 white pizza with potatoes 12—15 swedish sponge cake (Sockerkaka) 16—19 strawberry cocktail with a hint of lemon and ice cream

KitchenAid MAG


creamy gazpacho with roasted red pepper Thanks to the roasted red pepper Gazpacho obtain velvety texture with delicate sweetness.


KitchenAid MAG

Creamy gazpacho with roasted red pepper

RECIPE FOR 8 SERVINGS Preparation: 40 minutes Cooking: 25 minutes

1 kg of tomatoes 4 pods of red, sweet peppers Five cucumbers 3 slices of stale white bread 2 cloves of garlic 50 ml olive oil 200 ml of water balsamic vinegar sea salt IN ADDITION: 6 cucumbers 1 onion oil oregano leaves for garnish

Set the oven on grill function. Put the pepper halves on the pane and grill for about 15 minutes, until it begins to emit an intense aroma and the skin blacken. Seal the peppers in the paper bag (or put them in a large bowl and cover it) so the peppers steam and the skins loosen. When the peppers are cool enough to handle, peel away the blackened skin and discard it. Put bread into food processor and cover it with water. Let soak for 15 minutes. Meanwhile peel tomatoes. To the jar of blender add the garlic with ½ teaspoon of salt and blend on high speed. Afterwards, with machine running, pour in oil in a slow, steady stream, blending until emulsified. Add purified from the skin and seeds peppers, peeled tomatoes and cucumbers, water, and mix together. Season with a few drops of vinegar, salt and pepper. Refrigerate gazpacho at least one hour. It should be well chilled (3 hours up to one day). Chilled gazpacho pour into glasses, garnish with oregano and a few drops of olive oil. Separately serve also some chopped cucumbers and onions.

KitchenAid MAG


white pizza with potatoes instead of slices this type of pizza is sold by the meter in Rome. It doesn’t contain tomato sauce, but has a surprising addition of thinly cutted slices of potato.


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KitchenAid MAG


White pizza with potatoes

RECIPE FOR 4 PIZZAS Preparation and growing: 1 hour Cooking: 25 minutes

DOUGH: 500 grams of flour package instant yeast ½ tsp sugar ½ teaspoon salt 2–3 tablespoons olive oil 150 ml of warm water EXTRAS: 300g mozzarella 100 g cheese 250 g new potatoes sea salt oil IN ADDITION: cherry tomatoes arugula (rocket salad)

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In the large bowl of a heavy duty electric mixer (such as a Kitchen Aid) with a mixing paddle mix on the low speed flour, yeast, sugar and a pinch of salt. Remove the mixing paddle and replace it with a dough hook. Knead all the ingredients using the mixer and dough hook, on low to medium speed adding at the same time slow, steady stream of warm water. Knead until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. If the dough seems a little too wet, sprinkle on a bit more flour. Place ball of dough in a bowl that has been coated lightly with olive oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and wait until it rise (until it doubles in size). Remove the plastic cover from the dough and punch the dough down so it deflates a bit. Divide the dough in four pieces. Take each ball of dough and flatten it with your hands on a slightly floured work surface. Prepare your desired toppings- do not peel the potatoes, just clean and scrub them thoroughly and cut them into thin slices (you can use a kitchen cutting machine). Both types of cheese cut with a knife. Afterwards spread the cheese and potatoes on the dough . Brush the top of the pizza with some olive oil. Bake pizza until the crust is browned and the cheese is golden, about 25 minutes in the oven preheated to 250 degrees. After baking, decorate with chopped arugula (rocket salad) and cherry tomatoes.

KitchenAid MAG


swedish sponge cake (sockerkaka) This simple version of the sponge cake goes even novice cookers. Moreover with the addition of heavy cream and strawberries makes a simple and an elegant dessert.

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14 KitchenAid MAG

Swedish Sponge Cake (Sockerkaka)

RECIPE FOR 10 SERVINGS Preparation: 40 minutes Cooking: 45 minutes

4 eggs 400 g of sugar 200 ml of hot water 400 grams of flour 2 teaspoons baking powder FILING: whipped cream strawberries 1 tablespoon sugar rubbed rind of half a lemon a few leaves of fresh mint FOR PAN: butter bread or wafer crumbs

Preheat the oven to 180 ยบ C. Butter a Bundt pan with a diameter of 23 cm and coat it with the bread or wafer crumbs and set aside. In the large bowl combine eggs and sugar. Mix at high speed (6) and afterwards add water, stir for speed 1. In separate bowl combine flour with a baking powder. Mix again on speed 1, until just blended. Pour into previously prepared pan and bake for 45 minutes until a toothpick inserted into a center of cake comes out clean. Leave in the oven for 5 minutes, remove from pan immediately and allow to cool on a rack. Just before serving, slice strawberries, dust them with sugar, add some the lemon rind with chopped mint leaves. Pour the heavy cream into the bowl and mix at maximum speed (speed 8) until it reaches the texture you like best. Cut a cake in half, put strawberries, cream and serve.

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16 KitchenAid MAG

strawberry cocktail with a hint of lemon and ice cream sour note strawberries wonderfully complements with a mild taste of vanilla ice cream.

KitchenAid MAG


Strawberry cocktail with a hint of lemon and ice cream

RECIPE FOR 4 SERVINGS Preparation: 10 minutes

1 liter of plain yogurt 300 g of strawberries 2 tablespoons of brown sugar rubbed rind of half a lemon 4 balls of vanilla ice cream mint leaves for garnish

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To the jar of blender add strawberries, sugar and lemon rind. Pour yogurt and mix all the ingredients until mixture forms smooth structure. Pour a cocktail into glasses, add a ball of ice cream, garnish with mint leaves and immediately serve.

KitchenAid MAG


Concept of the KitchenAid Magazine was created for KitchenAid Company internal usage only. Š

PHOTOGRAPHY & CONCEPT Beata Lipov Lubomir Lipov LOGO & GRAPHIC DESIGN Alexei Sidelnikov Made in June, 2013

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