1 minute read
from Liberty catalog
by Alpha-Vet
In 2016 the fi rst part of an independent research study into the effects of horseshoe nails made with Copper Shield Technology™ was carried out in Edinburgh, UK by Dr. Sue Kempson BSc PhD at The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies with Stephen Mitchell BSc MSc at the School of Biological Sciences. A second study is being carried out in 2017.
The team studied the health of equine hoof material following the use of Liberty Cu nails. The research focused on the presence of bacteria in hoof trimming samples, taken from the front feet of horses, shod by different farriers across the UK over a period of 7 months.
One of the feet was shod using Liberty Cu horseshoe nails and the other with standard steel nails for comparison. The samples were subjected to both transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis.

Results SEM analysis

After 4 months on traditional horseshoe nails:
Healthy hoof structure has disappeared Horn is weak
After 4 months on Liberty Cu:
Healthy horn tubules are visible Horn is strong and elastic