1 minute read
from Liberty catalog
by Alpha-Vet
The Royal Kerckhaert Horseshoe Factory is the largest independent manufacturer of horseshoes, horseshoe nails and farrier tools.
Four generations of the Kerckhaert family have combined practical experience with advanced technology to meet the specifi c demands of farriers worldwide since 1906. Kerckhaert products are acknowledged the world over as leading in the equestrian industry, in terms of their innovative, uncompromising design and consistent high quality.
In this brochure you will learn all about Liberty horseshoe nails.
Your farrier is a skilled craftsman, who has studied and specialized in horses hooves for years. That is why you can trust him to know exactly which horseshoes and nails will be best suited for your horse. The fact that he stocks Liberty horseshoe nails shows you he is fully up to date in his craftsmanship and he cares for the health of your horse, even when he is not around.