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effect of feeding VitAPol to fArm AnimAls
General health state of calves is especially important. The strength of calves' immune system determines the resistance against illnesses and the intensity of development. The preventive and therapeutic application of our products solves the following problems:
1) age: 1-30 days after birth 2) reason: to prevent or treat diarrhea and to improve condition 3) product: Vitapol Suspension 4) dosage: 100 ml/calf/day mixed into the milk, or milk replacer 5) expected effect: Given as a prevention, no diarrhea during the suckling age occurs. Condition of the calves will be spectacularly better (compared to their previous condition or to control animals).
It can provide solid constitution, which is the basis for future production. If you give it to an already sick animal, approx. in 10 days spectacular improvements in health status can be seen, diarrhea stops/moderates.
Milking cows
To exploit the generic capabilities of milking cows we have to supply the necessary energy, protein and fibers in necessary ratios. It is especially important to supply the appropriate amount of minerals, micronutrients and vitamins. The general health state determines quality and quantity of milk so the high level of immune system has economical interest. Preventive application of our products ensures good quality milk with less medicine use.
Cows 1.
1) age: starting 20 days before calving until the end of lactation (300 days) 2) reason: binding aflatoxin 3) product: Vitapol Pulvis 4) dosage: depending on the level of aflatoxin in milk a. 0,05 µg Afla M1 (50 ppt) 100 g/cow/day b. 0,1 µg Afla M1 (100 ppt) 150 g/cow/day c. 0,15-0,2 µg Afla M1 (150-200 ppt) 200 g/cow/ day 5) expected effect: 5-10 days after application of
Vitapol, aflatoxin disappears from the body, M1 level in the milk remains below the limit. It does not have any side effects like clay or silica toxin binders.
As an alternative, beneficial effects of Vitapol can be seen on reproduction and feed conversion, whose rate can vary depending on farm conditions.
Cows 2.
1) age: any age 2) reason: individual or population level diarrhea 3) product: Vitapol Pulvis 4) dosage: for 3 days 300 g/cow/day, then for 14 days 100 g/cow/day 5) expected effect: diarrhea stops on the fourth-fifth day and milk production reactivates

The health state of piglets is especially important. Piglets weaned with a strong immune system grow faster and avoidance of diseases can be achieved. It is important to emphasize the future demand for the solution of oral-iron supply of newborn piglets.
Piglets 1.
1) age: after farrowing from day 1 to day 15. 2) reason: immune strenghtening, diarrhea, anemia, 3) product: Vitapol Suspension 4) dosage: 100 ml/litter/day, on a tray 5) expected effect: intestinal flora and intestinal villous develop sooner, they get quickly used to solid feed.
Therefore a better weight gain can be measured at weaning and in the nursery stage. In the suckling phase, there is a measurable additional weight gain of 10-15 g/day, afterwards in nursery about 1020 g/day. Diarrhea at this age can be prevented, that can also result in weight gain. Because of its high mineral content, Vitapol Suspension is also an excellent supplement to prevent anemia.
Piglets 2.
1) age: from weaning (21-30 days) until moving to fattening (90 days) 2) reason: to prevent diarrhea and to improve weight gain in the pre-fattening stage 3) product: Vitapol Pulvis 4) dosage: 0,8-1% (8-10 kg/t) from the prestarter and starter feed 5) expected effect: daily weight gain is 30-50 g/day higher in these 60 days. Diarrhea caused by weaning and feed change can be prevented or mitigated. (Depending on farm circumstances, drug costs can be saved.)

Layers/parent couples
During industrial egg production, mortality parameters can be improved by developing a strong immune system and by preventing illnesses of the digestive system. Application of our products improves economic parameters even in case of high efficiency systems. The result of healthy birds with a high level of production parameters are achieved by mixing Vitapol into the feed. Breeding stocks and parents need special feed, due to the fast growing and large weight which are not the most important parameters. Moreover, the application of our products helps the development of a strong immune system to improve production parameters.
1) age: after 70 life weeks until slaughter. In case of moulting from the start of production to the end. 2) reason: After the last third of production and after moulting for improving eggshell quality, production intensity and feed utilization. 3) product: Vitapol Pulvis 4) dosage: 0,8-1% (8-10 kg/t) into the feed 5) expected effect: depending on farm conditions egg production and feed utilization improve mortality by 2-5% and the number of broken eggs reduces by 10-20%