10 Facts About British Sign Language (BSL) Interpreters
The British Sign Language is an official language in Britain used predominantly by deaf people. The language is spoken using hand movements, gestures, body language and facial expressions. People with hearing impairments are just as capable as people who can hear. It’s just that their power of verbal communication is limited. But their ability to receive and express themselves is always there. Deaf people think in sign language. It’s similar to how hearing people think in their mind with their inner voice. Although the existence of sign language can be traced back to the 16th century the first school of British sign language was founded by Thomas Braidwood in 1760. A teacher in Edinburgh, Scotland. He, later on, became the founder headmaster of Britain’s first public school for the deaf. Sign language was not officially taught in deaf school until 1940. Before then deaf people were encouraged to lip read and fingerspell. But language acquisition in deaf students showed better results with signed language. So sign language was developed to make deaf students compete with hearing students.