Going Back to Work After Maternity leave? Consider Going Back to a New Career.

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Going Back to Work After Maternity leave? Consider Going Back to a New Career

Going back to work after maternity leave can be tough, especially if your passion for your current role is waining. Following the birth of a child, going back to work to a job that you hate can be soul-destroying. Without a job that inspires you, challenges you, and makes you feel as if you’re making a difference, you may feel as if you’re missing out on valuable time with your child. To make this transition from maternity leave to work easier, it can be a good idea to start fresh and start a new career. Although you may wonder how this is possible when on maternity leave, there are many online courses that you can take from the comfort of your home that can help you to do this.

Flexible learning Understandably, when you’re on maternity leave, any studying that you do must be flexible. With an online course, you can fit your studies around your day-to-day routines and not be left

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