The Annual Convention aims to strengthen the bonds of friendship among all Alpha Delts, Friends of the Fraternity and guests, and inspire their passion and commitment to Alpha Delta Phi.
The Annual Convention will promote an efficient model of governance that engages chapter, alumni, and the Fraternity leadership in establishing common organizational direction.
The Annual Convention will provide a high-quality educational experience focused on developing participants personally, and enabling them to own and carry out with clarity the mission and goals of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity.
The Annual Convention will build pride in the organization’s achievements and empower all participants to take ownership of the Fraternity’s future.
The Annual Convention will honor the organizational, individual and chapter achievements of Alpha Delta Phi in an aligned, engaging and celebratory fashion.
Welcome Letter
Covenant of Alpha Delta Phi
Daily Schedules
Social Activities
Xaipe Lyrics
Official Delegates
Board of Governors
Executive Office Staff
Program Descriptions
Convention History
General Information A to Z
Convention Maps
Rules of Convention
In Case of Emergencies
Thank you to the amazing vendors, partners and venue hosts who helped make the I92nd Annual Convention & Leadership Training Conference possible:
Embassy Suites Anaheim South, Greek University, OmegaFi, Holmes Murphy Fraternal, Chapman University, HPN Global, Greek Yearbook, Chapman Crafted, The Hacienda, the North American Interfraternity Conference, and Visit Anaheim.
Special thanks to our Convention Organizing Committee, the working group tasked with planning, organizing and executing the Annual Convention. The Committee is comprised of members of the Board of Governors, Executive Office, vendor partners, and city/regional officials.
Welcome to Southern California! Thanks to the talents and dedication of our organizing committee and headquarters staff, we are excited to offer an educationally packed weekend of programs to advance your leadership skills and boost your chapter’s productivity.
Over the course of the past few years, our Executive Office team, as well as our vendor partners, have been integral in the successful planning of this event. I want to personally thank them for their hard work.
Finally, I would like to thank the delegates and attendees - both alumni and undergraduate - for taking time out of their busy lives to join us this weekend. Taking time away from family and friends in the middle of summer is not easy, but we sincerely thank you for being so committed to the Alpha Delta Phi.
While our conventions are meant to be informative and educational, they are also meant to be fun and social. Throughout the weekend I encourage you to step outside your comfort zone by making connections with people from other chapters and affiliates. Please remember that during this weekend, we all represent the fraternity, so respect towards the hotel guests/staff and other venue guests is of the utmost importance. Anything less will not be tolerated, so please be responsible.
I hope you enjoy this weekend in this amazing part of the country and if you have suggestions on how we can better support your chapter, please let a staff or board member know - we are here to serve you!
Steve Thompson, MIN 1995 President, Board of Governors
ARTICLE I. You do solemnly promise that you will perform promptly and faithfully all the laws and regulations enjoined by this Society, and, to the last extremity, you will support and defend what you conscientiously believe to be the spirit and intent of its Constitution.
ARTICLE II. You do solemnly promise that you will strive to cultivate in yourself a spirit of kindness, conciliation and good will towards every member of this Society, and that, whenever you may be reproved for a fault by any of your brethren, in that spirit prescribed by the Constitution, you will receive such reproof with gratitude, and that you will endeavor to profit by the same.
ARTICLE III. You do solemnly promise that in everything in which you shall stand related to this Society, you will guard strictly your conduct and thoughts; that on all occasions you will strive to cultivate an amiable temper, and kind, affable and cordial manners, together with everything that relates to your improvement as a social and moral being.
ARTICLE IV. You do solemnly promise that whenever any member of this Society shall ask of you a special and particular favor, provided only that such request be proper and lawful, you will use all proper and lawful means to oblige him; and further, that whenever you may meet a brother of this fraternity whether in or out of college, you will never fail to treat him with a particular and marked attention and respect.
ARTICLE V. You do solemnly promise that so long as you shall belong to the college of which you are now a member, you will set up for yourself a high standard of intellectual attainment; and that by a careful and diligent improvements of all your literary privileges, you will be faithful to yourself, and to the honor of this Society.
ARTICLE VI. You do solemnly promise that in that department of literature which has been or shall be assigned to you by the voice of this Society, it shall be the whole and sole object of your investigations to arrive at truth; and that you will not spare time, trouble, or research, and that you will do everything in your power to render your disquisitions elegant, pleasing, and instructive.
ARTICLE VII. You do solemnly promise that whenever you shall observe a fault in the character or conduct of any of your brethren which, in your opinion, may operate, directly or indirectly, to the injury of the individual or the interests of this Society, you will kindly and affectionately admonish him of the same.
ARTICLE VIII. You do solemnly promise that you will, under all circumstances and on all occasions, maintain the honor and interests of this Society, and that you will use all lawful means to safeguard its intellectual, moral, and social character, and to secure its permanent reputation and prosperity.
ARTICLE IX. You do solemnly promise that you will never, in any manner, either by word, look, or sign, or in any imaginable way, disclose or divulge, or cause to be disclosed or divulged, any of the acts, laws, designs, or its proceedings of this Society; and that you will do your utmost to draw a veil of perfect secrecy over all its concerns, until your connection with it shall be dissolved by death.
ARTICLE X. You do solemnly promise that with respect to every brother member of this Society, you will at all times and places, and under all circumstances, and on all occasions, do everything in your power to defend, support and maintain his moral and social character and his intellectual and literacy reputation; and that whenever he shall be unrighteously accused of malignantly slandered, you will repel the attack with an honest and manly indignation, and that whenever you may hear of false reports, which may operate to his injury, you will endeavor to prevent their further circulation in short in all things which pertain to his personal character, and his reputation with his associates and the world, you will espouse his cause as if it were your own, and that you will constantly exercise towards him a spirit of charity, kindness and fraternal love.
Chapman University is a private institution that was founded in 1861. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 7,869 (Fall 2023) and is located in the in the middle of Orange County, CA., with a residential campus just 30 miles from Los Angeles. Undergraduates at Chapman can choose from about 45 majors, with business being the most popular program.
Repeatedly voted Orange County’s favorite downtown, the streets of Old Towne Orange are lined with antique and collectibles dealers, specialty shops, galleries, bars and restaurants. With its central Plaza Park, it has been the gathering place for Orange residents and visitors for more than a century. Explore Old Towne Orange after the Welcome Reception!
10:00am - 1:00pm Board of Governors Meeting Teak/Ebony
12:00pm - 5:00pm Registration
Landmark Ballroom Foyer
4:00pm - 4:30pm Welcome & Opening Traditions
Landmark Ballroom AB
4:30pm - 4:50pm General Business Session
Landmark Ballroom AB
4:50pm - 5:30pm Panel Discussions & Award Nominees
Landmark Ballroom AB
5:30pm Annoucements
Landmark Ballroom AB
5:30pm End of Day One
Landmark Ballroom AB
= Attendence Recorded
Kick off Convention with a meet and greet with your fellow brothers and friends of Alpha Delta Phi! Enjoy an evening in Old Towne Orange at Chapman Crafted. This local brewery, located in the shadows of Chapman University, is a great spot to relax with some tacos and a beer after a long day of travel.
Casual attire. Complimentary beer/wine for guests 21+.
6:15pm Shuttle bus begin departing from the hotel
6:30pm - 9:00pm Cocktail reception and dinner
9:00pm Last bus departs brewery for hotel
Shuttle bus transportaion is available to/from the hotel. Guests may choose to stay in the Old Towne Orange area instead of taking the bus back to the hotel but you are responsible to find your own way back.
For those guests who registered for the Disneyland excursion, tickets were distributed during the registration/check in process. Guests are welcome to enjoy the park as a large or small group or take advantage of single rider lines as an individual. Please review Disney’s security protocol and what you can and cannot bring into the park prior to arriving at the gate. Guests should meet in the ballroom lobby area at 1:30 to depart. Local bus tickets are also available. Main park entrance is a 30 minute walk from the hotel.
For those not attending the Disneyland event, we encourage you to explore the area in your own way using the extra time on Friday afternoon. Whether it’s happy hour at the Anaheim Packing District, the vintage shops of Old Towne Orange, an evening at an Angels game, or the many nearby beaches - southern California has something for everyone!
6:30am - 9:30am Breakfast
Lobby - Breakfast Area
8:30am - 12:00pm Registration
Landmark Ballroom Foyer
9:00am - 12:00pm OmegaFi / LegFi Learning Lounge
Landmark Ballroom Foyer
9:00am - 9:10am Call to Order & Opening Remarks
Landmark Ballroom AB
9:10am - 10:00am Chapter Reports
Landmark Ballroom AB
10:00am - 11:00am
Charter Presentation: University of Iowa
Landmark Ballroom AB
11:00am Networking Break
11:15am - 12:00pm General Business Session
Landmark Ballroom AB
12:00pm Announcements & End of Day Two
Landmark Ballroom AB
12:00pm - 1:00pm Life-Long Leaders Luncheon
Landmark Ballroom C
1:00pm - 1:30pm Board of Governors Meeting Teak/Ebony
1:30pm - 12:00am Disneyland Offsite Excursion
Requires special ticket
Michael Ayalon is a professional speaker, author, and CEO of Greek University. He has headlined keynote presentations on over 200 college campuses in 35 states to help solve problems such as Sexual Assault, Hazing, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, and recruitment for college student organizations. As the former Executive Director of Sigma Pi Fraternity with 120 chapters and over 100,000 members, he uses his skills to create dynamic, positive, and results-driven keynotes and workshops that transform people’s lives.
Mike is a graduate of the School of Management at the University at Buffalo, and has a Master’s Degree from Cumberland University in Public Service Management. Mike is being honored by Alpha Delta Phi this year with the Joshua Chamberlain Gold Medal for Interfraternal Service.
6:30am - 9:30am Breakfast
Lobby Breakfast Area
8:30am - 12:00pm Registration
Landmark Ballroom Foyer
9:00am - 12:00pm OmegaFi / LegFi Learning Lounge
Landmark Ballroom Foyer
9:00am - 9:10am Call to Order & Opening Remarks
Landmark Ballroom AB
9:10am - 11:00am Keynote Speaker Session
Reinvention: Pioneering Change in Our Chapters
Landmark Ballroom AB
10:15am - 10:30am Networking Break
10:30am - 11:00am
11:00am - 12:00pm
Introducing LegFi by OmegaFi
Landmark Ballroom AB
Workshop Sessions
Landmark AB (Undergraduates)
Teak/Ebony (Alumni)
12:00pm - 1:30pm Memorial Luncheon
Landmark Ballroom C
1:45pm - 2:30pm General Business Session
Landmark Ballroom C
2:30pm - 2:45pm Networking Break
2:45pm - 3:45pm Workshop Sessions
Landmark AB (Undergraduates)
Teak/Ebony (Alumni)
3:45pm - 4:00pm Closing Session & Annoucements
Landmark Ballroom AB
6:00pm - 10:00pm
Banquet & Awards Ceremony
The Hacienda
Thursday, August 1 - 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Chapman Crafted Brewery + Tacos
Kick off Convention with a meet and greet with your fellow brothers and friends of Alpha Delta Phi! Enjoy an evening in Old Towne Orange at Chapman Crafted. This local brewery, located in the shadows of Chapman University, is a great spot to relax with some tacos and a beer after a long day of travel.
6:15pm Shuttle buses begin deparing hotel
9:00pm Final shuttle bus trip departing brewery
Saturday, August 3 - 6:00pm - 7:00pm
The Hacienda (1725 College Ave. Santa Ana, CA) Buses depart the Embassy Suites at 5:30pm
Brothers, family and friends are invited to a reception to celebrate brotherhood at the Hacienda in Santa Ana. This event is outdoors but under cover with fans. Please dress accordingly.
Saturday, August 3 - 7:00pm - 10:00pm
The Hacienda (1725 College Ave. Santa Ana, CA)
Following the banquet we'll honor the award winners and chapters of excellence. This event is outdoors but under cover with fans. Please dress accordingly.
Xaipe Alpha Delta Phi
Ice iona thalone
Auxanoya doonimye
Katha panta neekone
Sellinay tak tominay
Hail, Alpha Delta Phi!
Prospering for eternity,
May you be able to grow
According to everything of victory.
The Crescent rising, Ostronkye mar mirone
Melpsomen ufrasunay
The Star even sparkling:
We will sing in celebration
Humin osma fydrone a joyful song with you all.
Entha day kalayopay
Hither Calliope, Soon pacise musa oan
With all the Muses, Ny ettye en soonafay
Aymos pra-ohs tray phone
Sellinay tak tominay
Dwells in perfect harmony
Gently to keep us together.
The Crescent rising, Ostronkye mar mirone
Melpsomen ufrasunay
The Star even sparkling:
We will sing in celebration
Humin osma fydrone a joyful song with you all.
Nah-oos kalu kogithu
Ice iona staysone
Era omen soohiroo
The (inner) temple of the fair and good!
To be standing for eternity:
We yearn your (entire) temple, Era omen koo-doan
Sellinay tak tominay
Ostronkye mar mirone
We yearn glory.
The Crescent rising,
The Star even sparkling: Melpsomen ufrasunay
We will sing in celebration
Humin osma fydrone a joyful song with you all.
Each chapter shall designate one delegate and one alternate delegate who shall be student brothers of the accrediting chapter. Each recognized alumni organization shall also designate one alumnus delegate and one alternate delegate who shall be alumni brothers but who need not have been student brothers of the accrediting organization's chapter.
The Credentials Committee has determined the following brothers shall serve as delegates and have full voting rights during this Convention:
Chapman University - Orange, CA
Undergraduate: Kade McKenna, 2025 Alumnus:
University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa, AL
Undergraduate: Greg Coyle, 2025 Alumnus:
University of British Columbia - Vancouver, BC
Undergraduate: James Martin, 2025 Alumnus:
CALIFORNIA CHAPTER (CAL) University of California - Berkeley, CA
Undergraduate: Amar Sehgal, 2025 Alumnus:
University of Chicago - Chicago, IL
Undergraduate: Kareem Aitcadi, 2025 Alumnus: Roger Deschner, 1977
University of Connecticut - Storrs, CT
Undergraduate: Samuel Askew, 2025
Cornell University - Ithaca, NY
Undergraduate: Ryan Hale, 2025
Alumnus: Clinton Kennedy, 1976
Duke University - Durham, NC
Undergraduate: Matthew Lutes, 2027
Washington University - St. Louis, MO
Undergraduate: Devan Fernando, 2027
Florida State University - Tallahassee, FL
Undergraduate: Hugh Chapman, 2025
Hamilton College - Clinton, NY
Undergraduate: Tobey Suratt, 2026
University of Illinois - Champaign, IL
Undergraduate: Mitchell Chappell, 2026
Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, MD
Undergraduate: n/a
Alumnus: Edward Donahue, 1968
Kenyon College - Gambier, OH
Undergraduate: Leo Kaufman, 2027
University of Maryland - College Park, MD
Undergraduate: Julian Chan, 2025
University of Massachusetts - Amherst, MA
Undergraduate: n/a
McGill University - Montreal, QC
Undergraduate: Paul Mandelos, 2024
Miami University - Oxford, OH
Undergraduate: Jake Langdon, 2027
Alumnus: Joe Brezny, 1995
Brandeis University - Waltham, MA
Undergraduate: Alumnus:
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MN
Undergraduate: Aeron Spencer, 2024
Alumnus: Tim Levens, 2019
Pennsylvania State University - State College, PA
Undergraduate: Michael Petraco, 2026
Northeastern University - Boston, MA
Undergraduate: n/a
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
Undergraduate: Alex Melchoir, 2027
Trinity College - Hartford, CT
University of Rochester - Rochester, NY
Undergraduate: Charlie Zorbaugh, 2025
University of Colorado - Boulder, CO
Undergraduate: Matthew Tinitigan, 2024
University of Toronto - Toronto, ON
Undergraduate: Patrick Rupert, 2026
Alumnus: Aamir Dawood, 2017
Union College - Schnectady, NY
Undergraduate: Peter Noyes, 2025
Alumnus: Peter Shore, 1977
University of Virginia - Charlottesville, VA
Undergraduate: n/a
Alumnus: Bruce Russell, 1997
University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Undergraduate: Griffin Marich, 2025
Alumnus: Michael Derr, 1984
University of Wisconsin - Madision, WI
Yale University - New Haven, CT
The Credentials Committee has determined the following brothers shall serve as non-voting delegates during this Convention:
University of Iowa - Iowa City, IA
Undergraduate: Brayton Maske, 2025
Alumnus: n/a
Alternates: Sam Johnson, 2027
Frank Fouts, 2026
Ricky Cavaliere, 2027
Alpha Delta Phi is engaged in a measured expansion program aimed at top North American colleges and universities. While we limit the number of expansion projects that we undertake at any one time to insure that each new affiliate recieves the resources and attention it needs to succeed, we are always open to new opprotunities.
Do you have a prospect in mind? Volunteer to help by contacting a member of our Executive Office tream and learn more about how you can directly help grow Alpha Delta Phi today!
Jay Flynn, MASS 1985 Expansion Committee Chairman tallgreekalum@gmail.com
Term Expires: August 2025
Term Expires: August 2024
Term Expires: August 2026
Term Expires: August 2026
Term Expires: August 2026
Term Expires: August 2025
Term Expires: August 2024
Term Expires: August 2024
Term Expires: August 2025
Executive Director
Matthew Burton, RUT 2017
Steve Ehrfurth, MIN 2006
Keith Gorda, RUT 2016
Steve Thompson, MIN 1995
Nate Parsons, FSU 2019
Alvin Lomibao, R 2009
Email: steve.ehrfurth@alphadeltaphi.org
Email: chris.sheets@alphadeltaphi.org
Email: ben.yoshida@alphadeltaphi.org
Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity 60 South Sixth St. Suite 2800
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Phone: 508-226-1832
Email: office@alphadeltaphi.org
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 9:00am - 5:00pm CST
Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm CST
Wednesday: 9:00am - 5:00pm CST
Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm CST
Friday: 9:00am - 12:30pm CST
Saturday: Closed
4:00pm - 4:30pm - Landmark Ballroom AB
Steve Thompson, MIN 1995, President, Board of Governors
This opening session will welcome our chapters, alumni and guests to the 192nd Annual Convention while outlining the aims and goals of the weekend. Learn more about the progress Alpha Delta Phi has made in past year and what we’re excited about in the coming year.
4:30pm - 4:50pm - Landmark Ballroom AB
Steve Thompson, MIN 1995, President, Board of Governors
General business reports will be presented in this short, informative session. Reports from the Executive Office and the Finance Committee will recap the past year and discuss plans for the upcoming school year.
4:50pm - 5:10pm - Landmark Ballroom AB
This short session will focus on our chapters and their recent success. During two panel discussions, chapter success stories will highlight the best practices for chapter philanthropy and member motivation.
5:10pm - 5:30pm - Landmark Ballroom AB
Learn who is nonimated for the annual awards of distinction. During this short session, chapter and alumni award nominations will be announced. Winners will be unveiled on Saturday during the closing banquet.
6:30pm - 9:30pm
Kick off Convention with a meet and greet with your fellow brothers and friends of Alpha Delta Phi! Enjoy an evening in Old Towne Orange at Chapman Crafted. This local brewery, located in the shadows of Chapman University, is a great spot to relax with some tacos and a beer after a long day of travel.
9:10am - 10:00am - Landmark Ballroom AB
This short session will focus on our chapters and their recent successes. Each chapter will give a short update on their accomplishments from this past year and their goals for next year.
10:00am - 11:00am - Landmark Ballroom AB
Decide the future of Alpha Delta Phi by hearing the charter presentation from our newest affiliate.
11:15pm - 12:00pm - Landmark Ballroom AB
Steve Thompson, MIN 1995, President, Board of Governors
This session will continue the business portion of the convention with a presentation of the fiscal year budget and the introduction of new business. At the conclusion of this session, delegates will elect new members to the Board of Governors.
9:15am - 10:15am - Bayside Ballroom
Michael Ayalon, CEO, Greek University
Embark on an innovative journey to reshape the future of Fraternity and Sorority Life on campus with our program, "Reinvention: Pioneering Change in Fraternity and Sorority Communities." Dive deep into understanding the essence of transformation and community priorities. Engage with compelling case studies of organizational evolution, and embrace the Beckhard-Harris Change Model and Tuckman's Team Development Model to navigate the dynamics of change effectively. Master the art of problem-solving with our six-step approach and learn to implement, evaluate, and sustain solutions that will leave a lasting impact on your Fraternity or Sorority. Join us to become a catalyst for positive change and lead your community into a new era of growth and development.
By the end of the presentation, participants will be able to:
1. Define our priorities as a community.
2. Describe why people reinvent themselves.
3. Compare organizations that have failed to reinvent themselves, as well as others that have successfully made the transition.
4. Define the Beckhard-Harris Change Model.
5. Define the Tuckman Model of Team Development.
6. Describe the six steps of problem-solving.
7. Summarize how we can implement a solution, evaluate the results, and then create lasting change in our community.
10:30pm - 11:00am - Landmark Ballroom AB
Kim Acree, OmegaFi
This session will unveil the new chapter finance tool. Come learn about how this powerful platform can be the next best thing for the way your chapter manages its finances and more. Not only does LegFi help chapters, it'll be available to all alumni organizations as well. This high level overview will be followed by breakout sessions for more in-depth discussion and Q&A.
11:00am - 12:00pm - Landmark Ballroom AB
Chris Sheets, K 2020, Director of Chapter Services
Michael Ayalon, CEO, Greek University
Learn more about how to engage alumni and build stronger alumni networks. We’ll provide tips on starting alumni associations and hosting alumni events.
11:00am - 12:00pm - Teak / Ebony
Steve Ehrfurth, MIN 2006, Executive Director
Kim Acree, OmegaFi
Learn more about the benefits of LegFi for alumni associations and how to leverage this new tool for your own success. This session is a live demo for alumni leaders with time for Q&A.
2:45pm - 3:45pm - Landmark Ballroom AB
Steve Ehrfurth, MIN 2006, Executive Director
Kim Acree, OmegaFi
Goodbye Vault! This session will discuss the benefits of the new LegFi tool for chapters and how to leverage this platform for your chapter’s needs. This is a live demo for chapter leaders with time for Q&A.
2:45pm - 3:45pm - Teak / Ebony
Chris Sheets, K 2020, Director of Chapter Services
Michael Ayalon, CEO, Greek University
Learn more about how to engage with the student leaders of Gen Z and what that means about communication styles and attitudes on the world. This session will be an interactive workshop with a short Q&A.
1990 158th Schnectady, NY
1991 159th Seattle, WA
1992 160th Minneapolis, MN
1993 161st Toronto, Ontario
1994 162nd Baltimore, MD
1995 163rd Amherst, MA
1996 164th Ann Arbor, MI
1997 165th Chicago, IL
1998 166th Champaign, IL
1999 167th Ithaca, NY
2000 168th Rochester, NY
2001 169th Montreal, Quebec
2002 170th Madison, WI
2003 171st Minneapolis, MN
2004 172nd Anaheim, CA
2005 173rd Charlottesville, VA
2006 174th Boston, MA
2007 175th Clinton, NY
2008 176th Berkeley, CA
2009 177th Schnectady, NY
2010 178th Oxford, OH
2011 179th Champaign, IL
2012 180th State College, PA
2013 181st Toronto, Ontario
2014 182nd Baltimore, MD
2015 183rd Hartford, CT
2016 184th Washington, DC
2017 185th Minneapolis, MN
2018 186th Denver, CO
2019 187th St. Louis, MO
2020 188th Virtual / At Home (COVID-19 Pandemic)
2021 189th Austin, TX
2022 190th Philadelphia, PA
2023 191st Tampa, FL
2024 192nd Anaheim, CA
Business casual attire is required for most sessions and meetings.
Thursday BOG Meeting
Thursday Opening Session
Friday Session
Saturday Session
Saturday Banquet
Business Casual
Casual (Something with ΑΔΦ letters)
Business Casual
Business Casual
Formal Attire / Black Tie Optional
The Embassy Suites has a dedicated business center on site. If you are in need of any last-minute printing (low quantities only), please contact a member of the Executive Office staff for assistance.
As per the Rules of Convention, cell phones should always be on silent mode during sessions and meetings to avoid disruption. Talking on cell phones during sessions and non-social events is strictly prohibited. Personal recording of business sessions is prohibited without the explicit prior consent of the presenter.
Alpha Delta Phi expects Convention attendees to respect each other, volunteers, organizing staff, hotel staff and guests, and to behave in a courteous and civilized manner. Attendees should respect common sense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, and respect for private property.
Abusive, discriminatory, harassing, or threatening behavior directed toward any other attendee - or volunteers, organizing staff, hotel staff or guest(s) - will not be tolerated.
Please report any incidents that violate this Code to a member of the Executive Office team. Breaches of this Code or irresponsible behavior can affect a delelgate's travel reimbursement.
All attendees will recieve an email invitation to complete an online feedback survey after the Convention has concluded. If you have suggestions or feedback that you'd like to share during the Convention, please inform a member of the Executive Office team.
General first aid supplies can be found at the information and registration booth throughout the entireity of the Convention. If you are need of additional medical assistance, the nearest hospital is:
Name: UCI Medical Center
Address: 101 The City Dr. S, Orange, CA 92868
Embassy Suites - Anaheim South 11767 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove, CA
Phone: 714-539-3300
Check in: 4:00pm Check-out: 11:00am
Alpha Delta Phi is not responsible for items lost during the Convention or returning found items to attendees. Found items may be brought to the information/registration booth and will be held until the end of the Convention. All unclaimed items will be turned over to the Embassy Suites at the conclusion of the Convention. To inquire about lost items after the Convention, please contact the hotel at 714-539-3300.
Self parking is available at the Embassy Suites for a $15.00 daily rate. There are no valet or EV charging options available at the Embassy Suites.
Alpha Delta Phi hires a professional photographer for the Convention. Photographs taken at the Convention may be used in future Alpha Delta Phi publications, marketing and social media. By registering for the Convention, you agree to allow Alpha Delta Phi to use your photograph in Alpha Delta Phi-related print or digital publications.
Attendees may pick up their convention materials during the following hours by visting the registration area outside the Landmark Ballroom.
Thursday, August 1 12:00pm-5:30pm
Friday, August 2 8:30am-12:00pm
Limited single event tickets may be available for purchse. To inquire about the availbility of single event tickets, visit the registration booth.
Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes, is not permitted in the Embassy Suites.
Alpha Delta Phi enourages the responsible use of social media at the Annual Convetnion as a way for attendees to summarize, highlight, and promote the Convention or share their experience with others.
Facebook: /AlphaDeltaPhiFraternity
Twitter: @AlphaDeltHQ
Instagram: @ADPhi1832
LinkedIn: Alpha Delta Phi Network
Event Hashtag: #ADP192 #UNLOCKTHEMAGIC
General Business Sessions
Workshop / Breakout Sessions
MON-SUN: 6:30am - 9:30am
Hot breakfast with made to order items available in the lobby atrium area each day.
Check-In / Information
MON-SUN: 4:30pm - 10:30pm
Discover delicious menu items, local brews, and curated cocktails.
All brothers in attendance may be recognized by the Presiding Officer, can speak and make motions. The right to vote and second motions is restricted to accredited delegates. Voting delegates must be in attendance in person (no delegate may vote virtually on general matters of business).
To assist the Recording Secretary, brothers should identify themselves by first and last name, chapter, and graduation year when recognized by the Presiding Officer and before addressing the Convention.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used as a parliamentary guide, except that all questions of procedure shall be resolved by the Parliamentarian of the Convention unless delegates, by two-thirds vote shall otherwise determine. Due to the pressure of time, debate may be cut off by a majority vote, unless the Presiding Officer rules it an important question where two-thirds vote is required for closure.
To ensure their thorough review, matters of new business shall be submitted to the Executive Office prior to April 15 and will be distributed to the Chapter and Alumni Organization presidents on or before April 22. New business should be discussed by each chapter/alumni organization upon receipt in order for informed decision to be made by each chapter or alumni delegate. Any new business submitted later than April 15 shall be automatically tabled for consideration to the following year’s convention and shall be disseminated as previously described.
All attendees are expected to attend each session in appropriate dress defined by the Organizing Committee. Attendees should remember that they represent the Fraternity at all times (on and off site). Inappropriate behavior reflects poorly on the Fraternity and local brothers. Please be respectful and responsible.
Delegates are required to attend all Convention Sessions and must sit near the front of the room. If delegates leave the Convention early or do not attend Sessions, their Convention travel subsidies may be reduced proportionately by the Executive Office.
Only members of the fraternity and invited guests of the Board of Governors will be allowed to attend the Regular Convention Sessions. Any individual may attend the Leadership Training Sessions, lunches, dinners, and/or banquets.
All Convention sessions are alcohol, drug, and tobacco free (including the use of e-cigarettes and chewing tobacco). Attendees who are pressured to be under the influence of banned substances may be asked to leave by the Parliamentarian and delegates may have their Convention travel subsidies may be reduced proportionately by the Executive Office.
During Convention sessions, cell phones, tablets, computers, and all other electronic devices may not be used and must be set to an inaudible state. Exceptions will be made for note taking and photography.
If a chapter or alumni organization specifies or registers a member to attend the Convention and that individual fails to attend in an unexcused manner, that member’s organization will be billed actual costs by the Executive Office for each individual with payment due by October 1 of that year.
The standing committees of the Convention shall be the Committee of Credentials and the Committee on Conventions (Organizing Committee). The Presiding Officer shall have the power to name other committees as they deem necessary for matters to be brought before the Convention and shall have the power of selecting the Chairperson and members of any such committee required. Each committee shall prepare a report to be presented at the beginning of the Convention.
Credentials Committee
Steve Ehrfurth Minnesota 2006, Chair
Roger Deschner Chicago 1977
Matthew Burton Rutgers 2017
Chris Sheets Kenyon 2020
Convention Organizing Committee (Members can be found on page 3)
For situations that require immediate medical or public safety help, DIAL 9-1-1. Do not take matters into your own hands, seek professional assistance immediately.
If severe weather or a tornado occur, members of the Executive Office team along with hotel personnel will instruct attendees on emergency plans to ensure your safety. In the case of tornadoes, seek shelter immediately in an interior room on the lowest floor possible without windows. For added protection, get under something sturdy such as a table or desk and cover your head in case of falling debris.
In case of fire, calmly exit the area of the fire and follow instructions of the Executive Office or hotel teams. If you witness a fire, activate the nearest building fire alarm and exit the building. On your way out, warn others of the immediate danger. Move away from fire and smoke. Close doors and windows behind you, if time permits. Exit using stairs. Do not use elevators during a fire. Calmly and quickly move to the designated meeting point:
Do not return to the building until given permission from emergency responders. Do not waste time gathering belongings, simply exit.
If an active shooter situation arises, be aware of the environment and either RUN, HIDE OR FIGHT to save your life and the lives around you. Please know that law enforcement’s first priority is to end the incident.