The Annual Convention aims to strengthen the bonds of friendship among all Alpha Delts, Friends of the Fraternity and guests, and inspire their passion and commitment to Alpha Delta Phi.
The Annual Convention will promote an efficient model of governance that engages chapter, alumni, and the Fraternity leadership in establishing common organizational direction.
The Annual Convention will provide a high-quality educational experience focused on developing participants personally, and enabling them to own and carry out with clarity the mission and goals of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity.
The Annual Convention will build pride in the organization’s achievements and empower all participants to take ownership of the Fraternity’s future.
The Annual Convention will honor the organizational, individual and chapter achievements of Alpha Delta Phi in an aligned, engaging and celebratory fashion.
Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Inc. Annual Convention (August 7-10, 2025) serves as a catalyst for the Fraternity to conduct official business, educate our members, and strengthen our Brotherhood. For many of our attendees, Convention is THE highlight of summer! With educational and social programs, Alpha Delta Phi strives to offer activities for all our undergraduate, alumni, guest, and family attendees. This year marks the 193rd Annual Convention, which will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Grasping the double meaning of the word “convention” is important. The Convention refers to the ultimate governing body of the Fraternity: composed of one delegate from each undergraduate chapter and alumni chapter. Furthermore, the Annual Convention – referring to the event – is a three-day affair for our members and guests to experience and enjoy. Alpha Delta Phi’s Annual Convention convenes on an annual basis.
Hilton New Orleans Riverside
2 Poydras St.
New Orleans, LA
Questions about Convention registration and lodging should be directed to: convention@alphadeltaphi.org
January 5
April 15
April 22
April 30
July 1
July 15
July 15
July 21
July 23
August 7
August 8
August 9
August 10
September 1
Convention Registration Opens
Deadline to Submit Items of New Business
Items of New Business Sent to Chapters & Alumni
Early Bird Pricing Ends
Convention Registration Fees Increase
Deadline for Convention Registration & Hotel Reservations
Convention Registration Fee Increases
Convention Registration Closes
Student Delegate Training (7:00pm ET / 6:00pm CT)
Guest Arrivals & CONVENTION: Day 1
Guest Departures
Deadline to Submit Convention Travel Assistance Form
All members, undergraduate or alumnus, will need to individually register themselves for Convention using the registration link on the Convention website (alphadeltaphi.org/193) or scan the QR code below.
You will be asked to complete personal information, rooming choices, and, select the type of attendee, choose any additional items for purchase (ex. Additional Convention t-shirt, add-on event tickets, etc.), and review information on your order summary page before completing your registration. Each chapter will receive an email from the Executive Office with an access code to unlock one free voting delegate ticket. This ticket is valid for one-time use per chapter. All other members will need to pay the full cost of registration.
Following your registration, each undergraduate voting delegates will receive an email from the Executive Office regarding the pre-convention delegate town hall with instructions on how to register.
All undergraduate delegates are expected to attend the pre-convention delegate town hall on Wednesday, July 23, 2025 at 7:00pm ET / 6:00pm CT. Click here to register and to add to your Google calendar. During the town hall, delegate will review important items of new business, learn what you need to know before you go, and ask questions that will help make your Convention experience great!
All items of new business must be submitted to the Executive Offi ce via email (office@alphadeltaphi.org) before the deadline. In accordance with the Rules of Convention, all proposed new business must be submitted before April 15. Following a review by the Board of Governors, all new business submissions will be sent to the chapter and alumni presidents before April 22. This allows your chapter adequate time to discuss and review the material to make an informed decision when you arrive at Convention. During the preconvention delegate town hall on Wednesday July 23, students will be given the chance to ask questions.
Voting delegates are required to attend all Convention Sessions. If student delegates leave the Convention early or do not attend Sessions, their Convention travel assistance subsidies may be reduced or denied by the Executive Office.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used as a parliamentary guide, except that all questions of procedure shall be resolved by the Parliamentarian of the Convention unless delegates, by two-thirds vote shall otherwise determine. Due to the pressure of time, debate may be cut off by a majority vote, unless the Presiding Officer rules it an important question where two-thirds vote is required for closure.
The right to vote and second motions is restricted to accredited voting delegates only. Voting delegates must be in attendance in person (no delegate may vote virtually or by proxy on matters of fraternity business).
All members, undergraduate and alumni, will need to individually pay a registration fee to attend the Convention. Since one registration fee per undergraduate chapter is included in Annual Organization Fee, one student delegate per chapter has their registration fee covered each year. The Convention registration fees are used to off-set the cost of the event and provide each guest with meals, meeting materials, and Convention branded gifts. The earlier you register, the lower the cost! All registration fees are listed below:
Note: To access the online code for the free student delegate ticket, please contact the Executive Office at convention@alphadeltaphi.org This code is only valid for one student per chapter. Chapters who use the code more than once will be charged the full registration fee on their OmegaFi account.
Chapters are required to send at least one representative to the Convention. This person will serve as the voting delegate to represent the chapter’s interests. It is strongly recommended that this person be a chapter officer - preferably the chapter president.
All undergraduate brothers are welcome to attend the Convention. Undergraduates-at-large may attend meals, social events, and all educational and business sessions but only the delegates may vote.
Alumni Associations are required to send at least one representative to the Convention. It is strongly recommended that this person be an officer - preferably the alumni president. Programming for alumnus brothers is more meaningful for those who are involved, or at least familiar, with the day-to-day operations of their undergraduate chapter.
Any alumnus brother are welcome to attend the Convention. Alumni-at-large may attend meals, social events, and all educational and business sessions but only the delegates may vote.
The fraternity encourages and welcomes brothers to bring their spouses/partners and families to the Convention. The event schedule can be found on page 20 of this guide.
Note: The Executive Office will be closed Monday, August 5 and Tuesday, August 6, 2025 to allow staff to travel and prepare for the Convention.
• Registration Area Opens at 12:00pm
Thursday, August 7
• Welcome Snacks at 3:00pm
• Convention Kick-Off at 4:00pm
• Award Nominations at 5:00pm
• Welcome Reception/Dinner at 7:00pm
Friday, August 8
• Breakfast at 8:00am
• Registration Area Opens at 8:30am
• OmegaFi Lounge Opens at 8:30am
• Call to Order at 9:00am
• Chapter Reports at 9:10am
• Keynote Speaker at 10:00am
• Business Session II at 11:00am
• Memorial Luncheon at 12:00pm
• Excursion: WWII Museum at 2:00pm
• Evening of Thanks at 5:30pm (invite only)
Campus Casual Reception & Kickoff (12:00pm - 9:00pm)
College branded t-shirt/polo shirt, jeans or chino/golf shorts, & clean sneakers.
Professional Casual Business & Educational (9:00am - 2:00pm)
Button-up dress shirt or polo shirt, khaki/chino pants, belt, closed-toe shoes, and socks. Jacket optional.
Smart Casual / Casual
Brotherhood Events (2:00pm - 10:00pm)
Button-up shirts or polo shirt, jeans or khaki/chino shorts, & sneakers.
• Breakfast at 8:00am
• Registration Area Opens at 8:30am
• OmegaFi Lounge Opens at 8:30am
• Call to Order at 9:00am
• Keynote Speaker at 9:10am
• Leadership Workshops at 10:30am
Professional Casual Business & Educational (9:00am - 4:00pm)
Saturday, August 9
Sunday, August 10 Departures
• Leadership Workshops at 1145am
• Lunch with the NIC at 12:30pm
• Business Session III at 1:45pm
• Leadership Workshops at 2:45pm
• Group Photo at 5:45pm
• Reception at 6:00pm
• Closing Banquet at 7:00pm
• Travel Home - Consider wearing your Convention T-Shirt!
Button-up dress shirt or polo shirt, khaki/chino pants, belt, closed-toe shoes, and socks. Jacket optional.
Formal Attire / Black Tie Reception & Banquet (6:00pm - 10:00pm)
Suit jacket and matching pants, button-up shirt, tie, dress shoes, ΑΔΦ badge or classic black tuxedo.
Alpha Delt Casual Convention t-shirt, jeans or shorts, & comfortable shoes
On the Convention registration site, you will be offered the option to include an offsite outing to the National World War II Museum. This optional self-guided tour ticket is available for a subsidized rate of $20 per person. This ticket is not included in the basic registration fee. All guests will be responsible for their own transportation to/from the museum but guests are strongly encouraged to coordinate ride-shares and experience the museum together.
Thursday - Campus Casual
Reception & Kickoff (12:00pm - 9:00pm)
College branded t-shirt/polo shirt, jeans or chino/golf shorts, & clean sneakers.
Friday - Smart Casual
Evening of Thanks (5:30pm - 9:00pm)
Button-up shirts or polo shirt, jeans or khaki/chino shorts, & sneakers.
Friday - Professional Casual
Business & Educational Sessions (9:00am - 2:00pm)
Button up dress shirt or polo shirt, khaki/chino pants, belt, closed-toe shoes, and socks. Jacket optional.
Friday - Casual
Brotherhood Events (2:00pm - 12:00am) T-shirt/polo shirt, jeans or shorts, & sneakers/sandals.
Saturday - Professional Casual
Business & Educational Sessions (9:00am - 4:00pm)
Button up dress shirt or polo shirt, khaki/chino pants, belt, closed-toe shoes, and socks. Jacket optional.
Saturday - Casual
Post Banquet (10:00pm - 12:00am)
T-shirt/polo shirt, jeans or shorts, & sneakers/sandals.
Saturday - Formal Attire / Black Tie
Reception & Banquet (6:00pm - 10:00pm)
Suit jacket and matching pants, button-up shirt, tie, dress shoes, ΑΔΦ badge or classic black tuxedo.
Sunday - Alpha Delt Casual
Convention t-shirt, jeans or shorts, & comfortable shoes
Note: This style guide is meant to help you visualize what is expected during the Convention. It is not required that you bring these specific items but please plan on packing similar items that fit within the specified dress code for each event.
Alpha Delt clothes for travel days - arrival & departure
College logo t-shirt or polo shirt for Convention: Day 1
Activewear, sleepwear, swim suit, underwear, socks
Belts, ties, watch, etc.
Professional casual clothes for Convention sessions (2 days)
Formal wear for banquet - either suit/tie or tuxedo
Casual clothes for brotherhood and social events
Shoes (dress shoes and sneakers), sandals, etc.
Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss Alpha Delta Phi Badge
Soap/body wash, shampoo, conditioner, face wash, etc.
Deodorant, cologne
Laptop/tablet, phone, camera + Chargers and adapters
Credit cards, debit card, cash
Brush/comb, hair products Driver’s license/ID or passport
Razor, shave cream/gel, etc.
Medications, eyeglasses/ contacts, etc.
Umbrella, rain poncho
Gum, mints, snacks
Sunscreen, chapstick, etc. Refillable water bottle
Skincare items, lotion
Passport (required for International travelers)
Weather Note: Guests should anticipate the temperatures in New Orleans to be in the mid to high 90s with heat indexes in the 100s. August is especially humid so guests should plan accordingly and bring light weight/breathable clothing to keep you as cool as possible. It is advisable that guests should bring extra clothing to accommodate for multiple showers per day.
You are! Each attendee is responsible for getting themselves to New Orleans. The fraternity encourages you to collaborate and plan with other chapter members and alumni who are attending.
You should plan to arrive as early as possible on Thursday, August 7. This will give you the opportunity to check in for Convention and get settled before the first session begins at 4:00pm. Departures should be planned for any time on Sunday, August 10, as the closing banquet on Saturday will not conclude until very late in the evening.
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (Code: MSY) is the main airport servicing New Orleans and the surrounding area. All major airlines can be found at MSY.
Please be sure to plan accordingly for safety. Ensure the driver of your vehicle has had an adequate amount of sleep when driving to and from Convention. It is also important to perform maintenance checks on your vehicle to ensure that it is fit for highway and interstate travel. Reach out to neighboring chapters to see about options for carpooling to Convention!
Self-parking and valet options are available at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside for an additional per night fee. Overnight off-site parking is also available at nearby garages.
Amtrak offers multiple train routes into New Orleans arriving at the Union Passenger Terminal. Direct routes are available from most larger cities and can be purchased via Amtrak.
If you are flying, you may find that the use of a ride-share (ex. Lyft, Uber) is the most affordable option to get from your airport to the hotel. The New Orleans airport also offers easily accessible taxi should you prefer that option.
While upgrades are tempting for the common traveler, Alpha Delta Phi will not approve or reimburse upgraded airline tickets of any kind. First class tickets are never allowed under any circumstance unless paid by the individual brother. All upgrades and airfare add-ons are the responsibility of the individual brother.
Any flight that is voluntarily cancelled causing the individual brother to not attend a preregistered meeting, convention or conference shall not be reimbursed. Individuals will also be responsible for any additional rebooking fees charged by the airline.
One student delegate per chapter is entitled to submit travel expenses for travel assistance funds from the fraternity. Air travel must be made at the lowest possible fare, and the ticket booked at least 21 days prior to departure. The total cost of the ticket must not exceed $400 unless prior approval has been granted in writing by the fraternity. If the total cost exceeds $400, the fraternity will only reimburse $400. All travel expenses, with receipts, must be submitted before September 1, 2025.
Hotel check in is at 4:00pm and check out is at 11:00am. Guests arriving before 4:00pm will be accommodated as rooms become available. Hotel staff can arrange to check baggage for guests arriving early, as well as on departure days for those with late afternoon/evening flights.
All hotel rooms are booked by the Executive Office using the information provided during the convention registration process. Single and double rooms are $169 per night + tax. Given the demands of the Convention schedule, all convention attendees are highly encouraged to stay at the official Convention property. Space in the hotel block is limited and will fill up. Rooms for delegates is guaranteed. Non-delegate rooms (both alumni and students) are first come, first serve. Don’t delay in completing your Convention registration to ensure you get a room!
To limit costs for the fraternity all student voting delegates will be paired with a student roommate from another chapter. Students who wish to room with someone from their chapter or have their own room will not have their hotel room paid for by the fraternity. Alumni and nonvoting student attendees will be placed in a hotel room based on their preferences made during the convention registration process. Guests who need special accommodations for their sleeping rooms should indicate that when they register.
Complimentary guest room WiFi is available for Hilton Honors members. Attendees may sign up in advance for Hilton Honors or do so at hotel check-in if they’re not already members. Signing up is free. WiFi will NOT be provided in the Convention meeting spaces.
Per your Convention registration, most meals are covered throughout the weekend. Below is a listing of all meals that are and are not covered throughout Convention for attendees (meals are contingent on registration. Ala carte ticket options and nearby off-site dining options are also available.
Thursday, August 7
Friday, August 8
• Breakfast / Lunch - Travel Day (not provided)
• Afternoon Arrival Snack - Grab & Go snack provided
• Dinner - Welcome Reception, buffet meal, provided
• Breakfast - Buffet provided
• Mid-Morning Snack - Grab & go snack provided
• Lunch - Plated meal provided
• Dinner - On your own, not provided
• Breakfast - Buffet provided
Saturday, August 9
Sunday, August 10
• Mid-Morning Snack - Grab & Go snack provided
• Lunch - Plated meal provided
• Afternoon Snack - Gran & Go snack provided
• Dinner - Banquet, plated meal, provided
No meals provided
The Hilton New Orleans Riverside has a number of on-site dining options available. The following options are available during your stay:
• Drago’s Seafood - 11:30am - 10:00pm - Daily
- New Orleans dining institution, offers an extensive seafood menu, including signature dishes such as Charbroiled Oysters.
• Le Croissant - 6:30am - 11:00am - Daily
- Begin your day on a delicious note at Le Croissant with a Hilton Breakfast, featuring fresh beignets for a true New Orleans treat.
• Crescent City Marketplace - 6:00am - 12:00am - Wed-Sun
• Your “grocery store” while you’re here, stocked with beer, wine, liquor, water, soda, fruit, snacks, Chef’s “to go” creations.
• River Blend’s Cafe - 6:00am - 9:00pm - Daily
• Enjoy a quick breakfast, a cup of coffee, espresso, or a deli sandwich in this onsite coffee house serving Starbucks Coffee.
• Spirits - 11:30am - 12:00am - Daily
• New Orleans style samplings, or simply enjoy the ‘Delta Breeze’ and the wide assortment of cocktails, wine, and beer
Connected via indoor sky-bridge to the Hilton New Orleans Riverside, there are plenty of shopping and dining options. The mall includes many outlet stores as well as quick service / fast-casual dining options including: Raising Cane’s, Pei Wei Asian Kitchen, Cafe Du Monde, Rock & Roll Sushi and more! For more information, visit the Riverwalk Outlet website here.
Thursday, August 7 4:00 - 5:30pm
Thursday, August 7 7:00 - 9:30pm
Friday, August 8 11:00am
Friday, August 8 2:00pm
Friday, August 8 5:30 - 9:30pm
Saturday, August 9 11:00am
Saturday, August 9 1:30 - 3:00pm
Saturday, August 9 6:00 - 10:00pm
Friends & Family Happy Hour Public Belt - Hilton Riverside
Welcome Reception & Dinner Tujague’s - 429 Decatur St.
Jazz Brunch Location: TBD
National WWII Museum Tour 945 Magazine St.
Evening of Thanks Dinner (Invite Only) Cochon - 930 Tchoupitoulas St.
Brunch Location: TBD
Pickleball (Indoor) Hilton Health Club - Hilton Riverside
Reception & Closing Banquet
St. James Ballroom - Hilton Riverside
Please Note: All events are included with the purchase of a “Spouse/Guest” ticket package during registration. Ticket package must be purchased in advance.
While you can generally feel safe walking around the tourist heavy areas such as the French Quarter, Central Business District, Warehouse District, and the Garden District, please keep in mind these common sense safety practices during your visit:
• Travel in groups and avoid walking alone on dimly lit streets at night.
• Pay attention when walking and using your smartphone as these devices have been the target of thieves nationwide.
• Do not leave your backpack, briefcase, or purse unattended.
• Be on the lookout for pickpockets. Consolidate your wallet. Do not bring every credit card when you go out for the night. Move you wallet to your front pocket or wear a cross-body bag rather than a shoulder strap to keep your belongings in front of you.
• Do not display large amounts of cash in public places.
• Remove your Convention badge when leaving the hotel or meeting venue.
• When using a ride-share service, confirm the identity of your driver before getting into the car.
• If you are intoxicated, please take a taxi, Uber, or Lyft instead of walking or driving.
• Trust your gut instincts. If someone or something seems suspicious, leave the area, and alert a police officer if necessary.
• If approached by a stranger(s) for con games, such “I bet I can tell you where you got your shoes”, do not participate. Simply smile and walk past them.
• Lock car doors. Stow valuables out of sight in your vehicle.
• Ensure that your hotel room door is fully closed and locked at all times.
• Do not leave your drink unattended and do not accept drinks from strangers.
Attendees may make changes to their registration prior to July 15. To make changes to your registration, please contact convention@alphadeltaphi.org. Depending on the timing and the type of change, the Executive Office may not be able to accommodate your request.
Chapters are allowed to substitute voting delegates (swapping one person for another) prior to July 15 with no additional cost. Substitutions can only be made between registered attendees, meaning, both guests must be registered prior to requesting a substitution. To request a substitution, please contact convention@alphadeltaphi.org.
Cancellation options depend on when the cancellations occurs. Cancellations prior to July 1 will be accepted with no additional costs. Refunds may also be requested. Cancellations for delegates after July 1 will incur a $50 fee and no refunds will be granted. All fees will be charged and posted to the chapter’s account on August 1. To cancel your registration, please contact convention@alphadeltaphi.org.
In accordance with the Rules of Convention, chapters who have student members register but do not attend (“no-show”) the Convention will be charged for the actual per person cost of the Convention - including, but not limited to, meals, hotel rooms, conference space, printed material, off-site events, and marketing costs. All fees will be posted on the chapter’s account within 14 days following the end of Convention.
Read the Convention Know Before You Go Guide!
Put the dates for Convention and registration deadlines on your personal and chapter calendars.
Let your family and work know that you’ll be at the Convention in New Orleans in early August.
Determine who will be attending as the voting delegate with your chapter.
Make an alternate plan in case the voting delegate can’t attend.
Example: If the chapter president will the out of the country during Convention, who is the best person to take his place?
Review the proposed items of new business, discuss them with your chapter, and come to Convention prepared to ask questions, proposed amendments, and vote in the best interest of your chapter and the fraternity.
Update your chapter budget to include Convention travel costs.
Connect with other brothers who are attending, including alumni, to coordinate travel to New Orleans. Sharing ride-shares helps keeps cost lower and saves you and the fraternity money!
Register! To register, visit: alphadeltaphi.org/193 and do it before July 15.
Read the Convention email communication sent to registered guests to stay informed and prepare for your trip to New Orleans.
Alpha Delta Phi would like to thank our partners, sponsors and hosts who helped make this event possible!