Alpha India Quarterly Newsletter November'15

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Alpha a bridge to connect; know how God is transforming Churches

Alpha establishing Christ centred marriages across the nation

From doctors, students, singers, to an operator at a manufacturing company,

Read to know more

Read to know more

Alpha is helping them find purpose.




‘You have approximately 570,000 hours le to live, why not spend less than 24 of them with us on Alpha, exploring life's biggest questions?' More on Pg 6


Alpha India Welcomes New National Director

Jacob G Isaac, comes to us with rich experience in ministry and involvement in various leadership capacities over the last 24 years. He graduated from St Joseph’s College, Bangalore and completed his BD from UBS, Pune in 1991. He is known for his creative and pioneering work among youth across South Asia having been a part of UESI and as the founder of Kerygma. In the last 10 years, he has developed leaders in the corporate and business world across South Asia as a certified Behavior Analyst and EQ Coach. He is a talented and gifted leader and has been actively involved in the leadership of WEA, and EHYC, Lausanne, EFI, SACYN and other YLT of networks. He is married to Sheela and they have three grown up daughters.

Church was led to do it for the youth who visited them for special events. In an endeavour to empower the Church youth and subsequently to help them reach their friends, they started Alpha in the Church premises on 22nd August 2015. About 20 of the Church youth are actively involved in this Alpha as Hosts, Helpers and co-ordinators. This Alpha has about 40 youth attending every week. The youth from Ark Victory Church in Sembakkam, Chennai, guided by their Pas. Jay have been doing a periodic one day event for young people. The latest event ‘SPARKZ 9’ saw a number of youth walk into the Church. The Pastor who had been using Alpha among other believers in the

Rev. Miles Toulmin 19 - 23 October 2015

The Church youth have been creatively using the 'Share Alpha App' to invite their friends. Fun, music, activities and snacks have pepped up the weekly gathering. The youth have been extensively involved and are gearing up to start the next batch right after the existing Alpha completes.

Alpha Youth Film Series Launch 29 October - 1 November 2015

Editorial on Pg 3

CONTENTS Editorial


Training across the Nation


Alpha & Church growth


Bridging the Gap - AYFS


‘Alpha for Youth’ Stories


The Marriage Course stories


My Story


Alpha in Bangalore


Chennai Team

Regional Managers Meeting 2 & 3 November 2015

Staff Retreat 8 - 13 December 2015




Alpha FAQs

READERS STORIES & PHOTOS Thank you for the testimonies, stories and photos that were sent to us. Once again in this issue your stories have been printed throughout the newspaper, along with other encouraging stories that we have received from across the nation.

1. How do I run Alpha? Prayer is vital to the planning, preparation and effectiveness of Alpha. Find a group of people who will pray for every aspect of your Alpha course.

To receive newsletter kindly contact us. Please send your stories to: Postal address: Alpha India, 219, 5th a Main Road, HRBR 2nd Block, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore - 560 043 Tel : +91 80 2542 0902 / 0899 / 0881 Email :

Alpha India directory: National Director: Mr. Jacob G Isaac Board Members: Chris Sadler, Chairman of Alpha Asia-Pacic Scott Norling, Chairman of Alpha India J Varadaraj, Global Ambassador of Alpha India Rajeev Menon, Private Equity Consultant Jaccob Thomas, Chief Executive Ofcer of MPCA Matthew Antony, Secretary for Evangelisation, Archdiocese of Delhi

Church Advisory Board: Archbishop (Emeritus) Vincent Concessao Rev. Dr. D. Mohan, Superintendant of AOG India

2. How do I run Alpha outside my church?

National Coordinators: Relationship Central: Philip N David Mob : +91 98844-36364 Worship Central: Balajied N Syiem Mob : +91 87942-98633

Regional Coordinators: NORTH WEST REGION Uttrakhand: Inosh Karad Mob: +91 98976-44709

Using the same Alpha content and structure, you can run an Alpha at schools, colleges, workplaces, prisons, hospitals, homeless shelters, army bases, slums, among eunuchs and in red light districts.

Relationship Central Vikram Satyarahi Mob: +91 98763-70480 Regional Development Manager (Delhi & NCR) Ashish Mishra Mob : +91 98995 92929

3. What resources and training opportunities are available to me?

NORTH EAST REGION: Guwahati: Rev. Ninghor K Shimray Mob: +91 90851-57153 Shillong: Ps. Subhas Lyngdoh Mob: +91 97740-59873

Access to Alpha's national training conferences and local training events

Access to a full array of products through the Alpha India website to promote, run and augment Alpha

WESTERN REGION: Udaipur: Kamlesh Parmar Mob: +91 99830-03637 Jaipur: Johnson James Mob: +91 98290-77374 Ahmedabad: Arpit Rathod Mob: +91 98794-75765 Youth-Alpha & Worship Central Mumbai : Caleb Ellis Mob: +91 98209-72519

Access to a network of Alpha coordinators and Alpha advisors

Alpha India Regional Ofces: North West Region & UP: Rupak K. Nayak Mob : +91 93189 02997 West Region, Ahmedabad: Jimmy Harshkant Ph : +91 98254-44197 East Region, Kolkata: Prabir Mandal Ph : +91 96744-61951 North East Region, Shillong: P.O Ryn Jah, Shillong - 793006 Ph : +91 90851-57153

Step 1 - Pray Step 2 - Participate Step 3 - Plan your Alpha Step 4 - Prepare your team Step 5 - Procure your resources Step 6 - Persevere Step 7 - Pass on the vision

EASTERN REGION: Kolkata: Dilip Debnath Mob: 098742-07760 Priya Ranjan Bag Mob : +91 80172-88279 Alpha in the Workplace, Atmanand Singh Mob: +91 90515-12161 Bihar: George Muller Mob: +91 94310-16124 Odisha: Tushar K Behera Mob: +91 93371-41600 SOUTH REGION: Andhra Pradesh: Nathaniel R. Kodavatikanti Mob: +91 99088-22365 Karnataka: Thomson G Mob : +91 93424-41399 Tamil Nadu: John Rajan Mob : +91 98434-95572 Chennai : Samuel Sundar Mob : +91 93808-06974 Alpha-Youth : Marky J Mob : +91 98414-08286 Nepal Kathmandu: Rupa Pradhan Mob: 00977 98020 68920

© Alpha India 2015, edited and published by Jacob G Isaac for Alpha India

4. How do I contact Alpha India? Your rst point of contact is: 

Your local State Coordinator, then

The Regional Office and finally

The Alpha India National Office

They can all help you locate a training event happening near you.

FINANCIAL PARTNERSHIP We appreciate your financial partnership. If you are inspired to support Alpha India please use the details below, or contact Josy Joseph at the Alpha India Office. ACCOUNT NUMBER:

911020054880929 NAME


















From the desk of the National Director

A CELEBRATION OF THE LORD’S DOING! It's a fresh new season in our lives as we take up this new role in Alpha India. My wife and children have been supportive over the years of my endeavors to serve the Lord. Ministry to me has been an important factor as I sought to please the Lord in various capacities of leadership roles. I am grateful for the many leaders and mentors who have invested in me directly or indirectly and it is their legacy that I seek to emulate.

At the very outset I would like to express my gratitude to God and the Alpha International leadership team who have graciously appointed me as the National Director of Alpha India. I am especially thankful to God for the legacy of Mr. J.V. Raj and his contribution to the work of Alpha in India in the recent past. I inherit a team of young, dedicated staff who are eager to learn and contribute to the growth of the ministry and the extension of God's Kingdom here on earth.

The three great lessons that I have held on dearly throughout my life and career is encapsulated in the simple acronym, HAT which stands for humility, accountability and teachability. This acronym has been a reminder to me to uphold these values and it been my prayer ever since I was a young boy. I have tried to live it out yet I have seen and admired these characteristics in others more than in myself. I continue to desire that I would be able to exhibit it increasingly in my current responsibility. There are exciting days ahead for us as a team here at the NAO and on the field. We have seen tremendous fruit over the last several years and the churches have embraced us graciously and have opened

their doors to partner with us. As I travel and meet with the church leadership, I am greatly humbled and overwhelmed as I see and hear testimonies of transformed lives and church growth as a result of this partnership. But there is more to be done. We need the continued support of the churches to help us go into areas that are difficult to engage in. I am not referring to the rural areas but rather the urban intelligentsia. Not forgetting the vast youth population of our nation. They are leading India into a new era of radical thinking on one side and a consumerist culture on the other. We have attempted to bring to you stories of our journey and transformed lives that w e e n c o u n t e r d a y a f t e r d a y. T h i s newsletter is a celebration of the Lord's doing in India through God's people that He has faithfully raised to make a difference. Please read and pass it on to others as well. Blessings, Rev. Jacob G. Isaac

FAREWELL AND THANKSGIVING On Monday 3rd August 2015, Mr Scott Norling, Chairman of Alpha India invited many Pastors and leaders of Bangalore to a farewell lunch meeting. All the staff were present. It was a good time of sharing and prayer. The day was filled with mixed emotions of joy and sadness - joy of seeing great things in store with the new leadership of Mr. Jacob Isaac and sad to see a great leader in Mr. Raj leaving his present role and taking the position of Alpha India's Global Ambassador. We left the venue with a thankful heart.

Miles is the Executive Director of Alpha Asia Pacific and Vicar of Holy Trinity Bukit Bintang, (HTBB) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is married to Sarah and they have three children. We welcome Miles to India for the dedication meetings of our new National Director in various cities. Bangalore Ahmedabad Chandigarh Delhi

19th 20th 22nd 23rd

October October October October

Alpha India wishes our readers a Christ - centered Christmas and a blessed New Year




OPENING AT THE NEW INDIA CHURCH OF GOD, KERALA The audience was given the Introductory booklet containing model lessons, exercises and homework. Alpha trains pastor- couples and leader-couples, recommended by the pastor, to run ‘The Marriage Courses’ in their church. Varadaraj, the former National Director of Alpha India, shared his conversion story and how the gospel transformed his life and the lives of several thousands in India and around the globe. This was a real challenge to every pastor in the gathering. Rajesh – COO, Alpha India, then introduced the tools Alpha offers to present the gospel.

Churches have programs for youth, children, women and mothers on a weekly or a monthly basis. But most churches do not have any event for couples. No leader wants to see divorce in the church, but many do not have a plan to address the challenges facing Christian marriages today. ‘The Marriage Courses’ offers a systematic way of engaging couples with

Just the right tool Over 47 delegates from the New Life Fellowship Church, Karwar, went on an Alpha training in August'15. Senior Pastor of the Church, John Quadros said that they have many care cells but did not have enough resources to introduce Christian faith to the new comers, but Alpha's sessions are just the right ones to welcome them to the faith. He purchased a whole lot of resources from Alpha to run the Alphas efficiently. Of the 24 Alphas registered, 6 have already started. Thomson

Trained to train The Chennai Alpha team have thirteen active Master trainers from various zones in Chennai. However with the interest growing among pastors, leaders and Churches for Alpha, an additional crop of Trainers have been identified and trained to introduce, train and guide Churches in Chennai. A two day Master Trainer's Training program to equip volunteers was done on the 15th & 16th of May 2015. A group of 15 enthusiasts involved in Ministry; some full-time and some part-time from North, Central and South Chennai were handpicked and envisioned on Alpha's vision, mission, DNA, plans and what is expected of them. The entire process will be guided by the local Alpha coordinator and existing Master Trainers within a period of three months.

the fundamental, foundational teachings on marriage; with highly interactive exercises and homework. Philip David of Alpha India was given an opportunity to introduce the Alpha Marriage Course at the annual convention of the New India Church of God (NICOG) from 13th -16th July, 2015. Pastors from over 300 NICOG churches gathered from around Kerala.

Brainstorming ideas with the National Director On his first visit to Chennai, Mr. Jacob Isaac, National Director with Mr. Francis, Training Manager spent time with Chennai's Youth Alpha Master Trainers and the Chennai Alpha coordinators, Sam & Marky. Te s t i m o n i e s o f h o w C h e n n a i w a s experiencing a breakthrough in Evangelism, especially among youth, were shared during this time. Ps Timothy, one of the Master trainers, shared stories of how God had transformed his ministry through Alpha. He was elated at the fact that 80 new youths had joined his Church after the previous week and was in his elements to see the upcoming event transform more churches in Chennai.Pas Raju Tamang He gloried the Lord that his vision of reaching 1500 nepali's in Chennai was getting closer to reality with their commitment. The upcoming event he felt would help numerous other Churches find the right tool. Encouraged by the testimonies, what followed was an exciting time of running through ideas and zeroing in on action points for the Alpha Youth Film Series launch event. The Chennai Youth

Pas. Biju Thampy of NICOG, who is also President of Vision Rescue and Senior Pastor of Gateway Ministries, Mumbai is very keen to see Alpha in at the least a hundred NICOG churches within the next year. We are so grateful to God for NICOG and the open doors for Alpha to bless the churches through the ‘Alpha’ and ‘The Marriage Courses’. Philip David

Alpha Master trainers piled in their thoughts which made the discussion fruitful, guided masterfully by Bro Jacob and Francis. Bro Jacob had spent time with every Master trainer understanding their ministry, part in Alpha and plans for the city.

From East to West Rehaboth Church, one of the fastest growing churches in Tambaram led by Pas. Franclin and his wife went through an Alpah Training. Thirteen Alphas have been registered to run in their branch church located at East Tambaram and few more to be run in their west Tambaram branch. The training was conducted by Pas. Jerald, our guest trainer from Bangalore and Pas. Ramesh, Church of Glory. The training was efficient in equipping the leaders comprising Hosts, Helpers and Speakers on Alpha. Pas. Franclin has introduced Alpha to South Chennai Pastors Fellowship and has even appointed a coordinator to oversee Alphas and for follow up and prayer. Chennai Team

Wondering... how to share the Good News without being confrontational? #EatWatchChat




CHURCH GROWTH STORIES Alpha for 8th time CNI Kikakui Church CNI Kikakui Church is situated in the southern part of Gujarat and in the Vyara (District) Region of the CNI Gujarat Diocese. Alpha hosted training at this Church for the region and a few leaders from Kikakui church were trained on how to run Alpha. The team decided to run Alpha in their church located in a small village with not many influential leaders or any basic facilities. Mr. Rajesh Patel and Mr. Maheshbhai Gamit were two among those trained and they along with few other believers began to run Alpha in August 2010. Soon after, the church saw a rise in the numbers attending the church. Lives were transformed and many people accepted Jesus as their Saviour and as a result the church grew in faith and in numbers. From 250 the church

grew to 350. Those who were not attending Sunday services began to come to church regularly and the church witnessed youth taking up leadership at church and conducting Sunday School for children. The church has run Alpha 8 times so far and has plans to continue in the days to come. The leaders also train neighbouring churches on how to run Alpha and they plan, budget and use the church resources to do the same. Mr. Rajesh Patel secretary of the church and Pas. Rev. Ratilal Vasava who is also Area Dean for the Region, were very much happy about sharing the benefits their church received after running Alpha. Arpit Rathod

‘Jesus With Us’ Church Jesus With us Church is one of the fastest growing Churches in Sivaganga led by

Pas. Ravi. When we approached him and shared our vision, he was encouraged to know how Alpha helps in church growth and in raising leaders. Nearly eighty leaders were trained on how to run Alpha. The pastor shared that Alpha would be an apt tool for the growth of their church. The leaders were very enthusiastic and are eager to start Alpha in their neighbourhood. To begin with, twenty six courses have been registered. John Rajan

ALPHA AMONG MIGRANTS I am pastor of the ‘House of Prayer Church.’ Since 2012 God had helped me to minister and share His love among nontamil speaking migrant workers from Assam, Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal. As most of them are from other faiths, they have never heard the good news of Jesus even once in their lifetime. Despite the fact that I could speak in different languages, it was a big struggle to share the gospel to these youth. The mission among Church believers was to reach out to all non-tamil speakers. However, it has been nothing short of a miracle to reach my friends, due to lack of understanding and acceptance. On hearing about Alpha, I contacted the local Alpha coordinator and got trained in May 2015. I started Alphas in 4 different places in Chennai. Alpha has been a really effective tool in reaching out to the unreached in the

simplest of ways. It serves as a bridge to connect and share the Gospel to nonbelievers around fun and food. There have been 4 Alphas completed this quarter through which I have reached out to 82 new comers. The success of Alpha: Every topic was relevant to the crowd and has helped them to understand the basics of Christian faith and to know more about Jesus who is ready to accept them as they are.

What next?: With 4 courses now complete, 2 new Alphas have been started. The guests from the previous Alphas have now become hosts and helpers. Further planning is being done to start 4 new Alphas in the near future. The number of people attending Sunday service has been increased and most of them are from Alpha courses. Pas. Timothy

Holy Spirit Weekend: With much prayer and team work, we planned the Holy Spirit weekend for the migrants. About 53 of them enthusiastically agreed to attend and were present during the Alpha Day / Holy Spirit Weekend. Pas. Isaac Daniel led them to experience being filled by the Spirit that evening. The entire group was asking God to fill them with a fresh anointing. Many of them were convicted and quite a few started weeping and asking forgiveness while they were all filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Seeking... for a simple, visually appealing tool to reach youth ? #EatWatchChat




BRIDGING THE GAP between thousands of unchurched students and the message of Jesus

Ben and Jason, the presenters of the popular Alpha Youth Film Series, are coming to Chennai and Mumbai, India! The effervescent duo will be training and equipping the youth and youth leaders to invite a generation to explore life, faith & God. Twelve episodes lmed in Vancouver, London, Paris and Jerusalem, Alpha's Youth Film Series explores timeless questions about faith, life and God for a new generation of teenagers in an engaging format. Here is an excerpt from an interview of Alpha Canada's Jason Ballard and Ben Woodman. Read more to nd out how the Alpha Youth Film Series can equip and inspire leaders around the world. Why did you decide to put Alpha on lm for youth groups? Jason: We wanted to create a tool that anyone could use to help spark a conversation about faith, even if they're not an experienced public speaker. Also, video allowed us more space to be creative – to travel the world, to use interviews, animations and a variety of locations. How can young people benet from the lm series? Ben: For Christian young people, the Alpha Youth Film Series helps them open an ongoing discussion about faith with their friends. For young people who wouldn't call themselves Christians, it helps create a safe place where they will feel respected and comfortable enough to speak their minds and have conversations that they might not have anywhere else. Jason: Also, a film gives the viewer space to disagree openly in a way that is more difficult when the speaker is in the same room. A film creates an environment where

you can feel confident thinking and speaking for yourself.

What are the next big challenges for youth workers?

What were your highlights from lming the series?

Jason: Nowadays, young people are selflearners, they don't want to be told everything, and they don't believe in experts, they want to discover things for themselves. I think Alpha is shaped really well to respond to this.

Jason: For me, there were two highlights. I love what Alpha represents and its vision to help the local church, so it was an honour to be part of that. The other great part was being able to film the 'Who is Jesus?' talk in Israel. To go to Israel and stand in the places he stood was incredible. As I wrote the talk, my own faith became stronger. It hit me – more than ever before – that this guy really rose from the dead. It's an honour to receive that truth and to share it. Why are you so passionate about young people? Jason: Most of Jesus' disciples were teenagers. Ben was my youth pastor in high school, and he encouraged me to run a discussion group in my school with a video series similar to Alpha. When it came to the final week, I wanted to have a live talk and give my friends a chance to respond. I asked Ben to do the last talk, but he convinced me to do it. I probably wouldn't be doing this today if people hadn't encouraged me like that when I was younger.

We know that Alpha is not a magic tool that solves every problem and makes it all easy, but we believe it's a great tool to carry some of the weight. Youth workers are our heroes, so it's a real privilege for us to serve and help them. We know there is a real need for resources and if the Alpha Youth Film Series can help, we are honored to be able to offer it. What new features of running the lm series will help young leaders? Ben: One of main features is that we’ve embedded the questions for discussion in the talk. We’ve done this to help make it even easier to facilitate the conversation. Every Episode includes three breaks for discussion: we pose a question, interview people on the street (from all over the world), and then the question reappears for you to pause it and talk it over in your group.

"Most of Jesus' disciples were teenagers."

Invite a generation to explore

life,faith&God. #EatWatchChat





EARLY MORNING ALPHA Alpha was started at Ebenezer Church, Chennai in the month of July. We had more than 25 guests coming every Tuesday, from 7 to 9 am. The talks were delivered in English and interpreted in Nepali to suit the audience. The youth who were attending this Alpha were very eager to know more about Jesus' teaching right from day one. Almost every one of them who attended Alpha have been blessed and have come to know God in a deeper way. Most of the guests were new to our Church and through this experience have decided to take water baptism.

The teaching methodology with stories and illustrations was very effective. Alpha gave the guests an opportunity to interact in small group discussions and get their doubts cleared. It gave some of them the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit. To be more specific, the `Why and How should I Tell Others?' - session was very challenging. On behalf of our church I express my heartfelt thanks to Alpha India. Pas. Uttam, Chennai Christian Nepali Fellowship

Alpha at a youth ‘hangout'

True Worshippers arise

Alpha for Bible College students

The Youth Alpha introduction on 12th Sep 2015 was attended by more than 100 youth from Churches in Dwarka region close to New Delhi. The launch was organized by Soar High, a Christian Youth Club, with a vision to bring Christian youth together. The worship evening was led by the Paigaam Gospel Band. The worship leader challenged the youth to find their identity in Christ.

We have been witnessing a revival in the churches every time we introduce and get into the details of Worship Central Course (WCC). Goa was one of the cities where God moved hearts and brought about transformation in worshipers through this simple course. It was a one day session followed by interaction and practical demonstration on how to play as a band together—overall making it fun, interesting and interactive.

Hindusthan Bible Institute, (HBI), Siliguri, WB is running Alpha for its students. HBI has taken up Alpha as a part of their curriculum and has decided to run Alpha for all their students. The students enjoy the discussion the most. It really builds up friendship in a closer way and helps them to discover God in a deeper way. Many students of the Institute have done Alpha youth in their respective churches after graduation.

After the introductory talk was given by the Delhi coordinator, Pas. Daniel said, "This 'hangout' for young people will be a platform to learn, have fun and get connected with each other. In fact, as a result, the youth will have an opportunity to learn through games and activities, share their opinions, ask questions and let the stories encourage one other." Alpha for Youth starts at Soar High on 10th October 2015.

At the end of this session there was a mighty move of God that started a new wave of worship revival. Hearts were open to receive more and the Lord helped them overcome misunderstanding between the worship team mates and healing took place. We saw some true worshipers arise in this church. We believe that they are implementing WCC teachings in their church worship time and individual worship as well.

Ashish Mishra

Caleb Ellis

Rev. Simmon Walling, Principal

Got questions about Life? #TryAlpha




The Marriage Courses Mending broken relationships The Marriage Course is an excellent one! During times where marriages are easily broken due to lack of understanding, it is helping us lay the right foundations for marriages.

RAISING UP HEALTHY FAMILIES It was great to have The Marriage Course in our Church. We at Exodus were tremendously blessed by this course. In two days, our church leadership team benefited in a huge way. This course is simple, but practical and powerful. The topics covered all aspects of family life. We found that the practical exercises for couples were the most important part of this course and we are sure if a church applies this, they will raise up healthy families and thereby healthy churches.

We are challenged by the Lord to put all that we learnt into action in our own Church. We are fully confident about the good and lasting fruits it is going to produce. The vision to raise up more trainers and present the society with the right solution is a desperate need. The trainers from Alpha did an excellent service and we want to thank Philip and Dulcie and Chacko and Molly for their genuine and passionate teaching. Abe Thomas, Senior Pastor, Exodus Church

We as a couple discovered our weaknesses and strengths and we also learnt how being transparent to each other helps us tackle issues in marriage. The lessons helped us to understand each other better and we are so blessed. I must say that the Marriage course material is well organized. Though we both have different experiences, upbringing and life style, we discovered the need to learn to accept each other. We also learnt to forgive one another and others who have hurt us. The important thing we learnt is to take our issues to God for guidance and solutions. We were so excited about the Marriage Course that we couldn't stop ourselves from sharing it with the leader couples from the Church”. Jatin and Swetal Kharadi

An explosion of family blessings

Alpha wants to make a difference

A healthy church is a happy church

The pastors and their wives assembled at the ED Heights Auditorium on 10th August for the Alpha Introductory event of 'The Marriage Course'. A senior pastor commented, "270 pastors and leaders for this event is really a remarkable number". "We are going to have an explosion of family blessing" said another.

Marriages may be made in heaven, but they definitely need to be worked out here on earth. God created the family to be the center piece of God's life and reign, and the evil one knows that if he can cripple the family he can get the church and then the nations. This is where Alpha wants to make a difference.

It is always wonderful to see happy families in the church. A healthy church is a happy church. It was a blessing to have Philip and Dulcie at CRC. The sessions for the couples were entirely based on biblical principles. It helped each of the participants to think and strengthen their marital relationship on Christ's love. It was enriching and included fun-filled activities that were quite interactive.

The need for ministry among couples in the churches was emphasized with testimonies, figures and statistics. Once the group was convinced of the need, Philip and Dulcie from Alpha went on to do a model lesson, with interactive exercises and homework. Leaders exchanged notes and ideas as to how they could take this plan forward for Trivandrum in Kerala. Philip David

By introducing The Marriage Courses, they have attempted to fill the lack of good teaching and resources to help build and establish Christ centered marriages. We look forward to seeing the fruit of their labour in our city in the coming days. We are with you. Dr. John Joseph and Dr. Hannah John Senior Pastor, WICC, Trivandrum

Apart from these, their exclusive session for the unmarried folks was something much needed for now and in every church these days. The young crowd was able to clarify various queries regarding relationships and understood its biblical perspective. Mathews V T Founder, Lead Pastor, CRC




My Story Worship is invaluable I was introduced to Worship Central Course by a friend at my church – the Garo Baptist Church. It was a very wonderful experience to me. I found the course to be simple and dealt with many familiar things. But it is in the familiar that we found the value of things we always take for granted. Clichéd words became words for thought. I realised, though worship is the very purpose of our existence, it is not given enough weightage or the due it deserves. One of the main highlights of this course was the group discussion, for it is here that we got the chance to be real and talk of things that are true to our situation and conditions. The course was broken into seven sessions each bringing new insights, however there were things that stood out the most for me like the importance of 'heart' in our work and more importantly worship. I learnt that the only way to be genuine and authentic in worship to God is through our heart and it should extend to every thing we do. “What worship central is providing for local churches is invaluable and I pray more churches get blessed by this ministry”. Bebean Tengchak R. Marak

Professional Singer S i n c e I a m a professional soloist, my friends from church encouraged me to join the Worship Central Course. I didn't even know what worship was until I joined the course. The many things I learnt, I put into practice during the first praise and worship service organised at my church. Even during rehearsal I opened the workbook and read the key points out to the team and asked them to be conscious of it during worship. The session on 'How to play together' was very interesting to me as it taught us of the different roles of the worship team. This course not only talks about worship and God but also gives a lot of practical tips for musicians like me. Debra Rynjah, Chennai

I began to read the Bible I recently attended Alpha for Youth training in Tura. I liked the Alpha sessions especially the talk on how to read the Bible. I was not reading the Bible every day, but from then on I decided to read it regularly and meditate on it. Thank God for pointing out my areas of weakness. I hope the Word of God will continue to change me. I have a desire to start Alpha among the 2nd year B.A students in Nongpoh Town. A. N. Sangma

The Prodigal returns Kamdev, twenty-years-old, hails from Orissa and is from another faith. He accepted Christ as his personal saviour in October 2014 in Chennai where he was working as a furnisher of wood works. Kamdev, later baptized and named John went back to his native place for holidays. It was then that he got entangled in an affair with a woman and totally lost his way. Things turned for the worse when the affair got exposed and he was sent back to Chennai. John came back to Chennai broken and was struggling to find a job and his way back to the Lord. He joined in on one of the Alphas led by Pas. Timothy, an Alpha volunteer. He experienced Christ all over again over the next few weeks. It all changed for him on 8th August 2015 during the Holy Spirit Weekend along with 53 others. Amidst tears he recommitted his life to Christ and the experience just got better when he received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He is now actively involved in the local Church ministry and is also a 'Host' in an Alpha. Kamdev

Confusion ended I belong to a Christian family and therefore I knew Jesus and about the Bible. But, I was simply trying to live life like any nominal Christian would. I had a fair knowledge about sin, salvation and eternal life but never

considered to live it out like a true Christian and every time I tried I failed. I couldn't pray or read the Bible too. I was invited to attend Alpha hosted by the House of Prayer Church, in October last year. During the 5th session on “How can I be sure of my faith” I knew God was talking to me very clear and loud. Up until I joined the Alpha I believed that one becomes a Christian only if they confess their sins to someone with tears and repent for all the mistakes they have done. But during this session all my questions and doubts came to an end and I realized that I am saved by God's grace and that I will be forgiven by confessing my sins to Jesus; that it is not a mandate to cry and confess to a person. I found Jesus on 20th October; I received my salvation and was born again. All my questions and confusions ended and I was free from doubt. The Holy Spirit Weekend was such a blessed time as I was filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I have begun to pray and read Bible every day ever since. Priya Chakravarti

Christ made me complete Jisnel, 22yrs, from Assam is an Operator in a Manufacturing company in Malaipattu, Sriperumbur. An orphan from his early age, he has always longed for love and care. He began looking for love and care among friends and neighbours. Inadvertently, his search led him to Facebook where he got hooked onto women and got himself addicted to 'love chats'. This habit of his began to influence his colleagues and friends who started to leverage on his contacts. When an Alpha was started in Malipattu, he realized that God is the only one who could fill his void and not the women in his life. He continued to be part of Alpha, week after week and keenly explored Jesus. His life changed for the better on 8th August 2015, when he attended the Holy Spirit Weekend. Jisnel has been a totally transformed personality ever since the weekend. With Jesus filling the void in his life, he now claims that it is his duty to help others find Jesus personally. His mobile phone is now free from his 'old contacts' and Jisnel actively passes on the information about Alphas to his friends who used to seek him out for girl contacts. He has now become a



10 part of the local Church, 'House of Prayer' and an active part of the ministry team. He had recently invited 7 guests to an Alpha that started last week. He has been bubbling with joy and sharing what Jesus has done in his life. He has also been an inspiration to other people who have become believers alongside him, challenging them to invite more people to know Christ.


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Sharpened my doctrines I have been actively involved in the Lord's work in the local and nearby churches as well as with local ministries. I was invited to attend Alpha at the House of Prayer church called HOP Alpha. During this time I learnt about the basics of Christianity. It was very helpful to sharpen my doctrines and the approach of a believer towards the world. My personal relationship with God improved and so did my prayer and fellowship. I hosted an Alpha group in the second Alpha run by the church and then as local administrator of HOP Alpha and this gave me opportunities to develop my talents. During the third run of Alpha we got our second line of leadership and a group of effective leaders was formed from the previous Alphas. With this team we look forward to run upcoming Alphas successfully. The biggest outcome of Alpha is the formation of a network called United Christian Association of Anand which is established and dedicated to bring unity among all denominations and to stand strong during times of persecution. What I like about Alpha is that it is for anyone and everyone. I can only say that Alpha has changed the scenario of my life and the city of Anand. Ritesh Christian

Guilt and confusions gone I was born and bred in a Christian family and I knew the Bible. As an avid reader I knew my verses well. I even attended Sunday school every Sunday till I left home for my graduation. Earlier, through my adolescence years, my rebellious attitude towards life made me love the things that I knew weren't right. I was slipping away as I got attracted to the worldly ways of life. I was enjoying the 'freedom' I thought I had. From the taste of music to the sip of liquor I then started blending “Music……. on the rocks”. It became a regular week end thing I would

do other than my studies even if I didn't have any company along the way. However, amidst such cool stuff going on I had nightmares and sleepless nights many a times. It was a creepy hollow feeling of being watched and I felt life had gone all awry. This went on until one day I knelt down to pray and with all my heart I said “ Lord Jesus I don't want to live my life like this anymore, please take me out …” It was not a sudden change… It took a while, until one day at church during an altar call I gave my life to Jesus. My life began to change gradually. There were still doubts though; why I was still stuck with guilt in my heart. I asked myself so many times if I was really forgiven. If yes, how would I know? I am so pleased now to say that I can answer these questions. I was invited to attend Alpha by a friend and it was during the weekend away when I asked for forgiveness during the prayer session… I could only say “Lord, forgive me” and nothing else… I felt a strange yet warm feeling all over me and tears rolled down my cheeks. I was overwhelmed that such a Mighty God could forgive a miniscule creature like me. After the weekend away I am overjoyed to say that I have found the Holy Spirit. He was always there. The joy of the Lord is truly my strength. I no longer have the fear of receiving the Holy Spirit which I used to experience due to misconceptions. I am thankful to Alpha for guiding me through. Being born again for me is walking in His ways. No, it's not easy always and it's not so hard either. I have contentment amidst struggles…. I have an inner peace that calms me down when I am mad and I've learnt to accept, to appreciate and above all to give thanks. I thank God for the strength and courage he gives me when I am scared. It would be incomplete if I don't mention how overwhelmed I am when I think of His love for me and that He died for my sins. Though I gave my life to Jesus, deep down I never felt forgiven. I've prayed and gone for altar calls many times but I still felt the sting. Holy Spirit convinced me in my heart that I've been forgiven. Alpha has changed my perspective on life; I grew to be more thankful each day. It even helped me step out of my 'self-pity box' to being more appreciative about myself. I've walked around with a big burden of guilt for the life I've lived in the past. Lashai

Living a meaningful life I am working as Manager in a private c o m p a n y. D u r i n g studies I lived like a nominal Christian. It was a so called “Christian life”. I used to attend church and took part in Sunday school, but I was not serious about my walk with God. Occasionally I read the Bible and prayer was not a daily thing for me. I graduated and began my career and I continued to live my life the way I wanted. Although I was not in bad company or into other worldly things, I did not give priority to reading of the Word or living by it and this I knew was sin. I lived life on my terms and when needed I sought help and guidance from non-Christian resources. But our God is a God of love and mercy. Before I could end up in a mess He brought me out of an unfruitful living, slowly and steadily. I began to understand the importance of the Word of God and to live by it. I slowly began to have a relationship with God. It was during this time of transition that I was invited to attend Alpha at House of Prayer. My wife and I did Alpha together and it was during the Holy Spirit weekend my life changed. It was the most memorable moment of our lives because we experienced the power of the Holy Spirit. Alpha changed my attitude towards God’s word and inspired me to work for Him. I realised that there are different ways to work for His kingdom and so I joined the local administrative team at HOP Alpha as a ‘Host’. After which I played a key role in Alphas run at Nadiad and Anand. I thank God for Alpha which is helping me to live my life meaningfully and fruitful. Amit Mehta





ALPHA IN BANGALORE Leaders enthused at Christ Compassion Church

Staff empowered

presentations on the work done with a few highlights of the current year. The Director reminded us to work in consultation with one another and see the Nation as a whole. The highlight of the whole training was, ‘the reflection time’ that helped us write down and recollect our learning points and the action to be taken to fulfill it The prayer time to seek the Lord and pray for one another was a grand finale that concluded a day well spent.

NAO energized Pas. Santosh of Christ Compassion Church was enthusiastic to get his church leaders equipped to run Alpha with a desire to help them reach their neighborhood. The training was conducted on the evenings of 8th and 9th September, with 25 leaders in attendance. The church will start Alphas in all their care cell groups in their church very soon and the NAO will work closely with the church in helping them run it successfully.

Churches Equipped

Pas. Joseph got in touch with the NAO to know more about Alpha and its role in equipping churches to evangelize. He then organized an introductory meeting at the Pastors’ fellowship where most of them were looking for ways to do effective evangelism. The meeting was conducted on the 23rd of August and 20 pastors attended. Many of them shared their desire to see their churches grow in the basic doctrines of Christianity and equipped to reach others. More such introductory meetings are lined up for the coming months. NAO Team

After the send off to Mr. JV Raj, the field staff of Alpha were asked to stay back in Bangalore for one more day for a formal meeting with Mr. Jacob Isaac, the new National Director. The day began with mixed emotions as they waited with anticipation. The director set the tone of the meeting with an ice breaker that put everyone at ease. The expertise of the Director in facilitating small groups came from his years of people management and the entire team was charged up and excited to look forward to the future and the question, “what next”? Mr. Jacob introduced himself and did a session on understanding individual personality traits and how to be focused to achieve results and not to be carried away by the ‘critic’ in each of us. This session gave a new perspective to the staff regarding the right attitude to God’s work. While the team was encouraged by the proceedings thus far, the session that followed required that we write down, what made us GLAD, MAD, and SAD about the work. This process opened our eyes and it specifically impacted the NAO staff to understand the field staff better and also gave room for us to come up with solutions on how we can work together. An element that took us by surprise was when key staff had to give brief

The team outing of the National Alpha Office’s staff turned out to be a day of fun, love, laughter and loads of learning as a team. The day began with a time of worship and some action songs followed by a couple of games conducted by our ND, which left the team full of ‘vim and vigour’. The activities that followed closed with a time of discussion and contemplation. Team strengths and weaknesses, learning from one another, the art of communication and being strategic were a few of the many reflections that were drawn out of the activities. “I strongly believe, this day added a lot of strength to us as a team to do greater things than before. I love my team!” said Kiran Kumar, our new staff. The day left us refreshed, envisioned and strengthened to gear up for what God is going to do through Alpha.

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