Newsday Amh Conversations 20 Feb 2014

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NewsDay thursday FEBruary 20, 2014




‘Aim to be the best, not the biggest’ Business RepoRteR ENTREPRENEURS must aim to be the best, and not necessarily the biggest if they are to stand out from the rest in terms of serving their customers, renowned South African motivational speaker and entrepreneur Vusi Thembekwayo has said. Speaking at an AMH Conversations function held in Harare yesterday under the theme, The Black Sheep, Thembekwayo said: “Great organisations focus not on success, but being significant. They ask whether or not they can serve.” The seasoned speaker said many businesses fail because they focus much on expansion at the expense of quality. “Customers base on where they believe they will get the best prices and services,” he said. Thembekwayo, who speaks in four continents to over 350 000 people each year, urged businesses to formulate visions that are innovative and relevant to the African perspective: “Let us leave the old way of doing things in Africa. If we follow rules written about Africa, Africa will never be significant beyond the construct of those rules.” He said this extra innovation and taking of risks where others would fear to tread, enables busi-

nesses to go beyond the ordinary: “We need to compete at the edge of chaos. Keep pace where others would instinctively slow down.” Turning to competition in a business set-up, he said: “If you want to be the best, surround yourself with people who are better than you.” Speaking on the sidelines of the conference, Thembekwayo said Zimbabwe’s situation was not moving fast despite things being better than they were a decade ago. Since 2000, Zimbabwe’s economy went on a free fall that resulted in the country having a world record rate of inflation, a worthless currency and company closures. An inter-party political agreement in 2008 provided respite, but continued political wrangles obstructed meaningful economic growth. “Zimbabwe had an amazing opportunity in 2008-9, but I do not think the political leadership used that opportunity. “The world has not taken Zimbabwe off. “There is still great hope and opportunity,” he said. Thembekwayo has travelled to 17 countries where he had been invited to speak and he has conducted 1 093 interviews. Speaking at the same function,

Vusi Thembekwayo during his presentation themed The Black Sheep which was organised in partnership with Hivos Foundation, AMH Chairman Trevor Ncube said AMH

would continue to seek to provide a platform for meaningful engagement of the corporate sector.

“Our obsession at AMH is to be the change that we want to see,” Ncube said.


NewsDay THURSday FEBRUaRy 20, 2014


‘Be bold in thinking, deliberate in action’ AMH Conversations held its first meeting this year on Valentine’s Day last Friday, which was headlined by motivational speaker Vusi Thembekwayo. In difficult times, every business needs fresh ideas and new directions to survive and prosper. Considered the rock star of blue sky thinking, Vusi’s conversation, themed The Black Sheep Talk, helped businesses to find inspiration and discover untapped sources of motivation. NewsDay Assistant Editor Wisdom Mdzungairi (ND) caught up with Vusi (VT) and had the following conversation. ND: Vusi Thembekwayo we understand you are a gripping professional and motivational speaker with a wealth of experience in motivating individuals, politicians and businesses to exceed their goals and aspirations. Perhaps this is why AMH Conversations has invited you at its first meeting of the year. What is your motivation and what drives you? Tell us more about yourself. VT: My primary drive is the exciting vision of our shared future as Africans. I am inspired and excited by what we can achieve if we can get the State and Parastate functions of our countries as well as our leaders to think, lead and manage at 70% of our current potential. We are nowhere near the required levels of performance in each of our individual countries to create a TRUE and BETTER future for all our people. ND: The AMH conversation themed The Black Sheep — The black Sheep as an archetype obsessed with success, leadership and being significant. How can you motivate the business sector in Zimbabwe’s depressed economy? Is it possible to successfully do business in this environment? VT: Yes, it is possible to succeed in these challenging times and trying markets. However, what business people and entrepreneurs of Zimbabwe need to realise is that when markets change as much as they have then too the ‘rules of the game’ change. You cannot expect to think, lead and operate the way you’ve always thought, operated and led in the past. To be motivated you must be bold in thinking and deliberate in action. ‘Downturns’ or difficult business environments breed innovation. We must also as Africans not be so gullible as to think that we are the only civilisation that has experienced such severe hardship. In the Long Depression of 1873-1896, three start-up companies were founded with unique innovations that were necessary for business even then. A time clock for recording workers’ hours, for example, was needed as industrial production at the end of the century surged. To be competitive, large organisations needed this innovation. Later these three start-ups merged and we know them today as IBM. It is possible to succeed in Zimbabwe under these trying times but you must have the courage to see THROUGH THE CURVE. Your thinking must be based on these questions: What does Zimbabwe and her people need today and what will they need in the future?

Get out of the construct of thinking for today’s restrictive construct and think, plan and act for the future. ND: How can businesses, politicians and individuals influence purposeful living, development and change in this country? VT: My feeling is that Zimbabwe and her people have an amazing soul. You see the poor and downtrodden continue to live, work and build families in Zimbabwe hoping that someday their lot will change. The mechanism that works most efficiently when countries experience such difficulty is community. What is needed is for communities to look to each other for inspiration and purpose. That members of these micro-units (communities) can live for the creation of a better community for each other. We see this in the great example of the Jewish community during World War II. They kept, looked after and nurtured each other during their most trying time as a community and developed relationship to lead them to become the most economically resourceful group of the 20th century. ND: How did you show your audience how to develop the Black Sheep success habits and transform their life, business and the country’s economy in respect of the country’s leadership? VT: What is required is the courage to think of new solutions for old problems. We develop this ability by testing it first in our personal lives then our community lives. My message to the world as I travel the world sharing the archetype of the Black Sheep — is the need to think in new create ways for new solutions to old problems. ND: Can you outline the key pillars to achieving success, for instance the art of shaping perceptions; creating an edge of chaos performance culture and possibility vis-à-vis what is versus what could be? VT They are few, but I’ll outline three: Pursue, significance not success Amongst our deepest challenges today is that we have leaders that aim for individual success. Success in this instance is about moola or money. How much can I make, how quickly and how will I spend it? The emphasis here is on “I”. Our new world requires that we think about how can I — in being of services to my fellow man make a difference. And can build a mechanism through which to “bank” this being of service. In other words, how do I serve, but do so profitably? Focus on delivering amazing & consistent customer experiences (for business people). Customers today hunger for a single thing: good customer experience. You can’t always out-market, out-price or out-strategise your competition, but you can out-perform them when it comes to customer experience. When I landed in Zimbabwe I had the most amazing chauffeur. His job was to simply deliver me to my hotel, but having noted that I had some questions on how the people of Zimbabwe lived, he took me on

Vusi Thembekwayo a mini-tour of the city. He didn’t have to do this. He isn’t measured or paid to deliver this service, but he did because he knew it would amplify my experience of Zimbabwe. I have already saved his number on my phone when next I travel to Harare I will be sure to call on his service. Not only that, I will recommend him to friends and colleagues. Through a singular customer experience he will have access to my entire rolodex and trust me, its substantial. Develop a focus on Mastery not Action We live in such world today that we focus on how much we are doing not how well we do what we do. History is made by people that focus on mastery not action. Anyone can speak, write, sell, start a business or any number of things. What will make you different is focusing on mastery. ND: What are your views regarding Zimbabwe’s political and economic landscape? Is there any hope for the country? VT: Where there are such amazing people, there is always hope. My view is what the people of Zimbabwe really need again is the courage to believe in themselves. Recent events have so shaken their realities and the perpetual difficulties under which they live have been so long-lasting that (my sense) their belief in self has waned. ND: What value will your audience derive from listening to you really? How will the audience benefit? New thinking that is at the cutting edge of business. My focus and expertise is on getting the African masses and entrepreneurs to have the tools and thinking that leaders of 1st World companies have. A radical shift in thinking is what I deliver. ND: What drives you? I want to leave Africa a better continent than I found it. We can only do this if we are courageous

enough to give the common man, the masses, all the knowledge and tools the rest of the privilege of acquiring as we travel the world. Africa needs less aid, but more aid-ucation. ND: What is this Black Sheep inspirational talk all about? VT: Answering a question, ‘What separates the great from the good’ or ‘What separates the excellent from the competent?’. Africa needs us to be great and excellent if we are to make her a better continent for all. ND: Precisely, what have been your successes so that your audiences can also emulate you? VT: My greatest success has been my family and the love we share. Professionally, my greatest success has been never being afraid to take on new challenges in the hope that I will emerge better at the other end. This is critical. Never say no to opportunities. That’s how you learn, grow, develop and mature. ND: On another note, what is your opinion about the media in the country vis-à-vis its public role to inform the public, media laws and how it portrays Zimbabwe outside? VT: Media has a critical role in all countries, but particularly in Zimbabwe. Her role is to find and show the truth, but no matter where it hides. Whether that truth is highlighting the successes of those in power or bringing a spotlight to their short-comings, that is what she must do. Politicians forget that media cannot manufacture truth, only report it. If you want the media to report positive stories then do positive things. The challenge for Zimbabwean media today is to tell the story of Zimbabwe after the autocratic rule of the current government. ND: Briefly tell us whether Zimbabwe can turn around the economy, and build bridges across the political divide since

coming from elections? The recent passing on of Mandela should remind us all that where we are resolved and committed we can achieve anything. If black South Africans could and daily continue to make the transitions from their oppressive past to the new South Africa, there is hope for all nations no matter their challenges. Zimbabwe has the depth in talent and the soul in society to rebuild herself to her former glory. What is important is for the political impasse to end so that an environment of certainty exists for business and economic leaders. ND: Going forward. Where do you foresee Zimbabwe in the next five years? There are two-scenarios for Zimbabwe: A better future: To achieve this Zimbabwe must ensure that she is friendly to business and foreign direct investment so that she can grow a more inclusive economy for her people. This is not the sole responsibility of government or business, but rather all these as well as the media and civic organisations. What makes the Americans great is their “American dream”. The idea that any man given intent, ingenuity and the courage to believe in his dreams, can do and achieve anything. Zimbabwe needs a “Zimbabwean Dream”. An ideal that will be held most dear by all who live in Zimbabwe. A dimmer present: This is the scenario that has played itself out over the past decade. A continuation in the current path without much protestation from the citizenry except leaving Zimbabwe. This is not sustainable and presents a great danger. The danger that Zimbabwe could create a ‘missed-generation’ of youth born into abject and systematic poverty that are structurally bound to stay there, regardless of their talents.


NewsDay thursday FEBruary 20, 2014


Key speaker Vusi Thembekwayo

AMH Chairman Trevor Ncube addresses the gathering

Serious moments . . .

The crowd was enthralled

Absorbing . . .

A presentation by Thembekwayo

but it was often hilarious . . .


Twitter feeds from The Black Sheep talk

TK Nyanhira @tangaikelvin Competition “com-petare”. If you want to be the best surround yourself with pple who are better than you. RT @thembekhumalo The vision of management is to make money, the vision of the entrepreneur is to make a difference. LSK Makani @lskmakani “To lead on the edge of chaos, you need to accept that you may crash and burn and that it’s ok. Preacher’s Son @TPGandiya If you are going to be on the edge of chaos, you can’t be scared of crashing and burning. It’s the only way to find the edge! NewsDay @NewsDayZimbabwe @TrevorNcube our obsession at AMH is to be the change that we want to see. MyClassifieds @MyClassifiedsZw Lead by the business case, not the person. Preachers Son @TPGandiya Biggest is not necessarily being the best . . . I wish more people would understand this today! Trevor Ncube @TrevorNcube Until this morning I thought @VusiThembekwayo was dynamic and amazing. I was wrong. He is out of this world. Tambudzai Madzimure @madzimuret #amhconvovusi white sheep work passionately but black sheep work obsessively @hivosrosa LSK Makani @lskmakani At the AMHConvoVusi event, Vusi talking about the edge of chaos . . . brilliant stuff! Preacher’s Son @TPGandiya We need to compete at the edge of chaos. Keep pace where others would instinctively slow down. Nqaba Mkwananzi @NqabaMkwananzi Great organisations sell consistent high customer experience @NewsDayZimbabwe @NChidavaenzi: If we follow rules written about Africa, Africa will never be significant beyond the construct of those rules. MyClassifieds @MyClassifiedsZw Incredibly talented with a great sense of humour is @VusiThembekwayo Rue Nyangulu-Mungofa @RudoNyangulu @thembekhumalo: Great organisatons focus not on success, but being siginificant. They ask whether or not they can serve. MyClassifieds @MyClassifiedsZw As Africans we tend to display our talents for all to see. But never have courage to use them. Rue Nyangulu-Mungofa @RudoNyangulu Context is key when seeking relevance and success in business. Tambudzai Madzimure @madzimuret Focus on being significance, if focus is on success you never will be in business. Its not about $ or cents. Thembe Khumalo @thembekhumalo Not everyone leads. It’s always only the talented tenth. Tambudzai Madzimure @madzimuret First AMH Conversation 2014 with guest speaker Vusi Themmbekwayo. NewsDay @NewsDayZimbabwe @VusiThembekwayo How do you frame your context as a business? Nyasha Chidavaenzi @NChidavaenzi In life what separates the best from the rest? How do you transcend mediocrity to excellence?


NewsDay thursday FEBruary 20, 2014

aMH Conversations: Platform for thought leadership discussion ALPHA Media Holdings, the publishers of NewsDay (daily publication), Southern Eye (regional daily), Zimbabwe Independent (business weekly) and The Standard (Sunday newspaper), identified a gap in the market for high level thought leadership conversations and although we were already providing this through the print and digital platforms, an interactive platform was required. AMH Conversations was launched in 2011 to provide a platform for thought leadership discussion on all aspects of business and across all sectors. Areas for discussion include economic policy, business strategy, markets, technology and many others that are not only informative and interesting, but thought-provoking and challenging. It is aimed at the discerning educated reader and decision-makers who are leaders in their own right throughout the public, private and civil sectors. AMH Conversations says to Zimbabwean policy-makers and business leaders: There is a world out there which has moved on as Zimbabweans have been squabbling. The platform says “Africa is rising” and Zimbabwe needs to catch up quickly. We do this by


Hivos fights for free, fair, sustainable world

inviting international speakers every two months to lead a conversation on an issue considered critical for economic recovery and political and social normalisation. We seek to focus on policy debates, leadership renewal, innovation, democracy, human rights and accountability and encourage

About Hivos HIVOS is an international developmental organisation guided by humanist values. Together with local civil society organisations in developing countries, Hivos wants to contribute to a free, fair and sustainable world. A world in which all citizens — both women and men — have equal access to opportunities and resources for development and can participate actively and equally in decisionmaking processes that determine their lives, their society and their

civic engagement. AMH Conversations takes a breakfast or evening dinner format. Our breakfast events usually attract approximately 120 – 150 guests. We also host dinner events for high level speakers so as to ensure maximum attendance and impact. Last year, we hosted Trevor Manuel, South African Minister in the Presidency and this event attracted over 200 guests.

future. Hivos trusts in the creativity and capacity of people. Quality, co-operation and innovation are core values in Hivos’ programme development and business philosophies. Hivos is committed to people in Africa, Asia and Latin America who are systematically blocked from rights, opportunities and resources. A lasting improvement in their situation is the ulti-

mate measure for our work. One of the guiding principles of our philosophy is strengthening the social position of women Our Work is split into four main activity areas: Rights & Citizenship Citizen action is crucial for the advancement of democracy, citizenship and human rights across the world. The Hivos Rights and Citizenship programme invests in civil society initiatives for democratic change, LGBTI rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, HIV and Aids. The aim is to strengthen the capacity of civil society and critical citizens to take steady and effective political action that leads to a more open, democratic and just society. Green Entrepreneurship Sustainable economic development, together with civil society building, is one of the two pillars upon which Hivos bases its work. Through the Green Entrepreneurship programme, we support socially responsible and economically viable entrepreneurship by and for rural men and women and small and medium enterprises, and facilitate methods of production that do not destabilise the environment. Expression & Engagement

The objective of the Expression & Engagement programme is to expand the space for free expression and freedom of speech and to strengthen citizen engagement. Hivos sees these as essential ingredients for an open, democratic and pluralistic society. Action for Change The Hivos Action for Change programme aims to alter government policies and the behaviour of citizens and businesses in the Netherlands and Europe so disadvantaged and marginalised groups in developing countries will see concrete improvements in their living and working conditions. About AMH Conversations: The AMH Conversations are supported under the Expression and Engagement Unit within Hivos. Our interest in partnering with Alpha Media Holdings stems from an identified gap for a platform for industry leaders to come together to exchange and network with each other. It is our hope that through the engagements with the renowned speakers invited for the conversations, we will begin to critically challenge thinking and traditional ways of doing business. We also aim to expose our leaders to trends at a global scale which in turn will challenge them to aim for excellence in their day to day management.

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NewsDay thursDay FeBruary 20, 2014


The Man at Microsoft’s Gates Microsoft Corp. announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Satya Nadella as Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors effective February 4. Nadella previously held the position of Executive Vice President of Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise group. “During this time of transformation, there is no better person to lead Microsoft than SatyaNadella,” said Bill Gates, Microsoft’s Founder and Member of the Board of Directors. “Satya is a proven leader with hard-core engineering skills, business vision and the ability to bring people together. His vision for how technology will be used and experienced around the world is exactly what Microsoft needs as the company enters its next chapter of expanded product innovation and growth.” Since joining the company in 1992, Nadella has spearheaded major strategy and technical shifts across the company’s portfolio of products and services, most notably the company’s move to the cloud and the development of one of the largest cloud infrastructures in the world supporting Bing, Xbox, Office and other services. During his tenure overseeing Microsoft’s Server and Tools Business, the division outperformed the market and took share from competitors. “Microsoft is one of those rare companies to have truly revolutionized the world through technology, and I couldn’t be more honored to have been chosen to lead the company,” Nadella said. “The opportunity ahead for Microsoft is vast, but to seize it, we must focus clearly, move faster and continue to transform. A big part of my job is to accelerate our ability to bring innovative products to our customers more quickly.”

Satya Nadella Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors “Having worked with him for more than 20 years, I know that Satya is the right leader at the right time for Microsoft,” said Steve Ballmer, who announced on Aug. 23, 2013 that he would retire once a successor was named. “I’ve had the distinct

privilege of working with the most talented employees and senior leadership team in the industry, and I know their passion and hunger for greatness will only grow stronger under Satya’s leadership.” Microsoft also announced that Bill Gates,

previously Chairman of the Board of Directors, will assume a new role on the Board as Founder and Technology Advisor, and will devote more time to the company, supporting Nadella in shaping technology and product direction. John Thompson, lead independent director for the Board of Directors, will assume the role of Chairman of the Board of Directors and remain an independent director on the Board. “Satya is clearly the best person to lead Microsoft, and he has the unanimous support of our Board,” Thompson said. “The Board took the thoughtful approach that our shareholders, customers, partners and employees expected and deserved.” With the addition of Nadella, Microsoft’s Board of Directors consists of Ballmer; Dina Dublon, former Chief Financial Officer of JPMorgan Chase; Gates; Maria M. Klawe, President of Harvey Mudd College; Stephen J. Luczo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Seagate Technology PLC; David F. Marquardt, General Partner at August Capital; Nadella; Charles H. Noski, former Vice Chairman of Bank of America Corp.; Dr. Helmut Panke, former Chairman of the Board of Management at BMW BayerischeMotorenWerke AG; and Thompson, Chief Executive Officer of Virtual Instruments. Seven of the 10 board members are independent of Microsoft, which is consistent with the requirement in the company’s governance guidelines that a substantial majority be independent. Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.




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