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e s u HBourger Hambúrguer grelhado com ervas, cebola caramelizada em vinho do Porto, queijo apimentado e rúcula num magnifico pão brioche, acompanhado de batata-doce frita

Grilled hamburger with herbs, caramelized onion in Port wine, spicy cheese and arugula in a magnificent brioche bread, served with sweet potato fries

Pure HBouurgsere


e l b u Do cken ChBiurger House


Dois hambúrgueres de peito de frango do campo grelhados com ervas, pepino em conserva doce, alface frisada, queijo cheddar, cebola roxa e mostarda num belíssimo pão de beterraba

Hambúrguer de vitela, alface frisada, bacon grelhado, queijo da Serra amanteigado e ovo estrelado num belíssimo pão brioche, acompanhado de batata doce frita Veal burger, beaded lettuce, grilled bacon, buttery Serra cheese and fried egg in brioche bread, served with sweet potatoes fries

Two grilled country chicken breast burgers with herbs, sweet pickled cucumber, beaded lettuce, cheddar cheese, red onion and mustard on an exquisite beet bread

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