Asa phoenix vol 24 no 1 nov 1937

Page 1

Volume XXIV


Number I


.Founders' Day Announcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 New Chapter in Oklahoma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Thelma Stortz-Examination Chairman. . . . . . . . . 5 Mr. Bell-Our Tribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A. E . S. Council Holds Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 A . S. A. Council Holds Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 O ur Constitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Our Professional Outlook ... ....... . .. ..... . . . 11 A. S. , A . Summer Camp . . . ... ... . ..... . .. ... . 14 Travel Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Hobbies .... ... . . ... . ... .. .... . . . ..... .... . . 43 Ideas That Have Clicked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Sports .. . .. ... . .............. . . ... .. .. .. . . . 52 A. S. A. Welcomes New Alumna! Chapters .. . .. . 56 Alumnce Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 College Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 Exchanges . .... .... ...... . . . ........... . .... 110 A nnouncements ................ . .. . ...... . . .. 113 Directory . . . . .. . ................... .. ... .. .. 116

Published in November, January, March and May of each year at No. 30 North Ninth Street, Richmond , Indiana, by th e Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma A lpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, I n di a n a . Business correspon dence may be addressed t o ei ther office, but ma tter for publication an d correspon d ence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. L e ib, 3540 ' orth Pennsylvania Street , Apartment T , Indianapolis, Indiana . Entered as secon d- class matt er, September 4, 1923, at the post office at Ri chmond, Indiana, unde r the Act of March 3, 1870.

Subscription price one do lla r per year.



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The Memorial Bench and Bird Bath which Alpha Sigma Alpha placed on the campus of the Farmville State Teachers College to commemorate the founding of the sorority.



Founders' Day

in Alpha Sigma Alpha 1937 N November 15th I call Alpha Sigma Alphas everywhere to reflect on the significance of this, our thirty-sixth anniversary of the founding of our sorority.


May this be a day when each of us will renew our faith in the ideals and standards which our Founders set for us. May this be a day when our gratitude and respectful tribute to our be路Joved Founders will be demonstrated by our individual determination to give in full measure. G. BELL, National President. EvELYN




The National Council of

Alpha Sigma Alpha announces the acceptance of a petition from

Tau Sigma local sorority at

Northeastern State Teachers College Tahlequah, Oklahoma




National Examination Chairman Thelma Stortz


HE newly appointed chairman of examinations, Thelma Stortz, needs no introduction to mo t of you. Those who attended the Ia t convention will remember Thelma as the charming blonde, who directed the "Pageant of History." To Thelma also goes the credit of helping to organize Eastern Pennsylvania Alumna! chapter and for two years she acted as President of that organization. From Winston-Salem, the reason for that delightful southern accent, Thelma came to Temple to complete her Home Economics course. Kappa Kappa soon recogni zed tho e qualities for which A~A is always searching, and added another, who has always given full measure. Following graduation she taught in her home town, Emaus, Pennsylvania. This year, she has taken a new position-that of managing the school cafeteria in Laurel, Delaware.

Thelma Stortz

If one can judge by past achievement, both new jobs will be done equally well.

Mr. Bell- Alpha Sigma Alpha's Tribute DOROTHY

necessary to know I TMr.WASN'T Bell long or to wait to become well acquainted in order to appreciate him. Anyone fortunate enough to have been a guest in the Bell home and to have felt Mr. Bell's welcome knew at once that here was a friend . After Mrs. Bell's death one admired the man who. e influence and love could keep a home alive. His daughters' interests were



hi interests and their friends he accepted as additions to his own. Years ago he adopted lpha igma lpha and through our trials and triumphs he was always our loyal supporter. To our president and her sister may our love and sympathy help in a small way to meet so great a loss.




of Education Sororities Council Meeting

Chairman: Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma T(JJ!t, Highland Park, Michigan. Secretary: Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Clermont, Fla. Treasurer: Mrs. Fred Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alph(JJ, Independence, Missouri. Director of Local Panhellenics : Mrs. C. P. Neidig, Cincinnati, Ohio. Director of City Panhellenics: Mrs. Orley See, Delta Sigma Epsjlon, Pied'mont, California. Chairman of Eligibility and Nationalization: Miss Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon, Philadelphia, Pa. Chairman of Publicity: Dr. Reba N. Perkins, Pi Delta Theta, Indiana, Pa.

biennial conference T ofHEthetwelfth Association of Education Sororities met in convention at the George Washington Hotel, New York City, October 14, 15, and 16, 1937. Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau, presided at all meetings; Mrs. Ida Belle Dowell, Sigma Sigma Sigma, served as acting secretary. All time visitor at the conference was Miss Bell, Alpha Sigma Alpha President, of Buffalo. Other special visitors were Mrs. John Linden of Long Island, founder of Pi Kappa Sigma; Mrs. William Crook, National VicePresident of Alpha Sigma Alpha, of Narberth, Pa.; Mrs. Mary Hastings Halloway, Tri Sigma; and Mrs. Doyle, Editor of the Sigma Tau magazine, of Peeksville, New York. On Thursday evening interested members of the National Panheilenic Congress, also holding its conference in New York City, and

the A. E. S. delegates, met in joint conference to discuss the problem of a federation of Greek letter women. Friday evening A. E. S. members were guests of the National Panhellenic Congress at its banquet held in Beekman Tower. About three hundred women, representing thirty Greek letter organizations, were present. From fruit cup supreme to demi-tasse the delicious five course dinner vied in attention only with greetings from old friends and introductions to new ones. The souvenir programs carrying the menu, the evening's program, and the list of member fraternities came in for its share of attention. Only as it became evident that the guest speakers were actually ready to begin was it possible to bring attention to that part of the program. The absence of Mrs. Hawkes and the necessity of rearranging the order of speakers that Mrs. Earle might leave early for another engagement caused some changes ; otherwise the program was carried through as planned. True to the theme of the season celebrating the place of women in the educat.i onal world, the various speakers stressed woman's opportunity in good government, in community service, and in the voice of the air as well as in campus leadership. With Miss Harriet Tuft presiding the following program was g1ven.

THE PHOENIX PROGRAM Vocal Solo-Miss Rene De Jarnette, Lyric Soprano. Address-"Campus Leadership"- M rs. H erbert E. Hawke . Address-"Women's Stak in Good Government"-Mrs. 'VIlm. P. Earle, Jr. Vocal Salo-Mi Rene De Jarnette Lyric Soprano. ' Addre s-"Women's Opportunity in the Voice of the air"-Miss Mary Margaret McBride. Address-"Women' Opportunity in Voluntary Community Service" - Mrs. Wm. B. Parker.

As a concluding number the audience joined in singing "When Greek Meets Greek." WHEN GREEK MEETS GREEK (Air-America the Beautiful) Now hand in hand like sisters stand路, And give no faltering grip. With common voice let all rejoice In this companionship. Our comradehood is deep and good, So let the goal we se k Forever be fraternity; When Greek is met with Greek.

On Friday a fternoon from four to six in the George \i\Tas hing ton room of the Washington hotel a delightful tea was held under the sponsorship of Miss Carrie E. \!Valton, Theta Sigma Upsilon. A ll appreciated the thoughtfulness of Delta Sigma Epsilon and Pi Kappa Sigma in presenting a basket of fall flowers, a charming and attractive background for the occasion. Every delegate wore at both tea and banquet corsages sent by Theta Sigma Upsilon and Pi Delta Theta. Although all sororities were well路 represented, Alpha Sigma lpha led in the number of guests appearing. All . E. S. members enjoyed the lull in business over "a refreshing cup of tea" and the equally refreshing talk ; but since


one good time mu t alway end before another can b gin th group wa forced to parate all too soon that coun il member might arrive at th banquet in time to b pre ented in th rec iving line. The bu ines e Ions were enlivened at interval by tel gram and letter of greetinO' from various chapter . large box of bon bon , thoughtfully contribut d by lpha Sigma Tau, proved a center of attention, providing excu e for an occasional rece s. orre p ndence from officers of the Tea hers Coll ege Fraternity sociation was read and discus ed. The organization ha been given a urance that it is the desire of A. E. S. to cooperate in every pos ible way in helping effect a national organization. Mrs. Neidig in reporting on local panhellenic problems tressed the importa nce of a carefull y planned financial program, uggesting that the technique of Ypsilanti and Indiana be examined with a view to compiling information for the use of tho e group needing help. The suggestion was made, concerning th e educational program, that a central theme rather than a monthly program be emphas ized since this would offer more continuity. The need s of groups vary, hence suggestions must be general, paving the way for more definite questions and contributions later. A ny group may a k Mr . See for help in planning the e programs but should feel fr ee at all 路 times , to follow its own leads. Thi is true to the general policy of A. E.



S. leadership. The real mission of the sorority on the campus is culture, and that point must be clear at all times. Panhellenics, stronger than they have ever been before, have a more definite place on college campuses today than they have had in the past. There is a better spirit of cooperation and harmony among groups ; more is being done to warrant the existence of the sorority; they are proving their worth to both the college and the administration, for the greatest opportunity comes through service and the real test of any organization is the service it performs. In this connection, Ypsilanti has the most extensive program. They used as the main topic for the year, "The Advancing Sorority," or "Adventures in Building a better Sorority Through Building a more Efficient and Richer Life." Miss Walter, Chairman of eligibility and nationalization, reported on the problem of several gr-oups desiring to become members of A. E. S.

The matter was referred to the committee on field. On Saturday morning, Mrs. Sharp presented an impressive memorial service honoring two men who have contributed much to the spirit, to the growth, and to the development of sororities. Dr. Eugene Fair, President of State Teachers College of Kirsksville, Missouri, friend and counselor of sororities 路and Mr. Walton, brother of Miss Mabel Lee Walton, brother too, of all sororities, will both . be long remembered for their zeal and their interest in the cause. The twelfth biennial conference closed at noon Saturday. A. E. S. members departed for Missouri, California or Florida to carry back the message of comradeship and fraternity. The lasting and sincere friendships formed in these groups so widely separated yet working for a common cause is a tribute to the power of a great idea when "Greek is met with Greek." REBA



P~~blicity Cha4rmm~.

National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha Holds Conference HE 1937 Conference of Alpha T Sigma Alpha's National Council was called to order by the National President, Miss Evelyn Bell, on August 14, in Chicago. All members of the Council were present. The carefully planned program for the four-day meeting was followed point by point. After the opening exercises led by the National Chaplain, Miss Louise

THE PHOENIX N. Stewart, each officer presented a report of the work of her department for the past year, with recommendations and suggestions for the future. The reading of the reports and general discussion of them, took up the large part of our first day. 路 For one day, Miss Georgi a Schulte, Convention Chairman, and Mrs. Lewis Bradley, Alumnce Chairman joined the Council round table to go over plans fqr the 1938 National Convention, and alumnce activities. Details of convention plans will appear in the PHOENIX. An analysis of each college chapter was made by the Council. We are mighty proud of our college chapters. Council action was taken on a number of important matters which will not be enumerated here. Most of you will here about them in meetings of college and alumnce chapters. As we sat around the long conference table, each member of the Council with a neat pile of material and files pertinent to her office in front of her, detailed discussion was had of many things, including efficiency ratings, the PHOENIX) work of NationaJ. Committee Chairmen, sorority study program, inspection plans, and the Fellowship Loan Fund. On the evening of the fourth day, we parted for another year, our minds buzzing with plans and hopes for the future, and our hearts full of love for each other and our sorority. On Monday evening of the National Council's conference, the National President very graciously granted a recess in order that Councilors might join with the Chicago


Alumnce as supper guests at the home of Louise .Stewart. Although the heat was such as to reduce both candles and guests to a "melted" state, there was no trace of languidness in Alpha Sigma spirit. In addition to the nine members of the Council, there were pre ent the National Alumnce Chairman, Mrs. Lewis Bradley, and the following alumnce: Ethel Llewellyn, YY; Dorothy Masters, BB; Jeanne Willet Ramsay, AB; Betty Grigsby Foyer, AB; Catherine Landolf, AA; Helen Elsworth Ball, NN; Susan Hart Bergman, II; all of Chicago, and Margery Masters Alter, BB, Paris, Texas. Following a buffet supper, each Councillor told informally of the locality from which she came and described her duties. Sorority songs were next in order. As the Chicago meetings are so frequently held in public eating places, there had been no previous opportunities to sing; hence, the alumnce made good use of the four different kinds of Alpha Sigma song books. evertheless, nearly everyone sang at leas't once and it was like the upset fruit basket when "The Greek of 路It" was rendered with variations. T~at .number was first sung with each girl rising and turning around once when her chapter letter was sung and then with all but the girl affected remaining silent but with the group pointing to the representative of the chapter. With representatives from eleven chapters: Alpha Alpha, Alpha Beta, Beta Beta, Zeta Zeta, Iota Iota, Kappa Kappa, N u u, Pi Pi, Tau Tau, Upsilon Upsilon, and Chi Chi, there was no lack of pointing.



Our Constitution AN




Kappa Kappa Alumna

Constitution of the United T HE States was one hundred and fifty years old on September 17th, 1937, and that date was the beginning of a nation-wide "Constitution Sesquicentennial Celebration." Four special anniversary days are to be emphasized. September 17, the signing of the Constitution; June 21, the establishment of the Constitution (the date on which the ninth state ratified the Constitution) ; April 30, the inauguration of the first President; and "State Day," when each state will celebrate its date of ratification or admission to the Union. Public schools, colleges, churches, patriotic organizations, and clubs, are taking an active part in this celebration. There will be pageants, plays, the planting of trees, and innumerable other activities on this occasion. The purpose of this is to create an interest in our constitution and its relation to the history of our country. Have you ever studied the Constitution of the United States? Of course you did in your school days and probably have never given it a serious thought since that time. It is a document to be admired for its precision and brevity; and more than that, it should be revered for what it means to us as individuals and to us as a Nation. It establishes a stable and responsible government through the officials whom we help to elect; it gives us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; it defends our rights; it

makes us equal with all men before the law; it protects us from slavery in any form; it permits us to participate in amendment of the Constitution from time to time. Here are named enough benefits to make us realize that our Constitution is truly "ours." We should protect it and defend it, as we would any other possession. United States has been experiencing a period of unemployment and depression. This has produced many radicals who are constantly attacking our Constitution and would overthrow our unity by inciting the hatred of one class against another. If those of us who believe in the Constitution do not defend it, our government will perish. The American Creed sums up the things for which America stands. It emphasizes the duties of Americans as well as their rights. "I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed ; a democracy in a republic, a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my Country to love it; to support its constitution ; to obey its laws; to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies."



Our Professional Outlook Be A Good Neighbor; as a teacher, as a student, as a citizen .


Community Chest agencies have been selected becau e this i


h ,t

ttm ~ an~ beca~s~ I feel perhaps our chapters-college a.nd alumnae-may find an opening for

thetr phtl an throptc work among the socia l agencies-ETHEL TOBIN, Philanthropic

of us as educators do not M ANY realize the deeper significance of raising money for the ommunity Chest; the significance ex1 re sed in terms of the relation of the hild in the classroom and the child in his out-of-school environment - those leisure time hours which are daily being raised to higher standards by the untiring work of the ocial agenctes. As a Teacher Did you know that a few years ago five-year-old J e se Gonzales would have had to go home to an empty house after kindergarten because his mother worked? That in winter when it was cold and damp Jesse would either have had to sit in the darkness of the basement tenement and freeze or try to light a fire and either burn himself or be in great daoger of setting the house on fire? Now Jesse says goodbye to his teacher at two o'clock and goes straight to the Kiddie Home, where a glass of milk and some Graham crackers await him-and thena nice clean cot for his afternoon nap. At six-thirty his mother calls for him on her way home from work. She also stop at the Boys and Girls Aid Society up the treet for Hermandez, aged even, and Rosie, who is eight. There is not that worried look on her face, which was formerly there, as she hurried

hairman .

home from work. h know that her children are afe and m winter-warm. There are hundr d of teacher in the United tate \\'ho have no idea what happen to Ralph or Ida as he u her them out of the choolroom door, and hurrie them- upposedly- home. Th e teacher ar not educator but merely worker earning a alary. They do not care where their little charge go aft r they leave chool. Do th working parent of those hildren know that there is a day nur ery in the neighborhood, or an id ciety? r do the parent of these little children just have to pray e ery day that their little ones will be safe at hom when they return from work late in the evening? Do you have neak-thieve around your school or in your neighborhood ? If o, check on your Junior H igh boy . How many of them are from home where the parents wo rk ? How many of the boy are allowed to run wild after chool, meet in alley , down at the busy stre~ corner, or in an empty lot trying to think of omething to do? The e are the boy who need the help of our ocial agencie . heck on the 11 ation Foundation, Boy and Girls id ligiou ettlement hou e , Guidance clinic , and the hildren' P rotective agencies. The e organi-



zations and hundreds like them throughout the United States promote character development through club, recreational, craft and camp activities for boys and girls after school and week-ends. Your interest in a neighborhood recreation center will bring about the interest of the boys in your classroom. Soon the corner gatherings will stop; alley crap games will be over, and through you a group of well organized boys will be spending their leisure hours under a trained recreation leader. If Ruby would only come to school with her dress ironed, or if it were only clean I I am sure that we who have taught in the poorer communities have often had this thought. Ruby's dress is always unironed, while Ramona, who lives in the same group of old shacks, always has a jress which is clean and ironed. Can you figure that out? Just follow Ramona from school some day when she is carrying her mysterious little paper bundle. She is going to the Plaza Community House. And guess what? She is going to spend the afternoon washing and ironing her dress, and also a pair of darling white booties which were given to her baby sister in the Christmas basket. Poor Ruby ! If teacher only knew aboUt the Community Center, she could tell her how Ramona keeps her dresses so nice and clean. And then there is the case of the little Norwegian boy-so proud that he carried his lunch sack to school every day stuffed with papers so that his teacher and fellow classmates would not know that his family was too poor to provide a lunch

for him. Four months of school had passed before the teacher saw Marvin throw the sack away unopened. Surprised she watched this for several days, and after investigation found out the terrible truth. Four months since the beginning of school, and the teacher knew nothing of conditions in Marvin's home or of the neighborhood agencies or clubs which would be only too willing to help our proud little friend and his five brothers and sisters and invalid mother, who were destitute and unable to receive County aid because they were too new in the community. The Episcopal City Mission, on its small Community Chest endowment, was their only help. Odd jobs were soon found for Marvin, and with a P.T.A. lunch card he and his brothers and sisters no longer had to bring empty lunch sacks to school. But four months! It must have been centuries long to that little tow-headed Norwegian . And so it could go on and on. There are few or many social agencies in your community, ac~ording to its size. We in Los Angeles have about eighty-eight agencies endowed by the Community Chest, all of them so very worthy in their cause. As a Student Now you who are still in school, our undergraduates, do you see any connection between these social agencies and your own chapter philanthropy work? I do. Nearly every one of the agencies need volunteer workers to help the paid staffs. Who is going to help feed the army of hungry kindergartners at two sharp? \Vho is going to show Ramona and Ruby

THE PHOENIX how to ;vash and iron their dresses in the afternoons after school? v ho is going to direct the Thanksgiviryg play, or plan the Christmas party for the boy and girls of the Aid Society, and the hundreds of other things that are done daily in our various social building organizations? These simple, yet extremely important tasks, are being done by volunteers-young men and women who are interested in our youth of today, who want to know more about children than can ever be found out in a cia sroom or in a methods course in mathematics. These young men and women realize how volunteer work wi ll widen hi or her own scope of learning, and make them so much more proficient in their profession. In looking over the philanthropy reports for last year, it seems that we are all so very narrow in our giving. A basket for the Reillys at Thanksgiving and at Christmas ! What happens to the poor Reillys the rest of the year? And are you sure that the police and the Salvation Army did not leave baskets at the Reillys too, and that all the Reillys, including the ten children and mamma and pap, were not sick for two weeks after trying to stuff stomachs so shrunk from lack of food the other ten or twelve months of the year? Wouldn't it be far better to spend time learning about our social agencies, and then introducing the Reillys to them? Maybe one of the organizations has a cooking class where Mrs. Reilly could


learn orne new and intere ting way to cook the dried bean and corn meal that she get in uch quantities from the County R lief tation nyway,-can't we as individual or as chapters think of omething in philanthropy work which will help our fellow-friend learn to h lp themselve and at the ame time feel the thrill of beinrr a volunteer worker? Check oYer your philanthropic program and your ocial agencies. Where can you be of the most help: teaching dozens of Rubys to iron on Tuesday afternoons, or waiting until hristma to fill the Reilly basket? Or can you do both? nd doing the e things, will we not grow profe ionally, will we not be the pearls to which we liken ourselves? As a Citizen la t appeal-as citizens of this grand country of our ; as loyal Alpha igs from Coast to Coastdo all you can to support the Community Chest. Those of us who have charge of schoolrooms and those who work with the social agencies must march hand in hand. In the unison of the two there is strength. Have a talking knowledge of those organizations endowed by the Community Chest. Those who benefit by its clinics, its hospitals, nurseries and homes while unable to thank you individually, will help to build a fuller and better nation by being physically, mentally and socially sound. "BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR"



Pine Crest Lodge Alpha Sigma Alpha's Summer Camp for Underprivileged Girls THE summer of 1936, as an educational and philanthropic project, Xi Xi, under the guidance of Miss Elizabeth Bird Small, Miss Ethel Tobin, and the Assistance League of Southern California, sponsored a summer camp for underprivileged girls. That camp was held at Laguna Beach, and for two weeks twenty-five girls, many of whom had never before been to a camp, had a healthy, happy, instructive vacation: During the past summer the camp was again held for two weeks, this time at Big Pines, in the San Gabriel Mountains. The expenses of the camp were shared by the national sorority and by the Assistance League. -Again the League carefully selected the girls, choosing thirty-two that they knew would benefit most by such a vacation. These girls were between the ages of ten and sixteen. Miss Ethel Tobin, who directed the camp last year, was ill this summer, and so was unable to assume that position again. However, she selected as director, Miss Mary McDill, who has been director of several other camps. Those who knew Miss Tobin missed her a great deal, but Miss McDill proved to be an excellent executive, an experienced camp director, and a grand friend to everyone. There was also a camp nurse who was always on duty, an excellent cook, and several leaders. Three Xi Xi girls were leaders, as well as two Assistance League mem-


hers and three girls who had assisted Miss McDill at previous camps. The transportation to and from the camp was provided, without cost, by the Pacific Electric Railway Company. The camp that was used belongs to the Church of All Nations Boys' Club, but we were able to have it from August 15 to 29, when their camp season was over. The camp site was just two miles from Jackson Lake, in a small canyon. The pine buildings were all very newso new in fact, that neither all the hot water nor all the electric lights had been installed. But this just added to the camping atmosphere, and after a few days those facilities were not even missed. There was a Lodge, which included "mess hall" and kitchen, there were shower rooms, wash rooms, and five large clean cabins. About eight girls and a leader were in each cabin. The day's program began with flag raising, at 8 A. M., followed by breakfast. A short time was allowed the girls to get their cabins in order before inspection. Then part of the girls went to Jackson Lake to swim, while the rest took handicraft lessons. After dinner there was an hour rest period, and in the afternoon the swimming and handicraft groups were reversed. There was a short free period before flag lowering and supper. By the time tlie supper tables were cleared and the dishes were done it was time for the campfire program. The usual

THE PHOE. r iX hour for retiring was nine o'clock. This program was flexible, however, to include special events. port , of course, were of major importance in the camp program. Swimming was the most popular, with hiking a clo e econd. The girl especially enjoyed a breakfast hike, which ended with a breakfast cooked out-of-doors. Moonlight hikes were con idered real treat . The camp budget provid d for one canoe ride and one hor eback ride for each girl, and the e were quite sp cial events, for most of the girls had never ridden a horse nor gone ca~oeing. In the handicraft classes the girls were taught to make some practical things which they could use themselve or sell. Each girl first made a wooden book which coull be u ed as a scrapbook, photograph album, gue t book, or note book. The rest of the time wa pent making ports belts of heavy cord, raffia head bands and belts, metal pictures, and braided leather belts, bracelets, and head bands. Nearly every day there was some out tanding camp activity. The girls took turn putting on campfire programs, which really stimulated their imaginations. Then th re were such affairs as a scavenger hunt, a "backwards" dinner, a movie star banquet, stunt night, and a taffy pu 11 and treasure hunt. Every girl in camp had an opportunity to express her creative ability in planning at least one of these programs. The girls were not ntirely free from responsibilities. Besides keeping their cabin in order, a rotating "K. P." ystem wa worked out. The girls et the tables, served the


table , helped make andwiche for picnic and did the di he after each meal. Each girl had to do thi for ix meal while h wa at camp. In thi way no one had to d all the work, and each girl wa made t feel om re pon ibility for amp life. The camp life, with its fairly r gular chedule, healthful and delicious food, and outdoor life would have benefitted any girl. But for the e underprivileged girl it wa an unforgettable experience. They eemed almo t unanimous in preferring the cool mountain air and tall pine trees to the beach camp ite of last year. orne of the girls were aggr siv , ome were hy; some had unusual abilitie , others were merely average ; some had special problem , other were easily managed . Everyone was different, but the camp wa varied enough to provide for the varied interests and problem ; each one was made to feel that he had a real part in camp life. Tot only was the individual considered by allowing each to express herself in h r own way, participate in new experience , but group living and adjustment, with the importance of sharing and cooperation, was emphasized. It takes more than two weeks to accomplish all of this, but lpha igma lpha's camp provided the beginning. Xi Xi girls are indeed proud to be a part of uch a worthwhile undertaking. v e wi h that the re t of our sorority si ters might have the wonderful opportunity which we have of being able to have fir thand experience in thi undertaking.



Michigan Girl Scout Camp ELSIE


" f OLLOW winding paths through the forest," the Girl Scout's Great Lake Regional Song is slowly fading away for another year. The Detroit Girl Scout Camp at Metamor, Michigan, opened their beautiful 309-acre camp for the girls of Detroit and vicinity for the months of June, july, and August. Four main objectives were set up by the forty-five members of the Staff as the goal for their summer's work. The first one was health. Health was the most important, for we as counsellors had in our care the most precious belongings of many a mother. The camp as a whole had many sports for the girls to participate in so as to build up their tired bodies after a year's work at school. Swimming, the most popular of all sports, was had once a day for a period of forty minutes. At that time the girls were instructed in swimming so that they might be better swimmers when they left camp. Also Archery, horseback riding, outdoor cooking, hiking, boating and canoeing were included in the camp's sport program. The second objective was individual growth. We as counsellors tried in every way to give the child a chance to express her opinion and to

M u M lt

do things for herself. Song directing was one thing that the youngest of the six units in camp loved to do. The responsibility to direct and be their own judges helped them to advance in individual growth. The third was friendship. This was very important for many girls came to camp not knowing a soul, so had to make new acquaintances in order to enjoy the camp spirit. Parties were held as often as possible to bring the girls in the younger units in contact with the older girls. A brief resume of the parties are : a nautical dinner, a Mexican cabaret, a Chinese dinner, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day party, International Night, and the Scout's own, a religious service which was held every Sunday evening. And last, the love of beauty was stressed as far as possible. Nature hikes, photography, hayrides, and gypsy- trips were held during the summer to help bring our girls closer to the beauty that they are blind to while in the city. Now that the summer has passed and we glance back to those cheerful days at camp; we know deep in our hearts we as counsellors are proud to say we did our best to give the campers the thir{gs for which they left the city.

EDITOR' s NoTE: The heading on the following page, and other headings which will be found in this and later issues of the PHOENIX were made by Margaret Houston of Pi Pi and Buffalo Alumnre chapter.




Eastern Pennsylvania Alumnae Chapter

A LL ashore who are going ashore!

1"\.. Fond farewells, a few tears, gay colors, much shouting. Bon voyage! ew York ky line; the tatue of Liberty; hundreds of small fishing boats; New Jersey shore; beautiful, modernistic N ormandie majestically passing us; the call to lunch; and so starts the Caribbean Crui e. Four radiant days of calm water, salty breezes, deck games, sun bathing, dancing, moonlight nights, starry skies, fun, rest, peace. We were informed that Port George, the quarantine station we reach before coming into Kingston, Jamaica, was very beautiful. Of course we had to see it though it meant getting up at the unearthly hour of 4:30 A. l\L Vve had threatened to see an ocean sunrise, so this was the time and place to ee it. To the top deck we sleepi ly wended our way. Imagine the urprised faces of the officers as we appeared on the scene before they had a chance to don their trousers. We had seen the son rise and yet, due to the cloudy morning, we did not see the sun rise- uch i a eaman' life! s the ship moved on to Kingston, we were joined by our less enthu iastic hipmate who had been awakened by the shouts of many colored boy sw imming around the ship,

begging and diving for money. iany of u being typical touri t , joined the ight eeing party. The famous astleton Garden , luxurious Myrtle Bank Hotel (where we warn in very alty water), banana trees, and tropical plant and flower added to the unu ual beauty of the place. ative women carry huge, heavily-laden ba ket on their heads; burrows carry the heavier loads. The men are apparently a favored sex as they seem t take life very ea y. Quaint Oriental hops elling gloves, linens, perfumes, and ornamental jewelry make one think of Centennial ExpoIt!Ons. Here too, i the home of the famou s Jamaica Rum. The population is composed mainly of colored people who speak excellent English, and of course have a beautiful accent. Most of us found our: selves unconsciou ly saying "bananahs" having heard that pronunciation f rom our guides. Af ter we left the sight eeing party we decided to explore the shops. We were oon joined by a even-year-old colored boy who adopted u for the day becau e, a he cleverly put it, "I am a citiEen born in Texa !" n board again for a day and then Cri tobal which is merely a seaport. After walking about one



half a square, one is in Colon,-a fascinating city. Before seeing more of this interesting place we visited Gatun Locks of the Panama Canal. Three ships passed through the locks as we watched in astounded amazement. From here we visited Panama City. Fourth of July Street separates the Republic of Panama from the United States' possession. A huge hospital, governmental buildings, beautiful houses, all tend to make one feel at home. Next the ruins of old Panama and on to the Pacific Ocean where in the distance one could see a leper island. Back to Colon and sightseeing in a buggy behind a very impolite horse. In the evening, night clubbing at the Strangers' Club operated and attended by Americans living in Colon. On to the Atlantic Club, the hot spot of the city. White girls, bleached ..blondes, buxom and alluring, whose means of livelihood is to supply entertainment for sailors and passengers of visiting ships. The floor show was a bit risque as the girls do the rumba-sans clothing. Off to Cartagena, Columbia in rough waters, which means-seasickness. Cartagena is a city within which is a walled city, a place rich in historical lore. A huge fort made in a mountain overlooks the entire city; secret tunnels lead to the sea. Here native children dance the

rhumba, their naked little bodies swaymg rythmically. The thermometer indicates ninety-five degrees yet it seems less enervating than our heat at home, due no doubt to the frequent showers. Puerto Colombia our next stop seemed a dirty, unsanitary, uninteresting place. Santa Marta is a beautiful spot where we enjoyed ocean bathing and imaginary shark dodging. We watched the natives load the boat with bananas-that is a story in itself. In the evening all the Americans in this settlement visited the ship and a grand party was enjoyed by all. Next day we left for a return trip to Jamaica. The natives taken on the ship at our first stop in Jamaica and hired to do menial ship work, constantly sing hymns harmonizing to a beautiful, chanting melody. W~th a little imagination one could picture oneself in the wilds of Africa. A few hours in Jamaica and then homeward bound. Deck games, movies, masquerade party, horse-racing, sport tournaments, farewell parties. ew York sky line, the Statue of Liberty; hundreds of small fishing boats; fond farewells; hunting luggage; off to a taxi-crash! another cab -hits ours. Dangerous, crazy, exciting, wonderful New York City-Home again.


Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter

(Notes from a lecture given by W. C. Ramsey, reporter and traveler)

today is changing. This RUSSI i shown by the fact that, a few years ago, the Russian government said that those who were members of the League of Nations were "a

gang of crooks." Today we find that Russia has a seat in that organization-or is she just a member of the gang? In the schools of Russia a few

THE PHOE1 IX year ago. th school children from eight fift en year of age could decid whether their teacher wa de irable or not. If for some reason they disliked a teacher, the children would hold a trial, and finally di charg th teacher. J n the hom , the parents were not permitted to correct the children. l\J any a child of eight had his parent convicted and thr wn into jail b cau e the parent had dared to how the child right from wrong. As a result of these practices, Ru ia had the greatest crime wave among the younger generation that has ever been known. Someth ing had to be done about it. talin realized this. Today the t acher i the authority in the school room and the parent are encourag d to u e the rod. Ru ssia is changing! Education in Russia today begins at the cradle and at the age of eventeen or eighteen the individual is upposed to be ready to fit into society. Regimentation i the thing. Individualism is di couraged. For in tance, in merica, when we play olley Ball, we have ix men on either sic! of the net, but in Rus ia there might be as high a twentyfive on either ide. The ball mu t be touched by each of these player before it is allowed to go over the net, therefore, all the men get credit for the score. In the Russian high school, tudents are paid from 2 to $3 a week and go to school ju t four hours a day-but-there are so many due to be paid and books must be bought from thi money that the $3 i soon a mere few kopek . Then, too, althotwh the students spend o few hour at their books, they must,


"路h n they leave th Ia room, put their learning to ad\ antage by working from four to ix hour in a factory. They mu t help the . R. to produce! Russian mother have name for their children that mio-ht eem que r to the American. ne child in the kraine was called, in Engli h. "Five-year Plan." Then again, a mother called her twin , ''International" and "Ilarve ter.' he had seen the name of the . m rican farm implement company International Ilarve ter ompany on one of th newly-imported machine from America. There are 149 language in Ru ia and very few literate . one travels through the country on mud road , and uch road - transportation and communication are very poor in Russia, he come to many town where, if h find a man who can read and write, he i fortunate. Literacy in Ru ia has a lifferent meaning from that in America. J f a man can read and write his 0\Yn name in Ru ia, he i literate. Engli h i being taught now in the chool m addition to the natiYe languages. The Ru tan idea of menca quite warped. ' Democracy ha failed and capitali m i on the rocks," they say. t one time, a movie, that in one scene depicted the New York City bread-line, wa hown. A they a w the picture, many Ru sian ro e to their feet and cried, "America is tarving !" Little do they realize that the merican on relief is many time bett r off than even the Ru ian engineer. Do the Ru ians vote? f a cer-



tainty-but there is no secret balloting. There i just one political party in Russia and that party tolerates no opposition. Employees are called out to vote together. By raising their right hand they signify "yes" and by raising their left hand "no." If the citizen votes "no," he is distinctly against the government and from that time on is a marked man. Consequently, the voting is almost always unanimously "yes." Secret balloting has been suggested, but still the party that toler-

ates no opposition will have the upper hand. Russia is really a dictatorship under Stalin and nine other men. All propaganda is against capitalism and democracy. Children are taught that the capitalist farmer is chained to his land while the Russian farmer is a free man and, that the capitalist slashes his workers with knives if they displease him. However, Russia fails to realize that the brightest spots on the globe today are found in countries that are fostering Democracy I


Kansas City Alum11ae Chapter

returning from a seven U PON thousand mile automobile tour of northeastern Canada I find there is one subject of universal interest among my friends in the States. Did you see the quints? Do tell us about the Dionnes. Even those who have visited Callandar are anxious to compare ideas or to learn how much the world's most famous babies have changed since their visit to them. The numerous well-written magazine articles about the quintuplets have eliminated much of the novelty of seeing the children. However, none of those writers have conveyed the true setting into which those babes were thrust. That can only be gained from a visit to the orth Bay country and "the Hill," which is the title given to the settlement where the children live. Apparently a surprisingly large number of people consider the quintuplets the greatest point of interest in the whole of eastern Canada.

Surely they haven't given much thought to the quaint old city of Quebec or to the wonderful natural scenery of the Gaspe Peninsula. We are astounded to find in the city of Quebec that it is difficult to find English speaking people; that English is only taught thirty minutes each day in the French schools; and that there are not more than three English schools in the entire city. Yet we were in an English province ! The city can rightfully boast of her beautiful ladies, handsome men, and well-dressed populace as a whole. There are no night clubs in or near the city and dancing is discouraged by church and school. One should not fail to make the visit to the great Catholic shrine at Ste. Anne de Beaupre, which is thitry miles down the St. Lawrence from Quebec. Perhaps some of you, who have forgotten much of your elementary school geography, wonder where the

THE PHOENIX Gaspe Peninsula is. It is that northeastern arm of Canada, the tip of which extends into the Gulf of t. Lawrence. On this narrow strip of land, which lies between the t. Lawrence and Chaleur Bay, one finds the customs of two generations past. On the penin ula's one tate highway one sees oxen used both on the road and in the fields. Spinning wheels are not antique ornaments, but a household necessity. Almost every home ha a stone oven ince there in the yard for baking. are no public schools there are no compulsory school laws. Consequently a great number of the children have no schooling. This i not only an interesting region to visit but a beautiful one. The highway, which follows the water all the way


around, lie at the foot of the bluff with occasional jog into the mounttains. For the traveler who has neither time nor man y for foreign travel a trip around a pe Peninula can give a ta t of the foreign. We found that we till had time left, o we traveled aero 1 w Brunswick into ova cotia. There we found little of the French influence but still aw oxen worked cadian in the hay field . The country wa the beautiful land that Longfellow pictured in 'Evangeline" and i a delightful country to visit. But I can't begin to tell you the interesting things you will ee m northeastern Canada. nly a trip there will prove this to you . /



Eastem Pennsylvania Alum11ae Chapter

LEASE don't get me wrong. I am not one of those highly commendable (if somewhat mythical) folks whom everybody pretends to envy and secretly thanks his luck star he i n't like_:_a person who alway make ends meet with a few pennies left over for something extra. My food money doesn't always quite reach ; in fact there have been one or two serious deficiencie . I don't manage to pay the taxes with egg money; the house doe n't get all the little attention it might have with money aved here and there. In short, I and my companions on thi trip are people like yourselves who ometime buy a steak when the budget indicate hamburger. Thi article is written to prove to .:vou what we proved this

summer to our elves,-that anyone can go on a vacation. My hu band and I and a congenial couple left our Penn ylvania town one morning in July, heading northward through Jew Y ark tate by way of Lake George and Lake hamplain for Montreal and Quebec. fter leaving those citie we followed the recently built highway which encircle the Ga pe Peninsula, returning by way of everal of the New England state . Our trip lasted ten days; we covered a great deal of territory, had a very good time, and spent le s than $35 per person. ince most of our itinerary i familiar to a great many people I hall peak only of the day spent in Ga pe ia. Before leaving home we had all



agreed upon the amount of money we felt we could afford for our vacation. As a precaution we took very little more tharr that with us. We adopted as our guiding principle the old adage "The best things in life are free" and carefully avoided the usual places where tourists stop and the money "goes." Likewise we eschewed souvenirs as another pitfall. The Gaspe, as you perhaps remember, follows the St. Lawrence as a southern shore, jutting out into the Gulf of St. Lawrence-the next projection into the Atlantic north of Nova Scotia. Only in 1933-34 was it made accessible to tourists by the construction of an encircling highway of gravel. Its inhabitants, French fisher folk for generations, are less hardened to travelers and consequently more interesting than those in other parts of Canada which we visited. Route 6, being gravel, is not so smooth as our roads, and, being much traveled, is dusty. However, we wore washable clothes and forgot about the road in the amazing panorama of mountains, sea, and fishing villages that constantly rose about us. Dust isn't nearly so dusty when you are traveling along a road so close to the water's edge, mile after mile, that you can feel the spray on your face and taste salt on your lips. Bumps in the road aren't o important, either, when you are holding your breath at the steepness of the ascent you are making or marveling at the view from the top of a mountain out across the ea. Tourist cabins were our nightly helters and we soon di coYered that

while prices were standard, conveniences weren't, and eYen examining a cabin before it wa engaged wouldn't insure you against a sy tem of plumbing too delicate to withstand a night's use. (One morning found us carrying tin pails of water from the proprietor's home. \ hatever the various cabins contained or lacked, cleanliness was uniYer al as were small stoves. \Ve laughed the first afternoon when we discovered our cabin contained a miniature replica of a kitchen range, but when we returned from our evening meal, with coats buttoned up, we were heartened to know that a full woodbox was behind the subject of our a ften1oon's amusement. Gaspesians are rapidly learning the technique of parting a tourist and his money, but as yet it hasn't occurred to them, as it has to New Englanders, that anyone could have the audacity to extract cash in return for the privilege of using a beach which extends for hundred of miles. Each afternoon vve dipped wherever we stopped for the night. The only restrictions were those our own constitutions placed upon us; they objected to lengthy bathing in water at 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The dip was always worth the moment of getting out, though ; you felt so good when it was over. We were much amused one morning to find a French version of American racketeering so far from New York. Descending a very steep hill and rounding a curve we were brought to a halt by a very imposing gesture from a peasant standing in the middle of the road. vVe stopped because we were sure there must be, at the very lea t, a bridge out of re-

THE PHOE pair. "You speak Engli h ?" he demanded in the broadest of Gaspesian accents. Receiving an affirmative reply he held up one foot to show a sole completely worn through. "You give me ten cents, I buy new sole," he promised. "See, foot sore; I walk on ground." After such cajolery we parted with the requested dime, wondering how many such he mu t collect in one day and how many pairs of shoes he should be able to buy with the proceeds. Perce was the high point in our tour of the Gaspe. It lies at the eastern extremity of the peninsula, one of two points that jut out farthest into the ocean. Surrounded both on land and on sea by some of of the most magnificent scenery of the peninsula, it is a spot that is rapidly drawing visitors and in a few year s may be as undesirable as l.faine's Old Orchard Beach. Last summer, however, found it still small enough a village taking summer "boarders" to be most pleasant. One of the points of intere t for us was an old barn which wa being used as an art school and place of exhibition for paintings and etchings by the artists who taught and studied there. We bought three small prints of etchings, Perce scenes, whch are framed and hung over our desk to remind us when the winds of winter blow that we reall y went vacationing la t summer. Vle cooked our upper on the beach that night at Perce, broiling a six-pound codfi h which we bought for ten cents over a driftwood fire and eating vvith it some vegetables and fruit which we bought in cans. (It was almost impo ible to buy



fresh fruit and vegetable at the store . ) tretched out comfortably on our blanket around the fire eating codfi h sandwiche , \\'e di covered we were the chief object of an amu ed crutiny. group of touri ts \\a viewing u from a mall hill in the background and apparently taking a ()'reat deal of plea _ure in the "back to nature" touch that we provided . One of the group finally trained hi s camera upon u. . vVe began to appreciate the feeling: of the native Ga pe ian when tourists look him over for odditie of peech, dress, and manner. We took a motor boat rid e that night around an i land bird sanctuary three miles from the ma inland. We saw, heard, and smelled more gu lls and ganets that night than I hope to experience in one place again. Midway on our trip our boat's motor stalled and we di scovered the only li ght on th e boat was the dim flashlight in our posses ion. 路w ith the aid of a spring obtained from a passing boat and our light the skipper made the nece sary repairs in about ten minutes and relieved our minds of the prospect of a three-mile swim a hore. 'vVe left Perce reluctantly next morning. One more day's travel would take us -out of the Gaspe, across New Brun wick and into the tates. We would see no more of the dog carts, outdoor ovens filled with fre hly baked bread for sale, French provincial cottage , and wayside shrines. A I o (thank heaven ) there would be an end of our Gaspeimr o ed diet of codfish, boiled potatoe and canned pea . The diet, however, won't keep us from returning omeday.






Philadelphia Alum11ac Chapter

July I found myO NEselfdayandlasta friend headed for the good old southland . Why, I do not know, for both my friends and fright拢 ully sticky Philadelphia weather di couraged the trip. Many times during the preceding week did I wonder whether I was not a little foolish to plan a vacation in a warmer place, but I was pleasantly surprised to find the Great Smoky ational Park and the Land of the Sky not only cool, but the most delightful spot I have ever encountered. After a hot, tiresome drive for several hours 路 we arrived in Frederick, Maryland, in time for a fried chicken luncheon at a friend's house. Being interested in historic spots we visited Frances Scott Key's monument and the old battlefields in the vicinity and buzzed off in the afternoon for Winchester, Virginia. Our next pleasant recollection is of our visit to Jefferson's home, Monticello, and the picturesque quadrangle at the University of Virginia with its old serpentine wall. After this experience I felt we really know little of our country's great men and women until we have peered into their more intimate lives, through their homes. During this same day from magnificent heights on the Skyline Drive we watched the road curve sharply in and out of cloud banks and then descended to the cool depths of Luray Caverns for a peep at the earth's inner wonderland. Imagine entering the cave gasping for a cool breath of air and

coming out wrapped tightly in a coat! Our next day, according to my log, was uneventf ul,-"N o traffic, no Penn ylvania tourists, co o 1 breezes, intermittent showers, more colleges and lots of miles flying by." That evening found us encamped at Knoxville, Tennessee on the University campus. If you are seeking cool comfort in summer, take my advice and omit Knoxville from your itinerary. After a visit to Norris Dam (a truly great sight), we found ourselves really turning toward the Great Smokies. A steady climb from Gallinburg through indescribably beautiful country brought us to I ew Found Gap. From this perch at six thousand feet I received my most thrilling and cherished picture of the Land of the Sky. From this dizzy height we dropped suddenly into the Cherokee Indiana Reservation at Cherokee, North Carolina, and caught our first glimpse of real chiefs, squaws, and papooses (and also added trinkets to our already bulging bags-as touri ts do, you know). The Biltmore Hotel, Asheville, was our address for the next few days. With visits to Mt. Pisgah, the exquisite Vanderbilt estate, and other lovely spots our time was well occupied. Not too busy however to enjoy very tasty southern meals in the Biltmore' coffee shoppe. This room with attractive cream furniture and scenic wall panels of the Smokies will long remain in my memory.

THE PHOENIX A this point our thoughts began to turn toward home (and best so according to the condition of our pocketbooks ) . Two days of driving eastward through the large cities of North Carolina and southeaestern Virginia, brought us to Virginia Beach (on the tlantic Ocean) in the midst of a howling Northeaster'. If you have never been at an ea tern shore resort in one of these rainy tempests, you could not imagine how utterly dejected we felt upon arriving, not to mention how with fear and trembling we watched the gigantic waves swallow up the board walk and pelt the windows of our hotel room. Our plea ant vacation was climaxed by a visit路 to the restored town of Williamsburg and James-


town. we pa ed down the old Duke of Glouce ter treet in \Yilliamsburg with it quaint tore and pent several hour in the Governor' Palace, Jail, RaJ igh Tavern and other building , I imagined myself back in colonial day . \tVhen we climbed into our high four-po tered beds (with trundle bed beneath ) at the Old Bull' Head Ta ern where we were staying, it wa hard to realize that thi wa the year 1937. Each day of our trip with it wealth of new scene , interesting people, and historic gems eemed more enjoyable than the Ia t, and with reluctance we turned our tru ty "Chevy" toward Philadelphia, determined to return again to the Land of the Sky and the Crepe Myrtle.





Kloengkoeng, BOELELENG, Karanga em, Den Pasar-how smoothly the names glided off the travel agent's tongue as I sat beside hi desk, scheming desperately to ask my questions without actually pronouncing the formidab le words! How far away and long ago that day now seems and how simple the names ! :ren months in foreign lands have given my tongue a cour e in linguistics. But more valuable than that, they have given me a treasure che t packed full of memorie ,-of scenes both beautiful and repulsive, of people with trange yet fa cinating dre , habits, and customs. While time does lessen the vividness of many of my experiences, one bright gem still retains its original


Chapt er

brilliancy,-the little mountainous, volcanic island of Bali in the etherland East Indies. On Wednesday, January 13, 1937, I di embarked at Boeleleng, joined two fellow travelers, and by automobile headed south for the capital and center of typical Balinese life, Den Pasar, which was to be our home for the next five days. Our native chauffeur, Komang, was dre sed in brown sarong, white blouse, jaunty linen jacket, and batik oedeng or head covering, but his feet, like those of all the i landers, were bare. He charmed us with his delightfully wi tful manner, hi constant attention to our comfort, and with hi gently poken bits of information. Only in pictures had I seen such



a sunset as the one which welcomed us that night, a softly brilliant red and yellow glow above the tropical palms and the gracefully curving terraced rice fields. ll the ho~el rooms are on the ground floor, each guest having his own piazza and bathroom. The bed i_s covered with netting to keep out the insect which abound in such damp, humid climates, and is furnished with a "Dutch wife," a bolter-like affair to be shifted about during the hot night and o placed under the knees or ankles, for example, that air will circulate around one's perspiring body. For five crowded days we hurried from one place to another on the i land; we visited the Elephant's Cave, the Royal Tombs and Rock Convent, the Sacred Springs and bathing pools, the Sacred Forest filled with hundreds of chattering monkeys, and the native court of justice, but we intentionally omittecl both cock and cricket fights. Three outstanding memories are those of the dances, the rice festival, and the funeral preparations. In gay colored costumes the small bodies of the dancing girls gracefully sway, twist, and turn, fingers skillfully bent back and head moved from side to side without tilting, all in' time to the music of the Gamelon Gong or native orchestra. In the du k we watched one hundred thirty men, their bronze bodies nearly naked, sway and chant the legendary Monkey Dance. In contrast, the Kri s Dance left us breathless; perhaps a dozen men worked themelve into a frenzy, then wildly cia bed about, the long sharp knives

sinking into their fle h without drawing blood. On Friday we made an early tart for Kloengkoeng, the former capital. On our way vve met scores of natives, walking in single file to the temple, the women bearing on their heads heavy basket of food to be u ed in the sacrificial rite , for this wa the Fe tival of Thank to the Gods for a bountiful rice harvest. Many of the e pilgrims had walked for three or four days, sleeping in the little villages and eating from their baskets or buying food from the wayside stands. To the temple we went, too, and there for hour reverently watched the family groups make their ceremonial offerings and listened to the slow chantmg. For cremations, when the spirit is released from the body for reincarnation, a village saves up its dead for months, sometimes for two years. Huge wooden boxes, some in the shape of grote que animals and all brightly decorated, are used for coffins. These are placed on high towers and carried out into the sea to be burned. At the preparations we again heard weird chanting and again saw great plans being made for feasting. Had we been a few clays later we might have witnessed the cremation rites, but the end of our visit had come. Looking back over my itineraryCuba, California, Hawaii, Japan, China, Manila, Bali, Java, Burma, India, Egypt, and Englancl-I alway feel an extra thrill at the thought of Bali, the wonderland of the Dutch archipelago.








D e11v er A lumHac Chapt er

E s th e r is a B e ta Beta Jiving in Gua tem a la

and I'm on my SEVEN-THIRTY way; j u t one of the motley crowd of barefoot or hod, shawled or hatted, collarle or necktied, native or foreign, or what-have-you individuals that make Guatemala's early morning parade. It i one of the most fascinating hour of the day. Every morning ha it display-some worthy sight around the corner-and one learn to be surpris d at simply nothing. Laughing or pitying or hurrying along to keep from "broadca ting breakfast"-are all effects one may have from the sights he behold . Variety seems to be the spice. Today, along the way, a herd of goats was prancing all over the sidewalk in front of a doorway, where the ten-year-old goatherd milked an impatient nanny into a white pitcher. The woman of the hou e wa waitit1g in the doorway. " ice ,;varm goat' milk for the enor' breakfa t." " gh !"-was the trend of my thought , when-it just couldn't be-three of the goats were making for me with no uncertainty! They didn't rush at me, yet neither did they wag; just kept coming my way. Then the whole herd of ten clicked and made a da h, the one being milked included. Nor did it concern ificruelito, the goatherd who grabbed the next pa sing ruminant and continued his milkincr. The woman laughed at the predicament which helped a bit by making me fe 1 there wa no sudden de truction gallor ing upon me. o I tried to mile and tood till, wondering if


it y wher e

he ha

her own pr ivate


hould feel flattered by o much melly attention. It wa magnetic per anality, I coYered, but ome banana I carried that drew them to me. Lau crh? I nearly died! f cour e th ev rated the banana and I hurried. on t catch my bu , wondering what goat" milk would ta te like for breakfast. On the bu all goat thought vani hed. n Indian ,,路oman climbed aboard loa led down with a tub-ofa-basket full of fragrant, cri py he dew-be prink! d Ea ter lili e . held the ba ket on her Ia p (and mine ) and the lovely lilie leaned out over the edcre and draped themselves all over the place, o that every time he moved to e what was going on around her (and he didn't mi s a thing ) I had lilie in my hair and face . .Thank God, goats are not carried in ba ket ; though. if it weren't for their jumping out after banana I am ure the Indian women wou ld not con icier a goat too big a load to balance on her head. propo of banana . they are not the only thing that come in bunche clown here. It is not an unu ual ight I am speaking of. Balanced on the head of another woman wa a huge ba ket. fully three feet aero s loaded to the piled-up tage with egcrs. Tho e were being ca rried to market and along with the load went young Guatemala a follows: By the woman' ide trotted a dirty little ix-year-old girl. On the mother s back wa trapped the next down the line, while number



three wa in her arms partaking of mother' milk a mama jogged along. Number four (which looked as though it might turn out to be number , four five and six) was yet to be born. And if she had been que tioned, mama without a doubt would have said she left the older half dozen at home while she and the pocket editions went on parade to market their eggs. the women balance their load on their heads, the men carry their loads with their foreheads, but fastened in a cacaxte, a box affair covered with wire netting. This hangs from a cowhide band that goes around the forehead, the forehead supporting the weight. The loads may be anything from onions to cedar chests. Believe it or not, today I saw one Indian man trotting down the middle of Tercera Calle with a F.rigidaire carried in this

way. The loads those tiny men carry are incredible. When we near my top, the bus is on the edge of town on a pretty country road. We pa s a cantina a block hort of my top. Today I was the only pas enger left. nly one passenger-why hurry. The bus driver stopped, dashed into the cantina, and in a econd dashed back again on the outside of a glas of agua ardiente (fire-water ). My nose told me that. At the gate I was greeted by the Indian gardner whom I call Mr. Flinnigan because of the three prize whiskers in his chinnigan. His real name is Juan de Dios (John of God) and he is a honey. Always wears a smile and falls all over everything trying to be of service, as I walk through the gate at the end of my trip.


"WHAT is so rare as a day in Tune?" I'll tell you-a month in Colorado. This last August three members of our family and two friends went to a little town by the name of Eldora, twenty miles up Boulder Canyon. Eldora is what might be classed as a "ghost town" along with Central City, Black Hawk and others. Three hundred and ninety called Eldora "home" in 1900, while the "home ter " in 1930 were only ixteen. The return trip was almost as intere ting as our three weeks stay in Eldora. fter visiting Denver and Colorado Springs we headed back

for Kansas by way of the northern part of the renowned "Dust Bowl." Last year the grasshoppers practically ate we Kansans out of house, home and fortune. This year, nothing much was said about the pests, but I can say a lot from first-hand experience. For nine miles in eastern Colorado we drove through a light cloud of them making it necessary to close all the windows. This is one thing about Colorado and that is that within a very short time one can be in both the mountains and on the plains. But the lightly rolling hills of the country around Emporia looked inviting.



A BIT OF S OUTHLAND ALICE BucK, Huntington A lumnae Chapter


EY WEST, Florida- the last of a chain of keys extending from the tip of Florida 150 miles southwest into the Gulf of Mexicothat was our destination. Just sixty miles from Cuba! Oh, for more time that would have allowed us to go there. But almost we didn't arrive at Key West. The ferry, which runs from one island to another ran ashore and we were grounded for five and one-half hours. A tug had to be sent from a distant place to pull us off and instead of arriving in Key West at 7:30 P. M., we arrived at 4 :30 the next morning. But there was fun and excitement aplenty and our companions (about one hundred) seemed like life-long friends before the trip was over. The week spent in Key West itself was heavenly; taking in the unusual sights, fishing, bathing, and

biking. day spent fishincr in the ocean for crabs was to no avail. The high spot of our vi it wa when Commander Moses, a retired naval official, took us out in the Gulf on his launch to fish. Better luck thi time; enough fish to make one feel that Florida is a land where all "tall fish stories" are true. On our return trip we stopped over at .Fort Benning, Georgia, to visit my brother, and there had a taste of army life. The fort itself seemed, to me, more like a resort than an army post, with its beautiful quarters, buildings, officers club, swimming pools, golf links, tennis courts, movies, stadium, etc. And life itself was very gay; a party or dance almost every night. Believe me, it is quite a let down to be home again and working after so thrilling a two-weeks vacation.


the middle of June, I was privI Nleged to go as a delegate from the Y. W. C. A. at our school to a Religious Conference held at Camp 0-at-ka on the shores of beautiful Lake Sebago in Maine. Following the conference, I went to Center Sandwich, New Hamp-

Thetw Thetw

shire, a small town that is home to me because I have always spent my summers there. For two weeks I taught a class of twenty children, ages six, seven and eight, in the Daily Vacation Bible School. Later I had the fun of taking part in the Annual Old Home \1\Teek Play.





would like to take a I FtripYOU which is going to mean much to you all the rest of your life, let me recommend the one I took this summer. Early one Sunday morning we drove out of Buffalo with our minds made up that we had to see everything we had heard about between Buffalo and Boston. All this had to be done in a week's time. Before noon we had reached Canandaigua on Lake Canandaigua where we stopped to see the famous gardens around the Veteran's Hospital. After allowing ourselves time to absorb the exquisitness of these gardens we again took to the road. \i\Te drove until nightfall through a constantly changing panorama. That night _3ve stopped just on the border of the Adirondack Mountains. All the next day we drove along a mountain road. On all side there were trees extending to the very edge of the road across which the branches met in a natural arch. The fragrance of the pine scented air left one with the feeling that no perfume could ever be so weet. We crossed Lake Champlain by ferry and tarted into the ew England States. We saw Oranconian otch with its rippling mountain streams, Echo Lake, the face of the Old Man of the Mountain reflected in Profile Lake and the walk in the Flume left an impression with me which I shall never forget. On to Port mouth, and let me admonish you not to neglect to stop in this town of historically important hou es and vi it some of them. I

Pi Pi

am sure that those of you who read and enjoyed "The Story of a Dad Boy" would enjoy stopping here and going through Thomas Baily ldrich's home, the house which is the background for the story. After leaving Portsmouth we proceeded along a road beside the Ocean. Incidentally, we took the afternoon off to take a swim in the ocean, a most essential part of any eastern trip. After this brief respite from travel we made our way into Boston by way of Sumner Tunnel which passes into Boston Harbor into the very heart of Boston. Believe me, it is the most disconcerting experience to any one visiting Boston for the first time and arriving at 9 A. 111. I won't tell you what to see in Boston for you are sure to be well taken care of. Everywhere little Italian boys stop you, to tell you that for a nominal fee, they will direct you to every point of interest in and about Boston. Hire one if you want an interesting experience as well as a perfectly conducted tour. We left Boston by a route which would take us to Concord where we stopped over night. Here, among many places of interest, we visited the home of Louisa May lcott. After leaving Concord we headed for New York State along the Mohawk Trail. All the way home we were held in the spell of nature's beauty. When at last we arrived home, we agreed that we had accompli hed my objective; but to be sure, once wasn't enough for such a trip. Try it yourself and I am ure you will want to repeat the experience.






Hello all you lpha irr : When Vivian a ked me to tell you about my trip to leveland this last summer, all I could think of \Va "Here I am a Junior, and I still can't get away from Fre hman rhetoric-theme! Ugh!" nd then the idea of a letter popped up, and lo and behold, the "themeishness" of the idea was gone. There were four of us wenttwo girls who were my chums in high school, Margie and Doris, and 1argie's kid si ter-and, of cour e, I was there too. Well, we left Detroit-we all live there-on the Cit31 of Cleveland III, at 11 :30 on the night of ugust 26. It really was a thrill, for none of us had ever spent the night on a boat before. Vve had staterooms-extravagantly we took outside ones-Doris and I in one, Margie and June in the other, next door. It wa such a gorgeou nigh t that we couldn't bear to go to bed right away, so we at on deck until nearly two o'clock- h! don't tell our families-but finally we had to go in. The engine throbs, you know, -or don't you,-and after we were in路 bed, Dori , who lept in the lower berth, or bunk, or whatever you call it on a boat, piped up with, " I wish you'd lie still, Lois! You make the whole thing jiggle! " Three 路 guesses where we spent Friday and aturday! Of cour e, at the Great Lakes Expo ition. I wore my pin as prominently as I possibly could, and kept my eye pared for a familiar shield, but none did I see! Vvere any of you there at that time.? h, rrirls, I 7. ish you



all could have een Dilly Ro e' Aquacade! I know that it' been written up and pia tered all over th new papers, but it wa ab olutely worthy of every Jetter of publicity it received. Hone tly. I've never dreamed of eeing anything like it. The girls-and boy -danced, ang and swam-for two hour . There were very elaborate wim-ballet I gue. you'd call them, the exhibition by Dick Degener ( he' a home-town boy) Johnny\\ ei muller, Eleanor Holmes Jarrett, and h, the night we oodle of other . were there Glen Gray orche tra did the playing. The rest of the Fair wa grand, too, particularly the ice carnival and the horticultural garden . I could rave on forever-j u t a I could have stayed on forever, ioo. To those of you who aw the hicago doings this probably would have eemed milder than mild, but none of us had een it. unday morning we pent at We tern Reserve Un iversity, where. incidentally, I hope to take my library degree, and th n unclay afternoon we came home. \\ e left Cleveland at 2:27 and got in Detroit at 3 :01 ! Yes, people, we flew-and my uitca e now bears a ticker proudly flaunting the word , "Penn ylvania entral \irlines." Just before the plane went up we had a bad moment, for itting in the very Ia t chair, in the tail, wa the blonde t, highe t, '"idest women I've ever een. \\ e were afraid the tail wouldn't lift, but it did, thank goodne s. Talk about



your service! The "First Officer" came through the plane dozens-almost-of times, offering to take our packages, giving u gum or cigarettes or magazines to read, or asking about ventilation, our comfort, and so forth, ad infinitum. The saddest part about the whole affair was that we had just reached the stage where we were leaning back in our chairs-instead of straining ahead and trying to fall out of

the windows -and giggling like idiots if we hit an air-pocket, when we landed! The only way we knew we were down was by the squeaking of the tires as they touched the cement runway. And the trip was over. But the pictures weren't developed, the various families hadn't been told, and so the fun lasted still longer. So good-bye now, all of you children, and write to me sometime.


HE WEST, the land of sunT shine, blue skies, high hazy indigo mountains, snow covered peaks, swift mountain streams and foremost-in my mind people from whose faces beamed smiles of welcome: "The place where the handclasp is warmer and the 'Hello' heartier"-is true and appropriate of those of the West. Good fortunes seemed to be in store for me this summer and among them was the delightful luncheon given by the girls of Xi Xi chapter to which I was invited. Our conversation centered around plans for the coming year and best of all the forthcoming 1938 convention. It was all lovely and made me, as a stranger in that part, feel at home. Again I remembered my pledging days and the theme I had to write on "Why


I joined Alpha Sigma Alpha." Experiences such as this would have been grand to add to my list of reasons. My trip included lovely mountain camps which afforded me the opportunity of experiencing pioneer life and a life of relaxation. I believe camping out in the mountains is one of the many things that I shall remember with its barbecued chicken, watermelons cooled in a swift mountain stream, mattresses of pine-needles and sleeping out in the high mountains with only the blue sky dotted with millions of brilliant stars. To each of us in Alpha Sigma lpha the star ha a certain significance, and these millions I saw this summer seemed to give me courage and renewed strength for the commg year.






13, 1937 Friday, the thirteenth, and the beginning of my trip home. Greeley is a long way from Ontario, New York. I gues I wa all excited and thrilled when mother and dad arrived in Greeley; at any rate, I hurried to fini h my packing so that we could start home. They arrived at Gordon Hall about noon, we had lunch down town, and then all of us, including Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, some neighbors from home, left Greeley at 3 P . M. AuGUST

14 Friday night we stayed in Denver and spent part of Saturday in Colorado prings. Here we visited the Fine Arts Center, 'the Shove Memorial Chapel, and the campus of Colorado College. We then visited Manitou and the Garden of the Gods. As we crossed the plains west of Colorado Springs, Pike's Peak loomed in the distance until it was the only familiar thing on the horizon. AuGUST



We started early to drive across the hot, dry, dusty road that reached across the plains. The day grew warmer and warmer, and finally we stopped at a roadside tand for lemonade. ' ll the lemonade you can drink for five cents," the sign read, so we took the proprietor at his word. We drove acres Kansas and are in Kan a City tonight. UGUST


16 City and St. Louis were

Beta Beta

intere ting to me becau e of the great proportion of N egroe . I ha\'e never een citie like the e before, and, although we drove through them in a hurry, I hall never forget the impre ion they left. fter crossing the \ abash River and Terre Haute, Indiana, we are taying all night in uleyville. \i\ e drove four hundred and thirty miles today,.

17 We drove a hundred mile before stopping for breakfast at Knightstown. vVe drove through Indianapolis on our way to Columbus, Ohio, where we went through the campus of Oh io State University. Had dinner at Delaware, Ohio, and are staying at Mansville tonight.


17 We're on the la t lap of the road now and are heading for Rochester and home tomorrow. UGUST

18 Came by way of Cleveland Ohio, and Erie, Pennsylvania ; skirted Buffalo, New York, and reached home at seven tonight. The trip is over, and, although I had a grand time going through all that unknown territory, I'm certainly happy to be home once more. AUGUST

* * * These are sketches from my diary that I recorded on my trip home at the end of Summer Quarter. I came back to C. S. C. E. and Beta Beta chapter, and the trip now is ju t a pleasant memory .




e left ew York in a flurry on W July 10 on the Cunard steamhip Georgie. There were four of us-Mary Simmington, who was Kappa Kappa's "big shot" on the campus three year ago; her friend, Margaret Keen; my ister, Margaret, and myself. Very unromantic-but we had no shipboard romances with the fir t officer-not even a deckhand for a heart throb. We did meet two boys, however, who were planning to bicycle through Europe-we always thought people only talked about it and never actually did it. Well, we landed at Southampton and made the hour and a half train ride to London . Exactly in the middle of the trip, the train stopped unexpectedly in a very barren and lonely fielcl, and everone had teathey break you into the English custom early over there. In London, Mary (who all Kappa Kappas know has a mania for getting into scrapes) met two very nice Engli h gentlemen who told her they were guards in the Tower of London and gallantly invited her to attend the annual and tradition-laden ceremony at which the King counted his jewels. So 1ary set forth that night in a pouring rain, all thrills and expectation. Of course it turned out that the grim-faced guards at the Tower had never heard of "Mr. McKay" and Mary had to wrack her brain hurriedly for a plausible explanation of her dripping pre ence. In London we also had a glimpse of the King and Queen as they

Kappa Kappa

pa sed on their way back from the ceremony of the Chaining of the Guards. We went next to picturesque Holland, where the little boy and girls are dressed alike until seven. vVe were very lucky to see an outdoor production of "Romeo and Juliet'' at Heidelberg路 Ca tle in Germany but we were relieved to get out of that country as quickly as possible. There was an element of unrest there-war seemed to be in the air. Soldiers were everywhereeven the dolls in the shop windows wore uniforms. We were not allowed to take any German money out of the country. It was in Cologne that Mary, shopping alone, spied in a store window what appeared to be very scientific studies of the human body. She strolled through the door oblivious to the fact that the proprietor was gesticulating wildly and haranguing her in that unintelligible language, German. Closer observation oi the photographs inside revealed dearly that that was no place for her, so she hurried into the street where a large and laughing crowd had gathered to witness her embarrassment. We later found that the sign above the shop, when translated into English, read "For 1en Only." The police in Italy watched our every move and examined our passports every night until we began to wear a furtive look. ::viary and her friend were wimming at the Hotel Excelsior at the Lido one day when, thrills, thrills, who came jauntily down in the latest tyle bathing suit

THE PHOENIX but the Duke of Windsor. Later as they sat having tea, the Duke and Duchess pas ed on their way to do some shopping. In Rome we were decidedly uneasy-men of all sizes, ages, and descriptions did nothing but tare, stare at us from breakfa t to midnight lunch. We've never con idered our elves beautiful-but now-well, I dunno! \iVhile in Austria we decided to go out and Set'; some of the country's dances, customs, costumes, and what not. So we stopped at what appeared to be a typical ustrian innbut inside we found American swing dancing, jazz, food, waiters, citizens-crash went our illusions. In France we had the hardest time getting our elves understoodthere were practically no Englishspeaking people in the shops. Here we also waited for Maurice Chev-


alier at a stage door-he wa so nice and willingly gave u hi autograph. We took an open bu ride over the wis lp and then got out and had a nowball fight on practically t the little inn a ummeri h day. where we topped for lunch one of the yodeling entertainer got quite taken up by Mary, gave her hi pin, and made her "promi e to write." By this time, it wa nearina our deadline, ugu t 23, and o off we steamed for home on the Queen Mary which went o fat we were afraid to stand on deck for fear we'd be blown off. We arrived in New York harbor on a Sunday night but couldn't leave hip because there are no custom officer on duty on Sunday. At peep of day the next morning, however, by dint of much winking and coaxing we finally got one of them to conde cend to look through our baggage, and off we hurried for home.


A FTER the spring semester wa

..l"\. completed, Kathryn Ezell, B.S. in Education, '36, an Alpha Sig alumnce, and I took a ten-day trip through the outhern States with Kathryn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ezell, of Pratt, Kansas. We went to Tulsa, Oklahoma, and then to Little Rock, Arkansas, where we first began to notice the slow, easygoing atmosphere, characteri tic of the South. t twilight of our econd day's traveling, we reached Memphis, Tenne ee. The large, yellow moon was rising as we eros ed the Mississippi , and we knew that we were

really in the South, poken of in tories and in ongs. tlagnolia trees were in bloom and we heard the clear, sweet call of the nightingale. 11 we lacked was southern fried chicken and "co'n pan." As we_ traveled through Mississippi, we saw egroes in colorful clothes hoeing cotton. A many as eventy-five were working in the arne field. Their little hut were cattered over the plantation , sometimes two or three familie living in the arne two-room hack. They eemed happy and contented, never having known any other life, I suppose. \iVe saw very few mansions



on the plantation , but there were beautiful ones in the small town as well as in the cities. The tall, white columns, and wide verandas of these home were just as we had pictured them. Then we went through Louisiana and down to ew Orleans. The swamps on either side of the highway were covered with an orchid and green mat of water hyacinths in full bloom. Grey-green moss hung from the cypress trees. Palm trees of many kinds were everywhere. We pent two delightful days in ew Orleans. We visited the old French quarter, the old cemeteries, drove over Huey Long bridge, and window-shopped on Canal Street. We went swimming and sailboat riding in the Gulf of Mexico in the moonlight. I believe this was one

of the mo t thrilling experiences of the trip. We tayed a hort time in Pensacola, Florida, and then started north again. While in Tenne see, we stopped at M u cle hoals to see vV ilson Dam which is on the Tennessee River. Then we went to t. Louis where we shopped and visited Forest Park. We were especially intere ted in the exhibit of Charles A. Lindbergh's trophies which are on display there. When we drove through Warrensburg, Missouri, on our way home, we stopped to vi it the Alpha Sigs of Zeta Zeta chapter, but since they were in school, we were unable to get in touch with them. And so we returned to Emporia, feeling that our trip had been a success and knowing that we had had a wonderful time.


ACATION motions are now in order and mountains urge you to second them, climb that trail, follow that winding road and see what lies beyond. Such was the call to Ollie Shattuck as she collected four nieces for a motor trip west. No doubt the cares of a supervisor of eighteen home economic studentteachers in Chicasasha were cast aside as she listened to the recreation of the youthful quartet. Wilda Trueax, accompanied by her mother and Mary, journeyed to the Rockies in search of cool breezes during August. Other Colorado vacationers were : Louise Glaser Wethington, Florence H.


Rudy, Vera Leeper, Lois Rodgers, and Ruth Rudy. The sun, that greatest traveler of all, built signal fires on western peaks and bid Leslie Mellick to "follow me" again for tramps in and around Park View, New Mexico. Her hobby, collecting Indian rugs and old pottery, found additions by fall. The proverbial finger of vacation beckoned the A. S. A. members so successfully that social activities rapidly came to a standstill in Alva. I aomi Warren Paris ha tened down to Dallas, Texas for a few days at the Pan merican Exposition, while Mable Chew vi ited in Las Cruces and continued on down into Old

THE PHOE Mexico. Ruby I. Chase combined pleasure and study when she attended mu ic cia es under Giddings, Grainger, and Mody at Interlocken, da L. Lane continues Michigan. to speak of Taos, Eagle N e t, or Red River in the same breath with a "grand time." "The bear went over the mountain"-so runs the old ong. True to nature, Ed ith Smith, former Gamma Gamma president, let curio ity guide her to the Carlsbad Caverns in outhern Jew Mexico. These are a series of lofty, spaciou chambers of remarkable beauty which are considered one of the most spectacular underground wonder in merica. Edith declares that she was plea eel and is refreshed and again ready to assume her teachi11g duties. t!ary Frazier Kirkhart thrills with the crap a trout puts up. Perhaps she knows something about this bu iness of "coming up from clown under" for she packed sixty pounds in ice and brought fish to friends in Enid and Lucien. She did not sit on the bank of Lake



El ado all the time for h identified fourty-two wild flo\ er ~ e bade our ue a fond farewell as she departed on a motor trip to ew York ity via iagara Fall la t week. he and Ralph are delegates from the Capron Units to merican Legion and uxiliary ~ ationa! Convention, eptember 1 -21 m ew York City . . lpha igs will recall ue Edwards o active at earlier conventions. he was a worthwhile chapter member and a beloved faculty member of Iva High School. ~ hen he became Mr . Ralph Trenary, he continued her sorority alumnce affiliation and broadened her field of u efulness to other organizations. he has clo eel a ucces ful term of office as president of the Eighth Di trict of the merican Legion uxiliary. It is no urprise that he should be honored a a delegate, after the interest he arou eel and the miles she traveled. Little Nettie lone often vi it a part of sorority meetings. We feel that she is going to make a grand Alpha Sig in 1952.







PARK NEXT The Grand Canyon of the Yellow tonemost colorful of nature's masterpieces.








Theta Theta Chapter

E 28, a party of twentyO Nsix,JU under the supervision of Dr. Getchell, the head of our English department, sailed to attend the Summer Session of Boston University held in King's College, London University, England. Most of the party were teachers who had graduated from Boston University and were working for Master's credit. All but three were unknown to me, and these three were not taking the work at the university. That made twenty-three new people with whom to become acquainted! So I threw my timidity overboard, and holding tightly to my beautiful handbag, given to me by my chapter sisters, I started out in "search of England" and my cabin-mate. Three .Qf our Theta sisters, Ellen Owen, Etta Christiansen, and Charlotte Pearson, came on board to see us off; and on the dock, just before the boat sailed, I saw Hazel Killam. The sense of "belonging" to our sisterhood was very gratifying and com ÂŁorting that evening. When we sailed there was a dripping, drizzling rain, and my heart was almost as heavy as the sky looked from which the rain was coming. Was this a presentiment of the kind of weather we were to find in London, and was the knowledge that a vast ocean would separate u from our friends to lessen the va t enjoyment of the longwaited-for adventures and the making of new friends? I found that thi was not to happen. The weather in England this summer was exceptionally clear, and the rain did not

spoil any of our trips. The spirit of adventure added a zest to the forming of new friendship ; and although I never forgot the lure of my own country, I found that England possesses a quality of beauty that is different from ours. Her' is a beauty that has come out of influences which have never touched us, and has been mellowed by age and colored with a glamour of tradition. Everything was thrilling, exciting and satisfying. Each day, until one o'clock we were in the clas room, in company with England's great men in literature-either renewing acquaintances or being introduced to them by Dr. Getchell. Following this came an hour of English history and the "Growth of the British Empire." At one o'clock we hurried back to the hotel for lunch and were ready soon afterward for a visit to the homes of the Immortals, an art gallery, a cathedral, or a castle. Our longer trips were taken on Saturdays, and it is impossible to tell in a short space about the magic and beauty of the places we saw. Every day I wished the Alpha Sig were there so that we might enjoy it together. Some of you know the wonderful experience of being in the home of your favorite poet, or of going quietly into a chapel where the organist was rehearsing for the coming Sunday, and where the soulsatisfying mu ic of Bach floated up into the sunbeams and mingled with the colors in the stained-glass win-

THE PHOENIX dows. You know the thrill of seeing Stratford and the marvelous statue of Shakespeare, and the theatre which we helped to build on the Avon. London, with her gay flower carts, her street singers, (who sing better than many of our radio performers), her sparkling Picadilly Circus, her parks, (where one still finds the common drinking cup), her Lime Street and palaces, her Parliament and cathedrals, may seem apart from the London Summer Session; but it


is this London with her rich and poor that o many of our literarv men loved and knew o well . Thf i the London of men like Dicken and Keats, and the center of the greate t Empire the world ha ever known. ummer chool for u wa not only in the classroom. It was in all London and beyond the city boundaries, for it was here that we were do er to knowledge and life and beauty, and learned thing that could never be found in ide school wall .


OMEGA girls have had O MEGA their share of vacation travels, with hardly a stay-at-home in the whole chapter. Zelda Swanson drove across the continent via the southern route to visit in Baltimore. She toured orfolk, Washington, Atlantic City, New York City, and Detroit. She drove through the can1puses of State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia, and of tate Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan, but a these vtstts were on undays, she regrets having been unable to see any of her sorority siste1' in either Alpha or Mu Mu chapter . An unusual incident occurred when in nzona, after excitedly pursuing a familiar car and trailer for fifty miles to .see if it really was Helen Curtis, an Omega Omega sister, behold!- it was!


Margaret Harvey drove through Laredo, Texas, to Mexico City and thence to Acapulco, on the Pacific. Having returned to Mexico City, she drove to Pueblo and entrained for Oaxaca, two hundred fifty miles away. She brought back many curios, including /(exican blankets, baskets, pottery, and sandal . Madeline and Nancy Taylor enjoyed themselves for two weeks in San Franci co and Los Angeles, seeing all the new plays and points of interest, notably the San Francisco Bay bridge. Mildred Swint was awed by the massive spectacle of Half Dome and by the wonder of Yosemite alley. Ro emarie Zinkand spent the summer pleasantly a a gue t at a ranch in Paso Roble . Incidentally, he brought home with her Gladys Kleck, a new A~A pledge.






HE third time is the charm! Yes, this is true. Canada! Daddy told his eight-year-old daughter, which was I, that we were going to Canada. Canada was a large, foreign country to me; full of foreign people; I had studied about it in school. When I arrived I was sadly di appointed; the people dressed as we dres ed; the houses were built as houses in the United States. Shoot! Canada wasn't a thrill. Canada! Daddy told his seventeen-year-old daughter, we were going to northern Canada to keep cool. Good ! We would escape the blistering hot days of July. Seventeen is the age of thrills according to. Booth Tarkington. It would be a thrill to tell all my friends that I went to Canada. Chills ran up and down my spine but not caused by thrill . I nearly froze to death . On July the fourth my feet were o cold my toes wouldn't wiggle. This trip was no thrill; it was torture to freeze in July. One didn't go to Canada to keep cool ; one went to freeze. Last summer we once again went to Canada to keep cool. We took seven coats preparing for the weather we had found before. This was an unusual year; we nearly melted; not a coat was used. This, however, i not important; just amusing. The important thing is that at last I found my thrill in Canada. vVe visited the quintuplets; I wasn't di appointed, because there are really five; even though to me Iarie is Cecile; Cecile is Emilie; Emilie路


Chi Chi Chapter

is Marie, and so on. We also went to Quebec, "The Old French City." The people did have custom of France; the hou es were built as in France. The food was French and the people spoke French which was beyond my lingui tic power . The Quints are to be seen by the public ju t two hours a day; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. At the time we were there, they were just getting ready to serve them their noonday lunch . Contrary to some beliefs, one does not get very near them as they are seen through windows and ince sound doesn't carry to them very well, they are probably more "natural" in their play and actions than if they were aware of an audience. One notices, however, that they are just as interesting and cute as the many photos, newspaper and periodical articles represent them. The .province of Quebec is typical French. It is said that if one wants to visit France without actually going abroad just visit Quebec. The Isle d'Orleans in the St. Lawrence River just a few miles from the city of Quebec is almost medieval in customs. There are no electric lights, only one telephone, and the people use oxen instead of tractors. In general unless one talks French, he must limit his conversation to hotel managers, shopkeepers, and guides. In the city of Quebec there is only a small section in and around the Chateau Frontenac that is Englishspeaking. The Chateau itself is a hotel situated on Duffering Terrace

THE PHOENIX overlooking the t. Lawrence River. It wa first built as a home in 1620 and, although since has been detroyed by fire. it has been rebuilt and enlarged for hotel purposes, still retaining the medieval architectural beauty. Of cour e one of the principal hi torical features is the famou battle of Quebec during the French and Indian Vvar in which the two famou generals, Montcalm and Wolf, took part. In lower town there is the in-


tere ting on -le-cap treet which i the narrowe t treet in .-\merica and j u t wide enough for an auto to pa through . It run along the ba e of the cliff and doorway open directly on the treet without the benefits of idewalk . Quebec i indeed an unusual and a delightful pot m orth menca. !though it took three trip , I finally found my thrill in Canad~ that I sought a a small girl. Yes, the third time is the charm.



E I inquired wistfully of my Kappa Kappa sisters as to what sports they "participated" in this summer, ninety-nine and eighttenths per cent of them just favored me 路with a di dainful snort. Working Goils It seems that mo t of we poor struggling lpha Sigs at Temple indulge ourselves in just one thing during "vacation"-that delightful pastime is nothing but that old bugaboo, W 01'k. The favored few, uch as Becky Phil on who e article appears elsewhere, are the inspiration of the remaining toiler . For instance, Alice Carl, our prexy, and Libby Landi , worked a supervisors at chools for delinquent girl . Libby spent her time at Sleiahton Farm near Phillie, while lice wa music instructre s and general straiahtener-outer at Hudson, in New York. Chickie Heyl wo re her finger-

nails down typing and filing in an Ea ton Office, while Dot Dodd was a children's nur e, and Ruth Evert was efficiency ( ?) itself in a doctor's office. Betty Woodman toteJ trays and dishes, and L illian Morris sang all over Virginia Beach-no, not street singing but with orchestras and at church affairs and uch. Lois Ander on held down a pretty big position in the per onnel department of the Pennsylvania ompany in Phillie, and did a million other things on the side. Your editor was aeneral reporter and errand gal on her home town paper (and was rewarded with a pair of worn-out hoes). Upon being pres ed, however, mo t of us will finally admit that we did find ,time for a little wimming, tenni , roller kating, golf, and the like-in fact, coat of tan and bigger shoulder mu cle eemed to be the style in lpha ig the first week of chool.



Alpha Sigma Alpha will enter Yellowstone Park, next August, through the Majestic Canyon of the Shoshone-the pectacular Cody Road trip, which is one of Yellowstone's dramatic thrill s.






Los Angeles Chapter

y HOBBY seems to have developed from a long-felt need for a better hand lotion and skin conditioner. To begin with, I was born and raised in Iowa where the air seems to be moist and more kind to one's skin than in Southern California. Here th e atmosphere is dry and our rainy season is short. Consequently my skin was a difficult problem and I believe I tried almost everything on th e market without obtaining any satisfactory results. About a year ago I wa discussing creams with my doctorhu sband and he told me that most of his patients complained of similar troubl with cosmetic . The outcome was that we decided to work out a formula for a lotion that woul d contain the very best of ingredients and at the same time be most healing and soothing to the skin. I should add here, perhaps, t hat besides being a physician and surgeon my husband majored in chemistry.

\Ne made everal type of cream before discovering the one we now manufacturer. This pearly lotion will not clog the pore of the kin and can be used on any type or texture of skin. Sample bottle of the cream were fir st g iven to our friends and doctor' patients and we now find ourselves with a thriving business on our hands. Besides making this lotion I still attempt to keep up with the act ivities of my two small daughters, aged three and one, and sandwich in a bit of tennis, swimming and sewing- in my spare moments. I have also started a coll ection of old spirit lamps of which I have ten. They a re rather difficult to procure, consequently when I discover one I reall y feel quite elated . Most of my lamps are of brass and are all sizes a nd shapes. But back to cosmetic . Drop me a po tcard with your name and address and a three cent tamp and I will surpri se you with a bit of my hobby. Perhaps you'd like to. make it part of your daily ritua l to beauty-who know ?





Bttffalo Alttmnac Chapter

A \ Y with large picture hats, .li. fluffy dre es and the like!I am a woman of the soil! The only way I can get down to earth, and I mean it literally, is in riding breeche , hirt, red suede jacket and a bandana tied around my head. ' Digging up dirt" may be one of the time-old hobbies of the fair ex, but I have taken the truer meaning of the phrase and have adopted gardening as my hobby. I call it a hobby now, but it really has been my life long interest. Ever ince I was a child I have been interested in gardens . I always loved to go out in the early pF-ing with Mother to see how the tulips, narcissi and other flowers were progressing. From that time to this I have wanted a bigger garden. A planned garden doesn't interest me 路 I want mas e of beautiful flowers rather than a small perfect picture. When the four thousand tulips Mother and I planted last fall bloomed this spring, I was more certain than ever of my preference for mass in color. In pring I think my garden is at it best when the tulip , narc1 i and iris are in bloom. Then m ummer when the roses

and delphinium and larkspur bloom I am sure it couldn't be more lovely. In mid ummer when the gladioli give their beauty of color I am sure it was never more beautiful. Again in fall when the dahlias flaunt their yellows, lavenders and reds and the marigolds, calendulas and the last roses await the killing frost I think I love it best. Gardening does not stop when we have to put it to bed in ovember. The germ that infects all gardeners merely sleeps until January seed catalogues come out. Then the fun begins-with hours spent in choosing the new seeds, plant and shrubs which I want, knowing full well I shall never be able to afford all I have selected but that the list will have to be drastically cut. Beside from the fun and pleasure I get out of gardening, I am also receiving a 路financial return. Urged on by my friends, I am now selling extra plants and blooms and gift bouquets, which last year brought me nearly a hundred dollars-mo t of which went back into the garden. Then too the great number of new friends I have made seems to make gardening a hobby that is really a vital part of my life.





Straw in i t that her GINNY chief hobby is getting to know Freshmen and talking lpha Sig to them. Ann Karn ugge ted that the most flourishing hobby around the sorority seemed to be the collection of fraternity pin judging from the number of engagements around here, we might be inclined to take that seriously. However, there is one hobby that has always had eager participants in thi chapter- that's trophy hunting. Webster defines trophy as: "a memorial of a victory; something regarded as evidence of a conquest or the like." And what else is a pressed orchid, or a Senior Ball dance program, or a ÂŁrater-

nity formal favor than a io-n that for one night at lea t you didn t it home, that you made your "conque t" and made off with "the man?" Trophie hano- from very lamp and wall of the I appa Kappa hou e and fill pages of crap book paper. Everything from ugar cubes and ticket tub to handkerchiefs and monogrammed silver are eagerly collected. In the fall , the room have b en cleared for the new ea on but by Thanksgiving, the hou e will begin to groan under the weight of the figurative scalps, and we'll have to contend with uch things as sea horses (that's Alice Carl ) and menus (they're everybody' ) .


of collections, there SPEAKING are some much publicized knick-knacks, I'll admit; but omehow the stork has not come into its hare of glory-as a collection! Last year when giraffe , elephants, and dogs were in evidence on practically every whatnot helf in the country, I decided that stork would make a well varied group. Two very : mall white glass ones were the nucleu . This family group wa completed by the tardy arrival of parents. Not long after another small white member wa added to the family. change of color occurred when a green and



black blown glas specimen made its home upon the second floor of my what-not shelf. By thi time my stork family had no regulations as to size and color, only the material-gla . But even this standard was broken when a tall, dignified stork of white chenille was ent to me. Thi collecting i low bu ine . There are few storks to be found in the gift shop and five and tens! ot only that but it i embarras ing. Only a short time ago in my search for tork I was jokingly referred to fifth floorthe baby department.




Alpha Gamma Pledge

are usually develH OBBIES oped because of ones interest in the subject, but that was not the way with mine. My interest in collecting dogs was developed because I chose that for my hobby. My friends , not aware that the other one was doing it, began giving me china dogs as little gifts. After I had several dogs, I decided I should like to have a collection

of them. In only two years I have acquired over one hundred. Fortunately for me, my father, sister and friends are practically as interested in the collection a I am, thus it keeps growing. I am not striving for the number in my collection, but for the uniqueness (as to color, shape and breed) and getting dogs from as many different places as possible.


HAVE two pet hobbies. One I I keep all the year and the other in the summer. The first is a passion for dogsall kinds oj dogs-paper, wooden, china, stuffed, and especially a real live one named "Wisp."

ThetCll Theta

"Wisp" is my Scottie and a real pal. The other hobby is gardening. You should have seen the cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, and beans, we grew this summer!



HERE are so many hobbies for one to have today that when I came to chasing one it was a toss up between an old idea or an original one. I don't know how original mine is, that of collecting postal cards from various places, but I find it a very interesting hobby. It is fun to save all the post cards that are received during the summer when so many people travel and remember you with a line or two on back of an interesting card from an interestplace. I feel that I have an inter-

Alpha Gamma

esting as well as worthwhile hobby for through it, I 路 can visualize a little about the place from which I have received the card and by having several cards from the same place it proves even more interesting. These cards are usually printed in color which lend an appeal to the eye as well as to the thought of the picture itself. I hope someday to have a postal card from every country and as many cities in the world as possible.





a minute-before you W AIT say that, think the matter over carefully ! Mo t of us think of hobbies as omething peculiar that we do or collect, which i conspicuously labeled in our mind in great big capital letter , "HOBBY." For me, doubt exists that active college women have the inclination or the time to go in for such a thing. My definition of a hobby is quite different. I think of it as omething we love to do, that we're always willing to participate in, and which seems to be a part of our very nature. Most Alph a Sigs seem to have their sorority as a hobby. \Veil, it's a good one. And the best part of it is that it allows for much diversification and great specialization; sorority offers everal fields in which the individual may develop her ovvn particular talent without becoming too one-sided. Have you executive ab ility? We may need you a a future pre ident or vice-president. Are you blessed with a "good business head"? You'd probably make a fine treasurer. Or perhaps your special talent is just making friends. vVhy, you'd be a dandy ru hin 路 captain. Don't you see, there' a niche in our organization for someone just like you. top hiding your talents under a bushel. If you'd like to help with ocial service work, or the decoration for the farewell dance speak up! And if you don't feel like helping



with anything, take a ni ht off for an inventory, and find out what' wrong in id . e ne d you, and you need u -what could be more perfect? And then tlier the probl m of what you do with the time ( ?) left over from chool and orority activities. How about reading? Do you ever ju t itch to read that latest book that everyone i talking about? Make time to read it. It will repay you a hundredfold. tart now reading the things you've always wanted to read. Don't put it off until you're out of school, you won't have any more time then than you have now. And then there' music. If you like it, or have the lea t bit of ability, don't neglect it. I can think of nothing that can give more pleasure than good mu ic, if you li sten to it intelligently. nd the more you li sten, the more you will enjoy it. Have you alway had a yen for travel? Dig out the latest travel folder , plan your trip to the south eas, and then go-in pirit, if not in per on. Some day maybe you'll get there, and the anticipation of it will add richly to your future enjoyment of the real thing. You don't need a s rap book or a tamp collection or a butterfly net. Choose for your hobby the thing which i near at hand; fashion it, develop it, and you will have a hobby that i a part of you and which will bring you rich rewards.



Ideas That Have Clicked Local Convention It wa an idea which clicked way back in the summer of 1932 when a group of Tau Tau girls were planning their first trip to a national convention. It was not only the first trip, individually, but the fir t trip any active Tau Tau member had ever made to national convention. No one of this group of girls had any idea what to expect from a national convention. Each had, of course, heard of "visiting Elks," and knew of the famous (or infamous) American Legion conventions-but a national sorority convention was still "x," the unknown quantity. So several of these Tau Tau girls put their heads together and conceived t~ idea of having a local convention, just to help "get in training" for national. And so the idea was born, and local convention has since become an annual event. For that first meeting, the girls in the college chapter (indeed, there was no alumnce chapter organized at that time) planned the day's program. They wrote to all the alumnce urging them to be present. The result was both surprising and gratifying. So many alumnee had returned and enthusiasm was so high that it was decided to organize an alumnce chapter! The chapter was perhaps rather weak and tottery in the beginning, but it was nevertheless, a berrinning. For two year after 1932-because the girls who fir t conceived the idea of local convention were

in school, and in Hays during the summer months also-the college chapter sponsored the local convention. They were responsible for the arrangement of the day's program, sending out announcements, and providing for all the mi cellaneous details in connection with a convention, even a local one. After 1934, however, it was voted to turn the convention responsibilities over to the alumnce chapter, which was by then quite healthy and thriving. This was done mainly because the alumnce members were in town throughout the year, whereas mo t of the girls from the college chapter returned to their homes during the summer months. The programs, for the most part, have been much the same. The convention lasts but one day. Registration is in the morning, and there is plenty of time for out-oftown girls who haven't been back for some time, to become reaquainted. After lunch, at which the "conventionites" are the guests of Miss Elizabeth Agnew (dean of women, and also a charter member of Tau Tau) and Miss Mae Paul. (faculty adviser for the active chapter) comes initiation and the program. After the program, varied as are most programs, is the business meeting, at which time the active chapter makes plans for fall rushing, and the alumnce chapter elects officers for the year, and completes any business unfinished from the previous year. A dinner at the hotel, sometimes

THE PHOENIX formal and sometimes informal closes the day's activities. ' It was after the first convention that we began having model initiations. Then one ummer we asked for and received permission to initiate a Tau Tau pledge. For the past three ummers we have had actual initiations. The pledges feel it quite an honor to be initiated at local convention, and there is always a candidate waiting for the privilege. We were greatly pleased, two years ago, when a national officer, Mrs. Polly ch losser, stopped off to visit our local convention. We should like to have more of the national officers and girls from other chapters do likewise; but of course we realize that Hays is quite a distance from any other chapter, and that Kansas is exceedingly hot in summer. This probably accounts for the fact that our convention delegation i made up almost exclu ively of Tau Tau girls. Last year, however, we carefully scanned the directory, and sent invitations to all Alpha Sigs who lived within a fairly close radius of Hays. Mrs. Williamson Liggett, of Jennings ; an Alpha Beta from Kirk ville; and Mrs. Chester Hanson, a Beta from Greeley, at that time living in Hays, attended the convention. At the last convention, Mrs. Paul Worley, from the alumnre chapter at Emporia, attended. Since the first vi it of Tau Tau girls to a national conventionway back in 1932 at Estes Parkwe have tried to have as interesting an exhibit at local conven-


tion a po ible. Up until 1932 , e had had nothing to exhibit-w hadn't even known we were uppo ed to have. But our collection ince ha grown rapidly; o rapidly, in fact, that Tau Tau wa awarded the prize for the be t exhibit at national convention held at Breezy Point Ia t year. We don't hold the local convention to make money, but we do charge each girl a regi tration fee of twenty-five cent to cover incidental expenses. The surplus, if any, goes in the alumnre treasury. We feel that our first local convention was a bright idea. It was, in fact, so much a success, that other sororities on the Fort Hays campus, and even some of the fraternities, have followed suit. That, in itself, should recommend the idea. It is at convention time that the active and alumnre chapters really seem to become acquainted with each other. Each chapter has something to contribute to the other-in enthusiasm, in ideas, in in piration. And so, all in all, I would say that local convention has been an idea that has clicked. SHIRLEY BAIRD,

Hays Altmmae Chapt er.

Alumnre Chapter Recruiting Seattle alumnre of Kappa Alpha Theta have devised an excellent method for enlisting as members of the alumnre group, the recent college graduate living in and near Seattle. The idea a used by them will be found written up on our Exchange Page. Don't miss it!


THE PHOENIX Any Improvement?

A Telephone Committee is a means whereby Alva Alumnce Chapter has endeavored to improve attendance at meetings. Names of several of our members are given to each member of this committee. It is the duty of each member on the Telephone Committee to notify these several members of sorority affairs scheduled for the near future. We have found that this contact arouses more interest in our work and program than merely listing the time and place of each event in the social calendar of the newspaper. We recommend it to our sister organizations who have never tried it. No doubt there may be a number of other alumnce groups who have made improvements to this same plan. Let us hear of them! for we are a staunch believer in Mrs. Glenn Lingenfelter's ideas: "I've a lot of good opinions ; I've had them quite a while. I squirm when people prove them A trifle out of style. "But I stop and look and listen, Though I 'm doing what I should, For the other person's viewpoint Has done me Jots of good. "And I've come to this conclusionThat It's possible for me To respect a lot of people With whom I disagree!" . Lors RoDGERS, Alva Alumnae Chapter

Wanted: One Game Room: Kappa Kappa Chapter This article is intended to be one on an idea that 'clicked"-however, our idea isn't wholly carried out yet but we just know it's going to work. Down under the Kappa Kappa house was a great big 'ol dusty, musty, dampish, trash- f i 11 e d, gloomy dungeon of a place we called the cellar. Then one day some high I. Q. in the sorority conceived the idea that we needed a game room and since we're rather cramped for space, the cellar would have to be "it." So out came the trash and old boxes, and off came the cobwebs and ancient soot from the walls, and in will go the red polka-dot curtains, and miscellaneous chairs and pillows and school banners, and a "brand-new" ping pong table and dart board and bowling set and everything else we can dig up the money to buy. Result (we hope} : one game room. To finance this huge enterprise, we are going to sell candy bars in the house and "owl" pins all over the campus. The pins are made for us at a small charge by a friend of Doris Whitcomb. Our motto : "An Alpha Sig owl pin in every student buttonhole." All the outside girl are bu ily scouring their attics for old furniture and phonograph records and lamps. A nd when we can afford it, we're going to paint the walls and floor such a nice bright color that we'll probably all moye down in the cellar like mice . KrrrY DuNAYA ' T, Kappa Kappa


Epsilon Epsilon Holds "Clean Up Paint Up" Week With a zest for li ving after uccessful vacation , A lpha igs of Epsilon Epsilon Chapter returned to their hou e eager to prepare it for the rushees and prospective pledges. Most of the girls returned four days ahead of schedule to return the house to it natural order. Cans of paint were opened, dust' mops, broom , sweepers, and dust cloths were used profusely and in three days time, our house was once more bright and hining from celler to attic. The furniture was painted many colors-cream, pale blue, and bud green. The girls in each room painted their own furniture and as a result are con idering painting a a profession. The financial standing being what it is, last years articles were called on for duty this season. One of our bright idea being to paint the waste baskets inside and out to match the rest of our furniture. Another idea that was called into action was the covering of pillows, trunks, and chairs, with bright flowered chintz, which gives any room a cheerful and inviting air. Not only was paint u ed, but turpentine received it j u t amount of attention. Turpentine bath were results of our little campaign. and many of u sill carry daubs of paint on our clothing. VERNELLE WoRRELL.


The Sister Plan What dunking i to the douO'hnut. the big and little i ter plan i to the Buffalo lumnce Chapter. A rath er plebian compari on we 11 admit but as clunking often the doughnut so our si ter plan erves as a softening influence to promote better und erstanding and clo er coordination between the coll eO'iate and alumn<e group . The vice-president of the college group attends the alumn<e meetings and repo rts the activities of her group. Any uggestions made by th e alumn<e are carried back to the college chapter . The big sister is a nevv alumn<e member who was chosen the preceding June from the graduate of the collegiate group. he attends the college group' meetings and reports to the alumn<e concerning the plans of the active chapter. The big i ter is also a member of th e alumnce Board of Directors. "VI e found that thi interchange of representative not only promotes better understanding and feeling but helps to narrow the gap that usuall y exi ts between two uch groups. BETTY



Buffalo Afmmwc Chapter.




What a big subject. SPORTS! whoa-hold it! Let's take it as a couple of Alpha Sigs see it. Should we start with skiing on Berthoud Pass at an altitude of 11,400 feet or ti leaf sliding on the beautful grassy slopes of the mountains near Honolulu, Hawaii. Coming from picturesque Colorado and not being at all backward in boasting, we'll start in our own state. The best skiing near Denver is on Berthoud Pass, a short distance of sixty miles. Here the trails and hills lend themselves from Novem:路 her to May; to both the very beginner and the hardened "oldtimer." The snow is about six or eight feet deep, so that the spills (of which there may be many) are not too hard on one. However, the weather man is not always kind and there may be a blizzard with the temperature around zero. But that makes little difference when you have the thrill of riding down a trail of four miles, practicing stem and Christie turns on the way! To accomodate those who are too weary to walk back, there are usually friendly motorists who, with a little persuasion and a good dose of thumb motion, will return you to the

Detwer Alum"uu Chapter

top. On one mountain a ski tow has been installed, so you can slide up-as well as down. To go skating, just a short journey of twenty miles will take you to lovely Evergreen Lake, which is nestled in the .mountains. Here skating is the very best and ice hockey is a favorite sport. For the other extreme-let's journey to Honolulu where water sports hold the spotlight. How easy it looks as you watch the beach boys coming in with the waves, standing on their surfboards. Now let's try it as a beginner. The board is about six or seven feet long and two feet wide. Suppose we lie on the board and paddle with our hands until a big wave comes along. Then just try to stop on top of the wave and on the board ! Six weeks and we have not yet gone beyond this stage ; so we cannot tell you how long it takes to accomplish real surf boardmg. Swimming and sun bathing on the beach of Waikiki and riding the waves in an outrigger canoe are comparatively milder sports but fun enough to satisfy anyone. Would you have a bit of fun? Come along-join us and try it.




all heard girls say, W "IE HAVE don't like athletics, I think they're ju t a waste of time,"-but I think the rea on they don't like sports is becau e they haven't really participated in them. You can't really like a thing until you know something about it-and so it is with athletics. I have taken part in several different kinds of girls' sports, but my favorite is field hockey. To me, hockey for girls is just like football for boy . Every girl should have some kind of healthy exercise-if only more girls would realize this today, I am sure they would, on the whole, be far healthier than

Nu Nu

they a re. It i true that girl can have too much exerci e, but that i true of too much of anything. ports are lots of fun. Tho e who play basketball, hockey and other team sports are continually meeting new friends, and are preparing themselve for the future. Everyone that has that urge to compete and to win out, that's is only human nature. There is no other way in which this love of competition can better be expressed than in ports. Any girl who does not go in for sports is mi sing a whole lot in life. It's lots of fun, and does you lots of good, if you don't try to do too much. I love sports, don't you?


EPSILON will enter EPSILON the school's intra-murals sports program again thi year. We really had fun last year, playing basketball, tenniquoits, badminton, shuffleboard, and baseball. You should have seen some of the dignified seniors who hadn't been on a gym floor for three years get out and try to guard some freshman forward who just flew all over the court. That's what really made it fun, and the girls路 who wern't able to play were right there every game as the pep squad. I'll have to tell something funny

Epsilon Epsilon

about our basketball squad. One game was with the Delta Sigs. They beat us only 43 to 0, but we were all complimented by the physical education teachers for being good sports and keeping up our spirit, no matter what the score. In the end we ranked in second place with the other teams, some of these being composed entirely of physical education majors and minors. If there are intra-murals in any of your schools, Epsilon Epsilon chapter at Emporia, Kansas, highly recommends your entering. There will be fun for all.





MITH, Epsil01~

of sports today I thereTHEis world probably no game any better known or played than tennis among both men and women. The interest in thi sport is continually kept alive by the various national and international matches held during the summer months of every year, and fame has been gained by many of the participants through the art and technique they have playing this widely known sport. Tennis is a most active sport; not only physically, but mentally as well. There is, naturally, the ability of having great physical endurance which can be gained only through training and practice, but the mental activity holds just as important a place in t.bis game. Many matches have been won by out-witting an opponent-a case in which physical ability and strength played no part. Here in Emporia State, tennis is


one of the mo t popular sport classe for boy and girl are open. Competition is keen among the tudents because the phy ical education department sponsors tournament among the sororitie , fraternities, and clas e which occur in the spring. Also, the courts are free quite often for tudents to play at will. There are many benefits gained from playing tennis-most of them no different than those gained by playing other sports, but all very important and beneficial to physical health. If yon are at all interested in sports and have not played tennis, you hould begin now. You will like and enjoy the game and receive values from it that can be gained only through physical exercisetennis being one of the 路 best games for exercising the路 entire body.


HAVE followed the crowd in selecting my sport - Candid Camera. I find it very fascinating even though I'm till just a beginner. yet I haven t obtained any exceptionally good or unu ual picture , but I'm still optimi tic. I hould like to do


Beta Beta

my own developing, too, but I do not have the nece ary eqUipment yet. On our trip to California this ummer, I took pictures of every thing I saw. The Boulder Dam and the ocean were my favorite subjects.






HAT a great thrill to peed along on ice with other racers trying to pa you! It still i rather early in the ea on to think about ice skating, but with fur coat and over hoes ju t around the corner, how can one help but anticipate it? The best part of ice skating is racing. Girl don't u ually skate or race as much as boys do, but till there i a great field for any girls who are intere ted. No other type of racing, in which the average peron participate , raises the heartbeat and stimu lates every nerve and cell to unity as much a an ice skating race. The pond i flooded a night or two 1 efore the eventful day. To keep it in good condition, ropes are put up, and kater are not allowed on it . Then the time to begin rolls around, the spectators gather around the ropes vvith all the extra sweaters and coat available. Everyone wears overshoes and a pair of heavy woolen sock . The ice itself is marked off in a quarter-mile track by little American flag frozen in the ice. Mo t of the judge as well a the racer congregate in the center of the track to await, their turns in the races.

Pi Pi

The boy' and girl race come first, the women' next and Ia tly the men' race . Each racer tand ideward up to the lin in tead of fonvard. Everything i quiet and every ear i et for the ound, " bang," of the starting pi tol. How it echoes and re-echoe in the cold clear wintry air. Every rae r begins running on hi skate to get a start, and then breaks into hi fa test skating stride. ut why don't they fall on their faces? Every kater bends his body down o far that he can easily run his hands along the ice. Oops, there goe a kater, he stumbled in a rut. ow all the other skaters try to jump over him or glide around him so they don't fall too. Coming around the bend i the hardest part, see how they push and try to pa s each other? ow for the straightaway stretch to the finish line a one judge holds a top watch and the other three watch closely for the first three racers who cro the line. These three receive medals or ribbons. After ten or twelve event , both spectator and racers have numb hands and feet, so they all crowd into the pavilion for hot steaming chocolate. Mm-does that hit the spot!



Welcome! . . . Thrice Welcome! 26th 25th 24th Alumnae Chapters IS a pleasure to announce the I Taddition of three chartered groups to the ranks of Alumn<e chapters. We are happy to greet Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Cleveland, Ohio, and Hampton Roads Area, Virginia.

We offer best wishes for success with your local alumnre activities and a sincere hope that you will enjoy participation in the national alumnre organization.


LaRue Graden Fleckenstine President, Jamestown Alumnae Chapter

LaRue Graden Fleckenstein, Ar Phyllis Wright Mostoller, Ar Berniece I. Anstead, Ar Elaine W. Hastings, Ar Margaret H. Wilson, Ar Mary D. Curran, Ar Elizabeth Kolger, Ar Mary J o O'Connor, Ar M. Maxine Hesketh, Ar Ruth S. Wineman, Ar Marian B. O'Donnell, Ar Margaret Veil James, Ar Mary McColly, Ar Elma Getty Hare, Ar Ethel A. Belden, Ar Joy Mahacheck, MM



CLEVELAND, OHIO ALUMNAE CHAPTER Charter Members • da Haun Harvey, 6.6. Lora Jones Smith, 6.6. Martha Kananen Borch, AA Leta Briner Crawford, AA Glady Fenton Steeb, AA Helen A . W igston, AA E thel E. Goddard, 6.6. Olive Cu lp Baker, 6.6. Velma Kauffman De Tchon, 00 Jane Smith, 00

Velma Kauffman DeTchon P resident, Cleveland Alumnae Chapter

HAMPTON ROADS AREA, VA. ALUMNAE CHAPTER Charter Members Mrs. Albert Sidney Johnson, A Julia Louise Derr, A Gertrude Louise Sugden, A Martha Spencer Wilson, A Mary Catlett Kellogg, A J ane Beale Saunders, A Marguerite G. Bradford, A Dorothy Batten Kitchin, A Hattie Kelly Thomas, A Right, Martha Spencer Wilson President, Hampton Roads Area, Alurnnre Chapter



News Behind the News ORGANIZATION


RRRR CK - the shell opened C and out tumbled a very healthy young chick- a new AlA Alumnc:e chapter. Our greetings to all AlA's! Your alumnc:e sisters in and around Johnstown, Pennsylvania, are very happy to have the opportunity to be "actives" again. At last we're organized into an alumnc:e chapter-and this is how it all came about: Last March, Miss June Smith, of the ational Council, wa visiting Alpha Gamma chapter in Indiana State Teachers College. She came through Johnstown and met with several Alpha Sigs here, and together theY- formulated plans for our chapter. Our first meeting was held in the Spanish Room at the Dairy-Dell on Apr il 3rcl, and much to the delight and surprise of all concerned, the meeting was attended by fifteen AlA's each of whom was eager to get reorganized and reunited in A lpha Sigma Alpha. Following a delicious luncheon, a short busine s meeting was held and officers elected. Mr . Edward F1eckenstein, for merly LaRue Graden, was chosen as pre ident. She really was respon ible for our ever getting together in the first place and her dutie have been performed very capably during the summer. We certainly feel fortunate to have a per on with o much initiative as our leader. The other officers areVice-President, Maxine Hasketh; ecretary, Beth Kolger 路 Trea urer,




Berniece Anstead ; PHOENIX Correspondent, Mrs. W. J. Mostoller, formerly Phylli Wright. Our second meeting was a bridge luncheon. Due to the fact that quite a few of our members were either away on vacation or preparing to go to school we didn't have quite as large a crowd as at our first meeting. Our third get-together was held at Green Gables Tavern about eighteen miles from town. The most recep.t meetina- was on October 2, with a very nice luncheon in Johnstown. We were quite pleased to have Miss Ethel Belden, the sponsor of the lpha Gamma chapter with us, for she had lots of news about A lpha Sigs whom most of us knew. Although our life as an alumnc:e group hasn't been long, we're so pepped up with a realization that at last we are able to have AlA activities and fellow hip again that we can't begin to expres our feelings. And we feel that we are really scratching the surface when it comes to reviving the AlA spirit. May we say to you who are members of a college chapter that we hope some clay you'll be able to appreciate an alumnc:e chapter. ncl to those of you who now belong to a group similar to ours, we hope we will be able to uphold the tanclarcls and precedents you have set up for alumnc:e groups.






lumn;;e chapter T isHEoffCleveland to a fine start! We were first together, officially, Ia t May at a luncheon at the Hotel tatler. There were sixteen leveland alumnee members present, meeting with the Kent Alumn;;e group. We wish to acknowledge their helpful suggestions in reference to time, place and types of gatherings. At that time we decided to have our meetings the first Tuesday of every month. Our next meeting accordingly was held on June 2nd at the studios of Radio tation WHK. We toured the studios and played bridge after a short bu ine s meetmg. Our first fall meeting on eptember 21 brought more new members . The meeting was held at the home of Virginia Carpenter. 1ost of the members comprising our group are from Ohio college chapters; included among our mo t active members are the follow ing: Mrs. Wi lliam Harvey, Mr . Beechy, Mrs. Ralph Beese, Mrs. William F. Crawford, Miss Ethel Goddard, Mrs . Fred Baker, Mrs. John K. Robert , Mr . Donald Sloat, Mrs. Ronald mith, Miss


Georgia Turner, l\Ir . Ralph orhee , Mi irginia Carpenter 1\Iiss Dorothy Fitzgerald Mi Jane mith, ~1is Ruth :E lein and l\Ir . R. S. DeTchon. ur problems of cour e in a city a large as Cleveland, i to find a centraiJy located plu an ideal meeting time. the re ult of much eli - 路 cu ion, it wa decided to experiment with a aturday luncheon, which we hope will prove more convenient than the Tuesday evening meetings. luncheon i now being planned for October 16th. We welcome any sugge tions and help which our sister chapters may care to offer. At our organization meeting the following officers were elected: Mr . Robert S. DeTchon, pre ident ; Miss Virginia Carpenter, ecretary and Treasurer. Our work as tentatively planned will be along charitable lines and in the way of helping nearby college chapter . vVe ask any lpha ig living in or near Cleveland to get in touch with us and we welcome them to . our meetings .


T m~eting

was held A LUat theCHEO Bide-a-Wee Tearoom, Newport ews, m ugust for the izing an lumn;;e Sigma lpha to tory of Newport

irginia one day purpose of organchapter of lpha include the terriews, Hampton,

Williamsburg, orfolk and Portsmouth-to be knovvn as the Alumn;;e chapter of the Hampton Roads Area. Nine girls were present, among them Hattie Kelly Thoma , ational Historian and one of A...,A's first



pledges; also Jacqueline Johnson of Smithfield and Jane Saunders of ewport ews, who were students at Farmville during the past year. A brief business session was held at which time the following officers were elected: Martha Spencer \Nilson, president; Dorothy Batten Kitchen, vice-president; Julia Derr, secretary ; Elizabeth Batten Johnson, treasurer; Elizabeth Clements Smith,

corresponding secretary; Mary Catlett Kellogg, PHOE IX corre pandent. Temporary plans were made for a larger and more elaborate meeting in the fall. It was a really happy occasion-a delicious luncheon was served and we all enjoyed the informal talks made by various girls present.


NOTE: Gretchen Mathews Otness, a loyal Alpha Sig living in St. Louis, has been kind enough to prepare for this issue of the PHOENIX a bit of a message from the Alpha Sigs living in St. Louis.

N Saturday, May 22, Anna O Margaret Munch entertained us at her.home, where plans were discussed for this year's meetings. Georgianna Moser was elected president, but to everyone's regret she has since moved to Dallas, Texas. We'll all miss her very much. Elizabeth Woody was elected secretarytreasurer. On Tuesday, June 22, Elizabeth Woody and Georgiana Moser entertained for Anna Margaret, our recent bride, at a lovely luncheon at Elizabeth's attractive new home in Webster Groves. A beautiful wedding cake occupied the center of the table and individual ice cream molds carried out the wedding motif. Anna Margaret was presented with a handsome table lamp for her new home. We shall miss her very much, for as Mrs. Albert G. Viola she now lives at 4628 Bayard Street in

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We were all saddened by Dr. Eugene Fair's death on Thursday, August 12. He was Elizabeth Fair Wohlsclaeger's father and President of the Kirksville Teachers' College where many of our St. Louis alumme attended college. We are most anxious to get in touch with all Alpha Sigs in and near St. Louis. Please call Elizabeth Woody-her telephone number is Republic 1462 and her address 322 Arbor Lane in Webster Groves, Missouri. Elizabeth, by the way, has invited us to her home for a dessert luncheon and our first meeting of the year on October 2nd. We hope to make definite plans for the year and also complete plans for the luncheon during the Teachers' Convention in St. Louis on November 19th to which we welcome all Alpha Sigs.



Alumnae Chapters . The number of chartered Alumnae Chapters has been increa ed fr om 23 to 26 smce May. In w~at l?~ality will we find our 27th Chapter ? A g roup o f eight o~ more member~ IS ehg1ble for a charter grant. Alpha Sigma Alpha i proud to g1ve such orgamzation official recognition. The National Vice President will be glad to help with the organi zation of an A lumnae Chapter in your vicinity or to hear from any group now eli gibl for a place in the "Directory of Alumnae Chapters."


Japanese flowers formed the motif for an AS luncheon on May 1. Ada Lane, Vera Leeper, Eva Woods, Emogene Cox, Eula Callison and Lois Rodgers were hostesses for the three course spring party. "Konichawa," an adapted Japanese game, was played at quartet tables. Lucile Kramp and 路 Luella Harzman entertained the alumnae on May 14. The following officers were elected at this time : President : Luella Harzman. Vice-Pre ident: Florence H. Rudy. Secretary : Emogene Cox. Treasurer: Eva . Wood. PHOE IX Carre pondent: Lois Rodgers. On June 11, bridge and rook were enjoyed by thirty Alpha igs when Minnie Clark, Jennie Kinney, Theta Donley, Mabel Chew, Luella Harzman, Vera Leeper and Edna Donley opened the summer season of parties.

lawn party for member of Alpha Sigma lpha "a enjoyed Thur day evening June 24, at the home of Mrs. Edith Ames, 829 Flynn. Hostesses for the de sert bridge and rook party were Mr . Eva Wood, Mr . Ada Lane, Elinor Abernathy, Emogene Cox, Elizabeth Green, Vuren Quigley, Lois Rodgers and Ruth Rudy. During the evening Mis Luella Harzman presided over a hart bu iness meeting. Miss Belle Jane Rackley won the honors in bridge and Mabel Chew in rook. ix actives were among the guests. On July 9, the lva lpha hurried over to Capron for a bridge party given by Edith Johnson and Nellie Heaton. During the evening the alumnre pre ented a urpri e gift to the latter, bride-elect of the summer. Prize were drawn by Miss Minnie Shockley, Mabel Che\ and Betty Lou Heaton. The mother of alumnre, the member of the college chapter, and their mother were gue t at the annual picnic on July 23 at



Hatfield Park. This concluded, for the most part, our activities during the summer months. Our first fall meeting was on September 10, when members of the alumnce group met at the home of our president and planned the year's work. Vacation experiences were also related at which time your correspondent was ab le to gather much information which she is here passing on to you. Anne Cleveland, of the Wichita Alumnce Chapter, was welcomed indeed when she surprised us by dropping in just before departing for 路w ichita. Edna Donley and Vera Leeper were hostesses for the October meeting of the Alva chapter on th.e first evening of the month, at the home of the former. Special guests were memhers of the college chapter who brought along their brand new pledges for a big A. S. A. smg. Visitors to Alva Alumnae Chapter We were delighted to have the following former chapter girls with us this summer at one time or another: Elinor Abernathy of Bartlesville, Okla.; Ethel Albright, Altus, Okla.; Minnie Wesley Clark, Raytown, Mo. ; Anne Cleveland, \i\fichita, Kansas; Emogene Cox, Hartner, Kans. ; Emogene Cox, Grent Bend Kan . ; ina V. Doughty, Midway, Okla.; Icy! Baldwin Gourley, Lambert, Okla.; Beula Farrand, Chetopa, Kans. ; Jennie Vinson Fisk, Tulsa, Okla.; Nellie Heaton, Hot pring , N. M.; Jennie Locken Kinney, elman, Okla.; nnabel Harris McCrady,

Nowata, Okla.; Vella ~fcGill IcKeen, Kansas City, Mo.; Olive and Vuren Quigley, Elkhart, Kans.; Belle Jane Rackley, w路ichita, Kans. ; Lenore hafter, Roswell, N. M.; Ollie Shattuck, Chicka ha, Okla.; and Lucile Grove Smilly, Chickasha, Okla. This Little Alva Alpha Stayed At Home In the Travel Section we have told of the travelers among our alumnce. Those of us who did not see "foreign soil" were by no means idle. For proof-read ye allBell e Chesnut continues to manage her farm near Waynoka. The stories of the fish she catches in her pond make rea! fish yarns. E ula Callison ceased cultivating her flowers to entertain out-ofstate relatives. A lice Buckle has done brain whetti ng routine at Northwestern summer school. Emogene Cox studied piano and worked like a serf at it. Louise Miller May found joy in a cooler to off-set our record breaking weather. Eva Ames Wood continued with her colorful interest in painting. This summer it varied from sketches of baby faces to refinishing pianos . Edith Heaton Johnston shared in Oklahoma's millions of bu hels of wheat and the preparation for her si ter' wedding-and had enough fun for two people. Lela Hardy Morri led a busy life on the farm and entertained her children. Eleanor Houts Sterba divided

THE PHOE N IX time with the home and th eir drug tore. Bess Hubbard Polito continued with th e popular fri ed chicken specials. Luella Harzman with a confident little toss of her head displayed fancy work and several book -ofth -month to account for her vacation. E li zabeth Green g rac iou ly arranged for so rority parti and an attractive prenuptial hower for Loui e Ewa lt. Minnie \r\ esley Cla rk did not slave as a umm er chool stud ent for she spent hour v i itino- a ll of us again , wh en she did not have the "canning bee" in her bonnet. Everbody raised eyebrow and asked questions becau e Ruby Hart Nel son had di appea red from the face of the v ill age .. .. \Nell , he wa happy whil suntannin g down on her farm near Cherokee.

Are You Listenin'? Then, I'll Tell Ya: Our Ruths a re bu y forRuth Marcum attended summer school at A. and M. She will teach in Woodward, O kl ahoma. Ruth Morgan' letter till bears the address of T. . I. Hospital in Fairfi eld . labam a. Ruth Rudy rea ll y wants a deg ree. She attend d ummer school at Nortlnve tern and then ru shed up to the Univer ity of olorado for a few mo1'e hours. Luella Harzman, alumm:e president-e) ct, i to be Courtesy hairma n of :-\ha Bu ine s and Profe sional \路\ 路amen. Mi Shock! y is International


Relation Cha irman for B. and P . \\'.C. E l ie Fi h r and E i Nail I arned anew the joy of leeping under the tar when they were a i tant councillor at th irl cout Camp at armen. Lorenda M. Lan nj oyed ocean breezes at ionrovia, California for fi ve month thi y ar. Roberta amp completed her ma t r' degree in hi tor and political cience at the Uni versity of alorado. Florence H . Rudy wa el cted pre ident of Methodi t Aid,-a big organization with u eful purpo e . Ed na Donl ey and Loi Rodger were elected m ml er of the ity ouncil of Girl Scouts. Alva B. and P. W. span ors two troop . Helen J. Wilton ha returned to Iva. It seem natural to ee her in the office running th store" from upstairs. Pearl Roll Boyd is enjoying a new white bungalow with g reen butter arrano-ed to her liking. How did Nolan persuad a land lubber to settle down so nea r the ship chann el ? Reports are that he rate Corpu s hri sti hi o-h as a home town now. E dna Ker t hamberlain i out of th e hospital a nd enjoying her new home on Denver venue 111 Tulsa . Mabel Bender on Ballard leads the bu y life of the wife of the Superintendent of O keene chools. E unice Metcalf, form erly Ranger Q ueen and rr trea urer ha accepted a po iti on in a nta Barbara Comm rcial Coll ege. In June he went away out to California



for a vacation and by August she was teaching there ! Rangerland's favorite winter sport, free-style queen racing, is under way on Northwestern campus. Candidates for band queen have been chosen. Our own fair and musical lola Ricks is in the middle of the race as senior representative. Essie Nall was elected one of. the eight delegates from Oklahoma to the Biennial Convention of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women. She attended the convention in Atlantic City in July and later vacationed in New York, Canada, and MichIgan. With the whirl of rush over, Northwestern campus is back to normal again with eight students wearing the ASA ribbons. The press must be held until we express our sincere good wishes and congratulations to Miss Minnie Shockley. She has just been chosen by the Oklahoma Memorial Association for her outstanding services and achievements in building Oklahoma and advancing humanity. At the Statehood Day Banquet on November 16 in the Biltmore 路 Hotel, Oklahoma City, an impressive and proper ceremony will induct her to a place in Oklahoma's Hall of Fame. This is an honor that comes to but few. My dear, we are happy for you-and oh, so proud! It Happened In Alva

s much as Christmas or the Fourth of July was taking place right in the middle of September

when Northwe tern soronhes entertained lavi hly and excitingly these past two week-ends in the hope of taking in a number of new pledges. . S. A. informal parties were on Monday evening when a grape motif was emphasized and a Mexican tea on Wednesday; each received a nod of approval by the alumnce. The big event was the lucky last date of formals when all the chapter members and alumnee were present to show their rushees "the best time that has ever been shown a similar group before or since." Guests had been invited to the Court A. S. A. where Queen Wilma Green, Chapter president, and Edna Donley, an alumnce, ruled from a gaily bedecked throne. A wise Seer, an efficient (in spite of a tricky trumpet) Herald, and an amusing Jester added to the clever rush affair. All "alums" sighed with the singing of "A. S. A. Sweetheart," but "perked up" when Lois Rodgers announced, "Rise, Sugar, Rise." One of the highlights of the evening's program was A . A. Milne's "The King's Breakfast." The sketch, with Phyllis Card taking the title role, had in its cast Ramona Baker, Vada Paris, and J adenna Leeper. The musical reading was given by Everette Marie Fulmer. She was assisted by lola Ricks at the piano. From the way the former chapter girls painted favors, planned activities, found the attractive spots in the garden and the long way home, surely the sorority has the assurance of

THE PHOE cooperation in all details for another gay year. The practically unbearable su pense of silent period and bid house was completed Monday noon. Eight pledges-to-be were welcomed to a luncheon in the sorority room. Lor s R oDGERS.

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS It is u suall y a bit difficult to write enthusia tically about last season's happening , but it would take more than a busy ummer to dim the memories of our last spring' s meetings. Those of our girls more or less frequently in attendance include Hazel Crane Jones, Josephine Ray, Mary McCauley, E lsie Larkin, Betty Hall, Ruth Ann Scanlon, Anne MacDonald, Helen VanDeman, Elizabeth Barnes, Dori Atwood, Barbara Nichols, Phoebe Helms Dorothy Currier, Edith Lundq~ist, Hel en E llard, Louise Hockaday, Dorothy Pyle, Mary Winchenbaum, Hazel Killam, Florence Haley, Ingeberg Norling Swenson and Dorothy A llen . In April we held our Annual Meeting at the home of Hazel Jones in Winchester. It was hard to be business-like in such charming surroundino-s but we accomplished much, ju t the same. The most important item to be passed 011 to you was the election of officers. For the next year we are to have: President: Mary McAuley. Vice-President: Barbara Howe Nichols. Secretary: Dorothy Allen.



Trea urer: Dori twood. PHOE. rx Corre pondent: IIaz l Hunt Vaux. nd now for the nnual Baby Party, when the Aunti and Mamas have plenty of fun too. Elizabeth Barn wa the ho te this lovel y May afternoon. Th etting was her lov ly farm-hom e in the rolling hill and valley of Middlesex County. Bedford in the pring, is too utterly lovely for me to describe; and it wa at it be t on the sun hiny afternoon, after just enough rain in the morning to make thing parkle. The children played with the to y of Elizabeth's nephew while we "met "-with one eye on our offsprin~s (to be sure they retained their company manner ) and the other eye on Hazel Jones and her sheaf of official documunt . Frequently one or the other of us would run over the lovely lawn to rescue tiny kittens from inqui itiYe hands or the baby calf from being worried to distraction. A tremendously good time wa had by all (except the poor animals) and we were finally gathered

Hazel Hazel rier, Allen , Mary

Crane Jones. Ruth Newcombe Fletcher, Killeem, Doris Atwood, Dorothy ChEdith Berntsom Lundqu•st, Dorot Y Mary Winchenbaugh, Florence Haley, McAuley.



onto the front lawn to eat our delicious supper-accompanied by balloons, whistles, lolly-pops, etc. Then the poor exhausted Mamas and Aunties ate. And did we need it! The enclosed snap shot shows some of the Mamas. Thus our glorious season was brought to a close. May the next season be even more satisfactory. If there is someone reading this who might spend an occasional Saturday afternoon with us, won't you please do so? You'd be overheard saying as you left, "If only I had known it would be like this, I would have been here every meeting for the last "steen years !" My notice informs me that we open this season at Mary McAuley's home with Interior Decoration as the program highlight. I'll tell yQ_u all about it next time, girls, or-perhaps I'll be seeing you there? Personals When passing through Stafford, Connecticut this summer I called at the address I had for Edith Turner Glazier to be told that she and her husband were operating their own store in \tVest Stafford and had moved there. Have you heard that Edith Howlett has bought a sail boat and goes sailing around off Quincey, foul weather or fair? And what a seaman's 路tan that girl has. A little daughter, Elizabeth, was born on August 27, to Ruth Howlett Duhig (Mrs. Charles Warner Duhig). The young lady lives at 43 Museum strees, Cambridge. HAZEL HUNT

v AUX.

(Editor's note-And now I should like to give you just a glimpse of Boston's Correspondent, as she reveals herself in a personal letter to me. I'm -sure she won't object.)

"You ask me what I do. 路well, I have a hu band, a three year old daughter and six room to take care of. The young lady is a lively one, and so is my hubby. He also requires a lot of help with clerical work in the evenings . I try to get some reading done; I like to sew and I love to just look at the beautiful ocean. We live less than a mile from the beautiful north shore line at Swampscott. Every afternoon, when Barbara and I go out to do our errands, I try to find some excuse to head the Buick toward the beach. In summer our address is "Somewhere on the sand" and if it is too cold for the waves, we just sit and look . .. . The other day we found a fishing boat that just come in, so we watched the unloading process and brought our supper of fresh fish home. We bought fifteen cents worth; but the fisherman "tossed in" as he called it "enough more for fun."

BUFFALO, NEW YORK We're going to go away back since last Phoenix and tell you what the Buffalo Alumnce Chapter has been doing. The Annual Business Meeting in May was in the form of a luncheon at the Buffalo Con i tory. One of the main purposes of this meeting is to hear the yearly report of our officers, but with everybody appearing in her latest spring ensemble, it made concentration dif-

THE PHOE ficult. However we did our be t and with practice we find that we can listen to the treasurer's report with the keene t of ears-and till figure out how much that goodlooking outfit itting across from us cost (tsk, t k-the e women!). A ide from thi we al o made and discussed sugge tion for our hou eparty that was to be held the next month. We found out later that the sugge tion were useless, as the houseparty just took care of itself. Sech fun; ; ? Fo-give us as we're getting ahead of our elf, for the June meeting was a luncheon for the graduate and bride . Cupid did right by us last year-fourteen brides. The meeting was held at Rose Kraft's ummer home on Lake Erie and as a hostess Rose is "tops." Alumnce awards were presented to three of the graduates for leadership and cholarship. The main topic of official business was the coming card party in November. But we'll tell you lots and lots about that next time. Of o-r at interest was the alumnce News Letter edited by Alice Gregor and di tributed at thi meeting. And it must be the cannibal in us that makes us emphasize the food-but it was a very delectable lunch. Thi meeting more or less closed our activities until the October meeting at Melvina Holzman's house and-Melvina too rates with us as an plus hostess. BETTY MURPHY.


67 Welcome

Buffalo lumn<e chapter i proud to announce the initiation la t pring of Kathryn :JicConvey Lenahan a a life memb r of lpha 1gma lpha. "Kay" i well remembered by her former Clionian si t r a a popular and charming girl. he wa one of Clio' vice-pre id nt during her time at school. I remember with no end of pleasure the lovely party he ga e for the Clionian , college and alumnce groups. Her gracious manner made everyone feel at home and her ho pitality is still remembered by all tho e fortunate enough to have been guest . Right now, Kay is a very happy person. Her unu ually beautiful small daughter, Peggy of the burnished gold ringlets, i her paramount delight and concern and it is a picture to see them together. Vve are so happy to receive Kay as an "Alpha Sig." he is so ea y to meet, so easy to look at, and o ea y to get along with. Naturally, we are thrilled that Alpha Sigma lpha proved de irable in such degree to attract another sister of Clionian day . To Kay we extend a handcla p that is true, friendly, genuine and sincere and we most certainly hope she will find happiness and plea ure in service to Alpha igma Alpha with all of us. RosE




With the opening of chool in the fall all lpha ig alumn naturally think of sorority meetings, no matter how many falls have passed since they were actives themselves. After a pleasant summer of work and play it is nice to organize meetings again for the fall and winter season. Chicago alumnre had a get-together luncheon on Sept. 18th at the 路w alnut Room of MarshallFields and although vacations are not yet over for all of us a representative group was present. Conversation always begins with "Where is So-and-so?" " I thought she's surely be here today." Vve find that Louise Stewart will not be with us this winter as she has accepted a teaching p~sition at New Holland, Ohio, for the coming year and will be sadly missed. However, she has promised that she will be here for the holiday meeting. Nelle Rainey is a late vacationer who is sight-seeing at Vancouver, Canada, with her husband. We will be looking forward to seeing her at later meetings. Donalda Morrison is another one who is still enjoying her holidays, having gone on a European trip late in August. Chicago alumnre had a special treat this summer when the national council met at the Drake Hotel in Chicago. Louise Stewart was hostess to the council and the Chicago alums at a delightful buffet supper at her home. After several days of hard work the council members were glad to rela~ : and enjoy a social evening. Marjorie

Master Iter, Beta Beta, of Pari , Texas, wa al o a gue t. Future meeting are to be held at various members' home and we urge any Alpha Sigs who may have come to Chicago recently to get in touch with any of our members and join us. DOROTHY }..fA TERS.


路wen Girls, it's here again! 路w hat's here again? Why football season of course! And did we take those Purdue Boiler Maker "for a ride" to the tune of 13 to 0. Yea! Ohio State! \rVhat a game! Oh, What a game! No matter for which side you might be rooting you surely got your money's worth. It was a great game and some great players participated. But enough of the present. Now where did we leave off last spring. Our summer activities are greatly curtailed as so many of the girl seem to get the wander-lust a soon as those merry June breezes become a little warm. Have any of you girls from California ever spent the summer in Columbus? You really should, as we generally manage to send a representative to your state for the summer. This year both Rachel Van Hook and Frances Henning spent the urnmer months in sunny California. There may have been more, but of those two I am certain. Boat trips and seashore visits also take their toll of our members each year and the ever-present automobile is always calling some one or other to the highways and byways. We did have a picnic at the

THE PHOE home of arah Kinney Pegler, however, and a our hu band and familie were included th re were enough to make quite a gathering. Now there's th place to go in the summer time, - arah, the perfect ho te s and her home the perfect background for any summer affair. Of late our time eem to be taken up in attending bowers for recent brides and brides-to-be. Several of the girl were hostesses at a party in honor of Mr . Lester Leppert, formerly udrey Rice. She is now livino- near Dublin and we hope to call on her in the near future. Grac Groff will take unto herself a husband on October 9 and on October 23 Ruth Ludwig will annex one for her elf. Best Wishes girl and a Happy Future. But don't forget our Alumme group. DoROTHEA WI . oo:.L

DENVER, COLORADO The weather in June was good only for duck , so the Mountain Brunch was postponed until September. It i our custom at this last meeting to elect officers for th,e cotning year. ooooo, something had to be done! \\ e decided on a picnic during the summer and we really had a representative attendance. Officer were elected and we feel that we have a grand cabinet to continue to make the wheels go round. 'vVe tried to make up our tentative program at this time, but the election of officers was about all the eriou btt ine we could care for that day. ooooo again omet'hing had to



be done. ur newly elect d pre ident, Za Lawr n on, ac ordin ly called a meeting of the cabinet member and im路ited any other alum who were able to come路 with the purpo e of making up our year I ook. Thi meeting wa at Polly chlo er' home and wa an evening fire ide tea-without a fire for it wa much too warm. Our plans for the year were presented at the fir t regular meeting of our chapter, which was a moonlight teak fry at era ampbell 's cottage in the hadow of hadow Mountain. Our "familie " were invited to thi affair and we had a good turnout. \ . hat a gorgeou night it was! There i no moon like the September moon in Colorado. ur next meeting i to be the Founder ' Day Luncheon which will be held at the Junior League Shop. For November we are planning a book review (benefit) and for December our beloved Chri t mas breakfast. We have thirty-five active members in our Denver Chapter and we are so v ry proud of it. Everything points to a most ucce ful year.

News Melva Shady Ros (BB) and her daughter Jean spent the summer in Colorado Spring with her mother. Melva i now living in Charleston, West Virginia, so we certainly do enjoy seeing her on her trip ''"est. orne of u drove to the pring one day and had luncheon with her. Melva told u of her trip to Huntington with some Charle ton Alpha ig for



the anniversary celebration of far- 路 Publicity-Edith Burr ( candal, murder etc.) shall College. Scrapbook & Convention Exhibit-Mary Helen Hargrove is teaching in Alice Fidler (her work helped win the 5.00 award at Ia t convention) Englewood, Colorado, this year Hospitality-Fae Shawnan (our zooloand we welcome her into the Dengi t) ver lumnre Chapter. he has been Telephone-Fern Johnson (a real job) active in the Greeley Alumnre Phoenix-Lillian Jacobson (you ju t can't imagine how I tried to get out Chapter for many years. Their loss of this) is our gain. Convention- Leona Wilcox (becau e she's been there) Cheerio, VIvA DoBBINs.

DES MOINES, IOWA The Des Moines Alumnre Association got off to a very good start on September 16 with Faye Josten as hostess and Fern Johnson as Chairman. After devotions and singing a .few ASA songs there was a short business meeting at which time the program for this year was announced. vVe are being ver;c "Scotch" this year and trying to save all our money for convention. Our year books are the handwork of Georgia Barton and are black folders with the ASA pin done 路in white and reel on the cover. The program promises to be very interesting so I will let you peek inside the covers . Page 1.

The Officers.

President-Aibertine Geist (with lots of pep and ideas) Vice- President- Georgia Barton (our 路 clever artist) Secretary-Julia Douglass (our youngest member) Treasurer-Myrna Treimer (alas! she needs money)

Page 2.

Committee Chairmen .

Social-Grace Carver (we like her recreation room) Program-Georgia Barton, Fern Johnson, Albertine Gei t (all clever at planning)

Mu ic-Faye Josten (our June bride and ex-teacher)

Page 3.

Special Celebrations.

Founders Day-Rita Selvey (Ia t year's President) Christmas-Fae Shawhan (any presents?) Valentine's Day-Ruth Hook (how about a palm reading?) . Hermes Day-Mrs. Barr (one of our best members) I. S. T. A. Luncheon-Edith Burr (for our teachers)

The next four pages carry the roll of 26 members. WE have included Helen Bradley as this i her nearest chapter and we hope that will make her come over more often. Thei~ the last pages are devoted to our Program of the Year as follows:

September 16, 1937 "Should Auld Aquaintance Be Forgot" (it wasn't) Faye Josten, Hostess. Fern Johnson, Chairman. October 11, 1937. "0 wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ither see us" (a speaker on clothes and personality) Rita Selvey, Hostess. Mildred Nighswonger, Chairman. Toyember 15, 1937. "Auld Lang Syne" (Founders Day Dinner) Rita elvey, Chairman. Iowa State Teachers Association Luncheon (for our girl ) Edith Burr, Chairman.

THE PHOENIX December 13, 1937. "An' here's a hand, my tru ty frien' Angie's a hand o' thine." (our Chri tma party) Mayma Me ton, Hostes . Fae Shawhan, Chairman. Mary Alice Fidler, Arrangements. January I 0, 1938. "When I was Twenty-one" (our chapter's" birthday) Grace Carver, H o te . Hildegarde i sly, Chairman. Myrna Treimer, Arrangements. February 14, 1938. "I Love a Lassie" (a book review) Lillian Jacobson, Ho tess. Ruth Hooks, Chairman. Julia Douglas , Arrangements. March 14, 1938. "Up Wi' the Bonnets" (Spring hats I imagine) Christine Greenlee, Hostess. Catherine Leake, Chairman. Louise Boller, Arrangements. Apri l 11, 1938. "The Campbells Are Coming" (to convention, of course) Leona Wilcox, Hostess. Edith Burr, Chairman. Lucille William , Arranrrcments. May 22, 1938. Guest Day (a speaker, tea, for our friend ) Chai rman, Mrs. Barr. Arrangements, A ll of U . Jun e, 1938. "You Take the High Road and I'll Take the Low" (Good by till we meet at convention) Ho tesse , the Officers.

There, doesn't that sound interesting? That i all I could find out from the committee; they seem to have some thino-s still up their sleeves' so you will have to hear of them later. We are going to try a new scheme for making money (you see we want to have a delegate at convention). So with trying to make money and work in this program we shall be very bu y Alpha LILLIAN J ACOBSO)l".


EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA Hello everybody! Introducing a new PHOENIX Carre pondent by the name of Iargaret Brcnholtz Gohn. (What a bad break for editor and reader of our belayed PHOENIX). Fir t-our unaccounted activitie consi t of the following : A luncheon at which we entertained the member of the Central Penn ylvania group wa held at the home of your corre pondent with Phyllis Kittleberger and Helen Po er Heckert a a 1 tmg ho te se . Following th e luncheon we played Bingo and enjoyed chatting and exchanging new of intere t to all. The month of June brought a picnic at the cottage of Phyllis Kittleberger near the Pocono . Husbands and boy friends had al o been invited. It wa a beautiful day and we all enjoyed the festivities of the afternoon and evening to the utmost. It wa a grand get-together with no busine meeting. We were so glad to have with us Mildred Webber of Palmerton, an alumn<e of A lpha Gamma and our other gue t with their "attachn1ent ." eptember 18 we who heard th e call of A. S. . . for the fir t meeting of the year in our alumn<e group, journeyed to Easton to have luncheon at the home of our newly elected pre id ent, Anne \ Villauer. A isting Anne were Margaret Chamblin Kingfield and Doroth y Gebhardt. Others pre ent were Eleanor Carpenter, Helen Moser Morgan and Margaret Gohn. Following the luncheon and preceding

THE PHOENIX our business meeting a lengthy discussion was held on the rearing of children, marriage, careers andwhat not. Our business meeting was then conducted. Our treasurer, although absent because of moving into a new home, sent us news which precipitated another lengthy discussion on how to make money for social service, gifts to actives, etc. As we are so scattered, it is difficult to devise a means for making money. A flat rate was accordingly decided upon for dues, to cover all expenses, and we hope that each girl of our group will see fit to respond so our chapter may boom ahead, increase our loyalty to A . S. A. and give us contact with all worthwhile projects for which our sorority stands. A tentative program was outlined for the year and we all left Anne's house with a cheerio and hope to see you all October 16, our next meeting date. Luck and love to all alumnre chapters and sisters of A. S. A. Personals Thelma Stortz, first president, has taken a new position in Laurel, Delaware and couldn't be with us at the meeting. Hope to see you October 16. Margaret Chamblin Kingfield has a charming baby boy now aged five months-and they call him " nooky." To, what say you? he says they must soon change it or "Snooky" it will be forever! MARGARET BRE


HAYS, KANSAS At our local convention, which is an annual event at Hays and which you will find written up elsewhere in this is ue, we elected the following officers for the commg year: President: Dorothy Steeples. Vice-President: Modena Chittenden. Secretary and Treasurer: Katherine Mermis. PHOENIX Correspondent: Shirley Baird. The following is our program of meetings for the year, to be held on the second Tuesday evening of every month : September- wat rmelon •feed, college hill (and we had a very good time) October-chile supper at Mildred Ward's. November-musical at Dorothy Steeples'. December-social service, Katherine Mermis. January-entertain patronesses, Gaynelle Davis and Mae Paul. February-award pledge shield at Florence Markwell's. March-pot luck upper at Modena Chittenden's. April-entertain seniors at Lucille Rowland's. May-to be decided later. Very Important E vents Loops Maraaret DeShazo and D. 'vV. Emmel on March 7th-Call Boloit, Kansas their home. Virginia Dague and Bruce wift

THE PHOE on Ap ril 24th-live at McPher on, Kansas. E lizabeth Young and Bernard Touhey on July 28th-home in Phoenix, Ariz. Bertha \ a hichek and Ceci l Longsine on July 30th and li ving in Los A ngeles, a!. Gretta Lewick and G. Arthur Rydell on August 19th and li ving in Phillipsburg. Alma Baugu s and Henry Kitzo-oth er detai ls lack ing.

Whoops To Modena and Herbert Chittenden, a dau g hter, Modena Jane, on June 1st. To Sylvia Schlegel rumpacker and her husband, a daughter, Sue Sandra on September 9th. To Marjorie Reinecke Muirh ead and her husband-another child. Do not have name. SHIRLEY BAIRD.

HUNTINGTO N, W. VIRGINIA Th e first meeting of th e Huntington A lu111nce Chapter held October 4th wa more of a "gab fe t" for so many intere ting things had happened we ju t had to hear and tell about them. Helen Maxwell had been to Mexico a nd was asked so many questions pertaining to her trip that we have her promise to tell about it at next meeting and also " how samples" of her souvenir . A lice Buck had a lovel y trip to Key We t and told us enoug h to ma k e u " wan t more. " J eanne Richard on ha accepted a position in Jew J er ey as P hys ical in tructor . Though we d~ like



lo ing her we RE proud of h r advancino- in her field of work. ur alumnce a-roup ha ain d four new m mber - :\Iattie l\lcCorkle, Mill ie Kincaid and H I n borne, who wer graduated thi pa t June; and 1r . Lor n hafer '' ho wa Edith ro an. Edie wa from Bluefield and wa marri d in ug u t. \1 e are indeed happy to welcome the girl to our lpha io- circle. Dorothy allicoat ha a ne''" daughter born eptember 1 and named Barba ra E ll en . Sh sweet-but will have to step fa t to keep up with her i ter nn. The follo wing will erve a officer for the coming year: President: Mr . Mortimer Buck. V ice-Pre id ent : Mrs. K. L. Callicoat. ecretary: Mi Dori Hart. Treasurer: Mi s J ean Richardson. PHOENIX Ca rre pondent: 1iss Doris Feeley. DORIS


INDIANAPOLIS, .INDIANA In our Ia t chapter letter, we were anticipating our Brown County May Party at Mr . Harry Heckman' , Letha askin's mother. Realization 1 roved to upport it 1 ercentage of fun. We all enjoyed pirituall y, the lovely cenery of the hill s of one of Indiana' 1110 t picturesq ue counties; phy ically, a 1110 t delicious luncheon; and socially, the large group of mother and alumnce who attended. In a hort bu ine ses ion, ways a nd means were discus ed for in-

THE PHOENIX creasmg our bank balance. Plans to do this during the summer were agreed upon and the success is really astounding, but the ingenious methods must be withheld until next issue. We then initiated our new song books, acquiring quite a repretoire. The grand touch of the day was when Letha presented each mother with a lovely landscape picture of her own creation. Our first Fall meeting, September 11th, was with our president, Marie Kingdon. We were so glad to have Mary Turner Gallagher, from Green Bay, Wisconsin, with us. She has organized crafts for "Home Bound" people in her community and we were so interested in seeing some of the hand tooled leather purses that were made under heL supervision. She has promised to write an article very soon for all of you. Wilma Wolf is to be with us again as an active member which will make us eighteen strong. . Trying to tune in on everyone's conversation. concerning their summer was like whirling hither and yon on a magic carpet. First to Richmond, Virginia with Marie Kingdon to play with her first and only darling grandchild, Marie Ella ; to Washington to see new government buildings and then Williamsburg, rebuilt to perpetuate the architecture, traditi~ns and folk-ways of our earlier civilization. Then wit_h Adelaide McCarty through New England, stopping in the White Mountains at Mt. Washington and Bar Harbor, on through Bradford, Mass. to

New Rochelle, N. Y. for the balance of the summer. The western extreme was Kan as City, with Dorothy and Ed Karrman attending wrestling matches, dances, dinners and luncheons, and en route home stopping at Bedford, Indiana for a short visit with Alice Myer Eickenberry-one of our Chi Chi Alumnc:e members whom we mi s and should love to see more often. The northern Indiana lakes lured several of our girls ; Gerry and Ralph Holton received full benefits from old Sol at Lake Wawasee, while Berneice Lamb went in for fishing there in a big way, including stories of the fish that broke her line. At Lake George, Helen Emick found resting much more satisfying than swimming. In Chicago, Betty Soland found the stage show, "You Can't Take It With You" as the best tonic for summer let downs. Back in Indianapolis Helen Selvage helped Esther Burge collect mileage on her new Ford by getting better acquainted with nearby interesting spots. Of interest to all was Genevieve Leib's report on the Council meeting which she attended in Chicago in August. It is most enlightening to know of the intricacies involved in maintaining such an organization as ours. Marie appointed Genevieve Leib and Dorothy Karrman, delegate and alternate, to attend the council meetings of the Indiana Seventh District Womens' Clubs. This contact gives us representation and keeps us in touch with activities of other organizations in our community.


The October 2nd. meeting with Gerry Holton wa addened by news of the death of delaide McCarty's father. man of great ability, he was a public benefactor through his many engineering accomplishments. Those members who attended the rush banquet of the Chi Chi active chapter of Muncie, Indiana gave very interesting reports which made u all wi h that we could have b en there. Pre entation and discu sion of the study sheet i part of the program of each meeting. This is most helpful from the tandpoint of general information and will be invaluable to the convention del egates. Several members expres ed the wish to include in our program some local social service work. Letha Ga kin and Dorothy Karrman were appointed to investigate philanthropic needs and opportunities for our chapter. You will hear mor~e about this later. MARIE



KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI So many of our Kan as City oToup went on long trips this summer, and in fact they are still going, that soon I think our group will be clas ed among the "idle rich ." El ewhere in this i sue appears a story of Mildred Epperson's trip to the eastern section of Canada, and we have other : Esther Bucher went on into Canada after meeting with lpha igma Alpha he National Council at Chicago. brought back many interesting



torie of her trip into Montreal and Quebec (and incidentally, h brouaht me ome yarn for a weater). Alice Broyle al o journeyed into Canada. he wa alive with ne\\' f her trip when we met for our fir t meeting thi fall. Laura herman and her hu band pent their \'acation in tlinnesota. Karol liphant Greeson wa through Kan a City with :E arol Ann on their way to California for a visit. If you don't think Karol nn can take flyinO' . h lrke a veteran, you hould e her when he pies a plane ready to "take off." Karol i teaching in Webster Grove , Mi ouri again this year. Martha May Marqui should be contributing another article about her ummer's work and vacation combined, ince she spent this summer at Glacier ationa! Park. Mildred Hanthorn sojourned to Dallas and Ft. \ Vorth to see the expo itions in tho e cities. Others who were "on the go" are Wilma Sharp, who attended the National Council meeting in Chicago; Mary Hamlin who pent a week in Chicago as a d legate . to the national meeting for Girl Re erve Advi er ; Ruth Bryant who has gone to University City Missouri to teach; and Phon Johnson who will leave shortly for a vacation in California. For our first meeting in eptember our group was entertained at a tea. J o McMillan, Ruth Grigsby and Phon Johnson were hoste ses. Mildred Burk, Margaret Park and Ethel Phillips plan a steak fry for October at Mildreq' -though Mildred doe threaten "hot dogs intead of steak , maybe!"



Now for news of our new brides: Helen Bradenburg (Eta Eta) married Lyle Carney and has moved to Gallup, New Mexico. Margaret Oldham (Eta Eta) married Pat Rising and is living in hreveport, Louisiana. Louise Smith (Phi Phi) marriend Willard Gillis and is living in Kansas City, Kansas-so she is still with us. MARY HAMLIN.

KENT, OHIO The Kent Alumnce Chapter meets every third Tuesday in each month with a recess ~rom May to September. A business meeting is usually followed by contract bridge. Other activities and work varies. We manage to hold a benefit bridge in the fall and one in the spring and a rummage sale during the year. This year we are anxious to include a dance or a bridge party to which we can invite our husbands and sweethearts. Inasmuch as the Kent Alumnce chapter is located in the same town as Kent University, the college girls and alumn:::e manage to get together at least once or twice a year. Our alums have plenty of Alpha Sig spirit and we feel that although we are not in school with the college chapter we still are interested in school and sorority affairs. This year as in previous year ~ve will be together at Homecommg. t our last meeting in the spring the following officers were elected for the Kent lumnce chapter: France Rohaley, President.

Helen McGuigan, Recording ecretary. Dorothy Bower , Trea urer. VIe are going to mi Laurel Hanely, who leave our group to go to her new home in Marion, Ohio, where she has been teaching the last two years. The chapter honored Laurel with a handkerchief shower before her departure. Mrs. A. S. Robert , patroness, entertained the college chapter and alumn:::e girls la t spring. The party was held in the recreation room of her home with the color scheme in red and white. After a most pleasant evening, a buffet luncheon was served and each guest received a cotty dog as a favor. Our summer social function included a party given by Mrs. Merle Wagoner, patroness and Miss Ada Hyatt, adviser. The two hostesses entertained our entire alumn:::e group at the Wagoner home. Our alumnce entertained the college gids with a picnic at Twin Lakes, this summer. Swimming, boating and games furnished the entertainment for the afternoon. The following weddings took place this summer and early fall: Fidelia Farnum to Norman Risley of Madison. The newlyweds will make their home in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Risley is an assistant professor at Case School of Applied Science. Jean Gorham to Everett Johnson of St. Louis. They were married in St. Thomas, Ontario in eptember. Jean's new home is in St. Louis. Harriet Franklin to Hal Warren. The date was August 17 and

THE PHOE they will make their home in Akron, Ohio. Jane Smith to Ernest Orcutt of Lakewood. Jane wa married 111 Angola, Indiana. The Kent lumnce Chapter extends its sincere ympathy to Mildred and Dorothy Bower in the los of their mother on July 23, 1937. HELEN McGurcAN.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA The last meeting of the Los Angele Alumnce As ociation, a luncheon, was h ld on September 11, at Caldwell's Restaurant, oppo ite the beautiful West Lake Park. After the luncheon a short busine meeting was held in which plans for the next meetings were discussed. A cabinet meeting will be held in Mrs. Katherine Hunsicker's home in October. The following are notes of news picked up at the luncheon. Mrs. Katherine Hunsicker, our pre ident, spent part of the summer having her house redecorated. She also had a wedding reception for her brother and wife. In the remaining time he tried to keep her young and darling daughter out of mischief. Mrs. Mary Lou \i\Tebb visited Grand Canyon for the first time and was really impressed. She al o entertained her Aunt and young cousin from Pennsylvania. With them she saw many parts of California that she had not seen before. A week at the beach and Catalina were among her enjoyments.



Irs. Elizabeth Noble pent mo t of her summer in Lo n ele where she entertained gue t from De Moine and hica o. Nell Grant had a grand ummer entertaining relati from 1is ouri. }1e tried to how them the intere ting place in outhern California. Lois Koontz Jarvi with her husband and daughter pent a few day in Lo ngel enroute to her home in \iVinfield, Kan a . nn Ott, who is a principle of an elementary chool in Phoenix. Arizona, spent a \veek in Lo ngeles with her sister, B cky tt Lindsey. Adela Ander on, who i a principle of an elementary chool in Long Beach, spent her ummer vacation touring the Northwe t Coast, in her new Dodge car. he pent several weeks at Mt. Ranier National Park. Mrs. Marie Berry and her hu band spent the month of July at Puget Sound Jiving "back to nature." The remainder of her ummer was spent in planning a barbecue and garden. Mr . Louise Hinde pent a week at Lake Arrowhead and made two visit to Palo Alto, California. June Howell surpri ed us all by changing her Ia t name to orenson. She i living at 010 outh Hoover St. Her marriage took p lace some time near the first of July. Margaret Cuenod is working in an Pedro at the Y. \ . C. A. A ltha De Camp will be teaching in Santa Monica thi next year. Catherine Fitzgerald ha a very



• interesting position as a social serv- Mary Elizabeth and irgm1a !eyers and Sylvia Glauser. ice worker. MARY WRAY KURTZ. Ethel Tobin is now in Los Angeles, after spending the summer in New York and in the mountains PHILADELPHIA, P A. of Colorado. She will continue to Our 1936-37 Philadelphia Alumteach several classes at Night nee calendar closed with a luncheon , School. at John vVannamaker's store, in DOROTHY LINDEN. May. About twenty of our alumnc:e were present and enjoyed sharing MARYVILLE, MISSOURI anticipated summer plans. The On September 22 our Alumnc:e presidents of both Nu Nu and group joined with the college girls Kappa Kappa active chapters were in the formal rush party. Invita- guests . After luncheon the followtions had been issued for an ASA ing officers were elected for the Plantation Party at the Country coming year : Club. Decorations and entertainPresident : Betty Wilson. ment were carried out along the Vice-President: Jane Thierolf. Plantation Party theme. Secretary: Edith Burton. The Founder's Day Luncheon Treasurer: Kay McCoy. has been planned for Ftiday, OcPHOENIX Correspondent: Jane tober 15th_ to be held at the Blue Large. Moon. Mrs. Ryland Milner is in Program Chairman: Billie Barcharge of reservations. Our other rett. monthly meetings have also been The meeting closed with a few planned for the second Saturday words of farewell by our retiring of each month . president, Helen Henneberg, and Alpha Sigma Alpha wishes hap- greetings from our new one, Betty piness to the following brides : Wilson. Lucile Stewart . Seabaugh, MisWe cordially invite all the Alpha souri; Ann Adams Bates, Mildord, Sigma Alpha girls in our district Iowa; Vada Cliser Linville, Ann to join in our meetings and good Arbor, Michigan; Mildred Hotch- times this year, and sincerely hope kins Maier, Maryville; Mildred that all will help make this a Medsker Lyle, Graham; Louise very successful year for the PhilaSmith (name unknown); Ger- delphia Alumnc:e Chapter. trude Wray Tindall. } ANE R. LARGE. The Maryville alumnc:e will again donate a layette to the Needle . WICHITA, KANSAS Guild and a sist with the buying Hello Everybody! Once again of clothing and supplies needed Greetings from Vlichita Alums! at the nursery school. We wish to express our sym- Hope you are all off to a flying pathy to the following girls whose start and have plans for an inmothers passed away last year: teresting year.

THE PHOE Our September meeting was held in the home of our new President, Frances Putman. Frances, by way of introduction is one of Wichita's best Kindergarten teachers. She also has a sister teaching here and their mother, who has been a teacher in 路w infield, Kansas, has g iven up her chool for this winter and has come to Wichita to make a home for the th ree of them. They are very cozil y established in a duplex, convenient to both girl's chool . We were delighted to have sixteen members out for our very first meeting. Our officers for the year are: Pres ident: Frances P utman. V ice-Presi~nt: Gladys Sitton Carr. Secretary: Marguerite Canfield Edwards. Trea urer: Hertha P lagens Baeni ch. PHOENIX Correspondent: Mary A lice Lance Hamilton. Our meeting was spent in relating our summer experiences, and planning for the coming y ar. Our first enterpri e is a "Benefit Bridge" to be h ld in place of our regular October meeting. We hope to realize enoug h money so that we may continue for the remainder of the year without financial worries. We were happy to recei e Greetings from A lva Oklahoma Alums through our Ann Cleveland who had visited that chapter a short wh ile prior to our meeting. We were also happy, during the summer, to receive invitations



from both Pitt burg, I an a and Hays, Kan a , to attend their "Home Coming" fe tivitie . If any of you are ":Major Bowes" fan , you no doubt h ard about our Fair City tonight over the Radio. Wichita wa the "Honor City." Did you think of u ? ee you later. MARY ALICE LA KC E HA)IlLTO N .

YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN Since our last appearance we have had three meeting -June 5, luncheon at Whitehou e Tearoom in Detroit and afternoon spent with Norma Welch at her apartment; August 14, a tea at the home of Kathryn Wilcox Hubert in Birmingham; September 11, a tea at the home of Doris Billman Gustafson in Detroit. Alum.nre Adviser Has Delightful Trip Miss Estelle Bauch, our Alumnee dviser, spent a mo t delightful summer in Norway, weden, Denmark, and Finland. he has promi ed to tell u about her trip in our January is ue. Change in Teaching Positions Beatrice Keusch i teaching at Battle Creek this year. F lorence Baylor i teaching at Mount Clemen this year. Alumnre and Actives Plan T ea The alumnce and collegian are planning a tea in the formal lounge at Charles McKenny Hall on aturday, October 23, Homecoming



Day at Michigan State Normal College, to honor Katherine Harris, newly elected adviser for college chapter.

Alulllllre Returns to College Campus Mildred Granger Helfrich just could't find enough to do so she is working on her degree this year. How does it seem to sit in the library again?

Weddings Margaret Josephine \i\Telch to D. M. Silkworth, June 28, 1937. Peggy is living in Ann Arbor and starting her fifth year of teaching

home economic in Junior High at Tappan School. Maxine Brown Thompson to Burns Warden, July 3, 1937. Maxine is teaching literature in second grade at the Miller chool in Dearborn. Births Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roberts (Vera M. Pearce), 2517 Erskine Blvd., South Bend, Indiana, announce the arrival of a son, Michael Harold, on June 6.

Contribute to the Phoenix Your Alumnce Editor needs news for future issues. \i\Ton't you girls help me out? BLA




College Chapters ALPHA State Teachers College Farmville, Virginia

Here's a happy hello to all Alpha Sig . It's o very grand to be back together again, and we're starting this term in high spirits and high hopes. With such a slant on altitude there should be a bit of smooth soaring. We miss the eio路ht of us who didn't return, four of whom were seniors, but we expect to keep in close touch with them. Miss Grace Moran, our ponsor, is the most ingenious person at delighting people. Never to be forgotten are the picnic he give . 'vVe had one on the evening of October the twelfth to start the term off right. It could be started in no better way, what with an open fire in a cabin, sizzling hamburgers, and the moon and tar to walk home by while all our Alpha ig songs rose on the crisp October air in a way that made up for the three months we've been apart. Carolyn Up hur, our secretary, who is also vice-president of the Student Body, was chosen to represent the Y. Vv. C. A. in a national conference at tlanta, Georgia thi month. On the day of her departure, he was tapped by 1pha Kappa Gamma, national fraternity for leadership. V hat a send off for Carolyn! We've decided to treat our chapter room, to say nothing of ourselves, to a new radio before rush-

ing, which by the way i ju t around the corner, ince the time has changed to ix w ek after the opening of chool. Excu e, plea e, but I 'm ju t o happy that the . ...... . in me i about to break forth in a jingle : A. ~- A.

In every way Is just the one for 'me; Vve've joy to hare:One wonder where We picked up so much glee!! Best of luck to every Chapter, KATHERINE RoBERTS.

ALPHA ALPHA Miami University Oxford, Ohio

With fall rushing completed, acttvttle of the year for lpha lpha chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha are ready to start. Formal pledging of a group of charming, interesting, and loyal girls was held last week. The service was conducted by candle-light and was very impressive. The pledges were given pretty corsages of chrysanthemums and rose in red and white, the sorority's color. The first meeting of the school year was held last week al o. The pre ident of the chapter, who had attended a meeting of the Panhellenic council, presented ome of the new ideas and suggestion s that had been di cu ed there. The e were consid red by the o-irls, and their view presented in turn.



As yet, no future party has been becau e "roughing it" seemed to planned, since the next few weeks be favorable to all. will be devoted to familiarizing fter two weeks of eternally the new pledges with the standards rushing to rushing parties, we and work of the local and also the were glad, as well as everyone national organizations. else on the campus was, to rest Every member of the chapter is a bit before beginning the year's hoping for a happy and prosperous work. year. May we wish the other chapters the same. ALPHA BETA Within a period of two weeks, State Teachers College our chapter here at Miami UniKirksville, Missouri versity rushed a large number of Thursday evening, September girls. We had a variety of parties, the sixteenth, at six o'clock p. m., all of which we enjoyed, and our Alpha Beta chapter held initiation rushees too. services for a new sponsor and The first party was given at the • four girls at the sorority house home of one of our patronesses, at 207 East Normal Avenue. The Mrs. Harris. Guessing games, girls initiated were: Esther Burcharades, and get-acquainted games nett, Brookville, Missouri; Toby were all part of the entertainment. Rouner, Knox City, Missouri; One of the loveliest affairs dur- Mary Bess Mauroe, Memphis, Mising the next week was a tea, at souri; and Virginia Wayland, the home of Miss Amy Swisher, Waberly, Missouri. The new sponanother of our patronesses. Most sor taking Miss Hook's place is people think that teas are the same, Miss Alma H. Zaller, College rather boring affairs. I assure you Nurse ¡a nd faculty member. We are that this one was not, because all so very happy to welcome Miss such a feeling of good-cheer and Zaller into our group. She posfriendliness prevailed. sesses a quite charm and personAs of any group on a college ality and is very intere ting, for campus, the formal banquet given she served thirteen months as a for the rushees was the largest and nurse in France during the World best part of rushing. Speeches were War. She received her nurses traingiven by the patronesses and the ing at Englewood Hospital at entire group sang Alpha tgma Chicago after which she took gradAlpha songs . uate work in Rochester Minnesota. To end our rushing period, we She was then Director of School gave a covered-truck ride. It had of Nursing at K. S. T. C. until been planned for a hayride, but 1933 when she spent two years as because of rainy weather, our haychool Nurse at Christian College rack changed to a truck with a in Columbia, Missouri. Since then canvas top. This made no dif- she has been Instructor in Health ference to anyone we are certain, Department at K. S. T. C.

THE PHOE After initiation the new members were pre ented with American Beauty Ro es and taken to dinner by the sorority. Monday night, eptember 20, as a means of getting acquainted with prospects for ru hing, Alpha Beta chapter held a house warming in the new house (new after one year's absence from it) at 207 East Normal Av nue, at o'clock. About thirty girls were invited and came. Cards and oth r games were played and many of the girls took part in popping corn. Apples, candy, and pop corn were served. The girls gathered around the piano and sang ongs and held little conversational huddle until about ten thirty. We thought the little party quite succe sful. Rush Plans The Panhellenic Council of Kirksville State Teachers' College Sororities met and decided that rush season should open the first week in November for all the sororities and hould be a season of unrestricted ru hing for two weeks. An agreement ha been made that no sororitie shall rush before that time, either personally or as a group. We feel this will be a big help to all the girlseconomy 111 time, energy and money. Marriages Mi s Dorothy Jane Meyers of Brunswick, Missouri was married on June 14, 1937 to Mr. Freeman Smith. They ar li ing in Kirk vi lle, Mi souri. Miss Geraldine Bandurant of Kirksville, Missouri, was married



on May 29, 1937 to fr. Ray Bartlett. They are making their home in Burlington, \ ermont. Nadine Bandurant of Mi Kirk ville, Mi ouri, wa married on July 11 1937 to Mr. George Wil on and i living in Evan ton, Illinoi . Mis Dorothy Jane Hilt of Kanas City, Mi ouri, was married on June 7, 1937 to Frank Hannah. They are living in Kan as City, Mi oun. ALPHA GAMMA State Teachers College Indiana, Pennsylvania

Since last May, lpha Gamma chapter ha had only one big affair; that being a dance pon ored by our Pittsburg lumnce, at the Penn-Lincoln Hotel in Wilken btirg, May 28th. I wa not there but I heard very favorable comments about it. We have not had any social gatherings thi emester but are beginning our plans for Founder's Day, which we are observing here Saturday, ovember 6th. We all look forward with much enthu ia m to Founder ' Day becau e many of our alumnre try to come out for it. Thi year it will be a very joyou occa ion for many of the seniors whose last Founder's Day it will be. Don't you think that is a grand time to get together? I do. Our other plan for the year have not been completed a Panhellenic as yet has not decided whether we are to have ru hing this year or next fall. That will m an a change in the routine plan of former year but a soon as



we find out for sure we can make definite plans. We are planning to have our first social meeting one week from this coming Thursday, but our regular ocial meetings are scheduled for the first Thursday of each month. October 23rd is Indiana's Homecoming Day so I hope to see quite a few of our alumnce back. We will probably plan to have a little tea or party for them. In the sorority this year, we plan to edit a bi-monthly paper. I am to be the assistant editor and Ada St. Clair, last year's PHOENIX Editor of Alpha Gamma, is to be the editor. I hope it really does rna terial ize. We have had our annual Panhellenic Tea, held Saturday afterno.on, September 18th. We caught ghmpses oi some very nice looking girls and also talked to a few who seemed especially nice. We danced, talked and tea-ed for a couple hours then bid them a cheery goodbye. I hope we will be "bidding" them someday. Mary Jane Altenberg, a former President of Alpha Gamma, is teaching sixth grade on Long Island. . Beatr~ce Altenberg, Mary Jane's Sister, 1s to be married to Joe Renny ometime in October. Dorothy Smith, a graduate of the 1937 class, is teaching Business Education in Allentown, Pa. Marriages \ irginia Rile and Edward Bracken, former students of Indiana ha~e made known their marriag~ wh1ch took place in June, 1936. Katherine Frances Meiser was

ma.rried to Rev. John Edward Barclay, eptember 1, 1937. They are living in Martinsville, N. J. Births Thomas Frederick Tomb was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Tomb (Frances Cruise) A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs . Frank Kirby (Helen eigh) Unusual Entertainment Perhaps many persons know the game of "Ads" where a person trys to guess the name of the picture Ad from the magazine. vVe have worked up a new one for Founder's Day, and named it "Slogans." The object is to cut out or hectograph the various slogans such as "Ninety-nine and 100 per cent pure," and have the persons guess which picture Ad it fits, or fit both the picture and the cut out slogan together. When used just as slogans, it is best to use hectographed copies of the slogans apd write which Ads they represent. Of course it may be done orally and it provides an excellent bit of entertainment for the lapse between courses at a dinner party. When used as slogans and pictures fitted together, one may use one picture and one slogan of each Ad and let two or three persons work together. HELEN MELLOTT.

BETA BETA Colorado S tate College of Education Greeley, Colorado

This year Panhellenic has postponed formal Rush Week for fre hmen until winter quarter. We have tentative plans for a

THE PHOENIX dinner-dance at the tud nt Club Hou e, a t a, and an informal afternoon party at the Chapter Hou e. We are very happy to have two A lpha ig on the Greeley campu this y ar, who are tran fer tudents from other college . Vesta Wood, Eps il on Epsilon Chapter, Emporia, Kan a and Louise Fleer, A lpha Beta hapter, Kirk ville, Mi ouri. October 7, we member of Beta Beta Chapter had a dinner at the lovely mountain home of our adviser, Mrs. George Dauth. One of our m mbers, E lizabeth E ldridge, sai led from San Francisco, October 14, for the Philippine I sland where he will be married. We are planning an exceptional program for our alums on Homecoming, and we hope to entice them all back. 路 We hope to do great th ings this year out here in the Golden West and to build up an even better Beta Beta Chapter. FLORENCE THOMPSON .

GAMMA GAMMA State Teachers College Alva, Oklahoma

The fall rush season i over for Gamma Gamma Chapter and we are very proud to report we. have eight new g irl s, bringing our number up to twenty three. The new pledges are Pauline Haworth, Katherine Quinton, Marjorie Butler, E l ie Converse, Leota Leeper, Catherine Weibner, Loui e Harzman and E l anor Molz. They a re already truggling with the


Greek alphabet. In order to keep th m from thinking we are too terrible each activ girl ha taken a new pledge a her "little i ter." V e are planning to tart ru hincr a new group of girl oon and hop to have orne more to report by the time we write the next letter. Informal Rush Parties Our first informal ru sh party wa held in the home of our ponsor, Vera Leeper. The theme of the party was in keeping with the autumn sea on. The invitation were bunche of grape made by the g irl . The room v. a decorated with baskets of autumn leaves and flowers. Table games and group singing featured the evening entertainment. Sachet bag , in the form of a bunch of grapes formed the centerpi eces for the tab les and were g iven a favor . Our second informal was a Mexican tea given in the home of one of our alumnce, Mr . E ie Nail. Mexican dolls formed the centerpiece for the tea table. The girls were given Mexican hat as favors. Mrs. Nail gave an interesting talk on her recent trip to Mexico. Alpha Sigma Alpha Court Party For our formal this year we decided on a court party, which was g i en at the Bell Hotel. \iVhen the guests had all arrived the Court Herald announced that dinner was served in the dinincr room. The table was very attractive with it red and white color cheme. Dolls dressed up in red and white and representing the queen of A.



S. A. were given as favors. Following the dinner there was a short intermission while the court room was prepared. When the guests entered they sat before the spirit of King Asa, Edna Donley and Queen, Wilma Greer. The guests were presented to the Queen in a heart game. A play "The Kings Breakfast" was presented, after which various games and dancing wa enjoyed the rest of the evening. The Court Seer, Everette Marie Fulmer and the Court Jester added much to the entertainment during the entire evening. At the close of the evening the guests were presented with a red rose. Pledge Luncheon Bids were given out Monday of the fourth week of school. Gamma Gamma g irls held a buffet luncheon in honor of their new pledges. The ribbon pledge service was read by Miss Shockley. Red and White was carried out as the color scheme. New Patroness Gamma Gamma girls certainly considered themselves very lucky when Mrs. H. B. Ames became their new patroness, last May. Mrs. Ames invited us down to her home for a lovely three course dinner. After the dinner she was given the patroness degree. She is the mother of Mrs. Charles 路wood, an active Gamma Gamma alumme member. Spring Party hortly before school wa out last pring, Miss Wilma Greer

entertained the orority m her home. Bridge and Rook featured the evenings entertainment. The orority color , red and white were carried out. \Vilma, a sisted by her mother, served; also carrying out the sorority colors. Miss Louise Ewalt, whose marriage to Francis Buchanan took place in June, was pre en ted with a gift by the sorority. Prizes were awarded to Ruth Riecker and Ethel Green. Picnic for Seniors In honor of our seniors, Katherine Lowther and Margery Mote and Louise Ewalt who was leaving the active chapter, Gamma Gamma chapter entertained with a picnic supper at the home of their new patroness, Mrs. Ames. The picnic was served on th.e lawn. The centerpiece was a doll dressed up in a cap and gown. The seniors were presented with a graduation gift from 路 the sorority. Katherine is teaching at Lahoma and Margery is teaching at Mooreland. Louise is now Mrs. F. H. Buchanan and is living in Oklahoma City. We are looking forward to seeing the e girls at our Founder's Day banquet. EPSILON EPSILON Sta te T ea cher s College E mporia, Kansas

On a sweltering hot day in July the Alpha igma lpha hou e of Emporia was een to be in a tate of unusual activity. Cars drove up in front and topped and girl ran out to greet their occupants; girls

THE PHOE rushed hither and yon trying to find flowers for the luncheon, a place to spend the night. It was Reunion. Each year the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter has its Reunion of the active chapter and the alumnce chapter. This year ninety attended. V/e had a luncheon at the Emporia Country Club, and open house in the afternoon. We had planned to have a dance that evening, but due to the death of Margaret Mary Woodmansee's father, the dance was not held. School op~ned with a rush this year, for the first week of school was rush week. Twenty-nine actives returned and from the many rushees we chose seventeen pledges. Every evening, from Tuesday until the "hearts win" dinner Friday evening, a rush party was held at the chapter house during the first week of school. Wednesday evening we had a rush party from 7 :30 until 10 :00 then most of the girls went to fraternity rush dances until 12 :00. At 1 :00 the active chapter met for a meeting which lasted until 3.00. The girls that had 8:00 o'clocks the next morning were rather groggy for ome reason or other. Our pledge services were held in a different manner this year. On Sunday morning after rush week and after receiving from the Dean of \N"omen's office those girls who had accepted our bids, the active chapter drove all over the town seranading and picking up the new pledge to be. It was very touching and everyone liked it much better than the method of having the pledges just coming to



the hou e. \\ e had our pledge ervice and then went in a body to church after which we had a dinner at the hou e. Early Ia t pring our chapter started having a buffet upper for all actives and pledge the fir t Thur day night of each month, just before our weekly meeting. We had our first one last week. It really gives everyone a chance to meet and know the new pledge and the girls who do not live at the house to become better acquainted. Epsilon Ep ilon i looking forward to a very busy and happy year, and wi hes the same to each and every other chapter. ]ANE FINDLY .

ZETA ZETA State Teachers College Warrensburg, Missom:i

Greetings to our Alpha Sig s1 ters everywhere! Rush season has just closed on our campus and up to this time we have been a very busy bunch of girls. We had many nice rush parties for an appreciative group of rushees. Among the scheduled parties were a informal picnic, a Southern luncheon and our _ nnual Progressive Dinner. On September twenty-,second we initiated Dorothy Jane Wilcoxen of Odessa, and Mary Dean Killion of Sweet Springs. The following week we held pledge services for Ruth Barr of Butler, Mis ouri, and Millie Hopkins of Hickman Mills, Missouri. All are lovely girls and we are happy they made _ lpha



igma their choice. Our chapter house is full this year and we are very enthu iastic with the anticipation of a banner year. On eptember 30 we enjoyed a pow-wow . at Shepards Park. gala time was had by all roasting weiners, toasting marshmellows and chatting and giggling (mostly giggling). Later we went to Riggles for the traditional Campus jellying. Homecoming October 30, is to be a big day in the history of Central Missouri State Teachers College. Our new president, Mr. G. W. Diemer is to be inaugurated on that date and we are to have a tea and open house in the afternoon and an alumnce banquet that night. Governor Stark is to be present. After the footh.all game an all school dance is to be held in the gym.

Panhellenic President Our chapter president, Charlotte Reidenbach, is this year president of the Panhellenic organization on our campus. Other chapter officers are: VicePresident, Gene Smith; Treasurer, Anna Margaret McDonald; Collegiate Representative, Mary J ordan; Secretary, Jewel Banks; Registar, Mary Dean Killion; Chaplain, Geraldine J olms; and Editor, Ruth Bueker. New Honorary Patronesses Mrs. George W . Diener and Mrs. Ralph Bedell wives of our new president and dean, respectively, have recently accepted our invitations to become honorary patronesses.

Meets Clark Gable Glacier National Park wa la t ummer filled .with thrill for our president, Charlotte Reidenbach, who spent the ummer there. Not only did she have a great time riding, hiking, and viewing the scenery-but she met the feminine idol of screen stars-Clark Gable. She reports him as being just as handsome as his pictures (but that his ears are "really" big) and that his personality is absolutely magnetic. We Zeta Zeta girls have been "oh-ing" and "oh-ing," ever since her return at the snapshots of him, every day she thinks of another bit of the conversation she had with him. These, of the things she has to.d, I recall : he was driving a Packard-12 sport model car, he wore a gray gabardine sport suit and English shoes with square toes, he had a moustache, his eyes were large and danced when he spoke, he had dimples, he spent two weeks in the Park, and he talked with Carole Lombard over long distance frequently! ! Well it isn't every day an Alpha Sig meets Clark Gable. RUTH BuEKER,


Marriages Miss Mac Coleman, '35, was married in August to Mr. Ru ell Knowles of Appleton City, Misouri, where they are now making their home. Miss Maxine Scotten, '36, was married to Mr. Denzil Miller on Saturday ugust 21, 1937 at Kansas City, Missouri. They are at home at 3130 Euclid, Apartment 100, Kansas City, Missouri.


ETA ETA State Teachers College Pittsburg, Kansas

Dear National Editor: Eta Eta cha1 ter intends to have a very succe sful year at K. . T. C. Indeed, we intend to emulate la t year's succe e . Intramural sports have begun again (we won the cup la t year) , a school election in which w placed most of our candidate is ju t over, and we are now entered in a yearbook queen conte t. Virginia Martin of Joplin, Mo., i our candidate, and we hope to win for her a trip to New York at New Year's. Last Tuesday we held open house for other sororities ana fraternities, for we are very proud of the rooms which the girls decorated themselves. neon s1gn bearing the letters " SA" di tinguishes our hou e from all others on the campus. "Fairyland" was the theme of our formal rush week, and our only trouble in planning was to confine our elves to fewer ideas. At our formal tea, named "Enchanted Princesses" our younger patronesses pre ented a style show of college fa hion . The affair was held at the home of Mrs. C. F. Spencer, where rushee dropped their wishes into a marble fountain in the sunroom. "East of the Sun and vVe t of the Moon" wa the theme of the <iesert bridge given by the alumnce chapter for the twenty-three members and most of the seventeen girls who later pledged to our chapter. Our formal dinner was "Cin-


derella Ball,' held at on of th e hotel . The room wa decorated in blue and il er ' ith larae pi ture of l\1oth r Goo e chara ter on the wall . Iaudean lift of \Vinfield planned th d coration , and indeed made the room a fairy wonderland with ilver lea' e and lighted ballons. The climax of the dinner was the pageant of Cind rella' Iipper. At a command brought by an entourage from Cinderella' court each rushee tried on a ilver Iipper of a very mall ize. The hoe fit Jo Dicken on of Joplin, so she was given a pair of ilver dance slippers. Gifts for the rushees were moire taffeta cosmetic bag equipped with jar and bottles, and place cards et in were tiny perfume bottle a small glass slipper. With informal parties, bridge , a tea for parents, and a hou e party we concluded a very succe sful rush week. MARY ALICE MONTGOMERY.

THETA THETA Boston University Boston, Massachusetts

Once again we are back at Bo ton University to join our classmates and sisters, with expectations of another grand Alpha igma year. Graduation Ia t June and ugust has taken many of our sisters away from us and those of us who are back are dignified senior and graduate tudent proudly wearing the A...,A badge. tarted on eptember Cia se twenty-third and we already have our eyes on some lovely girls



whom we shall entertain the third week in October. Last year the School of Education moved into the new Soden Building, and this year finds us still in our "new home." This year we "Alpha Sigs" have taken over the privilege of keeping our beautiful lounge in order. We will provide flowers or plants for it each month, and it is up to us to keep it in order for the many students and visitors who make use of it. We were sorry to hear of the resignation of our sponsor, Mrs. Ruth N . Fletcher, from her position as Registrar at Boston University. We are still thinking of her and are in hopes that we will see her at some of our special parties. The offi_sers of Theta Theta chapter held an informal get-together this week to make tentative plans for our Alpha Sigma Alpha year. We have many surprises and grand times in store for the year, and we shall tell all the other chapters about them when we have more definite plans. DoRrs L. CoRBETT.

KAPPA KAPPA Temple University Philadelphia , Pennsylvania

To take up Kappa Kappa's activities where last May's PHOENIX left off, the proper thing to do is introduce to our fellow chapters our new sisters, whom we lured into the sorority la t pring. These worthies are: Maxine Carroll, Jean Mitchell, Betty Gardner, Dorothea Dodd, Anna Karns, Irma Fred-

ricks, Betty v\ oodman, Marie Baurle, Merrie! Nissley, and Helen Ritter. Jamie Lee Henry, who hail from way down in Florida, joined us in summer ru bing and i now permanently installed in the hou e. Last spring rounded up with a whirl of activities that left us dizzy (we still show the effects) . 'vVe had our spring dance at the Pitman Country Club with Benny Goodman, Hal Kemp, and Guy Lombardo playing (on their recordings, heh, heh). Then we had a dinner for our housemother, Irs. Clarke, which all the girls who have ever lived in the house attended. Mrs . Clarke has had to take leave of absence because of il !health, and we all miss her sorely this year. Her picture, done in pastels by Kaye Blood, hangs over the mantel in our living room. However, as badly as we feel over her absence, we are highly pleased to have as our housemother; Mrs. Robert Messinger, the mother of one of our alums. We're getting along famously. We gave our fall tea in her honor, and oodles of people came. All fifteen of our last year's graduates have. jobs-some record for this year's class to shoot at. As their going-away present, the eniors gave us some lovely card tables. The most important things in the air this fall are rushing and our game room. You know all about the first, and there's a separate article on the second somewhere in this issue. The Alpha Sigs are still "tops"

THE PHOE Temple acttv1ttes this year (brag, brag). bout the only thing we aren't on the football team and we just can't eem to work that. Alice Carl and Loi nderson are on the tudent Commi sion, of which Lois is the financial director. Lois i also ed itor of the Templar, the school yearbook, and Alice is V. P. of the Student Christian Association, treasurer of Magnet Honorary Society, ecretary of Astron Honorary, and is now talent scout for "Temple's Varsity Show on the Pontiac hour, besides being our prexy. Ginn Lee Straw is pre ident of Magnet, and Margaretta Schenbecker was ditor of the Temple Handbook. And I could go on like this for hours (?) but we musn't puff ourselves up too far. Nothing more till next i sue. 111


MU MU State Normal College Ypsilanti, Michigan

The Mu Mu Chapter ha chosen Mi Katherine Harris of Pontiac for it new advi er, upon the resigning of Mr . Paul Samson (Elsie Musolf). Mi s Harris is a newcomer to our campus, and is department head of the Reference Room of the College Library. he assar College, is a graduat , of and also is working towards a Master's Degree at the Univer ity of Michigan. Mi s Harri was initiated into our sorority, June 11 , 1937. After the singing of our sorority songs, we all took part in refreshments



at the fountain m our mon Building. ).1e dame Blanche Kre , ).Iildred Helfrich alumnce ) , and El i amson were our gue t . a 1 artina ign in June, we gave a dinner for our out- oinoadvi er at the nion. A gift wa given Mr . am oi1 for all her faithful acts to Mu Mu chapter. In June, we held in tallation of officers in our Formal Lounge of the Union. Our officers are: President: Leontine Rylko. Vice-Pre ident: Mary Margaret Schroer. Secretary: Isabelle olay. Treasurer: Lois Reilly. Chaplain: Dorothy Beach. Rerristrar: Lyla Stenzel. Extension: Freida Maulbetch. Ed itor: V ivian Go" dy. Rush Captain: Ferne Brown. Mildred ergeant - at - a rms: Bingham. Ruth News for local paper 路w ardle. Pan Hellenic representatives are: Elsie Novy, Ruth V/ardle, and Dorothy Beach. fter install ation we then initiated two new pledges, Mi ldred Bingham, and E l ie ovy. These make our sorority fourteen in number. We are gaining slowly but surely. s a fare\\"ell party for our only enior, Catherine Deming, we all went to ee oel Coward's 'Tonight at :30, ' in Ann rbor. \ e will never forget this evening' entertainment. \ t hen upon arriving at Lydia Mendel ohn Theatre, we found that our tickets had been sold to some one else.



Mr. Henderson, director of the plays, came and talked to us, when he found out that we were from Ypsilanti, he immediately gave us $1.50 seats for 75 cents, and had the curtain held until we could find our places. We felt very important, as well as thrilled at seeing the plays. While in summer school (many of us were back) , Miss Harris gave, in honor of Catherine Deming, a theatre party and later took us to her apartment for refreshments. Again, we Alpha Sigs had a most wonderful time. In order that each of us might know what the other was doing for her vacation, we sent around a round robin. It certainly was good size before it reached its final destination. We Alpna Sigs in Ypsilanti are happy again, because we now have a house- 209 N. Iormal Street with seven 路 of our girls living We are looking fortogether. ward to many happy times now with a house where we can entertain and have our meetings. Mrs. Van Wegen has had Alpha Sigs before, so we all feel right at home with her. Do come and visit us in our new home. Mr. and Mrs. Sampson entertained the Alpha Sigma Alphas at breakfast in their apartment. The living room was decorated as nearly as possible to represent the out-of-doors. The rain prohibited us from hiking and eating outside. We were served pancakes, sausage, <:offee and fruit. We all ate so

much we could hardly move. Don't you all wish you could have been there? Last spring Panhellenic voted that there would be no ru hing fall term, so we will have to work doubly hard 路w inter and Spring terms. Our rushing captain, Ferne Brown, is making beautiful plans for what will take place Winter term. We are all behind her in making her plans a success. For a little philanthropic work, we plan to either fix a basket for a poor family at Thanksgiving, or dress an underprivileged child at Christmas time. VIVIAN LEE


Why I Pledged A. S. A. A meek and small girl entered Michigan State Normal College last fall to start a new life away from home. This was the first time she had been away from home, so welcomed the aid of her tall and happy campus sister who willingly and patiently took her to all the social events during Freshman Week. This well remembered sister is tall, brown haired, and has a sweet personality which words fail to describe. She is an active member of Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority. This charming sister was the first sorority girl met on the campus. The sister invited her to the first rushing party of the Winter term 路 which took the timid girl farther into the world of fun and frolic and <ieepened her desire to

THE PHOENIX become a orority sister of the group. Many orontie a ked her to parties, but none were as friendly and a delightful to attend as tho e of Alpha igma Alpha. The taffy pull at Mrs. Barr's and the circus at Starkweather are lovely pieces of the pa t which shall never be forgotten. Friends at home aid a larger sorority would be more to the point, but really advised not to J0111 any. Finally the day to ign "yes or "no" in the dean's office came, and she concealed all the words of her intimate friends and wrote "yes." Her de ire fully came true on May 21, 1937. I hope her dream of the friendly girl and the fun found in lpha igma Alpha will be bright and bubble with happiness-forever. ELSIE


Mn 111u Chapter.

NU NU D r exel Institute Philad,e lphia, Pennsylvania

Shades of Last Year Of course. everything had to happen after the Ia t PHOE IX had gone to pres ... and although this year ha already begun with a bang, we really can't neglect all those important event of last May and June. Political: Election at Drexel Tech last pring Term put lpha Sigs to the fore in many prominent offices-f'rinstance, Betty Grigg a President of tudent Government,


with Betty Wing a it capable e retary, eorgie ~Iarlor aptain of the ba ketball team. Flo R iff Pre. ident of the Y. W. girl are out tanding in their affair .

Dramatic : And maybe we didn 't go over in a dramatic way too! Each year lpha Psi Omega, national honorar_ dramatic fraternity, pon or a play conte t at Drexel for asr iring young actor and actre e . \ ell, thi year, after winning honorable mention everal times in the pa t, we came out second, the only orority to place among the fir t three winner . The play wa "The China Pig,' by Evelyn Emig, capably directed by Miss Ruth ifann; and pecial prai e goe to Betty Towner, Helen !bert, and Jean English, members of the cast, who gave fine performances. Scholastic: 'vVe want to e pecially congratulate Dorothy Ritchie, our haplain, for her fine scholastic showing last year. Dot received the Class of 1915 Home Economics ward for having the highe t average in the Home Ec. School, sophomore year. he was also elected to Key and Trianrrle an honorary society which limits itself to twelve member in chool. lso many congrat to Jean Mull er, who graduated in June, 路 for her high chola tic standing and her election to Phi Kappa Phi, national honorary fraternity, a well a Key and Triangle, and Delta igma Gamma, Home Economics honorary ociety. peaking of marks hate to con-



fess that we lost the Panhellenic scholarship cup this la t pring, after having it for two years, but intend to come back there fighting next spring. Elizabeth Hawes, well- known fashion designer, was the guest of Drexel Institute on its annual Home Economics day, late last April. She talked to Home Economics girls and their friends about the relation of the Home Ec. course to fashion designing. Miss Hawes, who has been extraordinarily successful in the fashion field, gave an interesting talk. Later, the girls had an opportunity to meet and talk with her at tea. Our own Kitty Shaver, one of the dearest departed grads, was presented with the J. Peterson Ryder Award last June in Recognition of her leadership in extra-curricular activities. -Kitty was President of Student Government her semor year.

Romantic : Elinor Emery, one of our 1936 graduates, was married in June to Ralph Lantz, a former Drexelite. We wish her all the happiness in the world. Eleanor Coffman, last year our secretary, announced her engagement in Spring term to Russ Cramer. Aw, gee-ain't love wonderful? Who's next? Personal: Romayne Gregory \ illiams, a past president of our chapter, who has been dietitian in charge of the cafeteria, the men' grill, and the faculty club here at Drexel, has retired from this po ition . he will be greatly missed by all the girls who had an opportunity to work

with her, as she brought to her work a sincere friendline which atalie Edmade her well liked. wards, a former Nu u, is now a faculty member at dear old D. I. T. Best of success to you, Natalie.

Social: Jean Mueller was chairman of the annual Mothers' Day Tea, which we held at the Drexel Lodge. Both mothers and fathers of the girls attended, and all the mothers received lovely corsages. Miss Jean Richmond, our adviser, was a center of attraction with her Scottie dog, "Sanely." Many took advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the lovely grounds around the Lodge . . N u N u held its formal farewell banquet for the seniors, May 20, at Strath-Haven Inn, Swarthmore. Mary Lentz, retiring president, was given a gavel guard for her sorority pin in recognition of her fine service to Alpha Sig and all the senior girls received braclets with the Alpha -Sig. seal. Helen Henneberg, one of our alumnc.e, presented to Sally Pennell the Philadelphia Alumnc.e chapter award for the most outstanding service to the sorority; and to Jean Mueller went the scholarship award from the Pittsburgh Alumn<.e chapter. Frannie Saylor, a former president of u u, was an honor guest at the dinner. She presented the Frances aylor cup for the most work done for the sorority during the year, to Florence Reiff. Georgetta Marlar was chairman of the committee for the dinner, and Hope Morrison was toastmistress. It is uusually the custom to call on each of the seniors for a little farewell peech ; this

THE PHOE year, however, they completely turned the tables on us. When the signal was given, they assembled in a line at one end of the banquet hall, and one after the other recited in verse, with motion , the history of their stay at Drexel Tech. Fortunately, there were no severe cases of stage fright, and the frequent giggles which accompanied their recitations were contagious. It was a very hilarious spot in a happy evening. The farewell dance, under the leadership of Eleanor Coffman, was held early in June. Parents were invited to this al o. and it proved to be a very enjoyable affair. One of the happiest events of the entire school year for lpha Sigs was our week-end at Cape May Point, New J ersey. About thirty of the girls went clown one Saturday afternoon in May, accompanied by Miss Marjorie Sims, of Drexels faculty. Saturday night, a mock shower was given in honor of Eleanor Coffman-and the girls are laughing yet because she carried some of her own gifts around town and to the theatre that evening without knowing what they were-she was just trying to be helpful. The week-end was held at two summe1路 cottages of Sally Pennell's family, who were very kind to take in such a bunch of hoodlums. There are vile rumors about that some of the girls made merry far, far into the night. unday the group was joined by another carload, and a pleasant clay wa spent on the beach. The ocean was very cold, and only a few hardy souls ventured in swimming, but all enjoyed the hot sun on the sand . Joyce Saulsbury acquired an



extra pecial unburn, and Lydia Lodge and Ginny Dound wer flaming for two week aft rward. unday afternoon a\ the irl on a long ride back to Philadelphia, all thankful to Flo Reiff and her committee which helped to make the affair such a succe

And in Concl11sion: h, how we're going to mi . Mary Letnz' bas giggle, Kitty haver's outhern drawl, Mid Laudenslager's jollity, Mary Ra mu n smartne s, Libby chwalm' friendliness, Eleanor Coffman' mile, Mary Everett' sweet manner, ally John on's dependability, lma Jourdans friendly intere t, Jean 1ueller's versatility, ally Pennell's helpfulne s, Phoebe Maxfield' efficiency, Pat Patterson's dignity, and Clare \iVarren's cheerfulness. What a lice graduation ha taken out of our chapter! However, we who remain are planning and working so that Nu Ju is going to be even more outstanding this year than it was in the past. MARIAN MARSH.

XI XI U niversity of California L os Angeles, California

Our fall rush sea on is now under way. It opened with an afternoon solarium party, at which the guest were entertained with Bridge and Monopoly, and th e decoration and favors were in the autumn motif. The next event wa a formal tea which wa very succe fu l. Of cou r e, one of u forgot the tablecloth, and another re ted her coat sleeve in the whipped cream decoration on one of



the cakes. But then, such things will happen in the best of sororities. Our next affair will be an informal dinner. Since it will be given just the day before our big football game with Stanford University, that will be the theme. The favors are little cardboard footballs pasted on nutcups, and the center piece 路includes an eightinch crepe paper doll of "Betty Coed," and one of her football hero in act ion. A miniature golf party will entertain our rushees a few days later, and that evening will end with a "Malted Milk Menu" at a nearby ice cream shop. Our last event is traditionally a formal dinner, at which each rushee is presented with a corsage. This will be given jn the dining room of a large hotel in the heart of Hollywood. Our chapter is small, since several girls have left due to illness, change of residence and graduation. So we hope to pledge several girls this season. This summer Xi Xi was delighted to learn that Mary Margaret Schroer, a sorority sister from Mu Mu chapter, was visiting in Los Angeles. Several of the girls were vacationing and some '..Vere working at that time. But the re t of us enjoyed meeting her and hearing about her chapter at a luncheon held at Musso's Restaurant, on ilshire Boulevard. \t\ e hope she had a grand time here, and that not only she, but other will let u know when they plan to vi it our "City of the no-els" in the future.

OMICRON OMICRON K ent S tate University Kent, Ohio

\i\ e have really started out this year in a grand way. \tVanda Griffeths was given the lead in the homecoming play. Pricilla Grieme is P resident of Women's League. Gean Ulmer, our president, is running for home coming with excellent possibilities of being elected. Hanadean Koerpel is State President of the Home Economics club and Jean Davis and Jean Gettrust are President and Vice-president of the local Home Economics club. Many of the girls are working on the newspaper and annual. There are fourteen sorority girls living at the House. Although we lost thirty girls through graduation and transfers and such we are starting out the year with twenty actives and seven pledges. We have taken approximately forty rushees to each of the home football games. On specified nights each week we hold a sort of open house for rushees. Each active is required to bring two or more girls. Paint brushes have been flying around the hou e this year. All the girls have attempted a different color scheme. It is quite funny to see some of the girls painting. They devise such unusual methods. Two of them have used the in tallment plan. They move all the furniture from a spot, paint it then wait till it drys and repeat the procedure in another place. We are hoping they will finish before House-\i\ arming. Another couple

THE PHOE have painted everything in a beautiful shade of light blue. That paint was very stubborn, it didn't dry for a week. Our room is a warm shade of maroon ... woodwork . .. and base-boards. This was rather violent so we toned it down with white doors, furniture and window-sills. The color scheme still sound rather loud to most people but after they see it, they do admit they like it. The sorority House under the capable managership of Hanadean Koerpel is bigger and better than ever this year. She has, by careful budgeting, managed to buy a much needed icebox, stove and dining room set. Mrs. Ida Morgan, housemother is a motherly sort of person who to use a rather trite saying "sets a grand table." Individual girls have used originality in arranging and decorating their rooms. Each is different but yet has that very "in the swish look." Displaying a sort of "White " t h e h ouse " . House" persona1tty has a red room, a yellow room, a green room and even a blue room.

May Day Among the costumed sororities and fraternities was a wild looking bunch of black cannibals honoring in pagan fashion a blond white Goddess . Tom-Toms beat out a jungle rhythm. Torches flared high. Painted shi ld in wild colors lifted and fell in steady rhythm as crreen grass skirts and topkno~ rustled in the light wind. Greek letters on native shields disclosed their identity. This wild



looking crew wa 0. 0. chapter of lpha 1gma lpha. Gra skirts anklet and wri tband over black tocking and black cambric suits plu a stocking covering the face made up the co tumes. White line and red mouth were painted on and a green topknot finished off the di gui e. To form a contra t to the dark kinned paraders Jean Ulmer, our pre ident, donned long white flowing robes topped by a sparkling crown. May Day wa the last big event in the school year last spring. Gene Gettrust, a tall stately blond made a very regal May Queen as he accepted the scepter and blue velvet robe. Gene, who models professionally for one of the larger Akron stores, was cho en by a committee of six artists from among a group of seven girls nominated by the sororities. May Day festivities started in the Afternoon with a May Pole dance. The coronation started in the early evening with the queen being crowned by the President of Student Council. A lantern costume parade followed, with Gene Gettrust leading the procession in a cream-colored phaeaton. The University band augmented the colorfully costumed fraternity and sorority groups in the fairy like lantern parade through town.

Rushing Rushing this year is progres ing by leaps and bounds. In former years it has been exceptionally hard to keep track of



all the girls rushed. Some were always overlooked. This year we devised a cardcatalog system whereby all sorority members were responsible for two or more cards in the file describing the rushee as to grades, personality, family etc. This system has worked out marvelously. If a name is brought up we have all the necessary information concerning the girl. If the rushee is not known by all the girls she can be easily located. MARGE MeN AB.

PI PI State Teachers College Buffalo, New York

It's a pretty big order to relate all the doings of our chapter since last April, but here goes anyway. In the early part of May we enjoyed a Panhellenic Dinner. Each sorority contributed their little bit towards the entertainment. We had three of our "songbirds" warble "Alpha Sigma Sweetheart," which we enjoyed as much as the dinner-well almost as much, anyway. A few days later we gave a Mother's Day Tea. Lou Fenton, chairman, made such a success of it, that our mothers are still talking about it. In her last letter Mary Zerby mentioned that we were having a raffle for a five dollar prize. She didn't mention how it turned out. Well, it was this way, Lois Jane Terry was chairman. One pep talk from her and we descended like a warm of bees over the unsuspecting student body to sell

chances. After practically guaranteeing our victims the pnze. imagine our embarres ment when no other than Lois Jane's si ter won the prize, tsk, tsk. fter a few hectic days of explaining that everything was on the "up and up" and that we had no control over the "Wheel of Fortune" and that we were so sorry that everyone couldn't win etc, etc, we could at last walk around again with our heads up. And that isn't all Lady Luck is snickering about. On our long awaited houseparty the weather was so nice-so nice and cold and rainy. But don't think we're complaining. Never let it be said that an Alpha Sig creeps into a corner and pouts about such a small matter as cold and rain. We all trotted down to the beach bundled up to the eyeorows, practically, and built a fire. Then we played a game with the sun. When it poked it's face out from behind the clouds, we shed, and when it went behind the clouds again, on went our bathrobes, blankets etc, and on went more wood on the fire. A few of "us problem children" managed to get a whopper of a sunburn, although to this day I don't know how. All I know is that I had to hobble around for the next two days with wads of vinegar oaked cotton tied to the backs of my knee . Some of the members are still trying to find out who hung the dummy in the doorway and put the pots and pans behind the door to greet them home in the wee hours of "date" night.

THE PHOENIX Under the able upervi ion of Marian Thoma and Betty Bernhard, our tummies were k pt happy. A little bundle of joy called 1ary nn bate wa presented to Mr. and Mr . bate recently. The proud mama was our acting advi er in the abs nee of Mrs . Heyman last year. \Ve're all anxious to ee the little darling. Well, le t I want a book binding job on my hand , I'd better clo e. MARGARET



Honor Winner "The girl of the enior class who has been selected by the class and by a committee of faculty . and students to be the most outstanding in scholarship, leadership <~;nd character during her four years at coil ge activity ..... " This is our own Betty Murray, class of '37 and president of Pi Pi chapter 1936-37. The award is presented annuall y by Delta igma Epsilon Sorority. DoRIS



County Fair Rush Our fall rush party this year wa a county fair. With Fran Cummins as chairman it wa a wonderful success. The invitations were burnt wood igns announcing the fair, and included paper money for adm i sion. The girl were divided into group , and given money to play the various concessions. vVe set up our concesion in the cellar and the first floor. Each booth had a burnt wood sio路n advertising their. o-ame, 0 and carrying through the 1dea of


th e invitation a nd balloon w re the tand . The conce ion coni ted of bingo peep how , rin to , fortune telling, penn pitch, and lucky number. fter the girl had had a chance to play eve rything, they were as embled aga in to count their money. Th three girl with the mo t money left . . w re g1ven pnzes. Before refre hment were erved we had a kit, and a freak how. Of course the kit had a beautiful heroine, a handsome hero, and a wicked villian. We had the greate t freaks that the world ha ever s en, leopard lady, iame e twin , bearded lady, fat lady, Hawaiian dancer and a Hindu contortionest. Like the refre hment at a fair, we had hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, pickles, and Coca Cola. The informality of the party made it ea y to enter into the pirit of the fair, and both member and rushee o-rew 1 etter acquainted. MARY


SIGMA SIGMA W estern State College Gunnison, Colo.

o much has happened to Sigma igma chapter and our girl this summer. It seem that old man Cupid ju t won't tay away. On ept. 2, one of our sweetest actives, Patricia Thoma wa married here to one of \i e tern' graduates of '37 , teve Frazee. I attended th e wedding, the fir t I felt I was really a part of. It was lovely. Pat and Steve are now living in



La Junta where he ts teaching in the high school. Then just two weeks ago, one of our pledges of last year, Darleen Welch, was married. Western State was full of Alpha Sigs this summer, and they tell me they all had a perfectly elegant time at a cabin party in July. I wish I could have been there, but I was spending the summer working in a resort town near here. We Alpha Sigs of Sigma Sigma chapter are a small group this year, but we hope to add to our numbers when pledging comes 'round in four more weeks. "We Are Seven," but I hope our seven won't be ghosts of the seven in Wordsworth's famous poem. We are all actives and it helps so much, I think. Rush rules were changed again this year, and each sorority was allowed an informal party the first week of school. We drew the first date, the Monday night of registration. I hope and do believe that our twenty-five rushees had a grand time at our "Pajama party" at the home of our perfect patroness, Mrs. Arthur Miller. The alums arranged the party and it was swell-two hours spent in getting acquainted, playing games and singing. We're lucky, you know. Our prexy, Harriette McAllister, can "sho pound that ivory." Our next affair is an open house Wednesday night, Oct. 13. All girls who plan to pledge are invited to be with us for an hour. I hope they will enjoy the program we have planned for them.

vVe want so much for them to like us. They're a mighty sweet bunch. Then Homecoming and our annual open house that this year we plan to have not only for alums but for everyone. Vve're an unusually enthusiastic student body this year. After over five years of comparative poor showings, our football team has hit a winning streak. Our formal rush party will be Nov. 13. It isn't Friday this year, but it is a good thing none of us are superstitious about that number. We have two new actives in our ranks, Phyllis Coles and Goldie Beauregard who became actives last Wednesday night at a lovely candlelight service. Oh, yes, I don't believe Ada Jane's (she's Mrs. Melien now) last letter included our last active initiation last spring. Just three days before school was out, Joan Adams and Amy Davis were made active. Oh, so very much has路 happened to us and to all of you Alpha Sigs. I could almost write a book, but I won't. I hope you will all have successful years, and pledge the best girls possible. MARY KAY YoKLAVICH.

TAU TAU Fort Hays Kansas State College Hays, Kansas

Rush Party On September 16 Tau Tau chapter had twenty-one rushees, Adviser Mary Mae Paul, Dean Elizabeth Agnew and several members of the Alumnc:e Chapter as its

THE PHOENIX guests at the annual Formal Progre sive Dinner. The Cocktails were served at the home of a patroness, from there we went to the Lamer Hotel for dinner, then to another patroness' home for des ert. Tau Tau Picnic Members of Tau Tau chapter held a picnic at the Fort Hays Historical Park October the first. The picnic was for the purpose of actives and pledges getting better acquainted. It was a rainy day but that did not spoil the fun. After the lunch we all sat around the fire and sang Alpha songs in the rain.

101 Pledging

\i e pledged eleYen girl at the fir t of the year. They are: Helen Markwell B tty Lee v\ aller tedt, Geraldine Chittenden, Jane I aacks, Floy Richard , Lo Ree Hall, Billie Wer hing Enid Baldwin, Ruth Angel, Dori wan on and Loui e Kirk. Pl dging ervice were held at the lovely home of Rita Jacobs. fter the ervice, group pictures were taken on the lawn and porch. Following this was a luncheon erved at the home of Flora Lee Cochran for the new pledges, our sponsor, Mary 'lae Paul, and the actives.



Mexican Party At 8:15 the active members of Tau Tau chapter called for the rushees and escorted them to the home of Mrs. Motz, a patroness, where the party was held. Here they were greeted by other actives and were conducted to a portion of the home which was decorated with Mexican tapestries, rugs and earthware. They were entertained with singing and the playing of various games. A lunch of chili and coffee was served by three girls dressed in Mexican costumes. Tiny pottery dishes filled with pinion , taking the place of nut cups and Mexican straw dolls obtained by one of our girls while visiting in Mexico were given as favors. At 10:15 the girls were escorted back to their respective homes. MARIAN HoLZMEISTER.

Tau Tau's Study Topics The Tau Tau chapter of Hays, Kansas always tries to choose interesting topics for tudy. This year they have chosen "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and famous women. One meeting each month will be given to the study of the e topics during which time the pledges will meet with the actives. Among the famou women that are to be studied by the Tau Tau's are Eleanor Roosevelt, Ann Lindberg, Marian Tally, and Helen Moody. " How to Win Friends and Influence People" is taken from the book of the same name written by Dale Carnegie. FRANCES VoTOPKA.



PHI PHI State Teachers College Marysville, Missouri

Informal Parties Phi Phi chapter of lpha Sigma lpha held its informal rush parties on eptember 29, 1937. There was such a large group of rushees that the parties were divided into two divisions. The first five parties were held at the homes of Mrs. Albert Kuchs, Miss Mariam Waggoner Lucille Groh, Mrs. 0. K. Bovard, Mrs. L. E. Egley, and Mrs. Ryland Milner between the hours of eight-thirty and ten-thirty. After ten-thirty, rush parties were held in the rooms of Misses Irene Bohnenblu t, Mary Turner, Kathleen Thomas, and Marjorie Perry at Residence Hall. The rushees remained at Residence Hall for the night. The rushees present at the parties were: Winifred Caton, Virginia Lee, Lena Dell Carter, and Harriett Fries of Mound City, Mo.; Iris Ebersole, Mary Jeanette Anthony, Betty Lindley, Jean Myers, Bernice Owens, Belva Goff, and Bernice Bristol of Maryville, Mo.; Marie Holding, Frances Keuker, and Dorothy Olson of t. Joseph, Mo.; Nyda Snyder, Rose Mary Larkum, Dorothy Lasell, and Harriett Lasell of Maitland, 1o. 路 lola Argo and Margaret Hammond of Skidmore, Mo. ; Rosa Mae Find and Helen Smith of Oregon, Mo.; Virginia Thomas, Gower, Mo.; Marjory Powell, tewartsville, 1o.; Carol Edwards, Creston, Iowa; 1ary Loui e Turner, Hopkins, Mo. ; Margaret McLaughlin, Grant City, 1o.; Florence Glaze, Coffey, Mo.; Wilma

Shum, Bedford, lo\\ a路 Marjorie Curnutt, Kan as City, 1\fo.; Jane Hutton, Pa adena, California路 Mina Ruth Barr, Kearney, Mo. ; Thea Oller, Cairo, Illinois; and :\laxine Gooden, Ravenwood, 1o. Alumnce pres路ent were: Mr . 1bert Kuchs, Mrs. Wilbur Stalcup, Mr . Virgil Christie, 1i s Lucille Groh, 1rs. A. J. Dinsdale, 1rs. Mildred Maires, Mrs. Jack Rowlett, Mrs. Ryland Milner, Miss Grace Helen Goodson, and Mrs. Clun Price. Actives present at the parties were: Lucy Mae Benson, Louise Straight, Millie Elliott, Maxine Prewitt, Irene Bohnenblust, Jane Vogt, Marjorie Perry, 1arianna Obermiller, Mary Turner, Marian Kirk, Kathleen Thomas, Elizabeth Planck, Moudeen Walker, and Dolores Bolin; also, Mabel Bradley and Elizabeth Turner, pledges . .

Plantation Party Phi Phi chapter held its formal rush party September 22, 1937, at the Country Club. Invitations in the form of express cards attached to small bales of cotton had been sent to each rushee. The theme of the rush party was that of a Southern Plantation. The Negro 1\ilammy (an active of the chapter) introduced the actives, alumnce, and sponsor, and then each of the rushees who were making debuts and pinned large red bandana hankerchiefs around their heads. The decorations were made to resemble a outhern Plantation. Cotton plants were seen growing around the room, and pani h moss was seen in abundance. In one

THE PHOENIX corner there was a Negro shack, the home of ::\1ammy and her pickaninntes. Mammy called the rushees and their chaperones to her hack to sip mint julep. s they ipped, a contest wa spon ored in which each girl was allowed to estimate the weight of a watermelon. The winner wa given the watermelon in recognition of her excellence. s the actives and ru bees danced to the programs of Southern Belles, Mammy led them in Alpha Sig ongs. One of Mammy's pickaninnies distributed praline and decks of cards from her Alpha Sigma Alpha plantation to the rushees. Between dances we were entertained by a tap dance by the pickaninny and Negro spirituals by the M. E. Church choir. The rushees were taken to the Plantation dining room where they were served vanilla ice cream with the Alpha igma lpha crest stamped on it in red, white cakes with the letters A. S. A. on them i~ reel, and coffee. Each guest was presented with a china statue of a southern gentleman and belle in whose skirt peanuts were found. The climax of the party was the friendship circle made by the patronesse , alumnce, and active chapter, around the rushees, as they sang together the Ipha Sigma lpha song. Rushees entertained were: Mary Winifred Caton, Lena Dell Carter, and Virginia Lee of .found City; l yda Snyder, Dorothy Lasell and Harriett Lasell of Maitland; lola rgo and ! fargaret Hammond of Skidmore, Mo.; Rosa he Fink and


Helen mith of regan, 1Io.; France Keuker, Iarie Holding and Dorothy I on of t. Jo eph, 1\1 . ; Iary Lou Ru k, 1t. yre Io\\'a ; ::\Iaxine Goodin, Raven\\'ood, 1\Io. ; Thea Iler, airo, Ill.; Florence Glaze, Coffey, Mo. ; l\1ary Loui e Turner, Hopkins, l\fo.; l\Iar()'aret McLaughlin Grant City, Io. ; 'Marjory Powell, tewart ville, l\J . ; Jane Hutton, Pasadena, Calif.; Marjorie Curnutt, I an a ity Mo.; and Iris Eber ole, Jean 11 yers, Gertude Parker, Betty Lindley, and Belva Goff, Bernice Owen Mary Jeanette nthony of 1aryville, Mo. Other guests present were: if r . Clun Price and Mrs. Jack Rowlette, patronesses of the chapter; Mr !bert Kuchs, social adviser; Miriam Waggoner, pon or路 1r . Ryland Milner, Mrs. A. J. Din dale, Mi Grace Helen Good on, lis Lucille Groh, alumnce; and Dr. Margaret Ruth Smith, director of women's activities. ctive members giving the party were: Elizabeth Planck, Bethany, Mo., president of the chapter; Lucy Mae Benson, t. Louis, 1o., rush captain; Irene Bohnenblu t and Mary Turner, Patton burg, Mo.; Maudine Walker, Holt, Mo.; Marian Kirk, Hopkins, Mo. 路 Mildred Elliott and Maxine Prewitt, Edgerton, Mo. ; Marianna Obermiller, Jackson, Mo.; Kathleen Thoma , Redding, Iowa; Marjorie Perry, Mound City, fo.; Louise Strait, Blockton, Iowa; Jane Vogt, tan berry, Mo.; Dolore Bolin, Platsburg, Mo.; and Mabel Bradley, Redding, Iowa; Elizabeth Turner, Barnard, pledges.


104 Pledging

Phi Phi chapter of lpha Sigma lpha felt as though they had had a successful rushing season when they discovered that they had seventeen new pledges. Pledging service was held on September 29, 1937, at the home of Mrs. 0. K. Bovard. The pledges who were conducted through the PHOENIX degree by their pledge mothers are : Mary Jeanette Anthony, Bernice Owens, Belva Goff, Betty Lindley, Iris Ebersole, Jean Myers, Maryville, Mo.; Mary Louise Turner, Hopkins, Mo.; Rosa Mae Fink, Oregon, Mo.; Winnifred Caton, Virginia Lee, Mound City, Mo.; Dorothy Olson, St. Joseph, Mo.; Jane Hutton, Pasadena, Calif.; Marjorie Curnutt, Kansas, City, Mo.; Nyda Snyder, Dorothy Lasell, Harriett Lasell, Maitland, 1\1.-D. ; and lola Argo, Skidmore, Mo. The pledges elected the following officers : President, Dorothy Olson; vice-president, Mary Jeanette An: thony; secretary, Rosa Mae Fink; treasurer, Dorothy Lasell ; pianist, Harriett Lasell ; song leader, Mary Louise Turner; and chaplain, Winifred Caton.

chaplain; Louise Straight, Blockton, Iowa, scrapbook manager; Irene Bohnenblust, Pattonsburg, 1o., collegiate representative; Maudeen Walker, Holt, Mo., Panhellenic representative; Jane Vogt, tanberry, Mo., historian; Drury Davis, ioux City, Iowa, song leader; Dolores Bolin, Plattsburg, Mo., editor.

Formal Initiation Miss Marianna Obermiller was initiated into Phi Phi chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha on September 17, 1937. She was pledged during the fall quarter of 1936-37.

Social Calendar Phi Phi chapter this year created for themselves a social calendar. They have arranged for some type of an activity every two weeks, including talks to be made by faculty members, "special occasion" parties, coasting parties, and other means of enlarging their social, physical, and scholastic acquaintances. The committee in charge of the arrangements for the calendar are: Marjorie Perry, chairman, Irene Bohnenblust and Jane Vogt . .

Election of Officers

Chili Supper

Phi Phi chapter elected Miss Elizabeth Planck of Bethany, Missouri, as their new president. The other officers whom they elected are: Marjorie Perry, Mound City, Mo., vicepresident; Marian Kirk, Hopkins, Mo., secretary; Mary Turner, Pattonsburg, Mo., treasurer; Lucy Mae Benson, St. Louis, Mo., registrar; Kathleen Thomas, Redding, Iowa,

Phi Phi chapter held a chilli supper for their pledges and actives on October 6, 1937, after the regular business meetings of each group. The evening was spent in dancing and singing sorority songs. When we left we felt that we were better acquainted with the other members of the chapter.

THE PHOE CHI CHI Ball State Teachers College Muncie, Indiana

O ur first ru h party was an informal Asto r Tea which was held at th e beautiful home of our adviser Mrs. L. H. \i\Thitcraft. The tea table wa attractive with a beautiful centerpiece of white and purple astors. f r . tude baker presided over the tea service. The tea was such a grand success that it wa decided to make it an annual party. Every member of A. S. A. is looking forward to this party next year. THELMA BLASDELL.

Time: Ru h ·w eek. Place: Ball State Campus. Cast: A. S. A. Members, Rushees. Curtain for Scene II. A Theater Party is one of the events of the Alpha Sig's rush for this year. 'vVe are taking our rushees to the Rivoli Theater to see the Picture entitled " It's All Yours" featuring Madeline Carroll and Francis Lederer. As a climax to the evening we are having a chili supper in the balcony of a popular downtown restaurant. Now for a smooth ending! We are all singing school songs and sorority song ... Oh, but look at your watch!! It i just about 10 :.30 and to get in on time we will again have to Ru h, Rush! ! R UTH BICKEL,

Cha1:rman of the th eater part-:,•.



tables were d carat d with c tty dog . Little cottie with red and white ribbon around their n ck were given a favor . deliciou , meal of tomato juice, bacon toa t, jelly, and coffee wa enjoyed by twenty-eight member and ru hee . The chairman of th e breakfa t wa Dorothy l\1abe . DOROTHY MADE ,

Chairman of the b1·eakfast.

Chi Chi concluded Ru h \ eek with a formal banquet on Thursday, Septemb r 16, at the Hotel Dela ware. Seventeen ru he s were present. Mrs. L. H. Whitcraft, advi er, u ed as the subj ct for her talk, " Chi 01i take her H urdle .' We were very g lad to have as our guests Mr . Marie Kingdon, Mrs. Gene;yieve Leib Miss Evelyn Hall and Mis Helen elvage of Indianapolis. Mrs. Leib brought an inspiring message from the Council Meeting. Mrs. Kingdon extemporaneously told the ru hee and members what being affiliated with a national sorority ha meant in her life. Helen elvage played and sang " her song ' that we all love so well. Muncie Chi Chi wish to thank the Indi anapolis Chi Chi s for coming over and giv ing so generou ly to the uccess of the affair. Those in charge were Margaret \iVo rk, chairman; Delores Karr, and Beth Bartholomew. MARGARET VvoRK,

Thur day morning September 15, we entertained our rushees with a Scotty breakfast at the Polly Parrott Tea Room in Muncie. The


"We came, we saw, we conquered." No fooling- we've all been at our wits end and feeling a



bit sorry for ourselves at times, but fun? 'vVe've had it! I sincerely have enjoyed being rush captain. It' been hard work. 路w e've all been working through the summer and it surely helped. We've been a bit selective about whom we rushed, not snobbish, just particular. We feel that any girl who is chosen to pledge Alpha Sigma Alpha should be uplifting instead of degrading to our sorority. We realize our position and duty as National Alpha Sigs and we're proud of it. We want to live up to the things our Sorority stands for and we will. We try to go into everything we do earnestly and with all our hearts, that's why our rush has been a mad scramble of laughter, tear, joy, excitement; suspense, and, if yoti don't mind my saying so, victory. Do we sound boastful? Well, if you'li just look at the little pin we're wearing over our hearts you'll understand. KATHLEEN WILSON,



Saturday, October 9, is homecoming on our campus! Friday night is our annual Theater rush and bonfire. Saturday afternoon is the big football game with Central, and the biggest thing of all is Saturday evening! At 6 :30, Chi Chi is having a dinner in honor of the Sigma Alpha igma and Alpha Sigma Alpha alumme. A program of interest to both groups has been arrano-ed. Mis Anna Marie Yates, a business education teacher in Central High chool, will be the speaker.

ongs of. both Sigma Alpha Sigma and Alpha Sigma Alpha will be u ed. A large group of alumnce i expected. Tho e in charge of the affair are: Margaret Work, chairman; Ruth Bickel, Betty Hu ton, Dorothy Mabes, and Grace Richey. JEAN MITCHELL,


PSI PSI State Teachers College Natchitoches, Louisiana

Rush season at the Louisiana State Normal College closed on Sunday, October 3. Psi P i chapter duplicated the record she made in 1934 by not losing a girl to another sorority. Those accepting Alpha Sigma Alpha bids are: Mary A llen Caraway, Ruby Jones, Frances Thomas, Alma Fluitt, Gwendolyn Russell, Ferne Sullavan, Yvonne Jones, Iva Blanche Butler, Caroline Gibson, Mary Emily Croom, Margie Gathright, Dorothy Eubanks, Bonnie Barrilleaux, Velma Barrilleaux, Curdice Allums, Billie Sue Kelly, Inez Gamble, Martha Evans, and Virginia Downs. During rush season Psi Psi chapter entertained her rushees with a progressive dinner on September 27, at the homes of Frances Mae Fournet, Josephine Tarlton, and Isabel Williams. On Sunday, October 1, the members and guests of Psi Psi chapter met at the Wagner's Cabin on Cane River Lake for the annual Cabin Party. The afternoon was whiled away playing games, boat riding, and with a weiner roast. On September 30, Psi Psi chap-

THE PHOENIX ter of Alpha Sigma Alpha invited her guest to a gypsy camp. The women's gymnasium "a tran formed to a rustic gypsy camp. The m mber of the chapter were dressed in gypsy costumes to enhance the setting furni hed by a campfire, gyp y wagons, a fortuneteller's booth, and a gyp y band. As the guests dined, they danced to the mu ic of the gypsy band between courses, and were entertained with Roberta Fluitt's rendition of "My Little Gypsy Sweetheart," a gypsy dance by Emily Mae Fredericks, a violin solo by G. T. aetre, a dance by Famay Fournet, a reading by Mildred Smith, and a olo " lpha Sigma Sweethearts," by Myrtis Sexton. As Myrti exton sang she presented each ru hee with a novel charm bracelet. During the cour e of the evening each guest went to the fortune teller' tent where Madame Rosena revealed the future of each one. The evening ended with Myrtis Sexton singing one of Psi Psi's rushee songs "Goodnight, Alpha Sigma Rushee." GLORIA GRIFFIN.

OMEGA OMEGA San Diego State College

San Diego, California

We of Omega Omega chapter have been so much occupied with summer and fall rushing and with other orority and campu activities that we have had time for little else. Our fir t event after the clo e of school was the g lorious week at Mission Beach in our sorority


cottage. While acqtunn our hare of . bli t red hould r and unburned no e we all had a plendid opportunity to b come better acquaint d, e pecially ' ith our newe t initiat . v e mrt thank Regina fferman for our enjoyable hou e party, for under her expert foreman hip we kept hou e remarkably well and fea t d like queen . The week wa made even more plea ant by a tea honoring Miss udrey Peter on, our former span or, and by a frolicsome beach party. We began our summer ru hing with an amazingly u cessful merry-go-round dinner in U!?"ust. After fruit cocktail at Mildred wint's, salad at ancy and Madeline Taylor's and a delicious dinner course at Helen Wue te's the party gathered at the hilltop home of Bernita and Regina Offerman for dessert and games. Having entertained with a formal garden party at the Mayfair Inn, in late ugu t and with a buffet luncheon at Mildred wint's in early September, we were ready at the opening of chool to begin our formal ru hing with other campus groups. We feted our rushee informally at Helen ~ ue te's where everyone "wore ten-gallon hat and didn't sport pats," where Spani h enioritas made eye at handsome "cowboys"-in brief, a dude ranch party. Our formal dinner at the Park Manor was followed by attendance en 11-wsse at the annual Frosh Reception at Mission Beach. ~ ith the close of the ru bing



season we are sighing with contentment at a chance to rest and bursting with joy because of the eight splendid girl who are now wearing glistening A~A pledge pins. Marion Bickham, Nan Carlson, Marie Da~e, Jean Dupree, June Herzig, Gladys Kleck, Lazelle Wade, and Mary Louise Waid were pledged on Monday, October 4, at the home of Margaret Harvey. Marion Lyon Schwab, head of the women's physical education department at State College was pledged the same evening to become our new faculty adviser. Omega Omega girls have ecstatically devoured two five-pound boxes of candy during the last few months. The reason? The announcement of the engagement of Virginia Hughes and Henry Mason (August 16) and of the engagement of Marion Belford and David Milner (October 7). Our campus notables included Madeline Taylor, who holds a position on the Student Council, and Helen Wueste, a member of the Associated \Nomen Students' Board. Nancy Taylor has been elected a member of Cetza, honorary service society for sophomore and junior women. Nan Carlson, a pledge, also a member of Cetza, is president of the College Y. W. C. A. The June graduating class took with it two of our favorite members, Jessie Walker and Ruth Walker (sisters only in A~A). Ruth, our president of last year, now an elementary school teacher, is our new adviser. With our eight new pledges we anticipate a splendid

new year under the guidance of Mrs. chwob and of Mi s 路w alker. \i\ ishing the best of luck to every lpha Sigma lpha si ter and pledge. MILDRED CLAIR SwrNT.

BET A GAMMA Pledge Chapter Northeastern State Teachers College Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Beta Gamma chapter of Alpha Sigma lpha was formerly pledged in the early afternoon of Setember 11th, with eighteen girls and Mrs. Lois Gillis Hall, the adviser; receiving the Phoenix degree. The service was held in a small auditorium in the Education Building of Tortheastern State Teachers College at Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Red roses and white asters gave the color note of the service. Polly Schlosser, National Treasurer, read the service assisted by Mrs. Evelyn Dodson Otey, an alumnce of Alpha Beta chapter, living in Tahlequah. Immediately after the service, the Alpha Sigmas attended a tea given for tliem by Panhellenic at the home of Mrs. Vaughan, wife of President John Vaughan. Mrs. Vaughan, Dean Eula Fullerton, Mrs. Hall, Mary Stevens, President of Beta Gamma and Mrs. Schlosser stood in the receiving line. The chapter advisers and presidents of Delta Sigma Epsilon and Sigma Sigma Sigma poured. Women members of the faculty and patronesses of the three sororities were also guests. The Alpha Sigma Alpha girls feel very happy to be welcomed so graciously by Panhellenic as the third national sorority on the campus.

THE PH ru h week followed oon after pledging, Beta Gamma reports fifteen new pledge . Thi i truly an adm irable record of achievement for our infant chapter. There i a fine showing of leader hip in thi chapter, drawing it member hip from th combined trength of the two local sororities which merged to form the petitioning group, Tau Sigma. Beta Gamma is very fortunate to have Mrs . Hall a an advi er. This young woman with her charming personality and many ca-



pabilitie will c ntribut much to the happine of our Deta 1amma chapter. lpha 'igma lpha may feel ju 路t pride in her new hapt r, D ta amma ancl in the coli ge of it founding. It i a chapter which will be nurtured in an atmo phere of friendly intere t, where each tudent find ympathetic and intere ted friend in Dean Fullerton and Dr. aughan, who have 'th fuller life" for their tudent a th ir main purpose in life.

Old Fa ithfu l Gey er which perform each hour fo r Yellowstone visitors.



Exchanges "She can't Hurt The Chapter" "She can't hurt the chapter!" How often has that been said during rush week by good sisters trying to arrange a bid for the third cousin or the friend of a friend of theirs! It is a last resort when nothing actually favorable can be said about the girl in question; when no phase of activity or character can be pointed out with the remark, "In that she is outstanding." "She can't hurt the chapter!" The power of the phrase lies in the fact that at first glance it appears unanswerable. But there is an answer, an obvious one. Simply this- she can hurt the chapter. If the best that can be said- for her is that she has rio actual bad qualities, she can hurt the chapter, and, beyond the shadow of a doubt, she and others like her will hurt it. Without being herself to blame, she commits the sin of mediocrity. It is sin of omission rather than of commission, but its effect on a so rority is not altered by her blamele ness. Just as "strong girls make strong chapters," so mediocre girls make mediocre chapters. And mediocre chapters are not what Phi Mu wants or needs to have. Take a simple analogy. man may paint a picture of which no one ays, "That arm is out of drawing," or "The colors are inharmonious," of which, indeed, not a so~l makes any adver e critici m. Until people ay actively, "That picture is good. I like the theme" or the "composi-

tion' or any other feature of it, the picture is "vorthles and the painter will not establish a reputation as a gifted artist. A mathematical scale can illustrate the same thing. If good qualities, definite attributes, are placed on the plus side of the zero point and obvious faults on the minu ide, then the girl without either is exactly at zero. chapter made up of such girls 'is exactly at zero and one carrying a great many of them as dead weight is periously near that point. It may be unfair, but it i nonetheless true that thos of this world are judged and remembered not by the absence of wrong-doing in their records, but by the few concrete excellencies they have managed to achieve. Byron would be an extreme example of that. Beyond all the good men of his time who did their da:ily work faithfully and ploddingly and aid their prayers at night, he, in spite of an almost vicious life, is remembered now as great While the others lie forgotten in their graves. He managed to get above that zero point in the scale and shine brilliantly in one phase of human activity. Of course any good chapter can carry a few mediocrities without ab olutely forfeiting its position (though each one does do her part to drag down the average) but the great danger lies in the friend these rrirl will have the next rush season, more girls who 'can't hurt the chapter," and their friends the next year.

THE PHOENIX It i an endless chain and a chain which can wrap itself around the throat of a orority, choking from it its life.-Phi Mu, Aglaia, as reprinted in May issue of Kappa Alpha Theta.)

District Meetings At the last convention the chapters of Alpha igma Tau were divided into four district and it was hoped that the members in each district would be able to meet at least once every three years. The present plan is to have each meeting in a city wherein there is either a collegiate or an alumnc:e chapter. The hope is that out-oftown guests may tay over night in the homes of sorority members thereby eliminating hotel expen es. Each chapter in good standing will be entitled to one delegate whose meals and transportation expenses will be paid by the national treasurer. District meetings are now advocated by nearly all national sororities. Those who have held them are very enthusiastic about them. Although nothing official may be decided, there is a chance for the discussion of mutual sorority problems. s one alumnc:e repre entative wrote, "Even though actual legi lation is not po sible, the opportunity for 'pooling' of ideas, discussion of common problems, and the contagion of national enthusia m will be re ult ufficient in them elve to stimulate district meetings." First district (Michigan, \ i consin, Illinois Indiana, Ohio) meet in Detroit, Michigan, Jovember 6 and 7, 1937. econd district (New


York, Penn ylvania, 1 路 ew J er ey, and J. 1ew England tate ) meet in Buffalo, ew York, I\ o ember 6 and 7, 1937. Third eli trict (all tates we t of the Mi i ippi ) meet at Emporia, Kan a . Fourth district ( Kentucky, \Ve t \ irCTinia irginia, Maryland. Delaware, Ten- 路 nessee, North Carolina, outh arolina, Georgia, Florida, l\fi i ippi, and labama ) meet at .A then , West Virginia, ctob r 16 and 17, 1937.-The A nchor of lpha tgma Tau. "I Want To Be-" Instructive and unu ually intere ting is the new department named "I Want To Be-" which was inauo-urated in the March i ue of Delta Delta Delta Trident. Dedicated to the work of helping college women select a career or profession, in each issue, the Trid ent presents articles by Tri Deltas who are doing ju t what they want most to do. In their written words of advice these fortunate people reveal things that are of practical importance in con idering a profe sion. In the initial appearance of the department, Maud Sargent, well known landscape architect, and Joan Ra mussen, musician, teacher, tudent, recitali t-contributed plenclid advisory article . nd no le s helpful were tho e which were pre ented in the department' second appearance by Faye Miller, expert public health nurse and Elizabeth P erry, dietitian of the Cleveland ity Ho pital.-Banta's Gre el~ E.,-chauge .

Alumnae Chapter Recruiting How to get new graduate to join the alumnc:e chapter. Here is how



Kappa Alpha Theta alumnce m Seattle do it. s all these girls had been grand Thetas in college, and after graduation were joining other organizations, we decided that our "approach" must be wrong or they would join the alumnce chapter too. Remembering that they had once been rushed and won for Theta, we decided to use similar methods in alumnce chapter recruiting. At the May meeting of Seattle alumnce, all seniors of Alpha Lambda are guests. They are met at the door by some young alumna whom they know, a corsage is pinned on each. We entertain them with a delicious luncheon and an interesting "outside speaker program." The girls are told about the alumnce chapter and all are invited to affiliate with the chapter. Then belore the opening meeting of the alumnce chapter in the fall, every new alumna who lives in

eattle is sent a formal "bid" by the alumnce chapter. It is written on crested paper and worded exactly as her original Theta bid was worded: "The Seattle alumnce chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta cordially invites you, . . . to become a member." Enclosed is a small crested card which reads-"If you accept, be at the home of Mrs. . . . . . , . . . . . street, Monday, October 1, at 6 o'clock." It works. For the last four years the senior class of Alpha Lambda has come into the alumnce chapter almost to a man ! That's the story-all there is to it. It may not be original with usbut it does a lot toward solving the problem of getting the young Thetas started in alumnce work immediately after graduation.-Kappa Alpha Theta as reprinted in the May issue of the Trident of Delta Delta Delta.




Marriage Announcements Alpha Alpha: Ruth teinbicker to Albert LeRoy Thoma , June 5, 1937. A lpha Beta: Corenne A. mith to R. vVe ley McMurry, June 8, 1937. Beta Beta: Mildred Harding to Howard R. Delldeese, September 11, 1937. Gam,ma Gan~1'na: Louise Ewalt to Francis Buchanan, June 27, 1937. Bess Davis to E. 0. Roark, June 1, 1937. Nellie Heaton to Hulon F. Webb, Augu t 14, 1937.

Elinor ~I. Emery to Ralph L. Lang, Jr., June 26, 1937. Xi Xi: Orrell He ter to Carl Elli Young, July 2, 1936.

Omicron Omicron: Mary Jane Fairchild to David Howell Watkin , Jr., January 9, 1937. Winifrede chram to Jo ph Foard Gettrust, II, eptember 12, 1936. Rosalie Wolfe to William Frederick Lemke, December 23, 1936.

Eta Eta: Helen Cole to Earl Edward Miller, ovember 21, 1936.

Pi Pi: Florence Peffer to Ralph William Hogle, Jr., June 19, 1937. Florence evin to George Loui Burns, July 17, 1937. Elizabeth R owe to Merlyn J. Ringwood, July 2, 1936. Francis elson to Ralph Weegar, September 11 , 1937. Grace C. Ma rtiny to Loftus L. Hanley, July 31, 1937.

Lambda Lambda: Margaret Laycock to Paul Vernon House, September 2, 1937.

Rho Rho: June Garett to Woodrow Wilson Allen, June 7, 1935.

MuMu: Audrey Harvey to Victor Crimwell Richard, October 3, 1936. Grace Prignitz to Robert John Bannow, M.D., December 26, 1936. Mina Pollakowski to Walter D. Kruke, April 11 , 1936. Florence Gee to Raymond M. Boysen, December 25, 1936.

Tau Tau: Sylvia Schlegel to E lmer E. Crumpacker, June 18, 1936. Virginia Dague to Bruce E. wi ft, April 24, 1937. Gretta Lewick to G. . Rydell, August 14, 1937. Ethel Miller to John Ed ward West, June 8, 1937.

Nu Nu: Catherine Brackin to H. Sheldon Kitchel, June 12, 1937. 路Euphemia Whitlock to Edmund A. McCadden, Jr., November 25, 1936.

Psi Psi:

Zeta Zeta: Ernestine Thomas to Eugene A . Logan, Jr., June 15, 1935. Elizabeth Ferguson to Dr. Jene Phile, A ugust 21, 1937.

Katherine McDaniel to Murry Woodyard, Jr., June 15, 1935. Annie Ruth Faulk to Harry W. Page, December 26, 1935. Dorothy Ann Cole to Hugh



Charle ala i, November 16, 1933. Jean Elizabeth Hall to John Clarence De Blieux, December 21, 1936. Omega Omega: Marion Elizabeth



Hirm Hobart John ton, eptember 20, 1936. Jeanette ' arner to 路william Charles Beaumont Roberts, eptember 5, 1936.

Birth Announcements Beta Beta: To Mr. and Irs. Clarence Langhorn (Margaret Phelps), a daughter, ancy nn, on September 1, 1936. To Mr. and Mrs. C. Dana Watson (Margaret Ochs), a daughter, Peggy Diane, on December 28, 1935. Gam.rrw Gamma:

To Mr. and Mrs. Merton A. Moore (Mildred Knapp), a son, Gary Robert, on June 12, 1937. To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gourley (Icyl Bald~in), a daughter, on February 13, 1937. Pi Pi: To Dr. and Mrs. John P . Bethel (Eleanor Hickey), a daughter, Joan, on March 30, 1937. To Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. McMullen (Eleanor Greenwood), a son, Donald. To Mr. . and Mrs. Lester Bragg

(Helen Rich), a son, on August 7, 1937. To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Palmer (Gertrude McKerman), a daughter, on August 12, 1937. To Mr. and Irs. Edward Pearson (Dorothy Ewart), a son, James Avery, September 9, 1937. To Mr. and Mrs. Harry bate (Rosemond Olief), a daughter, Mary Ann, September 27, 1937. Tau Tau: To Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jones (Gladys Hayes), a son, Arthur Kenyon, March 21, 1936. To Mr. and irs. Elmer (runpacker (Sylvia Schlegel), a daughter, Sue Sandra, on September 9, 1937. Xi Xi: To Mr. and Mrs . Carl Ellis Young (Orrell Hester), a daughter, Joanne lVIarie, on July 25, 1937.

3Jn !lrmnriam Pi Pi: Jeannette Deimer Heimerle, July 12, 1937. Eleanor Turner, August 27, 1937.

Delta Delta: Lola K. Spies, April 20, 1936.



List of Missing Addresses The following is the li t of names and addre e from which the PHoExrx has been returned. If you know of any correction plea e end them to the rationa l Editor, Mrs. B. F. Leib, Apt. "T," 3540 . Penn ylvania t., Indianapoli , Ind.

Alpha A lpha:

Mr . 210 E. Mr. E. 5th

Mrs. John Swart (Helen Boggess) Chuqueicamata, Chile, South America.

Iota Iota:

Mary William on Hundley (Founder) 422 outh Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa.

A lpha Beta: Mrs. G. C. Alexander (Faye Fowler) 1140 Elizabeth St., Denver, Colo. Josephine Gilliland, 193 E. Pierce, Kirkville, Mo. Lettie Merrick, Lancaster, Mo. Nada Reddish, 346 . Market St., Memphis, Mo.

Tony Dechario (Enid Fr gue) Williams t., Pitt burg, Kan . P. E. Corey (Lodenia 路wiley) 311 St., Tul a, Okla.

Mrs. W. D. Iron ( Teva Kriner) 718 Myrtle Ave., Kan as City, Mo. Mrs. Walter John on (Zyphala \Valker) 45 E. 101st St., Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Derus H. Myer (Leona v elch) Elkhart, Iowa.

Kappa Kappa:

A lpha Gamma:

Mrs. Mrs . Smith) ton, D.

C. G. Tripner (Helen Lute ) .

Mrs. William Thayer (Julia Mintier) 45 Gibes St .. Rochester, . Y.

Lambda Lambda:

Beta Beta:

Mrs. Ernest Little (Doris Kiner) 115 E. Finley St., Upper Sandu K)' , Ohio.

John S. Hoffecker (Elizabeth 4909 19th St., r. W., Wa bingC.

Katherine F. Stewart.

NuNu: Gamma Gamma: Faye \iVard, Yukon, Okla. Mrs. Harris Johnson (Helen Deal) 309)4 Husband, Stillwater, Okla.

Mrs. Theodore Allan Jones (Marjorie Bull) 1201 3rd Ave., A hbury Park, r. J.

Xi Xi:

Mrs. R. M. McCoy (Thelma Groome) Station B, Riverside Dr., Columbus , Ohio.

Mr . R. S. Dalton (Mona Sachs) 361 Clofore St., Rialto, Calif. Mrs. Nila Van Helm (Mattie Van Heukelom) 1814 S. \!\Tilton, Los Angeles, Calif.

Epsilon Epsilon:

Tm.拢 Tau:

Audrey Fraile, Broughton, Kans. Mrs. W. A. Jones (Maude Barrigar) 1113 Alameda Dr., Portland Ore.

Mrs. Emerson Cline ( i[aybelle Shaefer) 330 S. 9th St., Salina, Kan .

Delta Delta:

Phi Phi:

Eta Eta: Mrs. John Heavy (Martha Rogers) Pierre, S. D.

Vada Cliser, \1\ ebster Grove, Mo. Mrs. Fred Barbee (Thesi orwine) Albuquerque, . Mex.





President-Mi s Evelyn G. Bell, 767 Lafayette Ave., Buffalo, . Y. Vice-President-M rs. William M. Crook, 511 Essex Ave., Narberth, Pa. Secretary- Miss Esther Bucher, 3134 Eaton, Kansas City, Kan . Treasurer-Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, 2800 Dexter St., Denver, Colo. Registrar-Miss Mary Mae Paul, 413 ~ West 6th St., Hays, Kans. Chaplain.-Miss Louise N. Stewart, ew Holland, Ohio.

A. E. S. Representative-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo. E~tCHsion Officer-M iss S. June Smith, 354 Manor Ave., Millersville, Pa. Editor-Mrs. B. F. Leib., 3540 . Pennsylvania St., Apt. "T," Indianapoli , Ind. Clwirman of Fi11ancc- Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo.

BOARD OF ADVISERS Nu Nu-Miss Jean M. Richmond, 1411 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Xi Xi-Miss Elizabeth Bird Smail, 550 Pacific Beach, Long Beach, Calif. O-micro1~ Omicr01z.---Miss Helen M. McClaflin, 237 E. Main St., Kent, Ohio. Pi Pi-Mrs. Carolyn H eyman, 10 Granger Place, Buffalo, N. Y. Rho Rho-Mrs. Bobbitt, Huntington, W. Va. Beta Beta--Miss Elizabeth Lehr, State Sigma Sigma.-Miss Lucy E. Spicer, 601 T eachers College, Greeley, Colo. No. Taylor St., Gunnison, Colo. Gamma Gamma-Miss Vera Leeper, ColTau Tau-Miss Mae Paul, 413~ West lege and Choctaw St., Alva, Okla. Sixth St., Hays, Kans. Epsilon Epsilon-Miss Edna McCullough, Phi Phi-Miss Mariam G. Waggoner, 1017 Rural St., Emporia, Kans. Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Mo. Z eta Z eta-Miss Myrtle Downs, WarrensChi Chi-Mrs. L. H. Whitcraft, Westburg, Mo. wood, Muncie, Ind. Eta Eta-Miss Jane Carroll, 706 South Psi Psi-Miss Marian Nelkens, Louisiana Broadway, Pittsburg, Kans. State Normal College, Natchitoches, Theta Theta-Miss Mabel C. Bragg, 80 LL . Madison Ave., Newtonville, Mass. Omega Omega-Miss M a r i on L y o n Kappa Kappa-Miss Marjorie K. Jones, Schwob, La Mesa, Cali f. 1904 No. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Beta Ganvma- Mrs. Lois Hall, NorthM1t Mrt - Miss Katherine Harris, State eastern State T eachers College, TahTeachers College, Ypsilanti, Mich. lequah, Okla.

Alpha-Miss' Grace B. Moran, Farmville, Va. Alpl1a Alpha-Miss Amy M. Swisher, Oxford, Ohio. Alpha Beta-Miss Alma Zoller, State Teachers College, Kirksville, Mo. Alpha Gamma.-Miss Ethel A. Belden, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa.


Constitutiatz...--Mrs. Clyde Jones, 3 Salisbury St., Winchester, Mass. H istoria11- Mrs. Roderick McCullough Thomas, 1305 Obispo Ave., Coral Gables, Florida. Song Book-Miss Helen McQaflin, 237 E. Main St., Kent, Ohio. E.~ami11atiotz.---Miss The I m a Stortz, Emaus, Pa. 路

Convetutiatz...--Miss Georgia Anne Schulte, William Woods College, Fulton, Mo. AltttJvnae- Mrs. Lewis Bradley, 1175 Court St., I owa City, Iowa. Scholarship-Miss Joy Mahacheck, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. Philanthropic-Miss Ethel Tobin, 10648 Blythe Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.






Alpluv-State Teachers College, Farmville, Va.

N11 N11-Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.

Alpha Alpha--Miami Univer sity, Oxford, Ohio.

Xi Xi-University of California, Angeles, Cali f.

Alpha Bela--State Kirksville, Mo.

Omic1'011 Omicrou.- -Kent sity, Kent, Ohio.



A lpha Gamma--State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. Beta Bela-Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colo. Gamma Gamma--State Teacher s College, Alva, Okla. Epsil o1~

Epsil01v-State Teachers College, Emporia, Kans.

Ze ta Zeta-State Teache rs College, Warrensburg, Mo. Eta Eta~State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kans. Theta Theta--Boston University, Boston, Mass. Kappa Kappa--Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Jlfa A-he-State

No rmal College, Ypsi-

lanti, Mich.

Pi Pi-State Teacher N.Y.


tate Uni1•cr-

College, Buffalo,

Rho Rh.o-Marshall College, Huntington, W.Va. Sigma Sigma--Western Gunnison, Colo.



Tau Tau-Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas. Phi Phi-State Teachers College, Maryvi lle, Mo. Chi Chi-Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Ind. Psi Psi-State Teachers College, toches, La.


Omega Omega--San Diego State College , San Diego, Calif. Beta Gamma Pledge Chapter-Northea tern State Teachers College, Tahlequah, Ok la.


Chainna11-M iss Mabel Lee Walton, igma S igma Sigma, P. 0. Drawer 108, Clermont, F lorida. Secretary-M rs. Fred Sharp, A lpha Sigma A lpha, 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo. Trea;surer-Mrs. C. P. eidi a, Pi Kappa Sigma, 3632 Paxton Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Director of Local P01drel/euics- fr . Orley See, Delta Sigma Epsilon, 48 Wildwood ve., Piedmont, Calif.

Director of City Pa11helle11ics - 11i Carrie E . Walter, Theta Sigma Up ilon, 3815 Chestnut t., Philad eiphia, Pa. Chairma1~

of Eligibil·ity a11d atio11ali:;ati01v-Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau, 161 Highland Ave., Highland Park, Mich.

Chairman of Publ-icity- Dr. Reba K. Perkin , Pi Delta Theta, Indiana, Pa.





Alva, Okla.-M iss Luella Harzman, 917 Flynn Ave., Alva, Okla. Boston, .Mass.-Miss Mary McAuley, 397 Highland Ave., Winchester, Mass. Buffalo, N. Y.-Miss Margaret Houston, 88 Long Ave., Hamburg, N.Y.


W. Va.- Mrs. Mortimer Buck, 3309 Crane Ave., Huntington, W.Va.

l11dia11apolis, Ind.-Mrs. William Kingdon, 3025 N. Meridian St., Apt. 505, Indianapolis, Ind. Joh11.stow1~,

Cmtral Pa.-Mrs. Frank B. Eshelman, 912 State St., Lancaster, Pa.

Pa.-Mrs. Edward W. Fleckenstein, 97 G St., Johnstown, Pa.

Chicago, Ill.-Miss Ethyl Llwellyn, 322 \V. Lincoln Ave., Wheaton, Ill. City, Mo.-Mrs. Harold H. Sherm<!-n, 4134 Eaton St., Kansas City, Kans.

Clevela11d, Ohio- Mrs. Robert S. DeTchon, 2539 Kenilworth Rd., Cleveland H eights, Ohio.

Kwt, Ohio-Mrs. Francis Rohaley, 530 Park Ave., Kent, Ohio.

Columbus, Ohio-Mrs. Ralph Tibbals, 506 Milford Ave., Columbus, Ohio.

Los Angeles, Calif.-Mrs. Katherine Hunsicker, 1723 Bedford St., Los Angeles, Calif.

Denver, Colo.-M rs. Za Lawrenson, 4455 F ederal Blvd., Denver, Colo. Des Moines, Iowa~Mrs. R. C. Geist, 103 E. 14th St. Pl., Des Moines, Iowa. Eastem Pa.-Miss Anne Willauer, 23 S. 16th St., Easton, Pa. Emporia, Ka11s.-Mi s Faye Douglas, 832 Constitution St., Emporia, Kans. Greeley, Colo.-Miss Winfred Johnson, Eaton, Colo.

Maryville, Mo .-Miss Margaret Sutton, Maryville, Mo. Philadelph~,

Pa.-Miss Elizabeth Wilson, Windermere Court, Wayne, Pa.

Pittsburgh, Pa. - Mrs. Frederick W. Squires, 5524 Fair Oaks St., Pittsburgh, Pa. San Diego, Calif.- Miss Cleo Tilton, Carnegie Apts, San Diego, Calif.

Hampton Roads Area, Va.-Mrs. Martha Spencer Wilson, Williamsburg, Va.

Wichita, Ka11.s.-Miss Frances Putnam, 422 S. Yale St., Wichita, Kans.

Hays, Kans.-Mrs. \Vayne Steeples, Hays, Kans.

Y psilm;ti., Mich.- Miss Kathryn Hindalang, Chelsea, Mich.






Alpha-Miss Su an Lane, Box 137,


Teachers Coll ege, Farmvill e, Va.

Alpha A lpha--Mi s Betty


1 11-~Ii ~Iarjori hambcrs, 3.2nd and Che nut t ., Drexel In titutc, Philadelphia, Pa.

elli , 12 Well s X i Xi-Mi D niece Ro , 1923 ).[icheltorena, Lo Angele , Cali f.

Hall, Oxford, Ohio.

.Alpha Beta--Mi s Charlotte Bu rdette, 515 S. F lorence, Kirk vil le, Mo.

.rllpha Gamma-Mi




Jean lJimer, 11.2 t., Kent, Ohio .

A rlene Mi ller, 219 . J ohn Sutton Hall, Indiana, Pa.

Pi Pi-M i s Dori Wyatt, 726 Ashland.

Beta Beta- Miss Helen Tclson, 1731 11th

Rho Rho-Mi s E ther McQueen, 1681

Ave., Greeley, Colo.

B uffalo,

. Y.

5th Ave., Huntington, \li.T. Y a.

Sigma Sigma-Mrs. Harri ett Peake l.I cGamma' Gamma-M iss \ i\Ti lma Greer , 823 2nd Ave., Alva, Okla. Epsil o 1 ~

Eps ilon,.-M i

Edna Louise Tur-

ner , 151 6 vVest St., Emporia, Kans .

Zl'la Zeta-M iss Charlotte Reide11bach, 304 E. Culton, vVarrensburg, Mo.

Allister, tate Teacher nison, Colo.

ollege, Gun-

Tan Tau-Miss F lora Lee Cochran, 301 W. 17th St., Hays, Kans.

Phi Phi-Miss E li abe th Planck, Re

Psi Psi-Mis J e sie J one , L. Eta Eta--Miss Dorothy Eyman, 1005 S. Olive, Pittsburg, Kans.

Theta Theta- Mi s V iolett King, 84 Exeter Street, Boston, Mass.

1\.appa Ka.ppa--Miss Alice Ca rl , 1917 N .


dence Hall, Ma ryvi lle, Mo. 1-.

Box 465, Natchitoch e , La.

Chi Cfli.-Mi s Mildred Teaney, Lucina Hall, Muncie, Ind.

Omega Omega-Mis and, 6166 Calif.

Ro emarie linkt., San Diego,

Wund ~ rlin

Broad, Philadelphia, P a.

Beta. Gamlllla.P iedg e Chapter-~Ii s l.fa1'y ~In

iliu-Miss .Leontine R ylko, 209 ormal , Ypsi lanti , Mich.

Steven , Okla.

Wil on

Hall ,





EDITORIAL STAFF National Editor Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania St., Apt. "T," Indianapolis, Ind. A- Katherine Roberts, Box 43, State NN- Marion Marsh, 3320 P owelton Teachers College, Farmville, Va. Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 88-Doniece Rose, 1923 Micheltoreno AA- Betty F reshwater, 221 Pines, OxSt., Los Angeles, Calif. . ford, Ohio. 00--Marge McNab, 112 Sherman St., AB- Virginia Wayland, 207 E. Normal Kent, Ohio. St., Kirksville, Mo. Ar-Helen Mellott, 214 N. Sutton Hall, II II- Margaret Urban, tate Teachers State Teachers College, Indiana, College, Buffalo, . Y. Pa. PP- Nina Grayce McQuinn, 528 8th BB- F lorence Thompson, 915 Sixteenth Ave., Huntington, W.Va. }:}:-Mary Kay Yoklavich, Box 64, Ave., Greeley, Colo. r r - Ethel Green, 503 Normal, Alva, , Gunnison, Colo. TT- Jean Fuller, 413% W. 6th St. Okla. EE- Jane Findley, 1228 Rural , EmHays, Kans. <}}<}}-Dolores Bolin, Residence Hall , poria, Kans. ZZ- Ruth Buecker, 304 E. Culton, Maryville, Mo. Warrensburg, Mo. XX- Jean Mitchell, Lucina Hall, Ball l lii- Mary Alice Montgomery, 104 W. State Teachers College, Muncie, Washington, Pittsburg, Kans. Ind. (ll(ll-Gioria Griffin, Box 178, L. S . 98- Davis L. Corbett, 21 Rowe St., Boslindale, Mass. College, Natchitoches, La. KK-Kit Durranant, 1917 N. Broad St., QQ-Mildred Swint, 4651 El Cerrito Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. , San Diego, Calif. MM- Vivian Gowdy, 209 N. Normal St., Br-Betty Burress, Windsor H all , Ypsilanti, Mich . Tahlequah, Okla. Alumnae Chairman Mrs. Lewis Bradley, 117 Court St., I owa City, I owa. Alva, Okl0r-Miss Lois Rodgers, 916 3rd Hw~ting ton, W . Va.-M iss Doris Feeley, St., Alva, Okla. 2547 Third Ave., Huntington, W. Va. Boston, Mass.-Mrs. Clarence Vaux, 43 Indianapolis, I11d.-Mrs. Richard A. Rice, Mudge St., Lynn, Mass. 5254 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. B1~f!alo, N . Y.-Miss Betty Murphy, 120 loh11sfouni, Pa.-Mrs. W. J. Mostoller, St. J ames Pl., Buffalo, N . Y. 399 Liberty Ave., R. D. No. 4, RiverCentral, Pa.-Miss J ean Wolfe, 157 N. side, J ohnstown, Pa. 4th St., Newport, Pa. Ka11sas City, M a.-Miss Mary Hamlin, Cl,icago, Ill.-Miss Dorothy Masters, 7252 2029 Swift .St., North Kansas City, Bennett Ave., Chicago, Ill. Mo. Cleveland OhioKent, Ohio-Miss H elen McGuigan, 623 Columbus, Ohio-Mrs. Loren Windom, E. Main St., Kent, Ohio. R eynoldsburg, Ohio. L os Angeles, Calif.-Miss Dorothy LinDe11ver, Colo.-Mrs. Cris Dobbins, 1795 den, 4719 % W . Washington Blvd., Los Locust St., Denver, Colo. Angeles, Calif. Des, I o-wa-Mrs. Earl N. Jacob- Maryville, Mo.-Mrs. John Kurtz, 315 son, 1317 Morton Ave., Des Moines, W. First St., Maryville, Mo. I owa. Philadelphia, Pa.-Miss Jane R. Large, Eastcm, Pa.-Mrs. H erman B. Gohn, 517 2825 W. Somerset St., Philadelphia, N. 3rd St., Catasauqua, Pa. Pa. Emporia, Kans.- Mrs. Frank Clough, Pittsbnrgh, Pa.- Mrs. Sidney Landau, 1624 Sherwood Way, Emporia. Kans. 5701 Munhall Rd., Squirrel Hill, Pitt Greeley, Colo.-Miss Florence M. Klinger, burgh, Pa. 427 Maple St., Eaton, Colo. · Sa1~ Diego, Calif.-Miss Helen Stevens, Ha)•s, Kans.-Miss Shirley Baird, Hays, .37?5 lOth St., San Diego, Cali f. Kans. Wu lnta, Ka11s.-Mrs . C. E . H amilton Han~pta~~ Roads Area, Va .-Mrs. K. L. 3015 E. Orme, Wichita, Kans. ' Kellogg, 100 Park Ave., Newport Ypslinati, M ich. - Mrs. Otto E. Kre s, ew, a. 1210 P earl St., Ypsilanti, Mich.






ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA Send th e name of girl you can recommend to the chapter pre ident of the school th ey " ·ill attend , using the blank on the lower half of thi page .

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w ho are A . S. 1.......................................................................................................................... .

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