Asa phoenix vol 25 no 3 may 1939

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1939 Fellowship Loan Thermometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 VOLUME XXV NUMBER3

Beta Upsilon Installation Announcement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Seven Campuses Where We Have Chapters ..... . ........ 4 Travel ... .. ..... . .... . ......................... . .... 10 What Interesting Alpha Sigs are Doing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Hobbies . . .... ... ......... .... .. . . ......... .. ... . . .... 23 Campus Personalities . .. .. . .. . ... . ... . . . ............. . 26 Alum nee News Letters ......... .. .............. . . . ..... 29 College News Letters ....... . ...... .. .... . ...... . .. . .. . 39 Pledges .......... . .. . ....................... . . . ..... SO Initiates ............. . ... . ........................... 51 Exchanges

.. .... .. ... . ...... . ....... . . . .......... ... 53

Announcements .. . . ... . ..... . ........................ 58 Directory ........... . .. .. ....... . ... .. .......... . ... . 60

• Published in November, February and May of each year at No. 30 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana. Business correspondence may be addressed to either office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis, Indiana.


Entered as second-class matter, September 4, 1923, at the post office at Richmond, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1870.



Alpha Sigma Alpha Fellowship Loan Fund Contributions 1938-1939 HOW H \ GH 6'( J U \'1 £.



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MAY, 1939







Seven Campuses Where We Have Chapters


In March, 1881. the legislature of Californ ia created the Los Angeles State ormal School. Five acres of ground were donated at the corner of Fifth Street and Grand Avenue-the present site of the Los Angeles City Library. Instruction was begun in August, 1882, with a faculty of three teachers and an enrollment of sixty-one students. Following a legislative appropriation in 19 11 , a new site of twenty-five acres on North Vern1ont Avenue was obtained for the Normal School. In the fall of 19 13 the cornerstone was laid for the first building, Millspaugh Hall, named to commemorate Jesse F. Millspaugh, who was president during the period 1904-1 917. The school wa moved into its new quarters in September, 19 14, where it existed until the summer of 19 19. Through legislati ve action made effective by the gove rnor's ignature on July 24, 19 19, the grounds, buildings, and record o£ the Los Angeles State No rmal chool, were tran fen·ecl to the agent of the U niversity o£ alifornia. In September o£ that year, instruction wa · begun under the name, outh ern Branch o£ the U niversity of California. The educati on facilities we re expanded to include the freshman and ophomore years in Letters and Science beginning with September. 19 19. The degree o£ Bachelor of rts wa conferred in the College of Letter a nd cience for the fir t time in June, 1925. In 1922 the teacher training cour e- were organized a a Teacher' ollege. The degree of Bachelor of Ed ucation wa conferred for the fir t time in June, 1923.

O n February 1, 1927, the name of the institution was changed to U niver ity of California at Los Angeles. The removal to the present site, covering approximately 400 acres, took place in August, 1929, and instruction in all departments was begun in the new buildings on September 23, 1929. By action of the Regents the Branch of the College of Agriculture in Southern California was established in November, 1930, providing resident instruction at the U niversity of California at Los Angeles in Plant cience curriculum, with a major in subtropical horticulture. The College of Busine s dmini tration was established in June, 1935. On August 8, 1933, graduate study at U niversity of California at Los Angeles leading to degrees of Master of Arts, Maste r of Science, and to the certificate of completion for the General econdary and Junior College teaching credentials, wa authorized by the Regents, to begin in September, 1933. Beginning in September, 1936, candidates for the Ph.D. degree were accepted in the field s of Engli h, history, mathematic , and political cience, to the e have been added physics, p ychology and zoology. Consisting of approximately eight thousand tudents and four hundred profe ors, the U niverity of Cali fornia at L o ngele is admini tered by the P re ident through the ice-President and P rovo t. The campus is ituated on the lower outh lope of the anta Ionica Mountains which overlook Hollywood and the we tern part of Lo ngele , the Pacific cean visible f rom the ground , is five mile eli tant in a direct line, and on clear clay Catalina I land may be een.

MAY, 1939




Unlike other colleges, Drexel must survive "sans campus'' in the usual sense of the word. As we are situated at Thirty-second and Chestnut Streets, just a few blocks from the heart of Philadelphia, an out-door atmosphere is out of the question. The first sight greeting the eyes after entering Drexel is the Great Court. It is the Drexel Campus, and is steeped in tradition. The beautiful floor of imported tile, the statuary, the marble stairs and benches, and hand-wrought railings are clear to all Drexelites. Situated on the marble landing and looking across the Court is a bust of Anthony J. Drexel. the founder. On the west side of the Court is the beautiful Child's Memorial Clock, a type of clock which is a rarity among time-telling devices. The brass railing around the clock is the meeting place of many students, both men and women. Classrooms and laboratories open onto the Court, and from two balconies students of ancient Grecian times may be found. 路w inged Victory is a favorite. At frequent intervals throughout the school year, dances are held in the Court during the afternoons. Slide rules, text books, typewriters, and cook books are pushed aside so that all may have an enjoyable hour of mental relaxation. Gander Week dances are exceedingly popular; at

these dances, the girls do all the inviting and cutting-in. Band and orchestra concerts are held in the Court. During the Christmas season, the students filled the Court and joyously sang the everpopular Christmas carols . After all dramatic productions, the Court is open for a dance. Thus, our "indoor-campus" is in use constantly, whether it be morning, noon, or night. . Although the Great Court is drab and dancing w1th shadows late at night, it is full of life and activity during the entire clay. Before classes start in the morning and the noon hour is over, the Court is literally overflowing with population. Sitting on the steps, two deep on the benches, hanging over the railings, and standing in large groups, the students converse and laugh boisterously. The old saying, " I'll meet you in the Court" is exercised regularly. Thus, Drexel has substituted marble and tile for grass and trees in the construction of a campus which adds dignity and grandeur to our college life.

Spring In the early days of spring, From hill and dale the birds do sing; And all the world is full of song, Glad tidings from this happy throng, Of visitors who have come to stay, And make their homes with us today. FLORE r cE WHELDEN, Theta Th eta.


6 STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE BUFFALO, NEW YORK Driving through Delaware Park in a \vinding westerl y direction , you look to the right, over Park Lake, and see the Historical Building, a dignified vvhite structure at the edge of the lake. At your left is the Art Gallery, a similar white

W. R ockwell, president of the College. Behind it, on the other three sides of a quadrangle, are the Industrial Building, the Gymnasium, and the School of Practice. Behind the School of Practice is the Alumni thletic Field, and behind all of this are a number of acres of undeveloped land, the seat of our hopes for dormitories, and more campus buildings. \i\ e moved into the present


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Ma in Entrance and P ortico of College Building, Buffalo, New York.

tone building, classical in style, with a group of caryatid upporting the entablature. D irectly aero s Elmwood . venue, facing the Gall ery, is the Admini tration buildina of the College. The entire plant i eo rgian in architecture, of reel brick, with a column upported po rti co. To the left of the main building is the home of Dr. Harry

buildings in 1932, and are con equentl y still enjoying the development of the campu . The grQJmd are planted with a number of elms. ext month, " lph a igma Alpha wi ll joyfully present the fir t of four marble benches, to be put on the la\\"ns of the chool of Practice and the Indu trial building, facing the quadrangle.

MAY, 1939 The Main building is the home of the General allege department, and the Art department, which i affiliated with the Albright School of Fine Art . In the Industrial building are the Home Economic and Industrial Art students. Participants and Practice Teachers spend their time at the School of Practice, or at Public School No. 52, about a mile away-or 'way out in the country some place, on their rural teaching assignments. Many traditions we have at State, and many activities and organizations to interest students of all inclinations. There are chapters of all seven A. E. S . sororities, Kappa Delta Pi, and numerous other societies, honorary and otherwise. All these are represented by their own wall boxes in Student Center. Thus, one, in lunch hour, or between classes, travels around Student Center, peering into all the boxes of his organizations, to find notices and news . (Alpha Sig's, by the way, has a wooden cover, with the crest burnt on it. ) 'vVe believe, though, that it is the group activities in which the entire college participates that create unity, and that elusive attribute known as college spirit. Interclass Sing, when we compete for a banner, and the honor of singing from the steps of the gym ; the Senior Ball ; the Junior Prom, Moving-up Day, and the festive week before Christmas, known as Holly-hanging, when we all go to dinner, and then attend the Christmas Play-these are the things that make us sing of College Days, too soon gone.

BOSTON UN IVERSITY MARCHES ON ! As many of you probably know, and as many more probably do not know Boston University's buildings are scattered throughout Boston, though mostly around Copley Square. However, our dream of a campus is finally coming true for the first unit of that campus, The College of Business Administration is being built and will be occupied by the first of July! Plans are being made for the further development of the university campus and in the near future we are hoping that most of the departments will be out on the beautiful campus on the Charles River. In addition, Boston University has received, as a gift from Dr. and Mrs. William Chenery, a magnificent home for the President of the University and all future presidents. In style it is of Tudor English castle architecture which fol lows the theme of the Gothic architecture predominating in the new Boston University buildings, and is located at the edge of our campus. Much interest has been evinced in the new home.

7 It contains 26 rooms and 12 baths. predominating feature of the interior is the beautiful wood paneling of imported English oak and mahogany, in some instances covering all four sides of a room. It is enriched with carved decorations. There is much lavish use of molded work of ceilings, cornices and walls. A striking feature of the reception hall is a large Arundel Castle lantern. The house, built originally by William Lindsey about 28 years ago, was purchased in 1927 by Oakes Ames. (The Lindseys were a prominent Boston family with a strong love of England and English architecture.) Mr. Ames sold it to Boston University as a gift of Dr. and Mrs. Chenery. While the whole University is truly celebrating the beginning of the new campus, our own School of Education is celebrating another event-its twentieth anniversary! In commemoration of this event we are holding a dinner meeting, Friday, April 14, at the Boston City Club . Dean Emeritus Arthur H . Wilde, founder of the School, will speak on "The Founding of the School," while Dean Jesse B. Davis will tell of "The Future of the School of Education." Other speakers on the program will include Prof. John J. Mahoney, 路路 fhe Early History of the School"; Prof. Guy M. Wilson, "The Contribution of the School to the Field of Education" ; and James L. Heggie, "The Student Point of View." During the evening announcement wiii be made of the amount received for the Arthur H. Wilde Scholarship Fund in honor of the first dean. Presentation will also be made of a portrait of the present dean, Jesse B. Davis, and of an award to the class having the largest representation at the dinner. And so Boston University marches on! And we alumnce are proud to do our little bit to help carry her on to a glorious future.

Last of the Birches 0 rare inheritage That yields a child so fair! God wills this sapling straight In kingly grace to rise. Heaven girded godchild Smooth skin, candidly white. 0 birch ! with reverence We gaze to see withal Your splendor decadent. Rome and Nero's fiddling Take shape of virtue's deed \iVhen human's ax holds sway. NELLIE 'vV.\LENT, Th eta Th eta.




The Social P rogram play a big part in student life at Northwest Missouri State Teachers College. Throughout the College year there is a con.tinuous stream of social events to keep college life from becoming boresome with too much cholastic work. There are several important dances during the year. There is the Homecoming dance given ea h fall during teachers meeting in order to welcome back old students. There is the formal Christmas ball, the M Club dance, the Junior-Senior prom, the Scoop dance which is sponsored by the staffs of The Northwest Missourian and The Tower for the purpose of introducing the beauty queens of the college. The fraternities and sororities also sponsor formal and informal dances. Besides dances there are parties running from the sublime to the ridiculou

Entertainments Each quarter the college sponsors two major entertainments. Students here have had the op-

portunity of seeing and hearing such world famous entertainer as the Luenen Pa sion Play Soo Y ong, and many others. O ne of the highlights of the year is Walk Out Day. In the fall the tudents listen anxiously for the sound of the bugle which is the signal to drop all books for the day and to prepare for a day of dancing, eating, game and show-going. In the sp ring there is a music and dance festival. Teas, banquets, bus trip to various points of interest in St. Joseph, Kansas City, Omaha and other cities, and many other social activities add their bit to make the school year more worthwhile and enjoyable.

The Outgrowth of Maryville State Teachers College Two new buildings on the campus at the college have been under construction during the past year. They are the Horace Mann building and the new Library building. The Library building is about ninety per cent complete, where students of the college will study next year. The Horace Mann building was occupied recently by several of the college elementary grades.


MAY, 1939

9 its name from the fact that at one time it was part of the camping ground of General Custer and hi s troops during an Indian campaign. The campus is quite lovely, with the main buildings of limestone taken from the immediate vicinity, erected in a large rectangle, three buildings forming each side. There are well kept lawns, with large elm , cedars and poplars providing ample shade. There are fish pools, lily ponds, and rock gardens of rustic character which add charm. The college greenhouse keeps wellkept flower and foliage beds blooming during the entire sp ring and summer.



The Hays State College is, as the name indicates, a college established by the State of Kansas to provide readily accessible educational facilities particularly for the western half of the state. Because the college is the only state educational institution in over half the area of the state, it furnishes not only a liberal arts education, but also teacher-training, vocational, premedic, pre-law, two years of engineering, fine arts, business, and graduate education. Fort Hays campus is rich in historical significance. It is part of the old Fort Hays military reservation, one of a line of forts extending from Kansas City to Denver. Part of the duty of these forts was to protect the building of the Kansas Pacific railroad, now the Union Pacific. The fort was abandoned in 1889. In March, 1900, an act was passed by congress granting the fort reservation to the State of Kansas for three designated _uses, one of which was a state school. In February, 1901, the state legislature accepted the gr~!1t. On June 23, 1902, the first registration and enrollment of students occurred, and classes were _begun. There were thirty-four students, and two faculty members at this time. At the present time enrollment exceeds one thousand students and seventy-thre~ faculty members. Buildings include Sheridan Coliseum, Picken Hall, the Industrial Building, Forsyth Library and Museum, Science Hall, the Woman's Building, Custer Hall (dormitory for women), Cody Commons, the dining hall, a power plant, storage and shop building and a greenhouse. "Custer's Island," is a favorite resort for picnics and outings about two miles from the college. It takes


We students here on the Normal Campus consider ourselves very lucky in having four brand new buildings. The first building to be built was the Briggs Field House. This building was given to the college by Walter 0. Briggs, Sr., owner of the Detroit Tigers. Situated close to the building is the football field, the baseball diamond and the track field. Of course we girls are not permitted entrance in this building as it is strictly for the men, but we are still one up on them for we are getting two dormitories. As there are no dorms on campus for either men or women we feel that we are getting really -up in the world. The two buildings are being dedicated to the two women who spent many .years on the college faculty and who have been .so outstanding in the college's past history. They will be called the Julia Anne King and the Bertha Goodison Dormitories. The buildings will house four hundred girls and as they are being built right on the campus there will be no excuse for any girl being tardy to 路her eight o'clock class. It has been stated that sorority girls may obtain rooms jn the dorm as easily as non-sorority girls. The Rackman Building which is especially designed for the convenience of the children enrolled in special education courses is nearing completion. College students specializing in .this field will do their practice teaching here. Graduate -students of the U niversity of Michigan may also take classes in special education here. Our last building, which is also in construction, is a new health clinic where we students who -are suffering from colds, fevers, and other ailments may receive treatment in this ultra-modern health center. The $66,000 two-story building will have accommodations for about ten hospitalized patients, besides offices and out-patient rooms.



Travel of modernistic architecture, and the latest technical equipment in the line of marine facilitie . ]ULIA STEPIEN ROKICKI, Pi Pi From the point of bu iness turnover it i the busiew York Alumnre Chapter e t port on the Baltic Sea, outdistancing such long In unprecedented swiftness the last two years e tablished harbors as Copenhagen and Danzig. have brought about very many radical changes The Polish people are exceedingly proud of their in the political and geographical situation of new port especially since the greater part of the Europe. 'vVe mericans are more or less actechnical work was accomplished by Poli h engicustomed to rapidity of action in practically every neers and the necessary material bought with field of endeavor, yet most of us gasp in surprise Polish money . Gydnia at the tip of the so-called when we read of nations giving up their indePolish Corridor was built for political as well pendence almost overnight. History tells us that as commercial reason . The development of these very countries now submitting their political Polish foreign trade had brought about a severe strain on the Free City of Danzig heretofore Poland's only outlet to the sea and a a re ult practically forced the country to look to some other harbor to supply the goods that were needed . The fact that Gydnia i of such great commercial significance to Poland renders the Polish Corridor inaccessible to German reach without the consequences of a major war. Gydnia was built with this in mind and today it stands in the eyes of the Poli h nation exactly for what it was intended to become when plan for its construction were first considered. Other important cities are 'vVar aw, Lwow, Poznan, Kralww, Katowice, and vVilno, in order of their population. Warsaw, one of the largest Royal Palace in Cracow, Poland cities in the world, is the seat of the Polish governfreedom under the domination of more powerful ment . It is a city of contrasts where medieval nation have for centuries waged constant strug- buildings and streets are found against a backgles for a cau e which they are now throwing ground of one of the most modern civilizations in away at what eem to be a moment's notice. We the world. It was traditionally the home of mo t all ask ourselves what next lie in store for the of Poland's rulers. The city it elf i built along people across the sea. 'vVe want to know what the European tyle with tone apartment houses type of people inhabit these lands of turbulence, predominating. In the bu ines districts of the what are their occupations, in what urroundings city homes are built adjoining one another so they live and what exactly i their reaction to that there is no space left between them. Invariably each place has its courtyard with gra s and pre ent activities going on all around them. U nque tionably the most strategic position in flowers in the center. The paving on the treets Europe today from a political as well as geo- i in many place primitive due in most part to the graphic point of view i occupied by the Republic financial inability of the majority of Poles to of Poland. Having spent the greater part of a provide themselves with automobiles. As a re ult year and a half in Poland and Central Europe, cobble tones predominate and most of the burden I feel a if I have gathered some intere ting and of transportation within the city is till borne by accurate information about Poland, the country the horse and carriage. n the out kirts many around which in my opinion revolve the present ultra modern villa dot the country ide. The e highly explo ive European situation with all its are the dwellings of the wealthier Polish eleforebodings and complication . ment and rate on a par with any contemporary Perhap the mo t triking thing in contempo- home as far a comfort and structural beauty rary Poland i it Baltic port, the city of Gdynia. i concerned. ome of the mo t famou EuroIthough a few year ago it wa just a fi her- pean in titution of learning are located in \Varman ' village with barely a few dilapidated huts saw uch a the J. Pil ud ki Gniver ity, the Polycattered alonrr the hore. today it i a panorama technic chool of \ ar aw and the ::VI a in Polish


MAY, 1939 School of Commerce. Like most European capitals Warsaw boasts of its famous parks, theaters, restaurants, coffee shops_, night clubs, and above all, of the so-called cream of the entire nation's intelligence. Cracow for centuries the leader in Polish tradition and culture is the fourth city in rank in population. It is in a very true sense of the word an ancient city. Catholicism adopted by Poland centuries ago, is nowhere better exemplified than in Cracow. The spires of its many beautiful churches rise loftily into the air over the city which in the thirteenth century was the last outpost of the western civilization against the Tartar hordes of Asia. The interior decorations of Cracow's churches may well compare with any to be found in Central and Eastern Europe and are a constant source of revelation to many foreign tourists . Also outstanding is Cracow's unique market place, the largest of its kind in Poland where it is possible to purchase almost every type of peasant handicraft. Some of the articles on sale often take months of constant and painstaking work on the part of the villagers to complete any yet may at times be purchased at ridiculously low prices if the art of bargaining has been fully mastered. Another striking feature in Cracow is its circular park "Planty" with its unusually colorful fountains. The park extends all around the oldest section of the city in symbolism of a medieval wall which once surrounded the city to protect its inhabitants. Poland's urban residents living in cities varying in size from 1,000 to 1,300,000 people constitute approximately 25 per cent of the total population of 35 million inhabitants. These people occupy themselves with certain tasks peculiar to their individual cities-for in Poland it is very difficult to find two cities similar to each other. This is due to the fact that each of the three territories out of which contemporary Poland was carved, had been subjugated under the domination of a foreign power. The characteristics of each section today still bear the influence of former rulers. The territory formerly controlled by the Russian government is still for the most part undeveloped to say the least. The Russians never did expect to keep this land forever, and never did care about what happened to the Poles from an economic point of view; but did see to it that these same Poles were persecuted and maltreated because of their love for their native language, country and customs, a heritage which had come down to them through the years. As a consequence industry was completely disregarded and to this day this section of Poland is still retarded


indu trially and economically. To add to the difficult situation, these people have to contend with land that was completely eleva tated during the Polish-Bolshevik War of 1920-1921. Thus most of these city dwellers have had to look to their trade or business for a livelihood . Under these circumstances a very high standard of living cannot be expected. It is often wondered just how the vast number of these little shopkeepers have kept going. It may 路be said however that improvements on a vast scale have taken place during the last twenty years.

Typical Polish Peasant Costume in the central part of Poland, (Lowicz)

In the western part of Poland formerly occupied by Germany the very opposite situation exists. The country is very highly industrialized and trade and commerce flourish as nowhere in Poland. Germany never expected that she someday would be forced to give this land back to the Poles so she included in her program of Germanization plans for highly technicai and scientific improvements. The cities in the western part of Poland are as a rule spotlessly clean, beautifully planned and devoid of the influence of neglect and carelessness so apparent in northern and eastern cities. The glass, meat, fish, and liquor industries flourish here enabling many city residents to find employment. Germany was neither kinder nor friendlier to the Poles compared to the Russian attitude but their influence in the west meant that at least this territory could be developed industrially without too many obstacles being directed in Its path.


The southern part of Poland is al o fairly well industrialized due perhaps to the tolerant attitude of the Austrians. No investments were made by Austria in this part of Poland but for the most part the Poles were unmole ted and left to work out their own problems to the best of their ability. The outstanding industries are coal, steel, salt, and petroleum. By far the great majority of the Poli h people are peasants living in the thousands of villages scattered all over the countryside. These people are unquestionably the backbone of the nation. They perform the task of tilling the soil. Farming is not an easy job even the way we have it here in America but in Poland it takes on more backbreaking proportions. There is practically no agricultural machinery and all ordinary tasks are done by hand as they were done hundreds of years ago. The status of an ordinary Polish farmer is far from a happy one. Families of eight often live on a farm that supplies enough food for four only. Land that has been worked so long has to be used over and over again, and fertilizer to improve this land costs far more than a Polish farmer can afford. Crop rotation is also impossible to a great extent because the demand for certain products is always the most important consideration especially if the farmer has no other source of income and has to solely depend upon what he raises for himself and his family. The Polish government realizes that the farmers are in a bad plight and has been trying to cope with the situation with various degrees of success. Land that once belonged to the nobles is slowly being taken over and sold cheaply to the farmer . Easier credit facilities are also being established. Schools have been built in villages and education more and more is becoming compulsory. Recreation facilities such as libraries, sports clubs, lectures and traveling movie shows are being organized. These are but few of the many progressive reform adopted by the Polish government to better the condition of the farmer. On the surface the Poles may appear to enjoy the petty bickering and party quarrels that often take place among the variou political parties. However one characteristic dominates the emotional makeup of Poles and that i their intense patriotism. They fully realize that they have achieved the freedom their ance tors were struggling 150 years for and they do not intend to have thi taken away. Poland i often considered a emi totalitarian state. There is no denying that a certain extent of cen or hip is pre ent and that Poland is not a democracy in the true sen e of the word. However it i very questionable whether



England, France or even the United States are true democracies. A certain amount of strict government control is indispensable in central Europe because deci ions often have to be made on the spur of the moment. The emotional background of the Poles is also very different than that of Americans. A sarca tic attack in the press upon the president of the United Sate is merely read and then forgotten by the average reader. If such a thing were to happen in Poland there would be demonstrations all over the country and in fact an article might even lead to a revolution. The Poles, like most Europeans are easily excitable and are ready at all times to carry their convictions into action. They realize that peace is essential to their existence and this accounts for their political policy of attempting to counter balance the strongest powers in Europe against each other. Aside from this they are a happy go lucky people. They enjoy greatly the informality of a coffee shop where they can talk for hours on different topics over a cup of coffee. They love all types of music especially the light classic variety. When the carnival season begins, January first, the larger cities are a gala of festivity with their balls, dances, plays, etc., until Ash Wednesday when Lent begins. They are very hospitable, doing everything in their power to make a stranger feel at home. The Poles think very highly of Americans on the whole but are quite surprised at times that every American is not a wealthy individual. To them America and wealth are synonymous. They express their surprise that American homes are for most part one or tv. o-family re idences because to them New York City exemplifies the United States. To this date Poland has seen Germany annex first Austria then Czechoslovakia and now Memel in Lithuania. It has also seen Rumania and Hungary commercially dominated by the Third Reich. To be sure some feeling of concern has been shown but with one of the best armies in Europe at its command Poland does not fear Germany as much as would be expected. The Polish people do not want war with anyone but it is my opinion that if any attempt in the near future i made to alter the status quo as far as pre ent Polish territory is concerned this attempt may well plunge the entire world into a new and more horrible war. Poland does not want to dominate other nations but con iders her territory as sacred and will fight to the Ia t man if anyone trie to take it away from her. bove all he de ires peace so that she may continue her work of the last twenty years.


TO FRANCE TO STUDY FRENCH DR. RACINE SPICER, Professor of French State Teachers College, Alva, Oklahoma

When school closed in June, I went up to New York from Norfolk, Virginia, by boat" just to get in training," as my friend s said. After a few exciting days in New York getting acquainted with Fifth Avenue, automats, subways, Radio City, the Metropolitan Museum, the Aquarium and Broadway, I embarked on the N ormandie for Europe. I was so thrilled when I was actually on the N or11w.n,die on which I had always longed to go but never thought that I could, that I fell right in with the crowd of visitors on the ship and started on a tour of the ship the very first thing. When the visitors were called ashore, I hunted my cabin again and thought of the dining room. The food, service, companionship arid entertainment aboard the N ormandie were excellent; there was never lack of someone to talk or pla路y with ; talking motion pictures in French and English were shown each afternoon or evening, and a daily tour of the ship, games, morning coffee, afternoon tea, sitting and promenading on the deck and dancing in the evening kept one pleasantly occupied. Five days later we left the N orma.n die by tender to carry us to England. It was a delightful sunny morning and we enjoyed the ride along the South coast of England to Southampton. After a brief customs inspection (preceded by tea and cakes in the customs building, the "treat" of my English and Scotch cabin mates ) I was aboard the train for London. In a few hours we were in London, and my room-mate, a girl from New York, and I, set out to see our immediate neighborhood. Our hotel, just one-half block from the Thames, was not far from Picadilly Circus and the up-town shopping theatre district. Soon one of the men from our party joined us, and invited us to see some night life: We decided in favor of a n~ght club instead of a: theatre,. and so our first evening was spent in the Cafe de Paris, watching the London society style of dancing arid dressing. T-he next day brought a thorough sightseeing tour of London-the Tower of London with its historical museum and the coronation jewels, the old City, St. Paul's Cathedral, Old Curiosity Shop, an art museum, two huge department stores, Westminster Abbey and a drive through the residential district by Kensington Park. Another day we went through the famous Mme. Toussaud's wax-figures museum. One day was spent at Eton College and Windsor Castle, stopping on the way to visit Stokes-Poges Church, the inspiration of Grey's

" Elegy." Another day was spent at Stratfordon-Avon. From London we crossed to the Hook of H olland . Our leader told us so much about the rough English Channel that we full y expected to be seasick, but everyone slept so well that two girls were awake barely in time to di sembark. Our fir st breakfast in the hotel at the Hook of H olland consisted of bread, huge slabs of cheese, and milk or coffee. The cheese and bicycles we came to consider as typical of Holland. O ur hotel at Amsterdam overlooked one of the principal canals of this "Venice of the North," and from our balcony we could watch the passerby, walking, on bicycles, or in boats; but we saw very few automobiles in all our stay in Holland. Visits to a diamond-cutting factory, to the National Art museum, to a great cheese farm and to Vollendam and the Isle of Marken where the people still wear Dutch costumes and wooden shoes and sell lovely woolen blankets and tiles with typical Dutch scenes added to our impressions of Holland. Brussels, our next stop, was very French in language and customs, such as breakfast consisting of rolls and coffee served in one's room. We began to miss the English breakfasts of eggs, bacon, muffins, marmalade, coffee and milk and the huge English bath tubs with plenty of hot water. From here on, baths came "extra," as did mineral waters and wines. In Brussels we visited an art museum, and a shop where fine laces are made by hand, saw air-raid cellars under construction, and shopped for gloves and laces. Tired by this time, we began to wonder whether we had made a dreadful mistake to drink water and were the victims of some awful 路"germ" or whether sleep and rest could restore us. At Paris, getting meals by telephone from the dining room was great experience, but not so encouraging to my self-confidence in my French. After talking to two or three persons, a waiter usually came up. Then very sympathetically he suggested what he thought would be good for me. One afternoon I spent at the Exposition. We rode over the grounds on one of the "vedettes" and went in the German building. That evening we went to the Casino de Paris, at which Maurice Chevalier had just arrived to entertain his French and American friends, and well he did with a charming mingling of French and American songs and an accent in both languages. As soon as I learned how to use the Paris subway, I went out to the American Union near the Sorbonne and got some addresses of French


families taking American students in their home . The address Rue de Ia orbonne drew me to the home of the Pas y's who welcomed me. Another American girl wa already with them. We were both on our own, and students at the Sorbonne. he was a teacher of English and French. VVe became congenial friends. When later we spent ''huit jours" in the ancestral home of our family in uvergne, gnes explained all that she had learned or understood about the different and often puzzling French social and family customs to me, and I killed the bugs which came into her room at night through the unscreenecl windows as she was extremely afraid of strange bugs and country animals . We had the most delicious food, I do believe, that can be found, and a week of the most heavenly leisure and relaxation . The family had driven clown from Paris and someone took us and some of their friends to some point of interest within a radius of sixty or seventy miles almost every day. \1\fe saw old castles, old churches, ruins of Roman baths, the very modern fashionable health resort of Vichy, and markets in neighboring towns from which we drove home laden with eggs, chickens, guineas, butter and vegetables. In the evenings we played bridge, had music and French songs and talked. The high point of this week in the country was the day of July 14, the French "Fourth of July." There was a feast at noon in honor of the day and of Paule Passy's twentieth birthday. This was preceded by an impromptu playlet and terminated by the christening of the big dinner-bell back of the house with the remains of the two bottles of champagne. In the evening we all went to the village to ee the torch light procession, the dancing and the carnival. Back in Paris, we found all our classmates at the orbonne eager to recount their vacation experiences over July 14. Some had been to Quimper in Brittany, some to ee the battlefields, and some had remained in Paris to witness the annual procession on the Champs-Elysees. Our classes included students from Poland, Russia, South America, Lithuania, Belgium, Ireland, England, and other small European countries, but we from the nited States far outnumbered the others. So between cla ses, the dignified halls of the Sorbonne became the scene of typical merican college " jellying" ( moking, chattering, eating candy t the end of the fivebar , but no " coke ") . minute intermi ion we filed back into classes as amiably and cheerfully as we do here. The seriou minded French profe ors seemed to like us. In fact I heard more than one F rench per on ay that they liked the merican for their good humor

and optimistic spirit. The French seem to regard u Americans a parents or grandparent regard their children, tolerantly amused by their youthful exuberance and hopeful that they will attain wisdom with years. I felt in the French this spirit of optimism and self-confidence tempered by experience. They are very proud of their history and their heritage; of their old churches and old customs. They admire both as solid, proven and enduring. With all their intense individualism, yet they are a disciplined, self-controlled, reasonable people. The importance of good manners and social poise is the most tangible evidence of this. One can hold-and express-almost any views on any subject in France, provided that he uses good taste and observes the social conventions in the expression of these views. Life is hard in France; at least from the careless American point of view. Money is scarce; nothing is wasted, not even paper. Bread commonly is carried home unwrapped. But there is less hurry and people take time to enjoy their families and friends and their simple pleasures. Radios and automobiles are scarce; frigidaires are very rare; even refrigerators and ice are uncommon; yet they serve the most delicious food in the world, and good conversation makes one forget the absence of radio or a movie. A few things of great interest after our return to Paris were: a visit to the catacombs of Paris, miles of corridors made of bones removed from the old cemeteries as the city grew; and a visit to Les Cavernes de Oubliettes, an old prison where chains fastened to the walls of small cells two, three, and four flights underground show where prisoners were confined in the time before the Revolution until their dead bodies were shoved into the Seine flowing nearby. Now it is a neighborhood night club where singers, dressed in old French costumes, sing old French songs. Toward the end of our stay in Paris, some French plays including two of 1oliere's at the Odeon and the Theatre Francais, and " Faust" at the Opera were great treat . The high point of the ummer's entertainment was the reproduction of one of the medievalmysteres in front of otre Dame Cathedral. ever could one imagine the vividness with which the Medieval Mystery play pre ented Hell and its devil s ! Each night, just before midnight, the big "bourdon," weighing tons, in the tower of otre Dame rang out over the city at the end of each performance, recalling to u how for centuries the life of the city had centered around it cathedral. vVith the greate t reluctance, I left Paris on ugu t 15 and five days later thrilled to see the tatue of Liberty.

MAY, 1939





Beta Ganvma

Two tired Alpha Sig debators, members of Beta Gamma chapter, who had driven five hundred miles the night before, arrived in Natchitoches, Louisiana (the home of Psi Psi chapter), about ten o'clock on Thursday morning, March 16. Although the members of the chapter there had not received our letter telling them that we were coming, in five minutes time the Dean of Women had delivered us into the hands of an A . S. A. and from that minute until the end of our stay at Louisiana State Teachers College, we were tendered all the southern hospitality that you've read about in books. We were taken to the dormitory immediately and were hustled off to bed for one hour and a half. (Remember we had not slept one wink for about 28 hours, but those young ladies were bent on "showing us around." We had lunch with a group of Alpha Sigs who had been rounded up while we slept. By two o'clock we had met everyone from president to pledge, so we packed into cars for a sight seeing tour. Of course we saw the new lodge first of all. It's really something to rave about. It was almost completed and we "got in" on their plans for furnishing it. The president of the college, Mr. A. A. Fredericks, whose wife is an Alpha Sig, is giving the sorority a new radio for their house . . . . That's what a stand-in the Alpha girls have at Louisiana State Teachers College. Next we were taken to the home of Isabelle "Nippie" Williams, a beautiful old southern mansion built during the year 1776. It is said to be the oldest house in the Louisiana Purchase. It was furnished with rare pieces of antique furniture, the most outstanding of which was an old music box, which belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte's brother, Jerome. We had never seen a real plantation-we said that we would like very much to do so-presto, we were twenty-five miles out in the country where there were "oodles" of small ones and several huge ones. They did everything to entertain us. They showed us all the historical buildings within or near the city, helped us to search for antique glassware for our coach's wife, and fed us some new southern dish we'd never eaten every time we turned around. By six o'clock we were "fagged out" so we were hustled off to bed in order that we might be ready on the morrow for some strenuous debating. One of the nicest things of all came on Friday night when we slipped away from the 路 banquet

given in honor of the VISiting debators with the president, Manette Swett, to a quiet little place out in the country, where we munched hamburgers and had a real talk about "our sorority." We compared notes and ideas, eli cu sed problems and probabilities, and queer though it may seem ended up with only one idea-that A. S. A. is the best sorority ever and that we were going to do everything possible to keep it that way. o, we didn't win, but we did place third in the senior women's division though we're only junior college debators, but far better than winning a debate trophy is the privilege of becoming acquainted with such charming girls as we met ; each of whom had a distinct personality, each with something to offer her sorority, each deeming it an honor to hold her sorority above reproach. We've always been proud that we're Alpha Sigs, but since meeting the girls from Psi Psi chapter, and realizing what a large organization we really have-somehow it makes it dearer to us.


Kapp(IJ Ka.ppa

About June 8, I will say goodbye to native shores and sail out on the S. S. Santa Elena, all dressed in a neat waitress uniform. The Grace Line-the only Line in the world which does not employ waiters in their dining salons-hires girls to serve the first-class passengers. For waitress work it can't be beat. I took a whole year off school between my Freshman and Sophomore years and sailed altogether about 80,000 miles. Five times I went through the Panama Canal, and down across the Equator, farther south than New York is north, to Valparaiso, Chile. Then before I came back to school I made a voyage to Mexico and California. Last summer I sailed about 25,000 miles on five 16-day Caribbean cruises, and I plan to do the same thing this summer. On this voyage we stop at such ports as Curacao in the Dutch West Indies, La Guaira in Venezuela, Cartagena in Colombia, Colon on the eastern side of the Canal, Ki!lgston in Jamaica, and Cape Haitian in Haiti. It is quite an interesting run, and we girls have a good time sight seeing, swimming, playing tennis, shopping, and dancing when we go ashore. Our work is similar, though slightly more difficult than waitressing in resort hotels. During meal hours we work hard, but then we are free afterwards to do what we like. When we're sailing this is usually sun-decking, but since nearly every day we hit some port, the most fun is going ashore.



with your camera. The girl ha a lot of pos ibilities for trick shot . Been rambling on too much, o enough for now. Don't forget that your guide book and a strong will will do wonder toward helping you ee everything while you're here. So long, Lulu.

Dear Liz: So you're coming to Xew York! VI/ ell, bring along the comfortable old clodhoppers. Spike heels may do for window shopping along Fifth Avenue, but you'll wont the old nd be sure to pack your flat heels for the Fair. un gla ses. P. S.-Maybe if you have time, you'd like to oon as you land you'd better get yourself a guide book-and don't be ashamed of it. First run out to see ::\Ir. \i\ helan's Fair too! year we lived in New York we never ventured out without "The Famous Guide to New York SPOTLIGHT ON NEW YORK'S for Visitors and ew Yorkers" (twenty-five cents in the Kress five and ten stores). You'll manage WORLD'S FAIR to get around once you learn that "Uptown" is GLADYS L. YOUNG, Pi Pi New York Alumna: Chapter north and "Downtown" is south! Suppose you'll want to do some shopping. On April 30th the greatest fair ever known The section bounded by 34th and 42nd Streets, opened its nine gates to the many throngs who between 5th and 7th venues, is the most popular had long awaited this clay. The opening celebrated shopping district. Some people like 14th Street the lSOth anniversary of the inauguration of for bargains, but you'll have to have lots of George Washington as the first president of the patience with the mobs to shop there and you United States. will probably get "gypped"! You might try the Unlike other fair , it deals with the Future, not pushcart sections for a thrill-if you can stand the Past. For miles around one views the great three-sided obelisk known as the Trylon, which the odor! Radio City is the four star sightseeing attrac- rises 700 feet over the Fair; and the huge white tion. (Fifth Avenue at 4th Street.) You mttst see ball, 200 feet in diameter, known as the Periit. Arrange to be up on the Observation Tower at sphere. These symbols best express the theme dusk, and when the lights of the city begin to of the fair-"The \i\ oriel of Tomorrow." come on you'll pinch yourself to make it seem Over the 12160 acres of the "not-so-long-ago" mar hlands of Flushing il eadows now stretches real. If you want to see lots of New York in a more than 200 rainbow-hued buildings together hort time, put yourself at the mercy of a "Guided forming the shape of a giant airplane. The splendid Bus Tour," but if you have the time it's more land caping of the $150,000000 project includes fun to chase around looking for the highlights a half million tree-shrub , a million and a half yourself. You'll see lots of real New York just bedding plants, and 10,000 tree . by walking around or by hopping a double-decker ever before has anything so large and pecbus at random-any one will do. Half the fun tacular been attempted . It is a Fair three times of doing New York is in getting lost-in which greater than the Chicago Century of Progress of case a policeman is your best friend. 1933, and a fair whose mu ement Area alone The foreign restaurants will amuse you, so i larger than the entire Paris Exposition of 1937. be sure to look for their ads in the newspapers. Subways, railroads, highway , an airport, and a The waiters will delight in helping you choose a yacht basin were built just for the fair itself and balanced meal-that's their job o don't be afraid its 60,000,000 expected vi itors. The Fair's seven zones radiating out from its to ask. peaking of newspapers-if you get a little theme center represent amusement, communicayearning to know what' going on back home, tions, community intere t, food, government, proyou'll find your local paper on sale at Times duction and distribution, and transportation. quare at the north end of the Times Building. In the amusement area you may experience the ome hot day when the air-cooled theatres are thrill of jumping from a 250-foot tower in a crowded and you want a breeze, take the subway parachute with complete safety; or, you may see ( don't be afraid of them ) down to Battery Park ictoria Falls in their natural setting; and many and go over to taten I land on the ferry. The other entirely new attractions. Here too you may view of ?\Ianhattan i uperb, the air i fre h, and enjoy itting in the Fountain Lake mphitheatre it only ten cent for a round trip! Or, take the where a lake separate the stage from an audience boat over to the tatue of Liberty and go to town of 10,000.

MAY, 1939


Television is demonstrated in the Communications Zone, where you can afso see the headlines of tomorrow's newspaper come off the wire, and witne next week's movie newsreels being made. If you're interested in diamonds, don't miss the millions of dollars worth displayed in "The House of Jewels" in the Community Interests Zone. You will enjoy "The Dairy of Tomorrow" in the Food Zone where 150 cows are washed, dried with an individual sterilized towel, and mechanically milked on a great revolving platform, called a rotolactor ! Visit the Government Zone where sixty foreign countries have set forth their achievements and contributions of today around the picturesque Lagoon of Nations to unite the world in amity and understanding. Gathered about the great Court of States, thirty-three members of our Union dramatically express their efforts to make humanity happier. In the Production and Distribution Zone you will want to view New York City in miniature with its subways in action, elevators darting up and down, and factories humming, together with 130,000 bulbs lighting the city from Westchester to Coney Isalnd. Ride Henry Ford's "Road of Tomorrow" in the Transportation Zone; or take General Motors' moving chair trip, "Highways and Horizons," where a sound device serving as a guide takes

you across a miniature merica as it may conceivably appear twenty years from now. You'll want to experience these thrills and many more, and so New York extends to you a cordial invitation to visit this never-ceasing source of wonder. Won't you accept!


Novv, Atfu


A trip to Florida in the winter time is more fun, especially when one realizes that at home in Michigan, snow flakes are falling fast and furious. That was the wonderful feeling I had when our family of eight left for a sixteen-day trip to Florida during Christmas vacation. All points of interest between Detroit, Michigan and Key West, Florida were visited. Some of the outstanding scenic spots were : the famous Fort Marion at St. Augustine; the world's largest alligator farm near St. Augustine; the beautiful Bok Tower at Lakes Wales; the sponge industry at Tarpon Springs; the Tamiami trail with its beautiful tropical birds; Miami and its brilliant night lights; Pirates Cove and all the many kinds of sea life that were seen off the hotel's dock; and last but not least, Key West and its old Spanish homes. All of the above places and many others made a great impression on our minds and shall be remembered for years and years to come. vVe enjoyed the trip, and wished that summer was everywhere throughout the year.

Commencement This is the time of the year all the graduating seniors are making plans for their commencement exercises. Mary Margaret Smith, Alpha Beta, dedicates this poem to graduates of 1939. The stage was lovely with curtains night blue And the wood light oak, and the flowers, too. There is one bouquet All bright and 路gay Just behind where the speaker stands. When he moves about, as speakers do, We can see for ourselves the vase is blue. Now he's moved back And the gay pink flowers make up for the lack Of color in his plain black gown. And strangely enough as we look around We find flowers of purple in vases brown The same as the sweet waxed wood in brown. And in the bouquets is a sprinkling of white To make the traditional purple and white. And if peering 'round people annoys you too You at least can remember the curtains were blue.


What Interesting Alpha Sigs Are Doing reader may also be the manipulator. Sometimes the vehicle may be a tory and then the reader may PIIOEBE W. MAxFIELD, Philadelphia A lumnre Chapter stand in front of the creen and read while the Entertaining, rai sing money and illustrating manipulator portray the story. can all be done by shadow puppets simply anti inThe screen for a hadow play i easily made expensively. shadow play will provide enterwith some translucent material as muslin, paper, tainment for children and grownups. It would be sheet or nainsook ti ghtly stretched and tacked to fun for a group to give one and raise some money a wooden frame. It can be held by a frame or for their organization. If your club or fraternity hooked to door jams depending upon your fais planning a party for new members, it is an excilities. The size of the screen may vary from cellent way to portray the aims and the purpose twenty inches by forty inches and larger. The of the group. scenery should be simple but uggestive. It should shadow play is an easy and quick producing be placed against the creen but so cut to leave medium which can be accomplished by two or a clear space for the action of the characters. The more people. Of course the people in the audilighting for the screen is obtained by a single ence a well as those who produce the play must dimmer will add various affects strong bulb. have a little imagination, for these pictures have and colored gelatine or painted glass will add only two dimensions. variety. The selection of the play depends upon the J ow let us look at the characters or puppets age of the audience. The story or play must have them selves . They are a silhouette or profile sugsome action, and it may be in dialogue, narrative gesting the most effective characteristics. They or poetic form. O ne scene is preferable but if it is neces ary to have more it can easily be ac- must be simple but meaningful in outline. The complished if the scenes are not too short. If simplest is made from opaque and stiff material, many persons are to be used in the production it the same as used for the scenery. They are is possible to find a play or story vvith a number mounted on a stick, such as a one-eighth inch of characters. Some suggestions for entertain- dowel (obtained in a hardware store ) for support. ment are Un m,enage a troie- full of outrageous The moving parts of the puppet should be limited parody and anachronism and fun, based on the in number and they will be easier to make and to story of Helen of Troy. Holland gives us "Heer manipulate. The moving part a re controlled by Halewijn," a med ieval ballad and "Ships are wires along the stick. T>vo pronged pins or knotPassing," a mus ical piece. Some A merican plays ted silk threads shou ld be u eel for the joints. Fo r are "The \iVolf at the Door" by Grace Dorcas illustration we will use a hen, which is made in Ruthenberg; "The So rcerer's Apprentice" by three parts; two of which are moveable, the Doris tewart, etc., and Edgar Coper has writ- head and one foot. The head is attached to ten "Lincoln and the Pig" and "St. George the body with a two-prong pier joint and i ll of these plays can be controlled by a wire hooked through the prongs and the Dragon." worked out ve ry simply. If the purpose of of a pin. This wire i carried down the dowel the play is illu tration, perhaps a series of inci- stick, which is fastened securely to the puppet dent which have happened in your organiza- on the oth er side o a not to ob truct the tion during the year may be portrayed through movement of the wire . The foot is attached and this medium, thus telling your audience in an controlled the ame way. The two wires are then unusual way what your ()"roup stands for in your carried along the tick far enough so the hen community. may be worked on the screen without the manipuFor production there mu t be a manipulator lator's hand bowing above, and hooked or and a reader. One to fo ur characters may be wrapped around the tick. The hooked control is man or woman may be cut handled by one manipulator if they all are not ea ier to work. on the tage at one time. T\\"o or three man ipu- out the ame way and have it head, a rm and foot lator may be needed fo r your particular produc- or leg move. By using a rubber band at the joint tion. fo r the reader , if there are numerous of the jaw , and a tr ing attached instead of a wire character in the play more than one reader will be and carried down the tick, you may show a perneeded. It i 1 o ible to rai e and lower the voice on in the act of peaking. The dowel stick , o that one per on can speak for two or three which upport the puppets. are placed in block character . In a Yery imple tory or play the of wood, weighted on the bottom with heet of


MAY, 1939 lead .. These blocks are only used when a puppet remams on the screen for ome time, and a manipulator has to operate another puppet. All thi~ i~ not very complicated and you need not be artistic or very clever to put on a imple play or story. Why not plan to work something like this for your next party or get-together? If you are interested you might look up the book called "Shadow Plays and How to Make Them" by Winifred H. Mills and Louise M. Dunn, published by Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1938.


McCAJVIMON, Indianapolis, Alumnre Chapter

"Devote yourself steadfastly to your children. Be with them day and night, and love them. Let your love be entire, during these beautiful years. For only during the short dream of childhood are they yours. No longer. For, with youth, they already become much that you cannot be, and desire much that you do not have. From another world come the experiences that develop their minds. The future now hovers before, and the present goes forever."-Taken from Shafer's Poem (translated from German.) The following letter is a copy of one I sent to friends in our neighborhood just three years ago: " To a Parent of a Pre-School Child"Child development and pre-school education have been prominent topics of discussion in the pedagogical world during the last few years. Should children under school age go to school : \!\That kind of school and for what purpose? These questions constantly go through the minds of modern parents. " Children do need companionship of other children. Playing and working with other children help them to learn to talk, to work for a common purpose and to give and take in a spirit of good fellowship. Cooperation is to be learned and the sooner it is introduced the better. ''We must develop the children's resources. The wise educator deals with children on their own intellectual plane and not with condescension. "Children must be understood and be surrounded by sympathetic guidance while their development proceeds as nature intends. "A play group or kindergarten helps to solve all of these problems. "After studying child development and doing research work for the past two years in Columbia U niversity, I do realize the value of pre-school education. I took this work for the better understanding of my responsibility as a mother and now since being back in Indianapolis, I realize there is a need for a play group right here in our


community. I have a three-year-old boy, D1ck: and h~ needs to be in a play group. I hesitate m sendmg him to a large kindergarten and have to worry over the transportation and chance for colds, diseases, etc. "Five or six children are sufficient for ideal ~ctivity. I prefer a smaller group because my ai'm IS to develop each child's individual ability and free~om. My equipment is adequate and I have a smt~ble room for a small kindergarten in my home m Forest Hills. Having taught kindergarten and primary work for several years, I feel well qualified to undertake this happy project. "If you are interested and desire further in formation, please call Dick McCammon's mother 1001 East 58th Street." ' As a result of this letter, after three years I now have twenty-five children enrolled. We have added a French teacher, an Art teacher, and a first assistant to our staff. It is no longer a oneman show. It has grown as the children have developed. Some of the children who are the charter members, including my little Dick, are in school now, but new ones have taken their places. From 9 to 11 :30 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I share my home with these preschool children. We keep adding new equipment. With a private entrance to our basement or first floor, this activity does not interfere with our routine of home life. vVe have the grandest times. We have free activity which really means self-chosen activity. Our latest purchase is a log cabin large enough to transform into a play house. Our bird feeding station has kept us busy most of all winter, observing the new birds who come to nibble suet and peck at the large slices of bread on the ledge of the little house. I know you will be interested to know that one of our own Alpha Sigma Alpha girls, Letha Heckman Gaskins, is the Art instructor. It is a memorable sight to see Letha with her magnetic smile and personality surrounded by many eager little people bedecked in gaily colored smocks ready for an art lesson. Last Christmas Letha became quite involved in a combined cooking and art lesson in our own Pre-School kitchen. Each child made Christmas cookies, all shapes and sizes. The cookies were sugar-coated with bright colored sugar . . . The miniature rolling pins just flew over the flour-covered bread boards. Each child has a French vocabulary of at least seventy-five words. They have their own French song and coloring scrap books. One of our favorite stunts is to slip on velvet



(imaginary) shoes and tip toe up the stairs and have rhythm class in our living room. Sisters of Alpha Sigma Alpha, this is a hobby that you too might enjoy. If you are a mother and have a pre-school child, I know the project is more valuable than you or your child can ever realize. The greatest point in this small group is the natural play with a home background. After all, what is more important than the ability to get along with people? In completing this article I want to add that Van Dearing Perrine says that "Every normal child has a creative ability." It is important not to interrupt or allow the child to become self-conscious or aware that there is anything peculiar in this creative play. Very likely they will never grow up to be artists, but they will have developed their faculties, vision, imagination and fluency . I extend an invitation to one and all of you Alpha Sigma Alpha girls to come visit our child development group. Our mid-morning lunch is served at 10:30. Come join us and have a graham cracker and a glass of milk. Greetings to all of you.


speed at which the wheel revolves. It looks easy, but after a few awkward attempts you begin to appreciate a beautiful, symmetrical vessel more than ever before. Glazing the thoroughly dried vessel is a thrilling part of the whole process, for it is impossible to imagine anything beautiful coming from the dirty-looking, paint-like mixture, a type of ground glass, which is applied to the inside as well as the outside of the vessel. It is again allowed to dry before placing it in the kiln, which heats it to a temperature sufficient to fuse the glaze components together and to make them adhere to the surface of the clay. I can tell you, I was terribly proud of my first such work of art, a little aqua green bowl. True, it is not a masterpiece, but I shall always cherish it, because through this little bowl, I found all the joy of creation and the romance that has for centuries made ceramics one of the most fascinating crafts known to man.



Pittsburgh, P ennsylvania, Alumnre Chapter

Nn Nn Philadelphia Alumnre Chapter

On June 16, 1938, at the Convention Hall in Philadelphia, about twelve hundred students and myself became graduates of Temple University, with a select circle of only twenty who had majored in Journalism. With a brand-new diploma under my arm, this journalist-to-be made the rounds of the Pittsburgh publishers, starting at the top and rapidly working clown, and finally landing a position. The title at least is very impressive, for I am the Society Editor of the Braddock Free Press. Now for a few of the intimate details - the Free Press circulates 27,500 copies every Thursday and Sunday throughout one of the greater steel mill districts of the country. In journalese it is commonly known a a "throw-out." In our circulation area almost every nationality on the globe is rep resented, in various degrees of poverty-and I write about their society. A far as the actual writing goes, there is only one full-time paid position on the editorial staff, the editor, who a! o work on advertising. A parttime sport editor, and myself, complete the staff. I write two column per week, entitled "The ociety Scribbler," and get paid the magnificent sum of five cents per inch . Therefore, I average two dollar per week, unle s my editor cuts my copy to permit carrying more advertising. \' hen I accepted the job, I didn't kno\\路 a soul in Braddock or any of the urrounding districts


Creating objects of beauty and usefulness is to me a source of great satisfaction . vVith such inclinations one can readily understand why, when the opportunity arose, I should chose the potterymaking course from the Ii t of twenty-five courses being offered this year at the local adult nightschool. Our class of potential potters meet for two hours, once a week for a ten-week period. t the fir st few sessions we felt like first graders using modeling clay, for we could not make the lump of clay in our hands behave as we wished. However, w~ found that by making flat strips of clay and then joining them together carefully, u ing a paper template of the desired shape as a guide, a great variety of objects could be made. This is of course, a much slower and less accurate proces than "throwing" on a potters' wheel. ''Throwing" i fascinating. A lump of clay i placed in the middle of a large flat disc which is turned with a foot-treddle. Placing both hands on the now fa t revolving lump of clay, you carefully hape it into a cylinder. Then you pre s a hole into the center with you r thumbs. ow, with one hand on the in ide, and one on the outside of the gradually fo rming ve el, you begin shaping the ve el-to-be . The trick in thi proces i in knowing how to coordinate the amount of pressure applied with the po ition of the hands and the

MAY, 1939


covered by our paper. How to get news was quite a problem at first, so I found that it would be to my advantage to become a "joiner." That explains my member hip in their local theater organization, of which I am now secretary, publicity agent-and only blonde actress ( ?) (You should have seen me as Little ell in "He A in't Done Right By Nell.) You would also be surprised at the great number of items I get per week from the different members of the organization. I have been particularly fortunate in meeting several of the town gossips who know everyone, and all of their comings and goings. From three telephone calls I make for each issue, I get at least ten or twelve items . In an industrial community of this type, the only society consists of hundreds of five hundred clubs and bingo parties. Then too, there are plenty of marriages and birth to report. Included in every column are such momentous details as "Susy Susnitzki was glimpsed walking down the avenue last Sunday afternoon in a stunning fuschia dress trimmed with orange velvet"-and- "the Sixth Grade of the Third Ward School held Open House for their parents yesterday afternoon; Johnny Green recited 'Boots' with gestures." In addition to news items I include a recipe copied from a recipe book for the people who do not know anyone mentioned in the column-and also because it occupies three or four inches of space, and that means fifteen more cents to t~e writer! Among my other duties on the paper, I write reviews and features on assignment at the same rate of remuneration, covering every minstrel show and drug store opening. Sometimes I even get to write the headlines for the front page. In spite of the fact that it is a lot of hard work and almost no pay I am having a swell time! You'd be surprised how important the Society Editor is in Braddock.




Des Moines Alumnre Chapter

Do you have a branch of the American Association of University Women in your city? If you have, do you belong? If you don't, why not join? It is the best group I know of where you can find inspiration and opportunity for continued study and where you can have the fellowship and friendship of college women from many colleges. It is also a: group which is not always trying to raise money, which is rather unusual in this day and age. The dues are small, less than five dollars in our branch. The Des Moines Branch has over 250 members

who represent colleges and univers1ttes f rom all over the Un ited tates. There are study groups which any member may attend- art, music, drama, book review, child study, contemporary European novel, international relations, parliamentary procedure, philosophy, social studies and travel groups. The groups meet once or twice a month in addition to the regular general meeting and tea. Some of the groups begin with a dessert luncheon, some are evening meetings. The pre-adolescent child study group, to which I belong, has just organized thi s year but already we have launched a project in which we hope to bring the very fine music, drama and opera of Junior Programs, Inc. to Des Moines next year for all children in the city. Some of our Des Moines A. S. A. members are in book review groups and some have attended travel groups. I am proud to be a member of the American Association of University Women, an organization whose scholarships enable women to continue their study and an organization interested in the social and economic status of women.

CITY COLLECTOR Lucille Stalsworth was elected City Collector of Independence, Missouri at the recent elections. She won over her opponent by a large majority, the first woman to hold the office in the ninetyyear history of the city. "Lucille Christopher Stalsworth is from Zeta Zeta and is a member of the Kansas City Alumnc.e chapter. Before her marriage several years ago, she taught in the Independence schools. Independence is a suburb of Kansas City and a very enterprising one, too. "We are happy for Lucille that she won the election by such a large margin, and that she has the distinction of being the first woman to be elected to the office of City Collector.'' It has been said that if more women like Lucille were to be elected to public offices, conditions in politics would be improved, without a doubt.

Rue I shall not pine away and die Of unrequitted passion; Nor shall I beat my breast and sigh In bitter self-compassion . Sometimes I long for days gone by 路w hen such things were in fashion! ETTA CHRISTIANSEN,

Theta Theta.




Omega Omega

San Diego Alumnre Chapter

ometime in 1940, a tronomer enca ed in a giant dome atop Palomar l\Iountain, an Diego, California, for the first time will train the world's largest tele cope on new firmament and will seek to increa e man 's knowledge of this universe. The $6,000,000 observatory will be christened for Dr. George Elery Hale, who made outhern California the world's astronomical center. The "Big Eye" will not be alone on Palomar mountain. There are two other telescope to keep it company. One, an eighteen-inch Schmidt, has been in use for two years and through it Dr. Fritz Zwicky ha~ discovered , among other things, four hundred new starry universe in the constellation of Pisces. A second dome will house an eighteen-inch Schmidt, to be utilized as a scou~ for the big two hundred-inch reflecting mirror.

Palomar's Giant Eye

even hundred twenty acres on Palomar were selected as the observatory ite in September, 1934, after thirty-one year of scientific observation on fifteen mountains of Southern California and rizona. The research and equipment are a gift to the alifornia In titute of Technology from the General E ducation Board of New York City, founded by John D. Rockefeller, in 1903, for the promotion of education in the U nited State . lso cooperating i · the Carn egie In titute of VIa. bington, D. C. The cu todian of the ''Great Eye· i a large ilver dome one hundred forty-five feet high and about one hundred thirty-five feet in diameter. A 'catwalk" of teel grating encircle the outside of the dome at about the fifty foot level, from which one may ee the mountain of ::\1exico, anta atalina I land :.It. Baldy and ometime the


peaks of the high 1erra range ( more than 200 miles away). When the ob ervatory is in n e, two huge shutters will lide back, creating an opening through which the ''Eye" may focu on any part of the heaven . The weight of the shell of the dome, 1100 tons, i carried by thirty-two 'trucks'' which are made to such perfection that the dome in rotation is noi eless. Unlike most observatories, the interior of the Palamor dome is an artistic triumph. It is lined with more than a half million dollars worth of aluminum panels. These panels play an important part in the air conditioning system neces ary to protect the valuable mirror from even slight temperature changes. The "Great Eye" is nothing more than a huge camera which will magnify the heavens a million times greater than can be seen with the human eye. The mirror will serve as a light gatherer. For the purpose of maximum magnification, the light from distant stars will converge through a eries of mirrors to the spectroscopic chamber and finally be reproduced in photographic form. To this end, workmen at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena are busily completing the spherical grinding of the len e, ·which in turn will be followed by parabolic polishing, the last step in readying it for the journey to Palomar. 1any startling statements have been printed as to the revelations expected, but not by astronomers. They simply say that it should add much to man' knowledge. Any,..vay, it i certain that Palomar will be a center of scientific interest for years to come. EDITOR' s NoTE- ''Jeanette' hu band ha worked all winter on the ob ervatory, and she and little Billy, a year and a half old, lived there too, until the severe winter weather drove them back to an Diego.

Recipe in Rime A semble fir t ingred ient : n easy smile, so light and gay, Good humor hown in every way. Your eyes alive to ee the best, Your lip to comfort and to bles. trong arms to help and lift a load . Keen ear to listen to what' told Blend all and tir together • ell, 'Til of the right con i tency To pread good cheer and joy and ong, • far and wide a day i long. Do erve at once for flayour be t To find in life a greater ze t.


\\ '.\LEXT,

Theta Theta.

MAY, 1939

Hobbies PALMING IT OFF "I see for you Great richness, wealth; A husband handsome, too." Fortune telling is the form of Palmistry neare t your heart; and even if you've never been initiated into the mysteries of charts with lines of deep occult significance, you can play gypsy at the Hallowe'en party. If, though, you are foolish enough to indulge in having this degraded science as a hobby, you'll be innoculated with theories that seem plausible in all their strangeness; and be impressed with the relative antiquity of handreading. In ages past, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Hebrews and other great races of mankind practised and held handreading in high esteem. Aristotle wrote a great deal concerning it in his "History of animals," and the historian Josephus is said to describe Ceasar as such an expert handreader that having once seen a man's hands he could not be deceived as to his pretentions; and so with Napoleon, "The face may deceive-but the hand never." Now handreading has been scientifically termed Cheirology and brought within the compass of our knowledge-even into the domain of education. The foremost exponent of diagnosing the shape and lines of the palm in view of future possibilities of occupation is William G. Benham. In his book "How to Choose Vocations From the Hands," he equivocates, "The need is great. Rising generations seek vocations for which they are best fitted. The waste of education in the past must be prevented in the future. Parents must be able to tell their children what they can do best. The answer is withi n the covers of this book." The problem is furthered by grading every child born into one of seven types; and these are to be based on the indentification of his :M ount type from his hands-after that it is only a matter of educating and preparing him for future occupation. The founts in question are located in the palm c. 1 the hand, four of them at the base o拢 the fingers and one at the base of the thumb. You must take into consideration the size of the Mounts, their consistency and color and sundry details about the length and general structure of the fingers. \"A/ e scrutinize, for example, the J upiterian Mount type and detect these distinctive traits.

Situated at the base of the forefin ger, a welldeveloped !fount of Jupiter indicates mbition, Leadership, Religion, and Honor. Thi person cannot help but feel his own strength, and this makes him self-confident. He is an aristocrat, and independent, but his sense of fairness often leads him to be the champion of plain people in politics which endears him to them and makes him a successful politician. All of these qualities are favorable to a career in the church, and as the J upiterian child is inherently religious, he inclines to enter the ministry in which calling he succeeds admirably well. Having di scovered his major force, we must associate the predominating qualities of other Mounts that would influence his nature. Likewise from other physiognomic features of the hand, we discover the child's mental and practical traits. Then we may safely assert whether he will best succeed as proprietor of a delicatessen or reporter for financial publications. Since I am not a camp follower of Benham's vocational guidance, my delight in Palmistry is still to prosphesy a brilliant marriage for the girl in the corner grocery store on the strength of a lightly defined cross on her Jupiter's Mount; and to regret that I can't predict the same for myself. NELLIE W ALENT, Theta Theta .

MY HOBBY- WRITING 路when a very small child, I even considered for a while the idea of changing my life's profession from that of a painter to a writer. I couldn't make up my mind which was betterhaving some dense grown-up look at my sunsets, trees and houses and say, " My, my, that's fine, little Katherine-what is it?" and to have the family go into an uproar at the saddest, most tragic part of one of my stories that was supposed to bring tears to the eyes and pain to the heart. Before long I took to drowning my troubles in poetry. Glub! Glub! I found great satisfaction when spanked for being saucy or falling in a mud puddle with my best dress on, in giving vent to my feelings through verse. It seemed such a touching thing to do. Somehow, after expounding my long-suffering and patience at my ill fortune, I felt that the cold world could do its darnedest, and that I could still stand it. Then there were the amusing incidents, such as old Mr. Jones going to sleep and snoring in church, or Tom Bradley going proudly up the aisle with the price tags on his new suit. And when something extra-special beautiful happened


to hit me like seeing the look in my mother' eyes when she'd ing to u , I 'd try that, too. Oh, I have now a book of rare specimens in the >vay of poems, and l'm still writing them, and I still get ju t a much pleasure from it. And besides, I want to ee if the ones that I write now will be just as funny ten or fifteen years from now as the ancient rarities of which the following i a ample: SUSY The funniest person is Susy, our cat; She chases away the mice and the rats. To have great fun she never will fail. When there are no mice she chases her tail. A curious one is Susy, our cat, For now she has kittens in my Pop's slouch hat. La t year I had the joy of seeing two of my later efforts published in the Book of College erse for 1938, and I hope you will not think that I'm taking too much for granted in supposing that you'd be interested in reading the one that appeared in our college magazine this fall. (Uh-huh, I crashed that, too. If I didn't know better, I'd think that I was heading for success.) CALLING There's a gay, fantastical, light-skipping breeze That's breaking the stillness and stirring the trees, And shaking the leaves in a mad minuet And pulling my heart strings. - I know they'll break yet. For the night is calling aloud with a will; Nor my heart, nor my hands, nor my feet can keep till. There' so much to gain and so much to lose, There's so much to borrow, and o much to choose; nd so much to keep, and o much to give; nd so much to find , if I'd know how to live. The winds call, "Follo"v, to seek what you need"路 The sta rs sing out, " trive, accomplish, succeed." nd moon glow fall whimsically over the ground, prelude in ilver to something unfound. There' a gay, fanta tical, light-skipping breeze That' breaking the stillne and stirring the trees, nd inging out wildly a mad little song, nd pulling my heart trino- . -They'll break before long. That s alright, if you don t think I've improved any over " u y." I m till writing because I lme it. K .\THERI 路 E . ROBERT , Alpha ( poet and you don t know it. )

COLLECTING OLD PEWTER Peauter, peuter peutter, pewttor, pouter, putar, putter and puther are all pelling for pewter. These are but a few of the many ways that pewter was pellecl in our colonial clay . The Probate Records of Essex County, Ia sachusett contain more than one thousand estates, recorded from 1635-1681 by George Franci Dow. It is a mine of information, with the added intere t of the retention of the original spelling found in the documents. Peuter is li ted under uch headings a "Pard of ould pewter" or "worne pewder." Dishes, plates, platters were sometimes listed as great, little, or "smale." There were great many cups and "sasers." Less common articles mentioned were chargers, butter and fruit di he , wine quarts, beakers and tunnels. Much of the pewter in the e early records was imported from England, but some was made here by Richard Groves, the first pewterer to ply his trade in ew England. We, collectors are satisfied with eighteenth and nineteenth century pieces, and elated i he who possesses authentic pieces of the seventeen century. Old pewter has so many allu ring features it is not surprising that so many people collect it. I started collecting when a piece was handed down to me. Mine was a very old communion service, bearing the stamp of the crown of England, which always fascinated me a a child. I loved the soft silvery heen, and wondered what happened if someone took a very large drink from the single cup. Was it promptly refil led? Not long after receiving the communion service the woman with whom I lived while teaching in a rural chool in Maine, gaye me a charger, two plates, a porringer and tea pot. What a thrilling moment! Hearing of my interest in pewter two other women contributed salt and pepper hakers, and a ladle. Later I bought for a new dollar bill a coffee pot and a little hot water kettle. Today I am proud posse sor of eighteen pieces--cash outlay one dollar. It is a wonderful diver ion for pare time, not only for the romantic element found in its hi tory but for the hour to be pent in its care and arrangement. There i alway the possibility of a rare find, or a bargain a\\"aiting a pewter hunter. Lo I E CHICK, Theta Theta.

MAY, 1939

MY HOBBY- KNITTING \,Yhy have a hobby? hobby to me means an e cape from the world of reality to a world of dreams. It makes it possible for me to relax and to relieve the terrific mental tension I always feel in my everyday life. I am one of those people who find it difficult to just sit and relax, as I must have some thing in my hands to do. This is where my hobby, which i knitting helps me. Wit\1 some garment forming under my fingers, I can sing into the soft cushions of my easy chair and allow my thoughts to be carried into a world of pleasant thoughts and memories by the dancing flames of the fire in the fireplace. Or else I may read some book, which will take me into foreign and exciting places or which will unfold some interesting romance. This will bring the contentment of mind that I find so necessary in order to fill the task I find ahead of me each day. What do I accomplish, other than mental peace, with my hobby? I also get a thrill of satisfaction with the display of vanity of my sixteenmonth-old niece, Jean Marie, in her new knitted dress of blue with angora ruffles on the neck and sleeves . Jean Marie is as proud as a peacock with her new finery. \iVhile Sporty, her threeyear-old brother, is just as desirous as she to have a new knitted suit because he is also, like his sister, vain over his personal appearance. (I am afraid we have two little peacocks in our family.) Thus my hobby serves a two-fold purpose, relaxation, and material gain.

to match my ha ty note with the bird book's idea of the bird I was looking for. Ducks have always held a strange fascination to me. I could sit all day and watch them . Just the other day I saw one that was a stranger to me. His wings and bill were a tartling white in comparison to the slate grey of his back, and his black head. It was as good as any guessing game to pick out the right one, but I finally tracked him down. It wasn't long before my friends would greet me in such a manner, "At dawn a large flock of Canadian geese flew over, heading for the Far North, and there were two bluebirds out in my backyard this morning." They have caught the fever too. My Dad has become my official weather bureau, giving me the temperature and barometer readings, morning and night. He gets just as curious as I do when we see a strange bird. Things were sailing smoothly along when I realized that I was a day behind in the date. That was a calamity, because it wasn't very easy to see where the slip was made. My day was found after much checking; but I feel almost too guilty to tell you what day it was-April Fool's Day. If you ever find time hanging heavy on your hands just go out and look around you. The fever will enter your blood, and before you know it you will be keeping a calendar. It is loads of fun, and keeps you busy all the time; beware of April first. GRACE EASTON, Theta Th eta.

KATHARINE M. HALE, Boston Alumn<e Chapter.

Prayer for Alpha Sigma Alpha KEEPING A NATURE CALENDAR \ ,Yhat a fascinating subject Nature is for a pastime! I never realized it until I started keeping a six week's calendar on nature's activities; arrival of the birds from the south, the flowers as they push their heads through the soil, weather conditions, and trees as they put on their spring dress. Once I began I realized that it was seeping through my mind and thoughts more and more, especially when I saw a bird or animal that I never had seen before. Does he hop, crawl, creep, or jump? Does he sail, soar, swoop or glide through the air ? These are just a few of the thoughts that I began to think once I went in for nature. Colors and special markings are the big signposts. Then the fun began when I got home and tried

Knit together by ties of friendship Bound by vows of love We live together joyfully With like aspirations and desires 'Ne ask, seek, and attain. Our years together are but few So we make the best of them \,Ye sing and play, and work and rest And never forget the girl distressed But help her on her way. \,Yhen these few days are ended And we go our separate ways To fame, fortune, or mere success We still will sisters be, eternally. EsTHER BoYCE,

Rho Rho.




Campus Personalities THE "THREE'S" OF ALPHA BETA As I look over the roll of lpha Beta I found several interesting thing . At present we have three girls in our chapter who are second generation A lpha Betas. They are : Mary Jo Wilson, daughter of Mabel Vaughn Wilson, Jennie Lou Blackwell daughter of Ma rion F rancis Gardner Blackwell, and Caroline Krembs, daughter of Sally V. Heathman Krembs. Caroline and Mary J o are active mem bers and Jennie Lou is a pledge. We also have three sets of sisters in our chapter. They are : Tobby and h rjori e Rouner, Mary Be se and J eannette 1onroe, and V irginia and E lizabeth Burn s. 路 T he three Alpha Betas that are faculty members at the college are M iss Ethel Hook, Miss Alma K. Zoller, our adviser, and M iss Mary Jensen. AGNES MuELLER, A lpha Beta.

BETTY F. BARBER, PI PI CHAPTER T he unf ortunate popular view of poets and their work has led Betty to believe that her only moral relief may come through the P rynne-like wearing of a huge scarlet P on her chest. Fo r

poetry publi her of ew York City. Her poems are largely free in style, and modern in feeling. Many of us "eat 'em up" - others- and this makes Bets furious - "j ust don't get 'em ." Tho e who know, however, believe Barber poesy to be worthwhile, and decidedly promising. We Alpha Sigs were ohsopro ud, therefore, when she read a poem she had written for us at initiation dinner last fall. TO ALPHA SIGMA ALPH A down on the four corner of my heart rest the points pricking my memory of laughter and a hand that mingle my own. these face that smile when I smile mean here to be seen for myself alone the e I aspire and attain. Betty, af ter wo rking away for years at developing poetic style, feels somewhat that she, will have to work even harder to live it down. To thi s end (and for more conventional reasons) she has worked energetica lly a a member of the Dramatic Club, appearing last week in a lead in the sp ring play; as a staff member of the Ehns, B. S . T. C. yearbook; as president of N u Lambda Sigma, women's honora ry literature fraternity; and as co-chairman of the Junior Prom committee. In recognition of unusual ext ra-curri cular contributions, she was last week tapped to lpha Society.


Betty Barber

Betty i the allege's foremo t poetess. College publication have long carried her work, and more recently several poem have been publi hed in " \merican \ omen Poet , 1 37,' " Ero " and "Mu ic nheard,' publi bed by Henry Harri on,

May I present-one of the grandest girls on campu - full of pep and vitality, bubbling over with mischief , a pleasure to all who know herLyla Stenzel. S he's a en ior th i year and soon will leave us, but she has been a g rand A . S. A . while he was here. La t spring we elected her president of our chapter. Later, feeling that he could do more good in another capacity he re igned to become matron of Morri on Hou e. Thi is a cooperative house for ix Fre hmen girl and Lyla is mama to all ix. If we do say o he ha done an excellent job of managing the hou sehold and her Fre hie . In addition to thi Lyla i active in \ omen' League affair on campu and has always been one of the mo t active members in the so rority. We are very proud of her.

MAY, 1939


PORTRAIT OF HELEN BUCK The Nu Nu chapter of Alpha Sigma A lpha is proud that "Bucky'' is a member of her sisterhood because of her personality and willingness to serve. A senior in the School of Business Administration, she is now practice-teaching in Chester, Pennsylvania, her home town. As a leader, Bucky capably handles her important present position of pre ident of Women's Student Government at Drexel. This modest maiden is admired and respected by both men and women at Drexel. The men of the Military Department chose Bucky from the senior class to be their Honorary Colonel and to represent them in the feminine world. Just as the men chose her, so the women look to Bucky for guidance and assistance. It makes no difference whether the girls are freshmen or seniors; she treats them all alike.

Elizabeth Landes is a commuter from Jenkintown. She is president of the Magnet Senior Honor Society, treasurer of Astron Senior Honor Society, vice-president of Alpha Sigma Alpha, treasurer of the Liberal Arts Club, a member of the Women's Judiciary Board, and archery manager of V路.,T. A. A. Libby keeps busy all the time-at present she's managing the Talent Tourney at Temple University. She expects to go to business college this summer in Philadelphia.

MARY LEE MILLER- SIGMA SIGMA As far as the campus at Western State is concerned we'll nominate fary Lee Miller to vie with any other for the apex. Mary Lee is very active in dramatics, having played the lead in " To :More Frontier," which was the fall quarter production, in an extremely commendable manner. She has had leading parts in several plays in previous years and is now eligible for membership in the Dramatics Fraternity, "Alpha Psi Omega." Home Economics is Miss Miller's major with English, Dramatics and Chemistry as minors. The Women's Athletic Association and Beta Beta Beta (Biological Honorary Fraternity) also have Mary Lee as a member. We're glad to call a girl like Mary Lee Miller a sorority sister and will reluctantly receive the time when she will graduate.

Helen Buck

Most of Bucky's leisure time is sp~nt in reading poetry, listening to fine music, or indulging in an invigorating game of tenn is. Her ambition is to be an efficient teacher of English literature. Drexel will miss a capable leader and loyal friend when Bucky graduates. Here's hoping her "castles-in-the-air" will materialize. Where can a man better learn to master that priceless art of "how to get along with people" than in the college social fraternity? Truly, it is a laboratory in wh ich he can put to practice the things he learns from books.--庐E Unicorn.



Lynn Davis ~argaretta


Margaretta Schenbecker comes from Glenside. She is one of the outstanding seniors of Temple University. Her extra-curricular activities of the following organizations: Astron Semor Honor Society; Magnet Senior Honor Society ; Handbook editor-in-chief; Templar Staff, educational editor, activities editor; Home Ec. Club, judiciary board; vice-president; Women's ~eague judiciary board; Alpha Sigma Alpha, pres1dent; Kappa Delta Epsilon. Margaretta represented Kappa Kappa at the National Convention held last summer. She was chairman of the Magnet Career Conference and one of the chairmen of the Talent Tourney. Margaretta has a future in mind. She wants to take courses in dietetics and is to be congratulated on receiving an appointment to interne at the Johns Hopkinse niversity.

Lynn Davis comes from \iVashington Crossino- Pennsylvania. She is treasurer of the Magnet b' . Senior Honor Society, Correspondmg ecretary of the Astron Senior Honor Society, Sor?r ity Editor of the Templar, Editor of Alpha S1gma Alpha, first woman business manager of the Handbook, vice-president of W . A. A., a me11_1ber of the Secondary Education Club Counc1l, ew Horizons Staff, varsity basketball squad and Boosters. Lynn was chairman of the second annual Mixed Play Day and of the twelfth annual Intercollegiate Play ight. She ha just returned from a week's trip to Tennes ee to study the T A. ne of the most thrilling experiences was eli covering progressive education in the N orri chool. It is ed ucation developed from the need of the students and not progressive education set up merely for experimental reasons.


MAY, 1939

News Letters-Alumnae Chapters ALVA, OKLAHOMA Essie Nail and Ruth Riecker entertained the Alumnre in Essie's home, January II. After the busines~ meeting and dainty luncheon, the group played Chmese Checkers. Probably, the high light of the ev~m~g for. most .of us present was the privilege of en1oymg With ESSie her lovely collection of old and interesting patterns of glassware. Collecting these lovely patterns is a hobby of Essie's. Ada Lane and Lorinda Lane were co-hostesses at a Valentine Rook party at the home of Lorinda, February 3路 The daughters of the hostesses, Wilna and Loraine and Elaine assisted at the tea table. Prize for high score, a luncheon cloth, went to Wilna Lane. At this meeting a letter from Minnie Wesley Clark of Raytown, Missiouri, was read. As a farewell courtesy to Rosa Lee Montgomery, former. sponsor of 77 actives, Mrs. Edith Ames gave a tea m her home February 25, for the actives and alumnre. The following very interesting program was given: Readings, Mrs. C. A. Traverse; Vocal Solos, Lorinda Lane, accompanied by Luella Harzman路 Piano Duet, lola Ricks and Phyllis Card; Combinatio~ Whistling Solo and Musical Reading, Mrs. Hollis Warrick; Piano Solo, Mrs. Clifford Mann. As members were served at a beautifully appointed tea table where Mrs. Ames presided, Erl Lene Cline, president of actives presented each with a nosegay of red sweet peas tied with blue and white. Rosa Lee received a box of linen handkerchiefs in delicate pastel shades. Rosa Lee had been a librarian at Northwestern and has now accepted a position as a librarian in the City Library at Oklahoma City. An interesting spring dessert party was given March 3 by Alma Lois Rodgers and Edna Donley in the home of Alma Lois. Eva Wood presided. After the business meeting and delicious dessert course, 77 alumnre joined in the contests of figuring out certain famous people, different wearing materials, making Easter bonnets and matching of the greens. Guests included, besides the alumnre and the patronesses, Mrs. Donley and Mrs. Rodgers, mothers of the two hostesses. Naomi Paris, Eula Callison and Emogene Cox are to entertain the alumnre and patronesses at Naomi's home, April q, with a dessert domino party for the April meeting. Favors are to be elfs and umbrellas. The group will sing songs appropriate to the season. The spring color note will be observed in the appointments including spring flowers. This meeting was postponed a week so that it would not conflict with Lent services and Good Friday ceremonies in the various churches. We are so happy to have Eva Wood back with us and well and strong. She and friend husband have been losing a lot of sleep with their young son Howard who has been extremely frail. But we are happy that he seems to be in excellent health now.

We are very proud of our own Miss Minnie Shockley w~o is Dean of Women here on our college campus. Mtss Shockley received the distinction of being elected chairman of the Guidance Section for the Meeting of the Deans of Women at the Oklahoma Stat~ Education Association held February 8 to I o thts year. - In the Panel Discussion held in t~at se_ction, Alma Lois Rodgers had charge of the dtscusswn on Health Guidance for College Girls. Mary Truax d'Atley, who is Dean of Women at Tonkawa College, Tonkawa, Oklahoma, conducted the discussion on Academic Development of College Girls. Several Alva Alumnre have lost loved ones rece':tly_, viz: Ruth Rudy lost her mother February 12; Mmme Wesley Clark of Raytown, Missouri lost her mother February I5; Vera Leeper Cullison of Anthony, Kansas, lost her father March 7; Ruth Morgan Inglett of Waltonville, Illinois lost her mother, Verna Morgan, who was also an Alva Alumna. We extend heartfelt sympathy to all of them in their bereavement. Alma Lois Rodgers is one of the busiest and "livest" persons we can imagine. As sponsor of W omen's Athletic Association, she took nine of her girls to Chickasha, Oklahoma, to participate in the annual Oklahoma College "play day," March 24 and 25. From there she went on to Tulsa to a Convention for College Women Directors of Physical Education on March 27. Then the remainder of the week she spent at the District Convention of Physical Education and Recreational Directors. On April 29, she will conduct an invitation play day here on her own campus. We are sad to report that Essie Nail's husband had a serious car accident April I, in which he suffered a broken back. He is getting along as well as could be expected and without complications, should recover after a long time. We extend sympathy and best wishes to Essie. We are very fortunate in the talents of our patronesses. Mrs. Edith Ames, mother of our alumna president has the ability and willingness to entertain in the most charming manner. She can show our girls such a good time in a way that few people can. She offers her home and hospitality often. Mrs. C. A . Traverse is a talented reader, who for several years has been a competent teacher of speech correction and of expression here, at Frederick, Oklahoma, and in a girls' school in Traverse City, Michigan. Recently she has had an article "Forty-two Days from the Life of a Two-Year-Old" accepted by The American Home. She is also doing her part as wife of a promising young physician. Mrs. Clifford Mann is an accomplished pianist and singer. She is an active church worker. Her personality and smiling disposition wins her many friends. She is always willing to help Alpha Sigma Alpha and we are happy to have her as a new


patroness. Mrs. Hollis Warrick vies with a mocking bird in her propensity for whistling solo work. She also sings nicely. She sponsors Y. W. A. work in her church and she really lends much of help and guidance and enthusiasm to whatever she finds to do. Another Gamma Gamma Alumna has become an Assistant Scout Leader. Catherine Quinton has begun her duties as assistant in the Mesquite Troop of Alva's Girl Scouts. Emogene Cox has been appointed chairman for the May picnic for the Alva Scout leaders and Council members. Alma Lois Rodgers is to be chairman of the entertainment committee. All of our other A.S .A . scout wo.rkers are on vanous committees for this affair. EMOGENE Cox.


Once a year, Helen Weis opens her home to us for a luncheon meeting. It's something we look forward to with anticipation, but this year when we heard that "Ginny" Donnigan was going to be chairman, we knew it would be doubly nice . Helen Weis is a most charming hostess, and with "Ginny" to prepare the food-need we say more? On March 8 we all buzzed over to Mary Blackstone's house for a supper meeting and white elephant sale. Everything and anything was sold for a white elephant from last year's rubbers to Grandma's hatpins. Marg Houston and her committee reported on their work of writing a permanent constitution and history of our chapter. Mary Lou Christiansen was in charge of the food and was it good! It was an excellent meeting-as are all meetings at Mary Blackstone's house. Our first supper dance was held on March 25 at the Buffalo Athletic Club. Zita Oliver was chairman. There were thirty couples present-a real get-together, so that we decided to make it an annual affair. And-one of the nicest things of all was the tea the Pi Pi chapter gave for us . A very lovely tea, and very swell of them to give it. Right now, we have exciting plans for our party for the college gals-until thenBETTY MuRPHY.


Mary McAuley, retmng president of the Boston Alumna: chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha, has served as president for several years in a most efficient manner and is beloved by all the members of the chapter.

BUFFALO, NEW YORK "We had a skate on." Yes, we too have heard this expression used as a term of inebriation, but at the time it seemed very appropriate, for "yours truly hadn't had roller skates on since Pig-tail days." It would have bee n all right if we could have stood still, and had the floor go around, but when it came to moving our feet-we just couldn't. Luckily most of the gals in the Buffalo Alumna: group are good skate( s) or ( rs), and they shoved and pushed all the lame ducks around. But nevertheless we had a grand time that night of January 18-in fac t we're thinking very seriously of having another party of the same kind, right soon.

You know I was going to write this letter yesterday but when I glanced up at the calendar and saw that the date was April first, I decided not to do so, for this is no April Fool joke, its just what we have been doing these last few months . January 19th we had what we called our intiation frolic at the home of Ruth Hessenauer. You see we now have eight lovely new members and we decided that it was high time that they provided the amusement for us. Well they did and very adequately. The girls came out dressed up in newspapers to represent the different departments such as Society, Classified Ads, Sports, Editorials, etc. Each girl had written her own article for her department and had incorporated at most appropriate places the names of the older members. Many a sly dig was given and taken in hilarious spirit. Oh we had a grand time with it all. Several competitive games followed to determine the most brilliant minded new member and Lois Wuichet was the winner of the corsage (made entirely of vegetables) . We held a brief business meeting and then adjourned to the dining room for sumptuous refreshments. January 27th, on a Sunday afternoon, we held a Phoenix tea at the home of Johnnie Jones in honor of our new members. Each of the girls was presented with a corsage by our president Josephine Ambacher who also gave a very lovely speech of welcome. Johnnie's home is so large it was an ideal place to hold our tea. There were almost thirty girls there and the refreshments were very lovely and dainty as well as most appetizing. Mrs. Bertha Meyers, our much loved former house mother was an honored guest and

MAY, 1939 what a time we had bridging the gap since we had last been together. February r6th was the date of our St. Valentine's dinner at the Southern Hotel. Before we ate Ruth Hessenauer had a young man there who took several group pictures. Now that will really be something for the Scrap book. Our attentance at the dinner was excellent and the food, ah me, but there I go again. Those who read my last PHOENIX letter have kidded me no end because I always mention the food. But then without food where would we be? And as I said before the food at this dinner was a triumph in culinary art and I don't mean maybe. Mildred Nalley was our toastmistress and very ably did she perform her duties. Dorothy Cummings was called on extemporaneously for a few words and she responded nobly. Let me tell you, not many girls could talk as easily and fluently as she did without any preparation, but then Dorothy always could be depended on to do the right thing at the right time and we are so very glad that she will be able to be with us again . Josephine Ambacher, our president was called on for a few words and she gave us some very lovely thoughts about our efforts to Seek, Aspire and finally Attain a group of girls to carry on the work of Alpha Sigma Alpha. I think her talk sort of gave us all something to think about. Peg Martin was then called on as a representative of the new members and she expressed their appreciation at being affiliated with us again. Our place cards were lovely valentines, very lacey and dainty, made by Lois Wuichet and Norma Johns, who by the way, will be Mrs. W uichet before this letter goes to press. She and Lois will be double sisters then. Our favors, which were hand painted wooden pins with the letters A .S.A. on them, were made by Ruth Hessenauer and the two Loechlers. After the dinner we were entertained by a number of piano and accordion solos. March r6th we held our meeting at the home of Kathryn Loechler. After a brief business meeting Johnnie Jones introduced her uncle, Mr. Ewing Jones and Mr. Walter Miles who showed us movies taken in Europe, and of the Coronation in England, all in color photography. The pictures were beautiful as well as intensely interesting. It takes a short time to tell of it but the pictures took all evening to show and I am sure we enjoyed every minute. And just to show you how popular our meetings have become, when we were served, there were fourteen of us in the dining room and two card tables were set up in the living room for the overflow. And again we had grand eats. And now we are looking forward to our Easter luncheon to be held April 8th. Hope you can all come for we are planning a gala event. DoROTHEA WINDOM.

CENTRAL, PENNSYLVANIA Our Helen Brookhart Bishop is in the Maryland General Hospital in Baltimore, having undergone an operation. We wish her a speedy recovery with no concern for PHOENIX news.

31 Helen had started a "Round Robbin" after our last alumna: meeting. As it flew north in the Spring there was news of expectation-many new Alpha Sigs are to be welcomed-among . those making ready are Kay Lowry Pratt, Peg Spry Snedecker, Lillian Gish Eshelman and Helen Loser Morgan. This same bearer of news announced the engagement of Kay Dietrich and Anna Ruppin. It seems that the Spring has turned "Jimmy" Cockel's thoughts toward the building business. She is planning to build a summer cottage. How ideal that sounds for an Alpha Sig meet! Shall we all come up the same week-end, "Jimmy"? Helyn Witmyer, who is registered at Temple University for her Master's degree has just been initiated into an Honorary Sorority For Graduate Women. Our congratulations, Helyn! Our last Alumna: meeting was held at the home of Jerry Smith in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Jerry and Virginia Hoffman were the hostesses. There were sixteen alumna: present-a simply thrilling group. Our hostesses served tea and a delightful time was enjoyed. The next meeting is to be held in April at Lebanon with Olive Wirth as hostess.

DENVER, COLORADO Since last going to press, the Denver Alumna: have had several very pleasant reunions. On Friday evening, January 20, we met for a Pot Luck supper at the home of Morea Bailey. There were about twentyfive members present, and all sorts of delicious food, so that we decided that we were truly lucky to be there. After the meal, the girls who had taken trips to far away places last Summer, told us of some of the highlights of their journeys. On the evening of February 17, we had a Valentine bridge party at the home of Margaret Bedford. It was a grand party and everyone had a good time. In March, we held a business meeting, calling together our officers for 1938-I939, and to nominate officers for the following year. We are looking forward to the April Fool Night Club which is held every year. This is one party in which everybody joins for a rollicking good time . More about this next time. ELIZABETH FooTE.

DES MOINES, lOW A The Des Moines Alumna: Association of Alpha Sigma Alpha met on February 13th_ at th~ home of Dorothy Haley Whitten for a Valentme Bndge party. We had a nice crowd and spent a very pleasant evening playing bridge and Chinese checkers. The nominating committee for officers f~r next . year _was appointed and plans for the Apnl meetmg d1scussed. Perl Patterson and Rita Selvey were assistant hostesses. We are very sorry to have Perl Patterson leave us to make her home in Gunter, Texas, for an indefinite time. Our April meeting was postponed on account of a teachers' meeting and plans have not been com-


pleted. Election of officers will be the main fea ture of our last meeting of the year. LILLIAN



GREELEY, COLORADO What a busy and interesting time we have had this year! All of our parties have been given with our patronesses, fac ulty adviser, and sometimes guests from active chapter, present. We have not done so very much bridge playing, but mostly games such ~s Michigan Poker, Idiot's Delight (which by the way 1s more fun), Bingo and the Kensington parties. Our first get together in January was a GetAcquainted party with our active chapter. We served chow mein, family style, at one long table. Later in the evening, we were interested in seeing the movies of Hawaii, shown by Mrs. Clarence Baab, one of our members, who with her husband, were instructors in a private school in Hawaii for a year. Her explanations, as well as the pictures were fascinating to the group. In February, we honored one of our patron saints, by havi ng a Valentine party. Frances Anderson and Florence Klinger were hostesses. Hearts and not flowers were the theme of the party. March, and we had a Bingo party, with Mrs. Gary Nelson and Floyd Wilson entertaining. Another meeting is scheduled for early Aprila covered dish luncheon; and our last meeting for the year will be an outdoor picnic with our facu lty advisor, Miss Elizabeth Lehr. Although this is always an enjoyable event, it brings thought of separation until Fall. BILLIE M. HuTCHINSON.

other alumna: chapters. At this meeting a motion was made and carried that officers should hold office for two years, because ours is such a small group. The gathering this time included Mrs. A . S. Johnson, Mrs. Kemper Kellogg, Marguerite Bradford, Julia Derr, and our hostess, Virginia Steigler. Our March meeting was a luncheon meeting held at the Monticello Hotel at Norfolk. After a delightful and gay luncheon, we got down to business and disposed of a number of matters. Then followed another study session; this time it was the study sheets of the Book of Devotions and the Pledge Manual. We followed this up with a study of the Pledge Manual itself. Finally, we made plans fo r a June meeting at which we hope to have with us some girls of the Alpha chapter at Farmville. At the luncheon there were Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Walter Hurff, Mrs. Kemper Kellogg, Marguerite Bradford, Mrs. Steigler, and Julia Derr. We are always happy to announce the arrival of babies to members of our group, and this time we have two to tell about: Mrs. Bruce Eberwein has a new son, and Mrs. William Garnett Lee, (Jane Branch Lee), has a little boy who is over a year old now. We lost one of our most faithful and active workers when Mrs. W. W. Kitchen moved to Lexington some months ago. We know that she will always be an interested worker for Alpha Sigma Alpha no matter where she is, but we wish she could have continued to give her energy-and she has lots of rtto our Hampton Roads chapter. This is all we have to tell you at present, but there will be more, we can promise you, after our June meeting with the actives of Alpha chapter from Farmville. GERTR U DE S uGDE N .

HAMPTON ROADS AREA, VIRGINIA The Hampton Roads Alumna: chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha has held three very satisfactory meetings this year. As a fairly new alumna: chapter, we are still more or less feeling our way along and progressing slowly rather than by leaps and bounds. But we are progressing! At our September 路 meeting, which was held at the home of Mrs. William A. Webster at Norfolk, Virgini a, with Mrs. Webster and Mrs . A. S. Johnson as joint hostesses, we enrolled three new members in our chapter. These were Mrs . J. E. H ealy, Mrs. Marshall Butt, and Mrs. Grace B. Shriver, who is a life member. Others present at this meeting were Julia Derr, Mrs. Oscar Steigler, and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. O ne interesting thing we did at this time was the listing of thirteen names of freshmen at Farmville State Teachers' College. These girls we recommend to Alpha chapter fo r rush ing . After the business was concluded, we were served delicious refreshments by our hostesses, and enjoyed a very cozy get-together. On December the tenth we met again at the home of Mrs. Oscar Steigler (~irginia Guy Steigler) in ewport ews, Virginia. At thi s meeting we studied the PHoE IX, paying special attention to what Alpha chapter was doing and noting the activities of the

HAYS, KANSAS Our February meeting was an enjoyable evening at the home of the hostess, Margaret Oshants' grandmother, Mrs . Rea. Mrs. Rea is an antique collector and has a house full of beautiful and interesting antiques. She gave a talk on "Old Glass" and showed pieces of the various kinds which she talked about. In her talk she brought out how an original can be distinguished from a reproduction. Mrs. Rea has some piece of each of the first ten most valuable types of glassware. We were very sorry more of our group were not present to hear this interesting talk . On March 21 we had a D essert meeting at the home of Florence Markwell. Loui se Holm was assisting hostess. At this time we entertained the girls who had been pledged during the year. Mary Scherer was awarded the shield for being the outstanding pledge. We had fu n finding out how much we didn't know from several quizzes which Louise had prepared. ext week we are entertai ning the Patronesses of the Active chapter with a Book Review at the home of Freda Lee. Kathryn Parsons Ryan, whose home is in Rocky Ford, Colorado, has been in Hays several weeks with

MAY, 1939 her mother who recently underwent an operation. We were happy to have Kathryn at our last Alumna: meeting. Two more Alpha Sigs have said, "I Do" Lucille Hoch to Harry ~ay Mc~ahon in Ellis on February 22. They are makmg thetr home in Topeka, Kansas. Betty Lee Wallerstedt is now Mrs. Edgar B. Young whose home is Jal, New Mexico. Helen Wells Tuggle assured us that young Patrick Terry was a lively fellow on his recent second months' birthday路 LuciLLE RowLAND.

HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA Dear Alpha Sigs: . Spring comes early in Huntington and brings with ~t t.he desire to do g_reat things in our chapter. Perhaps It IS the reawakenmg of the trees, the blooming of early flowers, the warm sun and gentle breezes that spell Spring that put the glow of activity in our hearts. We have almost reached the end of another club year, for the May meeting will be our last until next Fall . As we look in restrospect over the past year it is with a deep feeling of satisfaction. We have accomplished many things this year. Perhaps the most remarkable is our attendance which is double that of last year and is regular. You just can't persuade one of us to miss a meeting now. Financially we are proud of ourselves too. We have come out of the red and gone over the top. At our last meeting we voted to include a definite sum for charity in our budget for next year. Because we have enjoyed such a prosperous and happy year we are determined not to become smug and self-satisfied about it but to dedicate ourselves to a re-awakening to and a better understanding of the aims and ideals of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Chinese checkers and new homes have held our interest at meetings during the past month. After our regular business meetings, the decks are cleared and the checked battles begin. We are divided into two factions-those who play by chance and those who play scientifically. The scientific group maintains a deadly silence, while from the other group there flows a constant stream of gay chatter. The chatter has been mostly about houses-from door knobs to sterling silver and spode. This has all been due to the new homes of two of our members, Dorothy Callicoat and Frankie Booten, and the envy of the rest of us . The night we met at Franke's there was such a hubub of oh's and ah's of delight that it was almost an impossibility to have a business meeting-and we still have the meeting at Dorothy's to look forward to. Our final meeting of the year will be a buffet supper at the summer cabin of Edith Shafer. It is a lovely little log cabin, with the most gorgeous fireplace, about fifteen miles from town and on the Ohio River. There is a hill to climb in back of the cabin and Edie and Loren have a boat to use in the river. We are going to take our husbands and "dates" and make a real party of it. A fitting way to end the year, don't you think? Yours in A . S. A., HELEN JEAN OsBORNE.


INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA St. Valentine Party Because our mothers hold such a dear spot in our hearts, the In?ianapolis Alumna: chapter have, each year, a Valentine luncheon in their honor. This .year's party was a great success. Betty Rice, our prestdent, was our charming hostess. The small tables were centered :-vith ~ouquets of red sweet peas. Each bouquet was tted wtth a ribbon which led to the place card, so each one had these lovely flowers for souvenirs. The luncheon was deliciously prepared and beautifully ~erved by the committee: Betty Rice, Anne Fern, Beremece Lamb, Wilma Mae Wolf, Dorothy Karrmann, and Gerry Holton. After a greeting to the mothers by the hostess, Helen S. Noblitt led group singing of Alpha Sigma Alpha Sweetheart songs. Gerry Holton gave a review of Rachel Field's book, "All This-And Heaven Too" which was enjoyed by all. It was with 路 rei uctance that we parted, for the afternoon had been one of those rare treats of the year.

Rummage Sale Plans A year ago the Indianapolis Alumna: helped swell the Convention fund by conducting a Rummage Sale. It was such a success and such fun that it was decided to have one or two every year. Another sale is being planned for May r6. Every girl is out doing her best to collect a large supply of dresses, coats, hats, shoes, stockings, curtains, lampshades, and- wellanything and everything before the big event. A day or two before the Sale we will meet at the home where the rummage is assembled, and sort and price the different articles. Then the great day will come. Very early in the morning Alpha Sigs will leave their homes to be salesladies for a few hours. Such a rush as there is for the goods on sale! In a few hours the sale is over, customers leave pleased with their purchases, and salesladies leave to check the returns.

Spring Vacation News Indianapolis Alumna: took advantage of Spring vacation week. Betty Rice took a motor trip to Williamsburg and to Washington. Adelaide McCarty motored east. Dorothy Karrmann and her family spent the week in New York. Evelyn Hall enjoyed the beauty of Spring in southern Indiana. Marie Kingdon spent a month in Florida stopping off in Atlanta, Georgia on the way to visit her son and his family. Eloise Proctor who is the president of the Association for Childhood Education in Indianapolis has been sent to Atlanta, Georgia as their delegate to the National Convention of the Association. Genevieve Leib, who has been convalescing from an operation performed in January, is well on the road to recovery and was able to attend our April meeting. GERRY HoLTON.






Springtime greetings to all Alumn:e chapters from the Kansas City Alumn:e. The first meeting of the New Year was held at the home of Phon Johnson. Her assisting hostesses were Ethel Phillips and Ruby Waterbury. The girls served a lovely dessert luncheon. Most of the meeting was devoted to the election of officers for the ensuing year. The officers elected are: President, Dulce Baird; Vice-President, Ruby Waterbury; Secretary, Daphene Copenhaver; Treasurer, Marian Fischer; PHOENIX Representative, Mildred Harmon. Plans for the new year were discussed at this meeting. On Sunday afternoon, February 12th, Jean Hutchison entertained at her home at a Valentine tea. Assisting Jean with the tea were Wilma Wilson Sharp, Dorothy Hutchison, and Daphene Copenhaver. Dulce Baird, our new president, and Laura Sherman, our expresident, served at the table. At this meeting we presented Laura Sherman with a gift as a token of their appreciation for her interest and helpfulness in the Alumn:e group during the time she served us so ably as president. Plans for the new year book were presented to the group and approved . Esther Bucher gave a very interesting talk on the "Origin of St. Valentine's Day." The officers met one evening at the home of our vice-president, Ruby Waterbury, and discussed work for the year and drew final plans for the Year Book. Phon Johnson very kindly offered to print the books for us, so we say, "Good work, Phon- and thanks a lot!" At our last meeting we were entertained at the home of Esther Bucher. Esther with Laura Sherman, Mary Hamlin, and Louise Gillis served a buffet luncheon. All the tables were tastefully set with fiesta ware, so the scene that greeted us was a gay and festive one. The year book was completed and each member was more than pleased to receive a copy. We had collected articles for a rummage sale, so we had fun sorting and tagging them. The sale will be held Saturday, April first. (A good day to fool our customers, don't you think? -Maybe we'll be the ones fooled.) Our next meeting will be a night meeting. Dulce Baird will entertain at her home. Mary Grubbs, Frances Ewing, and Alice Broyles will assist Dulce in making the evening a pleasant one with a travel party. At five o'clock, May 13th, husbands and escorts are going to be our guests at a picnic supper at the home of Marian Fischer. Margaret Bryant and Beth Magers will help with the picnic plans. We are sponsoring a benefit bridge luncheon at the Kansas City Gas Company, May 24th. We are pleased to report we have two new members: Ruth Stone and Virginia Drain. Both girls are employed here. They are members of Epsilon Epsilon. ext Fall we II have many interesting things to report from Kansas City. Until then Alpha SigsSmooth Sailin' ! MILDRED HARMON.

The January Alumn:e meeting was held at the home of Katherine Hunsicker. A delicious luncheon was served and the afternoon spent discussing plans for a Bridge Benefit to finance a rush party for the active chapter. We all agreed that it was high time that we lend a helping hand in the matter of rush affairs-and at the same time, give the rushees an opportunity to learn what type of creatures we doddering alumn:e are! On Saturday evening, February II, the event took place at the charming home of Evelyn Wilmot Bennell, who has been absent from our alumn:e ranks for some time, but who has been quite forgiven because of her sparkling enthusiasm and her promises to never again backslide. About twenty-five members were present, and twenty-four reported a very enjoyable time, (Dorothy Linden worried so about her bridge playing that she finally won the consolation prize), Mary Davis Cantrell was co-hostess and so was partially responsible for the delicious midnight supper that was appreciated to the fullest extent (no pun intended) by everyone, including the voracious hubands and boy friends present. Rushees were treated to a delightful event when they attended a tea on the afternoon of Sunday, February 26. There was a fine gathering of alumn:e as well as members from the active chapter. Mrs. Noble, our Mother Patroness, poured. A Saint Patrick's Day party was held, appropriately enough, at the home of our red-haired Irish lassie, Catherine Kelley. And we played bridge again. One might gather that we are incurable fiends, but not so, we are not one bit scientific. Take for instance, Rosa Matthews-four bids in a row, for three no trump, and exactly four sets! But you can't say that she was not trying! It was probably our noisy chattering that distracted her. There was also some Hop Ching played, Mrs. Noble always winning by a very comfortable margin! VIRGINIA BuNDREN LoviNG.

MUNCIE, INDIANA The Muncie Alumn:e are charmers, spoilers, and perfectly fascinating to babies! At the January meeting, at Dorothy Montgomery's home, the session opened with our gathering around the perambulator to observe young Mike enjoy the contents of his bottle. The meeting was then called to order. Interruptions of "I'll take him now" could be heard, while plans were being made for a potluck supper to be held at the home of Esther Arnett on the evening of February 25. After more interruptions and unintelligible jargon coming from the play-pen, our president proceeded with the leading of a discussion concerning the annual dues, which were fixed at one dollar. Finally came four o'clock and nap-time. Then, tea and cookies in peace. The 25th of February found us in a bad snow storm, but Mrs . Whitcraft filled her car with Muncie

MAY, 1939 Alumna: and braved the elements to go to Anderson to the potluck supper, which was very much of a success. The next meeting will be luncheon in Muncie on the 25th of April, but as yet we have not decided upon the place. DoROTHY R. MoNTGOMERY.

NEW YORK, N. Y. We've graduated from our Gossip Teas to a little bit of night-life since our last PHOENIX report. Decided to let our husbands and/ or boy friends in on some of our fun, so we arranged to have a dinner dance at the Village Barn in Greenwich Village recently. As the concert critic would say, "A small but enthusiastic group attended" - and it really was enthusiastic! We all joined in on the square dances and the games for which the Barn is famous. There were potato races and blindfold games and even a session of musical chairs-which Dorothy Larrabee's husband won! We really had quite a hilarious time. The meeting preceding our "night out" was a tea at Bellevue Hospital. Nell Russell took us through the hospital again and we certainly were impressed by the work being done at that enormous institution. Our last gathering was a bridge tea at Knickerbacker Village. Alice Weatherstone Brown (Pi Pi) lives there and entertained in her apartment. The Village is such a unique development that we put aside our plans for bridge in lieu of a trip through the buildings. Knickerbocker Village was built as a slum clearance project in the heart of New York's lower East Side, and the apartment units covering two blocks were intended to house under-privileged families. However, when the rental agency put out its shingle the lower classes found that rents were a little too high for them, so Mr. Middle-class New Yorker and his family moved in and settled down in the model apartments. It seems incongruous to find ultra-modern Knickerbocker Village rising out of the chaos of New York's slums, towering between the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, unmindful of the squalor at its feet. The de路 velopment is an independent community within itself- has its own parks, playgrounds (one for adults!), stores, amusement centers, hobby clubs, bowling alleys, and even its own newspaper. Its 4000 tenants would make quite a nice little country village were they to be transplanted somewhere outside the city limits. But -living one on top of the other4000 in two blocks, I'll wager the lady in apartment J8 doesn't know what the lady in apartment K8 looks like (nor her K9!) . It's really New York. We're going to get away from the slums for our next meeting, and arrangements are being made to have luncheon at Stouffer's Fifth Avenue Restaurant. More about that next Fall. ETHEL PETERSON.

35 PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA At Philadelphia we ushered Spring in with a blanket of snow, so your correspondent sprinted down to Miami, Florida, to see how they do it. Thus, as I write this, I find the breezes so balmy and the weather so to my liking that I would like to stay, but since jobs do not wait for one these days, I must be hustling home for Easter. Even Eleanor Cramer, who sojourned here in February, had to hurry home to friend husband, who is her important job. Our Valentine Tea, given in honor of the Kappa Kappa and Nu Nu Active chapters, was a joyful get-together for all of us. However, we missed so many of our regular attendants, due to illness, but our well-wishes were sincere, and all of the flu victims seem to be back on their feet again . We were so_ happy to see Billie Bean Steen with little "Joey," aged eleven months, who proved to be the main attraction of the afternoon. We asked Billie for whom he was named, and she explained that since Mother is Billie and Father, Bill, to save confusion, Grandfather's name was chosen. The Alumna: chapter turned out in good numbers, and proved to be excellent hostesses, even though they were busy catching up with gossip among themselves. Pete Emory Lantz was almost a stranger in our midst, but a most welcome one. We hope that she will come out again- we like it. The annual covered dish supper was again the reason for our gathering at the Kappa Kappa chapter house on the evening of March 24, where we tasted the results of the culinary efforts of Home Economics teachers, dietitians, and business girls, both married and single. After supper, Kay McCoy conducted the business meeting, at which time plans were discussed for the yearly news-letter, which will go out in May. Please do not forget, girls, that we need your help in this project. Sally Ogden, chairman of the party for the active chapter seniors, many of whom we hope will be with us next year, has invited us all to the Club Room at Mitten Hall, on the evening of April 28, when we will try to show the girls what a worthwhile group we are, and enjoy some of Jane Large's refreshments. We have received word that Sally Pennell has ended her short hospital stay, and that she is embarking on a new type of job that she is sure will prove interesting. The Kappa Kappa girls are most fortunate in having Helen Cory, a most versatile and interested Kappa Alumna as their new sponsor. Recently announced engagements on our list are: Ellen Hetzel, Kappa Kappa, '39, to Bruce Fable, Temple, '39; C. Jean Mueller, Nu Nu, '37, to J. Curtis Hoyt, Penn State, '32. You will all receive notices of our April home meeting, so turn out to select next year's officers for 路 our group and to close this year with a bang! We have no convention to look forward to this Summer, but there is next Fall when we will have

THE lots of new projects and ideas to work out. So, a splendid Summer to you all and the best of luck m all interests of Alpha Sigma Alpha. JEAN MuELLER.

PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA Here in the Steel City, the Pittsburgh Alumna: chapter is going in for higher entertaining, for on April fifteenth they will hold a luncheon for the active chapter from Indiana State Teachers College on the seventeenth floor of the Cathedral of Learning on the University of Pittsburg campus. All in all, everyone should be pretty much up in the air. The girls from Indiana plan to charter the school bus which is available for such purposes and between twentyfive and thirty guests are expected. Gretchen Bickerstaff is in charge of the arrangements. Other members on the committee are: Katherine Davey and Blanche Landau, with Edith Simpson, our president, assuming much of the responsibility. Our February luncheon meeting was held at the home of Sally Horter in Beaver, Pennsylvania. There were about twenty of us present although several missed the train and were an hour or so late. The luncheon was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone after the long trip and we SP.ent the afternoon planning for our Spring party for the Indiana Actives. It was at this meeting that Mary Mauntel told us that she was moving to Philadelphia on the first of March. I am certain that Mary's absence will leave a gap that will never be quite filled. As past president and PHOENIX editor, she has occupied a place which has certainly endeared her to us. Philadelphia's gain is Pittsburgh's loss. With Mary's resignation, president Edith Simpson appointed Virginia Lee Straw to fill her place as chapter editor, and also to take charge of the news-letter which is soon to be released. The committee in charge of the February meeting was Mary Alice Ferguson, Grace Dickson, Ruth Sutherland Miller, Sally Horter. In add ition to the aforementioned news letter, the club is also planning to issue a club calendar next year, and the editor is planning a questionnaire to be answered by every member, so that we may ferret out interests which would provide future feature articles of the PHOENIX. VIRGINIA LEE STRAW.

PITTSBURG, KANSAS On March 19, our Alumna: held a dinner at the Hotel Stilwell, with places set for seventeen "faithfuls." Eleanor Wilson Heady of Kansas City and Dorothy Weed Bethel of Wichita were with us . We had our picture taken, especially fo r the PHoE tx but as fate would have it, something was wrong with the film, ... picture no good. We hope that we will have better luck at a later date. We like contract bridge and every two weeks we meet at the homes of different alumna: to have a "sesston. ' We invite two girls from the Active chapter


and most of the time two different are present for the entire evening. We asked Miss Roseberry to be our sponsor in 1930. Until that time, we had none. She gladly accepted, and has been so faithful. She is an excellent contract player, and we all like to have her as a partner. We are planning an outdoor picnic soon. Our group disbands the first of May for the Summer months, so that we are looking forward to this final get-together of the year. A VYS RAE HAGMAN.

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA A check-up of San Diego Alumna: shows that the members are widely scattered. Cleo Tilton, Clara Marie Bolio, Ruth Bradley, Rosemarie Zinkand, and Zelda Swanson are doing graduate work at the University of California at Berkeley. Cleo and Clara Marie are working for their Master's degrees and teaching credentials; Cleo is teaching high school English and French in her practice teaching assignment and Clara Marie is doing practice teaching in Art, her major subject. Ruth, who spent some time studying in Germany, is now working for her Junior High School teaching credential. She has been singing on some of the programs at International House on the University of California campus. Nearer "home," but still too far away is Bernita Offerman at the University of California at Los Angeles . She, too, is working for her Master's degree-she is majoring in Speech Arts. Jean Dupree, who transferred before graduating from State, is attending Pomona College. Margaret Standish is teaching in Santa Ana, and travels to Los Angeles several evenings a week to study commercial art. Her ambition is to become a commercial artist. Mary Greason, our champion tennis player, graduated from the University of Hawaii and is now teaching in Honolulu. One evening last summer at the home of Ruth Walker, Mary visited our Alumna: group and entertained us with tales of that romantic land. Julia Moreland McKellar is also far removed from us, but in the opposite direction-she is in Shreveport, Louisiana, where her husband is finishing his interneship after graduating from medical school. Julia has been faithful to San Diego, though, for every summer she comes back for a visit. Corinne Heller Sweet is living in Salt Lake CitJ where her husband is connected with the Sweet Candy Corporation-a very appropriate business for Mr. Sweet, we think. Last Fall on her return from the East, Margaret Basinger stopped in Salt Lake and enjoyed a visit with Corinne. Betty Kratz Markey and Ellen Christensen are working in the San Diego public library. Ellen is making plans to attend Library School in Los Angeles this summer. Incidentally, Betty and her husband, who are both singers, met while singing in a church choir. Mr. Markey, is connected with the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. of Burbank, California.

MAY, 1939 Mrs. Bell, the incentive for Omega Omega's beginning, retired last year from State College, but is still keeping active in her work. She has opened an office as a consulting psychologist and still finds time for lectures before various organizations, as well as teaching extension classes in the evenings. On Sunday, March 5, the Alumn<e conducted the Sanctuary Degree Initiation at the lovely home of Jerry Cunningham. The three girls initiated were: Gracielle Boles, Evelyn Lory, and Harriette Werre . Mrs. Marie Berry from Pasadena assisted with the Degree. MARGARET BASINGER AND MARION CAMPBELL.

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI The St. Louis Alumn;e chapter was fortunate in having a very distinguished guest at our January meeting. Our president, Karol Greeson, and our secretary, Ruth Bryant, had succeeded in persuading Esther Bucher, National Vice-President, to make a trip from Kansas City to visit us. A goodly number of our members responded to the call and assembled at the home of Christine Davis in Webster Groves. Esther arrived on the two o'clock train and was brought directly to the meeting. She gave us a very interesting talk, introducing to us the personalities on the National Council and telling us of the work they are doing at the present time . We were impressed by her outstanding ability and pleasing personality, and she made us proud to be members of an organization which can claim the services of such a charming and capable person. She inspired all of those present with an increased confidence in the workings of the national organization, and a renewed loyalty and love for our sisterhood. After the discussion, Christine and her assistants, Jean Patrick and Mary Jane Leber, summoned us to the dining room, where tea was served from a very attractive table . While here, Esther was entertained by Karol Greeson and her roommate, Margaret Sutton, Ruth Bryant, and Laura Brown Briscoe. She and the officers of the chapter met the next morning for breakfast at the home of Elizabeth Woody, giving them another opportunity to absorb inspiration. On February 4 we had a very delightful party at the Hotel Chase. A large number of members and their guests were gathered around the table for the luncheon, and afterwards played bridge (or "Liverpool rhummy" as desired!). Hostesses were Ruth Bryant, Lorita Thomas, Florence Breece, and Georgia Schulte. The March meeting was held at the home of Elizabeth Woody, with Lola Leedham and Virginia Breckenridge assisting. Seventeen members were present, and a very successful meeting was conducted, providing for the financial needs of the chapter and making final plans for the assembling of a layette as our philanthropic project. Elizabeth Fair Wohlschlaeger and her husband have been doing a great deal of work in the community served by the school of which he

37 is principal, and we decided to leave it to them to find a worthy recipient for the layette. On April I we met again, and again were delighted to have an attendance of seventeen-no unpleasant April Fool's jokes were perpetrated. Annabelle Wayland Armstrong had opened her home to us, and we were happy to visit her and make the acquaintance of her two adorable children, Anne, aged five, and Jimmy, aged two. She was assisted by Ruby Bachtel and Maurine Lemley, and a very attractive dessert luncheon was served. During the business meeting the following officers were elected: President, Margaret Sutton; Vice-President, Betty Carpenter; Secretary, Ruth Bryant; Treasurer, Louise Crosby; Editor, Elizabeth Woody. Then the layette was as" sembled and viewed with pride. We are happy to feel that some little youngster's advent into this world will be welcomed with more joy by his parents because these necessary articles were provided for him. We are very much gratified over the successful year we have had . We greatly, appreciate the service which our president, Karol Greeson, has rendered the chapter. We were sorry that she did not feel that she could consent to fulfill the duties for another year. She has spurred us to greater activity by her efficiency and enthusiasm and her high ambitions for us, ancl has secured the willing cooperation of a large number of members by her charming personality. She was ably assisted by the other officers. Special credit is due to the secretary, Ruth Bryant, for it is largely because of her effort that we have had such excellent attendance. We hope to have most of our plans made in advance for next year, and get an early start on a program of even greater achievement. Just now we are looking forward to our May meeting, which is to be a picnic, to which husbands and guests will be invited, and we will have an opportunity to become acquainted with the other half of our Alpha Sigma Alpha family. All alumn.e in the vicinity of St. Louis are invited. ELIZABETH RoMANs WooDY.

TULSA, OKLAHOMA The Tulsa Alumg;e chapter is broadening in friendly associations, membership and popularity. The group that met together for a luncheon 路 in January showed a great deal of joy in just eating and chatting. Our new member at that meeting was Mrs. Roy Smith of Stillwater, who had been a member of our chapter at Alva. The Oklahoma State Teachers Convention was held in Tulsa early in February. At that time we were honored with a visit from our own Miss Shockley, of Alva. The Gamma Gamma Alumn<e had dinner with her the first night of the convention, and needless to say, there was much talking over old times among those of us who had been out of school a long time, and who had not seen each other for several years . The following night, all the Alpha Sigs


who were attending the convention were invited to a snack in the French Room at the Mayo Hotel at ninethirty. The evening meetings and the annual dance interferred, somewhat, but those who could attend thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Friday evening, March tenth, the Panhellenic Association presented Dr. Edward Everett Dale as its speaker for a guest meeting at the University Club. This year, 1939, is the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of Oklahoma, and each "sooner" present was given a "prairie schooner" badge to wear. A tea followed the program at which Alpha Delta Theta, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Pi Kappa Sigma, and Zeta Tau Alpha sororities acted as hostesses. Mrs. C. L. Chamberlain, president of our Alpha Sigma Alpha Alumna: group presided at the tea table. Our newest member, Mrs. Reeves, from Alpha Alpha chapter, was present as a guest, and is anxious to join us at our next meeting. Mrs . Chamberlain, our President this year, has been honored many times this year by her profession. She is chairman of the building representatives of the Classroom Teachers Organization, a member of the board of directors of the Teachers Credit Union, and was recently sent as a delegate to the National Education Association convention held in Cleveland, Ohio. She is the busiest person we know, continually working on committees, including the State Legislature. She is now being nominated for the Presidency of the Classroom Teachers Association, in which there are over seven hundred members. It goes without saying that we are very proud of her. LORA PATTERSON.

YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN Sunday, April second, marked the date of a most unusual Ypsilanti Alumna: meeting. At two o'clock in the afternoon the girls gathered at the home of Katherine Lang Failly for a real Persian dinner. K atie's husband is from Persia, and so Katie has be-

come an expert in preparing such meals. It was a most enjoyable experience for all who attended. A short business meeting and lots of friendly conversation rounded out the afternoon. Everyone is looking forward to the next meeting, which is the big reunion of the year. Sometime during the latter part of May (the date has not been definitely set as yet), the Alumna: will join the Active chapter for the annual Spring dinner dance. This is the meeting of the year which the husbands and friends enjoy as much as the girls themselves. Since so many alumna: chapters appear to be interested in chapter news letters, Mu Mu offers the following discussion of its experience: At our winter meeting last year we decided that a news letter would be an excellent means of drawing our group closer together and of keeping in touch with those girls who were too far away to be able to attend meetings. Our president, Aileen Fisher Brown, and Blanche Walter Kress offered to take charge of the project. The first issue was published in April. With it was included a directory containing the latest addresses available of all Mu Mu alumna:. The expense for the first issue was taken care of with money from the chapter treasury. A letter was sent out with the news, asking for all those who were interested in receiving further copies to send fifty cents to defray the cost of publication. Such a gratifying response was received that in November and April of this year two more issues were sent out, and now the news letter is a definite part of the Mu Mu Alumna: program. For those who are interested in such a project we offer a few suggestions: Items which may be used in a news letter include notices of meetings, excerpts from alumna: letters, birth and marriage announcements, personal news, interesting items about the college. For more specific information concerning the publishing of a chapter news letter, we suggest you write to Aileen Fisher Brown, 1212 Whittier Road, Ypsilanti, Michigan. FRANCEs EowARDs MoRLEY.

MAY, 1939


News Letters-College Chapters ALPHA State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia

Alpha chapter has taken in seventeen freshmen since the last issue of the PHOENIX and they're a grand bunch of girls. The college has just had major and minor elections and we feel that Alpha chapter is doing rather well. Marie Eason was elected president of the student body. She succeeds Kitty Roberts who was this year's president of our chapter. Frances Alvis is editor of the school newspaper The Rotunda. We also had three girls elected to minor offices. Marie Eason and Frances Alvis were also tapped by Alpha Kappa Gamma, Honor Society for leadership. Anne Billups, our ex-treasurer, has been elected president of Kappa Delta Pi, honor society for sholarship. Lucy Staples, who doesn't know the meaning of the word study, was second Honor Graduate in the diploma class. We're really feeling awfully proud. A few days before Easter holiday we had an Easter Egg Hunt that was loads of fun. We've inaugurated the custom of having afternoon tea every other Sunday to take the place of social meetings and we've been enjoying them a great deal. Our Spring banquet will be in April and the Panhellenic dance will be in May. In the meantime we must gird our loins for the Spring Rushing season. MARY MAHONE. New Officers: President, Virginia Lee Pettis; VicePresident, Anne Billups; Secretary, Lucy Staples; Treasurer, Roberta Lattene; Panhellenic Representative, Shirley Stephens; Editor, Mary Mahone; Chaplain, Frances Alvis.

ALPHA BETA State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri

Valentine Formal After working all day Saturday, February II, the Alphas dressed in their prettiest evening gowns and escorted by the "one and only" arrived at 8:30 P.M. at the annual St. Valentine's Dance held in Kirk Auditorium. Upon entering the dance hall we felt as if we were stepping into a large valentine because the door was heart shaped. As you walked in your eye was immediately caught by the presence of a large red heart hanging on the opposite wall. In the middle of the heart were the letters A~A lighted in white. After looking or gazing around a bit, one noticed the dancing space was shaped into a large heart by the use of white picket fence. Streamers of red and white from the red and white crepe paper false ceiling fell to the top of the white picket fence

enclosing .the heart. Jimmy Parcell and his Sophisticated Swmg Orchestra fu rnished the da nce music. Punch was served through out the evening. For the favor dance white carnations were given to the escorts.

The Alpha Beta Chapter taken at the sorority house.

Basketball Champs It is usually said that the third time is the charm. Well, the fourth time was for our basketball team this year for they won the intermural tournament. For four years our team played Independent I team in the finals. The first thre years we lost by one or two points. But this year, with more vim and vigor than ever we won by the score of 42 to 28. Our team was on a scoring rampage all through the tournament. Here are the scores which took our team up to the finals, 49 to 24; 75 to 3; and 74 to I 3路 We are surely proud of these scores too. The girls who did this excel~ lent work were: Mary Margaret Shoush, our president, Charlotte Burdette, Pauline Brenner, Mabel Mont~ gomery, Marjorie Rouner, Martha Crigler, Jeannette Monroe, and Mary Jane Cox. Oh, I must not forget the rooting section made up of the rest of us. We even composed songs for our girls.

Debate The Alpha Betas not only carried off honors in basketball this year, but two of our girls came home with honors in the State Debate Tournament. They were Caroline Krembs and Marjorie Rouner. Caroline is a junior in college this year, and Marjorie is a freshman. Both of them are majoring in speech. The whole college is as proud of the girls as we are.

Breakfast Dance How would you like to get up and go to a dance at 5 A.M.? That's what the Alpha Betas are going to do April 22nd. We are having our annual breakfast dance for our graduating seniors . We dance from 5 to 7=30 A.M. and by that time we have our appetite worked up for a delicious breakfast which is then served. This year we have nine graduating seniors.


Election of Officers We elected our officers for the year of 1939-40 on March 7, 1939. For the past year our sorority was under the leadership of Miss Mary Margaret Shoush. Miss Edith LaBonta was chosen to succeed Mary Margaret. Edith is a junior in college, and she is a primary education major. She belongs to the Teachers College Band and A Capella Choir. Mary Besse Monroe took over the position of vicepresident from Charlotte Burdette. Mary Besse has been treasurer for the past year. To fill her place Marian Porter was chosen. Marian acted as Mary Besse's assistant during the last year, and Martha Ayres, one of our new initiates, is going to act as Marian's assistant. Mary Margaret Smith was chosen to take Mrs. Helen Deverman Hunsaker's place as secretary. Our new .chaplain is Caroline Krembs, and the newly elected collegiate representative is Elizabeth Burns. For registrar and editor, Benjie Briggs and Agnes Mueller respectively were re-elected . (I guess they liked us .)

Wedding Bells 路 " In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love," so they say. This time it's a young lady 's fa ncy also, for on Easter Sunday wedding bells rang for one of our Alpha Beta girls. Charlotte Burdette, our president in 1937-38, became the bride <>f Meyers Eggert. On Tuesday night, April 4, we met at the home of Betty Young-, another active in our chapter, and presented Charlotte with a set of fiesta ware. AGNES MuELLER.


Gwendolyn Griffith, and two weeks later initiated six girls at Miss Belden, our sponsor's home. February 16, we had the loveliest time at Miss Belden's home . Although it was snowing outside, we were cozily grouped around the fireplace. Miss Farrell, one of the faculty members talked to us on the Psychology of the Hands. She carried us from the taking hands of the infant to the giving hands of the aged. March 10 we held our final rush party at the Indiana Country Club. After weeks of planning and work we were so happy to hear that it was the nicest sorority party on campus, and also that it was one of the best Alpha Sigma Alpha parties ever. The theme was a nautical world cruise. The freshmen were given pseudo passports when their corsages were delivered. After dinner we danced to a school orchestra and at intermission the actives gave a skit. A Mardi Gras at New Orleans, Hula at Honolulu, and a Chinese school in Shanghai carried out the theme of the party. We gave our guests souvenirs from each port. Rushing was the order of the day until Silence Period began on March 20. For four days we crossed our fingers and hoped for the best. March 23 we found that six freshmen had accept~d our bid, and the same evening we held pledging service for them. One Sunday afternoon Ruth Cox, one of our seniors had a lovely tea for the Alpha Sigs. The Pittsburgh Alumna: chapter has invited our chapter to a luncheon on April 15. It is to be held in the Faculty Club on the seventeenth floor of the Cathedral of Learning. This will be the first opportunity the Alumna: chapter will have to meet our pledges. We are all looking forward to greeting our old friends and meeting new ones. GwENDOLYN GRIFFITH.

State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Now that finals are out of the way and semester vacation is over we can settle down to comparative peace and quiet again. Charlotte Geisbert, a senior in the Commercial department has left us to do her student teaching in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania . This year the Alpha Sigs have been lucky in losing only one member this way. However, one of our pledges, A li ce Murdoch, did not return to school after Christmas. We were all so sorry to see her leave. Several of our sophomores have been maki ng a name for themselves and incidentally for Alpha Sigma A lpha. Helen Strassner was elected preside nt of the Robinson Reading Choir a nd Alice Moorhead is president of the Travel Club. Alice has a great deal of responsibility resting on her shoulders. The Travel Club which is made up of Geography majors and minors is going to visit the ew York World's Fair in May and our sister has charge of making all the arrangements. But we know that she is capable of this. June Wilgus, the artist of our sorority, has one of the leads in the annual spring play. Mary Helen Wordlaw a pledge is filling our president, Ada St. Clairs' office as treasurer in the Geography Majors' lub. da is our busiest student teacher. On February 13 we held pledging service for

BETA BETA Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado

Dear A . S. A.'s: Have any of you used "Da nte's Inferno" as a setting for a dance? If you have you are quite aware of the excellent possibilities it affords for decorations. If you haven't let me give you a description of our recent pledge dance. Upon entering the Faculty Club ballroom a misty blue effect was created by streamers and colored lights. As we danced across the floor the intensity of the blue gradually turned into purple, then red, and finally blended into yellow and orange. The orchestra was in the heart of the yellow background, encased in paper flames. The whole effect was unusual and extremely beautiful. To en hance the setting two red devils sitting on red hot coals and encircled in flames were placed at each corner of the band stand. And I must not forget to mention the attractive programs, a red background for a devilish little figure who danced above some flames which bore the letters A. S. A. I don't have to tell you what a huge success our dance was. It ranks as one of the nicest and most unusual dances ever held on our campus.

MAY, 1939 My but we are a happy group of girls! We have the most fun giving our pledges their little duties. And I mustn't forget to say that we are still continuing our custom of serving informal tea every Friday afternoon for our friends. At a recent meeting the actives decided to purchase the Sorority Creeds for their little sisters. Our faculty adviser, Miss Lehr, took the chapter on a bowling party the other evening. We divided into groups and had just oodles of fun. Many of us were amazed to find we could actually lift the balls. But the hour is nearing for our roller skating party so I'd better sign off for this time. Lovingly in A . S. A., LYDIA ANN CrcMANEC,


GAMMA GAMMA Northwestern State Teachers College, Alva, Oklahoma

We Gamma Gammas have been so busy this semester that I hardly know just where to begin. However the one big event of the season was our Stardust Dinner party, at which we entertained our boy friends. We had a lovely dinner, seated at tables of six grouped around the dance floor. Between one course little Miss Patsy Simms of Cherokee gave us a tap dancing number. After the dinner while guests retired to the lobby of the hotel the tables were cleared away and the music started. As we entered the ballroom everyone gasped at the beauty of the scene before us. Soft blue lights-silver and blue streamers with stars and clusters of stars hung from all parts of the room-really you can't imagine how lovely it all looked. Then midst confetti and serpentine, guests whirled the remainder of the evening. I am sure that Gamma Gamma's Stardust party will remain long in the minds of those present as one of the most enjoyable evenings they have ever spent. Did your chapter ever have a party-beer bottles and all? Don't get worried for really we used the bottles (empty) only as candle stick holders. We had the party in the varsity room and in every window was a beer bottle with a lighted candle. All over the room were signs such as "Concealed weapons only admitted" and various pop advertisements. At one end路 of the room was a bar at which was served pop all evening. Adding to the fun, everyone had to come dressed as a "toughie" or a "tackie." We danced or played cards all evening. Really the idea was great fun-you might try it sometime. We owe one lovely afternoon to Mrs. Ames, one of our charming Mother Patronesses. She gave a tea honoring our three new patronesses, Mrs. Warrick, Mrs. Mann, and Mrs. Traverse. As the tea was near Washington's birthday patriotic colors were carried out. As a favor each guest was given a cluster of varied colored sweet peas. All who attended say it was one of the loveliest teas they had ever attended . We have had numerous parties this season and have received two lovely new pledges-Electa Lee Montgomery and Marguerite Elliott. Electa Lee was

pledged just the other night at a party g1ven by Louise Harzmann at her home. Then too, two of our last year pledges have been initiated-Katherine Quinton and Dorothy Riggs. So many of our number are graduating that we are going to have to start all over next year-but then that is what keeps it interesting. To you in other chapters who are graduating, we wish "the best of luck." And to you who will be with us again next year-"you'll be hearing from us!"

EPSILON EPSILON State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas

The newly-elected officers of the Epsilon Epsilon chapter were installed at the chapter house March 9, followed by a buffet supper. New officers are: President, Dorothea Abilgaard; Vice-President, Nola Newton; Recording Secretary, Carroll Harman; Corresponding Secretary, Jane Findly; Registrar, Nadine Cravens; Treasurer, Jane Loomis; Panhellenic Representative, Anne Goldsmith; Editor, Betty Lou Kille; Chaplain, Fern Enochs; House Manager, Jane Osborne; Rush Captain, Helen Tubbs; Assistant Rush Captain, Mary Frances Ford. Dorothea Abilgaard, the newly-elected president of Epsilon Epsilon, was chosen as one of the delegates from the Women's Athletic Association to attend a national convention in California. Three years ago Dorothea's sister, Margaret, was president of Epsilon Epsilon, and she also has two other sisters who were Alpha Sigs, and EE feels proud to have a girl with such a fine sorority background for its president. Dorothea's major is Physical Education, and she will be a senior next year. This past year she has also served as president of the Panhellenic Council, was a member of Xi Phi, honorary leadership fraternity and was president of the Women's Athletic Association. Nola Newton, the retiring president of Epsilon Epsilon has been chosen by the local "K Club," boy's athletic organization, to be their candidate for the Drake Relays Queen. Pictures of the candidates are sent to Des Moines, Iowa, where the staff of the Drake yearbook will select a girl to reign over the Relays. Nola was also selected by the K. S. T. 路c. Dean of Women to represent the school at 路a Women's Student Government Association national convention at Lawrence, Kansas, April 4路 Eighty-seven colleges sent representatives to the conference.

ZETA ZETA Central Missouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sigs: The Alpha Sigs in Warrensburg have been participating in a number of events. January 26, the Delta sorority put on a play called "It's Like This." Each Greek organization had representation. Six

42 members from our organization presented a dance chorus called "Equestriennes." February 4 the Delta Alumn:r gave a dance for the play cast and their dates. A Panhellenic Convocation program was given February 8. Six actives from each sorority took part. The program given was "Co-Ed Costumes." Patty was the main character. One of the local style shops furnished the clothes. Election of officers was held March 1. Kathryn Hopkins was elected president for the coming year; Patsy Hagemyer, vice-president; Virginia Stuart, Secretary; Anna M. McDonald, treasurer; Rachel Wilcoxon, chaplain; and Doris Balthis, editor. March 25 was the Active's Day. A Panhellenic Skirt Swing was held. Only Actives were allowed to take dates. Pledges stagged and tagged. Members sent corsages to their dates, called for them, tagged, paid all expenses. All in all customs were reversed. At intermission ballots were cast for Beauty Boy. His crown was made of flowers. We entertained our Alumn;r and their daughters of high school age, on March 29, taking them to a minstrel given at the college. After the minstrel we took our guests to Riggles for refreshments. On March 5, we entertained ten high school girls at the home of Patsy Hagemyers. An Egg Hunt was the first entertainment of the evening. Only our guests participated. The winner of this contest was given a red baby chick. After the contest, supper was served. An amateur contest was then held. This afforded much amusement, many interesting numbers being given. The winner of this contest was given a bunny pin. DoRIS BALTHis.

ETA ETA State Teachers College, Pittsburgh, Kansas

Alphas win with Ferdinand! Flashy Alpha Quintet Drop Intramural Basketball Championship Through Loop! Collegio Editor, Business Manager, Assistant Business Manager, and Gossip Hound Sleep in Alpha Fold! New Officers Receive Torch! Seven Alphas Make Kappa Delta Pi! Alpha's Score at All School Party! Dear Alpha Sisters, you have just read the banner lines for the spring semester. We've all been so busy having so much fun that, all bragging aside, it would take volumes to tell you everything that has happened in Eta Eta chapter since the last PHoE IX; therefore you are going to get only the high points. It is the night of the Stunt Fest, which is sponsored by the year book staff to announce the Kanza queen. Each Greek organization presents a stunt of not more than ten minutes and the best stunt receives a prize. It is the Alpha's turn. The curtain goes up. The narrator reads, "Ferdinand Goes to College. Once upon a time there was a little bull. His name was Ferdinand." At the sound of his name, Ferdinand ambles onto the stage. (His head, cleverly constructed by a student in the art department, is manipulated expertly and with great feeling by Frances Hunt; his


rear, not so expertly but surely with as much feeling, is upheld by Margaret Lann.) The audience sees Ferdinand; it applauds from sheer joy; the show is won. Ferdinand goes on through his paces as the narrator continues. A football scout from K . S. T . C. finds Ferdinand and signs him up on the condition made by Ferdinand that he can read books at college. The scout thinks Ferd very odd but he assures him that he can read books. So Ferdinand goes to college. He is met by a student politician who succeeds in selling him a chapel seat and a permit to use the marble stairs. From the corridors, where Fred meets four queens in caricature he proceeds into a class room where a professor is heroically and dramatically fighting the Roman Wars. While the Prof is so notably doing his duty one student slips out and another one goes leisurely to sleep only to jump from his chair and exit as the bell rings. The hour of the great day comes, the day when the K. S. T. C. Gorillas are to battle for the honor of their alma mater with the Yates Center Skunks. The crowd arrives and are very peppy-their yells never exceed a whisper. As they dutifully spelled G-0-R-I-LL-A-S, those mighty bulwarks of muscle, clad in padded suits, tripped onto the field of battle. The coach blew the whistle for the lineup. The team (three in number) fell into position; the ball was ready to be snapped; but-there was no Ferdinand. The players don't know what to do or where Ferdinand is. Finally, it is suggested that he might be in the library reading a book. Everyone shrinks in horror from the idea. Finally, to the tune of La Marseille, a brave lad from the stands volunteers to go into the realms of darkness (the lighting in the library was very bad at the time of this playing) and bring back Ferdinand. Soon he returns with the belated hero and the report that he had found him sitting by his favorite candlelight reading a book. Again the coach blows the whistle for the lineup; again the crowds grow tense; again the team falls into position; again the ball is ready to be snapped. The ball is snapped to Ferdinand; the team pushes their imaginary opponents aside; but Ferdinand does not break through the line. The team, after fighting valiantly, turn to see what has happened to the star player. Their disgust rises as they see him sitting, just sitting and peacefully reading his book. The team begs him to get up and be a bull; the coaches plead with him; and the cheer leader gets madder and madder. But, Ferdinand will not budge; he merely sits and reads. So he has to be taken away and, for all we know, he is still sitting in the library by his favorite candlelight reading his book. The curtain falls and we win a huge rustcolored chair as first prize. Getting into the spirit of fun, we decided that a barnyard party would be capital frolicking. So we had a barnyard party. We dragged hay in from Juanita's barn and converted the cafeteria annex into a barn. Such signs as "This Way to the Pig Pen," "Don't Put a Slug in the Slot," <'Out to Munch," "Don't Forget the Quilting Bee at Tessie Taylor's," "This Way to the Hayloft . . . Floor Ain't Fit for

MAY, I939 Dancin'," and over the refreshment stand, "The Alpha Ladies Aid." A shoe dance was the novelty dance, and everyone, dressed in farmer attire, had a good time . Speaking of parties, our adviser, Dr. Jane Carroll, has been rushed more than ever with honor parties upon receiving her doctor's degree from Washington University this semester. We were asked to sponsor an all-school dance, so we did. With no more than sixty cents, we converted the gymnasium into a ballroom. It was near St. Pat's Day, so we went into a green and white color scheme, using draped streamers and glittering shamrocks. Since the last deadline, Barbara Barkell, one of our pledges, has married Arthur Blair. Also we have pledged three girls: Dorothy Bellman of Paola, Maxine Humbard, business manager of the college newspaper, a Pittsburg girl, and Irene Brannum, 1938 Kansas City Jubilesta queen from Pittsburg. Seven of our girls have been invited to join Kappa Delta Pi, scholastic fraternity. They were : Leota Lance, Mona Mae Buffington, Jeanne Malcolm, Cora Mathilda Montgomery, Janus Broom, Mary Alice Montgomery, and Dorothy Dene Decker. D. D. Decker is also representing the math fraternity at its national convention this spring. Now for the new officers: Delores Sheward is president for next year. She is tall, a brown-eyed brunette, drives huge cars because her dad sells them, wears clothes well, and can play pool fit for competition. Juanita James, former secretary, is our new vicepresident. She resembles Elaine Barrymore, because she has long black hair and exotic eyebrows. She is tall and very slender. Leota Lance is the new secretary. She writes quite legibly so our minutes should be readable . She is beautiful, blonde, and dangerously athletic, meaning that she is a worthy opponent in all sports except bridge, and she does all right in that field . Faye Teas from Erie is the new treasurer. She inherits the position from Jeanne Malcolm, editor of The Collegia . Faye is tall, brunette, and full of fun . Pauline Brown of Erie is next year's chaplain. The registrar is Nadine Hinri; Collegiate representative, Dorothy Burcham; rush captains, Betty Davis and Jane Osborn; editor, Mary K . Reiff. We think that we have a setup that will click for next year . This spring we are making our formal a supper dance. Since plans are incomplete as yet, I will have to leave the formal for Mary K. to tell you about next year. CoRA MoNTGOMERY .

THETA THETA Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts

Spring vacation is over, and we Theta Theta's are going into the home stretch. Three of the girls finished in January, and six more of us are going out in June. Everyone pulled through at the midway mark and we all intend to be on the finish.

43 Preparations are being made for Senior W eek, the outstanding event being the moonlight sail to Provincetown. A big banquet is going to be held for the Dean Wilde Scholarship Fund, and several of us are planning to go. A few weeks ago the Glee Club of the School of Education took us to the land below the Rio Grande in their presentation of "Pepita." Many of the senoritas were our girls, and one of our new members gave a splendid performance, in her part as "Jane." On the eighth of March we had Initiation at the Woman's Building. Three new members were ac路 cepted into our chapter in an impressive candlelight ceremony. We sincerely welcome you, and know that you will enjoy being in our sorority. A formal dinner followed, which was finished off with ice cream, in white and green, with the letters A . S. A . on it. Beth Hagar was toastmistress, and Mary McAuley spoke for the Alumn<拢. Wilhelmina Milne was speaker from the new girls. As guest speaker we had Miss Alice Jackson, who told us about Italian and Swedish handicraft. Then our president introduced an innovation. Each one of us had to tell what our hobbies were, and what an array of them as we had- many outdoor activities, knitting and collecting. Taking them all in all we could start a handicraft shop with them. Very soon we intend to give a movie party in our Little Theatre for anyone in the School of Education, and friends and relatives . It is an event that we are looking forward to with pleasure. The first of February we elected Louise Chick as president, Beth Hagar as vice-persident, Barbara Hill as treasurer, Carolyn Parren as Secretary, Florence Whelden as chaplain, and Martha Kelly as social chairman. There will be only five girls left to carry on for Alpha Sig, but we know that they will carry on for us in the best way. We do hope that our adviser Miss Bragg will be able to be with them, as she has always helped and advised us in sorority matters . GRACE EASTON.

Conversation on the Train The train has just pulled out of Lynn, the last stop before Boston. Two college girls have finished studying. Sally closes her notebook with a sigh. "Well, that's done . Hope I pass." Another sigh comes from the other half of the seat. "This is the driest stuff. Have you ever read it?" "Let's see. No, I haven't." Both rest awhile, gazing at the passing scenery. "Who does that guy think he is," remarks Helen as someone absent mmdedly leaves the door open. "You're freezing us out." Another pause. "I like your dress, Sally. It's very cute." "Thanks, do you really like it?" "Yeah, those buttons on the sleeves fascinate me." "Oh, do they? Well, you can't have any." "Who wanted them anyway?" They both relax, resting before their busy day begins. Sally drea_mily announces, "I am going to have a permanent Fnday. I've got to rush to make the 4路55路"

44 "I'll save you a seat." "Okay, what car will you be in?" "The second one." "Helen, how would I look with a curl on the top of my head?" "Swell, but for heaven's sake don't have it like Trudy's." Hers bobs all over her head; she never tucks it in. (HUMming Deep Purple) "That's a swell song." "Heard Eddy Duchin play it last night. He's smooth." "I--- don't--- know. He's too slow and droopy. Benny Goodman is my favorite ." "You can keep him. Swing is all right but who wants to hear a whole program of it." "I do . . . . Hey! my hat." "Johnny was up last night." "Yuph." "Have you ever seen him do the Lambeth Walk? He's keen." ' "Thanks, Sally (as she helps her on with her coat). He's going on the stage, isn't he?" "He thinks he is, but that takes years." The train has stopped; everyone make a mad rush to get off. "Bye, see you Friday." "Bye." ELEANOR CLANCY.

KAPPA KAPPA Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The last PHOENIX News Letter-how sad that makes one feel - well, here goes: On March 20, the Scribe's Valentine Ball was held at Temple U. The prettiest Temple gal and the handsomest Temple guy were selected. Although Alpha Sig did not win, its two candidates, Ev Wolf and Dee Hatton (both looking most challenging) made the semi-finals with fo ur other girls. Just give them another year and we'll see. The latest news of all is rushing. We had our first rush party at the home of our patroness, Mrs. Smaltz, who lives in Germantown. Our formal party took place at Greenhill Farms Hotel. Chris Knoblauch was master of ceremonies in her usual top-notch form . The net result of rushing: we do not brag (not much!) when we say we have the cream of the crop. We pledged twenty girls in all and "tops" around T. U. Oh, well, we've just got to admit there's something about A. S. A. ( 'snuff said.) Dee Hutton represented Alpha Sigma Alpha in the fashion show and looked quite charming. in a white formal gown. Dee s picture appeared in The Owl Magazine (how a Handbook Editor should look at the Junior Prom). rtie Shaw played and almost all the Alpha Sigs from 1917 dropped over to Mitten Hall for the dance. We're going to have Larry Clint~n for the Senior Ball. I'm sorry but we, who heard htm at Lafayette, just can't get too excited even though we think he's wonderful.



March was certainly full of Alpha Sig items. W. A. A. ran off its annual Intercollegiate Play Nite with Polly Shallcross managing badminton, Dee Hutton and Ev Wolf strutting in the posture contest, Libby Landes taking charge of refreshments, Ev Wolf receiving, Sis Mylin scoring and yours truly playing grandma over things in general. Margaretta Shenbecker planned a swell Magnet Career Conference for March 20. Libby Landes presided and introduced Margaretta who drew a winning card when she got the idea of "Marriage and a Vocation" for the main discussion topic. Dr. and Mrs. Danton entertained us at their home in Mt. Airy. We had a marvelous time chasing peanuts, playing Professor Quiz, and eating. We think they're grand and are mighty proud to have them as patron and patroness of Alpha Sig. The following officers were selected for next year: Alvadee Hutton, president, (we can't keep that girl out of print); Marie Bauerle, vice-president; Betty Woodman, secretary; Betty Gardner, treasurer; Dot Alcorn, registrar; Helen Ritter, chaplain; Ev Wolf, corresponding secretary; Marge Block, editor; Dottie Dodd, Panhellenic representative and next year's president of the Panhellenic Association. To Miss Corey we extend our appreciation for the help and active interest she has taken in Alpha Sig this year. I'd like to be able to write about all the Alpha Sigs and their new officers. However, this would be a bit premature because we haven't had campus elections for next year. Ellen McConnell was appointed at an early date to be the Women's Sports Editor of the 1939-40 Handbook. We can't write very much about spring activities which are fo r the most part unplanned. We do know that there's going to be an informal party at the Old Mill and it sounds like piles of fun. We can predict some bicycling in the park and riding at Melrose for beautiful spring days. We're wishing the Juniors, Marge Block and Marie Bauerle, the best of luck in their summer practice teaching. We'll leave the other summer news for the fall letter. Ann Raun, president of the Astron Senior Honor Society, recently became a pledge and A . S. A. patted itself on the back again. We are glad to see that Mrs. Clark is much better. The house has certainly become cheerful again since she has recovered from a very bad case of grippe. We seniors, have about two more months of school and for the most part no future in mind . Leaving Alpha Sig and T. U. is beginning to get under our skins. Let's stop this mournful wandering by saying this: Alpha Sigs, remember what Alpha Sig has done for you and what you could do for Alpha Sig. 0. K. Marge, from now on the PHOENIX letter IS yours . MARYLYN DAVIS.

MAY, 1939



Spring Term Rushing Begins

Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Another term is here and that means another rushing season. Marjorie Delaforce, rush captain, spent her Spring vacation completing plans for parties. Although rushing does not start for another week our plans are almost all ready. We are hoping for lots of luck. By the time this issue comes out, we will be almost ready to say goodbye to six of our girls who will be graduating in June. Our president, Lois Reilly, has been a member of A. S. A . for almost four years, Lyla Stenzel, Gladys Harer, Charlotte Larsen, Fredia Maulbetsch, and Isabelle Volay are the rest of them. Life in A. S. A. has always been a pleasure with these girls and we wish them luck, whether they continue their studies elsewhere, launch on a career, or just settle down to a life job of housekeeping.

Visit from President We girls were certainly excited and happy when we heard that our National President, Evelyn Bell, was coming to spend the week-end of March roth with us. Miss Bell arrived in Ann Arbor on Saturday morning. Our adviser, Miss Harris, met her there and brought her back to meet the gang. We had lunch at the Union together. In the evening a dinner was given in her honor. Our other guests were patronesses, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Barrs; and alums, Mrs. Aileen Fisher Brown, Mrs. John Faily, Mrs. Otto Kress. Sunday and farewells came all too soon for we wished we could keep Evelyn here with us always .

Leave for New Jobs Two of our seniors couldn't wait for June to come to leave us, but they were ready to graduate so it's all right. Fay Witter Deake, who was married in December, did not return in January and has already been on her new job of housekeeping for three months. She visits us quite often and says she likes it very much . Vivian Gowdy Esterline was graduated in December and like Fay is busily at work with broom and frying-pan . We certainly miss both of these girls.

New Member, Results of Winter term pledging-a grand new Alpha Sig- June Perryman. June is a junior, but new to our campus. Last year she attended the University of Detroit and just recently moved to Ann Arbor and enter~d Michigan State Normal. She is quite active in speech work. Last term she was judged campus orator in an all college oratory contest and represented the college in the State Contest held in Grand Rapids on March the third. June has a very sweet disposition, is ready and willing to do more than her share. She was a perfect pledge and already has made herself very dear to every one of us. We are proud of our new AI pha Sig and know you all will be, too.

Plan for Spring Dance In Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns- oh well, you know the rest. But in March Mu Mu's thoughts lightly (and seriously) turn to thoughts of our annual shin-dig, our Spring Dance. The committees are busy at present on all sorts of grand sounding plans. Sally (Helen) Berger is general chairman and a right good one too . The dance will be May 20 and will be at Charles McKenny Hall. The news has leaked out that we will have a five-piece orchestra, all girls will wear wrist corsages alike, our "Alpha Sigma Sweetheart" will be played as a pin dance. That's about all I know now, folks, so you'll just have to wait until later to hear how it comes out.

NUNU Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Gather around and we will turn back the pages of Alpha Sig's diary. As we have not had a "get together" since January, we must unearth many precious memories. School was going on just as usual; but the Alpha Sigs added the joys to our college life. January the twentieth marked the date of the launching of our winter rushing season. The season opened with the annual Panhellenic Tea held in the Drexel Art Gallery. All freshmen girls eligible for rushing were cordially invited by the combined sororities. These freshmen were introduced to all sorority girls, sponsors, and advisers. Although we were not in charge of the affair, the Alpha's pitched in and helped make a success of the tea. Everyone was eager to make acquaintances; thus, the tea served a definite purpose and played a vital part in the remainder of the rushing season. As we turn the next few pages of our diary, we find that each one of the Drexel sororities had a formal and an informal party. Let's leaf through some more pages before our party memories assume definite form. So-more about the entertainments later. The customary silence period whi~h followed the last affair, began on Sunday, February 5, at 7 P.M . and continued until, Tuesday, the eighth, at 7 A. M. No communication between sorority sisters and rushees was permissible during this time. Bids .were issued on Tuesday and were turned over immediately to the iadividual sororities. We cannot hold back any longer. Salute the new Alpha Sigs- twenty girls who will uphold the standards of Nu Nu . The new girls were pledged on the tenth of February . The service was followed by a dinner and then a meeting. On the twenty-seventh we held initiation exercises. A formal dinner at Whitman's accompanied by songs and speeches put the final touches on another very successful rushing season. We are now up to date in our diary-delvings. Shall we go back and re-enjoy those glorious parties?


The Cinderella Ball The formal invitations in red and white called the rushees to the Bala-Cynwyd Tennis Club. The rustic building was illumined by our large electric seal which is the shape of our pin; and the mantle was decorated with candles and the Phoenix seal. The object of interest was the silver slipper setting on a white satin pillow. Imagine the surprise of the rushees when it came time to find the owner of the slipper. Each rushee tried it on until the real Cinderella was found. The rushees were distinguished by corsages of rubrum lilies and as the dance progressed, it was hard to tell who were the Alpha Sigs and who were their rushees. . HoPE MoRRISON.

Nu Nu's Round-Up Heigh-0-Silver! Make way for those rootin', tootin', shootin', cowgirls of Nu Nu. The old hands showed the dudes how they spell "hospitality" and "friendship." Every Buck Jones, Tom Mix, and Lone Ranger was hog-tied and shipped out to Drexel Lodge. The rushees were enveloped by true Western atmosphere created by Indian blankets, saddles, spurs, crops, boots, sombreros, and a crackling fire dancing in the huge fireplace. "Come and get it" announ~ed that the round-up had really begun. The centerpieces on the tables were Western scenes formed by sand, cactus plants, and metal horses, Indians, and cowboys. At each dude's place was a booklet containing a jingle especially composed for her. These rhymes were read as a method of introduction. The booklet also contained the menu and songs which we sang and resang. Between courses, the dudes parted with their old hands and "shifted" to another table. This gave them more opportunity to meet all the girls. Following the dinner of hard tack and trimmins', dudes formed two teams, the Bar H and the Bar X, for fun in frolicksome competition. Pillow races and an exhibition of art created in the dark caused peals of laughter to ring in the ai r. The entertainment was climaxed by a treasure hunt. As the prize was a box of silver bracelets, each bearing a steer's head and two cactus plants, each rushee's bracelet served as a constant reminder of Alpha Sigma's pleas. Dignity was added to the round-up by the presence of Miss Frances Macintyre, our sponsor and Miss Jean M. Richmond, our adviser. The party was voted a unanimous success by both dudes and old hands. After dancing, we disbanded with Alpha Sigma's tunes haunting our memories.

PI PI Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York

The publishable part of an Alpha Sig's diary: February 19, 1939. We recovered from exams very nicely, thank you, at a Father's party at the Y. M. C . A. Residence. We consider Annette Pausewang and our most cooperative fathers jointly responsible for the gusto with which the thing went off. Dinner

was superb, and everyone was so smoo~ about entering into games, plays, et cetera after dmner. We put on a play, Mr. Barber, Betty Barber, and I. As supporting cast, Bets and I had the uncomfortable feeling that Mr. B. was playing directly t.o the .gallery, but we must say, in all fairness that his ad hbs and asides were nothing if not DYNAMIC! February 29. Our tall and ch~rmi~g patroness, Miss Frances Hepinstall, College Libranan, talked to us about the new books. She arrived at meeting laden down with new best sellers, newly equipped with library cards so that we could take them out that very evemng. March 24. The Seniors had their ball at th~ C:o~足 sistory. Marion Lewis, Betty Barber, and VIrgmia Blake were tapped to Alpha Society, honora:y orga~i足 zation for extra-curricular stars. Congratulations, With gusto! March 27. Installation of officers at Ruth Albright's. Elected to carry on t.hi.s year .were ~unel Sullivan, president; Norma Wilhams, vtce-president; Margaret Kabel, secretary; Virginia Blak.e, treas~rer; Betty Jean Williams, chaplain; Betty-fv!ane Schreme.r, registrar; Lurissa Jane Childress, SeniOr Pa~hellemc representative; Jean Mayer, Junior Panhellemc representative; and same ol' editor. March 30. Attended opening night of the College's Spring Play, which, this year was "?quaring ~e Circle" by Valentine Kataev. Rare bit o~ Russtan rambunctiousness, with Betty Barber bouncmg about as the kittenish Ludmilla, one of the leads. March 19. Aside from the fact that we ~ot .our notes mixed, we are firmly convinced that thts httle variety in the order of dates in March will prove refreshing and stimulating. This is the day that the Actives entertained the Alumna: at tea at Mary Martin's. We're happy indeed to meet some more of the handsome big sisters. April I. At last, a Pan hellenic Dance- at. the Cataract House, Niagara Falls. All seven Educational Sororities were represented. Good orchestra, dance exhibition, and grand old time learning the Glamour Glide. Pan-Hell Dances? We're For 'Em! April 2. Memo: Write PHOENIX articles today, because vacation begins Wednesday, and there are deeds to be done ere you leave town. JANE GtLLIAT. Editor.

SIGMA SIGMA Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado

The highlight of the last three months . . . three grand new pledges: Louise Nordstrom, Ruth Dunn and Gertrude Helmecke, all of Gunnison. Mary Kay Yoklavich, our ex-president and editor of the official college publication, attended the Rocky Mountain Press Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, in March. Our pledge captain, Lou Anna Banks, was chosen Miss Attractiveness at the annual Co-ed Prom March fourth. We are working on the furnishing of a room in

MAY, 1939 the dormitory for a chapter room. One of our first purchases was a piano. April 6, Sigma Sigma gave a very successful assembly program. A one-act comedy, "And the Villain Still Pursued Her," seemed to be the highlight of the hour with readings and musical number filling in. With the election over we find the following as the leaders in our chapter for the coming year: President, Alice Shanks; Vice-President, Christina Sinding; Secretary, Justine Kelleher; Treasurer, Celia Rescorla; Chaplain, Phyllis Yewell; Editor, Evelyn Slane; Registrar, Helen Ruth Wilcoxon; Collegiate Representative, Eleanore Pricco. March 5, a dinner was held in the college cafeteria at which our adviser, Miss Spicer, was given an Easter lily. Mrs. Shrewsbury, an Alpha Sig from Louisiana, was a guest at the dinner. Western State was represented both at the Laramie, Wyoming, and the Hastings, Nebraska Debate Conferences by Misses Helen Ruth Wilcoxon and Christina Sinding. BETTY SwEITZER, Editor.

47 Speaking of pledges, Mary Scherer, now an active member, was awarded the honor pledge plaque by the Hays Alumn;e chapter. Congratulation, Mary. You deserved it. The following officers were elected for next year. President, Katherine Breneman; vice-president, Billie Wirshing; secretary, Mary Weisner; treasurer, Mary Scherer; chaplain, Hollis Taylor; registrar, Cornelia Dale Page. We hope they are as efficient and enjoyable as our old officers, and we're certainly not pessimistic about the prospects! Plans are in embryonic stages for our Spring Formal. We do know that it's a formal dinner-dance at the Lamer, and it's a sweetheart party, and, who ever heard of an Alpha party being anything but fun? Anyway, you'll hear more of it later. Your Editor, BILLIE WrRSHING.

PHI PHI Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri

Panhellenic Group Entertains at Tea

TAU TAU Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas

Wedding bells are definitely the motif for Tau Tau chapter this season. Two of ¡Our active members were married after the Fall semester, leaving the;: chapter without an editor, • hence this substitution. Betty Lee, our former correspondent is now in New Mexico-a very happy, very domestic(?) housewife! Lucille Hoch also succumbed to Cupid's ways, and is now Mrs. H. G. McMahon, residing at Topeka, Kansas. Of course, that means bridal showers, so Tau Tau honored Lucille with a kitchen shower at Mildred Schwartzkopf's apartment, and Betty was entertained at Helen Markwell's home, where the chapter gave her an electric waffie iron-you know, the kind that makes two at the same time. Of course we miss Betty Lee and Lucille, but, gee, isn't love grand! Active initiation was held for a number of pledges Sunday, February eleventh, at the Women's Building, and was followed by our annual Valentine's party at the Lamer Hotel, making this occasion doubly festive. Incidentally, now we know our girls are leaders. Helen Markwell, a sophomore, was pledged to the Women's Leadership organization recently. The members later acted as ushers at a lecture presented by Maurice Hindus an international journalist on Czechoslovakia, and its present position in world affairs. One of our patronesses, Mrs. Race, has resigned and Tau Tau plans to honor the new patroness (as yet unselected) as well as Mrs. Race, at our annual Mother's Day luncheon and program. We will sincerely miss Mrs. Race's active and beneficial participation in chapter activities. Verneda Appel, a sophomore from Garfield, Kansas, has recently decided to go the way of all good co-eds and pledged Alpha Sig. We're glad she's with us, and, incidentally, she's a grand pledge.

The Panhellenic Organization of Alpha Sigma and Sigma Sigma Sigma gave a tea March 26 for the non-sorority girls of the campus.

Installation of Officers The following girls were installed in office: Virginia Page, president; Mary Margot Phares, vice-president; Iona Miller, secretary; Iris Ebesole, treasurer; Dorothy Lasell, chaplain; Marianna Obermiller, registrar; Mary W. Caton, Collegiate representative; Bernice Owens, Panhellenic representative; Jane Vogt, scrap book; and Martha Jane Hamilton, historian.

The Basket Ball and the Volley Ball Team Again the Alpha Sigma Alpha were intramural champions. The girls who played on the Phi Phi chapter teams were: Irene Bohnenblust, Helen Smith, Coleen Huiatt, Helen Crouch, Marianna Obermiller, Iris Ebersole, Martha Jane Hamilton, Delore Hunter. Those making the varsity team in basketball were: Coleen Huiatt and Marianna Obermiller. Those making the sub-varsity were: Irene Bohnenblust and Helen Crouch.

Pledge Initiation Pledge Initiation was held February chapter room.


at the

Spring Formal Dance The theme of our Spring Formal is going to be "Under The Sea." We are going to have fish extended from the ceiling, and balloons to represent bubbles. In one corner of the room we are going to build a hull of an old ship and along side this will be an

THE old Treasure Chest. There will also be a skull there beside the ship to represent a pirate. Around the walls we will have other sea animals, rocks and shrubbery of all kinds pertaining to the sea. The dances will be named according to different activities of the sea, such as Octopus Clutch. The entertainment will carry out the same idea with songs and dances about the sea. We have engaged Carl Colby for our Orchestra. He is from Omaha, Nebraska.

Formal Rush Party The Queen's Court was the theme of our annual Sweetheart Rush Party. When the Herald blew the bugle, Miss Miriam Waggoner, the Queen of Hearts, our adviser ascended the throne accompanied by our two patronesses Mrs. J. W. Jones and Mrs. Clun Price. After the Queen of Hearts was seated the active members paid their homage. The rushees were introduced by the Page and they in turn paid homage to the Queen. As a signal fo r the dancing to begin the Queen threw her bouquet which was caught by one of the rushees. While we were dancing the favors and dance programs, typical of our theme, were given out by two little girls.

National Official Ratings Received This year several members from our college went to Kansas City to take the National Basketball Examination for official ratings. There are two ratings which one can receive. The highest is National and the other is Intramural. Miss Miriam Waggoner, our faculty adviser, who is the Director of Women's Department of Physical Education, received National rating. Marianna Obermiller, who is our new registrar, received Intramural rating. We are very proud of them and the distinction that they received.


entwined with flowers and bright green streamers formed the archway to the entrance of the hall, and the large windows of the ballroom were decorated with matching streamers. Cellophane umbrellas in pastel shades were arranged along the walls. Favors of red suede programs, engraved with the Greek letters of the sorority, were given to the guests. The honors for the success of this wonderful dance go to Jeanne McCarty, dance chairman, and her capable assistants, Ruth Bickel, Mary Ellen Cornwell, Rhea Beck, and Marjorie Hutchens. During the month of January Chi Chi lost two of her finest members who left to take up teaching positions. Yvonne Petty, junior at Ball- State, went to Kokomo, Indiana, to teach in the primary grades. Louise Auch, also a junior on a primary education course, left to accept a position at Rochester, Indiana. Louise was an outstanding member of the junior class and for the past year had served as secretary for that class .. We were indeed sorry to lose two such fine girls and loyal supporters of Alpha Sigma Alpha, but we know they carried away with them a deep respect and loyalty for their sorority.

Colonial Party Members and pledges of Chi Chi chapter had a gala evening with fun for all on February 22, in the • large cabin at Heekin Park. Games and folk dances afforded grand entertainment for the evening's fun. Name tags in the shape of cherries were worn by each guest and member. Appropriate refreshments were served, and everyone was given favors of red, white and blue hatchets in return for the solemn promise that they would not be used to cut down anyone's cherry tree. The committee in charge of the arrangements for the party was composed of Mary Jane Howard, Della Bennett, Mary Elizabeth Steiner, and Betty Harroff.

Election of Officers

CHI CHI Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana

Formal Dance Alpha Sigma Alpha at Ball State opened the Spring dance season on the campus March 18, with a very lovely Spring formal dance. Using a theme of "Spring Showers," the members of Chi Chi transformed the Recital Hall of the Arts Building into a lovely Spring scene for the dance. Chuck Coe and his Purduvians played before a background formed by a garden scene with a figure of a young woman picking flowers. Above her head was a cellophane umbrella from which extended light green streamers representing raindrops. Enhancing the scene was the colorful illumination from the lights of rainbow colors which brightened and dimmed with the crescendo and decrescendo of the music. A white picket fence

Members of Chi Ci elected officer~ for next year at their regular sorority meeting on March 21. Marjorie Hutchens, who has been our ever-faithful president for the past year was succeeded by Jeanne McCarty who had won her laurels in the sorority as the chairman of our Spring Formal dance. As vicepresident, Jeanne Mitchell was chosen to succeed Ruth Bickel. Secretary Rhea Beck was replaced by Virginia Brown. Mary Jane Howard, former registrar, stepped into the office of treasurer which Louise Murphy has held for the past year. Other new officers were: Margaret Ann McClellan, registrar; Betty Harroff, chaplain; Mary Ellen Cornwell, editor¡ and Dorothy Mabes, collegiate representative. Installation for the new officers was held Sunday, April 16, in the lounge of the Arts Building. Following installation, initiation services were held.

MAY, 1939 PSI PSI Louisiana State Normal, Natchitoches, Louisiana

Psi Psi chapter has started her new year with a new set of officers. The last week in March was election week. Two weeks later the following officers were installed: President, Jo Tarleton; vice-president, Dorothy Eubanks; secretary, Mary Allen Caraway; treasurer, Velma Barrileaux; chaplain, Yvonne Jones; registrar, Iva Blanche Butler; reporter, Virginia Downs; corresponding secretary, Margie Gathright; Panhellenic representative, Mildred Rhodes; Collegiate representative, Cecil Mae Callious, pledge captain, Judith Tomlinson. Psi Psi had as their guest, during the week-end of April r6th, Mrs. Wilma Wilson Sharp, National Educational Director. She came to inspect the sorority and to give us advice to help us through the coming year. Saturday night the cabinet ate supper with Mrs. Sharp at the Hotel Nakatosh. On Sunday morning the sorority went to the Presbyterian Church in a body. Other things have been planned for the rest of her stay. Our new home is finished! We had expected to be in it a week earlier but due to our well known Louisiana weather the building was held up. The house is made up of a foyer, dressing room, bathroom, kitchen and a large living room with a fireplace. The coming week-end is to be our housewarming date. How grand it would be if you all could come. During the College Debating Tournament held here about a month ago, two A. S. A.'s from Tahlequah, Oklahoma visited with us. For some of us it was the first time to meet A . S. A.'s other than members of Psi Psi chapter. We hope that Fern Pascoe and Treva Davidson will return. Psi Psi held initiation services on March 21. Five girls were intiated.

BETA DELTA State Teachers College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi

In a very impressive ceremony conducted by Miss Mary Pulley, adviser, the officers of Beta Delta chapter were installed for the year 1939-1940. Ruth Martin will serve as president of Beta Delta for the second year; Statia Helen McNeese will serve as vice-president; Lois Nelson, secretary; Mary Louise Barksdale, treasurer; Delores Crane, registrar, Elizabeth Beard, chaplain; Bebe Newcomb, collegiate representative; and Jeanette Coleman, editor. Beta Delta has added to her membership nine new members of which she is very proud. Beta Delta chapter has three members and two pledges who made the honor roll at State Teachers College for the winter quarter: Jeanette Coleman, Ruth Martin and Mary Alice Pickel, members, and Beth Powell and Frances Walthall, pledges. To be eligible for the honor roll, a student must make at least forty honor points on academic work. These students be-

49 sides being outstanding scholastically are also active in many of the activities of the campus. Marguerite Williams and Ruth Plank were presented in the all school music recital on March 2r. And then there's our debate team, Treva Davidson and Fern Pascoe. They won a first place cup in the Annual Savage Forensic Tourney at Durant, Oklahoma, March 3, and have been adjudged as the best junior women's team in the Southwest. They have won forty decisions out of forty-seven debates. Norinne Garrett, our new president, has been given the female lead in the new all school productio?, "The Show Off." (Another score for A. S. A.)

BETA GAMMA Northeastern State Teachers College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Faye Martin, one of our pledges, entertained us in the home of Dean and Mrs. L. P. Woods on the evening of January 3r. The highlight of the evening was the presentation to the sorority of the huge replica of the sorority badge for which we had been waiting very anxiously. The pledges presented the annual "Pledge Program" also . Mrs. E. J. Green, one of our patronesses, entertained us with a lovely buffet supper, given in her home on February ro . The Valentine motif was carried out in decorations and appointments. During the evening we learned to play the "little apple sitting down." If you haven't tried it just ask Mrs. Sharp if it isn't really fun. Four charming girls, donned A . S. A. pledge pins on Tuesday night, March 7路 We are more pleased that they are "our" girls every day, because each one has a striking personality and adds very definitely to the sorority standing. Carrying out a unique color scheme of crimson and gold, with our huge replica of the sorority badge as the outstanding feature of the decorations, we had our annual early Spring dance on March r r. (Again A. S. A. triumphed; even the chaperones thought it outstanding.) Formal initiation services were held on March 12. On Wednesday evening March r8, we entertained with an informal dinner in honor of Mrs. Wilma Wilson Sharp, who was in Tahlequah for national inspection. The St. Patrick motif was .carried out in the decorations, favors and appointments. We路 had no speeches-just simply had a good time and learned what a wonderful personality our National Educational Director really is. Sunday, May r4, 路 we're going to entertain our mothers and patronesses. But entertaining isn't all we're going to do, because we are going to confer upon them the Mother-Patroness degree. However, everything we do isn't along social lines. Our girls enjoy playing, but they're not afraid of work . Touring with our college band all over the eastern part of Oklahoma are four A. S. A.'s: Ruth Plank, Anna Lee Howard, Sylvia Adams, and Virginia Wells.


so Presenting: The Pledges! This is a list of all pledged fr011~ April 10, 1938 to April 10. 1939. The name of the state has been o路m itted where it is the same as the o11e in which the pledge's chapter is lo cated. ALPHA State Teachers College, Virginia Lucy Jean Baskerville, McKenney Norma H elen Pamplin, Clifton Forge Agnes Lee Barlow, Smithfield Martha Ann Baldwin, Roanoke Margaret Louise Bellus, Flushin!!', N . Y. Carolyn Cushing Harvey, Curdsvtlle Caroline Ren nie Eason, Richmond Edna Stanhope Harris, Clarksville Emily Ann Hurff, Driver Eleanor Barksdale Hutcheson, Blacksburg Polly Carroll Keller , Staunton Eugenia Hardy Kilmon, Onancock Mildred Scott Ligon, Clarksville Betty Allen Lucy, Roanoke Katherine Fosque Powell, Wachapreague Mary Jane Ritchie, Richmond N ell Woodson Speight, Rocky Mount, N. C. Lucy Carmichael Turnbull, Richmond Peggy French Williams, Blacksburg ALPHA BETA Kirksville State Teachers College, Missouri Gladys Belle J ohnson, Pocahontas, Iowa Rosemary Durham, Macon Marian Virginia Taylor, Kirksville Mabel Madaline Montgomery, South Gifford Mary Jane Cox, Clarence Betty Sue Gardner, Brunswick Mary Jo Wilson, Moberly Juanita Ellen Albrecht, Burnswick Mildred Louise Warren , Amarillo, T exas Ethel Pauline Brenner, Laclede Virginia Louise Davi s, K eyt esville H elen Louise Mayor, Macon Marjory Hardin Rouner , Knox City Mary Jane Bowling, Kirksville Anita Alice B egole, Moberly Marjory Davis Roberts , Kirksv ille Della Frances Hook, Cairo Martha Frances Ayres , Atlanta Elaine Gillum, Unionville J eannette Monroe, Memphis Mary Charline Miller, Greentop J ennie Lou Blackwell, Kirksville ALPHA GAMMA State Teachers College, Pennsylvania Beatrice Louise May, Johnstown Mary H elen Wardlaw, Somer set Vivian Alma Sinclair, Monaca J ean n e Eleanor Smith, Johnstown Ruth Jane Guy, Frackville Geraldine Ruth Shanabrook, Mechanicsburg lsobel Mary Opel, Kittanning Lois Matilda Waltom , Volant Gwendolyn Griffith, Indiana Clemence Elizabeth Sarouy, Indiana BETA BETA Greeley State, Colorado Grace Anne Arnold, Canon City Ag n es May Barr, Littleton H elen Marguerite Brooks, Eagle Betty Jane Coles, N ew Castle Elizabeth Jane Graham , D enver Miriam Frances Lancaster, Greeley Mary Elizabeth Bean, Denver Inez May Hetterbran, Keota Mary Elizabeth Lamb, Casper, Wyoming Jean Arvilla McKenzie, Otis Emilie Agusta Schuler, Canon City Doris Lee Sunderlin, Colorado Springs Frances Lanore T errill, Craig Claudine Chalfant, Den ver Virginia Meyers, Denver Roberta Graham, Denver GAMMA GAMMA Northwestern State Teachers College , Oklahoma Clarice Albe rta Benefiel, Waynoka Evelyn Bernice Benefiel, Lambert Ruth Ida Boyce, Alva

Barbara Jane Copas, Alva Dorothy Marie Scrop sick, Kiowa, Kansas Clara Mosolene Williams, Waynoka Bertha Alice Green, Alva Dorothy Lorraine Riggs, Dacoma Winona Marguerite Elliott, Lambert Electra L ee Montgomery, Alva Betty Ann Dean, Alva Sudie Fae Green Stambaugh , Vici Maxine Spanger, Alva Frances Turner, Alva Rosa L ee Montgomery, Roosevelt EPSILON EPSILON Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia Roberta Maxine Alspaw, Emporia Dorothy Atherton, Emporia Mary Elizabeth Carlson, Americu s Ferne Lucille Enochs, Tonganoxie Mary Frances Ford, Ulysses Mary Elizabeth Hagins, Emporia Edwena Elizabeth Kuhlmann, Emporia Mary J eane Lewis, Emporia Sue Alice Marsh, Emporia Evora Annette Martin , Emporia Margaret Eleanor Ralstin, Wichita Mary Ann Taylor, W ellington Nancy Louise T errill, Ulysses Lucile Wilson, Emporia Margaret Louise Yearout, Emporia Danita Darroch , Coldwater ZETA ZETA Central Missouri State Teachers College Kathryn Belle Hopkins, Hickman Mills Virginia Doris Balthie, Marshall Virginia Maxine Stuart, Independence Wilma Janet Warnick, Warren sburg Marie Caroline Hagem eyer , Warren sburg H elen Elizabeth Burks, Marshall Eleanor Irene Bennett, Odessa Doris Elizabeth Barker, Kan sas City, Kan sas Ruth Stormont, Odessa Marian Maxwell, Odessa ETA ETA Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg Jan e Osborne , Riverton J ennie Uccellani, Mulberry Sara Margaret Lann, Pittsburg Dorothy May Burcham, Pittsburg Lois E. Thompson, Bronaugh Dorothy Buffington, Norwich Billie Louise H eimdale, Pittsburg Frances Hunt, Pittsburg Mary Katherine R eiff, Fredonia Barbara J ean Barkell , Pittsburg Pauline Brown , Erie Faye Louise Teas, Erie Dolores Mae Morton , Pittsbu rg Cona D ean Porterfield, Kan sas City, Mo. Dorothy Bellman, Paola Maxine Gertrude Humbard, Pittsburg Irene Gretelle Brannum, Pittsburg THETA THETA Boston University Anna Louise Geraldine Day, South Boston Olga Marjorie Carlson , Corchester Elizabeth Sawyer Hagar, Rock land, Maine Barbara Hill, W ellesley Martha V eronica K elly, Nashua, N. H . Carolyn Edith Parren, Franklin Florence Whelden, Brandon, Vermont Wilhelmina Milne, Brighton Katharine Marguerite Rickards, West Somerville Nellie Elaine Walen t, Nashua, N. H . KAPPA KAPPA Temple University Peggy Baumert, Collingdale Doris Harriet Bender, Stroudsburg Sara Foxhall, Doylestown Evelyn Frances Woll, Trenton, N. J .


Margery Patrick , Philadelphia Virginia Miller, Philadelphia Elizabeth Yarish, Philadelphia Katherine Mylin, Philadelphia Elizabeth Howard, Merchantville, N. J. Ann Roun, Philadelphia MU MU Michigan State Nor mal College, Ypsilaatt Gladys Harer, Ypsilanti June Perryman, Ypsilanti NU NU Drexel Institute of Technology Martha Virginia Boyer, Birdshore Janet Harding, Philadelphia Elinor Florence Haigh, Philadelphia Helen Elizabeth Burton, Wyndmoon Eleanor Longacre, Philadelphia Elizabeth Marian Shone, Upper Darby H elen Geta Abrams, W est Collingwood, N.J. Elizabeth Baringe r, Upper Darby Marion Smith Powell, W est Chester Elizabeth Reese, Drexel Hill B etty Louise Smith, Northampton Joyce Busler, Lansdowne Lois Virginia Cameron, Forty Fort Irene Louise Chipman, Ridley Park Miriam L enora F elten, Melrose Park Mary Elizabeth Hall, Ardmore Roberta Parkhill, Drexel Hill Anne Louise Schwab, Conshocken Ednamay Barclay Schwalm, Sharon Hill Elizabeth Jane Shellenberger , Philadelphia Pauline Barbara Steinberg, Philadelphia Marie Carroll Sevenson, Brookline J ean Elizabeth Allen, Upper Darby Gene Margaret Mack ert, Collingswood Doris Ruth Carpenter, Philadelphia Elizabeth Marie D enlinger , Sharon Hill Dorothy Elizabeth Michel, Philadelphia K atherine Ann Walker, Germantown Mildred White, Media

XI XI University of California Patricia Esther Arndt, Taft Dorothy Ethel Brown, Hollywood Shirley Mae Cecil, Long Beach Ruth L ynn Plu es, Los Angeles Bettylou Rose, Los Angeles Elizabeth Marjorie Irwin, Long Beach Barbara Chidester, Palo Alto Esther Zager, Los Angeles Lois Down ey, Los Angeles OMICRON OMICRON Kent State University Margaret Elizabeth Callahan, Louisville Joan Cash, Cuyahoga Falls Elaine D eLaurdes Downs, Mans fi eld Bonita Nan Dray, Guyahoga Falls Marjorie Grace Han son, Canton H elen e L enner , Akron Lois J ean n e Lunt, Guyahoga Falls Nadine Aida Mohler , Berea Eleanor Louise R eitzel, B eaver Falls Betty Louise Steinhauer, Youngstown Marjorie Ellen Thompson, Kent Sue Menster, Canton Ruth Jane Lunt, Guyahoga Falls Victoria Elizabeth Konkel, Canton Sheila Jeanne Easterbrook, Cleveland. Dorothy Alberta Huffman, Brewster June McKee Kuendig, Canton Maxine Virginia Lenn er, Akron Gertrude Victory Brown, Akron J ean W . Miller, Akron Kathleen Dray, Guyahoga Falls J eanne Stiles, Norristow n, Pa. Betty Jane L eader, Akron Mary Jane R enick, Akron PI PI Buffalo State Teachers College 'Virginia Grace Weiffenbach, Buffalo Eleanor Dent Carland, K e nmore Virginia Dittmer, Lockport L. J eanne Fleckenstein, W est Valley Kathryn Margaret Kabel, R edwood Mary Thornton Martin, Kenmore Margaret McEntire, Buffalo Ruth H ele n Albright, Kenmore Ramona Mary Barnes, Dunkirk

MAY, 1939 Miriam Pearl Be uther, Buffalo Geraldine Jane Harmon, Buffalo Betty Marie Schreiner, Buffalo Betty Jean Williams, Kenmore Norma D eEtta Williams, Rome Marjorie Duthie, Buffalo Mary Dwyer, Buffalo Mary Hussey, Sea Cliff Jean Mayer, Buffalo Marjorie Meedham, Buffalo Jane Wanthouse, W estfi eld RHO RHO Marshall College, West Virginia Rose Louise Williams, Huntington Sylvia Thompson , Nolan Josephine Vinson Peters, Huntington Esther Boyce, Parkersburg Dorothy Helen Johnson, Huntington Lesley Wood Kemp, Charleston Mary Pauline James, Parkesburg Harriet Wolverton, Huntington SIGMA. SIGMA Western State College, Colorado Mary Stratford Lyons, Daytona Beach, Florida Helen B. Geis, Ovid Bonney Grace McDonald, Buena Vista Eleanor Harriet Gavette. Gunnison Martha Lucille Miller, Delta Lou Anna Banks, D elta Mary Emily MeN amara, Salida Laura Dare Beard, Meeker Ruth Margaret Benedict, Eads Shirley Mae Stone, Paonia Helen Sidney Cook, Denver Gertrud Elizabeth Helmecke, Gunnison Mary Mildred Evans, Buena Vista TAU TAU Fort Hays Kansas State College, Kansas Jo Jane Brown , Russell Ruth Alene Piland, Waldo Bernice Margaret Betthauser, Hays Mary Scherer, Hays Mary Alice Wiesner, Hays Lorrain e Carper, Oberlin Hollis Evelyn Taylor, Bird City Mary Margaret Kimple, Coldwater Cornelia Dale Page, Palco Beth Adell Osborn , N ess City Shirley Mae Wright, Colorado Springs, Colo. Verneda Appel, Larned PHI PHI Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville La Vona Maxine Stalcup, Oregon Eileen Delore Hunter, Fairfax Mary Lorraine Kyger, Stanberry

51 Virginia Lee Adams, Mountmoriah Mary Margot Phares, Maryville Iona Myrtle Miller, Bethany Helen Augusta Crouch, King City Patricia Ann Turner, King City Mildred Coleen Huiatt, Maitland Bettye June Harazim, Alexandria, La. Mary Lou Melvin, Rockport Vivian Lippman, Maryville Charlene Violet Barnes, Tarkio Inez Bethel Eberole, Maryville Mary J eannette Anthony, Maryville CHI CHI Ball State Teachers College, Indiana Mary Elizabeth Steiner, Bluffton Virginia Ruth Brown, Martinsville Mary A . T ennell, Russiaville Roberta Yvonne P etty, Kokomo Josephine Brown, Martinsville Maryestelle Elizabeth Muster, Muncie Margaret Ann McClellan, Urbana Betty Jane Harrott, Kimmell Della Pauline Bennett, Tipton Marilyn Olive Prohl, Hammond PSI PSI Louisiana State Normal Ruby Mae Adair, Bossier City Frances Rae Alexander, Natchitoches Mary Elizabeth Barr, Natchitoches Cecil May Caillouet , St. Francisville Dorothy Lois Colvin, Natchitoches Nan Sue Davis, Dubberly Dorothy Jean Gibbs, Brownwood, Texas Mary Virginia Johnson, Shreveport Kathryn Gen ev ieve Jones, Shreveport Alida Lambeth, Bossier City Ava Louise L ester, Coushatta Alice Verlon Lovell, Winnfield Frances Marian Martin, Sibley Velma Nance , Dixie Helen In ez N ewman , Natchitoches Judith Tomlinson, Natchitoches Joyce Elenor Bachemin, Covington Sidney Mitchell Gremillion, Shreveport Joyce Johniken, Pelican Thelma Anne Palmer, Natchitoches Marcile Prudhomme, Natchitoches Elizabeth Scarborough, Vinton OMEGA OMEGA San Diego State College, California Katherine Ann Fiske, San Diego Phyllis Miriam Emblem, San Diego Virginia Jean Dorland, San Diego Virginia Mae Staninger, San Diego Flora Frances Murray, National City Shirley Helen Markle, San Diego Evelyn Louise Lory, San Diego Gracielle Victorie Boles, San Diego Harriett Elizabeth W erre, Mission Beach Martha Smith, San Diego

Alpha Sigma Alpha Initiates Apr拢l 10, 1938- Ap6l 10, 1939 ALPHA


Ethel McAlister Carr, Richmond Roberta Fulton Latture, 路 L exington Margaret Esther Atkinson, HampdenSydney Betty Beale Fahr, Richmond Evelyn Byrd Hutcheson, Gloucester Court House Jean Snow Upshur, Cheriton Martha Elma Holloway, Norfolk Caroline Rennie Eason, Richmond Polly Carroll K eller, Staunton Emily Ann Hurff, Driver Margaret Louise Bellus, Flushing, N . Y. Nell Woodson Speight, Rocky Mount, N. C. Lucy Carmichael Turnbull, Richmond Katherine Fosque Powell, Wachapreague Eleanor Barksdale Hutcheson, Blacksburg Peggy French Williams, Blacksburg Mary Jane Ritchie, Richmond Mildred Scott Ligon, Clarksville Lucy Jean Baskerville, McKenney Eugenia Hardy Kilmon, Onancock

Beniie Cox Briggs, Memphis Betty Sue Thompson , Milan Eleanor Jane Cisco, Trenton Susan Caroline Krembs, Shelbina Agnes Mueller, St. Charles Hester Kathl yn 路webb, Hannibal Mary Jane Cox, Clarence Mary Jo Wilson, Moberly Mary Jane Bowling, Kirksville Marjory Davis Roberts , Kirksville Martha Frances Ayres, Atlanta ALPHiA GAMMA Amy Porter Alvord, Indiana Clemence Sarouy, Indiana Josephin e H elen Okerberg, Sheffield Mary Leona Sauers, Johnstown Janet Gayle Walker, West Middlesex Gertrude June Wilgus, Lansdale Gwendolyn Ruth Griffith, Indiana Beatrice Louise May, Johnstown

BETA GAMMA Northeastern State Teachers College, Oklahoma Inez Rose Brock, Ralston Virginia Lee Croman, Park Hill Treve Davidson, Tahlequah Beyy Lou Levy, Muldrow Faye Martin, Wagoner Nettie Marie Neal, Porum Elizabeth Anne Pinkard, Haskell Ruth Ellen Plank, Chester Maxine Clara Schuler, Boynton Anna Lee H oward, Tahlequah Mary Ann Masters, N ewport, Tenn. Frankie Beatrice Pascoe, Tahlequah Marguerite Blanche Vogel Vinita Addie Carlene Glover, Sallisaw Mirna Odell J ennings, Wagoner Elizabeth Ann Allen, Wagoner Mary J osep hine Allen, Wagoner Lois Marie Baker, Stigler Rachel Coleen Ellis, Vian BETA DELTA State Teachers College , Mississippi Mary Pulley, Hattiesburg Evelyn Mary Garner, N ew H ebr on Joyce N ewcomb, Richton Esther Louise Saxton, Benton Geneva Stubbs, Magee Edwina Turner, Madden Dorothy Brantley, Madden Yvonne Brantl~y. Madden H elen May jones, Morton Margaret Ruth Martin, Picayune Mary Louise Barksdale, Morton H elen Elizabeth Kynes, Picayune Nancy Shivers, Shivers Mary Sue Cox, Hattiesburg Delores Crane, Hattiesburg L ena Clarice Ice, Hattiesburg Emilie Barnes Kemp, Hattiesburg Sarah Elizabeth Majure, Madden Lois N elson, Hattiesburg Mai Flowers Pace, Canton Mary Alice Pickel, Hattiesburg Thelma Okle Williamson, Columbia Louise Elizabeth Beard, Laurel Mary Louise Bridges, Kilmichael Flora Earles, Polkville Edith Willingham Ingram, Bogalusa, La. Lennie Lucille Lawrence, Pelahatchie Bebe Newcomb, Richton Sarah Elizabeth P owell, Carriere Mary Nell Shedd, Laurel Eleanor Clarice Sherman, Hattiesbu rg Mabel Estelle Simmons, Lauderdale Mary Lou Steede, Laurel Ida George Tidwell, Union Frances Marion Walthall, Laurel Statia H elen McNeese, Bassfield Mickey Elizabeth King, Collins Sarah Jeannette Coleman, Hattiesburg

Alice Moorhead, Indiana H elen Vivian Strassner, Indiana Ruth Evelyn Taylor, Reading Jean Estelle L edicoat, FrackYille BETA BETA Margaret Dunn , Longmont . H elen Maxine Hibbs, K eenesburg Doris Stream, LaV eta Mary Ann Christensen, Fowler Mary Margaret Grothe, Fort Lupton Mary Margaret Dee!, Golden Evelyn May DeMary, Englewood Alice Florence John son, Englewood Kathryn Lurene Stream, LaVeta Lydia Ann Cicmanec, Englewood Arney Cooper, Canon City Barbara Bousman, Denver Mariam Frances Lancaster, Greeley Mary Elizabeth Bean, Denver Helen Marguerite Brooks, Eagle Jane Lucille C'lldwell, Farrington, Wyo. Frances Alice Cullen, Rawlins, Wyo. Frances Lanore T errill, Craig GAMMA GAMMA Elsie Mildred Converse, Vici Pauline Dee Haworth, Alva

THE PHOENIX Vada Eileen Paris, Seiling Rosa L ee Montgomery, Roosevelt Leota Adeline L eeper , Alva Barbara Maxine H edges, Vici Maxine Mary Brown, Lamont Betty Lou H eaton, Capron Everette Marie Fulmer , Gate Catherine Barbara Wiebener, Alva Addie Katherine Quinton, Alva Dorothy Lorraine Riggs, Dacoma EPSILON EPSILON Hila Beth Burt, Eureka Cartha Caroloine D ecker, Burr Oak Winifred Louise Jones, Emporia Louise Mendenhall, Willington Roma June 07.enberger, Eureka Ellen Jo Richmond, Atchison Mary May Shull, Eureka H elen Elysabeth Tubbs, Wellington F erne Lucille Enochs, Tonganoxie Mary Frances Ford, Ulysses Mary Jane Lewis, Emporia Lucile Wilson , Emporia Evora Annette Martin, Emporia Margaret Louise Y earout, Emporia ZETA ZETA Amelina Kathryn Hopkins, Hickman Mills Marie Caroline Hagem eyer, Warrensburg Virginia Maxin e Stuart, Independence Rachel Wilcoxon , Odessa Virginia Doris Balthis, Marshall Kathryn Belle Hopkins, Hickman Mills ETA ETA Carolyn June Cockerill, Pittsburg Marjorie M. L eaman, Monmouth Dolores Sheward, Pittsburg Pauline Brown, Erie Dorothy Ma y Burcham, Pittsburg Jane Osborne, Riverton Mary Katherine R eiff, Fredonia Faye Louise T eas, Erie L ois E. Thompson, Bronaugh, Mo. THETA THETA Anna L ouise Geraldine Day, East Boston Olga Marjorie Carlson, Dorchester Elizabeth Sa wyer Hagar, Rockland, Me. Barbara Hill, Welleslv Martha V eronica K elly, Nashua, N. H . Carolyn Edith Parren , Franklin Floren ce Whelden, Brandon, Vt. Wilhelmina Milne, Brighton Katharine Marguerite Ricuards, W est Sommerville N ellie Elaine Walent, Nashua, N. H. Myra L ouise Chick, W estbrook Eleanor Ma ry Clancy, N ewburyport Cleone Arline Cummings, Roslindale Alice Marie Maguire, Cambridge KAPPA KAPPA Betta Belle Bowman, William sport H elen Ernestine Goodsp eed Dudley, Philadelphia Edna Sentman Waddell, W estville, N. J. Sara Jane Evans, Wyer cote Emily Fra nces Grove, York Alvadee Eugenia Hutton, North Cumberla nd Merrie) J ean Nissly, Florin H elen Zimmerman Ritter , Allentown Kathryn Anna Shallcross, Collingdale Clare Ruth W atkins, Scranton Katherine Adeline Lutton, Chester Ellen Mary McConn ell, Som erton Evelyn Frances Wolf, Trenton, N . J . Sara Foxhall. D oylestown Evelyn Virginia Hardy, Philadelphia Charolotte Marie Kriebel, Ambler MU MU Gladys Harer , Yps ilanti June P erryman , Y psilanti NU NU Mary Williams Niblock, Abington Mildred May White, Media Elizabeth Marie Denlinger, Sh a r on Hill Dorothy Elizabeth Michel, Philadelphia Meredyth Adelle Budd , P e nnsauken, N . J. Katherine Ann Walker, Germantown

Helen Elizabeth Burton, Wyndmoon Eleanor Longacre, Philadelphia Elizabeth Marion Shore, Upper Darby Helen Geta Abrams, West Collingswood Elizabeth Baringer, Upper Darby Marion Smith Powell, Wes t Chester Elizabeth R eese, Drexel Hill Betty Louise Smith, Northampton

XI XI Florence Oberc, Los Angeles Catherine Edith Balzer , Los Angeles Eleanor Patricia Bohn, Los Angeles Juanita Mae H emperley, Downey Dorothy Ethel Brown, Hollywood Betty Lou Rose, Los Angeles L eola Flor ence Hetzler, Rock Springs, Wyoming OMICRON OMICRON Charlotte Boedeker, Cuyahoga Falls Jane Lenore Clarke, East Cleveland Martha Elaine Foltz, Akron R oslyn Gertrude Spencer, Lakewood P eggy Marie Williamson, Cuyahoga Falls Geraldine Victory Brown, Akron Kathleen Dray, Cuyahoga Falls Betty Jane L eader, Akron Julia Rose Lyons, Kent Wilma Elizabeth Reinhardt, Bison, Kansas Marjorie Jane Daubenspeck, Cuyahoga Falls Bonita Nan Dray, Cuyahoga Falls Marjorie Grace Hanson, Canton Nadine Aida Mohler, Berea Eleanor Louise R eitzel, B eaver Falls Marjorie Ellen Thompson, D ent PI PI Virginia Grace W eiffenbach, Buffalo Eleanor K ent Carland, Kenmore Virginia Dittmer, Lockport L. J eann e Fleckenstein, W est Valley Kathryn Margaret Kabel. R edwood Mary Thornton Martin, K enmore Margaret McEntire, Buffalo Ruth H elen Albright, K enmore Ramona Mary Barnes, Dunkirk Miria m P earl B euther , Buffalo Geraldin e Jane Harmon. Buffalo J ean E sth er Mayer, Buffalo Betty Marie Schreiner. Buffalo Betty J ean Williams, Kenmore Norma D eEtta Williams, R om e RHO RHO Sylvia Thompson, Nolan Rose Louise Williams, Huntington SIGMA SIGMA Celia Frances Rescorla. Almont Phyllis Marjorie Y ewell , F owler Margaret Edith Hammond. Saguache Elizabeth W elborn, T elluride Alice L or en e Shanks, F owler Christine Sinding, Fowler H elen Ruth Wilcoxin , Hotchkiss Margaret Marv Keller , Penrose Betty Jane Hill. Gunnison Betty Jane Switzer, Eads Nona M. N ewby, Mt. Harris Clyta Marina Solomon, Saguache Eleanor Pricco, Ouray Evelyn Marie Slane, Gunnison TAU TAU Ruth Angell, Portis D oris Rachel Swa n son, Hays Betty L ee Waller stedt, Hays Geraldine Mable Chittenden, Hays Jan e Louise I saacks, Hays Flor ence Ada Truan , Hays Hazel Matilda Oshant, Hays Bernice Margaret Betthauser , Hays Cornelia Dale Page , Palco Mary Alice Wiesn er , Hays Ruth Alene Piland, Waldo Ma r y Scherer, H ays H ollis Evelyn T aylor, Bird City PHI PHI Virginia Mary Page, Bedford Mary Louise Rusk , Mount Ayr Jan e Hutton, Pasadena, California

Octa Berniece Owens, Maryville Helen Madeleine Smith, Oregon Mary Winifred Caton, Mound City Margery Curnutt, Kansas City Iris Mae Ebersole, Maryville 路 Rosa Mae Fink, Oregon Mary Louise Turner, Hopkins Martha Jane Hamilton, Maryville Mildred Coleen Huiatt, Maitland Iona Myrtle Miller, Bethany Mary Margot Phares, Maryville Mary Lorraine Kyger, Stanberry CHI CHI Mary Jane Howard, Summitville Lois Helen Kirkwood, Summitville Betty Ire ne Miller, Bryant Jeanne Phyllis McCarty, Pennville Bernice Marian Mundy, Otterbein Louise Elizabeth Murphy, Carmel Della Pauline Bennett, Tipton Marilynn Olive Prohl, Hammond Mary Elizabeth Steiner, Bluffton PSI PSI Nan Sue Davis, Dubberly Kathryn Genevieve Jones, Shreveport Alice V erlon Lovell, Winnfield V elma Nance, Dixie H elen Inez Newman, Natchitoches Iva Blanche Butler, Oil City Mary Allen Caraway, Logansport Dorothy Adair Eubanks, Shreveport Margie Gathright, Natchitoches Carolyn Gibson, Oil City Frances Thomas, Natchitoches Mary Elizabeth Barr, Natchitoches Cecil May Camouet, St. Francisville Dorothy Lois Colvin, Natchitoches Ruby Jones, Franklin Ava Louise Lester, Coushatta Frances Marian Martin, Sibley Judith Tomlinson, Natchitoches OMEGA OMEGA Mrs. France路s C. Torbert, San Diego Gracielle Victoire Boles, San Diego Harriett Elizabeth W erre, Mission Beach Evelyn L ouise Lory, San Diego BETA GAMMA Sylvia E . Adams, Muldron F. Nerine Garrett, Tulsa Virginia L ee Croman, Park Hill Marguerite Plank Williams, Tahlequah Mary F ern DeLois Pascoe, Tahlequah Ila Ruth Martin, Wagoner Nettie Marie Neal, Porum Florence Rhea Amadon, V enita Mary Ann Masters, Newport, Tennessee Inez Rose Brock, Ralston BETA DELTA Mary Pulle~ Hattiesburg E velyn Mary Garne r , New H ebron Joyce N ewcomb, Richton Esther Louise Saxton, Benton Gen eva Stubbs, Magee Edwina Turne r , Madden Dorothy Brantley, Madden Yvonn e Brantley, Madde n H elen May Jones, Morton Margaret Ruth Martin, Picayune Mary Louise Barks dale, Morton H elen Elizabeth Kynes, Picayune Nancy Shivers, Shivers Mary Sue Cox, Hattiesburg D elores Crane, Hattiesburg Lena Clarice Ice, Hattiesburg Emilie Barnes K emp, Hattiesburg Sarah Elizabeth Majure, Madden Lois N elson , Hattiesburg Mai Flower s Pace, Canton Mary Alice Pickel, Hattiesburg Thelma Okle Williamson, Columbia Louise Elizabeth Beard, Laurel Flora Earles, Polkville Lennie Lucille Lawrence, P elahatchie Sara h J ean ette Coleman, Hattiesburg Bebe N ewcomb, Richton Mickey Elizabeth King, Collins Statia H elen McN eese, Bassfi eld Mary Nell Shedd, Laurel Eleanor Clarice Sherman, Hattiesbur~r

MAY, 1939


Some Findings from Browsing Through Our Exchange Magazines Intrafraternity Conference, 1938 Thirty years ago representatives of the outstanding national fraternities of that day met in an. atmosp~ere of distrust, suspicion, and antagomsm to discuss a question involving their organizations. November 25-26, 1938, delegates of practically every national fraternity in this country met at the Hotel Commodore in New York in an atmosphere of friendliness and enthusiastic cooperation to consider problems that they all recognize are common to social fraternities. Evidence that in three decades fraternities have not only become unified in their objectives, but have come to the realization that through cooperation the interests of all are advanced. The presence of approximately fifty presidents of educational institutions and Deans of men indicated that the spirit of cooperation extended to college administrators as well. There was no defeatism about this conference session and no carping criticism, but there was some soul searching at least implied in the question, How social m,inded is the social fraternity? when the program took on the form of a "town meeting," with George V. Denny, Jr. Pi Kappa Phi, president of famous Town Hall, ew York City, as moderator, and three college presidents as speakers: Dr. Wilbur H. Cramblet, Dr. John A. Schaeffer, and Dr. Harry S. Rogers. They agreed that fraternities had the opportunity of developing social-mindedness and were gradualJy, if slowly, taking advantage of their opportunity, improving their relationships with the civic community, with the college community, and within their own membership. Dr. Cramblet spoke of the efforts of fraternities in establishing international scholarships for exchange students, in developing plans for vocational placement, and in contributing to the life of the community around them, but he said that the success or failure of the social fraternity would be indicated by the intra-campus relations between ali student groups. "Fraternity men and women," he insisted, "must cooperate in supporting a program of living that is all inclusive, a program that will enrich the college experiences for all students who participate in it." Dr. Schaeffer asserted that fraternities may be extremely helpful in achieving the results desired in a liberal education. He admitted that the college in itself had no agency which can

make an impression upon the social life of its students. "The fraternity, " he said, "'meets this need, for the intimate association of its members during the four years inevitably gives them a certain stamp of character. It is true that in fraternity there is the greatest influence of one life upon another, and the late Justice Cardozo was right when he said, 'Every effort spent returns in character. The alchemy is inevitable.' From this viewpoint, the fraternity is a great builder of character." "The development of good citizenship is the major objective in creating social mindedness within the fraternity," said Dr. Rogers. "If we can achieve this we shall make a distinct contribution through the social fraternity to the American college life, and we shall develop that degree of social mindedness which may become a real force within the operation of a liberal democracy." In his address as chairman of the conference, Russell C. MacFall emphasized the need of the fraternity to prove that it contributes something which arouses the intellectual curiosity of the student, that the atmosphere and environment of the chapter house actively stimulate the growth of the undergraduates in intellectual stature and in character development. He concluded with this statement : "I feel that the chapter house has the possibility of making this contribution to an even greater extent than has the college. The small group running its own affairs in sympathy, of course, with the objectives of the institution, holds a greater possibility for character development and intellectual stimulus."-Kappa Alpha Theta, January, 1939.



From High School to College Seeking to improve the articulation between the university and secondary schools, ... the University of California discovered that the most precarious step on the educational ladder lies between high school and college .... To the question, "In what way do you think your high school could improve upon its program for preparing students for the university?" such replies as these were made : "High schools should be more thorough." "More mathematics and more English composition needed in high school." "Students in high


54 chool should be taught to be more independent." "Give examination which really require that a student know his subject." "Give definite instructions in how to use a library." ''Develop a better technique of study." When the question was asked, "What information about the university would you have liked to have had before entering?'' tuclents gave the following typical replies : "More detailed information about the mechanics of how the university runs." " 1ore detailed information about the courses I intended to take." When asked what suggestions they thought should be carried back to college preparatory students in high school, freshmen made such replies as these : "Not to let down in the last year in high " If school." "Take advanced composition." they plan to continue a foreign language, they should be sure to study the language completely. Competition here is very tough." "Be prepared to take a big 'flop.' Be prepared to make social adjustments because of different conditions that have to be met at the university." "Learn to take notes, learn to type, learn to budget your time. "

New York .,. 路'路


January, 1939.


What Qualities In response to this questi01,__"What qrtalitics sho uld frate mity dcvelop?"-two Alpha Delta pledges wrote .. .

Membership in a fraternity implies that an individual is willing to submerge her personal desires for the welfare of the whole group. Yet this merging of herself with the whole group does not obliterate her personality, rather it develops it and gives it the attributes of co-operation and unselfishness. Joining a fraternity, probably for the first time in her life a girl finds the true meaning of loyalty, and realizes the great advantages her group offers for friendship and comradeship. he is helped to find her place in college life, and i aided in gaining poise and courtesy. She learns how to live with others in accord and harmony." "A fraternity hould develop in an individual a greater capacity for friendship, a deeper loyalty to individual friends, as well as to the group. Besides loyalty it should inspire to cooperation, and the ability to work together congenially for the good of the group. In a fraternity one' own ideal are trengthened and new one are acquired. It can definitely aid in building character. Fraternity tandards for scholarship impre s a member with her duty to keep up her part, and o contributes to her academic ucce . Fraternity experience contributes to development of a well-

rounded life, both during college years and in later life.''-Kappa Alpha Theta, :.larch, 1939.




After all, she's a pledge now, so why worry? Why worry? ctive chapters, your worry has only ju t started . Your big worry and real work lie in bringing Gwen the pledge, through the tran ition stage, to Gwen the active. Remember, Gwen is 1938. She's swing, and streamlined. She i alert-and wants to get ahead. She mu t lean to you for as istance. You promised her an " in' ' to activitie , study help, new date acquaintance , and above all, hone t to goodness companionship! Yes, pledging Gwen was fine-but if you do not see that she is happy and content during her pleclgeship--you will never initiate Gwen !-B <I> A A ld abarm1, ctober, 1938.

* Getting a Job Everybody knows there is an "unemployment problem." And it exists just as much for college men as for the guy who tramps out with a dinner bucket, ready to swing a sledge hammer all clay, but can't find a hammer. There are probably statistics which will tell you what percentages of our graduating clas es are facing the future without jobs. In may be that you are in a school which is taking care of that, and i finding you a connection. It so, ignore what follows. fter all, it is only a theory of mine, and wouldn't be interesting to a guy who already ha a job, unless he wants a better one. The time for a college man to begin getting the job he will take when he graduate , is along about his sophmore year. My theory is simply this: pick out the field you want, find the companies in that field who can employ you, find out whom the executives are that do the hiring, and tart contacting them-by letter, in person or in any other way you can. Any man who is worth working for, will be impres ed by a letter or a call from a sophomore or junior at any school who ays, in effect, "I'll be out of school in so many year . I want to work for you. I think I can be of value to you because I am tudying thi and thi and doing that, to prepare my elf. I know such and such about your company, and wonder if you would put me on your li t, perhaps answer me now and tell me what else I can do to better prepare myself for a job in your selling, your production, your etc., etc., department." That man will sit up and take notice, or I mi s my gues . Or even if he doe n t take notice of the first letter or call, he may take notice of the next one or the 6th one.

MAY, 1939


Such a plan must be followed steadily, and persistently, with a file system, regular letters or calls. The cost will be negligible. And I. am sure the results will be surprising. Ilow do you learn about the company, its products, etc.? \lYell, you'll have to use your own initiative. There are libraries with catalogs, stores where the products may be shown, people to whom one may talk about such companies, such men and such products. This is simply selling yourself to your future employer, and doing it early. There are many misconceptions about selling, and I mean selling of something important, like one'~ !iervices for a permanent job or connection. May people think you must look the buyer in the eye, out-think him, outwit him and finally by sheer will-power make him sign on the dotted line. It just ain't so. Selling today, (except the hit-and-run, door-to-door, one-call variety) is a slow process of building up mutual confidence, acquaintanceship, and finally persistent persuasion and proof. We all tremble at the idea of a· single interview with a potential employer, during which, what we say, what we wear, and how w.e twiddle our thumbs, may decide our future as to a job. The thing to do is to go through all that critical interview period when you are a sophomore, or freshman, or junior, when so much doesn't hang on the balance and you have time to make more contacts if you mess one up. It is silly to work and work and work to prepare oneself for four long years, and not begin to find a job until after the sheepskin is in one's hand. It's like building a boat in the basement without first measuring the door. After all, what can you lose by trying out this plan? You can do it with very few stamps, some paper and envelopes, shoe leather, and a few hours of thinking and working every month. Believe me, any boy in college who indicates that he thinks three years ahead, or even one year ahead, is the type that the employer who is building for the future (God and Income Taxes per~ mitting) is looking for.-Th e Temple of Ph~ Kappa, February, 1939.



How to Study The habits of study, formed in school are of greater importance than the subjects mastered. The following suggestions, if carefully followed, will help you to make your mind an efficient to~l. Your daily aim should be to learn your lessons m less time or to learn them better in the same time. The •J11wst common complaint of failing college students is "I DIDN'T LEARN HOW TO STUDY!" 1. Make out a definite daily program, arrang-

ing for a definite time for each study. You will thus form the habit of concentrating your thoughts on the subject at that time. 2. Provide yourself with the material the lesson requires; have on hand maps, ruler, compass, special paper neec\ec\, text-book, dictionary, etc. 3. U nderstand the assignment. Learn to take notes on the suggestions by the instructor when the lesson is assigned. Take down accurately any reference given by the instructor. Should a reference of special importance be given, star it so that you may readily find it. Pick out the important topics of the lesson before beginning to study. Quickly page and glance through the entire reference before you begin to read the first page. 4. In the proper use of the text-book, the following devices will be found helpful: index, appendix, foot notes, maps, illustrations, vocabulary, etc. Learn to use your text-book, as it will help you to use other books. Therefore, understand the purpose of the devices named above and use them freely. Can you use them now? What's the difference between an index and an appendix? 3. Do not lose time in getting ready for study. Sit down and begin to work at once on your work; that is, put your mind on it and let nothing disturb you. Have the will to learn. Lick yourself. Discipline your mind. Get mad at yourself for stalling and wasting time. 6. In many kinds of work it is best to go over the work quickly. Then go over it again carefully; for example, before beginning to solve a problem in mathematics, read it through and be sure that you understand what is to be proved before beginning its solution ; in translating a foreign language, read the passage through and see how much you can understand before consulting the vocabulary. 7. Do individual study. Learn to form your own judgments, to work your own problems. Individual study is honest study. In group study, the weak sponger sponges ; the dominant student dominates. 8. Try to put the facts you are learning into practical use if possible. Apply them to presentclay conditions. 9. Take an interest in the subjects taught in school. Talk to your parents, your teachers, and your colleagues about your work. 10. Review your lessons frequently. If there were points you did not understand, the review will help to master them. Use those frequently unused three or four minutes daily before the professor enters the classroom. 11. Prepare each lesson every day. The habit


of meeting each requirement punctually is of extreme importance. 12. Training the memory is highly important in life. In committing material to memory, learn it a a whole; go over it quickly at first, then more carefully and then again and again, until you have it. In learning forms, rules, vocabularies, etc., it will help to repeat them aloud. 13. \Va ting tho e golden hours between seven and nine each evening means burning midnight oil. tudy regularly and early; get to bed regularly and early. 14. A k que tions in cia and after class. U e notebooks constantly. 15. Study the professor as much as the subject. Determine and strive now to give him a favorable impre sion of yourself during the first two weeks of the term.-The Teke, ofT K E.



The Association of Education Sororities Its Place in the Teachers College

\Viii Rogers when asked if his ancestors came over on the Mayflower drawled, "No, but I reckon they met the boat." If teachers college students lack the aristocratic background of rich parentage, they do have the heritage of the great middle class of American society. Dr. M'Ledge Moffett in her interpretative study of the social background and activities of teachers college tudents, states that forty-two per cent of them come from rural homes. Dr. Moffett feels that the pro pective teacher "has had the experience which make her a compeer of an American citizen who is sl;ghtly above the average. The number of student who must of necessity, work their way through college testifies to the seriousness of put:pose and deeper appreciation of the re ults of an education which are characteristic of the teachers college student." omething of the history and background of the organization of the Association of Education oront1e which erve the teachers college tudent may be interesting. In 1911 , a survey of merican college was made in an endeavor to learn in what type of in titution sororities were not functioning. It wa revealed that the normal chool wa the only one without organized 11ational Greek letter ocietie . As a re ult of this tudy, igma igma igma and lpha Sigma lpha determined, in 1915, to confine their activitie exclu ively to the normal chool and to education department of univer itie . Both ororitie had been founded at the clo e of the nineteenth century at the tate Female Normal chool at Farmville, \ irginia and both had exi ted a

general sororities erving liberal arts college and universities. Together the two ororities e tabli hed the Association of Education ororities becau e they wished to give the student in training for the teaching profe sion the same opportunitie of sorority affiliation which the liberal art tudents and tho e in other profe ion enjoyed. t that time, the normal school and the education department of univer ities offered a two-year cour e. In the evolution of the educational y tem, the normal school ha become the rrreat teachers college of the present day, and the s ociation of Education Sororitie ha advanced with it. Today no petitioning group from an institution which doe not offer a four-year cour e in education may be con idered as eligible for membership in the ssociation Qf Education Sororities. Since 1915 five sororities, in the order named, have qualified for admittance to the Association : Pi Kappa Sigma, Delta igma Epsilon, Theta Sigma Upsilon, Alpha Sigma Tau and Pi Delta Theta. Because the ociation of Education ororitie has had a part and a place in the dramatic growth of the teachers college it keenly appreciates the cooperation it has enjoyed from teachers college administrator . It is aware that "since fraternities exi t in the college becau e the college authorities permit them to exist, there must be a complete understanding between college and fraternity." The chancellor of a large university has aid "There is a law that bring people together in groups. It acts like the law of gravity and regradless of what is done to divert it, it hold true. Thus we have the college fraternity ." The ssociation of Education ororitie i a fraternity organization that has been planned and built around the teachers college student. Within its chapter unit , the organization foster friendhip , promotes team work, stimulate leader hip, encourages scholar hip, give executive and in general develops cultured personalitie . In the effort to shape our organization o that it can be t erve the teacher college girl empha is i placed not only upon profe sionali m but al o upon 'the educational value of orority life a an opportunity in group and education relationship ." In the matter of the financial obligation of sorority member hip, the education ororitie have developed a cale of fee commen urate with the limited income of teacher college tudent . The peaker, who ha recently vi ited many teachers college where her own orority function , ha found that the admini trative officer realize and appreciate the value of orority organization on their campu e . \i\ ithout exception,

MAY, 1939 they agree that our greatest usefulne s to the college and to the student body lies in the cultural training for which our set-up of national supervi ion is o ideally adapted. In 1931, to assure uniformity in this phase of training, the Association of Education Sororities compiled a booklet entitled "Social Precedents and Sorority Ethics" which has been used continuously as a basis for our cultural program. In September 1936 copies of this booklet were issued to presidents and deans of colleges where chapters of the Association of Education Sororities do not exist. In addition to a cultural program, member sororities consider a health program of equal importance as a sorority project. Anti-tuberculosis work is an example of this service. Other typical activities of the different education sororities are: student loan funds, establishment of hospital beds, local social service projects such as crippled children's assistance, free counseling at a camp for under-privileged children. One project which has received state and national attention and comment as a Greek letter accomplishment is the endowment of a rural school library in Virginia. Potential teachers not only need training in the social amenities of life in the care of health but they should be made to realize that service to others is the highest call in the development of a well balanced life. In our American colleges increasing numbers of students are working to put themselves through school and there is a new student spirit abroad. Shot through its wholesome and serious

57 practicality is a cheering return to ideali m. Students are seeking "the significant life" and in their search there is need for direction and guidance. The Association of Education Sororitie considers it a privilege to cooperate with the teachers colleges in a sincere effort to develop in our American young womanhood especially in our prospective teachers, a desire for " relationships that broaden, experiences that enrich, character that stablizes and service that spells happiness." MABEL LEE W ALTON, S ecretary THE A NCHOR A lpha Sigma Ta~ÂŁ




THE GOAL of the Founders loan fund of Alpha Phi as adopted at the convention in California in June, is $50,000 in 1942. There are to be no projects launched in raising this money, but $1 will be sent from each chapter for every member during the year.



THETA CHI fraternity promises to make history with its eighty-third anniversary convention to be held in April. Instead of emphasis being placed on a gay program of social activities and business sessions devoted to legislation and reports of officers, there will be a well-organized school of instruction to cover matters of chapter organization and development. This convention will be held on the campus of the University of Illinois.



Announcements BETA BETA To Mr. and Mrs. Cris Dobbins (Vivi Bjork), a son, Michael Anthony, December 23, 1938.

MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS ALPHA Elizabeth Billups to - - - Gribble, March, I939· ALPHA ALPHA Marie Schreiner to Glen Lutz Smith, September I938.


ALPHA GAMMA Ruth Caroline Edwards to Earle Errett Sloan, August s, I938.

ETA ETA To Mr. and Mrs. Tony Dechairo (Enid Frogue), a daughter, Alice Anne, August 8, 1938. IOTA IOTA To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Selvy (Rita Walters), a daughter, Virginia Catherine, November I9, I938.

BETA BETA Katherine Switzer to AI Moore, February I I, I939·

NU NU To Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Dominick (Sadie Ruth Mills), a son, Charles Jared, November 20, 1938.

DELTA DELTA Lillian Jane Goff to Woodrow W . Maynard, November IS, I938.

OMICRON OMICRON To Mr. and Mrs. Presley Campbell, Jr. (Suzanne Sanfo rd), a daughter, Sara, October 4, I938.

ETA ETA Barbara Jean Barke!! to Arthur Blair. Maribelle Menchetti to John McCoy.

KAPPA KAPPA Edna Munier to Fred R. Conway, December 3, 1938. Virginia Savage to Willard Donover, February 14, I939·

PI PI To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morey (Helen Schubert), a daughter, Carol Melba, March IS, 1939. To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Yesser (Edith Reiss), a daughter, Ellen Dorothy, March IS, 1939. To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hogle (Florence Peffer), a son, March 24, I939 · To Mr. and Mrs. George Finch (Shirley Stowell), a daughter, Nancy Barbara, March 29, I939· To Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bragg (Helen Rich), a daughter, March 19, 1939·

NU NU Sarah Lee to Nathaniel Hawthorne Eiselman, August 27, I938.

TAU TAU To Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tuggle, a son, Patrick, February 3, 1939·

XI XI Frankie Marie Sutton to John Opperman.

PHI PHI To Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson Cline (Beatrice Stewart), a son, Stewart Wilson, January s, I939·

IOTA IOTA Lillian C. Hethershaw to Charles H . Darnell, November 7, I938.

TAU TAU Lucile Hoch to Harry Gay McMahon, February 22, 1939· Betty Lee Wallerstedt to Edgar B. Young, March I3, 1 939· Kathryn Parsons to Frederick Clement Ryan, October 24, 1938. Priscilla Wilson to Raymond Glen Newcomer, February 16, 1938. PHI PHI Belva Goff to Lloyd Robert Geist, June I I, I938. Grace Englehart to Paul Ernest Schulz, June 22, I938. OMEGA OMEGA Elizabeth Fife Kratz to John Markey, March 3, I939· Harriette Werre to Albert W. Isbell, March 30, 1939. BETA DELTA Helen Kynes to Sidney 0 . Smith, December I9, 1938.

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS LPH To Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eberwein (Lucille Wright), a son, John Wright, March, I939·

CHI CHI To Mr. and Mrs. Howard McDavitt (Jane Foltz), a son, John Michael, March 27, I939· OMEGA OMEGA To Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Jordan (Helen LaZelle), a daughter, Muriel, December 19, 1938. To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sweet (Carine Heller), a daughter, Virginia Beatrice, October 22, 1938.

IN MEMORIAM Mable Louise Harzman was born March 6, 1920. She was pledged by the Gamma Gamma chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha September 28, 1937 and initiated January 2S, 1938. This year she was a sophomore at the college and was treasurer of the chapter. She was killed in the tornado which struck Capron, Oklahoma, Friday, April 14, 1939. Her mother and father were taken at the same time. We extend our deepest sympathy to the remaining members of her family and to Gamma Gamma chapter, in their great loss.

~AY, 1939


List of Missing Addresses The following is the list of names and addresses from which the P HOEN IX has been returned. If you know of any corrections, please send them to the National Editor , Mrs. B. F . L eib, Apt. "T", 3540 N orth P ennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, Indiana

ALPHA BETA Robinson, Esther E. BETA BETA Arthur, Mrs. Willard (Ruth Wood), Del-Carbon, Colorado. Mayer, Katherine, 155 East Ninety-first Street, New York, New York. GAMMA GAMMA Landers, Mrs. Gerson, Box 314, Hot Springs, New Mexico. DELTA DELTA Berkshire, Esther, 2717 Quarry Road, N. W., Washington, D. C. EPSILON EPSILON Gilbert, Mrs. C. Otis (Camille L. Tracy), 701 South Oak Street, Pratt, Kansas.

KAPPA KAPPA Slifer, Anna R., 726 North Second Street, Reading,. Pennsylvania. LAMBDA LAMBDA Haas, Henrietta, Maryville, Ohio. Solt, Mildred J., Canal Winchester, Ohio. MU MU Dixon, Mrs. Irvin (Theone Simmonds), 6955 Hartwell, Dearborn, Michigan. OMICRON OMICRON Kirchner, Mrs. Norman A. (Ruth A. Winters) , 299 West Market St., Warren, Ohio. TAU TAU Nickles, Frances, 416 South Elwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma. PH{ PHI Lawrence, Ruth, Barnard, Missouri. Hastings, Alyce E., 430 Glenwood, Russelville, Arkansas.



Directory National Council 1938-1941

Editorial Staff

President-Miss Evelyn G. Bell, 767 Lafayette Avenue, Buffalo, New York.

MRS. B. F. LEIB, National Editor, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment "T", Indianapolis, Ind. Alpha- Mary A. Malone, State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia. Alpha Beta-Agnes Mueller, Kirksville State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri. Alpha Gamma- Josephine Okerberg, Sutton Hall, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Beta Beta- Lydia Ann Cinmanec, Snyder Hall, Greeley, Colorado. Gamma Gamma-Phyllis Card, 728 Seventh Street, Alva., Oklahoma. Epsilon Epsilon-Winnie Jones, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas. Zeta Zeta-Gene Smith, Central Missouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri. Eta Eta-Cora Montgomery, 104 West Washington Street, Pittsburg, Kansas. Theta The ta-G race Easton, College of Education, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. Kappa Kappa- Marylyn Davis, 1917 Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mu Mu-lsabelle Volay, Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Nu Nu-Marion Powell, Westchester, Pennsylvania. Xi Xi- Argele Simpson, 1817 Selby Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Omicron Omicron- Marge McNab, I 12 Sherman Street, Kent, Ohio. Pi Pi-Jane Gilliat, Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York. Rho Rho-Pauline Conley, Marshall College, Huntington, West Virginia. Sigma Sigma-Betty Sweitzer, Gunnison, Colorado. Tau Tau-Billie Wirshing, Hays, Kansas . Phi Phi-Dorothy Lasell, Residence Hall, Maryville, Missouri. Psi Psi-Claire Hargis, Natchitoches, Louisiana. Chi Chi-Mary Marjoree Powlen, Lucina Hall, Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana. Beta Gamma-Fern Pascoe, Wilson Hall, State Teachers College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Beta Delta-Mary Alice Pickel, 16o6 West Seventh Street, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

Vice-P1路esident-Miss Esther Bucher, 4134 Eaton, Kansas City, Kansas. Secretary-Miss Thelma Stortz, Laurel, Delaware. Treasurer-Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, 28oo Dexter Street, Denver, Colorado. Registrar-Miss Mary Mae Paul, 413 Yz West Sixth Street, Hays, Kansas. Editor-Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment "T", Indianapolis, Indiana. Educational Dil路ector-Mrs.Fred M.Sharp, 1405 Hardy A venue, Independence, Missouri.

National Chairmen Alumnce Editor-Mrs. John Horter, 219 East Third Street, Beaver, Pennsylvania. Constitution-Mrs. Albert Kuchs, 614 North Market Street, Maryville, Missouri. Fellowship-Mrs. Clinton Berry, 187 Wapello Lane, Altadena, California. Scholarship-Miss Joy Mahacheck, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Historian-Miss Louise Stewart, Y. W. C. A., Zanesville, Ohio.

Officers of Association of Education Sororities Chail路man-Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma Sigma, P. 0 . Drawer 108, Clermont, Florida. Secretary-Mrs. Fred Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha, 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, Missouri. Treasurer-Mrs. C. P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, 3632 Paxton Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Director of Local Panhellenics-Mrs. Orley See, Delta Sigma Epsilon, 48 Wildwood A venue, Piedmont, California. Director of City Panhellenics-Miss Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon, 3815 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Chairman of Eligibility and Nationalization- Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau, 161 Highland A venue, Highland Park, Michigan. Chairman of Publicity-Dr. Reba N. Perkins, Pi Delta Theta, Indiana, Pennsylvania.

MRS. JOHN HORTER, A lumnae Editor, 219 East Third Street, Beaver, Pennsylvania. Alva, Oklahoma-Emogene Cox, 227 Center Street, Alva, Oklahoma. Boston, Massachusetts-Katherine M. Hale, 393 Randolph Street, South Weymouth, Massachusetts.

MAY, 1939 Buffalo, New York- Betty Murphy, 120 St. James Place, Buffalo, New York.

Canton, Ohio-Jayne Urban, r622 Twenty-eighth St., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Central Pennsylvania- Mrs. W m. Bishop, Albright Court Apartments, Reading Park, Pennsylvania, 1430 North Thirteenth Street. Charleston, West Vit路giniaChicago, Illinois- Dorothy Masters, 7252 Bennett A venue, Chicago Illinois. Cleveland, OhioColumbus, Ohio-Mrs. Loren G. Windon, Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Delaware-Mary Short, Harrington, Delaware. Denver, Colorado-Miss Elizabeth Foote, 2650 Ash Street, Denver, Colorado. Des Moines, Iowa-Mrs. E. N. Jacobson, 1317 Morton A venue, Des Moines, Iowa. Eastern Pennsylvania-;-Anne Willauer, 23 South Sixteenth Street, Easton, Pennsylvania. Emporia, Kansas- Mrs. Laurent De Bauge, 215 East Seventh Street, Emporia, Kansas. Greeley, Colorado-Billie M. Hutchinson, 1447 Eleventh Street, Greeley, Colorado. Hampton Roads Area, Vi1路ginia-Gertrude Sugden, 51 Victoria Avenue, Hampton, Virginia. Hays, Kansas-Lucille Rowland, 111 West Thirteenth Street, Hays, Kansas. Huntington, West Vi1路ginia-Helen Jean Osborne, 121 Twenty-sixth Street, Huntington, West Virginia. Indianapolis, Indiana-Mrs. Ralph T. Holton, 3234 Winthrop, Indianapolis, Indiana. Johnstown, Pennsylvania-

61 Kansas City, Missouri-Mrs. Robert C. Harman, 4311 College Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. Kent, Ohio-Mildred Bowers, 306 Woodard Avenue, Kent, Ohio. Kirksville, Missoun'-Mrs. Henry R. Elster, 8ro East McPherson Street, Kirksville, Missouri. Los Angeles, Califomia-Virginia Bundren Loving, 6049 Allston Street, Los Angeles, California. Maryville, Missouri-Eliz~beth Planck, 503 Yz West Third Street, Maryville, Missouri. Muncie, Indiana-Mrs. Max Montgomery, r625 University Ave., Muncie, Indiana. New York City-Mrs. J. Donald Peterson, 2954 East 196th Street, New York City, N.Y. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania- Jean Mueller, 719 East Butler Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-Virginia Lee Straw, 1301 South Braddock Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Pittsburg, Kansas-Mrs. Avys Rae Hagman, 210 East Belleville, Pittsburg, Kansas. St. Louis, Missouri-Mrs. Kennerly Woody, 322 Arbor Lane, Webster Grove, Missouri. San Diego, California-Margaret Basinger, 3748 Meade Street, San Diego, California. andMrs. Marion H. Campbell, Chula Vista, California. Shreveport, LouisianaToledo, Ohio- Mrs. Olen M. Osmun, 3924 Revere Drive, Toledo, Ohio. Tulsa, Ok{ahoma-Lora Patterson, 1227 S. Evanston, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Wichita, Kansas-Mrs. C. E. Hamilton, 3015 East Orme, Wichita, Kansas. Ypsilanti, Michigan-Mrs. D. E. Morley, 419 Ardmore Drive, Ferndale, Michigan.



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MAY, 1939

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