Asa phoenix vol 26 no 1 nov 1939

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Founders Day Proclamation ........... . .. . .......... . .. 2 Installation of Beta Epsilon Chapter . . . . ........... . ..... 3 Mu Mu- Delta Phi Merger .... . ...... . .... . . . ........ . 6 Psi Psi Dedicates New Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 I

Interesting Alpha Sigs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Campus Personalities ....... . .. ... .. . .. .. ........... . . 12 Travel . ... . .... .... .. . . ... ..... . . ... . .......... .. ... 12 Alumnce Organizer . ........ . ...... ... . . . . . . .. . . . . ... ... 20 Tew Alumnce Chapters ........ . .. . . . ....... . .......... 21 News Letters, Alum nee .............. . . . .. . ... . . . ... . ... 23 College Chapter Efficiency Report .. . ..... . .. . ..... . ..... 33 News Letters, College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Announcements ....... . .. . . . ..... . ... . ......... . ..... 45 Directory ............ . . . ........... . ... . ...... . ..... . 47

• Published in November, January, March and May of each year at No . 30 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana. Business correspondence may be addressed to either office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis, Indiana.


Entered as second-class matter, September 4, 1923, at the post office at Richmond, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, I8]0.




Would you honor our founders on Founders' Day? Then be not content to honor them by words alone. Rather, act in the spirit of those founders. Would you honor our founders on Founders' Day? Then remember that our sorority today represents our founders' plans and dreams in part come true. There can be nothing final about such plans and dreams. They must be kept alive so as to grow and expand. Would you honor our founders on Founders' Day? Then keep alert to the changing needs of the college and sorority world, and be prepared to meet the needs of today with expanding plans and dreams, and with the forceful spirit characteristic of our founders. Thus we may truly honor our beloved founders whose faith and good .w orks brought forth our sorority.

G. BELL, National President. EvELYN





Installation of Beta Epsilon Chapter

The Campus from the Air - Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia I. Junior 2. Johnston 3. Spotswood

4. Sheldon 5. A lumnre 6. Walte r Reed

7. Hill Crest 8. Wilson 9. Maury

HISTORY OF MADISON COLLEGE Madison College at Harrisonburg, Virginia, is ideally situated near the center of the Shenandoah Valley which is famed throughout America for its scenic beauty and charm. Few colleges in America have a more beautiful and inspiring campus location. The college grounds comprise sixty acres of land with a wide frontage on the main street of the city. The site commands a magnificent view of the sur rounding valley in every direction, from the Blue Ridge to the Shenandoah Mountains, and adjoins one of the best residential sections of the town. This environment is an educational asset, for, to appreciate scenic beauty and grandeur, to be uplifted by the sublimity of the cloudcapped mountain ranges, are educative experiences affecting character and lifting life permanently to a higher plane. Madison College, the second State college to be provided for women in Virginia, was established by act of the General Assembly, March 14, 1908, as th e Normal and Industrial School for Women, and was opened to students September 28, 1909. In 1916 it dropped the general industrial features and devoted it energies solely to the preparation of teachers and its official name was then changed to the State Normal School for Women at Harrisonburg. By legislative act

10. Jackson 11 . Harrison 12. Ashley

13. Senior 14. Service Bui lding 15. Home Management House

in 1924 the name of the school became the State Teachers College at Harrisonburg. On February 17, 1938, the General Assembly of V irginia changed the name of the college to Madison College in honor of President James Madison. T he enrollment this year of Madison, which is 1199 studen ts, exceeds any previous records during the thirty years of the college's history.

Formation of Beta Epsilon For some time there had been faint whisperings on Madison campus that sororities were going to be installed ; this seemed too good to be true. However, the March wind of 1939 brought Mrs. Fred Sharp right into our midst. It was on the afternoon of M rs. Sharp's arrival that an informal tea was given. P romptly at 4 :30 went groups of the most enthusiastic girls over to the reception room of Junior Hall. The question undoubtedly written on the minds of every girl present was, "Just what does it mean to be an A . S. A.? That night immediately after dinner a joint meeting of Tri Sig and A lpha Sig pledges was held. Mrs. Sharp explained the close relationship of the two sororities and also showed us the A. S . A. pins. Never before had such a thrill existed for any of us. It was wonderful. Later





Bottom row, left to ri ght: Almeda Greyard, Ann Ireland, T reas urer; Dorothy Phillips, Chaplain; France Beaton, Edi tor ; Cathe rine Curling, Secretary; Frances Barnard, President; Winifred Rew, Vice-Pre ident 路 France Drewry, Panhellenic Representative; Maxine Calfee, Registrar; E lizabeth Ogburn. Second row, left to right: Naomi McAllen, June Kiser, Shirley Rawls, Peggy Delp, Catherine Ketron, Fanny Hope Warden, Mary Lee U tley, Norma Forrest, Elizabeth Neale, Mary Burger, Annette Roger , Ruth McLain. Third row, left to ri ght: Clara Sater , Eleanor Shorts, Kay Lester, Margaret Parsons, Gwendolyn Trueheart, Margaret Young, Betty Catterton, June Collier, Anne Lee Cowling, Ellen Fairlamb, Geraldine Ailstock, R osa Lee Scott.

in the evenmg the lpha ig pledges were told the meaning of S. and exactly what was expected of u . Then with the signing of the petition we bade Mrs. Sharp a pleasant goodbye. he had made a lasting impression within a few hours time and was the talk of the campu for days afterwards. Thanks to E llen Fairlamb, ou r former president, for making M r . harp's visit po ible so soon. Ellen i due much credit for devoting o willingly of her time and services to the real formation of Beta E p ilon . In reality she began at the bottom with a very determined mind to obtain the best for . S. . vVith the assistance o f M iss eeger, our faculty advi er, and with the inspiration left by l\fr . Sharp the Alpha ig pledge began to work for the goal of good Q uickly rolled by the month of April and l\[ay 13 wa here with little warning. n F riday afternoo n we were given an examinat ion and that night wa climaxed with the pledging ervice with 1\Ii Evelyn G. Bell, our I\ ationa l P re i lent, Yery g raciou ly pre iding. E\路ery Beta "Cp il on girl proudly wore th pledging pin mounted on the beautiful crim on and white color of A. . .\.

Installation On Saturday afternoon, l\Iay 13, in tallation services of Beta Epsilon chapter were held in the music rooms of Jackson Hall, a freshman dormitory. Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Julia Derr Jones, pre ident of Hampton Road lumnce octation assisted M iss Bell with the ervice . long with these assi tant there were members from Temple U niver ity and Drexel, Pennsylvania and Farmville who al o helped in the ceremony. The gue ts were : Temple niver ity-Do rothy Dodd, A lva Dee Hutton, Betty Ritter.

!corn, Dorothy ardner, Helen

Drexel- Claire Bowman, Dorothy Hutton, Dot Ritchie, Betty ohne, Betty Towner. Farmville-Grace B. Ioran, hapter dvi er, Julia Derr J one , P re ident Hampton Roads rea, l\Iarie Ea on, \ irginia Lee Petti , Katherine Robert . fter in tallation a joint banquet of igma igma igma and lpha Sigma lpha wa held in Harr i on dining hall.




PROGRAM Theme-We Accept the Challenge Toastmistre .... .. .... Jane Logan, Sigma Sigma Sigma Welcome ................... . ............. . . Dr. Duke R spon e ..... Mi s Pauline Camper, igma Sigma Sigma "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia" . . ....... . . . . . . . Group Introduction of Guest Four Chalfenge Se~vice 路.... . Katheri~e Roberts, A lpha Sigma Alpha Fnendshtp ...... Patncta Mann, Sigma Sigma Sigma Loyalty .. . ... Elizabeth Towner, Alpha Sigma Alpha Ideals .......... J oyce Burnette, igma Sigma Sigma Acceptance of Challenge Sigma igma Sigma ... . ..... Mary E ll en MacKarsie "Stately and Royal" Alpha Sigma Alpha . . ............... Ellen Fair lamb "The Shield of A. S. A." The Challenge of Sorority Membership Mrs. Fred Morris Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha Alma Mater .. .. ....... . ......... . .............. Group

Frances Barnard, President

All officers except Chaplain, Naomi McAllen Beginning at bottom , reading left to right: Frances Barnard, President; Catherine Curling, !!路ecretary; Winifred Rew, VicePresident; Ann Ireland, Treasurer; Maxine Ca lfee, Registrar; Frances Drewry, Panhellenic Representative; Frances Beaton, Editor.

As favors, the Beta Epsilon girls were presented with recognition pins. The place cards

had the A. S. A . emblem in one corner and the Tri Sig emblem in the other. On the nut cups were the letters A . S. A. too. Following the installation banquet all A . S. A.'s met in Jackson hall and had a real heart to heart discussion. This proved to be quite a profitable and enjoyable experience for the Beta Epsilon girls. We learned many customs and rules observed by A . S. A.'s and we also became quite familiar with a number of songs. Not until old father time forced us to break up our evening of thrills and fun did we begin to say thanks for everything. How we hated to see everyone leave. ever before have we enjoyed meeting such a grand bunch of girls. To make our installation complete, telegrams poured in from all corners of the country. The Beta Epsilon's greatly appreciate every remembrance and wish to say thanks just loads.

Wedding Bells Ring for National Secretary On Saturday, September 2, our ational Secretary, Thelma L. Stortz, became the bride of Dr. Charles L. Moyer of Laurel, Delaware. Thelma was married in her parents' home at Emmaus, Pennsylvania, and is now residing in Laurel, Delaware, where Dr. Moyer is a practicing physician. Dr. Moyer is a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity.




Mu Mu- Delta Phi Merger Y 20 wa a big day in Yp ilanti, for it marked the merger of the local sorority lpha Delta Phi , '' ith the i\lu ~1u chapter of igma Alpha. ~Ii E elyn Bell was in charge of the formal initiation which wa held in the afternoon at Charle McKenny Hall. The active members and the alumnce chapter of Delta Phi were initiated. Mr . Lewis Bradley, Jane tratemeir, Torma William , Eleanor Garland and Zita Oliver assi ted with the initiation. In the evening a banquet was held, with the program built around a rainbow arch, with the rainbow representing the sorority.


After the banquet, the annual pring dance was held. Helen Berger and Marlowe Battley were co-chairmen. ~ II active member wore white hair corsage .


One of the olde t in titutions in the nited States for the training of teacher , and the fir t one to be opened we t of the Alleghenie , is the Michigan tate Normal College. It i located at Ypsilanti, a beautiful little city about thirty mile we t of Detroit on the main line of the Michigan Central between ew York and PROGRAM Chicago. It is eight miles from the Univer ity rbor. Theme: "The Rainbow Arch" .. Toastmistress, Lois Reilly of Michigan in Ann The first building, a three story brick was The Beauty of the Rainbow .... . ....... . Myrtle Warner "M y heart leaps 11p when l behold completed in 1852, and a ormal School to "ina rainbo1 i1~ th e sky."-Wordsworth struct persons in the art of teaching and the The Constancy of the Rainbow ........ A. S. A. Alumna fundamental laws of the nited State " was ''God's 路i llumined promise" opened with liberal funds provided for its sup-Longfellow The Unity of th e Rainbow .......... Delta Phi Alumnre port. From the original four acres of land and " Th ere is 110 m ore sure tie between one building, the school grew rapidly, and now fri ends that whe 1 ~ they are 1twited covers about one hundred acres occuRied by in their objects and wishes"-Cicero numerous buildings, an athletic field, and gnrden . The trength of the Rainbow ............ Evelyn G. Bell Among the many buildings are the Administra" . . . . 'tis sweet to v iew on high Th e Rainbow, based on ocea11 , span the sky." tion Building, Pease Auditorium, Science Hall, -Byron Gymna ium, Roosevelt chool- the teaching Clo ing Song laboratory, tarkweather Hall-:-home of the tuDELT A PHI I ITIATES dents' Christian Association, Health Cottage, Adviser, Marguerite Hetmansperger Brigg Field Hou e, two new dormitorie for AL U M N AE women student' and Charle McKenney Hall, onna Oraine Aliber Mildred Alexander K ock built in 1931 by the alumni group a a center Hazel Fuo Baker Sibyl D. Landry for social activitie . Juva Bi sit Beeman Helen Pointen Lapson Marie Palmer Lutz In 1899, the name wa changed to Michigan Florence Fagan Boening arah June Dodge Bumgardner Mae Rigg in Martin tate ormal College, and the function enlarged I sabelle parling Butterfi eld Mildred Phelps Martin to include course in preparation for all type farj ori e H. Chapel L ouise McArthur F lorence Simmon Dain Florence A. McCallister of public school ervice. It now include inJennie A. D ombrowski R o e Olds struction in pecial education dealing with handiAnn G. Douglass Elizabeth F erguson Parke Marian L andy Parker capped children. In 1936 the requirement for Caroline Ruth Evans Ruth Albers F rye Hazel Paro Patterson graduation were increased from two to four year Dori I. Gea ry Arah F. P otts f d 0 Ilha B. Gifford Gladys Spring Rambler tu Y路 ileen Grange r H elen fcBain R obin on The high tandard s of the college, with its H azel Forte H all E ther 路 prague faculty cho en for their out tanding ability in H elene D. H artung H elen R orabacher T ownsend . France lvord Vredenburg chosen lme have attracte I tudent from all ecGenev ieve M. H opkin June Riggin H yatt Robena H ooks Walker tion of the country from ~la s achu etts to CaliMa rgaret]. Irwin A lice Warner W ood fornia, and even from foreign land . lore than erna Young Kl ein thirty thou and ( 30,000 ) tudent have gone out OLLEGE from it door and may be found in nearly every Ma rlowe Battley E lain e Math eny line of activity. Marga ret Burton J eanette ay re H elen 1. overt \ inni fr ed ayre ocial organization are a natural and e entia! Donalda Grant Dori \ agner element in the life and development of any in tiDoroth y Lovell Myrtle \ a rner



tution of learning, so it followed that many groups were formed on this campus, each fulfilling a special need. Among the e wa the Delta Phi sorority, organized in 1910 by a small group of congenial girls. They felt that they could more easily adjust themselves to a new manner of life away from home guidance and protection by uniting. They set a high standard of scholarship and fostered a strong loyalty to the college by a broader understanding of the mutual benefit in their activities, hoping to make their group an index of the high standard of the college.

7 A happy choice was made in the selection of an adviser, and with the good judgment and wise counsel of Mrs. Charl es 0. Hoyt, the group laid a firm foundation fo r the Delta Phi which attained and held a hi gh rating of scholar hip. The first initiation wa held at the Masonic Temple on January 7, 1911. Jessie ourse was the fir t president. Mrs. Hoyt continued as an active patroness until her death in 1929. On May 20, 1939, Delta Phi merged with Alpha Sigma Alpha and is now part of Mu Mu chapter.

Psi Psi Dedicates New Home


APRIL 23, 1939, Psi Psi forn:ally opened the doors to her new lodge on the campus of the Louisiana State Normal College at Natchitoches, Louisiana. Several hundred guests came to our Housewarming to see our new home and to wish us happiness in it. After years of hoping and working and waiting, "Our House" is completed, and we are "at home" to our friends at all times. Of course there were daily expeditions over to the house while it was under construction, and I am sure every Psi Psi girl knows all about house-building from putting down stakes and string to shingling a roof. The lodge is a delightfully homelike little place, with a foyer, a living room, a dressing room, a bath room, a kitchen, and a terrace in back. It is set slightly back from the drive atop N

three terraces which lift it somewhat above the road level. Surrounded as it is by pines, it is in perfect harmony with 'its surroundings. The walls are white, and the roof is of vari-colored asbestos shingles. Though landscaping was not completed in the spring, there are now redbud trees, shrubbery and flowers around it. The interior is done in natural pine and dark woodwork. As you enter the foyer, you may go left to the living room, or straight through dressing room and kitchen to the terrace. At the bay window in the foyer are an eighteenth century round table and two smail chairs. At the wall opposite them is a desk with a tapestry hanging above it. The draperies and Venitian blinds are of the same pattern as in the living room. The living room has a fire place at one end,



with book ca e at either ide. Cushi on with cove rs matching the d raperi es are on window eats lining th e front wall and pa rt of th e back, in the center of vv hich are F rench doo r opening onto the terrace. Oppo ite the fireplace in th e li ving room and near the door is a piano. O ne tucli o couch. backed by a long table, is directly in f ra nt of the piano, and another to the ri ght of th e F rench door . everal chairs are in conveni ent pots . especially a comfy reel one which i everybody' favo ri te. 'vVe have no rugs as yet, but our gleaming hard wood fl oo rs are beautiful in themselves. For deco rati ve touche there are book end , magazine racks, white pottery, several good print , and our ow n picture of M rs. Polly Schl osser. In the dressing room, which is directly behind the foye r, is a glass-topped walnut dressing table with its own stool. Lavend er curtains, trimmed in white carry out our school color of purpl e and ':"hite, and built-in seats line the wall opposite the windows. The bath room is in red and white, and its pride and joy is a set of towel s with A ~ A on them . The g reen and white kitchen has built in

cabinet , a tove, an ice-box, and all of the gadgets kitchen u ually have. It open onto the terrace a well a to the eire sing room and living room. T he te rrace ha orange painted metal porch f urni ture. If only every one o f you lpha ig could hare our little house with u ! We practically live there between and a fter clas es during the clay and until nine-thirty at night. T he ra dio i on continuously if the piano isn't being played. Bacon sand wiches a nd hamburgers a nd "coke '' are the order of the clay, a nd the kitchen is alway in u e. \i\ e soon found out that it is loads of fun to eat in the open air on our terrace, and that the best place to go for a little bit of special cramming when th e dormitory is in an uproar at nig ht is "Our House." O f course, we are intensely proud of O ur H ou e. A fter all, it is the only one on the campus, and we worked so hard to get it. It has brought all of our members close r togeth er and has knitted u in tighter bonds than before . W e see everybody more often and just have much, much more fun and compani onship. V I RG I NL\ D owNs,

Psi Psi.

Interesting Alpha Sigs THE SARAH LAWRENCE WORKSHOP Lou rsE N.


N al io1111l H istoria.n

W hat is a Workshop? Someone has said it is a place in which one does much shopping but little work. S uch a situati on could be possible, yet before many days even the- shopping becomes work. A nd- interest in a project begets work. There were ten o r twelve workshops in th e nitecl tate thi s past summ er , and , according to Dr. R yan of th e Progressive E ducat ion Associati on, he fo un d upon vi iting them that no t wo were ali ke. Some were held under co ndi tions in which tudents coul d see li ttle of each other a ide from con fe rence peri od and lun cheons. Other , the arah Law rence 'vVo rkshop, ma de it po 1ble fo r students and staff to li ve together. Sarah Law rence Coll ege, in winter, a young and educationally intere ting girl s' school, is in Bronxville about thirty m inute ri de from Grand entral tation. T he campu is ituated on a beautif ul hill, and the buil ding a nd land caping rem ind one of a lovely country cl ub. Cia rooms, a embly room , a nd li brary are catte recl among the five dorm itor ie 路 a nd the dinin.,. hall elimi~:~ ' nating the formal campu et-up . The Bronxville wo rk hop, wh ich wa under the j uri diction of Teacher ' a ll ege of olumbia 'Cniver ity, wa headed by Dr. G. Derwood Baker,



Director of Field ton chool, New York. It had two major divisions: curriculum and radio. Most students worked entirely in one or the other although there wa often shari ng of outstanding speakers and eli cu sions. At times schedules were planned with this thought in mind, and at any time one might drop in on either divi sion 's group. Guidance and science were two fields which frequently held interest for all. Dr. 路caroline Zachry wa on the campus two clays a week, and her adolescence material was always available. Dr. Powers of Columbia and Dr. LatonConrad of Berkeley were two of those in residence on the science staff. Others by visits of one to two weeks stimulated us. Among these were Dr. Schwab of Chicago and Dr. Bernal of London . One of the highlights was a panel discussion on the place of science in a democracy. Participants included such men as Dr. Bernal, Dr. Furnas of Yale, Dr. Stern and Dr. Counts of Columbia, and Mr. O'Neal of the New Yorll Herald Tribune. Likewise there was great interest in the evening meetings held informally in the recreation hall or on the lawn. Topics ranged from "Gestalt Psychology" from Dr. Hartman to "Propaganda Analysis" from Dr. Miller and the workings of the Consumers' Union as related by Mr. Carleton Masters. In no sense were these meetings lectures. The guest was wont to talk for fifteen or twenty minutes on his field, then the "audience" began asking questions on any subject its visitor might reasonably be expected to know. Have I intimated that although I went to school for nearly six weeks I never registered for a course as such nor attended a class? Those with similar interests got together with the staff member from whom they might be expected t0 receive the most light on their problem. There was a diversity of similar interests, and one might join more than one group. MaybE' a gronr路 existed for one day, maybe a week, maybe longer. Its meetings usually scheduled by the week, yet clevelpments might cause changes. Large groups met in dormitory parlors or large staff offices, smaller groups and sub-committees, in offices or on the lawn. There were no lectures, no recitations, and no examinations . There were stimulating discussions participated in by both staff and students, and many, many committee reports. For those taking university credit, there was a brief paper. Each student, by being at the workshop, was considered as having a problem; his time was to apply on its solution, in the manner he saw fit. O ne student had the problem of writing eighteen radio scripts in the field of elementary

9 school science! Need le s to ay, the contacts possible in eating, living, and playing together were very valuable as the regi ter included persons from all chool fields and from all sections of the U nited States. The rad io division was guided by Dr. I. Keith Tyler and hi s taff from the Bureau of Ed ucational Research at the Ohio State Un iversity. The men from Ohio State spent most of their time with the evaluation group, while th e sc ript writers were directed by M iss Margaret Harrison, Radio Consultant of P . E. A . The Ohio State group had for its problem the evaluation of school broadcasts and was concerned with the type of in-school and out-of-school radio li stening done by children and its effect upon them. Many hours were spent by both groups in listening to and discussing recordings of so-called "educational" broadcasts, and one day of each week was spent at the studios of N. B. C. and C. B. S., seeing how "the wheels went around" and in learning the viewpoints of the studios. Rehearsals and actual broadcasts were also attended. Murray Dyer, script writer of C. B. S., was on the campus often, and one afternoon Arch Oboler, armed with a recording of his Tazimova production of "The Ivory Tower," came out to Bronxville. Representatives from Ascap and Musicians' Union likewise were numbered among interesting visitors. Evaluators were further classified into "Special Studies," "Wide Sampling," and "Community Study" groups. The latter two groups found their interest in general studies, while members of the first group were interested in intensive studies of specific aspects of the larger problems. All groups were laying foundations for research to be carried on during the coming school year. Representatives from Connecticut to Los Angeles and from Detroit to Houston, Texas, were engaged in the wide sampling and special studies. Since Zanesville, Ohio, is to be the scene of a community study for the next three years, six of us, representing the regular supervi sory and teaching staff of that city, formed the community group. Naturally, all three groups combined ideas and experiences. Have you ever tried to fuse the needs and practices of the school s of a county system, a large city, and a small city, from sections 2,000 miles apart, into a workable plan? It is a real educational experience. When the vVorkshoppers left Sarah Lawrence, they carried with them the mimeographed volume, '' Integrated Daze," a reco rd of the work, the fun, and the growth experienced in .Bronxville. According to this revealing publication, some of



the thing they will remember Ionge t are : " the idea of a wo rk hop, " " the multiplicity of speech accent and dialect ,'' '' how the unkn own quantities and que ti ons become living ideas and spoken wo rd ," ''the experience and a pirations of tho e parall el to mine,' ' •·a ociation with fellow human being who are al o struggling to understand the world and to think through their problems a teachers."


Indianapolis Alumna: Chapter

What a pri vilege to teach in Indianapolis ! ot onl y do we have a fine alumnre chapter, a grand city, good schools, etc., but all the girl s who are employed by the Indianapoli s Public chools have an opportunity to achieve one coveted goal- that of a Gregg cholar hip. What i th e Gregg cholarship? " The Gregg Bequest. known as the Indianapolis Gregg Scholarship Fund, was a benefaction of Thomas D. Gregg vvho was a teacher in Indi-

Marga ret Schofi eld

anapol i about 1 -l . At the time of hi death in 1 76 it wa · fo und that he had left two will , in one of wh ich he had beq ueathed to the city f Indianap li · the principa l pa rt of hi prope rty. The heir at law conte ted the probating of both



will . An i sue wa formed and the cau e wa. tried in King William ounty, Virginia, before a jury in 1878. After the trial ha d proceeded for about one week, the parties to the uit arriYed at an agreement for a compromise of the di -;pute. The agreement wa that neith er will hould be probated and that the e tate should be ettled as of an intestate and that after all debt were paid by the administrator, a portion of the remaining e tate hould go to the chool ity of Indianapoli s, a portion to Dalla County, Iowa, and the remainder to the heirs at law . .. By recommendation of the tru tee in July, 1894, the Board decided to use a portion of the income of this fund to give teachers of the grade pecial training in the lines mo t needed. . . Since which time teachers have been sent at different times to variou school throughout the country, a part or all of their expenses being paid from thi fund. " Indianapolis A lumnre ha been fortunate in that for many years one or many of her member have been selected for such a cholarship. Eloi e Proctor, E sth er Burge, Evelyn Hall, Helen elvage oblitt and Bereniece Lamb are ome of the Indianapoli lpha ig g irls who have been given such an honor in recent year . The e girl chose Columbia niversity as the school in which to continue th eir stud ying. Thi year, I was granted a chola rship but instead of going to Columbia, I cho e to attend O hio S tate niversity where I mi ght continue the study o f the M entally R etard ed hild under the g uidance of Dr. Charl e Scott Berry who i the foremo t in ·tructor in th e fi eld of pecial E ducation. I t ha alway been my de ire to tudy under him, and I can a ure you it wa no disappointment. I feel that I gain ed a greater insight into th e problem and need of th e type of child I deal w ith in th e clas room eYery clay. I onl y wi h I could hare my enthu sia m w ith thi s type wo rk. People a re not a wa re of the inspirati on , ati facti ons, or joy that a re deri ved f rom working among the e slow-learning children. pecial Ed ucation i demanding g reate r atten tion. P ioneer work i still in progre . T he problem and need of the low-lea rning chil d i a challenge to the w ri d of today . But I have more tha n j u t pecial E ducati on to menti on in thi me age. I el i cove red that the wo rl d wa a ma ll place after all ! ut of the nine thou an d women regi tered in th niver ity ummer chool - who houlcl my ui te-mate turn out to be but \ irginia . A . f rom Kent ni ve r ity. nd \,Yebe r, an t think th ere were onl y thr e . A.' regi tered




in the school! \ ' irginia and I had quite a plea ant time together. Perhap , Virginia and I wiiJ meet there again ome clay to continue our miclni o-ht chat about . clay . 1y ummer wa " topped" with a delightful Southern trip- one I shall not soon forget! Really I envy you Southern . S. A.'s. It would not take much per uasion to get me to "move" clown where I could revel in your sunny climes forever. I could not help but think of William Brightly Rand' poem, "The Wonderful World!" as I traveled from hilly O hio clown through the plains of Texas to the Gulf of Mexico: "Great, wide, wonderful, beautiful World, With the wonderful water about you curled And the wonderful grass upon your breastWorld, you are beautifully dressed ! The wonderful air is over me, And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree; It walks on the water and whirls the mills, And talks to itself on the top of the hills. You friendly Earth, how far do you go, With wheat fields that nod, and rivers that flow, And cities and gardens, and oceans and isles, And people upon you for thousands of miles?" But whereever we go in our vast land, whether to school or just traveling, we discover the privileges that are ours today in America-the land where we may enjoy A. S. A. friendships , neighborliness, peace, liberty, and our own pursuit of happiness.


First Alpha Sigma Alpha cash award of $15 was made May 18, 1939 at Assembly program to the all-around freshman girl, Margaret Noggle, Dayton, Ohio, whose record during the freshman year was superior. Margaret is a medium blonde, rather athletic in type, very well liked by all, both boys and girls. The committee was composed of the freshman girl advisers, Miss Todd, Miss Kerr, Miss Anne Randolph , Alpha Alpha, and Miss Amy M. Swisher. Ann lived in Oxford College Hall and knew Margaret very well. Miss

Margaret Noggle

Martha Molyneaux, Alpha Alpha, and all the Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnce in town were pleased with our choice. Steele High School, Dayton, Ohio-National Honor Society, treasurer; Literary Society, president; Steele Service, girl's honorary, treasurer; Honor graduate; worked on year-book. Miami University, 1938-39-Freshman Y. W. C. A.; Sophomore Counselor for 1939-40; Cwen, treasurer; Recensio staff; Miami Student, desk editor; Delta Gamma pledge; Home Economics maJor.

MEMBER OF THETA THETA CHAPTER RECEIVES SCHOLARSHIP The honor of receiving a scholarship from Pi Lambda Theta, the national honorary society was bestowed upon Carolyn Farren, a member of Theta Theta chapter of A lpha Sigma Alpha. The announcement of the scholarship was made at the last Senior Assembly in May. May the years bring to her as large measure of its stores as Pi Lambda Theta sorority has of its munificence.



Campus Personalities "MISS KIRKSVILLE"- ALPHA BETA lpha Beta ha been honored in having a member, Mary Jane Bowli ng, crowned Q ueen of Kirksville, October 4. The conte t pon ored by the K irk vi lle Lion Club was not only ju t the title but an all expen e trip to Kansas City to repre ent this city in the merican Royal Beauty Conte t. Marion Taylor, also one our members, was elected a an alternate from the entry list of eight Teachers College women, two being entered by each of the fo ur sororities on the campus. Octobe r 13, Mary Jane, accompanied by our president, Ed ith La Bonta, will go to Kansas City to compete in the final selection.

Kind, always a good word for all, " ull y" is full of fun, but as omeone said, "she is always a lady." 1uriel' first la rge contribution to the "workings" in sorority, was the chairmanship of Ia t year ' informal ru h party. The vice-p re idency of P i Pi came just before this and our program for the year just bios omed out under her direction. Then came elections again and he became our president. This years show s great promise of being " the best yet," and you can rely upon "Sully" to see that it is. We are now " rushing" a fine group of girls. With these as prospective Alpha Sigs and with "Sully" at the helm, how can we help but maintain our position as "tops"?

PI PI CHAPTER "We would like you to know our President, M uriel Sullivan. " We know her best as "Sully". Active in profess ional wo rk as well as social, Muriel Sullivan has made a name for herself at Buffalo State. wimming and committee work became her first interests at college, and following these came many hono rs. For two years she represented her class as May Q ueen attendant and last year attended th e Junior P rom Q ueen. Last year M uriel became a member of P hi Upsilon O micron, honorary Home Economics fraternity, and this year is serving in the capacity of secretary.

BETA DELTA'S DREAM GIRLS Beta Delta Chapter can truly boast of two real dream girls among its number. Last year, E lizabeth Beard and Mary Nell Shedd enjoyed many exciting occasions as member s of an all-girl orchestra on our campus. The "Dream Girls" were campo ed of seven members who won much recognition in our state. They played for many school dances, for schools and ci vic organizations, and were highly complimented by our governor. Mary ell and Elizabeth have found a profitable hobby and much enjoyment as the dream girls of our campus.


"I started to Europe as a delu xe passenger on a pleasure crui se. I came back as a ref ugee from war on a freighter. " From Mar -mangled Europe, M rs. Rita J. Iarke I appa Kappa chapter hou semother of lpha Sigma lpha sorority, arri ved in New Yo rk safely September 18 protected by the starpangled banner. ''I'm lucky and happy to be back-but I wouldn't have mi ed it for anything." n July 8, M r . Iarke left merica to v1 1t the Briti h I le 111 pite of the po ible outbreak of war. I wa warned not to make the trip-ju t in ca e. But there had been talk of war for the pa t th ree year without anything happening.

W hile on a London train, I was warned to see the A merican Consul. T he Consul told me to be ready to start back to the U. S. . on very hort notice."

Difficulties That' when difficulties began for irs. Clarke. F irst he tried to secure pa age on the same line on which he went ove r. But that line wa already overcrowded. Then, . he was promised passage on a Briti sh ship of the nchor L ine, owner of the ill-fated thenia. he wa ready to sail on Monday, eptember 4. unday, eptember 3, the thenia wa unk. The B riti h ship on the ncho r Line wa not permitted to ail. "After the sinking of the thenia, I naturally



wanted to return on an merican line," 1r . Iarke aiel. " I went from one steam hip lin to another, but all were filled. By that time I would have at on a deck chair all th way home, ju t to get out of Europe." Passage was finally ecurecl on the . S. A 111 erimll hippe路r, a freighter which left for A merica September 8. In normal times, according to Mr . Clarke, the freighter could accommodate about forty persons, besides the crew, comfortably. Doubleclecker cots were install ed in the living room and smoking room , and 179 person beside the crew crowded the boat on the return trip.

War In addition to trying to secure pas age home, sight- eeing, and visiting, Mrs. Clarke was witness to the beginning of the current war. "On September 3, I heard what I thought was thunder. I found out later the noise I heard was a rumble of cannon announcing England's declaration of war !" "It was a strange clay-not at all like the last war," she said. "There were no cheers, no music . Everyone just sat there solemnly, as if they were witnessing a funeral. The children were moved to suburbs quietly. Troops marched off to war CJS if they were going for a stroll. Except for airraid drills and black-outs and the ever-present gas masks, it didn't seem as if the war had actually begun." Mrs. Clarke awoke the second morning of the voyage home, and noticed that "the sun was on the wrong side of the sky." She mentioned the "phenomenon" to a fellow passenger, who immediately went to the captain' quarters to ask him "how come?"

13 warning to 1 av in lif boat 路 which they the ermans) had already 1 w r d . Bv th third warnino-, the crew realiz d that th~y. too, would be rman gave torpedoed if they remain ed. T h them cigarettes and gi n, put lh m in li fe-boals, and th en torpedo d the fr ighter."

XI XI MEMBER VISITS JAPAN AS GUEST OF TOURIST BUREAU Mrs. delene P ar on, Dana junior high chool foreign languag teach er,' toured Japan thi 路 summer as a guest of th e J a pane e tourist bureau. M r . Pear on i one of twenty teachers in the U nited tates and llawaii invited by Japane e consulates to make the tour and is one of three cho en in the Los Angele 路 area. he embarked here June 21 on the moto r hip Kamakura Maru.

s. o. s. The captain told them that at 4 a. m. he received an S.O.S. to turn back and rescue 32 crew members who were in life boats after the freighter they were manning had been torpedoed by the Germans. "We had already sailed 378 miles from Belfast, and had to go all the way back because the freighter had been torpedoed off the coast of I orthern Ireland . We met the life-boats and rescued the entire crew of 32," Mrs. Clarke said. The rescued men described the attack, Mrs. Clarke added. " Two German youths climbed on board and told the crew they did not want to take their lives, they simply wanted the scrap iron the freighter was carrying. The Germans gave them three

Adelcnc P onti Pearson

Enroute to Japan and Manchoukuo, . tops were made in San Francisc and Honolulu. Once in Japan, Mrs. Pearson visited Tokyo, ikko, Yokohama, ara, Kamakura, Hakone, Nagoya, Gihu, Uzi-Yamada, Kyoto, saka , agasaki, Miyazima, Mt. A o, Heppu, Seto Inland Sea, Unzen and Kobe. In Mancoukuo, her itinerary included Keizyo, Mukd n, Ilsinking and Dairen. Mrs . Pearson, who wa born and reared in an Pedro, was a member of the Epebian society


of the an Pedro high school, from which she was g raduated . he ha an A.B. degree in education from the U niversity of alifornia at Lo ngeles and a rna ter's degree in education from the Un iver ity of Southern California. She is a member of everal organizations which include the Japan- merican society, H igh School Teachers as octat10n, lpha Sigma A lpha and the asistance league of an Ped ro. 1 r . Pearson has always taken an interest in relations between Japan and America. She has show n keen interest in public celebration of Hina fatsuri (girls' doll day ), Koinobori ( boys' kite day), Fujinkai (women 's association ) and Fukekai ( men 's association) and has studied Japanese fl ower arrangement.


To the many Alpha Sigs who spent vacations in New York this past summer the " World of Tomorrow" is now a " World of Yesterday" . . . a world of memories, with souvenirs, snap shots, foreign menus, and worn shoes as tangible reminders of the greatest of World Fairs. People all over the nation are comparing photographs and still asking neighbors, " Did you get in General Motors?", "How did you like the Railroad s Pageant?", ''Wasnt the Aquacade spectacular ?". The Fair really was, and still is, something to talk about. oah Webster' s collection of adjectives are being overworked these days. Throughout the duration of the Fair the Lagoon of N ations drew the choice t suprelatives. Each night it was a magnet toward which people swa rmed from the surrounding exhibits to witnes the breath-taking fountain di splay. Colored light and flames of gas illuminated the rising and falling gey ers of water; firework s, accenting the thunderou mu ic which accompanied the spectacle, fell like tar du t into the water . . . and the Fair Trea urer took $700 from the "profit " column every time the how went on. Did you know that General 1Ioto rs spent six million dollar on the H ighway and Horizon building? nd that the combined amount spent by the Ru ian , the Engli h, and the F rench wa twice that figu re? The mo t co tly exhibit on di play was hou ed in the malle t building- The H u e of Jewels. The hand of the clock on Pennsylvani a' rep lica of Independence Hall had to removed becau e of the flood of me age telling offi cial that the clock ha I topped. It wa a phoney.

Swift and Company upplied 14 tons of hot dog for the hungry vi itors the day the Fair opened. Borden's living trademark, ''Elsie," wore a yellow bow on her tail and a monogrammed blanket when it wa her turn to be milked on the merry-go-round . The Iew England tates built a clipper hip for their exhibit, named it the "Yankee," fitted it out with a monkey, put two feet of water in a pool around it, and caused one of the bigge t arguments at the Court of States. aid argument being " I s it a real ship or isn't it ?" (It wasn't.) The 700-foot Trylon caused photographers more trouble than did any other picture subject. It was too tall for mo t finders . The mirrored ceiling of the Glass Center, where glowing globule grew into goblets, was one of the most photographed things. The oviet Worker atop the U. S. S. R. building was a favorite subject too. (Many children confused him with the Statute of Liberty! ) The Javanese craft workers and musicians at the etherlands were sent home in September because of the cool weather and the international complications. Man-made lightning at General Electric's Steinmetz Hall would have affected all radio and public address systems on the grounds if the walls had not been covered with copper sheeting inside and out. Random facts such as these are being batted around across the nation, over back-fences, over America's dinner table, and over tea cups now-aday. The Fair makes pleasanter conversation than does the European war. ew Yorkers who last year were skeptical about what was being built out on th e Flushing Dumps are now enthusiastically inging the prai e of F lu hing's Fairyland. Come East next year if you mi eel the fire>vork this past ummer.


Have you heard eli cu ion about the World's Fair ? Doe it eem po ible to you that anyone could eli like it. To me it wa truly a world of tomorrow, a fairyland. The treet we re broad and peaceful. T he t time it building were o very harmoniou . wa like walkin rr to mu sic. One night we looked aero a black velvety lagoon toward a fountain, diamond-like in its brilliance. It eemed a living thing as it leaped and danced with joy. olor and mu ic helped



make the fountain an ethereal thing. First would come the center fountain, the olo dancer. Next came the specialty dancers to complement and urge on the soloi t. Finally the chorus filled in to make a true symphony of movement, sound , and light. Of course we visited the General Motors exhibit. Seated in those deep comfortable chairs, gliding along above tomorrow's landscape seemed like a dream. We were spirits drifting along. Time and space did not matter. Below us were the marvels of man's work. The Russian building was one of reality. It was beautiful, but on the inside, every painting and every statute seemed to express struggle and unrest. These are a few of the emotions that came to me at the Fair. Did you see it? Did you feel that way, too?


Theta Theta

The New York World's Fair presents all the past and present of man's ingenuity, skill and science. The massive, modernistic, temporary buildings, house memoirs of practically all the corners of the earth . The dream of a dump being converted into a place of beauty has been realized. No matter the age, interest, the nationality or the creed, all were served. Years of history, geography and art study were appreciated and understood in one day to a fuller extent than ever before. To my mind nothing so expressed our spirit of democracy as the Fair with its Court of Peace and its symbolical statues. My only regret was that all the wonders could not be seen in a short week's visit.


Salt Lake City, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, Indian Reservations-all were part of a fascinating motor trip I took this summer. My mother, my sister and I hopped in the car early in August and started on our way from Philadelphia. The trip out was a quick one. Ordinarily a 60-mile drive to the shore had seemed difficult. But now, having been over these roads before, we averaged 415 miles a day through corn and wheat belts and through desolate farm country. We stayed with relatives in Salt Lake City for three weeks and lived an exciting life while there. V.,!e went boating, climbing, and, of course, went swimming in the Great Salt Lake. That was one of the funniest experiences of the whole trip.

IS Even if we had wanted to, it would have been impossible to sink. We went out where the water was over our heads and tried to put our feet down but they bounced (and that is almost literally true) right up again. The most interesting part of the trip was the return journey. We started from the Salt Flats of Utah and traveled over hundreds of miles of scenic mountain roads. F inally we came to that part of the country where the Colorado River cuts into the mountain and forms beautiful and fascinating canyons. The first of these was called Reel Canyon-and it was red. The earth and stones that made up this canyon were brilliant in their color, and the rock formations were orld and interesting. Some seemed to take on the form of castles, some looked like animals. It was lots of fun trying to decide what each r epresented, and between the three of us we often got some funny combinations. Bryce Canyon, our next stop, is a beautiful sight. The day we were there, there were fluffy white clouds floating overhead to add to the scenic beauty of the place. We drove miles in and around this canyon amid gorgeous colored rocks and more odd formations. After leaving Bryce Canyon, we drove through the most barren country I have ever seen. We soon began to see what looked like small mud huts. We wondered what they were used for, and to our amazement, we discovered that they were the homes of the Indians. These mud huts had only one small opening which was the door, and a smokestack at the top. We did not know it at the time, but we later learned that we had gone through the Navajo Indian Reservation. The girls and women wore voluminous skirts trimmed with wide bands of colors. The boys wore bright satin shirts. We could not help but wonder how these people lived, but we were told that even according to our standards these Indians are rich. Their wealth is in the thousands of head of cattle and sheep and also in the jewelry and rugs they make and sell. The climax of this fascinating trip came when we emerged upon the south rim of Grand Canyon. That is most magnificent spectacle I ever hope to see. It is so magnificent that it is almost beyond comprehension. Every time we left the rim for some reason and then returned to it, we were thrilled all ove r again. The huge gorges dug by the mighty Colorado River over centuries of time extended over miles of territory. The shadows and lights caused by the setting sun added even more to the wonderful sight before us. From here we traveled through New Mexico and Texas and M issouri. We went through more


r6 Indian Re ervations, 1\Iexican villages, and saw oil field and ugar cane. We would like to have topped and seen more of thi part of the country, but home and school were calling us. It is grand to be home again, but that wa a summer I'll never forget and will never be able to duplicate.

CRATER LAKE KATHERI E M. HALE, Boston Alumnare Chapter

Crater Lake was only the name of an unusual lake in Oregon to me until last summer, when I wa fortunate enough to visit it. The color, which is a beautiful deep blue, is something a person will never forget. The particular shade of blue is, to my way of thinking, far superior to the aqua marine color of Lake Louise and the turquoi se blue of the Bermuda waters. The first view of this precious gem is from a height of about a thousand feet above the surface of the lake. Crater Lake gets its name from the fact that it rests in the very heart of a mighty mountain, about six thousand feet above sea level , whose de truction created a vast crater in which the waters could accumulate. The Eastern visitor find s it difficult to realize the vastness of the lake, becau e it is hard to judge distances in the 'vVe t. The air is clearer there and great distances are negligible. Thi lake is six miles wide, two thousand feet deep, and covers an area of twenty square miles. It ha a circular shore line with many colored lava cliffs rising five hundred to two thousand feet above the lake. The ational Park Service has cut many trails on the side of these cliffs, so that it is possible to climb down to the edge of the lake. fter a heavy winter snowfall, one will see the snow very slowly eli appearing from the lava cliff during the ummer. The whiteness of the snow at the edges of the rim seem to make the blue of the lake more inten e. ''What is the origin of the lake" i a question which comes to one's mind, a you explore the area. The ource of Crater Lake are rainfall and snow fall over thi crater reaion. The lake is not known to have an outlet except by eepage. The scienti t have noted carefully that the condition of evaporation eepage, and precipitation are in a tate of balance which make po ible thi acculmulation and maintenance of approximately thi water level. Due to the fact that the water i derived from rainfall and nowfall. it purity i very high, which make it exceedingly difficult to keep it tockecl with fi h. There i a very mall percentage of mineral matter eli olved in the \\ater.

which means that there i no plant life pre ent for food for the fi h. They have found fre h water mu els in the lake. The mu el are a ource of food for certain type of trout and almon. The question, "how did the mu sel get here," has been brought up and the only logical explanation i that ome birds dropped ome, a they flew over. "'vVhat is the cau e of this outstanding color?" The deep blue color of Crater Lake i generally acknowledged as the mo t attractive feature. In the deeper parts of the lake, the color i a brilliant 路 clark blue, which is in triking contra t to the blue-green of the shallow sections along the margin of the lake. The color is believed to be cau eel chiefly by refraction of light, which is a scientific term for the cattering of light in water. Due to the exceptional depth and clearne s of the water, all of the colors of the spectrum with the exception of blue and green are ab orbed by the liquid, while blue and green are reflected. This is the same thing that produces the blue of the sky where light passes through deep atmosphere. No word can be found which can create in your mind the beautiful picture which nature ha produced. There is only one thing to do, "Go and see it for yourself."


In reading about a place or hearing people talk about it, how often we fail to get a mental picture that has any re emblance whatever to the place in question. That was my experience this summer when I saw Grand Coulee Dam . As far as the clam itself was concerned, my idea wasn't so far off, but the urrounding country bore no resemblance to my mental p icture. In traveling from Spokane to eattle, 'vVashington, the side trip to the dam i about 25 mile extraand well worth it. Having come through the fore ts of northern Idaho and the Bitteroot Mountains the day before, and knowing that the country around Seattle wa heavily wooded, I rather expected the intervening country to be very mnch the ame. Much to my surpri e, after leaving Spokane, we traveled for mile over low rolling our hills that hacln 't a green thing on them. peedometer howed that we mu st be getting near the clam, I began to que tion the accuracy of the map we were followina- urel y there could be no valley big enough in thi type of country to hold the Columbia River, to ay nothing abm:t the lake that would be formed by the backing- up of the \ ater after the clam wa completed. The ''onder and u pen e kept getting wor e until all



of a udden we went over a little hill, and there it wa spread out before us- the huge canyon , the dam under construction, and the river. The grade clown to the clam was as bad as any mountain grade we encountered on a 4,600-mile trip. The town that has grown up around the construction is clown in the canyon and reminds one of the boom towns that grow up around a new mine. The clam is only partially finished, but even so, the realization of the tremendous amount of work and material that has gone and will go into the making of it leaves one breathless . After leaving the clam and traveling toward Seattle, the highway goes down the Grand Coulee, which is the old river bed of the Columbia River. In this the bottom is very flat, but at each side the bluffs rise almost straight up from the floor of the valley. For miles we traveled along the valley before getting back on to the low hills that we had experienced just before getting to the dam. The descriptive literature obtained at the clam indicates that the river originally followed the Grand Coulee, but that a lava flow blocked the course and forced the river into what is approximately its present channel. Then the ice age blocked it in its present channel and "forced it back into the original path and thus it had to cut through the hardened lava, making the deep cut that is now called the Grand Coulee. As the ice of the ice age receded, the river again took to the course that it now follows, leaving the Grand Coulee as a dry river bed. It is this deep flatbottomed dry river bed, the Grand Coulee, that gives the clam its name. The clam is built very near the division point between the present channel of the river and its former path.


Los Angeles Alumna: Chapter

As a child in the grades studying geography, and later as a social studies teacher, I have always longed to visit the Scandinavian countries and sail around North Cape. Last summer I had the pleasure of having this dream realized, and I would love to tell you about some of the delightful experiences on my five days' cruise to 72 degrees north latitude. So get out your map of Europe and sail along with me. After spending a week in Norway, traveling from Oslo to Trondheim by rail, bus, auto, and fjord steamers, we embarked on a Norwegian mail boat, Lofoten, for a cruise along the shores of Norway. Winding in and out among the many i lands and fjords of the west coast, generally in sight of land when no fog was in evidence, stop-

17 ping at each port of any 路ize to exchange mail, freight, and passengers, was most interesting. While in port we had time to vi sit th e town, and at one place we took an a uto ride to a high point to get a view of the Lofoten I slands in th e eli tance. Many inhabitants were at the wharf as our boat docked. At Tromso I met a charming girl who had come clown to see her friend who e acquaintance we had made on the boat after leaving Trondheim. The latter was secretary for the Oslo Broadcasting Company and was to spend her three weeks' vacation visiting her Tromso friend who was a medical student and had studied at Columbia University last year. Both girls spoke very good English. In fact they spoke French and German just as well as English and orwegian. We felt ashamed that we could converse in but one language and often did very poorly in that one. The chief industry of this region is fishing. Fish, fish, and more fish . Whole islands were covered with wooden racks where fish were drying. Stacks of dried fish were on the docks to he loaded for shipping. Huge piles of cod fish heads were on the banks to be made into commercial fertilizer. Fresh fish were taken on board each day for our tables. Fish and small boiled potatoes. No meal was complete without fish. Even for breakfast we had a large assortment of fish , all served cold. We had other fresh meats for middag (dinner) but they never slighted the fish course. Reindeer meat was served several times. I cannot begin to tell you how glorieus the midnight sun was on the ocean. Only our colored films can adequately portray its beauty. Words fail to describe the fiery ball as it slowly dipped to the horizon leaving a path of red across the waters. We lingered at the railing, loath to go in and miss one minute of its splendor. No one seemed to want to sleep on this cruise. Even with black curtains and eye shades, sleeping seemed difficult for many passengers, but I didn't seem to mind the constant light. Only the noise of the wakeful passengers kept me from sleeping. Our cabin was too near the lounge and our port hole seemed to路 be a rend ezvous for all the night hawks. One morning just as we had dozed off to dreamland we were awakened by a steward who informed us that we were crossing the Polar Circle. Some lady the night before had requested that she be notified when the Arctic Circle was crossed, and as the captain forgot her cabin number he instructed the steward to inform all passengers of the event. We arrived at Hammerfest at 3 :30 A . M. This city of five thousand population is the largest city north of the Arctic Circle. We did not go to bed


18 that nicrht until after we left Hammerfest about 5 A . 1\L~ for we wanted to ee the town, mail ~ur letters, and take picture . The scores of fi shmg boats reflected in the water made a lovely picture. Imagine taking picture at 3 A. l\1. Tromso and Hammerfest are starting points for many rctic expeditions. tatue of Amundsen i at Tromso for it was from there that he embarked on hi rctic expeditions. I went through hi boat, now in a museum at 0 lo. We arrived at Torth Cape the next morning after leaving Ham merfest. O ur itinerary said we would land "weather permitting," and how glad we were that the sun was shining and the wind not blowing. The boats the day before and the day following did not land for the wind and rain prevented. A small boat came out to take those ashore who wished to go. Lapps greeted us as we landed and offered us their wares-dolls, trinkets made of reindeer bone, and carved cane , the latter for climbing the one thousand feet to the summit of the Cape. This fete I refused to do for I didn't know how well I could climb. I did walk up half way, picked wild flowers for my collection, and planted a small U. S. silk flag with appropriate ceremonies as per instruction in a Bon Voyage letter. Only a curio store combined with a postoffice made up the town. The Lapps dwelt in crude huts and were there for the summer months only. How they exi t during the long clark nights of winter is more than I can understand. While the sun shines they stay up and out of doors a much as possible. The po tmistress stamped my orth Cape Diploma which th e captain of our boat autographed for me even if I didn't reach the top . The Chief of the Coast Guards wa a pas enger on our boat en route to Vadso to attend a meeting of the guards. He had been in the nited tates and spo ke excellent Engli h. He told me that thi run from Bergin to Kirkene wa a mo t clangerou one on account of the fog , rain and wind. !though the waters are warmed by the Gulf tream and open the year round th e foa make fi hing extremely haza r lous. W hen the fog blew in ou r boat fairly crawled along for there were o many fi hing boat and i la nd all about u . aptain Ch ri top her on ha been on this run for twenty year . Hi wife accompanied him on thi trip and he aiel he brought u all good luck and plea ant weather. I d take her a loncr very trip if I were he. Tw or three time we were called to ee th e bird on the rocky i Ja nel . Torpecloe were thrown out and the ""hi tie blown to frighten the bird . A they flew. thou and and thou and of

them, they made a wonderful sight. Here in th~se rocks the eider duck build his ne t from whtch the eider down is obtained. Every bed I lept in in Scanclanavia had an eider down comfort in a white cotton case which erved a our heet and cover combined. One afternoon and evening as we ailed through the rctic Ocean we saw many schools of whale. I doubted the information when told they were whale for I didn't see thet? sp?ut, but was told that they were not the spoutmg kmd. nother thrilling experience wa the day that the air mail exchanged mail with our boat. On account of the fog down the coast the plane did not get to Tromso in time for u to exchange mail, so it caught up with us, and two of our men went out in a row boat and as the plane skimmed down on the water rowed out and the men exchanged the mail bag . One of the passengers received a letter in this mail and we all were o happy for her. Just watching the performance was very exciting. It seemed a lmost a miracle. But then that very week Hughes was making his memorable flight around the globe, the news coming to us by radio. Our boat went as far north as Kirkenes then returned to Bergin, but my party disembarked and continued our journey by motor bu down through Lapland and on down by train to Helsinki, Finland, then over to Sweden, Denmark, thence to England, Scotland, and Ireland, but I thought that thi s short trip was different and that you would like to hear about it. For a two month ' vacation I recommend this trip and I know you wi ll enjoy every mom ent as I did.

ELFRETH'S ALLEY Between Arch and Race Streets, and Front and 路 Second Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. SALLY OcoE , Philadelphia A lumna: Chapter

How many of us know quaint Elfreth' lley with its atmosphere of two hundred years ago? s far as can be learned the first El freth, Jeremiah by name, a black mith came to Philadelphia and bought a re idence about 1690. t the time of the return of William Penn to Philadelphia, a clamor arose over Jeremiah Elf reth's la nd near the Blue nchor Inn, the people claiming that it had been promi ed to be re en 路ed for a public clock. Jeremiah' on Henry wa crowded out but acquired property in the vicinity of Cherry treet near Front treet; where he married arah, elde t daughter of a wealthy merchant, John Gilbert. T hu property on Gi lbert' ll ey a it wa then known. came in to the po 路 e ion of an Elf reth and crradually the , lley took hi name. He



engaged in wharfage and hipbuilding in this neighborhood for man y year O ld directories include Elfreth's Alley and describe .the occupations of the res idents. ome of them were: cabinet maker, cedar cooper, cordwainer, distiller, ship master , turner, carpenter, joiner, waggoner, violinist, pewterer, printer. copper mith, brass founder, and many other . There are sto ri es pertaining to the residence here of Benjamin Franklin and Stephen Girard. Another tale concerns a brawl in which John Pen n was the principal fi gure. N umerous refugees from the French Revolution also lived in the Alley. One account mention s that twenty-three people died in Elfreth's Alley during the yellow fever epidemic in 1793, and states that there were several French citizens and one French lady living there at that time. It is most likely that these were French refugees from San Domingo, wh ence the scourge was supposed to have come. In Elfreth's Alley today we may see sixteenfoot-front Colonial dwellings, with charming doors and windows, continuously occupied for two hundred years. There are some in which beautiful woodwork still remains and is much treasured by the ow ners. Although surrounded by business, the narrow street retain s its interesting character and continues, at least outwardly. untouched. Kipling mentions Elfreth's A lley in two of hi s .stories in "Rewards and Fairie "; and he deplores our disappearing city in hi s ditty: PHI LAD ELPI-II A "If you're off to Philadelphia in the morning You musn 't take my stori e for a guide There's little left, indeed, of the city you will read of And all the folks I write about have died."

DO YOU READ? ADELAIDE Z. STAFFORD, Delaware Alumnre Chapter

Books are your passport to expe rience around the globe and in the inspired realms of immagination, as well as the key to everyday living. They are a guide in youth and an entertainment for age. They support us in solitude and keep us from becoming a burden to ourselves. Books help us forget the crossness of men and things-compose our cares and our passions, and lay our disappointments asleep. It is chieAy through books that we enjoy intercourse with superior minds, and these invaluable

communications ar within the reach of all through our public and private librarie . 11 of us read sometimes. That is certain. The question i : \1\fhat hall we read? I believe you would like "Wine of Good Hope" by David Rame. l\Ir. Rame is a young outh \frican author, and hi s people come from the old, gracious life of the vineyard of the Cape. Adventure-and an unusual and lovely picture of the vineyard country- makes this a complex and vigorous book. For tho e who like long, tumultuous stories, moving swiftly from one colorful scene to another, will find this a satisfying novel. O r, you may be waiting your turn to get a copy of the much-talked about "Grapes of 路w rath" by J ohn Steinbeck. This full-length novel is a story of a tragic pilgrimage of men and women, dislodged from their hom e in the Dust Bowl by drought, and seeking a new life in a Californi a of which all they know is illusion . There are faults in this book of which the prospective reader should be warned. The language, even for this free age, is frank, unn ecessarily so, and while appropriate to scene and character, often shocks the reader. It is a powerful story of character, with much humor, some pathos, and indignation against the circumstances which break down the morale of common people. I am now reading ''Tree of Liberty'' by E lizabeth Page. This is a long hi storical novel very popular right now. It deals with the early American scene from 1754 to the first decade of the nineteenth century. It is not primarily a novel of the R evolutionary War, but of that larger struggle for freedom that involved the clash of conAicting interests out of which Amer ican democracy and civil liberty slowly emerged . Books are my hobby-books of business, biograph y and fiction. For mo st of us there are books for every mood. I like to see the colorful jackets on my book shelves; I like to browse in a quiet library, away from the chatter of others; I like to borrow books. lend books and buy books. Yes, books are my hobby.

GLEANINGS FROM THE NEWS The new women's dormitory at the Northwestern State College campus at Alva, Oklahoma, is named for our own 1\-Iinnie Shockl ey. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pa... Buffalo, New York, and Hay , Kansas alumnace have sent out super bulletins as public records of their achievements for the past year.



Are you an alumna without a club? Are you an alumna who wants to keep abreast of sorority affairs? Are you an alumna who wants the companionship of those with whom you really have something in common'? Well, you are not alone in such wants. Perhaps there's another Alpha Sig less than a block from you and still others conveniently near who are equally eager for the contacts of an Alpha Sig Alumnre chapter. If you do not have an alumnre chapter in your community, it's possible that you have the nucleus for one if you would only look into the matter. Or, perhaps you do belong to a chapter, but know of some A. S. A.'s in another city who haven't that opportunity. In both instances there is a doctor for the situation- namely, our new Alumnre Organizer, Mrs. Helen Bradley. She needs no introduction to alumnre, for her work as Alumnre Editor brought her into contact with a wide number of our members. In her new capacity Mrs. Bradley will be glad to help A. S. A.'s organize a club. She has all records available which will show how many A. S. A.'s are near you and where. With Mrs. Bradley to help you, you need no longer be an alumnre without a chapter. Alpha Sigma Alpha now has thirty-nine alumnre chapters. This phase of our sorority has grown rapidly in recent years, and its growth speaks for the pleasure and satisfaction which A. S. A.'s find in actively maintaining their sorority contacts. nder Mrs. Bradley's direction, it is our hope that the many A. S. A.'s who are without a chapter will find one or organize one themselves. Her address is: 1175 East Court Street, Iowa City, Iowa.




It's in the Air! We're Everywhere! Welcome Sister Newcomers! OXFORD, OHIO AND DETROIT, MICHIGAN OXFORD, OHIO, ALUMNAE CHAPTER Charter Members Betty Nellis Esther Guthery Bess Iewhall Johnston Mary Jane Falknor Virginia Neibel M. Alma Molitor Amy t Swisher Ann Randolph Brubaker Charlotte Cl ine Borradaile June Harpster Frances G. Richard Blanche Cook Woods Mary Lou Hubbard Nellie Losh Millicent Bender Zelma Sargeant Kah Neva Unglesby Crist Gene Converse Moore Margaret Fo rd K lapp Martha Molyneaux V irginia Stout Reynolds M. Alma Molitar, P1路esident


Charter Members Hazel F uoss Baker Norma Craine Aliber Isabelle Sparling Butterfield Ann Granger Douglass A ileen Granger Rose Armstrong O lds Gladys Spring Rambler Helen Pointen Rapson Robena Hooks vValker F ranees A lvord V rendenberg Alice \~arner Woods Sara Jane Dodge Bumgardner Hazel Paro Patterson Hazel Fuoss Baker, Preside11t



News Behind the News HISTORY OF DETROIT DELTA PHI ALUMNAE Organization Greet in g to lpha tgma lpha members 1 T hi s is our fir t appearance in prin t and we are j ust bur ting with p ride! I know that we are <TOin <T to enj oy our a ociati on w ith you and may we prove of worth to your organi zation . E ,·en though we are loya l A lpha igs, we do want to remini sce a bi t so th at you may know we have been going ince 19 19. T he Detroit lumnce members of the Delta P hi sorority o f ::.Iichi gan State I onn al College met on Saturday, J anuary 11 , 1919, at the home o f M r s. \!bert F . Boening ( I'l os ie Fagan, wh o i a very acti ve mem1 er and co ntributes much to our pre ent group ), P ing ree Avenue, and organi zed a local alumna:: chapte r. T he foll ow ing were elected : P resident, ?\label H. Weddel ; V ice-P resident, Ruth lien ; ecretary, Iazel Pa ro (l\Irs. Howa rd Patterson of Saginaw is one of the charter members in our A. S. A. o rgani zation a nd come into our meet ings often ), and T reasurer, Mrs. Ha rry T hatcher (Helen H aywa rd, wh o d ied in 1933 ) . T he group was small, but vitall y in tere ted in organ izing the Detroit alumnce and keeping in contact wi th the active chapter in Yp ilanti . T hey tri ed evening meet ings, but that seemed to ma ke '' worri ed hu band s," so they began meeting on Saturday. the first one in th e month, and so vve have cont inued mce. \ tV had luncheons and bri dge at va ri ou homes of member , but our g roup beca me o large th at now we ha ,-e dessert bri dge with much visitin g on the side lin es. O ur g roup has shown a strong . teady g rowth and ful fil led the aim of the organi zation in holding girls toget her after college day . and prov ided ·timulat ion to the tu clent <Troup by their i terly help an d encouragement. T hey al o fo rm a cl o e bond with thei r r\l ma ::.rater whi ch o often is "eakened I y time. Our total maili ng li st num ber ixty, we ha e uch fun to<Tether that the weeks between meeting are omet ime to long to hold all the new that we have lea rned abo ut lei Delta P hi member and Yp ilant i. The twenty-fifth anniver ·ary ,,·as ce lebrated with a banquet at ::.IcKenney Ha ll. with mem ber - pre ent f r m va ri ou - cit ie .

In 1922 a "0;e ws L etter wa published to keep th e tudent members and alumnce group in tmtch with each other' activiti e . O ur major interest during the pa t yea rs ha bee n the chapter in Ypsilanti and we have clone much to f urni h their hou e and make orority lif e happ ier for them . O nly econdary to tk ha been ou r desire to contact all members o f c u.sorority in a nd near Detroit and have them h ~ ­ come acti ve in our Det roit cha pter. \t\ e hope that both these interest will continue now that we are Alpha S igma and may our chapter be bigge r and better than eve r. HA ZEL B AKER.

ORGANIZATION OF OXFORD ALUMNAE CHAPTER \n alumnce chapter! Th e idea struck M i s A my S wisher ea rly last spring so he talked to :\/[ary J ane Fa ulknor and nn R andolph with the result that one unclay morning evera l of u fo und ourselves gathered around a breakfast table 111 x ford. We had come from 1Iicld letown, x fonJ. amden, M iami burg, Hamilton, an d How much fun it wa to renew old acqua intance and to patch up time ince coll ege clay ! The gloomy wea th er outside was in direct contra t to our happy pi rits ! T he idea o f an a lumnce chap ter had appealed to all of u , o right then and th ere we drew up a petiti on to end to Nat iona l an d proceeded to elect officer a nd to block out a prog ram f or our g roup . Alma ::.I oli to r wa made p re ·ident; ::.rary Lon H ubba rd . vice-p re iclent; :\Ia ry J ane Faulknor, ecreta ry : Ne lli e Losh, trea. urer · and June Harpter . PHOEX 1x corre pondent. :.Iay 16 wa set a the elate fo r our next meeting. t that time we <Tatherecl at the hom of ::.Ii Swi her . \ fte r a shor t meeting and a eli cu ion conce rmng our p rogram for the f uture, we at a ide bu ine · fo r the ven ing and urpri eel Ann Rand lph . bri de-elect o f ::.Ie rrill Brubaker , wi th a mi cellaneou h wer . Th u \Ve pa rted fo r the ummer. not to meet aga in u ntil the fall.



News Letters-Alumnae Chapters ALVA, OKLAHOMA Hello, Everybody! Here's to a grand new year fo r We really appreCiated the news letter from Philadelphia Alumn;.e Chapter and we wish to congratulate them on their clever cover design. This is such a busy time for us! We are preparing for our annual homecoming and District Teachers' Convention on our Northwestern State College Campus. We are so proud of the fact that the new girls' ,dormitor~ has been named for Alpha Sigma Alphas own M1ss Shockley and the boy's new dormitory has been named Vinson Hall in honor of Prof. A. G. Vinson who is the father of an Alpha Sigma Alpha ~lu~na, Jennie Vinson Fisk. These two lovely new bUJld,.ngs are to be formally dedicated during our Homecommg and N. 0. E. A. Convention. Of the four members of the central committee for this Homecoming event which features a five-mile parade of gala floats, and bands from schools over all Northwestern Oklahoma and from several schools in Southwestern Kansas, three members are Gamma Gamma Alumn;.e. Those three are Alma Lois Rodgers, chairman of the Girl Scout Committee of fourteen members; Pauline Haworth, chairman of the committee in charge of the Pet and Doll Section; and Essie Nail, chairman of the Homecoming Ball Committee. As a special feature of all this celebration, Gamma Ga~ ma is giving a tea at the home of Amata Camp Pansh for all our girls out in the teaching field who are coming to our Alma Mater for this big celebration. We are so happy that Gamma Gamma Actives have twenty grand new pledges. Gamma Gamma Alumn<.e entertained her Seniors in May at the home of Mrs. J. Philip Rudy with Lucille Moore Kramp as co-hostess. The evening was spent playing Rook with the high score going to Miss Shockley. Officers for the ensuing year were elected. A gift was presented to Sue Edwards in honor of her son Ralph, Jr. A vase of carnations was presented each of the following seniors: Jadeena Leeper Brown, Wilma Greer, Ethel Green, Maxine Brown, Marie Fulmer, and lola Ricks. During the summer session our Alumn;.e and Actives met together for the regular Sorority gatherings. Our first meeting was with Alma Lois Rodgers with Ada Lane, Edith Johnston, Miss Minnie Shockley, Luella Harzman, Edna Donley and Electa Lee Montgomery acting as co-hostesses. The evening was spent playing contack. The second meeting was held on the law n of Lorinda Lane's home with the following co-hostesses: Naomi Paris, Eva Wood, Erl Lene Cline, Bobby Copas, Ethel Green, Bertha Alice Green, Wilma ~lpha Sigma Alpha, everywhere!

Greer, Eu la Callison and Emogene Cox. Nineteen members were present. The group went to Hatfield Park for the fina l meeting of the summer fo r a picnic. Those acting as hostesses were Mabel C hew, Jennie Kinney, Vevian Reed, Florence Rudy, Maxine Brown, E lea nor Abernathy, Stella Lansdowne, Katherine Quinton, Clara Wllhams, Vada Paris and Catherine Wiebener. In September, the Alumn;.e viewed Colorado from an Alva parlor. This trip was made via progressive games wh1ch took them to Colorado Springs to play dominoes, to Manitou where they played contack, to Estes Park for Rook, and to Grand Lake for Chinese Chex. Tallies were hand painted Colorado Scenes and the prize for high score was won by Dr. Racine Spicer, a painting of Colorado sce nery. A lovely luncheon reminiscent of Colorado's cool summers was served by the hostesses, Edna Donley, Eula Callison and Essie Nall in Edna's home. The business meeting was certainly all inclusive under the able direction of our president, Alma Lois Rodgers. Plans were made for the actives of Rush Week, Bid House, District Teachers' Convention, Homecoming and Founders' Day in a minimum of time, not to mention voting to petition N. P. C. and to make Gamma Gamma Actives a gift of ten dollars to help their treasury. The hostesses for the year were assigned their times to entertain. Essie Nail's husband who was critically injured April 1, was taken in death several weeks later. We extend our sympathy to Essie. Edith Johnston has been elected as President of the Auxiliary of the American Legion at Capron, Okla. homa, for this year. Dorothy Harzma n is the new president of the Junior Auxiliary at Alva. Mary Trueax d'Atley, president of Tonkawa A. A. U. W., was chairman of the Regional A. A. U. W . Institute. We are so happy to welcome Rosa Lee Montgomery, recently of Oklahoma City, back to Alva Alumn;.e Association as one of the sponsors. She is the new Y. W. C. A. sponsor, in the College chapter. We are very fortunate to have Mrs. M. L. Provost as a new patroness. She is a li ve-wi re, an untmng worker and she is sure she will love all Gamma Gammas as her girls.

How Gamma Gamma Alumnae Spent Their Vacation Edna Donley, Minnie Wesley Clark and Glenda Harvey Bracket attended sc hool at Boulder, Colorado. Luella and Dorothy Harzman toured the West, visiting Edna, Minnie and Glenda at Boulder, attending Golden Gate Exposition, visiting Olive Anderson at San Francisco, seeing our lone Clarke Cass and

THE Bess Davis Roark in Southern California, and returning via Grand Canyon, Arizona. Naomi Warren Paris and her husband spent a pleasant vacation in St. Louis and in the Ozarks. Eula Callison and Katherine Quinton taught in the Daily Vacation Bible School in Alva in June. Katherine Quinton went to Boiling Springs. Edith Smith went to the Exposition in New York . Edith H eaton Johnston travelled in the West, making California a visit. Ada Smith Lane and Lorinda Mason Lane spent some enjoyable time in their cabins in Masonic Park, Colorado. Luella Harzman and Dorothy visited with Doris Anderson Henry at Newton, on their journey west. Pauline Haworth attended the Golden G ate Exposnwn. Olive Anderson went to National Education Association which convened in San Francisco. Essie Nail attended a B. P. W. Convention at Kansas City, Missouri, in July. Racine Spicer spent the summer in Columbia, Missouri, and Chicago, Illinois. Nancy Beth Galleon went to Virginia and Iowa. Amata Camp Parish explored Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. Luella Harzman and Edna Donley attended the Rainbow Convention at Enid, Oklahoma, in June. Minnie Wesley Clark went to Austin, Texas, to a Home Economics Conference, also toured the West and Pacific Coast States. Alma Lois Rodgers returned with many interesting souvenirs a nd memories from her vacation in Louisiana, F lorida, and Cuba. She flew from Florida to Cuba and back. Eula Calli son and Emogene Cox visited with Vera L eeper Cullison at Anthony, Kansas. Alma Lois Rodgers, Katherine Quinton and Emoge ne Cox helped to conduct a Brownie Scout Day Camp for more than fifty Brownies from seven to ten years old . These same Gamma Gamma girls also helped to conduct a four-day Girl Scout Camp at Camp Carmenita, in the Park at Carmen, Oklahoma, in the summer. W e are ha ppy to a nnounce the following Gamma Gamma Graduates this summer at N . S. C.: Elinor Abernathy, Jennie Locken Kinney, Gai l oah Brickley, Wilma Greer, Marie Fulmer, Ethel Green, lola Ri cks, Virginia Parker, and at Columbus Law School, Washington, D . C., Beatrice (Billy) Ball.


in the Longfellow Elementary School in Alva, Oklahoma. Ruth Riecker is teaching Home Economics at Quinlan, Oklahoma. lola Ricks is making use of her majors in music and art as a teacher at Beaver, Oklahoma. Pearl Roll Boyd is teaching a ursery School at Corpus Christi, Texas. Roberta Camp Mann has a half-day teaching job at Arnett, Oklahoma. EMOGENE Cox.

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS The first meeting of the 1939-40 season will be held the first Saturday in October at Edith Lindquist's in Melrose. Edith is always successful in arousing interest, so we can be sure of a very interesting season by having the opening meeting there. Doris Atwood, our new president, is asking for the assistance of the members in planning the yearly program.

White Elephant Sale The last meeting in the spring was held at Hazel Vaux's in Swampscott. At that time we held a White Elephant Sale, which helped to swell the treasury. Everybody brought with them a package, which contained some article that was a "w hite elephant" or an unwanted or unnecessary object to them. These were auctioned off, while sti ll wrapped, so that you did not know what you had bought until the sale had been completed. What a surprise Kitty Hale got when she opened her bundle and found enough knitting silk for a dress. It was no "white elephant," as far as she was concerned. All of the members found very pleasing surprises in their packages and none went home with "white elepha nts." Hazel served refreshments assisted by her co-hostesses, Bernice G alloway and Doris Atwood.

* * * • This summer, Edith Howlett and I had a wonderful visit with Julia Lancaster in San Francisco. Julia had many interesting things to tell us ::~bout her work in the field of Orthoptics. She is doing some very unusual work in this field a nd is making a name fo r herself as an Orthoptic-technician. She has the same enthusiasm for this work, as she has for sorority problems. We concluded our visit with Julia with dinner at Lucca's, a world-famous resta urant. K ATHAR INE M . H ALE.

New Teaching Positions Ga il oah Brickley is Rural Superv isor in Lincoln County, ew Mexico, with twenty-six teachers a nd r 500 pupils under supervision . Maxine Brown is teaching at Salt Fork, Oklahoma. Wilma Greer is getting her experience as a teacher at Laverne, Oklahoma . Ethel G reen started on her teaching ca reer at Driftwood, Oklahoma. Pauline Haworth has a position as music instructor

BUFFALO, NEW YORK It seems w hen we last went to press we had in mind as our next big event a party fo r the Active gi rls. ow that event seems so long ago that we hardl y dare mention it. H owever, it was such fun , we must stick in a word or two abo ut it. First of all, a "near relative of Professo r Quiz was present at the party. The Actives a nd the Passives were tested as to their respecti e abi liti es and wi nning groups received most



luscious lolly-pops as a reward for their superior intelligence. Later followed a fashion show-and what a show! A parade of "surrealism" hats. Anything and everything from a delicious syrup coffee-cake to sundry articles of hardware went in to the millinery work. Fran Holbrook was the charming hostess at this party, efficiently planned by Marg Houston and her committee. We really got down to serious business at the May meeting. All outgoing officers gave their yearly reports. Marg Houston submitted a complete new set of by-laws for the Buffalo Alumn<e. Under these new laws the officers for 1939-1940 were elected . The results: President, Dot Pierson; Vice-President, Kay Strickland; Recording Secretary, Mary Lennie; Courtesy Chairman, Mildred Holser; Federation Delegate, Hildegarde Repsher; news letter, Mary Louise Christiansen; Treasurer, Gert Palmer; Corresponding Secretary, Virginia Dannigan; Editor, Dorothy Fricke; Directory, Kay Moore; Publicity, Edith Yesser. Marge Moreland and Anna Lou Marks were responsible for a swell picnic meeting at Witchkraft, Rose Kraft's elegant summer home. Betty Stratemeier, retiring president, graciously turned the meeting over to the new president, Dot Pierson, who graciously proceeded from there on. It was a treat to have with us the '39 Graduates who now are Alpha Sig Alumn<e. From this group, Grace Schreiner won the Activities Award; Marion Lewis, the Scholarship Award. The News Letter, describing the Chapter activities, was distributed and from then on it was just "picnic." Our official program begins Saturday, October 6, and then we'll have plenty of news of card parties fashion shows, dances, and such. DoROTHY



CANTON, OHIO Alack, and alas, your correspondent was laid low by a siege of flu which visited each one in the fami ly, and practically every family in Canton. The first meeting of 1939 was held at the home of Janice Marsh with eight of our eleven members present. Oh how we long for another sister to make us an even dozen. (Please come to our aid if you know an Alpha Sig in or near Canton). February 13th we celebrated with a lovely dinner party at the new Hotel Belden. Dinner was served m the Viking Room after which bridge was played in a private party room. St. Valentine favors and all the trimmings made it a really festive occasion. At the March meeting at Dorothy Stough's home Mary Carfagna was appointed secretary since June Da Hinden has a leave of absence. Plans were made for a covered dish supper in April. We anticipate a lot of fun that night. "Heigh-ho: Heigho It's off to work we go." Snow White's adorable dwarfs voice the sentiment of us all after a lovely summer. Somehow spicy Sep-

tember days give us the pep we need to start things booming again for another busy winter. But Canton Alpha Sigs only missed meeting one month this summer. We ended last season with a covered dish supper at Sue Campbell's in April; a spaghetti dinner at Mary Carfagna's in May, and a grand weiner roast at Berdein's cabin in June. The May meeting honored Emmy Schlott who became the bride of Dean Calhoun in June. Mrs. Thomas Nally (Gertrude Kennedy) of Youngstown was a visiting Alpha Sig that night. In July we had a very busy meeting at Jayne Urban's because we planned our benefit bridge that night. August was our vacation month, and then the second Monday night in September found us excited with our benefit bridge at Sue Campbell's lovely Avondale home . It was a riot of fun . Each Alpha Sig brought one guest so we had six tables at play. See "Money in the Bag" for an easy way for making money, which we used at our party. JANE URBAN.

"Money- In The Bag" We found an easy way to make a small sum of money . Someone had been to a church benefit-someone a bridge party- we all had a lot of white elephants and large paper sacks. I had a living room large enough to accommodate five bridge tables . The result, $5.50 in our treasury. We have only eleven active members but our attendance and cooperation are 100 per cent. For this particular money raising scheme, each member brought a guest, each paid 25 cents, and received in turn a large bag of "treasurers." We played contract and auction . At the end of each round the winners were permitted to take something from the bag of one opponent before progressing to the next table. Each took home what she had in her bag at the end of the games. When we filled the sacks at a previous ~o足 rority meeting we chose fine white elephants for door prizes. The hostesses served salad, wafers, and coffee. This cost no more than a regular meeting because there were two hostesses instead of one and twice as many girls. The "treasures" affored a great deal of amusement and conversation, changing a staid bridge benefit into a gala event. (Also saved us buying prizes). Try it! SuE SANFORD CAMPBELL.

CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA During the summer the Alpha Sigs did not get together as our number is so small and we get scattered about in so many different places. Our May meeting was held at Della Guthrie's new home. We elected officers for the coming year. After that we indulged in a "gossipy" bridge game. Freda "Pete" Lloyd from Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, was visiting with us and we could hardly have any other kind of bridge game because of the many questions


and "do you remembers" being flung back and forth from us to " Pete." Della almost foundered us with huge pieces of some kind of a new strawberry pie a Ia mode. It was delicious. In June we gave the husbands and boy friends a break and invited them to a covered dish supper at Evelyn and Foster Bryan 's newly remodeled home at Kanawha City. We had supper on the lawn . We tried to play bridge afterwards but it wasn't much of a success because, as is usually the case, we had all eaten too much. We had our first fall meeting with Eloise Keller last week. Several of our group were absent because of the busy rush of school just starting. All we could do at that meeting was talk, since we hadn't seen each other for three months. E loise spent the summer in New York attending Columbia University where she is working on her Masters Degree. Della Guthrie was also in New York for a visit. From the two of them the less fortunate ones of us heard all about the Worlds Fair, the latest plays, and of course, the newest fall fashions. Ah me, to get to New York again. Evelyn and Foster Bryan, with Evelyn's mother, being native Ohioans, decided to follow our slogan "See West Virginia First" and toured our state. They all declared they saw some of the most beautiful scenery they had ever seen. We are sorry to have lost our newly elected president for this year, Pauline Ford. Pauline and Russell have moved to Norfolk, Virginia. His reserve commission in the Navy became a.ctive and he accepted an engineering position the re. We are going to miss Pauline because she was one of our most faithful members. We are glad to have with us this year Julia (Botkins) Bowles who has just moved back from Baltimore. Her husband finished his law degree there, passed the bar examinations and is practicing law in Charleston this year. We hope Julia will be able to ]ESSIE McGREW. attend all our meetings .

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Chicago Alumna: again called the roll for the 1939-40 season with a fall luncheon at Marshall Field's tea room on September 3oth. Because of vacations and other activities the members had not been together since the meeting in June at Sally Jo Grigsby Cluever's home. She entertained at a luncheon in her new home in Beverly Hills, which they had recently bought. Betty Grigsby Foyer, AB, has also purchased a home at 10631 Claremont Ave., in Beverly Hills, a suburb of Chicago. Jeanne Ramsey, AB, who entertained at a luncheon at her home in May, told us at the last meeting of the delightful motor trip which she had made with her husband and two children, Robert and Margaret. In July they drove from Chicago out through the Canadian Rockies to Lake Louise and Banff and then on down the coast of California, where they

spent several days in San Francisco at the Golden Gate Exposition. Helen Ball, N, was called to Pittsburgh in August by the death of her father, Norman E. Ellsnne Ball is entering the Elmhurst worth. Little kindergarten this fall for the first time and Helen is one of the busiest young mothers we know of with her three children. Ethel Llewellyn, UU, enjoyed a two weeks' vacation visiting her sister in Brooklyn, and seeing the sights of ew York City and the World's Fair. On the way home she stopped in Granville, Ohio, for the commencement activities at Dennison University. She also spent another week with her family at a cottage in Eagle River, Wisconsin. Dorothy Masters, BB, spent her annual vacation visiting her sister, Marjorie Masters Alter, and her family, in Paris, Texas. Louise Stewart, whom we still claim as a Chicago member although she has been teaching in Zanesville, Ohio, for the past two years, spent the major part of the summer going to summer school at Sarah Lawrence College in ew York. Before returning home she made a trip to Bermuda . DoROTHY MASTERS.

COLUMBUS, OHIO We wound up last year's actiVIties with the customary picnic in June, which was held at Ethel Wolfgram's cottage at Buckeye Lake. The weather wouldn't oblige us by being agreeable so that we could be out all of the time . Nevertheless some of the husbands and little boys fished right through the rain. The cottage was large and capable of accommodating all of us comfortably. The "eats" were plentiful and good and in spite of the weather, those of us who stayed in had a most enjoyable time just talking and playing cards. A buffet supper at Clara Oden's home started this year's activities, with twenty-seven girls present, all of whom we hope can attend regularly . Of course we were glad to see one another again and talk about all the many things we did this summer. As usual we had plenty of good things to eat, and depending upon one's capacity-several rounds could be made. Ruth Hessenauer and Carolyn Southard are on the Program Committee. Ruth designed our programs last year and we' re looking forward to having just as attractive and useful programs this year. After the meeting, a few of us "hangers-on" went to a hotel to wish Milly alley God-Speed. Milly, who has been doing Social Service work here in Columbus, has given up her job to take her Masters Degree at Washington University at St. Louis, this year. We hate to have her leave us, but a year slips by quickly and we hope to have her with us again. AuDREY LEPPERT.

27 DELAWARE The D elaware Alumna: g roup had no end of trouble last year. Our president suddenly left our midst beca use her hu sba nd accepted a position in Ohio. It was very inconsiderate of him, we think! With professional meetings almost every week-e nd (Delaware teachers certa inly get an overdose of professional meetings) it seemed impossible to get together. I have not been able to keep in close co ntact with the m embers since ea rly spring . Pl a ns for a June wedding, then the wedd ing, getting establi shed in our new home, and then as the climax my newly acquired husband was rushed to the hospital (just a month after we were married) for an appe nd ~ctomy. I then found myself trying to carry on a business about which I knew next to nothing . H e has recuperated rapidly and all is well in the Cahall household. Adelaide Stafford reports that she attended the University of Delaware Summer School. The remainder of her spare moments she spent basking in the sun at her mother's summer home on the Sassafras Ri ver. On Saturday, October 7th, a meeting of the Delaware Alumna: chapter will be held in Wilmington at the "Hob" Tea Room. W e expect to have some real news next time. MARY SHORT CAHALL.

DENVER, COLORADO The members of the Denver Alumna: chapter were entertained at a beautifully appointed tea at the home of Helen Hay on Sunday afternoon, October eighth. The hostess was assisted by Za Lawrenson, Irene Holland a nd Peggy L anghorn. A cordial welcome was extended to Vesta Wood and Doris Stream of Beta Beta chapter who recently g raduated from Colorado State College of Education now teaching in Englewood. Margaret Nichols Kitts of Beta Beta was also welcomed as a new member. Plans were completed fo r the year's program and the officers elected were: President, Morea Booth Bailey, Alpha Beta; Vice-President, Mable Wilson Switzer, Alpha Beta; Secretary, Helena Van Castel Dugan, Eta Eta; Treasurer, Margaret Nichols Kitts, Beta Beta ; PHoEN IX Correspondent, Grace Dalby, Beta Beta. An invitation to the Homecoming and Golden Jubilee fes tivities of Colorado State College of Education from Beta Beta chapter was read. The next m eeting will be the Founder's Day luncheon to be held during the Colorado Education Association Convention on October twenty-sixth at the Park Lane Hotel. GRACE D ALBY .

GREELEY, COLORADO T he Greeley Alumna: chapter will hold its first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. William Wrinkle on October eighteenth. Mrs. Wrinkle is one of the patronesses of Beta Beta chapter. Many members attended the spread at the chapter house after the

Homecomit~g game on October fourteenth as guests of the college chapter. The college girls entertained with sorority songs and a talk was given by Peggy Cullen, telli ng of the achievements of the chapter during the past yea r. Three of the (uur patronesses of the chapter were present at the spread. We are happy to have the patronesses meet with us :1lso as a part of our Alumna: chapter group.

HAYS, KANSAS The alumna: chapter of Hays, Kansas, held its September meeti ng at Mrs. Richard Mermis'. After a buffet supper there was a combined meeting and shower fo r the past president Mrs. E ugene Holm. A delightful time was had by everyo ne present. Mrs. Holm received many lovely gifts. In Jul y, both the alumna: a nd the active groups had a picnic in the state park. It was more or less a pot luck picnic. We were so pleased that thirty-six of the girls could be present. At that time it was decided that the active girls would give a local convention the latter part of the month. "Graduates and former students of Fort H ays Kansas State College enjoyed a picnic and reunion August 21, in Recreation Park in Long Beach, California. Professors James R. Start, '19, and Harvey A . Zinzer of the college fac ulty spoke briefl y. Mrs. Dorothy King Steeples, '3 1, of Inglewood, arranged the affair and was named chairman to organize the 1940 meeting after the group had decided to make the reunion an annual affair." Long Beach PTess- Telegram . Dorothy King Steeples was fo rmerl y a Hays alumna but is now a member of the Los A ngeles Alumna: group. We are proud of our Dorothy-the reunion was a g rand success. RuTH TwENTER.

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Our last meeting of the year was a joint MothersAlumna: party held at Letha Gaskins' mother's lovely cabin in Brown County. Mrs. H eckman, always a gracious hostess, entertained us with accou nts of her trip to Mexico, a nd showed us pottery a nd other handiwork broug ht from that interesting . country. Perhaps the honored guest of the day was Ferdinand, who gamboled about and smelled the Bowers under a most impressive cork tree. At our first meeting of the fa ll in the home of Evelyn H all, we received programs that gave us a comprehensive preview of our sorority yea r. Plans for the ru sh party to be given by our chapter in Muncie were reported by the committee and discussed . On September 16, we entertained the acti ve chapter, ru shees, and Anderson-Muncie al umna: chapter at a Mexican Round-up. T able appointments, food, name cards, and favors all carried out the Mexican theme. (Two of our alumna: fo und the Police of Muncie interesting! Frances Peltier's car was struck


by that of a man from Anderson who was in a tearing hurry to get through Muncie. And Marie Kingdon stopped the town's traffic while she not only traversed the w rong direction of a one-way street, but had the assistance of a charmed "Copper" as she did it!) Four of us-Betty Rice, Genevieve Leib, Marie Kingdon, and your correspondent-stayed over for the breakfast given the following morning for the active chapter, rushees, and Indianapolis Alumn:e at the Hotel Roberts by the Anderson-Muncie Alumn:e chapter. This was a happy occasion, presided over by Miss Anna Marie Yates, president of the hostesses' group. W e met in October at the home of Marie Kingdon. Results of rush in Muncie were reported. Jean McCammon told us of the needs of the Indianapolis Day Nursery, the organization to which we will contribute this year. The children in Esther Burge's sc hool bring toys to give to needy youngsters, and this year they will let us include their gifts in ours to the Day Nursery. We are grateful to Esther and her school for this very material assistance in our project. A letter from our Mothers' Club invites us to the annual Christmas party on December 28th . The girls presented our Genevieve Leib with a gift in honor of her wedding anniversary. Possibly I shouldn't tell you what anniversary, so I won't. The gift was a silver dish. Our travelers this summer included Helen Salvage, who enjoyed a lovely trip to California; Dorothy Karrma nn , who went to Manistee Forest, Michigan; and H elen Emick, who had a nne trip to Denver, and came flying home from Chicago. W e are sorry to lose Geraldine Holton, former PHOEN IX correspondent to Kokomo, Indiana. WILMA MAE W oLF.

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Greetings aga in to everyone from the Kansas City chapter! We have started our fall activities after what has seemed a very short summer. The weather here was ideal until the fir st of September, and then when children and teachers were hurrying back to the schoolroom 'Ole Mister Sol said, ''I'll send that mercury climbing,"-a nd he did-so high in fact, that we ex peri enced a number of very uncom fortable days . That was to help us ap prec iate these lovely fall days more, I g uess . Looki ng back to last Spring fo r some news, I find that the Travel Party g iven at the home of our president, Dulcie Baird, with Mary Grubbs, Frances Ewi ng a nd Alice Broyles assisting, was a g reat succes . We made our travel costumes from newspapers, ribbon, string and etc., and I'm ure the new bustle dre es have nothing on some of the clever costumes di played in our fas hion parade. Other games occupied our time during the evening and then to satisfy the appetites of a group of hung ry travelers, refre hments we re erved. On May 1 , we entertained our husbands and

escorts at a picnic. There " your friends met my friends and my friends met your friends" and we all had a jolly good time. Food was in abundance, as it should be at a picnic, and everyone ate his fill. We were indebted to our hostesses, Marian Fischer, Margaret Bryant and Beth Mager for the good food. Our last meeting before we adjourned for the summer was a Bridge Benefit at the Kansas City Gas Company. Luncheon was served to our guests at 12:30 p. m. Guests to fill twenty tables were present. Our picnic in May was such a success we decided to have some picnics during the three summer months, even if they were not on our schedule. We had two picnics and each time husbands and escorts insisted they were a part of the A. S. A., so they were in attendance. September r6, saw the beginning of our fall activities. The girls met at the home of Mildred Harmon for a Dessert Luncheon at r :30 p . m . Assisting hostesses were: Kathryn Limberlake, Lucille Stalsworth and Jean Strother. After the luncheon the remainder of the afternoon was spent by making infant clothing for the Needlework Guild. Twentytwo garments were made. We are looking forward to our next meeting to be held at Mildred Hanthorn's home in Independence, October 2rst. Now for a few personal items: We are sorry to report the death of Ruby Waterbury's mother on July 19th. Ruby spent most of the month of July in Colorado, at her parents' home. Frances Ewing and her husband attended summer school at the University of Missouri, at Columbia. We miss Eleanor Heady very much at our meetings, but we know she is enjoying her new home at Lawrence, Kansas, where her hvsband is a member of the Kansas University faculty. Mildred Hanthorn spent her summer vacationing in Alaska. We hope to hear all about her trip at the next meeting. The fishing was good in Minnesota this summer, so reports Kathryn Timberlake and her husband. Esther Bucher spent her vacation in New Orleans and Wilma Sharp and lice Broyles enjoyed a trip to ew York. Our president Dulcie Baird, served as head counselor at the Hill Crest Camp this summer. MILDRED H ARMO

KIRKSVILLE, MISSOURI The Alumn:e chapter of Kirksv ille meets regularly the fourth Thursday of each month with twenty- nine members on the roll. It is an ann ual custom fo r the alumn:e to entertain in honor of the rushees and acti ve chapter. This year the party is to be October 24 a "Cra zy" Bridge and T ea at the Kirksville Country Club. Miss Frances Eggert, a fo rmer teacher in the Kirksville enior Hi g h chool and alumn:e pre ident is to be married ovember 5 1939 to Robert Me ulley.



They will make their home at 1267 Euclid Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio. During the Kirksville Teachers Meeting the alumna: chapter had a lovely seven o'clock breakfast at the Traveler's Hotel for the members who were attending the meeting. D OROTHY L EWIS.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Members of Los Angeles Alumna: chapter met together at a luncheon which celebrated Hermes Day. The program was presided over by Barbara Held, president. A short business meeting was conducted at the same time. We are looking forward to a busy, interesting year. The Alumna: members met with the Active group for another May meeting, at which time the mother Patronesses were initiated. Active chapter officers were installed. The Alumna:, as is their semi-annual custom, presented a scholarship cup to the active member with the highest scholarship rating for the preceeding semester. The active member, thus honored, was Miss Dorothy Brown. The cup, if won by the same person, three times in succession, remains in the possession of that person. The Alumna: will again present the cup at the time of the Founders, Day Banquet in November. In June, a number of the girls met, and gave Miss Margaret Cuenod, a grand send-off on her trip to the Netherlands. The party was given by Louise Petersen Hindes at her lovely home in Santa Monica. A real atmosphere and spirit of travel greeted one as one entered the home. Maps were on the walls, plenty of time tables and ship schedules were at hand, and tiny Dutch figures decorated the tables. Margaret told us that she was going as a delegate from the Y. W. C . A. to Amsterdam to the World Conference of Christian Youth. Each guest presented Margaret with a giftsomething to remember each one of them by. The Alumna: are planning a big program this year. October will see the first meeting on the fourteenth. This meeting will also be at the home of Louise Hindes in Santa Monica.

"Jottings from Here and There" Miss Margaret Cuenod travelled the farthest from any of us. Her travels took her as a delegate from the Y. W. C. A . to those picturesque Netherlands to a Conference of Christian Youth. The Conference was held at Amsterdam, to which r,soo delegates from 73 different countries came. The Conference was in session from July 24th to August 2nd. From August 2nd to August 6th, Margaret attended another Y. W. C. A. Conference at Woudschoten Camp near Zeist, Holland. After the Conference Margaret t~ok more trips into the surrounding countries. She took the trip up the Rhine from Cologne to Mainz, then she went from Basel into Switzerland, where she visited at Luzern, Interlaaken and Geneva. She spent two Jays at Lausanee, visited at Vive, and spent a few Jays at Paris. On August rsth she left many happy

memories behind and sailed from Boulog ne, France, to the United States. Another one of the Alumna: members, Miss Anna Gassaway, also travelled in a foreign country. Anna however, traveled closer to home, and went sightseeing in Mexico. However, Anna, was quite some distance from home, as she teaches school in Greenwich, Connecticut, during the year. Nell Grant attended a Convention at Stanford University at Palo Alto. Then she visited the Golden Gate International Exhibition, the Mono Lake Basin, Mammoth Lakes District, and made another trip to Big Bear. Adda Anderson, another Alumna: member, made the trip with Nell Grant. Mrs. Isabel Jones and husband, Dr. C. M. Jones went to Yosemite and June Lake. Miss Catherine Kelley visited the Golden Gate International Exhibition. Catherine is on the staff of the Los Angeles Public Library. Catherine Fitzgerald Bolton, and husband, Harold Bolton, visited relatives in Stillwater, near St. Paul, Minnesota. Ruth Morstad, and husband, Clay Morstad, visited for two months in Holden, Missouri. Altha Archer DeCamp and husband, Walter DeCamp, "packed in" in the High Sierras, and went trout fishing. Then they went dove hunting at Tulare, California. Fern White spent the summer in Colorado. Fern teaches school in Santa Monica. Cecile Schlee Lawrence and husband, Howard Lawrence, spent a few days at Catalina Island. Carol Connon Colfax teaches high school classes at San Pedro, California. Betty Cunningham, one of our recent graduates, is teaching in Los Angeles. Dorothy Linden went a long way from home to teach. She is at the little town of Tehachapi, teaching the local high school population a variety of subjects. Tehachapi is noted for its heat in the summer, its cold in the winter, and an institution-the State Prison for Women. Florence Oberc, another recent graduate, is doing graduate work in education and teaching at the University of Southern California. Another graduate student is Ruth Plues, who rs studying at U. C. L. A. Argele Simpson, teaches at Oxnard, California. Betty Latimer is teaching at Colton, California. Doris Currier is working for an automobile company. BARBARA HELD.

MUNCIE, INDIAN A Finishing a series of rush parties that were full of fun and pep, the Muncie Alumna: chapter played hostess to Chi Chi chapter and their rushees at breakfast in the dining room of the Hotel Roberts on Sunday morning, September 17. Carmine Alvey, Betty Miller and Dorothy Montgomery were responsible for the inspiration of a Har-


vest Breakfast theme, and they had lots of fun along with thei r work of making plans and carrying out arrangements. A most attractive table was the result of their efforts. A profusion of fall colors-rust, orange, green and gold-was used in the decorations and table appointments, the tables being centered with large bowls of frui t and small pumkins. Extending the full length of the table were sprays of bright .autumn leaves, and marking each place was a small combined place card and program in the shape of an .autumn leaf in one of the chosen colors. At the place of eac h guest was a small pottery vase of green, yellow, or rust. The whole setting was made quite complete when the fifty girls in their fall clothes were .seated at the long table. The presence of Genevieve Leib, Betty Rice, Marie Kingdon, and Wilma Wolf, all of Indianapolis, who stayed over after their Mexican Round-up rush party on Saturday night, added greatly to the success of the party. Those of you who know Genevieve and Marie know the rush value of their contagious enthusiasm for Alpha Sigma Alpha. Betty Rice, Wilma Wolfe, .and Mrs. Whitcraft, Chi Chi chapter patroness, added their sparkling cheerfulness. The Muncie "alums" plan to give a party every year to help Chi Chi chapter with their rushing. There were times when the temperature rose to near the roo degree m ark during rush week that we wished we could "d itch" our harvest plans and take everyone out to the pool. Had the weather man warned us in July that September was to be our hottest month, we might have done something about it. However, we were thankful for an air-cooled dining room and made a mental note of possibilities for another year. ANNA MARIE yATES.

NEW YORK, N. Y. The Gotham chapter got off to a slow start this year. PHOEN IX deadline found us still at the post with a first fa ll meeting still unscheduled! Reason for the delay? Well "firstly" Ruth Heckman, our secretarytreasurer extraordinaire, packed up and moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, leaving her woes behind her. Getting her " replaced " certainly has slowed us down. Secondly-most of us have been catching a second breath between the season of Fair trotting and entertaining, and the season of Fall activities. So comes a lull . . . but we'll soon be on the go. We're anxious to hear what Gladys Young has to tell about pre-war Europe. She and Betty Stratemeir, from Buffalo, spent five weeks abroad this summer and got back on the "Queen Mary" just before the lid blew off over there. Dates with storm troopers, adventures in Paris, shopping in Switzerland, and bird hunting, ought to make interesting copy for a future PHoE IX contribution. ETHEL PETER 0 .

OXFORD, OHIO Friday night, eptember twenty-ninth, was a gala time for the members of the Oxford lumn;e g roup, fo r at that time they found themselves-twenty- ix


strong-at the home of Mrs. Zelma Sargeant Koh, in Middletown, Ohio. They had come from Cincinnati, Dayton, Troy, Miamisburg, Middletown, and Oxford. Quite a territory the girls decided, but what fun it was! A short business meeting was held at which time it was decided to have a luncheon, October twentyeighth, at Oxford to celebrate homecoming. After that bridge was supposed to be the main social attraction, but, really, everyone was busy talking to the girls she hadn 't seen for so long. When refreshment time came, for the benefit of all present each guest gave a brief life history telling when she was in school, where she now lives, and all about her husband, children, or vocation. In fact everyone had such a grand time that even those people from Troy and Cincinnati didn 't start home until twelvethirty. That fact alone proclaims a successful party, doesn't it? J NE H ARPSTER .

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA After a nice lazy summer for some of us and a very hard working one for those who weren't quite so fortunate, the Alpha Sig Alumn:e of Philadelphia and vicinity got together for our first meeting of the fall on October 6th. As we have done in the past we started off our year with a dinner ; a fine start too, with about thirty-five girls attending. This year we turned our clocks back and it just seemed as though we could see time rolling backwards as we all hurried to the place for our dinner. The dinner was held at the "Hearthstone" on Elfreth's Alley. The Hearthstone is an old, old house which has been turned into a tea room and still preserves some of it's very old fashioned dignity . J;:lfreth's Alley is really what we today would call an alley, although in preRevolutionary times it was quite a busy little street. The Alley is only one block long and has a tiny cobblestone street just wide enough for one car and has little hitching posts in front of each house. This is one of the really old sections of Philadelphia with all of the little houses, some over two hundred years old, sitting right on the street and ha vi ng tiny gardens in the rea r. People li vi ng on this little street have tried to preserve the character of what was once a ve ry nice residential section. Everyone was put in a very good humor by a very delicious dinner we had. For place cards we had small folders with tiny etchings of other historical landmarks of Philadelphia. ] nside the folders was the year's program. When dinner was ended and we were all feeling ve ry content with the world in general, a short business meeting wa held. Our first bit of business was the presenting of a lovely tray to our last yea r's president, Kay McCoy~ for her splendid work. We discussed our plans for the coming year which offer something for each month, namely: ovember 4, Formal Dance; December 12 Covered Dish Supper路 January 4, Card Party路 February, Pledge Tea; March 25, Business Meeting; April 25,



Dinner; May 25, Picnic. Now remember these dates we hope to be seeing you. ' With so many activities planned for the coming year, you can see that the Philadelphia Alumna: are going to be very busy again this year, and you'll be hearing more of us later. SALLY OGDEN.

PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA Out here in the Smoky City, the Alumna: chapter has been seeing so much activity we hardly know where to begin, so we'd better begin at the beginning and tell you that our luncheon for the active chapter from Indiana State Teachers College was a pretty fine affair. Twenty-three girls from Alpha Gamma chapter were guests at a luncheon high on the seventeenth floor of the University of Pittsburgh on April 16. Miss Ethel Belden, chapter adviser, and eight grand pledges were included in the guests. Following the luncheon we all walked it off again on a tour through the beautiful and interesting Nationality Rooms, a sight-seeing trip throughout the rest of the Cathedral of Learning, and a most thrilling visit to the new Heinz chapel on the grounds . Ada St. Clair was presented with the annual award made by the Pittsburgh alumna: chapter in the outstanding senior in Alpha Gamma. In May, the alumna: group enjoyed a luncheon meeting in the home of Monna Power prior to which we spent awhile in Monna's lovely garden. Jane Stoltz told us of her coming marriage and Monna asked that we all try to attend a picnic benefit for the Cardiac Children's Home at Lillian Rest. The group adopted the picnic as a philanthropic measure and we are proud to say that a goodly number were in attendence at Kennywood Park in June. And while we are talking about June, we must not forget the Wilson Ranch Rodeo which the chapter held in June. This affair was also attended by our husbands and "escorts" and what a marvelous time we had! Marian and Harlan Wilson turned over their grand farm to us for the entire day and we rode marvelous horses, visited the beautiful gardens and inspected the collection of antiques as well as looked at the prize cattle at the Ball Hereford farm which belongs to Marian's mother and father. When the more active members of our group had got their fill of riding it was close to sundown and we all gathered again to enjoy a sumptuous buffet supper. After dark we started on a treasure hunt. The guests paired off in twos, a gal and a man, and went in search of this imposing list of articles: a barb from a barb wire, a leaf from a nut tree, a black horse hair, a horse shoe, a chicken feather, a worm, a lightning bug, moss, lime or sand stone, locate a leek in the garden, five kernals of corn, and a four leaf clover. Now most of the things were only sort of difficult to find, but the three which caused the most wrinkled brows were the leek, chasing the fireflies, and trying to find a four lea( clover with the aid of flashlights. Try it some-

time! All in all it was a Lired, well-fed and happy group that agreed that it was the best picnic ever. Activities terminated for the summer with the picnic at Mi's. The current season opened in September with a picnic luncheon in Chatham Village picnic grounds from which we adjourned to the home of our president, Edith Simpson for a most interesting talk on "Flower Arrangement" by Mrs. Arthur J. Jackman, president of the Forest Hills Garden Club. We presented our bride, Jane Stoltz Cupples, with an hors d'ourve tray, and our wishes for much happiness. Our program committee presented all the members with clever scarlet and white yearbooks which outlined our program for the coming year. Our program includes an October meeting at the home of Jane Cupples to plan our Christmas philanthropic program, a Hallowe'en party (husbands and escorts included), a November trip to Indiana to spend Founder's Day with Alpha Gamma, our annual Christmas Party at the College Club, a January meeting at the home of Ann Viola, a Valentine dance, our March business meeting to be held at the Women's City Club, another April luncheon at the University of Pittsburgh for the Indiana chapter, a bridge luncheon at the home of Kay Davey in May, and last, a repeat of our June picnic at the country home of Marion Wilson. At our first meeting of this season we found a few little personal items which might interest you. Mabel Byers had a marvelous trip to the Coast returning by the Northern route through Banff and Lake Louise. Ginny Squires has become a neighbor of our president in Chatham Village, Bea Jeffries spent her vacation on the Atlantic shore, and Kay Davey took in the World's Fair. Last and best we heard that Mary Alice Ferguson is much improved after her long illness and we're looking forward to having her with us soon agam. VIRGINIA LEE STRAW.

PITTSBURG, KANSAS The first meeting of the year was held on the ninth of October, a dessert bridge. The dues this year are to be seventy-five cents-part of which has already been used to defray the expenses for the tea the alumna: gave for the undergraduate group during Rush Week. ANN PRELL.

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Omega Omega alums reverse the usual custom of school attendance-they go to school in the summer rather than during the winter. This summer so many of the girls were away from San Diego, there were hardly enough left to hold regular meetings. Bernice St. Clair and Ruth Walker attended the University of Southern California where they have begun work on their General Secondary Credentials. Ellen Christenson was there also, but she is special izing in library work. Audrey Peterson, our new president, continued her summer work at the University


of California at Berkeley. Lucile Zweck, forsook Califo rnia to go to Boulder, Colorado, to summer school. While in Colorado she saw nn Powell who was visi ting this summer in D enver. Ann, by the way, is very much pleased with her new position in one of the elementary schools in San Diego. She has been teaching fo r the past several years in Chula Vista . Margaret Standish_has just returned from a " real" vacation-she and four other girls drove to Vancouver, B. C., and back. She made us all envious in telling about the trip. Marion Campbell in her short vacation of three weeks, traveled to Yellowstone and Glacier ational Parks, and on the way home stopped at the Grand Coulee Dam and Mount Rainier. Margaret Basinger spends her summers working for her husband who runs sport fishing boats from San Diego. H elen Williams-Foote spent her summer at Redding, California, where her husband works . Before the sorority became so reduced in numbers fo r the summer, we had two meetings that were especially nice . Bernice St. Clair invited us to an outdoor supper around the huge outdoor fireplace at the home where she is living in Chula Vista . The Cafe del Rey Mora in beautiful Balboa Park in San Diego, was the scene of a luncheon last May in honor of the g irls who were returning home from school. Some of the alums can't resist school even during the regular session. Cleo Tilton has returned to the Uni versity of California at Berkeley, to continue work on her Master's Degree. Bernita Offerman, Rosemary Zinkand, and Ruth Bradley have returned to San Diego State College to further their education. All three gi rls are graduates of State, but apparently feel that they have not learned everything possible, as yet. MARGARET BAsi GER and MARIAN C AMPBELL.

rate first prize with two weddings and a birth all within three months. Can any of you beat it--considering our small group? At any rate all these evenls have kept us on our toes with no time allowed for vacation . In August we gave an evening party for Marjorie and a baby shower for Veda. Mrs. Osmun ery graciously offered her home for this meeting. After spending several delightful hours together we were served with a most appetizing "midnight" lunch. Our scheduled September meeting night found the thermometer hovering around the hundred mark, but Grace Ringman, our hostess, made us feel quite comfortable with fans going continuously and cold drinks being served at intervals. We even played some briclge after the regular business meeting. Vacations were discussed, the most lengthy one being that taken by Grace Haworth and her husband , covering 4,8oo miles of western country including the Bad Lands and Black Hills of South Dakota; Shoshone Canyon and Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming; Salt Lake City, Utah; D enver, and Colorado Springs, Colorado; Hannibal, Missouri, and Springfield, Illinois. Martha Condit " honeymooned" in Michigan, and Helen Cook enjoyed a delightful trip in Pennsylvania. We are sorry to report the loss of two of our most loyal alumn<e. Margaret Laycock House is living in Newark this year and Marjorie Rairdon Fuller is living in Columbus where her husband is completing his college work at Ohio State University . We hope the Columbus Alumn;e chapter will contact thesl! girls. Our next meeting will be October 20th, with Clara Kuney as hostess. We will give you all the " hig h lights" of this meeting in our next letter. GRACE F LTZ H AWORTH.



News, news and more news comes from Toledo Alumn;e chapter since the last issue of the PHOENix! Our May meeting was really an importa nt and thrilling one, fo r not only was there a n election of officers but an engagement announcement. Martha Tom announced her engagement to George Willison Condit, w hich came as a complete surprise to all of us. Mrs. Olen Osmun was hostess and served a delicious lunch after an evening of a little bridge a nd much talk on the side. Our June get-together was a n attracti ve luncheon a nd shower for Martha Tom Condit at the Tally-Ho Tea Room . We were very happy to have Mrs . William Brown (Kathryn Long, Alpha Alpha) of Bryan, O hio, a nd Mrs. Philip H askell (Ruth Keller, Alpha lpha) of Greenfield, Ohio as guests, both gi rls bei ng fo rmer members of our alumn;e chapter. More thrill s came in Jul y w hen we heard about the new boy baby who had arri ved in the home of Mr. and Mr . Robert Linville ( eda Cliser Phi Phi) and the betrothal of Marjorie Rairdon ( lpha lpha) to Kenneth Montgomery Fuller. We are su re we will

F all activities for the Tulsa Alumn;e chapter were started with a "coffee," Saturday, September 3oth, at the home of Mrs. H. S. Darby, 1240 South Gary, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Plans fo r the November activity were discussed, w hich will be a dinner at Old English Inn on Saturday, November 18th. There will be a discussion on the mea ning of Founders Day, led by Julia Christie. Our g roup is like unto a n oak tree. First we were an acorn, now we are a sapling, with aspirations to seek and trusting that we shall attain the strength of the mature oak. Mrs. Frank Kuhn lost her husband during the month of August. She is one of our charter Alumn;e members. She has our deepest sympathy. R E A MAE Lo G.

WICHITA, KANSAS The last meeting of Wichita lumn;e chapter of lpha Sigma lpha last spring was a covered dish dinner at the home of the reti ring president, Frances




Putnam, at w hich most of the members were present. On August 29, a steak fry was held in honor of Winifred Burkhardt and her famil y, who moved to West Virginia . We shall surely miss Winifred, as she was always a loyal and active member of our group. An attractive gift was presented to Winifred on this occaswn. Wichita Alpha Sigma Alp ha Alumna: have gone in for steak frys in a big way this fall-probably because Gladys Carr has such a magnificent back yard, all equipped with a natural stone fireplace which makes an ideal place for such affairs. O ur first regular meeting this fall was another delightful steak fry at her home, w hen Belle Jane (Rackley) Martin and Evdyn Halderman assisted Gladys as hostesses . T his was a family affair, a nd it is putting it m ildly to say we had a good time . On September 3, another fa rewell party was held, this time fo r Mary Alice Hamilton and her family,

who are moving to Kansas City, Missouri. Mary Alice was largely responsible for the organization of Wichita Alumna: chapter, and it was hard to say "good-bye". Our loss is the Kansas City group's gain, however. We gave Mary Alice a gift "to remember us by." Although we lost two active members, we have also gained others, as Lois Weeks, Erma Coffee, and Margaret Ann Weaver, all of Eta Eta chapter, are affiliating themselves with our group, and Beryl Fisher, who has not been working with us for several years, returned at our first meeting. Plans fo r the year are still incomplete, but our membershi p of about twenty-five is very enthusiastic, and great things are expected . First of all we hope to make some money by means of a rummage sale early next month. Our next meeting will carry out the Hallowe'en motif-but more about that next time! MARGARET ABILGAARD.

Summary of Annual Efficiency Reports 1939-1940 Alpha .... . .. . .. . ... . .... . .......... . 89.6 Alpha Beta ..... . . . .. . . . ..... . ........ 97. Alpha Gamma ... . ..... . .. .. ... .. ..... 100 Beta Beta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96. Gamma Gamma ... . ....... . ........... 97.5 Epsilon Epsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.2 Zeta Zeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86. Eta Eta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96.2 Theta T heta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88.4 Kappa Kappa .. . . . . . . . ...... . .. ... ... . 95. Mu Mu ...... . ....... . .......... . . . .. 91. Nu Nu .... . ..... . .... . .......... . ... 98. Xi X i . . . . .. ... . . ...... . ......... . . . . 73. Pi Pi ....... . .... . . . ... . . .. .......... 100 Rho Rho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88.3 Sigma Sigma ... .. . . .......... . ...... . 97.8 Tau Tau . .. . .... . ... . ...... . ....... . . 99.3 Phi P hi . .. . ......................... . 95.47 Chi Chi ................. . .......... . . 95.1 Psi Psi ...... . ....... . ... . .. . .... . .. . 99.1 Beta Gamma ... . ........... . ... . .... . 85. Beta Delta ................. . .. .. .. . . 路 93.3



News Letters-College Chapters ALPHA State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia

The members of Alpha chapter have been back at Farmville for about three weeks, now, and we're pretty well settled . There are about twenty-four Alpha Sigs at present because we do not have rushing until later on in the year. We had our first tea last Sunday and of course we're already discussing the new girls . W e hope to get a lot of attractive pledges. We had our summer house party at Virginia Beach the last week in June. Naturally, we couldn't all be be there but about twenty of us went and had a wonderful time. Several of the old gi rl s came and we all enjoyed getting to know them. Miss Moran, our adviser, spent some time in Europe this summer and we're hoping that she will tell us all about it at one of our social meetings soon. There'll be more news later when we've been back at school longer. M ARY A. M AH O E, Editor.

The Farmville S. T. C. Dra mat ic Club As this year's president of the Farmville State Teachers Dramatic Club is Shi rley Stephens, one of Alpha's seniors, you other Alpha Sigs should be interested in the Dramatic Club. Thi s being a teacher training institution, one of the main objectives of the Dramatic Club is to turn out m embers who will be capable of producing plays or pagea nts when they become teac hers. The Club is divided into groups according to the different phases of play production. These are acting, stagi ng, property, lig hting, costuming, make-up, music, bu si ness a nd publicity groups. A new student who wishes to become a member of the Dramatic Club serves a four months' apprentice period in the group in which she is most interested . She takes cl asses from the group leader and has practical ex perience working on pl ays. At the end of the apprentice period she takes a n examination on her subject a nd may become a member, if passed on by the Club. The Club puts on two big plays each year, one in the fa ll and one in the spring. These plays are given in conjunction wi th the students of H ampden-Sydney College, a men's college located only a few miles away . The g irl s make the costumes, the sets, a nd work their own li g hting. The play fo r this fa ll is " D ear Brutus" by Barrie. In the last few yea r "Ma ry of Scotland," "Outward Bound' and "The C radle Song" and "Tavarich" have bee n produced . The Dramatic Club also spon ors a one-act play contest each year in which the smaller Vi rg ini a high chools compete. There are usually abou t fiftee n school competing and the conte t lasts for three days. mith another lpha ig is in charge of the Pats play cont et.

ALPHA BETA State Teachers College, K ir ksville, Missouri

This summer there were seventeen active members, our largest in several years . O u r social fu nctions were two grand swim parties and one radio dance. At Baring Lake, we had fun swimming, boat riding, playing tennis and dancing. Afterwards-the picnic supper! It was grand! At La Plata Lake there was still more fun packed in lunch baskets as well as in the water and on the playgrounds. The radio dance was in Sociability Hall the gathering spot for informal entertainments. Our guest that evening was our sponsor's niece, Miss farjorie Zoller. At sorority meeting one evening, Miss Lora MaGee spoke to us on "Textiles in the Bible." Miss MaGee is head of the Home Economics department of the College and through her interest in Biblical materials, brought to us valuable information . This fall, we banged off with twenty-two active members. Mary Jane Bowli ng and June Western were elected as Registrar and Editor to fill positions made vacant by officers who did not return to school. Seventy-five girls were present at our get-acquainted pre-rush party. We played all sorts of ga mes as bridge, Chinese checkers, pick-up-sticks and stu ffed ourselves with popcorn, apples and home made candy. T he highlights of the evening were technicolor mov ies of our campus and out-of-state scenes. We are now making invitations to our annual Gypsy Rush Dance. They are gypsy girls drawn with features in black ink, dresses of red ribbon striped with white and bandanas of red in keeping with gypsy costumes. Dance programs are -to be cut from autumn tinted paper in shapes of mapl e leaves and will be held together with thorns. J W rd 路 UNE ESTERN, c t!Or.

ALPHA GAMMA State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania

ow that we are firm! y settl ed down to another semester of work and of course orority li fe we sit back dreamily and recall the events of the past spnn,e and summer. On aturday morning, A pril 15, about twent y-ei;.;ht vivacious Alpha Sigs boarded the school bus fo r the seventy-mil e trip to Pittsburg h w here the Al umn a: chapter entertai ned us at a luncheon. This was held in the Faculty Club of the University of Pittsburgh which is on the seve nteenth floor of the at hedral of Lea rning. After the luncheon at the short business meeting we were introduced to the Al umna: chapter officers. Ada St. Clai r, our pre ident was prese nted wi th five dollars w hich i to be applied toward life membership in Alpha Sigma Alpha. This gift is awa rded each yea r to the senior lpha Sig w ho, in the opinion of her sisters has done most fo r lpha igma Alpha. Our geni al hostesse had arranged fo r athed ral of Learning a g uided tour through the



which we all enjoyed immensely. We had a bird 's eye view of Pittsburgh 's surroundings from the thirtysixth floor of the Cathedral and after returning to terra firma we crossed the campus to visit the Heinz Memorial Chapel. Non-sectarian services are conducted in this chapel for the Pitt students. As some of the girls had to hurry back to Indiana for the Junior Prom we left our hostesses in mid-afternoon. However we are looking forward to seeing our alumna: sisters in November at the Founders' Day Luncheon. On Thursday, April 27, at twilight, the Panhellenic association at Indiana held its installation services. Helen Strassner, an Alpha Sig is the president of Panhellenic this year. On the evening of May 4 we held initiation services at Ada St. Clair's home. After the service we socialized over the refreshments. Wini Eitneier, who was just initiated has been elected president of the Home Economics Club. Alarm bells were pealing in all Alpha Sig rooms at the unearthly hour of six o'clock on the morning of May 13. The event was our senior breakfast which was held at Mrs. Thompson's home in town. The more ambitious girls hiked in the hills around Indiana for quite a while before breakfast which they proved by their appetites. The bacon and waffies disappeared like smoke when we famished Alpha Sigs sat down to eat. However it seems that Mrs. Thompson who has entertained us at Senior breakfast for many years, had anticipated the appetites of we Alpha Sigs and had provided for such an emergency; because miraculously enough more and more food kept appearing. But we had to call a halt sometime because those who had eight o'clocks, had to return to school. The evening of May 18 we held pledge services for Marjorie Cline, a sophomore Secondary Education student, and Eleanor Shaffer, a freshman Home Economics student. We all were so happy to receive these grand girls into Alpha Sigma Alpha. May 23 we bid goodbye to our sisters with many promises of visits and letters. The summer of 1939 found the Alpha Sigs very busy girls. June Wilgus the thespian of our sorority spent her summer in a summer stock theater in up-state New York. Three of our sisters found that education lured them back to summer school, with Pennsylvania State College claiming Marjorie Cline, Alice Moorhead returning to Indiana and Gwen Griffith commuting to the University of Pittsburgh. Jean Liddicoat who is a Junior Home Ec. spent six weeks of her vacation as a student dietitian in the Brownsville General Hospital. Several of the girls spent a week together at the seashore. At our first meeting this fall we had loads to tell about our vacations. Many of the girls had visited the New York World's Fair so we much in common to talk about. Quite a few of our seniors are doing their student teaching off campus this semester. Lorma Querry, Jo Okerburg, Ruth Noble and Mildred Baumgardner are our student teachers although they come back to school to see us whenever they have a chance. GwENDOL Y ' GRIFFITH, Editor.

35 BETA BETA Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado

Reflections are wonderh1l historians, aren't they?

If we look back into the mirror of the past, we can't help seeing once again all the happy times we've had m our chapter rooms--at our dances and parties-and those marvelous friendships that our sorority has made possible. Today I am looking backward to a lovely summer afternoon in August when a group of us-twentytwo in all-met in D enver fo r a luncheon and a matinee theater party. It seemed so nice to see everyone again! Then, another reflection-a cool evening in late September at the house. School just didn't seem the same somehow. Everywhere new faces-but that just held a promise for the future for we hope to add many names to our roll for this year. We had a very delightful "renewing friendship" party and then discussed plans for Homecoming. Our choice for Homecoming Queen this year is Doris Sunderlin. She is an extremely attractive girl with golden-red hair and perfect style and poise. We all hope that in the reflections of the future she may add one more jewel in the crown of Queens. May all of you have a perfectly grand year and win many praises for our sorority! LYDI A ANN CICMANEC,


GAMMA GAMMA Northwestern State Teachers College, Alva, Oklahoma

This year's rush season was started with a Panhellenic Tea for all new girls attending Northwestern State College. The presidents of the four sororities stood in the receiving line. They also presided at the serving table. "College Night" was the theme used at an informal rush party given in Bell Hotel. The room was decorated in red and black streamers with red paper footballs and balloons suspended from them. The guests registered as they entered and then proceded through the four years of College in relay games. At the close of the evening popcorn, frankfurters and pop were served. For our formal, we used our annual theme, the Black Diamond. The dining hall was dimly lighted with tall black tapers, while sorority crests covered the lights . Places were marked with diamond-shaped nut cups. All guests were presented with plaques of Jesse Dunn hall, wrapped in black and gold cellophane. Colorful programs added to the attractiveness of the long tables. Erl Lene Cline, president of the college chapter, acting as toastmistress, spoke on "Brilliant Crystals." Further emphasizing the theme, Electa Lee Montgomery played "Rippling Gems." The president of the alumna:, Miss Alma Lois Rodgers, gave the talk


on "Sparkling Jewels" which was followed by a whistling solo by Mrs. Hollis Warrick, one of the patronesses. A hilarious carnival at the attractively decorated Elk's hall concluded the evening . Guests received clever hats, noisemakers, serpentine and confetti. Several freak booths, bingo, a fishing pond, and fortune telling entertained the girls. Punch was served throughout the evening. To climax one of the most unusual rush seasons, we were able to report the acceptance of twenty pledges, bringing the roll of Gamma Gamma chapter to forty-two members, the most in its history. Formal pledge services were held October 10. Miss Minnie Shockley, Dean of Women at Northwestern State College, again brought honor to the sorority to which she was a charter member, when the Board of Regents voted to name the new Girls' Residnt Hall "Minnie Shockley Hall." A large portrait will be placed in the Hall at the formal opening by the Senior class of 1939· Plans for the annual Homecoming Celebration and Parade were decidedly changed this year. All of the sororities of the Northwestern State College decided to merge in building a Panhellenic float in an effort of further cooperation and good feeling among the sororities. During Homecoming the Alumna: of Gamma Gamma chapter plan to have open house to entertain sorority visitors at the home of Alma Parrish. LEOTA LEEPER,


EPSILON EPSILON Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas

One of the most successful rush seasons in its history is Epsilon Epsilon's claim for the fall of 1939. Under the supervision of Helen Tubbs, junior from Washington, Kansas, every active member did her part in carrying out the best style of A. S. A. rushing tactics, and as a result the nineteen most desirable girls on the campus attended the preferential dinner. An excellent start was made before school ever opened when the actives living in the House all returned early to get the House in tip-top shape. Every room was repainted a nd redecorated, the girls doing most of the manual labor as well as the planning . The opening rush party was an evening of bridge called "Cuttin' Capers," a nd was followed by an equally successful party named "Club Comique" which was a carnival idea carried out all the way from bingo stands to hot dogs and soda pop. The closing party, a dance, we called "Hues of Hawaii ," a nd fea tured palm tree decorations a nd lei for each gi rl to wear. Now that things are under way, Alpha Sigs, as usual , are into and a part of all campus activities, and under the gui dance of Dorothea Abilgaard, senior from Oxford, Kansas, as Pres ident (whose sister Margaret headed . S. . four years ago) we feel confident of a real ly wonderful year fo r the Emporia State chapter. BETTY Lou KILL E, Editor.

ETA ETA State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas

Since our last letter the Eta Eta girls have been very busy and doing various things. On Sunday, May 28, the seniors and the parents were entertained with a breakfast in the Arabian Room of the Hotel Besse. The senior girls: Waldine Cavanagh, Mildred Clift, Dorothy June Eyman, Mona Mae Buffington, Cora Montgomery, Mary Alice Montgomery, and Helen Taylor, were presented with necklaces with the Alpha crest. On Monday evening, we held our spring formal. The theme carried out was of the New York and San Francisco Fairs. Nadine was in charge and had painted scenes from the two fairs. The dance was held at the Lincoln Park pavilion and afterwards we took our dates to the Arabian room for supper. School was out the first of June and many of us left for the summer. The town girls and those in summer school held meetings throughout the summer. Summer homecoming was the 14th and 15th of July. On Friday we had a dinner dance at Sagamont, a resort south of Joplin. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Perva Hughes and Miss Eulalia Roseberry, two of our sponsors, gave a reception in honor of Dr. Jane M. Carroll, another sponsor who received her doctor's degree last winter. Many of the alumna:, actives, and patronesses were there. All the Eta Eta girls presented Dr. Carroll with a set of luggage. That evening there was a dinner at the Hotel Besse, closing the homecoming affairs . Local Panhellenic limited us to two rush parties during the summer. The first rush party was held at Jane's cabin, Red Oak Lodge. There were thirtyfour r~shees present. The girls .swam, played crocquet, and pitched darts. Later a picnic supper was served . The last summer rush party was a carnival party at Delores'. The carnival theme was carried out in the booths and amusements. The main attraction was the fortune teller. During August, the sorority house was redecorated. The rooms were repapered and the floors refinished. New curtains, chair and couch covers were made for each of the rooms upstairs. New drapes were also made for the parlor. The town girls, alumna:, and patronesses did the work on the curtains and covers. All of us are very proud of the house and in the near fut ure we're having open house to show it off to the campus. On Sunday, the roth of September, we had a mother-daughter tea for the ru shees and their mothers. It was held at the house. Mrs. C. F. Spencer and Mrs. Hug hes presided at the tea table. Little sleep was gotten by anyone the nig ht of the slumber party. There were fo rty here that night and s~veral of the rushees had the desire to stay up all mght. Mr . Robert Lemon entertai ned the group at break fa t the next morning. ~riv_ing in true western style with a roaming cow. g•rl s•ngmg to them, the rushees came in a wagon for




the barbecue and round-up in the patio of Mrs . Jack Clemens' home. The Mighty Alpha Art Players gave a melodrama, "The Shooting of Dan McGrew," Beverly read the poem as the others pantomimed. Irene was Dan McGrew; Betty Davis, Lady Lou; Betty Jo, the Stranger. Betty Jo and Nadine sang "Ragtime Cowboy Joe" which they are still being asked to sing. Collegianne was the theme of our formal rush activities. The alumna: gave the tea at the home of Mrs. C. F. Spencer. Barbara Thiesing, alumna played throughout the afternoon . "Life in the Rah" was the theme of the banquet. Replicas of the buildings on the oval of the campus formed the center-pieces of the tables. Miniature slates were the place cards for the rushees. The rushees were given evening bags as favors. After the dinner and the program the girls were taken to Mrs. K. A. Spencer's home for coffee. Before twelve the rushees were hurried home and then the actives returned to the house to hold a meeting to vote on the girls. After the meeting we all went to the Beehive for breakfast. Most of us were in bed by four. On Monday we found out that we had twenty-two pledges. We are really proud of our new pledges. We feel that we have the best of the new girls. Our house is full. Last night we held formal pledge service in the social room of Carney Hall. We gave our little sisters corsages. After the pledging we took the pledges out for refreshments. Now the sorority is busy working on plans for the homecoming decorations. MARY KAY REIFF,


P. S.-We'd like to see a group of the Alpha Sigs from Emporia over for the Thanksgiving game.

THETA THETA School of Education Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts

As Nature changes her beautiful foliage, Theta Theta turns back her leaves to the memorable Senior Week. The moonlight sail to Provincetown was the outstanding event. These memories evoked, bring to mind the enjoyable evening spent by our members at Seiler's "r775" House in Concord, Massachusetts. We were the guests of Miss Bragg, our most gracious faculty adviser and friend. The installation of officers took place before the dinner. Commencement exercises and all its splendor lessened our numbers. To our seven graduating sorority sisters we bade adieux. 路 Vacation time came. To many this brought the wonders of the World's Fair, the enjoyment of the sea, the mountains and travel. Mid-September found school reopening. New acquaintances were made and old ones renewed. From this large group will come recruits for the coming year. Theta Theta will entertain prospective members at a tea on October 28, at the School of Education. The new members will be initiated on November 9, at the Boston University Women's Building. A banquet will follow the initiation of the new members.

Our president Anna Louise Day will not preside, as she is recuperating from a recent operation. With our activities begun, Theta Theta Chapter marches on. MARTHA KELLY,


KAPPA KAPPA Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Kappa Kappa's were especially glad to be welcomed back to school by Mother Clark this year, for she didn't dock safely in New . York from England until September r8. School started with plenty of paint, drapes, and news about vacations. Alvadee Hutton, our president, spent it on the S. S. Santa Elena, a Grace liner to South America; Helen Ritter spent her summer running a guest house in Sullivan Harbor, Maine; and Adviser Helen Corey came home from her vacation in the State of Washington. Camp counselors Jane Evans, Ellen McConnell, and Betty Hardy looked brown and healthy after their summer's work, and Betty Woodman returned after a summer in the Philadelphia Osteopathic Hospital where she was dietitian. Charlotte Kreibel was kept busy writing features for two newspapers at once, and orange blossoms were strewn for Ellen Hetzel and Peggy Delaney. And now for this year. Alumni H9mecoming and fall rushing are arriving just a week apart and maybe the Kappa Kappas aren't going to be kept stepping with a house exhibition and informal pajama party scheduled for Friday night, October r 3, a parade Saturday morning, football game with Texas Christian in the afternoon, formal dinner and dance with the Alums in the evening. Our fall rush party on October 21 is going to be rustic with plenty of hay, Virginia reels, and cider. A tea is also planned in honor of Temple house mothers in the near future. After that the actives can settle down to their arduous duties, and as usual, they hold top spots on the Temple campus. Ellen McConnell is president of Women's Chorus, Dorothea Dodd presides over the Panhellenic Association, Dorothy Alcorn is president of Beta路 Gamma Sigma, honorary commerce fraternity, while Alvadee Hutton, Dorothea Dodd, Dorothy Alcorn and Marge Block are officers in Magnet and Astron Senior Honor Societies. Evelyn Wolf and Alvadee Hutton are corresponding and recording secretaries for Student Commission of which Frances Perry is a member. We are looking forward to a great year, and it really can't be anything but successful with Adviser Helen Corey backing us up with just the kind of "pep and go" for a grand and glorious time. More in February, and meanwhile the best of luck to the Alpha Sigs in all they do. MARJORIE BLocK,


MUMU Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan

A lot has happened since we last wrote. The merger was held just before school was out. And then, we had a picnic at Mrs. Kennedy's home. We scattered throughout the United States during the sum-


mer but kept in touch with each other with a round robin letter. Some of the girls managed to get back to a picnic in July at the home of Ruth Wardle, here in Ypsi. We have a new house this year, and five of us are living in it. We are busy rushing right now, and hope to have a lot of new pledges. Helen Berger .is our Rush Captain and is doing a good job of tt! And right on top of Rushing comes Homecoming. Anne Frankenberry is in charge of the Boat. We are expecting a lot of the girls back for it. Saturday, October 7, the active chapter went to Detroit and held formal initiation for twenty-eight Delta Phi alumn<e. After the initiation sen路ice, tea was served with bridge following. Lois Reilly is at Western Reserve this year, working for a library science degree . Most of the other graduates have teaching positions this year. We're sorry that Marjorie Delaforce is not on our campus this year. She has a secretarial position h~ r~ in Ypsi though, so we see her quite often. And, how could we forget! Mrs. Vivian Gowdy Esterline is the proud mamma of a seven-pound boy. MYRTLE W ARNER, Editor.

At the Polls In the executive department, Alpha Sig's also hold their own. It was one grand landslide in the Y. W. C. A. for all officers are u Nu girls. We have Jane Pryse, President; Marion Powell, Vice-President; Betty Barringer, Secretary; and Betty Shone, Treasurer. Along athletic lines, Dot Hutton and Marion Powell were elected President and Vice-President, respectively, of the Women's Athletic Association. Betty Barringer, Jinny Boyer, and Marion Powell are now on the Student Government Council. As President of all sororities at Drexel, Beth Reese does a good job. She is one of our " up and coming" stars. Alpha Sigs also hold offices in all the classes. So-Long Seniors Near the end of May, we all got together at the Ingle-Neuk Tea Room for our Farewell Dinner. Over the coffee cups, we had speeches and songs. Each senior read a limerick written especially for her. The Farewell Dinner was held at the Saturday Club early in June . We all had a marvelous time, even though we did get stuck with a cover charge after the midnight snack.

Nu Nu's Week-ends NUNU Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

It is grand to be back in school and see our A . S. A. friends again . Since our last diary delvings, we have come a long way. Summer was work for some but rest for others. We all had a good time, though. Now to get our events in order and start Nu Nu's ball rolling.

Awards on Institute Day Shall we start with our honors and awards? A scholastic contest was seemingly staged between Jinny Bounds and Dot Ritchie for their awards numbered two and three respectively. Not only did they share the scholarship award, but also they took the Daughters of the American Revolution Award . Dot was honored with the Key and Triangle Award which is gi ven to the woman candidate for a degree who has maintained a high degree of scholarship and who has bee n a leader in social and cultural circles. Helen Buck, another of our graduates, recei ved the J. Peterson Ryder Award for her leadership in extra-curri cular acti viti es. W e are proud to say that the u u girls were prese nted with the Panhellenic Scholarship Cup. We "out-studied" the three other sororities at Drexel T ech. If we kee p up the good work, in two years the cup is our permanentl y. ow fo r the underclassmen. Betty D englinger was give n the Charles E . E tting Schol arshi p. The Belle . Mathe on cholarship was granted to Jean All en. o you see that, although we miss our ex-seniors cholastic standing we sti ll have a reserve suppl y. W e are working hard to uphold lpha Sigma Alpha's schola tic ta nd ards.

About twenty of our girls went down to the shore in May for a week-end. They came back with term papers completed. That wasn't all they brought back. Each brought: one red nose, one sore back, and two stiff legs. What a sight they were in school next day. Everyone knew the Alpha Sigs then. Expensive publicity!

Good News Mixed with the Sad We were all surprised, happy, but sad when Miss Jean Richmond, our adviser, announced that she must resign the post she held so capably for ten years. She was married on September 26, 1939; therefore, she will not return to Drexel or to Nu Nu. We shall always remember the dignity she gave the sorority. With heavy hearts, we salute her as we say, " It has been both an honor and a pleasure to work with you and we shall always remember your flawless advice. We drink a toast to your future-may it be over the rainbow." Now we have a new pilot at our helm. She is Miss Natalie Edwa rds, also a member of the faculty in the School of Home Economics. Mi ss Edwards is an Alpha Sig, and was in our chapter when in college. Satisfied, we rela x with the assurance of security in her hands. "Welcome home, Mi ss Ed wards." M ARIO PowELL, Editor.

Life Li fe is an interlude between memory a nd anti cipation. ETT






XI XI University of California at Los Angeles

39 We look forward now to formal rush, near the end of the month, when we meet our charming guests again-and to initiation, and another PHOEN IX, and a new year in Alpha Sigma Alpha. JA NE GI LLIAT, Editor.

RHO RHO Marshall College, Huntington, West Virginia

Members of Xi Xi Chapter

PI PI Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York

We remember, come Fall . . . . 'Way back last May, Pi Pi trotted down the Avenue to its Spring Dance at the Buffalo Consistory. The programs were especially intriguing, and ~e're told the whole dance was very very enjoyable. Having fallen ill with, horrors, the chicken pox, the silly old editor had to trust to happy stories of the affair, and the gleam of gay remembrance in the sisters' eyes. Slightly later in May, we took our mothers to the Y residence for tea on Mothers' Day. As always, it was pleasant to the n'th to introduce our handsome mothers to our charming sisters. And then in June, came House Party to drown our post-exam sorrow. We held forth at Shore Meadows, where the bold swam, the Home Economics students ate a few General College dinners, Betty Mallue went Hawaiian and Virginia Dittmer gooney on stunt night, and all the erring were tried in court on the last day. The most heinous offense, if we can print it, was that of Kay Burlingame, who arrived on the first day of the party with a backyard sun tan . It was a mite sad, as ever, saying farewell to our seniors, who have gone out to teach Likely Youth. Then, of course, came September, and college opened, albeit a week late because of an epidemic in town. The informal rush party committee took advantage of the extra time, and got to work on party plans. The party came off Under Water, at Chilly Childress's home. A mammoth fish net which extended around a whole room, was baited with amazing specimens of undersea flora and fauna. All, upon entering, were given goggles to enable them to see clearly under water. These had blue lenses, and the girl 's name in big letters on the rims. After games, all gathered around to sing sea-going songs, and to see a play with a title and tht路ee sub-titles-the title of which was "Royster the Oyster Mussels In." Favors were small bowls containing two live goldfish-to feed, not to swallow! Lusty congratulations to Ruth Albright, general chairman.

It certainly is a pleasure to be back to school again and associate with the sorority girls. We actives enjoyed rushing day very much and awaited the results with anticipation . We are quite pleased with the results. Seven girls are to be pledged next Monday. Naturally we wanted many more, but since our active group is so small, we were really surprised-and happy-to get seven. We are expecting more girls to pledge during open rushing. Miss Helen Jean Osborne has enrolled in Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, where she is majoring in Pediatrics. Helen Jean was a member of Rho Rho chapter at Marshall College and also of the Huntington Alumna: chapter. This summer I had the opportunity of attending Abilene Christian College in Abilene, Texas. "A. C. C.," as we call it, is a Church of Christ school with an average enrollment of about eight hundred students. These students come not only from all over the United States but there are a few who have been missionaries in Africa and Australia. The thing we call "school spirit" is very noticeable in A. C. C. There seems to be a certain friendliness and mutual affection among the students that is hard to find elsewhere. Texas, as everybody knows, is a huge place. But until I got there I didn't realize that the wind blows all the time . In conversation with a friend I once said, "One thing I can't get used to here is the breeze." "Breeze," she laughed. "We call it wind." I did, too, after that. I had many interesting experiences during my stay in Texas. So many that I could almost write a book about it, but perhaps I'd better not! One of my happiest moments came when I actually sat in the grandstand and witnessed a t路eal rodeo. I had lived for that moment ever since I studied geography in the grades. Now that the time had really come I could hardly believe it was true; but finally I came to realize that one's childhood dreams sometimes materialize. I will always remember Texas and my friends and associates in Abilene Christian College; such pleasant EsTHER BoYCE, Editor. experiences live forever.

SIGMA SIGMA Western State College, Gunnison, ColQrado

Although our chapter is inactive during the summer months, our local alumna: gave those of us who were here a grand moonlight picnic at a nearby resort. A specialty of this locality, mountain trout, was served at the informal dinner and swimming in the large indoor pool was the favorite sport of the evening.


All members report a glorious summer vacation. Several of the girls made trips to one or the other of the world fairs; those of us who stayed home thoroughly enjoyed our own mountains and some of us traveled into the high country to make motion pictures fo r Fix Movietone. Rush season is in full swi ng now and our first party was ca rri ed out in a "footballi sh' theme. The games played were divided into quarters and a half, with the dinner at the end being a "Touchdown Supper." Prospects look very encou raging for a larger Sigma Sigma EvELY SLA E, Editor. chapter of A . S. A .

TAU TAU Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas

A nother school year is in progress, and we see new faces in the classroom and on the campus. Amid the more serious thoughts of studying we pause for a few fo nd recollections of the social activities we have been enjoying. Since last May quite a few pleasant things have been happening. The memories of our Spring fo rmal still linger. We had as our motif a sweetheart party and the recreation room of the Lamer was cleverly decorated. On one side of the room on the stage there was a large pink and w hite heart with sweetheart sil houettes. To the right a winking moon looked down on the silhouettes. Pink and white streamers draped the ceiling fo rming a large heart at the center. We heard from a very reliable source, that it was one of the nicest parties of the year. W e had a local convention of the alumna: and active members of our chapter in July . Registration in the morning was followed by a luncheon at noon and a business meeting in the afternoon. It was quite a bit of fun meeting the old members of Tau Tau chapter. In the latter part of August we had a lot of fun at a picnic we gave for prospecti ve rushees. Weinies, marshmallows, a big fire and a grand time was had by all. After the picnic we jumped into our cars a nd rode around singing (not bad singi ng either, I must say) our Alpha songs. Our annual Pa n hellenic tea the first week of school fo r all the girls on the campus was one afternoon well spent. There was such a lovely group of girls at the tea. Rush week ( rightly named, I'm su re) was quite different this year because we who were rushed last year, did the rushing this year. Our informal rush party was quite a success. We had a carnival party w ith a fortune teller, bingo stand, penny-throw game, pink lemonade, hot dogs, and imitation money with . S. A. pri nted on it. It was like a ge nuine carnival a nd everyone seemed to have such a good time. But I fo rgot to mention the best pa rt of our pa rty-the lovely novelty favors which were obtained at the fish pond (which I also neglected to mention). The favors were cute little cocktail shakers with perfume for the cocktail and bath salts in place of the ice. Our invitations were printed as hand bills with illustrations typical of a carnival.

Our formal rush dinner was progressive, startin ~ with cocktails at the home of one of our patronesses, Mrs. Linus Jacobs, followed by the main course at the Lamer Hotel and ending with the dessert at another patronesses' home, that of Mrs. R. S. Markwell. As favors we had leather hand-tooled coi n purses with the letters A. S. A. on the back . The next morning we got up with the growing excitement and thrill of seeing our new pledges-to-be. When the new pledges came to our sorority house, we welcomed them with open arms. There crrtainly is quality to these new members of A. S. A. We had pledging service that morning and later had a luncheon fo r our new pledges. We are looking fo rward to our informal party and our winter fo rmal, which are not fa r off as indicated on our date calendar. More will be said about these in the next edition of the PHOENIX. BERNICE BETTI-IOUSER, Editor.

Pledge Day To my knowledge, I can recall nothing so impressive, so fascinating as my pledge day. On Saturday, the last day of rush week, I went to a designated building on the campus to choose the sorority with which I would be the happiest. O r course, there were none to compare with the Alphas, and I hold that thought now, only with a more positive feeling. In my estimation, all the girls are "tops" . I love each and every one of them . They are such a congenial group of girls and on the day of my pledging they welcomed me and the fellow pledges with open arms and an air of hospitality. Of course, there was the usual conversation and this was followed by our pledge services. We even stood there in awe, starry-eyed, and quite happy. The pledge services were so impressive, I hardly knew whether to laugh or cry. I w:rs happy ! When the services were over, the actives extended their congratulations and then we had a lovely luncheon. If this was the thrill pledging gives you, I think going active in the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority would be nothing short of perfect. MARIANNE JuRY.

PHI PHI Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri

Informal Parties The rush season of Phi Phi was "off" with our informal rush parties on September 18, 1939. The twenty-three acti ves were divided into four groups and each group planned thei r own party. At the homes of Mrs . Robert Giest, Mrs. Charles Bell, Dr. L. E. Egley, and Dr. F. R. A nthony the members made the acquaintance of thirty-two new girls on our campus. Each party had its own theme and each was a success.

Formal Rush Party The Country Club was the scene of a gala occasion when Phi Phi entertained at their fo rmal rush party Wednesday September 20, 1939.


1939 It was a lovely fa ll afternoon and the dedication was held under the large trees on the ca mpus between the two new buildings . All the Ma ryvill e students are very proud of our new Horace Mann training school and the bea uti ful , modern and full y eq uipped library. M ARY JEANETT E ANT H ONY,


CHI CHI Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana

Eleven of Fifteen Pledges Each rushee received an invitation on the side of a small paper red barn. There, that tells you our theme! The Country Club House was turned into a barn with all the hay, animals, harness, and lanterns that the real thing requires. Virginia Page, our president, introduced the rushees, actives, patronesses, sponsor and guests. As each rushee was welcomed to the barn dance they were given small straw hats to_ designa~e them from the actives. They were also gtven thetr dance programs attached to balloon barnyard animals. The dance was on! Betty June Harazim, active, was a hit calling t~e Virginia reel and the square dance, as were our trw who sang two Alpha Sigma Alpha songs just .be~ore we took our guests into the dining room. By thts ttme the rushees also were owners of calendars in leather cases with gold A~A on them. . , In the dining room all the Alpha Stgma Alphas sang songs to the rushees as they ate ice cream with the crest on it in red. The tiny angel food cake squares had the crest on it in red. Each rushee found at her place a small lantern filled with candy corn. As is the usual Phi Phi custom the party ended with the friendship circle. With the rushees in the center of the circle the patronesses, alumna: and the active chapter joined hands and sang the Alpha Sigma Alpha song.

Pledging Pledging service for our fifteen new girls was held Wednesday night, September 27, 1939, after our bu~y week of rushing. Phi Phi chapter set a new record m its achievement by receiving fifteen pledges from the fifteen bids sent out, this making one hundred per cent for our fall rushing. The service was held at the home of Dr. L. E. Egley after the pledge Mothers had been apJ?ointed. Following the impressive service all the gtrls gathered together and sang the Alpha Sigma Alpha songs and refreshments were served to the forty present.

Dedication Governor Stark came from Jefferson City, Saturday, October 7, 1939, to dedicate the two new buildings on the Maryville State Teachers College campus.

Chi Chi swung off to a brillia nt start with three lively rush parties. The first was in a hayloft a few miles from town. Carboard barnyard animals looked on placidly while we played gaily and contested noisily. Favors were tiny corsages of acorns painted in the fall colors. The party was brought to a close with home baked cookies, country apples and orangeade. As we were taken home in the good old fashioned manner, with a horse and wagon, we serenaded the countr~side. . We consider our chapter the lucktest one on thts campus. What other sorority could have two alumna: chapters give two of their rush parties. On Saturday, September 16, the Indianapolis Alumna: chapter entertained both our rushees and us with a gala Mexican Picnic in Heekin Park .. Tabl~s were laid in fiesta ware and decorated beauufully m keeping with the Mexican theme. Name tags in the shape of Mexican hats were worn by each guest and member. The games were exciting and grand entertainment. Our favors were brightly colored scarfs. The next morning the Muncie Alumna: chapter gave us a breakfast at the Hotel Roberts. The theme was the harvest, symbolizing a "harvest of friendship" rather than a "harvest of grain."

Homecoming Rush seemed barely completed when alums started coming back for the big Homecoming week-end. Jeanne McCarty, our enthusiastic president, bo~足 rowed her boy friend's car and before we knew 1t we had a rattle trap float to beat all floats. We had sent our football opponents to the bone-pile, hung them on the line all washed up, and given them their last stand all on one car. I think the biggest attraction though were our girls in football uniforms perched in every possible place. Two 1940 Nashs acted as an escort to our delapidated friend. Following the football game, we e~tertained the alumna: at dinner. The theme was sull football as the programs were red A. S. A. footballs and the favors were tiny A. S. A. pennants. It seemed grand to have the girls back.

Election We are proud to announce that our own. beloved president, Jeanne McCarty, has become prestdent of the Woman's Athletic Association. Betty Harroff, our chaplain, is now the secretary of the Sophomore ~l.ass and Mary Jane Howard, treasurer, fills the postttO? of Vice-President in Forrest Hall, one of the dormttories. MARY ELLEN C o RN WELL, Editor.


PSI PSI Louisiana State Normal, Natchitoches, Louisiana

Psi Psi Gives Annual Rush Parties This fall, Psi Psi gave two of the most successful rush parties in the history of the chapter. The first was the formal party on September 18. A cowboy theme was carried out in decorations, favors, program, and the costumes of the actives and pledges. The second Boor of the Social Hall was decorated in true bunkhouse style. Huge old wagon wheels stood about the walls, while oil lamps gave an interesting half-light, and saddles, blankets, and harness made everything very "horsey." At one end of the room was a campfire surrounded by bales of hay, where you could get water (who ever heard of punch on a ranch) from a bucket with a dipper and a lot of tin cups. The three long tables were covered with strips of brown paper over which were squares of redchecked gingham. At each plate was a cowboy placecard and a program, on the front of which was a cowboy with caracul chaps and a real lasso. The rushees and other guests wore formals, while the members and pledges were very gay in cowboy or cowgirl costumes. Western music for dancing was furnished by the college orchestra. Later, during dinner, some of the talented members entertained with songs, dances, and readings, and the more willing rushees sang for us. Alma Fluitt sang "Alpha Sigma Sweetheart" after dinner as she distributed favors to the guests. After the favors were opened, we sang Psi Psi's "Goodnight Song" to the rushees, and then everyone stood silently in the dark while taps were sounded in the distance. Psi Psi's informal party was a carnival given in the Sunken Gardens at the home of Nippye Williams, on Saturday, September 23. Actives and pledges were served candied apples, hot dogs, ices and punch in booths near Cane River. The program consisted of a Hawaiian dance by Frances Rae Alexander, motorboat rides up and down the river, bingo and pitching games, and explori ng the gardens.

ber 24, everybody gathered at the sorority house to celebrate. It was a celebration, too, with each new pledge a she entered the door going to the members for a big bear hug and a big kiss, eve_ryone _talking at ~he same time, impromptu jitter-buggmg, p1ano poundmg, and a few interludes for tea and cakes (most of us were either to excited to eat or didn't have time for breakfast) . Among our new pledges we have seven "little sisters" two of whom have sisters still in school. They are Martha Johnson, Sweetie Haygood, Elaine Hillen, Iona Sutton, Kathryn Gibson, Eleanor Williams, and Joy Lee Davis. Our new pledges present an imposing array of activities by which they will help to make Normal Alpha Sig conscious this year. You should see our beauties, debaters, musicians, dramatists, actresses, etc.

Alpha Sigma Action

Alpha Sigs had quite a convention on the special train going to Shreveport, Louisiana, for a football game, September 16, and at the hotel after our arrival, we gathered even more. There must have bee~ at least fifteen of us all in one. place at the same time. We had a glorious time, and I can't quite resist telling you that our team won. To make Alpha Sigma Alpha even better known on the Normal campus, we are considering getting white caps with the sorority letters on them and scarves for the actives, and white sweaters with the letters on them for the pledges. The pledges are planning to give the actives a party soon . Naturally we just can't wait. Pledges always give such grand parties. At the first pledge meeting, which I attended, it was still in the embryonic stage, so an account of it }Vill have to wait unit! the next PHoENIX, but from what your snooping reporter heard, it promises to be quite an affair. In the court presiding over the Homecoming Game and Dance this year, Psi Psi has four maids-Marcile Prudhomme, Margie Gathright, Frances Rae Alexander, and Lucia Alcock . Mrs. Harry Suddath Entertains Psi Psi Bonnie Barrilleaus, a petite brunette Alpha Sig, Mrs. Harry Suddath, one of our patronesses, has was elected Band Sweetheart for 1939-40. About half begun giving Psi Psi girls a monthly party at her of our pledges are in the band, as well as several of home. The first was September 3, when she was the members. All of the pledges and a majority of hostess to about half of the members and pledges. the actives are in the Pep Squad, which works hand ext month the other half will go. Of course we had in hand with the band at football games and nearly a g-r-r-rand time. Badminton, ping pong, bridge, and all other occasions. Speaking of pep-one of the cfleer other games kept us busy from four 'til five-thirty, leaders is our own Thelma Palmer. when everybody took time out for sandwiches, ice On September 17, the local Panhellenic Council cream, and cokes. Then, after more games we piled gave a tea at the home of President Fredericks for back into the cars and turned back to the campus. the new women students. In the receiving line were Isn't it a shame we ca n't all go every month-but the presidents of all five of the education sororitie there are so many of us. represented on the campus and Mr. and Mrs . Fredericks. Serving were the fac ulty advisers of the sororPsi Psi Gets Fourteen New Pledges ities assisted by two other girls from each sorority, all a result of lpha Sig's fatal fasci nation , fou r- of whom acted as hostesses. For the musical program, teen new pledges now wear our badge. And aren't each sorority was asked to contribute. we proud of them? I tell you they're a joy to behold. We're all getting a thrill from pledging and initiafter bids were accepted unday morning, Septem- tion services and meetings in our new sorority house.




Before, _all of the sororities shared one large room in t~e ?octal Hall,_ but now Alpha Sigs have the dis-

tmctton of havmg the only sorority house on the campus. . In th~ ~urple Jacket Club, an honorary organizatiOn for JUntor and senior women, we have two members, Mary Allen Caraway and La Verne Killen . Though each sorority is allowed only two members each y_ea r, we had a _larger percentage of eligible girls for thts year than dtd any other organization on the campus. VIRGINIA DowNs, Editor.

Goodnight Song Goodnight, Alpha Sigma rushees, For weeks we've been waiting, Yes, hoping and waiting for you. Goodnight, dear little rushee Wake with the dawning ' And know we are thinking of you. We've searched every country And the oceans so blue, But still we've found no one Half so lovely as you, So goodnightMay we meet in the dawning And you'll tell us whether ' We will be together always. Tune: "Goodnight, A Thousand Goodnights." EvELYN ANDERSON, Psi Psi.

BETA GAMMA Northeastern State Teachers College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma

The beautiful log cabin home of a genuine Indian princess furnished an ideal setting for our rush party September 18th. Fay Martin, one of our pledges, entertained us with several songs. The results of our rush party were twelve lovely girls. Previous to our formal rush party, however, the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Alumna: chapter and the Beta Gamma girls of Muskogee, Oklahoma, entertained with a tea in Muskogee for girls who were planning to attend Northeastern this year. The table was beautifully decorated with a silver tea service at each end, and in the center a crystal vase containing red roses. Mary Stevens, alumna: member from Muskogee, and Norine Garrett, chapter president, poured. Joan Clark, alumna: member from Muskogee, sang "None but the Lone! y Heart." Starting the year off with a bang, we gained two offices in the Sophomore class. Lois Baker was elected Secretary-Treasurer and Treva Davidson was elected representative to the Student Council. Betty Harmon, chaplain, was elected Queen of Wilson Hall (School dormitory) , for our annual homecoming parade. Betty will be presented in the parade on a float representing Wilson Hall.

Faye Levy was elected Sec;etary-Treasurer of the Student Council to serve for the school year, 1939-40. . _O h, but our new pledges! New faces, new personaltttes, new enthusiasm for A . S. A . They are really too wonderful to even start describing-but more about them later. Right now, plans are under way for our annual dance on October 21st. More about that later, too. About our officers -let we see- there's Norine Garrett, chapter president, a slender brown-eyed gal ~ho "str:'ts her stuff" in dramatics, Mary Ann Masters, Vtce-prestd~nt,_ who hails from "Sunny Tennessee," an~ w~o, tnctdentally, was voted carnival queen last spnng m our annual show, then Betty Harmon another brunette-and, as I have already told you: another queen, and Fay Levy, a saucy little redhead, who really does keep our money straight-that's right she's _our treasurer; Sylvia Adams-oh, oh-a blondwho 1s a very efficient secretary, and last (did I heard someone say, "Not least"?)-Yep, it's meTREVA DAVIDSON, Edit01'.

BETA DELTA State Teachers College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi

. Bet~ .J?elta chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha ended Its acttvtttes before summer vacation with a lodge party. The patronesses of the chapter, Mrs. G. B. Denham and Mrs. Harry Mac Author, entertained the members and t~eir guests at Mrs. Mac Author's camp, where yellow pmes and a clear lake formed an ideal vacation setting. Swimimng and boating were enjoyed by everyone, and games in the attractive livi ng room of the lodge provided fun for all. The hostess served a buffet supper to Miss Mary Pulley, adviser, twentyfive members and their guests. . The lodge party was a farewell for three Alpha Stgma Alpha graduates, Mary Alice Pickel, Betsy Majure, and Mary Lou Steed. This year sixteen Alpha Sigs returned to school. Three officers could not be back, but the remainder were enthusiastic for the first meeting in September. The president, Ruth Martin, conducted a consecration service the first week of school. During the business meeting plans were discussed fo r the college homecoming and for rush week, which is the first week in November. Vacancies among the officers were fill ed at the second meeting of the year. Mary Sue Cox was elected secretary; Clarice Ice, chaplain; and Clarice Sherman, registrar. Plans for Alpha Sigma's homecoming float completed the business. Following this meeting, a room supper was enjoyed by the members in the president's room. All Alpha Sigs are receiving great enjoyment from meeting new stu?ents who are prospective rushees, and a great year ts expected by everyone. JEANETTE CoLEMAN, Editor.




Panhellenic Tea

Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia

The social season opened with a Panhellenic Tea given October 2, to entertain all the new girls in the reception room of Alumna: Hall. In the receiving line were Ellen Fairlamb and Frances Drewry, officers of the Council, and Mrs. Annie Bailey Cook, Dean of Women. Miss Marie Louise Boje and Miss Ruth Schneider, sponsors of Alpha Sigma Alpha, poured tea. The tea was a huge success. Girls came from all over campus, and thus gave us a wonderful opportunity to meet and chat with every new girl. Many of our girls served and were floating hostesses. FRANCIS BEATON, Editor.

Summer Luncheons Now, for a brief resume of the luncheons which the Beta Epsilon girls attended during the summer. In June soon after leaving school, the Beta Epsilon girls of Tidewater were invited by the Hampton Roads Alumna: chapter to attend a luncheon and meeting at the Warwick Hotel in Newport News. At this time we had the wonderful opportunity of being with A. S. A.'s. An air of lightness prevailed by such wonderful hospitality shown by Mrs. Julia Derr Jones, and Mrs. Virginia Steigler. Reports and discussions were of such vital interest that we listened intently to every word spoken, especially to the possibility of forming new A. S. A . chapters. The most wonderful suprise came in August when Miss Evelyn Bell was our hostess at a luncheon in her sister's home in Norfolk. Not only were Beta Epsilon girls there but Alpha's too. After lunch we went globe trotting with A . S. A.'s to the National Convention held at Yellowstone National Park with the assistance of Miss Bell as chief projector of her movie machine. We were so wrapped up in the pictures that the cracks of thunder, torrents of rain, lights going out, and even a film breakage now and then, that we hardly noticed anything had happened . The in's and out's-both good and bad of the Alpha's were carefully and hilariously told to us by Patty Bounds and Martha Holloway. We were the victims but on the other hand we learned all the tricks . On the eve of our departure for Madison we were invited to the Monticello Hotel in Norfolk to a luncheon. In addition, at a business meeting, all the members contributed to a discussion of A. S. A. chapters on State Teachers' College campuses. Again we met many new clever and interesting alumna:. Our summer has been so perfect and we have the complete satisfaction of having the opportunity of being with A . S. A.'s. It was fun finding so many new sisters who inspired us to greater determination of making all the A. S. A.'s proud of Beta Epsilon .

Unglamourous Alpha Sig I'm not an acknowledged poet, And do not indulge in song; But when it comes to Alpha Sig, I'll sing for you all day long. I never studied rhetoric, Nor was a student of art; But still I love my Alpha Sig With all my simple heart. I'll never fall headlong for a romeo's line, Nor marry a man for gold; But wed a man for love alone As the sweet simple girl of old. I'll never, never spoil my children, Yet never keep them under fetter; For the love and tolerance of Alpha Sig Has taught me better. I do not choose to die of old age, Nor to succumb in early youth; I just want to live long enough To know and live the truth. I never hope to set the world on fire With fame, or beauty, or art; But I'll always love dear Alpha Sig With all my unaccomplished heart. GERALDINE AILSTOCK.







Ann Randolph to Merrill Brubaker on June 24, I939·

Mary Gazlay to Raymond W. Carden, July I, I939· Alice Weinheimer to Charles Filbrick, August I2, 1939· Margaret Urban to David John Schroder, July 15, I939· Harriett MacMillan to George Smith, August I2, 1939· Betty Terharr to Edward Langan, September I3, I937·



Julia Louise Derr to Burnice Jones, August 2, I939· ALPHA ALPHA

Beatrice Irene Altenburg to George M. Henne, Jr., January 4, I937· Virginia Clark Kinney to Donald J. Donlin, August s, I939· BETA BETA Grace E. Mabiet to Frank D. Martin, July 7, I938. GAMMA GAMMA Belle Jane Rackley to Fay C. Martin, May 30, I939· ZETA ZETA Martha May Marquis to Clarence E. Purdy on July 24,I939· ETA ETA Margaret Harmon to Horace B. Van Campen, October 9, I939· Janus Broome to Robert Rue on May 28, I939· Pauline Brown to William McCartney, July 6, I939· Dorothy June Eyman to Stanley Hlasta, August II, I939· IOTA IOTA Lillian C. Hethershaw to Charles H. Darnell, November 7, I938. Lucile M. Williams to Charles W . Urfur, June I, I939·

Mattie McCorckle to Edgar Kelly Lette, July I6, I939· Virginia Shewey to Frank Flanagan, November, I938. TAU TAU Lorraine Carper to John Gibson, July 29, 1939. Margaret Oshant to Clarence Isabel, March 30, 1939. UPSILON UPSILON Helen Klag to Olen Milton Osmun, June I8, I939· PHI PHI Ludmilla Vavra to Benjamin F. Weir, October 7, I939·

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS ALPHA ALPHA To Mr. and Mrs. Fred A . Weymouth (Wilma Fistner), a son, Thomas Frederick, September 21, I939· ALPHA GAMMA To Mr. and Mrs. George M. Henne, Jr. (Beatrice Irene Altenburg), a daughter, Jeannette Kraffert, December I], 1938. To Mr. and Mrs. William W. Kittelberger (Phyllis Glasgow), a son, John Stephen, March I4, I939· GAMMA GAMMA

KAPPA KAPPA Thelma Stortz to Dr. Charles M. Moyer, September 2• I939· NU NU Beatrice Coffman to Russell Ellis Cramer, Jr., October I5, I938. Jean McClelland Richmond to Richard John Kalday, Jr., September 26, 1939. OMICRON OMICRON Emmaline Schlott to M. Dean Calhoun, June 24, I939· Berdein Schumacher to Paul H. Holsing, August 12, I939·

To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trenary (Sue Edwards), a son Ralph Trenary, Jr., March 28, I939· To Mr. and Mrs. Max Dunning (Lenore Belknap), a daughter, Julianne, August 23, I939· To Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mann (Joyce Ferguson), a son, Phillip Lee, September 24, I939· To Mr. and Mrs. Joel F. Cox (Selma Harzman), a son, Terry Joe, on August I4, I939· To Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Carder (Virginia Lamb), a daughter, Sharon Virginia, September 7, I939· IOTA IOTA To Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Stevens (Bernice Samuelson), a son, Philip Eugene, May 25, 1939.




To Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Mauntel (Mary Lawrence), a daughter, Sarah Lawrence, July 7, I939 ·

To Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dial II (Madeline Priddy), a son, Joseph Richard II, June 6, I939· To Mr. and Mrs. Kennth L. Callicou (Dorothy Adkins), a daughter, Jane Feeley, June I , I939· To Mr. and Mrs. M. P . Buck (Alice McCullough), a son, Stephen Mortimer, July 9, I939· To Mr. and Mrs. L. Donald Van Osdol (Wilsie Malone), a daughter, Gretchen Louise, Septe~ber 13, I939 ·

NU NU To Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Williams (Romayne Gregory), a son, Tom Vare, December 27, I938. To Mr. and Mrs. Bevan (Marie Brooks), a son, Jay Whitfield, March 25, I939 · To Mr. and Mrs. William Hindman (Ruth Tyler), a son, James Tyler, April II, I939 · To Mr. and Mrs. William Leavens, Jr. (Emeline Putnam), a daughter, Nancy Haldeman, April, I939· To Mr. and Mrs. William M. Crook (Dorothy Williamson) , a daughter, Dorothy Virginia, July 20, I939· To Mr. and Mrs. John Maples Horter (Sarah Baxter), a son, John Robert, May 2I, I939·

TAU TAU To Mr. and Mrs . William Vaughn (Kathryn Fisher), a daughter, Marceline Kay, December, I938. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gunn (Elizabeth Epstein), a son, Charles Douglas, May 5, 1939· To Mr. and Mrs . Robert Richards (Jean Fuller), a daughter, Lucia Lee, October 4, I939· CHI CHI To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holton (Geraldine Hutton), a daughter, Connie Marie, May 7, I939·

PI PI To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolf (Alice Hannel), a daughter, September 7, I939·


To Mr. and Mrs. Norman Todd (Helen Lazer), a daughter, Katherine Joan, May, I939·

Anna L. Fern, Chi Chi, Indianapolis Alumn<e chapter, Saturday, October 21, 1939·

List of Missing Addresses T he following is the list of name and add res es fro m which the PHOE:N rx has been r eturned. If you know of any correcti on , pl ease send them fo the National Editor, M rs. B. F. Leib, Apa rtment T , 3540 N. P ennsylvania Str eet, Indianapoli , Indiana.

ALPH BETA Robin son, Esther E. Mayfield, Alpha C., Iowa State T eachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa. BETA BET Mayer, Katherine, 155 E. 91st St.,

ew York,

. Y.

GAMM GAMMA Landers, Mrs. Gerson, Box 3 14, Hot Springs, Ark. DELTA DELTA Berkshire, Esther, 2717 Quarry Road, ington , D. C . EPS ILO

. W., Wash-


Gilbert, Mr. . Otis (Camille L. Tracey), 70 1 S. Oak t. Pratt Ka n . Miller Frances 1205 East 42nd t. eattle, Wash. ZET


Phillips Ethel I., r339 E .

rmour t., Kansas City Mo.

THETA THETA Servoss, Mrs. Evard, 3950 6oth St., Apt. B62, Woodside, Long Island, N. Y . IOTA IOTA Arnold, [rs. Lloyd (Eula Fisher), 5 r 5 Sussex Road, Townson, Md . K PP KAPPA Slifer, A nna R., 726

. 2nd Street, Readi ng, Pa.

LAMBD LAMBDA Haas, H enrietta, Maryville, Ohio. Salt, Mi ldred J., Canal Winchester Ohio. OMICRO OMICRO Kirch ner, M rs. orman A. ( Ruth Ma rket St., Warren, Ohio.

. Winters), 299 W.

TUTU ickels, F rances 416 S. Elwood Tulsa, Okla. PHI PHI Lawrence, Ruth, Barnard Mo. Hastings, Alyce E., 430 Glenwood , Russell vi lle, Ark.




Directory National Council 1938-1941

Editorial Staff

President-Miss Evelyn G. Bell, 767 Lafayette Avenue, Buffalo, New York.

NATIONAL EDITOR-Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Vice-President-Miss Esther Bucher, 4I34 Eaton, Kansas City, Kansas. Secretary-Mrs. Charles M. Moyer, Laurel, Delaware.

Alpha- Mary A . Mahone, State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia.

Treasurer-Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, 28oo Dexter Street, Denver, Colorado.

Alpha Beta-June Western, 207 East Normal, Kirksville, Missouri.

Registrar-Miss Mary Mae Paul, 4I3Yz West Sixth Street, Hays, Kansas.

Alpha Gamma - Gwendolyn Griffith, Sutton Hall, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania.

Editor-Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment "T", Indianapolis, Indiana.

Beta Beta- Lydia Ann Cicmanec, Snyder Hall, Greeley, Colorado.

Educational Director-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, I 405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, Missouri.

Gamma Gamma-Leota Leeper, Northwestern State Teachers College, Alva, Oklahoma. Epsilon Epsilon-Betty Lou Kille, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas.

National Chairmen Alumnce Ot路ganizer-Mrs. Lewis Bradley, II75 Court Street, Iowa City, Iowa. Alumnce Editor-Mrs. John Horter, 2I9 East Third Street, Beaver, Pennsylvania. Constitution-Mrs. Albert Kuchs, 6I4 North Market Street, Maryville, Missouri. Fellowship-Mrs. Clinton Berry, I87 Wapello Lane, Altadena, California. Scholarship-Miss Joy Mahacheck, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Historian-Miss Louise Stewart, Y. W. C. A., Zanesville, Ohio.

Officers of Association of Education Sororities Chairman-Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma, Sigma, Clermont, Florida, P. 0. Box 108. Secretary-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha, I 405 Hardy A venue, Independence, Missouri. Treasurer-Mrs. C. P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, I503 First National Bank Bldg., Cinci_nnati, Ohio. Director of Local Panhellenics-Mrs. Robert S. Hill, Delta Sigma Epsilon, 8I6 Columbus, Rapid City, South Dakota. 路 Director of City Panhellenics-Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon, 500 West Chelton Avenue, GerGermantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Director of Nationalization and Eligibility-Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau, I6I Highland Avenue, Highland Park, Michigan. Director of Publicity-Mrs. E. A. Beidler, Pi Delta Theta, 3 I Schubert Street, Binghamton, New York.

Zeta Zeta- Peggy Taylor, I IO West South Street, Warrensburg, Missouri. Eta Eta-Mary Kay Reiff, 201 East Williams Street, Pittsburg, Kansas. Theta Theta-Martha Kelly, School of Education, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. Kappa Kappa- Marjorie Block, I917 Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mu Mu-Myrtle Warner, Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Nu Nu-Marion Powell, Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Xi Xi-Leola Hetzler, 8o1 Hilgard, West Los Angeles, California. Pi Pi-Jane Gilliat, 2164 Bailey Avenue, Buffalo, New York. Rho Rho-Esther Boyce, Laidley Hall, Marshall College, Huntington, West Virginia. Sigma Sigma-Evelyn Slane, Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado. Tau Tau-Bernice Betthauser, Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas. Phi Phi-Mary Jeanette Anthony, 621 North Market Street, Maryyille, Missouri. Chi Chi- Mary Ellen Cornwell, Lucina Hall, Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana. Psi Psi-Virginia Downs, Box 1283, Louisiana State Normal College, Natchitoches, Louisiana. Beta Gamma- Treva Davidson, Wilson Hall, State Teachers College, Tallequah, Oklahoma. Beta Delta- Jeanette Coleman, 301 Miller Street, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Beta Epsilon-Frances Beaton, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia.


ALUM AE EDITOR-Mrs. John Horter, 219 East Third Street, Beaver, Pennsylvania.

Indianapolis, Indiana-Wilma Mae Wolf, 31 1o East 1Ith Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Alva, Oklahoma-Emogene Cox, 227 Center, Alva, Oklahoma.

John stown, Pennsylvania-

Boston, Massachusetts-Katharine M. Hale, 393 Randol ph Street, South, Weymouth, Massachusetts.

Kansas City, Missouri-Mrs. Robert C. Harmon, 4311 College Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri. Kent, Ohio--

Buffalo, New York-Dorothy A . Fricke, 309 Richmond Avenue, Buffalo, ew York.

Kirksville, Missouri-Dorothy Lewis, La Plata, Missoun.

Canton, Ohio--Mrs. Park Urban, 1622 28th Street, N. W., Canton, Ohio.

Los Angeles, California-Mrs. Catherine Fitzgerald Bolton, 3846 Yz Arlington Avenue, Los Angeles, California.

Central Pennsylvania-Miss Christine Kline, 45 North 2nd Street, Steelton, Pennsylvania. Charleston, West Vi1·ginia-Mrs. John Gilbert McGrew, 1009 Valley Road, Charleston, West Virginia . Chicago, Illinois- Dorothy Masters, 7252 Bennett A venue, Chicago, Illinois. Cleveland, Ohio-Mrs. Ralph D . Vorhees, 3300 Greenway Road, Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio-Mrs. Lester Leppert, Amlin, Ohio. Delaware-Mrs . A. Stanley Cahall, 220 Weiner Ave., Harrington, Delaware. Denver, Colorado-Grace Dalby, Louisville, Colorado. Des Moines, Iowa-Mrs . Ralph Whitten, 4340 Sheridan, Des Moines, Iowa. Detroit, Michigan-Caroline Evans, 557 West Lewiston, Ferndale, Michigan. Eastern Pennsylvania-Miss Anne Willauer, 23 South 16th, Easton, Pennsylvania. Emporia, Kansas-Mrs. E . S. Dumm, 1626 E . Wilman Avenue, Emporia, Kansas. Greeley, ColoradoHampton Roads Area, Virginia-Miss Gertrude Sugden, 51 Victoria Avenue, Hampton, Virginia. Hays, Kansas-Ruth Twenter, Hays, Kansas. Huntington, West Virginia- Florence Davis, Elm Street, Huntington, West Virginia.

Maryville, Missouri- Mrs. Robert Geist, Maryville, Missouri . Muncie, Indiana-Mrs. M. J. Montgomery, 302 Alden Road, Muncie, Indiana. New York City-Mrs. J. Donald Peterson, 2954 East 196th Street, New York City. Oxford, Ohio--June Harpster, 204 Progress Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-Sar.a L. Ogden, 6557 Park Ave., Merchantville, New Jersey. Pittsbu1·gh, Pennsylvania-Virginia Lee Straw, 1301 South Braddock Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Pittsbut·g, Kansas-Ann Prell, 322 S. Catalpa, Pittsburg, Kansas. Sa;_ Diego, California-Margaret Basinger, 3748 Meade Street, San Diego, California; Marion Campbell, Chula Vista, California. Sh1·evep01·t, LouisianaSt. Louis, Missouri-Mrs. Kennerly Woody, 322 Arbor Lane, Webster Grove, Missouri. Toledo, Ohio-Mrs. James G. Haworth, 2411 Barrington Drive, Toledo, Ohio. Tulsa, Oklahoma-Rena Mae Long, 1019 South Main Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Wichita, Kansas- Margaret Abilgaard, 426 North Topeka, Wichita, Kansas . Y psi/anti, Michigan-

NovEMBER, 1939


SIGN UP SISTER! ... and this means YOU. Yes, all of you who are not regular subscribers to the PHOENIX. SIGN UP because each issue increases in interest and power; because each issue welds together A. S. A's from north, south, east and west.

You Need the


SIGN UP because the PHoENIX has grown from a small booklet to an impressive magazme. It will continue to grow if each of you will sign up.

T he

needs your subscription!


MRs. PoLLY ScHLOSSER, National Treasurer 28oo Dexter, Denver, Colorado. Date ....................................................................., 193······ Dear Mrs. Schlosser: I'm signing up for the PHOENIX. My dollar is enclosed. Send the magazine to.................................................................................................................... . ---------····· ············ ·-···-···················-----------------·····-·· ·······························-·······--------------·····--· ···············-········-·······

Signed................................................................................................................................... . Chapter................................................................................................................................ .



ADDRESS CORRECTION Please send my PHOENIX to the following address:

Name--------------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ----··---·--

Address (Permanent, Teaching) ----··--·--··--·-·-----·-···---·------·-----···-····---·------·-----··---····------·-··-------·----·--

Chapter -----·-··----··----------·--··-····----------------·-----·---------·----···-·---·--·--------·-------·-·---------··---·-····----···-·---··-···---------······ Former Address ----·--------··----------·----·----····--·-·------------·----------------------------------------------------·--------· ................. .

MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Maid en Name ------··--------··--·---------------·-------·-·--------·----·--··---·-·---------···------·---···----···-·-------·--···--·--·-··--·-·-··----····· Former Address ---··----·----------------------------------··--------------·-------------·----------------------···------··-------···-----· -------------Married Name ---·-·----·-···---·-·-------·-··-----------------------------·-·---------------··-------·-------··----------·-·------··-··--·------·-·-···-·New Address ---------·--··------·----···------------------------------------·---------·----------------------·--·------··--··-------------···----·------ __ _

Date of Marriage --····-·······--········-·---····--················-····-·---·····--······-----·····--·····----·····-·-·················---·····--···-· Chapter





f:AN YOU SUGGEST A FUTURE ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA Send the names of girls you can recommend to the chapter president of the school they will attend, using the blank on the lower half of this page.

PROSPECTIVE A. S. A. Name ................................................................................................................................................................. . Address Age ..................................................................................................................................................................... Church preference ....................................................................................................................................

. . to assume fi nancta. l obl"tgatwns . ............................................................ ........................... . Abzlzty Scholarship in H igh School .............................................................................................................. . Special talents ................................................................................................................................................ Relatives who are A. S. A . ................................................................................................................. . Recommended by ...................................................................................................................................... . Address -----·-----------------·····---------------------······------····--··················-·------------············-·······-· ······················-········-·· Chapter

---·--------------------------- -···········------·----------------······-······----·····----·------········--·------------------····-----······- ---

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