Asa phoenix vol 30 no 3 mar 1945

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The College Girl Volunteers .................... .


Christmas Eve at New York Officers Party ..... . .... , .


Nu Nu's CPAs


Fellowship Loan Fund

... 10

Lillie Greer-Akron . . .

. .. I I

Beth Ha~kness, Tau Tau .

. II

New Orleans, Louisiana, Alumn<E Chapter .

. .. 12

Rochester, New York, Alumn<E Chapter ... . . . . . .... . ... 13 News Letters-Alumn<E Chapters Keeping Pace with Our Graduates . Transfer Bureau

. 14

. . ... . ....... . . ... 27 .......... ·36

Alpha Sigma Alpha Service Roll . News Letters-College Chapters Announcements ........ . ........ . List of Missing Addresses ..

37 ..... ·38

. ........... . ... ·52 55 ....... ·56

Directory ..

• Published in November, January, March and May of each year at No. 30 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana. Business correspondence may be addressed to either office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis. 5, Indiana. Postmaster: Send Form 3578 to Indianapolis, Indiana address.


Entered as second-class matter, September 4, 1923, at the post office at Richmond, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879.





Girl Volunteers

worthwhile organization can plan a year's N owork without making allowance for com-

work for an excellent city-wide youth program received much of our attention. It included surmunity efforts which arise. The war has made veys, trial-and-error methods, and studies of the necessity for this much greater, as we are every available or needed facility from church cailed upon to fill not only our own places but also equipment to roller skates. A small Negro Sunthose of others who have gone to join the Armed 路 day school offered innumerable opportunities for Forces. With a condensed college curriculum service. Our girls have spent hours each week now in operation, there is less time for the girls making Bible reminders. The programs we've to participate in outside activities. Realizing how- presented there have been in such demand for ever, that we are fortunate to be able to go on to various church and school programs that we school while a globstl war is in progress, we have haven't been able to meet all the requests. Special tried to. make our appreciation known by doing projects, such as Christmas boxes, Russian War our part and a bit more. All of us hope that Relief, and Community Chest drives, have made another year will bring the war's end, 'but until up the last division of our work. that time volunteer work for the service organizaThat was the original plan. Like Topsy, it tions will ' remain a "must" with Alpha Sigma "just grew." The officers' club of a nearby Army Alpha chapters. Air Base requested our winning Stunt Nite skit THELMA SHIVELY, Phi Phi. as a floor show and enjoyed it immensely. U.S.O. trips to a neighboring Army camp have always included our charming Alpha Sigma girls. The BETA GAMMA college bond booth is also a volunteer job, and "The College Girl Volunteers" is a familiar we're good at volunteering. phrase on every campus; and when that college Don't let our enthusiasm fool you; it hasn't girl is also an Alpha Sigma, ner work yields 路 been a "snap." If you've been pacifying your splendid results. Lots of persuasion, that good ol' Alpha Sig charm, and sheer hard work have pricking conscience with the thought that your played leading roles in Beta Gamma's community town offers no organized projects with which service program. If you could see our small, you might assist, we'd like to point out that few 路 picturesque town of Tahlequah, Oklahoma, where towns can equal Tahlequah's indifference toward medicine shows hold forth on the town square; her own needs. The obstacles we've encountered . Indians, farmers, Negroes, soldiers, and college have often seemed like mountains, but Beta Gamstudents crowd the streets ; and the corrals at the ma girls have found their "mountain climbing" sale barns are the busiest places imaginable, you great sport. After all, an Alpha Sig can accould understand more fully how much this type complish wonders when she volunteers and really of program is needed here. Our service activities works. PENNY STOLPER . . have been varied and fascinating. vVith not-toomodest pride, we'd like to tell you just a few BETA DELTA of the high lights. Did you ever see a college girl with very much Five big fields comprised our original project. extra time on her hands? And, too, did you ever Girls of all ages from both rural and city homes see an Alpha Sigma who couldn't smartly arrange were begging for Girl Scout troops. Beta Gam- for some? Beta Delta's have been unusually busy mas saved the clay by becoming leaders and assist- this year but they decided to combine their social ants for six troops. Everyone admires Alpha nights with U.S.O. work in order to work the Sigma's athletic prowess, and our girls saw a time in conveniently. Underclassmen are only chance to help others when we volunteered to allowed out of the dorm in tory one night during . teach physical education daily to girls路 from the the week so Alpha Sigmas take every third week two high schools. Tahlequah schools had taken to assist at one of Hattiesburg's U.S .O. cottages. care of their boys, but their girls had never gone Six girls go together and no girl is needed over past the "pep-squad" stage. A community work- her free night. Out of this group we arrange to shop in which the more progressive townspeople have girls who play the piano and other musical and three Beta Gammas (the only students in- instruments if possible. The atmosphere is very cl uclecl ) worked out plans and laid the ground "homey" so it takes at least two Home Economics

MARcH, 1945 majors to keep the kitchen going smoothly and the appetites satisfied, to say nothing of those buttons and loose insignia that need attention. 路we've found that a pleasing-pleasant personality is a chief factor in making an enjoyable evening for the boys. They like a gay, jovial time to help them forget camp routine. Sometimes they have problems that require a good level-minded listener. We try to " fill that bill" also. After all we aren't denying ourselves of our social night for we've found that it is one of the best forms of entertainment available to say nothing of the happiness we derive from making the boys happy.

BETA ZETA "Let's All Dig With A lpha Sig" was the sparkling slogan of Beta Zeta's March of Dimes Drive on Southwestern campus January twentysixth. After having been designated as the official sponsors of this drive on the campus the Alpha Sigs began their march with great enthusiasm. Each member dressed in white with a banner ''Alpha Sig l\Iarch of Dimes" pinned on her and carried a p int size milk bottle with a slogan written on it. Donors were pinned with " I gave to the March of Dimes." Dimes jingled from early morning until late evening. A huge sign with a thermometer to regi ster the amount of money taken in during the clay was placed on th e campus in full view of the student body. At the end of the clay, the thermometer burst, over-flowing with a net total of over one hundred and six ty-two dollars. Vve are very proud of our success and of being able to take part in this drive. Future plans to conduct the drive each year, varying the procedures, have been made. The members also participated, for a clay, in the Lafayette 'Nomen's Club, collecting at different theaters in town at the end of each feature. MARY M.\RCELLO.

CHI CHI Althou gh our campus does not have the faci lities for much active war work, the Alpha Sigs have been doing their part here at Ball State. First of all, Gin Haga was chairman of the T.B. stamps sales. We really did sell them with th e total coming to one hundred and sixteen dollars . Lots of girls helped Gin and it was fun barking like circus barkers to sell the stamps. In this winter term, several Alpha Sigs helped in the collection of the World Student Service Fund. Ball State has collected about five hundred dollars to help in this work In time of war, a fund like this is very important for the future of the world.

3 Red Cross now has the services of Alpha Sigs. A lthough they can only accommodate eight girls at a time, we are stacking up hours as well as the bandages. Eighteen hours are averaged per week by Chi Chi. Sweaters are also being produced between studies. One of the main discussion panels on campus is entirely composed of Alpha Sigs. It is an Elementary Club project. These four girls, Barbara Bray, a senior; Elayne Tobias, a junior; V irginia Haga, a sophomore; and Mary Frances Patterson, a freshman; go out to various schools to explain the need of elementary teachers during this war and the coming need of them during the post-war period. They talk on such questions as: 路 1. How great is the shortage of teachers in the United States and in Indiana ? 2. What is the complete training of an elementary teacher? 3. Why are elementary teachers necessa ry for the future? Chi Chi has another member in the vV .A .C.S. She is Miriam Partridge. She will make a firstrate Vv.A.C. and we are mighty proud of her. This brings three Chi Chi's into service. War bonds are being purchased by Chi Chi to help the war effort and to ensure a strong chapter of Alpha Sigma A lpha at Ball State, recently we purchased a fifty dollar one. Blood donors will be found among the ranks of Alpha Sigs when the Reel Cross makes its visit to l\Iuncie at the end of thi s month . Here's to the Alpha Sigma Alpha Volunteer s. DEIRDR,\


PSI PSI Vlfar work at No rthweste rn State this year ha s been varied, but wherever there was something to be clone the Alpha Sigs have been "on the spot." F ive clays a week the Red Cross room is open for bandage folding, and some of the most faithful workers are th e Psi Psi girls, Guynell Terrell, Freeda Higgs, Beth Caldwell, Kathleen Killen, Carri e Nell Rodger , and Jinx Jines. \iVith practice the girls hav e gained speed, and in one clay as many as two thou sand bandages have been folded. O ne of the most important events affecting Natchitoch es girls is the dance given at Camp Polk, L eesville, twice a week A lpha Sigs who keep up the morale of these soldiers are Mary Frances Bright, Hilda Guill ory, Elaine McGraw, Olive McMichael, Pauline Holland, Shirley Few, and Laurie Stevens . And speaking of moralewe've all taken part in keeping up the spirit of the


4 Navy. There are now about 200 sailors stationed here, and most of us are engaged in keeping one or more of them happy. Sorority meeting every Tuesday night would not be complete without our adviser, "Aunt Clio," and her knitting. Only last month she turned in ' ninety-six hours of work. To get away from tli_e home front, Psi Psi has two girls now serving in the WAC. They are Janice Tooke and Billie Sayes. We are extremely proud of ASA's work for victory last year, but hope to make our goal for this year much higher. BETTY WooDALL.

ZETA ZETA In Warrensburg, some of the best opportunities for doing work connected with the war may be found at the U. S. 0. There is a U. S. 0. center located downtown, and we Zeta Zetas find that we can always make ourselves useful there. Some of our girls are junior hostesses, but those of us who are not, are allowed to give our services too. There is now a plan whereby each sorority on the campus sends three girls one evening each week to the center to help the senior hostesses. The Zeta Zetas have Monday evenings, and we really do have fun. There are plenty of 拢elias-soldiers from the near-by air base, and sailors from the college naval unit. Then there is music, cards, ping pong, and food. Of course, there is this thing of washing a few dishes, but we feel that there are some things that must be accepted with no doubts or questions, including dirty dishes. We also help at the Saturday night dances. Sometimes we help decorate the dance room, and then we help give the programs when special entertainment is scheduled. All of the girls do their best to make the dances a big success by making the boys feel Wf lcome in our town and helping them to have the grandest evening possible. 'Ne have also given a program at the air base hospital as a part of our U. S. 0. work. Our whole gang went into a huddle, talked over our possibilities as entertainers, and then went to work. After drilling and struggling over our numbers, we piled into army trucks and set out for the base. None of us claim that we were as good as professionals, but believe it or not, the boys did seem to enjoy our program, and we had a swell time giving it too. Some people call U. S. 0. duties "work," but we do not. It's fun-we do it, and we like it! BERN ADINE CoLE.

NU NU The Nu Nu's have been spending quite a bit of their leisure time "volunteering" to help out in the war effort. This term each sorority at Drexel has charge of the War Bond Booth in the Great Court for a week. 'vVe all have a part in selling stamps during our free hours. Each sorority also sponsors a recording dance in the Student Building during activities hour. Admission is by the purchase of war stamps. Judy Mainwaring, Connie Pennypacker and Eleanor Schofield have been keeping up morale by "hostessing" at a U.S.O. canteen in Philadelphia. They tell us they have just super times and you can bet those service men do, too. Nancy Keene and Jane Kenneely, two of our honorable seniors, were hostesses in another canteen this summer. Then we can't forget one of our newest and neatest pledges, Elaine Kelly, who helps to cheer up the wounded soldiers at Valley Forge Hospital. 路 Drexel 'vVoman's Club sends a news letter to all our servicemen each month. The Alpha Sigmas have helped in the mailing of these letters and haYe also made financial contributions. All of our girls who are able have donated blood to the Red Cross Blood Bank. So that now, along with our letters and our prayers, we are also sending our blood across the seas so that more of our fellows will be able to return. MARIAN HAl>TZ.

XI XI U.C.L.A.'s concentrated academic schedule allows little time for anything in the way of leisure time activities, but the Alpha Sigs manage to squeeze in a few precious hours a week where we can be most helpful. Come Friday evening, most of us can be found at the U.S.O., dancing with the boys and serving them coffee and doughnuts. We are especially proud of the efforts of some of our members. Two of our newest girls, Dorothy Lollier and Lou Edna Putz, are members of the Beverly-Wilshire Officers Club and spend their Saturday evenings entertaining there. After five consecutive semesters _on campus, Pat Wallace is taking a vacation and has joined the Red Cross Service, with' hopes of going overseas soon. Norma Kruse spends her week-ends 路with the Desert Battalian travelling to the more isolated camps. But the pride of the Xi Xi's is Barbar~ O'Connell, who ts no-vv overseas with a U.S.O. touring unit. MARION MAJOR.

MARcH, 1945


Ruth Pletkovich buys her part of victory from E rva Montgomery and J oyce Harri s at Betta Kappa weekly stamp booth.

BETA KAPPA If you should happen into the lowe r hall of Western Illinois State Teachers College some Wednesday, you would see a brightly decorated red, white, and blue booth, tended by a girl whom you would recognize as an A lpha Sig. Every week without fail, the booth is put up bright and early and the girls take their turns selling the stamps and bonds. Over a year and a half ago, the Alpha Sigs of Western began to wonder what we could do to help end the war. Seeing that there was no way for students to buy stamps and bonds, we rose to the need with our weekly stamp booth. ow, after a year' and a half we are still selling on an average of between $15 and $20 worth of stamps a week plus a bond or two. Being very near an army camp, we have had occasion to aid in other ways, too. Many of the girls belong to the local USO and often, when we sponso r a dance, the boys from camp are among those invited. Another more recent activity is in connection with the A rmy hospital in Gales-

burg. After Christmas vacation we each brought with us two boxes over-brimming with things that a convalescing soldier might enjoy. Packages with cookies, candy, cigarettes, books, games and many other things in them, were sent to the hospital under our name to be used for prizes and gifts. This was our first attempt at such a project, but we plan to repeat it soon . . Vve sincerely hope that in some small way our efforts will help bring us closer to the end of this war. ERV.\ :-IAE MowrGOl\LERY.

THETA THETA Vle Alpha Sigs here at Boston Un iversity are pretty lively girl s. A ll of us are not only kept busy with sorority affairs, but we are leaders in various school activities. -lore than half of us hold a class office or a club office. Between bustling from one activity to another, we have a little "spare" time which we put to good use in volunteer war work.


6 This year, a few of us in Theta Theta Chapter have made clothing for the Dutch War Relief. Any noon hour, Emily Bartley and Doris Bartone could be seen in the cafete~ia, knitting away at men's socks or children's sweaters. For some of us, thi s was our first attempt at knitting. As you can well imagine, we often threw up our hands in 路despair after getting our yarn into one huge mess of tangles and snarls. Anne Nardone and Marie Ravesi gave up th e idea of knitting entirely. They had hidden talents that were soon brought to the foreground in the form of darling dresses for the little Dutch girls. At some time or other, all of us have given blood, rolled bandages for the R ed Cross, and attended dances for servicemen. No account of volunteer work would be complete without these. However, our service does not stop there. Two of our members belong to national organ izations for young people; Emily Bartley is a member of the Missionary Commi ssion of the National Committee of P ilgrim Fellowship and Helene Schnurbush is the national president of the N a tiona! Episcopal Youth Association. Both girls also devote a great deal of time and effort to youth groups in their churches. All thi s work has been done in our home-towns. Most of us are out-of-tov.rners and have to limit our stay at school according to our train schedul es . P lans are quickly taking form, though, for luncheon meetings every two weeks at which we can work as a group. We are looking forward to these meetings with enthusiasm for they will add to the many happy hours spent in Alpha Sigma Alpha. DoRIS BARTONE.

BETA THETA We still have over 400 Navy V -12's on campus this year, but the cadet program has been di scontinued here. All the boys ,are housed in Ronan, one of the girls dorms and the Junior and Senio r girls have taken over the boys dorm. It's the answer to a dream that started when we were F reshman. vVe reached our quota in bandage rolling early thi s fall so we miss that volunteer work for the Reel Cross. The Association of vVomen Students still sponsors box packing and letter writing bees for former Central men now in service, in which all women students take part. Some of our girls did work in the urses A ide and U .S.O. last summer and are looking forward


to continuing it again this summer as the opportunity doesn't afford itself on campus. Although we don't have much chance to voluntee r our services we are always ready and willing to do whatever we can-no matter how small it might seem. LELA BENNETT.

BETA ETA VV e can proudly smile when the order comes for all College Girl Volunteers to step forward. Yes, the sorority strong, to the last woman has made its full contribution thi s year, and we are proud to be able to take our place with the other chapters in helping to bring the war to an end. O ur nimble fingered members have worked on buddy bags and done knitting for the Red Cross, while the rest of us have been rolling bandages. Some of the girls have been helping the Navy :Mothers at the depot. Before the trains they make sandwiches and pack lunches which are sold to the ever hungry service men. However, not all of us can have such an active part, but we feel the least we can do is to buy Bonds and Stamps. The A.S.A.'s took their turns a t the Tuberculosis Seal, War Loan, and Community Chest booths and helped to make the drives a success on the campus. VV e have not forgotten our service men and women either. Daily the Alpha Sigs post their letters and packages to our alumni. The task of lifting the morale of the V -12 U nit stationed here is no easy matter for some California boys a re encountering their first snow. Many of us are enrolled in fir st aid and other war-emergency courses. O thers are taking speeded up courses to hasten graduation in order to help out in the teacher shortage. Yes, Beta Eta is working hard to shorten the time until the boys of Dakota will be home again. GEORGINE TILLQU I ST .

BETA LAMBDA M uch to our regret we have no service unit on our campus this year. But our girls are each doing a part, no matter how small, toward the war effort. At th e first of this school yea r, before our bandage room was closed due to lack of supplies, the Alpha Sigs contributed three hours a week for bandage rolling. Dorothy Wilkerson, president of Y. Vv. C. A., served as chairman of the campus World Student




Service Fund, which ended December 15 with approximately ninety dollars having been contributed by students and faculty members. Emphasis this year was placed on funds to aid student prisoners of war by giving them books and study materials, refugee and unrboted students through work relief, food, clothing, medical supplies and books. Under sponsorship of Joyce Lively, the National War Fund Drive was conducted on the campus in October. Student contributions were received at a special booth set up in the college book store. The money collected was counted with the quota for the county. It is to be used for U. S. 0., War Prisoner's Aid, and many war relief societies. MARJORIE BROWN.

BETA IOTA Our chapter here at Radford has realized the necessity of our being all out for victory. And, we are meeting that realization by taking part in all the war activities which are sponsored on our campus. We have just taken over a new project which might not be called war work but there was an emergency .to be met and we Alpha Sigs saw our opportunity to do our bit. There is an acute labor shortage here on our campus, especially so when it comes to the problem of hiring maids to clean the dormitories. But we solved that problem by volunteering to do the cleaning in Norwood Senior Hall. If you should happen to go into the corridors of Norwood during the cleaning period you'd be greeted by Alpha Sigs carrying dusters, mops, dust pans and brooms! Then go on into the lounge and you would probably see another one of us being dragged along behind a vacuum cleaner. Does it sound like fun? Well, it is, because during the time we're working we can usually take time out for a friendly chat-chat with all the girls. We are also doing some knitting. We have been given a quota of two Red Cross afghans to be completed before June. Even at our meetings our knitting needles click and even though we are amateurs at knitting we seem to be doing a very good job. Yes, we're trying to do all we're asked to do and then do other things as well. Like many other schools we have been affected by the war but through our many activities we keep ourselves busy and happy. MARGARET DENNISON.

PI PI The Pi Pi's are always ready to do their share, and have been giving generously of their time and effort to help win the war. As a group we sponsored a fashion show and dessert bridge. The clothes were provided by one of our Buffalo stores and our girls acted as models. Our college gym was decorated in red and white with the tables arranged around the ramp. Each table had red and white salt and pepper shakers as the prize. Proceeds of over one hundred dollars was donated to a fund to provide phone calls home for veterans returning fro111 combat areas. At State Teachers here at Buffalo the college correspondence committee was organized to help keep our boys in service posted on affairs at the college and to help show how much we appreciate their service. As our part of this project we prepare the list of service men's birthdays which is distributed to the faculty and student organizations. We try to send at least one card to each boy. This remembrance_is deeply appreciated and we receive many letters of enthusiastic thanks. Many of our girls including Ellen Fane, Phyll Tater and Betty Treiber are assisting at child care centers and settlement houses. This work will help make children of working parents better citizens. Other Alpha Sigs help roll bandages as does Tinker Marian. Gerte Farrell is chairman of gifts and cards for servicemen who were in the Junior class. These are only a few of the activities which we hope are bringing victory and peace nearer.

BETA BETA Our girls have volunteered for work in war services in many different ways. On this campus we have a war activities committee which governs all activities pertaining to the war effort on campus. As a sorority project we are active in the surgical dressings room on campus and the mobile blood bank. These activities have both been discontinued since the first of the year upon the request of the Red Cross. To take the place of these activities everyone is now busy making sewing kits, hemming diapers, towels and knitting afghan squares. We are also making a scrapbook of original short stories to be sent to a hospital. And we had such fun at Christmas time. Everyone made a stuffed animal ; polka dot giraffes, black sock negro dolls and striped elephants were some of the inhabitants of our menagerie. We turned our pets over to the Campfire Girls who in turn sent them to the children of England. Really it's such fun doing worthwhile war work. Even


the girls who worked the swing shift in the airplane factories in Cheyenne last summer agree. As you see every Beta Beta girl is our outstanding girl who has volunteered for war activities. MARJORIE PINER.

ALPHA BETA This year school is still different-yes-exceedingly different from our previous college days. War has changed our long established traditions. Those things which made our college so enjoyable are for the most part gone until peace comes again to the world. All of us buy war stamps and bonds regularly but aside from this we spend a few hours each week rolling bandages for the Red Cross. Several of our girls have donated blood for plasma. We have just finished a large collection of books to send to the Merchant Marine Service, New York. For the past five years we Alpha Betas have been helping support a little British girl. Each month we send her a certain amount of money to help buy her clothing and other necessities. Occasionally we send her packages. During the summer, a number of our girls spent their vacations working in war plants and at the U.S .O. Recently one of our girls, Martha Ruth, joined the Waves. She has been with us for three years and has served as treasurer. We are all looking forward to the time when Martha and all the rest will be with us again and the war will be over. VELDA LINDER.

ALPHA GAMMA The war work of our chapter has been varied and very interesting. \Vhile our Red Cross program has not been as extensive as in previous years, some knitting and sewing were done. The appointed time for selling war stamps and bonds found the girls doing their share to stimulate the sales at the stamp booth and with the same enthusiasm buying stamps for their own books. The work from which we get the most pleasure, however, is the assembling and mailing of the N ewsletter which is sent out once a month to every man in the service who has ever attended I.S.T.C. The sororities on campus have been given the honor of doing this work and we all look forward eagerly to "our turn." Approximately one thousand boys are on the mailing list of the N ewsletteT which contains college chatter and gossip, news of the fellows in service and the activities of the college under a war-time program. The attraction to this work may be greater because of the fact that if you personally know the man, you are permitted

to write a note in the letter; but we feel that this is a very vital job and through the good work of our personnel director who has charge of the work, our boys have a close contact with their college. AuDREY GEORGE.

PHI PHI Our Chapter has tried to do her part during the year, plus the additional effort to make up for those who are no longer with us and who are doing more than their share in other, and far less comfortable, locales. Bernetta Cushman, one of our Sophomore members, is no longer active in our Chapter. After completing a Nurses Aide course and giving many long hours of service to the local hospital, she left during the school year to begin nurses training in St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City. Our Chapter has felt her loss, but we are proud to know that she rallied to the call for nurses and will be able to contribute toward this vitally needed vocation. The entire Chapter volunteered one hour each week 路from every member, the time to be spent in rolling bandages for the Red Cross. Many of the girls have served as junior hostesses at the U. S. 0. This organization was brought to the town on behalf of -the men of the Navy V-12 Unit stationed at the College. Other members have given blood to the Red Cross Blood Banksome several times. In the fall the Needlework Guild made a drive for clothing to be given to the needy children of the town, and the Chapter gave a cash contribution for that purpose. Our town is small and the opportunities for service are not as extensive as in larger centers, but we have tried to give of our time and money as needed. THELMA SHIVELY. SORORITY HAS "WORK DAY." Town Receives Amtnal 'Clea.mtp' by College Gi1路ls.

MARYVILLE, Mo., Feb. 21.-Alpha Sigma Alpha " work day" this week gave housewives here a lift. Each February the girls, members of a national educational sorority, clean house and launder curtains or other dainty hand work pieces for those who pay for the hire: In pre-war days the girls depended largely on faculty members for jobs, but now with no domestic help, the town looks forward to Alpha Sig "work day." During 240 work hours the sorority girls made friends and added to the treasury. Kansas C1"t,y StaT.

MARcH, 1945


Christmas Eve at the N.Y. Officers' Party this season: the New York Alums have ed; stockings for each hung at the fireplace; and SOhadfarnumerous Officers Parties at Em Frost's presents were heaped under the tree. Park School of Cookery, and they have all run successfully true-to-form. But the outstanding one worthy of mention was the Christmas Eve party for the men a.nd girl officers. For about a month prior to Christmas, Em Frost had been questioning many of the officersasking them if they thought a party on Christmas Eve would be attended and appreciated by those "stuck" in New York far away from home. A ll said that anyone would appreciate such a home party immensely. So, on the basis of such a response, Em began her plans which surpassed any Officer Party plans previously. And the results were as the men had forecast. Only three of the regular hostesses "manned" the party, Em, Gen, and Billie. The other girls were from the Women's Officer Club and were composed of Waves and a Canadian nurse. The men were Army, I avy, and a R. A. F. man. The Christmas party got started in a tree trimming spirit, and laughter and carols were pinned upon the tree as gaily as were the ornaments and tinsel. A specially planned suppercooked by all-after the tree was trimmed, appeased the appetites which the decorating had whetted. Tables had candles, fat Santas, cookies and candies ; the food carried out the red and green color scheme; in the corner the tree glisten-

Before the presents were opened, each person receievd a name of a person and a gift for him or her. Then they had to compose a verse befitting .both person and gift. Dorothy Parker has nothing on the clever rhymes that spouted that night. Then ribbons and wrappings flew and excited fingers tore at packages. Games followed in usual manner, but everything was twice as spirited on Christmas Eve. Phil, one of the Navy officers, offered to do a demonstration . In civilian life he is a psycholo路gist and "plays" with " mesmeric" powers. So, he picked a subject (yours truly was it) and he had her doing all sorts of things to the amusement of the bunch . Em tells me I behaved properly however. Later, we dimmed the lights except for the tree and the fireplace, received our Christmas stockings, and sang carols till our voices were hoarse. No one wanted to leave because this was Christmas-and this was as near like home as anywhere. But all good things must come to an end, so with carols still on our lips, we wended our way out to the hushed, snow covered Manhattan streets, carolled our host and hostess, and departed with feelings of "peace on earth-good will to all. " BILLIE BARRETT.

Meet Philadelphia's New Lady CPAs T wo are First of Sex to Ever Pass Pennsylvania Ex ams for Accountants By Blanche Krause, Phila delphia Evening Bulletin a couple of pioneer women who are M EET doing a sister act to form another "Philadelphia first." A nd the pioneering is being done with fig~res, of all things! Who said women have no talent for same, except the bathing beauty variety? These girls have tackled a career with the kind of figure s that you add and substract, multiply and divide ... and their job is to show big business men just how money is slipping through their fingers. Introducing, then, with appropriate fanfares , the two Philadelphia girls who are the first women ever to pass Pennsylvania state board

examinations to become certified public accountants. They are Miss Eleanor Longacre, 1501 N. 55th st., and M iss Anna L. Lefferts, who lives in Jenkintown. A re they happy about the whole thing? "Don't let anyone ever tell me that the 13th is an unlucky day!" says Miss Lefferts. "That's when I got word that I'd passed . The exams were held way back on November 2, 3 and 4. They were quite a workout, and the suspen se has been terrible while we waited for the verdict." By a coincidence-beg pardon, Drexel Institute, maybe it wasn't just a coincidence ?-both



successful C. P. A. candidates are graduates of that college. Miss Longacre received her Bachelor of Science degree in commerce in 1941 after a four-year business administration course, while Miss Lefferts graduated from the same course with the same degree in 1942. Both, too, work in the same office, Main and Company, in the Packard Building. Miss Lefferts has worked there since July, 1942, while Miss Longacre, who worked for a time at Drexel after graduation, joined the Main finn in September, 1942. Such experience in a firm of certified public accountants is a requirement for taking the State Boards. Neither of the girls will confess to any particular outside interests at present, averring they've been too busy preparing for the examinations to have any. And both say they are heart whole and fancy free. They've "liked figures" ever since they started school, and Miss Lefferts thinks that her interest may have something to do with the fact that her father, William Reuben Lefferts, is also a C. P. A. A brother, Captain Arthur Lefferts, 25, is now in Italy, having joined the Army right after his graduation from Penn's Wharton School. "I can't remember just when I decided I wanted to be an accountant, but it was some time before I went to Drexel," she says. She was graduated from Abington High School in 1938. Miss Longacre is the oldest of four children. A fter she was graduated from Overbrook High in 1936 she entered Drexel to take the two-year secretarial course, but changed over to the fouryear business administration one on the advice of instructors there. "And now I'm very happy that I did," she says . Brother David, now 23, worked for an accounting firm before joining the avy. It seems probable that Miss Longacre, like Miss Lefferts, inherited her ability with figures from her father. He's David E. Longacre, president of the West Philadelphia Stock Yard Company, and he began work as an accountant in their office after graduating from Wharton School. There are three other women CPA's practicing in Pennsylvania, but all of them were certified through reciprocity from other states rather than through the examinations held each November by the State Board for Examination of Public Accou ntants, which began to function in March, 1899. Two of the women live in P ittsburgh, the third in Wilmington, where she works for a firm

with offices both there and in Philadelphia. Another feminine CPA was the late Miss Mary Niles, of Philadelphia, who obtained her certificate by waiver prior to 1899. The examinations are held simultaneously in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and until the last exams in November only one girl had ever sat for the examining board. That was about five years ago, and she didn't pass. Six girls took the 1944 examinations, five in Philadelphia and one in Pittsburgh, but the Misses Lefferts and Longacre were the only ones to succeed. As one might suppose, William R. Main is pretty proud of his two proteges. "We set out especially to canvass the colleges for girls," he says, "because we felt that now was the time for women to take their places in this field . "We're looking forward to welcoming Miss Longacre and Miss Lefferts into our Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants at its February meeting. We plan to prepare something special in the way of a welcome to them, and we hope that they'll take an active part in the society by way of carrying on the pioneer work they have started so magnificently." Editor's . Note: Eleanor and Anna are members of Mu Mu Chapter, Alpha Sigma Alpha.

• THE G.I. BILL OF RIGHTS AND THE FELLOWSHIP LOAN FUND Though we are all still striving for ultimate victory, back in the recesses of our minds are Post-War Plans. To individuals of us it may mean what we will do when "He" comes back, that new home to be financed with accumulated war bonds, or any one of many rosy dreams. To colleges, and indirectly, to sororities, postwar planning includes increased enrollment-expansion. There are going to be hundreds of service women enrolled in colleges and universities as a result of interrupted education and the opportunity now provided by the G.I. Bill of Rights. Many of these women will be on limited funds and when sorority membership is offered might be unable to join if it were not for the Fellowship Loan Fund. We should all be acquainted with the fact that this fund offers a loan to the amount of $200 to members and to the amount of $40 for pledges. Here is an opportunity, Girls, let us get to know these returned service women and add some of them to the roll of Alpha Sigma Alpha.

MARcH, 1945 LILLIE GREER-Portrait of an Akron ASA


served her Ohio U niversity Alumnce group-the school which she claims as her alma mater. Lil is a primary teacher by profession. Each day she is patriotically serving her co1nn1unity and city by guiding the lives of the young children in her care. Surely we all agree that is a full time job, but not for Lil. Since the beginning of the war, she has knitted constantly for the Red Cross. Sweaters, gloves, mufflers, whatever and wherever it is most needed. Her fingers are never idle. Even that isn't enough ! When asked to solicit for the last war bond drive, of course her answer was "yes." We feel that we have a right to be very proud of our Lil. At her charming little colonial home there is ever genuine hospitality and warm friendship. Do stop in. You will be welcome. MARJORIE MIRANDA.


"Hello, Lil, Are you gomg to meeting tonight?" "Yes, I am Marge. Can I pick you up ?" "I would appreciate it as I don't have the car." "Lil, we just love to come to your house. Do you suppose you could have the Christmas party?" "I'll be delighted to have the girls at that time, Louise." "Lil, did you say you would be going by the Children's Home?" " o, I won't be near there but tomorrow evening after school I'll be more than glad to deliver the candy to the children." "Thank you so much for the lovely letter, Lil, while I was sick." "Just so it helped a little, Judy." "Did anyone get Martha's baby gift to her?" "Yes, Lil dropped it off on her way to school." From the above lists of conversation, we hope you get a little insight into the character of our Lillie Greer, affectionately known to her friends as " Lil." Always a true and loyal Alpha Sig she has served as President and Vice President of our little Akron sisterhood. But her interests are varied and many. In the same way has she

As THE PHOENIX goes to press there comes the joyous news of the rescue from a Japanese internment camp of Alpha Sigma Alpha's Beth Harkness of Tau Tau chapter, Fort Hays Kansas State College. Beth's sorority sisters all over the world add their thankfulness to that of her family. The Kansas Cit;1 Tim,es of February 19 carries the following news story: Miss Harkness is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A . Harkness of Hays, Kansas, and a sister of Alfred Harkness, Kansas state senator. "The happiest man in Kansas," by his own joyous boast, was Senator Harkness, on hearing the news of her release. She had been in Santo Tomas camp. The last word from her was on Pearl Harbor day, the senator told the Associated Press. When she was captured in February, 1942, Miss Harkness was in Sagada, in the mountains of Luzon, as an Episcopalian missionary. Mr. Harkness received official notification of her release last night. Her condition was described as "fair." No information was given as to when she would be returned to this country. Since her internment, her parents have received two cards from her, the regulation type for prisoners of war. She was graduated from Fort Hays Kansas State college and received her masters' degree at Columbia University, New York. She had served as a missionary with the Indians in South Dakota, and in Shanghai, China. She was in the Philippines a yea r before her capture.



It's in the Air!

We're Everywhere!

Welcome New Orleans and Rochester! NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA ALUMNAE CHAPTER Charter Members CHAP.



Lorraine Morel Mildred Bergeron Cherry-Fern Leach Hilda Giraud Janice Hinrichs Mrs. Wayne Haydel Sybil Blake Glaser Dorothy Savage Mrs. J. E. Rawls Alice Joyce Bourgeous Betty Lu Straughn ww Claire Alexander


Date of 路 Petition, February 3, 1945.


It was a balmy night last October 25 when our beloved sponsor of Beta Zeta chapter, Miss Jessie Keep, joined a group of Alpha Sigs for dinner in the patio of Patio Royal-a typical setting in old New Orleans. At that time the six girls who met had ideas about an alumn~ chapter, but we needed a few more to meet the requirements. During November, December, and January we scouted, inquired, and even talked and planned for another meeting. Now that we look back,

it was certainly worth all of the phoning and writing that it took to bring together our g_roup of ten excited Alpha Sigs the evening of Saturday, February 3. Can you imagine-it was the same quaint restaurant down in the Vieux Carre that we met. It took us two hours to eat, in the typical Southern manner, because we discussed many plans for the future success of our chapter, as well as elected our officers . It was a jolly, excitable, and eventful night for us here. We plan to meet the second Saturday of ~very month to continue our planning and "doings." Here's a "cross section view" of our chapter. Claire Alexander hails from Psi Psi chapter. She was graduated from Louisiana Normal last June with the title of 1944 Class Representative of her chapter. At present Claire is working for War Shipping. The remainder of the charter members are from Beta Zeta. Mi ldred Bergeron is a keeper of the records at Oschner Clinic. Alice Joyce Bourgeois is an assistant to the dietitian at Touro Infirmary and plans to do interne work by June. Did you know that our members include two L.S.U. Medical School Students in the persons of Cherry-Fern Leach and Dorothy Savage Rawls? Our vice-president, Sybil Glaser, teaches physical education and history at Harahan High School, as well as takes an active part in the young people's work in her church. Lorraine Morel has been doing work at one of the local U .S.O. centers, besides working out at U .S. Department of Agriculture, Southern Regional Research Laboratory. We also find Hi lda Giraud doing research in cotton at the same laboratory. Since Betty Lu Straughn was already working at National American Bank, we thought that she was the most capable person to keep our financial records. Janice Hinrichs Haydel's pride and joy is her little blond haired daughter, Amy Beth, who celebrated her first birthday the day our petition was signed. Mother and daughter are anxiously awaiting their Navy Daddy's arrival from overseas soon. There MUST be other ASAs in this everbusy, gay city of New Orleans. We hope to meet them!



ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ALUMNAE CHAPTER Charter Members CHAP. MAIDEN NAME M.-\RRIED NAME IIII Ruth N. Puls HH Shirley Ainsworth IIII Lucile Fenton Mrs. Ellsworth Baldwin IIII Elizabeth Rowe Mrs. M. Ringwood IIII June E. Hagstrom BE Grace Almy Mrs. J. R. Aponte BE Bernice Baybutt IIII Edith Gaupp IIII Grace Schreiner Mrs. Thomas Roe IIII Doris Glunz Mrs. Kenneth Fisher Date of Petition, February 7, 路1945.

Officers President-Miss Ruth :N. Puls. 139 Valley Vievv Crest, Rochester 12, New York. Secretary-Treasurer - Mrs. Ellsworth Baldwin, 54 Berry Street, Rochester 9, New York. PHOENIX Correspondent-Miss Bernice Baybutt, 2400 Latta Road, Rochester 12, New York. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have the Alpha Sigmas in our community meet? Surely, there must be several of us living quite close to one another. How often have you heard such comments and then nothing happened? In Rochester, New York such ideas have been in circulation for several years and in 1944 they almost got beyond the discussion stage. On February 7th, the Rochester Alumnre Chapter became a reality. Letters went out three

weeks in advance of the meeting, explaining the possibilities of the ASA alumm:e organizing. Then came the snows and the Alpha Sigmas wondered if once again their hopes would be shattered for Rochester was snowbound--schools, stores, theatres were forced to close up. However, Mr. Weatherman 路 was kind to the Alpha Sigmas. The walls of Lucille Fenton Baldwin's attractive apartment fairly bulged by 8 o'clock when ten Alpha Sigmas assembled. It was the first time several of the ASA's had met; they were surprised to discover they had a sorority sister for a neighbor; they told about their work, their families and their children; they talked about college days and the prominence of ASA on their respective campuses. Of course there was the jollity, laughter and friendliness that characterizes any ASA gathering. In a matter of minutes you would have thought the ten had been lifelong friends. The spirit that prevailed certainly made the National Alumna Director glad that she had risked the uncertain trains to attend the organization meeting. Plans? Of course they made plans-they'll be meeting the first W enesday in every month under the leadership of President Ruth Puls with efficient Lucille Fenton Baldwin to round them up and Bernice Baybutt, alert for news, to keep you PHOENIX readers posted on their doings. The score? The charter members include seven from Pi Pi, two from BE and one from HH but when roads are open there will be another from HH, one more from BE and four from Pi Pi. There is room for more and a cordial welcome awaits other Alpha Sigmas in and near Rochester to join the group. Look to your laurels Buffalo and New Y ark Alumnre Chapters for here we come !


News Letters- Alumnae Chapters AKRON, OHIO Dear Girls: In spite of the slippery streets and blinding snow storms, our little band of Akron Alpha Sigs has met each month excepting January but severe cold and sickness has forced us to postpone our get-together until next month. We are looking forward to meeting with Martha Young in February. , . There was just a few of us at Emma Blythe s m October but we had such a good time that we were reluctant to leave. Working on the scrapbooks puts everyone in good humor for most of the cartoons are clever. Our November meeting at Judy Brucken's was most enjoyable. We wish it were possible for more girls to get to our Founders' Day meeting. The ceremony is always impressive and we feel once again joined together by our Alpha Sigma Alpha ideals and high purposes. Louise Holt, our president, led the service as we were seated around a lovely candle lit refreshment table on the center of which was a beautiful birthday cake. Of course we always look forward to our annual Christmas party at Lil Greer's and this year was no exception. We had a grand time and finished more scrapbooks than ever before. As our reward, Lil served us a most delicious lunch with all of the Christmas trimmings at a late hour. We also had a little gift exchange. May you all have a very happy 1945路 Sincerely in A.S .A., M ARJORIE MIRANDA.

ALVA, OKLAHOMA Some time has passed since I last wrote news of Alpha Sigs and they're still going strong, but I seem to have trouble running the news down. Guess I'm "fenced" in too much-which reminds me-today I'm observing a second anniversary, two years in the Army! Well, I don't wear a uniform, I don't have a serial number, and I can get by with telling the Commanding Officer what I think of him, but other than that, I'm in the Army. And believe me, two years in a Nazi PW Camp is quite an experience. There's never a dull moment, but it isn't any fun having to face the enemy every dayWe've had three meetings since I've written. Our November meeting, of course, was Founders Day. It was really lovely-and especially so as we were entertained by the actives and pledges in their new sorority room at the college. We've a grand little group up there on .the hill. In D ecember we entertained at the annual Christmas party at the home of our president, Luella Harzman . By the way, she took a little vacation and spent Christmas with the Crowder family (Dorothy Harzman to you) in Florida. I know she had a

wonderful time. Dorothy's husband, Earl, is stationed there. The January meeting was at the home of Lorinda Lane, but I decided to spend a couple of weeks at home with strep throat, so missed it. A fine time was reported . Phyllis Card Rahe got a call from New York last week. Yes, Max is home! He thought he was coming in October, but higher authority decided otherwise, so he's been running back and forth between London and Paris ever since. But he's here now and we're all so happy-Phyl has gone to Fort Smith, Arkansas, to meet him. I promised to tell you more about the Roseberry offspring, but all I can say now is "He's a boy" and I think he arrived sometime the first of December. Three of our Alpha Sigs got their names in the paper Sunday and here's what it said: "Today ten women will receive Red Cross volunteer nurses aides certificates from the Alva, General Hospital. For three months these women have given of their time and energy, attended classes, studied, performed hospital duties, did more than their part in the home front war effort. And they are not through. Within the next year they will devote rso hours to hospital work and care of the sick. We salute these women. Such humanitarianism, such unselfishness in helping out when help is needed most is certainly to be commended." And three of those ten women were Alphas and we're proud of them. They are Edna Donley, Emogene Cox, and Florene Roseboom. Edna also finds time to be an executive member of the USO Council. She and Ruth Warrick, a patroness, sponsor our weekly USO dances. But that's not all work, is it, girls? We have a good time too! Wilma Jean Fullerton married her marine, George Hildinger, from Burlington, Oklahoma. Congratulations, you two-may you have the best of everything! This is all for now-be seeing youERL LENE CLINE.

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS The November meeting of the Boston Alumn:e Alpha Sigma Alpha chapter was held at the home of Constance Spavin, in West Roxbury, with Charlotte Hadley, Mary Neville and Lora McQuide as her able co-hostesses. A short Founder's Day program was led by our President, Ruth Fletcher. Mrs. Ann Bradley then gave readings on the three act play "Susan and God." Many of us had seen the play, and even those who had not, chuckled over Susan's antics. The listening atmosphere gave us a hearty appetite for the supper. Our menu consisted of stuffed egg and sliced tomato salad, creamed cheese sand-

MARcH, 1945


wiches, macaroni and Prem, with a topping of butter- write rare bits of prose and poetry puzzles to introscotch sundae and cake. Table decorations included duce the actives and the older girls. an aquaflorium of gardenias and yellow candles. As always, the Christmas luncheon, December 27, At this meeting we were ever so glad to welcome at the Westbrook, was a lovely affair. It is one of the best get-togethers we have, for then we see many Betty Barnes Kelso of Indiana, Pa. back with us for faces of gals who come back to town for the holia brief visit. In December the Alpha Sigmas trekked to Mel- days and make the Christmas party a "must." Betty rose for a delightful meeting at the home of Mabel "Dorothy Parker" Barre, Vice-President, was there Hatch. Edith Lundquist co-hostessted. With the bringing us snatches of her poetry路 which we never brisk weather outside, the burning fire in the fire- tire of hearing. Not too many of us braved the icy weather to place seemed all the more charming. Red stockings come to Tudor Castle, the chapter house, for the belonging to Mabel's four children already adorned January meeting. Buffalo has been snowed under in the mantel in readiness for good old St. Nick. a series of the worst blizzards since r892. Those who Our annual Penny sale ensued. Mabel Peterson ventured out were more than amply rewarded with became our blue ribbon auctioneer. Charlotte Adams the fascinating, informal talk by Mrs. Burdette became overjoyed upon winning two presents, when Wright, who is the head of the Prisoners of War she had never before been lucky. Incidentally, Mrs. Committee of the Buffalo Red Cross. She gave us Hatch trained her children well, as when they drew the most Up-to-date, accurate information about our the lucky numbers, they did not forget their mother. boys who are imprisoned by the Germans and the Proceeds from the sale are to be used for a needy Japanese. It is most comforting to know what the Melrose family. Red Cross and the government, with the help of the Old Santa and his sleigh decorated th~ dining American people, are doing to aid them. No one table, for the delicious buffet supper which followed. could have been more forceful and sincere than Mrs. Spanish meatballs, potato salad, rolls and relishes Wright whose son was captured thirteen months ago with an assortment of cakes and cookies made up . in Europe. We can rest assured that our soldiers the menu. are definitely receiving weekly packages prepared by After exchanging A .S.A. new;, we reluctantly the Red Cross as well as packages sent by the next took ourselves home looking forward to the January of kin. meeting. Our minds were almost too cold at this meeting CoNSTANCE SPAVIN. to make such a great decision but we did it-finally chose a pattern for our new china. What a relief it BUFFALO, NEW YORK will be not to have to forage dishes for each meetThere's quite a bit of news from the Buffalo ing. Now our biggest problem is to corner enough alums since you heard from us last. Way back in green stuff to pay for them. The officers who have guided us through the June the young, glowing graduates and blushing year are: President-Virginia Blake Finn; Vice Presibride~ turned out in real style. Each graduate was introduced to her future alum buddies by Mary Fris- dent-Betty Barber Barre; Corresponding Secretarybee who had cleverly composed a poem to acquaint Phyllis Harley Wende; Recording Secretary-Virginia us with each girl. It made us all real anxious for Wiffenbach Lobo; Treasurer-Betty Bernard Case; fall to come so we could include the new gals in our PHoENIX Correspondent-Ruby Fitch Nelson. Yours for spring, any kind of a spring! This activities. President Virginia Finn announced Terry McGuire as the Activities Award winner for the winter is erful! RUBY FITCH NELSON. year. After four months we were back together again . CANTON, OHIO Gig Finn was back at her presidential duties with the added duties of motherhood on her shoulders. Our small but active group has been able to brave May we add that she manages both jobs very well all the odds until the December meeting. The and son Larry is thriving under it! The first meet- weather finally got us. That was the night the snow ing was a jolly one for we were all spilling over with settled in on us. I'm still wondering how our baffled lots of gossip. With Hallowe'en decorations all hostess disposed of the lunch she had prepared. Not around us we were in the mood for several amusmg one of us was able to get there. games Louis.e concocted. Mary Carmello Carfagna planned the annual The November meeting was as usual the real covered dish dinner at her home in January. Again inspiration of the year, for we learned much about the snow intervened. Jayne Weible Urban is teaching at Jackson School. the service women of Pi Pi chapter. It made us civilians feel pretty meek about our small part in the Marge Schlott Crawford is a busy P.T.A. president war effort. The Founders' Day Celebration was at Plain Center school. Mary Donze Miller is at carried out mainly by active chapter members, thus home caring for new son. Dotty Stough Roth is teaching while her husband, Dick, serves overseas. we got another peek at the future alumn<r. Not all the evening was serious for Ev Bell found time to Emmy Schlott Calhoun and Janice Rate Marsh are


at home. June Reigh DaHinden has a new baby as does Mary Carfagna. We hope the Cleveland Alpha Sigs have found our Virginia Weber Hansel. By the time this is printed I hope the Cleveland Alpha Sigs have found me . We are moving there this week. And so I turn the news letter writing over, with all good wishes to Canton Alpha Sigs. SuE SANFORD CAMPBELL.

CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA Central Pennsylvania is snowbound but the deeper the snow the more news there seems to report. On December r6th a luncheon meeting was held at the home of June Smith. Seven alums managed gas, tires and time to attend-they were, Mary Wilson Aungst, Alice Hart Beaver, Mary Jane Kehl Wentzel Lillian Gish Eshelman, Betty Wilson Rost, Eleanore Smith Thomas visiting at home whh baby Donald James for the Holiday Season and the hostess . Eleanore Dobler Brown was unable to attend because she was spending a required vacation in the hospital. Virginia Hoffman had good intentions but slid off the road and spent the day in a garage with her car. On January 6th Jerry Smith had an Alpha Sig party in the form of a Bon Voyage for Lt. Helen Witmyer who was leaving for an assignment in Pearl Harbor. She is the first Wave officer to go from the fourth district Naval Command and will have charge of Welfare and Recreation. Ten alums 路met to say good-by and good-luck to Helen. Ann Slifer who is still teaching near Reading; Lillian Gish Eshelman; Virginia Hoffman; Margie Hoover Heisey; Betty Wilson Rost; Jimmy Cockel, who plans to go to New York University next September to ,take Physio-therapy; Lauretta Weimer Murphy, who surprised many of us by having been married for three years.-She is married to the Minersville High School Principal, who is now not only her husband but her boss, since Lauretta has gone back to Library work in the High School for the duration . June Smith and Jerry Smith rounded out the numbers and a grand time was had by all. Many letters were read from absent but well-wishing alums. Among these letters was one from Evie Kratz Wimmer stating that she and her family were moving to Hollywood where Randy was to be established with a drug company. The next meeting was planned for Easter Vacation, at which time Betty Rost has invited the crowd to Red Lion for a chicken dinner. S. JUNE S!).fiTH.

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Since our last PHOENIX letter we've met in the homes of our three youngest mothers, or perhaps I should say the mothers of our youngest children, for Frances W eegar had two young sons to show off in November, Eleanor Smith Thomas our youngest Alpha Sig sweetheart in December, and Jimmy Wilson came home in time to at least say "Goodbye" to those entertained in Evanston in January . Betty

Foyer's son, John, also rated at the last meeting for it was his impending enlistment in the Navy Air Corps which kept her away from the luncheon. We were looking forward to seeing Lois Reilly at the Evanston meeting as her duties at Northwestern's Deering Library usually keep her busy on Saturdays, so were disappointed to learn that a flu germ was monopolizing her that particular day . We were glad, though, to finally meet Myrle Patterson after her return from California, and to know that Gladys Anderson might come in from Valparaiso some week-end when we're meeting. . A new representative from Alpha Beta chapter was Betty Hoyt, who lives near Carolyn Millard, and Mrs. Harold Clegg who lives in Evanston braved the afternoon's snow flurries to come meet us all for the first time. As Eleanor Thomas had just returned from a trip to Pennsylvania-where young Donald James was officially christened, she couldn't get up to Evanston so we didn't find out what Donnie and his famous aunt S. June Smith (see November PHoENIX) thought of each other. My remarks in our last letter about the housing situation in Evanston must have changed our luck for the J. V. Wilsons are moving into their own ' recently purchased bungalow at 2319 Hartrey Ave. on February ro. We should be nicely settled by summertime or early fall when we hope the Alpha Sigs will again come up to Evanston, this time to open the welcoming gate of our little white picket fence . ETHEL LLEWELLYN WILSON.

CLEVELAND, OHIO Ruth Duffy and Helen Boggess Swart entertained the Cleveland Alpha Sigs at a luncheon at Ruth's home on Saturday, October 2rst. The two 路 had planned an interesting afternoon for us. The luncheon was delicious . Then Helen spoke quite informally on "My Four Years in Northern Rhodesia." It was fascinating to hear of her many experiences there. She promised to show us movies of the many countries in which she and her husband have lived during his career as a mining engineer. We hope to see these pictures when we have our men's night in April or May. We planned at this meeting to make a real effort to find new sorority sisters living in this area . Already we have notified two girls, Edna Usher Hook and Naomi Caldwell, both of Delta Delta, who have told us that they will try to attend our meetings. If any of you who read this artide, know of any A. S. A.'s in this territory, do write us. We have such fun in our group here and we don't like to think of any eligible girl missing it. One November eleventh, we met for our Founder's Day luncheon at the Cleveland Athletic Club. Fourteen of our members attended. The group opened the program by singing our national anthem. The Founder's Day message was read, followed by President Georgia Kurtz giving the tribute to those

MARcH, 1945 fine women who originated our sisterhood . The tribute to our members in service was very close to our hearts. All of us were thinking of our own Ginny Carpenter. We closed the formal part of our program with a prayer. Bob and Bernie's Christmas egg nog party was a real success. This was the first affair of this season to which our men were invited. We enjoyed the exchange of inexpensive gifts. Cigarettes and gum were the prize packages of the lot! We spent the evening in talking and we could do that too, for we hadn't been together for a whole month. We missed Ralph Besse who had just been called out of town . Betsey told us that night that she and Ralph want us to come to their home for our spring party. We have told you of the fun we had there at their "nite club" party last year. Phyllis and Jack Greer couldn't come to Bernie's due to Phyll's aggravating cold. Ginny Carpenter, who was in Cleveland on furlough, phoned during the evening. Ruth Vorhees was kept home for she was preparing her family for their holiday visit at her sister's home in East Lansing, Michigan. Leota Merion and her husband and Bette and George Furness were also among the absentees. This frigid weather we've been having in Cleveland has been responsible for the postponement of our January meeting. Leta and Ada will have us later on this season. Our next get-together will be on February 24th at a luncheon at Higbee's Silver Grill. Phyllis Greer will be in charge of the plans. By the way, we have just heard that Phyll is working on the Shopping News, an advertising. newspaper. She's writing household hints, an army column, and filler material. No, we didn't know she could do it either, but she certainly knows how. Can you guess who the next PHOENIX correspondent will be? In the same office, we found another A. S. A. whom we haven't seen for some time. She is Ruth Klein of the Kent chapter and is now manager of the display advertising department. Fred and Martha Borch have been skating often on their Briar Hill Lake this winter. The Smith's and the Borches give each other competition at the Bedford Duplicate Bridge Club every once in awhile. Leta Crawford and husband are plenty proud of those three boys they have in service. Bob, who is the eldest, has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, for his conduct during the D-Day invasion in Normandy. Don, a year younger, is with the first army and has been awarded the Purple Heart. Bob got to visit Don in the hospital; it was the first time the boys had been together in over two years. The "little" boy, Howard, is now stationed in San Diego with the Navy. We will look forward to talking to you again in May. LoRA MABLE JoNES SMITH.

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO The Colorado Springs Alumn;e Chapter has had three meetings since our organization in October. The November meeting was held at the home of our President, Gertrude Crane. We made cotton balls for the use of the County Health Unit while we discussed plans for our winter meetings and activities. The most interesting feature of the evening was the announcement of Gertrude's engagement to Neils Glock, who has recently returned to this country from overseas duty . The December meeting was held in the home of Mildred Truman. Everyone brought clothing and jam or jelly to make up a Christmas box for the Christian Home, a private home for children who need care. After a short business meeting we spent the evening playing bridge and recalling school days when we were undergraduates. Our January meeting was held at the home of Grace Lloyd. Helen Shoup has charge of the reading room at the local War Recreation Center, and told us that they are very much in need of magazines. We voted to bring any magazines that would interest the men to each meeting. We also planned a Valentine party for our husbands and friends . We have had two additions to the chapter since our organization in October. Hazel Drown Lee is from Beta Beta Chapter, in Greeley. She is living here with her mother and sister, while her husband is stationed in Fairbanks, Alaska, with the Air Transport Command. She has one son. Helen Edwards Shoup is from Alpha Alpha, Miami, Ohio. Her husband is manager of the main Safeway store in the city. They have lived in Colorado Springs sixteen years, and have one son with the First Army Engineers in Europe. Members of the Chapter who were in town during the holidays assisted at the wedding reception for Gertrude and Neils Glock. The wedding was a beautiful candle light service at the First Presbyterian Church, at 8:oo o'clock on the evening of December 23rd. Gertrude's sister, Mrs. Edgar Duprez, was Matron of Honor, and her brother-in-law, Edgar Duprez, was best man. Gertrude's niece, Carolyn Duprez, just two years old, was flower girl. Gertrude was a lovely bride in white satin with a floor length veil and Juliet cap. The matron of honor wore gold moss crepe and the flower girl was darling in a long dress of turquoise taffeta. The reception was held at Gertrude's home immediately after the ceremony. Our Grace Lloyd poured punch and the rest of us assisted wherever we were needed. Gertrude plans to complete this year's work in South Junior High School, while Neils completes recuperating from wounds received in the European fighting. We are very glad that they will be with us this year. We are enjoying our new organization very much.


Our meetings are held on the first Wednesday evening of each month and we would be very glad to welcome any Alpha Sigma who happens to be in Colorado Springs. Yours in A. S. A., VIRGINIA MALONEY.

COLUMBUS, OHIO November r6, 1944, Miss Patricia Keenan spoke to our chapter on "Experiences of a Newspaper Woman." How I wish Pat were here now! She seemed to know so much about writing and I just beat my brains out trying to whip our news into shape for THE PHOENIX and it more often than not doesn't turn out to my liking. Now if Pat were writing this for me she could tell you so vividly about our October meeting when Ronny Rousculp entertained us with magic tricks. The sorority children were guests. EVERYONE was there-just like a reunion. Mildred Nally Creager's house was bursting at the seams with so many guests. Assistant hostesses Lois Beathard, Peg Martin, and Mildred Althoff constantly uttered words of encouragement to those of us suffering from lack of breathing space. Sardines had nothing on us that night! The living room floor was literally covered with cross-legged, mouth-a-gaping, ohhhhhing, ahhhhhing children. Their eyes popped like the buttons on milady's last year's dress. And my eyes popped when Ronny started pulling cigarettes out of an apparently empty hat,-me who had limited myself to three of those lovely weeds for the evening (there IS a shortage, you know) . Some of us sidled up to Ronny after the program with all intentions of learning the cigarette trick. Allegedly he gave us some pointers; but do you know, to this very day I haven't been able to make it work . I've practically ruined my husband's only hat and the nearest to a cigarette that I've been able to pull from the hat is a package of Bull Durham and some cigarette papers which I think some smart guy must have slipped into the hat when I passed it around for inspection . (You see, that is the beginning of the trick. Show them the hat is absolutely empty). I won't tell you the rest of the magic for it hasn't worked for me. I just resorted to the Bull Durham and tried to be satisfied. The October meeting worked magic in other ways. There were new faces there and many of those new ones have been attending meetings quite regularly ever since. I particularly remember Mrs. Rodney Borror (Janice Radebaugh), Johnnie (Cornelia) Jones, Louise Kramer, and Mrs. John Rousculp (Kathryn Groff). Mary Gaal was with us in December. Janice has three lovely children to fill her waking hours; Johnnie still teaches English at Hamilton; Louise is teaching commerce at West Jefferson; Mary teaches in an elementary school here 111 Columbus. "Not believe in Santa Claus? You might as well not believe in fairies." Our December meeting was in Grace VanAtta's home. Such a lovely dinner

we did have! Assisting Grace in preparing and serving dinner were Carol Tibbals, Viola Roush, Katie Loechler, and Louise Kramer. After dinner and a business meeting Katie. and Fraeda Montgomery showed us the clothes they had purchased for three needy children. Our project for this year was to clothe some needy children instead of giving to a charitable institution as had been done in previous years . Each of us brought a toy to meeting, had a gift-wrapping contest, and then the toys were distributed to two large families whose unfortunate circumstances prevented their purchasing Christmas happiness for their children. Other contests in keeping with the season helped make the evening still more enjoyable. Our president, Ethel路 Wolfgram, presented each member with a little Christmas gift and we happily left for home after group singing of carols. Our January meeting was with Johnnie Jones. Miriam Powell-pardon me, she has a brand new name-Mrs. Townsend Eugene Clark-and yours truly puttered around as assistant hostesses. All the girls had been so very anxious to see Jonnie's new home. Believe me, it is a little doll house . Our speaker for the evening was Mrs. MacMillan, a neighbor of Fraeda Montgomery who is exceptionally talented in weaving and lacemaking. Just to say she is very interesting is doing her an injustice, for she is more than that. I just can't think of .. the words to use. See why I wish Pat Keenan were here -she could think of the very word for it. Mrs. MacMillan showed us many samples of her work. They were indescribably beautiful. Did you ever weave the cloth for your husband's overcoat or suit? She did just that last fall and thought it really was nothing at all! The yarns were imported from Scotland for the overcoat, it took her about ten days to weave it, and then her husband had it tailored to suit his liking. (His taste was excellent, too.) Even with all the pretty handwork many of us do, we are but pikers after having seen Mrs. Mac's hobby-work. She has had this hobby only for six years. I couldn't do as well in six-hundred and six!


MARcH, 1945 I like to save one of the best things for last and here it is. Wedding bells clang-clanged for one in our midst. Secretary-treasurer Marion Smith Powell and Lt. Townsend Eugene Clark, Jr. were married January 7, 1945 in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Both Marion and Town attended Drexel University. Marion was of the Nu Nu chapter at Drexel and graduated in 1942. Since graduation she has been dietitian at the Maramor Restaurant here in Columbus. "Town" is a fighter pilot in the Army Air Corps. The new bride and groom spent their honeymoon in New York City and will take up a later residence in California. Marion is in Columbus for a few weeks prior to leaving for the West coast. News of Servicemen: Roger Beathard, husband of Lois (Wuichet) Beathard is now a sergeant technician and is on his way overseas. At last meeting Dottie Windom showed us some of husband Lt. Col. Loren's medals, specifically the Purple Heart and the Legion of Merit. They are positively beautiful. No need to waste space trying to say how indescribably happy and proud she is. All of us are justly proud of every husband in our group who is in the service or in war work. And for us who are not in the front line but are trying to do our bit at home, let us ADD to our bit by buying bonds and more bonds. We can go without so many new clothes for a while so that our fighting men won't have to go without civies forever. If we don't freeze to death before this weather breaks, I'll be chattering gory details and highlights of our high lives in a later writing . Yours for Victory and Alpha Sigma Alpha, MARY TENNELL CALHOUN.

DENVER, COLORADO Our Founder's Day luncheon at Daniel's and Fisher Club Room in late October was a grand success with more than fifty attending. Margaret Phelps Langhorn, our president presided graciously as toastmistress. The college chapter at Greeley was there "en masse" and seated at the center part of an E shaped table kept the singing sparkling and lively. Charlotte Herman, chapter president, told of the campus news. Pearl Lininger of Sterling, provided her usual peppy piano accompaniment for our singing. Za Lawrenson presented the Denver Alumna: Pledge Award, saying, "It was exactly ten years ago that the Denver alumna: chapter made the first award to Beta Beta's outstanding pledge of the year. The purpose then as now was to honor the girl, pledged and initiated within the same college year, who was selected by the chapter and adviser as typical of what Alpha Sigma Alpha desires in her members-all round development. Good scholarship, interest and participation in campus activities and charm in personality. The award of five dollars is given to the member to be paid to National toward her Life Membership or Alumna: dues. Here are the names of the ten girls

who have received the award, first in 1934, Grace Belwood Kay, then Mildred Trupp, Laurene Grant, Doris Stream, Marian Lancaster, Betty Barnes McEwen, Gertrude Crane Glock, Dorothy Avery Sutter, and Joella Kirton. This year the award goes to an attractive member from Hobbs, New Mexico, Ruth Baker. Ruth's scholarship is excellent and her special interests are dramatics and organizations in the English department." Gertrude Crane Glock was introduced as president of the new alumna: chapter at Colorado Springs and told of their installation and plans for the year. Evelyn Merrifield, the ALPHA 路 GIRL of 1944, in her charming manner, gave a talk about her chapter, Beta Zeta. Our program closed with Alpha Sigma's nation-wide Founder's Day salute to our members in the Armed Services. Denver's Christmas Brunch has sometimes brought out thirtyfive members but this war year found our numbers way down. But those attending enjoyed Za Lawrenson's hospitality and missed everyone who couldn't be there. PoLLY ScHLossER.

DETROIT, MICHIGAN Another letter in another year, and may 1945 be a happy and better year for each and everyone of us everywhere. To go back to '44, we had a very pleasant meeting out at Mildred Koch's on November 4th, when initiation was held for five members-Patty Bartow, Ambrosia Ford, Marion Parker, Kathleen Schwab and Virginia Swift. Miss Evelyn Bell, National Alumna: Director, was with us, and it was a great help as well as a pleasure to have her. Her cordial, friendly manner made us fee,! at ease at once. The occasion was quite a festive one. The hostesses had planned a little surprise for us. Their homes were only a few blocks apart, so we went first to Juva Beeman's- and there, in her cozy, hospitable home, we were served hot cream soup with simply divine cheese crumpets. Then, we drove on to Mildred's, where a beautiful luncheon table was set with lace cloth, hurricane lamps and rosy chrysanthemums; and there dessert and coffee was served. Corsages were at the places of Miss Bell and the initiates. Mildred's house was perfect for initiation, for she has a large studio with baby grand piano. During the afternoon, a Founder's Day message was given by Sara Jane Bumgardner. At this time, a bouquet of roses was presented to Lieutenant Kay Burlingame, of the WACs, who is now stationed in Detroit. Another , A.S.A., who was invited to attend was Mary McKay, from Virginia; but she was unable to be with us as she is a teacher at the Detroit Conservatory of Music, and Saturdays are her busiest <;Jays. Her new address is 105 Waverly Avenue, Highland Park, Michigan. Our December meeting was held at Sara Jane Bumgardner's home in Royal Oak. At that meeting, the girls voted to purchase enough yarn for an afghan, to knit same and give to the Red Cross.



The January meeting was at Norma Aliber's on Grandmont Road. Verna Klein and Louise Stirton were co-hostesses. A very delicious fruit salad, tiny muffins and coffee were served. Louise McArthur brought the yarn for the afghan, the; skeins were wound into balls, most everyone played bridge and all the girls went home with two or three balls of yarn to be knitted into squares before the next meeting, which will be at my home in February. Yours in A .S.A., MARIE PALMER LuTz.

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA On October 21st Indianapolis members and their husbands recklessly gambled their thousands at a Monte Carlo party at the McCammon home. As always, Jean and Bert were the perfect hosts. At stated intervals prizes were given to the winners of the game and then the participants moved on to try their luck at another table. Peg and Cliff Snedeker, left with most of the loot, which consisted of "white elephants" donated by members of the committee. A realistic touch was provided by two uniformed officers, who ostensibly came to raid the place, but were "bought off" with cokes and doughnuts. Eloise Proctor was the very able chairman of the party, assisted by Marie Kingdon, Genevieve Lieb, Lena Grumne, Julia Gerlach, Frances Shaw and Margaret Schofield. ln November we met at Adelaide McCarthys with Esther Burge as assistant hostess, and observed the Founding of our Sorority and honored our members who are in the Service of our Country. Peg Snedeker, assisted by Dorothy Karrmann entertained us in January. The elements kept many at home, but business was transacted and good fellowship was enjoyed. We were delighted to hear of the return . of Jane McDavitt's sister, Betty Foltz, from overseas duty as an Army Nurse and were invited to a tea which her parents were giving in her honor. Helen Noblitt also reported that her brother Joe was expected home soon. Mr. and Mrs. Selvage invited the Alpha Sigs to an open house which they had for him. How wonderful it will be when families all over the land can have such reumons. GENEVIEVE

s. LEIB.

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI We of Kansas City Alumna: are still continuing our monthly meetings. Our attendance is splendid considering the many and varied activities of our members. Every month a news letter goes out to seventy or eighty alumna: in this district. We think this he! ps to keep an interest in our group. Since our last letter we have had the following meetings: In November we had a covered dish supper at Katherine Keirns with Virginia Carder and Louise

Gillie assrstmg. A splendid book review was given during the social time following the supper. In December another covered dish supper was given at Dorothy Kreeks with Eleanor Sharp assisting. At this meeting under the direction of our very capable philanthropic chairman, Ruth Pennell, we made Christmas favors to present to our adopted "Old Folks Home," along with the gifts we collected for their Christmas. Our January meeting was a luncheon downtown at the Advertising Club. The hostesses were Phon Johnson, Beth Magers, Evelyn Evans 路 and Anita Begole Wad e. The table was most attractive with a large centerpiece of fruits. After luncheon the guests were invited to choose fruit from the centerpiece路. We then enjoyed a Walt Disney movie. The February meeting will be a luncheon followed by bridge with the following hostesses: Mary Ellerbrook, Jean Hutchison, Jo Wady and Georgia Oldham. We were so happy to receive so many Christmas greetings from other alumna: chapters. We also enjoy reading of the activities of the other chapters.-In fact we often get ideas for entertaining from them, so let's have more alumna: letters. NOTES Dorothy Hutchison-Hodges spent the holidays with her husband in Durham, North Carolina. While she was gone her Mother visited Jean and Roy Hutchison. Phon Johnson spent Christmas in Emporia, Kansas. New Years day Phon's brother from New York stopped over to see her on his way to California. Virginia Carder will be in quarantine until Jan. 21st. Virginia's two older children have had a mild form of Scarlet Fever. Katherine has been keeping the younger member of the Carder family. Katherine Keirns worked at the Post Office during the holidays, delivering packages. Alice Magers, Beth's sister-in-law visited them during the holidays, they all spent Christmas in Parker,' Kansas. Vella McKean was in Alva, Okla. during Thanksgiving visiting her parents and sister. Dorothy Hlasta has moved to 603 W. 86th St. Telephone: De o833 . Jerry Aitchison and family spent the holidays with their parents in Virgil and Eureka, Kansas. Ethel Phillips spent the holidays at her home in Eldorada Springs. Marion Vail's husband's parents from California, Mo. spent Christmas with them. Ruby Waterbury's sister, Mrs. Kyle Hart of Colorado Springs has been visiting her. They have returned from Southern Illinois where they attended the funeral of their Uncle. MARY ALICE HAMILTON .



LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Light and shadow! These two factors are found in all living-great and small. This is a letter in the same vei n. Perhaps it would be well to remember that there is no shadow without light, but that enough light will banish all shadow. Our president, Polly White, and Petty Officer" Louis P. (Bill) Loibner were married January 6, 1945, in San Francisco, California . . We send them our best wishes for a very happy life. Because of her approaching marriage, Polly was not able to attend our December meeting, and we missed her. However it was a delightful meeting with nine members in attendance, and Mrs. R. A. Mitchell, newly elected Vice President, kept things running smoothly. We planned to hold our next meeting on the Arkansas State Teachers College campus at Conway and visit the Beta Lambda Chapter there. After an excellent dinner, we attended a theatre party then spent the remainder of the evening in conversation studded with reminiscences and futurities. Since our members are quite scattered, these meetings mean much in keeping friendships strong. Mary Frances Gist Shaw has resigned her teaching position to join her husband who is a Chaplain. We are happy for you, Mary and Rodney . In many of our lives these days, the shadow of war is falling. It has recently touched two of our sisters. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Emmadell, whose husband Major Raymond A. Mitchell has been reported missing in action over Germany since December 12, and to Christine Calvert, w hose brother Philip has been wounded in action. We join them in their prayers for a safe return of their loved ones. Life holds the light of happiness and the shadow of unhappiness for all of us, but in our sisterhood in Alpha Sigma Alpha and our fa ith in the future, we find the strength to live each day hopefully and build upon it a greater peace of mind. Loyally yours in Alpha Sigma Alpha, GEORGIANA WHITE.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA The last regular meeting of the Los Angeles Alumn<e group was held on July 23 at my home in Downey. This was listed on the calendar as a "Barbecue and Peach Picking Party." It was an "all family affair" and so we got to see each other's children and in some cases husbands whom we had not met before. Our home is in what might be called a "small ranch" district and we have about twenty peach trees on the place so everyone went home with plenty of Babcock peaches, the variety which was ripe at the time. Mr. DeCamp, Altha's husband, and my husband did a fine job of barbecuing the hamburgers. These along with roasting ears, beans, apple pie and other "trimmings" made us all feel quite contented. From Katherine Hunsicker came a note recently


saying that she and Etli'el Tobin, our new president, met with Marie Berry and three actives fo r dinner in Westwood Village recently. Marie, who is National Registrar, wanted to see the undergraduates before she left California again but this is between semesters; so most of the girls were not on campus. Altha De Camp tells me that although she is not teaching this year she is more than busy with such things as P.T.A ., Red Cross, U.S .O., and Cub Scouts, not to mention keeping house for her husband and Jean, their ten year old daughter. They had an abbreviated vacation at Big Bear when Buss had to go there on business. This summer we made an unexpected trip and so were able to stop in to visit with Bayonne Gray Glenn. She is in charge of the U.S.O. at Paso Robles. They are near Camp Roberts and Camp San Louis Obispo and so are kept very busy. She told me that Margaret Cuenod, also of Xi Xi, is now in the Hawaiian Islands, She is one of the Y.W.C.A. secretaries there. Bayonne said that she is somewhat homesick and would welcome some mail from some of the girls so I will add her address for any of you who might have time to drop her a line. Miss Margaret Cuenod, Kauai Co. Y.W.C.A., Linue, KauaiT.H. Ethel Tobin spent her summer in Mexico, taking some courses at the University of Mexico. On November 13 we had our Founders' D ay Banquet at the Lighted Tree Restaurant in Hollywood. As has been our custom, Xi Xi Chapter celebrated with us and we had a good turn out. Since the actives were about to start their rush season we took this opportunity to help them plan their affairs and agreed to hold the Rush Tea for them and also help out on some of the other affairs. The Rush Tea was held at the home of Catherine Hunsicker. The next Alumn<e meeting was our Christmas party, held at the home of Ethel Tobin, on December 10. The Actives were also present and held pledging for four lovely girls. During the evening many of the girls made attractive Christmas tree decorations to be distributed by the Red Cross Auxiliary to the Torrence Hospital. Later they exchanged gifts and enjoyed refreshments. Last week when I was shopping fo r fruit trees at A rmstrong's Nursery I was much surpri sed to see Gertrude Byrket Slate with her husband and their two children. The little girl, Thalia lone, was born August 27, 1944, and was a surprise to me since I hadn't seen Gertrude since November, 1943. Do any of you ever listen to the radio program, "Breakfast in Hollywood ?" It used to be called "Breakfast at Sardies." Well, the Alums and Actives plan to have Breakfast at Sardies some Saturday toward the end of March or the first part of Apri l. We had hoped to be able to announce the date now but it seems that everyone else wants to go also so we have to wait our turn. Be sure and listen and sometime you may hear us-we hope. LomsE PETERSON HINDES.


MARYVILLE, MISSOURI On October 16, we met at the home of Mrs. Kuchs. Mary Ruth Brown and Winifred Christie were assisting hostesses. Eight alumn~ and two actives were present. Our Founders' Day Banquet was held November 15 at the Country Club. The tables were decorated with flags. The program, presented by the .Actives, honored Alpha Sigs in service and was as follows: Star Spangled Banner Reading of Founders' Day Message-June Morris America, My Own-Sextette Betty Jo Montgomery, Marylou Rusk, Shirley Anderson, Margaret Baker, Virginia Akers, Virginia Shearer Dedication of Service Flag Prayer-Phyllis Jean Price Taps-Sextette Carolyn Curnett was married 1 on October 7 to Ensign Franklin Searcy, who is stationed in Boston, Mass. The wedding was performed at the Riverside Methodist Church in New York City. On November 9, Eileen Isom was路 married to Lt. Lloyd G. Kelly. The wedding took place at the naval base at Cape May, N . J. June Morris was married to Chief Petty Officer D. Fred Croce on November 26 at the home of her parents in Trenton, Mo. At the time of her marriage June was president of the active chapter here. Sue Moore and William H. Cochrane, Jr., seaman first class, of the U.S.N.R. were married December 2 at the Epworth Methodist Church in Norfolk, Va. Sue is employed as service woman by the International Business Machines Company with headquarters in Chicago. She was given a leave of absence. The engagement of Bette Jean Townsend to Lt. Norman E. Maughmer has been announced. Another engagement recently announced is that of Emma Ruth Kendall to Seaman Second Class Mark Christine of Freeport, Illinois. The wedding will take place in the spring. Emma Ruth is now employed with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in Kansas City. Chief Specialist and Mrs. Dan Shura (Mary Frances Young) are the parents of a daughter born November 22. Chief Shura is now located at Sun Valley, Idaho.

MUNCIE, INDIANA We wonder if all the other Alpha Sig's have been troubled by old man winter since before Christmas as we 'Muncieites' have. We have been practically snowbound at times and I'm sure we will all be glad for spring to come. Luckily we had our December meeting before the weather got so bad. We had this meeting December 16th at the home of Mrs. Richard Rankin . We were so glad to have three out of town members at this meeting. They were Mrs. Kenneth Widmeyer (June Wilkinson), from Anderson, Mrs.


Charles Alvey (Carmen Cree), from Indianapolis, and Mrs. Joe Gardner (Libby Lee), from Winchester. June had just come back to Anderson after being with her husband who is in service. She has certainly done a lot of traveling. She surprised us by telling us that she has a boy, Kenneth David, born June 6. Carmen is still at City Hospital in Indianapolis and Libby is teaching at Winchester. Mrs. Leroy Miller (Betty Houston) has another boy Max Eugene born November 13. Miss Deirdra Kimball of the active chapter told us at our meeting of their activities and their plans for Initiation Week. Mrs. Mildred Monroe is teaching again. She first substituted and as she expressed it "the lady died" so she is taking her place as full time teacher now. A round-robin letter was started since our last meeting and these are always so interesting. We're to have it for our next meeting 路 so maybe we shall learn some news about our members. For our next meeting we are all planning to lunch together and then go to the home of Mrs. Leroy Miller for our business session. This will be on February 1oth so we will be looking forward to this meeting. Your~ in A.S.A ., VELMA THRESHER.

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK So much has happened in the New York Chapter since the last issue of THE PHoENIX, it's hard to realize that time has gone so fast. Our November meeting was held at President Martha Morse's lovely, spacious, "House-Beautiful" type (gosh, I need more adjectives) new home in Manhasset, Long Island. We all met at Pennsylvania Station and trouped out together-holding down . the train with our constant buzz. Once we arrived at Martha's the din was terrific-between the "oh's" and "ah's" over Martha's home, plus the greetings Em Frost and her boxer "Colonel" were exchanging in their first greeting after a couple of months. (Colonel became country-bred while Em vacationed in Arizona this summer.) After a luscious luncheon, the gals had a White Elephant Sale which, due to the very nice and useful articles, plus the nasal urgings of the auctioneer, netted amazing profits. Results of the afternoon was the decision that-"when in need of dough-have a White Elephant Sale." The December meeting too was a red letter day. Em Frost gave a Christmas luncheon at her Park School of Cookery. Knowing Em, plus the things that can come out of a famous cooking school should speak for itself, but, for those who need explanations -"'twas out of this world ." Food decorations were carried out completely in a red and green color scheme, and a myriad of little angel candles, fat Santa Claus's made of apples, and popped corn snow balls-added to the decorations as well as the refreshments.

MARcH, 1945


Then the January meeting was a theater party for the new stage hit "Bloomer Girl." The gals turned out almost 100 % for this, and . we have Gertrude Yorke to thank for the extricating of two rows (together) of theater tickets. Believe me, that's hard to do and get these days in New York. And while I'm mentioning Gertrude Yorke, may I extend my sympathy to the Boston Chapter upon losing such a good person. Since Gertrude has been with us she's injected a host of grand ideas into our meetings and has worked unceasingly to get stray members to join or re-join the New York Chapter. Sorry Boston, your loss is our very fortunate gain. And another mention of new-comers! Mary Schreder Solway a new member to the New York Chapter (Pi Pi) willingly accepted the arduous job of secretary to the chapter in the place of Ethel Shutt Peterson who requested our acceptance of her resignation for the office. It's grand having Mary with us and she's most novel in her meeting announcements. I held up writing this letter till our February meeting, which was today, Saturday, February 3, in the form of a Chinese luncheon at the Port Arthur in Chinatown of New York. This luncheon meeting was under the able supervision of Gerturde Yorke. She arranged the entire menu and we had about twelve different dishes, and surprises of jasmine tea which Gertrude had brought back from China herself and a jar of preserved kumquats. Before the luncheon we wandered into many of the quaint shops on Mott Street, and few returned without lovely souvemrs. Gertrude had also planned a special feature of having with us as guest one of the staff members of the New York Prison Association who took us to the Shelter Home and showed and told us about the work being done there for prison released girls: Gertrude is also doing a marvelous job in that respect. In all, the afternoon was a most interesting one and we can heartily thank Gertrude for everything. Of course, in the interim of our scheduled meetings, the New York Chapter has been sponsoring the Officer's Parties at Em Frost's Park School of Cookery. But rather than tell you about them here, there's a story just about them in this issue. (Nothing like giving a cross reference to other articles.) Next meeting of the chapter is to be a Stork Shower for a couple of the girls-but they don't want any "Walter Winchell" on it, so I'll have to tell you about it later. BILLIE BARRETT.

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLANIA We started the new year with a big bang in the patriotic spirit with a "G.I." night. Thanks to Ginny Hutton and Rosalind Munder, co-chairmen, and Claire Bowman Burton, we had a truly spirited meeting at the Kappa Kappa house on January 12. Claire told some of the very interesting experiences in Red Cross work overseas. Everyone listened intently, then

asked many questions. In addition there was a "gab fest" and refreshments. Also in the patriotic spirit, the last meeting of 1944 was held December 7 and it was a "War Effort" meeting at the Kappa Kappa house. Everyone was busy making U.S.O. scrap books and the evening passed too quickly. If the members of the armed forces enjoy looking at them as much as we did making them, they will have some happy hours. As usual we will have a Valentine Tea. Anna Lefferts and Bertha Undecoffier are making plans for it on Sunday afternoon, February 1 I, at the Kappa • Kappa house. From Temple University we hear there are three new graduates, Norma Adnee, Georgia Dintiman and Marion Dickerson. We hope to see these girls at our meetings. The stork has visited the homes of some of our members. Jean Mueller Hoyt's son, Curtis Winfred, arrived November 27. On October 4, Eleanor Thomas, a Kappa Kappa and National Fellowship Chairman, had a boy. Georgie Marlor Matthew's son is almost nine months old and Peggy Kirk Ruch's daughter is just about seven months old. We extend best wishes to Helen Kingston whose engagement to Warren Miller was announced last summer; to Mary Sponseller Lawrence on her marriage last June 24; to Lois Meadowcraft and George Baker on their approaching marriage; and to Lt. and Mrs. Townsend E. Clark (Marion Powell). Nan Nichols is quite happy over the fact that her husband has finished his tour in England and has come back to Fort Dix where she joined him. Bertie Pearson, another Nu Nu, is teaching at Drexel in Nan's place. Jean Coffman Jessup has returned home and her husband is somewhere in the Pacific. Nu Nu is quite proud of Anna Lefferts and Eleanor Longacre who are the only women in the whole state of Pennsylvania to pass the C.P.A. examination. They are both C.P.A.'s now. We have just received Sgt. Elizabeth Campbell Davidson's address. It is M.C.W.R., Co. E, Bks. 3, Henderson Hall, Arlington, Va. HELE N GEIBEL.

PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA Dear Alpha Sigs: Greetin'gs from the A.S.A.'s in Pittsburgh. We have been getting together regularly to 'cline and chat mostly. Our last scheduled meeting in January, was called off by the sad news that Mary Alice Fergusen, who was taking care of arrangements for the meeting, had died of a heart attack. Everyone had been happy to see her back for our last few meetings after she had been ill for a while, but the joy at seeing her was 'short-lived. Members who could, attended her funeral on January 21. Events of 1944 were brought to a close by a Christmas Bridge Party held at the College Club, Pittsburgh, on Friday, December 29. Eighteen persons were present and had a grand time eating, talk-


ing and playing cards. Prizes for the bridge, a Mexican silver ring and pin, were provided by Ann Schade, who has been spending a lot of her time south of the border and just this side of the border in Texas. She will return to teaching school in February . Pfc. Eleanor Conrad, MCWR, is now stationed in Washington, D. C., where she is working as secretary to a Captain. She gets home occassionally, but has not been able to get to any of our meetings since November. We really enjoy seeing her. The news is a little slim for this issue, but we hope to come through with a full page report on all the members from our district for next issue of THE PHOENIX. Sincerely, FRANCES PARRY. MARY ALICE WATSON FERGUSEN The sudden death of Mary Alice Watson Fergusen, Pittsburgh alumna, on January 19, 1945, was sad news for her many Alpha Sig friends. Mary Alice, always a loyal member of the Pittsburgh Alumn<e Chapter, had not been feeling well for some time, but attended chapter meetings whenever able. Recently, however, she had felt better, and had undertaken the hostessship of the regular monthly meeting scheduled for January 20. The meeting was canceled with a tragic note when news was received of Mary Alice's heart attack on the Wednesday before meeting day, followed by her death on Friday. Mary Alice was a graduate from Indiana State Teachers College, class of 1915. In school,. she served as secretary of her class and was very active in campus affairs. A loyal member of the local Gamma Pi Beta sorority, she became a loyal Alpha Sig when the group became National Alpha Sigma Alpha, and is considered a charter member of the Alpha Gamma chapter at Indiana. After graduation, Mary Alice taught for a while in her home town at Butler, Pa., later was married to Glenn H . Fergusen, and they moved to Pittsburgh. There she joined the Pittsburgh Alumn<e Chapter and became one of its most active members. ASA was always foremost in her thoughts. When last with her friends at the Christmas Bridge Party at the College Club in Pittsburgh, she expressed the desire that the group would never dissolve, that it would continue to provide a time and meeting place for old friends. Not enough can be said of Mary Alice's kindness and thoughtfulness. The sorority held a cherished place in her heart, and it in turn held her in highest esteem. She was a true Alpha Sig.

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA The Richmond Alpha Sigma Alpha Alumn.e Chapter now has girls from Alpha Chapter, at Farmville, Virginia; Beta Epsilon Chapter, at Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia; and Beta Iota Chapter at Radford, Virginia.

During the summer and fall of 1944 we were working on a most interesting assignment. Our alumn<e group had charge of the Service Center located in The Hotel William Byrd. This Hotel is across the street from Broad Street Station, a very convenient and helpful location for the servicemen just arriving in the city. Our Service Center there, gave information of all kinds and found rooms for them in private homes. It was a very worthwhile and interesting work. Just before Christmas, we gave a party at the Richmond Army Air Base Hospital for two wards of wounded airmen . The Red Cross bus took us there and brought us back. We sang with the men and played games with them, the most popular being Bingo, maybe it was because of the prizes. Anyway, everyone seemed to have a good time. We served punch and cookies as refreshment. The men enjoyed the cookies, especially, because we had made them and because of the variety, each girl made a different kind. Just before we left we were a part of a dramatic incident. A plane fl.ew in, just back from overseas with wounded men . We had some punch and cookies left, luckily, and of course served them to these veterans. Although they were very tired from their trip, they were delighted with the refreshments and the opportunity for a short visit from our girls. We hope to have another party such as this at the Richmond Army Air Base or either at McGuire General Hospital very soon. At Christmas time, there were two main projects at hand, serving as a Military Shoppers Guide and fixing boxes for Army and Navy Hospitals near Richmond. The Military Shoppers Guide Service was directed by the two largest department stores. Miller and Rhoads, and Thalhimers, for four Saturdays before Christmas. Anyone in the Service could . come to these stores and ask questions about location of goods, prices, variety or anything about buying Christmas presents. If the Servicemen or women wanted the Guide to go with him to purchase an article, that also was done. In this way, strangers to the city found time-saving as well as extremely helpful information, just for the asking. The ASA's who helped in this work found it most intriguing and enlightening as to what goes on in a Serviceman's mind when he wants to buy a gift for someone, and the heartwarming thanks expressed by these men and women was gratifying indeed. This project was truly a successful one and well-done. Our Christmas boxes were sent to Army and Navy Camp Hospitals around Richmond. These boxes were packed individually by the girls, who could not spend over $2.00 on them, and were lots of fun to fix . We put combs, handkerchiefs, small games, cigarettes, wash rags, soap, tooth brushes, toothpaste, candies, and many other things that we thought the boys might like. These were wrapped in gay Christmas papers and seals and sent with our best wishes for a very Merry Christmas.




RICHMOND ALUMNAE CHAPTER Seated: (left to right) Gwen Sampson , vice president; Grace Wallace Folkes, treasurer; Fran Waddell Camden, president; Mary Elizabeth White, secreary. • Standing (left to right) Katherine Kennedy; Ann Marten st ein , Editor.

Now for some news of what special people in our group are doing. Our last year's President, Fran Camden, went back to her Alma Mater a few weeks ago, the Beta Epsilon Chapter at Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, as "Alumna: Visitor." She had a wonderful time and had many interesting things to tell us about her trip. Quite a few of our group here have war jobs and many are doing volunteer war work. Our new President, Grace Folkes, has a job with the War Production Board; Ann Shelor and Gloria Kent are working at Richmond Army Air Base; Gwen Sampson is an X-ray technician at McGuire General Hospital; and Dot Darracott is teaching swimming down in Boca Raton, Florida. Ann Martenstein is a Nurses Aid at the Air Base; Virginia Rudd does Canteen work with the Red Cross; Betty Fahr, Ethel Carr, Anne Pettis, Lindsey Watkins, Virginia Rudd, Caroline Eason, Ann Martenstein, Gloria Pollard, and Katherine Kennedy entertain men at the Officers Club every week. As for the romance department here in Richmond, it seems to be flourishing. During the summer and fall there were five weddings and three engagements. Ella Marsh Pilkinton was wed to John George

Adams; Julia Eason to Roger Mercer; Naomi McAllen to Robert Branson; Gloria Allen to Robert Kent; and Patsy Barlow to D. L. Jenkins. Ann Robins is engaged to Charles Zacharias and Mary Elizabeth White to Morris Wall ace . Patsy Smith is in England with the Red Cross. She is also engaged to be married. We have been having grand times at our meetings which are held the first Thursday in every month at different member's homes, and we hope that any ASAs coming to Richmond will get in touch with us. Love in ASA, ELLA MARSH ADAMS.

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI The St. Louis Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha Alumna: held their annual Christmas party Sunday evening, December tenth at the home of Mrs. Warren Griffith. Carol Greeson and Mrs. Stephen Hall were assisting hostesses. Husbands and friends were guests. A buffet supper was served at six-thirty, followed by a Christmas program and gift exchange. We always look forward to meeting with Betty Dodson Carpenter at the Missouri State School of the Blind. The school is such an interesting place, and they are doing so much for these unfortunate


children. We always go away feeling thankful that we can see. We met with Betty January thirteenth, Elizabeth Fair Wohlschlager was assisting hostess. After the social hour we were taken to the Chapel and entertained with piano solos by a blind negro student. Carol Greeson has been designated by the Board of Education of Webster Groves to work at the State Headquarters office in St. Louis. Margaret Hall is working with her. You outstate people probably don't know that the Missouri State Constitution is terribly outmoded, and we have a big election coming up this spring and we are all doing everything i-n our power to get a new constitution. Elizabeth Romans V..7oody is president of the Webster Groves League of Women Voters and needless to say, she is working morning, noon and night on this issue. Sarah Grim Wimp and three children are moving from Ki rksville to Kirkwood for a limited time, in order that they may be near their husband and father, Lt. J. J. Wimp who is stationed at the Navy Hospital Base at Lambert Field . -We will be so happy to have Sarah with us. Our Alumn.e group here in St. Louis extend cordial greetings to you all and may 1945 bring all good things to you and yours. Sincerely, HELEN GRIFFITH .


way from paper clips to large boxes of waxed paper. The hostesses, Julia Sliger, Helen Malone, "Sis" Caraway, Harriet Umsted, and Margie Jeanne Miner, served dainty little cakes iced with letters of Alpha Sigma Alpha, ice cream, coffee, and nuts. This was only the beginning however, for the party turned out to be an all-night affair, with dinner at "Little Mexico," followed by ice-skating, and ended with the singing of sorority songs at the home of Helen Malone. Three tired, but happy guests boarded an early morning bus back to school without a wink of sleep. Too bad those semester exams were in the offing, or more of the college girls could have come to share in the fun. In February, our meeting was a "no-host" luncheon at the Hotel Tulsa. We welcomed to this meeting several "new-comers" to our Chapter. Recent additions to our membership include Mariam Lancaster, Beta Beta; Odessa Herriman, Mrs. Don Luff (Kathleen Blossom), Mildred Cox, and Betty Begun, all of Beta Gamma. Your reporter was surprised and . appreciative on this occasion, when the Chapter members gave to me a wedding gift of most-welcome crystal. The accompanying snapshot didn't quite make it to press with news of our April Fools' Party last spring when this was taken. "Better late than never," though, or so we've heard. Current news of interest is the birth of a son, Jon David, November 22, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Swann. Mrs. Swann is the former Ann McCampbell, Alpha Beta. With the future months promising several inter- esting events, we leave you now until time to report further developments. MARY LEE HILL wAGONER .


TULSA, OKLAHOMA CHAPTER Top Row (left to right) Ann Swann, J ennie Fisk , Isabel Halliday, Belle Beck , Helen Malone, R ena Mae Long, Mary L ee Hill Wagoner , Sis Caraway. Seated (front row) H a zel Row, Lora P. Sip es, H elen Solomon . Ma ry Darby took the picture so is unseen.

Where to begin to tell of Tulsa's activities in the past three months presents a real problem, but we'll stick to the calendar and start with December. On the 16th of the month, Alpha Sigma Alpha sponsored Tulsa's monthly Pan-Hellenic meeting. This was a tea at the Y.W.C.A., at which we had a lovely flower show by one of Tulsa's leading florists. Our Surprise Party of January 6th, of which we hinted in last issue, was a delightful success. With three little surprises in the persom of Ollie Mae Bittle, Billy Raye Hogue, and Wanda McKinley from Beta Gamma, Tahlequah, as special guests, the party started with games of Bingo in the Club-room of the Y. W. C. A. Cleverly wrapped prizes ranged all the

On November 16, 1944 at the Noble Road Presbyterian Church, Cleveland Hts., Ohio Wilma Snider, Lambda Lambda, was married to Russell S. Neilsen of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Wilma, up to the time of her marriage was Assistant Director of the Health and Recreation Department of the Ohio Department of Education. She had been a former teacher at Ohio State University the institution which had conferred upon her a B.S. in Education and a M.A. degree. Mr. Neilsen is a Trust Officer in the State Savings Bank at Ann Arbor. Already the vivacious Wilma is doing community work in her new home-having affiliated herself in Red Cross work as a Gray Lady. Mary Wagner, Theta Theta, a former member of our National Council, is taking her Sabbatical Leave from Smith College by doing some work at the Laboratory of anthropology at Santa Fe, N. M. Mary directs the Nursery School at Smith.



We like to read the Detroit Free P1路ess whenever we can to con Tony Weitzel's column. Tony's wife used to be THE PHOENIX Correspondent for the Akron Alumna: and her husband makes frequent references to Dorothy and their four young ones. One of the many things that impresses us about our Alpha Sigma sisters is the way in which they go ahead in community service after college or even professional days are over. One example is that of Mary


Jo Harris Coder (Mrs. Norman B.), Alpha Beta, who is now a member of the Board of Education m her home town of La Belle, Mo. And from a recent issue of Banta's Greek Exchange we quote-"Alpha Sigma Alpha's Dale Zeller, Professor of Education, State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas, is on the Board of Directors and Publications Committee of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N .E .A."

Pace with Our Graduates

Beta Zeta-'42


The first part. of November, Virginia Fields, who is a corporal in the U.S.M.C., was at home on furlough. Since she had such a short time to be there, we thought a visit to her would solve the problem. Gloria Lacaze and I went to Morgan City for the week-end and saw "Jena's" sister, Marian, also an Alpha Sig, at the same time. (Marian was married to Richard Romaire the following Tuesday. He is a P.T.R., our brother fraternity! Don't tell me this alliance has not been beneficial.) On Sunday, the three of us returned to Lafayette to see as many of our mutual friends as possible. We managed to get Dorothy and Barbara Wild, Catherine Hudson, and my younger sister, Sylvia, together for dinner. Some time later in the day, all of us went to see Miss Keep. My! such chatter. All of us had plenty to say, which is the usual status when Alpha Sigs congregate, is it not ? It was a delightful day, ending all too soon. When I hear from Evelyn Toups, Noella Orgeron, and Josephine Joseph, I shall send you news of them. Peggy Magee, the party food wizard of our grand '42, has been traveling from one state to anothe;r fol-

lowing her husband who is an Army pilot. Peggy's adaptability is standing her in good stead and she loves it- this gypsy life. However, she writes me that she will be glad enough to settle down . Virginia Fields is still on the west coast in Santa Barbara, California. That climate suits her "ju_st fine," she says and that's where she intends o stay when the war is over. 路 Gloria LaCaze is City Editor for a small daily in Crowley, Louisiana. She has acquired a maroon convertible which she disloyally named "Tiger!" Us dyed-in-the-wool Southwesterners were much in favor of a name suggestive of our beloved school. Merrell Tucker does not belong to the group that I am supposed to report, but I know that she is in Houston, Texas so I mention it. I forgot to mention that we saw Evelyn Songe in Morgan City, too. She, also, married a brother P.T.R. Anna Louise Schwing is still living in New Iberia and has a child to occupy her time these days. The last part of November, I visited in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and in Washington. I had hoped to get up your way but time would not permit it. It would have been wonderful to see you and perhaps a few Alpha Sigs from your Chapter. However, I am hoping for an opportunity to go, again, soon and this time I will get there. Catherine Hudson, who is Mrs. John Ramsay, is living in Lafayette with her small son, Hudson. Hudson is a darling and the girls love him dearly. When I heard about Marguerite Hail, several months age, she was teaching Home Economics in Eunice. Evelyn Toups had a job in Washington for the summer but the South called her back. Josephine Joseph has written me from Orlando, Florida to say that she is no longer "miss" but Mrs. Harry P. John. She says that her husband has no complaints to make about her cooking and that she loves housekeeping. Evelyn Toups is in Thibodaux, Louisiana, again this year. Noella Orgeron . is at the Stephens Memorial Library at Southwestern where she is doing a fine job. Ouida Mae LeMaire, now Mrs. W. J. Roberts,


one of our 1941 graduates writes that Mildred Sorge Stafford is with her husband at Buckingham Army Air Field in Florida. While he flies, Mildred has a job at a professional dressmaking shop to keep her busy. Another '41 graduate, Ethel Bergeron (Burleigh, Mrs. Malcolm), is a li~tenant in the Marine Corps stationed at Cherry Point, N .C. Ethel was instrumental in organizing the library and is in charge of it. We're mighty proud of her. .Emma Dell Mendoza, Mrs. Thomas Givens, has a busy time of it taking care of her young sons. She was one of the librarians at the Stephens Memorial Library on the campus but has enough to do to keep her busy, now . Barbara Wild, Mrs. Harry German, is still on the faculty at Southwestern . Among her other duties, she acts as instructor at one of the Home Management houses. Dorothy Savage left school in 1942 in favor of L.S.U. Now, she is in Medical School in New Orleans and lives with Cherry Fern Leach, another of our sisters. Daphne Kerrison, who is remembered for her brilliant dancing performances, is still in England serving with the WAAF. Her lovely personality is truly an asset to that branch, I am sure. Oh,, yes! Merrell LeBlanc has another young son. This is the second one but I think that the family is as excited over him as they were the first. Erin, Merrell's sister, has a small daughter. The LeBlancs are well represented in the Chapter again this year, as there are two younger sisters there to take Erin's and Merrell's places. (My, it seems that when I get started there is no stopping.) GENEVA RICHARD.

Nu N u-'42 The clipping about Philadelphia's new lady CPA's should interest all Alpha Sigs, for here are two sisters who have really achieved a great honor. I can tell you they studied long and hard for it, even giving up all activities outside of work to attain this goal. We are all very proud of them, as you can imagine. Anna Lefferts was a '42 NN, but Eleanor Longacre graduated from Drexel in 1941. Maybe Dottie Hutton from her class has already sent in this news . The enclosed marriage announcement will interest you because you probably remember Marion S. Powell from our class, who was a staunch member of our delegation to Convention in 1941. Betty Smith, who also attended Con~ention with us, reports that she is her father's private secretary, although she taught in a nursery school and took graduate work after graduating from D.I.T. On the side she puts in five hours a week on Red Cross Home Service work and takes an evening course in ceramics at Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pa. "Snuffy" wishes she were near Philadelphia so she could attend our Alum meetings, and we'd love to have her for she's a loyal and willing worker. Florence Garrett Garwood's husband, Tommy, was killed while giving flight instruction down in Texas this fall. Flossie was down there with him

and it must have been very hard to come back alone. Tommy was a Drexel boy and one of the best we've ever known. Virginia Cameron Simon, who lives with her husband's family in West Chester, Pa., received word in December that Ed had been seriously wounded in Europe. I understand, however, that. he is recovering nicely and may be sent home soon. Ed Simon was also a Drexel graduate. Jean Wolfe Tudman has a little boy, David Scott Tudman, who will be two years old in May. His daddy ferries planes to the European theatre of war. Jean and little David are living in Rome, New York with Jean's family. Betty Shone, who helped to install our chapter at Harrisonburg, is Chief Stenographer at Scott Paper Company in Chester, Pa. This is a very responsible position. By the way, I'm Secretary to the Controller of the same company. Vivian Albright Brobyn, NN '41, works right beside me and Dorothea Kraiss, NN '34 or '35 (I believe) has a very important position in our Purchasing Department. So, you see this is practically an Alpha Sig monopoly! Incidentally, Vivian was married at the end of September to Dr. Wilmer Brobyn, who is now interning at Abington 路 Hospital north of Philadelphia. Marie Sevenson Sillars became Mrs. Charles Sillars in December, 1943 and her husband will graduate from Temple University Medical College this June. Marie works at Curtis Publishing Company and does time and motion studies there. The Sillars will go to Reading, Pa. in June, where Charlie will serve his internship before entering the Army. Now a little bit about two girls who graduated in 1943, two of whom started out in our pledge class and took the five-year course in Retail Merchandising! Mary E . Hall became engaged to Infantry Lieutenant Ralph Good of D .I.T. back in November. She learned recently that her fiance is now missing in Europe, but we are all very hopeful that he will turn up as a German prisoner. Bertha M. Pearson is now teaching at Drexel, after just graduating from there in 1943 路 That speaks well for our Nu Nu group! Bertie was formerly Program Directress at the Y.M.C.A. in Ardmore, Pa., a position held by a woman for the first time. BETTY BARINGER.

Beta Gamma- '42 The 1942 class of Beta Gamma girls are leading varied and interesting lives these busy days. Some are career girls, and of course others are married . Among the career girls, and doing right well for themselves, "thank-you," we find Treva Davidson, always outstanding on the campus, now secretary to Hedda Hopper, the Hollywood gossip columnist. Jean Cole, who was secretary to our own president at Northeastern after her graduation, is now secretary to the president of Oklahoma's A. & M. College at Stillwater. Ruby Lee Goodson, that outstanding

MARcH, 1945 musician, is the very efficient band-director in the high school at Stigler, Oklahoma. Betty Begun, we find, is in the catalog department of the Tulsa Public Library, Tulsa, Oklahoma. On the matrimonial side of the ledger is Mrs. D. M. Riggin, formerly Rosella Tewell, observing her second wedding anniversary on the fourteenth day of February. Rosella and D. M. have lived in Tulsa since their marriage, where D . M. is a chemist with the Gulf Oil Company. Elizabeth Evans, now Mrs. Joe Radford, at last account was with her sailor husband in California. Another married lass on our list, is Mrs. W. K. Snelling, the former Betty Levy. Betty and Ken (who is in the army, and recently left for overseas duty) announce the birth of a baby boy, Bill Ken, Jr. Betty and her son are at home in Pryor, Oklahoma. Vera Jamison Harvey is with her husband, Lt. Paul Harvey, at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri . Vera and Paul are also proud parents since last April, of a baby girl, named Tana Raye. Your reporter, Mrs. Royce Wagoner, a bride of last May, is still attempting to teach the little kiddies to sing, in Tulsa's Bryant School. The summer vacation was spent in New Orleans and the Christmas holidays in New York with Royce, who is a Coast Guardsman. Time out, while I re-enforce my gossip column with more, if not better news for next time . . MARY LEE HILL wAGO NER.

Xi Xi-'43 I am no longer a technical illustrator for Douglas Aircraft Corp. I resigned in September and took a position in Beverly Hills as an assistant to two Modern furniture designers . I do all the art work for them plus some interior decoration. Mary of our clients are movie stars, directors, etc., and so I , have become acquainted with a number of very interesting people. I really find my work exciting, and enjoy it very much. Since I last wrote to you, a number of girls from my class have married. On September 29, my former roommate-Anne Woehler married Corporal Carl Rreuter of the Marines. They are now living in San Diego. Barbara Smith married an army air corps Lt. this fall, and her name is now Mrs. V. H. Dilly. She is living at home and attending the University of Nevada. Barbara Barrett also became a " Mrs." this fall. Her husband-Tech. Sgt. J. P. Ingrahm just came home from Europe after serving in the U. S. Air corps over there as a radio-gunner. Connie Tracy, Gail Johnson and Ruth Worland are teaching elementary school in long Beach and like it quite well. Irva Watters, a Xi Xi classmate who was a 路 former teacher, is now a WAVE. I think she is stationed at Hunter College. Capt. Benjamin Van Dorn-the husband of t~e former Margie Furnival was killed at Muroc, Calif.

when his plane crashed recently. It is so tragic, because they were such a very happy couple! Last night Lois (Downey) Bockhaus and I met for dinner and then attended a Xi Xi Chapter initiation of new members. It was just like old times for us. The initiation was very nice, and four lovely girls became members. After the ceremony, the new girls said they had heard that Lois and I attended the National Convention in Chicago, and so they wanted to hear a bit about it. Well, it didn't take any coaxing for Lois and I to ramble on and on about that gay convention. The active and alumn<e chapter of Xi Xi are planning to have breakfast at Sardi's some Saturday morning in March. Who knows we might even get to speak over the radio!! Katherine Hunsinger of our Alum Chapter also attended the initiation last nite. I believe I told you before that Lois is working at Lockheed Aircraft Corp, as a Librarian. I see Eloise Gaspar (our little Hawaiian) occasionally. She is kept pretty busy dancing at Camp shows up and do"wn the coast. She is also attending the University of Southern California now instead of U.C .L.A. Liane Rose, our first Xi Xi WAVE is doing quite well in Uncle Sam's service. She is stationed in Washington. I understand that she was in the WAVE show at Chicago this fall! We're proud of her. Lillis Nerling has moved up here again after having worked for eight months in beautiful LaJolla (near San Diego). She is still doing technical illustration for a defense company-"Conners & Joyce, Inc." She is now living in Beverly Hills-about six blocks from where I work. We see one another often.


Pi Pi-'43 Thirteen "Alpha Sigs" graduated from Buffalo State Teachers College in the Class of '43路 Pi Pi Chapter Alums-are these girls now, but that's not all. I've had fun receiving answers to letters sent to each and every one of these girls, accompanied by a questionnaire. I'm only too glad to share the results with sister-Alpha-Sigs and know you'll be as delighted to hear where they are and what they're doing, as was I. I'll start with marriages-they always make interesting reading. Let me warn you these gals have sure kept those wedding bells ringing out. Of course Winnie Kendall became Mrs. Warren Frahn some time before graduation. "Stretch" (her husband) is now a . member of the signal corp and Winnie is with him in Corpus Christi, Texas. She is teaching Nursery School down there. I'm sure you've known of Marge Bennett's marriage to Earl Leithliter 'cause that happened long ago, too! They are now living on St. Laurence Avenue m


Buffalo and from all reports have a darling baby "alum" meetings. The last one was especially interesting. boy-born, in December. I asked on the questionnaire which I sent out to · June Fernaays and Marion Mallnow were both married soon after graduation. June, now Mrs. the girls, if they had any negatives of group pictures Lindsay Farnam, is with her "better-half" in Cham- of '43 alums . I had no results--other than the fact paign, Illinois. She is teaching a combination first that no one had any, and everyone wishes she did. Let's try and remedy the situation. and second grade. · Here's a sidelight that seems to fit appropriately Marion and Don (you remember State's track with the rest of this news. Natalie Williams Haslett champ, Don Munson) ar~ living on Fillmore Av~~ue who would have graduated with us had she continued in Buffalo. Marion says she keeps busy housew1fmg and loves it. Don is still at State and working at school after her marriage, is now in New Mexico. Curtiss-Wright. Here's a description of their darl- Hugh is a Capt. and stationed there as an instructor. ing youngster- his name is Don Garry, he's eight They are raising horses and have five now. Natalie months old, has 6 teeth, stands up, and (I quote also teaches bridge classes evenings. Hope you're better posted now. Please if you Marion) "is never still a second." Remember "Marni," Stowell, and Brown? Well have any additional news send it to me at 27 E. they've 'dood ' it, too. I don't know just when Janet Morris Avenue, Buffalo I4, New York. CARYL BRENNAN. Stowell became Mrs. Christian G. Koelbl, but I do know she's very happy about the whole thing. She Beta Zeta-'43 is living in Alden now with her folks while Sgt. In I943 Beta Zeta had sixteen graduates, all locatKoelbl is very busy as a member of the U.S.M.C.R. ed and accounted for, even though I have not heard "Jan" is expecting a bundle from Heaven in March. directly from all of them. "Marni" Marshall changed her name to Mrs. Five of us have added Mrs. to our signatures, inBernard Groh this summer. "Marni" is still teach- cluding myself. Veteran of the five is Dorothy Wild ing 3rd grade in Eggertsville and likes it. Pfc. Groh White who · married Lt. Jack White of the Army is at U. S. School of Medicine. The Groh abode is Signal Corps in I942. She is now teaching one of at I I 30 Kenmore A venue, Buffalo. the grammar grades at Marne, Louisiana near her Peggy Brown is most recent among the married home while her husband is in Hawaii. Her subjects set. She and Ist Lt. Richard H. Pendleton took include Math, Spelling, Science, Reading, History, their vows December I7, I944· At present she First Aid and Health; her pupils enjoy Science is with Dick and I guess intends to travel with him particularly and were quite enthused over the recent as long as possible. I have a N. Tonawanda address eclipse of the moon. From her description her room for her. Incidentally, Dick was held prisoner in a · at school must have been the best decorated at Roumanian prison camp for I4 months and has been Christmas. much in demand as a speaker since his return to U.S. Following Dot on the list is Laura Nelle McElroy W dl, now for us single "gals." I can tell you Fruge. "Tally," married during the summer of I943 only this about Claire Crocker-she is still teaching to Coast Guard Allen Fruge. They are now living Home Ec. in Wellsville. Hope to have more news in Corpus Christi, Texas with their five month old of her next time. son, Eddie. Tally wrote that her husband's work Marge Frisbee is living at home this year and consisted mainly of inspecting tankers on their arrival teaching 2nd grade in Snyder. She says she likes and stay at the docks. At Christmas time they were it very much. When I heard from her the later part among the fortunate who had leaves, which was spent of January she said Don had been home after several with their families in Louisiana-young Eddy, I7 months as a Naval Pilot in the South Pacific. pounds, 26-in. in height, keeps Tally busy, but she "Edie" Gaupp is still teaching Art at Schoharie. manages to play tennis, go dancing, and keep up her She spent a week-end in Buffalo recently. I believe correspondence with sister Alpha Sigs. it was when "Red" Wolf has his last leave before Just before Christmas I943 Evelyn Frost became gmng overseas. Mrs. Nelson Meadows, and has been travding with " Ollie" Parenti is teaching Home Ec. in Pittsford her Navy pilot ever since. On October 23, I944, a High School and seems to like it there very much. son, Jimmie, arrived. He must be the perfect child She belongs to several local clubs, sings in a church because Evelyn writes that he has yet to cry or lose · choir, and said she is "struggling with bowling and his temper. They are at present stationed at Lee ice skating." Field, Green Cove Springs, Florida, where her husAmy Smith is living in a garage apartment on band is a Student Officer taking a Refresher, soon Nottingham Terrace in Buffalo with some girls she to check out in Carrier Landings. From Florida to works with. She is now connected with American California and the Pacific Fleet-Evelyn and Jimmie Airlines. are quite used to traveling so will accompany him I am again teaching in Kenmore . I am teaching there and then visit relatives in Illinois and Kentucky, in Kindergarten with another girl who graduated finally to settle down in Franklin, Louisiana. She with me. Yes! so far I like it. I'm living in Buffalo hopes to be a Navy wife always for she loves the life not far at all from Marion, and am able to attend and the traveling.

MARcH, 1945 1944 witnessed two Beta Zeta weddings. Carolyn Elliott Goode was married in Baton Rouge during the early part of the year. I was at L.S.U. at the time and met her husband, tall and handsome. They are both working at the Standard Oil Company there.



And last among the married, myself- Date: June 5, 1944, to: Lt. Jack W. Scott, Army Air Corps. We spent the summer in Tuscon, Arizona, after a brief stay in Lincoln, Nebraska, where we lived in a pink adobe house, surrounded by desert and cactus, with mountains almost at our front doorstep. Just as all wonderful things must soon end, we received orders to ship out- Jack to Italy where he is flying as copilot on a B-24. I spent four months at home in Louisiana and recently came to Lucy, Tennessee to live with his family and await the stork's visit. Oliver Mae Hitter is our girl in the WAVES, address Bronx, New York. I am sorry not to be able to give more details of her work and experiences, but knowing Hitter I am sure she is thoroughly enjoying every minute and putting one hundred per cent into her work and activities. Betty Lu Straughn is in New Orleans, working or teaching, but too busy to answer requests for news. Through a '44 Beta Zeta I learned she was taking part in the preliminaries to an Alumna: Chapter to be installed there soon. Our other nine Beta Zetas are in the teaching profession in various towns of Louisiana and two in Texas. Lois Richey, Eagan, has been on that faculty for three years, as first grade teacher and girls' basket ball coach. She had a wonderful tenweek vacation in California-Frisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Hollywood, and Long Beach. Elaine Gautreaux, Thibodeaux, in charge of the second grade and finds her present work "heaven" in comparison to that of last year in a very small town. She seems to be taking part in many social and civil activities around town, but failed to give any details . Aline Smith, Alexandria, is enjoying her Science Classes at 路 Bolton High School. She was always scientific -as her roommate at S.L.I., I had to examine crabs, cow's eyes, etc. and listen to the wonders of plant life. She is one of those teachers cap-

3I able of gaining her class's enthusiasm and excitement, so I know they are all having a beautiful time in another world . Sybil Glaser, Grentna, has Physical Education as her speciality at the Destrahan High School. While in New Orleans two weeks ago I spoke to her over the phone and learned that Phyllis Dixon was teaching music in Hallsville, T exas and Lolita Watkins ~President of our Chapter, 1942-43) was teaching m her home town, Houma, Louisiana. Sybil hinted about an interest in the Army but wouldn't volunteer any further information. She is another member of the Alumna: Chapter to be installed in New Orleans. Our two Hazels, Rebstock and Theriot, who were inseparable through four years of college, are teaching near their homes, Hazel Rebstock at Golden Meadows and Hazel Theriot near Raceland. The other teacher who has gone west to Texas is Margarite Talbot, teaching kindergarten in Orange. This is her second year there. She writes glowing paragraphs of her "4o adorable children" and the excellent conditions under which she is working. Like Lois Richey, she saved up for a big summerdown Mexico way . But even with all that she says she misses her ASA sisters. I will. have to let another Beta Zeta '43 tell you our whereabouts and latest incidents in the April issue of THE PHOENIX, but I will take up my correspondence again just as soon as my Junior gets settled on a routine and I am used to taking care of him. Until then, sincerest wishes for happiness and success to all our Chapters and alumna:. EvELYN SoNGE ScoTT.

N u N u-'43 Greetings from the Nu Nu girls of the Cl~ss of '43! We're "tuning your way" to give you some of our news of the past months so that in spite of wartime conditions we can "keep posted" on each other. This little resume may help bring you up to date on what some of us have been doing, anyway! We take you first to Lee Robinson Beattie who has already been married to her handsom Herb for more than a year. While Herb is in Service with the Paratroops of the 82nd. Airborne Division, Lee keeps busy doing public accounting and fills most of her spare time sending letters and packages to Herb. A call on our WAC, Mary Lioris, .takes us to Camp Lee, Virginia, where she is doing work in Pensonnel. Mary received her M.A. from the University of Virginia last Spring and then went to answer her country's call. From all reports, she loves her work and is doing her usual "bang up" job. The report for October is that Ilse Graenz became Mrs. William N. Schwarze. Lt. Bill has just graduated from a special course at Camp Ritchie, Maryland, which rates him an Intelligence Officer, though his service so far has been with the Army Air Corps at Wright Field, Ohio. Ilse and Bill now await Uncle Sam's further orders. Shifting back to Philadelphia, we find Marion MacWilliams set up in a new job in industry. Maisie


has been in Swarthmore for more than a year teaching at the College, but has just given up teaching for the present to do secretarial work back home. It's just great for the rest of us to have her back in town. On the stork network, Thomas Jr. is the big attraction and latest addition to the family of Ednamay Schwalm Diedrich. Our reporters tell us that he keeps Eddie on her toes from morning to nightbut she loves it. We've also heard that Tommy was home from sea in January-so her happiness is complete! Little Bill Huttinger has been filling all of Mary Rishel Huttinger's waking moments with his adorable antics. He has just recovered from a seige of spinal meningitis and our television apparatus shows what an adorable baby he is. We're almost as relieved as Mary herself to have him well again . News from Mary Hall says she's working for Rohm & Haas here in the city and has been engaged to Ralph Good for about six months. Ralph is serving in the thick of the battle in Germany with so many of" our Drexel classmates. We herald the return of Doris Wilson Hansen to Philadelphia for hubby "Doc" has gone overseas. Doris spent a year with him at Mineral Wells, Texas and about three months at Columbus, Georgia while "Doc" took advanced courses. Now she's taking up duties as Assistant Personnel Director at Sears Roebuck Co. until Doc's return. We take you next to Bertie Pearson. After teaching a year at Dumont, New Jersey, Bertie returned to the City to take on a tremendous job of Program Secretary for the Ardmore Branch of the Y. M. C. A. This was a full time job which allowed no time for personal activities, but Bertie, whose loyalty and service in anything she attempts is well-known to all Nu Nu~ s loved every minute of it! Our old Alma Mater has now persuaded her to devote that energy to its hallowed halls and she has taken on the task of teaching Business Administration and Secretarial subjects at Drexel in place of Nancy Mickel who has retired to go with Doug. That is about the extent of the news from Philadelphia Alpha Sigmas in the Class of '43, except for a little personal note. While my own hubby (since April) has beep teaching in the Engineer's School at Fort Belvoir, Virginia and covering the I5o miles to home pretty frequently, I've been working as secretary to a Philadelphia Lawyer. This keeps my time well-occupied and next to being with my husband, I find this job "the next best thing." We'll all be looking for news of you! Station NuNu at Philadelphia, signing off, and asking you to "keep tuning our way ." GRACE W. RuMPF.

Alpha-'44 Just a line this time to help you to keep in touch with last year's "Alpha girls." Since ' last spring one of our crew has marriedJulia Christian Eason is now Mrs. Roger Walker

Mercer. They were married on September 2. Lt. Mercer ("Sunny") is now in England and Judy is living at her home in Richmond. Sue Harper is teaching Home Economics in one of the schools just outside of Richmond. Dottie Sue Simmons writes of the fun she's having teaching Biology in Covington. She's also coaching the basketball team there. Joscelyn Gillum is teaching the first grade in her home town school-Manassas. She really has her hands full with 31 students. Gloria Pollard is another fortunate girl in being able to teach at home. She is teaching the fourth grade in one of the schools in Richmond. Mary Sue Palmer, an August graduate was married on November 6 to Thomas H. Parvin. Tom has just returned recently from foreign service. He is a Master Sergeant in the Army Air Force. Betsy Owen also a summer graduate is enjoying her teaching up at Bedford. Billy Waid, one of our Juniors who did not return seems to be in very interesting work. She is with the Army Service Forces Depot in Richmond. She writes she works for the Engineers and says, "They're really alright." I believe this about winds up the Alpha ('44) Alumna: news for this time, I am still having a lot of fun teaching. My three Math Classes are all right but I'm still struggling with my English one! I am looking forward to a few days at home this week-end. MARY ST. CLAIR Bucc.

Epsilon Epsilon-' 44 Since last May, one of our girls has gotten married, and two others have changed addresses . They are as follows: Miss Wynona Birney of Buckline, Kansas married Captain Harold E. McCarty of Buckline, Kansas on June I4, I944路 Miss Marie Shaver is now working for the Air Corps at Wichita, Kansas. Her address is 40I South Clifton, Wichita, Kansas. Miss Phyllis Curtis is now teaching at Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. Her address is Box I I r, Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. PHYLLIS CuRTIS.

Kappa Kappa-' 44 Bob, my fiance, was recently commissioned and I was down to Quantico for the graduation and p~nned his bars on him and then I have been seeing hrm over the week-ends as it will soon be time for him to go overseas. Tomorrow nite we are making USE scrapbooks at the alum meeting and I have been chairman of that affair. Then, too, I had a little difficulty in contracting a few of the girls for information. I guess I should have started about a month ago, but I didn't realize it would be difficult to gather information of this sort. My sincere apologies and I promise you that it won't happen again and I hope that this will be able to appear in the next PHOENIX. I might as well finish telling you what I have been doing as long as I started explaining the reason

MARcH, 1945


for my lateness in the above paragraph. Ever since ing. They are having a wonderful time-you can be I graduated from college last February I have been sure-never a dull moment with Terry and Nita. a private secretary to one of the Vice-Presidents of Then too they have week-ends to look forward toWyeth Incorporated, a pharmacutical, biological and Flynn and Al. (stationed in Troy and gets home nutritional firm in Philadelphia. It is a very lovely real often) . position and I am quite well satisfied. Mary Clark Nevalls has been teaching in Jane Geiger, is teaching Grammar school, Jr. and Skaneatelus Falls, but according to the latest she Sr. High vocal music in Rossell Park, New Jersey. is with Harvey in Florida. Aside from that she's in the process of painting and Alma St. Amand Limback is with Alex in North cleaning and moving into her new apartment in -Carolina. Her most recent address is I 1I Front St., Elizabeth, N. J. Jane happens to be one of the Beauford, N . C. "Sainty" taught rst grade at the lucky girls in that she has her husband, who is in School of Practice, North Carolina State Teachers the navy, with her. College earlier this fall. Laura Wolf, another girl from my class, is workJeanne Walsh is teaching in Glenfield, N. Y. and ing for the state of New Jersey as a secretary to the loves it. Jeanne Mitchell is teaching in Kenmore, Director of the Division of Classification and Edu- and Betty Germoney is at Perry, N. Y. I hope that cation in the Department of Institutions and Agen- I shall have more to tell you about these girls next cies. This past summer she was director of the girl time. scout camp for Maplewood, New Jersey. Pat Quigley lives at the Colombia Civic Center Mildred Longacre is doing research work at in Rochester where she is teaching. Everything is Crown Can Company here in Philadelphia in the fine with Pat and Bob. Laboratories-testing foods etc. She also has been Lois Quilty is teaching in Norwich, and seems there since leaving college last May. to be enjoying it very much. Tell us more about the Billy Arbogast is out at the Shipley School in convertible, Loie. Bryn Mawr doing dietetic work, that is planning Jeanne Hanrahan is married to Robert Biggane, menus for the girls, buying goods etc. She likes and is now in California where he is stationed. working with the girls and has put her home ecoI have no news at all about Trudy Hemstreet nomics course to good use "since graduation last May. Synder. Maybe next time-- -None of my class has done anything real thrillingI am teaching third grade in Niagara Falls, my like getting married-but if anything exciting hap- home town. I went to the first alumn<e meeting in pens I shall let you know immediately. We're the October, and hope to attend more. It is wonderful youngest members of the alum family and so we need dropping in at Tudor Castle- with its wonderful Alpha Sigs and Auntie "B." a little time to gather news. VIRGINIA BECHER. ANN Me GuTH.

Pi Pi-'44

Beta Epsilon- '44

Early in October, I started a round robin with the hopes of hearing from each of the I944 alums before sending in my first news letter. As yet, I have not heard of its whereabouts-so I shall attempt to go on without it. Ginny Tomic is now working at Berger's. She plans to take a course in merchandising at the U. of Buffalo, and will gradually work in as an assistant merchandising manager at Berger's. Ginny is Big Sister this year, and the last I heard she was busy helping with the favors for the actives' rush party. Jane Fairbank is engaged to Stuard Carlson, a former State man from Jamestown-remember? She is teaching at Clymer, N. Y. and living at homeAshville, N. Y. Albie Ackler is teaching in her home town, Conewango Valley. She and Jannie spent a week-end at the Alpha Sig house during the month of October. Marge Woodruff was in Buffalo the same week-end, and the three attended the Dessert Bridge given by the actives. I am not sure where Marge is teaching. Vicki Lauer is at home, I77 E. Amherst, Buffalo, recovenng from Polio. She seems to be getting along fine. Bernita Adams and Terry McGuire share an apartment in Cuba, N. Y. where they both are teach-

Keeping up with the widely scattered Beta Epsilons presents a problem! On August I9, 1944 Marie Bauserman was married to Garland Boatwright. At present, she is teaching the fourth grade in Manassas. You can reach her at Manassas, Va. Cary Lawson became the bride of Warren Franklin, Chief Petty Officer, United States Navy, in Portland, Maine, on June 28, 1944. When I last heard from Cary, she was back in Gloucester, Virginia . The saddest news I have is that which has come to our "Issie." Lt. "Jerry" Goulette, to whom Isabel Anderson was engaged, was killed in southern France last summer. Isabel is now working for the Red Cross in Washington. Her address is: 4025-sth St., N.W., Washington II, D. C. Evangeline Bollinger writes me that she is continuing to find her post-graduate work at the Universsity of Michigin both interesting and enjoyable. "Vangie's" address is : I026 Stockwell Hall, N. Uni- • versity Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Jean Jones ("Jonsie" ) is happily situated in Westminister, a delightful town in Maryland. At nearby Charles Carrol school, Jonsie is teaching the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades English and history. She lives at r6 Willis Street, Westminister, Md.


34 During the summer Georgette Carew underwent an appendectomy. Now that she's completely recovered, she's working at Eastman Kodak in Rochester, New York. At present, I don't know the exact address. Now for me-l am teaching "dignified" seniors history, and one class of "eager" freshmen English, at Norview High School. The school is rather conveniently located so that I am able to live at home702 Redgate Avenue, No. 6, Norfolk 7, Virginiaand commute daily. JEAN NELMS.

chapters. If you know of an ASA here in the Crescent City, please have her contact me at 2534 Jasmine Street. ' HILDA GIRAUD.

Beta Eta-' 44

Winter of 1944 finds us scattered about the United States. Gayle Chappell is attending th"e University of Nebraska, and also doing technician work in a hospital there; Esther Selke is now getting her "learning" in Seattle, Washington at the U. (where, by the way, two other alumn:e are going- Mary Meulemans, '41 and Mary Campbell, '42.) Marjorie Talkington is taking psychology and Beta Zeta-' 44 social welfare work at the university in Boulder, Here're a few words and a bit of news about our Colorado. Marjorie says every time she feels a wee 1944 Beta Zeta Alumn:e being written from New bit lonesome she has only to look at the mountains Orleans. Winter has arrived, although the grass and she feels better. is still green and some of the beautiful camellias are Remember the Navy V-12 unit that we so often in bloom. mentioned last year in THE PHOENIX letters? Well The winds have certainly scattered our South- -our own Louise Zander became the bride of Ensign western graduates. Our Alpha Girl of 1944, Evelyn Buzz Sperline, who started his navy career at DSTC. Merrifield, is at Denver University as Graduate This happened in August and as Louise is small and Forensics Manager. We are so proud of Evelyn and petite, she made a lovely bride. send her our best wishes for success in her work . Ila Mae Hanson departed from teachers' college Pauline Gaudet is now an "Army Wife." She and is now-teaching in North Dakota and doing was married to Lt. William Frink on October 25 in wonderfully. New Orleans. The latest news tells that Shirley Virginia Roberts has a lovely class of first graders Laurent was married in November, although we have in the Matt Public Schools, Matt, North Dakota. not had any recent word from "the bride." A hearty The news about Chery Schaffner is that wedding "congratulations" to the newlyweds! . bells are close at hand for her and that Lieutenant. The professions of our Beta Zetas range from Yours truly has wandered to the "wilds of Mon"brides to teachers." In the latter group we find tana" and is teaching music and history to a fine Elaine Firment who is teaching in Bordelonville; also , group of high school people, and mixing with the Betty Orvis has claimed teaching as her profession. friendly western grown-ups-but also remembering Marion Mallet is making suggestions along the liter- there is no Alpha Sig Chapter in Montana. ary line to the children in DeRidder, where she is VIRGINIA KING. librarian. Bonnie Savoie is an instructor at Franklin Beta lota-'44 High School, out in Louisiana's beloved Te<>he It is a hard job trying to keep up with Beta Iota's country; while, Miriam Stinson teaches the notes Class of 1944 but I will do my best. of the musical scale in Vidrine. Here is a general report on a few of the girls. The Lake Charles Air Base has claimed Carolyn Esther Bobbitt Graham is working as an assistReeve to do secretarial work. Fittie Herrin has gone ant in a nursery school at Radford, Va. to Washington to be a "government girl." Kitty Karnes is teaching Commercial subjects at One has no idea how many Alpha Sigs are in Narrows, Virginia. New Orleans. Alice Joyce Bourgeois is an assistant Nancy Scott is at Stuartsville, Va. teaching in the dietitian at Touro Infirmary. The L.S.U. Med. high school there. Scho路ol has as a student our talented dancer, Cherry Ritchie Fugate is working as a laboratory techFern Leach. Lorraine Morel and your correspondent, nician at the Radford Ordinance Works in Radford. Hilda Giraud, are doing research in cotton in differMary Anne Pace has a full-time job teaching ent divisions at the U. S. Department of Agricul- Home Economics at Bassett, Virginia. ture's Southern Regional Research Laboratory. Nan Wolfe writes that she is having a wonderful Since there are a sufficient number of Alpha time . teaching the second grade at Liberty Academy Sigs here in New Orleans, we have plans in progress in Bedford, Virginia. Lucille Cox, our 1944 president, was married to to organize an alumn:e chapter. There was a gettogether for dinner at the Patio Royal in the heart Shelby L. Spradlin on July r, 1944 at Vinton, Virof the Vieux Carre, a few weeks ago, with Miss ginia. She is teaching at the high school in Vinton Jessie Keep, our beloved sponsor. These were the until the war is over. As for myself, I am also teaching at the high girls who gathered around the large round table in the Patio and discussed the first plans: Alice Joyce school in Vinton and living at home. This is about all the information I can scrape up Bourgeois, Mildred Bergeron, Janice Hinrichs Haydel, at this time but will have more for you in my next Sybil Glaser, Lorraine Morel, and Hilda Giraud. We would love to meet Alpha Sigs from other letter. MARY JANE KELLY.




Beta Kappa-' 44

Nu Nu-'44

The Alpha Sig's that left Western Illinois State T eachers' College in 1944 seem to be pretty busy right now, but I think that I have kept track of them fairly well. Of course, news keeps changing but at the present moment-this is how things stand: The former Miss Juanita Appenheimer (of Toulon, Illinois) became the bride of Lt. Hadyn Murray of Toulon, Illinois. The Wedding took place in the latter part of December, and after a brief wedding trip, Juanita went to Washington, D. C. to be with her husband while he was stationed there. At the present time, Lt. Murray has gone overseas, so Mrs. Murray is in Toulon, Illinois living with her parents. Mrs. Edward F. Johnson (Merna Painter) has a position with the Uhlemann Optical Company of Chicago, Illinois. Miss Mary Weinberg (our 1944 A.S.A. president) is teaching in the Oak Park, Illinois schools. Her pos:tion is with the kindergarten department. Miss Norma Brown has a position with the Carol Hat Company of Chicago, Illinois. Norma shares an apartment in Chicago with Mary Weinberg and Merna Painter Johnson, and they have had many A.S.A. visitors. It gives us a grand place for the alumn<r to get together. Miss Margie Jean Miner has a teaching position with the physical education department of the Tulsa, Oklahoma schools and enjoys it very much. She has met many very nice A.S.A.'s from Tulsa and other parts of Oklahoma, and she says that they have done 路 much to make her work there very interesting. Miss Earlene Lanterman has a teaching position with the commercial department in the high school at Atkinson, Illinois. Miss Florence Robinson is teaching social science in ,the Victoria, Illinois High School. Mrs. Richard Dean Pyle (Phyllis Young) is teaching school in West Jersey, Illinois while her husband is overseas with the paratroops. Miss Jean McManus and Miss Ma~ian Hazelleaf are both teaching .in the Kewanee, Illinois school system. Marian is keeping very busy by also directing recreational activities at the Kewanee Y.M.C.A. Miss Ruth Pletkovich is the English and General Science teacher at the Neponset, Illinois High School. Miss Velma Duvendack is teaching commerce at the Liberty, Illinois High School. Miss Carrolyn Morrison is teaching commerce at the Chapin, Illinois High School, which is very close to Liberty, so "Carrie" and "Duck" spend a great deal of time together. Miss Betty Lee Lyon has held a position with a research company in Midland, Michigan for the past year. Gladys Norstrom has a teaching position in the California school system. She is teaching second grade in San Bernadino, California.

Long, long ago, it seems to me now, back in July I started a round robin letter in Maine expecting to have it through my twenty girls by November-but alas, I have finally traced it to a desk drawer of some extremely busy little miss. From the sound of things, we are going to have to set up a treasury and meet the parcel post expenses that will be involved! Well, I have seen a few of the girls. I'm going to try that post card idea but won't be able to get any information back until April. Gerry Eaton, after wearing a lovely sparkler for a year, was married last summer and is now Mrs. William Burkhart, 628 Magee, Philadelphia II, Pa. Her husband is in the service. All the girls are working hard at their new-found jobs. The newness makes forever harder work, especially for those who are teaching. Would it interest you to hear what they are doing? Ruth Christ is teaching in New Jersey. Clarie Seakyne, in Chester. Janet Lappin ahd Gerry Burkhart are doing laboratory work at Rohm and Hass. Mary Ann Hardy is working at Drexel in Mr. Glenn Bennett's office, the latter being the Publicity Director. Norma Schaeffer is secretary to the Dean of Women (Mrs. Hattel) at University of Pennsylvania. Nancy Gundrum is extremely busy at. International Business Machines-we say I.B.M. And Jeanette Sperr is secretary to the Principal at Germantown Friends School. I want you to know that our 1944 class is wide awake, working hard, happy and still actively ASA. I see many of them at the Alumn<r meetings once a month, and I expect to see more when this cold weather lets up.



Beta Larnbda-'44 The newest, and so-called "Baby," chapter of A.S.A. graduated its first members last May. There were four of us and we haven't strayed far from the Alnia Mater, but have all chosen to remain in Arkansas for our first year "on our own.'' Of course, we had a difficult time choosing the exact branch of our major fields that we wanted to work in, but threefourths of us have decided on teaching. Doris Powell, our president at the installation of our chapter, is teaching Home Economics in the high school at Bauxite, where she has been li ving, while her fiance is with the Naval Air Corps in the South Pacific. She has told us that she enjoys working with "her girls." "Jinx" Clifton, our tall attractive blonde, has decided to give her various swains the cold shoulder (we think) temporarily, while she settles down to being a Home Economics "school-marm" in the high school at VanBuren. Teaching school, we've found, has a way of keeping us busy. Faydene Carrol has chosen to experiment with another branch of Home Ec. She is County Assistant Home Demonstration Agent with headquarters


at Booneville. In addition to the travelling, she assures us she "gets a kick" out of leading Community Sing Programs, when, while at College, she told us her voice could be classified as "monotone." And, yes, for variety we have something besides home economics. I am teaching Spanish and History at Morrilton H igh School after spending the summer at the University of Mexico in Mexico City, studying, playing and becoming acquainted with South American customs and language, I was rather reluctant to return, but am now telling my students what interestipg experiences await them when they visit our Good Neighbors. So, until next time, when we'll be seeing you with more news about our graduates, L AN ELLE SIEGEL .

Psi Psi -'44 Typical of the versatility of Psi Psi's member, the chapter's three '44 graduates landed in three different fields of endeavor.

Sis Caraway, president for the two years prior to her graduation in January, 1944, is now serving as chemist with a Tulsa, Oklahoma, chemical plant. Since being in Tulsa, she's done considerable traveling around visiting surrounding college chapters. Clarie Alexander, vice-president, '43-'44, is employed as a stenographer in New Orleans and finds the famous old city fascinating. On February 3, she attended the meeting of nine Alpha Sigs in New Orleans at which the National Alumna: Association was petitioned for a charter for an alumna: chapter in New Orleans. Willie Dee Rush, corresponding secretary, '43-'44, calls Tioga, Louisiana her home now where she teaches the younger generation a thing or two about home economics. She writes that it's quite a change from student teaching. CLAIRE ALEXANDER,

'44 Class Representative.

Transfer Bureau Name To From Wilma Jean Fullerton ... . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... Alva, Oklahoma .... . . . ... . . Vivian Chew Reed ..... .. . . ....... . .. . .. . .. . .. . . Alva, Oklahoma ... ... .... .. ... . . . E va Ames Woods (Mrs. Charles) .... .. . . ... . . Alva, Oklahoma ... . .. . ..... ... . ... Wichita, Kansas Wilma Mae Wolf ......................... . . Chicago, Ill. .... .. . ... . . ... .... . . Indianapolis, Ind. Helen Boggess Swart (Mrs. J. A.) . . ........... . . Cleveland, Ohio . . ... .. .. . . . .. . . . ..... . Evelyn Merrifield . . . . . . . . . ............ . .. Denver, Colorado . . . ........ . .. Lafayette, Louisiana Effie Denison Small (Mrs. Orville) . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Denver, Colorado ...... . ... . .... .. Wichita, Kansas Grace Dalby Davies . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .... Denver, Colorado . . . .. .. . ....... Lo.s Angeles, Calif. Sue Gwinn Thornburg (Mrs. Fred) .... .. . . . .. . . ... .. Emporia, Kansas . . .. .. .... .. ......... . ... .. . Hildred Fitz . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . ... . .. Kansas City, Mo . . .. ... ... . . . ... St. Louise, Missouri Dorothy Eyman H larta (Mrs. Stanley) . . .... . ... . . ... Kansas City, Mo. . . . . . . . . .. ...... Pittsburg, Kansas Frances Hunt . .. ... . . . . Pittsburg, Kansas ............ . .. . .. . . .. . Kansas City, Mo. . Dorothy Moss . .......... . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . ..... . Kansas City, Mo . . . . . . . . . .... .... . Pittsburg, Kansas Florence Moss .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... .. . . . . . . . Kansas City, Mo . . .... . .... . .. Pittsburg, Kansas Betty Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . .. . . . .. . . Kansas City, Mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburg, Kansas Annette Pausewang Geuber (Mrs. Alfred) . .. . .. . .. . Little Rock, Ark. . .New York City, N.Y. Mary Shreder Solway (Mrs. Martin) . ... . New York City, N.Y. .. . .. Buffalo, N . Y. Gertrude Wray Tindall (Mrs. Edward) . . . . . . . . . . . New York City, N. Y. . . . . . . Maryville, Missouri Lois Scott Weeks (Mrs.) . . . .... . ..... . . ... . ...... Pittsburg, Kansas . . Wichita, Kansas Dorothy Weede Bethel (Mrs.) . ......... . Pittsburg, Kansas . . .. .. .... . .... Wichita, Kansas Margaret Tharrington Weaver (Mrs. L. F .) . . . . .. .. . .. Pittsburg, Kansas . ..... . . .. . . . . .... Wichita, Kansas Nancy Peters ................. . ..... . .. Richmond, Virginia .. . ........... . Columbus, Ohio Doris Glunz Fisher (Mrs. Kenneth) ... .. .... . .. . .... Rochester, New York .... . . . . .. . Buffalo, New York Grace Schreiner Roe (Mrs. Thomas) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rochester, New York . ..... . .... Buffalo, New York Ruth Puls .. . .. . . ..... . . . . .. . ... ... . . . ....... ... . . . Rochester, New York . ... . . . ... . Buffalo, New York Marjorie Miner ................. . .. . ... . .. Tulsa, Oklahoma . . .... . . . ... Macomb, Illinois Frances Turner Middlebrook (Mrs. Earle) . ..... .. . ... Wichita, Kansas .. . .... . ........ . . Alva, Oklahoma

MARcH, 1945


Alpha Sigma Alpha Service Roll WACS Eleanor Wales, ®® Jeanne McCarty, XX Mildred Etta Boss, XX . Frances Holbrook, II II • *Betty Mallue, II II Katherine Burlingame, II II Nancy Gibson, ~~ Vivian Ross, A T helma Detweiler, KK Gladys Buller, BZ Katherine E. Mayer, BB Betty Lou Pelska, BH Martha Jane Hamilton, <I> <I> Jacqueline A. Maxwell, EE Marjory Block Wilt, KK Mary Lyons, N I Winifred J. Allen, II II Janice Tooke, '11'11 Billie Sayes, '11'11 Miriam Partridge, XX

Mary Truax Donaldson, rr *Mabel E. Barlow, BE V irginia Pegg, HH Betty Russing, HH Louise Jordan, KK Winifred Wright, A Jane Cannon, BB Marguerite Rice, EE O uida Hoeninger, B® Bobby Copas, rr M. Louise Ralston, YY Patricia Meeham, BB Dorothy Chockie, BB Hilda Reid, BB Winifred J. Donnellan, EE Mary E. Russell, EE Mary Ellen Linsey, KK Anne Wi llauer, KK Barbara Rogers, BE Irva \ Voters, SS

SPARS WAVES Beatrice J acquart, TT Dorothy Lasalle, <1>4> Marianna Obermiller, <I><I> Katherine Hale, ®® Helen Buck, NN Liane Rose, SS Mary Osborn, EE Virginia Coho, II II Mary Emma Lindemuth, KK Helen Witmyer, KK Martha Ruth, AB Oliver Mae H itter, BZ Sopha Lee Husman, ZZ Rosa Lee Montgomery, rr

*No longer in service.

Beatrice Ball, rr E llen McConnell, KK Vida Bowers, EE Ruby Woverton Lawler,


MARINES Jean Patrick, <I><I> Ethel Bergeron Burleigh, BZ Virginia Fields, BZ Betty Krieder, KK Virginia Carpenter, ®® Magna Mattern, MM Anna Louise Brown, B~ Eleanor Conrad, KK E lizabeth C. Davidson, TN

WAFS Daphne Kerrison, BZ

ARMY NURSE CORPS Nell Russell, Ar Gladys Rambler, ~<I> Mary Detwiler, KK Barbara Forschet, KK Challis Hames, KK E leanor Oakes, KK Martha Keppler, KK Ruth Fairbrother, SS V irginia Bounds, Bernetta Cushman, <I><I>

RED CROSS FIELD SERVICE Katherine Polly, EE Virginia Watt, <I><I> Pat Wallace, SS Margaret Bailey, EE Geo rgia Schulte, <I><I> Rose Lammel, BB Helen McClaflin, ~~ Patsy Smith, A Ruth Hermann,

u. s. o. Ruth Jeremy, EE Edna Louise Turner, EE Barbara O'Connell, SS Minerva Z. Messenger, KK Bayonne Gray Glenn, SS Harriett MacMillan Smith, II II


News Letters-College Chapters ALPHA State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigmas: It's been so long since I wrote to you that I hardly know where to begin. We have had several social gatherings this year which have been lots of fun. ' To celebrate Founder's Day, November 15 we had a lovely, dee-licious banquet. The formal dresses, candles, and food were a lovely combination. The fall Cotillion dance was November 11, and we had an intermission party in the chapter room. When Christmas was in the air A.S.A. was right on the job to promote it! Sunday night, December 10, we had a supper party and all the decorations to go with it. The chapter room yvas decorated, and we had a Christmas tree, too. We drew names to give presents to each other. We gave toys or something else that could be used in our Christmas b~s~et to a needy family. We tried our hands at wntmg verses for the presents and some of the girls are almost "sure-nough" poets. After Christmas, three of our girls didn't come back, and we really do miss them. Barbara Surface is going to Roanoke college now. We had to elect a new social chairman or co-chairmen, to take her place. Catharine Stoner and Nancy Parrish are doing a grand job of this from the looks (an~ tastes) of our last and their first, party. We really mtss Betty Johnson and Mae Dereaux who didn't return this quarter. Mae had a pretty good reason tl;lough, because now she's "Mrs." Elsie Tompson has a diamond! and Ruth Brooks has one, too! The main excitement lately has been rushing. Rush week is just over, and the Alpha chapter is proud to announce fourteen new little Alpha Sigs. These girls signed their bids February I, and that night . they were entertained at a party. We are so proud of our new sisters, and we are all anxious for them to be initiated and become real Alpha Sigmas. Oh, yes, Mary Walker Witts is one of the representatives for the Mardi Gras Court this year. Love in A. S. A., P ATSY DALE.

ALPHA BETA Kirksville State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sigs : November was a busy month for us Alpha Sigs with rushing, coke parties, informal get-togethers and parties of all sorts made rushing a very enjoyable two weeks. One of our biggest affairs was a gypsy carnival with fortune tellers, eerie candle light, wee-gee boards and hot chili and candied apples. For our

formal party we had a progressive bunch. Our first course was fruit juice served at Carol Jean Trunnell's, and the main course was served at the Sojourner's Club room. We ended up with coffee and orange rolls at Dorothy Holcomb's. An alumna of Alpha Beta reviewed the novel, Strange Fr-uit for us. We were all grieved to learn of the cleat~ of Erma Minor Rieger's husband, Sgt. J. Thomas Rteger who was killed in France on Christmas Day. We've lost one of our actives to the armed services-Martha Ruth is now a member of the Waves. Alpha Beta Chapter is very pleased to announce that 24 of our rushees have now pledged Alpha Sigma. They are a grand bunch of girls and we're more than proud to call them sisters. Four Alphas were nominated as candidates for the yearbook queen--one from each class, Enid Kaffenberger, freshman; Doris Jean Reid, Sophom~re; Lois Bentley, Junior; and _Elaine 路 Bosse, Semor. Congratulations to all of you. Love in A.S. A., DoROTHY HoLCOMB SHARP.

ALPHA GAMMA State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Dear Alpha Sigs: So many things have happened since you last heard from us. This has really been a busy year for the Alpha Gams so far, and it looks as though we are going to be just as active from now on. Last semester we had our informal rush party out at the lodge. The theme was a circus, and we really had many of the features of the "big top"everything from the fat lady to the world's only missing link. It was a circus in the true sense of the word! Then at Christmas time our sponsor, Miss Belden, entertained us at a lovely party. We also enjoyed several informal theatre parties and dinner parties made up of groups of Alpha Sigs and some of our rushees. Speaking of rushees, we have some excellent prospects, and it won't be long now until we know what the outcome is. Since this semester began we have been making plans for our formal party which will be held March 16. Soon after that comes pledging. We are crossing our fingers and hoping! Two of our members graduated last semester. Sally McDivitt and Betty Mostler are gone from our ranks, but all our good wishes go with them. Janie Shaffer and Wanda Lever good are off campus doing their student-teaching, but we hope they will be back with us often. We also lost two of our sophomore members this semester-Patty lams and Alice Ehrenfelt. Alice has decided to transfer to Penn State, and Patty's plans are indefinite as yet.

MARcH, 1945


Mary Louise Knepper is justly proud of her engagement ring she received at Christmas time. Best wishes, Mary Louise! Sometime during the month of February Sally Hawkins, our president of 1943-44, will be visiting us. H er visit has been arranged in place of the usual visit of one of the national officers. We are all eager to see Sally again. Good luck to all of you 'til next time! Yours in A.S.A., ELIZABETH P oLITOSKE .

BETA BETA Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado

Beta Beta's Alpha Sigs have all purchased bright red jackets with the sorority's letters on them in white, which make them look very distinctive around the campus and at group affairs. And speaking of distinction, our chapter is proud to have three new girls elected to Who's Who, Joella Kirton, Marjorie Piner, and Shirley Delbridge. 路 Our girls have really gone all out for actlvltles this year, and have participated in sports, tournaments, clubs, and organizations of all kinds. This quarter three more Alpha Sigs were elected to honorary fraternities, and one was elected an officer of English Club. There a~ nine Alpha Sigs in Dramatic Club, three of whom are its officers. And of course we are very proud of the fact that the president of the Student Body is Marjorie Piner, an Alpha Sig, and five other A.S.A.'s are with her on Student Council. However, Beta Beta chapter has not neglected its war work. The Birthday Booth, at which cards are signed for former college students now overseas, is again being sponsored by Beta Beta chapter, and just before Christmas the girls all tried their hands at making stuffed animals for the children of Britain. They also rolled bandages once a week for the Red Cross. Beta Beta chapter lost one of its faculty advisers this year-Miss Elizabeth Lehr, who resigned because of other duties. Miss Lehr has been with the Alpha Sigs for seven years, and has been a wonderful friend, companion, and adviser. As fifth-grade teacher in the College Elementary School, she has taught many of the Greeley Alpha Sigs in their younger years. She has also taught many of the girls in college methods classes. Miss Lehr's dog, a wire-haired terrier named "AI", was a great friend of the girls. AI, who is twelve years old and trained to do all sorts of tricks, goes almost everywhere she does and charms everyone (from the fifth grade on up) with his unique personality. Mrs. Rose Farrar, also on the college faculty, has taken Miss Lehr's place as adviser this year. Rushing this quarter again proved a busy time for BB chapter. Two weeks of teas, dinners, and parties ended with formal pledge service and an initiation service in which seven girls become iJ.Ctive

members. We think that we are a pretty unique sorority this year, because we have three sets of sisters in our chapter. The new pledges this year entertained the actives with a program of original songs and skits. Later in the quarter they gave a delightful carnival called "The Ringworm Brothers' Circus," complete with peanut vendors, savage wild women, and side-shows. Ruth Baker, from Hobbs, New Mexico, was presented with an Alpha Sig bracelet and award at the annual October banquet in Denver, Colo., which was attended by twenty-one girls from our chapter. Ruth was presented the award as Honor Pledge for 1943-44路 Mid-ter~s are over this week, and all of us are trying to catch up on our sleep-so, yours in A.S.A. until time for the next letter rolls around, JoELLA KrRTON.

GAMMA GAMMA Northwestern State College, Alva, Oklahoma

Dear Alpha Sigs, Greetings from Gamma Gamma Chapter. How this year is flying-it doesn't seem that we are well into the second semester of school. Before we know it school will be over for another year and how we will miss our sisters in Alpha Sig. We have had a very eventful year, starting in our newly acquired sorority rooms here on the Campus. We were so proud of them, that we decided to show them of! by entertaining the alumna: at a Founder's Day dinner party. Goodness you should have heard the chatter of fifty people over the rook tables following. Everyone had a grand time, and it was nice to see old friends again. However, we were more anxious to introduce our ten pledges to society than showing of! our rooms. How proud we were and are of our pledges. At Christmas time we were guests of the alumna: at an informal party in the home of the alumna: president, Miss Louella Harzman. Everyone here is rather 'air-minded' so the favors were tiny glass airplanes filled with candy. Even though they were all <, we had B-rJ's, B-24's, P-38's and Z-somethingor-others. The day before vacation one of our sponsors, Miss Donnell, (the other sponsor, Miss Huguley, was vacationing in southern Texas at that time-lucky person) had us in ~or our gift exchange and party. Wish you could have read some of our 'most original' Christmas Eve stories. Gene's was a masterpiece. Last month we gained three new members. Vera Neal, Imogene Mitchell, both Seniors, and Wilma Hudson, a Junior. Vera is a public school music major and Imogene is a social science major. Both girls are very outstanding students. Imogene is president of Y.W.C.A. and of Alpha Th'eta Gamma, social science fraternity. Wilma is outstanding in the field of education. You know it is so nice to have dramatic pledges-


that is pledges who are dramatic enough to be in all of the Little Theater productions. Before this is in press those pledges will be members-in fact they are taking their vows tonight. Lena Warner, Gene Davison, Roberta Taylor, and Jo Mae Hook all have leads in the spring play YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU. Speaking of pledges-we surely didn't have any worries with grades-not when we have students who make straight A's and who have personality plus; and I mean PLUS. At the end of the semester we were sorry to lose our president, Ella Louise, and our vice-president, Betty Lee, but work beckoned. We'll hope they return next fall. Betty Miller Clifford and friend husband deserted us for O.U. where Roy entered law school. Another Betty of our Chapter, Betty Newlin is now Mrs. Howard Whitney. We are very happy for her and offer our best wishes and everything. Love in Alpha Sigma Alpha, Lo EvA KRAGH.

EPSILON EPSILON Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas

Jerrie Russell. This award is given each year to an Alpha Sig upper classman who has received the highest grades , during the previous year. Nice going, Jerrie. What sweet voices our pledges have! This "talent" was discovered at our annual Christmas party which was given for our mothers at the chapter house on December 21. The pledges furnished the entertainment by the singing of original sorority songs and presenting a skit entitled, "When Mother Was A Girl." The evening came to a close with the singing of Christmas carols around the tree under the leadership of our sponsor, Miss Catherine Strause. In spite of many difficulties, the entire student body including the few remaining boys who are on the campus, have succeeded in organizing a college basketball team. Although our losses have exceeded our victories, our school spirit still remains. Much credit for this goes to one of the members of our chapter, Eleanor Randel, who was recently elected president of the pep club, Sigma Pi Sigma, "El" is also one of our most active and peppy cheerleaders at the games. 路 Incidentally, our sorority ba~ketball team has possibilities of becoming the champion team this year in the inter-sorority intramurals on the campus. Although it is a little early for a prediction, under the management of ou! intramural manager, Joan Everett, we have great hopes. So we'll keep you posted on the finals. This is all for now, so 'til MayLove in A. S. A .,

Dear Alpha Sigs: Where is that Kansas sunshine? No, this is not a Chamber of Commerce advertisement, but this is a question asked often these days by the shivering Alpha from Epsilon Epsilon chapter because of the blustering winds and freezing temperature which has settled down upon us. It was due to such weather conditions that we had to cancel our annual GLORIA DAVIDSON. Christmas formal. Soldiers of the Herington Army ZETA ZETA Air Base had been invited as our guests. But, lo and behold, on the great day of anticipation a Central Missouri State Teachers College, typical deluge descended and the guests were unable Warrensburg, Missouri to come. But here's hoping to a bigger and better Dear Alpha Sigs: spring formal in May. This term started off with a bang round about Another year has rolled around, that dreaded and November I, and has been going strong for Zeta Zeta sleepless week of finals has passed, another success- Chapter. We had two active services and a pledge ful rush is over and here we are well on the way service within the first several weeks which gave us of a new semester. a total of five new pledges and eight new actives. The old year of '44 did not slip by, however Our new pledges were "Gigi" Woods, Helen Jenwithout the chimes of wedding bells for two of our nings, Mary Fran Wells, Harlene Reed and Delores girls. Joan Wallis was married to Sgt. Virgil Hurt Defendorf. The girls who went active are Alice on November 10 in Salt Lake City. And the other Fisher, "Slinky" Osborne, Betty Urban, Lyda new bride was Phyllis Curtiss, now Mrs. Donald Gerster, "Becky" Wade, Phoebe Brooks, Juanita PeyMishler. The wedding took place in McPherson, ton and Delores Defendorf. 路 Kansas, making it possible for several of our girls to Christmas was upon us hardly before we knew attend, including the sorority trio who sang the ever _it and the last Wednesday night before Christmas beautiful, Sweetheart Song. To both girls- best week-end the Alphas had their annual party. It was wishes and worlds of happiness. informal with out new pledges turning a hand to The annual Founders' Day dinner given by the the work. Following the party's joyful close we alumna: for us is always an event to which we look joined the other sororities on the campus to carol forward. And this year it seemed a bigger success for the boys in the V-12 Unit at Yeater Hall and than ever. The program following the dinner was various members of the faculty. dedicated to all the girls in our chapter who are now 'Twas a very Merry Christmas for at least two of in service. Although, we missed their presence, we the Alphas. Room-mates, "Becky" Wade and are very proud of all of them. A highlight of the "Kully" Kullman both received diamonds for Christevening was the presentation of the Epsilon Epsilon mas and 220 Broad just wasn't big enough for the alumna scholarship award to one of our seniors, both of them when they got back.

MARcH, 1945 On January ro, the pledges gave a dance for the actives. The Sun Valley theme they used really worked out nicely with soft lights and the lounge effect around a fire-place. They served punch and cookies at the closed intermission and the program was composed from our own talent. The next big event for the Alphas came February 4 when Zeta Zeta Chapter gave a tea honoring and introducing Miss Delphine Laughlin, our new faculty adviser. Miss Laughlin has been on the campus two years. We're surely proud of her and wish all you girls could meet her and know her. Directly ahead for Zeta Zeta girls are the finals and term reports. This may not be so entertaining but it's certainly important. I know that much of importance is due to happen within the next few months so 'till next time. Love in Alpha Sigma Alpha, KATEY THURSTON .

ETA ETA Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas

Greetings to thou fellow Alphas: 'Tis now time for the general information concerning all activities and such of our Eta Eta Chapter to be construed all over these pages, and there seems to be plenty to be aonstrued . SoFirst on our calendar of important events was our Founders' Day Meeting, November q , which was held at the Alpha house . The Alumna: produced ' food for the actives, and even the pledges consumed the aforesaid article. It was a gala affair. On that same evening the Eulalia Award was bestowed to Janet Malcolm, our Alpha President, with the hearty approval of everyone. Thanksgiving vacation came, and we all managed to devour some more of the necessities of life and returned to the school life only to wait for that lovely Christmas vacation. Then, it finally began to appear, the Holidays. The Christmas formal was held December r6, at the Hotel Besse with virtually everyone's attendance. Honors to the pledges-the decorations were super! Everyone was in unusually high holiday's spirit this year; consequently, we decided to have 路 a special Christmas party December 19, to exchange gifts with our little sisters and vice versa, of course. Mrs. Perva Hughes, Dr. Jine Carroll, and Mrs. G. E. Hutchinson were there to commemorate the event with us all . We even managed to produce a popcorn ball or two -for the spirit of the thing. After the . holidays the various affiictions made their appearances. The Sigma Sigma Sigma house was quarantined because of one member's having scarlet fever. And then, our own Fran McFarland managed to contract the measles, the adult's version, of course. By the way, Fran went to visit during the holidays at the West Point Academy and had a wonderful time, we hear. And, several honors were bestowed upon our members during all this time too. Dr. Jane Carroll,

sponsor, was elected President of State Teachers, and we were all very happy and proud for her. Patty Ann Barkell, who is our candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award, directed the high school play路 very effectively too, if we may say. The contest of Kanza Queen was held in January also. There were multi Alphas in it, believe me. Enumerating are: Mary Anderson, Audrie Ann Ellis, Nancy Dunham, Myrna Pruett, Freda Elmore, Sara Roberts, and Charlotte Miller. Popular student vote was the means of selecting the queen. The Kanza Ball was held January 26; Barbara Gerike, Sigma Sigma Sigma representative, was chosen Miss Kanza of I945路 Faye Stevenson, independent candidate, and Charlotte Miller, Alpha Sigma Alpha candidate, were first and second maids of honor respectively. We are proud to inform you that our Chapter has welcomed thirteen new members who are reigning as actives at present. And now that old rush season is here once again! February I, a rush party was held at the home of Janet Malcolm, Alpha President, in order that we might get l;letter acquainted with the prospective new pledges. Janet's home proved to be a wonderful environment with food, music, lots of big, comfortable chairs and such. Need I say more as to the successfulness of the party? Under the topic of engagements, marriages, and such is: Donna Davies was the recipient of a lovely diamond from A/ S Bob Murphy, who is in the V-12 unit at KSTC; Patty Barkell also has a ring from Bob Hauterline, a dental student; and likewise Marie Hembree, alumna, from Larry Cinotto, USN. Then there are those who have actually activated the step of marriage itself. Veda Schauffier and Lt. Robert Aherne, United States Army; Ruth Wray and Lt. Clifford Athey, United States Army; and V. K . Gore and Harold Foster did this. At the last report it is known that another case of scarlet fever is at the Sigma Sigma Sigma house, but, so far, no measles have been noticed at the Alpha house. All of which goes to prove, you never know . Well, this will have to serve as a termination point for now. We shall be seeing you! Love in Alpha Sigma Alpha, CHARLOTTE MILLER.

THETA THETA School o.f Education, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts

Dear Alpha Sigs: The opening of the fall semester saw the seven members of Theta Theta Chapter return to the School of Education at Boston University. It was a great time of reunion because we had all been somewhat scattered during the summer. Helene Schnurbush had been to Colorado; and Doris Bartone had been to Washington, D. C . A nne Nardone and Mary McFarland had attended intersession and summer school. Eunice Hurd, Anne Gallagher, and Katherine Gott worked in Boston, but did have vacations at New Hampshire and Massachusetts beaches.


We started off our activities by having a coffee- in charge of all arrangements. We entertained more dessert for prospective pledges. Following this in prospective pledges. You see we are determined to October we invited ten people to membership in our increase our membership this year. With so many chapter and we were very pleased when all ten seniors our numbers may again be depleted. We accepted. Among this group there are four seniors, 路have invited some more to membership, but we are three juniors, and three sophomores. The pledging not ready yet to say who or how many. January meant finals and you know what the imservice, which was held in Miss Kimball's candlelit office, was very impressive. After the service the plies. Our sighs of relief when they were over inpledges were the guests of the regular members at dicated our relief and not necessarily the results. Our second semester has now begun at Boston a dinner at the PIONEER. The Alpha Sigs hold many offices in the School University. Some of us are starting our student of Education this year. Helene Schnurbush is presi- teaching for the first time. It's all rather bewilderdent and Mary McFarland is treasurer of the Student ing at first, but Anne Gallagher, Eunice Hurd, and Council. Senior class offices are held by Polly Mary McFarland, who have' taught before, assure us Andem, vice-president; Anne Gallagher secretary; that we will get used to it before long. We rather and Virginia Biggy, treasurer. Junior offices are dread the first time before the class. held by Anne Nardone, who is vice-president, and Right now the Alpha Sigs at B.U. are looking forDoris Bartone, treasurer. Emily Bartley is secretary ward to a Valentine party, a pledging, a meeting with of the Sophomore class. Eunice Hurd is senior the alums, a mother's tea, and a night at the theater. representative to the All-University Student Council, We are having a wonderful time this year and we and Anne Nardone is junior representative. Eunice seem to go from one good time to another. Hurd, Mary McFarland, and Helene Schnurbush Best wishes to all the Alpha Sigs from us at were honored by membership in Scarlet Key, honor- Theta Theta. KATHERINE GoTT. ary society at the University. DoRis BARTONE. In November the pledges took on the task of KAPPA KAPPA learning the material for the examination. Either Anne Gallagher, our registrar, is a good instructor, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or the pledges were very zealous on their own part, Hi Alpha Sigs: for each one of them passed the examination with It's been a long time since our last letters and a flying colors. On the last Thursday of the month lot has happened in the interim. There have been, our initiation was held at Boston University's parties and dances to keep us amused, and studies Women's Building. Ten new members were added and war work to keep us busy. I might add that to our chapter. Some of the members of the alumn<e our laborious work at homecoming wasn't in vain. were able to attend. This service was the first that Alpha Sig copped the house decoration cup again the "old" members had ever conducted . You see this year w~th scenes depicting the Temple owl enwe were initiated at the last service. Following the gaging the Penn State lion in an air powered atwelcoming of our new sisters we were served dinner. tack. The speaker of the evening, Miss Ida Scheib, told us We entertained three fraternities on campus with about evaluation. Greetings from the alumn<e were a chef's party last fall. The fellows enjoyed cooking presented by Mrs. Ruth Fletcher, their president. their own hamburgers, mixing plenty of onions with Anne Gallagher had made all the arrangements for them. And at Christmas we had our annual Christthe initiation and she is to be congratulated for her mas formal at our house which was very attractively efficiency. We had very attractive printed programs, decorated with candles, a tree, and greens; mistletoe place cards, and corsages for the tmtlates. By the included. Shortly after Christmas the K. K.'s saluted wearing of the corsages one could easily spot an Al- the Naval Preflight men from Willow Grove Air pha Sig on the next day. Station with a navy blue dance. Because of a long Christmas vacation at Boston Many of these parties have been held in our new University our activities for December were necessar- playroom in the basement. Shortly after we came ily limited. The seniors of the chapter attended back to school in the fall, we decided that the cellar Senior Banquet which was held on December 14. was a "mess," and it could stand' many improvements. This brought us to the sharp realization that gradua- , For the next two weeks the girls worked with a tion was not very far away. will, and a perfectly wonderful new playroom was On December 28 a Christmas party was held at the result, complete with a ping pong table, radio, the home of Katherine Gott. Fifteen of us were and plenty of room to dance . able to find our way through the maze of Boston's From the tone of this letter it would seem that subway system and arrive in Arlingto"n . We played Kappa Kappa has done nothing but entertain. To some of the games that' we had forgotten long ago. the contrary, we have helped the various war drives The best fun of all was when we had a Yankee Swap on campus. And we took it upon ourselves to of Christmas gifts. sponsor the World Student Service Fund Drive, the We held another coffee-dessert on Wednesday, main effort being the sale of refreshments after the January ro. Our new member, Norma Driscoll, was two dramatic productions.

MARcH, 1945 November the tenth, 1944 certainly was an exciting day for every member of our chapter, Kappa Kappa. Every year we celebrate Homecoming weekend by having a gala dinner for active members and for all alumn~, who return for the university's festivities. This dinner has become a tradition of Kappa Kappa and for weeks every member looks forward to the annual reunion. The last dinner was held on November the tenth and was full of surprises. A delicious dinner was served, consisting of grapefruit cocktail, snapper soup, egg nog sherbet, chicken, potatoes, peas, salad, ice cream, cake and coffee. After dinner we were entertained by Joanne Tyson who sang several numbers and then by popular request, Jane Geiger, an alum, sang for us. The program was planned in celebration of Founder's Day and also in honor of our members serving in the armed forces . Virginia Becker, president 1943-1944, opened the program with a welcome and the alumn~ roll call. There were even some girls from the class of 1928 present. Then Marion Gladfelter, president 1944-1945, asked for the active roll call. This was followed by a big surprise! Helen Corey, our sponsor and also the newly elected National Secretary, announced the winner of the Wilma Wilson Sharp award. June Smith, our own candidate, had been selected as the outstanding Alpha Sig alumn~ . We all felt so proud of June who was a .member of our own chapter. You've all read about her in THE PHOENIX, but I wish every Alpha Sig equid meet her. She's such a grand person. We celebrated the founding of our sorority by presenting the Founder's Day address in a sort of dialogue form, by having different girls read various Two Kappa Kappa members of the sections. Women's Marine Corps were at the dinner and they joined in the program. The climax of the evening came when Helen Corey told us of another award which we had won . As a chapter we had won the National efficiency award for the three previous years . We were overjoyed and very surprised. And the award was the very thing for which we had been longing. A beautiful coffee table! Now you know why November roth was an honor day for Kappa Kappa. Our one regret is that every Alpha Sig couldn't be there. At present we are busy with plans in cooperation with the other sororities on campus to present a fashion show under the guidance of Mademoiselle magazme. A tea was given in our honor by Miss Florence Lehman, one of our new patronesses, who was anxious to meet all the girls. We were very pleased with our fall rush season, as we got every girl we wanted. They are a grand bunch of pledges, peppy as they come. And speaking of rushing, we're looking forward to our big Spring season that will begin very soon . There is a

43 wonderful Freshman .class this year, so it should be a lot of fun. Best of luck to you in your rushing this Spring. Love in A. S. A ., LYNN MYER.

NU NU Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Where has the time gone? Here it is February and it seems that the year has just begun. Nu Nu has plenty to show for the last few months, though. Since Christmas, rushing has been going full force, climaxing in a Gay Nineties Party. The week-end before our party was spent out at the Lodge. Last minute plans were made, and frantic Can-Can rehearsals shook the rafters . The party was enjoyed by all- freshmen and actives alike. Our favors, old fashioned dolls dressed according to our individual ideas, made quite a hit. Now we are in the midst of silence period. We're almost afraid to speak to our own sorority sisters; but it won't be long now. We're looking forward impatiently to welcoming our newcomers! The Court has been buzzing with Alpha Sigs this fall and winter. One quiet Tuesday around noon there was general commotion through the corridors-A.S.A. had opened a Bake Shop! A red and white table covered with tempting cookies, cake, and candy soon became a necessary part of every Tuesday. The main difficulty has been to find enough food to feed the hungry students! Also in the Court two very intelligent looking scarecrows one week announced the annual Harvest Moon Dance. The socalled man shortage was conspicuously absent; the dance was well attended and a real success. At Christmas Nu Nu played Santa Claus to one alumna serving overseas, and also sent the customary layette to a needy Philadelphia family. Right after Christmas holidays two Nu Nu members joined the ranks of engaged candy owers-Betty Anne Schrieber and yours truly . Betty Robinson was recently married, and Joanne Ridings is now on her way to California to be married . Dan Cupid seems to be rather partial to A .S.A. this year! We are delighted to welcome back two of our last year's graduates. Jeanette Sperr and Nancy Gundrum have consen_ted to be assistant advisers, to work with Miss Maxfield. With such a trio advising .us, Nu Nu can't miss! That's the news for now-see you this spring! DANA D AVIS.

PI PI Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York

Dear Alpha Sigs: Wait 'til you hear about all the wonderful things that have happened to us since we last wrote. Are you ready? Here's our good word. First of all-our Rush Party in Tudor Castle on October 23rd was the talk of the campus. The med-



ieval theme was carried out-even to the point of a blazing plum pudding! Next on our agenda was the presentation of "Victory Vogues" on November 3rd in the college gymnasium. This was a fashion show and dessertbridge, and proceeds were donated to the Army Base Hospital at Mitchell Fidd to be used in the aid and ' rehabilitation of our returning veterans. (Not so incidentally-$75 was sent!) Then came our Formal Tea on November 12th under the chairmanship of Arline Guenther. This was followed by a Pot Luck Supper at the house on November 17th in honor of our brand new pledges. And are they ever wonderful! Almost forgot to mention the Founders' Day observance under Pat Phillips able direction, on November 14th. On December I Ith the College Student Center turned red and white. The pledges were staging a Christmas cookie sale. It's their pep and enthusiasm that puts the frosting on our cake. We sure do love 'em! Then came the most exciting night of all. Our Christmas Formal! It was held December r6th in our own house under the co-chairmanship of Sandy Pevney and Pat Phillips, and certainly proved a night immortal. The snow formed frames for our casement windows; candle light added mystery; the Christmas tree was laden with gifts all tied in red and white; flowing gowns and oodles of servicemen; fireplace-corners and punch; who could ask for anything more? Of course our pet Joan Steinmiller was there with her camera, and everyone is just all the more anxious to view the new yearbook. After exams came what everyone was waiting for-Slumber Party. And the pledges performed again by entertaining the actives on a sleigh-ride before the party. And what could have been more movie-ish than to return to the house, frozen to the core, to be served hot chocolate and sandwiches? It was heaven-on-earth, done up in red and white, and tied with the love of sisters. Even Cupid managed to squeeze into our midst. In fact he walked right off with Peggy Mason and Pledge Joan Stuart. We miss them much-and wish them both loads of happiness. With all eyes focused on February 24th-the Initiation Banquet under the cnairmanship of Nancy Diggins-may we say so long for now and good luck to you all. It's been a perfect first semester in Alpha Sigma Alpha-but wait 'til you hear about what happens second semester! You know that not even the sky limits an Alpha Sig. Love in A. S. A., RuTH CHRISTMAN.

RHO RHO Marshall College, Huntington, W . . Va.

Dear Alpha Sigs: It's been a long time since you've heard from us, but our chapter has really been active this past

semester. Since our former editor, Ethel Grosse, left us to attend a college near her home, I'll try to pinchhit for her and give you an idea of our activities the past semester and our plans for the present term. Last September we had r8 pledges-all grand girls. This December we initiated five of the group who were upper-classmen in very effective services at our chapter apartment. We're really proud of those rooms in Hodges Hall. Our gay colored flowered drapes are matched with our sofa and chair covers. We only wish that all you Alpha Sigs could see our chapter rooms. We had a number of social events of importance last fall. Our formal Founder's Day dinner in the Crystal Room of the Hotel Frederick was one of the highlights of the season. We also had other grand times at our slumber party {an ironical name for itj and at the wonderful party our alumna: gave for us of Rho Rho chapter. Oh, yes, we musn't forget our hay-ride with our brother fraternity, the Alpha Kappa Pi's. Later on in the semester, the pledges complimented their big sisters with a dinner and a party afterwards. Since the party was just before our Christmas vacation, we exchanged gifts between pledges and big sisters. Our new semester started off with a bang when we heard of the marriage of Juanita Johnson. "Johnny" was married in her home town, Ashland, Ky., with Helen Herbst, another Alpha Sig, as her attendant. "Johnny" received many gifts from us at a miscellaneous shower given at the home of Lois Long, but not so many as our best wishes for her happiness. Right now we're really busy making plans for our rush party March 15th. We have a fine group of prospective Alpha Sigs who promise a bright future for us. Yet, we hate to think of losing so many of our "active actives" in June. We are also looking forward to Mrs. Sharp's visit to Huntington sometime in March. We only hope that we can make her visit to Rho Rho Chapter enjoyable. Since you haven't heard from us in some time, we had quite a bit to write to the rest of you Alpha Sigs. We hope you'll forgive us because we've really been busy as you can tell from my list of our activities; and I've only hit the highlights. But that's all the news now from Rho Rho so until next time, we'll send good luck to you all and Love in A. S. A., MARY MARGARET THOMAS.

SIGMA SIGMA Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado

Hello Alpha Sigs: It seems ages since we have written or heard from any of our sister chapters so prepare yourselves for a lengthy repqrt from Sigma Sigma. October r8 we pledged seven girls. Chocolates were passed in sorority twice during fall quarter,



both heralding the capture of fraternity pins. Billee Wilson announced her engagement to Don K. Vining, Sigma Nu, now in the U.S. Navy. Helen Hunton announced her engagement to John Manien, Kappa Sigma, in U. S. Marines. During Christmas vacation Helen Hunton became the bride of John Manien, U. S. Marine Corps, but returned to school following vacation. The chapter gave her a bridal shower the first week in January . The second Monday in January was "Pledge Day" or turnabout for the pledges and actives. Believe me, the actives worked. We opened doors, washed windows, rearranged rooms, carried water at the cafeteria, shined shoes and a dozen other clever duties for the pledges. However, we were well repaid for that night the pledge class serenaded the actives. It was lovely. January 27 our local alumn<ÂŁ chapter gave a turkey dinner in our honor at the home of Mrs. Louis Miller. After actives and pledges had stuffed themselves to the brim everyone played bingo until that fatal hour of 10:30 when all must be in the dorm . However, the red-letter day for Sigma Sigma came on February I I. That Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock four pledges were initiated into active membership at a ceremony in the sun-room of Chipeta Hall. Those admitted to the Sanctuary Degree were Gail Ann Young, Helen Hunton Manien, Billie Sinding and Anabel Stevens. Following the service members attended church and then dinner. Our annual Valentine's Day tea in honor of the alumn<ÂŁ and patronesses of Sigma Sigma chapter was given in the sun-room of Chipeta Hall that afternoon from three till five. That sounds like a full day doesn't it? But wait--on this same afternoon at four o'clock our secretary, Ruth Fogg, was married at the Biebel Memorial Chapel, Gunnison, to S/ Sgt. Rudolph Halazon. Sgt. Halazon was recently discharged from the U. S. Marine Corps. He is the holder of the Silver Star Medal for gallantry on Guadalcanal. We'll miss our Ruthie. She was one of Sigma Sigma's most loyal and untiring members. There is lots of snow on our campus so winter sports occupy a great deal of our time. Two of our more ardent ice-fans are "Irish" Gallagher and Gail Young. Marie spends her time on practice teaching. Helen Rossi is A.W.S. president. Helen Manien is a candidate for Miss Attractiveness at our Co-Ed Prom. Anabel, Billee, and Billie Sinding keep themselves busy setting off firecrackers in the dorm in the wee small hours. One pledge, Ruth McCandless has been out of school with a throat infection, but is recovering rapidly now. And yours truly is keeping pretty busy publishing a weekly newspaper. Which all reminds me it's about time to sign 30 for this edi tion . D oRis OcsBURY.

45 PHI PHI Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri

Hello again: Life is pretty busy around here. We're making big plans for our annual Sweetheart Dance, which will be held February 17th at the Country Club. We have decided to use pink and blue as our color scheme this year, instead of the traditional red and white. The Naval Unit at the college is having the Navy Ball February Ioth, and everyone is eagerly awaiting it. They always have exceptionally good dances, so we are working hard on the plans for our dance. That gives us a high goal, because our dance must not be a let-down after theirs. Christmas was a big event in our chapter. Besides our sorority Christmas party, we held open house for the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity. They are a recently established service fraternity on our campus. They invited the Alpha Sigs on this campus as guests to an informal dance, and every one had a fine time . At Open-house they helped us decorate the Christmas tree, we popped corn and made fudge, and '{le all danced and sang Christmas carols. A very good time was had by all. We have two new fine pledges as a result of mid-season rushing. We are very proud of our chapter this year. Our girls will make fine Alpha Sigs, and are already proving their worth. Our fall pledges were initiated just before Christmas, and are very proud to be actives. This is the last month of this semester, and we are very sorry. Not only are finals coming up, but this is the last month for some of our favorite Alpha Sigs. However, congratulations to our graduates, and the other Alpha Sigma Alpha graduates all over the country. That's about all for now-so, until we meet again . Love from Phi Phi Chapter, SHIRLEY ANDERSON.

CHI CHI Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana

Hello, fellow-Sigs: It's been some time since you've heard from us, so we'll have lots of news to tell you. After that successful rush last fall, we settled down to a few books and concentrated on ye lowly pledge, all eleven of them. What we want to know is, have any of you other chapters had any trouble in having the pledges come around and ask for pledge duties? It was something new fo r us . But since we have inspection in our dorms every week, and since, from the pledge's point of view, too many actives live in the dorms, we kept them pretty busy cleaning our rooms, running to the "village" for food at night, and carrying out our trays at meal time. Last term they gave a "humdinger" of a party for us-a kid party, on Nov~mber 28, in the Lucina Hall recreation room.


Francis Miller, Virginia Russell, Peg Watson, Betty Mathews, and Betty Boone lending their charms toward what promises to be a good production. We are busy, happy, full of the old A.S,A. spirit, and ready for new adventures. Love in A.S.A., HELEN HERBERGER.

PSI PSI Northwestern State Normal College, Natchitoches, Louisiana

CHI CHI INITIATES First Row (left to right) Fran Miller, Marilu Stumpff, Kathleen Mabus, Betty Boone. Second Row: Rita J ohnson , Jerry Fennimore, Mary Fran Patterson, Rosalie Glesing. Third Row: Pat Mucher, Ruth Von Deursen, Peg Watson.

The invitation read, "Come dressed as you were at the tender age of five, " and from the looks of things, there must have been some weird children back in the '2o's. Betty Mathews, our president, and her room-mate Ginny Russell, gave us a lovely Christmas party that we shall always remember. It was held in the slumber room, a l;uge room on the fourth floor of Elliott Hall with an "Inner Sanctum" door (which can be annoying to house mothers). Twenty-four of us slept in six double-deck bunks. The rest of the poor unfortunates made up mattresses on the floor for about 40 winks, and that was all. We had Fran Miller's Christmas tree, and we all exchanged our gifts there, with lots of food and beautiful Christmas records and singing by Christmas-tree-light. The Alpha Sig spirit and the Christmas spirit combined make a powerful combination. After Christmas vacation we came back to gape at the five beautiful new diamonds flashing around . Lee Sperling, Barbara Bray, Vesta Prahl, Suzette Mitchell, and yours truly bow modestly and chorus, "We are very very happy about the whole thing." After vacation was over we had our initiation services, and they were lovely. All of Chi Chi were reminded anew of the great vow taken to A.S.A., and I'm sure we all renewed our pledge silently in our hearts. February 8, was the campus dramatic production, "Ladies in Retirement," with Mary Dawn Thees as student director, Isabelle Starkey, and Helen Herberger in the cast, Elayne Tobias and Rita Johnson doing backstage work, Jeanne Friar, publicity, and it turned out to be a grand production with so many A.S.A.'s on the job. Now coming up is the Annual Aquaticus, with

Dear Alpha Sigs: So much has happened since I last wrote, its hard to know just where to begin. So I'll try to begin at the first . Starting the week after we had mid-semester exams last semester, we had fall rushing. Up until that time sorority girls were not permitted to go on dates with the new girls on the campus. The first week was informal rushing. Our house was occupied at all times-only eight people could be together at any one time. The next week was formal rush week, and first on the list was our formal party. With the Indian teepee and other decorations carrying out the Indian theme, we had a wonderful party. Then, for the week-end, silence prevailed. Northwestern celebrated its Homecoming that Saturday, and you can bet the Alpha Sigs were in with the rest. Then, Sunday was "the Day." Seventeen grand girls met us at our house, and for the rest of the day, we celebrated. The next weeks, after the girls had been pledged, were filled with the usual errands being run by the pledges for the actives. At Christmastime, our pledges entertained the members with an adorable party. With the house decorated in accordance with the season, and plenty of food along with the usual Alpha Sigma spirit, we had a nice send-off for the holidays. The new year brought additions to the third finger, left hand, of two of our actives- Clarice Slaughter and Barbara Graves. Good use of leap year, we'd say. At the annual Potpourri . Ball, sponsored by the college yearbook, Psi Psi was well represented with four of the ten maids from our chapter. They were Barbara Graves, Evelyn Horn, Annie Sue Miller, and Gloria Bayard . Also, we have four of our members who are to appear in "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities" this year. They are Polly Holland, Barbara, Gloria, and Evelyn . Three weeks after we returned from the l].olidays came final exams, accompanied by the usual quieting of campus activities. Evelyn Horn, our president, received her degree. We miss Evelyn-she was a real asset to our chapter. Polly Holland, former vicepresident, has taken over Evelyn's duties, and Betty Woodall was recently elected vice-president. Two of our pledges didn't return this semesterBobbie Brown and Margaret Hinson. Margaret has joined the Nurse's Corps.

MARcH, 1945 With the new semester came a new pledge-Mary Ann Sylvest. We're happy to have her; she'll be a good Alpha Sig. This seems to cover" the highlights of what has happened to us since our last letter with one exception. The name of our college has been changed from Louisiana State Normal to Northwestern State College of Louisiana. We're anxiously awaiting hearing from you all. Love in A. S. A., CARRIE NELL RoDGERs.

BETA GAMMA Northeastern State College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Dear Alpha Sig sisters: The Be.ta Gamma chapter began the '44-'45 school year with ten Alpha Sigs returning to the campus, with Ollie Mae Bittle, Pres.; Henrietta Stalper, VicePres.; Wanda Chronister, Treas.; Robbie Farris, ';ecy.; Billie Rae Hague, Chap.; Marjorie Ray, Reg.; Jennie Masier, Editor. We began our plans for our Rush Party which was held at the country home of Berdina Clark Our theme was worked out around a Mexican tea room, complete to menu, music, and decorations. We pledged ten girls, four of whom JoAnn Whittenburg, La Valle Short, Dorothy King, Mildred Wassen, were initiated on February 13, second semester. The next big event on Beta Gamma's social calendar was our Founder's Day Dinner, held on November 12. We were complimented by having four Alpha Sigs from the Tulsa alumn:e chapter present. Viola Carraway, Harriet Umpstead, Helen Harper Malone, and Barbara Jeane Miner. Mrs. J. L. Scarce, Mrs. H. W. Guenther, and Mrs. N. N . Duncan. Our program was dedicated to Sgt. Jay McCormick Hagan, U . S. Army Air Corps. Beta Gamma's contribution to the armed forces. With the Christmas Holidays we found ourselves very busy with filling Chirstmas boxes for service men and working up a Christmas Program for the Negro Sunday School, as a beginning on our community Service Program. We were indeed delighted with a Christmas party held by the Muskogee Alumn:e chapter at the home of Mr's. Marion Spraker and on the following night, as is the traditional custom, we caroled to all our partronesses, and then we were entertained with a lovely Party and Christmas tree at which we exchanged gifts, m the home of Mrs. Guenther. The Alpha Sigs carried off second place at the annual stunt night held on the campus. Our skit was a "Gay Nineties" Review consisting of village barber shop quartette and all appropriate trimmings. All of our girls are helping with the community service program, either with the Physical Education Directors, Girl Scout Leaders, or with Negro Sunday School. Our Annual Valentine Dance was a huge success. The decorations were Red and White with the dance pavillion outlined in the shape of an enormous

47 heart. Dorothy Bartlett, former Northeastern Alpha Sig, now at the University of Arkansas, sang the sweetheart so~g for us at the end of the dance, and this made the third successive year Dorothy has sung the song at the Valentine Dance. Alpha Sig girls are bringing honor our way with Henrietta Stalper president of the Student Council, and Ollie Mae Bittle, Secretary and Treasurer; Berdina Clark, President of the Junior Class; Kathleen Bailey, Secretary of S. C. A.; Marjorie Roy, President of PanAmerican Society; Billie Rae Hague, President of W . A. A.; Millonee Grey, President of Kappa Phi and Junior Class Representative to the Student Council; and Jo Ann Whittenburg, one of our new members, was initiated into Rho Theta Sigma, the local Scholastic Fraternity. And now a word abouJ: our new sponsor, Mary Katherine Stewart, former Northeastern student, now the Extension Director fo r the college. We are so happy to have her for an Alpha Sig. She replaces Fern Pascoe, who is on leave of absence to attend Peabody College at Nashville. So until the next PHOENIX, Love in A. S. A., VIRGINIA BRINK.

BETA DELTA Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Dear Alpha Sigs: It's hard to find a starting place, because so much has happened to us lately. Of course, we aren't complaining. 1945 has really been a lucky year for the Beta Delta Chapter. 路 January 24, we initiated fourteen new members to our organization up in Miss Pulley's office. We think they meet all the specifications of an Alpha Sig, and we are very proud of every one of them. The night before the initiation, the new members, pledges then, gave us a buffet supper in the home of Peggy Johnson, one of 路the pledges. The entire evening was filled with wonderful food, games, and good old Alpha Sig friendship. A combination of the three is unbeatable. Next Wednesday night the Alpha Sigs are sponsoring a sing for the Sororities and the Fraternity. Naturally, we not only want to sing the loudest, but also the best, so we've been practicing all our songs. We're kinda partial to the way Nell, our president, sings "Alpha Sigma Sweetheart," and we've asked her to sing it as a solo at the sing. Last, but definitely not least, is about Mrs. Ruth Martin Stone and the organization of an alumn:e chapter in Hattiesburg. When we heard that Mrs. Stone was coming to visit the Beta Delts, we were really excited. Mrs. Stone is not only a national figure in Alpha Sigma Alpha, but Mississippi Southern is her Alma Mater, and when she was a student here, she was president of the Beta Delta Chapter. Being with her for the short time we were, we can understand why she is considered such a wonderful person and a valuable Alpha Sig.


Sunday, January 29, we gave a tea in the process of organizing the alumn<e chapter. All the Alumn<e from Hattiesburg, their families, and the families of the members were invited to attend the tea. During the tea there was a meeting in which the Alumn<e and Mrs. Stone discussed the organization of the chapter. We are looking forward to all the letters in the PHOENIX.

Love in Alpha Sigma Alpha, JEANNE


BETA EPSILON Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Dear Sorority Sisters: This is your Beta Epsilon Chapte~ reporting to you again on the news .that's, well, comparatively new. Hold on to that tomfortable chair and prepare for a lengthy letter. Mary McKay, an ASA who graduated in 1943, is now a member of the teaching staff of Detroit Conservatory of Music. While Mary was a student here at Madison, she was pianist for the school orchestra and "The Lost Chords," our up and swinging dance band. . Mrs. Frances Waddell Camden, better known as "Fran," was a very welcome guest among us several weeks ago. Always she comes when we need her most, bringing with her vitality and enthusiasm. Elizabeth Smith, our candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award, who is a star on the basketball team, as well as the hockey field, won the tennis cup in the tennis tournament finals. She was the first student to have her name engraved on the cup as tournament winner. Of the eight students to represent Madison College in the current issue of Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, Beta Epsilon is proud to be able to call three of them her sisters. I will not keep you guessing, they are; Libby Smith, Bette Clougherty Miller, and Lee Anna Deadrick. We are ' certain these girls are going places. We have quite a few fishy creatures in our abode, believe it or not? Underwater swimming and various dives are play for them, as was demonstrated when several of our girls with others put on a.n aquacade in the college indoor pool. Betty Lou Flythe, our charming president helped lead the figure in the Panhellenic dance December 2, the theme of which was "White Christmas." Miss Schneider, soprano, of the music faculty, and one of Beta Epsilon's loved advisers, was presented in concert by Madison College School of Music December 3路 She held her audience magnificently. When the polls opened a few days ago to decide between ten wonderful girls to hold the five major offices on our campus, ASA's rushed to the voting booths 路tO vote fo r our sisters running for four different offices. When the sun sank behind the mountains, the story was told that two ASA's would lead the student body for this incoming year as presidents

of Student Government Association and Y. W. C. A. These two girls are Lucia Zeigler and Lucile Peak. We think they are tops in everything, especially leadership. We have just finished rushing, and the rush party was the best one ever. With colorful decorations, loads of talent, delicious delicacies, and soft lights, the atmosphere of our traditional "Cafe Society" was super. Our house was transformed into an elaborate night club with all the necessary equipment such as door man, head waiter, cigarette girls, etc. Saving the best for last, the biggest news of the season is that forty-three charming, intelligent girls have just become pledges to our chapter. We were not expecting quite so many but luck was with us and we received a very large percentage of the girls we rushed. This is one time when good things came in a large package. A quantity of quality, that's what we have. Love in ASA, CATHARINE CLODFELTER.

BETA ZETA Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana

Dear Alpha Sigs: Once more we at Southwestern are approaching the end of a term and we are trying to sandwich in last minute informal rushing with term papers and term reports and other details that make one's life hectic. Living up to our standard of participating in campus activities, Louise Gaudet was elected vicepresident of the Senior class, and Ouida Sue Ristom was elected secretary of the Junior class. Sylvia LeDoux was elected vice-chairman of the Gulf States Province of Newman Clubs at their convention in New Orleans. Six of our pledges were pledged into Lambda Omega, honorary organization for freshmen and sophomore girls who maintain " B" averages . Lois Beall was elected to Who's Who in American Colleges and 'Universities. Alpha Sigma Alpha was represented in the court of the queen at the following functions: at the Engineer's Ball by Louise Gaudet, at the Blue Key dance by Stella Dryer, and in the Camellia Pageant by Paddy Richard. Lois Beall who was our president was forced to resign from school because of ill health; we're looking forward to having her back in March. Stella Dryer was elected. to replace Lois, and Mary Marcello was elected to succeed Stella as vice-president. At the beginning of the semester we welcomed Miss Alpha Mayfield to our campus. She was a member of the Alpha Beta Chapter at Kirksville, Missouri, and this past summer she taught at Farmville, Virginia. We feel very fortunate to have such an Alpha Sigma Alpha as a member of our faculty. Each fall it is the custom of all campus organizations as well as each girls' dormitory to aid the college president's office in sending Christmas cards to

MARcH, 1945 Southwestern's alumni in service. This year was no exception and Alpha Sigs devoted time before and after meetings to addressing our quota. We then spent more time helping fill our dormitory quota. Early in December we held a Mother-Daughter banquet. First eight mothers received the MotherPatroness degree and we went out to Oak Grove for a delicious steak dinner. Just before Christmas, as a result of a joint meeting with the Phi Theta Rho boys, who are our frat brothers, we had a joint Christmas party. A floor show, dancing and lots of good food made it a lively evening. After Christmas our Alumn<e visitor, Evelyn Merrifield came on her official visit to our chapter. Evelyn will be remembered as the Alpha Girl of 1944. We had a wonderful time hearing about her studies at the University of Denver, to which she has a graduate scholarship. She gave us many valuable suggestions for the sorority. Her visit was climaxed by a supper at Aggieland where sponsors, actives, and pledges spent an enjoyable evening. Lois Beall was able to visit the campus also and we were really happy at having two such favorite Alpha Sigs with us at the same time. On January 26, Beta Zeta sponsored the March of Dimes drive on this campus. We all dressed in white, wore a March of Dimes streamer and carried pint milk bottles around to get donations. Our total sum was recorded hourly on a thermometer on the campus bulletin board. At the end of the day we were overjoyed to learn that we had collected $16o.oo. We were excited at the prospect of Mrs. Sharp's visit to our chapter and so disappointed that she had to postpone it. We are eagerly awaiting her comi_ng. Yours in A .S.A. KATHLEEN TouPs.

BETA ETA State Teachers College, Dickinson, North Dakota

We're inclined to believe that spring is on its way However this statement is subject to change without notice, for more than once this winter we have doffed kerchiefs and stadium boots on a sunny afternoon to wake up the next morning and peek out betwixt the blinds to find two feet of snow added to the countryside. The Alpha Sig's of Dickinson are feeling proud enough of the Valentine formal we put on in our student lounge February 9路 Of course we had the place sufficiently decorated with fluffy hearts, candles, soft music, and spot lights. Punch and little white cakes with red hearts were served throughout the evening. Saturday morning at ten found us back scrubbing and picking the hearts off the walls. Oh yes-all that glitters is not gold. At a meetings a few odd weeks ago we elected three new officers who are: Chaplain, Leota Swanson; Registrar, Elizabeth Nolan and Editor, Betty Reardon. We hope to keep the good work done in the past. We're expecting to initiate two new membersJune Berg and Marie Oberson-sometime in the near to North Dakota.

49 future. Now they're in the process of studying the chapter roll! Or will they leave it till the nite before the test which proves to be a very popular cramming night. With a concert coming up in which many of the Alpha Sigs are taking part, term papers to write and artic!es for the paper we're all kept dancing right along- never a dull moment. When we have one we fill in with a hand of bridge. Until the next time . Love to all in A. S. A., BETTY REARDON .

BETA THETA Central Michigan College of Education, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

Dear Alpha Sigs: Early February at Central Mich-igan college finds the Beta Theta girls involved in bowling tournaJUent, semi-finals, basketball tou~nament finals, planning a dinner and theater party, in addition to making plans for rushing parties early next month. Alumn;e and active members have been appearing in wedding and engagement columns of newspapers across the state. Frances Mewmaw, last year's president, became Mrs. John Rose at a lovely evening ceremony in the Royal Oak Methodist church in October. Fran plans to leave us at the end of the present semester to join her husband in Oklahoma. Registrar Bette Baldwin will marry Seaman First Class Hugh Lackie within two or three weeks and will go to Oklahoma with Fran, since Hugh is also stationed there . . . . Barb Stout, Beta Theta prexy in 1942, married Sergeant Max Durdle in the Belding Central Methodist church, November 25. Joyce Van Petten sang at this beautiful- wedding, while Betty Megarah, Ginny Hosley, Jane Frances and Nora Sheehy were also on hand .. .. Ina Gaylord received her diamond from Corporal Ray Hall when he was home in December. ... Vonnie Bates is engaged to Ensign Joe Bogusz and is working in Saginaw at present. Beta Theta activities during the first semester have included a Fouriders' Day party at Mrs. Opal Thorpe's home, Thanksgiving dinner and party in Keeler union since we had classes all of that day, a Christmas party at which we played bridge, exchanged gifts, ate, and sang carols, a taffy pull, sleigh ride and den party, in addition to our participation as a team in the college intramural bowling and basketball leagues. Panhellenic regulations prohibited our fall rushing because of the 24 Beta Thetas actives who returned this fall. At a meeting last week we formulated our social calendar for the coming semester and included such activities as our Blind Pig, country club dance, weekend house party at Walloon lake, senior breakfast, theater party, tea for our patronesses and other events. Among the many outstanding things which Alpha Sigs are doing on campus are the following: Fran Rose played the lead in "Claudia" which is still making repeat performances throughout the state after its

su successful opening early in December. . . . Bette Baldwin was also a member of the cast, besides serving as president of the ninety residents of Keeler union and also as chief executive of Masquers, campus dramatic club . . . . Shirley DeGrass is working industriously on plans for the annual A.W .S. spring style show of which she has charge this week. Maxine Elliott is also a member of the committee in charge, while Shirley Heilbronn and Jayne Gillespie will be among the models, too. Eleanor Brietzke and Vannie Bates were among the twenty upperclassmen who served as mentors during orientation week. . . . Maxine Elliott was hostess at the annual A.W.S. Christmas tea, while Joyce VanPetten sang a solo in the A Cappella choir's Christmas program. . . . Pat Bates was chairman of last Friday's J-Hop, while Shirley DeGrass, Jayne Gillespie, Mary Lou Larson, Eleanor Philp, Jane Bradshaw and Shirley Heilbronn were chairmen and members of assisting committees. . . . Lela Bennett was elected treasurer of the senior class. . . . At an interpretative reading recital last month, Eleanor Philp presented such an excellent version of parts of "Dark Victory" that she has been asked to repeat her reading in Kalkaska for a civic group. . Eleanor Brietzke and Jane Foust will appear as the Cookie Witch and Sand Man respectively in the opera "Hansel and Gretel" here on Tuesday. Mary Lou 路Larson had charge of the all-college winter sports party two weeks ago. . . Beth Becker is secretary of the Panhellenic association, also Shirley Lagesen is captain of our bowling team which included Jesse Milne, Beth Becker, Eleanor Philp, Shirley DeGrass and several substitutes. Among our basketball players are Captain Eleanor Philp, Shirley DeGrass, Ina Gaylord, Eleanor Brietzke, Beth Becker, Jayne Gillespie and Jane Bradshaw. Local townswomen worked so industriously on surgical dressings this summer that the college women have had no work in that line as yet this semester. However, we have taken part in the A .W.S. boxpacking and letter-writing bees and contributed to several charity drives. Best wishes and highest hopes for a very successful r 94 5. . Love to all Alpha S1gs, MARY JEAN CooN.

BETA IOTA State Teachers College, Radford, Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigs: It couldn't be, no it just doesn't seem possible that another quarter has started and is nearly half over. Everything is moving at a very rapid pace here at Radford, and as usual the Alpha Sigs are right in the lead. So let us Beta Iota members tell you of some of our activities as well as those of the College as a whole. The war, of course is first in our minds, as with everyone at this time, so naturally our help with the


war effort comes first. Just any time now, and especially on Saturday mornings, you might see an Alpha girl pushing a big mop down the hall, or flinging a broom around. You see, because of the maid shortage in the dormitories here on the campus, the Alpha Sigma Alpha girls have taken over the work in Norwood Hall, the Junior and Senior dorm. Whew-what work too! But it seems more as if we are really helping, if we can do some of the work around us. We are also having a good time knitting squares for some路 Red Cross Afghans. All of the members hope to be able to give blood to the blood bank which the War Council is bringing here soon. And now for some College news in which the Alphas have taken part. Some important elections have been held since you have heard from us. The latest election was that of choosing the outstanding seniors of 1945. Evelyn Pamplin, who was elected editor of the annual last quarter, was among those girls elected as outstanding. In the student government and class elections many Alpha Sigma girls were chosen as leaders. Polly Lester is now Vice-President of the Student Body, and Sue Sma!ey is Secretary and Treasurer. Elizabeth Covey is the President of the Junior class and Wand a Lee W omeldorph President of the Sophomore class. Rush season is almost here again, and we have made nearly all our plans for the party. This time all of the members are going to be dressed as angels, hm-m, and all the rushees will be dressed as demons. The guests will be received in the basement of the Student Activity building, which will be decorated with red paper, a big fire, and plenty of pitch forks. Here they will be served devils food cake and coffee after which they will enter heaven, take off their horns, receive wings, and become angels. Here is where the main entertainment will be held. Now how about you telling us what your chapter has been doing, for all of us are looking forward to reading your letters. L . A S A ove 1n . . . EVELYN PAMPLIN.

BETA KAPPA Western Illinois State Teachers College, Macomb, Illinois

Dear Alpha Sigs: Greetings from Beta Kappa Chapter. It seems a long time since we have been together in our newsletters. Since our last letter our ten pledges have been initiated and are now very active members. Two ~ew pledges have also joined our ranks. They are Betty "Vance" Weinberger of Peoria and June "Andy" Anderson of Mendota. The Alpha Sigs have been busily engaged in the W .A.A. basketball tourney, and have been doing very well having won six games while losing one. Brilliant play by Jo Lawless, Erv Montgomery, Joyce Harris, Marie Carlson, Sarah Cunningham, Norma Robeson, Pat Ball, Louise Shinkevich, Betty Alice

MARcH, 1945 Miller, "Supe" Ward and Dorothy Binder brought the spectators to their feet. At present we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Margie Jeanne Miner, one of our stalwarts of last year. "M. J.", is now teaching in the Tulsa school system. She has met some of the Alpha Sigs from Tahlequah and felt all thrilled about it. In a recent all-school variety show Beta Kappa created and enacted ten minutes of Cafe Russe entertainment. Louise Shinkevich sang two Russian songs and she then coupled with Betty Alice Miller to dance a Russian folk dance. After returning from our homes after the Christmas holidays, we packed fifty boxes to be sent to wounded soldiers in the Mayo Hospital in Galesburg, Illinois. Another project, such as this one, is being planned. Here's hoping everything is "tops" in all the chapters, and so, until next time, Love in Alpha Sigma Alpha, DoROTHY BrNDER .

BETA LAMBDA Arkansas State Teachers College Conway, Arkansas

Dear Alpha Sigs: Although second semester rushing is just around the corner, let me give you a brief picture of our party of last semester. Our rush party was a semiformal dinner at Miss Schichtl's home. Arriving guests were greeted by the "Alpha Sig Crest Right Over the Door."-a gift of last year's seniors. Cocktails and a very delicious dinner were served by six members dressed in white and wearing little rufBed red aprons and head bands. Highlights of the dinner were short, but inspiring talks by our patronesses and returning alumna. The rushees were introduced by the member sitting next to them. Then "Totsi" Schichtl, our sponsor, made us doubly proud of her and perhaps just a little proud of ourselves, when she praised "My Alpha Sigs." After dinner we formed our friendship circle and sang the Alpha Sigma sweetheart song and the hymn, closing a perfect evening with our "Goodnight Rushee" song. Successful Well, we thought so when we pledged fourteen wonderful girls on the following day. Now, with pledge tests passed, we are planning to initiate them next week.

Maybe you don't think we were proud when those who made National Who's Who were announced. Three Alpha Sigs were chosen. They are Frances Burkett, Joyce Lively, and Dorothy Wilkerson. Frances was also named "Sweetheart of Phi Sigma Epsilon," local chapter. Peggy Hime has pledged Alpha Chi and taken oyer the prexy of Royal Rooters. Ida Mae Parker has pledged Royal Rooters, college leadership organization. Zeta Delta chapter of Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary dramatic society, was formed at A .S.T.C. October 5, and two of our girls, Joyce Lively and Betty Ruth Joyce, were among the fifteen charter members. For Founders Day we wore red and white, with red streamers pinned to us on which was painted in white "AS A Founders' Day." That evening we had a formal dinner in the Commons. 'Wish each and every one of you could have enjoyed our Christmas dance with us. With war restrictions on we substituted decorations with a hugh tree covered in lights, tinsel, and popcorn; mistletoe and a gala holiday spirit. We topped the season off by . singing carols at each of the dormitories early one morning and then had breakfast together. Back from the holidays our minds turned to semester exams and mid-term graduation. We were thrilled when two of our patronesses; Mrs. Fausett and Mr~. Parker, surprised us with a Mexican dinner and party honoring our tw~ graduating seniors Frances Burkett (our prexy) and Jean Frazier (our treasurer). Each of the girls was presented with a lovely gift and then another thrill! Miss Schichtl announced that " Burkett" had been named our "Alpha Sig" girl. Golly, that was one evening that we hated to close. Betty Joyce has been chosen to replace Frances as president. She is tops with us and has already shown that she is a marvelous leader. Jean Lile Baker has taken over her position as Chaplain and Glenna Phillips has assumed full 路 charge of the treasury. Here's closing by saying we are looking forward to a very, very, special meeting in March, with the Little Rock alumna chapter and the 路"queen" of them all-Mrs. Sharp. 路 Love in A. S. A . loA MAE P ARKER.


Announcements If any member has corrections or additional data for the history will you please send same to our National Historian, Miss Louise Stewart, 555Yz Adair Ave., Zanesville, Ohio.

MARRIAGES ALPHA Myrtle Lee Holt to Richard Culler Jphnson on March 23, 1944· At home 2902 Seminary Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Ella Marsh Pilkinton to John George Adams on August 5, 1944· At home 619 Maple Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Julia C. Eason to Roger Walker Mercer, Jr. on September 2, 1944· At home 2614 Lamb Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Gloria Allen to Robert Lee Kent on October q, I944· At home R.F.D. No. 3, Richmond, Virginia, Box 63. Ruth Allen Ford to George Rudolph Leonard on June 26, 1943. At home 216 Victoria Avenue, Hampton, Virginia. Viola Mae Surring to Donald Joseph Roher on June ro, 1944· At home General Delivery, Mt. Home, Idaho. Mary Sue Palmer to Thomas H. Parvin on November 6, 1944. At home Laredo, Texas. ALPHA BETA Dorothy Hutchinson to John Hodgers on October 29, 1944· At home 1203 East 21st Avenue, N. Kansas City, Missouri. La Vera Dye to Eugene E. Rudereck on April r6, 1944. At home 1316 University Avenue, Columbia, Missouri . Ruth Crookshank Grigsby to Walter Seidler in October, 1944· At home 3971 Hamilton Street, San Diego, California. ALPHA GAMMA Frances Mack to Robert C. Maedel on October 7, 1944. At home 447 Monument Avenue, Wyoming, Pennsylvania. Billie Ann McGrain to W. Robert Kline on June ro, 1944· At home 44 N. 7th Street, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Martha Mae Brewer to Edward C. Book on December 20, 1944· BETA BETA Dorothy Louisa Avery to Lt. Ted Phillips Sutter on April 19, 1944. At home R.R. r, Eaton, Colorado, Box 159.

Shirley Erixon to Russell Paul Widlund on July r6, 1944. At home 1731 Eleventh Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. Gertrude Crane to A. Neils Glock on December 23, 1944· At home 424 E. San Miguel, Colorado Springs, Colorado. EPSILON EPSILON Jean Dunlevy to William Fred Hegenbart on July 22, 1944· At home Lubbock, Texas. Marianna White to Ensign Dan Clark McClenny, U.S.N.R. on June 20, 1944- At home 127 Exchange Street, Emporia, Kansas. Pauline Huebert to Laurence B. Murray on November 19, I944· At home 8r6 28th Street., Bakersfield, California. Wynona Birney to Capt. Harold E. McCarty on June 14, 1944· At home 4II Harrison Street, Vincennes, Indiana. Ardis Jean Riegle to Ensign Robert F. Lemans on August 13, 1944. At home 2136 Prytaiiia Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. Margaret Bailey to Lt. W. Kempson, Jr. on May r8, 1944· At home Manhattan, Kansas. ZETA ZETA Jeanne Loman to James Scott on October 8, 1944. KAPPA KAPPA Betty Frankenfield to F. H. Sturz on August 5, I944· At home 31 Hewett Road; Wyncote, Pennsylvania. NU NU Ilse Graenz to William N. Schwarze on October 14, 1944· Beth Reese to Henry M. Chance II on August 19, 1944· At home Montgomery and Woodside Avenue, Haverford, Pennsylvania. Vivian Albright to Wilmer Brobyn on September 23, 1944- At home 1706 Symmer Street, 'Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Geraldine Eaton to William Albert Burkhart Jr. on August 15, 1944. At home 628 Magee Avenue, Philadelphia I r, Pennsylvania. Marion Powell to Lt. Townsend E. Clark, Jr. on January 7, 1945· Claire Bowman to Capt. Robert Burton, May, I944·

XI XI Barbara Smith to Vernon H. Dilly on June 30, 1_944· At home 575 W. 9th Street, Reno, Nevada. Joyce Lindsay to Charles Thompson Cosser on June 6, 1944· At home ro824 Lindbrook Drive, Los Angeles, 24, California. Anne Woehler to Corporal Carl Rreuter on September 29, 1944· At home San Diego, California.



PI PI Jeanne Frances Hanrahan to Sgt. Robert Joseph Biggane on October 21 , 1944. At home 213 "B" Street, Brawley, California. Carol Griswold to Warner Murto on March 18, 1944. Marjorie Ann Mason to Ensign Alvin Tabor Twing, Jr. on January 7, 1945· At home East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Margaret Brown to Lt. Richard Pendleton III on December 17, 1944. SIGMA SIGMA Evelyn Slane Bates to Clanton Dickerson on March 23· 1944· PHI PHI Dorothy Lee Montgomery to Ensign John Talcott Dixon on June II, 1944· Melba Seitz to W. K. Van Vickie on June 21 , I944· Peggy Cunningham to Ensign Roy· C. Smith on June 30, I944· Margaret Sutton to S. J. Hall on June 7, I944· Connie Curnutt to F. L. Searcy on October 7, 1944. CHI CHI Loris Witz to William Creed on D_ecember 23, I943· At home R.R. No. 6, Anderson, Indiana. Carolyn Deich to James Robert Whiteside on June II , I944· At home I826 Jefferson Street, Anderson, Indiana.

53 Dorothy A. White to Erich Ernst Steiner on July 8, I944· At home 39 Maple Street, Warner Robins, Georgia. Harriett Eloise Brown to Lt. Donald Milluy Johnson, U .S.M.C. on December 25, I943· At home I37 N. Saratoga Street., Suffolk, Va. Marie Bauserman to Garland Boatwright on August 19, I944· At home Manassas, Va. BETA ZETA Pauline Gaudet to Lt. William Frink on October 25, I944· At home II4 Florida Courts, New Orleans, Louisiana. Shirley Anne Laurent to William Lauren Post on November I8, 1944· At home Norco, Louisiana, o/o Shell Oil Co. Evelyn Songe to Lt. Jack Walker Scott on June 5, 1944· At home Lucy, Tennessee, Route r, Box 50. BETA ETA Louise Zander to Clarence A. Sperline on August I4, I944· At home Dickinson, North Dakota. BETA THETA Beth Booth to Hiram Becker on July 22, 1944· BETA IOTA Lucille Cox to Shelby L. Spradlin on July I, I944· , At home Vinton, Virginia. Nancy Lee Scott to Corp. Otis A. Cheek, Jr. on December 30, I944· At home Vinton, Virginia.

PSI PSI Dorothy Jane Brock to Ensign Ralph McFarland on September 2I, I944· At home 8or N.E. 3rd Street, Apt. 5, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

BETA KAPPA Phyllis Young to Dean Pyle on February IO, I944· At home Taulon, Illinois.

BETA GAMMA Mary Lee Hill to Royce H. Wagoner on May 1, 1944· At home 2I5 West 9th, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Juanita Wesdom to Charles Louis Kilgore on November 30, 1942. At home 2108 Robinson Street, · Muskogee, Oklahoma. Lila Louise Cole to E. W . Purdy on June 17, 1944. At home 7607 Sheryl Drive, Apt. A., Norfolk 5, Virginia. Mary Kathleen Blossom to Gene Stanley Luff on September 27, 1944. At home 1424 South Boulda, Tulsa, Oklahoma.


BETA EPSILON Mabel E . Barlow to Dewey Leon Jenkins on August 5, I944· At home Richmond, Va. Naomi McAllen to Richard King Branson on October 28, I944· Cary L awson to E. Warren Franklin on June 28, I944· At home Gloucester, Va. Frances Mullen to Clarence William Long on June I?, I944· At home Broadway, Va.

ALPHA Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Friend, Jr. (Barbara Tripp) , a daughter, Debora Carrol, on June 3, 1944. ALPHA GAMMA Captain and Mrs. Edward Kimball Lauden (Rebecca Truxel), a daughter, Sandre Kay, born July IO, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bauer (Kathryn Deisher) , a daughter, Patricia. Captain and Mrs. Roy F . Winsheimer (Mary Clare Winger), a son, Arthus Lee, born November I5, I944· GAMMA GAMMA Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wood (Eva Ames) , a daughter, Karen Edith, on July I9, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Smithson (Mabel Chew) , a daughter, Verlynda, on July 20, I944· Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Stamman (Ann Benefiel), a son, Donald Lewis, on September 2, I944·


54 EPSILON EPSILON Mr. and Mrs. Donald Knopf (Dorothy Hudson), a Son, June 15, 1944· Mr. and Mrs. George Berentz (Helen Tubbs), a son, on September 15, 1944· Lt. and Mrs. David L. Taylor (Virginia Wiand), a daughter, Mary Ann, on January 8, 1945· Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thornburg (Sue Gwinn), a son, John Stewart, on December 23, 1944ETA ETA Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Field (Dorothy Lindsay), a son, Frederick Theodore, on June 15, 1944. Mr. and Mrs. William Hagman (Avys Rae Taylor), a son, William Raymond, Jr., on October 4, 1935 and a daughter, Sharon Rae, on April 6, 1938. LAMBDA LAMBDA Mr. and Mrs. Rodney S. Borror (Janice Rodebaugh), a daughter, Diane Virginia, on March 16, 1944· MUMU Mr. arid Mrs. Herbert W. Rice (Dorothy Zimmer), a daughter, Kay Lyne, on July 3, 1944.

NU NU Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Diedrick (Edna Mae Schwalm), a son, Dale Barclay, February, 1944· OMICRON OMICRON Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young _ (Martha Steiner), a son, Thomas Robert, on August 8, 1944· PI PI Mr. and Mrs. James F. Daly (Margaret Baldwin), a daughter, on September 29, 1944· Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Allan Klapp (Beverly Fisher, a son, Herbert Allan, on July 20, 1944· Mr. and Mrs. E. Louis Phillips (Ruth Hedden) a daughter, Karen Jane, on December 13, 1944· Mr. and Mrs. James E. Leithliter (Margery Bennett), a son, on December 22, 1944· Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Ringwood (Elizabeth Rowe), a daughter, Lyne Anita, on April 13, 1940, and a son, John Philip, on March 17, 1943· RHO RHO Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lawson (Doris Feeley), twin daughters, Mary Ilene and Martha Irene, on December 29, 1943. SIGMA SIGMA Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Switzer (Christine Sinding), a son Robert Stanley, on August 29, 1944. CHI CHI Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mason (Irene Shaffer), a daughter, · Marcia Louise, on October 9, 1944· Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lee Young (Phyllis Sampson), a son, Mark Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Widmeyer (June Wilkinson), a son, Kenneth David, on June 6, 1944.

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Miller (Betty Huston), a son, Max Eugene, on November 13, 1944· ' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dibert (Margaret Allen), a son, Terry Joe, on July 29, 1944. Mr. and Mrs. Van Miller (Edith Baum), a son, David Van, on December 2, 1944. BETA GAMMA Mr. and Mrs. Kyle J. Hobbs (Dessie Dickinson), a son, Stanley Pat, on June 23, 1944. Mr. .and Mrs. Kenneth Snelling (Betty Levy), a son, Kenneth Jr., on July 30, 1944· BETA EPSILON Mr. and Mrs. John Donald (Almeda Greyard), a daughter; Rosemary, on September 6, 1943· Lt. and Mrs. Vernon Daniels (Betty Hilton), a son on October 25, 1944. Lt. and Mrs. Don Johnson (Harriett Brown), a son, on October 14, 1944. Capt. and Mrs. J. M. Cleland (Jean Collier), a son, James Edward II, on September 16, 1944. New address 73 N. Princeton Circle, Lynchburg, Va. Lt. and Mrs. Joseph Richard Aponte (Grace Alroy), a daughter, Mary Richelle, on November 19, 1944. BETA ZETA Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Meadows (Evelyn Frost), a son, James, on October 23, 1944.

IN MEMORIAM Alpha Sigma Alpha extends sincerest sympathy toClaire Bowman Burton (Nu Nu) whose husband, Capt. Robert Burton, was killed in September, 1944, in a raid over Germany. Margery Furnival VanDorn (Xi Xi) whose husband, Capt. Benjamin Van Dorn, was killed in a plane crash at Muroc, California. Grace Alroy Aponte (Beta Epsilon) whose husband, Lt. Richard Aponte, died in action overseas. Florence Garrett Garwood (Nu Nu) whose husbapd, Thomas Garwood, was killed in a fl.ight instruction accident in Texas. Katherine Blood Fair (Kappa Kappa) whose husband, Commander Robert E. Fair, died in action aboard U .S.S. Colorado. Betty Cremer Johnson (Epsilon Epsilon) whose husband, Capt. Stanley Johnson was killed in a plane crash in North Africa. Erma Miner Rieger (Alpha Beta) whose husband, Sgt. J. Thomas Rieger was killed in France on Christmas Day. Frances Mae Fournet Cunningham (Psi Psi) whose husband Lt. John Cunningham was killed in action overseas. Alpha Gamma and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Alumna: Chapter-Mary Alice Watson (Mrs. Glenn H. Ferguson) died January 19, 1945·

MARcH, 1945


List of Missing Addresses The followmg is the list of names and addresses from which the PHOENIX has been returned. If you know of any corrections, please send them to the National Editor, Mrs. B. F. Leib, Apar tment T, 3540 N. Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.



Emma L. Self, 441 N . Broad Street, Galesburg, Ill. Mrs. Guy Seaton (Nettie Dickerson) Rt. 2, Box 329, Salem, Oregon. Mary R. Early, 9318 Woodside, Detroit, Michigan . Mrs. Howard A. Hall (Betty Phillips) Murtaugh, Idaho.

Mrs. Hendricks (Lottie Vehlow), 1603 E. Main Street, Ventura, California. THETA THETA



Mrs. Paul Brown (Mildred Weber) 416 Todd Street, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. BETA BETA Virginia V. Wood, Walsenburg, Missouri . Mrs. George Davies (Grace Dalby) 6o65 Interceptor, Los Angeles 43, California. DELTA DELTA Esther Berkshire, 320 Beach Street, Berea, Ohio. Mrs. W . P. Hutchinson (Cecelia E. Adam) 364 Zeller Ave., Akron, Ohio. GAMMA GAMMA Irene M. Curtis, 316 Waynoka Street, Waynoka, Oklahoma. Anne Cleveland, 427 South Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. EPSILON EPSILON Ruth Jeremy, Box 219, U.S.O., Aquad illo, Puerto Rico. Ruth Fleischaker, 707 Market Street, Fulton, Missouri. Mrs. Taylor (Thelma Myer) Wynona, Oklahoma. ZETA ZETA Mrs. John Garrison (Ann Draper) 119 Yz North Holden Str~et, Warrensburg, Missouri. Mrs. Eugene A. Logan, Jr. (Ernestine Thompson) Beaman, Missouri. Mrs. R. Fred Sessions (Flossie L. Arnold), Kenwood, California.

Mrs. Maurice 0 . Barr (Barbara Faxon), 131 Rosewood Street, Mattapan, Massachusetts.

Mrs. W. Ray McDonough (Alberta Esslinger) u8 Pine Street, Rock Springs, Wyoming. Mildred N . Nighswonger, 681 4oth Street, Des Moines, Iowa. 路 KAPPA KAPPA Mrs. Craydon Smart (Helen Stranahan) 409 North Fraley, Kane, Pennsylvania. Mildred H. Christman, N. Charlotte Street, Pittston, Pennsylvania . Dorothea M. Bishop, Eldora, New Jersey. MU MU Mrs. Harold Riggs (Dorothea C. Lyons) 932 Penniman Street, Plymouth, Michigan. Mrs. Raymond Boysen (Florence M. Gee) California Institution for Women, Tehachapi, California. Mrs. R. S. Dewey, (Viola K . Rau) 215 South 9th Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. NU NU Alice S. Kay, 5 Pangborn Road, Hackensack, New Jersey. TAU TAU Mrs. C. A. Marrs (Catherine Lewis) Gilbert, Arkansas. Mrs. George Claw (Geraldine Reinecke) Britton, Oklahoma. UPSILON UPSILON Mrs路. Harlan S. Kirk (Florence M. Kile) Berea College, Berea, Kentucky . Mrs. Herbert Hurlburt, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.



Directory National Council 1944-1945

Roll of College Chapters

President-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, Hardy Avenue, Independence,

Alpha- State Teachers College,

1405 Mis-


Vice -President- Mrs. R einard Schlosser, 2800 D e"ter Street, D enver, 7, Colorado. Secreta1·y-Miss H elen Corey, 6310 Sherwood Road, Overbrook, Philadelphia, 31, Pennsylvania. Treasurer-Miss Esther Bucher, 4134 Eaton Street, Kan sas City, 3, Kan sas . Registrar-Mrs. Clinton Berry, 281 Wapello Lane, Altadena, California. Director of Alumnae-Miss Evelyn G. Bell, 767 Lafayette Avenue, Buffalo, 9, New York. Editor-Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 N. Pennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis, 5, Indiana.

National Chairmen Alumnae Editor- Mrs. Ralph Vorhees, 33 00 Grenway Road, Shaker H eights, 22, Ohio. Constitution-Mrs. Albert Kuchs, 614 N. Market Street, Maryville, Missouri. Fellowshi1> Chairman - Mrs. w. c. Thomas, 3&30 Lake Shore Drive. Chicago, 13, Illinois. Scholarship- Mrs. Bertram M. Stone, Picayune, Mississippi.

Historian- Miss Louise Stewart, 5551,6 Adair Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Convention - Miss Helen Corey, 6310 Sherwood Road, Overbrook, Philadelphia, 21, P ennsylvania.

Paraphernalia-Mrs. John Horter, 1480 Corporation Street, Beaver, Pennsylvania.

Officers of Association of Education Sororities Chairman- Mrs. Robert S. Hill, Delta Sigma Epsilon, 816 Columbus, Rapid City, South Dakota. Secretary-Miss Carrie E. Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon, 210 Sagamore Road, Brookline, Pennsylvania. Treasurer- Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma "i·liu, 161 Highland Avenue, Highland Park, Michigan. Director of Local Panhellenics-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha, 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, Missou ri .

Chairman of Publicity-Mrs. C. P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, 1503 First National Bank Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Chairman of Interfraternity Relationships-Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma Sigma, P. 0. Box 108, Clerrn 'Jnt, Florida.

ville, Virginia.


Beta- State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri. Alpha Gamma-State T eachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Beta Beta-Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado. Gamma Gamma - Northwest ern State College, Alva, Okla homa. Epsilon Epsilon-Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas. Zeta Zeta-Central Missouri State T eachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri. Eta Eta-State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas. Th eta Th eta-Boston Univer s ity, Boston, Massachusetts. Kappa Kappa-Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Nu Nu-Drexel Institute of T echnology, Phildelphia, P ennsylvania. Xi X i - University of California, Los Angeles, Californ'ia. Pi Pi- Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York. Rho Rho-Marshall College, Huntington , W est Virginia. Sigma Sigma- Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado. Tau Tau-Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas. Phi Phi - Northwest Missouri State T eachers College, Maryville, Missouri. Chi Chi- Ball State Teachers Colleg e, Muncie, Indiana. P si Psi - Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, Louisiana. B eta Gamma- North eastern State College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma . Beta Delta- Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Beta Epsilon- Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Beta Zeta-Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana. Beta Eta-state T eachers College, Dickinson, North Datota. Beta Theta- Central Michigan College of Education, Mount Pleasant, Michigan. B eta Iota - Radford College, Radford, Virginia. Beta Kappa - Western Illinois State Teachers College, Macomb, Illinois. Beta Lambda-Arkansas State Teachers College, Conway, Arkans as.

Editorial Staff NATIONAL EDITOR- Mrs. B . F . Leib, 3540 N. Pennsylvania St. , Apt. T, Indianapolis 5, Indiana .

Alpha- Patsy Dale.

Affili2;1:t'd Panhellenics MEMBERS National Panhellenic Congress Association of Education Sororities Professional Panhellenic Association COUNCIL MEMBERS Chairman-Mrs . John B. Davison , Profession al Panhellenic Association. Secretary- Mrs. E . Granville Crabtree, National Panhellenic Congress. Chairman of Publicity Committee-Miss Mabel L ee Walton, Association of Education Sororities.


Box 265, S . T.C., Farmville, Virginia. Alpha Beta- Dorothy Holcomb Sharp , 411 N. High , Kirksville, Missouri. Alpha Gamma- Elizabeth Politoske, 311 N. John Sutton Hall, Indiana, Pennsylvania. B etn Beta-Joella Kirton, 1803 7th Ave., Greeley, Colorado. Gamma Gamma - L o Eva Kragh, Alva, Oklahoma. E1>silon Epsilon- Gloria Davidson, 919 Union, Emporia, Kans a s. Z eta Zeta - K a therin e Thurston, 513 Grover St., ''Var"E>nsburg, Missouri.

Eta Eta-Charlotte Miller, 303 W. Rose, Pittsburg, Kansas. Theta The ta- Katherine Gott, 4 Daniels St., Arlington, Massachusetts. Kappa Kappa- Lynn Myer , 1938 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, 22, Pa. Nu Nu-Dana Davis, 5237 Wissahickon, Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Xi Xi- Norma Kruse, 507 S . Bradfi eld, Compton , California. Pi Pi- Ruth Christman, 289 Woods ide Ave., Buffalo, New York. Rho Rho-Mary Margaret Thomas, 116 lOth Ave., Huntington , W est Virginia. Sigma Sigma- Frances Craig Underud, Chipeta Hall, Gunnison, Colorado. Tau Tau - Mary Ethel Earl Pierson, Hays, Kansas.

Phi Phi- Shirley Anderson, 714 N. W a lnut, Maryville, Missouri.

Chi Chi-Helen H erberge r, Lucina Hall. Mun cie Indiana.

Psi Psi - Carrie N ell Roge rs, N orthwestern State College, Natchitoches , La. Beta Gamma - Virginia Brink , Wilson Hall, T a hlequ a h, Oklahoma. B eta Delta- J eanne King, Station A, Miss issippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Miss issipp i. B eta Epsilon-Catherine Clodfelter, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia. B eta Zeta-Kathleen Toups, S.L.I. Lafayette, Louisiana.

B eta Eta- Betty Reardon, 302 1st Ave. East, Dickin son, North Dakota. B eta Theta- Mary Jean Coon, K eller Union , Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. B eta Iota-Evelyn Pamplin - Box 115, Radford College, Radford, Virginia. B eta Kappa- Dorothy Binder, Monroe Hall, Macomb, Illinois. Beta Lambda-Ida Mae Parker, 235 Locust, Conway, Arkansas.

ALUMNAE EDITOR-Mrs. Ralph Vorhees, 3300 Grenway Roa, Shaker Heights 22, Ohio.

Ak1·on, Ohio- Mrs. John Miranda, 742 Ecton Road, Akron , Ohio. Alva, Oklahoma - Miss Erl Lene Cline, 626 Center St., Alva, Oklahoma. Boston, Massachusetts-Miss Ruth Mayo, 785 Commercial Street , South Weymouth , Mass. Bt<.fialo, New York-Mrs . Edward J. Nelson, 19 Hagen St., Buffalo, New York. Canton, Ohio- Mrs. Pressly Campbell, Jr., 3206 Enfield Road, N. W., Canton, Ohio. Central P ennsylvania - Miss S. June Smith, 125 Manor Ave., Millersville, P ennsylvania.

Chicago, Illinois- Mrs. James Wilson, 2319 Hartrey Ave., Evanston, Illinois. Cleveland, Ohio-Mrs. C. R. Smith, 48 Eldred Ave., Bedford, Ohio. Colorado Springs, Colorado- Mrs. Vincent E. Maloney, 1224 N . Wahsatch, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Columbus, Ohio--Mrs. C. H. Calhoun, 152 E. 12th Ave., Columubus, Ohio. Denver, Colorado-Mrs. !teinard Schlosser, 2800 Dexter St., Denver 7, Colo. Detroit, Michigan-Mrs. Earl Lutz, 14044 Abington Road, Detroit, Michigan. Emporia, Kansas-Mrs. Winifred Jones R emy, 1326 Highland, Emporia, Kans. Gunnison, Colorado-Mrs. John Mcllwee, Gunnison, Colorado.




Hampton Roads, Virginia-Mrs. Warren White, 917 Gates Ave., Norfolk, Va. Hays, Kansas-Mrs. Ruth Twenter R eising, 101 E. 17th St., Hays, Kansas. Huntington, West Virginia-Mrs . C. R. Fuliveler, 701 9th Ave., Huntington, W . Va. Indianapolis, Indiana- 3234 Winthrop Ave., Indianapolis. Kansas City, Missouri-Mrs. C. E. Hamilton-1851 E. 76th T errace, Kansas City, Missouri. Little Rock, Arkansas-Mrs. Raymond A . Mitchell, School for the Blind, Little Rock, Ark. Los Angeles, Cali/1·onia- Mrs. Whitney Hindes, 1166 E. Firestone Blvd. Downey, California.

Maryville, Missou1·i- Mrs. Dan Shura , Maryville, Missouri. Muncie, I ndiana-Mrs. Everett Thresh er, 1314 E. Adams St., Muncie, Indiana. Muskogee, Oklahoma-Miss Mary Beers, 702 S. 23rd St. , Muskogee, Oklahoma. · New Orleans-Mrs. Wayn e Haydel, 315 Audubon St., N ew Orlean s, Louisiana. New York City, Ne•v York-Miss Ethel E. Barrett, 9 Vincent Place, Montclair, N ew J er sey. Philadelphia, Penn81Jlvania - Miss H elen Geibel, 1300 W . Onta rio St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsbu1·gh, Pennsylvania-Miss Frances Parry, 14 Lehigh Ave., W est View, Pennsylvania.

Richmond, Virginia-Miss Ann Martenstein, 1106 Lake Front Ave., Richmond, Virginia. Rochester, New Ym·k-Miss Bernice Baybutt, 2400 Latta Road, R och ester 12, New York. St . Louis, Missouri-Mrs. W . M. Griffith, 498 W. L ock wood, Webster Groves, Missouri. Tulsa, Oklahoma-Mrs. Royce Wagoner, 1415 South Norfolk, Tulsa, Okla homa. Washington, D. C.- Mrs. J essie S cott Arnold, 1730 M St., N.W. Apt. 4, Washington , D. C. Wichita, Kansas-Mrs. Harold Sherman, 420 N. Topeka, Wichita, Kansas.

MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Send to National Director of Alumnc:e:





767 Lafayette Ave., Buffalo, 9, New York

Maiden Name

Former Address

Married Name

New Address

Date of Marriage ..................................................... ,....................................................................................




AD,DRESS CORRECTION Send to N ational Registrar: MR.s. CLINTON BERRY 28I Wapello Lane, Altadena, California

Name Address /Permanent, Teaching) ..................................................................................................... .

Chapter················································ ······························································ ········· ·················' ················ ······

Former Address .........................................................................................................................................

Miss EAsTHER BucHER, National Treasurer 4I34 Eaton Street Kansas City 3, Kansas Date .................................................................., 194····· Dear Miss Bucher: I'm signing up for the PHoENIX. My dollar is enclosed. Send the magazine to.................................................................................................................... .

Signed ................................................................................................:................................... Chapter ................................................................................................................................ .




CAN YOU SUGGEST A FUTURE ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA Send the names of girls you can recommend to the chapter president of the school they will attend, using the blank on the lower half of this page.

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L. G.




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