FORGING AHEAD ------- ------ ------- ------- --- ---- ---- -- --------------- --------- -------------------------------- ----------- ---
2 4 5
HOM ECOMING WINNERS --- ------- -- --- ---- ------ --- -------- -------- ---- ----- ------------- ----- -- -- ---------------------
DR. ETHEL ]. ALPENFELS, AWARD VVIN E R ........... ____ ________________________________________ ___ ___ ___
GAMMA K APPA RECEIVES CHARTER -------- ---------- ---- -- ---- --- ------ -------------- -- -------------------- ---
1965 --------------------------------------- ------------------ ---- ------------------------------ -----
PHI PHIS PLAy SANTA ----------------- -------- -------- ---------- -- -------- -------- ------- -- -- ------- -- ------- ------------
ALPHA SIGS MAKE NEWS __________ __ ____ ____ _____________________ _____ , ______ _______ ____________ , __________ ________ _
ELECTED To WHo's WHo ........ ...... ............................................... ____ ___________ ________________ __
ANN IVERSA RY , ______ __ ___ ____ ____ ______________ __ ____________ ,_________
AL..A --------- ------ ---------- ------ -------------------- ------ --------.. -------- --------- 14I5
GREETINGS FROM HELGA Wr KER __ __ _________________________________ , ________ __ ____ ______ _________________ __ HoMES AwAY FROM HoME ______________ ________ .. __________ __ ____ __ ________________ ______ ______________ __________
CAMPUS L EADERS ---- --------- ---------- ----- --- ----------------- -------------- -- -- --- --------------------- ------------------
TA WDC To Co, vENE ---- -- ------------ -- ---------------- ---------- ------------------ ---- ---- -- -------------------- --
IN MEMORI AM -------- --------- ---- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------
PoET's CoRNER -------- ----- --- --------------------- --- ----- --------------------------------- -- ---- -- ----- -- --- -------- -- --- -
QUEENS A D CANDIDATES ---------------- ---- -- -------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------ -ALP H A SIGMA ALPHA SPOTLIGHT _____________ , _________________________________________________________________
26 28
COLLEGE NEWSLETTERS .. --------------- ..... ------------ ------------------------- ___ ---------------- ---- .. . ______ .. ...
4-7 59
EWSLETfERS ----------- ... --------- .......... ---------- --- .... ____ -------------.... ......... ..... ...... ...
ALP H A SIGMA ALP HA DIRECTO RY ---------------------------------------- ---- -- ------------ ------- ---------------
THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA is published in the fa ll , winter, spring and summer of each yea r at Eden Publishing House, 1724 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. 63 103, officia l publi shers lor the sorority. The subscription price is $1.50 a year. Send change of add ress and business oorrespondence to Alpha Sigma Alphll Centra l OOice, 314-C East Pershing, Springfield, Mo. Address all correspondence of an edi torial nat ure to the editor, Mrs. Stewart Koen emann 1230 Hoyt, St. Louis, Mo. 63 137. Second-class postage paid at St. Louis, Missouri .
Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Alpha Sigma Alpha, 314-C Ea st Pe•·shing, Springfield, Misso uri.
GAMMA KAPPA receives charter at Glenville State By RuTH
Gamma Kappa
The members of Kappa Chi Kappa, a local sorority at Glenville State College, fulfi lled on December 5, 1964, their heartfelt dream as they became the Gamma Kappa chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. A get-acquainted party marked the beginning of the festivities. At the hour appointed for the party the girls found that they were getting acquainted with each other due to mix-ups in train and plane schedules which caused the girls from other ch apters and the national officers to be late in arriving. The air of excitement heightened with the scaLtered arrivals of real, live Alpha Sigma Alphas from Alpha Alpha, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio; Rho Rho, Marshall Univer ity, Huntington, ' 1Vest Virginia ; and Beta
Mrs. Harold C. Brown presents Gamma Kappa charter to Martha Lee Horner, president.
Eps ilon, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia. It must be admitted the girls approached the week-end with skeptical faces as they undertook their membership examination Saturday morning. Their worried brows soon turned to joyous smi les w ith the news that they all scored 100% on their tests.
IMPRESSIVE INSTALLATION Saturda y following a luncheon in the Colonial Room, the most inspiring and memorable event of the week-end took place with the initiation into A lpha Sigma Alpha sisterhood of eleven girls and two girls from Rho Rho chapter located at Marshall Un iversity. The installation
National officers and g irls enjoy Saturday luncheon in the Colonial Room.
New pledges of Gamma Kappa.
New Gamma Kappa chapter, alumnae, and adviser.
team, Miss Mary C. Goeke, National President, and Mrs. Harold C. Brown, National Extension Director, conducted the beautiful ritualistic ceremony as the girls took the solemn oath and pledged their loyalty to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Also initiated were four alumnae of the former local chapter; Mrs. Harry Busch, Mrs. Thomas McPherson, Mrs. Jack Rhodes, and Mrs. William Burke; four patronesses; Mrs. James White, Mrs. Leland Byrd, Mrs. Larry Cobb, and Mrs. Victor Berry and the girls' adviser, Mrs. William Deel.
ASPIRE, SEEK, ATTAIN Three toasts were proposed to the new Gamma Kappa chapter: "Aspire" by Linda Speelman, president of Alpha Alpha chapter, representing the college members of Alpha Sigma Alpha; "Seek" by Mrs. Joseph Dial, Jr., Rho Rho adviser, and "Attain" by Miss Mary C. Goeke, National President. Mrs. Harold C. Brown, National Extension Director, presented the Gamma Kappa charter to Martha Lee Hornor.
NEW PLEDGES After the m1t.Jatwn ceremony twelve girls became pledges of Alpha Sigma Alpha in a pledging ceremony which was conducted by the national officers and the new sisters. Then the chapter was installed.
'HONORED GUESTS After a short interlude, all of the sisters and their guests assembled in the cafeteria for the Installation Banquet. The honored guests, who were introduced by Toastmistress Martha Lee Hornor of Gamma Kappa chapter, included Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilburn, President of Glenville State College; Dr. and Mrs. Delmer Somerville, Dean of Glenville College; Dean and Mrs. William Deel, Dean of Men; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McPherson; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rhodes; Mr. and Mrs. Leland Byrd and Mr. and Mrs. James White. SPRING 1965
On Sunday afternoon a tea and reception was held in the Louis Bennett Lounge to which campus organization representa tives were invited. The white, gold and red floral arrangements and the rustic atmosphere of the room lent themselves to the winter day and the success of the tea. Following the tea the new Gamma Kappa chapter wished their guests farewell to the tune of "The Friendship of A'LA." This marked the end of what will be long-lived memory in the hearts of the twelve new Alpha Sigma Alpha sisters.
DATE-March 26-27, 1965
PLACE-Roosevelt Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana
PLACE-Student Union Building, CMS Warrensburg, Missouri
CHAIRMAN-Ann Schwalenberg 115 Cherry Street Lafayette, Louisiana
CHAIRMAN-Pat Gosney Houts-Hosey Hall-CMS Warrensburg, Missouri
DATE-April 24, 1965
DATE-April 10, 1965
PLACE-Old Spinning Wheel 421 East Ogden Ave. Hinsdale, Illinois
PLACE-Sciota Country Club 2196 Riverside Drive Columbus, Ohio
CHAIRMAN-Mrs. E. Wayne Haydel 903 South Waverly Avenue Mount Prospect, Illinois 60057
CHAIRMAN-Mrs. Helen Snyder 2617 Sand Run Parkway Akron, Ohio 44313
DATE-April 24, 1965
DATE-May 1, 1965
PLACE-Indiana-Purdue Regional Campus Fort Wayne, Indiana CO-CHAIRMEN-Mrs. Patrick Burke Judy Degler
PLACE-Val's Peacock Alley Oklahoma City, Oklahoma CHAIRMAN-Mrs. Alvin Stamman 4420 N.W. 44th Street 路 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
MICHIGAN DATE-April 10, 1965
PLACE-Student Center Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan CO-CHAIRMEN- Mrs. Edwin Lawrence 5429 Clato, Kalamazoo, Mich. Miss Karen Wystra 4227 Nazreth, Kalamazoo, Mich.
DATE-April 3, 1965 PLACE-Temple University Philadelphia, Penna. CHAIRMAN-Mrs. Herbert Collins 1812 Roberta Avenue Abington, Penna. WISCONSIN
DATE-March 19, 20, 21, 1965 PLACE-Student Union, U. of W-M 3203 N. Downer A venue Milwaukee, Wisconsin CO-CHAIRMEN- Ann Wollenberg 3902 N. 24th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 4
FORGTJ\{G AHEAD (Doris Dowling Adams AA and Freida Phillips BP, Waukegan alumnae chapter, prepared th"e following talk for Illinois State Day, 1964) President Kennedy said, "Ask not what your beginning. Should it not be the responsibility country can do for you-ask what you can do for of the alum chapter to nurture this beginning? your country." Let's reverse this and ask not Let's advance our thinking to how this can be what our members can do for A'LA and ask what accomplished . There is no one way. There is no A'LA can do for our members. black and white. I can only offer ideas. The Let us put all our present thoughts aside and CBS TV program "At Random" is dedicated to go back to the days when our five founders were bringing back the lively art of conversation. setting down the principles of our sorority. Ac- Could this approach be used to stimulate our cording to the book The Years Behind Us, A members? For instance, last year there was an History of ASA, written by Louise Stewart in article in Look magazine "Will Fraternities Sur1952, the purpose as set forth in the original vive?" Such an article could be brought to the chapter presented to the Circuit Court of Prince attention of the members and plans could be Edward County in 1903 by our founders is as made to discuss it at the next meeting. Any follows: number of topics could be brought forth in this The purpose of the association shall be to manner depending upon the interests of the group. Maybe路 some member has recently read a cultivate friendship among its members, controversial book and would like to offer the and in every way to create pure and elematerial for discussion. vating sentiments, to perform such deeds Another approach is to pick some particular and to mold such opinions as will tend to subject such as mental retardation and study it. elevate and ennoble womanhood in the You might immediately say but this would take world. From this beginning evolved our present four- too much time. However, once you are interfold purpose which is social, physical, intellec- ested in a certain subject, you will be surprised tual, and spiritual growth of each member. This how much information you can acquire just purpose is pursued by every pledge, every active from the magazines and newspapers you ordinof every A'LA chapter. Are we as alums contin- arily reacl. \1\Ton' t this be a great. asset to our uing the pursuit of this four-fold purpose? Or, whole organization if we are well informed in are we missing the boat by overlooking one of our philanthropic area? We could find out about these purposes-intellectual? Let's think about the facilities that are available in our community, what type of work they do, maybe there Is this for a minute. a piece of legislature pending about which we Much is being written about woman 's role in today's society. A very controversial and thought- should be informed. After such a study in our provoking book on the subject was written about own chapter it would be very worthwhile to visit a year ago by Betty Freidan named Feminine with other alum chapters and exchange ideas. Mystique. She states that one of the problems This could be done not only on this topic but among college-educated women is a stunting or other topics as well. There is also the cultural aspects of literature, evasion of growth of the mind. Our culture does art, and mu ic that could be pursued. 路within not permit women to accept or gratify their basic need to grow and fulfill their potentialities your own membership you have people who are as human beings. Women, especially those in well versed on these u bjects and would be willthe role of homemaker, need to use their minds ing to share their knowledge with you. What effect would this type of program have by a stimulating outside interest. Shouldn' t sorority alumnae chapters be leaders in this and on alum membership? Will it increase enthusiasm among present members? Will it bring offer this stimulation to its members? We all know that our education is not fin- back the new member to the second and subseished with the presentation of our degree. We quent meetings? Will it strengthen each alum should also recognize that the leadership ability chapter which in turn will strengthen our nawhich was brought forth and developed for our tional organization? I leave these questions for members on the college campus is also just a you to think about and answer. SPRING 1965
HfJmecfJming Winners 1964-
.• The float "C&H Sugar From Hawaii" won Beta Gamma first prize in the Northwestern State College Hom ecoming activities, in Tahlequah, Oklahoma .
Beta Nu won first prize with their "Reign Over Tech" float.
Barbara Jo Rogers, Beta Lambda, was voted Homecoming Queen of Arkansas State Teachers College, Conway, Arkansas.
Dr. Ethel J. Alpe nfels a wa rded
''Distinguished Service to Humanity'' The third annual "Award for Distinguished Service to Humanity" made by the Women 's Auxiliary of Philadelphia's Albert Einstein Medical Center was presented to Ethel J. Alpenfels, Ph.D., on January 12, 1965. Dr. Alpenfels, professor of anthropology at the Tew York University School of Education, spoke on "The American Woman and Her Changing Image." A native of Denver, Colorado, Dr. Alpenfels attended the University of v\Tashington and gained fame as a tennis player there. She received her doctorate from Colorado State College at Greeley. Beta Beta chapter is proud to claim Dr. Alpenfels as an alumna. Before joining the staff at NYU in 1946, Dr. Alpenfels taught at Beloit College in Wisconsin and at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Dr. Alpenfels has directed research at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, on the racial origins of Europeans, and directed New York University's graduate anthropology workshops in Mexico, Peru, Scandinavia, and Japan . She has done research among the Mococ and Haida Indians, and for the National Conference of Christians and Jews, she conducted a three-year study entitled "Will Facts Change Attitudes?" Dr. Alpenfels has received many awards for her outstanding service as a teacher, and among them are: "Woman of the Year" and "Teacher o[ the Year" by the American Women's Association in 1956, "Woman of the Year" by the National Association of Negro '1\Tomen in 1955, the "Judy Award" for teaching in 1959, the national Panhellenic "Medal of Eminence for Teaching" award, and "The Alpha Kappa Delta Mankind Award" in 1964 in recognition for outstanding contributions to Anthropology-Sociology, Education and Humanity. This award was the first of its kind presented at NYU, Gamma chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta. Also in 1964, Montclair State College of Montclair, New Jersey, established the "Alpenfels Award" for excellence in Educational Anthropology. This award is to be given annually to a member of the senior class who has demonstrated outstanding promise in relation to Anthropological concepts to professional education. SPRI NG 1965
Dr. Ethel J. Alpenfels
Dr. Alpenfels writes frequently for both popular and scientific journals, book reviews, and chapters in recent books. She is the author of Sense and Nonsense About Race) and her article on "The Anthropology of the Human Hand" has been received with world wide acclaim. She served as a Fellow of the Encyclopedia Britannica to edit the one million words in Anthropology and has recently written the .articles on Anthropology in the Junior Britannica. Dr. Alpenfels has been in demand as a lecturer, she frequently appears on TV and rad io programs, and she has taught YU's closed circuit television course, "Man's Cultural Heritage." Dr. Alpenfels will be remembered by all who attended the 1955 Gulf Coast Convention as the dynamic speaker who described the changes in social science and cultures from Adam to the atom bomb. She was the recipient of Alpha Sigma Alpha's first "Recognition of Eminence" award, given in 1952.
Phi Phis Play Santa
Orphans and members of AL.A and TKE are greeted at the Student Union by Dr. R. P. Foster, Northwest, Mo . State College president, Maryvill e, Mo .
Sa n ta Cla us came ea rl y for twe nty-two children of th e oyes Orpha ns H ome in St.. Joseph, M issouri . Phi Phi ch apter of N orthwes t Misso uri Sta te College, Mar yv ille, M issouri, a nd the T a u Kappa Epsilon fra ternity joined forces for the lOth consecuti ve year to entertain the children. T h e yo ungs ters arri ved by bus and were escorted to the Me thodi st Church for one of the most interes ting a nd a mu sing services of the year. T h e boys were taken to th e TKE house fo r dinn er, while the g irls were ser ved a t the MSC U nion ca feteri a. The a fternoon p arty b ega n with wa tching three cartoo ns, follo wed b y several amusing rea dings. Th e children gave spec ial choral number for us. Sa nta Cla us made hi s "s urpri se" a ppea ra nce, presenting g ifts to all th e children. It was truly a wonderful experi ence to see the bright eyes twinkle as they gazed at new footb alls, toy di shes, or roller ska tes. "\1\lhen th e children were gone a nd the party was over, each of us fe lt a warm glow knowing th a t we had mad e a gro up of childre n h a ppy thi s C hri stm as a nd th a t we h ad m ad e m a n y n ew "fri ends ."-CAROL GREGORY
Tw e nty-two orphans are happy a s th ey arriv e for th e ir annual Christmas party with the Phi Phi s and th e TKEs.
Re v. F. Hause r Winter welcomed all children and members to 路the Me thod ist Church.
to Orphans
Zeta Combs and Kris Johns+on help several of the girls select their food at the Union Cafeteria.
Virginia Goodwillie helps one wide-eyed little girl get her dessert.
Children and members arrived for church in a yellow school bus.
Carol Carstenson watches one litt!e girl open he r Christmas gift.
Santa Claus greeted the your.gsters giving them gifts and dancing with them.
It's time to say good-bye, but the children leave with happy smiles on their faces.
ALPHA BETA CELEBRATES 5oth AN_N_IVERSARY The Alpha Beta chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha celebrated its fiftieth year on the campus of Northeast Mo. State Teachers College at Kirksvi lle, Missouri. A banquet was held with our local alumnae chapter. Our new pledges (another good reason to celebrate) and a few of our members entertained us. Mrs. Anna Valentine, a charter member who is loved by all Alpha Betas, talked on "Fifty Years in ALA" and about the exciting days fifty years ago. We all had a wonderfu l time reliving the glories of past experiences and are eagerly anticipating what Alpha Be~a can do in the future. Mrs. Valentine left us with these fitting words for all Alphas, "The years of the past will light our ways to continue as successfully as in the past." On December 12, 1914, fift y years ago, the Alpha Beta chapter held its first initiation of forty-eight girls. Previous to this there were two local sororities on the campus at Kirksville. One of these was Kappa Theta Psi. When the four girls representing their colleges met at Miami University with Alpha Sigma Alpha, Kappa Theta Psi became Alph a Beta chapter on this campus and became a national sorority. A sec-
Alpha Be ta girls show off t he ir new "Alpha Girl" sweatshirts designed by member Gayle Snyder. Row I, left to right are : Linda Cottman, Marsha Erickson, and Connie Ferguson . Row 2 are: Jill Snyder and Becky Taylor.
Alpha Beta's new fall pledge class_ Row I, left to right are: Conn ie Ferguson , Marsha Erickson, Pat Hamilton, and Jane Clark. Row 2: Pamela Richardson, Patty Cozad, Beth Ellis, Martha Acuff, Shirley Black, Connie Fickel, Ruth Resinger, and Jeanie Coy. Row 3: Linda Parker, Sherri Wigal, Florence Carroll, Maureen Fitzhenry, Cheryl Henry, Karen Karlson, Jill Snyder, and Pat Weingarth.
ond and third initiation was held in the spring; and these initiates, numbering around one hundred , are said to be the charter members. With the new p ledge class Alpha Befas will number over one thousand. One of the girls who made this possible was Elva Doyle. She represented Kirksville at the meeting with the three other colleges and also initiated all the girls at the first meeting. This initiation started at two o'clock in the afternoon and lasted until late that night since all girls were taken in separately. Alpha Beta girls are all-around girls. They participate in events which are social, religious, academic, and physical in nature. We have gained the possession of the President's Scholarship Cup by having the highest honor-point ratio of any sorority on campus for three consecu6ve years. We're working hard this year to make it the fourth year with an idea gained from an Alpha Convention-the "Study Buddy" program. Alpha Beta has had fifty well-filled and exciting years. We hope that we will continue to grow and maintain the position as the best sorority on Kirksville's campus and as Mrs. Valentine said, "The years of the past will light our ways to continue as successfully as in the past." THE PHOENIX
"Woman Behind the Man" Football fans are familiar with the name of Dan Devine, head coach of Missouri University's football team. Behind the coach is his wife Jo Devine, former Alpha Sigma Alpha adviser to Beta Chi chapter and his most ardent supporter. The Devine success story is one of hard work, stamina, and study to achieve the goal of football coach. Dan and Jo met and married at Minnesota University when Dan was on the football and basketball teams there. Their seven children keep Jo pretty busy, but she enjoys attending games whenever possible. The Devines spent three successful seasons at Arizona State where they enjoyed the sunny western clime. The thought of Missouri snow and winter weather loomed as a n obstacle in the path to success, but Jo Devine knew that a move to Missouri and bigger-time football was the dream that her husband was waiting for so she encouraged him to make the move. Dan's swing upward has helped Jo Devine like the Missouri Waltz, and she feels quite at home now in Mis(Picture and excerpts from souri. St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
Jo Devine surrounded by her husband and children in the living room of their home. The children are Melissa, Sarah, Jill, Diana , Danny, and Mary Jo . Jennifer was not present.
Mrs. J. Weare Pearson II receives "Citizen of the Year Award" from Mr. William Kulow.
Helping others through community service brought recognition to Mrs. J. V\feare Pearson II when she won the coveted "Citizen-of-the-Year'路 award presented by the Palos Verdes Peninsula Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Pearson is the former Adelene Ponti of San Pedro; but she is better known as "Lynn," a nickname given to her by her husband. She received her credentials to teach at UCLA and masters at USC. As a student at UCLA she became a charter member of Xi Xi chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha and still holds the fourfold aim of her sorority in high esteem. Mrs. Pearson's attentions have long been centered on youth. She cultivated this interest as a teacher at Dana Junior High School and by sharing in the work of her hu sband who is principal of Crestwood School. She shares credit for the award with her husband as their accomplishments closely parallel. In presenting the award to Mrs. Pearson, William C. Kulow, 1962 winner, said, "They ay, ask a busy person to do something and it will be clone. This applies to Lynn Pearson." II
MARILYN MORR ISON Bl Radford Colle~e Radford, Virginia
KATHI E PORTER Fl ELD B I Radford C ollege Radford, Virginia FRANCES KURZWEG BZ Un iversity of Southwestern Louisiana Lafayette, Louisia na
VERNA LAN G E B<l> Stout State College Menomonie, Wisconsin
EVELYN CRANE Bl Radford C ollege Radford, Virg inia WILMA HOOK BN Murray State College Murray, Kentucky
CHARLOTTE NEHRING B<l> Stout State College Menomonie, Wisconsin
Beta Epsilon is Proud of T hese Seven
Madison College Ha rrisonburg , Virg inia
Madi so n C ol lege Hc rri so nburg , Virgi nia NORMA HEATH DEAN
Madiso n Colleg e Harrisonburg , Virgin ia
Madison College Ha rri so nburg , Virginia
Madi so n C ollege Harri so nb~rg, Virginia MARY JO H NSON
Madison Col lege Harrisonburg, Virginia
Madi so n C ol lege Harri so nburg, Vi rginia
Traveling Secretary WHO?
Recent graduate or June, 1965 graduate. Mature, poised, we)l-groomed young woman. Must have been an active participant in her college chapter and in campus organizations. Must be able to work well with others, and must have enthusiasm, initiative and organizational ability.
Will travel extensively, visiting college chapters and representing Alpha Sigma
To share knowledge and enthusiasm with sorority sisters; to give training in rush
techniques; to inspire loyalty; to train officers; and to serve as a Good Will Ambassador from the National Officers to the college chapters.
Write NOW for Application Forms or further information to:
Miss Mary C. Goeke, National President 1473 Oak Knoll Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 14
(}reelingd /rom fiefga Wnker Beta Rho
january 18, 1965
Greetings from Bad Kreuznach, Germany! That is where I am spending the school 'year of 1964-65. Up until August, 1964, I had never heard of Bad Kreuznach, Germany, and I am sure that it is a town which the typical tourist has n ever heard of either. Yet , after living here for only five months, it has become a part of m e that I will never forget . Th e city itself has a population of nearly 36,000 not including some 5,000 American troops and their families. Although Bad Kreuznach is fairly small it has much to offer the American liv ing here. It is mainly known as a resort where many Europeans come to take health baths. A lthough spas and hea lth baths are numerous throughout Europe, waters from underground springs in this area are uniq~e because they conlain a large amount of radzum . W e also have our own "Hilton" known as the Kurhaus where the elite tourist may spend a glorious vacation. Fm· a change of atmosphere-a pleasant evening may be spent at the Dr. Faust Haus, a ty pic~lly German restaurant-believed to be hzs bzrth place . One of the most impressive views of Bad Kreuznacli is the Bridge Houses which dat e bacl< to the fift eenth cen tury. Presently th ey are gift shops, however, the houses were originall~ placed on the bridge for the purpose of co llectzng tol~s. T eaching in Europe is basically the same a~ zn th e states. Th e class I have averages about thzrt y in number, how ever, there is a constant flow of transient students. For the most part the children have done much traveling and have visited many parts of the world that most people. have never seen or will ever have the opportunzty to visit. Th e Bad Kreuznach American Elem en tary Schoo l where I teach is a modern school and has many up-to-date facilities . SPRING 1965
H e lga W inker 's travels t ook her through Cairo, Egypt.
Th e wonderfu l part of living in Europe is the opportunity to trave l. A trip to Holland, Bnt.ssels or to Austria skiing, is an exam ple of a ljlpica l week-end. You can rest assured that it. is ti1·ing, yet it is worth eveTy minu le and pfen n.zg. Th e highlight of my year, so far, was my Chrzstmas trip to the Midd le East . W hile there I toured Turk ey, jordan , Israel, Cypnt.s, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Greece . It ceTlain ly was an ex ci ting trip. Th e most memorable part of the who le vaca tion was viewing th e Parthenon of Athens, Greece and seeing the Sphinx and great pyram ids of Egypt. The most fun was taking a camel ride. As my year in Em·ope dmws to a close, I am only now beginn ing to Tea lize all the wonde1ful things I have seen and don e. In closing, may I add that if an yone h~s tl~ e opportunity to teach overseas, don't let zt. slzp by- tah e adavntao·e of it-it is an expen ence b . n ever to be for bao tt en -on e which you wz ll n eve1· regTel. Auf Wiedersehn! H elga Winl< er Beta Rho 1962 15
ALA College Chapters Proudly Present Their Homes Away fro1n Home
The Beta Sigma s are very proud of their house. This year they have refurnished six bedrooms, and e nlarged and improved the kitchen. The basement was made into a combination dining room and study are a .
Alpha Gamma 's 19b3 spring pledge class presented this built-in wal! cabinet for the new sororit y room in Turnbull Hall, Indiana State Teachers College.
The living room of the Beta Sigma house is being put to good use . It was furnished by their Springfield, Missouri , alumnae chapter.
The outside of the Gamma Theta house at Syracuse University sports a huge poster urging the defeat of the Pittsburg foot ball team .
In the meeting room of Beta Lambda proud members display a scholarship tray they have won the second consecutive year.
-r "'
This is Beta Epsilon's chapter room in the Hoffman Panhellenic Dormitory at Madison College .
"â&#x20AC;˘ ,1,
This is the chap+er room of Beta Iota at Radford College.
Dianne Sary, Beta Epsilon's treasurer, shows off their new trophy case given by their adviser and her husband, Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Poindexter.
Zeta Zeta will soon be moving into this new sorority housing complex now under construction at Central Mo. State College. The building will house 292 women and have a central dining room and laundry.
A talented Beta Mu sister painted this AL..A crest on a table that is used in t heir chapte r room .
Mary Lynn Ballard puts finishing 路touches on Beta Mu 's bulletin board in their room at H e nderson State Teachers College.
This is Beta Eta 's meeting chamber at Dickinson State College.
Eta Eta cha pter ha s occu pie d t heir hou se at Kansas State Co l le ge for te n years. It contain s twelve b e droom s, an entrance hall , living room , d ini ng room , kitchen , pantry , hou sem other's quarters, a large pan ele d chapter room and a laundry room . Th e y re ce ntly purch ased all new furn iture for t heir very large and comfortable living room.
GIFT SUGGESTIONS WHAT WOULD YOUR MOTHER LIKE FOR MOTHER'S DAY? -CL '!J.o.ll.llJn1l£i, 9.uirltL I WHAT CAN YOU GIVE A SWEET GIRL GRADUATE? -CL '!J.o.ll.llJn1l£i, '911it:k~ I WHAT WOULD BE A PERFECT GIFT FOR A NEW BRIDE? -CL '!J.o.ll.llJn1l£i, 9.ui.dtL I WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO ALMOST EVERY GIFT PROBLEM? -CL 9.o~~ 9.ui.dtL! --------------------------------------------A"i:.A COOKBOOK ORDER Please send ----- ------------ ------ - copies of the A"i:.A Cookbook. Gourmet's Guide. I am enclosing my payment of $---------------------------- ($3 per copy) for ------------- ------------ ----------- cop ies. Kind ly credit the --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- ----- college chapter or ·---------- ------ -- ·- -··---------------------------------------------------·-··------- --- ·-------- -·------------------------------------- ------------------------------- alumnae chapter with the commission. Chapter should withhold .40 commission on each paid order. Make check or money order payable to AL.A Cookbook, and send your order to MRs . A. HowARD HALL, 342-D HIGGINS Rn., PARK RIDGE, ILLINOIS 60068. The receipt for your order should be mailed to: Name --·----- .. ------ -· --·------- ----- --- -- -------·---- --.. ·--------------- ·-·--- ---·------- ---- ------- -
Street and Number
Zip Code
Do not fill in below this line Date received Receipt sent Amount received
------ ··-------·- -------------------- ---------- ------- -------·------------------- ------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ---- ------- - Cash or Check
KAREN COAKER HH Student Assembly Representative Student Union Board Treasurer Kansas State College Pittsburg , Kansas
MARY MANSON A Sophomore Class Vice President Longwood College Farmville, Virginia
NANCY GIGOWSKI B<l> Senior Class Vice President Stout State College Menomonie, Wisconsin
PAT PRENGHMAM Ar Sophomore Class Secretary Indiana State College Indiana, Pennsylvania
KAY McKEE BB Student Council Representative Colorado State College Greeley, Colorado
KATHY CAMPBELL Ar Junior Class Treasurer Indiana State College Indiana, Pennsylvania
CLAIRE ("C. J.") BEN HARDT AB Student Council Treasurer Northeast Mo. State College Ki rksville, Missouri
J EANIE COY AB Student Council Representative Northeast Mo. State College Kirksville, Missouri
TALENT AND HARD WORK ... Panhellenic Officers
JOAN WASLENKO AB Panhellenic Secretary N orthea st Mo . S路tate Colleg e Kirk sv ille, Missouri
O LIV IA HO PK I NS BT Panhellenic President Indiana State College Terre Haute , Indiana
PEGGY PUGSLEY Ar Panhellenic Pre si dent Ind iana State College Indiana, Pennsylvania
Board President
DEilBIE HOPKINS BT Skit Director Indiana State College Terre H aute , Indiana
LINDA HUBBS BT Student Play Director Indiana State C ol lege Terre Haute, Indiana
BARB MUSGRA VE Ar Judicia I Board President Indiana State College Indiana , Pennsylvania
SUSAN McCONKEY CI>CI> Tower Yearbook Editor Northwest Mo . State College Maryville , Missouri
JUDY CUNDIFF A May Day Chairman Longwood College Farmville, Virginia
JUDY MacP HE RSON AA Greek Week Chairman Miami University Oxford, Ohio
Grand Worthy Advisor
Music President
Head Resident
MARLENE BRUCE BT Sigma Alpha Iota President (Music) Indiana State College Terre Haute, Indiana
PEGGY O'SULLIVAN BL Grand Worthy Advisor of Mo. Southwest Mo . State College Springfield, Missouri
JONNA GANE r i Dormitory Head Resident Rochesl er Institute of Tech . Rochester, New York
Helen L. Corey-Candidate for Vice President The National Association of Women Deans and Counselors will convene in Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 6 through April 10. Following the general theme, "Perspectives for Tomorrow," many interesting and enlightening sessions have been planned in the interest of those in the field of guidance and student personnel work. Helen L. Corey, Alpha Sigma Alpha National Convention Chairman and adviser to Kappa Kappa chapter at Temple University, has been nominated for the office of vice president. Helen is Dean of Girls and Director of Guidance at Drexel Hill Junior High School, Drexel Hill, Pa. She was Junior High School Section Chairman for NAWDC 1960-62; president of Pennsylvania Association of Women Deans and Counselors 1963-65; former program chairman, exhibits ch airman, PAWDC; member of Curricu lum Committee, Pennsylvania Association of Supervision and Curriculu m; past president, Personnel and Guidance Association of Greater Philadelphia; adviser, Mother's group of Drexel Hill Junior High School; vice president of Philadelphia Suburban Principals Association; and
holds membership in other associations connected with her work. Miss Mary C. Goeke and frs. Harold C. Brown will attend the convention representing the National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha.
memoriam Beta Nu
Alpha Alpha
Ethel McKinney Brown (Mrs. Clarence
J anie Kirksey Williamson (Mrs. Elias D.)
Miriam Elizabeth Van Rensselaer Epsilon Epsilon Alpha B eta
Ruth Jeremy
Abbie Grace Lyle Love (Mrs. Ernest C.) Delta D elta
Laura Natalie Newby Luther (Mrs. Albert L.) B eta Beta
Florence Rannells Powell (Mrs. Fred)
Helen Irene Bruce Mallott (Mrs.]. H .) Eta Eta
Eleanor Ross Phillips (Mrs. Howell)
Chi Chi
ebeker Maggart (Mrs. Ralph
Mary Whitecraft (adviser)
Success or Suppress? Yes, I am only one, but still I am one, And my struggle in life has only just begun. I shall never very easily admit any defeat., Nor call upon God for immediate relief. As we climb each rung on the ladder of life, We shall have an abundance of trial and strife. Even if our efforts don't enable us to succeed, We must keep right on trying-in ourselves we must believe. I shall never give up my determined fight, Because I realize that it's an important part of life. So after the great challenge h as been run, vV ill I be able to, at last, say, " I have won"?
When school began and we started to count noses, we noticed that one of our clear sisters could not return to school. We soon received a letter from her, and enclosed was this poem which she wrote to express her feelings about Alpha Sigma Alpha. I'm sure that all of us have felt the same thing at one time or another, but the Beta Betas are very proud of Cheryl Ann and her ability to put her love into words. "While traveling on life's storm-swept road, I stumble-weeping, falling, And as I merge upon despair, My heart intrudes by calling: "We're blest with three to make our world, To heal our weathered blisters," And thus, I've found my rainbow's end, My God, My Love, My Sisters. CHERYL ANN FRAZIER
Beta Beta
Beta Delta
This poem was written to be used in Beta Nu's fall rush party, the theme of which was Grecian. It was delivered from a scroll by the Greek Muse of Lyric.
Love Completely Love is all forgiving-all consuming, Rotating around a loved one whose charity is ever blooming. It is extremely easy to utter, "1 love you," But these sacred words must universally be true. Act only in thoughtful, sincere consideration, Making much clearer your profound appreciation. Be not afraid to express devoted love as such, Because your enacted, as well as spoken love, will mean very much. Smile frequently upon your loved one, And many more in return will come. Rest assured that you will never part, If there is love completely from the heart. Be understanding, thoughtful, and kind; Let all glorious love come from the heart, not the mind.
On Friendship. Once, having walked among the boisterous crowd, Knowing it intimately, yet being apart; Seeing life as empty, meaningless hours, Drifting silently through the hourglass. I was one, alone. Once, never knowing a gentle heart's existence Doubting human kind, never trusting any, Never offering love, as a selfish child Trusting no stranger with my toy. I could not understand, alone. Once, at last trusting one heart Breaking through the crust of fear Seeking love in others now, learning Of the love that grows with giving Finding friendship, no more alone. Friendship binding love in hearts so strongly Sensitive hearts growing in love's bonds. Killing spite and evil with its purity. Banning forever the empty silence Of drifting, alone. HooK
Beta Delta
Do you want to be a dean of men or a dean of women ? A head or director of residence? An adviser to international students? A director of student activities? A counselor of college students? A dean of students? A director of houssing? A program director for a student union? If so, you will be interested in Ohio State's WORK-STUDY plan. Each recipient of an assistantship must: (1) hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited college, (2) present a B average in undergraduate courses, (3) present the specific academic background needed for graduate study, and (4) be qualified personally to live with students as group adviser and counselor. Recipients will receive room, board, and $95 a month during the first year-the equ iva lent of a graduate assistantship. They will receive room, board, and $ 120 a month during the second year -the equivalent of a teaching assistants hip. Students pay in-state fees of $ 125 a quarter. Out-ofstate fees are waived. For further information , write: Dr. Maude A. Stewart Director of the Graduate Resident Program 333 Arps Hall The Ohio State University 1945 North High St., Columbus, Ohio 43210
RESIDENT ASSISTANTSHIPS Graduate internships in student personnel administration a nd resident ass istantships for graduate students in other academic areas are ava il able at Indiana University. Graduate students holding these positions become members of the Dean of Students staff, work as members of a Residence Hall Center staff, and serve as advisers to living units of sixty students. Of twelve residence centers, one is a coeducational center for graduate students; the other eleven house undergraduates. Majors in student personnel working for masters' degrees h ave the opportunity during the second year of their internship to serve as assistant head counselors and to secure additional practical experience in speciali zed personnel areas, i.e., activities, testing, and counseling. Provisions can be m ade for a program of one year and two summers, but one should plan on two years. Positions carrying additional responsibilities are ava il able to doctoral candidates with previous experience. 路 Positions provide room, board, a nd remission of out-of-state fees. Additional cash stipends are based upon responsibilities assumed. The total cash valu e of the ass istantship for master's degree candid ates varies from $ 1,100 to $2,000, and for doctoral candidates from $2,000 to .$ 6,000. Applicat ions should be filed as early as possible. Appointments will be made between April 1 and June l. For further information and applications, write: Dr. Eli zabeth A. Greenleaf, Director Residence Halls Counseling and Activities Maxwell Hall, Room 254 Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana 47405
ANN TROTTER <ll<ll Sigma Tau Gam ma Sweetheart Northwest Mo . State College Maryvill e, Missou ri
MARY HELEN LOPEZ BB Miss Colorado State College Colorado Sta te College Greeley, Colorado
MARY LOU BEAN KK Alpha Chi Rh o Sweetheart Temple Un iversity Philadel phia, Pennsylvania
CHARLOTTE ANNE FITZGERALD Ph i Lambda Chi Sweetheart Arkan sas A & M Col lege College Heights, Arkansas
SUSIE WILLIAMS HH Military Ba il Queen Kansas State College Pittsburg, Kan sas
SANDY PHELPS EE Tau Kappa Epsilo n Queen Kan sas State Teachers College Emporio , Kansas
CANDY WA LTER S EE Miss Su nflower Candidate Kansa s State Teachers College Emporia , Kansas
J EANN E KENTNER II Sports Queen Ca ndidate Roc heste r In stitute of Technology Rochester, Ne w York
DIANE BAUMANN EE Mi ss Su nflower Candidate Kansas State Tea che rs College Emporia , Kansas
PAT McGRATH lA Miss Cufie Candidate Creighton Universi ty Omaha, Nebra ska
KAREN MIKES B:L Homeco ming Queen Candidate Southwest Mo. State Col le ge Springfield , Misso uri
JUDY NOVOTNY EE Candy Cane Couple Candidate Kansas State Tea chers Col lege Emporia, Kansas
JEAN BRAGG lA Homecoming Queen Candidate Creighton University Omaho , Nebraska
JANA WILLIAMS EE Miss Sunflower Candidate Kan sas State Teachers Colleg e Emporio , Kan sas
SH IRLEY MOORE <1><1> Homecoming Queen Candidate North west Mo. Stote College Maryville, Mi sso uri
ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA • Marilyn Black AB, has been elected to star as Kate in "Kiss Me Kate" at Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri, where she is a senior music major. She has also been in "The Marriage of Figaro" and "Beggar's Opera." Marilyn is secretary of Aeolian Club, a music major's organization, belongs to a clarinet choir, plays in the band, and has been both secretary and vice president of NEMO's, a select choral group. Besides being active in music, she is secretary of Cardinal Key, honor society, and a member of Kappa Delta Pi, honor organization; Wesley Foundation, and the Student Social Committee. Marilyn maintains a 3.1 grade average on a 4. system.
• Rita Hayes. ZZ, is a senior at Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Missouri. She has been president of Sigma Tau Delta, Kappa Delta Pi, and the English club, vice president of Sigma Tau Delta, Kappa Delta Pi, and the English club, vice president of Houts-Hosey Dormitory, and secretary of the President's Council, Cwens, ·and Homecoming Committee. Rita is also corresponding secretary of the Student Government Assn., recorder of the Student Government Assn., Supreme Court, editor of Missouri State Education Assn., Cemost literary magazine, and Religious Emphasis Week Special Letter; associate editor of the school paper Student, and a member of the Association of Women Students Judiciary Board.
• Janice Reda HH, is a senior at Kansas State College, Pittsburg, Kansas, majoring in art. Active in many campus and chapter activities Janice has held the following chapter offices; songleader, membership director and chaplain. In campus activities Janice has been sophomore class president; secretary of Kappa Pi, an honorary art fraternity; Kanza editorial assistant and features editor; and co-chairman of Voice, a campus political organization. Janice has served on the Student Assembly and been active in A WS, serving as a representative to the House, a senior senator and on the Judiciary Board, and has been listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.
• Beverley Ann Mooney, B n' IUnlor at Concord College, Athens, West Virginia, is currently spending this school year at the University of Dakar in Senegal, Africa, studying French and Spanish, with all class lectures in French. The University of Dakar has provided a full scholarship for Beverley. When she returns to Concord, the college will evaluate her work and give her academic credit. While at Concord, Beverley was active in Beta Pi, being president of her pledge class, and after initiation, membership director. She is also a member of Cardinal Key, honor society, and was chosen Snow Princess at the Christmas dance of 1963. As a sophomore, she served as president of the McComas-Sarvay Hall, dormitory for women. Beverley is a Dean's List student, having a scholastic average of 3.5 or over each semester.
• Sara Mosley AB, of Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri, is a member of Pi Omega Pi, honorary business fraternity, and was recently initiated into Cardinal Key, honor society. She is treasurer of her chapter this year, and has served as Student Mentor, helping orientate freshmen and transfer students.
• Frances Armstrong BN, was recently chosen 'Campus Notable' by the College News staff of Murray State College, Murray, Kentucky. To win this honor, Frances has been vice president of Phi Beta Lambda, treasurer of Pi Omega Pi, co-editor of the Shield yearbook, a member of Reader's Theater, and treasurer of Beta Nu chapter. She has also worked as typist and assistant for the Dean's secretary.
• Carolyn Wiltshire <1><1>, a senior from Maryville, Missouri, was recently chosen Northwest Missouri State College, outstanding Union Board member of the week, a fitting climax to her continuous service to NWMSC during the past four years. Carolyn was Union Board fine arts chairman and chairman of the publicity committee for two years. She is president of Phi Phi chapter, president of Cardinal Key, honor society, and a member of Kappa Pi art editor of the 1964 Tower, the college yearbook, a member of the Homecoming Committee for two years, and a Religious Emphasis Committee worker for two years.
• Carol Thorp re, of Syracuse University, has been pledged to Theta Sigma Phi, a national honorary for women in journalism. Carol, a junior, is a member of the senior staff for the campus radio station, WAER, and has recently become producer of her own program, Syraquiz. She is also a member of the A WS Guides, who aid in orienting freshmen and transfer students, and a columnist for the campus newspaper. Majoring in journalism and international relations, she serves as scholarship chairman for her chapter, and has a B grade average. She recently had an article bought and published in a national magazine.
• • • • NEWS LETTERS COLLEGE CHAPTERS Alpha Longwood State Teachers College Farmville, Virgin ia Alpha chapter is now involved in exams, but we would rather think about happier days here at Longwood College, such as our Founders' Day. We celebrated this event November 14 with a Mother-Daughter Banquet to which we invited our adviser, patrons, alums, and school officials. We were very pleased to have as our special guest Mrs. J. L. Jones from Sheppards, Virginia, who was the first National President of AL..A, and an Alpha alum. After the banquet we entertained our guests in the chapter room. T o go back a little further Alpha had a very successful
rush which ended on October 14. Wonderful and enthusiastic girls were pledged after being captivated by the "Southern Array in AL..A," our theme party. This array contained everything from a beautiful ivy-pi llared p lantation home with lovely southern belles to a butler and mammy. Several informal dinners, which were held in our chapter room , were high lighted by our combination dinnerChristmas party on December 15 . Our adviser, Mrs. Eday Whamsley A , her husband J ake, and son Jay also attended. Mr. Wamsley helped Santa hand out gifts to all. However, Alpha didn't forget others, as was evident in our gifts of food, toys, and clothing to a needy fami ly in the area. We also donated money to the Longwood Y.W. C.A. Christmas project. Moving to a more personal note, we have had many honors come to our Alphas. Pat P eregory, president of the p ledge class, was elected sophomore princess for Circus Court ; Judy Cundiff was elected chairman of the college May Day ; and Emilie Friend, was elected to the Freshman Commission. In athletics two Alphas, Vannie Gunter and Mary Virginia Manson, were selected for Longwood 's varsity basketball team. Mary is a lso vice president of the sophomore class. Fran Heath has been selected as junior representative in charge of Longwood College Founders' Day in March. We are sad to say that we wi ll be losing several sisters at the end of first semester. Joanne Woods Norman and Carol R obertson Campbell, who both married this summer, will finish in January along with Shearer Ebert. Everyone in Alpha chapter hopes that all of our sisters are having a prosperous year of fun and sisterhood.FRAN HEATH
Alpha Alpha Alpha members wore t heir new outfits when th e y celebrated pl edg ing night wi th their new pledg es.
Alpha pledges a re happy with their new sweatshirts.
Miami Universi·ty Oxford, Ohio A Christmas tree covered with angel hair was centered in the beautiful Heritage R oom of the Miami University Center for Alpha Alpha's big social event of the semester, a Christmas dinner-dance. The highlight of the evening was the crowning of Sir Alpha Sig, king of the dance. Sir Alpha Sig was elected by the active chapter from among the actives' dates for the night. Elected to th is honor was Mike Kolchin of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. The Christmas season was full of flurry and festivity beginning with a little sis- big sis tree decorating party in the su ite, with steak sandwiches ordered out. Following was the dinner-dance. The Sunday before vacation our adviser invited all Alpha Alphas to a dinner at her home. Santa Claus stopped by to pass out the gifts from the sisters to each other and to the su ite. After eating, we a ll gathered 'round to sing Christmas carols. Our last "Merry Christmas" to each other came the day before vacation when we all met uptown for lunch. Among other activities enjoyed this season were: a retreat held at the Isaac Walton Lodge outside of Oxford, a slumber party in the suite, several open houses, a Founders' Day banquet in C incinnati with the alumnae, and our philanth ropic project of reading to a blind student.- KAREN YO UNG
Alpha Beta Northeast Missouri State Teachers College Kirksville, Missouri Alpha Beta girls have really been busy this past quarter. We sold cowbells at Homecoming to help increase school spirit, kept in good physical shape by having two basketball teams in the intramurals, members of the Student Social Committee helped decorate for the Christmas Dance, and we went caroling at the dorms and exchanged gifts between big and little sis. Marilyn Black and Linda Gottman went on the annual tour of the NEMO Singers, a select ch oral group. There a re specific events that make Alpha Betas especially happy, such as having our pledge captain, Gayle Snyder voted Homecoming attendant. Rush was next with "Alpha R ound-up" which was held at a local farm. Nancy Schneider, Mary Linda Wilson, J ean Alkire, Nancy Kelly, Susie J ones, and Becky Taylor sang folk songs. Our second party was "Cape Cod Hide-away." Barb Wright did a pantomime of "H ernand o's Hideaway," and Marilyn Black sang the theme song, "Old Cape Cod." The highlight of the afternoon was the traditional pearl ceremony. On November 10 we celebrated the founding of AL:.A by having the annual Founders' Day banquet. This year we also celebrated the 50th anniversary of Alpha Beta. Sue D avis, Barb Wright, and Alice Barrett gave a reading and pledges Martha Acuff and Beth Ellis also entertained us. Alumnae Mrs. Anna Valentine and Melva Rae Martin spoke. We had a Christmas party for the mentally retarded children we have been visiting and working with, complete with candy, gifts, and Santa Claus. Alpha Betas who joined honorary organizations were Joan Wasylenko, Sue Davis, Sara M osley, and Jan e Miller. We hope all Alpha chapters have enjoyed their past year as much as we have, and we look forward to new victories in AL:.A !- R uTHIE HALL
Alpha Gamma Indiana State College Indiana, Pennsylvania The first semester is coming to a close, and finals are next on the agenda. Following semester break is spring rush . . . the biggest time of the year for sororities at Indiana. In preparation, Saturday morning parties are held to make decorations and favors for the fi ve informal parties to be h eld. A new theme being used for one of the parties .is the "Debutante Party." The twenty-five invited rushees will wear evening gowns and be escorted by twenty-five members dressed in their white dinner suits. Each rushee will be presented with a wooden disc with "AL:.A Debutante" imprinted on it, atop a red pi llow. Other party themes are "Hobo," "Hawaiian," and "Fraternity." Walnut paneli ng in the sorority room was another new addition in readiness for rush. Along with this, some of the home ec majors have taken over the job of reupholstering some of the furniture to liven up th e room . In celebration of Founders' D ay, a dinner was held, to which Indiana and Pittsburgh a lumnae chapters were invited. Miss Mahachek, Alpha Sigma Alpha adviser for many years, along with other alumnae, gave an interesting and amusing account of Alpha Gamma's early days. A check was presented to the chapter which is going to
Nancy Gilchrist is Alpha Gamma's new ROTC Kaydeen.
be used in the newly established loan fund in Dr. Mahachek's honor. As a Christmas project this year, in connection with a local civic organization, we contributed an entire Christmas d inner to a needy famil y. In addition, many of the girls brought toys for the children of this family. The sorority went Christmas caroling in the town and to the fraternity houses and then to a party at Betsy Puskar's home. Alpha Gamma won the women's intramural volleyball championship for the third consecutive semester, in an exciting play-off with Sigma Kapp a, Zeta T au Alpha, and the freshmen teams. In November the R.O.T.C. queen selection was held and Alpha Sig candidate Nancy Gi lchrist came out as a finalist, and is a new member of the 1965 Kaydeen Corps. Linda Risiliti was elected president of the special education club, and Lynn Heidenreich has joined the honorary math fraternity, Pi Sigma Phi. With the conclusion of this semester, a ll the members are looking forward to a successful pledge class with the hope of winning the scholarship cup again.- LINDA KAUTZMA NN
Beta Beta Colorado State College Greeley, Colorado Beta Betas returned from a long and most welcome Christmas vacation to start a new quarter happily, heartily and enth usiasticall y. Fall qu arter had gone by so fast and was brimful of activities for everyone. The biggest thing for our Alpha Sig chapter was the anual Sadie Hawkins Dance, which was held on November 20. As a part of our philanthropi project, al l of the proceeds from the dance go to the Campus Chest. This year, under the chairmanship of Barb Mueller, the dance was probably more elaborate than Dogpatch has ever been . The entry to the dance fl oor was made by two cardboard outhouses, which opened onto a hay-strung floor and a false paper ceiling. The band followed through with the " hillbilly" theme. A skit by the pledges and a hi larious rendition of "You Can't Get a Man With a
Gun," by three of the members, followed two songs by the whole sorority for the entertainment part of the affair. All in a ll, it was a great time and Marryin' Sam did a "landoffice" business. Before finals, we held a " let your hair down before finals" popcorn party for prospective rushees, and the
This year, there are about 241 girls going through rush, which has necessitated having twice as many parties as in previous years. Our plans call for the informal ski party and our final Hawaiian theme party, and we are anticipating a lot of fun , a lot of work, and an above average pledge class. Finishing out this quarter will be All-Greek Follies, to be held March 1. The overall theme is "Frantic Flicks," and we have chosen "West Side Story" as our theme. We've changed words and worked up dance routines to the songs, and we are hoping for another first place trophy for our mantel. H onors for this winter quarter include four Beta Betas being named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities . They are Kay McKee, Gail Wimp, Mary H elen Lopez, and Jean Hovda. We also received the .highest grade point average for fall quarter, as compared with all the other fraternities and sororities on campus. We had an average of 4.073 on a 5.00 system, and we hope to keep it up for this quarter so we can reclaim the scholarship tray given by the D enver Panhellenic in the spring. Spring quarter will bring All-Greek songfest, the mountain party, dinner dance, and the Mother-Patroness tea ; but right now that is in the future and we are planning in the present . . . at least until rush is over. I know that all of us here in the house on the corner wish all of our sisters everywhere a most successful 1965.- LINDA MEYER
Epsilon Epsilon Jan Ph elps is hold ing a picture of the four Miss Smile girls, on which she is second from the right. The picture is a full page ad to b e seen in t he summer issues of SEVENTEEN and GLAMOUR. Jan is a pledge of Beta Beta chapter.
following night was the annual chapter Christmas party. A gift exchange, entertainment, tree-trimming, songs, and refreshments make this party one of the warmest and most meaningful things that we do as sisters. The Christmas Ball is one of the most formal dances on campus, and we held a coketail for the girls and their dates before the dance, at the house. This year was the first year for Christmas Ball R oyalty, and we were very proud that Gail Wimp was one of the five finalists for queen. Other ca~didates were Kay McKee, Sharon Losasso, Marcia Hill, and Barb Moore. Other honors for fall quarter include Lynda Lanum, CSC cheerleader; Linda Ball, CSC pom-pom girl; and Mary Helen L opez was elected to fill a vacancy on the Associated Student Council. A WS sponsored a bestdressed contest with thirteen finalists, one to be elected as best-dressed and twelve to reign as calendar girls. Marcia Hill, Fran Grupp, J ody Crouse, Sharon Losasso and Barb Mueller were candidates for this honor路 and Sharon, Barb, and J ody now reign as Miss April,' Miss July, and Miss August after being selected as three of the final thirteen. Tapped into Angel Flight were Bobbie Hay, Cindy Adrich, and Marcia Hill. Candidate for Miss Cache La P oudre (annual queen) from the chapter is Pat J ones. Other candidates are Sharon Losasso, sponsored by .Pi Omega Pi, business honorary ; Barb Moore, Angel Fhght ; Georgia Ketcios, Sigma Chi fraternity ; Shirley Arns, A WS; Marjorie Barnard, Campus Crusade ; and Jean Hovda, SPURS . The new quarter brings formal rush which starts January 10 and ends with preferential on January 23.
Kansas State Teachers College Emporia , Kansas The recent activities of the Epsilon Epsilon chapter have been centered around Christmas. One of the most inspiring and rewarding activities of the year was caroling at the old folks' h omes and hospitals. We also sang to Miss Strauss, who was the first Alpha Sig at Kansas State Teachers College. In return, she sang "Silent Night" to us in German. After caroling, we returned to the house and had our big sister-little sister party. The little sisters sang songs about their big sisters to the tune of Christmas carols. We then had a visit from Santa Claus and gifts were distributed.
Epsilon Epsil on works to complete its decorations for Homecoming.
Epsilon Epsilon also participated in helping the Salvation Army collect money.-NA NCY SRADER
Zeta Zeta Central Missouri State College Warrensburg, Missouri Formal. rush for the Zeta Zetas is now in full swing. We have JUSt completed our first round of parties and are quite busy planning our second and most important party a~ound a Hawaiian theme. We are anticipating a large wmter pledge class and are working hard to achieve this goal. Plans for our State Day to be held here in Warrensburg this year are under way. We are planning an interesting and informative weekend for all. Since we will be moving into a new sorority complex next year, our main project at this time is raising money to furnish our chapter room. We have had bake sales and sandwich sales, and we will give a dance early in the spring to help us reach our goal. The Zeta Zetas are very active in campus activities this year. Twenty-seven offices on campus are curren tly held by Alphas. We are proud of Sue Miller who was recently chosen Phi Sigma Epsilon Sweetheart. Linda Farris Dee Kramer and Sharon Powell are three of the four ~andidates fo; C.M.S.C.'s Winter Sports Queen. Alphas are also well represented on the varsity cheerleading squad by Jewel Bell, Sharon Powell, and Nancy Watts. We have chosen three excellent candidates for future campus honors: Judy Shull for Miss Cemo, Dee Kramer for Beauty Queen and Sue Miller for Rhetor Queen. Specific plans for participation in these activities will be made immediately following formal rush. Although we are beginning the last half of this school year, we are happily anticipating our work together on the many remaining activities.- MARTHA BEN NETT
Eta Eta Kansas State College of Pittsburg Pittsburg, Kansas Eta Eta chapter is very proud of its new Sweepstakes Trophy that it won for Homecoming decorations. For the third year in a row Eta Eta has won the trophy thus retiring it. This year we won first place in house decorations, campus float, and queen float. All we wanted was the Sweepstakes Trophy and never dreamed of taking first in all three events. The entire chapter worked long and hard for that trophy and we a ll felt that we really deserved it. Our proudest moment came when we overheard someone say, "The only way we 'll get that Sweepstakes away from the Alpha Sigs is to steal it! " In the middle of October our neighbors across the street, Tau Kappa Epsilon, challenged the Alphas to a game of touch football. You can't imagine the screams and yells as we all tried our best. Of course we were no match for the TKEs but we sure gave them a run for their money. Next year we plan on challenging them! The beginning of November found Eta Eta and A WS Senior Senator Koeta Dunham up to her neck in A WS Mother's Week-end. Koeta was the chairman of the highly successful event. More than 500 mothers appeared on the KSC campus. Eta Etas held a "spend the night party" at the chapter house for the members' mothers. On Sunday we held the Mother Patroness Ceremony, which was very impressive. Founders' Day was very special this year. Mrs. Joe H. Brewer, National Secretary, loaned Eta Eta a film she had made at National Convention. This was narrated by
Vicki Consolino and Karen Coaker, who had attended the Convention. This was enjoyed by alums, members, and pledges. November 13 the annual Military Ball was held. Three of the ten finalists for Military Ball Queen were Eta Eta's J oann Jursche, Judy Buckley and Susie Williams. The Ball was very exciting, and we were a ll thrilled when Susie was named Military Ball Queen and H onorary Brigade Commander. Judy was named an Honorary Battalion Commander, and Joann was named to the Battalion Staff. We are all very proud of these three girls who represented us so well. Three of our members, Vicki Consolino, Sharon Moore and, Karen Coaker travelled to Kansas City for the Thanksgiving meeting of the Greater Kansas City alumnae chapter . At this meeting Esther Bucher, an Eta Eta alum, was presented with the Wilma Wilson Sharp Award, by Wilma Wilson Sharp herself. This was really an honor and a privilege to see these two outstanding Alpha Sigs. December found Eta Etas travelling to the State Home for the Mentally Retarded in Parsons, Kansas. The girls distributed gifts, played games, and served ice cream and cookies to more than thirty little boys . I can't begin to tell you the feeling all of us received by doing this for these little boys. We are p lanning to go back at Easter. Before we left to go home for Christmas vacation, we held our annua l big sister-little sister Christmas dinner. The little sisters received their traditional AZ:.A pledge paddles and the big sisters were presented with silver Revere bowls with AZ:.A engraved on them. The Eta Etas were very happy to welcome a new fraternity to KSC. Xi Omega, a local fraternity, was installed December 13 as the newest chapter of Sigma Chi. All of us are very proud of this fraternity's achievement. Members of Eta Eta have received many honors at KSC. Judy Coonrod and Koeta Dunham were initiated into Golden Crest. For KSC coeds this is the highest honor possible. Barbara Neubert, Lois Young, and Joann Jursche were initiated into Pi Omega Pi, an honorary business fraternity. Vicki Consoli no and Janice R eda were appointed to the AWS Judicial Board, and Judy Pistotnik was elected freshman A WS senator and freshman class treasurer. With 1964 drawing rapid ly to a close Eta Eta chapter wo uld like to wish a ll its sisters throughout the country a very prosperous and happy new year!- KAREN CoAKER
Theta Theta Boston University Boston, Massachusetts In observance of Founders' Day, we held a tea at the apartment of one of our married sisters, Nancy Perkinson. It was a smashing success, and we enjoyed the presence of our active a lum chapter from the Boston area. Anita Masterson, another of our members, entered the Homecoming Queen contest. Another queen candidate, this time for Greek Q ueen, was Gail Sanger. Gail was co-chairman of All-University Greek Week. Joanne Sullivan was chairman of the contest. As a part of Greek Week, a night of fun was included as Gail Sanger, Barbara-Ruth Siletsky, and Joanne Sullivan donned basketball attire, complete with hoop skirts to join in Hoops 'n Loops. Our IFC adversaries had taped hands, so we felt it a "fair match." In conjunction with the Association of Women Students, our members took five girls from a Boston Sf ttle-
rnent house to one of our horne football games. All in all, we had a wonderful time, and we were glad to be able to help in a small way toward a better understanding of others, and at the same time foster a better understanding among others towards sorority and its true meaning. As final examinations creep up on our sleepy little campus our sisters are involved in still another Panhellenic projec t. We are selling candy in an effort to raise funds for other worthwhile Panhellenic projects, especially RUSH! Theta Theta expects a fine rush this semester, and our theme party ideas include a "Cafe AL.A," coffeehouse in th e true AL.A tradition, and the possibility of a "Monster Mash" has not altogether been overlooked. To all we wish a Happy New Year, success in all endeavors, and love in AL-A.- BARBARA RuTH SILETSKY
Kappa Kappa Temple University Ph iladelph ia, Pennsylvania Help me! No, help me! This was the cry of the Kappa Kappas at Homecoming. All of our work was rewarded by winning first place in the annual Homecoming float
by the university and then exchanged gifts at the sorority house. From the amount of noise the Alpha Sigs made, no one can say that Christmas is just for children. A party during the holidays is being given to get the clan together to discuss the activities of each. The only bad thing in our minds is that the time of joy- final examinations-is two weeks after vacation . This is the time to prepare for exams as well as enjoy the season's activities. The Kappa Kappas this year will be hostess for State Day for all the Pennsylvania chapters of Alpha Sigma Alpha. We are looking forward to this and hope that as many sisters from the other chapters as possible will attend . Rush was a lot of fun again this semester and a success. Our Greek and beatnik themes gave a variety to the games and favors given to the rushees. We got a wonderful and hardworking pledge class. We were proud to learn that Melissa Savage was chosen as Military Ball Queen. Mary Lou Bean was also chosen as Sweetheart of Alpha Chi Rho. W e all feel that this past semester has been fruitful in many ways and are looking forward to the corning semester to again show the Alpha Sig spirit on Temple's campus.-JOAN WEISBEIN
Nu Nu Drexel Institute of Technology Philadelphia, Pennsylvan ia
Rushees get int o t he swing of t hing s at Ka ppa Kappa 's " beatnik" party.
parade . We played Bucknell and had as our theme "Bye Son" which referred to Bucknell's Bison. Our float consisted of a blue marna and baby bison saying goodbye to each oth er as a red and white Temple owl appeared to be trying to cap ture the baby bison. Some sisters were dressed in red and white cowgirl outfits. We were fortunate enough to have beautiful show horses- complete with plumes- for the day. The horses pulled our float and needless to say completed our western theme. At Thanksgiving the sisters and brothers of Alpha Chi Rho gave our annual party to some of the children of the neighborhod. A turkey dinner, games, and favors were part of the fun . The Christmas season brought with it many festivities. The sisters along with the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon gave a Christmas party for neighborhood children. Presents were given by none other than Santa. The children couldn' t really believe they were talking to their good ole St. Nick. The sisters also attended the white supper given
It's Rush, Rush, Rush here at the Drexel campus. With the beginning of the winter term, the formal Panhellenic rush starts in earnest. There is a formal tea for all eligible women and then the Panhellenic rush night. This is something new to the Drexel campus. The freshmen select three of the five sororities by a primary preferential ballot, and the sororities select the girls in whom they are interes ted. On the Panhellenic rush night, they attend three parties of forty minutes each, and then end the evening with a common coffee hour. - This eliminates the individual parties and helps the sororities to know which girls are interested in them. Immediately after the rush night, the formal rush parties begin. Nu Nu's theme for th is year is "Winkin, Blinkin and N od." The favors are roller bags of eyelet and tied with Alpha red . Of course sorority is not al l rush. We have visited the Eastern State Psychiatric Hospital and have given the children there an Alpha party. This is one of the most rewarding feelings that a girl can get. The warmth and appreciation of the children made the whole project a major part of sorority life. The Nu Nu Alphas extend their warmest wishes for a good year to all of our sisters.-GERRY LA â&#x20AC;˘c
Phi Phi Northwest Missouri State College Maryville, Missouri The Christmas spirit prevailed during the holidays for Phi Phi members. We exchanged gifts, sang carols, pulled taffy, and were entertained by the pledge class. They gave a "surprise" version of "Little Red Riding Hood." The pledges gave the actives red felt Christmas stockings in the shape of high button shoes. The traditional A "2.A night shirts were given to the pledges. A Christmas party was held for the children from
Chi Chi Ball State University Muncie, Indiana
Carolyn Trophy Mi ssouri averag e
Wiltshire, Phi Phi president, accepts th e Scholarship from Dr. Robert Foster, president of Nort hwe st State Coll ege. Th e Phi Phis won th e cup with a 2.64 (4.0 system } for the fifth conse cu tive year.
Phi Ph i girls se nt Christma s greeting s with t hi s pictu re of their c ha pte"r.
Noyes Home from St. Joseph, Missouri, with Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Phi Phis are proud of Judy K immet, who was chosen Snow Princess for the 21st annual "Hanging of the Greens," a Christmas program presented by the upperclass women on campus. Barbara Chick was also a Bearer of the Greens at the same program. Shirley Moore, another Phi Phi in the news, was recently elected to a second term in the student senate. Our president, Carolyn Wi ltshire, was recently selected outstanding Union Board member. Months ahead will bring a whirlwind of activ ities as Tower queen elections are coming soon; and our AZ:. A Sweetheart dance, Tri-State Day, and Spring Formal wi ll follow.- CAROL GREGORY
Christmas activities began in a flurry as soon as the Chi Chis returned for winter quarter. The suite looked festive with many holiday decorations adorning the room. ~hi Chis again gave gifts to the suite; they selected the g1fts from a list of items our suite chairmen, J udy Kennedy and J udy Smith fe lt we needed. Mrs. Kenneth Collier entertained us at her home for our annual Christmas Tweefy party. We write poems and give fifty-cent gifts to the girl whose name we have drawn. It's a fun way to spend an enjoyable evening with our sisters and alumnae. For our money mak ing project, we sold Christmas wrapping paper. Our scholarship chairman, Judy Emens, has been very busy reading many popular novels and then giving book reports at our meetings. It's a nice way to keep well informed on literary material and to encourage more read ing among our members. Our social calendar has been busy. The Campus Fall Carnival, trade parties, coffee hours, and Campus Chest are just a few of the activities in which we have been participating. Philanthropic chairman, Mary Lou Millican, is doing an excellent job. Our newly initiated "Friend" program of spending one hour a week with the girls at the Delaware County Children's Home is quite successful. We help them with their lessons, make decorative projects, read stories, knit, and most important of all, help them find true friendship. We always feel when we leave that it is truly an hour well spent. The seniors surprised their sisters at the October 26 meeting when they very cleverly unveiled a new te levision set. We finally decided it just wasn' t practical to pamper the old mode l any longer. We were lucky if we ever got to see a program completely through. The new television is another happy addition to our suite in our remode li ng program. P ledge parties started early here on the Ball State campus. We had our informal teas before we went home for the Christmas holidays. Now we are busy completing our plans for our costume party and formal party. Our costume party, the "Roaring Twenties," should be successful with the Chi Chi sisters doing the "Charleston," playing the role of bartenders, and creating the atmosphere of the twenties. C laire Campbell is serving as general chairman for the costume party. The formal party, "When You Wish Upon a Star," wi ll be the next party, and then we wi ll get our new pledges. Chi Chis purchased new hats for the p ledges to wear during pledgeship. They are white sailor hats with the AZ:.A letters in red. Our p lans for spring include a retreat, closed dance, senior banquet, Trike-a-Thon, and State Day. All Chi Chis are looking forward to meeting our new sisters and having many more rewarding experiences during the remainder of the year in AZ:.A.- Juov KECK
Psi Psi Northwestern State Colle ge Natchitoches, Louisiana After rush, we at Northwestern State College have been quite busy. Homecoming brought plans and work on our entry in the parade. We worked with the Tau Kappa Epsilons on the float and a lthough we didn't win any prize, we had fun working together.
ext on our schedule was working on the Christmas booth with the TKEs. In Natchitoches, where Northwestern is located, every year a Christmas festival is held . At this time, the Christmas lights are turned on and there is a fireworks display. It is held on the riverbank, and almost all of the sororities and fraternities on campus have booths at which hot dogs, hot chocolate and coffee are sold. Each booth featured a special item. Panhellenic sponsored a Greek carol sing on the Tuesday before we went home for Christmas, but it was rained out. P anhellenic tried again with a Greek dance that was a huge success. All of the sororities and fraternities were represented. Now Christmas and vacation are over and we are in the midst of tests. Next semester wi ll bring our spring forma l and our annual Mom and Dad picnic. Best of luck to all our sisters in the new year and new semester. - BETTY BLOCH
Beta Delta University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, Mississippi The Beta Deltas excelled in many functions and elections on campus. Pennie Sue Webre was chosen Miss USM for 1964-65. She went on to the Miss Mississippi contest to be classed among the top ten finalists. Sherry Thomas looks stunning in her newly obtained R O T C sponsor uniform. Connie Eien reigned as queen of the Halloween Dance. We were a lso proud of Peggy Malone who was chosen freshman Homecoming maid and class secretary in the recent elections.
So far Beta D eltas have had a very successful and ful fi lling year and we are now anxiously awaiting the coming months.- MARY ELLEN HATCHER
Beta Epsilon Madison College Harrisonburg, Virginia T he senior members of Beta Epsilon surprised the underclass members with a Halloween party on October 29. They were given fifteen minutes to work up a costume which called for the use of quick imaginations . After the underclassmen were p u t through some hair-raising experiences, fun was had by all in the usual Halloween way. We celebrated Founders' Day as we returned again to Beartrap Farm. Following a delicious home-cooked dinner, a program was held in memory of our founders. Our big day was November 17, when we welcomed new pledges into A2.A sisterhood . After initiation a party was given to welcome our new members. In connection with our Ph ilanthropic project, we gave a Christmas party at Western State Hospital. After visiting with the patients we presented a program, which incl uded a visit from Santa who had presents for our guests. Refreshments were served and were fo llowed by the singing of Christmas carols. The Panhellenic groups on campus again presented our traditional Christmas dance on December 12. Centered around the theme "An Old Fashioned Christmas," it left everyone in the Christmas spirit. Our Christmas season on campus came to a close as a Christmas party was given by our new members. Our sisters here at Madison hope that al l A2.As everywhere had a very merry Christmas and wi ll have a most successful new year!- MARGARET DoLLINS AND J uDY J ARRETT
Beta Zeta University of Southwestern Louisiana Lafayette, Ind iana
At B&ta Delta's " Big Sis-Little Sis" Christmas party Santa Mary Ann Pea rson pa id a surprise visit.
We put our chapter room to good use when we had our Big Sis-Li'l Sis Christmas party-. Mary Ann Pearson portrayed the jolly role of Santa C laus. T here was an abundance of fun and gifts for everyone. The Beta D eltas spread more good tidings during the Christmas season when they bought gifts for a mentally retarded child at Ellisville State School. On January 19 we broke in the new year by meeting plenty of boys. The entire football team was invited to an open house in our newly acquired chapter room. All indulged in eating, dancing, and talking.
This year our chapter has been taken over by the pledges. They have been busy since school began with various projects and parties. T heir first project was to sew a flag with the crest on one side and Alpha Sigma Alp ha on the other. T he flag is to be used at school games and other activities. We are very proud of the flag because of the work that went into it, its enormous size, and the fact that we are the only sorority with a flag at the games. At Halloween the pledges treated the actives to a party at the home of Kitty Wattigney. The members were politely informed that they had better come as witches, or else! The pledges came dressed as ghosts . The pledges were in complete control of the party at all times since the members had to serve refreshments to them. They also had to dunk for apples while the pledges looked on and offered advice. The party was a huge success. Everyone looked and acted the parts of the creatu res th ey came dressed as . The next project the pledges became involved in was the making of bean bags and giant cut out dolls to be sent to a home for mentally retarded children in H ouma, Louisiana. The red and white bean bags were sent before Christmas and the cut out dolls will be sent shortly. A United States map became the personal pledge project of Kathy Barnes who worked over Christmas to make
Beta Eta Dickinson State College Dickinson, North Dakota
Seated at the head table banquet were from left to Ballard , advi ser; Claudette mons, pledge presid e nt ; res ponding secretary.
for Beta Zeta's Founders' Day right: Mrs. K. B. Ha it ; Mrs. G. Colomb, president; Sandy Simand Royan n Nollkamper, cor-
it the best map we have ever had ; and, we think, the best one of any sorority on campus. The map is on a white background, and the states are done in our four colors with no two states of the same color touching. Each chapter is designated by either a red or green flag pinned in its appropriate p lace. Now the rest of the pledges wi ll have to get busy and make a frame for it. Since forma l rush we have given several pledge parties and p ledged girls in both November and December. On November 14 we held a house party at the Inn in Opelousas, Louisiana, at which we accomp lished quite a number of things. While the p ledges had a meeting to learn about A2.A history, the members were busy revising the chapter by-laws. We fe lt that some of them were outof-date and others were contradictory to our constitution. Next, we had a joint meeting and disc ussed State Day which we will be hostessing this year. After this we were treated to dinner which was arranged by Pat Thompson's mother. Later we held a joint meeting on rush where the p ledges gave us some idea of what they thought of our rush parties and what we could do to improve them . We got some good ideas from this as the pledges told us exactly what they thought. T he whole workshop was arranged and planned by Nunie Roque, who did a very good job as it turned out to be very successfu l. To fin ish off the weekend we he ld our Founders' Day banquet at .Jacobs Restaurant. T he Lafayette City Panhellenic held a banquet November 16. Nunie Roque, senior delegate, and Kay Roane, junior Panhe llenic delegate, attended from our chapter. Before Christmas the active members held a party for the pledges at the home of Claudette Colomb where we exchanged presents with them. Surprise !- The members now have sweat shirts with Alpha Sigma Alpha and the crest, and the p ledges have the same thing only without the crest. Out of the few selected for Who's Who this year was our own Frances K u rzweg. We are all proud and excited for her. C laudette Colomb and Ellen Coussan were nominated for Favorite in the M iss University contest. Mary Margaret G uillotte was our nomi nee for Beau ty in the same contest. C laudette was a lso our nominee for Commerce Queen.- ANN SCHWALENBERG
Frosty greetings from Beta Eta ! We are proudly disp laying our sorority colors this winter- RED noses on frozen WHITE faces along with dreams of the GOLD we wish we had so we could sit under the PAL M GR E EN greens down south. College was closed on December 13 because of the extreme cold. O u r rush party was a tremendous success. The theme was "Alpha Traz" and each rushee was given a ball and chain to wear as she entered. C hristmas wou ld not be Christmas without singing some carols. We sang at the nursing homes in town and how we made those faces light up! Our pledges gave a dinner party for us at the home of Shi rlene D vorak. What would we do without those pledges ! Our Christmas party was held in Kl inefelter Hall and ended with our gift exchange. After the party we were invited to the home of Mrs. George Dynes, who, along with other a lumnae members, showed us a most enjoyable evening. We are already making plans for our annual Sweetheart Ball to be held in February. After that there wi ll be more plans and more hard work for things to come. Our Alpha Sigs, as those all over the country, are always busy working together.- VIRGIN IA BAILLOD
Beta Theta Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, Mich igan
Beta Th eta exte nded Chr istmas g reetings with t his picture.
Beta Iota Radfo rd College Radford, Virginia The Beta Iotas are looking forward to a busy and rewarding year. We are now planning our social for winter quarter, and we hope that it will be as big a success as it was last year. As we glance back to 1964 we remember all of the good times which we shared together, especially the Christmas party. Cathy Siler, our chaplain, opened the a ffa ir with a prayer. This was followed by the singing of the traditional Christmas carols. O f course no Christmas party wou ld be complete without jolly ole Saint Ni k,
played by Kay Barraga. How could we ever forget our Santa getting stuck coming through the wind ow, complete with a pack on her back! To add a bit of joy at Christmas time to those who aren't as fortunate as we, the Alpha Sigs delivered food, clothes, and toys to a needy fami ly. We are all looking forward to seeing our chapter room full once again, as initiation lies in the near future . - MARTHA ANN LATTERNER
Beta Lambda Arkansas State Teachers College Conway, A rkansas Here we are again ready to begin another semester. Time has really slipped away from us, and we have only a few more weeks left until rush. The Panhellenic Tea is about four weeks away and then come our rush parties.
Th e Hom e co ming float " Lick 'e m Be ars " won Bet a Lambda se co nd place in ori g inality.
We are progressing very well and rapidly in preparing for our parties in the latter part of February. Our informal party will be entitled " AL..A Big Top." We are going to have a four-passenger Ferris wheel, booths, wi ld animal cages, and all the Beta Lambdas will be dressed in circus outfits. "AL..A Heaven" is our formal rush party theme. It will be similar to the one we had last year with life size angels, floral arrangements, stars, and other decorations one visualizes in a heaven. On November 15 the Beta Lambdas celebrated their twentieth Founders' Day. It is a great honor to know and say that Miss Marie Schichtl has been our sponsor all the twenty years. We began the day by attending church, eating in a private dining room together on campus, and having a short program in the sorority room. Several weeks before Christmas we invited Alpha Sigma Tau to go Christmas caroling with us. We all had a good time and the caroling was a great success. Three Alpha Sigs and three Alpha Taus sang "Carol of the Drum," which was the highlight of the caroling. We caroled to all the dorms and the college president's home. Our last meeting before Christmas was initiation for our pledges. We are so happy and proud to have these new members. During their last pledge meeting the pledges gave us a surprise party which was really a treat. Our philanthropic project is doing well and the children are participating better. We have been taking rushees with us and they seem to enjoy going. We are looking forward to a very successful semester and anticipating the greeting of new girls into the wonderful world of AL..A sisterhood .-DIANA THOMASON
Beta Mu Henderson State Teachers College Arkadelphia, Arkansas Beta Mu has been very busy since mid-semester when rush started. Before rush we all got together and painted our room furniture red and white. One of our members painted our crest in white on a round red table. After finish ing our redecorating, we bought a new colonial rug. Our room just looks lovely! Everyone was very impressed, especially our rushees. Our room project has certainly brought us closer together. Many nights before rush we met in the sorority room to practice the songs we would sing at our informal and formal rush parties. The rush weeks were great successes! They began with all the sororities having open house and the rushees going from one to another. It was fun meeting all the prospective pledges. We served pink punch and cookies with AL..A written in icing on them. Mrs. Duke Wells, one of our patronesses, sent a centerpiece of red and white carnations. Two weeks later, after much flurry and scurry, we had our traditional Rainbow Ceremony. We all dressed in identical formals . Six of our officers wore colored formals and the rest of the members wore white. After everyone had been served refreshments, had chatt 路d, and had sung some songs, we began our ceremony. Each of the girls with colored dresses carried a candle and spoke about important qualities to Alpha Sigs. Each of the other members carried a rose. After the ceremony we each took one of the rushees up to the front to receive her favorpainter's pallets on which were the colors worn by the officers and " AL..A Formal R ush Party 1964." Several Beta Mu alumnae came back to reminisce with us. Among them was Judy Matthews, National Membership Director. Before sunrise on Saturday morning, we were all up and on our way to our adviser's home to have breakfast and then vote on our new pledges. Bids were issued differently this year. Panhellenic decided to slip the bids under each girl's door so that no one would see those who didn't receive bids. Notes of regret were sent by Panhellenic to those who didn' t. All freshmen were required to stay in their rooms during the hour that bids were issued . We all thought this was a very good idea. We are very proud of our new p ledge class and know that they will uphold the standards of Alpha Sigma Alpha. In November we initiated our pledges. Beta Mus seem to be magnets to honors. The year is only half over and we've already received many honors. We have six out of eight Reddie Cheerleaders. They are Ann Wells, Jody Endsley, Barbie Brookings, Mary Lynn Ballard, Jeannie James, and pledge Terry Thompson. Milli Bard and Mary Lynn Ballard are stars on Henderson's synchronized swimming team. Nominees for class favorites looked like a list of Alpha Sigs. Three were chosen from each class as finalists. Beta Mus who received the final honor were Jody Endsley, Peggy Martin, Wanda "Boodle" Hill, Karen Tommey, Mary Lynn Ballard, Barbie Brookings, and Terry Thompson. Six of our members are living in Henderson's Honor Dorm. Twelve out of twenty Queen of Stars nominees were Alpha Sigs. In the top five of Queen of Stars we had four. They are Barbie Brookings, Mary Lynn Ballard, Jody Endsley, and Jeannie James. Six of our seniors and juniors were named to Who's
Who in American Colleges and Uni versities. Karen Tommey and Helen Herrod were selected as ROTC sponsors and Almeda Graves as ROTC Battle Group Sponsor. Jeannie James is Pershing Rifle Sweetheart. Pledge Sarah O 'Kelly is Miss Camden. Several of our members were tapped to Heart and Key, an honorary organization. Homecoming queen was Jody Endsley, Ann Wells was Princess at Large, and the court was Peggy Martin, Karen Tommey, and Mary Lynn Ballard. As you can see, Alpha Sigs are certainly in the spotlight at Henderson. We just hope the honors keep coming in the rest of the year. We'll be very busy after the Christmas holidays preparing for exams and helping our new pledges. Initiation will be near the end of February. We will have initiation, a Mother-Daughter Banquet, and a tea for the famili es the next day. Soon we will be beginning our magazine sales. We are working on several other money-raising projects, too. In February we will have a Panhellenic Valentine
Several informal parties have been held to mee t prospective rushees. Be-t a Nu began the celebration of Founders' Day by attending the First Methodist Church in a group. Then before our Monday night meeting, we held a banquet with a Founders' Day program at the Triangle Inn. After the banquet we installed our newest M other Patroness, Mrs. Harold Eversmeyer. Intramurals have bee n another successful activity for us this year. Our volleyball team was runner-up for th e championship, losing by a heart-breaking two points in the fin a l game. Beta Nus have been going to th e Murray School for th e M entally R etarded , as our philanthropic project . We helped the teacher carry on several projects which she could not have d one alone. One example was a unit in cleanliness for which we made boxes and fill ed them with items such as shampoo, a toothbrush, etc. F or Christmas we made and stuffed stockings and gave them a Christmas party. Another highlight of th e year was the very successful annual Christmas form al, our Mistletoe Ball. The Majes ties furnish ed a ll the traditional Christm as favorites as we ll as current hits, and our gree n a nd gold decorations we re quite effec tive. We a re proud of Bennita Trousd a le Pres ton who was a finalist in the Mrs. Murray Sta te contest, and Frances Armstrong who was chosen one of eight " Campus Notables" by the College N ews for the year. Wilma H ook was selected for Wh o's Wh o, a nd seve ra l of our members have rece ntly becom e membe rs of honorary organizations. - WILMA H ooK
Beta Pi Concord College Athens, West Virginia
Beta Mu boasts of six Reddie Cheerleaders. Back row, left to right, are Jeannie James, Ann Wells, and Barbie Brookings. In the front row are Jody Endsley, Terry Thompson, and Mary Lynn Ballard.
D a nce . Before the dan ce we will have a pa rty for our d a tes a nd will give th em fav ors. We wish each chapter of Alph a Sigma Alpha a very very Happy N ew Year.- ALICE WH EAT
Beta Nu Murray St.ate College Murray, Kentucky Fa ll of 1964 has bee n a busy but profita ble semester for Beta Nu . The biggest excitement of th e year was winning first prize for our H omecomin g fl oat . The ge nera l pa ra de theme was " Beat T ech," so we chose " R eign O ve r T ech" for our fl oat theme. The design was a cas tle effec t with an elevated rota ting crown, with girls dressed in form a ls beneath A"2.A penna nts on each corner. Wh en our victory was announced at the H omecoming brunch, members and alums a like shed tears of h appiness a nd excitemen t. The Fall rush party th eme was built on th e G reek myth of Pa ndora, with our sorority room d ecorated as a G ree k templ e. The result was th e best pledge cl ass on campus. Plans are well und er way for Spring ru sh, whi ch is our bi ggest rush semester since we have th e deferred rush system. The theme for th e pa rti es will be " South P acific."
We Beta Pis a re a nxiously a wa iting th e initia tion date of our new pled ges in to Al pha Sigma Alpha. The pledges have bee n quite busy makin g pa ddl es fo r their big sisters a nd li ving up to the Alph a Sig stand ards . We are qui te p ro ud of our th ree teachers-to-be, Patty J ones, Libby Payne, and Billy Cook, who are student teaching this semester at various high schols in the area . Brend a F oster, a se nior, has been appointed as the new p resident of C ardinal K ey, na ti onal honorary scholastic sorority, and has rece ntly accepted a n invi ta tion to Kappa D elta Pi, honora ry edu cati on frate rni ty. She has a lso been chosen for Wh o' s W ho in American Co lleges and Universities along with three oth er Beta Pis, Pa tty J ones, Libby Pay ne, a nd Sue Evans. Other girls elected to campus offi ces a re. P a tty J ones, sec retary of K appa Omicron Phi, a home economics honora ry g roup ; Sara W oodr um, vice-p resident of the W omen's U ppercl ass D orm a nd secreta ry of Associa ted Women Students ; Sue Evans, president of W omen's Uppercl ass D orm, publicity chairman of College Center Board , a nd mem ber of A WS council ; and Judy Rule, p resident of K appa D elta Pi, treasurer of Cardin al K ey, and secreta ry of Alpha Beta Alpha, nati onal libra ry science club. Nina M arkowitz, a 1964 a lumna, has accep ted a fellowship to Florid a University, T a llahassee, Florid a, for two years . Second semes ter seems to be bringing some ve ry promising acti vities including our a nnua l informa l da nce, the Twin T wirl, a nd our spring formal. We have a lready begun pla ns for spring rush , a nd we are hoping th a t it will be th e most su cessful season ye t.- SARA Woo DR UM
Beta Rho Northern Illinois University DeKalb, Illinois 路 Since Northern had a late Homecoming, I must report to you about our wonderful success having won the trophy for the best single entry float on our campus. Beta Rho has won the best entry trophy for three consecutive years, and of course the house reverberated with the happiness we felt over the third victory. Our candidate for H omecoming king also made the finals so again we succeeded . Two other candidates since then have succeeded in enhancing the name of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Our candidate for Bachelor of the Year, Larry Stunkel, received that award . Our candidate for Who's Who made the top ten ranking. We have had numerous pre-rush parties, three of wh ich were especiall y interesting. We had a small pajama party at the house, a spaghetti supper wh ich accommodated eighty people, and a Christmas party peppered wi th Alpha Sig Christmas hum or. We are a lso in the process of preparing for our next r ush. Our forma l parties wi ll have the theme of an old fashi oned soda parlor in gay nineties dress. Active work has started on Showtime, a group of acts similar to stunt night on most other campuses. The Alpha Sigs tried out for the preliminaries and made the fin a ls to be held the first week of February. The theme is western, and we are d oing a take off on how th e west was wo n in the "Unsinkable Molly Brown" tradition. As of this time, we are the only sorority in the finals. Further work is proceeding to put finishing touches to this. Our p ledges are now members. During their p ledging time, they had several parties with the Alpha Chi Epsilons and the Theta Chis on our camp us. They enjoyed their pledge banquet which featured the presentations of their trad itional paddles by th eir pledge moms . The sweet sixteens, as they called themselves, had a turnabout day which was based on outer space. They gave Kleenex holders to all of the members which were made out of red and white checked gingham. They also p lan ned our informal wh ich was a hayrid e followed by a d ance and a skit put on by the pledges . We had pictures taken at the party by a very creative photographer which made the evening a lasting memory. We gave paddles as bids. Christmas season saw a busy time as we had our own grab bag Christmas party and our very ow n Santa. L ater that week, before Christmas, we had a dinner for our busboys and cooks. Our house parents were also invited to join us. The last but not least important activity during the holidays was a party we held for und erprivileged children on a Sa turd ay afternoon. We p layed games with them and watched their eager faces as Santa appeared with gifts for them. Finals, Greek Sing, Showtime, and spring Rush are the four major activities in the next two months. They all require work, but in return we get the satisfaction intellectuall y spiritua ll y, physicall y, and socially- MARY ALicE ERNST
Beta Sigma Southwest Missouri State College Springfield, Missouri This fall was a busy one for Beta Sigma. Rush was the second week of school and we got wonderful new pledges. In October H omecoming activities began . "Kick Off for Karen" was the slogan for our candid ate, Karen Mikes.
We decorated our house with a huge bear, our school mascot, kicking a football over red and white goal posts. Our fl oat was titled "Brewing for the Bruins. " After H omecoming we had a little time to relax and catch up on our studies before our Christmas activities began . This Christmas we had a party complete with Santa for the children at the school for the mentally retarded. It was a most rewarding experience for all of us, and it gave us the true spirit of Christmas. We a lso had a party with ou r a lumnae chapter, with dinner, a short program, and an exchange of gifts. Now that Christmas is over we have many long hours of study to look forward to preparation for final exams. We are a lso looking forward to our annual Formal Swee th eart Dance F ebruary
Beta Sigma played Santa Claus at a Christmas party for mentally retarded children.
This fall was also a time of hon or for Beta Sigma. Six of our members were selec ted to become members of nati onal honorary organizations. Connie L emmons and Jane M cMurtry were elected to D elta Psi Kappa, Ph ysical Education ; Peggy O ' Sullivan to Mu Phi Epsilon, Music ; L ou Ann Lambeth and Stephanie Selover to Alpha Psi Omega, Drama; and Stephanie Selover to Delta Phi D elta, Art. Lahna Wilson was selected as one of the seven finalists in a city wide search for Miss Merry Christmas. Karen Mikes was an attendant to the college's Miss Merry Christmas. Peggy O'Sullivan served last summer and wi ll serve the rest of the school year as the Grand W orthy Advisor for Rainbow Girls for the state of Missouri. As part of her duties she is to visit each assemb ly in Missouri. Last summer she was Missouri's representative at the BiAnnual International convention held in Philadelphia, Pen n. Every year a yearbook queen is selected. This year we have four candidates, they are: Lesley Fleenor for Alpha Sigma Alpha, Sandy Beadles for D olphins, L ou Ann Lambeth for Alpha Psi Omega, and Suzan ne Taylor for Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. This fall has been very successful for us. We hope that the New Year brings more successes to Beta Sigma and all the chapters of Alpha Sigma Alpha.--STEP HA NIE SELOVER
Beta Upsilon Ind iana State University -Terre Haute, Indiana Beta Upsilon had a very successful rush season this year .. For the first time at Indiana State, split parties had no skits. Instead we had the whole party just to talk to the rushees and become acquainted with them. We did have a theme for our display table, however. W e used a French theme with the Eiffel Tower as our ce nterpiece. The tower was surrounded by angel hair in which we disp layed our sorority jewelry. Various other Alpha Sig items such as our Phoenix, songbook, and pledge manual were a lso p laced on the tabl e. The first formal party had as its theme "A"i:.A Brau Garten." The skit consisted of four girls who performed ?- Ge r~an folk dance, a trio that sang, and a hootenanny m which th e rushees also participated. The two dance rs wh o danced the male parts wore black shorts red knee socks, wh ite shirts, suspenders, and hats. The 'girls wore fl oor length dresses. The singers were dressed the same as the male dancers and also wore mustaches which gave a~ added authentic touch . They sang some of their songs with a G erman accent which brought forth a ripp le of laughter from the rushees. After the trio finish ed , Pa t F ech played the ukulele as accompaniment for our hoo tenanny. Tables were placed around the room a nd were covered with red and white checked tablecloths. C oke bottles, whi ch were a lready cove red with vari ous colored candl e dripping, had cand les p lace d in them and then were se t on th e tabl es. All the girls who did not p articipate in th e skit wore white blouses and black skirts. Each girl's nam e tag was a pair of suspenders with her name written in red spa rkle on the crosspiece in front. The rushees' name tags were bee r mu gs to which a penn y was attached . The penny tied in with our display table. The centerpiece on the disp lay table was a ra inbow of which one end ended in a p ool of water . The pool a nd th e one base of the rainbow were surrounded by grass in whi ch we displayed our jewelry. At the end of th e pa rty our president told the girls of an old legend which we had written for the party. She said if they would drop their penny into the pond at th e end of th e rainbow a nd wish with all their heart to become Alpha Sigs tha t their wish would come tru e. As th e party came to a close eac h girl was taken past th e table to drop her penny into the pool. All in all it was a ve ry effec ti ve pa rty, a nd we had a reco rd number of girls return ing for the next party. The seco nd form al party had as its th eme " A "i:. A 's Animated Scrapb ook of M em ories ." The skit prese nted a n A"i:.A girl who was reminiscing up on the souvenirs in her A "i:.A scrapbook and as she remembered th e different facts a bout ' Alph a Sigm a Alph a such as where a nd wh en we we re found ed , wha t the Ph oenix is, and oth er such items. Each time she compared these things with a mythi cal Scottish cla n. We used our Scottish outfits from Campus R evue last year as our costumes for this skit. Our nam e tags were Sco ttish bagpipes, and th e rushees name tags were Sco ttish tams. A Scottish ca stl e wa s th e ma in obj ect on our disp la y table. A black ve lve t ribbon, which ra n from th e opposite end of th e table to th e door of the castle, displ ayed our jewelry. We explained to the rush ees th a t this ribbon symbolized the road to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Pictures of Beta Upsi lon girls wh o are leaders on campus were displayed on th e battlements of the castle. Our third form a l party was entitled " High H opes." The skit presented th e story of three little bunnies wh o were hunting for a sorority but didn ' t kn ow which one
to choose, and of th eir meeting with an older and wiser rabbit who told them why she had chosen A "i:.A . Songs used in the skit were "High H opes," "Happy Talk " and "~ali Hai," all of which were rewritten to tell of 'Alpha Sigma Alpha. The three little bunnies performed a dance which was very comical. Our display table centered around a big red velvet book in which sat a small rabbit. The book had written on its pages " We sisters in Alpha Sigma Alpha hope that your name may be added to our book of H igh H opes." The book was surrounded by pink angel hair which was also placed at other spots on the table in which we placed our jewelry. Our name tags were circles with " High H opes" extending beyond the edge of th e circle and the rushees' name tags were rabbits. Preference pledging night was held at Allenda le L odge at which time we took in wond erful pledges. The theme was "A"i:.A Paradise" and the lodge was decorated as a H_awaii~ island_. Each girl upon entering was presented with a lei to which a real baby orchid was attached. The evening began with out Wishing Well ceremony at which time our pledges receive d their ribbons. Following the ceremony we played two games. One is called " No I. " Each girl is presented wi th a star and then everyone begins to talk. If anyone says " I " another girl m ay ask for her star. At the end of fi ve minutes the person with the most stars wins the game. This game is not as easy as it sounds and it is a good ice breaker. The other game is a ge t acquainted game in wh ich each pledge is give n a card up on wh ich is the descripti on of one of the members but without the member's name. The pledge is given three minutes and is all owed to ask ce rta in questions of an y member. At the end of the time limit, th e pledge must tell wh ich member she believes her card describes. This works ve ry well in ge tting th e pledges acqu a inted with th eir member sisters. As Christma s drew near, the Beta Upsilon girls found themselves quite busy a ttending Christmas parties. On D ecember 12 we held a Christmas party in our suite to wh ich we invited several r ushees as our guests. The main eve nt of the day was a grab bag th a t we had for our guests. The girls seemed to reall y enj oy it a nd had a good time showing th e variety of their gifts- everything from a brush to a coloring book. On D ecember 13 we gave a Christm as party in colla bora tion with th e Sigma Phi Epsilon fra ternity for the aged peop le a t one of the old folks homes here in T erre H a ute. We presented a skit fo r them, sang C hristmas carols, sorority songs, and had refreshments. The highli ght of the evening came when we presented each of them a ca rd with a handkerchief inside. They we re also ve ry app recia tive and seemed to enj oy th e pa rty very much as did the Beta U psilon girls. On D ecember 15 we held a C hristm as party for ourselves a t the home of M rs . M a rgare t T amar, who is our new social pa troness. On this eve ning we p resented our pled ges with th eir pledge pins. We emba rked upon a nother money-mak ing p rojec t a t Christmastime. This time we sold plas tic Sa ntas which light up wh en p lugged in . We se t a deadline to h ave th em sold by our return from Christmas vacati on, but th ey sold so well tha t m ost of them were gone before we even left for home. Upon our return to school on Sunday eve ning, we gath ered in our suite for a called mee ting. Up on a rri ving we learned we were going to have our ceremony for announ cing pinnings and engagements. As the candle was passed around th e circle everyone held th eir brea th as they wondered wh o had received wha t for Christmas. N ow th a t a ll the excitement of Christmas has come to
a close, Beta Upsilon has begun their plans for the spring semester. We have begun to have weekly song practices so that our voices will be in shape for Songfest. We are also starting on the costumes and flats for our Campus Revue skit this year. The Beta Upsilon girls are also looking forward to the annual Crystal Ball which is to be held January 9. The theme is "Ice Palace," and the decorations should be very pretty with such a theme as this with which to work. The girls of Beta Upsilon feel that the first part of our year has been busy and successful and expect the second half to be the same. We hope our sisters across the nation have had as successful a year and wish them luck and success in any project they undertake the rest of the year. -
Beta Psi Western Michigan University Kalamazoo , Michigan With the crisp, colorful fall and the first hint of a snowflake announcing winter has come the busy planning of activities of the Alpha Sigs on Western's campus! One of the biggest events was Homecoming, with the university theme of "Salute to the United Nations." Beta Psi's intricately done miniature float saluting Malta as the newest and the smallest member of the UN caught many an eye with a stork holding a bundle as it hovered over the buildings. The house display of a gigantic paper mache wine bottle decorated with vines of grapes also attracted much attention. On the opening day of the festivities, which is designated as Hoedown Day, Alpha Sigma Alpha captured third prize for its attractive Maltese costume which all wore to classes throughout the day. Dad's Day, which fell on the first Saturday in November, found the sisters entertaining their fathers at the Ohio University-Western football game before taking them to a banquet at Stafford's. During the banquet, at which rare prime ribs of beef were served, the fathers were feted with songs and skits in addition to receiving boutonnieres and getting their pictures taken with their daughters as a remembrance of the occasion. During the autumn, one of the Beta Psis, Ellen Runkel, attended Homecoming at Central Michigan University, where she got acquainted with her Beta Theta sisters and attended an Alpha Sig alum breakfast. Alpha Pig also began to make his appearance at sorority meetings as money-making projects for the house fund got underway. Alpha Pig is a large bank into which loose pennies and small change are dropped at each meeting. A very successful candy sale was held, as were two bake sales after the holidays. As a little different project, the sisters are organizing a stationary sale which promises to be a winner! During November Beta Psis and Beta Thetas gathered at Adrian College to assist with a rush party of the A"'i:.A colony there. One of the more hilarious highlights of the fall was the slumber party at which all members and pledges found time for pranks, songs, and impromptu skits. Another memorable winter day was the Saturday morning when all A"'i:.As were driven to the Sigma Delta colony house for a big pancake breakfast and get-together. At this time, a big paddle and composite picture was given to the brothers for their dining room. In early December, Kay Krenke, a member of Mortar Board, a national honor group for senior women, and president of Davis Hall, was nominated by her dormitory
as Girl-of-the-Month. During this month she was also the receiver of the Phoenix pin, which is given each month to a girl who has made outstanding contributions to the sorority. An event of the Fall was a joint meeting of the Kalamazoo Alumnae Association and the Alpha Sigs on campus on Founders' Day. Following a ceremony and a reception was a talk and film given by a worker at the Kalamazoo School for the Mentally Retarded. This was especially interesting, as Beta Psi has chosen this school for philanthropic work. We take turns going to the school bi-monthly to work with the children. One of the most fun -filled activities of the year thus far was the Christmas party at which we sang carols, played some hilarious games, and exchanged small gifts. The delicious refreshments and the fun and fellowship enjoyed added something special to the season and was a fine prelude to vacation. During the Christmas break, Sally Johnson had the good fortune to attend an Alpha Sig alumnae holiday tea in South Bend, Indiana, at which she had a wonderful time. Following the lengthy vacation from classes, Beta Psi finds itself in the midst of exciting plans for a dinnerdance scheduled for January 9. Plans call for a swiss steak dinner, glass steins etched with A "'i:.A as favors for the fellows, songs and something a little special honoring the Fall pledge class- and of course, the dance, at which everyone will swing onto the floor wearing their prettiest floor-length gowns or cocktail dresses. The pledges, of whom the chapter is very proud, are deep in plans for a p ledge-member party on Sunday, January 10, just a day before initiation. Rush plans for spring are shaping up beautifully; the theme of " A "'i:.A on Broadway" has filled everyone with a great deal of excitement and spirit which should go far to spell "A"'i:.A" to the rushees! The new sorority outfits will make their debut at the first rush party. Wearing navy A-line skirts and short collarless, double-breasted jackets with crests on the bottom pocket, white "nothing" blouses, and red heels, Beta Psi is going to do its best to look its sharpest!- ELLEN RuNKEL
Gamma Alpha Creighton University Omaha , Nebraska After the end of rush achvihes, the next big event on the Gamma Alpha calendar was a hayrack ride with a hot dog roast and song fest. Another November event was a Halloween party, the first for our new philanthropic project, a school for mentally retarded children. Creighton's December Homecoming kept us busy for several weeks. Before going home for Thanksgiving we started building our float with Alpha Psi Omega fraternity. Kay Dailey and Jill Rinschen were float chairmen. The theme of the float was "Harmony in the World." On the float was a music staff, the flags of the notes being flags of various countries. Six riders, dressed in costumes of foreign countries, and an abstract world globe which revolved above a United Nations flag also decorated the float. A Gamma Alpha tradition at Homecoming is the decorating and selling of Homecoming mums. Jean Bragg, a Gamma Alpha Panhellenic representative, was Homecoming Princess representing the Arts school. Other Gamma Alpha royalty were Pat McGrath, Miss Cutie candidate for the Fall Frolic, and Ann Morrow, candidate for Honorary Colonel of the Military Ball.
Gamma Alphas preparing Homecoming mums are Pat Rice, Pam Montag, Suzie Smith, Pauline Jirik, and Sue Ryan.
In between big events we have had several Sunday night informal get-togethers with our pledges. A Christmas party was given by the pledges, which we all feel was the best yet. Pledge class president, Suzie Smith, was a big hit as Santa Claus. The turtle and gold fish which Pam Montag and Terri Schill received from their big sisters almost stole the show from Santa. Coming up in February are several activities for Gamma Alphas-the big one being initiation and the Panhellenic Dinner Dance, February 13.-CATHERINE WATSON
Gamma Beta Wisconsin State University Stevens Point, Wisconsin Along with the surprise and excitement of a growing campus, Gamma Beta members have busied themselves in Homecoming activities, fall pledging, candy sales, and a new chapter room. Most Gamma Betas can lean back and with thoughtful pride boast of the AL.A Homecoming float. Following the campus theme of union and togetherness, we thought we would pull together for victory on Cinderella's corset strings! An enormous lady, who was quite distinguishable
Giving out 'money' at a Gamma Beta "Casino" party are, from the left: Kristi Zillmer, Paula Allen, Becky Ellenson , and Joyce Disher.
as Cinderella, much to our amazement, rode upon a yellow and white float guarded by mice and birds. Our theme, "Of course it's a victory. We're pulling together," and float tied for third place in the humorous division. Many pledge activities and initiation of new members took place this year in our chapter suite. Besides giving members a homey place to meet, the chap ter room is making decorators and designers of many Gamma Betas. Many of our members are excelling in campus activities and organizations. Mary Jane Leary is the president of Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary dramatic fraternity. Sue Siebert, also with an eye on the theater, was featured in Romanoff and Juliet, and Cindy Parkovitch in The Detective Story. Mary Rickner, Fran P acana and Mary Wanichek will be in the music department's production of South Pacific. D orothy Igl and Barb Jakubowski are the cultural and social committee chairmen for the Union Board. As a final project before the Christmas recess, Gamma Betas rang camp us bells to sell candy to finance the furnishing of our chapter suite. One of the highlights of the second semester is Winter Carnival. Our queen candidate was Sue Schmiedlin. The general theme of Sno-limpics took AL.A to Argentina. Laboring over a mass of ice, some Gamma Betas exercised their creativity. Others ran races, ate pancakes and did up their hair in the competition for first place . We hope to tell you the results of the competition in the next issue. Until then greetings and love from your sisters in Gamma Beta chapter.-BARBARA STRELKE
Gamma Delta Queens College Flushing, New York The sisters of Gamma D elta chapter have a very pleasant memory with which to start 1965. Every semester the Panhellenic Council at Queens College sponsors competitive Greek Letter Day Skits. The skits usually consist of satires on campus life or politics. On the day of the skits, the auditorium is packed with a ll of the members from a ll of the sororities, fraternities , and other campus groups. This past semester we had the honor of taking second place with our skit which not only satirized the three different types of students on campus, the joiner, the beat, and the intellectual; but a lso left the message that these years are our best years, so let's get going! This semester, as in every spring semester, we have a three week intersession. During this time some of the sisters are go ing on a college ski trip to Jug End Barn in Massachusetts. When they return, we will have a skating party in Central Park, in New York City, and then a buffet supper and pajama party at one of the member's houses. When intersession is over, we must start planning our rushes. The spring semester is the largest rushing semester and we hope to have a large pledge class. During the spring semester, we wi ll be participating in basketball and baseball intramurals. This past semester, the sisters p laced first in the sorority volleyball tournament and placed second in the school wide tournament. We hope to do it again this spring. We are also planning anot her theatre party this semester. In December during our Christmas vacation, we went to dinner at a small Italian restaurant in the Village. While we were eating, we watched a game of bocci.
After dinner we saw an off-Broadway comedy. We hope to do this again during Easter vacation. This spring semester, as every other semester, will entail a lot of studying and working hard, but Gamma Delta is looking forward to a productive and en joyable semester.- KATHLEEN PEET
Gamma Epsilon University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwau kee, Wisconsin Exams are rapidly approaching and with them, the end of a successful semester for Gamma Epsilon chapter. We added two new trophies to our growing collection. The semester started off with Homecoming. Our float won the Provost Award. The theme was "UW-M's Parking Problem-solved" and it consisted of a horse, with a UW-M parking sticker on it, standing next to an expired parking meter and a policeman about to write out a ticket. In the Christmas tree trimming contest, our tree took second place. It was decorated with gold and whi te paper angels, green balls, and a garland of colored cheese cloth. In open rush this semester we got wonderful new pledges. We were very happy to welcome all of them and feel they will make good Alpha Sigs. Sunday, December 13, was an important day for Gamma Epsilon chapter. It was the day of our First Annual Greek Sister D inner. Each member invited a member of another sorority to be her guest for a steak dinner. We feel the dinner accomplished its purpose, that of creating a better intersorority relationship . Following the dinner we had a skit consisting of poems whi ch symbolized each sorority. Later on the girls from each sorority sang one of their songs. The evening ended with a forma l ceremony. On December 15 we he ld our Christmas party. T he evening started off with Christmas caroling at several nursing homes. As usual, instead of exchanging gifts among ourselves, we each brought a gift for the mentally retarded children at Southern Colony. The new semester will start off with formal rush . Following forma l rush wi ll be Peak Night, the a ll school variety show. Our skit was one of the four selected. We have h igh hopes that Peak Night will add another trop hy to our collections.- J uov RuscH
Gamma Zeta Arkansas A&M College College Heights, Arkansas A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Alpha Sigs everywhere. We of Gamma Zeta wish much happiness and success upon our sister chapters throughout these United States during the new year. To gaze into a crystal ball for a look at the future is a happy task, but looking backward over accomplishments of the last year can a lso be rewarding. We of Gamma Zeta invite you a ll to come a long with us in a journey into t,he past. Foremost in our minds as we began the fall semester was rush week. Our first party was informal and was held in our sorority room. The theme was "Alpha-Traz" with entertainment being provided by a mock trial. Afterwards members and rushees joined our brother fraternity, Phi Lambda Chi, and its rushees for a mixer-dance. A variety of chips, dips, and other light refreshments were
Gamma Zetas proudly pose in their new red blazers and skirts following a Homecoming assembly duri ng which the six non -uniform e d members shown we re introduced as membe rs of the Homecoming royalty.
served throughout the evening. Our forma l rush dinner was held at a downtown Monticello restaurant. The theme of "Days of Wine and Roses" was carried out in candlelight and following the meal each member presented to a rushee a long-stemmed red rose. It was at this dinner that Mrs. Victoria Ku was introduced as Gamma Zeta's new adviser. The end of rush activities brought us many new friends h ips and new sis ters who tru ly cannot be beat ! Homecoming provided the next stop on our calendar. T he week of October 26-31 was fi lled with m uch hard work devoted to the building of a float with our brothers in Phi Lambda Chi. We later smiled happi ly, even though we were walking on aching legs, when we learned our efforts had won for us the second- place award . Adding to our enjoyment of Homecoming was the fact that six of the eight Homecoming Maids were Alpha Sigs. These girls of whom we were justifiably proud were: L inda Kaye Roberts, Nancy Goggans, Kaye England, Karen Trotter, Anne Echols and Charlotte Fitzgerald. The next stop on our journey was our Christmas Formal featuring old-fashioned decorations and modern-day Alpha Sig spirit. At th is time it was annou nced that Charlotte Fitzgerald had been selected Phi Lambda Sweetheart for the coming year. Besides beauties, Gamma Zetas a lso boast many scholars topping a 4.00 grade average. We are especially proud of Mary Jayne Offutt and Linda Kaye Roberts for being initiated into Alpha Chi, a scholastic honor fraternity. Mary Jayne a lso has been selected for membership in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. We of Gamma Zeta are very proud of our achievements of the past year and are enthusiastic about what the crystal ball has in store for us during the New Year. -BEVERLY BULLOCH
Gamma Eta Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania With characteristic enthusiasm, the Gamma Etas greeted both the beginning of winter term and the com-
mencement of a new year. The short history of Gamma The Gamma Thetas at Syrac use University were having Eta has proved to be a time of accomplishment for us and their annual after-curfew party. the new year, too, holds further promise for our chapter. . It was late when we crept into bed that night, but we One of Gamma Eta's resolutions is to be as successful rose early to prepare for another party-this time for a in Greek Week and the Greek Sing as we were this past group of underprivil eged children in the city. After fall in the annual H omecoming festivities. Both of these gathering for coffee and dessert with Theta Chi fratraditional Penn State events find individual sororities ternity, we drove off in groups to a recreation center and fraternities combining efforts. Our H omecoming with hopes of providing a warmer, merrier Christmas sealawn display depicted the Alums' return to their "Founson for those less fortunate than we. tain of Youth," and our poster echoed the H omecoming After singing carols, wa tching movie cartoons, and theme. The best of luck is now extended to the Gamma having fan cy cookies, ice cream, a nd punch, Santa Claus Eta vocalists as they enter competition in the Greek (a Theta Chi ) arrived to give each child a gift. The Week Sing. smiles of appreciation and happiness on th e fac es of each Penn State Alpha Sigs will once again have a tent in child won over the hearts of all present. Because of the the annual Spring Week Carnival. Working al ong side success of this year's party, und er the directi on of J oanne our partner, Phi Kappa Tau fraternity, we find spring Condraski , it is ce rta in to become an annual Gamma week activity progressing rapidly toward completion of Theta event. The Gamma Thetas kept the spirit of Christmas in our entry in the Carnival. Gamma Etas hope that they will have as many honors still another way this year. W e reached 100 per cent for contributions in th e annual Campus Chest drive- a goal bestowed upon individual members this year as last. W e not often achieved by camp us living ce nters. look back with pride on the awarding of scholarships to Pa rti cipation in sports eve nts is gainin g popularity Susan Thurber and Dale Sulatis as well as th e elec ti on wi th Alphas Sigs here. Five sisters, Penny Low, Diane of D eborah E ayre, Barba ra Kist, Diane Gething, and Wagoner, J erri Gordani er, Sue L ow, and Sue Sla ter, a ll Susan Thurber to positions on the H ome Economi cs Stutook active pa rts in th e Women's Athletic Association dent Council. We are especially proud of an alumna of Sports D ay for which fi ve universities were represented. Gamma Eta chapter, Sue Bailey, who is doing fin e work Sue L . and Sue S. won fi rs t place in the badminton as a teach er for th e Peace Corps in Turkey. Our members are plea sed with their many accomplishdoubl es tourn ament. In additi on, Diane W agoner, M a rgot Flaherty, C a rol ments during the fall term and th e old year and are J antz, a nd Barb Belmont a re now in th e fin al roll-offs for striving to make th e budding new year an even more imthe campus wide bowlin g tourn ament, hoping to win first portant and successful one for Gamma Eta.- T ERRI L EE or second place for th e AL.A team . FALCK One of our most enj oyable cultural eve nts was hav ing Dr. a nd Mrs . M a urice Troyer for di nner rece ntl y. Dr. Troyer is here as a visiting guest professor a nd has spent the last severa l yea rs teaching in a university in J apan. Syracuse University Both he a nd his wife related ente rtainin g anecdotes of Syracuse, New York life in th a t co untry a nd drew interes tin g comparisons The living room lights we re turned out- so that the between th e J apa nese a nd American college student. colored lights on our hu ge Christmas tree could spread As a combined socia l, cul tural, and pu blic rela tions acred , yellow, blue and green sha dows th ro ughout th e room. tivity we have come up with a bright idea recentl y. The Three representatives of the junior class stood in front of Gamm a Thetas a re p la nning to organize an d hos t a se ri es the tree and read the Christmas story from th e Bible, to of b rid ge tourn ame nts be tween fra tern ities a nd sororities the room scattered with quiet sisters. After th e readin g, throughout next semes ter. If th e eve nts receive enthusia ll joined in singing Silent Night. It was a perfec t endas tic su ppo rt, it may become an AL.A tradi tion here. ing to a festive evening of present excha nges, hil a rious M a ny honors a re coming in for the chap te r this year. skits by each class, a nd feasting on p izza a nd soda pop . Midge Pa trick, a sop homore, was elected to th e position of und ersecreta ry for th e Panhellenic Associa tion. After a year's app ren ticeship , she will step up to the offi ce of secreta ry. Two sisters have j ust gained offi cia l positions in Angel Fli ght, the coed co un ter part to the Arnold Air Society, whi ch is a n ROTC na ti ona l honorary. Pam Cole was elec ted sec re ta ry a nd Ellen And r us, vice president. Carol Thorp has been pledged to Theta Sigma Phi, the na tiona l journ a lism honorary fo r wom en, and Carol Young was as ked to join Phi K a ppa Phi, na ti onal scholas tic honorary for th ose se niors who are in the top ten per cent of th e Liberal Arts College of the U ni ve rsity. High scholarshi p rece ives m ore tha n verbal p raise at th e G amm a Theta house. L ast month, a t a cha pter dinner mee tin g, D ea n's List stud ents enj oyed steak, whil e B minus students earned hamburger. The "others'' were allowed to nibbl e on ba ked beans ! Pla ns for freshman rush a re beginning to fl ourish as chairm a n K a thy Go nsiorowski is busy scheduling parties for ove r 1,2 00 girls wh o will be going th rough. Since rushin g regulati ons a re quite ri gid on this camp us, we a re Santa Claus, Kathy Gonsiorowski, visited the Gamma Thetas limited in th e types of pa rties we can plan . Due to last during their Christmas party.
Gamma Theta
years's success, Kathy is perfecting the 1920's party for one event which will be climaxed with a wishing well ceremony. A letter from our sisters at Queens College has spurred on plans for a New York State Day in the spring. We are all Joking forward to meeting the Gamma Deltas once again, as many friendships were made during our installation weekend last spring. As final exams creep closer, all of the Gamma Thetas are ready to slow down their busy paces in preparation. Over the horizon, however, glimmers a chapter skiing weekend in Connecticut, the promised State Day, and rush.-CAROL YouNG
Gamma Iota Rochest er Institut e of Technology Rochester, New York The Gamma Iotas are starting the new year with much excitement. On January 17 we begin pledging our first pledge class as Alpha Sigma Alphas. We will be employing a new pledging system, which we feel will be very constructive. Our pledges will be kept quite busy with teas, serenading our brother fraternity, and planning a pledge party with the other Panhellenic members. Our charity work began on January 9 as four sisters aided the Red Cross in a swimming program for handicapped children. Four special events occurred during fall quarter. First, we initiated several pledges, plus three alumnae from our old local sorority. Then Jean Kentner was selected for the candidacy of Sports Queen. We also celebrated Founders' Day with a tea with our alumnae chapter from Rochester. It was a very enjoyable event. Lastly, we received the highest grade point average, not only as far as the sororities were concerned but also the social fraternities. We certainly are proud of our sisters. Our future social plans include a cabin party, and our yearly Ugly :tvfan contest. We plan on participating m the Toga Party for all Greeks and the Greek Sing. We are sure this will be a fruitful year as sisters m A:LA.-DOROTHY LEWIS
Gamma Kappa Gl enville State College Glenville, West Virginia The past several months have been very exCltmg and memorable for Gamma Kappa. On December 5 twelve girls were initiated into Alpha Sigma Alpha; thus, forming the Gamma Kappa chapter. Right on the heels of that big week-end came open house at Women's Hall where all the Gamma Kappas live. Each girl had to have her door and room decorated for Christmas. There was much competition between the girls for the first place door prize which was three dollars. An A:LA, Sandy Saylers, who is corresponding secretary, won first place with her door decoration of an angel made in a mosaic design . Another event of great interest was the election of the Snow Queen for the Snow Ball Dance. When the final vote was counted, Anne Stukey, Gamma Kappa chaplain, had been elected Snow Queen. It has been a tradition for Gamma Kappa chapter to fill a Christmas basket and give it to a needy family. This year this was a pledge activity. The pledges decided what should go in the basket and chose the family to whom it was to be given. On December 12 the pledges of Gamma Kappa and
the pledges of our brother fraternity, Theta Xi, gave us and the members of Theta Xi a Christmas party. We decorated a tree and then had a surprise visit from Jolly Old Saint Nicholas who gave each of the girls a present. After this visit we were treated to refreshments which held to the Christmas theme. There were popcorn balls of green and red plus holiday punch. The pledges did a wonderful job and deserve a round of applause. Mrs. Leland Byrd, an alumna, gave the Gamma Kappas a Christmas party on December 11. The girls were divided into five groups and each group played a different game for four minutes and then went on to another game. At the end of the five games the points were totaled and the group with the highest number won the prize. Because the winners had something to sing about, the prize was a little Christmas caroler for each girl in that group. We were able to become better acquainted with our patronesses and have an enjoyable time together. Finally, to end the Christmas holidays we went caroling with our brother fraternity, Theta Xi. As we started singing the snow began to fall which really put us in the Christmas mood. We members of Gamma Kappa have big plans for 1965 if everything goes well. On the week-end of February 6 we plan to go to Blackwater Falls for a skiing trip. February 13 is our Sweetheart Ball. As soon as the Christmas vacation is over the girls will start cutting out hearts, cupids, and doves to be used as decorations. The new year looks very promising for the Gamma Kappa chapter. -RuTH CoNRAD
Gamma Lambda Loyola University Chicago, Illinois The Gamma Lambdas have had a happy and profitable first semester as Alpha Sigs. The p ledge party, as always, was a huge success, especially the skit the pledges presented depicting all the individual members. There was also a wonderful treasure hunt which took the sisters all over the campus and from frat house to boys dorm. We participated in the IFC sing and eve~ if we didn't win, we sure had a lot of fun. Several of the girls have been giving one or two nights a week of tutoring underprivileged children through CALM, a local organization participating in the antipoverty program of the President. The sisters were full of the Christmas spirit, not only at our date party but also whi le stuffing socks for children and making a visit to an old people's home. We're all proud of the Gamma Lambdas who've been in the news recently. We had three candidates running for Miss Loyola, Marilyn Faford, Mary Bigongiari, and Kathy Koranda; and Marilyn became a finalist. Our president and former president, Mary Corr and Barb Juskiewicz, both made Who's Who. Barb's really been busy; she is chairman of activities for the 50th Anniversary of Women at Loyola and she also recently received the President's Award in arts and sciences, which is an annual award given to one outstanding person in each of the university's colleges. Joan Mills was accepted at Stritch Medical School for next year. Circumference, a woman's honor society for junior and senior women at Loyola, accepted four more Alpha Sigs, Marilyn Faford, Joan Mills, Marilyn Norek, and Betty Sundberg. With these new members Alpha Sigs represent one fourth of the membership of this honorary. It's been a wonderful year for us and we've already started the new year right with plans for an enthusiastic rush.-JOAN MILLS
• • • • NEWS LETTERS ALUMNAE CHAPTERS AKRON, OHIO In October our husbands were guests at a buffet supper. Maude Murphy Barrere AA and Rhea Fetzer Yoder I I were the hostesses at the Yoder home. The rest of the evening was spent in playing bridge which was enjoyed very much. Nine members were present at the Founders' Day luncheon at the Woman's City Club. The history of our sorority was given in pageant form by Maude Barrere and Rhea Yoder. The Panhellenic Tea dance was a success as the one thousand dollars was realized for the County Children's Home spending fund. This represents one-half of the annual obligation. Everyone enjoyed the dance very much. Ruth Yauger /1/1 and Lillie Greer /1/1 entertained Alpha Sigs and their husbands at a party in Lillie Greer's home. T wenty guests spent a very pleasant evening. Everyone was so happy to visit with J ean Osborn Lang PP and her husband whom they had not seen for a long time. Jean lives near Kent, Ohio. The Christmas party was held in the home of Dorothy Hollinger Scott 1111. Members brought gifts for the retarded children's party of which Helen Frame Snyder 88 was chairman. The girls also brought articles which were auctioned to secure funds to give to our philanthropic project, the retarded child. Ann Sullivan Bajc BP was a very entertaining auctioneer. Very delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. After a social hour the guests departed wishing each other a Merry Christmas. Ann Sullivan Bajc BP wi ll be the hostess for the January meeting. A benefit bridge party will be held in the home of Louise George Holt 88 in February. Akron Alpha Sigs will be the hostess at the Ohio State Day which will convene at the Scioto Country Club in Columbus on April 10, 1965. We are so happy that our May Isbell Davis I I has returned to her teaching position after a serious illness. Our president Ruth Yauger is the newly elected president of the Akron Dietetics Association. We are proud of the honor that has come to her. Paddie Morgan Bruner AA has returned to Ohio from New York state. Her husband who is with the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company has been transferred to Portsmouth , Ohio. Paddie was with us for two years. We all enjoyed her very much as she is a very wonderful girl and a devoted Alpha Sigma Alpha.- RHEA FETZER YoDER
ANDERSON, INDIANA Our November meeting was a dinner at the Saddle and Sirloin Restaurant with Sally Weals Clyde XX as hostess. The Founders' Day program was conducted by our president, Lola Erne Sparks BT with Sally assisting. The annual Christmas Party was a Sunday evening supper in Middletown, December 13, at the home of Nancy Gallipo Grove XX. Her co-hostesses were Phyllis Wier Norris BT and Martha Stuckey Glentzer XX. The Yatzee craze has struck us, and we have had lots of fun trying our luck.
Delores Barnes Rinehart BT was the hostess for our January business meeting. Beginning second semester a class in Special Education is starting in Middletown. Our 1964-65 project is to aid this class financially and giving of our time. We hope to learn more about how we can help when the teacher meets with us next month at the home of Rose Kaiser Baden XX.-MARTHA GLENTZER
BARTLESVILLE, OKLAHOMA Six alumnae met with Beryl Fisher EE in October. Our group is certainly enjoying the inspiring devotionals given by our new devotional chairman, Flora Duffendack Sears ZZ. Carole Hill Dobbins Bl entertained the Bartlesville alums for the Founders' Day meeting in November. Following our business meeting, Jean Lloyd Bl and Carole Hill Dobbins Bl conducted a very impressive candlelight ceremony commemorating the founding of our sorority. Our Christmas party was in the pretty new home of J oan Nichols Minor Bl. Nine members were present for the gift exchange. The door prize was won by Beryl Fisher EE . Emma Lou Browning Cox Bl, Barbara Sloan Swabb Bl, and Ida Keefer Bl were appointed members of the program committee, and we hope to have some interesting programs forthcoming. - IoA KEEFER
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS We met for the first time on October 3 at the home of Laura McQuide in Wellesley. Kay Barclay gave us an interesting report on Convention supplemented by that of the National Historian, "Charlie" Adams. Exhibits and souvenirs were shown and articles from the Convention Store were offered for sale to our members who bought them eagerly. Our new president, Jean Barbarick, was presented with an A'LA bracelet on behalf of the members. Kay presented material about the Fernald School for Mentally Retarded Children, and stockings were distributed to be filled with educational articles for the children for Christmas. Kay also instituted something new- a notebook containing notes on what an alumnae delegate needs to know before Convention which should prove most helpful even three years hence. In November we held our annual work meeting and Founders' Day program at the home of Hazel Vaux at Swampscott. After a moving program presented by Jean Barbarick, Ellen Daly, Kay and Florence Haley, we proceeded to Hazel's pine-panelled rumpus room to work on valentine hearts to be filled with goodies and on the Christmas tags both of which are destined for our longtime local philanthropy, the Chelsea Naval Hospital. While working, the members signed up to support the magazine chairman, "Charlie" Adams, in her efforts to attain a I 00% subscription rating for our group. A heartening response was received.
A large group of alums attended a tea in honor of Founders' Day held at the home of one of the actives, Nancy Perkinson. This proved to be a good time to acquaint the alums with some of the problems of this year's rushing season. We also learned that an Alpha Sig has been made chairman of Boston University Greek Week. At the December meeting we held our annual Christmas sale of unwrapped gifts. A tidy sum was realized which was divided between our two social workers, Ellen Day and Leona Frederickson, for use in their work. We are looking forward to our January meeting which will be a luncheon at Anthony's Pier 4 overlooking Boston Harbor and Logan International Airport.- CHARLOTTE LOUISE ADAMS
BUFFALO, NEW YORK On October 22 the Buffalo alumnae chapter began the winter with an initiation of new members at the home of Caryl Brennan Forest. The members initiated were Carol Shaffer, Camille Kuznia, Rosalyn DeDantis, Judy Jackson, Rosemary Palame, Rose Buscaglia, and Karen Weigel. With the initiation behind them, our new members joined us on November 7, 1964, for our Founders' Day luncheon at the Prime Rib Restaurant. The highlight of the meeting was the entertainment. "Old hands" and "new hands" joined forces to produce a show entitled "Alpha Album ." This detailed the history of Alpha Sigma Alpha from its beginning days up to the present. Jean Richmond and Marge Suggs did the narrating whi le Cindy Theiss, Lindy Thompson, Jackie Vito, and Linda Roath provided the vocal background. Our next event was the Annual Buffalo City Panhellenic Play benefiting the Panhellenic Scholarship Fund. This year's performance was "Come Blow Your Horn" produced by the Amherst Players. Before we knew it Christmas was upon us and that meant our Christmas Crafts Workshop was forthcoming. We began on a small scale in 1963 in a church basement. We were so pleased with the results of our efforts that we decided to repeat the project for the Christmas of 1964. Close to sixty members participated in making boxwood topiary trees, Christmas napkin rings, decorated candles, wall hangings constructed of coat hangers, ornaments, greenery, ribbon, table centerpieces of poinsettias fashioned from milkweed pods, and door hangings consisting of half marbles arranged in a Christmas tree shape. Several artistically talented members agreed to lead each project, and we concluded that the results were very professi onal. January came and we again put our talents to use. At the January board meeting in the home of Jean Richard, we fashioned red and white hair bands and bow ties to be given to students at the Parents Council School for Retarded Children as valentine party favors . This party, sponsored by the Buffalo alumnae group, is one of our most rewarding projects. At a general meeting on J anuary 21 at the home of Barbara and Carol Eddy, we were most fortunate to hear Dr. Ross Hall of the Roswell P ark C linic describe his trip to Russia. His films and commentary provided us with an interesting and educational evening. On January 30 we enjoyed our annual dinner dance in the gracious atmosphere of the University Club. Joan Runckle and Kathy Van Tine were our chairmen for this event. Intellectual aspects aside, nothing entertained us as much as our February 11 variety show entitled "Alpha Antics." D one by members for members, it was a smash
hit. Chairman Cindy Theiss had to do a bit of convincing to get us to air our hidden talents. Skits and routines buried since college days came to life. As a between acts filler, Cindy showed a movie taken while on a boat excursion on the R hine R iver in Germany. Holding lead roles and performing in the rain were her five Alpha Sig travelling companions. Peg Nelson agreed to do her famous imitations even though she insisted that all the people she can imitate are now dead. Judy Coon Kobee was coerced into presenting her version of "Herbie at the Ford P lant." Others who never thought they had any talent discovered they did when the talent search netted them. In March the board met to discuss the spring program and evaluate the winter's activities. We all felt that we had achieved a good blend of fun, work, and learning. We were also happy to we lcome to our numbers Joan Burgstahler Bridge from Washington, D. C. We look forward to a happy and productive spring.- CAROL EDDY
CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA A real Christmas atmosphere, mixed with good fellowship and good food combined to make our luncheon prepared by our hostesses Winifred Eitneier Lentz Ar and Marion G ladfelter Gotwalt KK at Winnie's home in Ephrata, one to be remembered by the fourteen Alpha Sigs present on December 5. Our president, Frances Nucci NN, and Jane Peters Ar participated in a Founders' Day program followed by a business meeting. Among the letters of regret received was one from Margaret Brenholtz Gohn KK. Peg is the happy grandmother of five and is looking forward to her retirement from teaching several years hence. It was decided to have a "Remote Tea" in January at which time at a given hour of a given day each Central Pennsylvania Alpha Sig will sit down in her own home and drink tea, sending one dollar to the treasurer.- ALICE HART BEAVER
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS It was a real blow to all Alpha Sigs in the Chicago area when Mary Blackstone announced that she and Lawson were moving to Virginia Beach, Virginia. Aside from honoring her as our National President for the last three years we loved her as a sister and an understanding friend , and she will be sincerely missed especially by the original Chicago group who counted her as one of their members. No one was more generous in giving her time and efforts to the whole sorority than Mary, and she leaves many friends in the Chicago area who all wish her the very best of everything in her new home. While Founders' Day was celebrated on November 14 by all four Chicago chapters enjoying a luncheon together at Plentiwood Farm with the usual Founders' Day ritual, it was in reality "Mary Blackstone Day." It gave Mary a chance to say goodbye to all her Alpha Sig friends who presented her with a beautiful silver tray as a going away gift. Mary was also the guest of honor at a brunch on Saturday, November 7, when the Chicago group gathered at the apartment of Dorothy Masters B B in Evanston. A silver bonbon dish was given to her as a farewell gift. Our annual family Christmas party was a highlight of December. Bess and Ray Peterson have generously played host and hostess for this event for many years except last
year when Bess was taken ill at the last moment and Fran and Ralph Weegar took over. Small gifts were exchanged among those present and many articles were collected which we later sent to the Dixon State Hospital. Christmas day found several members celebrating outof-town. President Rosemary Northam Johnson XX and her family spent the weekend with her parents in Indiana. Betty Phillips Hall AB went to Chillicothe Missouri to spend the holiday with her mother who i; now nin~ty足 three years old. Dorothy Masters BB drove to Ottawa Illinois, to eat turkey with relatives. ' Entertaining at their home in L ombard were Mary Sue Palmer Parvin A and her sister, Julia Palmer B I, whose parents flew up from Chester, Virginia, to spend ten days with their daughters. Jeanne Willett Ramsey AB entertained eleven m embers of her family, including five grandchildren, for Christmas dinner. Bess Wallwork P eterson BN was hostess for a large family gathering of Ray's family. Frances Nelson Weegar PP, D orothy T ownsend GE, Janice Hinrichs Haydel BZ and Nelle Gabrielson Raney II all reported enjoying dinner at their own homes surrounded with families and friends . The first meeting of the New Year was h eld at Nelle Gabrielson Raney's townhouse on Ridge Avenue in Chicago. Eleven members were present at N elle's lovely luncheon whi ch she had prepared although she a nd Dick were leaving early the next m orning for three weeks in Florida. Betty Phillips Hall AB reported on attending the Chicago Panhellenic m ee ting in N ovember, and she also had raffle tickets to sell for the Pa nhellenic Scholarship Benefit in March. Janice Hinrichs Hayd el BZ, chairman of the 1965 State Day, told of th e pla!ls being mad e for the ail-day m ee ting to be h eld April 24 a t th e Spinning Wheel R estaurant in Hinsda le. See you there !DoROTHY MAs TERS
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS-NORTH SUBURBAN The N ew Year has been enthusiastically welcomed by our a lumnae group with different and interestin g m on thl y mee tings planned for 1965 . Gretchen Wern er Oster BP is our newly elected presid ent. Past president Sonnie Lubinetz Swanson BP assumed duties as ad viser to th e G amma Lambda chapter of AL.A a t L oyola University in d owntown Chicago prior to the holida ys and is devo tin g m ost of her time and attenti on to assisting th e new AL.A chapter develop a sisterhood . W e since rely appreciate Sonni e's time and energy spent serving as president to our group since we we re first organi zed . W e welco~ed back T erse N orgaard BP who lived and worked in Sa n Francisco for the pas t yea r. She has res umed her position with Scott F oresm an & Comp a ny. Winter mee tin gs brought new exp eriences. Our N ovember mee tin g, held at the N orthbrook home of Susan L owe K empn er BK, was an open discussion on stocks and life insura nce. Husbands and fri ends we re invited to parti cipate. T om K empner, husband of Susan, and J ohn Pedd erson, husband of Elaine Pedd erson BP, were discussi on lead ers. Our D ecember m ee tin g was a Christmas cocktail party held in th e home of our president, Gretchen Werner Oster BP . This is an a nnual event with our alumnae group whi ch has bee n an enj oyabl e holiday gath erin g in th e past coupl e of years. W e anti cipa te a busy spring season of mee tings devoted to philanthropic projec ts.- FRA N CHU EY
Chicago area alumnae Marilyn Kanwischer, Rose Buti, Rose Jeanne Felcan, Bev Inlow, and Linda Ness.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS-WEST SUBURBAN See ms like every time we go to press the Chicago West Suburban a lums can report some new additions to their group . We were happ y to we lcome M aggie Groshong Werh ane BP, Sa ndy J a rzombek Sa rtore BP Valentine Va lia nt 1/\, a nd Jud y Pagen BP to our rece~ t m ee tings. J oAnn Palmer BK also joined us after a two-year absence. While we' re speaking of names my typewriter and I humbl y apologize to one of our members R ose Farina Buti BK, for the incorrec t spelling of her n~me in the last issue. The spelling was Bunta instead of Buti. In N ovember we ha d our annual "cookie party" as the climax to our mee tin g. D ecember was a nother pa rty m onth for us. Bev Wa lden Inlow BP chase d her parents from th eir L ombard home so tha t she could hostess our C hristmas party. The mee tin g was successful both with our turn-out of members a nd th e delicious goodies tha t each of us prepared. F or add ed fu n we ha d a grab bag. At this mee tin g we collected Betty Crocker coupons for th e K enned y School in Au rora. The coupons will be used for equipment for th e classrooms a t the school. Although th e wea th er in J anu ary was fai rly warm for Chicago we wanted to be warmer so we we nt to H awaii via M a rilyn K anwischer BP. We feasted on H awa iian foods p rep ared by Maril yn a nd sighed enviously as she showed us slides of one of our m ost beautiful sta tes . The end of J a nuary will p robably find us sore and tired as we will have a bowling party wi th our hu bbies and fri ends. It should be lots of fun- N ANCY CEPUDER R EAGAN
CINCINNA TJ, OHIO Our eve nt in N ovember was a mos t successful F ounders' D ay luncheon held a t the M ohawk M otor Inn. Guests were fifty members of Alpha Alph a chap ter at Miami University, Oxford , Ohio, a nd alumnae from D ay ton and H a milton, Ohio. The acti ves were in cha rge of th e F ounders' D ay program which was followed by a very enj oyable social hou r. Pa uline Smith Olson BN was chairman for the day. D ecember, of course, brought with it thoughts of Christmas and a perfec t atm osp here for our mee ti ng h eld
in the beautiful and gaily decorated home of Ruth Remle Lake AA. Our special feature for the evening was a flower arrangement demonstration artistically assembled by a local florist and his wife. A wonderful collection of toys were brought by the philanthropic chairmen, Miriam Hershey Harbin AA and Dorothy Clason AA , which had been purchased by them to be given to the Cerebral Palsy Center for the children's Christmas from the Cincinnati alumnae chapter. We are looking forward to a most interesting luncheon in January at the Cincinnati Club which features a guest speaker and to our "Luau" and swimming party at the home of Ruth Musser Johnston AA which will be held in February. This yearly event with our husbands has become a traditional affair. Vve feel that our Cincinnati a lums have been quite active this past fall and winter and have had a delightful and happy season- RUTH HERSHEY WILLITS
DAYTON, OHIO The Dayton alumnae chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha held its first meeting of the season in O ctober at the home of Mildred Kinsey Beeghly AA . The occasion was a delightful Mexican party with Mildred and husband, Bill, attired in Mexican costumes. After our business meeting we enjoyed movies of Mildred and Bill's recent excursion to Mexico. Ruby Carey Ball 6.6. was our hostess at the Engineer's Club for our Founders' Day luncheon in November. Assisting Ruby were Lucille Shively Herbert TT, Ruth Smith Snouffer AA, Carol Tobin Sowder AA, and Dottie Brunkhorst Gillette HH. In D ecember we enjoyed a lovely Christmas luncheon at Rike's. H ostesses for the event were Helen Boggess Swart AA, Mary Helen Clark Ferguson AA, Florence King Bland AA, and Mildred Cockrell M cClure AA . At this luncheon we were so happy to see Zelma Sargeant Kah AA once again after her recent illness.- jANET BECKETT ALLEN
DELAWARE VALLEY On November 10 the Delaware Valley alums held their Founders' Day program at the home of Mary Bowman Cleland NN. Emma Schlenzig Meade NN served as cohostess. Mrs. Mcintyre of the Elwyn Training School showed slides and gave a talk about the school. On J anuary 28 a philanthropic workshop will be held at the home of Miriam Hipple Fitzgerald KK. The girls will take a box lunch. Dr. Phillip Backus will speak on Child Psychiatry at the March 10 evening meeting. Ann Recchi Corso NN will be hostess and Christine Carew Townsend NN will be co-hostess.- DORIS RowAN FALIN
DENVER, COLORADO Denver alumnae chapter, with 20 members present, was very proud of two of its members on the occasion of the annual Scholarship Luncheon of the Denver City Panhellenic held October 10, 1964, at the Brown Palace Hotel. At this time silver scholarship award trays are given to the sororities that lead in scholastic standing on each of six Colorado college campuses. Esther Kauffmann Gatseos BB is the P anhellenic treasurer whose term as president of Denver Panhellenic will be 1966-67. With her at the head table was the Scholarship Awards Chairman, Glenda McKnight Norblom BB, who presented the trays to the college representatives. Betty Barnes McEwen BB, our third Panhellenic representative, is working on the Panhellenic workshop to be held in the spring.-VERA SMITH WALDRON
DES MOINES, IOWA The D es Moines alumnae met "December 5 at the home of Lillian Darnell for an afternoon Christmas tea. We spent the afternoon getting acquainted with two new members and visiting with one another. We also enjoyed visiting with Lillian, who has just retired from teaching, about her years of teaching and reading the very nice things about her in a recent science publication. We had a delicious tea party with Christmas goodies and after many cups of tea or coffee made plans for our next meeting at Easter time in the home of Betty Schnoebelen. Betty, being a native of Hawaii, has promised to teach us how to dance the Hula.- LILLIAN jACOBSON
Mildred and Bill Beeghly entertain Dayton alumnae with Mexican party.
Owing to so many fall vacations, the October meeting of Delta Phi scheduled for the home of Isabel Sparling Butterfield was cancelled. However, on November 7 Isabel opened her home to eighteen Alpha Sigs, representing Delta Rho, Delta Phi and Sigma Rho Chi, to celebrate Founders' Day. Marion Sandy Parker and Kathleen Shaw Schwab served as co-hostesses. Sara Dodge Bumgardner assumed the duties of presiding officer as president Marion R oberts Sanborne AA was absent. Alice Bishop PX assisted Sara in reading the Proclamation authored by National President Mary C. Goeke. Sara then proceeded to read the message of
Wilma Wilson Sharp which traced the growth of Alpha Sigma Alpha from its inception to the present. A cleverly planned luncheon followed the ceremony. Inclement weather stepped in to postpone the December meeting scheduled for the home of Delta Delta Reba Carey Fries until January 9.-EsTHER BRYANT SPRAGUE
President Martha Burch Wi lliams E E has appointed a committee consisting of Ethel Ireland Randel EE, Virginia Smith Pennington EE, and Edna McCullough EE to select a suitable memorial to Ruth H. Jeremy, now deceased. The fund was contributed by Ruth's friends and members of Alpha Sigma Alpha. J ackie Cripps Cusic, Ja Ellen Elliot Blaylock, and June Adam Collins are hostesses for our January meeting. We expect to have mostly a social hour and bridge game this time since we have had so many business meetings for the past two years while working on details for the house.- EDNA McCuLLOUGH
Following the Founders' Day program in November, the Elkhart-Goshen members met in the home of Maryetta Arnold Cripe XX to make curtains for the Retarded Children's Center. In J anuary we are looking forward to meeting in the home of Patsy Hartman Boardman XX. February is our month to treat ourselves and husbands to a dinner at Diamond Harbor Inn. We all enjoy their delicious food. "Happy Birthday" to us in March, and we have invited the South Bend group to help us celebrate. One of our floral shops will present and arrange some interesting spring floral pieces. April is the time for install ation of new officers and May will bring us together with a fami ly picnic .MRs. D. H. BENNETT
EMPORIA, KANSAS Open House was held on Sunday, October 18, for the viewing of our new home . About four hundred townspeople, facu lty members, friends and alumnae were guided through the house by the college chapter girls. We were honored to have our National Secretary, Mrs. Joe H. Brewer, come from Wichita as our special guest for the event. Greeting the visitors were Miss Ruth Stofkof, chapter president; Miss Terri Morris, vice-president ; Jerri Russel Edwards, chapter adviser ; and Mary Anna White McClenny E E, Martha Burch W illiams EE, and Jo Markley Taylor EE from the Emporia alumnae chapter. Among out-of-town Epsilon Epsilon members who came were Glenda Farris Godown, Glenna Burks Nimmo, Gladys Sutton Carr, Sharon Porter Long, Patricia Stuckey Litsey, Grace Thomas Terril and husband, Virginia Ford and Jo Ann Huggins all from Wichita ; Lois Koontz Jarvis and husband, Winfield, and Kay Cantrell Steffen from Topeka. Mrs. William Bensing from Manhattan, former housemother, was a lso a guest. I am sorry that we do not have the names of others who d id not sign the guest book. We will, of course, be glad to have any of you visit the house any time you are in Emporia. Our October 19 meeting, the day after open house, was a gala affair. A group of Epsilon Epsilon girls came bringing many housewarming gifts from the Topeka alumnae group. It was much fun to open basket after basket of articles such as towels, cleaning materials, soap, ironing board covers, dust mops, Christmas guest towels, and kitchen utensi ls. Those who came down from Topeka were Kay Cantrell Steffen , Carol McGee Rhea, Nancy Fate Flott, Beverly Pankratz Sloan, Betty Lyon Murrow, Rheta Urbanek Naegle and Miss Jeanette Ritter. Our Salad Supper on November 7 was pretty well attended considering that so many were here just three weeks earlier for open house and homecoming.
Sally John son 8 \j/ , Nancy Gl enwith XX, a nd Ellen McCa rron XX a re guests at a Hol id a y Tea g ive n by Fort W a yn e alums. J a net Cu rts McC ie ad a nd G ini Du nn Burke are at right.
FORT WAYNE, INDIANA State Day committees have been appointed , and the entire alum chapter is finding much to do for the big day. It is exciting to look forward to using the facilities of the brand new Indiana-Purdue Universities Regional Campus in Fort Wayne. Fortunately, Gini Dunn Burke XX and Joy Carmichael Helm BT are art majors! The main subject of business for the rest of the year wi ll be State Day. We have tried extremely hard this year to build our philanthropic fund to a level to be of concrete use to one of our many local agencies conce rned with mental health. Things are looking bright at the present with several more projects yet to come . Selling hosiery and recipe cards have been the yearlong projects with other selling parties thrown in for good measure. During the Christmas holidays, we entertained the local girls who are active on the Ball State, Indiana State, and Western Michigan campuses. It is such a shot in the arm to have these energetic vivacious gals around. For you girls in Indiana- see you State Day.- JANET CuRTS McCLEAn
W ilm a W ilson Sh a rp prese nts Esth e r Bucher with the 1964 Wilma Wilson Sharp award a t lunch e on in her honor.
GREATER KANSAS CITY The Kansas City alums have been very busy. We enjoyed our F ounders' Day luncheon, November 21, at the Gold Buffet. It was an especially nice occasion because we were honored in presenting our own Esther Bucher HH the 1964 Wilma Wilson Sharp Award. The presentation was made by none other than Wilma Wilson Sharp ZZ. Esther was presented many telegrams, letters, and cards of congratulations by Mary K. Reiff HH. Our president, Peggy Scheloski HH, gave Esther a special little gift from all of the members of the Kansas City alumnae chapter. We held our Christmas Bazaar at the Ward Parkway Shopping Center on November 28. Many nice items were made and donated by the members. We are happy to report that the bazaar was quite successful. We hope to be able to help many more retarded children by he lping the state schools in some way again this year. We ended 1964 with a Christmas tea honoring the local college chapter members and their mothers.-GRACE D u RE N LI NDSEY
Peg gy Sc he loski prese nts Est her Bucher with a gift f rom Kansas C ity alu mnae.
Hattiesburg alums enjoyed the hospitality of the Jackson chapter at their Founders' Day Luncheon in November at the River Hills Country Club in Jackson. Attending were Ethel M. Graves, president, Mildred Gillis Bailey, Ochie M. Bowling, Peggy Bowling Gates, Minna V. Phelps, Mrs. M. J. McElhaney, Mother Patroness, Mary Pickel Maxey, Penny Stewart Currie, and Beta D elta students of University of Southern Mississippi, Sharon Davis and Diane Purvis. We shared Beta Delta's Christmas party in the chapter room of the Panhellenic Dorm on USM campus. Alumnae furnished sandwiches, cakes, and fruit punch. A charming Bll. Santa was in charge of the gift exchange under the enormous revolving silver tree decorated with blue balls. On December 12 we had an organizational meeting of Hattiesburg C ity Panhellenic at the Panhellenic House. Penny Currie presided with Ethel Graves and Peggy Gates a lso attending. R efreshments and decorations were provided by our Alpha Sigs. Mrs. Leon Wi lbu r, Dean of Women, was present and seven sororities were represented. A publicity and general arrangements committee was appointed to set up the next meeting for the New Year. Our chapter has provided fifty dollars and other services for our philanthropic project. This activity is largely successful due to the fact that we have two alums teaching at the State School for the Mentally Retarded- Mary Maxey Cranford and Coralee Philippi. We are proud to say that every meeting or activity is a lways carried by the local newspaper, The Hattiesburg American.-MILDRED GILLIS BAILEY
HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA We ended the year of 1964 with a bang! Our Christwas party was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. We had a turkey dinner with all the trimmings at the Frederick Hotel. Thelma Dunkle Rupe PP was in charge of the program. January's meeting will be a card party with Evelyn McDonie Johnston P P acting as chairman. We are hoping for a large crowd of enthusiastic canasta and bridge players. Again this February we will have a tea on Valentine's Day exemplifying St. Valentine with the alumnae from Charleston, West V irginia, as guests. Our philanthropic project this year will be helping the mentally retarded children. We will be buying supplies and equipment as well as having little get-togethers with them. One of our own PP alums, Betty Parsons Swan, is supervisor for Special Education in Cabell County; and we are work ing with her on our project. Tentative plans for our State Day have been made for Apri l 24 in Charleston, West Virginia, where we are especiall y looking forward to meeting the girls from Gamma Kappa, the newest act ive chapter in West Virginia. Our May meeting will be a party for the graduating seniors. Madeline Priddy Dial P P has been elected secretary-treasurer of the Marshall Un iversity West-End alumnae chapter. We know she will do an outstanding job as she's always ready and willing to lend a helping hand or be in charge whenever asked or needed.KARLENE SPOHN BLANKENSHIP
INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA One of Mary Emerson Blackstone's last inspection trips before completing her term as National President was to Indiana State College, her alma mater. Despite her busy schedule on campus she was able to spend two evenings with Alpha Sigma Alpha a lumnae-one in the horne of Jean Johnson Strawcutter to observe a business meeting of the alumnae chapter and one in the horne of Anna Shaffer Maurer to visit with college classmates and friends in this community. This was one of the highlights of the sorority year. Homecoming Day, O ctober 10, the college chapter entertained with a breakfast for alumnae. Founders' Day was observed jointly by the college and alumnae chapters Sunday evening, November 15, in the Jennie M. Ackerman Horne Economics Building. Following the dinner Alpha Gamma officers conducted a brief ceremony honoring the national founders. Dr. J oy Mahachek, a retired faculty member who for many years was adviser to Alpha Gamma, talked informally about the chapter history. She introduced for special honor Clara Ferguson Hills and Sara Campbell St. Clair, members of the college chapter when it affi liated with Alpha Sigma Alpha fifty years ago. Folly Castle Tea Room served the alumnae chapter Christmas dinner December 8. Guests for the dinner were Miss Marianne Guzane, teacher of Spanish at Ford City High School, and Miss Sandra Bezila, teacher in the health and physical education department at the college. Sincerely missed on this occasion was Dr. Joy Mahachek, who had gone to Minneapolis to spend the holidays with her family and to help celebrate her mother' s 98th birthday in January. We salute our very able and very busy president, Marcella Weyer Mankarnyer. She entertained us in September, presented us with Charrnane, a potential Alpha Sig in October, and moved into a new home in January. -ANN A SHAFFER MAURER
hangers, egg shells, home-made clay together with ribbon, braid and felt. Mrs. Williams' magic lies in the fact that she is an occupational therapist. The climax of the evening was the "talent table," another money-making pet of Betty Bliss. Each member made something for this table. Christmas cookies, novelty aprons, pastels, garlic bread, and many other contributions from our talented members netted the treasury twenty-eight dollars. Catherine Allen Castor BT, our president, attended formal rush at Indiana State College. Genevieve Steele Foltz XX and Betty Winn Rice XX are now on the healthy and active list. Sue Ann Engle Messing XX and Esther Burge XX had a memorable week in Washington, D. C. Sue Ann's son, J oseph, has the distinction of being the curator for a valuable collection of paintings, "Art: USA," which are the property of the Johnson Wax Company. He has returned from two years in Europe and the Far East having shown the collection in all major cities. The opening at the Corcoran Art Gallery in Washington on December 20 was a highlight of social events in our nation's capital. It preludes a two and a half year tour in the United States. Mr. M essing will have showings and formal ope nings in all major galleries. Watch for it, go see it, and introduce yourself to Mr. Messing.- JA E McDAVITT
INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Our enthusiastic ways and means chairman, Betty Pres nall XX, acted as hostess for the November meeting. Her plans included a "dutch treat" dinner for members, husbands, and oth er guests at the H eritage followed by a shopping spree at Hickory Farms . It seems incredibl e that we could enhan ce our treasury in this way. Hickory Farm shops are delighted to guid e you through their em porium of fascinating and delicious aromas requesting twenty-five or more go urm ets who cannot resist th e shelves and they in turn allow your organizati on fifty cents per customer. Nancy Martin Williams XX, our Panhelleni c d elega te, and seven Indianapolis alumnae members attend the Panhellenic Dean's luncheon at the Indianapolis Athletic Club. The next project is Panhellenic night at Booth Tarkington Civic Theater. We are responsible for twenty tickets and have gone over our quota. Early D ecember found us in the home of Ruth Gra~d,Y Strickland. Th beautiful advent devotions and the spmt of Christmas that prevailed throughout the house made us each aware of the true meaning of Christmas. M embers contributed gifts for patients in mental hospita ls. Lorene Kendall Nadzeika, program chairman, introduced Mrs. Samuel Williams, who gave a stimulating demonstration on "Christmas Deco rating Ideas." Her deft fingers manipulated the following materials li ke a genie- discarded melted cand les, plast ic dry cleaning bags, coat
Joseph Messing escorts his mother, Mrs. F. W. Messing at left, and Miss Esther Burge on a tour of the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Wa shington , D.C., during the opening of the exhibition "Art: USA. "
JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI The Jackson a lu mnae chapter was hostess to the H attiesburg group at a Founders' Day luncheon at Ri ver Hills T ennis Club on November 14. The cand lelight commemorative ceremony was presided over by Vera Phelps D avis and Gayle Sutherl a nd Ates. Ann Carter M organ and Marge Williamson Pugh served as chairmen for the occasion. Colorful fall fl owers and green and ye llow name tags carried out the sorority's s condary colors. Guests from Hattiesburg were Minna V . Phelps, M ary Alice Pickle Maxey, Ethel M. Graves, Mildred Gillis Bailey, Louise McElhaney, Peggy Bowling G~tes , O chie Mae Sumrall Bowling, Penny Stewart Curne, D1anne Purvis, and Sharon Davis.
J a ckson and Hatties burg alumnae cel ebrate Founders' Day tog eth e r. Sea t ed from left to right : Fredd ie Gillespie, Ann Mo rgan, A li ce Maxey, Linda Deve ll e, Evelyn Holm e s, Gayle Ate s, Vera Ph elps Davis. St anding: Ochie Mae Bowling , Judy Long , Peggy Gate s, Pe nny C urrie, Eth el G raves, Minna Ph e lps, Mildred Bail e y, Marge Pugh, Dianne Purvis, Li nda Patterson, Sharon Davis, Rosemarie Spe etj e ns, a nd Lo uise McElhaney.
Jackson alums were Vera Phelps Davis, Ann Carter M organ, Gayle Sutherland Ates, Evelyn Shumaker H olmes, M ary Williams Bradley, Freddie Stevens, Gillespie, Linda H owell D evelle, Marge Williamson P ugh, R osemarie Speetjens, Judy Bowling Long, Linda Hannon Patterson and R obe rta Hickman Berry. All attending had been initiated at Beta D elta. Plans for the annual coffee for the actives at Beta D elta and their m others were postponed until spring. The "flu bug" also cancelled the Christmas dinner party for husbands and wives. A benefit in February for the Hinds County Association for Mentally R etarded Children has been undergoing study and definite plans are in the making.- MARY ToM WILLIAM S BRADLEY
KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Pat Scannell H ogoboom XX opened her house to alums and husbands for our annual Christmas party early in D ecember. Sylvia Superits Bacon B'짜 was co-hostess . Seasonal games and singing followed and put us all in the Christmas spirit as did a soft snowfall. Janu ary was a dow n-to-business mee ting at Sylvia Bacon's home. A full spring schedule made it necessary for every alum to assume her full measure of the work load during the winter. An annual eve nt, a Saint Valentine T ea honoring our past, present, and future, is given each year by a lums to honor Beta Psi members. This dressy Sunday event is a wonderful way to break up the winter doldrums that are se tting in in February. J ane Lesnick Trapp B'짜 wi ll entertain us in March for another work session. The reason for a ll this work- a very busy April. Kalamazoo alums and college members will be happy to hostess the 1965 Michigan State D ay to be held at Western Michigan University April 10. T wo d ays later Barb Snyder Cook ZZ wi ll be hostess for the regular
business mee ting in her home. On April 24 we will cohostess for Kalamazoo City Panhellenic's Annual luncheon and fashion show at the Gull Harbor Inn. Sylvia Superits Bacon B'짜 and Pat Friedly Hogarth B'짜 will be cochairmen . Following traditi on we plan to entertain the graduating Beta Psis with a dessert. Nancy Dalrymple K lesert has invited us to her home for this meeting.- SANDY LANG LAWREN CE
LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK Long Island Alpha Sigs had a happy Christmas meeting at the home of Karen Enterline K err BT. Kay McSweeney Cross Bel> was the hostess. After the business mee ting we enjoyed eggnog and caroling. We are so proud of the success of our Christmas project. We adopted a family consisting of the parents and ten children . One of the ch ildren is retarded and attends the Association for the Help of R etarded Children School for which we make teaching charts. We were able to give our "family" a Christmas dinner, boxes of food staples, new clothing, toys, and the many things that delight children at Christmas. Our collection chairman, Kay M cSweeney Cross, and her husband, ha d quite a j ob loading all the things into their stationwagon. The gifts were delivered by J ola Williamson Tilley BQ and Ginny D obbins Hess rClio. Thanks to Dutch Hess, Ginny's husband, for helping us with his time, car, and muscles. We are happy to have three of our sisters well on the road to good health followi ng surgery. A speedy recovery to Kay M cSwee ney Cross, Karen Enterline Kerr, and Barbara H odgkins Smith BQ. We are so proud of Ginney H ess. Ginny was such an outs ta nding president of her PTA unit that she was asked to fill a vacancy on her school board . We wish our sisters a happy, healthy New Year.KAR EN E NTERLI NE K ERR
MARYVILLE, MISSOURI The alums honored the graduating senior members of Phi Phi chapter at their January meeting at the Country Club. H onorees included J enny Darnell, Virginia Goodwillie, Carolyn Wiltshire, Kathy Bogdas, Kathy J ohnson, Carol H opkins, Susan McConkey, Peggy What, Barbara Chick, Linda Bouska and Millie Cockrell. J ewelry boxes were presented to the girls. It was announced that the alums had helped the actives financially with expenses a t the orphans' Christmas party and that a washing machine had been purchased for the Retarded Children's School at H orace Mann. The committee in charge of all arrangements consisted of Mrs. L oreta Goodwin Milner; Mrs. Clun Price, patroness; Mrs. Marty Ingels Buckridge; Mrs. Peg Cross Allen; Mrs. Berneice Laughlin Wolford and Mrs. Bernetta Cushman Young.-KATHERINE KRA USE BELCHER
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN-ALPHA The Milwaukee alumnae chapter celebrated Founders ' Day on Friday, November 13. Our d inner was held at Mamie's Grotto under the chairmanship of Pat J ohnson fE. The ritual was read by Pat J ohnson rE and Catherine Zazicek rE. T wenty-seven members were in attendance. In D ecember the Alphas met at th e home of J ane Henrichs Stadler fE. Co-hostesses were Frances Pary D orworth KK, Patricia Foldvary Zimpelmann fE , Irene Freckette Witt fE , Barbara Huntington H ermann fE , and R oberta Michie! Schweitz rE. Dr. George Collentine of the St. Mary's Burn Center was our speaker. He was an excellen t speaker. Everyone enjoyed the m ee ting. In J anuary we wi ll meet at the home of Flore nce D op ke Treutelaar fE . Co-hostesses wi ll be Gertrude V olkman Witte rE , Helen Hanson Martin rE, Patricia Murphy Daleiden fE , Helen Cave Gordon fE, and Myrtle Swette O 'Reilly fE . Our speaker will be Mr. L eon W eisgerber of the Mil waukee Public Museum. He will show a colored movie on "Scenic Summer in Wisconsin. " We are looking forward to State Day in Milwaukee.
Our h osts will be our Gamma Epsilon chapter of Milwaukee.- CHARLOTTE CAMPBELL JELENCHICK
MUNCIE, INDIANA November found us in a joint meeting with the college chapter, Chi Chi at Ball State T eachers College for the F ounders ' D ay program. The actives gave an impressive candlelight program . It is a good feeling to get together with the college girls, to hear of their experiences, their problems, to see those who are back in school, and to meet the girls new to the chapter. The alums furnished the refreshments. Serving on the committee were Velma H a ines Thresher XX, Carmen Cree Alvey XX, and Betty Huston Miller XX. Christmas seemed to roll around all too soon this year but the committee, Marlene Lipman Colvin XX and Nancy Fickle Dickson XX, made reservations for our annual dinner party at the Patio. We then went to the home of Marlene Colvin for coffee and dessert. We were proud to have two new members attend along with ten other alums. Jana L ee Crowe XX, who is teaching at Storer Juni or High School in Muncie, and Ann Burgess XX, who is now teaching in N ew Castle at the Wilbur Wright Elementary School, are our newest members. Donna Pierce Beave r XX assisted by Sarah Stalhuth Phillips XX entertained fourteen members at the J anuary meeting. Discussi on of a new philanthropic project for the next year was necessary because the need of bazaar projects have been discontinued for the present time. February 3 will find us at the h ome of Virginia R oney R eber XX for our annual senior dinner. The Anderson, Indiana, alumnae chapter joins with us in entertaining th e Chi Chi seniors at Ball State Teachers College. Man y of us expect to attend the Panhellenic Card Party at the YWCA Community R oom on February 10. We, who knew and loved her, mourn the loss of our former sorority moth er, Mary Whitcraft XX . She had a lot to give and she d id give for the twenty-five years that she advised the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority and the Sigma Alpha Sigma who went Alpha Sigma Alpha in 1936 under her guidance.-BETTY MILLER
Milwaukee alumnae enjoy Founders' Day. They are, seated from left to righi路: Ruth Koestler, Catherine Zacizek, Patricia Johnson, Marie Terwilliger, Patricia Daleiden, Myrtle O'Reilly, Helen Gordon, Betty Gardner, Helen Martin. Standing, from left: Charlotte Jelenchick, Betty Lubbert, Caroline Zaworski, Gertrude Witte, Sally Rezny, Dorothy Donahue, Judy Rusch ,. Florence Smith, Lorrie Zmania , Deirdre Kozlowski, Florence Lemk, Joan Siordia, Joyce Jacobs, Elizabeth Lee, Florence Treutelaar, Florence Ludwig, Betty Devlin.
NORFOLK, VIRGINIA Founders' Day was, as always, a mem orable occasion for the Norfolk alumnae chapter. It is so wonderful to renew acquaintances and to welcome new members. The luncheon was held at the Ranch House on Saturday, November 14. Our president, Jeraldine Morris T ata BE, opened the meeting with a warm greeting for all. We, in the Norfolk chapter, feel so very fortunate to have Mary Emerson Blackstone, past National President, with us as a new member. Mary and husband, Lawson, just moved here from Wilmet te, Illinois. They have a lovely new home in Chesopian Colony. How lucky we are to have her! President Jeraldine Morris Tata BE announced new projects and plans for the coming year. In February we shall have a card party, early spring a luncheon with installation of officers, and to truly welcome spring a May Dinner-Dance will be held! Gail Dixon Dickson A is d oing a marvelous job of guiding the Norfolk Panhellenic Association this year. Our Christmas holiday highlight came on Sunday, December 13, when we all gathered at Little Creek Officer's Club for a dinner-dance. The buffet dinner was wonderful. This new year promises to be a busy and interesting one for all A:LAs.- VIRGINIA VAN DE RIET GARDNER
NORTHERN VIRGINIA O ctober provided us with a meeting of business and pleasure. We dined at Evan's Farm Inn with Michelle Nothacker McKinney BT acting as hostess. F ounders' Day found us once again combining our program with the Washington chapter. This year Martha Duke Britt BE, Pa t Greene L ong AA , and Nancy Talman P otts BE journeyed into Washington, D. C. , to share in this program. Being so close it is a pleasure to get toge th er with the Washington group and alternate our Founders' D ay program . All fall we worked toward our philanthropic project by selling Christmas cards . Sales went well and N ovember found us wrapping Christmas gifts, purchased by Martha Duke Britt BE and Barbara Tucker Wheatley BE, for twenty-nine exceptional children living at H olly Hall run by Mrs. Burns Thomas. M olly K ennette Cosby BE, vicepresident and philanthropic chairman, arranged the Christmas party at H olly H all. We served refreshments to the children, their famili es, and guests while Santa handed out the gifts. After the Christmas party we held our D ecember mee ting at the h ome of Pat M cDaniel Walochik AI where we exchanged Christmas ideas for home decorations. In November we lost one member, Barbara Tucker Wheatley BE, who has moved to old stomping grounds H arrisonburg, Virginia. W e also gained a new member, Sue Sublett Mitchell BE.-NANCY TALMAN PoTTS
OMAHA, NEBRASKA Spring is finally here but winter h asn't been dreary for the Omaha alumnae. The F ounders' D ay dinner with the active chapter was held at Garat's Steak H ouse. After a superb dinner, a wedding gift was presented to Sharon
Doyle Ursick I A who now lives in Lincoln. Miss Mary Pat Gregerson was then introduced. Miss Gregerson I A was recently elected a representative from P ottawattamie County to the Iowa State Legislature. Our Christmas party was held in the home of R osie Greco Wilson I A , and then another fattening but delightful dinner was held in J anuary at the Tomahawk Inn. On February 7 the alumnae gave a chili supper for the pledges in order to become better acquainted with these future members. Sandwiched in between all of these social activities the reading group, sewing group, and bridge group meet every three weeks for an evening of self-improvement and fun. - JoANNE ScHINDLER KoLENDA
PHOENIX, ARIZONA Founders' Day ceremonies were held at Dale Anderson's restaurant in Scottsdale. The ceremony was given by Beth Wickham BX and Sharon Miller BX. Our guest speaker was from a Phoenix travel agency and spoke to us about world travel tips. D ecember was a big month for Alpha Sigs in the Valley of th e Sun. Early in the month our dinner dance was held at the Caravan Inn in Phoenix. We enjoyed a delicious dinner followed by dancing to the music provided by Carl Ritter's Combo. Old Saint Nick appeared during the evening to distribute favors to the members' escorts. Annalee Ziman BX was in charge of the arrangements made for the dinner dance. N ext in D ecember we had our regular gift exchange party. J ean Morrill Frasier BB was the hostess with Phyllis Hill BX and Joy Wisherd Isley BX serving as cohostesses. We enjoyed seeing samples of favorite Christmas decorations brought by several members. Also a new Alpha Sig appeared bringing the year to a successful end. She is Evelyn McGregor Fett ¢¢. The annual Christmas party for the mentally retarded children was held at the National Guard Armory in Phoenix. H elen Alvine BX helped serve refreshments to the children. The new year found us at the home of Margaret Angelck Neff HH. After a short business meeting, the card tables were set up and bridge and canasta occupied the rest of the evening.-MYRNA Lo NG BERTOLINO
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA As fall activities began in September, 1964, the Richmond alumnae chapter of A:LA turned its thoughts toward an active program of fall activities. Sarah Decker Johnson A was the hostess for our September business meeting. In O ctober our attention was turned toward the Christmas season with an illustrated lecture on Christmas decorations and crafts by Mrs. William J. Mays, the mother of one of our members, Anne Mays Magnusdal A , at the home of Margaret D eacon Austin BE. We were sorry that Mrs. H. E. Gilliam, one of our founders , could n ot be with us at our F ounders' Day banquet in November. This is always one of our most inspiring meetings. Our annual Christmas dinner-dance at Willow Oaks Country Club with Nita H odnett Chandler BE was a gala occasion. Our tables we re made even more festive by the lovely table decorations made by Dottie elson A.
"W_e congr_a~ ulat e Ann E. J ones B I on her appoin tment as c1ty nutntwn consultant here in Richmond. Ann was formerly a State D epartment of Health dietary consulta n t. Frances J obson Francis BE has recently been elected secretary-treasurer of The H awkins-Hamilton Company, Inc., where she has been employed for a number of years. T o all of our sisters we wish a happy and successful 1965.- FRANCES FRANCIS
ROCHESTER, NEW YORK How many ch anges we R ochester a lums have seen in this past year ! Our new "little sisters" of Gamma Iota chapter at R ochester Institute of T echnology have given us a new lease on life. It is a thrill to see these attractive intelligent, and capable girls in action, and we are ver; proud of them. They continue to hold the R .I.T. Scholarship Cup and yet find time to work out all the details that must go into planning for the A2A sorority house that wi ll be built on the new campus. We hope that we alu ms will be able to help our active girls in many ways in th e years to come. The fo llowing girls from Delta Omicron , the local sorority from which Gamma I ota was formed have been initiated into Alpha Sigma Alpha, and we have welcomed them into our alumnae chapter: Mary Ann Archer, Shirley Baker, R egina Crowe, Helen Hickman, Nancy Lamberson, J ean Louther Harriet Pearson, and Betty Poyser. In December we had our Christmas Party at Locust Hill Country C lub and were happy to have so many "old" and "new" girls present. Plans for the future call for taking an active part in the Panhellenic dance in March which wi ll have an international theme. We will meet in the home of Esther Innes on March 11 for dessert. The Panhellenic Spring Luncheon will be held at Ridgemont Country Club in May and our final meeting of the year will be in Ruth Puis' home on May 6. We are looking forward to these good times together, getting to know our new members and working with our active girls. W e are hoping our past president, Betty Clancy Breese ! Clio, who has had quite a bout with major surgery wi ll be back in the swing of things soon. - jA NE TERRY WIDGER
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA San Diego alums have enjoyed a busy fall. A potluck dinrier with husbands attending was en joyed at the new La Jolla home of Myra "Tee" Aaron Low BE. Co-hostess was Ellen Fane Sturtevant <!><!> . We celebrated Founders' Day with a well-attended luncheon at the Valley Ho! Restaurant. Arrangements for the luncheon were made by D orothea " Buddy" J ohn McCright BK. Our surprise speaker was Mr. D. Predovich, Superintendent of P oway Schools. He a nswered many questions pertinent to new trends in ed ucation. A lovely cen terpiece was provided by Li ll ian Criswell Hinricks BB. Shirley C loud R owley PX, Sue McGinnis BK, and Elsie Novy MM led our Founders' D ay ceremony. Our annual Christmas party was held at the home of Serena Engelhart Lannue ZZ. Games and an exchange of small gifts was enjoyed by those members present. W e are looking forward to our spring meetings; including a white elep hant sale and a Valentine's Day potluck dinner.- CAROLYN MIXON
ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI The St. Louis Panhellenic Association held its annual fall reception on November 2 at the beautifu l home of Audrey Bl odgett Tegethoff AB . Guests were representatives of college Panhellenic associations, d eans of women from Washington and St. Louis universities and Harris T eachers College, wives of college chancellors, presidents of college and alumnae chapters of sororities, and presidents of fraternity and sorority mothers' clubs. The hostess represents Alpha Sigma Alpha on the Panhellenic board. A lovely Founders' Day tea was held in November at the home of Phyllis Pollitt Urberger AB . Co-hostesses were Lonna McComas Hendren AB and Shirley Flickinger Stewart AA . Each girl brought gifts which were auctioned. The money received wen t to our philanthropic project, the St. Louis Association for the mentall y retarded child. Our yearly bridge party for the benefit of the St. Louis Panhellenic scholarship fund was very successful. T wo scholarsh ips are given each year. Bonnie Payne K oenemann ZZ, National Editor of T HE PHOEN IX and a member of the St. Louis al umnae was hon ored at an a lumnae luncheon given at Heidelberg Inn. A Christmas program was prese nted. Lonna M cComas H endren AB, National Alumnae Editor and also a member of the St. L ouis alumnae, attended the formal rush parties of Beta Upsi lon in December at Indiana State College in T erre Haute, lndiana.FRANCES POI NTE R CREWS
SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY Our D ecem ber meeting was a very enjoyable Christmas party held at the home of Margaret McCool Denham NN. We made marshmallow snowmen for the retarded children in the class taught by our president, Nancy Gingrich Riti KK . We also exchanged gifts and en joyed delicious refreshments. W e recently joined the newly organized South Jersey Suburban City Panhellen ic Association as a chapter. In January we are going to hold a card party to raise money for a $100 Pan hellenic Scholarship for a qualified Southern New J ersey sorority girL- ELEANOR CoMER DILK S
SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI The Springfield alu ms met in October to celebrate the SMS Homecoming activities. Instead of the usual luncheon at a restaurant we hostessed a n open house an d buffet luncheon at th e Beta Sigma sorority house this year. College members, a lumnae, and their families attended. This proved to be a very enjoyable and sue essful venture. Elizabeth Hoover Sweet B2, R ose Marie Fellin B2, and Sara Hargis B2 were alums in charge of arrangements. Connie Gess lein Kennemer B2 entertained us at her home in November with Helen Gregory R awling B2 assis tin g. Our president, Elizabeth Hoover Sweet, conducted a brief business meeting, an d the remainder of the evening was spent playing bridge .
In December members and pledges of Beta Sigma chapter and we alums met for a Christmas party at the sorority house which was appropriately decorated for the Yuletide season. A program was presented by active Linda Powers, who read the Christmas story and a poem entitled "Bessie." The pledge class presented a skit featuring "Uncle Scrooge." Highlighting the evening was an exchange of gifts. The alums presented the active members with a large-size mailbox for the house. Red felt bookmarkers were given to each member by the hostesses, Elizabeth Hoover Sweet and Kathy Lent Spence B~. Following the singing of Christmas carols, the alums held a cookies and candy sale. The proceeds from this sale were given to the school for the mentally retarded. We are looking forward to more get-togethers this spring.- MARILYN RAMSEY GARBEE
TOLEDO, OHIO On October 17 our chapter had a luncheon in the Pheasant Room of the Student Union Building at Bowling Green State University. We adjourned to the home of Dorothy Smelker Stockton AA for our business meeting and dessert. We were fascinated by Dorothy's collection of Japanolia which was a result of her jet-pilot son stationed in Japan. Our Founders' Day program was held at Helen Benne.t t Pauly's AA on October 23. We were so moved by it that we were inspired to write and tell our Founders how much we appreciated them. We received a lovely letter in reply from Louise Cox Carper. Best wishes were extended to Dickinson, North Dakota, for great success in organizing their first State Day! A contribution to the Lark-Lane School for handicapped children has been made for the purpose of buying records for their stereo and hi-fi. Mary Stollenberg AA , home for the Christmas holidays, was able to attend our potluck luncheon at Helen Klag Osmun's 'l"l' on December 28. Mary gave a glowing report of the growth and vitality of the chapter at Miami University. Thirty tickets, our allotment, for a Walt Disney film were distributed by Grace Fultz Haworth 1111 to be sold for the scholarship fund of the Toledo Panhellenic Council. As a very small token of our great appreciation Harriet Eckles Harper XX was presented with a silver charm with the A~A crest for presenting such a delightful program for our State Day in April. The weather was cooperative so other out-of-towners who were able to make the Christmas luncheon were Marjorie Rairdon Fuller AA from Trenton, Michigan ; Sue Ganyon Greeley AA from Temperance, Michigan; Clara Kuney /1/1 and Dorothy Stockton AA, both from Bowling Green, Ohio. We had our Christmas exchange and planned to meet on January 27 at H elen Robinson Cook's AA.- HELEN KLAG OsMUN.
TULSA, OKLAHOMA I am starting 1965 by collecting my thoughts as to the "goings on" with Tulsa alums. I do know, gals, that when they set a "deadline" they mean just that. Since mine did not arrive in time last quarter I am a very unpopular reporter with my chapter.
As in 1964, we are setting a record attendance of twenty average at our meetings, and we look forward to them. A new year brings in many happy anticipations, but we leave behind some sadness because parting is just that. Our president, Jo Edmiston Br, is being transferred to Houston. We are going to miss her very much. Bobby Thompson Burwell Br has assumed the duties as president. We welcome Nancy Cooper Kazmierski EE, Vivienne Gray BA, LaVelle Dugger Br, Norma Edmiston Br, Maggie Magill Br, Virginia Provost Arnott rr and Sandra Donier Montgomery Br as new members. In October we met with Dawna Knight Shurtlef Br. Mary Harrison Mathews Br served as co-hostess. Since Dawna had been up to her ears in rummage for two 路 months, we all waded in and helped sort and prepare it for our sale October 30. The feature of the evening was a unique style show with cleverly written script by Dawna and our experienced coordinator, Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson Br. Barbara Ruff Davis Br divided six cases of candy among us which we sold during November. Our November meeting was a very attractive tea in the home of Carolyn Morris Bigelo B/1 assisted by Helen Hooper Malone Br. The Founders' Day program was given by Nelle Neal Kisner Br. Kathy Bianco Sconiers B/1, and Mary Mathews. We voted to send twenty-five dollars each to Bacone Indian School at Muskogee, and to the Turley Orphans' Home at Tulsa. Our Christmas party at Jennie Vinson Fisk's rr was beautiful and Gertrude Butler Green helped make it so. Each member brought some of her own hand creations and Dawna auctioned them off. These brought thirty dollars for our philanthropic fund. Our thanks go to Pat Redding Bronson AB and J o Edmiston for making some very attractive altar cloths of white and satin and gold cloth for the college chapter at Tahlequah.-LORA PATTERSON SIPES
WICHITA, KANSAS October found Wichita alumnae meeting at the home of Sharon Porter Long EE with Suzanne Porter King EE as co-hostess. Entertainment consisted of a demonstration on gift wrapping given by an expert in this art and who also puts this talent to good use in one of Wichita's leading department stores. It was great fun for all especially when we tried to make the different bows. For some reason, though, they didn't look the same. Founders' Day was celebrated at the home of Barbara Beckmyer Doan EE. Our president, Sharon Porter Long EE, and Glenda Godown EE presented the program. They gave a brief history and told other interesting highlights of the beginning of Alpha Sigma Alpha. The Christmas meeting was held at the home of Jane Miser Balch EE with Nancy Jones Richard EE as her co-hostess. We have discovered that we have a lot of talented people in our midst. Instead of buying gifts to exchange, we each made a gift. Many very clever and creative things were taken home that evening by each of us. Suzanne Porter King EE and Jane Miser Balch EE were responsible for the Christmas gifts we gave this year to the Kansas State Mental Hospital. This was our philanthropic project for the year and it gave us all a warm feeling to know that we had helped someone have a merrier Christmas.- SuE KEYES BAUMGARTNER
• • • • • • ALPHA SIGMA
DIRECTORY FOUNDERS Mrs. W . B. Carper (Louise Cox) , 4000 52nd St., Bladenburg, Md . Mrs . H. E. Gilliam (Juliette Hundley) , Gresham Court Apts ., Richmond, Va. Miss Mary Williamson Hundley, Gresham Court Apts ., Richmond , Va. Mrs. john Walton Noell (Virginia Boyd), (deceased) Mrs. P. W. Wootton (Calva Hamlet Watson), (deceased) NATIONAL COUNCIL President Emerita,-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp (Wilma Wilson), 1405 Hardy, Independence, Mo. 64053 President-Miss Mary C. Goeke, 1473 Oak Knoll Dr. , Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 Vice President-Mrs. George ) . Malone, Jr. (Helen Hooper) , 26 14 S. Vandalia, Tulsa, Okla. 74114 Secretary-Mrs. ) oe H . Brewer (Viola Caraway), 6214 E. Murdock, Wichita, Kan . 67208 Treasurer-Mi ss Rose Marie Fellin, 1001 E. Harrison, Springfield, Mo. 65804. Extension Director-Mrs. Harold C. Brown (Marie Scanlan), 3105 Rexford Dr., South Bend, Ind. 466 15 Membership Director-Miss j udy Matthews, 1818 Poplar St. , North Little Rock, Ark . 72114
Alumnae Director-Mrs. Alex 0. Mathisen (Nancy Gibson), 2453 W. Theresa, Anaheim, Calif. 92804. Editor-Mrs. Stewart W . Koenemann (Bonnie Payne), 1230 Hoyt Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63137 Officer in Charge of Central Office-Mrs. Harry G. Rowe, (Juanita Roberts), Wilhoit Bldg., 314-C E. Pershing, Springfield, Mo . 65806
NATIONAL CHAIRMEN A:LA Store Chairman-Mrs. A. Howard Hall (Betty Phillips), 342-D Higgins Rd., Park Ridge, Ill. 60068 Alumnae Editor-Mrs. Gary Hendren (Lonna McComas) , 92 Eileen Lane, Bridgeton, Mo. 63044 Alumnae Organizer and Chapter Alumnae Secretary-Miss Mary K. Reiff, 219 East 46th St., Apt. 2W, Kansas City, Mo. 64112 Art-Mrs . Robert ). Wolf (Edith Gaupp) , R. R. #I, Rexford, N. Y. 12148 Awards-Mrs. Louis E. Fletcher (Ruth Newcomb), 141 Marked Tree Rd., Needham, Mass. 02192 College Editor-Mrs. Lewis ) . Maddex (Barbara Kerls) , 1121 Ashford Dr., St . Louis, Mo . 63 137 Constitution-Mrs. Robert C. Grady, (Jean Raup), Box 686, Orange, Va . 22960
Convention-Miss Helen L. Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd., Philadelphia, Penna . 1915 1 Fellowship and Philanthropic-Mrs. john H. Allen (Sidney Gremillion), 1206 Carter Or ., Hattiesburg, Miss. 39401 Historian-Mrs. Kendall F. Bone (Shirley Pall ato), 3263 Vittmer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 Housing-Miss Mary C. Goeke, 1473 Oak Knoll Dr. , Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 Magazine-Mrs. Allan E. King (Sue Ann Henderson) , 3109 S. Harlem Ave. , Berwyn, Ill. 60402 Music-Mrs. Arthur L. Hellrich (Shirley Ainsworth), 27 Abbington Terrace, Glen Rock, N. ) . 07452 Ritual-Mrs. Donald D. Olson (Pauline Smith), 8632 Pringle Dr., Cincinnat i, Ohio 45231 Rush-Mrs. Robert F. Redmond III (Jeannie Roetto), 6408 Nail Ave., Mission, Kan. 66222 Scholarship-Mrs . Wi lliam B. Niemeyer (Anne Petree), Box 54, R. 2, Loveland, Ohio 45150
NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE Alpha Sigma Alpha Delegate-Mrs. George I. Malone, Ir. (Helen Hooper), 2614 S. Vandalia, Tulsa, Okla., 74114
HAVE YOU MARRIED OR MOVED? Cut this out and mail to the OHicer in Charge of Central OHice: MRS. HARRY G. ROWE Alpha Sigma Alpha, Wilhoit Bldg. , 314-C E. Pershing, Springfield, Mo . 65806 Please change my addre~s or name and address on the AL.A files as follows: COLLEGE CHAPTER .................... DATE OF LEAVING COLLEGE ........... ....... DEGREE ................... . FROM MAIDEN MARRIED
NAME NAME (Pl ease observe this form : Mrs . John A. Jones )
···················· ··············-· ···············-- ······-························· -··········· ········--·---······ ... ··· ·· ··············{ji··~~-~ -·~;~· ·;~porting your marriage, give your hu sband 's f ull nam e )
ADDRESS ································································ ············-····--·---············· ·········· ···· ······---··············· ········ ............ . PLACE OF MARRIAGE ............. .............................. .
Da y
ACTIVE IN ................................................ ALUMNAE CHAPTER, ARE YOU AN OFFICER ................. .. . WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN AN ALUMNAE CHAPTER IF ONE WERE FORMED NEAR YOU YES .................................... NO ................................... . REMARKS ................................................................................. DATE RETURNED ....................................... .
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