spring '74
the of ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA EDITOR Ms. Judith Holman 295 Winte r Street Norwood, Mass. 02062
PHO ENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor
Mrs. Jeffrey W. Meece 4207-D Falcon Court North Mc Gui re AFB, New Jersey 08641
Collegiate Editor Mrs. Philip Wallick, Jr. 676 Park Avenue York, Pennsylvania 17402
Special Education
NPC Meets In Memphis
Feature Editor 10
Alpha Sig Quiz
Miss Mary Jedrzejewski 3761 S. 58th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53220
Collegiate News
Miss Paula Cyrus 624 High Street St. Alban s, West Virgin ia 25177
Art Director
Miss Lillie Greer 393 Hollywood Avenue Akron, Ohio 44313 THE PHOENIX of Alpha Sigma Alpha
r, spring and summe r of educat io nal journal , is publish ed in the fall, winte THI: PHOEN IX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA , an ers for the so rority. Th e publish official 63103, Mo. Louis, St. , au Avenue each year at Ed en Publishing House, 1724 Choute subscri ption price $1.50 a year. uarters , 1201 East Walnut ondenc e to Alpha Sigma Alpha Nationa l Headq Send change of address and busines s corresp Ms. Judith A. Holman , editor, the to e natur l editoria an corresp ondenc e of Street, Springf ield, Mo. 65802. Addres s all 295 Winter Street, Norwoo d, Massac husetts 02062. Second -class postag e paid at St. Louis, Missouri. i 65802. arters, 120 I East Walnu t Street, Springf ield, Missour Postma ster: Send Form 3579 to Nation al Headqu
SPECIAL EDUCATION It's more than a philanthropic proiect
by Peggy Schalk Hull BN
What am I doing here? ,vhat ever happened to the history major torn between a career in law and that of a history professor? Well, circumstances in the form of an overabunda nce of history teachers found me jobless. At the same time my husband, David, was about to enter law school at the University of Kentucky. There was an opening for a special education teacher in Lexington. Special education was only a philanthrop ic project to me at that point. As a member of Beta u Chapter at Murray State University, I had helped with various projects for special education students, but I had always preferred working behind the scenes to working directly with the children because I was afraid
to work with that type of child. Since I needed a job, I accepted the position and soon learned how foolish those fears were. I started teaching Trainables (IQ of 30-50) at the Blue Grass School in Lexington and was then introduced to a most satisfying career. Blue Grass is a public school for trainables with a comprehens ive program of instruction and vocational training. I had classes of twelve students grouped on the basis of age -and level of functioning. We geared instruction to teaching survival skills in the academics, social adjustment, prevocation al skills, and whenever possible, vocational training and job placement. Aside from attending my class, the students could attend classes in language developmen t, home economics, industrial arts, music, and physical education. The entire school was involved in special education and had excellent facilities. We were able to offer the children an excellent program based upon their needs. In addition, we took our students on many field trips in the community. Our students were members of the Boys Scouts and the Camp Fire Girls. They participate in a school play and a philanthrop ic project with a local home for the elderly. My experiences at the Blue Grass School made me realize that teaching education is like all teaching. You stress the child's ability and needs and teach accordingly . Often the student's biggest handicap is not in their exceptional ity but in our attitudes toward them. THE PHOENIX
I taught at Blue Grass for three years until David finished law school and we moved to Monticello, Kentuc ky, our presen t home. I have been teachin g Educab les (IQ of 50-75) in Montic ello for two years. I am the only special educat ion teache r in the school system. I teach a primar y class of ten to fifteen studen ts ages seven to eleven. Teach ing this class differs from my experien ce with Traina bles. When my studen ts leave my class, they must be able to return to the regula r classro om since there is no compre hensiv e progra m. Theref ore, my teachin g is geared toward prepar ing them to make the best adjustm ent possibl e to that eventu al placem ent. My teachin g consists of a primar y empha sis on readin g and math. I also teach langua ge arts, physic al educat ion, art, music, health, science, and social studies. Since my studen ts come from lower income homes, I find it necessary to teach them social skills and expose them to things that more fortun ate studen ts learn at home. I use field trips, experie nce units, instruc tional media, and other materi als in teachin g. We have taken trips to visit the dentist , the post office, fire departme nt, airport , the movie, a lake for a picnic and fishing, a restaur ant, a shoppi ng center, a Spring 197 4
farm, and to see other people and places. For most of my studen ts, these are new experie nces. Due to the natura l limitat ions of the typical classroom, I have brough t my studen ts to my home on various occasions. Many times we have used my kitchen for a cookin g lesson. We have planne d meals, done the shoppi ng, and then prepared the meal and eaten togethe r. This involves import ant lessons in reading , math, home economics, langua ge, health skills, and socialization. Anoth er time I used a slumbe r party (one night for boys and one night for girls) at my home as a year-en d treat as well as an experie nce of planni ng a trip, visiting in anothe r's home, groom ing, cooking, and housek eeping . Using resources both within and outside the classroom such as these makes school work more interes ting and realisti c for the childre n. The need to improv ise has brough t me some of my most worthw hile experie nces. This brings me to the point where you as alumn a and collegi ans can help. You can have project s which involve situatio ns or trips like I have describ ed. Contac t your local special education teacher or school system and offer your services. Don't let being afraid of being involve d,
Children enjoy playing the Indian drums they made in class.
Physical development is an important aspect of the special education program .
as I once did, keep you from sharing some of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have. I have learned that when you are working with a special education class, you don't see the children as a group of handicapped children. You see them as individuals with whom you can become involved since you deal with them in so many areas of learning. This involvement is rewarding, challenging, sometimes perplexing but lots of fun! Now I know what I'm d.o ing here. I am glad I have had an opportunity to learn so much from the type of child who used to frighten me. You'll be glad too. GET INVOLVED. Believe me, it's more than a philanthropic project.
Peggy Hull is Province Director for Area IX. She has a BA in history and political science from Murray State University where she was listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and - Universities. Peggy received her MA in special education from the University of Kentucky. In 1972 she received the Special Education Teacher of the Year Award for the state of Kentucky. She serves on the Board of Mental Health in Monticello, Kentucky.
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william penn hotel pitlsburgh, pennsylv0nia June 18-22, 1974 Spring 1974
alpha sigma alpha
GNVENrlON pitlsburgh Convention Reservation
Mail to: Mrs. E. L. Kuno Convention Chairman I05 Clearview Drive McMurry, Pennsylvania 15317
Registration Fee (if paid by May 15) ........................ .................................... $30.00 Registration Fee (after May 15) .................................................. .................. $35.00 Daily Registration Fee for Non-Delegates ·························-·-·······················-····$ 7.50/day plus meal tickets Meal Tickets may be purchased at the Registration Desk or ordered from Mrs. Kuno. NAME .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . ADDRESS ·····································································································-········································································································· CHAPTER
Year Initiated ....................... Number past conventions attended ..................
D Delegate D Non-Delegate from ....................................................................................................................... Chapter D Delegate D Non-Delegate from ....................................................................................................................... Chapter
National Officer ··················································································- National Committee ................................., ..................................... . Province Director ................................................................................. Advise~ ....................................... ...................................... Chapter Past National Offices Held ········································································-·············································· ·························································· Alpha Sigma Alpha Honors Received ........................................................................................................................................................... . Membership in Campus Honor Societies ............................................................................................................................................ ........ . Campus Hono rs .................................................................................................................................................................................................. .
( prices include 6% Pennsylvania Sales Tax)
........ One person in room ( $19.08 per person per night) ........ Two persons in room ($12.72 per person per night) ........ Three persons in room ( $9.54 per person per night, twin beds & cot) Ch il dren under 16 stay free in parent's room ........ Special rate, two rooms for husband, wife and ch ildren ($36.00 ~er night) Number of Child ren ................ Ages of Child ren ................................................................. . Non-Delega t es ind icate roommate preference ................................. ............................................................................................................. . Arriva l Date
.......................................................................................... Departure Date .............................................................................. . Room Payment For Non-Delegates Must Be Made At Checkout Time
NPC Meets ,n Memphis ~
by Polly B . Freear Chairm an, NPC Public ations Comm ittee
The Forty-T hird Session of Nation al Panhel lenic Confer ence began with an Openi ng Reception hosted by Alpha Gamm a Delta. Appro ximately 160 delegat es, central office executives, and editors attend ed the meetin g which was held Octobe r 22 to Octobe r 24 in Memp his, Tennessee. The Session was called to order by Mrs. L. D. Foxwo rthy, Alpha Gamm a Delta and Chairm an of the Confer ence. The first meetin g of the Session includ ed reports by the Execu6 ve Comm ittee: Mrs. Foxwo rthy, the Chairm an; Mrs. Berne Jacobs en, Alpha Delta Pi, the Secretary; and Mrs. Rober t McKee man, Delta Zeta, the Treasurer. Mrs. f oxwort hy, NPC Chairm an, said in her report that "the time consum ing work of the Confer ence has procee ded during the past two years betwee n regula r Confer ence Sessions because of the dedica ted spirit of those who serve; the Standi ng Comm ittee chairm en, the membe rs of those commi ttees, and those who accepte d special assignm ents." The reports of the Standing Comm ittees show that the 1971-1973 biennium was a busy and produc tive one. The Execut ive Comm ittee compo sed of Mrs. Foxwo rthy, chairm an, Mrs. Jacobs en, secreta ry and Mrs. McKee man, treasur er made a capabl e team who worked togethe r in the challen ging
Spring 1974
experie nce of makin g this bienni um one of achiev ement. Their dedica tion to this great cooperat ive fratern ity endeav or led the way for the accom plishm ents of the bienni um. The Award s Comm ittee reache d its goal in a truly comme ndable progra m design ed to develop fratern ity friends hips and loyalties, confidence in one anothe r and mutua l respect and helpfu lness and to stimul ate Colleg e Panhel lenics to a greater realiza tion of and partici pation in the princip les of the Panhel lenic Creed that is the basis for the awards . The City Panhel lenics Comm ittee has continued The News Bullet in which serves as a valuable means of commu nicatio n for City Panhel lenics. It serves as a means of sharing successful and innova tive ideas among City Panhel lenics. Six issues of this Bullet in have been prepar ed and distrib uted during the bienni um. Many City Panhel lenics are directi ng their financi al aid to collegi ate membe rs or College Panhel lenics. This fills a real need and creates a bond ¡ betwee n the collegi ans and alumna e. The numbe r of City Panhel lenics affiliated with NPC continu es to grow. The College Panhel lenics Comm ittee continu es to serve the over 400 College Panhel lenic Associations in the United States and Canad a. This Comm ittee observ ed these trends during the biennium : 1. A spread ing upswin g in the interes t of enterin g college studen ts for partici pation in small group experie nce such as fratern ity membership ; 2. More favorab le public ity and supportive comme nts by college and univers ity presi-
dents and administrations; 3. A growing disenchantment with apartment living; and 4. A slight resurgence of interest in securing persons with fraternity background and experience to serve as Panhellenic or Fraternity Advisors. Many College Panhellenics have been successful in redirecting the rush program toward more individualistic parties, more informative pro-grams, and more personalized contacts with incoming students. The need for communication among College Panhellenics has long been recognized. When Delta Gamma announced as one of their Centennial programs assistance to College Panhellenics, they enthusiastically accepted the idea of supporting the publication of a newsletter to go to all College Panhellenics. Four issues of the PH Factor have been sent to all College Panhellenics during the biennium. The publication contains suggestions and ideas from CoUege Panhellenics relating to successful programs and other news items of interest. The Housing Committee conducted a housing survey during the biennium and the summary indicated that more groups are turning to lodges, Panhellenic Housing and apartments as opposed to chapter houses.
The NPC-NAWDAC Liaison Committee serves as a channel of communication betwen the NPC and NAWDAC and as a clearing house for ideas. Committee members presented a most interesting and informative panel at the session. Mrs. ash, Alpha Xi Delta and NPC Chairman of the committee served as moderator. Panel members were Miss Judith D. Trott, Associate Dean of Students, University of Mississippi ; Miss Maxine Blake, Alpha Delta Pi; Miss Peggy Stroud, Asso-ciate Dean of Students, Arkansas State University and Mrs. Carl Frische, Zeta Tau Alpha. The Publications Committee had a busy and productive biennium. The Manual of Information was revised and approved by the Conference at the Interim Session held in October 1972. It was ready for distribution in March 1973 and over 7000 copies have been distributed. The first handbook, exclusively for use by College Panhellenics, was published-The How To For College Panhellenics. This has proved to be a successful and useful publication. The popular brochure, Know Your NPC, was revised, and the first copies were distributed at the session. A very entertaining and inspiring program was presented by the Editor's Conference and the Association of Central Office Executives entitled
NPC D1!_LEGATES. Front row, left to right: M yra Foxworthy, _Alpha Gamma D elta; Virginia Jac obson, Alpha Deltl! Pi, Gwen McKeeman, J?elta Zeta; Betty Jones, Alpha Phi ; Mary Backsman, Alpha S igma Alpha; Mary L?uise R oller, Alpha D elta Pi ,: H elen Schultz, _Delta Phi Epsilon. Second row, seated: MaryBarbee Sigma Sigma Sigma; Mt:ry Ann Carroll, <;:hi Omega. Standing_: Ruth Miller, Sigma Kappa; Kathleen Nye, Delt~ Delta Delta; Mary L ouise D oyle, Alpha Sigma Tat;; f!arrz et Frische, Z eta Tau Alpha; Eleanor Slaughter, Delta Gamma; Ellen H o/stead, Kappa Alp_ha Th~ta; .At!ar7orze Lundin, Gamma Phi Beta; Miriam Decker, Alpha Chi Omega; Frances Ber_gman, Alpha Epsilon Phi. T_hird row, left to right: Phyllis Pryor, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Helen Dix, Pi Beta Ph i; Ma_ry Burf N_ash, A~pha Xi Delta; lj:s!her S. Frear, Kappa D elta ; Ray Sommer, Sigma D elta Tau; Clerice Mark owitz, Phi Sigma Sigma; Adele Williamson , Phi Mu and Mary Delamar, Theta Ph i Alpha.
"Greeks Have a Word For It." The theme was "Let's get PH and PR together!" A bridge must be built known as communication in order to accomplish this. Fraternity magazines are particularly useful in explaining the position of national organizations and thereby help to promote a better understanding of their objectives and needs. The Central Office Executive through correspondence, not only within the individual sorority and among NPC members, but correct, friendly, informative, and/ or businesslike correspondence create an indelible public relations impression. Their conclusion was for the groups to act in harmony and understanding; sharing and cooperating; and talking and communicating. Not only were the members of NPC entertained but they were impressed with our capable Editors and Central Office Executives. An important action taken by the Conference was to amend the Panhellenic Compact by adding a Section 6 to read: Pledges of a chapter whose charter has been rescinded or relinquished shall be eligible to pledge another fraternity immediately following the official release of the pledges by the fraternity. Pledges of a colony which has been dissolved shall be eligible to pledge another fraternity immediately following the official release of the pledges by the fraternity.
WOMAN IS THE WORD on campus, whether you're talking about student government, innovative curriculum planning, job opportunities for the graduate, or back pay for female faculty members. A:r;nong new course offerings directed toward women, Alabama lists "Introduction of Women's Studies" while Duke's Center of Continuing Education has "New Directions: A Guidance Seminar for Women," and nearly 2,000 other miscellaneous women-oriented courses include "Marxism and Women's Liberation," "The Heroine of the American Novel," "The Rhetoric of Sexual Liberation," "Media Images of Women: From
Spring 1974
A resolution was passed expressing the Conference appreciation for the years of service rendered to the fraternity world by the George Banta Company with the publication of Banta's Greek Exchange. The discontinuance of the publication will vastly curtail the exchange of infprmation among campuses and Greeks. NPC expressed its concern to the Banta Company and urged they reconsider their decision. One evening was devoted to special interests dinner held for National Presidents, Alumnae, Collegiate and Extension Officers attending the session. This exchange of ideas and information by all women's fraternities was considered valuable by those attending the dinner meetings. In the words of the Chairman, Mrs. Foxworthy, "As the National Panhellenic Conference seventy-first year comes t.o a close and with it the '71-'73 biennium, we all have cause to breathe a sigh of relief. It's all like being submerged for a period of time and then being thankful that it's finally time to surface again. The past two years have been dominated by feeling of pessimism, followed immediately by a spirit of optimism. There's no doubt about it, the college fraternity has been faced with one of its most serious periods." ( continued on page 16)
Main Street to Madison Avenue," and "The Judeo-Christian Tradition and Historical Perceptions of the Role of Women." A number of campuses, often through their Panhellenics, provide an automotive fixit course for women . .. . One campus lists something interesting and probably appealing to women "InHome Leisure Living in 1990," described as "an innovative, experimental course offered by the Department of Marketing Management" .... It should also be noted that the women's enrollment in graduate schools is growing while the female dropout level has halved itself in the past ten years.
Alpha Sig Quiz by Paula Cyrus PP
The ASA facts listed below are hidden in the puzzle. They may be found horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and backwards. Just stay on a straight line. The solution is on page 30.
ational President, MaryAnn ...... ....................... . City where national headquarters is located City where ASA was founded Fall flower of ASA Site of 1974 convention Young graduate who visits chapters President emerita, ............... ................................. ... . Vice president of development, Esther ............... . Type of ASA convention A sorority member no longer in college Uninitiated member of a sorority In ASA, the S is for ............................... . ASA exemplar honored in May ASA M agazine, the ................................... . An invitation to join a sorority All sororities and fraternities Period of time during which sorority membership is open
Month of ASA Founders Day Name of Pledge Manual Password of ASA Color of pledge pin Organization for all sororities ational Editor, Judith ................. .... .. . Headquarters executive ........... ... ........ ...... ............. . National Treasurer, Margaret ............................. . Tational Secretary, Frances ................... ................ . Vice President of Alumnae Program, Judy ......... . Vice President of Collegiate Program, Ethel ........ NPC delegate, Mary ................................... . Collegiate Editor, Betty ....... ........................ . Feature Editor, Paula ......... ........................ . Alumnae Editor, Peggy .......... ........ ............ Funds from National Philanthropy are used for ........................................................... . .......... .................. and Star of ASA
Solution to puzzle on page 30
Spring 1974
Beta Nu Chapter is very proud of Vicki Stayton, a senior majorin{! in elementary and special education. An active member of the Association for Childhood Education for three years and a member of the Council for Exceptional Children, Vicki has been a high-scholarship D ean's List student at Murray State University for four years. This year she was named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Vicki is a member of Alpha Chi, a honorary for upperclassmen and is the Sweetheart of Ta1,1, Kappa Epsilon. She has served as vice president and 6haplain of Beta Nu Chapter.
Vicki Stayton, Beta Nu
Ann Frank, Phi Phi, Northwest Missouri State University
Sue Kroeger, Phi Phi, Northwest Missouri State University
0 I
~ Marcia Oliverio, Nu Nu, Drexel University
Bern ad in e Bielecki, Gamma Omicron, Clarion State College
Spring 1974
Denise L ewis, Beta Delta, Unive rsity of Southern M ississippi
Wend}' Bester man, Gamma Omicron, Clarion State Cnllege
Jill Reynolds, Beta Sigma, is the S wee theart of Sigma Tau Gamma at Southwest Missouri State University.
Sus an Grub au g h, Beta Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha D ream Girl, S outh west M issouri State University
Dona Duchon, Gamma Upsilon Chapter Sweetheart
Carol Chiodine, Gamma Psi, Delta Sigma Phi Sweetheart at Edinboro State College
Kim Weimer, Gamma Psi, is Alpha Kappa Lambda Sweetheart at Alliance College in Pennsylvania.
Pam Perkins, Eta Eta, was chosen Pi Kappa Alpha Sweetheart at Kansas State College.
Cathie Landis, Gamma Rho, is the Theta Chi Sweetheart at East Stroudsburg State College.
Spring 1974
Becky Rottgering, Beta Nu , is Alpha T a u O m e g a Sweetheart attendant at Murray State University .
Lynn Roe, Beta Delta, is the Sweetheart of the Air Force ROTC at the University of Southern Mississippi.
NPC Meets ( continued from Paf!e 9)
"Just as 1963 was the calm before the storm, 1973 is the wreckage that is left from it. All of a sudden it's terribly quiet. All of a sudden there's relative calm, and all of a sudden it's time to pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off and start all over again." The NPC fraternit ies are respondi ng and adapting to the changes in society as they have done in the past. National Panhelle nic Conference members have an understa nding of the historical struggles which fraternit ies have faced for almost 200 years, are aware of the universit y environme nt of today and of today's student for they have an impressi ve record of long and continued service in their own fraternit ies as well as in NPC. Nationa l Panhelle nic Conferen ce provides the forum for discussion for members in their search for new dimensio ns, new approach es, new ideas for ever changing times. It is at the biennial sessions that the Panhelle nic Spirit is truly evident and put into action with development of program s to achieve our common goals and of furtherin g the cause of fraternity . As her final duty Mrs. Foxwort hy introduc ed the Executiv e Committ ee for the 1973-75 biennium: Mrs. Berne Jacobsen , Alpha Delta Pi, Chairma n Mrs. Robert McKeem an, Delta Zeta, Secretary Mrs. W. F. William son, Phi Mu, Treasure r
The Conferen ce conclude d its forty-thi rd Session with a banquet hosted by Alpha Delta Pi. Mrs. Foxwort hy, Mistress of Ceremon ies, introduced the speaker, Dr. John D. Millet, Vice President of Academy for Educatio nal Develop ment, Inc. and Presiden t of the General Council of Phi Delta Theta Fraternit y, who delivere d an inspiring address titled, "The College Fraterni ty of the Future." Dr. Millet had this to say about Fraternity Ideals: "They have been tried and not found wanting, they have been tried and found difficult to live up to." One importa nt feature of the banquet was the awarding of Conferen ce trophies to outstand ing college panhelle nics. Mrs. Charles Merman , Sigma Kappa and Chairma n of the Awards Committee, presente d the awards. Receivin g the National Panhelle nic Conferen ce Award was Texas Tech Universi ty. Second place went to the University of Wyomin g, third place to Universi ty of Kentuck y. The Fraterni ty Month Awards went to Auburn Universi ty. Second place to Georgia Southern Universi ty, third place to Oregon State Universi ty. William Woods College Panhelle nic received the Awards Commit tee Trophy, which goes to an outstand ing college panhelle nic with five or less NPC groups represen ted on the campus. Second place went to Georgia Southern and third place was won by Clemson Universi ty. An after dinner receptio n hosted by Delta Zeta, was the final event in a producti ve session.
Alpha Sigma Alpha announces the formation of PENINSULA ALUMNAE CHAPTER Newport News and Hampton, Virginia February 7, 1974
collegiate news Alpha Longwood College Farmville, Virginia With the beginning of second semester at Longwood, Alphas are into the swing of rush! We renewed old and made new friendships with AZ:.As from Province IV when our chapter served as hostess at Province Day March 2-3. Alphas participated in many philanthropic projects this year. We contributed to the Longwood YWCA Dental Fund and the National Philanthropic Fund. During the Thanksgiving season, we held a Food Drive and presented a needy area family with a turkey. For Christmas, each member prepared a page for a scrapbook which we presented to our friend Carolyn Johnson, a paraplegic in the Richmond Home for Incurables. Alpha received a Citation from the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation for work we performed last semester. Each member sold tickets to a movie benefit for the Meherrin Day Care Center. Congratulations are in order to our new president, Melissa Forrest. We are also proud to announce that our adviser, Mrs. Tucker B. Knighton, is expecting an A":i.A legacy in June. We are all standing in line to babysit! Alphas have continued to be active in campus organizations. Mary Hinton and Lou Jarrels, recent initiates into Alpha Lambda Delta honorary scholastic fraternity, participated in the YWCA Christmas Pageant. Vicki
Gardner is preparing for the water show this spring. Susan Wooldridge is a member of the newspaper staff and Pam Hines is running for Judicial Board ViceChairman. We enjoyed having last year's seniors as our guests at our formal dance in February. We are now anticipating our spring activities and our pledge programs. - SUSAN WOOLDRIDGE
Alpha Alpha Miami University Oxford, Ohio Alpha Alpha Chapter successfully ended fall rush with the theme "Alpha Isle." In October the pledges elected their officers and got their activities moving. Greek week was also in October. Alpha Alpha placed fourth with individuals doing quite well. Our scholarship banquet was held honoring those from the preceding fall quarter. The weekend of October 27 was established as Parents' Weekend. A meeting for the Mothers Club took place and all of the mothers had a chance to meet one another. The evening was completed by a buffet dinner at Waldo's in Cincinnati. November got started with a Halloween party given by the pledges. On November 10 the Founders' Day Banquet was held with Dr. Susan Rockwood as the speaker. A blood drive was also held. In December, the members had their annual Christmas party.- ELLEN HOKE
Alpha Beta Northeast Missouri State University Kirksville, Missouri
Alpha pledges enjoy an Italian dinner
Spring 1974
The middle of October brought the Alpha dads to Northeast Missouri State University for the Alpha Beta Dad's Day. First, the dads and their daughters attended a Bulldog football game. Even though it was cold, all enjoyed the event. Afterwards a banquet was given in honor of the dads. To show their special appreciation to their fathers, each Alpha Beta gave him a silver letter opener with ASA engraved on the handle. On October 26 , witches, ghosts, and goblins appeared on the campus of NMSU. A passerby taking a closer look found that these spooks were none other than the Alpha Betas attending their annual Halloween Party. It was a pleasurable time for all with the new pledges enjoying participating just as much as the members.
The evening ended with a prize given to the Alpha and her date wearing the best costumes. A visit from the field representative was next in line for the Alpha Betas. ,For the_ ~eek t~at the field :e?:esentative was with us she participated m all our act1v1t1es including our sorority activities of pledgings an? meetings as well as our extra activities of church gomg and of eating. She also foun d herself the vic~im of seve~al pranks but, with her cunnin~, the culprit or ~ulpnts were always discovered and given a taste of their ow_n medicine. All the Alpha Betas truly hated to see their field representative leave. Christmas was a very happy time for the Alpha Betas, full of togetherness and sharing. The spirit of the season began early for the Alphas with " Secret San.tas" bringing gifts to their special someone everyday durmg the week of December 10. Everyone, even those living off campus, would find a small present somewhere in the realm of the second floor area in Panhellenic H all sometime during each day. The problem was more or less finding it and Santa usually made the hiding place more conc~aled if the Alpha recipient had been bad. A special closing to the eventful week was the annual big sis-little sis Christmas party with all feeling a warmth of true love and sisterhood as gifts were exchanged. Christmas would not have been Christmas without sharing it with our alumnae. This we did by all participating in a formal Christmas party. The Alpha Beta alumnae took special care in planning the event. The pledges also took part by presenting a skit depicting the many different ways Christmas was celebrated in the home. After refreshments, the evening ended with group singing. It was easy to see that the close bond of sisterhood shared by the Alpha Betas never dies. All the Alpha Betas were proud of Becky Rives for being selected as the Cotton Bowl Queen Candidate to represent the state of Missouri. This was not only an honor shared by Becky but was one shared by all members of the Alpha Beta Chapter. The Alpha Betas participated in several worthwhile philanthropic projects. One involved helping collect for the United Fund Drive. Also, several Alphas appeared on television to help the Cerebral Palsy T elethon by entertaining the watchful audiences.- CA NDACE OLSO N
Alpha Gamma Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana, Pennsylvania Looking back into the memories of another year gone by, I remember . . . The pledge kidnapping that never was, yet still the retaliation of the pledges by kidnapping our adviser, Mrs. McPhearson, followed by doughnuts and coffee at Mr. D onut . . . The scavenger hunt for the pledges on a cold, cold night, with warm smiling faces at the popcorn party following . . . the wonderful pledge dance, and our lovely pledges putting on a song and dance routine to the theme of "Cabaret" .. . pledge trainer Patti R eylogle's happy smile as she received a rose of gratitude and thanks from her pledges . . . the many walks around the block for the Theta Chi fraternity marathon . . . our pledges using the novel idea of selling raffie tickets for money instead of the usual doughnut sales . . . Initiation of our new members, and a special award to Brenda Steele, Ideal Pledge . . .
Alpha Gammas relax before finals
many members involved in exciting pageants . . . Pam L aux, a finalist in Miss IUP and Pershing Rifle, and Diane Scatine, Glamour Girl contest. Fond memories are what make a sorority meaningful to each member. -KAREN STULTS
Beta Bet.a University of Northern Colorado Greeley, Colorado Beta Beta Chapter stepped into 1974 with the same enthusiasm they had during fall quarter. Informal rush started in J anuary with three parties. Our favorite party was when we gave our ALA slide show depicting all aspects of sorority life. The rushees thought it was great! We all enjoyed participating in basketball intramurals. If we were't p laying, we were on the sidelines cheering our members on to victory. We didn't mind if we didn't win because we had so much fun! On February 2 we went up to Estes Park for our traditional mountain party. We skied, hiked, a nd even went swimming while we were there. Each class presented a skit that was hilarious. Later on in the quarter, we honored our fall pledges with a dance held at the Ramada Inn. Each of them was introduced to our guests and presented with a longstem rose . The next day, they became members of our sorority. The rest of the quarter was filled with collecting for several organizations, kidnapping our pledges, and func tions with fraternities.- PATRICIA HILA ND
Epsilon Epsilon Kansas State Teachers College Emporia, Kansas The fall semester for Epsilon Epsilon ended with our annual big sis-li ttle sis Christmas party. After stuffing ourselves with turkey and all the trimmings, we were entertained by the pledges who sang original songs to the tune of Christmas carols. Santa Claus also made an
appearance at the Alpha Sig house and brought lots of nice gifts, and gag gifts, for everyone. Final week ended the semester, and by then everyone was ready for Christmas vacation. A few last-minute touches were made preparing for spring rush and everyone was back into action. All the hard work paid off, and Epsilon Epsilon had another successful spring rush. February was a very busy month. It began with our Exemplar's Ball, which was held February 16. Lots of hard work was done preparing for this special occasion. Decorations pertaining to Valentine's Day were made and pictures of the couples were taken in front of a large red heart. Everyone felt that the Exemplar's Ball was a huge success. A money-making project was also held in February. The Alpha Sig Chili Supper is an annual affair in Emporia and it always draws a large crowd. This year there was a good crowd and we made a tidy little sum. Mother's Weekend was the first weekend in March and we treated our mothers by taking them to the Miss Emporia State pageant. Epsilon Epsilon was honored to have four girls participating in the pageant. Supper was served before the pageant and we took our mothers to a local night spot afterwards. Both mothers and daughters enjoyed the weekend and are looking forward to next years Mother's Weekend. The philanthropic project for this semester was to collect for the Heart Fund. Our Spring Informal is coming up and we are eager to see what the pledges are planning. Epsilon Epsilon was proud to have one of our girls, Janice Wisner, selected to Who's Who . -KANDI KNABE
Zet.a Zeta Central Missouri State University Warrensburg, Missouri The Zeta Zetas shared spring fever this year with a new group of beaut.iful pledges. We were surprised with candle-lightings, delighted with formals and sweethearts, and saddened to see our graduating seniors and brides-to-be leave. Among our many honors, Ann Stewart reigned over the new year as 1974 Sigma Tau Gamma Calendar Queen. Liza Eilers was recognized by Who's Who in American Colleges. We were well-represented by Nancy Markle in the yearbook's Rhetor Queen contest. We fondly bid farewell to Mrs. Mary Harkness, our Mother Patroness for over twenty years, with a tea for Mrs. Harkness and our alumnae. The Zeta Zetas welcomed Dr. Bette Cook as our sponsor with Dr. Velma Taylor and 'Dr. Kenneth Thompson. The Zeta Zetas celebrated the sunshine and warm weather of spring with pizza parties, song fests on the balcony, and our annual awards picnic. We held our annual Sweetheart Formal at the Lake of the Ozarks where the Senior Sweetheart and Alpha Man of the Year were crowned. Dr. Jessie Jutten, our beloved sponsor for twenty-two years, was surprised with a tea in her honor following her presentation of the Jessie Jutten Award for outstanding service. Money-making projects caused our imagination to run wild as we participated in paper drives, "ransomed" fraternity presidents, and sponsored a 1950's Dance of rock and roll bands. Prizes were awarded to the BestDressed and the Best Jitter-Buggin' couple.
Spring 1974
The highlight of the spring of 197 4 for the Zeta Zeta Chapter was our privilege to hostess the State Day of our three-state area ( Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma) . Our honored speakers included Wilma Wilson Sharp, Mrs. Weldon J. Winter, and Dean Alice Gower.MICHELE GRANGER
Eta Eta Kansas State College Pittsburg, Kansas The Eta Etas were honored to have four members representing the chapter in the 1973 Homecoming event. Brenda Christy, Mary Russell, Jill Weiland and Verna Pearson were among the top five finalists. We combined our efforts with the men of Sigma Tau Gamma to win first prize in the float division. The theme of the wfnning float was "Take a Break Today With McDonalds." Charliss Dellasega, senior, was our representative at the Military Ball, where she was queen attendant. Charliss was also the Commander of The Seventh Cavettes, which is a women's precision drill team on campus. Four other Eta Etas belonging to the group are Linda Meisch, Mary Russell, Kristin Johnson, and squad leader, Alama Rua. After the Christmas vacation, the Eta Etas returned to campus with mounting enthusiasm as the spring Sweetheart Formal drew near. As the Steak-Hamburger Scholarship Banquet rolled around, the question was asked, "Who gets steak and who gets hamburger?" The outcome was answered when the girls received their grades from the prior semester. Again this year, spring rush was an enthusiastic event as chapter members looked forward to the prospects of inviting new girls to join the chapter. Four Alphas were named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. The four to merit this distinction were Becky O ssana, Denise Hamm, Mary Russell and Christy Jones. The girls were evaluated on the basis of scholastic ability, leadership qualities, involvement in extra-curricular activities and contributions to the campus community. Competition and hard work were valued highly by each Alpha Sig at Pittsburg. We took pride in entering all the events on campus. The Sigma Chi Derby Day was a combination of olympic events, involving all sororities on campus, which ran the entire week and was highlighted by an all-college dance on Saturday night. Eta Etas also participated in the Lambda Chi Alpha's "Western Week," Pi Kappa Alpha's "Greek Gas" and the college's anniversary, better known on campus as "Apple Day."-DEBBIE MooNEY
Kappa Kappa Tempie University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania On the 11th of December, Kappa Kappa elected officers for the spring semester. We have planned a steak-and-beans dinner for early in the semester. Those members who have earned a B (3.0) average or above will have steak; those under, beans. Kim Nusgrave, a former New Jersey Junior Women's Gymnastics champion, will compete with the Temple University Women's Gym Team during the spring semester. The Kappa Kappas are tentatively scheduling a dinner with the local alumnae.-MARY ELLES DRISCOLL
Nu Nu
Drexel University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Nu Nu enjoyed parties with Sigma Pi, Sigm a Alpha Epsilon and Pi Kappa Phi. The Mike Douglas show was paid a visit by the Nu Nus. It was interesting because none of us had been to a taping of a show before. The conversation was very stimulating for thought. Some of the guests were celebrities we always wanted to meet. Barbara L. Ripp AA, Province Director, was a guest speaker for our pledges and members about local govern ment with sorority. This was a follow-up of the elections of the previous week. We all contributed our specialty for a covered-dish dinner afterwards. The Panhel Ball was held in Drexel's new activities center. This was the first time for our pledges and mem bers to get together for an enjoyable evening. For our major fund-raiser, we were able to use the kitchen and dining facilities of Sigma Pi for a pancake brunch. We worked together for a successful and de licious meal. Our fund-raisers were selling pretzels and a china survey. One athletic event was an ice skating party held at the University of Pennsylvania's ice skating rink. It was funny to see those who hadn't skated for years fall on the ice. Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and Nu Nu partici pated in a basketball game. Afterwards we all went to Chinatown for wonton soup and egg rolls.-SuE STEWART
Phi Phi
Northwest Missouri State University Maryville, Missouri With the excitement of the spring term well under way the Phi Phis of Northwest Missouri State University were able to look back on a successful fall semester. The Homecoming activities of October 27 proved very profit able for the Phi Phis. The skit, The Unsinkable Molly
Phi Phis dressed for their evening Homecoming skit
Brown, received a first place award. Our float, The Boston Tea Party, shared a three-way tie for first place. The pledges who dressed as clowns received numerous placings. At the first basketball game of the season, the Phi Phis proudly strutted to receive the Scholarship Trophy for the fourteenth consecutive year. Ann Frank and Sue Kroeger also brought honor to the sorority as they were chosen to Who's Who in American Colleges and Univer sities. Sue Kroeger was also chosen Embers Co-Ed of the Month. The Phi Phis helped spread the Christmas spirit as they caroled to the elderly at the East Haven Nursing Horne in Maryville. A rush party started the excitement of Christmas as the tree was decorated with popcorn strands and red yarn dolls. Christmas anticipation was climaxed with a gag gift exchange held December 16. January 22 marked an important day for fifteen initi ated members. Barb Anderson, newly elected president, announced yarious awards at the banquet held in the new members' honor. Jennifer Wiles received the Best Pledge Award, and Debbie Brazelton received the Best Fun-Night Costume Award. The highlight of the year was the Phi Phi spring formal held this year at Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri. The evening was spent dining and dancing in the beautiful Mission Room. Spring break, which was March 30-April 6, came at a very welcomed time. The two weeks allowed those who had spring fever to escape to Florida and other places with warmer climates. State Day was held in Warrensburg, Missouri, April 6. -MARCIA LAMBRIGHT
Chi Chi
Ball State University Muncie, Indiana
Rush was the main event of the quarter for the Chi Chis and included functions such as a chili supper in the suite, a make-up party, and a popcorn party.
Smiles during a fun party for the Chi Chis
First parties centered around the theme of the "puzzle party." Members and rushees took a puzzle piece, wrote a distinguishing characteristic about themselves on it, and then replaced their puzzle pieces in the opposite piles. The object was to find your "puzzle piece." Purpose behind the puzzle was to show that even though we are individuals, we can learn, work, and grow together to form our sisterhood. Rushees joined the Chi Chis for the traditional hanging of the greens and Christmas caroling before rush was concluded. Other functions included card parties, study-hour breaks, and trips to local restaurants. Second parties were entitled "A2A Follies" and gave each member a chance to inject her special talent into this Chi Chi variety show. It was very informal, and enabled the members to get to know the rushees a little better. The Enchanted Garden was the theme of this year's final party. The event was formal, included the Chi Chis traditional wishing well and ribbon ceremony, in which each rushee receives a red ribbon tied around her finger to remind her of the sisterhood we share. Lost study time and late song practices were forgotten , as rush ended and our fantastic new pledges marched through the door to become the 197 4, formal pledge class of Chi Chi Chapter.-MARGE KOLODZIEJ
members to turn the tables, and after trick-or-treating for. UNICEF, we surprised all the costumed goblins with a Spook House Party in our chapter room. The annual Halloween carnival was again highlighted by the Beta Deltas' toss booth, and we had to close earlier than expected after all the stuffed snakes and teddy bears ran out. After Halloween, the collegiate chapter got together with our alums, and we all gave thanks at the Founders' Day Banquet. We joined the two chapters in a great friendship circle, each girl silently giving her vows of love and grateful friendship for the coming year. In a brief candlelight ceremony we welcomed the spirits of our Founders and heard their messages of the great assets of the sorority. We began Christmas by warming our hearts with sol)g, for Songfest was approaching, and the pledges took one night off to serenade the members outside the Panhellenic D orm in the rain. The following days were spent in preparation for Songfest. It was thrilling to walk in front of a crowd of over five hundred parents, in our black ruffied dresses with the star of A2A in rhinestones at our heart. We sang about that star in one of our favorite sorority songs, and in the other we sang of our love for the coming of Christ. Thanks go out to our director, Lynn Daniels, and our piano accompaniest, Diane Craft!
Beta Gamma Northeastern State College Tahlequah, Oklahoma Two Beta Gammas distinguished themselves by honors they received on campus. We were so excited when Sharon Melone rushed down our halls, radiant with happiness, announcing that she had just been chosen Calendar Girl for the month of January! Soon after that, we had another surprise as Cheri Akeman was to be a Homecoming Queen Attendant. Our congratulations go to these members! Founders' Day was really great because besides alums from our own chapter, the alumnae chapter from Tulsa came to be with us. The theme of our program was The Impossible Dream and we produced a skit depicting the five Founders' search for the "Dream" through A2A. Of course everyone knows the outcome of that tale-A:EA chapters all over the U.S.A. and girls finding happiness through sisterhood. Sneak! What's a "Sneak"? No one knows- at least that's what the members thought. That assumption was evidently wrong because one day the fall pledges mysteriously disappeared, and despite the members' many unsuccessful attempts to stop them, the Pledge Class of 1973 pulled a verr .. rr .. y successful SNEAK! Finals week rolled around and everyone hit the books, but there was still much to do including initiation and a party.- SALLY BEARDEN
Beta Delta University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, Mississippi With the spirit of a true Beta Delta, the pledge class picked up the pace of the holidays. The members were given a "Welcome Big Sis" picnic at the zoo with sandwiches, lemonade, and a short but happy ride on the little excursion train. Halloween was a time for the
Spring 1974
Beta D eltas celebrat e during a Candlelight Christmas also meant caroling, and many of the dorms heard the voices of the Beta Deltas singing " We wish you a merry Christmas." The members were again surprised with a Christmas party, complete with punch, cookies, and all the trimmings. The pledges played Santa, and gave surprise presents with a little poem to match. Our stockings were hung on our trophy case, with care, and the candy and goodies showed us that they, indeed, were not bare. Our adopted boy and girl at Ellisville school welcomed their annual party. They put their Mickey Mouse shirts on with pride. And, what would Christmas be without our annual alum party? The chapter was awakened early one morning with donut. and hot chocolate, and we were soon bustling about decorating the tree, eating the cookies, welcoming our alum big sisters, and finally, opening all our presents under the tree.
After the break, we all returned to the expectations of the Alpha Week of friendship . In this week, we held the usual Bean-Hamburger-Steak Supper of Scholarship . We welcomed the coming of our Field Rep, Becca Sink. Her visit highlighted the entire quarter. She helped us iron out a few of our little bumps, and found friendship here for almost a week. Thanks to her for her understanding and true Alpha Sig love! Many Beta Deltas found honors on campus this winter also. Lynn Roe was named the Air Force ROTC Sweetheart. Denise Lewis, the Campus AWS President, was named to Who's Who. Julia Bakley was named secretary of the Del Sur company of ROTC. Janet Ford was elected secretary of SGA, the Student Government. Many Beta Deltas were nominated to compete for. ~he Ten Top Campus Beauties. Results of the competition are still unknown. Our thoughts are now turned toward the February Formal.-LAURA BAHR
Beta Epsilon Madison College Harrisonburg, Virginia The members of Beta Epsilon worked hard preparing items to be sold at their annual Christmas Boutique. Held in the pC:st office lobby, the boutique went quite well, enabling us again to make a contribution to Camp Virginia Jaycees. This being the first year for fall freshman rush, we had two fall pledge classes and two initiations. We're proud of all our new members! The BEs always seem to have their hands into one sport or another. Right now they're undefeated in basketball intramurals ! As usual, February seemed to be a busy month. Formal rush began with all the BE's ideas being enthusiastically put together. All the members had a good time and, after acquiring some new pledges, had a cabin party for them. Beta Epsilon elected new officers and much time was spent discussing the duties of each officer. The Province IV officer workshop was held at the Madison College Campus. It was great to see the Alpha Sigma Alphas from Virginia and West Virginia again!-JEAN ScHOELLIG
Bet,a Theta Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Fall semester brought a very exc1tmg Homecoming. This year the Beta Thetas worked with the Sigma Chi fraternity. Hard work and good times produced the second most beautiful float. Also Homecoming brought a big gathering at the Beta Theta House for the annual Alumnae Tea. Next came Halloween and the first philanthropic project, a party with the people at the Masonic Home. A costume contest, songs around the old piano and refreshments all set an exciting Halloween atmosphere. November started with Parents' Day. It was a chance for parents to meet some of the advisers and members. It began with a Coffee at the House and the Mothers were able to participate in a Candlelight where one of
the members announced her engagement. After the Coffee, on to an exciting football game, then dinner. It was a very enjoyable day for all. November 11 was our Founders' Day Dinner. Many of the members received recognition for their scholastic achievements. It was announced that the Beta Thetas received the Scholastic Award from Panhellenic at Central Michigan University. Meaningful words from Judy Privasky, an alum, completed a beautiful afternoon. November 17 was a night of romance and good times at the .Beta Thetas' Dinner-Dance. December was a fast end of the semester. The last official duty performed was the elections of new officers for the 1974 term. Then Ca.JJ).e the Installation of the new Cabinet officers. Then it was time for the Beta Thetas' Christmas and Senior Farewell Party. It brought a lot of laughs but also some tears. One thing which is fantastic about sisterhood is that it is everlasting so you never really have to say good-bye.-JILL E1sING
Beta Iota Radford College Radford, Virginia Cold weather greeted the members of the Beta Iota Chapter when they returned to the campus for winter quarter. They held their _Christmas party in¡ the chapter room on D ecember 12. The seniors put on their traditional Christmas skit and the fall pledges sent joy and warmth into the hearts of the members with their very "original'' Christmas greetings and gifts. Beta Iotas and the other five campus sororities sponsored a Panhellenic Dance January 4 in Heth H;a.11, the student union. Rush was held from January 7 through January 18. Beta Iotas, under the direction of Kristie Cole and Amy Maliefsky, greeted the rushees at the first party, an Open House. Rushees viewed displays with much interest and curiosity. On January 10 an informal rush party was held by the members to greet the rushees. The two weeks of rush were culminated January 16 when Beta Iotas greeted rushees in oriental costumes and treated them to a unique Chinese dinner under the "Tea House of Alpha Moon." The Beta Iotas greeted another tremendous winter pledge class. Informal initiation was held for the fall pledge class on January 17 and formal initiation was held in the candlelight charter room on January 24. New officers for the 1974-1975 year were elected on February 4 and installed February 8. The third annual Dinner-Dance was held for Beta Iotas and their dates at the Marriott Motor Inn in Blacksburg, Va. Valentine's Day was celebrated with a party in the chapter room. Cupid paid a surprise visit, spreading love throughout the members. Senior Send-Off was held February 20. At that time we said good-bye to our candlelight mistress, Roszie Simon, who made engagements and pinnings as much of an institution as marriage. Honors were bestowed upon several members of Beta Iota. Amy Maliefsky, Roszie Simon, and Lillian Ford were named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, and Kristie Cole was named to membership in a national Freshman-Sophomore scholastic honor society-LILLIAN FoRD
Bet.a Kappa Western Illinois University Macomb, Illinois All the girls from Beta Kappa came back from Christmas b reak ready to rally and rush . . . another rush period was up on us. Fall quarter brought us the honor of winning the P anhellenic Scholastic Award. We started winter quarter with our winter party. We danced and enjoyed being together in a formal way for a change! Our favors were globe lamps with our letters on them. Beta Kappa is happy to a nnounce our new adviser, Mrs. Shirley Knowl es. She is the¡ mother of one of our members, Nancy, and we are thrilled to have her with us. Barb Kraska and Candy Biscan have just become members of the business honorary Pi Omega Pi. We are all very proud of them. W e are a lso happy to report that H elen Hollingswo rth has just become program coordinator and rush chairman for our Panhellenic . We were all excited about participatin g in winter frolics . Some of our activities included the log carry, broom hockey, banner contest, and Miss Frostbite contest. This is always a fun time for us and we take full advantage of it to be sure! W e also enjoy p laying intramural basketball with Sue Barton, our athletic chairman, leading our team to victory !- P EGGY T URNIPSEED
Bet.a Lambda State College of Arkansas Conway, Arkansas The Beta Lambdas, having finally recovered from the excitement of formal rush, ended O ctober with an open rush masquerade party Halloween. The sorority room was decorated with spooky characters, and spine tingling music was played. The highlight of N ovember was a visit from Mrs. George Linton, National President. She stopped off on her way home from the National P anhellenic Conference in Memphis, T enn. Mrs. Linton, along with Beta Lambda's advisers and Miss D orothy L ong, D ean of Women, were guests at a "southern dinner" consisting of ham, corn bread, black-eyed peas, hominy, sauerkraut and turnip greens. After the dinner Mrs. Linton attended the State College of Arkansas Homecomin g Para de in downtown Conway. Beta Lambdas held a reunion as part of their Founders' D ay celebration. Members, pledges and alumnae attended church together fo llowed by dinn er at the Ramada Inn. The Little R ock Alumnae presented the chapter Beta Lambda's original charter for display in the sorority room. Special guest was Miss R ebecca Sink, Field R epresentativ e. November a lso included "A Man for A ll Seasons," a best-dressed man on camp us contest sponsored annually by Beta Lambda. Each sorority and fraternity on campus nominates a contestant. Contestants are judged on their choice of mmmer, fall and winter clothing. Bobbie Koonce, former Beta Lambda president, now a buyer trainee for M. M. Cohn Co., was a judge. The annual Christmas party was held with scripture readings, carols, presents, "goodies" and a skit that included the advisers.
Spring 1974
The beginning of the spring semester was spent planning the "Spring Fling," Beta Lambda's annual outing, and for State D ay, April 20, 1974.- RosE COOPER
Beta Nu Murray State University Murray, Kentucky Beta Nus Mary Ann Sebastian and Sarah Sparks donned their Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy costumes at Halloween for a special presentation of " Pumpkin Carols" to the residen ts of the rest homes in the city of Murray. Paula Wurm added a humorous note with her hu'ge orange "Great Pumpkin" costume, which left a ll the old folks with big smiles on their faces. The other Beta Nu members went a long to participate in this different type of Halloween philanthrop ic project, singing to and talking with the old people. The Alpha Beta fall pledge class began sponsoring a Christmas toy drive for orphaned children, and the holiday season and activiti es were under way for Beta Nus. D ecember found soft glowing Christmas lights on a beautiful tree in the A°L.A room, and glowing smiles on faces filled with Christmas cheer and love for Beta Nu. A special Christmas rush party, warmed by delicious hot spiced cider, concluded with a carol-singin g session, and d espite approachin g finals it got everyone in the spirit and mood of Christmas. It was a lovely time to reflect on the events and accomp lishments of the semester. Beta Nus were delighted that five very fine ladies accepted our invitation to become new Mother Patronesses. The chapter was very proud of the R eader's Theatre Production " Flowers for Algernon," directed by our adviser, P oll y Zanetta. Vickie Stayton was named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Uni versities. We were very proud of the enthusiasm of our fall pledges, who took their walkout to Nashville, T ennessee. Every-
A B eta Nu pledge receives a gag-gift pledge pin
A Raggedy Ann cake was a surprise gift to Beta Nu members one had an enjoyable time sightseeing, shopping, and just being together. A visit from Field Representativ e Rebecca Sink gave everyone new ideas for making their own special job better, while a spaghetti-supp er mixer with the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity was a special social highlight of the season.-SusA N KuHN
Beta Pi Concord College Athens, West Virginia Although there seems to be an energy crisis throughout our land, one couldn't tell it at Beta Pi. Energy is one thing we seemed to have had an abundance of last semester. Beta Pi got off to a great start when our own Jackie Carson became Homecoming Queen. After a ll of the tears and cheers we finally settled down for our busy schedule ahead. Our pledges were certainly brimming with energy last semester. For Halloween they gave a party for the Mercer County Day Care Center. Local merchants donated the treats and our pledges provided the entertainment. The pledges also hosted a sandwich sale in the dorms. Because many of the members didn't have a little sister, we decided to have a secret little sister. Each member drew the name of her little sis and sent her small gifts and surprises. Secret sisters were announced at the big sis-little sis party. As before we had outstanding girls displaying good spirit, great determination and enormous amounts of energy. These girls were selected Sisters of the Month. Sharlene Lube and Paige Mccaulley were chosen¡ for October because of their hard work during rush. Tona Romeo was chosen for November because she did outstanding work on Homecoming. Debbie Kuhlke was chosen for December because of her tremendous warmth and energy. Sister of the Month is chosen by Standards Board . More energy than ever was displayed last semester in intramurals. We finished second in volleyball and first in ping-pong. Beta Pi celebrated Founders' Day a little different this year. We spent our first night of celebration in a
cabin with much singing, laughing, and joking. We also had a chance to get to know the pledges better. The next day we had a dinner celebration at Pipestem with our adviser, Brenda Palmer. The Pipestem management presented us with a bouquet of red and white carnations. Next came our big sis-little sis party. The members, dressed as munchkins, entered the world of The Wizard of Az.A. The party was topped off with the presentation of paddles and gifts. This year the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity invited us to join them for their Cabaret Dance. The theme was the Wild Wild West. On the night of the dance Beta Pis were tranformed into saloon girls, Indian maidens and Annie Oakleys. Our money-makin g project was a raffie for twenty books of S&H Green Stamps. All money made was pure profit for us because the stamps came from our own savings. For Christmas we exchanged gifts which were to be donated to the Day Care Center. We took these toys along with other toys and treats donated by local merchants to the Center. Our own Patti Fouracre dressed as Santa. The children were delighted at seeing Santa in person. One of our last get-togethers for the semester was our Christmas tree-trimming party. We had a small "between-finals" party where we decorated our tree, sang songs, and said our farewells for the vacation. We were also surprised by a visit from Santa, who turned out to be Beta Pi Diane Marino.-DEB BIE KuHLKE
Beta Sigma Southwest Missouri State Springfield, Missouri Fall ¡73 proved to be an exc1tmg and unforgetable time for the Beta Sigs. Rush and Homecoming dominated the first half of the semester. The first weekend of November was the date for our annual hayride. The pledges decided to make that day even more memorable by having a successful house takeover. It was a lot of fun, even though some were not ready for their dates on time that night. The pledges made some very worthwhile improvements in the house which were appreciated by all. Parents' D ay, November 10, was started by a tea, and then everyone sat together at the football game. The girls entertained their parents with a skit and songs after a very good dinner. It was a fun-filled day and gave the parents a chance to meet and know their daughter's Alpha Sig sisters. Alpha Angel Week started on November 13. During this week the pledges were carried off, there was a bunking party, a house clean-up by the pledges, church on Sunday, Inspiration Night with a dinner before, and finally Initiation on November 20 for a wonderful group of girls. Hard work and good spirits were characteristic of this group and the Beta Sigs are proud of them. Our annual Christmas dance was held D ecember 1. Elaine Ecord was selected as a finalist for Santa's Dream Girl. December 10 was set aside for the chapter's Christmas party. Carols were sung and gifts were distributed.KATHY SPA NOS
Beta Psi
Gamma Eta
Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan
Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania
We started the semester with winter rush. It's always great tc, meet all the new girls and introduce them to the Greek system. We were a lso thrilled to receive a new five -foot mascot R aggedy Ann doll to rep lace our old one. This was made by our pledges and members. It is even more special to us because her dress was made from bits of material donated by all our members. On the social scale we had continued success getting together with other fratern ities and sororities on campus for T.G.'s and parties. Shortly after rush we had our Annual Alumnae D inner-Dance. After months of planning we were happy all worked out so well. Alumnae are always excited to come back and see old and new members, and it's always great to provide them with a good meal and an entertaining evening. Our favorite must still be Mom's Weekend. It's a lways so exciting to have Mom up to visit. We kick off the weekend with a luncheon so all the Moms can meet one another and just relax. The rest of the weekend was fi lled by a play, spring sing, and if we were convincing enough, a shopping spree. We also made a working contribution to the Muscular D ystrophy All-Greek Drive which was a great success and a lot of fun.-NANCY SUTHERLAND
Victory was the name of the game for Penn State, as they returned home after Christmas break with the Orange Bowl trophy. Needless to say, Gamma Eta Chapter was well represented. Besides a group of A":i.A spectators, the T V camera also focused on our members in the cheerleading (Laurie Wettstone) and majorette (Nancy Mark) squads. O u r enthusiasm was carried over to Greek Week. Games, ranging from chess to chugging, were held at various fraternities. Our spirit and talent brought us to a successful end and a couple of additions to our trophy case. Greek interaction was further enhanced by our participation in the Delta Gamma Sorority Anchor Splash, a swim meet held to raise money for sight conservation and aid to the blind. This year, for the first time, sororities were included and we entered a triumphant team. For Gamma Eta's philanthropic projects we entertained and provided refreshments for the elderly at the Park West Manor Nursing Home. In addition, we presented an O ldies Hop at the student union building. As our money-raising project, we sold stationery. The highlight of the year was our annual pledge formal, held at Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. After a Friday night grub jammy, we went formal and dined at the Nittany Lion Inn Saturday evening. Back at Phi Psi, we honored our pledges with the sentiment expressed in Jim Croce's "Time in a Bottle." Decorations were elaborate, attire was grand and the whole meaning of sisterhood was emphasized. Good times were had by a ll . Many thanks to Mary Wilchek for excellent planning.JUDY ROWLES
G,amma Zeta University of Arkansas Monticello, Arkansas In October Gamma Zeta threw a Halloween party. We enjoyed games, refreshments, and the highlight of the night, the ghost story told by Judy Fite. Homecoming was a big success. Julie Durmon, senior from Warren, reigned as Homecoming Queen and was crowned at the football game. Karen Burton was chosen as one of the sophomore maids. Karen is from Monticello majoring in Math. Monica Sullivan represented one of the junior class maids. Monica, a native from Warren, is a business major. Along with P hi Lamb we built a Homecoming float, for which we received second prize. This gave us a feeling of accomplishment with our Homecoming spirit. Many of our money-making projects turned out to be quite a success. Our calendar and rummage sales were helpful to our chapter. First on , the agenda of Christmas activities was the caroling to the nursing home. We went to the home and sang to the elderl y people. We a lso gave them a basket of fru it. Next was our annual Christmas Formal . Along with the P hi Lambs, our formal was held in Greenville, M ississippi. Everyone seemed to en joy the music. T he work to sponsor this formal was long and hard, but with results as they were-it was worth it. Our annual Christmas party was held in the sorority room. This was termed as a party of giving, a party of receiving, and a time for a renewal of sisterhood. T he spirit of this party will long be remembered by many of us. We look forward to spring rush and many parties.EVELYN CASTLEBERRY
Spring 1974
Gamma Iota Rocheste r Institute of Technology Rochester, New York Winter quarter was an exciting one for the members of Gamma Iota. Early in January we initiated the members of the fall pledge class. We decided not to rush winter quarter and concentrate instead on having a large spring pledge class. February was the best month for most of us. On the first of the month we held our first happy hour of the '74 season. It was a good time for all the Greeks who attended. The high light of the month was our winter weekend on February 7-9. Thursday was our annual serenade to the fraternities, noticeably colder than last year's which was held in the spring. Everybody boogied at the 1950's sock hop we held Friday night at the house . A formal Dinner-Dance Saturday night topped the weekend off. Three short days later we were back working on a money-making project, a bake sale. The proceeds from that combined with the money we earned at our December candy sale and annual Christmas boutique has amounted to a substantial sum that will be a big help with our planned house projects. R IT's winter weekend completed the quarter's activities for us. Many of our members participated in midnight broom hockey, the 24-hour dance marathon, and the. winter frolic.-R ACHEL MILLER
G.amma Kappa
Gamma Mu
Glenville State College Glenville, West Virginia
Adrian College Adrian, Michigan
Gamma Kappa won first place on their Homecoming float which made them very happy and proud. Margie Skidmore was elected "Daisy Mae" for the Sadie Hawkins activities. We had a great pledge class as well. After all rush activities of second semester were completed the members sponsored a Sweetheart Ball on February 15. It was formal and all couples seemed to enjoy themselves. We crowned a King and Queen for the end of a special evening. Gamma Kappa is also sponsoring a Spring Sing in May. All sororities and fraternities on campus are participating. Awards will be given.- PAT THOMAS
The first big event for the Gamma Mus was the Pi Kap Olympics. For the third straight year the Gamma Mus were victorious. H omecoming was the next event. Working with the Sigma K appas a float was built around the theme of Back to Nature. Much work and time was put into this display. Then all the attention was turned towards rush. We spent many hours practicing and preparing for this big event. After a series of four parties it was all over and we had great pledges. Bid day was spent horseback riding in the afternoon and a party that night.-CrNDA BECK
Gamma Lambda Loyola University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois Gamma Lambda began its spring semester with the idealism of King Arthur and proved that the spirit of Camelot is still alive. Members tried out their domestic talents to make our annual spring bake sale for the mentally retarded a big success and participated again in the "Apostleship of Handicaps" which was first organized last spring by Janet Bak. In addition to our work for the mentally and physically handicapped, members also ran a cancer drive. Throughout the semester our members in R ome kt:p~ us we ll-informed of their experiences and our p ledges reported our sorority activities to them each week. Our formal Dinner-Dance brought toge ther fifty-two couples, including a lumnae, for a memorable night of fun. The Mother-Daughter luncheon was a lso a gala affair, but was touched by a note of sadness as we presented gifts to our d eparting seniors. We are a lso proud of our award -winning participation in a campus talent show and are planning a performance at a neighborhood old people's home.- SUZANNE RICHARDS
Happiness is a date with a Gamma Lambda
Gamma Mu s celebrate after winning Ph i Kap Olympics for the third straight year
G.amma Omicron Clarion State College Clarion, Pennsylvania This fall was a busy semester for Gamma Omicron. Once again, we did very well in rush. This pledge class was an especially m ischievous one, but the members held a mock "Kangaroo" court at the traditional cabin party in late November. W e were fortunate to be able to hold our cabin party at the Pine City C ommunity Center this year. L eaving the suite at midnight, both the members and the pledges enjoyed a night of fun, games and entertainment. It was a happy time for the pledges to see some of the best parts of belonging to a sorority. Our annual Founders' D ay Dinner was held at the college cafeteria, where we enjoyed an excellent steak dinner- qui te a change of pace from the meals we usually rat there. For the second year in a row, our intramural bowling team won second place. It was a very close contest and helped make our keglers even more determined to try to take first place next year. Congratulations to Wendy Besterman and Bernadine Biekecki who were named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. In order to qualify for this award, students must belong to a number of campus organizations and play an active part in the life of the college.
Our last social event of the semester was our traditional Christmas party. "Secret sisters" throughout the semester were revealed, and bigl\ and li ttle sisters shared gifts with all those in their family. Of course, Santa Claus was there, with one of his smiling elves. Good food, singing, and lots of love, sharing and sisterhood' made the evening a great success. Congratulations are in order for last semester's Ideal Pledge, Patti L ott and Ideal Sister, Sally Bartoli.BERNADINE BIELECKI
Gamma Rho East Stroudsburg State College East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania Spring semester had a late start on the East Stroudsburg campus. Because of the fuel shortage, classes only resumed on February 4. Needless to say this made rush plans very rushed! As in the past, we are sponsoring a child in Korea. Lolita Ponce received Christmas presents from Gamma Rho through the money we sent to the Christian Children's Fund. This money also provides for Lolita's education, food, clothing, and housing. Each week members of Gamma Rho send letters to Lolita, to which she responds with enthusiasm and gratitude for our support. Also, each week we are visiting the local YMCA to aid in the activity program they offer for the mentally retarded children, teens, and adults of the area. P resently we are starting a project to bring the college and community of East Stroudsburg closer together. Each week, one of the churches of East Stroudsburg will hold a service for the members of Gamma Rho to attend. Following the service, families will have us as guests in their homes for dinner-two girls per family. This, we believe, will promote better relationships between campus and community. The annual Greek Week preparations are now underway. Gamma Rhos have begun practicing and getting in shape for the Greek Sing, Greek T alent Show, and the Greek Games.- DEBRA R. HOSTETTER
Gamma Tau C.W. Post College Greenvale, New York This ~emester's activities began with the annual Homecoming D ay ceremonies. One of our members, Leslie Montmarquet, won 2nd place in the H omecoming Queen contest. Also, we were presented with a trophy for building the most creative float, an airplane designed and built in' one night as stated in the contest rules. Mid-semester brought a visit from our Field R epresentative D ebbie Bukas, who gave us lots of good suggestions for next year's rush program. D uring the Christmas season we went around collecting money in the dorms for a nearby orphanage. The money was used to buy toys and have a party for the children. We also helped decorate the Christmas tree in the Great Hall for the annual Christmas Carol sing. That was a lot of fun. We all chipped in to buy a silver charm bracelet for our adviser Mrs. Ewald in appreciation of all the hard work and time she's given to our chapter. At the present time, we've been putting articles in the school newspaper to find worthy candidates for A'2.A Special Education scholarships. The articles helped
Spring 1974
bring us more recogmtlon on campus. Some of our members made a display of pictures, articles, etc. about A'2.A activities for the showcase in one of Post's Main Buildings.-KAY NAVRATIL
Gamma Upsilon New Mexico Highlands University Las Vegas, New Mexico J anuary started the new year off quickly and Gamma Upsilon made a new year resolution to reach out a little more to our pledges as well as to other people. With all of the snow that Las Vegas had, it wasn't too hard to find something to do as some of our members enjoyed skiing, ice skating, and sledding. After all the playing, though, there were also some serious moments as we ini tiated our pledges into the chapter. There were also some new ways of raising money. One example was making and selling soft pretzels and doughnuts . M ost of Gamma Upsilon's philanthropic projects were pointed towards benefitting the mentally retarded children here at Las Vegas .- KATHY HEMLER
Gamma Psi Edinboro State College Edinboro, Pennsylvania Gun-totten', moonshine-swigg en', 'ole cowpokes were the main attraction for the theme of our fall rush party, "The Old Saloon." Both members and rushees enjoyed a skit and estactically funny songs from the old west. The decor consisted of candle-lit tables, checked tableclothes, and dusty old cowhands. R efreshments were served and a "getting to know you" game was played. This was a huge success and everyone was involved. The party ended on a glittering note, the singing of some favorite sorority songs. Each rushee was given a novelty candle as a favor. Much effort was put into the organization of the party, and as a result we had great pledges. During their pledge period the pledges had a bake sale and a popcorn ball sale to help pay for their pledge project. Also, the fall pledge class, for their philanthropic project, collected $76.00 for UNICEF. Our pledge dance formal was held at the V oyager Inn in Franklin, Pennsylvania. It was a gala affair for all who attended. The pledges, then new members, sang songs an d performed a skit which resembled that of the Academy Awards. Next, they presented the pledge project to our President, Mary Juliano. It was a giant eight-foot paddle with insignia and a beautifully com¡ posed poem inscribed on it. The Best Pledge Award was given to Andrea Valentino for her efforts and the Worst Pledge Award was presented to Joyce McConky. The Aster Award is given by the pledge class to the member they felt showed the most sisterhood during their pledge period. It was awarded to Sue Murray. Mark Dugan was named our Sweetheart. Dancing followed, and everyone had a fantastic time. The members of Gamma Psi spread Christmas cheer this year by visiting the San R osario nursing home in Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania. The members chatted with the patients and brought with them some A'2.A Christmas spirit. We expect to return again in the spring.
Also, the members of D elta Z eta sorority on ou r campus asked the members of our chapter to participate in their philanthrop ic project to raise money for a needy family from McKean, a neighboring town. We held a bake sale and used the money we ra ised to support this worthy cause. Another fund-raising project was initiated by the members in order to raise money to pay for the composite picture. We sold scented Christmas candles, which were very successful. One of our most outstanding members, Paula Keyes, was named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, which is a high honor and a great achievement. We are all very proud of Paula for her accomplishment.-N ICCI SIRIANNI
Gamma Omegas prepare for rush
Gamma Omega Eastern Illinois University Charleston, Illinois Gamma Omega ended winter semester with their annual Christmas party for our philanthrop y. Assisted by the men of Tau Kappa Epislon we played games, had a visit from Santa and consumed all kinds of goodies. We started spring by participatin g in "It's Greek to Me." Then fo llowed the preparation s and excitement of rush . Social functions with fraternities, pizza parties and many other events helped show our rushees what an Alpha Sig is like on both the social and spiritual sides. By mid-Februa ry we had a wonderful pledge class! Gamma Omega won 1st place in the bowling tournament and are now trying their talent on the basketball court. Next Gamma Omega held their formal in Champaign , Illinois. It turned out to be a wonderful evening filled with many beautiful memories. Our favors were AZ:.A blankets and mugs. The Gamma Omegas got their training camp under way for Greek Week. Tri-cyclers, tunnel-balle rs, the obstacle team and skaters all got in shape for the events . Greek Sing also took weeks of training but of a different nature. We sang a medley from Carabet.- JACKIE SCHRAEDER AND NANCY KLEIN
Delta Epsilon Mansfield State College Mansfield, Pennslyvania R ight before finals and Christmas vacation the Delta Epsilons made changes in their skit "The Roberta Hope Christmas Special" that was presented for Christmas Panorama. We had a great time doing it, even though we did not win; some of our members did a fantastic job doing impersonati ons of the Chipmunks , Abbott and Costello, and the Andrews Sisters. At Christmas we a lso went caroling through town, to the fraternities and sororities, and to the O ld Folks Home. Along with the new semester came the spring rush parties. This year our theme was a greaser party. We had a lot of fun dressing up in the clothes of the l 950's. After rush was over, it was time to start raising money for our annual spring Dinner-Dan ce. Greek Weekend was held in March, with all the Greeks participatin g in the slave . sale, games, and of course the Greek party which was the highlight of the weekend. The Delta Epsilons have also been active in intramural sports. In the fall we p laced second in football, and co-ed volleyball ; right now we are playing basketball and hope to do as we ll here. Margie Esaley received our chapter's Ideal Pledge Award. Other members of the sorori ty were selected for honorary fraternities because of their academic abilities or their service to the college and community. One of the year's highlights was our Senior Party. Each senior received a plaque with the creed to Alpha Sigma Alpha on it. At the party we also honored our retiring advisers and welcomed our new one.-R OBIN ENEBOE
Delta Zeta University of Wisconsin, Whitewater Whitewater, Wisconsin
Mother and daughters of Gamma Omega enjoy a day together
Delta Zeta Chapter went all-out, especially for their rush programs. Being the smallest sorority on campus, A LA really pushed to get a good pledge class. Last Thanksgivi ng the girls brought all the necessities to a needy family in Whitewater to make an enjoyable holiday meal. At Christmas the members went caroling to
a nearby rest home. Our money-makin g car washes are fun on a warm Saturday afternoon. Winter formal and Winterfest was a snow-covered dream and a happy memory for many, but we're all anxious now for spring formal. This is the time of year when many of our alums come back, and it's so nice to see them. Senior Send-Off will surely be a sad event when so many of the Delta Zeta members will be graduating. The University of Wisconsin-W hitewater Panhellenic Council awarded the Delta Zeta Chapter as being the most academically improved sorority on campus. This chapter has also tried something new-having spiritual days. It has turned out quite nice. The chapter works on all four of A'2.A's aims diligently throughout the year. Now with our newly-elected officers being trained for office Delta Zeta is anticipating years of involvement, service, friendships, and sisterhood which will be long remembered.-BARBARA NELSON
Delta Zetas frolic under the Christmas tree
to go to church with us and then had a brunch for them and us. If the prospective members don't put on weight, the rest of the house does. Rush was exciting and a lot of fun, and as we grew to say, "Neither rain nor snow nor dark of morning will stop the Alpha Sigs." Activities were many as we had our first exchange of the term with the Delta Upsilon fraternity. With oldies but moldies on the record player, we danced til all hours enjoying the tunes and the fraternal companionshi p. As the winter progressed so did the Delta Thetas. Practice was in full swing for the All-Campus Variety Show. We did the show with the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity. We did five numbers from the production Grease. It was great. We are real hams anyway and when it comes to greasing up, it was a cinch. The trophy was surely ours. As Valentine's Day approached and honoring our Exemplar, we had a pixie week where we did all sorts of little things for a member and she didn't know who we were. It was a surprise to one and all to find out who our special pixie was. Then came a night we had longed for since last year. Our Sweetheart Formal was held on a beautiful and unusually warm day. The night started out with cocktails at the house and then dinner at the Holiday Inn. A delicious buffet dinner was served and we were very pleased to have so many of our alumnae present. After dinner, awards were presented and our Sweetheart King was crowned, followed by the Alpha Sigma Sweetheart song. Dancing filled the rest of the evening into the wee hours of the morning ; then we went back to the house a little more tired than when we had started but we had coffee and rolls for energy and the evening that we had planned for, for such a long time was now over. Our philanthropic project for the term was working with the Tri-Valley Volunteer group trying to raise money for the children so that they can go to Little Grassy Camp this next summer. Elections of new officers was the last major order of business and now we are training them for their new p ositions.-Luc1 NDA HARMS
Delta Iota University of Delaware Newark, Delaware
Delta Thet.a Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois The winter months sometimes seem depressing with all the snow that too soon turns to cold and slush, but the Delta Thetas at Southern Illinois University keep smiling by keeping busy. Rush is always a big thing for the beginning of a new school term. Individual rushing was a technique used this term with more personal attention placed on individuals by going out to their dorms and visiting, taking them notes, cupcakes, and just spending time with them. Then we had such parties as a Wine-tasting party, during which we all became connoisseurs of wine and now know the proper way to taste it. We had a P .J. party in which we had the rushees stay over night just like those good ole days when we were kids. Bowling was a night of festive enjoyment as the rushees made better scores than the members did. We invited the rushees
Spring 1974
The end of the fall semester was a busy one for Delta Iotas as our activities included popping corn for the weekly campus flicks, ice skating, informal get-togethers with combined song fests, and a cover-dish dinner. To round out our philanthropic projects, we created animal plaques out of zip-pop tops and roly-polys out of plastic eggs to be donated to a local school for mentally retarded children. Also, in cooperation with Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, Delta Iota solicited for canned good donations for needy families at Christmas time. November 15 supplied us with a double purpose for our social calendar. For Founders' Day, Delta Iota shared a cover-dish dinner. Also, our chapter planned an inspirational service and song session for our alum group. One of our Christmas activities included a formal dinner dance sponsored by another campus sorority. In addition to our own personal Christmas party with all
the trimmings, our members (!njoyed a cocktail, dinnerdance at a nearby Ramada Inn. For Delta Iotas the beginning of spring semester can best be remembered by the word "rush" in every sense of the term. Formal rush was underway with ·parties including our puzzle party, carnival theme-"Up, Up, and Away with A~A" party, and favorite combination of singing-inspirational impromptu. The week was highlighted with our · traditional P earl Ceremony based upon a "wishing" theme for our final party. Our efforts reflected a successful rush and a fantastic pledge class. Informal rush activities continued through the remainder of the semester. The most outstanding of our philanthropic projects involved Delta Iotas volunteering their time on a rotating basis as aides in a nearby school classroom for mentally retarded youngsters. A large part of our assistance involved working with swimming classes. Our social calendar began with a co-ed volleyball game with Lambda Chi Alpha which materialized as one of our pledge class projects. Soon after, followed a Valentine Day Dance sponsored by Panhellenic and the Central Fraternity Government. Our annual daffodil sale on the first day of spring was a favorite fund-raising project for Delta Iotas who enjoyed spreading yellow cheer around the campus. Mother's Day provided an added touch to our Mother Patroness Ceremony which doubled our traditional occasion into a memorable one. The end of our spring semester is heightened with eager anticipation of our week-long live-together in Rehoboth Beach, following final exams, and we also look forward to making plans for the upcoming National Convention where members from all over the country can share ideas in person !- LINDA C. BONINE
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alpha sigma alpha
GNVENrlON pitrsburgh 30
National Chairmen
Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia, November 15, 1901
Chairman of Advisers-Sid ney Gremillion Allen '!''!' ( Mrs. John H .), 254 Rutherford, Shreveport, Louisiana 71104
Cha irman of Colon ies-Marlys Jarrett White BB ( Mrs. Dennis P.), 2290 Ash St., Denver, Colorado 80207
Louise Cox Carper ( Mrs. W. B.) * Juliette Hundley Gilliam (Mrs. H. E.)* Miss Mary Williamson H undley* Virginia Boyd Noell (Mrs. J. W.)* Calva Watson Wootton (Mrs. P. W . )* * deceased
National Council Pr esid e nt Em erita-Wilm a Wilson Sharp ZZ (Mrs. Fred M.), 1405 Hardy, Independenc e, Missouri 64052 Presid e nt-MaryAn n Sidehamer Linton 1H ( Mrs. George D. ), 204 Gallup Road, Princeton, New Je rsey 08540 Exe cutive Vice President-G eraldine Vang Cox NN (Mrs. Walter G . ), 24 Colonel Barton Drive, Portsmouth, Rhode Island 02871 Vice President of Develop me nt-Esther Kauffman Gatseos BB ( Mrs. George G.), 6659 E. Eastman Ave., Denver Colorado 80222 Vi ce Pre sident of Colleg ia t e Program-Eth el Schmitz Keeley BH (Mrs. Ronald), 1721 Avenue E, Bismarck, No rth Dakota 5850 I Vic e President of Alumn a e Prog ram-Judy DeMasters Winter ZZ (Mrs. Weldon J.), 501 Wedgewood Drive, Blue Springs Missouri 64015 Secreta ry-Frances Jobson Francis BE ( Mrs. James T.), 602 Devon Road, Richmond , Virginia 23229 Tre asurer-Mar garet Angelcyk Neff HH ( Mrs. Howard R.), 6216 E. Lafayette Blvd., Scottsdale , Arizona 85251 N PC Delega te-Mary Goeke Backsman AA ( Mrs. Joseph H.), 1361 Oak Knoll Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 Ed itor-Ms Judith A. Holman 88, 295 Winter Street, Norwood , Massachuset ts 02062 H eadquarters Executiv e-Miss Rose Marie Fellin B~ . 616 S. Kickapoo, Springfield, Missouri 65804
National Headquarters Rose Marie Felli n, Headquarter s Executive 1201 E. Walnut, Springfield , Misso uri 65802
Spring 1974
Constitution Chairman-H iwana Cupp Crompton B E (M rs. Eugene H.) , 2903 Edgewater Circle, Mechanicsvil le, Virginia 23 111 Music Chairman-M iss Gretche n Siferd 1M, 104 W est Silver, Wapakoneta , O hio 45895 Philanthropic Cha irman-Miss Barbara Johnston B'I', 1106 Mt. Royal Drive, Apt. 3A, Kalamazoo , Mi c higan 49009 Progra m Chairman-B ernice Baur Shupe 88 ( Mrs. Th o mas L. ), 186 1 Pinnebog Rd., Elkton, Michigan 48731 Ritual Chairman-S ilvana Filipello Richardson 1/\ (Mrs. Robert L.), 747 Red Oak Lane, Apt. SM, Park Forest South Ill. 60466 Rush Cha irman-Elain e Rahaim Shiverdecker Bb. ( Mrs. Jerry), 1220 NW 5th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale Florida 333 11 Scho larship Chai rma n-Nunie Roque Falcon BZ (Mrs. John L.), 6706 Indian Lake, Missouri City, Texas 77459 Stand a rds Cha irman-Janic e Hinrichs Haydel BZ ( Mrs. E. Wayne), 11807 Old Gate Place, Rockville, Maryland 20852
The Phoenix Staff Alum nae Ed ito r-Peg gy Dwyer Meece BN (Mrs. Jeffrey W.), 4207-D Falcon C o urt North, McGuire AFB, New Jersey 0864 1 Coll e g iate Editor-Bett y Urban Wallick , Jr. ZZ (Mrs. Philip H.), 676 Park Avenue, York, Pennsylvania 17402 Fea tu re Ed itor-Miss Paula Cyrus PP, 624 High Street, St. Albans, West Virginia 25177 Art Director-Mi ss Mary Jedrzeiewski B<I>, 3761 S. 58th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53220 Hist o ri an-Miss Lillie Greer boll , 393 Hollywood Ave., Akro n, Ohio 44313
Field Representatives Rebecca Sink 1Z Debb ie Bukas 1/\
National Panhellenic Conference Del egate-Mrs. Joseph H. Backsman Altern a t e Delegate-M rs. George D. Linton Second Alte rnate-Mrs. George G. Gatseos
Province I Ms. Viola Adams Walters NN 799 Pheasant Run Courtland, New York 13045
Gamma Iota; Gamma Rho; Gamma Tau
Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton; Boston; Northern New Jersey; Rochester
Province 11 Marti Manion Stratton BB (Mrs. Robert F.) 120 Ruskin Ave., Apt. 805 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
Alpha Gamma; Gamma Eta; Gamma Xi; Gamma Omicron; Gamma Psi; Delta Epsilon
Jane Shaffer Peters Ar (Mrs. Ralph) 402 Candlewyck Road Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011 Province 111 Miss Barbara L. Ripp AA 610 West Main Bel Aire, Maryland 21014 Province IV Lynne Rachal Chambers, A ( Mrs. James L.) 4401-F Sprenkle Lane Richmond, Virginia 23228 Province V Pam Aughenbaugh Nester rH (Mrs. David M.) 3531 Casa Grande Drive Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70814 Province VI Miss Pat O'Toole AA 1799 Bairsford Drive Columbus, Ohio 43227
Province VII Judy Vance Morris B8 (Mrs. Kenneth) 807 S. Douglas Mt. Plea sant, Michigan 48858 Province VIII Linda Wyrick Lineback XX (Mrs. R. D.) 538 Hawkeye Drive Iowa City, Iowa 53340 Province IX Peggy Schalk Hull BN (Mrs. Da vid) P.O. Box 353 Monticello, Kentucky 42633 Province X Pamela Nordquist Lyson BH (Mrs. Royal) Hebron, North Dakota 58638 Province XI Jean Eves Anton BL (Mrs. William) 763 Chambe rlain Place Webste r Groves, Missouri 63119
Province XI I Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson Br (Mrs. Ronald) 5880 South Joplin Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135 Province XIII Marlys Jarrett White BB (Mrs. Denn is P.) 2290 Ash Street Denver, Colorado 80207 Georgia Jagl inski Calvert BP ( Mrs. J . Arthur) 7032 East Latham Scottsdale, Arizona 85257
Buffalo; Central Pennsylvania; Pittsburgh Kappa Kappa; Nu Nu; Delta Gamma; Delta Iota
Delaware Valley; Willmington; Washington, DC
Alpha; Beta Epsilon; Beta Iota; Beta Pi; Gamma Kappa; Delta Lambda Colony
Beckley; Charleston; Huntington; Norfolk; Northern Virginia; Richmond
Beta Delta; Beta Zeta; Gamma Sigma
Hattiesburg; Jackson; Lafayette; Greater Miami; Monroe; Mobile; New Orleans; Southeast Louisiana; Tri-City, Florida
Alpha Alpha; Chi Chi; Beta Upsilon; Delta Kappa; Delta Mu Colony
Akron; Anderson; Butler County; Calumet Region; Cincinnati; Columbus; Dayton; Elkhart-Goshen; Evansville; Fort Wayne; Indianapolis; Muncie; Newark-Zanesville; Richmond; South Bend Terre Haute; Toledo
Beta Theta; Beta Psi; Gammu Mu
Detroit ( b.<I>); Detroit ( b.P); Detroit (LPX); Grand Rapids; Kalamazoo; Pontiac
Beto Rho; Beta Phi; Gamma Beta; Gamma Epsilon, Gamma Lambda; Delta Zeta; Delta Eta
Chicago ; -Chicago North; Chicago South; Chicago West; Dekalb; Des Moines; Fox River Valley (Green Bay); Milwaukee; Rockford; Waukegan
Beta Kappa; Beta Nu; Gamma Omega
Louisville; Murray; Paducah
Beta Eta
Dickinson; Omaha; Portland
Alpha Beta; Epsilon Epsilon; Zeta Zeta; Eta Eta; Phi Phi; Beta Sigma; Gamma Pi; Delta Theta
Co lumb ia; Emporia; Greater Kansas City; Greater Kansas City #I; Greater Kansas City #2: Kirksville; Maryville; Pittsburg; St. Joseph; St. Louis; Springfield; Topeka; Warrensburg; Wichita
Beta Gamma; Beta Lambda; Beta Mu ; Gamma Zeta
Bartlesville; Dallas; Houston; Little Rock; Muskogee; Oklahoma City; Pine Bluff; Tulsa
Beta Beta; Gamma Upsilon
Colorado Springs; Denver; Greeley; Gunnison; Las Vegas; Phoenix; San Diego; Tucson
HAVE YOU MARRIED OR MOVED? Notify Alph a Sigm a Alph a Nati onal Head quar ters 1201 E. Waln ut, Sprin gfiel d, Missouri 6580 2 Please change addres s or name and addres s on the A"'2.A files as follows: ....... DEGREE ................. . COLLEGE CHAPTER---------------------- DATE OF LEAVING COLLEGE ............. ....................................... MAIDEN NAME ................................................................. ....................................... Middle) First
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TO ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA PARENTS Your daughter's sorority magazine is sent to her home address while she is in college, and we hope that you enjoy it. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send her new permanent address to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 120 I East Walnut, Springfield, Missouri 65802