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7:1tc erccd of A/pita Si!lma Alplta Z'o fill m11 davs witlt satisf!finp activit!f, ro find dominant beaut!/ in art, literature, nature, and friendsltips, ro know tlte peace and serenit!l of a divine faitlt, Z'o love life and jO!fOUSI!flive eaclt da!f to its ultimate pood Z"ltis is 11111 creed in A/pita Sipma A/pita.
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EDITOR Betty Urban Wallick 676 Park Ave nue York, Pa. 17402
PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor Miss Lillian Ford 204 Hanbury Avenue Portsmouth, Virginia 23702
Collegiate Editor Miss Debbie Bu kas 1720 Ca mpbell C hicago Heights, Ill. 60411
Feature Editor Miss Pa ula Keyes 21 14 Lawnview Drive Mc Keesport, Penn. 15135
Art Director Miss Mary Jedrzejewski 3761 S. 58th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53220
Contents SPRING ISSUE 1975 3
Province Directors
6 ASA Lifesavers 9
Dr. Anita Ald rich
First Woman President
Denver Fifty-Year Members
Spotlig ht
Collegiate News
Alumnae News
Historian Hiwana Cupp Crompton 91 Belmont Drive Leesburg, Virginia 22075 THE PHOENI X of Alpha Sigma Alpha
THE PHO ENIX OF AL PHA SIGMA ALPHA, an educational journal, is published in the fall, winter, spring and sum mer of each year at Eden Publishing H ouse, 1724 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. 63103, official publishers fo r the sorority. The subscription price $1.50 a year. Send change of address and bu siness co rrespondence t o Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headq uarters, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, Mo. 65802. Address all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Mrs. Philip Wallick, 676 Park Avenue, York, Pennsylvania 17402. Second-class postage paid at St. Loui s, Missou ri. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to National HeadquartEM"s, 120 I East Walnut Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802.
Dear Collegiate Senior, You must be approaching graduation with mixed emotions. Mostly relief that it's-all-over-and-l'll-nevergo-to-school-again, if I remember my own feelings twelve years ago. At the same time it is sad to think of leaving good times and good friends behind. And it is a small bit frightening to think about leaving a secure campus life and moving on to a new experience. Whatever your plans-career, grad school, marriage, travel, all of the above, or none of the above, Alpha Sigma Alpha need not be one of the good things left behind. A"2.A alum groups are all over the U.S. They are made up of old alums and young alums and middle-aged alums who continue to treasure friendships that sorority can bring. My alum group meant much to me in my first year after college. The older ladies adopted me, the younger ones became immediate friends. As for the middle-aged ones, well-the generation gap is there and we argued the topics of the day with sisterly affection. Please consider joining-or beginning-an alum group when you are settled next fall. Congratulations on your graduation. Much luck in everything you choose to do. Have a beautiful forever. Love in A"2-A, Barbara Ripp Former -Province III Director
Inflation has hit the Phoenix. It is necessary to reduce the number of pages for each issue,
but your Phoenix staff will still strive to produce a magazine of high quality. You will notice a few changes in this i sue, but by fall we expect to change the content of the Collegiate and Alumnae sections so that the malerial printed from each of our chapters is of more significance in meeting the challenges of today's world. There i a need to share ideas which chapters have found helpful in solving some of the problems faced on our campu e and in our communitie . As Debbie Bukas, Collegiate Editor, stated: "I envision The Phoenix as something designed to help our members continue the aims and ideals of sorority." The entire Phoenix staff will welcome your suggestions. 2
Province Directors - Experts
in Their Fields by Paula A. Keyes, Feature Editor
Province Directors care. A simple philosophy of sisterhood yet the thought encompasses the totality of acts, words and continued efforts of 15 hardworking Alpha Sigma Alphas. As a liaison between collegiate and alumnae chapters and the National Officers, the duties of Province Directors are infinite. Their duties are characteristic of a counselor, an educator and a psychiatrist all blended together. Secretarial and clerk typist duties merely supplement their numerous responsibilities. From corresponding regularly with all collegiate and alumnae chapters in their regions to assisting with specific programs, one mustn't forget the efficiency reports, individual letters, chapter suggestions and national reports. Viola Hudak Walters of Courtland, New York, is Province I Director. A graduate of Drexel University with a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering, Viola pledged Nu Nu in her sophomore year as Gerry Cox's little sister. During her collegiate years Viola was membership director but she claims that her most interesting activity at college was the birth of her son Steve, two months before graduation. Since her husband was in school in Pittsburgh, she lived during her pregnancy in the A'LA apartment. In 1970 she moved to Central New York where she is employed as the metallurgist and quality control manager of the Brewer-Titchener Corporation, a medium-sized forging company. Spare time activities include the Edelweiss Ski Club, International Management Club, American Association of University Women, the American Society for Metals and the American Society of Quality Control. She also enjoys sewing, knitting, crocheting, painting and reading. Marti Manion Stratton and Jane Shaffer Peters share the honor of being Province II Directors. Although born and raised in Denver, Colorado, Marti and her husband Bob are living in Pittsburgh, Pa., where Bob is a medical student at the University of Pittsburgh. Her activities include a full-time teaching position in Mt. Lebanon; a member of the Women's Auxiliary to the SPRING 1975
Student Medical Association; a member of the Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter and a City Panhellenic Delegate and a member of the Fraternity Education Committee. When she isn't busy corresponding or traveling for the Province, Marti may be found painting, making candles, crocheting, doing macrame, reading or taking ballet lessons. A graduate of the University of Northern Colorado in art education with a minor in drama, Marti was awarded the chapter's Ideal Pledge Award in 1967. Then in 1970 she received the National Frost Fidelity Award but she didn't find out until she returned from her honeymoon. Province Director of Area II Alumnae is Jane Shaffer Peters. A '45 graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a B.S. in Home Economics and a minor in English, Jane played saxophone in the concert band. 'She was also selected for Who's Who Among Studen ts in American Colleges and Universities. Jane's husband Ralph is President of Berger Associates, a Consulting Engineering firm. She is the mother of two daughters and two sons ranging in age from 23 to 11. A past president of the Harrisburg Jaycettes and the Highland elementary PTA, she was a Sunday School teacher for five years, editor of her church's monthly publication for three years, Children's Education Director for two years, and golf chairman at the Harrisburg Country Club . for two seasons. Jane has served two terms as president of Central Penna. Alumnae and seven years as philanthropic chairman when she won the ational Award at the '72 Convention. She was chairwoman and toastmistress of the White Dinner at the '74 Convention. She is serving her second biennium as Province Director of Alumnae and has extended three new alumnae chap ters in Pennsylvania during her first biennium. Traveling, writing poetry, playing bridge, golfing and doing crewel em broidery are among Jane's enjoyments. 3
Province Directors of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Seated, left to right, Marcia Gross Harris rA, Pro vince VIII; jane Shaffer Peters Ar, Province II ; Peggy Schalk Hull BN, Province IV. Stan路ding, left to right, Pat O'Toole AA, Province V; Viola Hudak Walters NN, Province I; Barbara johnston B'l', Pro vince VI; Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson Br, Province X; Marti Manion Stratton BB, Pro vince II ; L ynne Rachal Chambers A, Pro vince III.
A native of Radford, Va., rai ed in Roanoke and Richmond, Lynne Rachal Chambers is Province III Director. She attended Longwood College and in 1969 graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. degree. While in college she was active in numerous cholastic and extra curricular activities and he received her chapter's Elizabeth Bird Small ward. Recently she recei ed her Master of Humanities degree from the niver ity of Richmond. Lynne ha been a member of the Richmond lumnae Chapter sin e 1969. She served a philanthropic chairman, vice-president, program chairman, editor and i now serving her second term a pre ident. he was a delegate to the 1970 onvention and i erving as an a i tant lo the '76 Con ention. Among Lynne's hobbies are teaching needlework, being treasurer of the hurch circle, inging in the church choir and erv in with her hu band a advi ers to the chur h outh fellow hip. he al o enjo reading sewi ng, gardening and biking. ince ugu t 1973 Peggy chalk Hull ha been Pro ince Director for rea IV. umma urn
laude graduate of 'Iurray State Uni er ity in 1969 with a B.A. in history and political science, she was active in variou honorarie . fter graduation she taught special education and received her Master of Arts. In 1972 he was honored with the Outstanding Teacher of the Year ward for the late of Kentucky from the Kentucky Association for Retarded Children. Peggy is aJ o a charter member and pre ident elect of the Lake Cumberland Council for Exceptional Children, a member of the Bluegra s Association for '!ental Retardation, the Murray Alumni As ociation, the Monticello Woman's Club and the Monticello Boa rd of '!ental Health which he i currently serving a Pre ident. While in college Peggy received the Elizabeth Bird mall Award and the 1umni cholar hip ward for the senior with the highe t overall gradepoint average. t the '74 Con ention she was honored with the Phoenix ward for her feature article on pecial Education. In what little time he has free, Peggy i an avid bridgepia er, enjo reading, cooking, art a nd craft, THE PHOENIX
working with plants and traveling. Pat O'Toole and Merrilyn Lindley Burris head the Province V Area as directors. After graduating from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, Pat O'Toole taught at Reynoldsburg High School, a suburb of Columbus. This year she is teaching a co-op program-Cooperative Office Education. The girls she teaches are seniors who are in school for a half day and for the other half they work in local business offices. Among her other activities are the Committee for the Improvement of Instruction and the Ohio Business Education Association. Pat enjoys playing bridge, reading, sewing and ceramics in addition to swimming and just plain relaxing in the summer months. After acquiring her bachelor's and master's degrees from Ball State University, Merrilyn Burris became active in the Indianapolis, Indiana Alumnae Chapter. There she has served as treasurer and magazine chairman. Merrilyn lives with her Siamese cat Misty in a mobile home park on Indy's south side. She said that traveling has become a popular activity. Province Director for Area VI is Barbara Johnston, or BJ as her sorority sisters call her. At the Beta Psi Chapter at Western Michigan University, BJ served as membership director which she claims is her favorite office of all. Immediately after graduation she accepted a job teaching high school English but resigned when she was accepted as Field Representative. After serving two years as Field Rep, BJ served as National Philanthropic Chairman and is now serving as Province VI Director. Currently she is an Advertising Coordinator for the Kalamazoo Label Company and a part time student at Western Michigan University in Counseling and Personnel. Eventually she would like to work in some aspect of Student Personnel Services. Traveling is still a part of her interests as well as decoupaging, needlepointing and crocheting. Her most recent undertaking is quilling. But then there is always her reading, bowling and sailing on the shores of Lake Michigan. Helenmarie Herbert Hofman of St. Paul, Minnesota, is the Province Director of Area VII. Indiana University of Pennsylvania was the setting of her undergraduate and graduate degrees in science education. She then received her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1973. Presently Helenmarie is an educator with the St. Paul Public Schools as a team leader. Married to Robert J. Hofman, an Antarctic research scientist, they are the parents of Lynne Marie and Stephanie Anne. Bridge and raising, grooming, training and showing Kerry Blue Ter-
riers are Helenmarie's favorite pastime activities. A graduate of Loyola University with a B.S. in Nursing, Marcia Gross Harris is Province Director of Area VIII. She is presently working on her master's degree in health education at George Williams College in Downers Grove, Illinois. Marcia's husband R on is an Alpha Sigma Phi from Loyola University and an account executive for a Chicago-based advertising agency. Marcia and Ron met while she was pledging AL..A. Their three-year old daughter Melanie was a Panhellenic baby. Born the summer between her junior and senior year at Loyola, the sisters and brothers enjoyed spoiling her. Among her hobbies and interests are playing bridge, crocheting, sewing, horsebackriding, reading, taking care of plants and watching silent movies. She also collects donations for the Heart Fund, Cystic Fibrosis and the American Cancer Society. While a collegian Marcia received the Ideal Pledge Award and the Frost Fidelity Award. She helped organize the Chicago Metro Alumnae Chapter and is presently the philanthropic and magazine chairman. At the '74 Convention Marcia co-led the rush workshop and led the group dynamics workshop. Bonnee Crosswhite Griggs, Province IX Director, graduated from Southwest Missouri State University with a B.S. in Education. She was a member of Beta Sigma Chapter where she was the recording secretary. After Bonnee taught first grade for four years, their daughter Nicole was born. Her husband is unit manager of Mutual of Omaha in Joplin. Sewing, needlework, gardening, sports and cooking are among her interests. Province X Director is Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson. A Beta Gamma at Northeastern Oklahoma State University, Rhetta received a B.S. degree in elementary education with a major in English. Later she completed her master's degree in guidance and counseling and is now a ninth grade counselor and Dean of Girls at Nimitz Jr. High School in Tulsa. With her husband Ron and son Joey, Rhetta enjoys spectator sports and traveling. She also belongs to various professional organizations and the Tulsa Alumnae Chapter. Southern Florida is the setting of Province XII with Dr. S. June Smith as Province Director. A graduate of Temple University, she did graduate work in psychology and related fields in reading disabilities. Thus she became trained as a certified psychologist. Dr. Smith was appointed Director of Special Pupil Services for Lancaster County. There she was also an active member of the Central Pennsylvania Alumnae Chapter.
ASA LIFESAVERS- HUSBANDS by Paula A. Keyes, Feature Editor
Let's begin the morning with a simple cup of coffee-drunk, naturally, from a sorority cup (the boutique was a little short of masculine items). Then the mail comes. Nine A'LA envelopes for her, nine bills for him. Well, the marriage started out 50-50. Then the day comes. Mom is sent out on an extension trip and the fun begins. Poker and golf games must now be scheduled around piano lessons and the Boy Scouts. TV dinners are a popular item as well as the neighborhood takeout stands. Yes, everything goes well including the trips to the emergency room for burns and cuts. Then there's always the neighborhood kids to babysit, the tons of dirty clothing and stacks of dirty dishes. But, still no complaints. A little exhausted, he drives anxiously to the airport, spots his wife in the crowd, and everything is back to normal. 路w ithout their husbands' understanding and cooperation, we probably wouldn't have some of
our National Officers. This article is a tribute to the wonderful husbands of our liberated women. Who should we begin with first but George D. Linton-the man who has given us the biggest contribution of all-MaryAnn Linton, our National President. George is the Director of International Computing for the Revlon Corporation. A world traveler, he will attend his first A'LA Convention in '76 on the last day. Walter G. Cox, Gerry's husband, is a chemist at the Naval Underwater Systems Center in Rhode Island. They started dating about three months before Gerry pledged and he has been an unofficial member ever since. He was Nu Nu's sweetheart the year that she was chapter president. Since then he has attended the St. Lauis and Virginia Beach Conventions and is looking forward to the '76 Convention. Jim Chambers has been a part of Alpha Sigma Alpha as long as his wife Lynne. They started going together in high school and almost pledged together. For the '74 Convention he gave up his vacation to take care of their sevenmonth-old son from diapers to b~ttles to laundry. Since then, Lynne says, "David has been very partial to his father!"
Brian and Natasha en joy a day with their Alpha Sig dad, George Linton.
Jim Chambers takes good care of son David.
What does Alpha Sigma Alpha mean to a husband? Ever think about it? Probably not. Well, to the husband of a perpetually active Alpha Sig, A'LA could mean quite a few things!! I
John Horton Allen
Dr. John H. Allen, Sidney Allen's husband, is the President of Centenary College of Louisiana. His activities with Alpha Sigma Alpha date way back to the 1940's when his sweetheart (Sidney) was president of the Psi Psi Chapter. During this entire time, John never complains. According to Sidney, his attitude is "the work must be done by those who want to do it and know how to do it." Eugene H. Crompton, Jr., is by day Plant Manager of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia, but at night and on weekends, he is Skip Crompton, the ever-busy father of Corey, 12 and Carol, 10 and ever-helpful husband of Hiwana Crompton, National Historian. Skip began his duties 20 years ago when he and Hiwana were married. She was appointed scholarship chairman, and as those were the days before pocket calculators, he was immediately pressed into service for the figuring of chapter standings and "improvement" averages. George Gatseos, husband of our National Vice President of Development, Esther Gatseos, has been sharing his wife with A'LA from the first year of their marriage. Rummage sales and Christmas parties are among George's annual contributions. As Senior Vice President of F.R. Ross Co., a Denver real estate firm, George has a very busy business life too but he has always been willing to take on baby sitting responsibilities when Esther was on sorority trips. One of his most unforgettable "baby sitting stints" occurred when Esther attended the St. Louis Na-
lion a l Convention. During that week, George II slammed his finger in a car door and received a lacerated and broken finger, his twin sister, Suzanne needed x-rays for a suspected case of pneumonia, which fortunately was not pneumonia, and 8-year-old Beth fell into the bed of ro e bushes and suffered severe scratches. Fortunately for the children, the family pediatrician lives across the slreet. Ron Harris, Marcia Harris' husband, is an account executive with a Chicago advertising agency. Since their meeting at Loyola University, Ron has been selling raffles, taking collections and stuffing Homecoming floats. The college days are over now and Bob has graduated into alumnae work-sharing the bedroom with sorority files, delivering recycleables and babysitting. While Marcia was in Pittsburgh for the '74 Convention, Ron had two poker games, "cleaned" the house, cared for a new kitten and an active three-year-old with a bad cold, listened to his mother-in-law every night, ran up a $30 telephone bill and lived the carefree life of a bachelor! David and Peggy Hull met the first day of their freshman year at Murray State University and married in their junior year. Thus, David has gone through everything. An attorney, he kept the homefires burning literally while Peggy was in Pittsburgh-he set the oven on fire! At least when the entire family goes to the '76 Convention, Peg won't have to worry so much. It will be safer that way.
Ernest L. Kuno, Jr.
Ernie Kuno was Mary Kay's right ha nd man during the year's planning of the '74 Convention. He made the wooden carved chests, also helped to contact the speaker for the Awards Banquet and donated his den room which be-
came "Convention Headquarters." A Spanish teacher and head coach of track and cross country, Ernie was selected "Cross Country Coach of the Year" in both '73 and '74 for the tri-state and conference division. Ralph Peters, Jane's husband, is President of the Domestic Division of Berger Associates. During the '74 Convention, Ralph was in Pittsburgh on business (not intentionally scheduled to coincide with Convention week) . He popped into the William Penn Ballroom to give Jane a pat on the back just prior to her emceeing the White Dinner. After sleeping at the airport motel, he joined Jane and her roommate Kathy Kimmel for breakfast the following morning before returning to Harrisburg.
years ago and is still attending them as evidenced by his presence at the Awards Banquet at Convention in Pittsburgh. Their second honeymoon was in 1955 at what else but the Alpha Sig Convention in Biloxi, Mississippi. There he became an official Alpha Sig husband and as such has attended five additional Conventions. When it comes to Betty's sorority work, Phil is usually quite patient, especially now that he is free to play golf while she does sorority work. Lou Walters, Vi's husband, first thought being a Province Director meant going somewhere to demonstrate for women's lib. That's been a while ago and Lou has learned what Alpha Sigma Alpha really means. To Lou, A'LA means carrying two heavy boxes of files and a typewriter from the guest room closet to the kitchen table and back every Sunday. He is employed by Smith Corona Marchant as a draftsman.
R obert L. Richardson
Bob Richardson, Silvana's husband, is responsible for her being a Greek woman. He convinced her to go to sorority rush parties. Now, Silvana is National Ritual Chairman and we all have Bob to thank. Besides sorority chauffeur and head housekeeper, Bob is an area leader of guidance, counseling and group dynamics and teacher of psychology and communications on the junior high level. Jerry Shiverdecker, Elaine's husband, is general ma~ager ~f The Miami B each Times. They met while Elame was in training at National Headquarters for the Field Representative's position. So those few times when he gets a little exasperated at the time she gives to A'LA, he gets over it by remembering that they would never have met had it not been for Alpha Sigma Alpha. Phil Wallick, Betty's husband, attended sorority functions on Central Missouri campus thirty 8
Dennis P. White
Denny White, Marlys' husband, has been serving as an active A'LA husband for the past 15 years. Their friendship began at a social function between his fraternity Theta Chi and her sorority. Little did they know that a romance would continue. This summer when she returned home from Pittsburgh, he greeted her at the airport dressed in his best suit, with a large paper flag in his lapel, carrying a huge placard which read, "Welcome Home MarlysAll American Woman!" THE PHOENIX
Call her "extraordinary," "successful," "talented," and "dedicated." These are words which alone or together describe very few, but they ring true about Dr. Anita Aldrich, chairman of the Indiana University department of physical education for women. She was just never "average," and she still isn't after 37 years in the business of teaching and educational administration. You can find agreement in this evaluation of her from friends who knew her when she was a student at Northwest Missouri State University from 1932 to 1936, and those who have known her in a succession of successful tenures at King City, St. Joseph, Kansas City, and now at Bloomington, Indiana. To all of the superlatives which describe Dr. Aldrich can be added another, "refreshing." Just listen to her. "In a teaching career of some 37 years, 20 of these years having been spent in administration, I can honestly say each day I have arisen, I have thought with pleasure 'Today I get to teach or work with young men and young women.' " And again, "I am delighted I have had the privilege of being on the production end of the professional preparation of physical educators as they pursue the B.S. degree, the master's and the doctoral degree." There, from a woman who has contributed so much to others, comes her central theme: she is thankful for being allowed to serve others. Northwest Missouri State University alumni from the 1936 era will remember Dr. Aldrich as the vice president of the Women's Athletic Association in 1935-36, she was a member of the Barkatze Pep Squad, and she was a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha, the national educational sorority, and participated in the Young Women's Christian Association. Recalling those days, she says, "We had the privilege of being taught by some of the finest teachers and people in the profession of education."
Dr. Anita Aldrich
Her professional career since leaving the Maryville campus with a baccalaureate degree in 1936 has been a steady climb to a now long period of national prominence. At Indiana University Dr. Aldrich has served with distinction. In 1971, she was appointed to the Indiana University Athletic Committee as its first woman member. She is currently serving in her third year as a member of the Indiana University Promotions Committee and in her third year as a member of the Advisory Committee on Women's Affairs. She has also served as president of the Indiana University Women's Faculty Club. Her contributions have stimulated many honors. Most notable are her inclusions in Who's Who in America, Who's Who of American Wom en, and Who's Who in the Midwest. In 1967, the University of Missouri-Kansas City
the society of the 1930's "was not as mobile and certainly the news media and economic situation did not provide the broad stimulating experiences from which students today are privileged to learn." Dr. Aldrich heads a women's physical education department at Indiana which offers an eight-sport intercollegiate program, a growth from only two sports when she came to Bloomington in 1964.
presented her its Alumni Achievement Award for her contributions as one of the country's leading experts in physical education. Asked about her views and observations of the current women's liberation movement, Dr. Aldrich responded, "One is immediately struck with the fact that the movement is not new. It is only receiving wider dissemination than ever before due to the news media, television, congressional action, and the equal opportunity thrust which is broader than women's liberation." She expressed support for the movement, saying "The very foundations of America will survive to the extent all people, regardless of sex, color, race or creed contribute to their fullest potential in the interests of America. Quality of thinking and performance and dedication supersede any artificial lines of discrimination." She says today's young women are better informed and are "more experienced in working with segments of people and have a sounder grasp on the political and economic issues of our nation than did students with whom I came into contact in 1932-36 while I was at Northwest Missouri State College." This she said because
She says that as a result of the expanded program in her department, many young women are becoming coaches, officials, athletic trainers, athletic directors and sports writers.
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Alpha Sigma Alpha
announces the formation of
announces the formation of
Murray, Kentucky
Des Moines, Iowa
September 19, 1974
September 29, 1974
Currently Dr. Aldrich is involved in a research program, funded by a grant, which is designed to identify and enhance motor skills and social attitudes of children ranging in age from three and one-half to seven years. "The thrust of information in physical education will in the future be concentrated in the earlier years rather than waiting to teach such skills as swimming at the junior or senior high level when inhibitions have been acquired by students."
An ASA as the First Woman President? by Paula A. Keyes, Feature Editor
"I sincerely believe that I will be the first woman president of the United States," predicted Betty Ann Hillmann, a Delta Eta from De Paul University. A fantasy dream? Not quite. Betty Ann is already working toward that ultimate goal. She is the first student ever to be elected Vice-President of the De Paul University Senate, t11e most powerful decision-making body at the University. Her major goal is to bring governmental decisions to the students. "Government by the people, for the people and of the people is an ideal that should be treasured in the hearts of men," she stated. "As a representative and as an administrator, I have always tried to make students aware of the fact that it is their government and not mine. Good government exists only when every man takes the responsibility of participating in his government." The oldest of seven children in an Irish, Catholic family, Betty Ann believes that "some elected officials have failed to involve people in government and this is why government looks corrupt and politics is something you tell smalltime jokes about. I do not believe that gover:nment is corrupt. Government has the potential to make things good in this world and the power to change the bad." Chicago and politic~ h~ve always been a major part of Betty Ann _s hfe. Her parents are both actively involved m the politics of the City of Chicago an_d she h~ worked closely with Lt. Governor Neil F. Hartigan (Ill.) on his campaigns and in his law . . office for a couple of years. A senior majoring in philosophy with alhed fields in political science and psychology, Betty Ann is loqking forward to attending law sch<>?l next September. She then plans a career m government and hopes to ru~ for public office in the next five years on the City or state level of government. "I plan to devote mr, life to the ideal of government by the people, she added. "The best way I can do this is to become an active part of government myself." . College life has been a true .educatiOn. for Betty Ann. Through her offices m the U mversity Senate, she has learned the complex nature of structured government and how to w?rk well within it. Student government has provided her an opportunity to learn how to motivate people
Betty Ann Hillmann, Delta Eta
both inside and outside of government and how to be an effective candidate. In the sorority, Betty Ann has learned "how to be me." I hav_e learned that people will always respect you If you're fair and honest with them by just being yourself." This is her fourth year in Alpha Sigma Alpha. The members have honored her with the '74 Elizabeth Bird Small Award and she is currently serving as the chaplain. She also enjoyed the responsibility of organizing_ programs for the poor in Chicago and plannmg retreats for ~e members of Delta Eta. "The Greek system IS an important facet of student life and the university at De Paul," she explained. "Because most of our students are commuters, there is a great need for the university to giv_e our students more than just a classroom educatiOn and Greek life at De Paul does just tha t." Among her honors, Betty Ann has been selected for inclusion in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges and is one of the ten women just accepted into Blue Key at De Paul. Blue Key is a national, ho~or足 ary fraternity (traditionally just men) , that gives (Continued on page 12)
Indianapolis Alumna Honored
Not only has Helen had time for teach~ng and sorority work, she has also been an active and faithful member of the Broadway United Methodist Church. She has served in the Sunday School as teacher and director, has directed the children's choir, and also worked in the women's guild.
ALUMNAE Rushing Information
Helen Selvage Noblitt
Alpha Sig members in the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter are very proud of Helen s:l~age Noblitt XX. On November 18, 1974, the Wilham Watson Woolen School :f1:45 of the Indianapolis, Indiana Public Schools dedicated its new Media Center to Helen S. Noblitt. Helen attended elementary school at School :f1:45, later returning to teach in this building. After a welcome by the Principal Mrs. Naomi Clay and remarks by Mr. William Myers representing the Indianapolis School Board, the Media Center was formally dedicated to Helen by School Superintendent Karl Kalp. Mrs. Clay explained that the faculty of the school had decided on naming the Media Center after Helen. Responding to remarks made by Helen, Mrs. Clay asked all of Helen's sorority sisters who were present to stand. Twelve Alpha Sigs stood. Since her initiation as Indiana's second Alpha Sig in 1928 to the present day, Helen has always "given full measure" in everything. She has been very active in the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter, having held every office and committee chairmanship at some time through the years. She is presently Chaplain. She is known to Alpha Sigs everywhere as the composer of our "Hymn To Alpha Sigma Alpha" and many other of the songs we love. She has attended many National Conventions since the first in 1936 at Brainard, Minn., where she introduced the "Hymn To Alpha Sigma Alpha" and "Jolly Alpha Sigs." In 1949, "Hail to Alpha Sigma Alpha" won first place at the Convention song contest. (Words by Florence Morris Lullmusic by Helen Noblitt.) 12
Our collegiate chapters count on you to supply them with names and information about prospective rushees. This is one way in which you can do your part in our rush program. Complete the recommendation form and send it directly to the president of the specific chapter. Additional recommendation forms may be obtained from the National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, Missouri 65802. If a chapter writes to you for a recommendation of a girl, reply as soon as possible. If you do not know the girl, try to find another alumna who does or consult the guidance counselor of her high school. If you live in an area where there is a collegiate chapter and an organized alumnae chapter, you can help in many ways in the actual process of rush by donating refreshments or decorations. Most important, you can share your own experiences as an Alpha Sigma Alpha with the collegians. Some of the rush ideas your chapter used may be applicable today. Share your experiences of rush with the collegiate chapter in your area when they ask for ideas. What is to be said about sisterhood? "The idea is so old it's still in style ... living together to help understand one another."
First Woman President (Continued from page 11)
recognition to individuals for outstanding scholarship and leadership. "Women can be just as qualified as men on the job," she confirmed. "In fact, women can add something new to every profession because jobs that were once only occupied by men are now feeling the consequences of a woman's touch and approach to the job." Betty Ann Hillmann-ladies and gentlemen, the first woman President of the United States. THE PHOENIX
INFORMATION SHEET On Prospective Member of Alpha Sigma Alpha Mail to A'LA Central Office, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, Missouri 65802 or to th e A'LA chapter at the College the girl plans to attend. Full name of girl ··········-------···· ·· ·······-· ·····-------·-------------· ----· ···----· -·········-···· ·-········-· ···· ·----------······-··················-··-------Address ····-··· ·····-·-·· ······ ······-·········- ·-······--·-···----- -- ----------··-···---------- -- -· ······-·····-------····---------·····--·-····················--·······-··She plans to attend ..................................................... College starting ............................................ , 197 ....... . Month Father or Guardian's name ........................................ O ccupation ..................................................................... . Address ···-----·····----·--------- -----·······------------------- ------------ ----- -- ------·------·-··------··········-···········-·-·····-------------················-··----Mother's name --· ·· ···-------···-·· ·············-····················-------·-·························· ·······-······························ ···· ····· ··· ··----····-···R elatives in A'LA (state relationship and chapter) ·-··························································································· Relatives in other NPC sororities ------------ -- -- --- ------------·········· ·-·· ············ ·-··········· ··-········-------·· ·-·············-····· ·-····--·--·Can she financially afford to join a sorority? Will her parents approve of her joining a sorority? ·-·········· ················································································· PREVIOUS EDUCATION: High School attended ·-· ·························································································· Address Graduation date Approximate size of graduation class .......................... Her scholastic rank in class ..................................... . Her over-all scholastic average in High School ·········-·························································································· . List special scholastic honors received by her ·········-··············································································· ........... .
·-·····--····-----· -····-----------····----- --------------------······--------------------------------·-···············--··-···-·--·--------------------···--------- --·········-------Underscore the activities in which she participated: Art; Music; Sports ; Dramatics; Publications; Service Clubs; Beauty Contests ; Other ...................................................................................................................... . List offices held in classes or various organizations: ............................................................................................. . List special recognitions, interests or talents: Junior or other colleges attended:
...................................................................................................... .
........................................................................................................................ .
PERSONAL QUALITIES: Underscore the qualities that you believe her to have. If it is an outstanding quality, put two lines. Personally attractive; dresses appropriately ; friendly manner; shy; well-mannered ; outspoken; thoughtful of others; selfish; loyal ; enthusiastic ; ambitious; tolerant; leadership ability; accepts responsibility; high social standards and ideals. Give a brief description of her appearance, if possible ................................................................................... . D oes she work well in a group? ................ Is she apt to place her personal ambitions ahead of those for the welfare of the group? ................ Is she well thought of in her community? ............... . D o you know this girl personally? ................ If not, list your source of informa tion on her (i.e., ·relative, teacher, Panhellenic file, etc.) ......................................................................................................... ............ . D oes she know ab out Alpha Sigma Alpha? ................................ about this report? ............................... . Do you recommend her for membership in Alpha Sigma Alpha? Yes ................ No ................ , or is this report for information only? Yes ................ No ................ Use Another Sheet for Additional Comments Signed Married Name
( ····················································································) Maiden Name
Address College Chapter ............................................................ Alumnae Chapter ........................................................... . Date
benveR honoRs
by Linda Clark, Denver Alumnae Editor
On November 21, 1974, the D enver alums honored six women who have been m embers of Alpha Sigma Alpha for 50 years or more. During an impressive ceremony each was presented a plaque bearing the Creed. We all enjoyed their sharing of information about their lives and sorority experiences. The experiences gained through their sisterhood seemed to be much the same as they are today. At that time their college and sorority experience lasted only 2 yearsmany of them going back to school in la ter years. During the war years the campus was composed m ainly of girls, and they said they were happy about any occasion in which there were members of the opposite sex. During this time there was also a flu epidemic and then they were allowed no outside social activities. A small leather dance favor was brought by one of them and they all agreed that dances were always a big highlight on campus. They had their favorite songs, retreats, special rush parties and crazy fads just as we do today. I wish each of you could have shared this experience with us. Now a little about each of these interesting and enthusiastic women. Mary Francis Scott Kretchmer BB-Initiated in 1917. At the time Mary Francis went to school a girl wanting to be an artist was frowned upon even by her family. They felt she wouldn't be able to get a job. She did, however, and got a start in areas which later helped her become a successful interior decorator. She still is actively involved in this profession with clients in Denver and Ft. Collins. Morea Booth Bailey AS-Initiated in 1918. Morea and her Doctor husband have enjoyed spending the last few winters in Sun City. She did teach school for several years-the grades and high school P.E. She has also been active in the Denver Alum group where she held the office of president and in the Clear Creek Medical Auxiliary where she held the same office. Helen Hay BB-Initiated in 1916. Helen, who lives with her sister, is a retired kindergarten teacher. Believe it or not, when she retired another Alpha Sig took over her classroom. Helen helped start the Denver Alum group and was in one of the first groups of Alpha Sigma Alpha at the college in Greeley. N aomi Erickson Stone BB-Initiated in 1918. 14
Den ver Alumnae Chapter Fifty-Year M emb ers. Seated, left to right, Grac e Dalb y Davies BB and Florence Wolf BB. Standing, left to right, Mary Francis Kretschmer BB, M orea Boo th Bailey AB, H elen Ha y BB, and Na omi Erickson Stone BB.
Teaching school was also Naomi's profession until she took up keeping house and raising her children which she thoroughly en joyed. Naomi was very active in the Denver Alum group. Florence Wolf BB-Initiated in 1919. Canada and the U.S. have provided travel fare for Florence for the last few years. She has visited many points of interest-historical as well as otherwise. Florence retired from government work where she was an auditor for the Air Force Accounting and Finance Center for many years. After college she taught Jr. High math in Ft. Collins for many years. Florence has been and is now very active in the Denver Alum group. Grace Dalby Davies BB-Initiated 1924. Grace keeps very busy-including substitute work for the Denver schools. She has traveled widely. Her latest trip was to South America. Grace has been the A"i:.A delegate to Denver Panhellenic and she has gone to several of the A"i:.A National Conventions. The first meeting of the year has been held at her home for the past 26 years. I'd say that's a tradition! Our hats off to these fine women and their accomplishments during these past 50 years and more. They have represented our sorority well. THE PHOENIX
Kathy Young, Gamma Rho, is the first woman president of Inter-Greek Council at East Stroudsburg College . She is also active in Student S enate.
Jan Jamaldi, Gamma Rho's membership director, is vice president of Student Senate and vice president of the sophomore class. She is also a recent addition to Who's Who in American Colleges and Uni versities.
Kathleen Ann Kennedy, Beta Upsilon's secretary, was electe路d to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Among her other honors are membership in Alpha Lambda Delta Scholastic Honorary and Alpha Phi Gamma Journalism Hono rary.
Janice Finneran, Beta Epsilon, is listed in Wh o's Who in Hom e Economics.
Kath y Guise white, Gamma Rho's I deal Pledge, is president of Sigma Alpha Eta and Year book photographer.
Donna Gladden, Beta Epsilon, was electe路d to Who's Who in American Colleges and Uni versities.
H oily Foiles, Beta Rho, zs Phi S igma Epsilon S weetheart .
Cathy Weible, Gamma Omicron, zs Alpha Sigma Chi S weetheart .
These Gamma Omicrons have attained a 4.0 average. Front row, left to right, Janet Dudenas, julie Denslinger, Dawn Reitz, Patti Semonich, and Sally Bartoli. Back row, left to right, Bernice Hook, Kim Grove, and Linda Zebroski.
Tau Beta Sigma members are Lois Packard, Bernice Hook, San路d y Elbel, and Patty Semonich.
(}a rnrna O m i cro n
Gamma Omicron recognizes their members who have achieved high academic honors and recognition. Gamma Omicron members worked hard during the past year and earned a second place scholarship award among the sororities at Clarion State College. They also placed second in Greek Bowl during Greek Weekend. Many members of the Gamma Omicron chapter have been invited to join Kappa Delta Pi, honorary education fraternity; Lambda Sigma, honorary library science fraternity; Tau Beta Sigma, honorary musical sorority; and Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Others have attained 4.0 averages. Those not pictured who belong in one or the other of these groups are Susan Dodge, Sharon McCracken, Gloria Rozzi, and Debbie Westerman .
Elected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities were Sally Bartoli, Connie Frontz, and Lois Packard.
Among those attazmng membership in Kappa Delta Pi are (front row, left to right}, Jackie Engle, Janet Dudenas, Wanda Wokulich, and Susan Dudenas. Back row, left to right, Lois Packard, Sally Bartoli, Sandy Elbel, and Linda Zebroski.
Mary Ellen Moyer (pictured) and Connie Frontz are members of Lambda Sigma.
collegiate news Debra Bukas, Editor
Alpha Beta
Longwood College Farmville, Virginia
Northeast Missouri State University Kirksville, Missouri
Alphas ended the semester with the election of new officers and congratulations are in order to our new president, Holly Cosby. Instead of having many small money-making activities, we have had two major projects-selling candy bars and stationery. We will be able to supplement our treasury now by holding car washes at Hampden-Sydney College and donut sales through the dorms. We were quite pleased to find out that the Peninsula Alumnae Chapter wanted to adopt us as "Little Sisters." We have also been quite pleased to see our alumnae back to attend our special Inspirationals and our annual dance. By spring it's time for us to be thinking of how much our seniors mean to us and just how much they add to our sisterhood. To say goodbye to them, we hold "Senior Sendoff," during which time the seniors and the juniors remind each other of "the way they were." One of the most exciting times on campus is Greek Week. Each sorority is paired with a brother fraternity from Hampden-Sydney College, and they compete together in the Greek Games. There is also a Miss and Mr. Greek pageant, and to end the week, there are parties at the different frat houses and a dance on fraternity circle. - ELEANOR BaRBAS
One of the best fund-raising projects the Alpha Betas have is "Slave Day." Each member and pledge is responsible for working one day and earning a set amount of money for the chapter. We advertise with posters and the radio and the people in the community call for members to do odd jobs on the specified days. Our pledges sold light bulbs and members sold key chains also. Our collegiate-alumnae activities include a "coketail" party after the Homecoming game, a Founders' Day banquet, a Christmas party, and this year, a reception in . honor of our new sponsor, Mrs. Come!!. Greek Week is a busy time for Alpha Betas with Greek Sing, Greek Olympics, and an all-Greek parade. For Greek Sing, each sorority and fraternity is judged on one song they selected to sing. Greek Olympics consist of sack racing, tricycle riding, relays and tug-of-war. At our spring formal, all of the activities and honors of each senior are listed. The chapter Sweetheart and h er attendants are then announced and the chapter members sing a farewell song to the seniors. The last meeting of the year is a picnic and serves as a farewell to all seniors.-MARGARET RosEBERY
Alpha Alpha Miami University Oxford, Ohio The Alpha Alphas charged into Greek Week with wonderful enthusiasm. Before the contests began, a social service project (painting house numbers on curbs) was organized. Junior Panhellenic sponsored a campus-wide kidnapping fall quarter. They asked the pledge classes to capture their chapter president and hold her for ransom. The ransom money collected was given to Junior Panhellenic. For Founders' Day, the members of Alpha Alpha mixed with their near-by alumnae chapters and the pledges from Wright State University at a banquet. Our Senior Farewell is combined with spring fire-upfor-finals. The members dig up interesting and funny stories about the seniors and tell them to the chapter. Afterwards each senior receives a cook book.-CAROL MoRRISON
Alpha Gamma Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana, Pennsylvania The Alpha Gammas got right into the swing of things in '75. In conjunction with !UP's Centenial celebration and our chapter's 60th Anniversary, we hosted a luncheon for alumnae. Fund raising projects included a raffle for $100 and both pledges and members each split a "happy hour" with a fraternity. The pledges also sold stationery to raise money. Alpha Gammas participated in two philanthropic projects. Each member walked in the Theta Chi Marathon for the benefit of the Big-Brother-Big-Sister Program of Indiana County. We turned in the highest total number of laps in the sorority division. We also entertained elderly men and women at a resthome in Clymer, Pa. Greek Week activities began with the annual Sigma Chi Derby D ays. The competition lasted all week and climaxed with outdoor events on Saturday. We were out to recapture the Spirit Award which we won last year.
Alpha Gamma pledges find time to pose for a class picture. Greek Sing highlighted the month of May. We began practicing early in the semester and put a smashing medley of "Oldies" together. Senior Fa rewells are always a time for sad good-byes. We hosted our seniors to a banquet and a humorous skit. Each graduate was given a small gift so she would remember A"i:.A forever. Congratulations are in order to our new president, Maureen Durkin. P. J . Oliver was selected as Ideal Pledge and Ann M erchant was chosen as a Kaydeen for 1974-75.-SuE HoLNAIDER
Bet.a Beta University of Northern Colorado Greeley, Colorado Instead of Greek W eek this year, all sorontles on campus participated in Sigma Chi D erby Days. This included a Teetertotter Marathon in which the Greeks raised $250 for the Mental Retardation Foundation. The Beta Betas sponsored a bake sale, and the proceeds were given to the Billy Martinez Bi-Lingual School in Greeley. We also collected money for the H eart Fund. Our collegiate-alumnae activities for last semester included a Founders' Day tea with alumnae from Denver and Greeley. "Good-bye" was said to our seniors with a "Senior Week." During this week, members leave candy on our firepl ace mantel for the seniors. The week of kindness to the seniors ends with a brunch at the h ouse. The seniors make out "wills," and after brunch there is a swim and party for seniors to wash away all of their fears of going out into the world.- BARBRA ARMBRUSTER
Beta Betas have fun while raising money for the Mental Retardation Foundation.
brings exchange dinners. Each Greek house sends a member to visit the other houses. This gives everyone a chance to make new Greek friends and strengthen existing ties. The next night and highlight of the week are the Greek Games. The games consist of such events as tug-o-war, wheelbarrel races, and egg-throwing contests. In fact, the Alpha Sigs are the defending tug-o-war champs among the sororities! After the games a picnic is sponsored by Panhellenic and Inter-Fraternity Councils. The final night of Greek Week is a party for Greeks only at a local dance spot. Everyone must wear a Greek T-shirt to get in. Besides being a lot of fun, Greek W eek gives everyone the chance to strengthen ties and make "Being Greek Is Where It's At." Fund-raising projects at Epsilon Epsilon include various ideas by the pledge class and the chapter. The pledge class has had a bake sale and have sold light bulbs as a new money-making project. J oint projects have been a chili supper and a raffle for a year's magazine subscription. Being a senior Alpha Sig brings its own special privileges. These activities include a senior walk-out, a senior sneak, and a reading of senior wills. At the walk-out the seniors have the chance to walk out of meetings but before they leave they must sing the remaining chapter a song. Senior sneak allows the seniors to take a secret trip a nd they can take along whatever
Epsilon Epsilon Emporia Kansas State College Emporia, Kansas Enthusiasm and excitement mounts at Emporia State when Greek Week plans are finalized. Our Greek Week begins with a Penny Carnival with such attractions as water balloon throwing, tricycle races, and dunking booths set up by the sororities and fraternities. The proceeds are then given to a charity. Tuesday night
Epsilon Epsilon seniors read their wills.
Eta Eta
luck in selling candles, as we had more orders to fill than we did candles! Spotlighting two of our members, we were proud to have L inda R ussell selected for Who's Who, and Robin Lamb chosen as Phi Sigma Epsilon sweetheart at their Christmas formal. Spring activities for the Phi Phis include initiation, a Valentine's Party for the orphans in St. Joseph, and our annual family picnic.-PAM D ARNELL
Kansas State College-Pittsburg Pittsburg , Kansas
Beta Epsilon
possessions they would like. One of the big highlights for the chapter is the reading of the senior wills. These wills can be funny, embarrassing, or heart-warming. Above all they leave a special place in our hear ts for those members who have contributed so much to our sisterhood.-J EAN HoLT
Eta Eta's accomplishments this year have been many. During TKE "Freak Week," we won several trophies from the contests for sororities. We also won fi rst p lace in the Homecoming float contest, second place in L Tr Powder Puff Football, and second place in TK E softball. Our chapter has also been very active in intramural events, including football, swimming, volleyball, and badminton. The rest of the school year holds many exciting moments and challenges. We hope to have as much success with the future as we have in the past.-AMY PHILLIPS
Kappa Kappa Temple University Philadelphia , Pennsylvania The members of Kappa Kappa are planning a funfilled spring semester. One planned event is our alumnae get-together, beginning with quiet chit-chat and ending in a bingo game for our honored sisters. There is to be a fund-raising for our charity, Philadelphia Association for Retarded Children. Also, we hope to meet with the Nu Nus on Drexel's campus as we did on Founders' Day last semester. Panhellenic held a cocktail party for all sorority members on campus and their dates.- LEE FRANCIS
Nu Nu Drexel University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania We're not getting older, we're getting better. Our 50th anniversary on campus will be celebrated this spring. The festivities will begin with an all-Greek party. Our dinner-dance in May will be the climax of our golden anniversary. Preparations are already underway. Weekly pretzel sales are being held in the Main Building, and pretzels with mustard are as popular in Philadelphia as is the Liberty Bell. Everyone's busy-raising money, planning the dinner and favors, looking for dates. In all, it's an event unlike any other that's ever been seen at Drexel before. We are not only the best sorority, but the oldest national Greek organization on campus. -CATHLEEN 0PENHOWSKI
Madison College Harrisonburg, Virginia With the beginning of a new year, the Beta Epsilons are very busy. Our pledge class did their part in continuing our enthusiasm and togetherness by doing a fantastic job of their four pledge projects. They certainly made us a lot happier and "plumper" when they hosted us at a spaghetti dinner for their social project. They also made life a little easier one night when they offered a special "maid service" for all sisters in the dorms. Initiation was an extra-special event. Besides our fantastic new members, we also initiated a new sponsor, Miss Jean Dalton. After initiation, we gathered at a nearby restaurant for a reception. Beta Epsilons are always getting involved. Donna Gladden and Meredith Overstreet were named in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Teri Sue Ritchie served as Student Government Secretary. Lili Byers and Marcha Brenner were selected as finalists for Miss Madison. Jan Finneran was named in Who's Who in Horne Economics. Several sisters were named in Sigma Phi Lambda, an Honors Sorority at Madison. Our latest endeavors include Wednesday night donutsales for fund raising, final plans for our first St. Valentine's D ance, and of course, Rush-with all its plans and preparations. Our rush theme this spring is centered around a Hawaiian luau. After rush we will begin to say farewell to our seniors and get ready for Greek Week actw1t1es. Greek Sing is always a major attraction, and ALA will do its best to once again earn the first place trophy. Our year is almost over, but the fun, the work, and the new ideas will still be going on!-KATHY SNOWDEN
Phi Phi Northwest Missouri State University Maryville, Missouri As always, Phi Phis have been busy with fund-raising activities. We trudged around the campus and to fraternity houses selling donuts. During the Christmas season, we were able to wrap packages for a donation at one of the local hardware stores. We also had great
The fall pledges of Beta Epsilon were all smiles during their pledge period.
Beta Eta Dickinson State College Dickinson, North Dakota The Beta Eta Chapter has been busy with fund raising projects. The first project was centered around a Halloween theme and was held two weeks before Halloween. Five of the members volunteered to enter the "Miss Ugly" contest. They decorated a can in H alloween attire and went out collecting money by asking for votes. Each vote cost a penny and the member with the most money (votes) won. We collected money and had a good time while doing it. The second project was a bake sale. The alumnae chapter members helped us by baking some goodies for us to sell. The next thing that we sponsored was a pizza raffle. The last project that we have had was a Christmas boutique where we sold little items which the sisters had made. The Collegiate-Alumnae activity for the month of D ecember was a Christmas T ea which was sponsored by the alumnae chapter. The Inter-Greek activities which are being plann ed include an Inter-Greek Italian Supper, and the Greek organizations will participate together in helping with the Muscular Dystrophy Drive.-LINETTE J ESPERSON
Beta Theta Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Beta Thetas ended the semester in style when the pledges took the members out for surprise pizza. K athy Emorey received the Jean Mayhew Scholarship Award. Two other awards given each semester were Outstanding Pledge, P enny Kayler; and Best Active Award, Linda Dygert. Senior Farewell started out excellently when Santa Claus and his elves stopped to help with the festivities. Beta Thetas all had turns sitting on the dear old man's knee once again, and wished for a wide assortment of surprises. A wonderful way to end the semester, and a beautiful way to begin the new semester.-JILL ErsiNG
Bet.a Iota Radford College Radford, Virginia Rush at Beta I ota began with a traditional open house . Next we hosted a card party serving ice cream sundaes in between segments of entertainment by fall pledges. Next on our list was a rock da nce for the campus. The biggest social event of the quarter and perhaps of the year was our annual dinner-dance. We celebrated recognition of St. Valentine with a party in our sorority room . Philanthropic projects this quarter have included a party for the local Head Start children, donations to the H onduras Disaster Fund and to St. Albans, and Valentines were sent to the Greenlawn Nursing H ome.DEBBIE GRANT
Beta Lambda State College of Arkansas Conway, Arkansas The Beta Lambdas have b een very busy. Homecoming found us landing first place in the Homecoming display contest. Founders' Day was observed by holding church
services with parents and friends in Ferguson Memorial Chapel. Church was followed by a group lunch in the campus cafeteria. After lunch, Founders' D ay services and a tea were held in the sorority room. For a philanthropic project, Beta Lambdas visited the Children's Colony in Conway for a party with some mentally retarded children. Each member bought a gift for a child and met with them in a group gathering in the colony gym.- VICKEY SwiNK
Beta Mu Henderson State College Arkadelphia, Arkansas Beta Mu members and pledges have had a great time. The m embers hostessed the pledge class to a kidnap breakfast early ( 6: 00 A.M.) one morning at the home of a Mother Patroness, Mrs. Joe T. Clark. The pledges then hostessed a fabulous spaghetti dinner at J acque Watson's parents' home. To become better acquainted with our local Alpha alumnae, Beta Mu Chapter hostessed a tea for all Alpha alums in the Arkadelphia area. The tea was a success and the alums and mother patronesses returned the gesture by presenting us with our annual holiday party held at Mrs. Jamie Sue Williams' home in Arkadelphia. Here gag gifts were exchanged, refreshments enjoyed, and presents were given to our sp onsors, Mrs. Virginia Wilmuth and Mrs. Sandra Rod gers. A m oney-raising project, our annual Valentine sale, is among the activities ahead. Also on our list is our yearly Parent-Daughter Banquet, a Province Day to be held in Little R ock, along with Spring Fling activities. This spring we will be losing many good seniors. Beta Mu sends their best wishes for good luck along with them.-ANN R ETHERFORD
Beta Nu Murray State University Murray, Kentucky The Beta Nus are very proud of their fall pledge class. For their philanthropic project they collected old clothes for the needy. The pledges also set a stand up in the lobby of the Student Union Building for a very successful bake sale on Murray State's campus. The chapter was very excited about all of the pledges' activities, but the surp rise Christmas party that was given in the room and the Valentine's dance held in the ballroom of the Student Union Building will always have special memories.-PATTY WRYE
Beta Pi Concord College Athens, West Virginia Greetings from Beta Pi Chapter at Concord. On the money-making scene, we sold stationery and held a raffie-"Tower of Beer." We also save bonus gift points and green stamps which we plan to turn in for an electrical appliance and raffle it. This way, no matter what is made-it's clear profit. The Beta Pis were especially active in philanthropic proj ects. AL.A and l::!.Z sororities j ointly collected for UNICEF in neighboring communities. We gave the mentally retarded children at the Mercer County Day Care Center a Halloween party, complete with a huge
Our semester ended with turnabout day. After a wakeup breakfast, the pledges entertained us to a 1950's theme and we in turn dressed up in long skirts or rolledup jeans, bobby socks, saddle shoes, etc. Skits were given and everyone had a good time dancing to the original hits found on the album, "American Graffiti."-DIANE CooK
Beta Pis loved their visit from Santa. jack-o-lantem which lit up the room. Beta Pis gave needed help and blood when the American R ed Cross bloodmobile visited the campus. During December our chapter participated with Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity in a toy drive. Toys were donated to the Salvation Army to be distributed to deserving families . Our chapter is now busy making plans for Greek Week and collegiate-alumnae activities. Alumnae are expected to join us in a Valentine T ea which has been a great success in the past. This spring we look forward to R ush Week beginning in February, active intramural participation, Crimson Ball and much Alpha Sigma Alpha sharing.-JuNE SHIRLEY
Beta Rho Northern Illinois University DeKalb, Illinois With first semester all over with, we are happy to say, not only was it a lot of fun, but it proved to be very successful for us as well. During Homecoming, we captured several trophies, including a second place over all trophy for the decathalon games, and a first place trophy for the best float. Founders' Day turned out to be a very special occasion for we celebrated it with a cozy fireside, lots of singing, and a skit presentation by our pledges. At our pledge banquet, the pledges were individually awarded and Jan Birch was named best pledge. Besides just the good times, we are thankful for the many opportunities we have had this semester to share ideas and meet with new faces from different chapters. Besides visiting with the members of Gamma Lambda, we were able to send three representatives to an allGreek convention held at the University of Illinois in Champaign. We are also busy planning for State Day, which we will be hostessing Saturday, April 5th. Beta R ho is proud of several individuals this semester, including one of our pledges, Karen Eurich. Karen is to be congratulated on her performance as a vocal soloist in the NIU jazz ensemble and opera. A special congratulations is extended to Holly Foiles, now the new sweetheart of Phi Sigma Epsilon.
A Beta Rho "fireside" turns from the serious side to "just having fun ."
Bet.a Psi Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan This year's Greek Week plans were great. The idea of T -shirt exchange and other such activities helped to unify Greeks and to remind us that we are many parts joined to form one whole-Greek. During the past two years we have become more involved with our alums. We have done many projects and activities together. Our alums are enthusiastic and have helped us with rush. An S.O.S. program was also begun and we are currently planning a potluck for our S.O.S .'s and other Kalamazoo alums. We had our Founders' Day this year with our alums and are looking forward to doing it again next year. We are also doing a joint philanthropic project for a home for profoundly retarded children. Last fall Beta Psi and alums made things for a boutique-the profits were greatly welcomed by the treasury. We also have our Annual Alumnae Dinner-Dance. It's great to see the alums who are farther away and to reminisce about Beta Psi. Senior farewells encompass many things for Beta Psi from kidnaps to potlucks to semi-formal dinners to serenades and flowers. It's a time to say farewell and hello to new alums. We would like to acknowledge some of our sisters for their outstanding achievements. Julie Graham is the Inter-Collegiate Bowling Team Captain for the second year. Barbara Peterson and Kandy Kobar have received the honor of being in Who's Who in American CoUeges and Universities.-BARB PETERSON
Gamma Zeta University of Arkansas at Monticello Monticello, Arkansas Our Greek activities included a wiener roast given by the pledges at the Forestry Park for the members. In turn, the members gave a surprise party for the pledges. Gamma Zeta is now selling items from a catalog as a fund-raising project. We also sponsored a Miss Body Beautiful Contest. The contestants wore sacks over their heads and were judged on swimsuit and sportswear qualities. The Christmas Formal was he ld in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, at Ramada Inn. The Phi Lambda Chi fraternity and the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority gave this as a joint function.-LINDA McCLAIN
Gamma Etas won first place for their verszon of "The Sting" in the Dress-A -Sig Contest.
party houses and Sunday morning we prepare a delicious brunch for our parents. It's GREAT!!!! ~e wr~pped up the quarter and the year with our Senwr D1nner. We cooked a fantastic dinner with all the trimmings. A speech was made and of course tears were shed. But not for long! We soon got into the partying spirit and finished out the year with flying colors!- DAWN ALLEN
G.amma Kappa Glenville State College Glenville, West Virginia ~s a philanthropic project, our chapter is sponsoring a httle mentally retarded boy named Charlie who lives in a community near Glenville. We held a get-acquainted party for him at the off-campus home of our philanthropic chairman. She picked the little boy up early so that he could help her finish preparing refreshments and getting ready for the arrival of the other members which he enjoyed very much. We plan to take Charli~ to ballgames and other community activities in the future. On a night when the seniors least expect it we surprise them with our version of the Senior Ceremony. Someone lures the seniors to her room. Then the chaplain makes sure that everyone has a candle and is lined up on either side of the hall leading to our lounge in the dorm. While we sing the Friendship Song the retiring seniors file down the candlelit hall to each receive a rose. Then we all go into the lounge and the president reads selections which let our seniors know how much we have enjoyed having them as members and how much we will miss them. I t is a very moving experience for everyone.- P HYLLIS BARNHART
Gamma Lambda Gamma Eta Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania Gamma Etas are always eager to welcome back their alumnae. O nce again this year, we hosted a H omecoming T ea in honor of our alums. For Founders' D ay, in addition to our ceremony, we held a buffet dinner. I nvitations were sent to the area alumnae and each pledge class prepared a different course fo r the meal. In h onor of our seniors, we have our annual Spring Formal including a special ceremony for the seniors. T he Senior Will is presented at the end of each year at which time the traditional sorority "awards" are handed down and often many new ones are added.- D OREEN F EGLEY
Gamma Iota Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York Spring rush began j ust before Easter and lasted for 3 weeks. D uring this time we had a few informal get-togethers with interested women and a few p ar ties with all Greeks and rushees. O ur fi nal function was a fun Fondue Party with plenty of different dips for plenty of different tastes!! May is an exciting month for Alpha Sig. O ur Parents' Weekend starts the month out just right. Saturday night we h old a formal dinner-dance at one of our favorite
Loyola University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois The members of Gamma Lambda traditionally take an active part in L oyola's Greek Week. We serve on various committees and make sure that we have a representative for each activity. Many Greek Week festivities are passed on from year to year, such as tricycle races, pieeating and trivia contests and sports activities. There is always a T alent Show, and last year we won first prize with our entry, " T here Ain't Nothin' Like a D ame." Sometime during Greek Week, there is "Greek Night" at a nearby restaurant. Last year, Gamma Lambda was named "First Place Sorority" and "Second Place Overall Greek O rganization" for our involvement in Greek Week activities. T he awards are based on the number of points accumula ted for participating in the various festivities. O ur fund-raising projects are numerous and varied. We have sold taffy apples, carnations, Tootsie R olls, baked goods and hand-made items to make money. We have also held a yearly campaign to raise money for the American Cancer Society. We've shown movies, such as the Marx Brothers' "Horsefeathers," in cooperation with Loyola's Student Activities Board, in order to make money. T his semester, we had a party at the TKE house that was open to all Loyola students, and from which we earned money. O ne way in which Gamma Lambda maintains friendly and clcse relations with their alumnae is through inviting them to chapter functions, such as our annual Steak and Champaign Dinner-D ance in fall, and the Spring Formal. R ecently, we celebrated our ten year anniversary
For our fall philanthropic project, we dressed up and went out to collect for UNICEF during the Halloween festivities . Things began to tone down as attention turned to studies and finals. However, we did have time to have our officer elections and finish last-minute business before break.-ANN D AVIES
Gamma Lambda alumnae enjoy an evening with the collegiates at the Spring Formal.
as a chapter of A L.A, and held an Italian dinner party to which we invited our alumnae. During the summer, the alumnae held a "get-acquainted picnic" for the members. One of the most traditional ways in which Gamma Lambdas stay close to alumnae is by their participation in our Senior Farewell. On a Sunday morning in May, Gamma Lambdas and their mothers meet on campus to begin our Mother-Daughter Breakfast Day. Following services in the chapel, the girls and their moms go out for breakfast. Last year, we had a champaign brunch at the nearby Beefsteak Inn. Following the meal, we have our Mother Patroness ceremony for those moms receiving pins from their daughters. Next, we have our Senior Farewell. The graduating seniors read a "Last Will" that includes all the members and which usually inspires a hilarious moment for everyone. The seniors are then initiated into a lumnae chapters by the alums who are on hand for the occasion. The seniors each receive a farewell present from the chapter, and the festivities end with the singing of sorority songs and a few tears!- SuE A. MERKNER
Gamma Mu Adrian College Adrian, Michigan The closing months of 1974 proved to be busy ones for the Gamma Mu Chapter. The first event on the agenda was the Phi Kap Olympics. We had a crazy time participating in the events and when the final resu lts were tallied, the Alpha Sigs won hands down! This was our fourth consecutive Olympics victory and we were quite excited! While th e entire chapter was busy with projects, we had many individuals that were making the college news. We were proud to have Becky Stroube, Sue Crocker, and Luann High nominated as Homecoming Queen candidates. At the college football games, while the members were selling caramel apples, one member, Cinda Beck, was "cheering" our team to victory. The Gamma Mu's are very proud of our members who participate on the varsity level in the Adrian women's athletic program. Two of our members were honored as they were elected to be the captains of teams. LuAnn Smoker led the field hockey team as Denise Knuth proved her leadership ability as the volleyball team captain.
Gamma Mus get together at their "Rainbow" rush party.
Gamma Psi Edinboro State College Edinboro, Pennsylvania "Everybody's goin' surfin', surfin' A L.A," echoed through the halls of Scranton Hall as Gamma Psi Chapter began an exciting fall semester with the fun filled, Surfin' A L.A rush party. Highlights included the appearance of a certain number of "greasers" singing a number of old songs with a touch of AL.A lyrics. T he aroma of fresh-roasted peanuts filled the air, as the fall pledge class proved themselves diligent workers by their sale of fresh-roasted peanuts throughout the campus. While the pledges were hard at work selling peanuts, the members were busy raising money washing cars and selling raffie tickets. The pledges also found time to enjoy a feast of apple cider and donu ts with some of their favorite spooks, the members! Thanksgiving had special meaning for Gamma Psi Chapter. The members enjoyed a buffet dinner together and paid special tribute to their newest philanthropic project, their adopted grandmother, Mrs. MerceT. The members brought a Thanksgiving meal to Mrs. Mercer's home, and presented her with a lovely flo-r al arrangement. Not only have the members adopted Mrs. Mercer, but she has found a place in her heart for each member and proudly displays pictures of some of the members in her living room. Through the hard-working efforts of Joy Zappa, the members enjoyed an exciting fall pledge dance. Some of the special features of the evening included the announcement of Dave Arendas, a brother of <I>L.K as the new sweetheart and Val Nartawitz was named outstanding pledge. The pledges presented a laughter-filled program highlighted by the announcement of Sue Klingensmith as Astor Sister and the presentation of a silver bracelet for a great job to Nicci Sirianni, pledge mistress. -MAUREEN O'CoNNOR
Gamma Omega
Delta Lambda
Eastern Illinois University Charleston, Illinois
Virginia Polytechnic Institute Blacksburg, Virginia
As always the Gamma Omegas have been busy at Eastern. Everyone has been putting in time and effort to help make our fund raising projects a success. Our chapter took on the job of selling stationery and scented pens in order to increase our funds. Along with selling pens and stationery, each member and pledge made Christmas items which we sold at a Christmas bazaar held in a nearby shopping center. The Gamma Omegas really made themselves well known in the world of in tram urals on campus! In the Greek division we captured first place in football, volleyball, and bowling. As for the overall university winnings, we placed first again in bowling, and took seconds in both football and vo lleyball. Greek Week proved to be a lot of fun and also a lot of work for the Gamma Omegas. The week was full of such activities as an All-Star football game, the Greek Games, which included a tricycle relay, obstacle course relay, skating relay, and tunnel ball relay. We sponsored a booth at the Sigma Sigma Sigma Carnival; we also took part in T -shirt day, when we wore our special Greek Week T-shirts. We wound up the week by competing in Greek Sing. We ended our busy semester with our annual Senior Banquet, where awards were presented and farewells given to our seniors.-MARY BATTERTON AND PAM BLANKENSHIP
Delta Lambda held a Halloween party for the Head Start children attending the VPI&SU kindergarten. Pin the nose on the pumpkin and other games were played. Cindy Richardson dressed up as the Great Pumpkin and presented each child with a favor and lollipop. An inspiration week was held for our new initiates. A puzzle party, a scavenger hunt, and a devotional were among the activities. Following initiation, the new members were taken to the Longhorn restaurant. The members held a spaghetti dinner for their brother fraternity, Sigma Pi. The evening ended with the first snowfall of the year. Our new pledges planned a weekend of activities for the members of Delta Lambda. A slumber party began the weekend. A devotional service was held in which each member discussed the meaning of sisterhood and A'LA in their lives. The next morning began with a picnic at the VPI duck pond. Movies were taken of the members which will be used at formal rush. The weekend ended with a study session at the library.- SANDY CROWELL
Delta Iota University of Delaware Newark, Delaware Delta I ota's fund-raising events have proved to be some of our most fun as well as profitable activities. One of our favorites is our annual daffodil sale, held on the first day of spring. Nothing brings on spring fever as much as seeing every person on campus carrying a daffodil. Other activities which have h elped to replenish our funds are raffles, doughnut sales, and popcorn and ice cream cone sales at the campus flicks. Greek Week is one of the highlights of the year for all sororities and fraternities. The main event is Greek Games in which the fraternities compete in a number of events as do the sororities. Some of our favorites are the egg toss, tug-o-war, and most of all the VW squeeze. Each fraternity and sorority puts on a skit on Skit Night This year a big dance is planned, and many high school seniors of the state have been invited to the games to boost Greek spirit among incoming freshmen for next year's rush . Our favorite collegiate-alumnae activity is our annual Founders' Day dinner. This is a covered-dish dinner followed by a short ceremony. To honor our outgoing seniors, Delta I otas traditionally hold a Mother Patroness Ceremony. This consists of a covered-dish dinner and a ceremony in which the seniors and their mothers are special guests of honor. -HOLLY BAKER
Delta Nu-B-Section General Motors Institute Flint, Michigan No one can resist sweets! Even though the D elta Nus aren't original when it comes to raising money, we can get the job done! Since we are about to become recognized as national chapter, we sold fifty cent candy bars to raise money for our charter. Other Greek groups understand what we're facing as a newly established chapter and were willing to help us out. With their help and the help of the other students around the campus, the Delta Nus were able to raise enough money to pay for our charter. This is the dawning of the age of Greek Unity! Even though General Motors Institute, campus of the Delta Nus, has no formal Greek Week activities, the Greek organizations still show their strength and unity on campus. Using the theme, "Age of Greek Unity," the Alpha Sigs along with four other fraternities used a joint effort to bring all Greeks together by a common interest- a party. The success of the party showed the true strength of Greek Unity. Unity can be easily shown between Greek groups within a campus, but it goes farther than that. That's exactly what Kathy Deane, chairman of State Day activities, had in mind when bringing the three other Michigan Alpha Sig chapters together at General Motors Institute for this year's State Day. Each chapter had a part in the program and the day was filled with workshops, sing-alongs, and of course, food. Working together with other Alpha Sig chapters gives a true feeling of sisterhood! -SUE PETERS
alumnae news Lillian Ford, Editor
The Anderson Alumnae Chapter started the sorority year in October at the home of Diane Linegar Jack XX. We spent the evening working on one of our philanthropic projects, sewing pads for our local cancer society. Besides Diane, we are so happy to welcome three other new members recently: Miriam Kessler Sumner XX, Sharon Teague Wood XX and Anita Boals Lacy B:L. Later in October, several sorority families gathered at the Safari Camp Ground near Batesville, Indiana, for a weekend of camping and enjoyment of the beautiful fall scenery of southern Indiana. Nora Fuller Hanson XX was hostess for our November dinner in observance of Founders' Day. We were pleased to have Loraine Lewellen XX as a guest that night. Husbands were our special guests at our annual Holiday Dinner Party at the home of Phyllis Weir Norris BY. A punch hour preceded the candlelight buffet dinner. Two former members joined us for the evening-Gloria McDermott Nipple BY, who now lives in Kokomo Indiana, and Martha Stuckey Glentzer XX, now fro~ Orland, Indiana. The chapter will be busy in coming weeks with an ~~c~on of home-made items as a money-making project, JOmmg the Muncie alumnae in a dinner for XX seniors and helping stage a card party-style show for the Ander~ son Panhellenic CounciL- JEAN ANNE KETNER HUFFMAN
In September, the Bartlesville Alumnae Chapter met in the beautiful new home of Judy Starcevich. We had been looking forward to this meeting all summer. She had been keeping us posted on the building progress. We could hardly wait to see it. November meeting was a F ounders' Day meeting in the home of Mary Dalgam. Yearbooks were passed out. Georgia Clayton and Flora Sears are the only charter members of our chapter now. The other members have joined since the founding of the Bartlesville Chapter. The December meeting was a salad supper in the home of Barbara Helmer. We enjoyed seeing each other again and wishing each of us a Merry Christmas before we started the busy Christmas activities. In January we welcomed a new member, Linda Antle Ransom. She and her husband moved here from San Diego, California.-MARY S. DALGARN
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS A newsletter is being sent to all Alpha Sigs in the Boston area to inform them of our activities and to interest them in attending the meetings. Several members are helping the Boston University Alumni Director in making preparations for the fiftieth reunion in 1977.-GRACE WHITAKER CAPRON
Bartlesville, 0 klahoma alums enjoy a Halloween party wit h their husbands.
Starting off the year 1975, the Alpha Sig alums and their guests held their second annual January Brunch at Mulligan's MuseUIII of Fine Arts January 18. Following the brunch was a very interesting talk, "E.S.P. Fact or Fiction" given by Carol Liaros. Our chairwomen for this event were Beth Lawrence Lucia and Jeanine McCoy Yon none. On the evening of February 5, alum board members and other Alpha Sigs were present at the Yankee Whaler Restaurant for the annual Buffalo City Panhellenic Dinner. This year the panhellenic president is our Carol Gerlach Frauenheim and we were there in numbers to give her our support. Also in February, we held our Valentine Party for the Parents Council School for Retarded Children. This annual party for the children was directed by our philanthropic chairwomen Rosemary Dietrich Morris and Beth Lawrence Lucia. Games are played, simple crafts are done and cookies provided by our alums are treats for this party which is always enjoyed by the children. -MARGARET McMAHON HoRRIGAN
BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO The Butler County Alumnae Chapter has been kept busy with many projects during recent months. In November, members along with alums from Cincinnati and Dayton and collegians from Miami University and Wright State attended the Founders' Day luncheon held at Waldos in Hamilton. As a money-making project, each member made two handicraft items which we sold at the Founders' Day program. Another help to our treasury was our sale of jewelry. Carol Rogusky Oler AA, a Sarah Coventry representative, provided us the information and the chapter received a certain percentage on the orders we had. We have been engaged in several philanthropic projects. Under the direction of Janet Livingston Peirson XX, we made Santa Claus tray favors for each resident of the Oxford View Nursing Home. Small sleighs filled with candy were given to the home as January tray favors. At a future meeting, a speaker from the nursing home will speak to us concerning how we may be of any additional help there. Another proj ect has been to collect two canned goods from each member at meetings. This food basket was donated to a worthy family in the area during the holiday season. We did take time out from these projects in D ecember to enjoy ourselves at the annual Christmas party. Members and their husbands were entertained at the Oxford home of Richard and Melba Fink.-LINDA ALLEN RIBARIC
with Helen Corey KK, who was this year's recipient of the Wilma Wilson Sharp Award, as our adviser. A special celebration will be held early in 1975 for our 40th Anniversary as an alumnae chapter. Our prayers to Mary Cockill KK for a speedy and complete recovery.-ALICE HART BEAVER
CHICAGO METRO, ILLINOIS Chicago Metro Alumnae Chapter scheduled fund-raising projects throughout the year. In the fall a Tupperware fund-raising party was held at the home of Debbie Ames Smith BP. Members not in attendance got outside orders. The chapter made $50 from the party. A Las Vegas Night was held in conjunction with the Lisle-Woodridge J aycees. Members worked at the various games. Members are now busy gathering items together to hold a two day garage sale late this spring. As an on-going money raiser Chicago Metro sells stationery throughout the year. To add a few dollars to the treasury Chicago Metro holds a mini raffle at the end of each meeting. The hostess supplies a small gift for which members buy a raffle ticket. Not only does this mini raffle add a little to the treasury, but it adds a little surprise to each meeting. In addition to keeping busy raising money for the chapter, Chicago Metro assists collegiate chapters in the area. Loyola's Gamma Lambdas were given fund -raising ideas. Delta Eta at DePaul received ideas for rush. Beta Rho at Northern was visited by many of the Chicago Metro members during their Homecoming weekend. Chicago Metro Chapter also takes time for themselves to enjoy social activities. Two functions during the winter which included husbands and boyfriends were a sleigh ride and a Bull's basketball game. Members are now planning an outing to take place late this spring. The women will either spend the day at a unique shopping center or go to dinner and a p lay.-JACKI HICKS
Butler County, Ohio alums display Santa Claus tray favors which they made for nursing home patients.
CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA The spirit of Christmas and the joy of Christmas was quite evident at our December luncheon meeting at the home of Mary Beth Drayer Pugh BE, with co-hostess, Gerry Smith KK, for we welcomed back several members who were too long absent because of illness: Marion Nolt Lefever KK and Marion Gladfelter Gotwalt KK. Mary Wilson Aungst KK recuperating from a recent hospital siege, surprised us, also, by being present. It was a "welcome back" too for Lois Oliver Dunham KK. She is a busy minister's wife and cannot always make our meetings. Congratulations to Gerry Smith KK and Virginia Hoffman KK, who were honored as being two of the charter members of Central Pennsylvania Alumnae Chapter at a brief ceremony during the afternoon, conducted by President Betty Wilson R ost KK, Winifred Eitneier Lentz Ar, Jean R ost Schenck KK and Alice Hart Beaver KK. The chapter was formed in 1935 in Lancaster, Pa.
A busy winter for North Suburban alums began in November with a progressive dinner of beef burgundy which wouldn't light. During the evening members visited the homes of Julie Redman DeMano XX, Gretchen Werner Oster BP, Marge Forbes Tiedmann BK and Judy MacPherson Williams AA. One member, Alice Berninger Hoover XX, who had been out of the area for several years, was welcomed back to the chapter. Several of the members enjoyed a Founders' Day luncheon at a local restaurant, catching a special in honor of a Northwestern University football weekend. A philanthropic workshop was conducted during January and members were entertained in March by Nancy Zander Reese BY before trooping off to scotch doubles candlelight bowling, an annual event of the chapter. The alumnae are now looking forward to State Day at Northern Illinois University in April and a ladies' night out in May. Earlier in the 1974-75 year, alum members hosted a picnic get-together where new members, Marcia Beiser BY and Lynne Kleber rQ, were welcomed. The chapter also conducted a very successful fund-raising event by cleaning out closets and participating in a flea market. Two of the North Suburban alums were blessed with legacies during December. Mrs. Kenneth DeMano gave birth to a baby girl, Angela; Mrs. Richard Williams, a baby girl, Amanda Michelle.- NANCY I. ZANDER REESE
CINCINNATl, OHIO Cincinnati Alums had a fun-filled evening in October with their husbands and guests. We held a wine tasting party with Sally Elliot AA as hostess. A friend and coworker of the husband of Peggy Porter Kipp AA was guest speaker. He brought with him a variety of French wines for members to try. Founders' Day was celebrated with the collegians from Miami University and Wright State and alumnae from Butler County and Dayton. Eleanor Loyd Davis 6.6., Mary Goeke Backsman AA, and Barbara Edmunds Boyd rH spoke on three phases of alumnae life or involvement. Eleanor spoke on how she has viewed being an alum over the past "few" years. Things have changed a bit. Eleanor has been an alum in Akron, Newark-Zanesville, and now with us in Cincinnati. Mary shared with us the thrill, hard work, and honor of being an officer locally and nationally. She also entertained us with a few "experiences" she has had with other alums on trips, etc. Right, Anne? (Anne Petree Niemeyer AA) . Barbara told us some of the advantages she has found in being an alum. For example, finding a friend when you move. Collegiate life is not all there is to sorority life. Members did something a little different this year for the Christmas get-together. Everyone bought or made a gift for a teenager who is presently enrolled at Children's Unit School at Longview State Hospital in Cincinnati. We brought the gifts to Judy Stettler Gallisdorfer's home where we then colorfully gift wrapped them. The chapter missed mentioning that Barbara Boyd gave birth to a baby girl last June. Congratulations! We are sorry to see a member leave us. Brenda Fraley Kolchin AA is moving to Bloomington, Indiana. Congratulations are in order for Mary Backsman. She is now on the Board of Directors of the University of Cincinnati Law School. We are always so proud of her ! Lucianne Lewis BN has joined us. The welcome mat goes out to Dorothea Bell O 'Reilly BY, who has returned to Cincinnati and Valmarie Strovas Leonard BB, who is new to our area. We are looking forward to Province Day, which is to be at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, on May 3.LUANA LoNG RooF
COLU MBUS, O HIO Members of the Columbus, Ohio Alumnae Chapter had a Christmas party at the home of "Johnnie" Cornelia Jones AA on December 15. This is such a busy time of the year that only eight of us were able to come. As usual h er house was beautifully decorated in the Christmas theme. Every room in the house sported something extra relating to the season. For our Christmas charity we made a cash donation to an elderly couple so they could go out and do their own shopping. We are so happy to have Perlina Albright living back in Columbus and being one of us again. She was an AA but has been very close to the Columbus group.DoROTH EA ZoR N WINDOM
DAYTO N, O H IO One of our Dayton alums, Connie Hoover Gareis AA , attended the Founders' Day luncheon in Hamilton on November 16. Girls from the D elta Mu Colony at Wright State University attended with Connie. Cindy Monell, Andi Thomas, Becky Julian, M elissa North,
Carolyn Ramey, Sharon Hoey, and Mimi Ranville joined Connie in the Alpha Alpha suite at Miami to spend the night before attending the luncheon. Our alumnae president, Bev Scott Ayles AA, has continued to work closely with the Delta Mus. On November 17, they invited rushees to a regular meeting and following the meeting they had a pizza party with members of Sig Ep fraternity. On December 15 at their Christmas party the Delta Mus and eight rushees made toys for the retarded children at Stillwater Hospital. Martha Smelker AA entertained the Dayton Alums at a Christmas coffee on December 7. Mary Helen Clark Ferguson AA, and Madeline Watson Knost AA assisted Martha as hostesses. Lucille Wolfe West AA showed slides of her recent trip to the Holy Land. Peggy Redman purchased a slack set for Christy, our "adopted" child for Christmas. On December 23, Bev delivered the gift to Christy at Stillwater Hospital. She also gave the hospital the toys made by the Delta Mus and those made by the Dayton Alums at a workshop in November.-CAROLINE SAvAGE FINCH
DENVER, COLORADO At the October meeting Sue Megill Orzech BB, a member of the State Historical Society, gave a talk and slide show on the historic homes of Denver. This meeting was held in the home of Susan Henson Forney EE with the aid of Judy Slusher Woodring <1><1> and Ola Slagle Grimes <1><1>. The big highlight of the Founders' Day meeting was the honoring of seven area alums who have been in the sorority for 50 years or more. They are Morea Booth Bailey A B, initiated in 1918; Helen Hay BB, initiated in 1916 ; Naomi Erickson Stone BB, initiated in 1918; Florence Wolf BB, initiated in 1919; Grace Dalby Davies BB, initiated in 1924 ; and Mary Francis Scott Kretschmer BB, initiated in 1917. These seven wonderful women received a plaque with the AZ.A Creed on it during a ceremony which all will remember. The hostesses were Annie Mary Raney T eal 2.2., Linda Cornish McMullan BB, and Linda Phillips Clark BB. Alums and husbands or boyfri~nds braved slippery streets to Esther Kauffman Gatseos' BB home on the evening of December 7 for the Christmas Party. The fare of the evening included cocktails followed by a pot luck dinner. Aiding Esther in this annual affair were Libby Richmond Williams B I and Liz Brock Allison '1''1'. We are looking forward to a demonstration on Ukrainian Easter Eggs in January and the Valentine T ea in February at which time we are usually honored by having several members from BB. Plans are also underway for Province Day on April 15.-LrNDA CLARK
DETROIT, MICHIGAN The Detroit Alumnae Chapter's November meeting took place at the Bloomfield Hills home of Lavonia Warren McCallum EE. Prior to the luncheon, we assembled in the family room. H er husband "Stu," a connoisseur of wines, served us his favorite brand. He also assisted in the serving of the luncheon in a good natured and professional manner. In no hurry to leave the good food and conversation, we finally retired to the family room for our business meeting chaired by Sybil Andrews Landry 6.<1> in the absence of President Sara Dodge Bumgardner 6.<1>. A somber note of the meeting was the announcement that there would be a cancellation of the January, February, and March meetings owing to the inclement weather likely to come and the annual exodus to Florida of many of our members.
What we did not know at this time was that our December gift-exchange meeting scheduled for the home of Isabel Sparling Butterfield .6.<1> was not to take place on the morning of the meeting becau e of the huge pile of snow in front of her home blocking all traffic.EsTHER BRYANT SPRAGUE
EVANSVILLE, INDIANA The spirit of rush and pledging was with us as we helped welcome Delta Kappa's new pledges. We made gifts for them and presented them at our annual Christmas luncheon. We changed our gift idea this year from red and white A2.A pillows to sorority paddles. Lana Gee Bunner LlK had her home filled with sawdust as we sanded smooth nine paddles, put A2.A decals on them, wrote the pledges' names at the bottom along with the date; and our artist, Marsha Lesher BY, painted the red and white ladybugs. After red yarn was attached for hanging, the paddles were presented to the pledges unfinished so they could get members' signatures and put the final finish on them. We hope to make more as new pledges are taken. Our Christmas luncheon was held again in New Harmony's Red Geranium Restaurant with Rita Johnson Reynolds t.K and Diane Schroeder Marheine t.K as hostesses. Members were asked to bring a small exchange gift. The centerpiece which was a beautiful candle with a ring was won by Jane Reinitz, BY, as a door prize. Following the luncheon, everyone went to Rita's home for games and dessert. A tea is planned for Sunday, January 12, in the home of collegiate adviser, Lana Gee Bunner t.K. The tea is a get-together and get-acquainted activity between the alumnae and the collegians.-CAROL Rroos
GREATER DALLAS, TEXAS The Greater Dallas Alumnae Chapter returned after a summer vacation to their September meeting where the program theme was "A Rededication Of Vows." During this meeting six new alumnae joined this chapter. They are Becky Wightman Althuas fY, Sandy McMullen McDonald Kathy Messina Goodwin ft., Mary Peterson Miles EE, Nancy Rix Purcell BT, and Jan Fettig Sherman HH. In October, we had Mrs. L oretta Hollingsworth, a supervisor of a Protected Service Unit come and talk to our group on "Child Abuse and Neglect," and "Foster Homes and Adoption." Later in October, we had a buffet-style dinner for the girls from the Dallas Baptist College. We were honored to have Mrs. Esther Gatseos come and talk. She showed the girls a film on A2.A. We were thrilled to have them choose A2.A as their sorority. These girls are the first to have a A2.A Collegiate Chapter in the state of Texas. For our Founders' Day celebration, the alums and their husbands had dinner at the Southern Kitchen Restaurant. We all enjoyed this all-you-can-eat dinner, especially the wives, who didn't have to cook. The lovely home of Mary Frances Jackson was the setting for our Christmas Cocktail Party. All the a lumnae and their husbands brought canned goods to be given to a needy family. We are looking forward to next year's annual International Dinner, at which we all have so much fun. One sad note, we miss our alums who have moved to different parts of the country and overseas. They are Debbie Hopkins Lowendar, whose new home is in Easton, Pennsylvania; Vivian Bynum Spence, who is overseas in Okinawa, Japan; Janice Carrico Shoemaker, who is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Willie Leatherwood Berry, who went to Wichita, Kansas ; Diane Bawmann Geist's new
home is Mesa, Arizona; and Norma McGuire Hassler, our past president, now lives in Longmont, Colorado. We hope they are happy in their new homes.- SANDY McMuLLEN McDoNALD
HOUSTON, TEXAS After summer vacations and irregular schedules, the Houston alums gathered with our husbands at the home of Peggy Steiner Lewis AB for a pot luck upper. One topic high on the list was the arrival of our very newest member. A bouncing boy was born on Labor Day to Gena Moss Burson Unfortunately Gena and her husband, Jack, have moved to Arkansas with their new little boy. Also in September, we held our first business meeting at the home of our president, Joan McDonald Maresca Bl. We held two garage sales in different areas of Houston and were very pleased with their success, as well as the neat appearance of all those closets! With fall in the air, we got the urge to do some driving. On October 15, twelve of us took a day trip to Cleveland, Texas, where we had a delightful luncheon at the Hilltop Herb Farm. Following our herbal experience, we toured the greenhouse to observe numerous herbs and ferns. Our philanthropic chairman, Marilyn Azelone Mitchell BP, organized an entertaining Halloween party on October 26 for the children at Hope Village, a home for the mentally retarded. Members took the essentials for decorating j ack 'o lanterns and surprised the children with the makings for a party. November 16 proved a special date for the Houston Chapter this year, for not only was it Founders' Day, but we had the honor of celebrating with our 50 year member, Evelyn Whetsel Bryan /\/\. For this special occasion, Joan McDonald Maresca B I and Peggy Steiner Lewis AB arranged a steak dinner at the Marriott Hotel in Houston. Ten couples joined to share this feast and enjoy dancing in the club following dinner. One of our very active Alpha Sigs was unable to attend our celebration this year, as she chose Founders' Day to give birth to a baby boy. Nunie Roque Falcon BZ, her husband, J ohn, and their two daughters are delighted with J ohn, Jr. Candlelight and a roaring fire set the festive mood as we opened the Christmas season with our annual party at the home of Susan Purdey Johnson and husband D ave on D ecember 7. With appetites satisfied and spirits mellowed, the party ended with hopes for a healthy, fulfilling, and happy new year for everyone.-SusAN P URDEY JOHNSON
KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Holiday preparation and activities kept the Kalamazoo area alums busy throughout the fall. The October meeting was a craft work meeting for our annual Christmas boutique auction. This year the Alpha Sigs joined with the Delta Zeta alumnae for a successful money-raising project. Our profit from the evening was $150 for the housing corporations fund, and we went home with some lovely hand crafted Christmas presents and decorations. Judy Bell Lore B'o/ and her husband John hosted our traditional holiday buffet. Co-hostesses for this event were Nancy Dalrymple Klesert B'o/, Ann Buchner Perkins A , and Dotty Cook Hook ZZ. January found us ready for some warm weather and we discovered it by cruising the Caribbean with Judy Bell Lore via a slide presentation. Hostess for the evening was Nancy Wheaton DeYoung B'o/. She was assisted by Barb Wheaton Scott B'o/.- Juov BELL LoRE
MARYVILLE, MISSOURI The Maryville Alumnae Chapter decided to have all our meetings in homes this year. This has increased the attendance and we have all had a grand time. At our last meeting, we each took a name from the active chapter to try and get better acquainted with the members by doing something special for them.-MARY RUTH BROWN APPLEBY
MUNCIE, INDIANA The D ecember meeting of the Muncie Alumnae Chapter was held at the home of Linda Caldwell Schurr XX. Following the business meeting, an auction of homemade items was held. The proceeds go to the Janice Schurr Hassell Memorial Loan Fund. This fund, in memory of a Chi Chi member, is used for loans for the current members of Ball State University Chi Chi Chapter. In January we welcomed the new Chi Chi pledges with a brunch held in the chapter's suite. Judy Radke Gardner ZZ served as chairman. The Muncie Chapter has many new members. Coming to us in the last year were Judy Radke Gardner ZZ, Virginia Bart James 00, Sandy Lowell Magner XX, Lynn Trojan Rutovic XX, Mary Conrad Samuels BB, and Nancy Branson Wertzler XX .-CHARLOTTE BowMAN OVERMYER
NEWARK, OHIO Newark-Zanesville, Ohio Alums enjoyed a Christmas party at the home of Zina Kennedy. One interesting gift was a box containing brown and white sugar. A ceremony for Founders' Day was observed. Christmas cards and letters were read and a business meeting was conducted. The next meeting is to be held in the home of our president, Grace Cogswell 88. One of our members, Alice Riley, /1./\ is in Arizona for the winter months.-MARGARET L. HousE
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA We Richmond alums thoroughly enjoyed our October meeting. A local policeman addressed the group at the home of Carol Cooper BE. We learned ways to protect ourselves and our homes from attack or robbery. Our discussion was enthusiastic, and we found the answers to many legal questions concerning assault. On Founders' Day we celebrated with a banquet at a restaurant in town. In December we met with Anne Howell Griffin BE as hostess. Our program consisted of a demonstration of Mary Kay Cosmetics. Hopefully, we' ll all look more glamorous for the new year. This fall we have picked up new members and we are delighted to have them share our sisterhood. We are adopting a home for the aged as a new philanthropi~ project.-RuTH PAYNE WATKINS
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Members of the San Diego Alumnae Chapter held their November 16 Founders' Day luncheon at the Reuben E . Lee Restaurant. This restaurant is a replica of a Mississippi steamboat. After the luncheon, we met at the home of Shirley Cloud Rowley PX for our Founders' Day Program and business meeting. We were moved by the 73rd Anniversary theme-"Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow." During our business meeting, we nominated Bernita Offerman Sipan QQ for the Wilma Wilson Sharp Award. Bernita has achieved outstanding leadership in civic affairs. For years, Panhellenic has provided cakes for the Armed Services Y .M.C .A. With a decrease in
San Diego service personnel, the San Diego City Panhellenic feels a more meaningful philanthropic project should be created. Our Christmas party was held on December 14 at the home of Serena Engelhart Lannue ZZ. Kay Faust Davey XX was presented with a past president gold charm engraved with ALA-1972-1974. We began the holiday festivities by playing a conversational game. Each member was asked to cut a piece of thread and then each sister had to wind the thread around her index finger while she informed the group about her holiday festivities. Scrabble and Tri-Ominos followed. Each winner was presented with an attractive genuine lead crystal bud vase. Serena varied our gift exchange this year by asking each Alpha Sig to sing the first verse of a Christmas carol before she could choose a present. Mary Jean Gladfelter Hogg HH and Shirley Cloud Rowley PX provided the desserts. Sometime in January, Serena Engelhart Lannue ZZ, Jackie Wisherd BX, and Anne Will PX plan to meet for an organizational meeting.-ANNE RuMNEY WILL
SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI Members of the Springfield Alumnae Chapter held their Founders' Day program at the National Headquarters in November. Hostesses for the occasion were Sandra Beadles Stoll BL, Jane McMurtre Green BL, and Shannon Walsh Durbin BL. Bazaar gifts were exchanged at the enjoyable Christmas dinner held at the Shady Inn on December 10. Co-hostesses were Lahna Wilson BL and Debbie Simon Penn BL. Trudy Silkwood BL and Janet Staley BL will be hostesses at our annual games party on January 16.SHANNON WALSH DuRBIN
TOLEDO, OHIO On October 7, the Toledo Alumnae met at Helen Robinson Cook's home. As one of our regular moneymaking projects, a drawing for a prize furnished by the hostess was held. This time, Helen Klag Osmun won the prize. The members divided this list of names of members living in this area to invite them to our next meeting. The November Founders' Day meeting was held at Helen Osmun' s. We greeted new member, Mrs. Joan Skipper. After a simple but impressive Founders' Day program, Helen Osmun gave a slide presentation of her summer trip-the highlight being her trip to Russia. At our Christmas meeting held at Helen Bennet Pauly's, we welcomed another new member, Carol Huebner who is a native Toledoan. D orothy Stockton came from Bowling Green and brought us news that Diane Ashbaugh's daughter was chosen girl of the month at Bowling Green High School. Through the interest of Grace Fultz Haworth, we are contributing to the Lare Lane school for disadvantaged children and to the Toledo Mental Health Center as our local philanthropic effort. Mary Helen Stautzenberger Masters arrived in time to receive our dues and raffle money and to invite us to her home for our January meeting.-CLARA KuNEY
TULSA, OKLAHOMA On a beautiful November Day many of us climbed up to the Penthouse Dining Room of Furr's to commemorate Founders' D ay. We were happy to have some of our college sisters from Tahlequah-Angela Sparato, Marilyn Dyer, Marcia Schneider, Roxanne Thompson and Wendy Wharton. Our program was presented by Bobbie Thompson Burwell Br, Christy Bennet Br and
Barbre McPherson Br. Our president Paula Haiiast Br read the letter from Mary Ann Linton on "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow." We took the time out from the December rush to find our way to Bobbie Burwell's beautiful new home for our Christmas party. Bobbie and her co-hostesses Mary Russell Downer Br, Carol Bitting Car ter Br and Mary Harrison Matthews Br served the traditional wassail with all the tempting goodies. We are happy to know Jean Jones Gill Br would be out of the hospital and home for Christmas but were saddened with Dale Barbaree Edmonds BM at the sudden death of her husband. Our Valentine Party will be late in January wit)'! Paula at the Barcelona Clubrooms. Tulsa alums are joining the collegian Alpha Sigs from Tahlequah to serve on the telephones for the March of Dimes Telorama.-LoRA PATTERSON SIPES
Collegians, Marilyn Dyer, Marcia Schneider, Angela Sposato, Wendy Wharton attend Tulsa alums' Founders' Day lunche on.
Why ASA? An A"LA sister is herself Plays no role, memorizes no speeches Smiles a real smile Laughs a real laugh Listens with an open ear and an open mind, Encourages you when you cry Dreams with you when you feel like dreaming And teaches you love if you've never known it. -Sheila Scanlon, b.E
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Alpha Sigma Alpha
announces the formation of
announces the fo rmation of
Columbus, Indiana
Boston, Massachusetts
May 18, 1974
October 19, 1974
National Chairmen
Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia , November 15, 1901
Chairman of Advisers-Terry Wrig ht, 4917 Morris Street, Philadelphia , Pennsyl vania 19144
Chairman of Colonies-Marlys Jarrett White BB (Mrs. Dennis P.), 2290 A sh St., Denver, Colorado 80207
Louise Cox Carper (Mrs. W. B.)* Juliette Hundley Gilliam (Mrs. H. E. )* Miss Mary Williamson Hundley* Virginia Boyd Noell (Mrs. J. W.)* Cal va Watso n Wootton (Mrs. P. W . )*
Constitution Chairman-Mary Kay Collier Kuno Ar (Mrs. Ernest L.), I05 Clearview Dr., McMurray, Pennsylvania 15317 Housing Chairman-Linda Wyrick lineback, XX (Mrs. R.D.), 5783 Sebring Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46254
Music: Chairman-M s. Nerea Cooper Br, Route 4, Box 384, Stigler, Oklahoma 74462
National Council President Emerita-Wilma Wil so n Sharp ZZ (Mrs. Fred M.) , 1405 Hardy, Independence, Missouri 64052 President-MaryAnn Sidehamer Linton rH (Mrs. George D.), 204 Gallup Road , Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Executive Vice President-Geraldine Yang Cox NN (Mrs. Walter G.), 24 Colonel Barton Drive, Portsmouth, Rhode Isla nd 02871 Vice President of Development-Esther Kauffman Gatseos BB (Mrs. George G.), 6659 E. Eastman Ave., Denver Colorado 80222 Vice President of Collegiate Program- Elaine Rahaim Shiverdecker B.:l (Mrs. Jerry), 3330 Alpine Village Dr. Apt. 8 Hollywood, Florida 33024 Vice President of Alumnae Program-Marga ret Ang el cyk Neff HH (Mrs. Howa rd R. ), 6216 E. La fayette Blvd., Scottsdale, Arizon a 85251 Secretary-Frances Jobson Francis BE (Mrs. James T.), 602 Devon Road, Richmond, Virginia 23229 Treasurer-Juanita Roberts Rowe, B~ (Mrs. Harry G.), 1424 Charing, Springfield, Missouri 65804 NPC Delegate-H ele n Hooper Malone Br (Mrs. G eorge J. Jr.), 5526 E. 36th St., Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135 Editor-Betty Urban Wallick ZZ (Mrs. Park Avenue, Yo rk, Pennsylvania 17402
H.) , 676
Headquarters Executive-M iss Rose Marie Fellin B~. 616 S. Kickapoo, Springfield, Missouri 65804
National Headquarters Rose Marie Fellin, Headquarters Executive 1201 E. Walnut, Springfield, Missouri 65802
Philanthropic: Chairman-Sidney Gremillion Allen \f'\f' (Mrs. John H .), 254 Rutherford, Shreveport, Louisiana 711 04 Program Chairman-Mi ss Mary Jedrzejewski B<l>, 3761 58th St., Mil waukee, Wisconsin 53220
Ritual Chairman-Sil va na Filippello Richardson rA (Mrs. Robert L.), 158 Birch, Park Forest, Illinois 60466 Rush Chairman-Miss Paula Cyrus, PP, 624 H igh Street, St. Albans, West Virginia 25177 Scholarship Chairman-Miss Paula Halfa st Br, 5209 S. Vandalia Apt. SE, Tul sa , Oklahoma 74135 Standards Chairman-Janice Hinrichs Haydel BZ (Mrs. E. Wayne), I 1807 Old Gate Place, Rockville, Maryland 20852
The Phoenix
Alumnae Editor-Miss Lillian Ford B I, 204 Hanbury Ave., Portsmouth, Virginia 23702 Collegiate Editor-Miss Debra Bukas Chica go H eights, Illinois 6041 I
1720 Campbell.
Feature Editor- Miss Paula Keyes r\f', 2114 La wnvie w Dr., McKeesport, Pennsyl vania 15135 Art Director-Miss Mary Jedrzejewski B<l>, 3761 S. 58th Street, Milwaukee, W isconsin 53220 Historian-Hi wana Cupp Crompton BE I Mrs. Eugene H.), 91 Belmont Dr., Leesburg, Virginia 22075
Field Representatives Marcia O liverio NN Diane Yencic HH
National Panhellenic Conference Delegate-Mrs. George J. Malone, Jr. Alternate Delegate-Mrs. George D. Linton Second Alternate-Mrs. George G. Gatseos
HAVE YOU MARRIED OR MOVED? Notify Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters 1201 E. Walnut, Springfield, Missouri 65802 Please change address or name and address on the
A"'2.A files as follows:
COLLEGE CHAPTER---------------------- DATE OF LEAVING COLLEGE---------- ---------- DEGREE -----------------MAIDEN NAME -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Lest Neme
Fi rst
HUSBAND'$ NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:____ ________ _____ _ (Lest Neme
Midd le)
OLD ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Street
Zip Code
ACTIVE IN ---------------------------------------------- ALUMNAE CHAPTER, ARE YOU AN OFFICER _________ __ ______ _ I AM ENCLOSING TWO DOLLARS FOR ALUMNAE DUES, ----------------------------------------------------------------
TO ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA PARENTS Your daughter's sorority magazine is sent to her home address while she is in college, and we hope that you enjoy it. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send her new permanent address to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 120 I East Walnut, Springfield, Missouri 65802