Asa phoenix vol 65 no 4 summer 1980

Page 1

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In Memor1am July 1, 1979 to June 30, 1980



Marjorie Traylor Nolen

Laura lies Carlson Katherine Nevins Hendrix

Helen Nichols



Dorothy Marie Johnson Andrea Lupinetti


Sandra jean Pfarr

ALPHA BETA Elizabeth Uhe Fuller Zola Christy Osborne Ruth Dale Patterson Becky Sue Swisher Steele Mary Neal Weston

ALPHA GAMMA Elizabeth Kolger Washko

BETA BETA jean Nicholson Blackwell Miriam Pomeroy Bledsoe Iva Watson Davidson Patricia Whitman Fulton Erma Whistleman Kinghorn Florence Wolf

Esther joy Tyler




Leona Wilcox Cothran

jonalee Piper Newton



Elianor Longacre Cassel

Ada Heathcott Hina

PI PI Margaret Main Demery Grace Olief Hunt

RHO RHO Mary Meade Greist

RHO CHI Marilyn Mock Bergman

BETA RHO Nancy Kolar Ehlschlaeger

BETA UPSILON Dona Gayler Graam

TAU TAU Katharin Joyce Presley

BETA DELTA Pauline Lawrence Stephens

GAMMA EPSILON Hazel Gochenaur Barkow

GAMMA IOTA Denise Alben




Marion Winter Smith

Phyllis Myerhoerrer Darden

Marilyn Sanders

Alpha Sigma Alpha wishes to remember Betty Wallick's husband, Philip, who died May 1980 and Rose Marie Fellin's father, Peo.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Alpha Sigma Alpha National Philanthropic Fund. An acknowledgment of such a gift is sent to the family of the person in whose memory it is given and to the donor. Send gift to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St. , Springfield, Missouri 65802 .





Rosemary Carucci Goss 2305 Capistrano St.


ISSUE 1980

Blacksburg, Virginia 24060


Crompton Receives First Bell Award



Alumnae Editor

Seeking, She Attains Her Aspirations Nancy I. Z. Reese


How It All Began- The National Quilt Project Marlys White


Rainbow '80 Convention at Niagara Falls Lillian Ford Donnally

Nancy I. Z. Reese 354 Alles St. Des Plaines, Illinois 60016

Collegiate Editor


Convention Camera


Convention Briefs


1980 Convention Awards


A'i.A Scholarships Awarded Lillian Ford Donnally

Kim R. Meyer 8014 Rossman Gulch Rd. Morrison, Colorado 80465

Feature Editor Li II ian Ford Donnelly 2108 Cherry Hi II Lane Chesapeake, Virginia 23325

19 A'i.As Gather in the Spring 20

Alumnae Action Nancy I. Z. R eese In Memoriam (Front Cover)

Historian Betty Urban Wallick 676 Park Ave. York, Pennsylvania 17402 Volume 65

Number 4

THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA, an educational journal, is published in the fall, winter, spring and summer of each year by the Sorority, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802. The subscription price $1 .50 a year. Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc., Fulton, Missouri. Member, College Fraternity Editors Association. Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65802. Address all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Rosemary Carucci Goss, 2305 Capistrano St., Blacksburg_, Virgini<;:~ 24060. ARTICLES are invited for publication in this journal. Manuscripts should be subm itted to the editorial staff for consideration . Acceptances are on a contributing basis only and subject to editorial review . Articles published are the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of ASA . Second-class postage paid at Springfield, Missouri, and at additional mailing offices . Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65802. SUMMER 1980

Hiwana Cupp Crompton poses with Eu Bell following the awards banquet.

Crompton Receives First

Bell Award

The first Evelyn G. Bell Award was presented to Hiwana Cupp Crompton at the Rainbow '80 Convention. This award was instituted by the National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha to honor those who have shown outstanding leadership and loyalty to Alpha Sigma Alpha by having served as a collegiate officer, an alumnae officer and as a national officer. Hiwana, who completed 25 years of ational service at this convention, certainl y exemplifies this ideal. As a Beta Epsilon at Madison College (now James Madison University) Hiwana served as editor for two years and was the recipient of the Elizabeth Bird Small Award in 1952. Later, a a member of the Richmond Alumnae Cha pter she served one term a secretary and one as treasurer. Beginning in 1955, Hiwana has served

nationally as Scholarship Chairman, the first Standards Chairman , Constitution Chairman , Editor of The Phoenix, and ational Secretary. Since 1974 she has served a Historian. In 1976 she edited the history supplement, The Years B ehind Us. Hiwana, who now lives in Leesburg, Virginia, with her husband, Skip, and their two children , Core y and Carol , is a middle school coun elor. When asked her reaction upon receiving the award , she said that she had met Evelyn Bell in 1952. "Because I've known , admired, and loved her for many year , it meant much more to me." The Evelyn G. Bell Award, which by its name honors a past National President and Wilma Wil on Sharp Award winner, will be presented biannually.- R.C.G.

The Crompton ja~1ily - behind H iwana stands her daughter, Carol, son, Corl!)• and husband, Skip.

E u Btl/ prtsmttd H rwarw with a silutr tray in rtcognitron of htr award.



Seeking, she attains her aspirations Nancy I. Z. Reese When I asked Marjory Pease Sharp how she managed to do so much , the 1980 Wilma Wilson Sharp award winner told me: "There's plenty of time life is that exciting." Life has been more than exciting for Marjory this summer when not only did she win the Sharp award , but a former student, Lisa Chelton of Eta Eta chapter, won the Elizabeth Bird Small award and Marjory's sister, Ester Seaman, marked the 50th year since she pledged

She was a Girl Scout camp counselor, a Boy Scout den mother, Y-teen sponsor and YMCA swim team sponsor, among others. She has received an award for her efforts on United Fund drives and she has been active, as well, in civic and women's groups.

"You seek . aspire, then more than what you thought would happens ... you attain."

AIA. Her sister said their mother would have been especially proud - and the mother patroness of the Eta Eta chapter when it was installed would have been very proud . An Eta Eta and Pittsburg, Kansas, alumnae, Marjory has made her greatest mark as an educator - from 1977 to 1979 as Kansas' top educator, president of the Kansas National Education Association. The first person in the 115-year history of the KNEA to serve two terms as president, Marjory traveled 25 ,000 miles in Kansas as well as lobbying in the United States Congress and United Nations. She was among the first group of 50 teachers to visit the schools in the People's Republic of China. A high school English teacher who "couldn't stay within four walls," Marjory "had to become involved, " because she wanted to do "what's right to make a difference in education. " Besides her work for the KNEA, she has been active in the National Education Association, attending 10 conventions. She has been on the National Council of the Association of Classroom Teachers and has received two awards from the group. She has also been involved in other educational organizations and was president of Kappa Kappa Iota, the education fraternity. She currently serves on and was the first woman and teacher appointed to the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees. She has made significant contributions in the classroom as well. She is the originator of the "Environmental Cobweb" and her students have won many national and state composition awards. SUMMER 1980

She didn't leave school when she was finished in the classroom either. She was sponsor of the yearbook, National Honor Society, and pep club, the Dragons . She still finds herself answering to the handle of "Mama Dragon" both to former students and on the CB . At the First United Methodist Church of Pittsburg, she's been active in the choir, as a Sunday school teacher and youth director and on the administrative board, among other contributions. All this is just the tip of the icebergthere is not room to list all the organizations and accomplishments Marjory's made in her not-many-more-than 50 years. Marjory Pease Sharp

As she put it, "You seek ... aspire, then more than what you thought would happens ... you attain. " Widowed when her youngest was not yet born, Marjory has raised her three children by herself. She is justifiably proud of them - her oldest son is a police officer and married with two daughters, a second son works in Washington, and her daughter is married and finishing school at Kansas State in Pittsburg. With her family, she has traveled and camped throughout the U.S. and Canada. Marjory has visited the 48 contiguous states-all in the same tent, she will tell you. Marjory said she had found her work with NEA tremendously rewarding. She has met many persons- educators and noneducators - who were interested in helping students. As a result, there have been many "exciting things I've been able to take back to my students." After all, she said , "young people are our greatest resource ." And I think you'll have to agree: Marjory Sharp is one of our greatest resources.

How It All Began The National Quilt Project By Marlys White National Vice President of Alumnae

Once upon a time two yea r ago at the AIA ational Convention in Indianapolis, two national councilors, Paula Foreman and Marlys White, dashed hurriedl y over to the onvention Center during their lunch break to view a quilt display done by the ladies of different Baptist congregations. After admiring the beautiful handiwork, the y looked at each other simultaneously and a light bulb clicked on in each of their heads. Wh y not have all of the alumnae chapters of Alpha Sigma Alpha contribute a square to make a beautiful quilt to be displayed at the next convention and then permanentl y at ational Headquarters? The next summer Marl ys took man y 12 by 12 inch bleached muslin squares along with sugge ted instructions to Headquarters. The e were sent to all active alumnae chapters. While at Headquarters she noticed that the numerous twin-sized bed on the third floor , which had just been redecorated in red shag carpeting and white wicker furniture, were in need of coverings. Why not get more AIA groups involved so that eventually every bed on the third floor could be covered? In December prior to the Rainbow '80 Convention the squares began arriving. Every da y seemed like Christmas when Marlys received another creative and original quilt square sewed so lovingl y by her sisters all over the country. Finally, after much pleading, reminding, and extension giving, 46 gorgeous and unique squares were received, two short of the 48 needed to make two twin- ized quilts. Ellen Akers, Alumnae Province Director, graciously volunteered to make two filler squares so that the quilts co uld be completed. Karen Stegall , an active Den ver alum, and Marl ys met twice to cut the red strips to co nnect all of the square . The Den ver Alumnae chapter helped to


ba te the squares together and Marl ys devoted two weeks of her summer vacation to sewing, pressing, and t ying the quilts together. Man y Alpha Sigs had the pleasure of seeing the completed project at the a tiona! Convention this year and heard the challenge that Marl ys gave to the collegians to make two more quilts. Silvana Richardson , ational Vice President of Collegiate Pro-

grams, accepted the challenge. In addition, other AIA groups are planning to make quilt as well. These include the Province Director , National Chairman , ational Councilors, and Field repre entative . How exciting to see such an idea blossom . Some day if you have the opportunity to journey to our stately a tiona! Headquarters be sure to see all of those beds on the third floor covered in "living history."

The two quilts donated to headquarters at the 1980 Convention (opposite page and upper left) contained such beautiful squares as the ones created by the Chicago A lumnae (above) and the Buffalo Alumnae (left). (Gregory Barbor)

Ra inbo w '80

Buff"'' o




Rainbow ~ao Conventio Alpha Sigma Alpha held its Rainbow '80 ational Convention in the iagara Falls Hilton, unday, June 29 through Wednesday, July 2, 1980. The fir t day opened with a 7 a.m. exerci e cia s led by Province Director Denise McGuire in the exercise room adjacent to the pool and auna. Following noo~ regi tration and the delegate presentauon of credentials in the Palm Court Foyer, delegates and national officers met in the Hilton Ballroom for the Opening Session convened by Betty . Wallick, ational President. A delegate frona one of the hosting collegiate chapters, Pi Pi, pre ented the flag salute. Following the Hymn to Alpha Sigma Alpha, Judy Biber and Lindy Redmond of the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter led the convention delegates and national officers in group singing. Devotions were presented by the Central Pennsylvania Alumnae Chapter Delegate. Patricia Borenaz and Jacqueline LoRusso, Convention Co-chairmen, presented the program for the convention. The opening session concluded with the introduction of the a tiona I Council and hairmen by Betty Wallick; the ational Province Directors by Rhetta Robinson, Executive Vice President; the Collegiate Delegates by Silvana Richardson, ational Vice President of Collegiate Programs; the Alumnae Delegates by Marlys White, ational Vice President of Alumnae Programs; the Chapter Advisers by Geraldine Cox, ational Chairman of Chapter Advisers. The Buffalo Alumnae Chapter hosted the Buffalo Icebreaker Reception in the Rainbow Ballroom Foyer. After delegates, visitors, and national chairmen filed through the receiving line to meet the ational Officers, everyone enjoyed punch , fruit and cheeses before assembling in the Rainbow Ballroom for the Whirlpool Welcome Dinner. Evelyn G. Bell, Pa t National President and Buffalo Alumna, pre ided as the mistress of ceremonies at the Whirlpool Welcome Dinner. Following the invocation by Joan R. Runckel , Convention Physical Coordinator and Buffalo alumna, and Grace Before Meal, officer and convention delegates dined on Chicken Brea t a Ia kiev and sweet potato pie. After a welcome and introduction of people at the head table b Evelyn Bell, the Honorable Anthony P. LoRusso, Buffalo City Court Judge and husband of Convention o-chairman Jackie LoRusso, welcomed officers and convention delegate to the iagara Frontier. Betty Wallick then pre ented her Pre idential Address to the delegate and officers. After the dinner officers and delegates reconvened in the ballroom , where Betty Wallick opened the fir t business meeting of the convention. Following roll call, the minute , reports of national officer , a report on propo ed con titution and b laws amendments, a report of the nominating committee, committee appointment and new busi-


ness, the delegates and officer adjourned to participate in a late evening ongfest. The second day of convention opened at 7 a.m. with an early morning exercise class led by Field Representative Donna B?Chicchio. Sorority pectrum Workshops dtrected by ational officer began in the Rainbow Ballroom immediately after early morning registration. Collegiate Workshops included sessions on the pledge program, ritual program, and parliamentary procedure. Alumnae delegates attended a workshop entitled "Changing Patterns" presented by Maret Ralicki, a personal effectiveness expert and Buffalo Alumna. Just before noon officers and convention delegates shuffled off for an International Luncheon at the iagara Falls Country Club and a tour of both the American and Canadian sides of iagara Falls. The tour included the floral clock, the world 's largest clock located six miles north of the Falls; the school of horticulture established in I 936, which is the only residential school for apprentice gardeners in Canada whose training requires them to be responsible for the maintenance of I 00 acres of garden; the Skylon Tower, a 520 feet high tower with three elevators which take 55 seconds for visitors to reach the top and the American Falls which consists of two cataracts separated by Goat Island. Officers and delegates met in the ballroom later in the evening where Betty Wallick convened the second business meeting. Following the roll call, the minutes, the passage of proposed constitution and bylaw amendments, a presentation of the proposed budget, unfinished business, and new business, the meeting was adjourned and officers and delegates convened for the Rush Razzle Dazzle in which they and a judging committee viewed four collegiate chapter slide presentations presented for convention competition. The third day of convention opened with an early morning exercise class led by ational Rush Chairman, Marsha Knopp. Following early morning registration, Betty Wallick convened the third busine s meeting. The flag salute was given by the Delta Tau Chapter delegate and devotions by the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter delegate. Following the roll call, the minutes, election of national officers, unfini hed business and new business, the meeting wa adjourned. Officers and delegates then divided themselve among the "Positive Prospective Workshops" covering such areas as rush programs, philanthropic programs, publications, and adviser responsibilities. Officers and delegates reconvened within the hour to listen to Dr. Marvin A. Block, international expert on alcoholism, peak to the convention on alcohol abuse. Marilyn Garbee, the ational Trea urer met with collegiate and alumnae delegate and discussed national finance . After lunch , officers and delegate returned for an afternoon session

of workshops entitled "Color Your World Si terhood." Michael Schardein, authority on fraternity rush and pledging, spoke to collegiate delegates on hazing alternative : while Marlys White, ational Vice Pre idem for Alumnae Programs, spoke to alumnae delegate on building membership. In late afternoon, officers and convention delegates, dressed in all white, met outside at St. Peters Epi copal Church a block from the convention site. They filed silently into the church and watched as two collegiate pledges, Lisa Bernhardt and Liz Mathews of

National Council members (left to right) Silvana Richardson, Helen Malone, Sidney Allen and H elemnarie H ofrnan, prepare for an early morning business meeting. (Nancy I . Z. Reese)

Pi Pi Chapter, and two alumnae associate members, Mary Ann Anzel of Niagara Falls, .Y., and elle Davis of Huntington, West Virginia, were initiated into membership in the sorority. Immediately after the ritual members listened reverently as a memorial service wa held to commemorate the passing of members over the last two years. Immediately following the ritual and memorial service, officers and delegates walked next door to John's Hotel Niagara to attend the Maid of the Mist White Dinner. Esther K. Gatseos, Chairman of Philanthropies presided as mistress of ceremonies. After the invocation by Barbara H. Brown, Chairman of Ritual, and Grace Before Meal, officers, delegate , and guests dined on queen-size filet mignon and pumpkin ice cream pie. Following the welcome and introduction of guests at the head table by Esther Gatseos, a representative of the Erie Country pecial Olympics Committee gave the keynote address and presented a film. After the speech and film , Paula C. Foreman, ational Vice President of Development, recognized the new collegiate chapters which were installed ince the Ia t convention. They included Delta Upsilon Chap-


at Niagara Falls ter at the University of Texas at San Antonio, Delta Chi Chapter at Bloomsburg State College, Delta Tau Chapter at State University of New York at Buffalo, and Delta Sigma at Saginaw Valley State College. Marlys White, National Vice President for Alumnae Programs, recognized new alumnae chapters which included Albuquerque, New Mexico ; Central Arkansas; Lynchburg, Virginia ; Metro Atlanta, Georgia; Nittan y Valley, Pennsylvania; and Northern Colorado . She also recognized reorganized alumnae chapters which included New

ers and delegates remaining for the Rainbow Refraction workshops presented by Marlys White, National Vice President of Alumnae Programs, and Cindy Christfield, Province Director. The highlight of the workshop was the film narrated by actor James Whitmore entitled "Time of your Life." Small group discussions led by province directors followed . The theme of this workshop was time management - how to organize your life by goals and priority objectives. Officers and delegates returned after lunch on their own to attend the final workshop of the convention entitled house savings, conducted by Diane James, National Housing Chairman. All province directors met with their delegates in round table discussions as a finale to the Rainbow '80 Convention Workshops. In the late afternoon, Evelyn G. Bell, Past National President and Buffalo Alumna, installed the new National Officers for the 1980-1982 biennium . They include Rhetta Robinson, President; Marilyn Garbee, Executive Vice President; Marlys White, Vice President of Alumnae Programs; Silvana Richardson , Vice President of Collegiate Programs ; Helenmarie Hofman, Vice President of Development; Helen Malone, Secretary; Hiwana Crompton, Treasurer; Sidney Allen, National Pan hellenic Conference Delegate ; Rosemary Goss, Editor; and Rose Marie Fellin, Headquarters Executive.

By Lillian Ford Donnelly, Feature Editor Following officer installation, officers and delegates met in the Rainbow Ballroom for the Pot 0 ' Gold Awards Banquet. Toastmaster for the convention banquet was Maria Smith , Past National Ritual Chairman and Buffalo Alumna. The invocation was given by Jacqueline LoRusso, National Chairman of Colonies and Convention Co-Chairman . Following dinner and greetings and introductions by Betty Wallick, MaryAnn Linton Shepard , Past National President, gave the banquet's keynote address. Following the addres s, Paul a Halfast , National Scholarship Chairman and Mistress of Ceremonies, presided over the awards for the convention , chapters, and individuals. The awards banquet ended with a friend ship circle and song. Officers and delegates then took a final walk to close the 1980 Rainbow Convention as they crossed over to the Canadian side of Niagara to view the illuminated Falls.

Incoming f ield representatives, Nancy Szalwinski and Susanne Withsosky, assist retiring f ield representative Donna Bochicchio during Rainbow '80 registration. (Gregory Barbor)

Orleans, Louisiana and Southern Illinois. After the presentations, Rosemary Ryan , and Alpha Sigma Alpha alumna and a former Niagara Falls Festival Maid of the Mist, dressed in a white suede costume handmade and beaded by a member of the Tuscarora Indian Tribe retold the legend of the original Niagara Falls Maid of the Mist. After dinner officers and delegates adjourned to the Hilton Hotel ballroom where delegates met in informal discussion groups for what was entitled "Table Talk With National Officers." The final day of the convention began with the early morning exercise class led by Province Director, Lori Sue Tiller. Following early morning registration, Betty Wallick convened the fourth business meeting. After the flag salute by the Delta Rho Chapter delegate, Hymn to Alpha Sigma Alpha and group singing by Judy Biber and Lindy Redmond and devotions by the Richmond Alumnae Chapter delegate , convention business began with the roll call, the minutes, reports of the convention committees, unfinished business, new business, a final credentials report, and special recognition awards. The meeting adjourned with offic-




President Betty Wallick presents convention cochainnen Jackie LoRusso and Pat B01路eanaz with a special token of ~A love. (Nancy I. Z. R eese) (Below) The "Rush Razzle Dazzle" display provided an opportunity to view rush materials from various ~A chapters. (Gregory Barbor)

Collegiate and alumnae delegates attended ororit Spectrum Workshop on the second day of convention . Collegiate workshops included e ions on the pledge program, ritual program, and parliamentary procedure; the alumnae workshop wa a se sion on personal effectivene s conducted by alumnae member and renowned speaker, Marci Ralicki. The workshops on the pledge programs wa presented by Silvana Ri chardson, ational Vice President of Collegiate Programs. She noted that pledge education when properly planned and implemented by the entire membership can re ult in wellinformed , committed, in pired members who remain active for life. The process should be meaningful , easily under tood, positive, and challengin g. Sidney Allen, National Panhellenic Delegate, introduced the Pledge Convenant which is a written formalization of the mutual commiument between the pledge and the chapter. Other ideas which were presented and discus ed included the national pledge education philosophy, K.R.O.P. program, activities to implement the four aims, pledge motivation, examples of hazing and safeguards aga inst it, and a sample modular pledge education program. The workshop on ritual programs was presented by Barbara Brown , ationa l Ritu al Chairman . ShP stressed that men and women are symbolic anima ls and that they experience ritua li zed behavior in all stays of life. Symbolism and the historical and present day importance of ritual , was discussed followed by a discussion of ways to improve and conduct sorority rituals as well as the proper way to maintain the chapter's ceremonial trunk. The workshop on parliamentary procedure was presented by Linda Rogers, National Constitu tion Chairman. She presented techniques to make chapter meetings more efficient, effective, and shorter. Participants received parliamentary procedure and questions and concerns on chapter bylaws , the Nationa l Constitution and its Bylaws.

CONVENTION WORKSHOP EMPHASIZES CHANGING BEHAVIOR PATTERNS FOR ALUMNAE As a pan of the Rainbow Convention Sororit y Spectrum Workshops, Marci Ralicki, a Buffalo alumna and authority on per onal effectivenes , presented an activity oriented session to assist and in truct alumnae delegates in methods to nourish themselves both ph ysicall y and emotionall y by changing their lives around and by growing in a positive wa . Marci suggested ways to eliminate negative and elf-defeating behavior, while motivating delegate to learn how to replace old habits and deal with stre s in a positive way.






"Color Your World Sisterhood" Workshops were held on the afternoon of the second day. The collegiate workshop was presented by Michael Schardein who discussed hazing alternatives with collegiate delegates. The alumnae workshop on building membership was conducted by Marlys White, National Vice President of Alumnae Programs. She presented four different innovative techniques, which have proven successful in raising alumnae membership. She stressed that alumnae chapters can no longer function as social clubs entirely.

As a part of the 1980 Rainbow Conventions Positive Prospective workshops, Dr. Marvin A. Block, an internationally recognized authority, presented a lecture on the educational aspects of the use/abuse of alcohol as well as the effects of alcohol on the individual. Dr. Block made beneficial suggestions to collegiate and alumn ae delegates who might be plagued by the use of alcohol in chapters and by individuals. Dr. Block earned his Bachelors Degree and Medical Doctorate Degree at the State University of New York at Buffalo. From 1954-1964, he chaired the first committee on alcoho lism of the American Medical Association. In 1956, he succeeded in havin g the AMA officiall y recognize alcoholism as a disease. He authored the book Alcoholism -Its Facts and Phases now considered a classic in the alcohol field by both professionals and lay people. In 1962, he was named by the president of the United States as Chairperson of the Sub-committee on Alcohol and Drugs of the President's Committee on Traffic Problems.

Positive Perspective Workshops for collegiates and alumnae included sessions on rush programs, philanthropic programs, publications, advisers responsibilities, alcohol abuse, and National's finances. The workshop on rush programs was conducted by Marsha Knopp , National Rush Chairman and Paula Foreman , National Vice President of Development. In part one, they demonstrated a preferential party, and presented information and materials pertain ing to the final stages of formal rush (i.e. who to rush, chapter yardstick, and rating and voting procedures). In the second part, small group discussions were held with delegates to discuss such topics as Improving Your Conversation I.Q. ; How to Sell A~A; How Others See Us; and Little Sister Groups vs. Sorority Life. T he workshops on t h e philanthro pic programs were presented by Esther Gatseos, National Philanthropic Chairman; Jeanne McQueen , National Program Chairman; and Ginny Turney, Director of Region V. They presented techniques to collegiate and alumnae delegates on how they could involve their chapters in Special O lympics both locall y and nationall y. The group also touched on how chapters can become involved in other philanthropic activities. The group made recommendations which included the designing of an official T -shirt with the insignia of both Alpha Sigma Alpha and Special Olympics by the national philanthropic chairman; the display and sale of the National Special Olympics Cookbook by chapters with proceeds to benefit the National Special Olympics; and the emphasizing of regional and area Special Ol ympics by chapters. The workshop on publications was presented by Nancy Reese, National Alumn~.e Editor. She presented not only special techniques for writing articles so that they would be eye-catching to the reader, but also techniques and exa mples for constructin g chapter newsletters for alumnae members. The workshop for advisers was presented by Gerry Cox, National Chairman of Advisers. She discussed the function of an adviser with the twenty-one advisers who met to discuss a chapter's operations. T he advisers focused on chap ter management and finances, the treasurer's role , the organization , function of the National Sorority and the Bylaws of the chapter, groups d yna mics, the role of former officers, and good officer training. The adviser's workshop stressed the need for goal-setting in chapters, how to set plans for achieving goals, periodic review of the goals, and self-evaluation of progress toward achieving the goa ls. The workshop on National finan ce was presented by Mari lyn Garbee, Nationa l Treasurer. She reviewed the sorority's financial structure including the five funds established for handling receipts and disbursements with an exp lanation of the financial statement for each of the funds th is past biennium.


Michael Schardein

CONVENTION WORKSHOP PRESENTS ALTERNATIVES TO PLEDGE HAZING Michael Schardein, an aut horit y in fraternity rush, presented beneficial suggestions to collegiate and alumnae delegates to assist them in overcoming the traditional concept of hazing during rush and, moreover, to influence them , changing old attitudes. He discussed the historical accou nt and development of pseudo-Greek activities assumed to be traditional. He illustrated such concepts as the psychological impact for the different levels of pledging, the understanding of the meaning of fraternity/ sorority, and the continued search for a strong pledge program. Specificall y he listed and discussed practices typically associated with hazing, compared the traditional and modern membership development concepts and programs, a nd reinfo r ced the resolution of the Nationa l Pan hellenic Conference concernin g hazing. NPC has defined hazin g as any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fratern ity premisses, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. "NPC has reaffirmed its position that all hazing should be eliminated, that pledge programs be directed toward the appreciation of the fratern ity and understanding of the opportunities for se lf- imp rovement that are offered for the individua l. .. . " SUMMER 1980

As one of the concluding workshops for the 1980 Rainbow Convention, Marlys White, National Vice President of Alumnae Programs, and Cindy Christfeld, Province Director, presented a session for both collegiate and alumnae delegates on time manageme nt as presented in Alan Lakein's book, How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life.

A film based on the book and narrated by actor James Whitmore was presented, fo llowed by small group discussions and practice in setting goals and establishing priorities conducted by selected province directors. As a finale to the Workshops of the 1980 Rainbow Convention, Rainbow Connection Workshops were held the afternoon of the third day. The Collegiate/A lumn ae Workshops included one on the house savings program and one on provinces. The workshop on the house savings program was presented by Diane James , National Housing Chairman. She indicated the purpose of the program was to enable chapters to develop financial stability in the area of housing. She d iscussed the procedure whereby each chapter deposits its money in its own account established by National Headquarters. The chapter, when the need arises, may withdraw, upon National's approva l, funds to purchase items for the house. The province meeting was conducted by Rhetta Robinson, National Executive Vice President, and the province directors. They discussed with collegiate and alumnae delegates a chapter's (I) finance (i .e. adequate treasurer trainin g, successful fundra1sers, and dues collection), (2) scholarship, (3) collegiate and alumnae relations, (4) awareness of interaction with National Chapters and Provinces , (5) Panhellenic and Inte rfraternity Council, and (6) smooth and successful management.


Convention Camera

Don 't ask; we don 't k now who they are . Rumor has it t hough , that they are Beta Epsilons in d isguise.

Betty Wallick , immed iate post Notional President, cong rotu lotes Rhetto Robinson , the new Not ional President, as Rh etto a ccepts the gave l.

Marlys White and Mono Miller discuss how to build alumnae membership at a convention workshop .



Sydney Allen , National Panhellenic Conference delegate, gets her hair done in the Niaga ra Hilton's beauty salon . The finished product was gorgeous, Sydney.

Jackie LoRusso addresses delegates at one of those early morning business sessions.

Photos by Nancy I. Z. Reese

A few convention goers wait to be seated at the Maid of the Mist dinner. So many Alpha Sigs and guests showed up, an extra table had to be added .

Beth Zubinski, Chicago Metro delegate, and Betty Hall, Chicago delegate, visit before the start of the first business session . SUMMER 1980


Convention Briefs ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA INITIATES TWO ASSOC IATE MEMBERS AT CONVENTION Two a sociate members were among the four peo ple initiated during the 1980 Rainbow Convention at Niagara Falls, ew York. Nelie Davis, 65, of Huntington, West Virginia was rushed by Alpha Sigma Alpha when he attended college shortly after the De press io n Era. Unfortunately she could not afford the costs of the sorority at that time beca use of tight finan ces. A long-time friend , Made line Dial, encouraged her to be initiated a t co nvention . Both Nelle a nd Madeline a re members of the Huntington Alumnae Chapter. Mary Ann Anze l, 42, of Niagara Falls, New York , was a collegiate member of Alpha igma Pi local sorority which later became a cha pter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. While man y of the local sorority members were initiated into Alpha Sigma Alpha, Mary Ann lived too fa r away to co mmit herself. A long-time fri end , Rose mary Lett, encouraged her to be initiated . Alumnae pledging and initiation is rela tivel y simple. The alumnae chapter discu es the na mes of the alumnae candid ates in th e area; ente rtains the candidates at a mee ting, coffee or couple party; asks a pprova l from th e alumn ae chapte r a nd collegiate chapter to pledge the women; discuss with the cand id ates the benefits a nd ex pectations of the sororit . Criteria for alumn ae initiati on shou ld be the sa me as for collegiate initiation. An application shou ld be ubmitted to the ational Pre id em and atio nal

t. Ptttr's Episcopal Church (lower right) was the ite of tilt initiation of four ntw Alpha Sigma Alphas. They art (ltftto right) Liz Mathtws, nn; Lisa Btmhardt, nn; elle Davis, Huntington, WV; and Mary Ann ArtU!l, nTI, iagara Falls.



Incoming president Rhetta Robinson (left) and outgoing president Betty Wallick listen to the banquet address given by past president MaryAnn Linton Shepard. (Gregory Bm路bor)

Vice President of Alumnae. Prior to the request for initiation, the alumnae candidates participate in a brief but comprehensive program of six sessions. At the final session a membership test is given, badges are ordered, and fees are paid.- L.F.D.

MAID OF THE MIST The City of Niagara Falls relives an Indian legend each year in a festival known as Maid of the Mist. The legend came alive at the 1980 Convention when alumnae member Rosemary Ryan, a former Maid of the Mist, told the saga to those attending the White Dinner. Appropriately she wore a white suede costume handmade and beaded by a member of the Tuscurora Indian Tribe. The legend of the Maid of the Mist begins as the many Indian tribes were dying from an unknown cause. Since Indians each year were sending a canoe filled with fruit and game over the Falls to appease the Thunder God Hinum and his two sons who lived beneath the Falls, the Indians felt their ill fortune was a result of the god and his two sons being dissatisfied. The Indians offered their most beautiful maiden as a sacrifice each year. The sacrifice was to no avail. One year it fell to the daughter of the chief. Without emotion, the chief watched the preparations. Then with a father's love in his heart, the chief paddled his own canoe from the shore to join his daughter in the fatal plunge. The legend says that the daughter was caught by the god's sons and that she agreed to live forever with them in the caves beneath the Falls if she were allowed to inform her people of a way to rid themselves of their ill fortune. The sons agreed. Today the Maid lives as a legend in the minds and imaginations of millions who view Niagara in its awesome thundering glory.- L.F.D. SUMMER 1980

One of the many AIA shirts for sale at the AlA store. (Gregory Barbor)

FROM NORTH DAKOTA TO NEW YORK What can happen when several sorority sisters from North Dakota decide to drive together to National Convention in New York? Plenty! Five Beta Eta's from Dickinson State College in Dickinson, North Dakota, can attest to that. Cindy Klein, Karen Ellefson, Darlene Heck, Cindy Leach, and Rhonda Sundheim drove 50 hours straight through to New York City. They stopped once in Big Spunk, Minnesota, where they called their adviser to sing a song they had been composing about their travels. They also stopped in Wisconsin for a shower, and they managed to drive through Chicago during rush hour. The girls finally arrived in New York City, taking a 200 mile "detour" through the city trying to find the home of one of the girl's sisters. After catching some sleep, they saw tourist attractions which included the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Greenwich and Chinatown. On Saturday morning they left for Buffalo, got lost four times in Yonkers, and had to stop to make some temporary repairs to their cartop luggage carrier. Unfortunately, the carrier finally fell apart in the middle of a 6-lane expressway! They had to stop, collect their suitcases and clothes from around the highway, and then put all the suitcases inside the car. They arrived in Buffalo (at last!) on Saturday afternoon minus only one can of spray starch. During the convention, the girls attended as many of the workshops as possible. They all agreed that meeting other Alpha Sigs w'!s really exciting. One Beta Eta indicated that "the girls we met would fit right into our chapter. Everyone was alike, yet different. Goodbyes will be really hard. " The Beta Eta's were planning to take a more leisurely trip home, taking time to do more sight-seeing.- K.R.M.

Field R epresentative Susanne Withsosky and convention co-chairman Pat Boreanaz pose for a picture at the All White Dinner. (Nancy I. Z . R eese)

ALUMNAE, COLLEGIATE FEES RAISED . Alumnae dues and collegiate returning fees were raised $3 .50 and $2.50 respectively by the delegates to the National Convention June 29-July 3 at Niagara Falls. In a separate move delegates voted to waive the dues of alumnae aged 60 or older. Citing rising costs and the fact returning dues had not been raised in more than 10 years, council . first asked that collegiates' annual dues be raised $5. Delegates then voted to raise collegiate dues $3.50 and alumnae dues $2.50. The increase in alumnae dues marks the second time in recent years that those fees have been raised. A committee headed by Dr. Geraldine Cox also asked the national council to take under consideration several recommendations on fund raising and money management. Among them was a suggestion to establish a Golden Sisters or similar recognition for alumnae who contribute a certain amount to the sorority.- N.I .R.


1980 Convention

Awards PHILANTHROPIC Collegiate - Beta Epsilon Honorable Mention - Chi Chi Alumnae - Indianapolis, Indiana Honorable Mention- Buffalo, N.Y.

PHOENIX Collegiate - Alpha Alpha Alumnae - Dayton, Ohio Feature Article- Helen Lortz, Washington, D.C.






SCRAPBOOK Collegiate - Delta Rho Alumnae - Denver, Colorado Honorable Mention- Tulsa, Oklahoma Tri City, Fla.

Beta Delta Award winners and their presenters: (left to right) Helen Malone, presenter; Sue Dawson, BE, Officer Efficiency; Connie LeMaster, <1><1>, Scholarship Achievement; Paula Halfast, presenter; Dianne J efferies, A, Scholastic


Improvement; Linda Rogers, presenter; and seated Sidney Allen, pre enter and Katheleen Savelle, B~. Panhellenic.

P!.>tos by G<ogo<y lott>o<


The Phoenix awards included honorable mention to Kathleen Boykin, Pittsburgh, PA, Alumnae; Nancy Reese, presenter; Audrey Gedart, Dayton A lumnae winner; Laurel H orne, AA, collegiate award; Lillian Donnally, presenter; and seated, H elen L ortz, fea ture article; and R osemary Goss, presenter.


Sigma Tau Upsilon Chi



Philanthropic awards were presented by Barbara Brown (left) to Mona Miller, Indianapolis Alumnae, and by Esther Gatseos (right) to Sue Dawson,

BE. Scrapbook Awards. From left to right, H iwana Crompton, presenter; Paula Sneeden, ~P; Patty M cCarthy, Denver A lumnae; Pam Woverton, Tulsa,


Albuquerque, New Mexico Central Arkansas lynchburg, Virginia Metro Atlanta, Georgia Nittany Valley, Pennsylvania Northern Colorado honorable mention; Deb Dietrich, Tri City, Florida, honorable mention, and J eanne McQueen, presenter.


Alpha Si ma Alpha Schola NATIONAL PHILANTHROPIC SCHOLARSHIP The 1980 ational Philanthropic cholarship has been awarded to Kathleen Doyle. A enior at the niver ity of Texas at San ntonio, Kathleen is pur uing a Bachelor of Science Degree in phy ical therapy. Upon graduation in Ma 19 I, she plans to work in a phy ical therapy clinic in a small town .where he want to concentrate on the rehabilitation of the phy ically handicapped . She al o desires to continue her education after graduation by pursuing a Master of Science Degree in Physical Therapy with either a pecialization in dance therapy or pediatric rehabilitation . Academically, Kathleen ha distinguished her elf a one of the fifteen top freshman chemi try student and wa named to the Dean's List for two full academic years. She was named to the ational Dean's List in 1978. Maintaining a high grade point average, she is an active member of the Arche Scholare Honor Society at UTSA. Active in extracurricular activitie , Kathleen is vice president of the Student Physical Therapy A ociation and assisted in establi hing the organization on campus. She is a member of the Delta Upsilon Chapter of Alpha igma Alpha. She currently erves as the chapter's vice president and chairman of its standards board. She has served previou ly as the sorority' philanthropic chairman and member of the standard board. Kathleen currently volunteer one afternoon a week to work at variou local hospitals and rehabilitation institution . The director of the University's physical therapy program de cribes Kathleen as "an excellent student in the classroom " and one who can "apply her academic knowledge in a clinical setting with ease and efficiency; ... she would be an a set to any department becau e of her maturity and good interperonal kill ." The facult adviser for Delta p ilon hapter de cribes Kathleen a "personable and respon ible ... one of the leader of Delta psilon Chapter - alwa s ready to ive Full Mea ure' and more."

SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP One of the two 19 0 pecial Education holar hips ha been awarded to Brenda jo ¡ce trolle. enior at Emporia tate nive; it • in Emporia, Kan as , Brenda i pur~mg a Ba ~ helo~ of cience Degree in pecral Educauon wuhan empha i in the educ-


able mental! retarded and minor in physical education. Upon graduation in Ma 19 I, he plans to teach the educable mentally retarded on the econdary school level. he eventually plan to combine pecial education with physical education in her teaching. Active in extracurricu lar activitie , Brenda is a member of the women' var it softball team, the recreation club, the dance club, the Council for Exceptional Children . She currently erves a activity editor for the Emporia tate University yearbook. A member of the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority, she currently holds the office of chaplain. Brenda volunteers her time for Special Olympics and the University's Child Sitting Workshop. A physical education professor at Emporia State Univer ity describes Brenda as one who "is very aware of recent development in her field and has many hours of personal experience which add depth and meaning to her educational experience." The Dean of Students at Emporia State de cribe Brenda as "a leader within her sorority chapter."

AlA, he was ponsored by Delta Chi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha for this pecial Education cholar hip. A professor of special education at Bloom burg State College describes Melissa as "eager to learn, enthusia tic, and high! motivated in her goal toward becoming a special educator ... Meli a has a dynamic personality, he i mature. dependable, and well-ver ed for a young lady of her years." Another of Melissa's professors in pecial education says of her that he applie "her teaching skills and (takes) the responsibilities that go with direct involvement. "

SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP The second of two 1980 Special Education Scholarship has been awarded to Melissa Carrol Johns. A enior at Bloomsburg State College, in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, Melissa is pur uing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Special Education with a minor in mental retardation. Upon graduation in May 198 1, she plans to teach the mentally retarded and work toward her Master of cience Degree in Special Education. She ha consi tently been named to the Dean's List. Active in extracurricular activities, Melissa is a member and corre ponding secretary for the Columbia A sociation for Retarded Children and the newsletter commiuee for the Council for Exceptional Children. he is also active! involved in her dormitory hall council; in the ki Club; and with pecial Olympic and the White Haven Center, a in titution for the mentally retarded. Her hobbies include camping, hiking, and skiing. he volunteers her time for such activitie a a two hour Special Olympic program for 50 children, and three-week urnmer da ' camp for 60 children, and special ervices for the mentally retarded who need companionship in recreational activities and/or hopping trip . Though he i not an

Kathleen Doyle


ships Awarded

by Lillian Ford Donnally, Feature Editor


Melissa Carol Johns

The 1980 Martha Green Dimond Scholarship has been awarded to Laura Jean Metzger. A senior at Adrian College in Adrian, Michigan, Laura is pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in biology with a minor in physical education. Upon graduation in April 1981, she plans to study physical therapy in Ohio or Michigan part time in a hospital until she becomes certified as a physical therapist. Laura is a member of the Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society. She is a recipient of the Van Wert Company Foundation Scholarship and the Michner Memorial Scholarship. The vice president for student affairs at Adrian College describes Laura as "an active positive representative, not only for AlA, but for our student body." The panhellenic advisor and director of the sorority complex at Adrian College describes her as "a self-starter (who) is motivated to excel." Active in extracurricular activities, Laura is a member of the woman's varsity volleyball team, basketball team and softball team. She participates with the concert band and orchestra. She is a member of the Gamma Mu Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha and currently holds the office of president. She has served as scholarship chairman and music chairman.

Laura Jean Metzger


Terry Ann Nielsen

The 1980 Wilma Wilson Sharp Scholarship has been awarded to Terry Ann Nielsen . A senior at the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado, Terry is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication with emphasis in mass media and a minor in journalism. Upon graduation in June !981 , she plans to work in a news department or a research department for a talk show or a documentary. She is considering the field of public relations as a long range goal. Academically, Terry is an honor student and has been consistently named to the Dean's List. Active in extracurricular activities, Terry has become active in politics and worked in local and state political campaigns. She works part-time. at the Greeley, Colorado Radio Stations KFKA and KFKZ. She is a


member of the Beta Beta Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. She currently serves as vice president of her chapter and has served as philanthropic chairman. A member of the Colorado House of Representatives describes Terry as "an excellent employee, (who) displays initiative and resourcefulness in her job ... one who is especially skilled in dealing with the traveling public." A professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Northern Colorado describes Terry as "one to be noticed because she is competent, conscientious, and 'going places.'"

AMY M. SWISHER SCHOLARSHIP The 1980 Amy M. Swisher Scholarship has been awarded to Joyce Elaine Graves (photo page 18). A senior at Northwest Missouri State University at Maryville, Missouri, Joyce is pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in vocational home economics. Upon graduation in spring, 1981 , she plans to teach in the northwest Missouri area and pursue a Master of Science Degree in education. Active in extracurricular activities, Joyce is vice president of the Student Home Economics Association. She is also a member of Sigma Society, a service organization. She is a member of the Phi Phi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha and currently serves as chaplain. She has participated on the rush dec-路 oration homecoming float , and parents' weekend committees. She works part-time on campus to attend college. Joyce, an honor student, was presented with the Marie Huff Freshman Achievement Award in 1978 as the freshman home economics major with the highest academic average. She is a member of Kappa Omicron Phi, National Honor Society for Home Economics ; and Kappa Delta Phi , National Honor Society for Education . The adviser of Phi Phi Chapter at Northwest Missouri State University describes Joyce as "a very capable, responsible, and motivated student. She is conscientious about her chisswork and has grown in maturity, self-confidence, and decisiveness about her career goals ." An assistant professor of home economics at the University describes Joyce as "quick to comprehend, able to generalize readily , see relationships and make logical associations."

(Continued on page 18)


Joyce Graves


dean of students at the Universit of Central Arkansas describes Pamela as "personable, conscientious, dependable, and attractive."

The 1980 Mary Turner Gallagher Scholarship has been awarded to Pamela Ann Dombroski. A senior at the University of Central Arkansas at Conway, Arkansas, Pamela is pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in commercial art with minor in marketing. Pamela, an honor student, is a memb_er of Gamma Beta Phi and Alpha Chi honor societies. She has been named to Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. Active in extracurricular activities, Pamela participates in intramural sports at the University. She is a member of the Beta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha in which she currently serves as scholarship chairman and assistant rush chairman. She designs T-s hirts, and paints wall murals and banners for various sorority functions. The chairman of the art department at the Un iversity of Central Arkansas describes Pamela as "well-organized, prepared, and keenly aware ... she seems to have a creative insight that is unique among you ng college students. She is intelligent, enth usiastic and possesses a constructive attitude about her school work." The panhellenic adviser and assistant

Pam Ann Dombroski

Campus Sights and Sounds BUDGETS FOR WOMEN'S ATHLETICS have increased as a result of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 which bars sex bias in federally assisted activities. But leaders of women ' ath letics charge that male coaches and athletic directors are taking over the women 's programs, downgrading the influence and authority of women coache . THE MBER OF COLLEGES offering a co-op program - one in which the tudent alternates weeks of study with week of full time work - has grown from just 50 school 15 years ago to over 970 thi ear. At ortheastern niver ity (Bo ton) the average co-op tudent earn 11 ,000 during the undergraduate ear . THE ERAGE T DE T pends 3 per term on 7.5 textbook , according to a tud ponsored b publisher and college book tore a ociations. 18

Plan now to attend


A~As Gather

• Ill

the Spring National President Visits Texas Mrs. Betty Wallick, National President, was the featured speaker at the Texas State Day held in Houston on April 19, 1980. Delta Xis from Dallas Baptist College and Delta Upsilons from the University of Texas at San Antonio joined alumnae from Dallas and Houston for the day. Sue Johnson , former Houston president, flew in for the Texas State Day from Cainsville, Florida. A highlight of the day was the initiation of Gloria Menefee, a former Alpha Beta pledge. Gloria was initiated as a member of Delta Upsilon Chapter. Reports were given from each chapter present. Much credit went to Gena Burson, President of the Houston Area Alumnae Chapter for the successful day. The luncheon was prepared by one of the Houston alumnae, Brenda Robinette, who is a gourmet caterer.

Beth Lyall, BY president, shows off the trophy the Beta Upsilon chapter won the night before at the ISU Songfest.

Hoosiers Huddle in Terre Haute Alpha Sigs from three collegiate chapter,s and numerous alum chapters gathered in Terre Haute April 19 for the 1980 Indiana State Day. The morning session consisted of workshops led by Carmine Alvey, Region III director; Nancy Reese , national alumnae editor; and Silvana Richardson, vice president of collegiate programs. Following lunch in the Tirey Memorial Union Building at Indiana State University, chapter reports were delivered by Chi Chi, Delta Kappa, and Beta Upsilon; and Terre Haute, Indianapolis, Indy Metro, Columbus and Evansville alumnae chapters. BY chaplain Rene Rutherford and president Beth Lyall then conducted the 50-year ceremony for "golden girls" Helen Nobbitt, Frances Crews, Rachel Davis, and Nellie Morris. Bev Hasenbalg, Province VI director, and Paula Highbaugh, BY, then addressed those in attendance on their "Rainbow Con~ection." Sharla Hazlett, State Day chairman, brought the afternoon session to a close and invited everyone to an open house at the BYs' newly decorated suite. SUMMER 1980

Tri-State Day Is Held at Penn State

Lesiie Maxwell and "Fund Raising Ideas" by Donna Bochicchio. Paula Foreman chose the topic "Building a Living Sorority in the Changing World" for the luncheon address. Awards were presented to Delta Iota for the largest delegation , to Delta Chi for chapter efficiency and to Janice Bernard, Gamma Eta, for locating the hidden number. The Gamma Eta women at Penn State University served as hostesses to Gamma Rho, East Stroudsburg; Delta Epsilon, Mansfield State College; Gamma Psi, Edinboro State College; Delta Omicron, York College; Delta Chi, Bloomsburg State College; Nu Nu, Drexel University; and Delta Iota, University of Delaware.

Ohio Has Special Olympic Speaker

"The Many Shades of AlA" was the theme for Tri-State Day at Pennsylvania State University on April 12, 1980. Following a morning coffee hour, workshops were conducted by Cindy Christfield (Rush in a Nutshell) and Paula Foreman (Assessing Chapter Effectiveness). Afternoon workshops included "Getting Back to Basics" by

Mr. Dave Lindsey, Assistant Administrator, Franklin County, Ohio, Program for the Mentally Retarded was the luncheon speaker for the Ohio State Day on April 12, 1980 in Columbus. Mr. ¡Lindsey spoke on Special Olympics and showed the film of the 1975 Interna tion al Special Ol ympics . Alpha Alpha Chapter from Miami of Ohio and the Alumnae Chapters from Cincinnati, Butler County, Columbus, and Newark-Zanesville were present.

"Golden girls" and others who attended the 1980 Indiana State Day were (back row, left to right) Rachel Davis, Helen Nobbitt, Car-

men Alvey, Paula Highbaugh, Bev Hasenbalg, (front row) Nellie Morris, Frances Crews, Terri Miller and Ruby East. 19

'To find • • • Friendships' Nancy /. Z. Ruse, editor

I'd like to welcome three new groups to Alumnae Action. The are the ATLANTA, Ga., NoRTHERN COLORADO and NITTANY VALLEY, Pa. , chapters. Let's wish them lots of luck. Many chapter this past year have been hard at work building membership. Tho e of ou who were delegates to the ational Convention and attended Vice President of Alumnae Marlys White's workshop know the key is to not give up- it' a low, sometimes agonizing, process. Among her suggestions for increasing membership was to use "creative and relevant" programming. One of the more relevant programs used by groups this past year, and al o quite popular, was rape prevention. That and women's legal rights were chosen more than any other program by alum chapters.

Among the creative progTams that caught my eye was the H ousToN alums' slumber party - doesn't that sound like fun? The VALLEY oF THE SUN alums were able to add to their wicker collection at the same time they learned more about this popular art when they had a basket party. And CHICAGO NoRTH SuBURBAN found their fondue party was a real ice breaker. Many of the groups continue to aid our national philanthropy, Special Olympics. CHICAGO METRO added a new twist - members are supporting the Special Arts Festival. I hope all the chapters have new and exciting events planned for the 1980-81 year that will keep everyone coming back and interest new members.

Donate to funds

Yacht Club luncheon

Slumber party

In fall 1979, the BOSTO N alumnae chapter met at the home of Marion Folsom in Westwood, Mass. Jean Barbarick erved as co-hostess. At the meeting, the members voted to end a donation to the AIA ational Philanthropic Fund and to the Special Olympics. Bet y Owen Kellerher's husband sent a gift in her memory which was forwarded to the ational Scholarship Fund. Frances Phelan was responsible for preparing a quare with a ew England motif for the alumnae quilt displayed at the national convention. Patricia Fa t, who lives in Westwood , was welcomed a a new member. The group is looking forward to travelogs by members who have been touring Europe and the United States.

The FT. LAUDERDALE alums met for a membership tea in September. Many members met former field representative Debra Bukas, fA, now a member of the group, for the first time. The group also learned that Ethel Lelewellyn Wilson, YY, had been back to Denison University for her 50th reunion class and had received her Golden Year diploma, and Margaret Kincammon Cicchella, BN, had toured Europe. Founders' Day was celebrated with a luncheon at the Lauderdale Yacht Club, of which Jean B. McCammon King, XX, is a member. She provided the "birthday" cake. Margaret Cicchella's home was the setting for a St. Valentine's salad luncheon and recipe exchange . Fifty-year member Eloise Proctor, XX, of Indianapolis attended as the guest of Wanda Gamble, XX.

The HOUSTO N a lumnae began their year with an old-fashioned slumber party at the new home of Sue Purdey Johnson, TITI. Members brought sleeping bags, wore old college sweatshirts, and snuggled down for a long night of planning our year and just "getting to know each other better." The main goal of the year was to increase alumnae membership in Houston. It is a large area and most live gTeat distances apart, so meetings were planned for weekend afternoons. Socia l gatherings with husbands were scheduled for Saturday evenings. Event included a membership tea in September, the Founders' Day banquet, lunch in March, and a brunch with guest speaker at the Hermann Park Garden Center in May. In ovember, the gTOup served over 300 luncheons for the patrons of Houston Panhellenic's third annual Sorority Sampler Bazaar. Chairman for this year was Brenda Bridges Robinette. Each sorority had a booth and sold crafts and homemade items to raise money for their philanthropic projects. With the bazaar profits and other fund raised, Houston alums were able to contribute I 00 toward a re ident fund for Hope Village for the mentally retarded, 200 to pecial Olympic , and 300 to the Hou ton Shelter for Abused Women. Members attended Texa State Day in April where the guest speaker was AIA ational Pre ident Betty Wallick. Gloria For yth Menafee, Alpha Beta pledge, was initiated into full sorority membership.

N ittany Va lley rookies The NITTANY VALLEY (Pa.) Alumnae Chapter wa recently formed in tate College, Pa. Charter members are Maura Campbell, rH, Patt Campolongo, fH, Barb Erhard , ra , anc Harner, fH , Liz Lender, fH , herry lcCamle , fH, and Ross, f2 , Pre ident, Ruth pell , fH , Bet y Suhey, rH , and Kath Yonchak, ra. The chapter wa e tablished in pril 19 0 and ha met to plan activitie supporting Special Olympics and aiding GAMMA ETA chapter at Penn State. The alum hope to e tabli h a cholar hip fund and a i t with ru h. The group would like to thank all the alumnae chapter who ent letter of upp rt thi pa t pring.


New Colorado chapter The N ORT H ER N COLORADO Alumnae Chapter participated in a variety of activities during its first year of organization. The group began with an organizational meeting in September. Chapter members participated in ovember in the annual state day meeting in Denver. After the holidays, the group had an "After Chri tmas Let-down" party at the niver it of orthern Colorado AIA hou e, in Greeley, Co. Winter acti itie ended in Februar with a alentine' Part .


Learn and earn

Auction pads treasury

Poetic slide show

Funds were raised by CHICAGO NORTH SUBURBAN alums by inviting local businesses to demonstrate their products . Representatives from U Do It Pizza showed how easy it was to be a pizza chef. The samples were delicious and the price was reasonable. A percentage of the sales was returned to the chapter. Shaklee household cleaners were demontrated at another meeting. Nutrition was discussed and members were given samples of instant energy, liquid protein and Vitamin C to taste. Again a rebate was given to the chapter. A warm, successful social event was the Christmas fondue dinner . The whole meal was cooked by the guests in fondue pots, appetizers, vegetables, potatoes, meat and dessert. Sharing a fondue pot and trying to keep the forks straight set the stage for lively interaction.

DAYTON area alumnae had their Christmas luncheon Dec. 1 at Rike's Downtown Dining Room . The annual Chinese auction followed with Virginia Neibel Brodbeck, AA, acting as auctioneer. Many of the items were homemade and brought a good price for the chapter treasury. Again, as in every other year, a plate of "Buckeyes" (candy made to resemble the nut of Ohio's Buckeye tree) brought the highes t price. Following the auction, a huge lighted birthday cake was brought in to surprise Mildred Cockrell McClure , AA. The group's annual benefit card party was April 12 at the Lakewoods Apartments recreation room . Chairmen were Linda Baker Allen, fM, and Pamela Chambers Shoffner, AA. Proceeds of the card party go to the mentally retarded.

The BUFFALO alums started off the year with a dinner at a popular downtown restaurant. The dinner was followed by a slide and poetry presentation by Dr. Joseph Manch, the former superintendent of the Buffalo Public Schools. The annual Founders' Day luncheon was in another popular Buffalo restaurant. Lunch was followed by the Founders' Day ceremony. Christmas was celebrated with a crafts workshop where everyone attending made something to bring home, either a wreath, centerpiece or door decoration. Christmas cookies and mulled cider were served . February marked the installation of the DELTA TAU chapter of ALA at the State University of Buffalo. This threeday weekend was highlighted by dinner on Saturday night.

Downtown luncheons The PITTSBURGH Alumnae Chapter has met at the homes of Angie Wezorek, Bonnie Oswald, and Michele Yasinsky. In addition, the group had two luncheon meetings in downtown Pittsburgh. The group's goal this year has been to enjoy activities together as well as to try to attract a few new members. Members have certainly enjoyed the meetings, and the group has gained two new members .

Boutique items donated RICHMOND alumnae enjoyed their annual September covered dish dinner when new alumnae were welcomed to the chapter. In October, the group prepared items to be sent to BETA EPSILON Chapter at James Madison University to be sold in their boutique. Founders' Day was celebrated at the Blair House in Richmond . In December, members exchanged Christmas ornaments while sampling festive desserts. Card parties provided exciting evenings in January and February. Easter eggs were decorated and sold in early spring to help defra y costs of the group's convention delegates .

Beta Zeta supporters LAFAYETTE alumnae have had an ornament exchange and a plant swap and two successful money makers, a garage sale and a Christmas boutique. The alum chapter continues to support BETA ZETA chapter by helping with rush, being hostesses at the pledging party and the chapter Christmas party and being "Slightly Older Sisses" to the collegiates. Members helped with a track run to raise money for Special Olympics by assisting with registration, place and time keeping, and with awards. The group has also sponsored a child in Special Olympics.

The LAFAYE"ITE, La., alums take a break from their busy schedule to pose for this group portrait. SUMMER 1980


Earn philanthropic funds

New forgotten child

Panhellenic boosters

The INDIANAPOLIS Alumnae hapter' annual ugu t pitch-in wa ho ted by Mona Woodward , BY. The group aid good by to Lorene adzeika, BY, who wa moving to Terre Haute.

CHICAGO WEST SUBURBAN alum have a new forgotten child at Lincoln tate chool. The group received the new chi ld after it Ia t forgotten child wa placed in a foster home. The child receive gifts, cards or mone each month. Program this past ear have included a Mexican dinner, a lide presentation from an area photographer, a di cussion of women 's legal rights with a fem ale lawyer, a movie on help for the retarded , and a meeting on making wreath . In December, members discovered who their secret pals were.

VALLEY OF THE SUN (Az.) alum met in eptember at the new home of Claudia Bennett Key er, BE. In October, the group worked at the Thunderbird Tenni Tournament at the Arizona Biltmore to rai e mone 路 for Phoenix Panhellenic cholar hip . The January Phoenix Open Golf Tournament wa another work assignment to benefit Panhellenic and a time to meet members of other ororities. Virginia Sello Turney, Be, is Phoenix Panhellenic pre idem. In ovember, member joined un Cit alum for a Founders' Day luncheon and program at the Sun Cit Lakes Club. The annual Chri tma cookie exch ange, international coffee tas ting and handicraft gift exchange wa at the new home of ue Schwamb Dzwonkoski , fE . Ba kets , u itca e , brooms , wall hangings and doll furniture were a few of the wicker items which filled the li ing room of Mary Lou La ndis Moseke, XX , in January for a Bas ket Party. II items were for sale after the country where each item was made a nd decorative uses for each were explained. Members assisted with the county Special Olympics March 22 .

Later in the fall , member worked at the Penrod Art Festival and the larket to Market Ball to earn mone y for philanthropic project . everal member helped score for a Special Olympics invitational bowling tournament. Member and guest attended a Founder ' Day luncheon and ceremon at the Benjamin Harrison Home. The peaker was Carmine Alvey, XX , Region Ill director. Guests were present from the Columbu and Ind Metro alumnae groups. Assisting Anne iemeyer, AA, with planning for the luncheon were Merril n Lindley Ba s, XX , and ancy William , XX. The Chr路istmas party wa ho ted by Ruth trickland , BY . In February members made Valentines for special education children at the home of Jud y Hallett, XX. Thou ands of dollars of play mone y changed hands as members and their husbands bet the horses , played poker, pinball , and bingo at a Monte Carlo party at the home of Susan Legg. XX. Diana Cha tain, BY, an interior decorator, has given her time to help the BET A UPSILON chapter at Indiana tate niversity redecorate their suite. An advisory committee of Indianapolis alum wa formed to help with this project. everal members attended Indiana tate Da in Terre Haute April 19. On the arne da several member scored for the Specia l Ol ympic bowling tournament.

Rape prevention speaker The GREATER KANSAS CITY Alumnae Chapter is a diversified group with members of all ages and life situations. H owever, their common bond in A~A brings them together several times a year. This year the group enjoyed a September luncheon at Kansas City's lu xurious Crown Center hotel and h eard a speaker from Metropolitan Orga nization to Counter Sexual Assault who spoke on the prevention of rape. In ovember members gathered at the Washington Street Station Restaur路ant for their annual legacy luncheon. The program included an exhibition of authentic Scotti h Highland dancing (complete with bagpipe music) by a girl who tour the country in competition . A Valentine's Day Tea was held at the home of Helen McGuire. The March potluck luncheon wa in the home of Marty Byron and included a needlepoint demonstration . Members worked as timer and scorers at the Missouri and Kansas Special Olympics in April.

Aid special ed class The FORT WAYNE alumnae each year donate an evening of working on a school project for a special education class. The March meeting featured Gerry Bellistri, coordinator for Special Olympics in the area. He showed a film and explained the work involved with the games. The alumnae then a sisted with the area Special Olympics.

50-year members honored

D E \' ER alumnae Colleen Harvey (left), Lisa Brown and Pat Tighe sort Special Olympic medals during the group's March meeting.


NEWARK-ZANESVILLE (Ohio) Area Alumnae Chapter honored five 50-year members at its Founder Day program Dec. I . Honored were Mildred Benson , Alice Riley, Ethel traw Guthrie, Margaret Laycock House and Katherine Crabill Sturgeon. Ho tesses for the Chri tmas party at Margaret's home were Margaret House and Grace Gowen Cogswell. A luncheon meeting wa Jan . 26 at Hall 's Resta urant in Zane ville. Letters were read from Alice Riley and Helen Brown Smith who are spending the winter in Florida. Madge Patterson and Mildred Benson entertained the group with a luncheon March 29 at Mildred 's home in Frazey burg. THE PHOENIX

Atlanta alums organize This winter an ATLANTA Alumnae Chapter was formed. The group has had two meetings and a cookout in May. A February luncheon was in the home of Jean Ogilivie Frink. Present was Doris Johnson Oglivie, from Manistee, Mich., visiting her daughter. Thanks go to Martha Bankston Shershin, B~. who helped the new chapter join the city Panhellenic. Several members attended a Panhellenic luncheon in April. The chapter is planning a fall "rush"; to encourage all AIA alums in the Atlanta area to become involved in the new chapter.

Kris Kringle gift exchange The ST. LOUIS alumnae met Dec. 6 for a Founder's Day ceremony and a Kris Kringle gift exchange. For a philanthropic project, members joined forces with the mothers club of the Good Shepherd School for special children and had a holiday auction . The money is used by the school. The group also tried raising funds to send members to the national convention. The group sold jewelry for a national firm, and president Caren Vredenberg hosted a wine and cheese tasting meeting. The group viewed a film on Special Olympics and participated in the April games.

Members of the CHICAGO METRO

Alumnae Chapter entertain their friends at their annual summer picnic.

Special arts patrons CHICAGO METRO Alumnae Chapter began the year with a presentation on the National Special Arts Festival in Washington , D.C., by Betty Krebs, a member of the National Committee for Special Arts. The chapter had donated money to send a special education student to the festival. In November, members joined the other Chicago area alumnae chapters to celebrate Founder's Day at Plentywood Farms. Collegians from DELTA ETA were present. Rev. Pat O 'Brien, Delta Eta adviser, was luncheon speaker. Betty Hall was honored for being

named 1979 Wilma Wilson Sharp award winner. Red and white ornaments made by the Metro alums were given as favors. In December, members partied with husbands. In February several members treated themselves to facials at Saks Fifth Avenue and then to luncheon in downtown Chicago. March was a work meeting for boutique items for Illinois State Day. Many members attended the State Day in April hostessed by Beta Rho at Northern Illinois University. Betty Wallick, national AIA president, was guest speaker and workshop leader. Silvana Richardson, vice president of collegiate program and Metro member, also conducted a workshop.

ST. LouiS alums celebrate Founders' Day with a ceremony and Kris Kringle gift exchange. SUMMER 1980


Helping Hoosiers The 14 ELKHART-GOSHEN (Ind.) Alumnae Chapter members met in October at Americana Healthcare Center where Jackie avarro, AX, is volunteer. Member helped resident prepare for their Christmas bazaar. In ovember a speaker from the American Cancer Society presented fact on dangers of smoking for women. A few members decided to try and quit smoking with help from a "Quit-Kit." Following a white elephant exchange at the Chri tmas cocktail party, couple paired off to play bridge, euchre, or sit and talk in front of the fire. The group met in January to plan a progressive dinner for May and learned that Jill Hinkle, BY, was engaged, and Helen Erne, XX, will soon be a 50-year member. A county sheriff spoke at the February meeting to share home security tips with members. Jill Hinkle attended Indiana State Day at Indiana State University.

Membership drive In 1979,theMILWAUKEE alumnae worked on increasing their mem-

bership. Three new members were added at the Founders' Da Dinner. The group's programs have varied from learning about graphoanal si to protection from sexual assault. The Milwaukee alums have also had a Christmas Hor d'oervres Sampler and a Hermes Day Luncheon. The group participated in Milwaukee-area Special Olympics.

Butler County Highlights Butler County, Ohio, has completed a busy year. The organizational meeting, held in September at the home of Debbie Hust Allison, was fo llowed in November with the Founders' Da y celebration sponsored by Alpha Alpha Chapter. A Christmas luncheon was held in December. March brought a coffee and business meeting. Prior to graduation the seniors of Alpha Alpha Chapter were treated to a view of the alumnae organization. Each senior was inducted into alum status and presented with a small gift. A Tupperware party was held in June. This fund raising event helped to provide money for gifts to the Alpha Alphas, a food basket for a needy famil y and a donation to the Special Olympics of Butler County.

Alpha Sigma Alpha announces the reorganization of Southern Illinois Alumnae Chapter April 27, 1980

Alpha Sigma Alpha announces the formation of Anne Niemeyer, AA, was chairman of the Indianapolis Panhellenic salad tasting party which raised $900 for scholarships. Penny Jo Steele, B'l', was elected president of the Twin Cities (Minn.) Panhellenic. Virginia Sello Turney, Be, of the Valley of the Sun Alumnae Chapter has been selected as the Phoenix Panhellenic president. Elaine Rahaim Shiverdecker, B.1, was co-chairman of the Ft. Lauderdale Panhellenic style show. The event, for which Elaine also designed the program, raises funds for scholarships.

Dorothy Stock, fE, a member of the Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter, has been named to a one-year term on the Senior Commission on Aging of Bloomington , Minnesota 's fourth largest city. Dr. Joy Mahacehek, Af, was recognized at a Twin Cities Panhellenic function as the Alpha Sigma Alpha Outstanding Alumna for 1980.

Nittany Valley Alumnae Chapter April 20, 1980

Alpha Sigma Alpha announces the formation of Atlanta Metro Alumnae Chapter

January 27, 1980



Coming Nex t Issu e . . . Chapter Efficiencies Individual Collegiate Awards Founders' Day Message

PHOENIX DEADLINES If you wish to have materials considered for publication in The Phoenix, the editors must receive your copy by the following dates: October lst for Fall Issue December lst for Winter Issue March lst for Spring Issue June lst for Summer Issue

The Phoenix staff for 1981-82 (left to right) Rosemary Carucci Goss, editor; Nancy I . Z . Reese, alumnae editor; Lillian Ford Donnally, feature editor, and Kim R. Meyer, collegiate editor invite you to comment, make suggestions, and most of all, contribute to your magazine throughout this biennium. (See deadlines (right) and form (below)).


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