-of Alpha Sigma Alph
His happiness By Helen F. Snyder Aspire, seek, attain i the motto of Alpha Sigma Alpha and it has been the motto of my goal for m y first son Lennie, who will be 40 on his next birthday. He has Down's Syndrome. I had three main goals for Lennie. Goal one was to have him educated to his fullest capacity. Goal two was to develop him physically and socially. And goal three was to obtain a residence for him , outside our own, so that he could be cared for in our old age. The first goal became possible in 1949 when Lennie was 7 years old . We knew of no classes anywhere for the retarded. We lived two blocks from a grade school, and for a year, I had watched other children pass happily by on their way to school, while our son looked out the window with nowhere to go. On the opening day of school that yea r , I went through this anguish aga in . Tears streamed down my face as I paced the floor and prayed to God for help. Two weeks later, a newspaper article announced that in the Akron suburb of orthfield, parents had started a class for their retarded children and organized SCARC (Summit County Association for Retarded Children). 1 and many other parents of retarded atte nd ed the next meeting of thi organization, where we received advice on how to start other clas es . Because of the size of Akron , which had close to a quarter of a million people, we divided into five groups , north , east, outh , west and the uburban area of Barberton. H elm Frame n)'der, an Omicron Omicron, i a member of the Akron Alumnae Chapter and the 1965 recipient of the Wilma Wli on harp Award. In addition to Lennie, she has two other ons, who e activitie he has al o participated in, serving a a Cub Scout den mother, high chool band parents president and pre ident of the high school PTA .
my happiness
Each group chose a chairman whose job was to locate 12 students, ages 6 to 16, whose parents were willing to pay monthly tuition. The students' minimum 1Q had to be that of a 3-year-old , they had to be toilet trained , ambulatory and have acceptable behavior. Class chairmen also had to plan transportation, locate teachers and classrooms and obtain school materials. The chairmen were soon called room mothers, and in addition to being the south area room mother, 1 became the chairman of all the room mothers.
Glad to be Me There , but for the Grace of God go I I say, as a retarded child goes by I am grateful that I have legs that walk And thankful for my voice to talk How happy I am that I can see And glad that my mind works normally If I take the time to look around I see my blessings that I have found How lucky I am, just to be me I'l l always be grateful, Dear God, to Thee. by Helen Snyder
The other room mothers and 1 visited Northfield to observe their class for the retarded and then Cleveland where two classes were in operation. Pupils were located through publicity in newspapers , psychologists , city and county health nurses and churches. 1 visited the city school superintendent who secured school board approval for the use of empty classrooms free of charge. The first cia s for retarded student in Akron was opened by me 1 ov. 8, 1949, at McEbright School. A week later the west group opened their class in Margaret Park School, and by January, 1950, there were seven classes, four in school , two in churches and one in the Ba rberton Salvation Army Hall. Goal one was attained.
Today in Summit County, with a population of more than a half million, there are 1, 166 student involved in programs, starting with 3-year-old preschoolers, through grade school, high school and three sheltered workshops. Pupils no longer need to be ambulatory, toilet-trained or ha\'e. a 3-year-old IQ. School is now free and transportation is provided. As the years passed by, goal two of physical and social activities became a concern. Retarded children now had school but spent summers at home with nothing to do but watch television. As a result of that concern, parents organized summer recreation programs in addition to once-a-week game night throughout the year. I became a weekly volunteer and still am on after all these years . Years later, the game nights were taken over by YOUTH (Youth Organized and United To Help). Camp Christopher provided day camp and weekly resident camp for the retarded, and parents organized special Sunday school and confirmation classes, weekly bowling and square dancing and Scout troops. Goal two was attained . The final goal was for a re idence, away from home but near enough to visit, where a retarded son or daughter would receive care even after the death of the parent . I have had major surgery several times during the last eight year and my concern for what would happen to Lennie after I'd died began to grow. Through SCARC. I met a mother with a 50-year-old retarded son who shared m con- ' cern. She invited me to a meeting with her minister. Their goal wa to start a United Church of Chri~t home for the retarded. Out of th• meeting the Hope Homes Board was organized as a joint effort of the Un ited Church of Chri t and United Presbyterians. The goal wa to build two homes in an Akron suburb, one for eight men and one for eight women. Many of us gave talks to church(Continued on inside back covtr)
of Alpha Sigma Alpha Spring 1982
Volume 67
Number 3
THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA crFE:~ SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430-640), on educational journal, is published in the fall , winter, spring and summer of each year by the Sorority, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802 . The subscription price $1 .50 a year . Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc., Fulton , Missouri . Member, College Fraternity Editors Association . Send change of address and bus iness correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha Notional Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Spr ing field, Missouri 65802. Address all correspondence of on editorial nature to the editor, Rosemary Carucci Goss , 2305 Capistrano St ., Blacksburg, Virginia 24060. ARTICLES ore invited for publication in this journal. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial staff for consideration . Acceptances ore on a contributing basis only and subject to editorial review . Articles published ore the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of ASA. Second-class postage paid at Springfield, Missouri , and at additional moiling offices . Postmaster: Send Farm 3579 to Notional Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Mis•ouri 65802.
EDITOR Dr. Rosemary Carucci Goss 2305 Capistrano St. Blocksburg , Virginia 24060
The Field Museum of Natural H istory is only one of many on a list of "must see" attractions for anyone visiting Chicago, the site of the 1982 Alpha Sigma Alpha convention. See story on page 2.
PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor Nancy I. Z. Reese 354 Alles St. Des Plaines , Illinois 60016
Collegiate Editor Kim R. Meyer 8014 Rossman Gulch Rd . Morrison , Colorado 80465
Feature Editor Lillian Ford Donnelly 2108 Cherry Hill Lone Chesapeake, Virg inia 23325
Inside This Issue 2 Your Kind of Town 4 Passages 6 Collegiate Corner 11 Outstanding collegiate members of AlA 16 Miss Amy leaves lher girlsl Inside Front Cover His happiness is my happiness Inside Back Cover Chicago Marriott 0 Hare Salutes the Sorority That Works 1
Historian Betty Urban Wallick 676 Pork Ave. York , Pennsy lvania 17402
On the cover: Chicago, the city that works welcomes Alpha Sigma Alpha, the somrity that works. Photo by Ernie Cox courtesy of Chicago Tribune.
Start at Sears Tower where you can view the Chicago a rea from 110 stories up . Walk down J ac kson Boulevard and enter the Loop by passi ng under the elevated tra in tracks. At the Chicago Board of Trade Building, turn north and walk up La Salle Street, the Midwest 's financial center. Turn east again on Washington and walk past the Daley Center Plaza where the Picasso Scu lpture stands and peers across the street to Miro's "Chicago" statue, which has arms that seem to reach ou t to embrace the city. Continue along Washington to State Street, that Grea t Street, where Chicago's large department stores made their names. On State Street, buy a soft pretzel from a street vendor and enjoy its chewy texture as you stro ll past stores, theaters and restaurants. Walking through th e Loop, you can feel a vibrant pulse emanating from the city. There are so ma ny sights and sounds it's like strollin g down the midway at the fair. If you and your fam ily have never experienced the excitement that is Chicago, then the Alpha Sigma Alpha 1982 Conven tion, June 30-J uly 3, may be the perfect opportunity to visit the city's man y museums , shopping areas and restaurants. Of course the Loop is just a small part of Ch icago's downtown . If yo ur legs are sti ll wi llin g, walk north to Wacker Drive and the river. Rest for awhile and watch the r iver traffic pass back a nd forth below you. Towering above th e eng in eer in g marvel (it or ig in a ll y fl owed west) are the twin towers of ~ar in a Cit and the Wrigley Buildmg. t Michigan Aven ue and the r iver are boat docks with ight eeing tours that provide a view of C hicago from the river and Lake Michigan . Time to bring out the camera.
Your Kind
of Town By Nancy I. Z. Reese
Walking north on Michigan A\e nue, you can window shop alon~ the Magnificent Mile , home tr some of the most exclusive tore i 1 the city. Near the end of the mile , you'! reach the Water Tower, one ofth( few buildings to survive the grea: Chicago Fire. Across the street i~ Water Tower Place, an eight-level atrium mall with 109 store and glass-enclosed elevators. A blod. north is the John Hancock Center,' once the world's tallest building. At this point you deserve a re. L, so catch a bus south on Michigan, past the construction south of the 1 river at Illinois Center, built on an old railroad yard, and past the hi cago Public Library Cultural Center to the Art Institute , which houses one of the finest collection of French impressionist art outside of France. Behind the museum, you can relax in one of the Midwest's largest parks, Grant Park, wtth its 38 beds of 8,000 flowers. In the center of the park is the world's largest water fountain, Buckingham Fountain, which has a color display nightly at 9 during the summer. Grant Park is the site of the city' traditional Fourth of July celebration . A free concert by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and a fireworks display on July 3 will highlight the weekend festivitie . Also at Grant Park July 2-5 will be the third-annual Taste of Chicago, a culinary delight by any standard if you can wait in line that long. Also part of the celebration will be a parade on July 5 in the Loop. From the Art Institute take a Culture Bus south to the world renowned Field Museum of Natural History, where yo u can view 10 acres of exhibits. earby i the John G. Shedd Aquarium and the Ad ler Pla netarium . (Continued on inside back cover)
Sights of Chicago Above: The lakefront on a sunny summer day . Far right: The Wrigley Building . Bottom : Chicago Art Institute . Below: The glass enclosed elevators at Water Tower Place . Right: The Picasso Sculpture.
Operation Brass Tacks
Passages By Susan K. Hapner
"Passages" is one of a series of .~rti cle prepared for sorority magazines through Operation Brass Tacks, a project of the National Panhellenic Editors Confe1·ence. Susan Hapner, a member of Chi Omega, describes one of the hardest moves to make during a lifetime - that of leaving college - and also relates the experiences and friendships gained through Greek life.
She wrote about "Passages"; "Material for the article came form personal experience and interviews with others who have f inished college. I did not realize until the present time thef eelings of regret and loneliness that a graduate f eels. Most wish they could go back and make up for some lost time. It occurred to me that it might help collegians to realize this while they are still in school. The alumnae can also benefit by relat-
ing their feelings on leaving collt with their present situations." If you are a graduating senior Y• might view graduation as a passa. from collegiate membership in Alpi Sigma Alpha to alumnae membmhi Alumnae membership is very diffm from that as a collegian, but it ca11 ' just as rewarding. Please see tht lttt from Marlys White regarding AI alumnae affiliation.
"Why is it," she thought, "that we don 't realize what we have until it's gone?" Through those very important years of college, friends can mean the world . They understand the things that we thought nobody could. As the crowd cheered and the team ran off the football field , she joined the masse s of people pushing their way out of the stadium . It was the end of the season of her senior year . "This quarter is flying by. June graduation will be here before I know it," she thought. ow, as he took her pennant and pirit igns from the walls, she realized the truth .. . and finality of her words. T hose three quarters had passed quickly and today he had taken her last walk down that familiar path from her final class of the quarter and of her co lle ge career. he had looked forward to this date for a long time. She had big plan for the fut ure. Each time he had experienced the daily irritation of li ving with 37 other girl , he had thought to her elf: "I ca n't wait until June to have m own place." But toda a h watched her ro mmate running around tr ing
to find her hardly-touched books to study for finals, she thought about how lonely it would be to live by herself. With whom would she share those midnight chats? Who would be willing to forget a diet and order pizza with her at two in the morning? Sitting on her halfpacked suitcase, she thought of the many good times she had shared with friends. A lot had happened in the past four years. She could remember her first day on campus, getting ready for sorority rush. How confused she had been! There were 1200 girls and it seemed that every one of them was gorgeous and knew just what to say. She had waited outside one house with smeared makeup and frizzy hair from the rain that always seemed to find her at times like this and wondered how all the others remembered their umbrellas. But she had survived the rain, excess sugar, and tired feet and after what seemed like an eternity, pledged Chi Omega. At first, she was n't sure she had done the right thing. Could she obligate herself to an organization of women that she didn't know? Time passed quickl y, though , an d before she knew it, she felt as if she had known them all for years.
She had moved into the house fo • her sophomore year, a move whic brought matchless close friend ships. Now she headed for the showe to get ready for the senior dinnet This dinner was special becau e i was follqwed by a meeting at whicl the chapter gavel was passed t• each senior, giving her an oppm . tunity to voice her feelings. As h• waited for an empty shower, sh• wondered just how she would ex press what she felt. Other members were also pre paring for dinner. They ex changed news of the day as well a: shampoo, hair dryers, and an}· thing else someone needed. A· times, the house was one big wa~ market. If someone needed ' blouse, she just knocked on tht door next to hers and someoneprobably someone wearing a bin she had borrowed - would gladl~ lend the necessary item. La t· minute reassurance and advice lx· fore a big date was always available. too. She would miss that. On entering the dining room. she was greeted by her suntanntd sisters . Everyone found time to II on the sun deck where attendanct and discussions rivaled those of chapter meeting. She took her I at her usual table in the dininn THE PHOEfiX
room, looking forward, as she always did, to spending this time with her friends . Her "little sisters" sat on each side of her, eager to hear about her plans for graduation week. The noise level rose in the dining room as the waiters rushed to reach each diner who signaled. She remembered occasions in this room when she couldn't hear herself think, but tonight she was enjoying it. She laughed as the housemother dimmed the lights, a signal for everyone to be silent. As the gavel passing began, she tried to organize her thoughts with a mental list of everything she wanted to say, knowing that she probably would forget most of it when her turn came to speak. As she took the gavel from the girl next to her, she looked around at all her sisters. She tried to speak, but the words would not come. Then she saw the understanding looks and she realized that she was only one of many who had passed through this house and a college career. Where were they all now? Had they been as happy as she was here? Suddenly, she knew what she must tell them - especially those whose turn it would soon be to give their parting remarks to the chapter. Her words came in a rush . .. .
When your day comes, the world will be yours to do with what you will. Today the campus is yours. In the expanse of a lifetime, college days are few. They will remain but one memory and it cannot be matched, for this place is where we do our growing. Here we change from teenagers with great expectations to adults with the challenge of our realistic expectations. Here we experience failure and defeat, only to be comforted by success. Here we gain the knowledge, too, to distinguish between the two. But most important, this is the place where we experience true love and friendship, something that cannot be taken from us. This is a gift we shall carry with us throughout life, for we remain sisters long after we leave here. For now, we must make the most of what we have, for we shall never pass this way again. And they understood. SPRING 1982
Dear Graduating Senior: As you prepare to embark upon your new experience into the everyday world of work and responsibility, please keep in mind that this is not the end of your sorority experience, but rather the beginning. You are the future of Alpha Sigma Alpha and we need your continued membership and involvement. The most beautiful aspect of becoming an alumna member is the opportunity to meet new friends who come from a vast array of geographic areas and college chapters. Yet you all have the Alpha Sigma Alpha sisterhood in common. What a wonderful way to be introduced to a new areal In addition, your membership provides you with a means to stay involved with a sorority which offers you a lifetime membership. You truly learn the significance of National affiliation. I know that some of you will be experiencing a feeling of "burnout" as active collegiate members and this is to be expected. Please remember, though, that alumnae membership is considerably less demanding upon your time and energy. You are still involved, but it
is an occasional privilege and pleasure to meet with sisters. No matter where you decide to live, Alpha Sigma Alphas are probably there. The organized alumnae chapters are listed in the fall issue of The Phoenix each year. If there isn't a chapter in your locale, contact National Headquarters and they will assist you in contacting other sisters in your area for possible organization. Inform National Headquarters of a change in name or address immediately..This assures that you will continue to receive The Phoenix and other important information. We don't want to lose you ever. Best wishes in whatever lies ahead for you in the future. We know that you will continue to make Alpha Sigma Alpha proud. You are the spirit of our sorority and we want to help you brighten your own star as you Aspire, Seek, Attain by never saying good-bye. Lovingly in Alpha Sigma Alpha, Marlys White National Vice President of Alumnae Program
Beta Sigmas from Southwest M issouri State Un iversity in Spri:'gfield visit A2.A 's Na tional H eadquarters one last time before g raduation. (Anderson Studzo, Spnngfteld, M1ssoun)
Collegiate Corner Alphas enjoy Christmas cheer Winte r , with it icy wind s a nd blu te rin g snows, has hit Co nco rd agai n , a nd whil e th e te mpe ra ture s drop and the chill winds bring tears to one's eyes, the Beta Pis are e nj oying the season. An icy winte r eve ning provided a per fect setting for "Ice Castles," the annual Christmas da nce. It was held in the Dogwood Room o f Pipeste m State Par k. As the snow began to fall, the windin g road s o ut to Pipesteam became icy and slick as glass. But the Beta Pis traveled to a nd fro m the d a nce without mishap, and everyo ne had a fa ntastic time. After the d ance, on the dri ve bac k to Concord , some sisters spotted a few brave d eer, weathering the icy snowfall in the moonlight. Anothe r snowfall a nd Beta Pis chose a n es pec ia ll y fr eez in g night to go Chri tmas caroling in Athe ns. Afterwards, they celebrated with a Secret Sis/ Christmas Party in the (wa rm ) ho me of their ad visers, Dr. Roger a nd Sandy Shephard . T he annu al Beta Rho Christmas da te party was a great success, and es pecially exciti ng because eac h girl did not know who her date was goin g to be until he showed up at the da nce. Several wee ks before the pa rty, each membe r picked a name o ut of a hat. Thi name was he r secret sis a nd the girl who picked he r beca me he r d atefinder. Each gi rl put a list o n he r door , indicating three prefe rences for dates. T he object was for the secret d ate finde r to get a date fo r he r secret sister without her knowing for sure who he would be. T here we re extre me ly brave girls who did not put any na mes on their door so they wo uld be completely surpri ed . As a t·esu lt, the two wee ks prior to the dance we re ve r y chaotic as everyone became involved in settin g up a date for the ir seCI-et sister. O n the even ing of the d ance, each d ate wo uld fi nd his d ate find e r a nd he wo uld introd uce him to the gid he was with for the evening. After all the dates arrived , people began to dri ft d ownstair so the da nce could begin . T he room wa completely transformed into a Christma scenat·io, there was a di c jo ke ' to keep the music goin g, a nd plent ' of punch and foo d . Late r that evening, none other than Santa Claus paid a urpr i e vi it, with gift for all the ouple . T he part Ia ted well into the night and ever one enjoyed the ir last fling before fin al . 6
The fall pledges of Kappa Kappa Chapter have been very busy with their activities. One of the most enjoyable e vents, both for the pledges and the members, was a sleepover party held to help everyone get to know each other better. They began the evening by attending a formal Christmas party with Pi La mbda Phi fraternity. The next morning the pledges treated the members with a full-course breakfast. The whole event proved to be very successful, and the true meaning of sisterhood was felt by everyone . They can hardly wait until the next sleepover!
A variety of activities keep A~As warm throughout the winter Fred Astair e and Ginger Rogers danced the night awa y at the Beta Epsilon's "Fa mous Couples Party." The sisters and their dates dressed in costumes to characterize their favorite famous couple . The stars came out and everyone enjoyed being a celebrity for a night. Bonnie and Clyde , Superman and Lois Lane , Prince Charles and Lady Diana, even Santa and Mrs. Claus attended . Among the favorites were Luke and Laura from the popular soap opera "General Hospital, " Hot Lips and Frank from "M*A*S*H " and Felix and Oscar from the "Odd Couple. " The prize for the best couple went to Suzanne Thomas, a senior BE, and her date who dressed as Flo and Mel from the TV show "Alice." The party room at the house was decorated in true "Hollywood Style." Glittery stars with the name of each famous couple covered the walls. All the celebrities danced to a variety of music including some "oldies but goodies ." The Be ta Eps ilon 's lo ve a good theme party, the y have also had a " Co ps a nd Robbers Party," " Boxer Shorts Party," "Paj a ma Party," and a "Hat, Tie a nd Shades Ha ppy Hour. " T he Beta Etas dressed in costume for their third a nnual ethnic dinner rush pa rty. Mexican , Italian , French , and Chinese dishes we re served for the potluck suppe r. Each girl dressed in the costume of the country whose dish she pre pared . Several of the Beta Etas a re busy he lping to coach the Special Olympia ns of Dickinson, N. D. Practice lasts for two ho urs, one night each week. Beta Eta was very pleased to have its me mber , Cindy Kle in , place first runner-u p in the Mi s o rth Da kota SA Pageant.
Two years ago Gamma Omicri:i . Chapter started the fa ll semester wit very few returning members . Toda\ they are looking forward to spring ru~ : with over 30 sisters. Everyone in th . chapter worked very hard getting orga nized and improving rush technique and their efforts paid off. Gamma Omicrons have placed a lo of emphasis on philanthropic project this year, and Chairman Barb Dollin ger has done a great job setting up th o events. They have worked with menta! ly retarded children at Halloween anr Christmas parties, and one of their ne\• projects has been to sponsor a fostet. child . They will sponsor this child unti he is eighteen , so this responsibility i•l one that will be handed down to futu n sisters. The chapter has a lso been bu } promoting Greek unity. At Halloween they carved pumpkins and delivered them to other sororities with a message wishing everyone a Happy Halloween . Christmas cookies were also delivered to all of the Greek organizations along with a Christmas card. The respon e has been fantastic. The Beta Nu Chapter returned full of energy from a restful Christmas vacation. They are a ll proud and excited about their grade point average. With a GPA above a ll other Greek organizations on campu s and the average of the independent students last semester, who wou ld not be proud? The Beta Nu Greek league basketball team is on a winning streak also. , Having received first place in football and second place in softball last semester, they are on their way to winning the All Greek Sports Trophy. Open Rush was slightly different for Beta Nu , as the new rush chairmen are full of imaginative ideas . Songleader Stephanie Rich 's father entertained them with special magic tricks at the "Magic in A"i.A" Rush party. Mr. Rich demonstrated the magic he has found in his life as a father of an Alpha Sig. Members and rushees gathered in their sweats and shared the re laxed atmosphere at a "No Sweat" Rush party. To help promote Greek spirit on campus, the Slippery Rock State College newspaper has a section fo r Greeks . Each week sororities and fraternities submit their own article written by their public relations people. This came about through the effort of Panhellenic and helps promote Greek unity on the campus . There is al o a Pan hellenic program called "8: I" where all the sororities get together, minus their Greek letters , to work as one. - Gamma Xi
The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter, better known at Emporia State University as "Apples," are working to the core with their activities. Several sororities combined efforts to raise $2,225.50 for the American Lung Association . EE President Lori White served as chairman and she should be commended for her outstanding volunteer service. Also, in the past several months EE has benefitted from visits by two special ladies. Sue Zorichak, our field representative, visited the chapter and her suggestions and comments are already in effect. In January, Bonnee Griggs, National Chairman of Programs , came to inspect the chapter. The highlight this semester was activation and our Formal. The new members' excitement and enthusiasm blends the entire house into a closer sisterhood. One of the traditional activities that our pledges perform during activation week is taking an "apple" to one of their instructors. Winter rush has come and gone for the Beta Theta Chapter of A~A. They had a few pledges before open, rush even started and this sent them into Formal Rush with high spirits! Formal rush consisted of the "Cabaret" theme for first parties, a slide show, and various skits portraying the four aims. Second parties went very well using the rainbow ceremony and theme. The Wishing Well ceremony used during third parties captivated the hearts of the rushees who accepted bids on bid day. The chapter participated in a children's Christmas program sponsored by the local YMCA. They were so pleased with the sister's work that they asked Dawn McKee to play the part of the Easter Bunny at their Easter party . Jeanne Knickernocker, chapter treasurer, received the Jeanne B. Mayhew award for the chapter this year. She is an accounting major and will be graduating in May. The Gamma Rhos of East Stroudsburg State College held a Thanksgiving food drive for needy families, which turned out to be a tremendous success. The members of Gamma Rho also got into the holiday spirit by Christmas caroling at a local nursing home. Gamma Rho Chapter celebrated its Founders' Day by having a luncheon in the College Annex. The luncheon was hosted for sisters, parents, and all area alumnae. A special program was presented recounting the sorority's ideals and history.
Founders' Day celebrations abound
AIAs participate m Panhellenic
Gamma Xi Chapter of A~A had their Founders' Day celebration in Zelienople, Pennsylvania , at the Kaufman House . The alumnae, sisters, and pledges enjoyed a sumptuous buffet. Following the luncheon , Gamma Xi presented its advisers, Dr. Kathleen Boykin and Mrs . Diane Stevenson with mother-patroness pins. The chapter gave thanks to both of them for all of their help over the years. The Phi Phi Chapter at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville recently celebrated a very meaningful Founders' Day . They honored Ruth Jean Price, who has been a patroness of Phi Phi Chapter for 53 years. Mary Ethel Pugh, a member since 1930, presented a life history of Mrs. Price. She earned her B.S. and Masters degrees in primary education. Fiftyfour years ago Ruth Jean came to Maryville with her husband, Clun. She was busy with her family but still found time to be supportive of the Alpha Sigs. The small silver-haired woman with a sparkling smile has always emphasized the importance of all-round development of youth and yo ung ad ults. Therefore , she is a strong advocate of A~A's involvement with the Special Olympics. Throughout the evening Mrs. Price's past was also shown in a photo display and her Valentine's Day Ball gown was modeled by Vicki Baker, a Phi Phi pledge . Her pleasures in life were evident in the song, "My Favorite Things," with the words changed to match her personality. This was a very special Founders' Day for the Phi Phi Chapter due to the glowing presence of Ruth Jean Price.
The Beta Beta Alpha Sigs had an excellent opportunity to see the Lawrence C. Phipps Memorial Conference Center in Denver while attending the 1982 Regional Panhellenic Conference, spo sored by the University of Denver Panhellenic Council. The Phipps House, built in the 1930's, has many large and beautifully decorated rooms that were perfect for accommodating the seminars. Ranging from a look at the "Greek Image" and what it can do for a Greek, to "Avo iding Apath y and Maintaining an Energetic Sorority," the seminars were on very pertinent subjects. After an elegant seafood lunch in the Phipps Tennis House, ke ynote speaker Jean Johnson, an Alpha Gamma Delta a lumn a, entertained everyone with stories of being a sorority girl during World War II. An awards presentation followed, and then there were several round table discussion groups. Many found this to be the most beneficial part of the conference, as they were able to analyze problems, share procedures , and get some new ideas for improvement. The conference was very helpful , an opportunity to meet girls from all over the state and work together to improve the Greek system.
The Beta Iota Chapter of A~A held its first annual Founders' Day Dance near the Radford campus. The pledges made heart-shaped favors, and candles and red and white decorations combined to create a festive mood for the semi-formal event. BI Adviser, Mr. Paul McTeer, announced the 1981 Sweetheart, Kim Minter, and presented her with an engraved silver bowl and a hand-embroidered A~A frame from Mr. and Mrs. McTeer. After initiation of several pledges, Beta Iota had its annual Christmas party at the home of Elizabeth Alvey, Marion Dize , and Carol Loftus . It was a special time of shar!ng an? fellowship with their A~A fam1ly dunng the holiday season.
Beta Zeta Chapter is we ll represented on Panhellenic at the University of Southwestern Louisiana. AlA Leslie Valentino was elected president and A~A Beth Ecroyd was elected secretary. Panhellenic is looking forward to a great year under their leadership. Alpha Chapter is very proud to have one of its members , Liz Gleason, serve as preside nt of the Pan hellenic Association at Longwood College this year. Liz will be keeping busy with the many activities which Parihellenic already has scheduled , such as a phone-a-thon to raise money for the school and improve relations with its alumni. Panhellenic i also looking forward to planning its annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children of the faculty members at Longwood. They will also be faced with the task of planning a successful Gree k Week in March. Alpha Chapter looks forward to showing the college community the spirit of sisterhood. Every spring Panhellenic also holds a reception for all Greek women at Longwood, where the "Gree k Woman of the Year" is announced. 7
Philanthropic projects keep chapters busy The Alpha Sigs of Gamma Omicron Chapter have put a lot of emphasis on philanthropic projects this year, and under the leadership of chairman Barbara Dollinger things have really taken off. At Halloween and Christmas the A~'s from Clarion State worked with the Council for Exceptional Children to sponsor parties. Sisters helped children bob for apples at Halloween and dressed like Santa's elves at Christmas to provide entertainment for the exceptional children from local schools. Their newest and most exciting project is sponsoring a foster child. Through the Foster Parent's Plan the chapter is able to support and communicate with a child from Thailand. His name is Sombat Bamrungphak, and he is the youngest of four children. His parents are farmers in the village of Ban Kok Sawang, and Sombat attends the Ban KokSawang primary school where he is currently enrolled in the sixth grade. The sorority spends $22 each month to help provide food , clothing, and education for Sombat. This support will continue until the child reaches eighteen years of age, so the project is one which will be handed down to future sisters for years to come. Alumnae have played an important role in sponsoring the foster child also. When the idea was first considered letters were sent providing information and asking for their responses. Since then the actives have received tremendous enthusiastic and finan cial support. It's been a rewarding experience thus far for everyone involved. In the spring the chapter will sponsor an Ea ter party for exceptional child:en and work with the Special Olymptcs. The Alpha Sig are looking forward to both of these events, and plan to continue developing their phila nthropic program.
Alpha ha pter had their annua l hri tma party for underpri vileged c hildren , g ive n jointly with Ka ppa lpha fraternity from Hampden ydne ollege. The party lasted everal hour during which a vat·iet of game were played , refre hment s were erved , and some of anta's e lve s appeared . The party wa a huge ucce and all the chi ldren left with mile on their face , aying, "I can't ' ait until next year and another party!" 8
Delta Epsilon Chapter has become involved in many new and exciting philanthropic projects. In October they donated blood to the American Red Cross on a voluntary basis. For Thanksgiving they had a food drive and then distributed the food to needy families in the community of Mansfield. Starting in December , each member was given an adopted grandmother or grandfather at the Lysoc k View County Home in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. They have sent them monthly letters, Christmas and Valentine cards, and a needlepoint "Be Happy" picture that a member made especially for their house. They have also planned a St. Patrick's Day party for the home . Future philanthropic projects include making learning centers for the Lyco ming Crippled Children's Society, having an Easter egg hunt for the children, and helping with the Special Olympics held at Mansfield State College's tack. These special projects mean so much to everyone involved, providing many new friendships and great and fulfilling memories. During the cold winter months the Beta Lambdas at the University of Central Arkansas have been very busy with parties at the Children's Colony. The Christmas party was the best ever. There were presents for the children , and even Santa made an appearance. Later, the sisters sang a few songs, and then were treated to a concert by the children , including a solo by one of the girls. It was a great experience for everyone. Community Partners for Youth and Gamma Iota Chapter held a n ice skating party at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The children are associated with the agency, but they do not have Big Brothers or Sisters yet. The children just like coming to spend the day doing something different and making new friends. The ice skating party was held at R.I.T.'s indoor rink. Many of the children had not skated before, but with th~ help of the sisters they caught on qutckly. After skating the chi ldren were brought back to A~A for a small party . They were served hot chocolate and cookies. They spent the rest of the afternoon dancing and playing with the si ters. Thi philanthropic activity proved to be ver enjoyable for both the children and the si ters. Man y of the isters miss their •ounger brothers and si ters, so the ' e peciall enjoy spending an afternoon with children.
The sisters of the Beta Iota Chapteihave been busy planning and participating in both philanthropic and community activities. In philanthropic activities, sisters decorated paper bags for : a local nursery school to use when the' children exchange valentines. They also helped mentally retarded citizens · at the Valley Homes Center make card for Valentine's Day. Several sisters participated as a team in the annual jump Rope for Heart sponsored by the American Heart Association. Also, many sisters danced in the campus- ' wide Dance Marathon for Muscular D yst rophy. A~A claimed the Gov- · ern or's Cup which is given to the Greek organization that raises the most money for M.D.A. at last year's dance I marathon and they worked hard to retain the trophy this year. Besides the donations and pledges that will be collected by those sisters participating in the dance marathon, BI has decided to generate funds for M.D.A. in a unique way. Two BI sisters will camp out on top of the local 7-Eieven in a tent, during A~A's fir t annual Camp-a-thon for Muscular , Dystrophy. The event will involve local businesses, organization, and community groups who will work with Bl in collecting donations from cars and organizing special events during the Camp-a-thon. This is only the second Camp-a-thon for M.D.A. that has been held in the U.S. The residents of Heritage House, a home for the mentally retarded were treated to a Christmas visit from the women of Gamma Omega Chapter and the men of Tau Kappa Epsilon of Eastern Illinois University. The Christma party has become an annual event sponsored jointly by the sorority and the fraternity. They find each visit a rewarding experience, entertaining these sometimes forgotten children with a little Christmas cheer. After a bit of socializing with the children, the men and women organized several games and joined the resident in the fun. A very special vi itor dropped by to give out a few gifts, even though Santa was in the middle of his bus y season. The women of AIA served refreshments and the evening was drawn to a close with the singing of favorite Christmas carols. Beta Zeta held a benefit for the LaRosen School for the Mentally Retarded. They had a live band playing and a beer truck with 25¢ draft. The benefit was very successful mostly because of the good publicity. Posten were put up around campus, in tlw dorms and in other Greek hou es. There was also orne radio advertisement.
Zeta Zeta Chapter sponsored their annual Halloween party at the Higginsville State School for the Menta lly Handicapped with the Pi Zeta chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha. The evening began as approximately 80 vampires, good fairies , and assorted monsters boarded a Greyhound bus for the thirty minute ride to Higginsville. A committee had arrived early to set up refreshments for the residents of the state school and during the punch and cookies, the music began and everyone was dancing. After an hour of talking, dancing and even playing basketball, the Alphas and the Lambda Chis boarded the bus and headed back to Warrensburg. Winter term at Penn State University has always been a time filled with activity. This term was no exception, and Gamma Eta Chapter was right in the thick of it. The big event was the InterFraternity Council Dance Marathon which raised $95,000 to benefit the Four Diamonds Fund for Hershey Medical Center. They enjoyed working with Acacia fraternity and cheering their two dancers on. Both Vicki Napolitano and Lisa Stickler teamed up with Acacia brothers to last all 48 hours. It was for a worthwhile cause, to contribute to the fund which provides financial assistance programs to children with cance r . This term they also got involved in the Winter Special Olympics at Skimont Resort. The members helped the children by timing their races, preparing food, and acting as "huggers. " Later in the spring, they will also be raising money to help these special children. ~
The remainder of fall term ended with much holiday spirit for Nu Nu Chapter. Their Annual Christmas Formal was a great success, thanks to the decorating talents of their pledges. Their sweetheart, Mike Imms, acted as Santa Claus, giving out surprises to the sisters and pledges. Nu Nu 's philanthropic project was singing Christmas carols on campus. Also, a fraternity asked them to help decorate for a luau party. Spring was a very busy time for Kap路 pa Kappa Chapter of Temple University. The chapter sold tickets to raffle a "basket of cheer," the proceeds going toward fulfilling their philanthropic project. The sisters held a Valentine's Day party for the children of a local day care center. They played games with the children, and provided goodies and prizes for them. Kappa Kappa a lso held a six hour bowl-a-thon - a real test of athletic ability! They found each one of these events very enjoyable, as well as rewarding. Delta Kappa's philanthropic activities are probably done differently than most chapters. They have a calendar of events sponsored by Special Olympics for the entire year. All the sisters are required to attend two of these events. They report to the philanthropic chairman the events they attend. The program was set up this way because the members could never all get together to help at just one event. This way all the sisters can atte nd the event they want to, when they want to. Because of participation at these events, Delta Kappas have grown in a different way, and they are glad for the opportunity to help such a worthy cause!
Alpha Beta Chapter at Northeast Missouri State University in K irksville during a rush party presenting "The Wizard of Alpha Sig." The witch with the apple of goodness is Lisa LaRose. The Mayor is Sonya Doctorian.
Winter Rush warms the hearts of many rushees Gamma Mu Chapter at Adrian College held two parties as part of their spring Rush efforts. The first was a ma rshmallow roast with plenty of hot chocolate to kee p everyone warm. (Michigan winters are pretty chilly!) The music a nd laughter flowed from the complex lobby where the rushees were getting to know the members and hearing crazy A'i.A memories . At the second party, a week later, the sisters met in the basement dressed for exercise and dancing. Every~ ne revived a few oflast yea r's disco tunes and got charged up to learn line dances under the direction of Julie Laser and Lynn Metzger, the resident experts. After a j am session with a guest appearance from Billy Joel (alias Donna Morrison), the y were rewarded for a great wor kout with fresh vegetables and dip. Bids went out and GM took as many p ledges as the campus ceiling would allow, bringing their sisterhood new friends and a membership which can't deny that Greek life is great! Final rush was a great success for Delta Chi with over forty rushees atte nding the pearl and wishing well ceremony. Each of the rushees received a white carnation with a red ribbon around it, then they each had a chance to ma ke a wish and pick a pearl out of the A'i.A wishing well. A special aspect of the formal rush gathering is the time set aside for the singing of an unannounced song by several of the sisters. T he selection is usuall y a popu lar song whose verses have been adapted or changed in order to best express the fee lings of the moment. This semester, the song shown was Kenn y Roger's "Through The Years," written by Vicky Lyse k. I know you' ll stand where I am stand in g now and wonder just how yo u got to where you are, I swear. 路 It ha ppens all so very fast , You 're sisters then at las t and through the yea rs you'll see yo urself for what you really a re. Through the yea rs They'll stay close by your side, They'll give you strength and pride. You see that friends you ma ke, they will be true through the years. You'll find a place that's home, You'll never be alone You see how much you've grown by sisterhood. Through the years.
Some girls had written poetry on d subject of friendship and sisterhoo; The party was very successful - tl best and most organized Beta Pis had in a long time. They saw again wl.;· great things they can do when they ~ • pull together.
Bid Day! Beta Lambda Chapter's pledges from fall rush.
The Phi Phi Chapter at orthwest Misso uri State University returned from Christmas break full of enthusiasm and new ideas for informal spring rush. The new rush chairmen were bu sy taking the names of prospecti ve members and planning fun ctions. This was to be a rush packed with firsts. During the first week of rush the chapter h a d its first chil i supper. Ho me made chili a nd crackers were served to twenty rushees . A popcorn part, wa held during the second week of ru h. Each membe r made sack of po pco rn to be eaten in the chapter room durin g the slide show. During the third a nd fin al week of rush the chapter had a open house for the first time. Rushees were allowed to wander from room to room and enjoy the snacks the members provided for them. The open house was a g rea t success a nd will probably become an an nual event. Our final ~un tion was the pearl ceremo ny held m the chapter room. Rushees were also in vited to an y mixe1· the cha pter had during the three weeks of rush. The success of pring ru h was evident by the quality of the girl who a1·e to be new siste rs and by the good time ever one hared together. Beta Sigma Chapter has been working hard to p1·epare for their spring Ru h week . The ru h activities were planned by ru h chairman , hri s Brown , and the • included an open house tour, kit night, "On Broadwa " night, and a preferential tea. Finall bid da ' arrived , an d th e member 10
worked together to hal')d out bids to the rushees most interested and enthusiastic about the sorority. Delta Omicron's spring rushing has kept all sisters busy with what looks to be a promising semester. They opened with "Dorm Storming" the night before classes started and the following evening they had a Toga rush party. Next, there was a Hat rush where rushees ' questions were answered and they went on a tour of the house. The final rush party was a 50's party. Everyone jitterbugged , had contests, and answered more of the never-ending questions. Their last rush was a formal rush with the emphasis on sisterhood. Beta Pi's first party theme was the Second Annual Alpha Sig Greek Olympics. After welcoming the rushees, they were a ll divided into three teams accord ing to red, white, or blue nametags (which were in the shape of the five Olympic circles). They played Olympic contests, such as the 500 ya rd dash unrolling .a spool of thread , a fifty-yard dash With a roll of toilet paper, and a relay passing a roll of lifesavers with a toothpick. Winning teams were announced and all rushees were awarded a gold medal. . Snacks, such as raw vegetables and d1p, were enjoyed by the rushees while the actives entertained with two skits and a slide presentation which showed a.spect of Alpha Sig friendships and SISterhood.
Beta Epsilon's informal spring rus got off to a great start. The new n 1 chairman and her assistant were H~ l· enthusiastic and imaginative in the! planning. With the support of th . other members, the end result adele. many aspiring pledges. Rushees attended three rounds 1 parties. First rounds exposed ru hee to the Greek system and to the man different aspects of AlA . Seconc rounds enabled members and rushee to get better acquainted. Sisters per formed a skit, "AlA Island ," a take-of on Gilligan's Island , written to sh01 rushees what AlA had to offer then and what the sisterhood and Jov• means to its members. Third round portrayed rhe spiritual side of oUJ' sisterhood. During the ceremony eacl rushee received a long-stemmed rec rose with a pearl in the center and , a• always, there were quite a few teary· eyed girls. Along with round parties, rushee~ were invited to attend other functiom with the members - a happy hour breakfast and Mass one Sunday, themt parties with fraternities, and a hotdog · dinner with all the trimmings befor a home basketball game. The biggest surprise was a visit from thirty AlA pledges and sisters from Penn State who decided to roadtrip to Harrisonburg and spend the weekend with the Beta Epsilons. They had a full · house and quite a weekend! Eveq•one had a fantastic time seeing old friends and meeting new sisters from another' school. BE can 't wait to return the \·i it. , The spring Rush activities at East Stroudsburg State College were vet\' successful. Gamma Rho's first rush wd the Inter-Sorority Council Rush. It was a formal rush involving all the soror· ities on campus. The theme was "Lo\e Those Greeks" and each sorority set up a table decorated with scrapbook , pil· lows, composites and paddles . The rushees visited each sorority table and received small remembrances of ea1 h. The next rush was "Italian Night. " The rushees enjoyed themselve a everyone sat around and ang while one of the members played the guitar. Pizza and soda were served. The rushees were told about AlA and the girls involved. 1 THE PHOENIX
Outstanding collegiate members of
Mary Judene, Eta Eta Chapter, is a junior majoring in marketing. She has served in numerous offices and had the highest pledge C.P.A. She served as Panhellenic representative, parliamentarian, scholarship chairman, and Panhellenic secretary. Mary Judene is also involved in College Republicans, Phi Beta Lambda Honor Society, Lambda Sigma Honor Society, Marketing Association, Alpha Kappa Psi Honor Society, and was on the Dean's List for the last two years. Besides being involved in sorority a nd campus activities, she has received four scholarships. Mary's well -organized efforts in Panhellenic helped promote spirit in Rush as well as enthusiasm in the sorority.
Two members of Alpha Beta Chapter have contributed to their sorority and campus. Laurie Turner is a junior majoring in biolog y and ph ysica l education from Grinnell, Iowa. She recently won a bike-a-thon for the sorority by riding 20 miles. She actively participates in sorority meetings and is on the review board . She enjoys sewing, biking, and waterskiing. Laurie is a student ambassador a nd a universit y usher, and has a part time job in a deli as well. She a lso finds time to do volunteer work at a local hospital. Liz Lukowski is a junior majoring in mass communications from Hannibal, Missouri. She recently won the title of Miss Hannibal and competed in the 1981 Miss Missouri Pageant. She was also the AlA choice for Homecoming quee~ . As well as being editor for the soronty, she is active in the Student Senate, Student Activities Board, and is an executive member of the Student Ambassadors. She is employed at the radio station in Hannibal, KRGC, a nd she e~oys playing the piano, da ncing, shoppin g, and talking with anyone available. AIA is very proud to have these girls as their sisters . SPRING 1982
Some people on ly dream of singing professionally. Terri Rouse (Beta Mu) has seen her dream become a reality. Terri, a junior at Henderson State University in Arkansas is more than just a student of English. She has been singing for 17 years and has produced 2 a lbums. Terri grew up in a very musical family and learned to play the gu itar, mandolin, and banjo when she was very yo ung. When she was seven, she and her two sisters, Kat hi and Debbie formed the Rouse Sisters, and traveled to Little Rock to do warm-up spots for such country western greats as Loretta L ynn and Ernest Tubb. In 1969 the sisters produced a gospel album entitled , "He Touched Me ." After atte nding college for two years, she began her first regular singing job at Dogpatch USA in 1977. She also began production of her first solo album , "The First One." The summer of 1.g79 brought about a new turn. Terri formed the group "Daybreak" and toured 11 states in 8 months. Most recently, Terri sang in the "Country Majic Show" in Majic Springs, an amusement park in Hot Springs, doing impressions of Loretta Lynn, Patsy Cline, Kitty Wells and Minnie Pearl. As well as being an active member of AlA, Terri is also a Phi Sigma Epsilon sweetheart. Pursuing a B.S.E. in English, she plans to teach in the winter months and sing at Majic Springs in the summer. ''I'll never give up singing," says Terri.
Cindy Klein, Beta Eta, received the Hersrud's Scholarship for outstanding work in her majors of chemistry and biology. Cindy was a lso Beta Eta's Homecoming cha irm an and engineered a second place float finish . She is a member of Dickinson State College's Student Senate a nd was named to Who's Who.
Beta Beta Prescilla Dugard decided a change of scenery would make her sophomore year mo re exciting, so she spent the year stud ying at the University of Hawaii at Hilo . "Percy" participated in the N a tional Student Excha nge program which a llows qualifying students to 路 stud y out-of-state whil e paying in -sta te tuition. Percy says, "I'd recommend it to anyone." She felt the opportunit y to live in a totally diffe rent e nvironment was invaluable; Hilo is a small town and she lived among local residents . She also became certified as a scuba diver which she couldn't have done at the University of Northern Colorado. Now tha t she's back at UNC as a junior ac countin g major/Spanish minor, Percy will continue working at her perfect Dean's List record and her passion for country swing dancing. Beta Beta is glad to have her back. 11
Tammy McLeod, a senior el , mentary education major, was nomii · ated for the Frost Fidelity Award [( the Gamma Zeta Chapter at the Un versity of Arkansas at Monticello. Tan . my is a very active member of AIA. ;i treasurer and Big Brother sponso 1• She is known for her hard work, entht siasm, and loyalty, not only to he sorority, but also to the other organiz, tions which Tammy belongs to - i Down, SNEA, and Alpha Chi, an hoP orary. This year, Tammy was selecte• for Who's Who also.
The Beta Pis are proud of Veneicia Lockhart, a senior from Lerona, West Virginia. Veneicia has been an Alpha Sigma Alpha since her freshman year and has held the offices of vice president and membership director. She is now serving as president of Beta Pi Chapter a nd doing a fantastic job. Besides her in volvement in A~A . Veneicia has also been very active in stude nt activities on campus. She has served on the Student Government Board of Directors for four years . She is a member of the College Republicans, the Proud Concordians, and is curre ntl y preside nt of Ca rdinal Key. In spite of h e r bu sy sc h e dule , Ve neicia does a n outsta ndin g j ob in all her acti vities. Sh e is d e finitely an outsta ndin g Alpha Sig, a nd an asset to Beta Pi Cha pter.
Diana M. Koczon, Pi Pi, is a senior majoring in journalism and business. She has been an Alpha Sig for four years and held the offices of chaplain and scholarship chairman . She is presently social and standards board chairman. Diana was selected "Greek of the Month" in October and she also serves in the Inter-Greek Association. Last year, Diana participated in the National Student Exchange Program and attended Northeast Missouri State University. While she was in Missouri, she was active in the A~A ~;; hapter there. She was a dancer in the musical " Hello Dolly," and a newscaster and newswriter for the campus radio station and newspaper. She also pledged Sigma Delta Chi (a journalism honorary) and won the title of Miss Majorette of Missouri.
Karen Gale, Beta Epsilon, has con · tributed not only to the chapter, but i involved in many activities on campu as well. Karen was awarded Pledge o I the Week, and has gone on to serve a the assistant rush chairman. Participat ing in the James Madison Universit• Dukettes, Council for Children witl Behavioral Disorders, and the Educa tion Honor Society has kept Karer "happily busy." She also works wit! Special Olympics and served as tht director of the program last year a JMU. She is a junior majoring in specia , education and psychology and hope~ tc pursue a career in school psycholog)'·
Ruth Libbey, Gamma Iota at Roche ter Institute of Technology, ha been an outstanding sister inside and outsi<it" the house. She is the recording secretary for the sorority, and editor-Ill chief for a campus newspaper, T/IP Brick. Ruth is the secretary for the campus's Greek Council. Also, she is Director of Support Services of tudent Directorate, the student government. Bonnie Matthews has shown her outstanding abilities on the RIT campu . She is the president of Gamma Iota Chapter. Bonnie is the acting president of RIT's Professional Foods Club, and also the captain of the Women's Tenm Team, for which he has been named Athlete of the Week .
Joanne Clark is a junior majoring in microbiology and medical technology at Gamma Eta. She is a member of Phi Eta Sigma freshman honorary, Golden Key National honor society, and Chimes junior honorary. She served as a Rush counselor and is a member of Penn State's Lion's Legion cheering squad.
Kelly Butler is president of Alpha
Alpha Chapter and has been
Outstanding Pledge and Outstandmg Senior. Kelly a lso was scholarship chairman last year. Besides a ll this, she is always helping with any special events or activities the sorority has planned. Outside the sorority, Kelly keeps herself just as busy. She has received recognition for her scholastic achievement including the Hoosier Scholar and Lambda Sigma, a sophomore honorary for scholarship and leadership. Kelly's major is marketing and she is in Pi Sigma Epsilon, the national marketing fraternity and the Society for Advancement of Management. Kelly's other talents are evident in her membership in Miami University Theater. She has had leads in main stage productions, and has also done choreography and been t h e management assistant. Kelly also performs at the coffee house, a Jive talent show put on weekly at the Student Union. She sings in the Choaliers, Miami's Wornen's Choir. . ·t1·es Kelly 1·s 1'n oth er campus ac t IVI volved in are Hall Government where she is a corridor representative and social concerns coordinator; Creative · t h e secretary; an d Arts wh ere s h e IS Program Board where she is a member of the fine arts committee.
Mary Arellano is a senior medical technology major at Clarion State College. In addition to her membership in Gamma Omicron, where she served as secretary of her pledge class and rush chairman, Mary is an active member of Beta Beta Beta, the honorary biology fraternity, and Tau Beta Sigma where she held the office of secretary. She was also secretary of the band. Mary is a talented flutist, and has held the positions of first chair and section leader in both marching and symphonic bands. She has been a soloist in both bands and in the String Ensemble, and was the principal flutist for the Community Orchestra. Mary was also a member of the Woodwind Quintet, and represented CSC at Inter-Collegiate Band for two years. She was a flute instructor at the Clarion Band Clinic.
"The great opportunity to meet the students in other sororities and fraternities," is why Ashely Tuttle has participated so actively in Panhellenic. She has served as a Panhellenic representative and as the seCI·etary of Panhellenic. She has also served as the assistant treasurer, scholarship chairman, and a member of the Standards Board for Beta Epsilon. Ashley was voted Outstanding Sophomore and received the Highest Sister C.P.A. Award. On campus, Ashley is involved with the Student Alumni Association, Social Work Organization , and the Student Advisory Board. She is also an honor student, a member of Gamma Gamma Greek Honor Society, and Mortar Board . Ashley is a senior majoring in social work and hopes to work in the field of geriatrics.
Athletic activities have played a large role in the life of Evelyn Dunbar, senior physical education major. She has participated in intramurals for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes for four years. She is Beta Upsilon vice president and Standards Board chairman. Evelyn, or "Ed," is a member of Delta Psi Kappa, the physical education honorary. She has been a dormitory receptionist and nighthost, and acted as a New Freshman Orientation small group leader.
Amy Martz, a junior speech language pathology major has served Beta Upsilon in many ways. She was ho mecoming queen candidate for 1980. She has held the offices of membership director, su ite chairman , and Homecoming mum chairman. Presently, s~e is the treasurer, ways and means chairman and serves on the Standards Board. Amy was also a rush counselor this year and did a great job for the Greeks.
Janet Schwenke, a senior majoring in mathematics at Pittsburg State Umversity, served as chaplain, vice president a member of Standard Board , and p' resently serving as rush chairman for Eta Eta Chapter. J anet belongs to Student Senate, Lambda Sigma Honor Society, Omicron Delta Kap pa Honor Society, Kappa Mu ~psdon. Honor Society, and Homecommg Pohcy Committee. She has received several honors such as being on the Dean 's List, all A's honor roll, the Jane Carrol Sch?larship the Alumni Merit Scholarship, and th'e Dean's Scholarship. Janet has been very active in AlA's spirit and pride. 13
Alpha Sigma Alpha In the life of every person A blessing which is rare, Finds itself a home inside And gives while it is there. The love is without measure , The caring without bonds. This blessing is a treasure For the person it has found. Though trou bles are so many And lessons still remain, This blessing soothes and comforts, To wash away all pain. You, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Are the blessing of which I write, I love you with a ll my heart, And thank you with all my might. Time to eat! One of Delta Kappa's favorit e pastimes.
Rush retreat
My special friend
Delta Kappa Chapter at Indiana State University- Evansville had aretreat this summer to prepare for Rush . In the past, they have gotten together o nce a month during the summer to make all the things they needed . But this year they wanted to do something spec ial - to get away, prepare for Rush , and get to know each other a little better without having to pick up and leave to go home at night. One of the members, Lisa Riley, donated her home at Rough River, Kentucky, for the reu-eat. Lisa's parents, who were staying nearby, took some girl water skiing, while the rest swam. Later they gathered at the ho use and discussed Rush . As they un wo und and started to have fun, the mishaps began. They had everyth ing for dinner except the hamburger buns, which they had to borrow from a neighbor. Later they discovered ~he.re wasn't room for everyone to slee p 111 1de. Some of the si ters spent the night sleeping beside the fire circle with the birds, bee , bugs, and bats. !he next d.ay included wimming, kung and eatmg- then time to pack up and head for home. They had all hared a memorable experience a nd had become closer sisters because of it.
Ah, my special friend it is enough that you are here with open hands and open heart. When my eyes have seen too much of the anger, of the sadness, I come. When I have spent too ma ny tears (and sometimes not a ny) I seek refuge in the warm corners of your smile. Aching, I come to yo u and know I can say nothing, and yet yo u will let me relax in the gentle light of our friendship. by Jeanette Carter Chaplain, Beta Nu Chapter
T his was writte n for the Spring 198 II p ledge class by Delta Epsilon membership director, Jody Posner.
There's no place like home!
The coming of the new year and a new semester brought a new home to the members of Delta Nu-A Chapter. Their new house is presently holding 2 1 of the chapter's members. A deeper ' sense of sisterhood and unity are hoped to be gained from having a house of their own. They christened the house with a New Year's Eve party, a post-Christmas party, and a retreat for members and pledges. The doors were a lso opened to the brothers of Alpha Tau Omega for a wine and cheese tasting party, an Alpha Sig thank you to the ATO brothers for their help during moving time. Outside of a few minor disasters, the house is still going strong. They have survived times of no heat, too much heat, frozen pipes, broken pipes, mino1 floods, and ... MICE! But, the sisters are very excited by the promise the future holds for their new house located in Swartz Creek, Michigan. THERE'S 1 NO PLACE LIKE HOME!
The new home of AlA Delta Nu-A & B Chapter.
Alpha Sigma love Giving, haring, loving, caring, that' Alpha igma loveBeing there, a friend who cares, that' lpha Sigma loveA ati fying, gratifying, i terhood have weOur never leaving, interweaving, love will always be. -Kelly Wilkinson Zeta Zeta Chapter 14
40th anniversary celebrated in Dickinson This year marked the 40th anniversary of Beta Eta Chapter on the campus of Dickinson State College in Dickinson, North Dakota. The chapter was installed on May 17, 1941, by the AIA National President, Wilma Wilson Sharp. The first BH advisor was Leila G. Woods, who at that time also served as Dean of Women. Miss Woods continues to remain active in sorority life as a mother-patroness. Special activities were held throughout the year in honor of this anniversary. A Founders' Day banquet was held in May, at which time chapter awards were made and the history of Beta Eta reviewed. A special rainbow ceremony was conducted by the officers in conjunction with the banquet theme. In June, a reunion picnic was held in Medora, located in the Teddy Roosevelt National Park. A tea hosted by the mother-patronesses was held in the home of Kathy (Kuylen) Gruman following the Homecoming game in October. The alumnae members present enjoyed reading through tht; information sheets returned to the chapter following an extensive search to locate all 570 members. They were able to learn where their sisters are and what they are doing. For forty years Beta Eta has been an active and integral part of campus life at DSC. The year ended with extreme pride in past accomplishments and high hopes for continued chapter success.
Coats + hangers = money! This semester, like the last, Beta Rho Chapter has found a different way to make money for the improvement of its house. It's called coat-check, a free service the university provides to patrons of university events held in the student center. Last semester, President Shelly Secombe got the idea from a fraternity who had been doing it. The chapter d~ded to do it and signed contract With the university to work Ill hours a week hanging up coats. They are paid hourly and the mone y goes to the house. At every chapter meeting the &iris sign up to work two hours a week at a time which is convenient for them . The results speak for themselves. semester they were able to pura stereo system and now are planon buying new furniture for the
Epsilon Epsilon member nominated for Rhodes Scholarship
DeAnna Koch, Epsilon Epsilon, has been nominated for the Rhodes Scholarship by Emporia State University.
DeAnn a Koch (Epsilon Epsilon member at Emporia State University) hopes to spend a lot of time abroad . That is, if she wins the Rhodes Scholar competition. Miss Koch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Koch of Emporia, Kansas, is Emporia State University's nominee for the prestigious international award. Only 32 Rhodes Scholars are selected from the United States yearly . Miss Koch passed her first round of interviews October 5, but still has regional and national competition a head of her. If she wins, she'll head for Oxford College in England next fall. Miss Koch was nominated for the scholarship by David Travis, chairman of the department of foreign languages at Emporia State. The scholarship winners are selected on the basis of character and intellect. Students nominated for the distinction must be unmarried citizens of the United States, between 18-24 years old , and sufficiently advanced in their studies to assure completion of a bachelor's degree before October 1982. Miss Koch , a sen ior studying mathematics and foreign language, plans to go into an applied mathematics program if she wins the scholarship . She hopes to gain the American equivalent of computer programming.
She also plans to visit Oxford next semester while she is doing her student teaching. Unlike most E.S .U . students, who student teach in Kansas schools Miss Koch will be in London . She leaves in mid-January, will return to Emporia in July, and hopes to be at Oxford by September. :路I went to France in high school," Miss Koch said, "I've always wanted to travel more. Plus having attended Emporia High and living in Emporia all my life, I want to experience a different kind of li fe." 'Til be student teaching in a private American school in London. I've heard it's not quite as strict as the British schools." She 's talked to her路 cooperating teacher in London and will teach high school trigonometry, algebra, and computer programming. "One of our recent alums of the sorority and her husband are stationed in Germany, and there are three Emporia State students in France and England ," she said, "I plan to get their addresses. That way I won't be totall y alone, but I 'm planning on being homesick." This article was written by J ill Arnold, Emporia State University Information Services, and was taken from the Novembe1路19, 1981 issue of the Emporia State University newspapeT, The Bulletin.
The Ingredients of Sisterhood A L P H A -
Aspiring in all endeavors Listen attentively and learning to understa nd others Planning and organizing Helping the sisters Accepting responsibility
S -Seeking every dream I - Individual uniqueness, instilling confidence in others G - Giving full measure M - Making decisions an d new friends A -An open mind and positive attitude A L -
Attaining all goals Loving life and joyously living each day to its ultimate good P - Practicing the art of gracious living H -Health, happiness, a nd humility A -Again pledging our vows to thee by June Elliot Beta Theta Chapter 15
Miss Amy leaves 'her girls' By Nancy I. Z. Reese Amy M. Swisher, ad vi er emerita of Alpha Alpha chapter and professor emeritus of art education at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, died Oct. 10, 1981 in Columbus, Ohio, just two months after her 100th birthday. Miss Swisher, fondly ca lled Miss Amy by Alpha Alphas, established a gra duate scholarship, which was named in her honor, at the Golden Anniversary Convention in Roanoke, Va. in 1952. This became the sorority's first "name" scholarship. In 1964, it was revised so it also could be awarded to undergrad uates. The scholarship was actually the second she had established, the first being the Alpha Alpha Cash Award for Alpha Sigma Alpha in 1939 when the chapter withdrew from the Miami of Ohio campus. The award is still give n annually to the most outstanding freshman girl in the college of education. Miss Swisher graduated with a B.L. degree from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1903 and taught in the Delaware, Ohio, public schools for 10 years. She then received a B.S. degree from Columbia Un iversity Teachers College in 19 15. After two more years of public school teaching in Freemont, Ohio, she joined the art department at Miam i of Ohio. Two years later she became the head of the department and adviser to all students majoring in art education. In 1927, she received her masters degree from Columbia. She helped establish the Oxford Arts Club, a chapter of the American Federation of Arts and a chapter of Delta Phi Delta, national art fraternity, on the Miami campu . She was a regional director for Delta Phi Delta for 10 ear and erved as art chairman for the Ohio Congre s of Parents and Teachers for eight. pon her retirement in 1949, 16
Amy M. Swisher as she appeared in the May 1950 Phoenix.
she was given the title of professor emeritus of art education. The Alpha Alpha chapter was established on the Miami campus in 1913 . Miss Swisher became the adviser and an initiated member of the chapter shortly after she ca me to the campus in 1917 . Through her foresight, the Alpha Alpha name, and that of Alpha Sigma Alpha, was kept alive from 1938 to 1950 after she established the cash award with the money the chapter had left after its withdrawal. In 1948, when campuses again were flourishing, she began work on the reinstatement of Alpha Alpha. Although she had retired, she remained in Oxford almost until the chapter's reinstatement in December, 1950. After her move to Delaware a nd later to Columbus, Miss Amy remained in close touch with the chapter. Miss Swisher con tinued to be active in Alpha Sigma Alpha after her retirement, attend ing national conventions and Ohio State Days. She contributed to "The Years Behind Us," the history of A'iA
published in 1952, by preparing the material from 1918 to 1926. And in 1953, she was awarded tht Wilma Wilson Sharp Award. The award was given to her at the Ohio State Day in Dayton in April 1954, and according to sorority records , "No locale could have been more appropriate, for here she was surrounded by 'her girls ,' the girls of Miami who through the years had gathered in Oxford again and again at the call of 'Miss Amy' and the girls who had been pledged and initiated by her." Her retirement home in Delaware, which she designed and furnished with antiques, was an adaptation of an Early American home. Alumnae who visited her described it as a "doll house." There she pursued her hobbies of crafts and graphic arts. Her greatest interest was weaving and she had a six-heddle floor loom where she created her own weavings. Her last 17 years were spent in a Columbus, Ohio, retirement center where she remained active in the Columbus alumnae chapter and with her hobbies. Miss Amy was buried in the family plot in Oak Grove Cemetery, Delaware, Ohio. Linda L. Sowards, a Columbus alumnae, wrote, "I remember her vividly from the time I pledged Alpha Alpha and always thought of her with great admiration. I drove her to one of her last sorority functions about four years ago to a Columbus alum meeting and at that time she was very alert and held a wonderful conversation with my 8-year-old daughter , which made a lasting impression on her. " A fitting eulogy from one of "her girls." Thanks to Linda Sowards, Annt Niemeyer and judy Winter for their help with this article.
~aniott~ O'Hare SALUtES
HE SORORITY THAT WORKS LPHA SIGMA ALPHA TIONAL CONVENTION NE 30- JULY 4, 1982 (Continued from inside front cover)
(Continued from page 2)
es, sororities, clubs and organizations for parents of the retarded on the need for these homes. I began a mail campaign for donations and $10,000 was raised. The homes were completed in 1978 and my goal three was attained . My son has been a resident of the home since the beginning. He is transported weekdays to the nearest workshop and attends weekly square dancing, bowling and Sunday school just as he did when he lived at home. Our family has been very pleased with care Lennie has received at the home. His houseparents have taught him to become more independent and he now does. his own laundry, bed-making and some kitchen work. There are not adequate words to express my appreciation to all involved who have made my son happy. His happiness is my happiness. Aspire, seek, attain - a great motto. Aspire for goals in life, then seek a way to accomplish them. ":ork towards those goals and you will attain them !
Further south on Lake Shore Drive is Chicago's m ost popular museum , the Museum of Science and Industry. Open yea r-round and with no admission charge, the museum features 2,000 displays. But all this is before dark. After dark, the Loop and surrounding downtown area co me s a live for theater and movie goers and those who enjoy fine dining. And for those who like to kick up their heels , the Rush Street nigbt clubs and restaurants are located just one block west of North Michigan Avenue. No story on Chicago can be co mplete without a mention of the city's many neighborhood s. There is Chinatown, just south of the Loop. West of downtown is Greek town with its many fine restaurants. And there is Old Town on North Wells and New Town on Lincoln Avenue , both popular nightlife areas. But Chicago isn't just the city. Numerous suburbs surround it and the y each offer their own attractions. West of the city is the village of Oak Park where visitors can take a
wa lkin g tour of Frank Llo yd Wright homes. In Oak Brook, Oakbrook Shopping Ce nter, a large outdoor mall , conta in s so me of C hicago's most excl u sive stores. Brookfield boasts a 200-acre zoo with natural habitats a nd Morton Arboretum in Lisle has l ,500 acres of wood lands. South is the Pullman Comm unit y at Int erstate 94 a nd the Calumet Expressway. During the summer, visitors ca n tour the first company town in America, fo unded in 1880 by George Pullman, inventor of the Pu llma n car. The northwest s uburb of Sc h a umburg is home to Woodtield , the world's largest enclosed shopping mall, with over 200 stores a nd resta ura nts. In the North Shore suburb of Wilmette is the Baha'i Hou se of Worship , the world-famous temple a nd a rchitectural wonder. The Botan ic Gardens of the Chicago H orticultural Society in Glencoe feature more than 300 acres of trees and flowers. It's a ll Chicago- a kaleid osco pe of sights and sounds that starts with a panoramic view from atop the Sears Tower.