ne alpha 1 S opinion'----__,
Make scholarship fun by Joyce Lescelius Abler A recent Greek publication warns that although Greeks have always been proud of the fact that grade point averages for Greeks have usually been higher than the overall campus averages, this trend seems to be reversing on many campuses. On most campuses A!.A ranks favorably, but there is always room for improvement. To maintain high grade point averages A!.As have been innovative in their approaches to high scholarship standards. One common incentive many chapters use is a bean or steak dinner. Women are paired and those with the highest or most improved averages eat steak and those with the low averages eat beans. The food varies from chapter to chapter; sometimes it's pizza or a special dinner out, but it is always done in fun. Gamma Mu, Adrian College, has each of their members set a goal for their semester GPA. The member who comes nearest her goal is recognized. Some chapters honor their outstandin g members with trophies, traveling scholarship bracelets, paddles, pins and charms. Beta Iota, Radford University, has two pictures cross-
stitched with the letters "A!.A" that they pass around each quarter. Organized study files of past quizzes and tests are available at most houses. Gamma Iota, Rochester Institute of Technology, also keeps a file of instructors. Mem-
Highest Grade Point Average Delta Nu-A General Motors Institute Flint, Michigan Most Improved GPA Gamma Psi Edinboro State College Edinboro, Pennsylvania
bers write a paragraph on instructors explaining the course, its objectives and the teacher's grading system . Delta Nu-A, General Motors Institute, has a semester book sale and exchange for members and pledges.
Study time is important, especially for pledges. Alpha Gamma, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, requires their pledges to study with the actives several hours a week. Beta Theta, Central Michigan University, requires study time before parties. Their philosophy is work, then relax and enjoy the fun . Delta Rho, Elon College, designates Tuesday night from 8:30 to 10:00 as study time at the library. Many chapters keep lists of members' majors and minors to provide tutoring for members. Gamma Xi, Slippery Rock State College, is participating in establishing a Greek tutoring system on campus. Attending classes is also emphasized. Beta Epsilon, James Madison University, has designated February as "GO TO CLASS MONTH." At each meeting the members report how many classes they missed the previous week. Phi Phi, Northwest Missouri State University, keeps a class attendance gold star chart. A star is given for a week without skipping classes. The gold star winners can draw from the gold star candy jar. Eta Eta, Pittsburg State University (Kan- ' sas), has an empty cookie jar that , accumulates test scores. The A's and B's are read at each meetin g. A!.As have recognized that not , only is scholarship important, but it can also be fun!
The National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha announces the colonization of
Epsilon Beta Colony Epsilon Gamma Colony University of Illinois Virginia Commonwealth Urbana-Champaign, Illinois _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:; Ric :; . ::h::m .::;: o::n:=d:!.,_V:.;i::.r~~~路n:.::i:::a~--THE PHOENIX
oen1x EDITOR
Dr. Rosemary Carucci Goss 2305 Capistrano St. Blacksburg, Virginia 24060
Number 3 Volume 68
Spring 1983
Inside this
ISSUe 2 One alpha's opinion
PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor Kim R. Meyer 8014 Rossman Gulch Rd. Morrison , Colorado 80465
4 Rush: The foundation of
Collegiate Editor
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Sue Zorichak 361 2 70th St. E. Inver Grove, MN 55075
Feature Editor
5 Rushing at Zeta Zeta
Nancy I. Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac Des Plaines, Illinois 60016
Historian Esther Kaufman Gatseos 6659 E. Eastman Ave. Denver, Colorado 80224
6 Yes alumnae, you should rush too
THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA ,e::r~E:.~==>o... SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430·--640), an educational journal , is published in the fall , winter, spri ng and summer of each year by the Sorority, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield , M issouri 65802. The subscription pr ice $1 .50 a year. Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc ., Fulton , M i ssouri. Member, College Fratern ity Editors Assoc iation .
7 How alums can help collegians
Send change o( address and business corresponden ce to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters , 1201 EostWalnut St. , Springfield, Missouri 65802 . Address all correspondence of on editorial nature to the ed itor, Rosemary Carucci Goss, 2305 Capistrano St. , Blacksburg , Virg inia 24060 .
JO Fire at Beta Sigma!
ARTICLES ore invited lor publ ication in th is journal. Manuscripts should be subm itted to the ed itorial stall for consideration . Acceptances ore on a contribut i ng basis only and subject to editorial rev iew . Art icles published ore the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the pol icies of ASA.
J J Checklist for fire prevention
Second-class postage pa id at Springfield , M issouri, and at addit ional ma ili ng offices .
Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Notional Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield , Missouri 65802 .
14 Living and learning in
London and more
15 My cane and I take a cruise
16 Stars in our crown What are the Gamma Mus of Adrian College celebrating? The fact that they took quota in rush and are also at total! See special rush section beginning an page four.
page 20
18 Alumnae action 3
Rush: The foundation of Alpha Sigma Alpha by Debbie Sharp National Rush Chairman
Rush. That fantastic, terrible time of the year. Fantastic because it is a new beginning, a wonderful chance to gain new sisters and li felong friends. Terrible because something so important is hard and can be scary . How do you overcome these problems and make rush everything it should ~md can be? Here are some tips to help you along. Get organized
Organization is the top priority in good rushing. This involves everything from spring workshops to weekend rush retreats and sum4
mer get-togethers. By the time school starts, rush should be completely planned . A good rush program stems from early planning, good organization and healthy, positive attitudes. In organizing rush, it is a good idea to get all members of a chapter involved and make them feel they have a vested interest in the outcome. Put others besides officers and other chapter leaders in charge of parties and other committees. Pull in someone to chair a committee who is drifting away due to lack of encouragement. She may be your greatest asset. A member who is not involved may be alien-
ated from the group and this will show up in her attitude at your parties. Each rush party should have a separate chairman who is responsible for everything from the skit to the food. The complete responsibility needs to rest on one person so that the rush chairman has someone to depend on for questions or problems that arise. In addition, chairmen can be appointed to be in charge of particular areas, such as nametags, favors, food, skits, constumes and decorations. These committees should have their work completed well before rush. As an example, members in skits should THE PHOENIX
Rush have their parts before summer acation so they can learn them rly. ck rush
Practice does make perfect and a ock or prerush is the time to achieve it. Run through the parties and make sure everyone knows when to sing, when to eat, when the skit starts and when to move on to the next girl. Set up a timetable, scheduling your songs every five minutes and breaking halfway through for a skit, for example. Review again conversational techniques and rotation systems. Does everyone know how to get in and out of a group in order to achieve maximum circulation? Discuss with the chapter members what they want out of rush. What can you offer a pledge and what are strong points of the chapter? Each member should be familiar with financial obligations and other information that should be shared with rushees. They also should be able to answer questions commonly asked by rushees. This is the time for concentrat-
ing on the mental attitude of chapter members - before a party, when you'll be worrying about all the details. The party
Equal emphasis should be placed on each party. You can't afford to concentrate on one or two parties and let a third slide. Concentrate on them all to make it an outstanding rush. Once into your parties, try to avoid the inevitable questions about a rushee's name, hometown and major. Also don 't talk about boyfriends, parties, politics or religion. Avoid inside jokes and talk about personal matters that will only confuse the rushee . Instead , concentrate on telling her about AkA and the reasons to join our sorority. Ask a rushee about her interests and how AkA will provide her an outlet for that interest. Sell AkA- your honesty , sincerity and sisterhood will shine through. Make each rushee your friend and be proud of what AkA has to offer.
After each party, evaluate your performance. Include new pledges -they are seeing it from your side for the first time. Make any improvements and concentrate on preparing for the next party. Following the entire rush period , it is essential to make a complete, written evaluation. Have each party chairman write up a summary of what she did to get the party together, where she got materials, how to build props and when to get started on various phases. This will aid next yea r 's party chairmen. Also an evaluation by the rush chairman and her committee of strengths and weaknesses will make next year's rush that much more successful. Remember that a successful rush is 95 percent mental. It is concentrating on what you want to accomplish. Rush will only succeed if each member participates and shows that AkA means a lot to her. Above all, have fun and enjoy yourself- a relaxed, warm group will make rushees want to join AkA too!
Rushing at Zeta Zeta by Becky Leaton and Gena Jones Zeta Zeta rush chairmen
The Zeta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha at Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, believes that rush is an intricate part of its organization. The rush calendar consists of formal rush in September and informal rush throughout the rest of the year. Varied techniques are a necessity, and the chapter depends on its diversity for a successful year. Formal rush involves three parties - first rounds, theme parties and preferential tea. During all parties, one -to-one rushing is emphasized . During first rounds, an Alpha is assigned to escort each rushee throughout that particular party. SPRING 1983
Zeta Zetas chat before their formal preferential tea .
The escort is responsible for introducing the rushee to other members and the many other aspects of the chapter. Theme parties entail more oneto-one rushing. In past years, "Alpha Aloha" has been the chapter theme, but the chapter has de-
cided it is time for a change. Next year, the Zeta Zeta Chapter will start a new tradition with a new theme: "Over the Rainbow with AkA: Where dreams you dare to dream really do come true." In the final phase of formal rush, Continued on following page
Yes alumnae, you should rush too by Carmine Alvey Alumnae Extension Chairman
Rush alumnae : Some members say why? Well, why not? Alumnae should have the opportunity to enjoy the fellowship and sisterhood of belonging to an alumnae chapter. One way to accomplish this is by having an alumnae rush party. Can rush apply to alumnae? The goal of both collegiate and alumnae rush is to add new members. But new members have to want us. We do this b y making rushees, or prospective alumnae members , feel comfortable. We let them know they are wanted and that they have something to offer. But most importa nt of all , we try to sell ourselves, our chapter and our product - AlA sisterhood. A number of alumnae chapters are approaching the ever-present challenge of membership recruitment with the attitude that it is rush . Alumnae members can be so busy with careers and families that it seems they have no time for anything else. But AlA is not just another woman's organization . It has something worthwhile to offer, but it is up to us to prove it. AlumContinued from previous page
preferential tea , the chapter attempts to show the strong bonds of sisterhood. It is a very formal party. Attire includes long black dresses for the Alphas , a nd the rushees also dress in a formal manner. Informal rush is important in maintaining total and for promoting Alpha Sigma Alpha on campus. It requires much work and organization. One way that Zeta Zeta has found useful in keepin g up with th e ever c h a nging li st of rushees is a file system . The system is mad e up o f six subdivi sions: rushees, voted down once, voted d own twice, pled ged AlA, pledged elsewh ere and wait to vote . File cards are kept in a small file box a nd list the na me of the rushee , the 6
nae chapters that rush are reminding alumnae of what they are missing and showing them how they can make time for active alumnae involvement. First, these AlAs have to be located. In addition to using the computer printout from National Headquarters, chapters make contacts through friends, newspaper articles, Panhellenics, local collegiate chapters and in other ways. The uninvolved AlAs who have been in the area for years are not neglected. Most chapters send newsletters and use a telephone committee , but several have gone further, been creative and tried new methods. However, the key to membership recruitment is.what is done after alumnae are located. Most alumnae chapters set up the first fall or a late summer meeting as a new member meeting. But some chapters not only consider every meeting a new member meeting but think of them as rush parties as well. The most important ingredient for successful recruitment is the personal touch. A new member is not expected to come to the meet-
ing by herself. Someone picks her up, serves as her buddy during the social hour and meeting, gets to know her and makes contact with her after the meeting. But like collegiate rush, just getting to know a woman in a meeting is not necessarily enough. A chapter must sell itself and its chapter program. What can a chapter offer a woman that she can't find elsewhere , and what can she offer it? It is important to stress upcoming events, especially those that seem to spark her interest. Business is kept to a minimum at all meetings. And after discovering her interests, talents and needs , a new member should be involved in the chapter by asking her to do a job that interests her. But the most important ingredient to sell is our sisterhood . Chapters successful at getting new members and keeping them let their sisterhood shine through all they do. After all, isn't that why we joined Alpha Sigma Alpha in the first place? Rushing our alumnae is an excellent way for all of us to be reminded of this and why we are AlAs.
Alpha rushing her, any alumnae recommendations and all rush events she has attended. It is a permanent file that requires a great deal of time for the rush chairman but is a very useful tool during voting sessions. In the spring, there are several closed weekends to begin preparation for next year's rush program . Chapter members make pillows for the new pledges and decorations for theme parties and have practice sessions to polish up on rush techniques and on the parties themselves. This is followed by song practice of the songs used during formal rush along with a couple fun songs to make the time go faster. It is important to require closed we e kend s but at the same time
check the campus and Greek calendars to avoid any conflicts. The Zeta Zeta chapter believes that rush is one of the most important duties of each member. Rush parties are coordinated by the rush chairman, but the success is determined by the enthusiasm of the chapter. Before man y rushing events, the chapter has a "Sweetheart Circle" to bring members closer and to fill the chapter room with the feeling of sisterhood. Each pledge is given rushing instructions and techniques as part of her pledgeship. The rush chairman is in charge of keeping up morale as well as the planning of each party. While the job is difficult, it would be impossible without the cooperation of each chapter member. THE PHOENIX
How alums
can help collegians
Alumnae, did you think that opportunities to be involved with collegiate rush ended with graduation? Think about it again - the undergraduate chapters need you! Whether you live in a college town or many miles from one, there are several ways you can show your support to our collegians. look over this list for ways you can be involved with rush this year.
* Wear your pin and be happy to explain what it is and what it means to you * Send Rush Information Forms on women going to school where an AlA chapter is located * Send flowers to the chapter house during rush * Mail contributions to help the rush budget * Talk about Greek life- and Alpha Sig- to college-bound women in your community * Represent AlA at Panhellenic sign-ups for rush * Serve as your chapter's liaison to the nearest collegiate chapter * Be willing to provide extras that a chapter may not have: silver, linens, plants * Help with rush costumes * Provide meals or snacks during rush * Offer your special talents to a collegiate chapter: flower arranging, calligraphy, etc.
Chapters making quota during 1982 rush Alpha, longwood College, Virginia Alpha Beta, Northwest Missouri State University* Alpha Gamma, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Beta Beta, University of Northern Colorado* Epsilon Epsilon, Emporia State University, Kansas* Zeta Zeta, Central Missouri State University* Eta Eta, Pittsburg State University, Kansas Kappa Kappa, Temple University, Pennsylvania Phi Phi, Northwest Missouri State University*
Beta Nu, Murray State University, Kentucky* Beta Pi, Concord College, West Virginia Beta Sigma, Southwest Missouri State University* Beta Upsilon, Indiana State University Gamma Zeta, University of Arkansas at Monticello* Gamma Eta, Penn State University Gamma lambda, Loyola University; Illinois Gamma Mu, Adrian College, Michigan*
Chi Chi, Ball State University, Indiana* Beta Epsilon, James Madison University, Virginia*
Gamma Omicron, Clarion State College, Pennsylvania Gamma Psi, Edinboro State College, Pennsylvania Delta Epsilon, Mansfield State College, Pennsylvania
Beta Theta, Central Michigan University Beta Iota, Radford University, Virginia*
Delta Iota, University of Delaware * Delta Kappa, Indiana State University at Evansville
Beta Kappa, Western Illinois University Beta lambda, University of Central Arkansas Beta Mu, Henderson State University, Kentucky
Delta Nu-A, General Motors Institute, Michigan* Delta Chi , Bloomsburg State College, Pennsylvania * Delta Upsilon, University of Texas at San Antonio
* Chapters also at total Beta Rho, Northern Illinois University, also at total SPRING 1983
Help make someone you know an Alpha Sig Do you know of any young women who are attending, or will attend, college on an Alpha Sigma Alpha campus? If so, complete the rush information sheet below and send to: the collegiate chapter on that campus or Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut Street Springfield, Missouri 65802 Alpha Sigma Alpha now has colonies or new chapters at: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond
Please send rush information sheets for these campuses to: Mrs. Dorothy Pash, Advisor 2302 Valleybrook Drive Champaign, IL 61820
Debbie Parr, Providence Director 1217 E. Gaskins Road Richmond, VA 23233 804/740-1237
ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA RUSH INFORMATION SHEET Rushee's n a m e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Home address Name of parent or guardian - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rushee's high school - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - g r a d u a t i o n year _ __ Is rushee now a _ freshman,_ sophomore,_ junior,_ senior? If rushee is a transfer, former college : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Relatives in Alpha Sigma Alpha or other Greek organization - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Do you know the girl personally? _ I f not, source of information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please describe : Academic achievements and honors . Interests, hobbies and talents. Community activities . Other comments: Yourname - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter _ _ __ Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P h o n e _ _ __ 8
Slide shows available National Headquarters now has three slide shows available upon request. l. ALUMNAE IN ACTION -
Delta lambda alumna Susan lucas Wiley (right) poses with Dr. Kinsey Green (center), Executive Director, American Home Economics Association, and Deborah Snead, President of the Virginia Home Economics Association. Susan, a product home economist with Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, served as the Annual Meeting Coordinator for the 1982 VHEA meeting held at the Hotel Roanoke , Roanoke, Virginia.
Calling all alumnae • and graduating sen1ors Are you a member of an organized alumnae chapter? If you said no, there are no organized chapters where I live, then AkA is looking for you! In an effort to meet the needs of those alumnae residing in geographical areas where no active alumnae chapter exists, National Council has instituted a Memberat-Large Chapter. The purpose of this chapter is to assist Alpha Sigma Alphas in maintaining contact with the sorority and with other alumnae when there is not a local organized group. To become a member of this
newly formed alumnae chapter, complete the information below and mail it along with your $8.00 alumnae dues to National Headquarters. As an alumnae memberat-large you will receive mailings concerning AkA and will be kept informed of others in your area who would possibly be interested in establishing a lo cal organized alumnae group. Mail to: Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut Springfield, Missouri 65802
Slide show prepared by Marlys White and used at Convention '82. Free. 2. GOING GREEK IN THE 80's - An excellent Panhellenic slide show for use to encourage women to go Greek. Rental fee: $5.00. 3 . CREATIVE CONCLUSIONS -A wonderful slide show set to music. It was used to conclude the '82 Convention. Rental fee: $10.00.
Special people support Special Olympics Support the National Philanthropic Fund by purchasing red and white bumper stickers that read: "AkA Special People Support Special Olympics" Price: $1.50 Order from: AkA National Headquarters 1201 E. Walnut Street Springfield , Missouri 65802 Order your stickers today.
Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Home phone _ _ _ __ Address City Collegiate Chapter
Business phone ______ State
Zip code _ _ __ Year graduated _ __
Are you interested in working with other alumnae in your area to establish an alumnae chapter? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPRING 1983
Fire at Beta Sigma! by Sonia Sue Oney, Beta Sigma Editor, and Rosemary Carucci Goss The Beta Sigmas at Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri, recently experienced another side of sisterhood when tragedy struck their house on February 10, 1983. While members were in the new house preparing for initiation, a fire broke out in one of the bedrooms on the third floor of the older house. Fortunately, Tom O'Toole and John Boeding, two members of Delta Upsilon Fraternity, were passing by the house and noticed smoke escaping from a window. They ran inside, told the pledges the house was on fire, grabbed fire extinguishers and ran to the third floor while the pledges, who were wait-
The charred remains of the third floor of the Beta Sigma house. Beta Sigmo is housed in two dwellings that are located side by side . (Right photo) on the left is the new house, constructed in 1977, end on the right is the older house which shows no exterior damoge after the fire .
ing for initiation, called the fire department. By the time the fire department arrived the Delta Upsilons had the fire under control. The exact cause of the fire was not determined; however, it did begin in the center of one of the beds. Fire officials stated that the fire had smoldered for at least three hours before breaking into flames. The House Board is to be commended for keeping the house in good condition. The house had passed inspection by the fire department the week prior to the fire and all fire extinguishers had been serviced this school year. Unfortunately, four members who lived on the third floor lost almost all of their belongings, while others who lived in the house lost items because of smoke and water damage. The generous outpouring of help and support from the alumnae, neighboring fraternities and sororities, and the school meant very much to the Beta Sigmas and made the ordeal of almost losing the home so much more bearable. Donations came in from other sororities and fraternities to help those members who lost everything . Immediate, temporary housing was found in the dorms for the 15 members who were without a home, and a permanent house was found later for them to live in for the remainder of the school year. The Beta Sigmas are grateful to the caring and supportive alumnae who made it possible to begin remodeling the house
so quickly. A special thank you goes to alumnae, Rosalie Padgham, Marcy Boyer, Sandy Stall, Paula Stufflebaum, Trudy Silkwood, Rosie Fellin and Patty Bosso, who were more than helpful in remodeling and redecorating the sorority house after the fire. As Kathy Shepard, one of the members who relocated stated, "Even though it was a traumatic experience, it was good, because it brought our sorority closer together, and we discovered more about what sisterhood is all about." Editor's Note: thanks to Rose Fellin, National Headquarters Executive and Diane james, National Housing Chairman, for their assistance in gathering information and photographs for this article. Beta Sigma alumnae who wish to make contributions toward the remodeling of the house should send their contributions to Beta Sigma Chapter, Alpha Sigma Alpha, 704 South Florence, Springfield, Missouri.
Checklist for fire prevention Fortunately for the women of Beta Sigma no one was injured, the house was saved and those who lost possessions in the fire were covered by their parents' homeowners insurance. However, a tragedy could have occurred. The "Checklist for fire prevention," reprinted from THE ELEUSIS OF CHI OMEGA and prepared by Mrs. Charles Hyatt, editor, gives many valuable tips for fire prevention. In addition to reading the article, check to see if you are covered and to what extent under your parents' policy. If you do not have adequate coverage, talk to your agent about additional coverage.
The possibility of personal injury or loss of life is an incalculable tragedy and every effort must be taken by responsible members to prevent such a loss. The Courts have ruled that if owners or occupants of buildings are negligent of fire hazards and if anyone suffers loss or injury because of negligence, the owner or occupant of the building is liable for damages. Be aware that fraternity and sorority houses are high risk units with special problems in fire safety. A fire prevention workshop held recently at Western Illinois University outlined some recommendations to Greek organizations. Further study was made with experts in the field of prevention and material was contributed by Miss Jan Packard, an inspector in Granville, Ohio, who makes such inspections at Denison University, and Capt. John Haney, Upper Arlington Fire Department (Ohio). The following is a checklist which should be used fall, winter,
and spring for safety precaution. It will be necessary to check with house corporation officers, chapter members, house directors, advisors, cooks, and house employees. The wise use of this checklist will result in responsible management of the Fraternity property. Safety is a full time job and must be practiced by all members. General Instructions
-Be investigative in searching for potential hazards. Consider hair dryers, sound systems, electric space heaters, lamp cords, the use of many extension cords, overloaded circuits, furnace and vent cleanliness, repair of laundry equipment and kitchen equipment. -Look for signs of wear or operational problems on any small appliance. - I f the hot water system is a gas system, it should be checked yearly for possible presence of carbon monoxide. -Furn aces should be checked yearly by a competent heating company for malfunctions or possible presence of carbon monoxide. -Never use candles in windows near draperies. - Smoking cigarettes in chapter houses is a main fire hazard. Be especially strict on limiting smoking to specific areas. Adequate ashtrays must be provided. Members should never be allowed to smoke in large sleeping rooms. -When a large social function is over and everyone is leaving the chapter house , two members should always check for lighted cigarettes and candles in the house. -Make a personal inspection of your chapter house from top to
bottom to check that all house doors , fire escapes, and stair wells are free from any blockage. Remember that in the event of fire, many people will flee through the door and there must be ample room. -Fire doors must never have key d eadbolts or double locks. Fire doors must never be blocked open. They must be free to close. -Make sure that non-burnable surfaces are on tops of chests a nd drawers and other furniture where curling irons and cigarettes might be left. -Cooking equipment should not be allowed in areas other than regular cooking/kitchen areas. -Doors into stairways at each floor level must be kept closed. -Exit doors of rooms accommodating fifty or more persons should open outward. This door should never block a traffic path to safety. -Check fire extinguishers once a year; h ave them serviced once each year. This must be a gauge check and a volume check. Be sure they are properly replaced throughout the building. -Members must know the operation of extinguishers. -Exit signs must be placed where needed and be in operating order. -Be sure that the kitchen extinguisher is the proper type for fighting kitchen fires. Check for local requirements on type approved for kitchen use . -If property is equipped with a fire hose, this storage should be checked for hose rot. The hose should be dry, properly racked and should have a nozzle. ever store motor vehicles, lawn mowers, motorcycles, snowmobiles in the building. Do not store gas for motors inside building even if stored in metal cans. -Bikes , boxes, and trashcans should never be stored in exit doorways and halls. -Store flammable cleaning fluids only in approved safety cans and in safe storage closets. No oily rags or other combustible cleaning equipment can be improperly stored . Continued on following page
Continued from previous page
-Store paint, turpentine in metal cans, in closed metal cabinets, away from furnace or hot water tank. -Dryers and washers must be in good repair a nd free from an accumulation of lint and dust. -Electric irons must be unplugged (not merely turned "off') when not in use . Develop the ha bit of unpluging heat appliances. -Check that motors and cooling coils in refrigeration units are clean. -Kitchens must be clean , free of an y grease on walls or in range. -Kitchen range hood should have proper suppression system. -Members unfamiliar with kitch-
capacity. -Extension cords should not exceed six feet in length and should always be of heavy duty quality. Never put extension cords under rugs or in the path of travel. -Check lamp cords for frayed conditions . Do not have cords spliced. It is necessary to replace cords in all lamps and small appliances if cords are worn. -Check switches on lamps make sure that the on/off switches really operate without delay. -Remember that artificial trees at Christmas are safer than real trees. Never put lights on a metal tree - use a spotlight to illuminate a metal tree. If real tree is used , lights must be unplugged
Many Beta Sigma alumnae, who returned for a reunion during homecoming '82, lived in the older AIA house ot 701 S. Florence .
Fire Alarms and Drills -Pull alarms should be checked once a month. - Check smoke alarms with test button or actual smoke. -Post fire department telephone number near each telephone and in kitchen. -Members and employees should be included in a practice fire drill at least once each semester or quar= ter. -A part of the drill should bq . assigning a member to call the fire department. Give good in structions to fire operator re- I garding location - practice the proper telephone message. -The re should be two exit plans for each room . These should be drawn in chart form and posted in rooms, where the fire extinguishers are, along exit routes, and invisible places where they will be seen - drinking fountains, telephone rooms, bathrooms. - Always notify the fire department in case of a fire- no matter how minor you consider the fire to be. In the event of a fire, it is very necessary to be drilled in specific actions. -Always take attendance following evacuation of a building. - I f an alarm, real or false, should happen, be sure the entire system of alarms is properly reset. Education
en sto ve opera tion and dish washing equipment should not be allowed to operate this equipment. -Whe n using fire place, be sure d amper is open and screen is always in front of fire . If retirin g or leavin g the area of fireplace , be sure fire is out. -Basement a nd furn ace room s should be kept clear of old furniture, boxes, homecoming decora tion s, them e part y de cora ti o ns, paint a nd oth e r solvents, junk , e tc. Be sure tha t o ffice rs of the cha pte r and ad visors understa nd and a re strict in preve n t in g acc umul a ti o n s o f burnabl e materi als. - All fuses or circuit brea ke rs on lighting or small a pplia nce circ uits sho ul d be of 15 a mpere 12
when members are away. Vacation Procedures -Check storage areas for junk and remove. -Assign house president, house director, or trusted employee with responsibility of making a final check around house before locking up for vacation. Unplug all washers, dryers, television sets, and small appliances. -Turn hot water system down as low as possible . -Close all inside doors as a safety preca ution. -Fire dep a rtment should have na me o f local person who is responsible for property during vaca ti o ns. When advisors and o fficers chan ge, be sure this info rmation is kept up to date.
-Ask for advice and assistance by local fire department. Take advantage of this public service. - Augment this list with checks on specific situations that apply to your property. -The attitude of the chapter members about fire prevention is quite important. Every member needs to be concerned about the possible loss of life and the danger of smoke inhalation . Conduct a safety discussion on any part of these subjects regularly. Every seventeen seconds a fire breaks out in this country. Every forty-five minutes a life is lost in a fire. Give your attention to fire prevention. THE PHOENIX
Collegians from Province VI visited with Province Director, Cherie Shollock (standing, left) and National Editor, Rosemary Goss (standing, center). The highlight of Province Day, which was hosted by Delta Rho, Elan College, and aHended by Beta Iota, Radford University, and Beta Pi, Concord College, was a speech by Sidney Allen, NPC Delegate, titled, "Who am I? Who are we? For what do we stand?"
ETSIS: A History of the Fraternities and Sororities of Drake University by: Sheree L. Clark and Lynden Lyman
(Multiple Entries O.K.)
Illustrations and cartoons must be based on Fraternity and/or Sorority Life - Experience - Happenings; and thay must be in good taste, suitable for publication. All must be black ink on plain white paper. Entrees cannot use Greek letters of existing Fraterniti es or Sororities. Judges decisions wil l be final. Subm ission of entry grants permission to publish. Publication will include artist credit. If you wish your art returned after reproductions are made, please include a prepaid self-addressed mailer. All drawings must be identified by the Artist's name, address, Fraternity and college affiliation, and graduation year. There are no other rules or limitations. Entries are encouraged from Collegians and Alumni.
JUST SEND YOUR DRAWING TO: CFEA ART CONTEST Debra Bloom , Phi Mu 1755 Tower Pl., Peachtree Rd. N.E. ATLANTA, GA 30026- (Ph. 404/233-1035)
Entries must be received by October 1, 1983 _Clip and attach to entry:--- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - Name _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ School _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - 路 -- - - - - -Fraternity/Sorority __ _
- -- - - -
College Address and Phone Number - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Home Address and Phone Number I attest to the originalit y of the enclosed art and release it for publication in accordance with the rights enumerated in the rules .
From outrageous episodes to the rigors of survival, ETSIS traces Fraternity and Sorority life at Drake from its uncertain inception in the 1890's, through the perilous years of wars and depression, into the struggle of the 60's to arrive at the challenges of the 80's. This unique treasury of Greek life at Drake is a product of over two years of dedicated research through fraternity and university archives; exhaustive reviews of student newspapers, chapter scrapbooks, annuals, histories and magazines; in addition to contacts with over 1500 Drake alumni. Your chapter history and those of all the others will rekindle fond memories of your years at Drake. There is a bit of you in ETSIS, a distinctive hardbound volume of approximately 250 pages containing over 100 illustrations dating back to the turn of the century. As a Greek alumn, ETSIS is uniquely you. Special pre路publica tion offer-$1 5.95 ~ ! After july 15, 1983-$ 19.95 1:' ;:, (includes postage). ,.,,..,. To be released September 1983. 1 88\ Send check or money order to:
Coordinator of Greek Life Drake University, Olmsted Center Des Moines, Iowa 50311 13
Alpha adventures
Living and learning in London and more by DeAnna Koch Like most undergraduate students at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kan., preparing for a career in secondary education, I was required to do a semester of practice teaching. But unlike most students, who stay within the state of Kansas, I did my practice teaching in London - yes, London, England. I have to admit that as I boarded the 747 that was to take me .across the ocean I did feel somewhat like that famed Kansas heroine, Dorothy, who traveled somewhere over the rainbow. I, too, had never ventured much farther than my own backyard, and the prospect of six months in a foreign country was rather frightening . I suppose my first impressions of London would seem as funny to the British as their "Wizard of Oz" stereo-types of Kansas. Around every corner I found new and interesting "everyday" events to explore. I never did get used to seeing the driver's head on the wrong side of the car as was necessary for England's "right-side driving" (which means they drive on the left side of the road). And com ing from a small town of25,000 with no public transportation system, I was totally fascinated with the network for travel that was to be found above and below the ground in London and every major city in Europe. I spent every free daylight hour I had seeing as much as possible, Big Ben, The Tower of London, Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, Buckingham Palace - the li st could go on and on. Of course, most of my daylight hours were spent on the purpose of this adventure - my practice DeAnna Koch, an Epsilon Epsilon and editor of the Emporia (Kansas) Alumnae Chapter, is a g-raduate teaching assistant in the Mathematics Department at Emporia State University. DeAnna was the 1982 Elizabeth B ird Small award winner. 14
DeAnna Koch in Switzerland with the Lucerne covered bridge in the background .
teaching. At the American School in London, I found a typical American high school nestled in a British metropolis. Within those walls my accent did not seem quite so foreign and my impressions not quite so naive. There I learned some of the skills of my chosen profession, teaching. Outside of those walls I learned about people and traveling, but mostly about myself. I discovered that a little girl from Kansas could get on a plane and travel across an ocean alone. That she could then board countless numbers of buses and trains and travel to Scotland, Norway, Denmark and numerous English cities, alone, yet never be quite alone. For everywhere there were people: my landlady in London who opened her heart to me; my supervising teacher who shared his knowledge; a girl from Boston in Cambridge; a Canadian, two Australians and a British couple in Oslo, Norway; a student at the U niversity of Edinburgh; and a British gentleman who invited me to spend the weekend with his family near Stratford on A von. There were always people willing to share themselves with a stranger. I also learned that three girls from Kansas can meet in Europe and travel endless miles together
across the continent by train ,-building a lasting friendship with every click-clack of the wheels against the tracks. Together we discovered the continent. France has the great city of Paris. There we found the Eiffel Tower, Arch of Triumph, many museums, mountains of pastries, crepes, wine and perfume and Bob and Geoffrey. On the Riviera we discovered the pain of sunburn, a beautiful youth hostel nestled over the blue sea of the Mediterranean and Cindy. As our Eurail train passes were running out, we headed into Switzerland. There we gorged on chocolate and cheese fondue with Bob and his two traveling companions . We saw the beautiful lakes and mountains of Zurich and Lucerne, shopped for Swiss knives and watches and began to reflect back in all we had seen and the people we had met. Then we returned to Germany to perhaps the most special place of my trip. For there in the little city of Medenbach (near Wiesbaden), West Germany, lives a family who took me into their home and gave me a sense of belonging that I needed most when the pangs of homesickness hit me hardest. It was even more special because it is THE PHOENIX
the home of an alum of Alpha Sigma Alpha, Betty (Kirk) Porter, EE. The Porter's (who work for the military school system in West Germany) shared with me their life in Germany. They showed me the city of Munich, the fairy-tale castles of Bavaria, the beautiful shores of the Rhine River, the beers, schnitzels, bratwurst and all the foods of Ger-
many. But, much more than all of that, they gave me their love. That is perhaps the most special part of my experiences. My trip cannot be measured in miles, it is measured in people - Betty, Alicia, Dave, Bob, Geoffrey, Cindy; it is measured in the friendships, love and sisterhood I found every inch of the way.
At the end of my six months I knew that m y life would never be the same. I will forever have the spirit to travel and explore the people of every corner of this earth. Yet I have to admit, even with all that I had gained, this Kansan was ready to click her heels together and say, "There 's no place like home."
cane and I take a cruise by Lora Patterson Sipes After I flew to Chicago for Convention '82 last summer and had so much fun, I decided I wanted to leave home again. So I invited my younger sister and her husband on a 10-day cruise on the M/S Sun Viking Ship, one of five on the Norwegian line. A fellow teacher also joined us as my roommate. After an early morning flight, we arrived at the Miami dock and were processed and ushered into our staterooms. We had only been in our rooms a few minutes when the emergency bell sounded and a voice on the intercom told us to don our life preservers and meet on the deck at once. We went out on deck and viewed other Caribbean ships in port. Later we went down to one of the lounges to get our table assignments for the duration. We asked for a table for six instead of four to get acquainted with others. Our new friends were a charming couple in their 90s from Rochester, N.Y., who had gone to Miami to marry and make their home. They were well off financially with nothing to do but travel and live it up. Our meals were in the H/MS Pinafore dining room with helpful and attentive waiters, all from different parts of the world. One of them, the head waiter, became my special
Lora P. Sipes is a Gamma Gamma and longtime Tulsa alumnae. SPRING 1983
lora P. Sipes (second from left) on the MIS Sun Viking with her brother-in-law, Milton Birkett, her roommate, Mory White, ond her sister, Elinor Birkett (far right).
friend. When I entered the dining room, he was always standing behind my chair waiting for me, took my cane and hung it up behind his work table , took m y large purse and parked it safely, then seated me. At the end of the meal, he wouldn't let me move until he got my cane and purse. He then helped me up, took my cane in one arm and gave me his other arm to take and walked me to the elevator, this after every meal. Each evening at dinner was a different theme. Sometimes French , sometimes Italian, but the most interesting was the pirate party. The personnel dressed as pirates , marched in to pirate music and sang pirate songs. They gave each of us a parchment scroll, tied with a red ribbon, depicting the West Indies. The last night was American night. The waiters and bus boys came marching around the room
wav ing their flags and singing, "God Bless America." Their spirit really made me feel grateful for this great country, which opens its arms to others. Our table was among the first to be invited to the ca ptain's table for dinner. A good-looking Norwegian, the captain was another Victor Borge. Personal invitations were sent to each of us. Because it was Christmas time , he gave us folders, which included our menu, pictures he had made for us and personal Christmas greetings. They told us the ship was a world of its own, and I believe it. So much to see and so much going on all the time. We were provided with the latest and most popular movies , rive entertainment and good orchestras and d a ncing in each lounge . We enjoyed our trip so much it almost took away the glamor of Christmas at home. 15
our crown Human resources director
Richmond alumna Mary Don Hege regulating the heart-lung machine, part of her jab as a perfusionist ¡
Perfusionist is patient's heart and lungs
"If you had told me six years ago as I graduated from Virginia Tech that I would end up working in an operating room as part of an Open-Heart tea m, I would have said you were crazy!" says Mary Don , a Richmond alumna. After receiving a master's degree in Health and Ph ysica l Education and working at two careers , Mary Don Hege found her "niche" as a Clinical Perfusionist at the Medical College of Virginia Hospital in Richmond. The primary job of a perfusionist is to operate the heart-lung machine during open-heart surgery. Perfusionists function as the patient's heart and lungs while the surgeon is operating on the heart. They are responsible for maintaining the correct mixture of oxyge n and carbon dioxide just as the lun gs do , and then the y pump the blood back into the patient's arterial system at a flow rate that approximates what his heart would normally pump. 16
They also control blood coagulation and blood pressure as well as monitoring the other vital signs. It is very important that they understand what the surgeon is doing at all times so that the proper adjustments can be made. When surgery is completed, a perfusion ist "weans" the patient off the heart-lung machine by gradually letting his system take over normal functions. Perfusion is a relatively new profession. There are approximately nine hundred certified perfusionists currentl y, but the field is growing with the rapid increase of techniques in cardiac surgery. There are fifteen accredited perfusion training programs in the country. To become certified you must be a graduate of an accredited program and pass an oral and written examination given by the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion. An excellent team of surgeons and the attitudes of other members of the heart team make the atmosphere of this professio n one where Mary Don finds a sense of accomplishment and contribution . "And that's a good feeling!" states Ma ry Don.
"My role will be to increase and improve communications and create a 'speak up' environment so employees have a part in our decision-making process," says Sandra Beadles Stoll (Beta Sigma). She was recently hired as the human resources director, personnel coordinator and representative for the community for the Springfield Newspapers, Inc. Her responsibilities include managing personnel and benefit programs for employees, coor~inating communication and commumty relations and handling employee-recruiting programs. Sandy graduated from Southw~st Missouri State and has been very active in the Springfield Alumnae group. She served as president on the Housing Board when the Beta Sigmas built their new house. Sa11dy and her husband , Mel, are the parents of twin daughters, Kim and Karen. Before accepting her job with the Springfield Newspapers, Sandy was a career and special education coordinator and guidance counselor in a Springfield high school. She has her master's degree in guidance and counseling from Southwest Missouri State University.
Sandy Beadles Stoll (Beta Sigma) was recently appointed as the human resources director for the Springfield Newspapers, Inc. She is an active Springfield alumna .
Food service career teacher
A member and officer of many local and state organizations, she was named "Teacher of the Year" at Wright Brothers in 1977. Shirley is a San Diego alumna and lives there with her husband, Roger.
"A Stitch in Time"
Shirley Cloud Rowley, Rho Chi, was born and reared in Detroit, Michigan. After graduating from Wayne State University, she interned in Dietetics at Henry Ford Hospital, then came to California to work at Scripps Metabolic Clinic. She later accepted a position as Senior Dietitian at San Diego County Hospital. There was a need for teachers in San Diego and, as Shirley wanted to make her home here, she returned to college (San Diego State), earning three credentials and a master's degree. At Wright Brothers school she wrote her own curriculum when setting up their program in Food Service Careers. "I enjoy teaching in the career program," she explains, "because I feel, so strongly, the need for people to learn foods not only for survival but to add an aesthetic pleasure to their lives." Sponsor of an active FHA-HERO Club, she encourages students to become involved in various contests and activities, arranges for them to participate in local culinary art shows and always encourages them to aim toward higher goals. She also involves them in the district's Elementary Education Nutrition Education program and works with them to plan and serve lunch to community and educational groups in the "Gourmet Room" at Wright Brothers. Shirley received a special grant to develop and teach the Consumer Science Program and a T.l.P. Project Award to teach "Applied Science" courses (i.e. "Water, Soap and Doing Your Laundry," "Physics in Cooking and Baking," "Light and Interior Design"). An exceptionally skillful and dedicated teacher, she spends many evenings and weekends supervising her students at fairs and exhibits and on field trips. Her students find ready employment in this "food-outside-the-home" area and several have gone on to culinary institutes and become successful chefs. SPRING 1983
After five years of teaching junior high social studies, Richmond alumna Lynne Chambers retired to raise her family. Soon after their second child was born, Lynne began to look for a way to earn money to support her vice, needlework. She was not interested in working outside the home, especially when she and her husband found they were expecting another baby. Lynne began to do creative sewing and pillow finishing for a couple of needlework shops. She also taught needlework classes, especially English smocking. All of this led to her own business, "A Stitch in Time." Lynne can set her own hours , thus avoiding child care expenses, and the business gives her a chance to share her skills with others.
Social worker is alumnae president
Debbie Parr, Richmond alumnae chapter p1 esident, is employed as a social worker in Powhatan, Virginia. Her case load consists of foster care for children, child protective services, subsidy adoptions, and aid to Dependent Child Services. She works directly with families having crises which prevent them from functioning as a family at that time. She scouts private families willing to open their homes to a child in need of a foster home until their natural family is able to care for them. If a child has a need which results in him/her going into foster care, Debbie works with the child and the natural family toward returning the child home as soon as possible. Debbie currentl y has twenty-five adorable children in foster care ranging from one year old to age twenty. She is also responsible for receiving Child Protective calls, investigating the calls, and working up a treatment plan , when necessary, for the fa mily involved.
Some of the Beta Sigma alumnae (from the years 1962-1970) enjoying their reunion lost spring. One of their activities was to tour Notional Headquarters.
Alumnae action
Fall and winter provide a wide variety of activities for Alpha alums ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Atlanta, Georgia
Chicago Metro, Illinois
Panhellenic fashions and scholarships
Swimming party and picnic for families
Fun and relaxation for 1982 Convention hostesses
Several members of the Ft. Lauderdale Alumnae Group attended the Panhellenic Membership Coffee in September, at which AlA Wanda Gamble poured (as vice president of the panhellenic). Later that month, one of the members demonstrated Mary Kay Cosmetics, which earned $30 for the chapter. In October, a white elephant sale was held in another member's home and generated more income. The highlight of fall was the Founders' Day luncheon at a local hotel and Wilma Wilson Sharp Award winner, Elaine Shiverdecker, who planned a very nice program which involved each member. In January a large group of Alpha Sigs enjoyed the Panhellenic Fashion Show which generated man y college scholarships for deserving high school seniors. Then in February they brought their favorite salads (and the recipes) to supplement the business meeting. In April they swapped their favorite cookies and recipes. It sounds like the y "meet to eat" (which is a main feature of their get-togethers), but in May they had a card and game party (with refreshments thrown in , of course!) Ft. Lauderdale AlA sisters from all over the U.S. do love each other and have a great time together- and have an age spread from about 25 to 85 years.
Atlanta Area Alumnae met in August at the home of Jean Frink for a picnic and swimming party which included their families. The chapter is still quite small, but interests and spirits are high. They met at the home of Judy Swenkel (Gamma Mu) for their Foundus' Day luncheon. The Christmas party was at the home of Suzi Rudy (Chi Chi) and included a secret sisters' gift exchange . A planning session was. held in January for their participation in the Indoor Special Olympics in February. Members volunteered their services for this activity.
Decline for Fall Phoenix July 10 18
San Diego, California Omega Omega scrapbook highlight of luncheon The San Diego Alumnae held a board meeting recently and made plans for a fun year. The first event of the year, a favorite activity, was on Founders' Day. They had a luncheon at Harbor House located at Seaport Village in sunny San Diego. The ceremony following was at Shirley Rowley's (Rho Chi) home. They had a special treat for the Omega Omegas- a scrapbook (dug out of the archives) full of pictures and articles of past members. They once again contributed cake mixes to Angels Unaware, a home for retarded children, and they were cohostesses at the San Diego Alumnae Panhellenic Luncheon at the Hanalei Hotel. At their February meeting, they made items for Special Olympics, meeting at the home of Bernita Sipan. This June, Bernita Sipan (Omega Omega) will be installed as President of the San Diego Alumnae Panhellenic. Her San Diego Alpha Sig sisters plan to attend the meeting "en masse ."
Fall found the Chicago Metro Alums happily recuperating from all the work they put into making National Convention a success. They rewarded themselves by planning a fall and winter schedule full of fun and informative activities. In November, all the Chicago area alumnae and collegians celebrated Founders' Day at a local restaurant. It was great to see Silvana Richardson , one of their charter members, who is now a TKE house-mom at SIUCarbondale. The holidays brought them together for a Christmas cookie exchange and Nancy Spitze taught them how to make a lovely macrame ornament. Of course, they munched down the treats-something Alpha Sigs love to do! Members of the alumnae chapter visited Gamma Omega Chapter at EIU to lend a supporting hand . They want Gamma Omega and all collegiates to know that alums still care! In February they gathered for a racquetball party and later in the month got together at new momma Kathy Madgiak's home for a make-up demonstration. They are all going to be new women with all this exercise and the beauty tips! The major event of 1983 for Chicago Metro Alumnae will be the tenth anniversary of the chapter's founding. They intend to celebrate with a dinner party and all former members are invited. Debbie Smith is planning this gala event.
Chicago West Suburban, Illinois
New members The past year has added several new members to the Chicago West Suburban Chapter. They are Sue Barrett Ben (Delta Iota), Mary Boorem Gornick (Gamma Delta), Gwen Sermershin Padgett (Beta Upsilon), and Pat Renwick Van Slyke (Beta Kappa). They THE PHOENIX
have all been a great asset to the chapter's success, both at work and play. Jud y Wylie Bergeson (Chi Chi), their president, hosted a potluck supper in August to bring everyone together so that they could brainstorm ideas for the coming year. The first meeting of the year was held at the home of sisters Julia Palmer (Beta Iota) and Mary Sue Palmer Parvin (Alpha). The alumnae were enthralled with a beautiful slide presentation on the giant flower show and market, The Floride, held in Holland. The program was given by Joyce Rankin , who also shared flower arranging hints. In October, a representative from the League of Women Voters talked at Ellie Bernhard Priebe's home. She informed them of the many services performed by the League as well as giving information on the upcoming elections. November found them again at their president's home. She provided each member with a kit and instructions to make a counted cross stitch bookmark. The annual Christmas party was held at Pat Ven Slyke's home. It was an evening filled with warm feelings and delicious food. Secret pals were revealed as well as many "ah"s" and "oohs" as they opened their gifts.
Elkhart-Goshen, Indiana Halloween costume party Elkhart-Goshen Alumnae had a busy and fun schedule last year. In September plans were made for all the year's activities. In October, members participated in a Halloween costume party. A Founders' Day program was held in November. December brought Christmas, and what else but a Christmas party with their husbands. Each person brought a white elephant gift. In spite of"ole man winter" all scheduled events were held except the one in January. This year each member donated a gift for bingo and the members held a Valentine Bingo for the people at a local nursing home . March brought a hint of spring and they had an authoritative member of the community speak about lawn and garden tips. The meetings have been well-attended, informative, and fun! SPRING 1983
(left to right) letha Heckman Gaskins (Chi Chi), Anne Petrie Niemeyer (Alpha Alpha), Flo Morris Hayworth (Chi Chi), and Bereniece lamb Martin (Chi Chi) chat before the Indianapolis Founders' Day luncheon.
Indianapolis, Indiana Money-making project helping at Art Fair Indianapolis alumnae enjoyed a pitch-in picnic at the home of the chapter president, Anne Petrie Niemeyer (Alpha Alpha) in August. Thirty members, new or prospective members, and collegians attended. Those Alpha Sigs at the picnic were treated to a display of photographs taken at the National Convention in Chicago last summer. September found nearly one hundred Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae, collegiates and friends busy at their annual money-making project, working ticket and concession booths at the Penrod Art Fair, which is held on the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The fair offers a variety of artists' works, music, food , and promotion of cultural activities. Coordinator of the Penrod helpers was Ways and Means Chairperson Barbara Martin Kassing (Beta Upsilon). Members assembled at the home of Bonnie Johnson Shea (Beta Upsilon) for the regular September meeting, the theme of which was "Going Greek in the 80's." Members brought a college souvenir to share with others. These items included composite photographs, sorority jewelry, pledge hats and pledgebooks, and a couple of 50year-old college yearbooks brought by Betty Presnall Bliss (Chi Chi). Four Indianapolis members, all past national officers, attended a rush re-
ception given by Beta Upsilon Chapter at Indiana State University. They were Merrilyn Lindley Bass (Chi Chi), Linda Wyrick Lineback (Chi Chi), Anne Petrie Niemeyer (Alpha Alpha), and Jeanne VanWinkle McQueen (Beta Upsilon). In October, the alumnae of Indianapolis met at the Ben Davis Junior High School for an even ing of exercise and body stretching. Participants enjoyed the session and were reminded of it for days afterward! The annual Founders' Day luncheon was held at the President Benjamin Harrison Home. Chairman was Merrilyn Lindly Bass (Chi Chi), assisted by Lucile Roth Anderson (Alpha Alpha), Pat Darling Mouser (Beta Chi), and Alice Theurer Miley (Chi Chi). A pitchin luncheon , provided by members, consisted of a variety of main dish and vegetable casseroles, salads, and desserts. Abo ut fifty Alpha Sigs attended . "Getting to Know Us" was the theme for the December meeting at the home of Carol Beineke Keenan (Chi Chi). After a short business meeting, each member shared a hobby or special interest with the others. Included were needlework, an unusual bell collection, sewing and poetry. New members initiated into the group were Nan Gallip Grove (Chi Chi); Susan Leitch (Chi Chi), Teresa Buchanan Lucas (Beta Upsilon), Laura Donaldson L yo n s (Chi Chi), Amy Moelhman (Chi Chi), Carla Phillipi (Chi Chi), Jana Rodeffer Props (Chi Chi), Kath y Vincent (Chi Chi), and Darla Voreis Zanini (Chi Chi). 19
Alumnae action Terre Haute, Indiana
Help at Indiana State Special Olympics Every summer the Terre Haute Alumnae help during the Indian a State Special Olympics held on the Indiana State University campus. At this time, they set up and sell souvenirs, such as T-shirts, scarves, mugs, hats, and visors at the Specia l Olympics booth . Those alums and friends helping out included A li ce Randall, chairman; Barb Black, treasurer; Norma and Julie Ro ss; Brenda Scott, pan hellenic; Mary Fran Wiley, president; Terry Miller, secretary; a nd Ruth Hoare, installing officer. In the past they have also helped the Beta Upsilon Chapter at Indiana State University with registration at their Special Olympics skate-a-thon. The first regular meeting for the year was held at President Mary Fran Wiley's son's lake house over Labor Day Weekend. It was a sad occasion, for they were saying good-bye to their vicepresident, Alice Randall, whose h usband was being transferred to Kansas City. During the month of October, they held their annual Homecoming luncheon. Some of the Beta Upsilons present were Jean Hoffman, Province Director; Jill Hiatt, queen candidate; Rene Rutherford , president; and Lisa MacDonald , vice president. Brenda Scott was the chairman this year, assisted by Wygonda Foltz, silent white elephant auctio n ; Ruth Hoare , punch bowl, decorations and display table; a nd Terry Miller, convention display table. In November, Jane Graham, a transfer from Fort Wayne, along with Barb Black, Ruth Hoare , Odessa H ylton , Mary Fran Wiley, and Terry Miller celebrated Founders' Day with the collegia ns in their suite on the ISU campus. December brought the Christmas party at Ode sa H ylton 's home and secret pals were revealed. The Janu ary meeting was at the home of the treasurer, Barb Black. Barbara Alia~ helped with their philanthropic project by donating one dollar for each homemade purse, billfold , or cosmetic case she sold.
Charter members Nelle Everett (left) and Avis Sharp were reunited at the 65th anniversary celebration of Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at Emporia State University, Emporia , Kansas.
Emporia, Kansas
65th anniversary celebration! The Emporia Alums began the fall with a reception honoring the new housemother of Epsilon E-psilon Chapter at Emporia State Univers it y, Geneiva Bales. The reception was held at the home of Virginia Lowther, EE. In October, members "trick-ortreated " the collegiate chapter by ta king treats to each ofthe active members and new pledges. This year a lso marked the 65th anniversary of Epsilon Epsilon Chapter. Activities for the celebration in November included campus tours, an open house of the chapter house, the ESU-Fort Hays footba ll game, a dinner and dance at the Memorial Union wit h music by Glass Apple, and a Sunday morning brunch and Founders' Day
ceremony. Two of the charter members, Nelle Everett of Emporia and Avis Sharp of Council Grove, Kansas, atte nded the acti vities, as did Bess Adam of Emporia, who pledged during the second year of the chapter. One of the highlights of the celebration was the presentation of the Eliza beth Bird Small Award for this year to DeAnna Koch (Epsilon Epsilon) of Emporia by National President Rhetta Robinson. Recognized for major donations to Epsilon Epsilon Chapter were Bess Adam and Charlton W. Tebeau of Springfield, Georgia, who established a scholastic award in memory of his wife, Violet Marie Hassler Tebeau, who was a member in 1923. The alumnae rang in the Christmas season wit h a cookie-tasting, recipeexchange party held at the home of Lynn Downes Brandt, EE.
Enjoying Epsilon Epsilon Chapter's 65th anniversary celebration are (left to right) Rhetta Robinson Helen Malone, Karen Burns (EE), and DeAnna Koch (EE). '
St. Louis, Missouri
Omaha, Nebraska
Buffalo, New York
Philanthropic projects
25th anniversary for alumnae!
"Look at You and Your Sorority''
The Omaha Alumnae Chapter met for its spring installation of officers at Mother Tucker's Restaurant. New officers for the year are Mrs. Michael Lawler, president; Mrs. William Mackintosh , vice president; Mrs. Richard Budke, secretary; Mrs. Joseph Lechner, treasurer; Mrs. Jay Butler, Pan hellenic representative; and Mrs. David Kolenda, editor. The 25th anniversary of the founding of the Omaha Alumnae Chapter was observed at a formal tea on Sunday, May 2, 1982, in the faculty dining room of the Brandeis Student Center at Creighton University. The chapter was founded in 1957 to assist the fledgling active chapter which had been organized that fall on the Creighton campus. Founding president of the alumnae chapter was Angela Pettinger Nacke, who now lives in Kentucky. Special projects during the year have been helping refurbish the Madonna School's interior with eye-catching picture collages provided by the alumnae, assistance with fundraising mailings for the school, and help for the Madonna School's retarded and handicapped children in the Omaha Special Olympics.
The Pi Pi Alumnae Chapter planned several interesting meetings for this fall and winter. In October the college chapters, as well as the alums, gathered for" An Old Fashioned Pot Luck Supper" held at one of the local churches. The program included, in addition to tasty food , shared experiences from National Convention. The theme "Look at You and Your Sorority" encouraged those attending to participate and make time for their sisterhood. Also in October, a Province Day hosted by Gamma Iota collegiates at R.I.T. in Rochester, New York, was enjoyed by many Pi Pi members. November brought the annual fall Founders' Day luncheon . The day's activities included reports from officers and provided general information to all the members. It was a special afternoon of meeting and greeting old friends and new. Their favorite gathering, however, was the annual Christmas party. "Christmas - A Time for Giving and Sharing" was a special evening kept aside for creating a festive mood, exchanging ornaments, and tasting holiday goodies. In addition to the meetings mentioned, the officers and Board members met each month in each other's homes to plan and discuss all aspects of sorority and its continued success.
As their major philanthropic project for the past three years, members of the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter have adopted Carol as their "secret pal. " Carol, 41, has been a resident of the Missouri State Hospital for the Mentally Retarded in Bellefontaine Neighbors , St. Louis County, since birth. Since Carol is not allowed any direct contact with the outside world, Sarah McKibben, HH, has served as the chapter's representative in keeping up with Carol's activities and well-being through hospital officials. Throughout the year, members make special gifts for Carol which are delivered at Christmas time, on Carol's birthday, Valentine's Day and Easter. Many members send cards every month. According to hospital personnel, Carol receives a great deal of enjoyment from these gestures. As another form of philanthropy, several St. Louis alums have donated their time and talents by volunteering to work in the Area XIII Missouri Special Olympics each spring. Members have been coaches, judges, scorers, timers , huggers, or buddies for a day. Needless to say, many pleasureable moments have been experienced through this event.
Boston, Massachusetts Autumn foliage tour
Pictured at the Omaha Alumnae 25th anniversary tea are (front row, left to right) Joanne Schindler Kolenda
(fA), Jean Gehring Butler (fH), Rose Greco Wilson (fA), Terry Binder Merrick (fA), Jeri Oseka Rudel (fA), Mary Killian (B<P), (back row) Jodie Hamilton Mackintosh (<P<Pl. Mary lee O'Keefe Coco (fA), Mary Kay Egan Manahan (fA), Vicki Kuzelka Budka (fA), Jean Maginn Ullrich (fA), lois leibellechner (fA), Susie Smith lawler, (fA), and Judy Neiman Reiff (<P<P).
The highlights of the Boston Alumnae's fa ll activities were the autumn fo li age tour through western Massachusetts and a luncheon held at Finnerty's Country Squire. Those present wrote notes to the members who were unable to attend due to illness or because the y reside in Maine or New Hampshire. Although they support the chapter financially , distance prevents them from attending many of the meetings. In September the chapter was saddened to learn of the death of Grace Whitaker Capron (Tau Tau) who had served the chapter in many ways, most recentl y as secretary and editor. 21
Alumnae action Dickinson, North Dakota
Bridge & whist, coffee & sweet rolls The aroma of coffee and tasty sweet rolls started the day for the Dickinson Alumnae's philanthropic project to earn money to help support Beta Eta Chapter and the Special Olympics. Baked goods were on sale during the bridge and whist party. All this was planned at the brunch/ meeting in October chaired by Sue Bartz Anderson. Also present were Deb Schmidt Conlin, Myrtle Erickson Dynes, Bertha Geiger, Adaline Johnson Gibson, Cathy Kuylen Gruman, Janice McBride Henning, Jerilyn Praus Hecker, Jayne Simons Kiner, Cathy Westlake Lundberg, Geraldine Jesperson Schilla, Coral Gruman Willer, and Karen Ellefson. A newsletter was sent to all members informing them of the coming events. The first of these was the Homecoming coffee-donut party at the Henning residence. A Christmas potluck for the actives was planned at the November meeting.
Hattiesburg, Mississippi Seniors honored at tea The Hattiesburg Alumnae Chapter honored the graduating seniors of Beta Delta Chapter with the annual Senior Tea. Ava Lee and Angie Guercio were the sen iors honored at the tea held in the home of Dorothy Thomsen. A salad luncheon was enjoyed at their last meeting of the year. Vennie Wilson was hostess. The luncheon was served on the lovely patio of her home. Several guests enjoyed the luncheon with the members.
was the auctioneer. The money went toward philanthropic projects. Before separate business meetings, Karen Bader (Alpha Alpha) of Cincinnati and Audrey Gedart of Dayton, delegates to the National Convention, gave highlights of their experiences there. In December they purchased and wrapped Christmas gifts for the mentally retarded at the Resident Home for the Mentally Retarded in Cincinnati. This activity has become an annual event. Funds raised for philanthropy were used to purchase gifts and wrap. Chairman of the project was Sue Manning Shelly (Alpha Alpha). A salad luncheon preceded the business meeting in late January at the home of Shirley Pallatoo Bone (Alpha Alpha). The newly remodeled Milcroft Inn was the setting for a couples' dining out in February. More social time followed with dessert at Shirley Sledz Wakefield's (Alpha Alpha) home.
Newark-Zanesville, Ohio
Arboretum tour TheN ewark-Zanesville Ohio Alumnae had lunch in September at Ethel Guthrie's home in Marietta, Ohio. Seven of the usual ten enjoyed a pleasant get-together and missed Minnie Predmore, who has moved to Sinking Springs, Pennsylvania, and Zina Kennedy, who was absent because of her mother's death. The group continues to meet in alternate months except when conflicts intervene. In October, they met to enjoy the Dawes Arboretum near Newark. One of the members, Ethel Guthrie, was awarded the Civitan Ladies Award for her work in setting up a Widowed Persons' Service.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Help blind students in Muskogee Delegates from the Tulsa Alumnae Chapter found the convention in Chicago to be all they had a~ticipated from beginning to end, espeoally to se~ and get reacquainted with many fn~nds met over numerous other conventions. They were also glad to get home and settled into local activities. The first meeting was a covered dish supper in the clubroom of Paula Halfast's apartment in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Rhetta Nesbit Robinson (Bf) was missed as she was in Arkansas helping install a new chapter. Congratulations, Magnolia! Tulsa alumnae are happy to welcome yo u as new sisters and look forward to meeting you at a future Tri-State meeting. Christy Bennett, the president, opened the meeting with a pa.use for silent prayer in memory of their longtime faithful sister, Jennie Vinson Fisk (ff). Following the routine of paying dues and joining Panhellenic, Paula Halfast showed slides of the convention and the five delegates who attended gave their accounts of the events. During the summer Helen and Dick Malone lost an important member of their family, the adorable white poodle, Shawn, who had been with them I5 years. He is buried in their back yard, perhaps by his favorite tree. Their philanthropic project this year was helping the needy students at the School for the Blind in Muskogee, Oklahoma, where Barbara McPherson (Bf) teaches. A contribution of$25 was made. The project for Tulsa City Panhellenic was selling poinsietla plants at Christmas to pay for glasses and repairs for needy children in the Tulsa Public Schools.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati and Dayton alums gather together The Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter met with the Dayton Alumnae for a aturday luncheon in October at the Golden Lamb Inn in Lebanon, Ohio . After lunch and social time together, they had silent and Chinese auctions of handmade boutique items. Ginny Brodbeck (Alpha Alpha) from Dayton
Tulsa Alumnae at convention include (I Ia r) Helen Malone (Bf), National Vice-President; Marilyn Garbee, Treasurer; Lara Sipes (ff); Christy Bennett, President of Tulsa alumnae; and Rhetta Robinson (Bf), National President.
Akron, Ohio Halloween party for retarded adults Members of the Akron Alumnae met in September at the home of Helen Frame Snyder (Omicron Omicron) for the first meeting of the year. A report on national convention was given by Lil Greer (Delta Delta) and Dorothy Scott (Delta Delta). October's meeting was a Halloween party given at Hope Homes for the residents. Pumpkins were decorated , bingo was played, punch and cookies were enjoyed, and prizes were won. Everyone enjoyed the party. Louise Harris (Omicron Omicron) was the hostess at the Women's City Club for a beautiful Founders' Day ceremony and luncheon. The Christmas salad luncheon was held at the home of Karen Karpinski (Gamma Kappa) . A gift exchange followed the luncheon.
Central Pennsylvania Membership drive Central Pennsylvania Alumnae's year started with the annual luncheon and business meeting at the home of Alice Hart Beaver (KK) in Lebanon . As part of the membership drive, they divided into regional committees in order to contact prospective members . In December when they met at the home of Frances Nucci DiClemente (NN) , they welcomed five new members from Lebanon and Harrisburg. Special Olympics was an important concern to all the new members so the group is anxious to become more involved in the local games in the spring. Proceeds from their Christmas handicraft auction went to the National Philanthropic Fund for scholarships and their local project.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Celebrate Founders' Day with Gamma Xi The Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter celebrated Founders' Day with a luncheon at Max and Ernie's Restaura nt. The collegiates from Gamma Xi joined them for a delightful afternoon. The day was planned by Bonnie Oswald (fX), Province Director. SPRING 1983
For Christmas the group traveled north to the home of Ka th y Geib Boykin (AA). After lunch they were treated to a demonstration of the proper way to mix their favorite cocktails. Bob Boykin was the guest speaker.
Dallas, Texas Seeking new members Greater Dallas Alums sent a mass mailing in September to notify all alums in the Dallas area of planned meetings and their locations. The majority of active alums live in Plano and Richardson , so most meetings were held outside Dallas , hoping to get better attendance. The meetings consisted of installation of officers, an Italian dinner with husbands , a Home co ming Open House for the collegiate cha pter in Dallas, participation in Special Olympics, a speaker from the airlines on packing, and a swimming party with their husbands .
Houston, Texas
Participate in Sorority Sampler The Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae of Houston began the year with a membership tea in the home of Dia nne Porcari. This was their annual effort to encourage inactive a lums in the area to become active in the group. An encouraging number of new faces were in attendance. One of the highlights of the year was the participation by the group in the annual Sorority Sampler, a Christmas Bazaar sponsoâ&#x20AC;˘Âˇed by the Hou ston Panhellenic. Each sorority has a booth in which to sell various Christmas and gift items. The proceeds are then used to benefit each group's philanthropic project. The Alpha Sigs make wreaths each year under the able direction of Carol Sloan. The annual Founders' Day luncheon was held on a Saturday in November. In December the alumns gathered with their husbands in the home of Carol Sloan to exchange Christmas gifts and cheer.
Richmond alums Babette Randolph, Sandy Morgan, lou Monger, and Debbie Parr radiate Christmas cheer at their couple's party .
Richmond, Virginia Halloween party for alumnae's children In an attempt to expand membership, officers in the Richmond Alumnae Chapter worked during the summer sending letters to Alphas in the area info rming them of the year's events. Efforts paid off as many new faces appeared at the covered dish supper held in September at the home of Sandy Morgan. In October, Lou Monger was hostess of the meeting where plans were made for a H alloween party. Two da ys before Halloween, children of the members clad as g hosts and goblins descended upon a neighborhood church basement and were met with games, fun, a nd food! Sisters had gathered earlier in the month to feast at Richmond Panhellenic's Tasting Supper. Alums Dee Dee Francis a nd Debbie Parr traveled to James Madison College to attend their November Founders' Day ceremony. Bobette Randolph and her husba nd were hosts to a couple's Christmas party. Each couple brought a bottle of wine and an hors d 'oeu vre. The evening proved successfu l in radiating Christmas cheer. Richmond sisters assembled in January for a cookie exchange. Each sister donated two dozen cookies which were s'e nt to Longwood and James Madison University Alphas in "Care Packages." Extra cookies were then exchanged (or consumed!) Sisters met at Hickory Farms in February for a tasting tour as a termination of their winter activities.
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Daffy Duck (Leslie Eckert) and the White Ha re (Kim Hall), Beta Iotas at Radford University, pra ctice their part in the ' Wonde rfu l World of A2.A" rush skit .