Asa phoenix vol 69 no 1 fall 1983

Page 1

===one Alpha's opinion=== With this issue I will begin my fourth volume as editor of THE PHOENIX. At times it seems like only yesterday that I became PHOENIX editor , and at other times (like deadline time) it seems like many years ago. I want to thank those of you who have been so complimentary in your remarks about recent changes in the magazine. Again , this year I think you will see many changes , and I hope these changes will please the majority of the readers. Perhaps you have already noticed the greatest change in many

Again, we ask for your help. All of our new graphic assistance will not improve the magazine if we do not have good stories and photos. Thus, the success of THE PHOENIX rests in the hands of the collegians and alumnae of Alpha Sigma Alpha. During •the past few years,

The success of The Phoenix rests in the hands of the collegians and alumnae of Alpha Sigma Alpha

Phoenix deadlines Spring 1984 Summer 1984 Fall 1984

Jan. 10 Apr. 10 July 10

years with this issue. THE PHOENIX is now being typeset and printed by Compolith Graphics and Maury Boyd and Associates of Indianapolis , Indiana. They have been most helpful in providing much -needed graphic and printing assistance. I think you will like our new look. We welcome your comments. A very dedicated PHOENIX staff will be continuing in their same positions this year; however, each member has had some changes in her life. Alumnae editor, Kim Myer, has added a second son, Patrick David , to her family . Sue Zorichak , collegiate editor, was married around Thanksgiving (and I had just learned to spell Zorichak). Feature editor, Nancy Reese , has been promoted to assistant graphics editor for the Chicago Tribune. Congratulations to THE PHOENIX staff on these accomplishments and events. They have done an outstanding job in volunteer ing their time to the sorority th is year. 2

In addition to " One Alpha's opinion," THE PHOENIX staff encourages you to submit articles and photos. In particular we are looking for alumnae with interesting careers. If you have any questions, such as whether the article is appropriate, to whom it should be

National Editor, Rosemary Carucci Goss

you have sent more and better photographs. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK; however, we canalways use more. Response to requests for articles for "One Alpha 's opinion " has been less than overwhelming. Several national officers have been very supportive, but we want to hear from those who are not officers. Perhaps a pledge class could share their thoughts on becoming Alpha Sigma Alphas. A senior might write a commentary on what AI:A has meant to her. An alumnae may want to share a rewarding experience such as a reunion with an AI:A roommate. Photos should be included , if possible.

sent or length of article, please write or call me in the evening at (703) 951-3868. In this issue, you will read about the success of the first year of the Development Fund and meet our 1983 scholarship winners and new chapter consultants. In addition to the reports of those busy alumnae chapters, the Kansas City Alumnae invite you to visit their city for Convention 1984. Speaking of convention, start saving your money, because it promises to be an exciting event. Convention coverage and registration material will be found in the Winter issue. Hope to see all of you in Kansas City, but in the meantime, please send me your Alpha opinion. 1:l 1:l


Rosemary Carucci Goss, Editor


=====In This Issue===== Volume 69



One Alpha's opinion

Convention 84

National Editor, Rosemary Goss takes a look at the Phoenix; where it is going and from where it has come. Read to see how you can be an important part of this publication!

Going to Kansas City, Kansas City here we come. Helen McGuire and Marilyn Monteil, convention co-chairmen, along with the Kansas City alumnae, invite you to attend the 1984 Convention.

4 Dividends from the Development Fund The development fund is one year old and a success! To show your continued support, return your contribution form for 1984 (on page 7) today.

10 Man joins AEA 1983 scholarship list


For the first time in recent AI:A history a man has been awarded the sorority's Special Education Scholarship for a nonmember. To read about all the winners turn to page 10.

Meet the chapter consultants Meet Beth Ann Colwell and Jan Verfurth, the new chapter consultants for AI:A. They may be visiting your campus soon.



Founders' day message

EDITOR Dr . Rosemary Carucci Goss 2305 Capistrano St. Blacksburg , Virginia 24060 PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor Kim R. Meyer 8014 Rossman Gulch Rd . Morrison , Colorado 80465 Collegiate Editor Sue Zorichak 3612 70th St. E. Inver Grove , MN 55075

Feature Editor Nancy I. Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac Des Plaines, Illinois 60016

Historian Esther Kaufman Gatseos 6659 E. Eastman Ave . Denver, Colorado 80224


Fall 1983

Number 1

National President, Rhetta Robinson, discusses the challenge of change as AI:A begins its 82nd year.

13 ... ...... ... .... ... Directory 18 .. ... .. ... ...Alumnae Action 22 ... ...... . Stars in Our Crown 24 ... Campus sights and sounds

THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA L:""',..c-,E"...,c-_ SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430路 禄640) , an educational journal, is published in the fall, winter , spring , and summer of each year by the Sorority, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield , Missouri 65802 . The subscription price $1 .50 a year. Printed by Compolith Graphics and Maury Boyd & Associates , Indianapolis, IN 46268 . Member , College Fraternity Editors Association .

On the Cover

Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St. , Springfield , Missouri 65802 . Address all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Rosemary Carucci Goss , 2305 Capistrano St ., Blacksburg , Virginia 24060 . ARTICLES are invited for publication in this journal. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial staH for consideration . Acceptances are on a contributing basis only and subject to editorial review . Articles published are the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of AI:A . Second-class postage paid at Springfield, Missouri, and at additional mailing offices . Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to National Head路 quarters, 1201 East Walnut St. , Springfield, Missouri 65802.

Beta Iota members Michelle Mumford and Hop Dix, make the most of one of the last warm days of fall quarter on the Radford University campus.

FALL 1983


Initial fund drive succeeds

Dividends from the Development Fund by Marilyn Ramsey Garbee, National Treasurer One year ago this past summer, the Development Fund was initiated and we are pleased to announce the response was good. Thank you for your generosity!! The necessity of generating more money other than collegiate and alumnae dues is the reason for the Development Fund annual appeal , and raising dues every year or so is not the long-term solution. The additional funds are used to support continuing programs and it is important that our donors grow each year to keep up with inflation and increased expenditures for new or expanded programs.

Contributions to the Development Fund allow Alpha Sigma Alpha to seize opportunities, expand programs, and accept challenges. Alpha Sigma Alphas's needs are many and priorities will be set and reviewed annually by the Executive Council. This past year we were able to conduct a National Province Director's Training Workshop at National Headquarters. This training enabled these officers to better assist their chapters in all phases of chapter operation. Funds used for extension purposes resulted in the installation of Epsilon Beta Chapter at the University of Illinois, ChampagneUrbana , and the colonization of a chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University , Richmond , Virginia . A new chairmanship , National Alumnae Development Chairman, was created this past year to promote

alumnae growth and interest.

The Development Fund is an opportunity to say "thank you, Alpha Sigma Alpha, for being a very special part of my life. " With the help of the Development Fund, our sorority manuals are being revised and promotional materials ordered. Updated manuals will benefit all members and advisors and promotional materials will result in more successful colonizations. The PHOENIX will have a new format and all Alpha Sigma Alpha's will continue to receive this top-quality publication . With increased publication and postal costs, an alternative might have been to change to a yearly paid subscription basis or reduce the number of issues per year. Again , our needs are many and if you did not contribute this year, the 1984 campaign is underway. We are anxious to have the Development Fund grow. We hope that your name will be listed among donors. In recognition of your generous contributions, we present the following record. If you find an error in your listing, please let us know. Successive contributions will be credited toward a cumulative amount in each individual's name. Please take the time today to mail this year's gift card. National Council extends its appreciation to each donor for these gifts of love to Alpha Sigma Alpha.

Your individual gifts to the Development Fund says you care enough to share in the future of Alpha Sigma Alpha


FALL 1983


Development Fund Contributors .;::...or:........:..c._m_;;_o_re"-'-)_ _ _ _ _

Crown Donors ($500

Star Donors (less than $1 00.00)

Beta Beta Polly Smelser Schlosser Kappa Kappa Helen L. Corey Pi Pi Jacqueline Vito LoRusso Beta Gamma Lois V. Beers Beta Sigma Rose Marie Fellin

Alpha Louise Anthony McCain Sue Garber Stewart Alpha Alpha Doris Jean Dowling Adams Lucile Roth Anderson Karen Bader Penny Kiesel Banker Jane Blain Virginia Niebel Brodbeck

Pearl Donors ($1 00 to

Katheryn Long Brown Dorothy Yelton Connor ...:..$_2_4_9..._)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JoAnnis Rudder Dahlman Alpha Alpha Joan Carlton Davis Kathleen Geib Boykin Martha Green Dimond Beta Beta Elise Rice Payne Elvira Bjork Dobbins Catherine Landolf Rauch Esther Kauffman Gatseos Nanch Schallenberg Marlys Jarrett White Mcfarland Delta Delta Mildred Perkins Smith Evelyn McKinley Schneider Dorothy Smelker Stockton Zeta Zeta Jane Falkner Temple Bonnie Payne Koenemann Martha Rosebrook 路 Betty Urban Wallick Tomlinson Judy DeMasters Winter Kate Warner Eta Eta Judith MacPherson Williams Diane Yencic James Susan Walk Wright Kappa Kappa Alpha Beta Nancy Eby Frey Virginia Romans Maloney Eileen Welsh Clara Mudra Thomas Xi Xi Lora Patrick Williams Edith Callahan Titley Mildred Davis Wood Pi Pi Harriet Rose Woods Betty Grever Morrison Alpha Gamma Rho Rho Lovell Rebhun Barton Madeline Priddy Dial Mary Emerson Blackstone Psi Psi Vivian Cartwright Lovell Sidney Gremillion Allen Suzanne Beyer Murphy Elizabeth Brock Allison Pauline Jaqua Taubert Beta Gamma Patricia Kralik Tylka Helen Hooper Malone Beta Beta Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson Lydia Cicmanec Balkenbush Beta Mu Susan Stinson Bercaw Jamie Shell Williams Elizabeth Potter Black Rho Chi Beth Ann Colwell Carol MacGregor Shelton Vivienne Sullivan Forsberg Beta Pi Grace Elizabeth Lefevre Rosemary Carucci Goss George Beta Sigm~ Edith Taylor Harry Marilyn Ramsey Garbee Helen Moslyn Hay Beta Upsilon Dorothy Hughes Johnson Nancy I. Zander Reese Patricia Capra Molholm Gamma Lambda Catherine Switzer Moore Silvana Filippelo Gretchen Mathews Otness Richardson Laura Schmidt THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Gamma Gamma Nell Rollins Frost Faye Cook Lynes Sylvia Lewis Wright Epsilon Epsilon Judy Biggs Celeste Howard Christy Janice Kassens Ellis Celia O'Connor Forrer Diane Hunt Kinlund Ruth Wilson t'iation Christine Hartmann Peters Kay Hughes Plaster Rita Kemmerer Ridgely Janet Kempker Terry Margaret Ogren Waltz Ruth Nationa Welch Zeta Zeta Ruth Barton Beverly Hobbs Smith Patricia Strider Vandiver Eta Eta Machete Carpino Viola Lochrie Cowden Vicki Vaughn Dennett Kathryn Lamb Keirns Janet Way Koonce Louise Carlton Perrin Edith Marsh Rives Reba Anderson Ruster Pat Scalet Stuckey Theta Theta Ruth Belknap lrmajane Wrenn Cullity Elizabeth Hagar Mable Peterson

Claire Torrey Constance Babish Yates Iota Iota Elizabeth Dodson Carpenter Mayfred Stone Duthie Kappa Kappa Elizabeth Campbell Ault Roberta Koerner Butler Laura Wolf Carson Mary Jane Brady Christian Alice Garretson Ann Weaver Gelnett Norma Nyce Heberling Carol Williams Maish Virginia Becker Maslin Dorothy McNaul Zilda Minerva Messenger Nancy Gingrich Riti Elizabeth Wilson Rost Helen Lewdrop Wolfgang Lambda Lambda Helen Snider Garrington Ethel Straw Guthrie Hilma Holkko Mackey MuMu Lucile Kunkle Blanchard Sarah Brewster Larsen NuNu Lois Meadowcroft Baker Barbara Barnes Mitchell Janet Lappin Butterbaugh Cynthia Cisyk Hazel Thompson Craig Elizabeth Hiatt Dodson Eleanor Battafarano Fadeley FALL 1983


Betty Lewis Dorcas Bates Reilly Mary Ireland Montooth Helen Lindenmuth Ware Rebecca Settle Pebbles Xi Xi Margaret Stramler Crawford Ann Younkins Shockey Katherine Nagle Wall Barbara Held Beta Zeta Isabell Stewart Murphy Michelle Nirider Asous Pi Pi Angela Dantzler Clara Harper Bassett Mary Ann Gill Lay Michalene Carol Biber Aline Smith Squires Dorothy Milano Brittain Beta Eta Mary Barbara Eddy Annette Pausewang Gruber Lilly Bakke Bratvold Jeanette Huber Umback Grace Martiny Hanley Beta Theta Lillian Blackmore Harrison Henrietta A. Brietzke Rho Rho Elizabeth Cameron Korthals Nellie Davis Pamela Moore Edith Grogan Shafer

I'm delighted to be able to contribute to the Development Fund to see ASA work continue. Wish it could be more-maybe next year. We're working on a wedding! Nancy Gingrich Riti, KK W. Collingswood, N.J. Sigma Sigma Wahneita Stoner Davidson Tau Tau Gretta Lewick Rydell Phi Phi Peggy Cross Allen Leisha A. Beckemeyer Ruth Lawrence LaVona Stalcup Reid Marion Gann Vail Chi Chi Carmine Cree Alvey Susan Martin Arnold Merilyn R. Bass Judith Wylie Burgeson Betty VanAusdal Burt Rose Smith Brill Sharon Calvin Dorothy Darrough Cameron Margaret Schofield Emery Eileen Brown Hunt Virginia McCarty Kaiser Leanda Jehn Patricia Garard Lindskoog Helen Selvage Noblitt Cheryl Toney Philbert Eloise Proctor Janice Hays Schrader Psi Psi Elaine Killen Douglass Beta Gamma Christy Allen Bennett Rebecca Hockett Hamby Mirna O 'Dell Jennings Regina Brooks Sharp Beta Delta D ianne Malone Porcari Beta Epsilon Jane Spooner Allison Susan Ann Cole Ann Ireland Gurkin 6

FALL 1983

Elizabeth E. Turza Cynthia Doyle White Beta Iota Michele Claudine Dowe Christine Geraci Free Carole Sease Henderson Lorene Saunders Long Anne Silverman Rothschild Alexis Sigethy Beta Kappa Barbara Oettecase Bruckner Mary Weinberg Hohe Beta Lambda Ellen Funk Akers Dickye Thomas Christenbury Sara Jo Fendley Ruby Fair Griner Sue Munnerlyn Slaughter Gail Tucker Wilson Beta Mu Barbara Halliburton Gates Gamma Clio Joanne Contino Powell Beta Nu Barbara Hankins Brown Mildred M. Chapman Deborah Fields Dietrich Beta Pi Carol C. Barberie Judy Laskowsk i Steurich Beta Rho Gina Camardo Verily Groebe Barbara Pederson Gutshall Gretchen Werner Oster Martha Crews Schmidt Deborah Ames Sm it h Judith Ste inhaus Beta Sigma Beth Huesgen Banta

Katherine Spanos Derges Audrey Klein McBurney Jeannie Roetto Redmond Janet Staley Sandra Beadles Stoll Florilla Frieze Tiona Marilyn Loving Weaver Jean Williams Webber Beta Upsilon Miriam Swartz Abbott Lois Busart Altman Jane Davis Ann Hardy Ingle Elksnin Emma A. Flack JoAnn E. Laugel Jeanne VanWinkle McQueen Kaye Starkweather Mishler Judith Ann Seel Ruth Grady Stickland Beta Phi Joyce Lescelius Abler Barbara Hentschel Hardy Karen J. Koester Beta Chi Doris Hamilton Hill Lynne Lawton Luke Mary Schwartzmann Rubin Beta Psi Elizabeth Nass Koss Cynthia Carlson Sarah Beta Omega

Barbara Hodgkins Smith Gamma Beta Betty Jean Marvin Gamma Epsilon Grace Vierheilig Bloedorn Sandy Phillips Brzezinski Grace Metzler Christiansen Florence Devlin Ludwig Elaine Schubring West Gamma Zeta Sandra Culp Patricia Ross Gamma Iota Patricia Schickler Gamma Lambda Stephanie P. Cappas Gamma Xi Deborah Szymanski Crowder Gamma Omicron Jane Mosser Curran Nancy L. Lewis Gamma Rho Kim T . Romascavage Susan Wallace Gamma Psi Kellie Dragun Nancy Tertig Rodgers Gamma Omega Marjorie Carey Crowe Denise Sanders Fleshner Jan Skolds

The following poem was sent by Nancy Eby Frey, KK, along with her contribution to the Development Fund. This poem was written in response to a request by the San Diego Union asking for letters telling "What do you have to be thankful for this Thanksgiv路 ing?" Of the 537 letters submitted, 30 were printed. Nancy's was printed in bold type in a frame in the center of the page. Particularly appropriate at this time of year , Nancy shares her very inspiring thoughts with all Alpha Sigma Alphas. What do I have to be thankful {or? Happy I'm alive, who could ask {or more? From my window, this morning I see Fluffy clouds, skies so blue, The early sun a peepin ' through Birds are chirping and calling From thejacaranda tree, singing, " We, too, are thankful to be happy and {reef" A bank of geraniums, pink, white and red . . But . . . 'tis getting late, time to hop out of bed. This morning we deliver "Meals on Wheels , " Tonight we square dance and kick up our heels! I'm thankful for work and thankful {or play, Just thankful to be me, on this glorious day! Now, I've told you a few things I'm thankful {or, When I gel older I'll tell you more . Because I'm only 84! -Nancy E. Frey THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Contributions received after July 31 , 1983, will be acknowledged with the 1983 contributions. Delta Gamma Roberta Youron Berger Delta Epsilon Kathleen Boland Gwen Etter Troy-Paula Leatherman Antoinette Ferrara Mackar Delta Iota Cynthia Rhodes Christfield Cynthia Shapiro Hobson Delta Kappa Lana Gee Bunner Rosanne Crouch Terri Eli Terri Higgs Murphy Delta Nu Susann Martin Aldrich

Susan Knapp Caster Sue Haukkala Julia Bonhomme McPherson Doris VonChrustschoff Sliney Carol Tozer Delta Omicron Tracey Gayman Delta Upsilon Volusia Finney Elizabeth Pearce Delta Chi Sharon Alexander Linda Brace Jennifer Delia Bambi L. Lutte

Sigma Rho Chi Hazel E . Graham M. Ruth Mawson Hudie

Memorial Gifts

Other Contributors: Beta Upsilon Chapter Delta Kappa Chapter Delta Omicron Chapter Jackson Mississippi Alumnae Valley of the Sun Alumnae Mr. Evin C. Varner

From Poll y Smelser Schlosse r BB in memory of Helen Hay BB From the Milwaukee Alumnae in memo ry of Gertrude M . Sladky rE

My small contribution does not adequately express my deep appreciation for our Alpha Sigma Alpha leadership. Mirna Jennings Peck, KS

Alpha Sigma Alpha Songs Cassettes available Price: $8.00 each Order from: National Headquarters Recording by Paula Highbaugh, Beta Upsilon

I want to assist Alpha Sigma Alpha in the development of programs of excellence for collegiate and alumnae members and chapters . Enclosed is a check in the amount of . Contributions are cumulative from year to year. Donor categories : Crown ($500 or more) Ruby ($250 to $499) Pearl ($100 to $249) Star ($1 to $99) Name: ____________________________________________________ First Maiden Last College Chapter ---------------------------------------------

Hymn to Alpha Sigma Alpha Grace Before Meat Alpha Sigma Alpha Sweetheart Song Ritual songs: Star of Bethlehem Initiation Song

Mail to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut , Springfield , Missouri, 65802 .

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Beta Pi alumnae, husbands and children gathered the weekend of August 5-7, 1983, at the home of Sharlene Lube Ling (left) for a long-awaited reunion. From left to righ t, Sharlene, NJ; Rickie Mignone Wink, NY; Gina Provenzano Cu/ihan, NY; Ruthie Caldwell Foster, WV; Janet Citro, NJ; Sharon Wagner, OH; and Janet Nester Smith (seate d), WV. How much sleep do you think these Concord College alumnae managed that weekend?


FALL 1983



Kansas City alums ready welcome mat

Ka nsas City alumnae line up for wine and cheese during

The Kansas City alumnae, hostesses for the 1984 National Convention, are a diverse , far -flung group of women who have made those qualities work for them . There are 60-70 dues-paying mem bers of the group, but the chapter considers every one of the 500

a recent meeting .

women listed in its directory as a member-if not right now, maybe in the future . The women meet five times a year in a central location at a restaurant or member's home. Most programs are Saturday luncheons, although yearly they meet on a

Doris Klein , Kansas City alumnae (s tanding), stops to talk and shake hands with Virginia Carder durmg a recent meetmg, wh1/e Dulc1e Calhoun listens in.


FALL 1983

Kansas City Con vention co-chairmen, McGuire and Marilyn Mantei/.

Sunday for their Valentine Tea. Because the group covers both Kansas City, Mo ., and Kansas City, Kan. , and their suburbs, a friendly rivalry has sprung up between those who live in the two states and the alumnae of area collegiate chapters-two in Kansas and five in Missouri . In spite of this rivalry (or maybe because of it?) the chapter maintains close ties to the seven collegiate chapters. The group supports a wide variety of philanthropic work-the local retarded citizens group, Special Olympics, Junior Olympics and the efforts of individual members. But it's not all work and no play for the alumnae-the chapter also has two bridge clubs and an arts and crafts group. The chapter is honored to have as a member the President Emerita of Alpha Sigma Alpha , Wilma Wilson Sharp . There are other members who are past national officers, including Ester Bucher, who served national for 25 years, and Judy DeMasters Winter. Currently serving National as chairman of rush is Debbie Sharp. --ti --ti



Two to lead convention effort Helen McGuire and Marilyn Monteil have been chosen as chairmen of the 1984 National Convention by the Kansas City alumnae. The two women reflect the wide diversity of the chapter. Helen, a Zeta Zeta from Central Missouri State University, has three grown children, while Marilyn, a Phi Phi from Northwest Missouri State University, is single and a second grade teacher. All those who I talked to about the chairmen described Helen as a terrific organizer who "knows ev路 eryone" in the chapter. Marilyn, al路 though a member of the chapter for eight years, was described as a newer member with a lot of enthu路 siasm.

The two work closely together and have not divided any of the decision-making, although Marilyn said, "I make the phone calls be路 cause Helen doesn't like to." Marilyn, who was the alumnae chapter's delegate to the Chicago convention, is active in her church and is a devoted jogger, running four or five miles a day. Helen was the chapter's delegate to the Virginia Beach convention and has attended several others. She was a dinner chairman for the Springfield convention. She has been very active in the alum group, holding almost every office over the years. She is also very active in volunteer work for the Auxiliary of St. Mary's Hospital, Woman's City Club and Tri-Psi, a volun-

teer organization. She is also a talented crafts person. Although I could get no hint on what surprises might be in _store for delegates to the convention, the women are eager to welcome their fellow Alpha Sigs to Kansas City's famed Crown Center, the hotel for the convention. Newly renovated, the center includes a complex of shops and is decorated with an indoor waterfall and extensive indoor landscaping. Built by the owner of Hallmark Cards, Crown Center is located next to an entertainment complex and between downtown and a Kansas City landmark, the Plaza shopping center. During the summer, a trolley runs between the center, downtown and the Plaza. * *


AEA needs your help! At National Convention 1984, election of the seven members of National Council will be held in accordance with the Bylaws of AEA. The nominating committee, composed of Marti Stratton, Chairman, Connie Glidewell and Diane Stevenson solicits your cooperation and assistance in suggesting nominees and providing a brief, factual account of their AEA and community activities, as well as special talents for leadership. Nominees should be AEA women from either your local area or other area who have served Alpha Sigma Alpha in some capacity on the National level (e.g., as a chairman, province director, or previous council member) and who have the time, ability, and interest to serve in a national leadership role. The deadline for submission of names for consideration is February 1, 1984. * *

I recommend the following for AEA National Council: (Give address if individual is not currently a national officer.) National P r e s i d e n t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Executive Vice P r e s i d e n t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vice President of Development _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Vice President of Collegiate Program _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Vice President of Alumnae Program _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Secretary------------------------Treasurer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I would also like to recommend the following individuals for consideration by the new National Council for position of leadership within Alpha Sigma Alpha. Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Position - - - - , - - - - - - - - Name Position _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name Position _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Return to: Mrs. Marti Stratton 2806 Durban Drive Houston, TX 77043 Name of C o n t r i b u t o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Alumnae C h a p t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Collegiate C h a p t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



FALL 1983


Scholarships presented to six collegiate Alpha Sigma Alphas Wilma Wilson Sharp Amy M. Swisher

Special Education

Name: Michele Hedrick Chapter: Alpha Alpha , Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Hometown: West Carrollton, Ohio .Major: Speech and hearing therapy Class: Junior AEA activities: Pledge rush chairman , assistant rush chairman Honors: Dean 's List, Junior Honorary selectee Other activities: Shakerettes, resident hall association freshman class representative, Special Olympics Future plans: Masters degree, work in a professional setting such as a hospital Comments: "Ms. Hedrick is an excellent student, is enthusiastic, gets along well with others and is dedicated to work with the handicapped. She has held a variety of jobs to help pay her way through school. " -Louise Van Vliet, Associate Professor, D epartment of Communication and Theatre, M ia m i University

Name: Jody Shryock Chapter: Beta Beta , University of Northern Colorado Hometown: Denver Major: Special education Class: Junior AEA activities: Pledge class president, sons/public relations chairman Honors: Sophomore honors program , Ama President's Honor Scholarship Other activities: Special Education volunteer aide, Special Olympics Future plans: Teach retar~ed people academic and social living skills, masters degree in emotional behavior disorders and learning disabilities Comments: " It is clear that Jody has a true dedication to helping members of our handicapped population . . . . Such a young woman as a recipient of your National Philanthropic Scholarship would also be a fine credit to Alpha Sigma Alpha . . -Jan Muzos, Activities Advisor, University of Northern Colorado

Michele Hedrick


FALL 1983

Jody Shryock

Lucretia Rowlette

Shelley Stewart

Name: Ann Lucretia Rowlette Chapter: Phi Phi , Northwest Missouri State University Hometown: Maryville, Mo. .Major: Marketing and management Class: Senior AEA activities: Scholarship chairman , treasurer , editor Honors: Regent's Scholarship, Alumni Scholarship, Music Scholarship Other activities: NWMSU Flag Corps, Symphonic Band, Pi Beta Alpha Business Organization, American Marketing Association , Flute Quartet Ensemble Future plans: Work towards a position as a corporate buyer Comments: " Lucretia is a worthy candidate for this scholarship. She has financed 50 percent of her college education by working in a variety of jobs: As valedictorian of her high school class and as a result of her developed musical talent , she has earned three scholarships." -Kathryn B elcher, Assistant Professor, School of Business Adminis tration, Northwest Missouri State University

Rita Jenkins



Mary Turner Gallagher Name: Shelley Stewart Chapter: Beta Lambda, University of Central Arkansas Hometown: Conway, Ark. Major: Marketing Class: Junior AEA activities: Rush chairman, activities chairman Honors: Dean's list Other activities: Marketing Club, Gamma Beta Phi Future plans: Work for a large Little Rock, Ar., business or study for a masters degree Comments: "Shelley is an outstanding student academically . . . She also works 20 hours a week and contributes in very positive ways to UCA campus life. Outstanding grades and an active Greek life reflect this young woman with above average ideals and aspirations for herself. " -Jane Boyd Prince, UCA Panhellenic Advisor

Martha Dimond Name: Rita Jenkins Chapter: Beta Nu, Murray State University Hometown: Frankfort, Ky. Major: Special education Class: Senior AEA activities: Rush chairman, chaplain, president Other activities: Student Council for Exceptional Children Executive Council , Special Education Department Student Advocate, International Reading Association, Special Olympics Future plans: Teach while obtaining masters degree in blind/ deaf education Comments: "Rita is presently serving as our new president. In her past two offices she proved to be a hard worker. Both offices are demanding , but Rita was able to handle the offices as well as work off-campus part time. Rita still works off-campus and now is our president . . . . Rita is involved with many activities but still continues to be a Dean's List (sic) student. " -Shirley Wall, Beta Nu Advisor

National Philanthropic Name: Amy Resneck Chapter: Delta Chi, Bloomsburg State College Hometown: Broomall, Pa. Major: Special education Class: Senior AEA activities: Philanthropic chairman, standards chairman Honors: AEA Sister of the Month Other activities: Volunteer teacher's aide, Council for Exceptional Children Club, recreational facility aide, Jewish Fellowship, Special Olympics Future plans: Masters degree in counseling, work as counselor for exceptional children Comments: "Amy was highly motivated, conscientious and sincerely interested in a career of helping others (after) a number of volunteer experiences . . . . I strongly recommend Amy to receive your award." -Colleen J . Marks, Professor, Department of Special Education, Bloomsburg State College.

Man joins AEA 1983 scholarship list Jerome A. Brown Jr. of Bloomsburg State College has become the first man in recent Alpha Sigma Alpha history to be awarded the sorority's Special Education Scholarship for a nonmember. Nominated by the Delta Chi Chapter at Bloomsburg , Jerome is a resident of Red Hill , Pa. A junior in the field of special education, he has a scholastic average of 3 .87. Jerome has worked extensively with special education students and adults , through a summer camp, Special Olympics, a teen group and arts and crafts program. He also is involved with the Protestant Campus Ministry clown ministry program and in intramural softball. "I have worked with many different special children and I have THE PHOENI X OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

learned much more from them than they could ever learn from me, " he said. "Because of close relationships with these special peo-

Jerome A . Brown

pie, I feel I have something to offer them , and I've decided to make this kind of work my life career. " William L. Jones, a special education professor, said in his recommendation for the scholarship: "Joe is a good student with commitment and stamina for working not only in his academic subjects but also with handicapped children . . . Aside from productive volunteer activities, he maintains a good academic average and is working part-time for his own financial support . . . . He is a deserving and dedicated " 'future teacher'." After graduation, Jerome would like to work in a group home or institution or teach in a classroom. He hopes to eventually obtain a master's degree in special education. FALL 1983


Founders' day message, 1983

The Challenge of Change " The more things change, the more they remain the same," says the philosopher. And so this paradox does often seem to hold true. I doubt that the feeling of sisterhood in 1983 differs much from the sisterhood that Virginia Lee Boyd , Juliette Jefferson Hundley, Mary Williamson Hundley, Louise Burks Cox, and Calva Hamlet Watson felt in 1901. Alpha Sig sisters, past, present and future are the ingredients used in building a strong sorority. Our future will be even brighter, if we apply the foresight, ingenuity and diligence of our Founders to all of our endeavors. A great challenge which faces our sorority is to reflect change

and yet retain the basic principles and ideals of our Founders. In this mechanized, computerized world of today, we need living friendships, people who care about each other, common ideals and shared concerns. What a powerful force we could generate if each of us would resolve to reach out to another. This concept of reaching out and touching lives is the very essence of Alpha Sigma Alpha. It is the joy of friendship. Friendship implies a mutual giving and receiving of strength and trust , and our membership in Alpha Sigma Alpha is based upon mutual support. Each of us has added a little of ourselves to make Alpha Sigma Alpha what it is to-

Do You Like To Travel?






mature, poised, well-groomed young graduate . . . Must have been an active participant in her college chapter and in campus organizations. Must be able to work well with others, and must have enthusiasm, initiative and organizational ability. Will travel extensively, visiting college chapters and representing Alpha Sigma Alpha at workshops, State/ Province Days, and an occasional conference and/or meeting. Will assist at National Headquarters, if and when her schedule permits. To share knowledge, experience, enthusiasm, and constructive criticism w ith sorority sisters; to give training in all phases of chapter operation; to serve as a liaison between National and Collegiate chapters; to represent Alpha Sigma Alpha in the highest possible manner to adm inistrators, advisors and alumnae. For more information write : Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut Springfield , MO 65802

FALL 1983

day. Just as a chain is no stronger than its weakest link, we as individual members are challenged in our responsibility to Alpha Sigma Alpha to take pride in the past, accept responsibility for the present, and plan for the future. Albert Schweitzer 's words might have been spoken directly to us: "I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve." Let each of us vow to serve our sorority in whatever way we can, and to return to future sisters at least as much as we have received. Alpha Sigma Alpha has enriched our lives, and given a dimension not found through any other source. We do not belong to Alpha Sigma Alpha-we are Alpha Sigma Alpha. What each of us does, as an individual, affects us all because we are friends, we are sisters, we are partners in the future of Alpha Sigma Alpha . Are we as a sisterhood going to maintain the standards, values, and high aspirations of our Founders, or is a future of attrition to be ours? As we celebrate the founding of Alpha Sigma Alpha and the beginning of our 82nd year, let us renew our initiation vows and insure for generations to come that the Al pha Sig memories we cherish so deeply will be passed on to future generations. Rhetta Robinson National President " There is a destiny that makes us brothers; None goes his w ay alone: All that w e send into lives of others Comes back into o ur own. " Edwin Markham T HE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

=====Directory===== ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA NATIONAL OFFICERS 1983-1984 FOUNDED Longwood College , Farmville, Virginia, November 15, 1901

FOUNDERS Louise Cox Carper (Mrs. W. B.) Juliette Hundley Gilliam (Mrs . H. E.) Miss Mary Williamson Hudley Virginia Boyd Noell (Mrs. J. W.) Calva Watson Wootton (Mrs. P. W.)



President Emerita-Wilma Wilson Sharp, ZZ (Mrs. Fred M.), 1405 Hardy Avenue , Independence, MO 64052 President-Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson , Br (Mrs. Ronald) , 5880 South Joplin , Tulsa, OK 7 4135 Executive Vice President-Marlys Jarrett White, BB (Mrs. Dennis P.), 2290 Ash St. , Denver, CO 80207 Vice President of Development-MaryAnn Linton , rH, 4662 Rolling Ridge Road , West Bloomfield , Ml 48033 Vice President of Collegiate Program-Silvana Filippelo Richardson , rA (Mrs . Robert l.), 181-3 Evergreen Terrace, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale , IL 62901 Vice President of Alumnae Program-Linda Bonine Rogers , AI (Mrs. Steven E.), 377 Mayberry Lane , Dover, DE 19901 Secretary-Helen Hooper Malone, Br (Mrs. George J . Jr.), 5526 E. 36th St. , Tulsa, OK 74135 Treasurer-Marilyn Ramsey Garbee, BE (Mrs. E. l.), 49 St. Andrews Circle, Broken Arrow , OK 74011 NPC Delegate-Sidney Gremillion Allen , '1''1' (Mrs. John H.), 10064 Heritage Dr., Shreveport, LA 71115 Editor-Or. Rosemary Carucci Goss, BII (Mrs . Robert E. Jr.), 2305 Capistrano St. , Blacksburg, VA 24060 Headquarters Executive-Rose Marie Fellin , BE, National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut , Springfield, MO 65802

NPC Alternate Delegate-Betty Urban Wallick, ZZ, 676 Park Avenue, York, PA 17402 Constitution Chairman-Sandra Phillips Brzezinski, ri (Mrs. Wayne) , 7041 W. Tripoli Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53220 Chairman of Housing-Diane Yencic James, HH (Mrs. Don) , Route 5 , Box 316 , Pittsburg , KS 66762 Chairman of Philanthropies-Paula Cyrus Foreman , PP (Mrs . Stuart), 410 N. Duke St., Millersville, PA 17551 Chairman of Ritual-Cindy Rhodes Christfield , Lll (Mrs. John) , 7 York Road-Deerhurst, Wilmington , DE 19803 Chairman of Rush-Debbie Sharp, ZZ , 5609 E. 140th St. , Apt. A, Grandview, MO 64030 Chairman of Scholarship-Joyce Lescelius Abler, B8, 1018 S. Main, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48858 Chairman of Standards-Jean Moore Weaver, BN (Mrs . James A.), 3115 Steed, Florissant, MO 63033


1201 E. Walnut, Springfield , Missouri 65802

CHAPTER CONSULTANTS Beth Ann Colwell , BB, and Jan Verfurth , BE, 1201 E. Walnut, Springfield , Missouri 65802

NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Alumnae Editor-Kim Ramsey Meyer, BB (Mrs . Mark) , 8014 Rossman Gulch Rd., Morrison, CO 80465 Collegiate Editor-Sue Zorichak, BB, 3612 70th St., E. , Inver Grove Heights, MN 55075 Feature Editor-Nancy I. Zander Reese, BT, 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac, Des Plaines, IL 60016 Historian-Esther Kaufman Gatseos, BB (Mrs . George) , 6659 E. Eastman , Denver, CO 80224


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NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE Delegate Alternate Delegate First Alternate Second Alternate




Sidney Gremillion Allen Betty Urban Wallick Rhetta Nesbitt Robinson MaryAnn Linton


~0 C:J'b'




=====Directory===== NATIONAL COLLEGIATE PROVINCE DIRECTORS PROVINCE I DIRECTOR Joyce Marie Hoffman , ai, 791 1 Mandan Road T2 , Greenbelt, MD 20770 SUNY College at Buffalo, Pi Pi-Buffalo, NY 14222 Rochester Institute of Technology, Gamma Iota-Rochester, NY 14623

PROVINCE II DIRECTOR Bonnie Oswald , rx , 1504 Evergreen Avenue , Pittsburgh, PA 15209 Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Alpha Gamma-Indiana, PA 15701 Clarion University, Gamma OmicronClarion , PA 16214 Slippery Rock University, Gamma XiSlippery Rock, PA 16057 Edinboro University, Gamma Psi-Edinboro , PA 16412

PROVINCE Ill DIRECTOR Susanne Withsosky , NN, 3426 Powelton Ave ., Apt. 2A, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Penn State University, Gamma Eta-University Park, PA 16802 East Stroudsburg University, Gamma Rho-East Stroudsburg , PA 18301 Mansfield University, Delta EpsilonMansfield, PA 16933 Bloomsburg University, Delta ChiBloomsburg , PA 17815

PROVINCE IV DIRECTOR Jane B. Ramsey Warren a i (Mrs . Richard), 331 Persimmon Tree Apt. , Dover, De 19901 Temple University, Kappa Kappa-Philadelphia, PA 19122 Drexel University, Nu Nu-Philadelphia, PA19104 University of Delaware, Delta Iota-Newark , DE 19711 York College of Pennsylvania, Delta Omicron-York, PA 17403

PROVINCE V DIRECTOR Debbie Par, aP , 12 17 F. Gaskins Road , Richmond , VA 23233 Longwood College, Alpha-Farmville, VA 23901 James Madison University, Beta Epsilon-Harrisonburg, VA 22 801 Virginia Common wealth University, Epsilon Gamma (Colony) Richmond , Virginia

PROVINCE VI DIRECTOR Cherie Fink Shallock, aZ (Mrs. Ed14

FALL 1983

ward) , 223 Burr Oak Dr. , Lynchburg, Va 24502 Radford University, Beta Iota-Radford, Va 24141 Concord College, Beta Pi-Athens, WV 24712 Elon College, Delta Rho-Eion College , NC 27244

Northern Illinois University, Beta RhoDeKalb, IL 60115 Loyola University, Gamma Lambda-Chicago , IL 60626 DePaul University, Delta Eta-Chicago, IL 60614 University of Illinois, Epsilon BetaChampaign , IL 61820



Donna LeMaster, BN , 1048 Claybourne Road, Louisville , KY 40314 Murray State University, Beta Nu-Murray, KY 42071 Eastern Illinois University, Gamma Omega-Charleston , IL 61920 Indiana State University, Delta KappaEvansville, IN 47711

Connie Peyton Glidewell, ZZ (Mrs . Paul F.), 1908 Madison , Trenton , MO 64683 Northeast Missouri State University, Alpha Beta-Kirksville, MO 63501 Northwest Missouri State University, Phi Phi-Maryville , MO 64468 Missouri Valley College, Gamma Pi-Marshall , MO 65340

PROVINCE VIII DIRECTOR Jean Hoffman , BT, 310 East First Street, Greensburg, IN 47240 Miami University, Alpha Alpha-Oxford , OH 45056 Ball State University, Chi Chi-Muncie, IN 47301 Indiana State University, Beta UpsilonTerre Haute, IN 4 7807

PROVINCE IX DIRECTOR Barbara Johnston Hofmockel, (Mrs . Larry) , 3903 Canterbury Road , Kalamazoo, Ml 49007 Adrian College, Gamma Mu-Adrian, Ml 49221 General Motors Institute, Delta Nu AFlint, Ml 48504 General Motors Institute, Delta Nu BFiint, Ml 48504 Saginaw Valley State College, Delta Sigma-University Center, Ml Central Michigan University, Beta Theta-M!. Pleasant , Ml 48858

PROVINCE X DIRECTOR Patty McCarthy DiTolla, BB (Mrs . Stephen) , 8122 Carr Ct. , Arvada, CO 80005 University of Northern Colorado, Beta Beta-Greeley, CO 80631 Dickinson State College, Beta Eta-Dickinson , ND 58601

PROVINCE XI DIRECTOR Linda Barzano Snyder, rB (Mrs . Gary) , 2631 Spruce St. , River Grove, IL 60171 Western Illinois University, Beta KappaMacomb, IL 61455

PROVINCE XIII DIRECTOR Patricia Foster, EE, 708 W. Glenwood, Springfield, MO 65807 Central Missouri State University, Zeta Zeta-Warrensburg , MO 64093 Southwest Missouri State University, Beta Sigma-Springfield, MO 65802 Emporia State University, Epsilon Epsilon-Emporia, KS 66801 Pittsburg State University, Eta Eta-Pittsburg , KS 66762

PROVINCE XIV DIRECTOR Paula Halfast Brown , Br, 3015 E. Jackson , Broken Arrow , OK 7 401 2 University of Central Arkansas, Beta Lambda-Conway, AR 72032 Henderson State University, Beta MuArkadelphia, AR 71923 University of Arkansas at Monticello , Gamma Zeta-Monticello , AR 71655 Southern Arkansas University, Epsilon Alpha-Magnolia, AR

PROVINCE XV DIRECTOR Marilyn Man ion Statton , BB (Mrs . Robert) , 2806 Durban Dr., Houston , TX 77043 University of Texas at San Antonio, Delta Upsilon-San Antonio, TX 78285

PROVINCE XVI Nancy Szalwinski, Ba, 211 9-A Broadway , New Orleans , LA 70118 University of Southern Mississippi Beta Delta-Hattisburg, MS 39401 University of Southern Louisiana Beta Zeta-Lafayette , LA 70506 THE PHOENI X OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

=====Directory===== NATIONAL ALUMNAE PROVINCE DIRECTORS REGION I DIRECTOR Joan Rindfletsch Runckel, PI (Mrs. Gary), 65 Lafayette Blvd., Williamsville, NY 14221 States-Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York; Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware Boston, Massachusetts-Miss Jean Barbarick, 35 Pilgrim Way, East Walpole, MA 02032 Buffalo, New York-Mrs . Thomas A. Lucia, 59 Pfohl Pl., Williamsville, NY 14221 Central Pennsylvania-Mrs. D. Ray Koons, RR #2, Box 132, Keller Dr., Red Lion, PA 17356 Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania-Mrs. William Schwarze, 3 Longpoint Lane, Media, PA 19063 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-Mrs. Paul Butler, 635 Seminole, Philadelphia, PA 19116 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-Mrs. Thomas J. Wezorek, 563 Lebanon Manor Dr., West Mifflin, PA 15122 Rochester, New York-Mrs. Daniel J. Phelps, 1 86 Kirk Stone Pass, Rochester, NY 14626 Scranton, Pennsylvania-Mrs. William Michael Salva, 204 Third St., Dalton, PA 18414 Nittany Valley, Pennsylvania-Miss Sandra Ross, 129-A N. Monroe St., Bellefonte, PA 16823 Wilmington, Delaware-Mrs. John Benge, 1802 North Scott, Wilmington, DE 19806

REGION II DIRECTOR Diane (Dolly) Purvis Loyd, B~. (Mrs. Alan), 2300 Lincoln Road, #140, Hattiesburg; MS 39401 States-Washington, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee. Charlotte, North Carolina-Mrs. William A. Higgins, 13521 Five Gait Court, Matthews, NC 2821 5 Fort Lauderdale, Florida-Mrs . John M. Fuerst, 7500 N. W. 30th Pl. #1 06, Sunrise, FL 33313 Hattiesburg, Mississippi-Mrs. Dolly Loyd, 2300 Lincoln Road #140, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Jackson, Mississippi-Mrs. H. Michael Webb, 303 Shiloh Rd., Brandon, MS 39402 THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Jackson Purchase, Kentucky-Christine Marie Krueger, 1404'h Jefferson, Paducah, KY 42601 Lexington, Kentucky-Mrs. Henry Harned, Rt. 3, Hickman Rd., Frankfort, KY 40601 Metro Atlanta-Mrs . James L. Frink, 4453 Sheila Court, Lilburn, GA 3024 7 Mississippi Gulf Coast-Mrs. Jimmy Estes, 601 Commerce St., Gulfport, MS 39501 Norfolk, Virginia-Lynn Wyndham, 4549 Princess Anne Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Peninsula, Virginia-Mrs. James T. Scott, Jr., 11 Rutledge Rd., Newport News, VA 23601 Piedmont, North Carolina-Mrs. Michael J. Robinson, P.O. Box 1177, Elon College, NC 27244 Richmond, Virginia-Ms. Debbie Parr, Cabin Creek Apts., 1 21 7 -F Gaskins Road, Richmond, Va 23233 Roanoke Valley, Virginia-Rebecca Oliver, 2908 Tully Dr., NW, Roanoke, VA 24019 Tri-City, Florida (Clearwater, St. Petersburg and Tampa)-Mrs . James Dietrich, 12908-124th Avenue N, Largo, FL33540 Washington, D.C.-Mrs. Judith Parkinson, 16560 Emory Lane, Rockville, MD 20853


Cincinnati, Ohio-Mrs. Mary Backsman, 1361 Oak Knoll Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45224 Columbus, Indiana-Jean Hoffman, Rt. 10, Crestwood Resort, Greensburg, In 47240 Columbus, Ohio-Mrs. James Sowards, 879 Oxley Road, Columbus, OH 43212 Dayton, Ohio-Mrs. Roger Shoffner, 816 Long Creek Dr., Dayton, OH 45459 Elkhart Goshen, Indiana-Mrs. William Cork, 53908 Delaney, Elkhart, IN 46514 Fort Wayne, Indiana-Mrs. Richard Phillips, 5107 Chippewa, Ft. Wayne, In 46804 Huntington, West Virginia-Mrs . Paul Leffinger, P.O. Box 302, Chesapeake, OH 45619 Indianapolis, Indiana-Mrs. Rik Lineback, 8240 Taunton, Indianapolis, IN 46260 Muncie, Indiana-Mrs . Terry Schurr, 420 McKenzie, Muncie, IN 47304 Newark-Zanesville, Ohio-Mrs. Norman Cogswell, 1070 W. Church St., Newark, OH 43055 Princeton, West Virginia-Patricia Peterson, E 11 Fox Ridge Apts., Princeton, wv 24740 Richmond, Indiana-Mrs. William C. Weller, Jr., 335 SW 15th St., Richmond, IN 47375 South Bend, Indiana-Mrs. Donald Myers, 21 7 E. Lowell, Mishawaka, IN 46545

Elizabeth Zubinski Heidel, (Mrs. James P.), 4515 Stanley, Downers Grove, IL 60515 States-Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, West Virginia Akron, Ohio-Mrs. James Cowan, 1086 Columbus Ave., Barberton, OH 44203 Anderson, Indiana-Mrs. James Baden, 108 Thorn Dr., Anderson, IN 46011 Charleston, West Virginia-Mrs. James Gunte, 2992 Ruth St., Charleston, WV 25302 Chicago, Illinois-Mrs . Betty Hall, 342 D Higgins Rd ., Park Ridge, IL 60068 Chicago-Metro, Illinois-Mrs. Beth Heidel, 4515 Stanley , Downers Grove, IL 6051 5 Chicago, Illinois (North Suburban)-Nancy Zander Reese, 828 S. Gulf Cui de Sac, Des Plaines, IL 60016 Chicago Illinois (West Suburban)-Mrs . William Virkus, 905 S. Grant, Villa Park, IL60181 FALL 1983


=====Directory===== Southwestern Indiana-Kathy Woods , 441 Plaza Drive , Evansville, In 47715 Terre Haute, Indiana-Mrs. Jane Graham , 38 Brooksh ire Drive , Terre Haute, In 47803

REGION IV DIRECTOR States-Wisconsin , Michigan, Minnesota , Iowa, North and South Dakota, Montana Adrian, Detroit and Toledo , MichiganMs. Barb Salenbeim, 2468 Sandcreek Highway, Adrian , Ml 49221 Detroit, Michigan (Delta Phi)-Mrs . Harvey Bumgardner, 560 East Long Lake Rd ., Bloomfield Hills, Ml48013 Detroit, Michigan (Sigma Rho Chi)-Margaret Sautter, 204 75 Balfour #4 , Harper Woods , Ml 48225 Detroit, Pleasant Ridge, Michigan-Mrs. Jill Stanley, 23720 Brownstone Sq. Dr., # 202 Romulus, Ml48174 Dickinson, North Dakota-Mrs . Keith Anderson, 411 6th Ave . W., Dickinson, NO 58601 Flint, Michigan-Jully Buran Seybert, 2525 Tyrone, Flint, Ml 48504 Grand Rapids, Michigan-Mrs . Jerry M. VanDusen , 7271 Belding, Rockford , Ml49341 Kalamazoo , Michigan-Mrs . Ron De Young , 1609 Kilgore Rd ., Kalamazoo , Ml49008 Milwaukee , Wiscons in-Mrs . Robert Borowski, 3539 N. 79th St., Milwaukee , WI 53222 Mt. Pleasant, Michigan-Mrs . Michael Martin , 1612 Mary Ann Mt. Pleasant , M148858 Twin City, Minnesota-Mrs . Neal Hahn ,

1222 Woodbridge , St. Paul , MN 55117

REGION V DIRECTOR Virginia Selle Turney, Be (Mrs . Arthur) , 2210 E. Vista Ave ., Phoenix , AZ 85020 States-Washington, Oregon , Idaho, California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming , Arizona, New Mexico, Texas , Alaska, Hawaii Dallas , Texas-LaQuita L. Caruthers , 507 Birch Lane, Richardson, TX 75081 Houston, Texas-Suzanne Page , 1829 Bering Drive #16 , Houston, TX 77057 Northern California-Linda Christian , 5050 Rhonda Dr. , San Jose , CA 95129 Phoenix, Arizona-Mary Lou Moseke, 3620 W. Royal Palm Road , Phoenix, AZ 85021 San Diego, California-Jacqueline Faye Wisherd , 5800 Lake Murry Blvd ., #20 , LaMesa, Ca 92041

REGION VI DIRECTOR Elizabeth Elliott Moore, BE, 704 Candlelight Lane , St. Louis, MO 63132 States-Colorado , Nebraska, Kansas , Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana Bartlesville, Oklahoma-Mrs . John Dalgarn, 1327 S. Dewey, Bartlesville, OK 74003 Denver, Colorado-Mrs . Mark Meyer, 8014 Rossman Gulch Road , Morrison , 80465 Emporia, Kansas-Mrs . Steve Commons, 719 Walnut, Emporia, KS 66501

Greater Kansas City-Mrs. Dennis Fox, 5827 E. 98th Ct. , Kansas City, MO 64134 Maryville, Missouri-Mrs. James Ray , 729 W. Second, Maryville, MO 64468 Omaha, Nebraska-Mrs . Michael Lawler, 12961 Harney, Omaha, NE 68154 Northern Colorado-Kim Bernhardt, 828 12th St. , Apt . #102, Greeley, CO 80631 Central Arkansas-Gail Wilson , 600 Nan Circle, Little Rock, AR 72211 Lafayette, Louisiana-Angela I. Dantzler, 713 Auburn St. , Lafayette, LA 70503 New Orleans , Louisiana-Mrs . Allen Bourgeois, 4724 Park Drive South, Metairie, LA 70001 Pikes Peak, Colorado-Heather Huber, 11 445 Buckskin Lane , Colorado Springs, CO 80908 Pittsburg, Kansas-Mrs . Marlin Carson, 203 W. Lexington, Girard, KS 667 43 St. Louis, Missouri-Mrs. Stephen Bochantin, 320 N. Dellwood, Ferguson , MO 63125 Southeast Arkansas-Mrs. Sharon Braswell, 2039 Dell , Forest City , AR 72335 Springfield , Missouri-Ms . Monica Grasser, 2934 E. Eastwood, Springfield , MO 65804 Topeka , Kansas-Mrs . Robert Hayn , 129 NE 58th , Topeka, KS 66617 Tulsa , Oklahoma-Mrs . Joe Bennett, 4317 S. 26 W . Ave., Tulsa, OK 74107


Could you use a scholarship? Of course you could! Don't del ay. Contact your chapter philanthropic chairman or write National Headquarters for an application blank today. Completed applications must be ma iled by February 10, 1984 to: Mrs. Paula C. Foreman National Philanth ropic Cha irman 410 N. Duke Street Millersville, PA 17551


FALL 1983


New faces and a new name by Sue Zorichak Not only have the faces changed, but so has the namethose "queens of the road" for Alpha Sigma Alpha are now termed Chapter Consultants, a more descriptive title. The job remains the same, however, and Beth Ann Colwell, BB, and Jan Verfurth, BE, set out in August to pick up on that never-ending sorority trail where their predecessors left off. The two are no strangers to travel, as both have lived rather nomadic lives due to their fathers' careers. Both knew as early as their junior years in college that they wanted to travel for the sorority, and established quite impressive collegiate careers to qualify, including attending Convention 1982. Beth, born in Wapalo, Iowa, spent the first 10 years of her life living in eight different houses along the California coast. After moving to Colorado, she remembers wondering how long they'd stay. It's been 12 years now (in one house!), and she's not sure if she prefers "sailing and beaching in sunny California or rafting, camping and hiking in the Colorado Rockies." She pledged BB in 1979, and spent the next four years serving as pledge class president, assistant rush chairman, house manager and president, as well as on numerous committees. While at the University of Northern Colorado, she studied rehabilitation and related services, emphasizing criminal justice. She plans to attend law school in Boulder, Colorado, after her year traveling. Topping her list of things important to her is her family, to whom she is very close. Although the roads ahead are those she's never seen before, she's "excited to meet and work with everyone, to see new campuses and cities, and especially to share your sisterhood!" THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Jan, whose parents are both Greeks, pledged at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, first semester her sophomore year. She, too, jumped right into serving as an officer, as pledge class vice president, fundraising chairman and treasurer, as well as a member of the ratings and social committees. An "Air Force brat," Jan was born in Tucson, Arizona, and has lived throughout the U.S. She even lived in Panama for three years. A "lover of all sports," Jan played varsity soccer her freshman year, attended all sports events, and actively participated in intramurals. She received a degree in finance with an economics minor, so every chapter's books should be whipped into shape in no time! In addition to her sorority and athletic accomplishments, Jan was also a member of Gamma Gamma, an honor society for the top five percent of outstanding Greeks on campus. Both "CCs" love dancing and music, and (after the work is done, of course!) would probably welcome a chance to dance away the dreaded "20 chapters-20 pounds" disease. Beth and Jan will be visiting more chapters this year than were visited last year; if you don't get the chance to meet them, there's always . . . Convention in Kansas City! -t< -t<

The first visit to National Headquarters is always an exciting time, and it was no different for Beth Colwell (I) and Jan Verfurth as they explored the archives at Headquarters.


During the first of many visits they will make to headquarters this year, 路Beth (center) and Jan (I) had the opportunity to discuss rush ideas with Debbie Sharp, National Rush Chairman, who was visiting from Missouri.

FALL 1983


====Alumnae Action==== Special Olympics, election of officers dominate spring activities Denver, Colorado

Working, learning, earning . . . fun! The Denver alums have been busy in 1983. In January they held a working meeting at the Colorado Special Olympics Headquarters and had a fundraiser , earning $200 toward sending a Colorado Special Olympian to the International Games. Their Valentine event was a box luncheon at the home of National Executive Vice President Marlys White. For the meeting at the home of Louan Nevin in March, National Historian Esther Gatseos explained the Colorado legislative process, as she is a Visitor's Aide at the Colorado statehouse. Spring events included a "Wine Tasting" party at the home of Presi dent Kathy Hunter in April, followed by the Denver Area Panhellenic luncheon later in the month. The luncheon was the 75th anniversary celebration. The installation of new officers for the 1983-85 biennium was held in May. New officers are Kim Ramsey Meyer , President ; Karen Swartz Stegall , Vice President; Christy Tharp , Secretary ; Barbra Armbruster Hermes , Treasurer; Kathy Erwin Hunter , Editor ; and Ellen Funk Akers , Louan Southworth Nevin and Libby McWilliams, Panhellenic Delegates. The installation program was followed by a dessert party with Judy Slusher Woodring serving as hostess at her beautiful mountain home. Taking inventory at a local department store in July served as a fund raiser for the membership campaign. The alumnae also had membership campaign committee meetings and the board met in July to plan an interesting and rewarding 1983 -84 program .


FALL 1983

Denver alumnae eagerly anticipate sampling wines and cheeses presented by expert Patty Crotts (far left). Alumnae are (I tor) Kathy Erwin Hunter, Judy Hansen, and Heather Hogan Huber.

Chicago West Suburban, Illinois

Greek dinner and road rally The Chicago West Suburban Chapter has had some fun and informative programs. They started out the new year with some brain teasers at the home of Cathy Carraro Sedlacek (BK). Their next program featured Barbara Reinke , a fellow teacher and friend of Carol Ensworth Virkus (BP). She showed slides and gave a delightful program on the year she spent in England as a Fulbright Exchange teacher. They welcomed spring at the home of Clare Campbell Hagen (XX) with a Greek dinner. Clare supplied the menu and recipes and the members provided their culinary skills. In April they joined with their husbands for a road rally . The evening was well -planned by Nancy Cepuder Reagan (BP). Even though they didn 't find all the clues , they did manage to find the pizza at the end of the race! Spring activities culminated at the home of Sandy Jarzombek Sartore (BP) with a program presented by

Barbara Giryotas , sister-in-law of Sharon Nickals Garney (BP). Barbara is a lawyer and shared many ideas on estate planning. The evening closed with a lovely candlelight installation of officers ceremony.

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Sewing for neonatal care unit Fort Lauderdale Alumnae had a salad luncheon and a cookie swap which netted $35 for their treasury . They also had a card party in June featuring installation of new officers, dessert, and finally their favorite card games in the home of former national officer , Jean McCammon King . They are planning to contribute support to the neonatal care unit at a local hospital in the form of garments and furnishings. This is an exciting project inspired by their own member , Cathy Kauffman Smoot (BT) who is a nurse in this newly-expanded and important hospital department. They have been sewing during the summer months, even if they did not formally meet.


,4 tlanta, Georgia

Summer picnic The Atlanta Chapter did not meet last spring due to scheduling difficulties. However, officers were nomi nated and the chapter had an end-ofsummer picnic for members , spouses and children . The officers had a planning meeting in August and meetings were set up and organized for the coming year.

Chicago Metro, Illinois

1Oth anniversary celebration

The Chicago Metro Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 1Oth anniversary recently with a dinner and dance at Nordic Hills Resort. Past and present members of the group attended the celebration , including Silvana Filippelo Richardson (fA), National Vice President of Collegiate Program, who came with her husband from Carbondale, Illinois. Other national officers in attendance were Beth Zubinski Heidel (ffl), Region Ill Alumnae Director and also the group's current president; Linda Barzano Snyder (fB), Province XI Director; and Nancy I. Z. Reese (BT), Phoenix Feature Editor. Silvana , who was the chapter's first president, shared some of her thoughts on what the group's support has meant to her over the years . Her husband , Bob Richardson , talked about the group's history and some of the people who have left their mark on the group. Organizing the event was Debbie Ames Smith (BP), a charter member. In April , Chicago Metro alumnae went to Champaign , Illinois, to witness the installation of a new ASA chapter on the University of Illinois campus. They pledged their support to their new and enthusiastic sisters. In May they learned creative stitchery at Ann Kutz 's home and discussed future projects . The June meeting, held at Beth Heidel's home, was highlighted by a presentat ion by a representat ive from the American Cancer Society. Officers were also elected . As is tradition , summer activit ies ended with a family picnic and time to relax , enjoy each other's company , and prepare for the coming year.


Alumnae at the Chicago Metro Chapter's 10th Anniversary were (back, 1 to r) Beth Heidel, Nancy Reese, Jan Chiles, Debbie Smith, Nancy Spitze, Denise Sifnotes, Ann Kutz, (seated) Stlvana Rtchardson, Linda Snyder, Jan Derber and Marcia Steward.

Indianapolis, Indiana

Flags for special athletes Indianapolis alumnae received gardening tips at their March meeting from an expert , Richa rd Crum of the Marion County Extension Service . An entertaining and informative slide presentation gave those present plenty of ideas for their gardens. Hostess for the occasion was Connie Morris Steinhart (BT). Province Day in April , attended by six members, was held at Miami University in Oxford , Ohio. Among those present was Anne Petrie Niemeyer (AA) , Miami graduate and president of the Indianapolis alum路 nae. Flo Morris Hayworth (XX) hosted the May meeting with the program given by Pam Mulberry (XX), a home economist with Stokely-Van Camp of Indianapolis. Pam demonstrated new ideas for preparing her company's food products. The Indianapolis alumnae chapter donated $500 to Area 8 Special Olympics and also gave them miniature checkered flags to be taken to the International Special Olympics in Baton Rouge, Louisiana , to be exchanged as souvenirs with other participants.

The annual August picnic was held with collegiate members living in the Indianapolis area .

Springfield, Missouri

Looking great! Spring meetings for the Springfield Alumnae Chapter were focused on self-improvement and enrichment as well as fellowship. A local hair care shop opened its door in March for a special afterhours demonstration on the art of applying makeup. Alumnae President Shirley King even received a new hairstyle! To help achieve that country look in decorating, the April meeting featured stenciling on fabric with a local craftsperson. The alumnae calendar for 1982-83 was completed with the annual Senior Salad Supper which honored five graduating seniors. Each senior received a Phoenix pin from the alumnae chapter and then was installed into the chapter for the com ing year. The new officers were also installed: Monica Grasser as president , Cindy Walker as vice pres ident, Beth Banta as secretary , and Robin Hammond as treasurer.

FALL 1983


====Alumnae Action==== Emporia, Kansas

Salad supper honoring seniors Activities this spring for the Emporia, Kansas, alumnae group included sponsoring a Special Olympics team , honoring the graduating seniors of Epsilon Epsilon Chapter, and electing new chapter officers. Emporia 's Special Olympics team was composed of the students of Shelley Hickman (EE) of Osage City. The alumnae chapter provided Tshirts for the students and paid their entry fees into the winter and spring Special Olympics. The money for this project was raised by each alumna donating a dime for every month of the year and a penny for every birthday she had celebrated . Traditionally Emporia 's last spring activity is a salad supper honoring the graduating seniors of Eps ilon Epsil on Chapter at Emporia State University. This spring the dinner was held at the home of Julie Lohmeyer Augustyn (EE). Each alumna donated two salads and treated the seniors to a bountiful feast. Also part of the evening was the initiation of the seniors into the alumnae chapter. Each senior was presented with a congratulatory silk rose. Following the ceremony, elections

were held for the 1983-84 officers of the Emporia Alumnae Chapter. Congratulations go to President Pam Reed Commons (EE), Vice President Patti Klee Schmitt (BK), Secretary Kenna Pearson Reeves (EE), Treasurer Angie Moreland Schreiber (EE), Editor DeAnna Koch (EE), House Manager Joyce Hug Stallbaumer (EE), Member Advisory Becky Notson Hanson (EE), Pledge Advisor Krista Brown (EE), and Philanthropic Chairman Shelley Hickman (EE).

Boston, Massachusetts

Armchair travels The Boston alums are traveling again! Many hours of interesting adventures via their armchairs have been provided by Edith Lundquist (TT}, who informed the group about her latest cruise aboard the Royal Viking Star; Edith Howlett {TT), a traveler to the South Seas ; and Mable Peterson (TT), whose tour focused on Mark Twain . Frances Phelon (TT), treasurer of the Boston alums, was the hostess for the spring meeting and a luncheon get-together was held in June for members and their guests.

Newark-Zanesville, Ohio

Planning State Day

Emporia alumnae president, Pam Reed Commons (EE), presents Epsilon Epsilon 's outstandmg senior. Anita Ltchtenhan, with a graduation rose.


FALL 1983

The Newark-Zanesville alumnae held their spring meeting at the Country Basket Buffet in Dresden, Ohio. Grace Cogswell was elected president, Zina Kennedy vice presi dent, and Mildred Benson , Ethel Guthrie, and Madge Patterson will continue as treasurer, secretary , and philanthropic chairmen respectively. Madge presented a certificate to the chapter in recognition of their contributions to Special Olympics. President Zina read letters acknowledging the chapter's contributions to the Zanesville Handicapped School and Alpha Sigma Alpha 's Development Fund . The chapter agreed to hostess Ohio 's State Day next April. Programs and favors for the State Day participants were the focus of their August potluck picnic.

Central Pennsylvania

Real Pennsylvania Dutch Marion Nolt Lefever (KK) served as hostess for the spring luncheon held at her home in southern Lancaster County. Everyone enjoyed visiting her farm and the Pennsylvania Dutch cook ing was a real treat. In May they gathered at the home of Paula Cyrus Foreman PP in Millersville for a Special Olympics workshop. They prepared nametags, certificates, and ribbons for the regional meet which was held on the campus of Millersville State College. It was their first project and left them with a feeling of satisfaction knowing they had helped make the games a success. The summer meeting and cookout was held at the home of Natalie Grayson (~0) in York. Officers were installed and everyone said goodby until the fall luncheon in October.

Dallas, Texas

Hors d 'oeuvres and husbands The Greater Dallas Alumnae chapter met in March for a luncheon in a member's home. The entire lunch was prepared in a microwave oven by another member who demonstrates microwave cooking regularly. Everyone left determined to use their own ovens more often . In May they attended Special Olympics. An Alpha Sig made the banner used in the parade for one group of athletes. After carefully selecting events that would allow them to be home by noon, their scheduled departure was delayed when one of the athletes asked an alumna to " clear your head to you can cheer for me. " Everyone is a winner at the Special Olympics! According to tradition, they had a swimming party in late summer to make plans for the following year. Hors d 'oeuvres and husbands were included. They also planned a baby shower for one of the members.


====Alumnae Action.==== Dickinson, North Dakota

Medora memories After meeting at the assigned place in Dickinson, two cars full of Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae drove to the Rough Rider Hotel in Medora for a lunch of beer-cheese soup, salads and huge sandwiches. The conversation was great as well as the lunch . Those making the journey were Ann Aberson Cook , Bertha Geiger, Cathy Kuylen Gruman, Janice McBride Henning , Marlys Swanson Paulson, Gerri Jesperson Schilla , Marleen Herman Schnaidt, Loraine S. Schumacher, Coral Gruman Willer and Leila G. Woods. Janice and Loraine were the drivers that took everyone to the rustic tourist town where the Marquis de Mores and his wife , M路e dora , lived . They missed the "younger" members as many were spending their time taking a required class for teacher certification. However, the "older" members made it again! The waitress of the hotel said, "It is wonderful that all the sorority sisters could keep in touch ." Little did she know that they play tourist every summer and that most of the alums see each other quite often during the year. While Leila G . Woods " people watched ,.._ the rest of the group scoured the tourist shops for souvenirs. Marlys did most of the shopping and others in the group used the outing to get ready for the Delta Kappa Gamma convention in the fabulous Tetons in Wyoming . _As always, the day ended happily with the purchase of ice cream cones , sodas , sundaes and soft drinks . Then (with a minor delay for car trouble) everyone set off into the truly beautiful scenery of the Badlands and the drive back to Dickinson.

Akron, Ohio

Panhellenic raises money for children Akron alumnae enjoyed a spring luncheon at the Carnaby Street Inn in March. In April they attended the Akron Panhellenic Luncheon and Style


Show held at Poartage Country Club for the benefit of the allowance fund for the children of the Summit County Children's Home . A meeting was held at the home of Ann Bajc (BP) in May and in June officers were elected at Lil Greer's (aa) home. Good luck to the following new officers: president , June Western Cowan (AB); vice president, Karen Frame Karpinski (rK); secretary, Dorothy Hollinger Scott (aa); and treasurer, Lil Greer (aa).

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Alpha Sig Panhellenic treasurer Tulsa Alumnae have been busy all year, ~eet~ng each month and staymg active m Tulsa City Panhellenic. They did take time for one wedding and several babies. In December, Paula Halfast (Br} was married to James Clay Brown . Carol Wright gave her little boy a new baby brother, Pat Garvin had a boy , and a baby girl arrived for Wendy Hendricks. Whew! In April the alums met with President Christy Bennet (rr) in her lovely home . The same officers were elected for next year. June closed events for the Tulsa City Panhellenic. Several Alpha Sigs went to the lovely luncheon and installation of officers at the Candlewood Club. Marilyn Ramsey Garbee (BE) was installed as treasurer of Panhellenic. Members present were Bobby Thompson Burwell (Br), Helen Hooper Malone (Br), and Lora Patterson Sipes (rr). Tulsa alumnae are also proud of Barbie McPherson (Br) who is working very hard with the blind and handicapped children in the school in Muskogee. Her whole heart is in it. "83-year-olds need to keep moving ," says Tulsa alum Lora Sipes. She and her partner won first place in the highest category for their waltzing at the International Arthur Murray Dance Competition held in Acapulco, Mexico . She was also named sweetheart of the Tulsa studio.

Terre Haute, Indiana

Memorial fund established During the month of February, Terre Haute alumnae held their annua! Valentine luncheon with Beta UpSilon Chapter at the First Congregational Church. Wygonda Foltz, Ruth Hoare, and Lorene Nadzeika were the hostesses. Deb Parker, Lisa MacDonald , Rene Rutherford , and Susan Shoaf were initiated into the alum~~e. organizat~on. Also, the following Initiates received their active pins: Shawn Antell, Vicki Boger, Angie Lynch , Charlotte Douglass, Dee Colvin, Lisa Ritter , Teresa Moore, and Dawn Hylton. In March , their meeting was at the home of Rhonda Majors where she presented an Amway make-up demonstration. April was a very busy month with two meetings. The first was a tour of Foley Hall at St. Mary-of-the-Woods College. Laura Mitchell was the hostess. The second was a brunch at the home of Norma Ross. At this time they started a housing fund for the collegiates at ISU so they can relocate their suite when necessary. Rhonda Majors also presented another make-up demonstration. In May, some members went to the City Panhellenic installation held at the Briarpatch. Alpha Sig Brenda Scott was installed as vice president. Terre Haute alumnae helped sell souvenirs during a Special Olympics track meet held at Marks Field at ISU. Their June meeting was held at the home of Rachel Griffith in Marshall, Illinois. Jane Graham , Norma Ross , Terry Miller, and Barb Black were installed as president, vice president , secretary and treasurer, respectively. Ruth Hoare conducted a memorial service for Mary Pennington, who died in April. A memorial fund has been established in her honor to help an active member who has completed her sophomore year at ISU.

FALL 1983


===stars in Our Crown==== Alpha Sigma Alpha is Omaha Woman of the Year The Omaha Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha is pleased to announce that member Mrs. Joseph Lechner (Lois) has been chosen as Omaha Alumnae Panhellenic Woman of the Year at the Panhellenic annual luncheon held May 19, 1983 at the Cloud Room at the Kiewit Center. Mrs. Lechner, Gamma Alpha Chapter, was a charter member of the active chapter (1955) as well as a charter member of the alumnae chapter (1957). Mrs. Lechner held offices in both the active chapter at Creighton University as well as in the alumnae chapter where she has served in an executive capacity for many years and as treasurer for ten of those years. Mrs. Lechner, in addition, was an advisor for seven years to the Gamma Alpha chapter. On the state level, Mrs. Lechner served as an organizer for two years of the Kansas-Missouri -Nebraska State Day activities. Moreover, Mrs. Lechner has served as alumnae liaison to National Alpha Sigma Alpha between 1957-1970 in updating alumnae records at Creighton University. Margaret Allen Dibert (XX) modeling her award winning dress.

Award-winning seamstress

Congratulating Mrs. Joseph Lechner (center) are the in-coming President of the Omaha Alumnae Panhellemc. Mrs. J. Wilson Sneed (left) and out-gomg President Mrs. John Smith.


FALL 1983

Mrs. Margaret Allen Diebert (XX) is an outstanding member of the Ft. W ayne Alumnae Chapter. Having sewn for many years, she is an expert seamstress . Last year she designed and made her own mother-of-the-bride dress to wear at her daughter's winter wedding. She also made her daughter's dress, the maid-of-honor's dress, and did all the flower arrangements. Urged by her Home Extension Club to enter the gown at the fair, she entered it in the Allen County Fair Fashion Show and won first prize in the evening wear/special occasion category. The dress, pictured here, is mauve color, and made of double georgette 100% polyester, with capped sleeves and a rounded neckline. It is draped to the left side . The lined jacket has long sleeves and also drapes to the left side, fastened by fabric loops. In August she entered and modeled the gown in the State Fair competition at Indianapolis. She won a first place again , and received a silver engraved tray. Margaret , a retired teacher, also paints china , does oil painting , counted cross -stitch , and travels in her spare time. The Ft. Wayne Alumnae Chapter is proud to have her as a member. THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

===stars in Our Crown===

Terre Haute's "Special" banner Several Terre Haute alumnae spent the summer cutting and glueing this banner made of blue, white and yellow felt. The Special Olympics logo is in one corner with the words Indiana Special Olympics in large yellow letters. Linda Hill (its desi gner), Norma Ross and Mary Fran Wiley worked until the banner covered Linda's living room floor. It was first used during the opening ceremonies at the state meet held on the Indiana State University campus when Rose Kennedy appeared as guest speaker. Now the banner is in New York . They have been asked to make another one. Alumnae in Terre Haute also sell souvenirs during the Special Olympics activities held on the ISU campus each June and help the Beta Upsilons with registration at their annual Special Olympics Skate-a-thon.

Newlyweds Paula Halfast and James C. Brown

Congratulation-s to Paula &Jim

Alpha Sigs Mary Fran Wiley and Norma Ross present their banner made b y Terre Haute alumnae to Dan Te Gro tenhuis, Director of Programs for the Indiana Special Olympics.


Tulsa Alumnae would like路 to share the happiness of the newlyweds in their group , Paula Halfast and Jim Brown , joined 路 in a family wedding in Tulsa last December. Paula , a graduate of Northeastern State University, has been teaching 12 years. She has served as National Scholarship Chairman for sbc years and as a Province Director for three years. She has also held several offices in the Tulsa Alumnae Chapte r.. Jim is a native of Oklahoma路 and is the district manager of the southwest region of Wrangler women 's wear. He attended Oklahoma University where he was a member of Delta Upsilon fra ternity . FALL 1-983路 23

Campus sights and sounds A SPORTS psychologist has been named at the University of Illinois. He is believed to be the first full-time psychological counselor hired by a major university. GAMMA PHI BETA and Pi Kappa Alpha at Purdue held a 24 hour "jumpathon" which raised $1 ,750 to help finance a new cancer ward at a local hospitaL SUMMER STUDENTS at the University of South Carolina attended two-hour classes four days a week instead of the usual 90-minute classes on five days. By shutting off air conditioning in classrooms and offices from Thursday afternoon until Monday morning, the university expected to save $150,000. The students liked the long weekends at home, at the beach, or time for doing research. DELTA TAU DELTA at Bethany College (W. Va.) raised more than $2,000 for the Crippled Children's Society through a 24 hour relay, logging 214 miles around the track. IBM will give $40 million worth of

computers to 20 universities in an effort to insure that graduate students in engineering are familiar with the latest technology in manufacturing and design . Another $10 million for planning new engineering curricula will be awarded to five universities. (Chronicle of Higher Education)

THETA CHI and Zeta Psi members at Worcester Polytechnic (Mass.) patrol the neighborhood nightly from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. as a crime watch service. Break-ins and vandalism had been frequent in the area which includes many elderly residents of apartment houses. Since the program began, there hasn't been a break-in, theft, or vandalism. Goodwill has greatly increased with neighbors sending cooked "goodies" to the fraternities. (Chronicle) A NEW GRADUATE program at Emory University will grant joint degrees in business administration and theology. The idea is to get some market economics into church administration. (Wall Street

the UCLA Theater Arts Library. Included are scripts, scrapbooks, posters, awards, and autographed photos from Cecil B. DeMille. (UP/) PLAY DAY . Sigma Phi Epsilon members at the University of Missouri/Rolla spent an afternoon playing with children at the · Rolla Cerebral Palsy SchooL The school was one of the recipients of proceeds from the Greek Week Carnival which raised money through booths, games, and races. SENIOR POWER. Cornell employs three semi-retirees four hours a night for three nights a week to telephone former students who owe money to the university. Within a month, the two men and one woman had collected enough to pay their salaries and telephone expenses for a year. WOMEN DENTISTS are increasing in numbers. In 1960 only about 2% of dental school graduates were women. By 1980, 20% of them were women SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON members at Towson State (Md.) raised $3,500 for the American Diabetes Association by rolling a beer keg 50 miles. It took them 15 hours.


CHARLTON HESTON has donated his collection of memorabilia to

CHANGEOFADDRESSORNAME You can help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amount of · mo2n5ey each year by sendong to the N~tional Headquar· ters any change of address or name. The Post Office n w h address. o c arges cents for each returned magazone or change of Keep usyour informed and help us save! You are responsibl e f or c h angong · receiving Phoenix. your address promptly ·of you wish to continue ~~~~~~~~oved or married? Mail completed form with mailing label attached to·

MA ALPHA NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS- 1201 East Walnut , Spri.ngfield, Missouri 65802 College Chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Year of lnilialion _ __

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- - I am enclosing $8.00 for my annual alumnae dues.

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