of Alpha Sigma Alpha
Winter 1986
====special Olympics ====
Can the weak unite the world? by Sargent Shriver " Uniting the world " ? Isn't that a grandiose statement to make about a sports program for people with mental retardation? Even if Special Olympics is the world's first and largest sports program of its kind , isn't it a gross exaggeration to say that Special Olympics is "uniting the world"? The answer is maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe yes, because sometimes it seems that only death resulting from a potential nuclear holocaust seems able to transfix the attention of the world's power elites, thereby uniting the world through fear. May no, because paradoxically, the weak in their innocence may succeed in diverting the strong in their insolence more effectively than propaganda, politics and even the peril of mass destruction. ls it possible that Special Olympics is uniting the world? Maybe it is. Worldwide Special Olympics programs are run by a network of over 500,000 volunteers who serve as coaches , officials, fund -raisers, drivers, publicists, " huggers" and more. Participation is open to any person having mental retardation , 8 years and up. No one is too handicapped to take part. Each person competes to the extent of his or her ability, and no achievement is too small , no time too slow. What Special Olympics athletes may lack in speed and strength , they more than make up in effort and determination. Beyond the gold , silver and bronze medals, beyond their ribbons, the hugs and the cheers , there is a higher prize to be won : respect for the way the game is played . Special Olympians share in the purest spirit of sports: the ol ympics of overcoming , of meeting challenges and reaching 2
WI TER 1986
Eunice Shriver cheers special athletes from the sidelines.
goals, of nsmg above handicaps nature has imposed on them. U.S. President John F . Kennedy once said that a nation's greatness can be measured by the way it treats its weakest citizens. When nations join together to improve the lives of their least powerful citizens, they form a bond of caring that rivals any military, economic or industrial power. I have seen this power and this spirit in Special Olympics programs throughout the world. Though only 17 years old , Special Olympics continues to enjoy a phenomenal and almost inexplicable growth . It's booming worldwide . Like computer chips, the world can 't seem to get enough of Special Olympics. In the last 1O years alone, the program has quintupled in number of athletes in volunteers and in worldwide' acceptance . Without a " sales force, "
Special Olympics has sprung up in more than 60 countries. It brings together old and young, male and female , North and South, East and West, white and black and yellow, communist, capitalist and socialist, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims and atheists, rich and poor. Special Olympics disarms the belligerent. It soothes ravelled spirits. It elicits joy from participants, officials, volunteers, brothers and sisters, parents, public officials. Rancor retreats when individuals with retardation demonstrate their skills. So, maybe it's not an exaggeration to assert that Special Olympics is " uniting the world. " The first International Special Olympics Games were held during the summer of 1968 at Chicago's Soldier Field. Over 1,000 mentally retarded athletes from the U.S. and Canada competed in a series of track and field and swimming events. The 1983 International Summer Games featured more than 4,000 Special Olympians from 50 nations . Special Olympics has opened a window to the world through which heads of nations, community leaders and people from every walk of life have come to know and appreciate the strengths and achievements of human beings who have met more challenges than most of us will ever face. With open hearts and outstretched hands people with mental retardation everywhere are building bridges of peace. They are truly uniting the world. Editor's Note: International Special Olympics Summer Games are held every four years. In 1987, they will be July 30-Aug. 8 on the campuses of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College in South Bend, IN. * *
In This Issue Volume 71
Number 2
Winter 1986
7 Make your plans to attend convention
4 AEA takes helm of NPC Alpha Sigma Alpha's National Panhellenic Conference delegate, Sidney G. Allen, became the national chairman of NPC at ceremonies during the conference's meeting at the Doral Country Club in Miami. This once in a 52-year occurrence is also the first time an Alpha Sigma Alpha member has held the post. Turn the page and read about the conference and the women who attended this historic event.
EDITOR Nancy I. Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cul de Sac Des Plaines, IL 60016
PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor Kim R. Meyer 8014 Rossman Gulch Rd. Morrison, CO 80465
Collegiate Editor Crelia Rowlette 3861 N. Cherry Ln. Kansas City, MO 64116
Feature Editor Sue Zorichak Hagen 1406 Balsam Eagan , MN 55122
The women of Denver are working hard to make the 1986 convention the best ever. Read about the agenda planned for the convention as well as what special treats the city of Denver has in store for you. Also included is information on how to request a convention registration form and how you can write for more information about Denver and the state of Colorado.
8 ........... Collegiate Corner
On the Cover Sidney G. Allen, Alpha Sigma Alpha NPC delegate and now chairman of National Panhellenic Conference, was all smiles during one of the many ceremonies during the festive conference.
Alpha Sigma Alpha National Convention Denver, July 5-9, 1986 .,C"",C-£'".,c:::a,...._ THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA S WWW SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430· 640), an educational journal , is published in the fall , winter, spring, and summer of each year by the Sorority, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802. The subscription price $1 .50 a year. Printed by Shepard Poorman Communications and Maury Boyd & Associates, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Member, College Fraternity Editors Association. Send change of address and business correspond· ence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65802. Address all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Nancy I. Z. Reese, 828 S. Golf Cul de Sac, Des Plaines, IL 60016. ARTICLES are invited for publication in this journal. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial staff for consideration . Acceptances are on a contrib· uting basis only and subject to editorial review. Arti· cles published are the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of ALA. Second-class postage paid at Springfield, Missouri, and at additional mailing offices.
Historian Esther Kaufman Gatseos 6659 E. Eastman Ave. Denver, CO 80224
Postmaster. Send Form 3579 to National Headquar· ters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65802.
One Alpha's Opinion Have you missed this sometimes warm, sometimes provocative, but always interesting feature? So have I, and I am the editor of this magazine. But I cannot print what I do not get in the mail. I have missed those approximately 750 word articles (which may or may not be accompanied by a photograph) that tell me how you are feeling about your sorority, your work, your home, your school or the current state of women in our society. Don't delay. I want to hear from you today. Write to Nancy I.Z. Reese, Phoenix Editor, 828 S. Golf Cul de Sac, Des Plaines, IL 60016.
Members of the 1983- 85 and 1985- 87 NPC executive committees gather together for this his toric photograph. They are, from le ft, Cynthia Mc croy (Alpha Sigma Tau), Veachey Bloom (Phi Sigma Sigma). Sidney Allen (Alpha Sigma Alpha) and Beth Saul (Alpha Epsilon Phi).
Before the delegates of 26 sororities, an Alpha Sigma Alpha member, for the first t ime, took the helm of the National Panhellen ic Conference. by Betty L. Wallick N PC Alternate Delegate During a humid but warm October week in Florida , Alpha Sigma Alpha 's National Panhellenic Conference delegate, Sidney G. Allen {'lrir} was sworn in as the 1985-87 conference chairman. Before the delegates and alternates from 26 member groups, Sidney accepted the responsibility to lead the Greek women 's social organizations through the next two years. Nine members of Alpha Sigma Alpha attended the conference to part ici pate in the 49th session of NPC and related meetings and to witness the ascent of Sidney to the
WI TER 1986
chairmanship. Alternate NPC delegates in attendance were Betty Urban Wallick (ZZ), Vice President of Development MaryAnn Sidehamer Wenzel (rH), and National President Rosemary C. Goss {BIT}. Serving as pages were Historian Esther Kaufman Gatseos (BB) and Secretary Helen Malone (Br); Philanthropic Chairman Elaine Rahaim Fuerst {BA} served the session as sergeant -at -arms. Attending the meeting for related sessions were Headquarters Executive Rose Marie Fellin (BE) and Editor Nancy I. Z. Reese (BT}. Also at the final banquet were two alumnae from Ft. Lauderdale and one from Tri-Cities Florida . The 1983-85 NPC chairman ,
Cynthia McCray (Alpha Sigma Ta u), o pened the meeting , held Oct. 23-26 at the Doral Hotel and Country Club in Miami , by challenging the delegates to continue to affirm " a spirit of mutual respect, appreciation and expression of ideals, which lay the groundwork for the success of each fra ternity . . . There continues to exist a very real need to safeguard the spirit and intent of National Panhellenic. " " A dream come true" was another facet of McCray's address. This dream was the establishment of a central office as ratified by member groups at the 48th session of NPC. " Many, many hours went toward
At right, Alpha Sigma Alpha pages, Esther Gatseos and Helen Malone, listen intently to a speech from their designated seats at the business sessions. Above, MaryAnn Wenzel and Rose Marie Fellin arrange the decorations at the head table for the awards banquet.
the realization of the first NPC Central Office, " she stated. "The Central Office has become an asset to the Conference in all avenues studied and several not previously considered. The office has also become a liability of the Conference that must be protected, nurtured and streamlined continually." In speaking about the Central Office, NPC Treasurer Beth Saul (Alpha Epsilon Phi) said, "This past biennium has seen the first steps in our journey to fully utilize the NPC office to its potential. It is functioning to process publications orders and to act as a clearing house for NPC information, directing callers to NPC officers and committees as necessary with policy guidelines as set by the executive committee . Where our journey leads depends on our future needs and the funds to fulfill our dream." Also accomplished during the past biennium was the preparation of an executive committee handbook. The executive committee is charged to review and update this handbook each biennium. The National Panhellenic Conference "Manual of Information " and "How-To for College Panhellenics" were revised and edited for the printing of the 11th edition during the biennium . At this session , a complete revision of the National
Panhellenic Constitution and Bylaws was accomplished. The revi sion work of the Advisory Committee, chaired by Myra Foxworthy (Alpha Gamma Delta), was gratefully acknowledged. The Public Relations Committee submitted a publicity packet, and the first edition of "The Panhellen ic Post" related interesting items of information about many in attendance. For example, California was the most heavily represented state at the Conference , followed closely by Texas. D'Alice Cochran, Alpha Chi Omega president , reminded the conference that "It is great fun to reminisce about the past, but our concern must be for the future. " The many campus and housing meetings and the five business sessions covered items related to the future. The following actions were taken: • Amended the jurisdiction of a college Panhellenic council by adding the paragraph "A College Panhellenic Council may not require a scholastic grade-point average as a condition for participation in the membership selection process or as a qualification for pledging or initiation. Each member group of National Panhellenic Conference has its own scholarship requirements for pledging and initiation. " • Affirmed the resolution that
a College Panhellenic shall not have the authority to exclude any alumna member whom a chapter may select to represent it nor indicate which alumna member will be acceptable in activities such as bid-matching." • Amended the College Panhellenics Agreement by adding that " Each College Panhellenic shall prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages in rush. " • Amended the College Panhe 11 enic Agreement by adding that " Each College Panhellenic shall prohibit the participation of men in rush functions. " • Affirmed the resolution " That the member groups of National Panhellenic Conference are opposed to any activities that suggest or practice sexual abuse or exploitation, and further, that the member groups of National Panhellenic Conference are committed to educational programs for their membership at large and speci fi ca 11 y to their chapters and alumnae advisors regarding abuse issues." • Reaffirmed its support of the NPC/AFA Liaison resolution to the Association of Fraternity Advisors concerning sexual harassment and urged its passage. The last two resolutions were strengthened by material preContinued on page 6
Continued from page 5 sented to the delegates by two speakers from the University of Miami, Wilhemena Black, director of affirmative action, and Susan P. Mullane, associate dean of student personnel. Using video vignettes, Black and Mullane showed many scenes depicting sexual harassment. They strongly rec ommended that college students make such incidents known and that colleges and universities write defined policy . They suggested that Panhellenics establish programs and urge member groups not to participate in activities that demean women . " Meeting the Needs" through improved communication was the thrust of the Alumnae Panhellenics Committee throughout the biennium. Speaker for the Alumnae Brunch was Louise Mills. Her topic "Those Were the Days" was especially delightful to the more " experienced" members present. Jane Kilgore, chairman of alumnae Panhellenics (Delta Delta Delta), presented citations of merit to the following alumnae Panhellenic associations: Albuquerque, Atlanta , Birmingham , Bloomington-Normal , Chicago Northwest Suburban, Clear Lake, Clearwater, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, East Bay, Escondido, Hawaii , Houston , Indianapolis, Kansas City, London, Montgomery, Muncie, Newport Harbor, Philadelphia, Portland, Richardson , Richmond, Tacoma-Pierce County, Toledo, Toronto, Trumbull County, Tulsa and Wilmington. Climaxing the 49th Session of the National Panhellenic Conference was the Awards Banquet. Hosted by Alpha Sigma Alpha , the banquet 's toastmistress was 1983-85 NPC Chairman Cynthia McCroy. Speaker Ginger Purdy, president of Network Power Texas, told the assembled group the importance of knowing who we are, where we want to go and how we are going to get there. Under the leadership of Annette M i ll s, awa rds cha irman (Pi Beta Phi), awards were presented to out-
Members of the official delegation to the 49th session of NPC were, from left, Betty Wallick, MaryAnn Wenzel, Rosemary Goss, Nancy Reese, Sidney Allen and Rose Marie Fellin.
standing college Panhellenics. The awards and their recipients were as follows: "Fraternity Month Award" for the most outstanding public relations program: first, University of Oklahoma; second, Unive"rsity of Illinois; and third, University of Arizona. " Awards Committee Trophy" for the college Panhellenic with a membership of six or fewer NPC groups, which best recognizes true Panhellenic spirit: first, University of South Alabama; second, Birmingham Southern College; and third , University of California, Irvine. " National Panhellenic Conference Award" for the college Panhellenic with a membership of seven or more NPC groups, which best recognizes true panhelleni cism based on the Panhellenic Creed: first , Ohio State University; second, University of Georgia; and third , San Diego State University. " College Panhellenic Committee Award" for the most outstanding development and promotion for an overall program in membership selection: first, University of Arizona; second, Western Illinois University; and third, Ball State University. In honor of its centennial celebration , Alpha Ch i Omega estabI ished a National Panhellenic Conference award to recognize outstanding service by a Panhel-
lenic advisor. To be given biennially, with the recipient honored at the NPC meeting, the first award was presented to Adlon Jorgensen, Panhellenic advisor at the University of Illinois. The conference closed with the new NPC Executive Committee assuming office. Members are Chairman Sidney G. Allen (Alpha Sigma Alpha), Secretary Beth Saul (Alpha Epsilon Phi) and Treasurer Veachey Bloom (Phi Sigma Sigma). In accepting the gavel, Sidney outlined four goals for the 198587 biennium: 1. To continue to enlist the observance of ethical behavior as fraternity leaders. 2. To continue to work effectively with other agencies whose lives interact with our collegiate chapters and Panhellenics. 3. To continue to develop programs that will provide education for our women on how to deal effectively with social problems of our society. 4. To seek ways of conducting the business of the conference more efficiently , so as not to infringe upon careers and family dedications of our personnel. Sidney reminded the conference of the ancient Chinese Proverb that says, 'Those who look to the future would do well to keep one eye on the past and the other on the present. "* *
==== Convention '86==== Denv er-wh at a wonderful place to be Summer in Denver-wha t a wonderful place to be! An Alpha Sigma Alpha convention-w hat a wonderful reason to be in Denver! The Denver Alumnae Chapter is hard at work to make this the biggest and best convention ever. They can't wait for you to arrive. So get out a calendar and mark the dates, July 5-9, 1986. But why not come early? The city puts on a wonderful Fourth of July party, complete with free concerts and fireworks, just two blocks from the Westin Hotel , our downtown convention headquarters. In honor of the beautiful Colorado summers and AEA ' s hard working national officers, a " MileHigh Summer" reception will follow the Opening Session July 5th. After that it's free time for dinner, with friends just made or with friends rediscovered. Denver has everything from fast food to fine French cuisine w ithin minutes of the hotel. Don't eat too much, though, or you won't be up in time for Alpha Aerobics, led by two of our indefatigable Denver alums. Then it's off to the first business meeting with AEA National President Rosemary Goss. Morning workshops will cover topics such as " Body Language, " the " Superwoman Syndrome" and " Values Clarification." The White Luncheon , with its Winter Wonderland theme , will precede an impressive Memorial Service and Initiation Ritual. Then it's free time for about three hours, just long enough to have a look around the city. Adjoining the Westin Hotel is the latest of Denver's best retail shopping areas, the Tabor Center. Three levels of boutiques, bookstores and novelty shops provide plenty of opportunity to pick up that " little something " to take home. Don't miss the Food Court, an intriguing array of fast food of THE PHOENI X OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Convention is an exciting time, and Colorado is an exciting place. Why not bring your family or friends and plan an unforgettable vacation in the Rockies? The Denver & Colorado Convention and Visitors Bureau would be happy to send you information about traveling in our beautiful state. Denver & Colorado Convention and Visitors Bureau 225 West Colfax Denver, Colorado 80202
(303) 892-1505
every description from sushi to pizza to croissants. Or walk a block to Lar i mer Square, a National Historic District of fanciful Victorian buildings restored to 18th Century splendor. Inside the buildings is an impressive collection of exclusive retail shops, restaurants and specialty shops. Then it's back to the hotel for the second business meeting and two more " Alphas Striving fo r Excellence" workshops, this time on rush and philanthropic activities. By noon on the third day, everyone will be ready for a break and they'll have the entire afternoon and early evening to explore. Nu-
merous diverse sightseeing adventures are within a short driving distance of Denver. Of course, all the attractions of downtown Denver are within easy walking distance, and Denver alumnae will be available as guides. Be sure to stop by the AEA hospitality booth for suggestions, maps and schedules. The fourth morning of convention will be filled with the last of the " Alphas Striving for Excellence " workshops , followed by some time for last-minute shopping . The final business session will be held in the afternoon, followed by the "Springtime in the Rockies" Panhellenic Tea, honoring AEA women serving as Panhel lenic officers throughout the country. Later that evening, after the installation of the newly elected national officers, the grand finale of convention will be the glitter of gold at the " Gold Rush" Awards Banquet. Dr. Robert Kinney, dean of students at West Texas State Universit y, will be the guest speaker. The next morning it's time to depart; new friendships made, old friendships enjoyed , sisterhood strengthened. * * *
Do you want to attend convention? Convention registration forms will not be published in The Phoenix. Instead, Alpha Sigma is asking that members who are interested in attending conventi o n f ill out the form below. You may also wish to put the same information on a post card.
Please send me a reg istration form and more information on Convention '86. I am an alumnae _ _ collegian _ _
Zip _ _ _ __
Send to AEA National Headquarters, 1201 E. Walnut, Springfield , MO 65802.
Collegiate Corner==== Emporia State University
Themes help perk up rush The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter had a very successful fall rush under the leadership of Dena Wymore , rush chairman . The Alpha Sigs prepared rush parties a little differently this year. For each party there was a chairman and committee in charge of designing themes and decorating the house and themselves. The first day of rush, a slide show of house activities was shown. Lisa Ghere, chairman , and her committee called it " Movie Day! " and decorated the house like a movie theater. The rushees were given tickets to see the movie. Monday was skit day and the Alpha Sigs presented " A Stroll Down Memory Lane ." Deb SanRomani was the chairman for this event. Tuesday there were house tours in the morning and a casino night in the evening . Becky Ryan and her committee made house tours more exciting by going Hawaiian . Everyone was dressed up in Hawaiian attire as rushees were led through the house decorated in Hawaiian , complete with sunbathers and volleyball players in the front yard. Carol Smith was in charge of the casino night. Everyone spent the afternoon preparing for this night. The basement was set up like a Las Vegas casino , complete with dealers and games. All of these parties led up to the im portant preferential party , of which Cindy Sangals was in charge. Members wore long formal dresses and ice cream and cake were served. The party ended with the very meaningful and emotional pearl ceremony. The rest of the day was spent in anticipation of greeting new pledges.
Lisa Ghere
University of Delaware
Weekend retreat The members of th e Delta Iota Chapter started a busy fall with a retreat the first weekend of school. Despite the rain, everyone had a fantastic time camping , swimming and discussing goals for rush and the semester.
All of the hard work and planning that went into rush really paid off. Pledges were inducted after two weeks of rush that included such themes as "Alpha Sig House," a take-off from Animal House in which kegs filled with root beer were used, a Caribbean cruise , a '50s ice cream party and a garden party . After rush, the members were busy planning the annual homecoming mum and corsage sale/fund-raiser, attending the annual all-Greek picnic, hosting a parent's day tailgate and meeting with all of the new pledges.
Sandy Stepakof
General Motors Institute
Alpha Sig sundae For a social aim, the pledges of Delta Nu-B organized a rush party. It was a " build a sundae" party and was a huge success. Each rus.hee was given a number, which corresponded to an Alpha Sig . The rushee built the Alpha Sig a sundae and then the Alpha Sig returned the favor and made a tempting dessert for the rushee. This gave rushees and members an opportunity to meet on a one-to-one basis while eating ice cream and then a chance to mingle afterward. The chapter had a rush party while the pledges were able to fulfill one of their four aims .
University of Northern Colorado
The four aims KROP One of the Beta Beta Chapter's fall pledge activities included KROP-or Keep Rushing Our Pledges. This activity is usually held every Wednesday. Four different KROP nights included each of the four aims. For example, on intellectual night, all the girls met at the house and from there went over to the university library and studied for two hours. This enabled the girls to help each other with classes. On spiritual KROP night, several speakers talked about fellowship within the house. The pledge trainer and the vice president talked about friendships and how special each and every member is to making the AEA house a great place to live in spirit and mind. Physical KROP night was a scavenger hunt in which the pledges had to get various items around the cam pus. The group that finished first was rewarded with goodies. The social KROP night was a function with a fraternity on campus.
Stephanie Verdonkschot
University of Arkansas at Monticello
Freshmen day
After a long summer, members of the Gamma Pi Chapter returned for rush . The theme for the informal tea was " Rock with the AEAs." The room was decorated with LPs, members wore poodle skirts and refreshments were , of course , root beer floats. The chapter sang a song prepared by Sarah Crabtree to the tune of Billy Joel 's song " For The Longest Time." As the evening progressed , members knew some great girls would soon join Alpha Sigma Alpha . After an hour of fun, the I ights were dimmed and members performed the pearl ceremony.
Freshmen Day is a time for puzzled faces , wide-eyed curiosity and exciting meetings. Each year, the student ambassadors sponsor " Freshmen Day, " and of course , the Gamma Zeta Chapter was there . Since fall rush started earlier this year, the GZs used Freshmen Day as a time to meet prospective rushees and to encourage girls to go Greek . Gamma Zeta pride showed in the decorations of the chapter's booth . Everything from AEA clothes to pictures and trophies were on display. A crest done in counted cross-stitch drew the most attention , along with embroidered pillows . Freshmen Day provided a great opportunity to meet new students and gave the GZs a chance to welcome each other back after a long summer.
Karen Marie Henke
Melissa Johnson
Missouri Valley College
Strength in numbers
Collegiate Corner ==== members' houses for a different part of the meal. Throughout the pledgeship, scholastics play a major role for the chapter. At the end of the semester, the pledge and member with the highest grades are treated to a dinner, compliments of the chapter. Jamie Lynne Knight
Drexel University
Anniversary celebration
The Alpha Betas welcome everyone to campus.
Northeast Missouri State University
Alpha Traz The Alpha Betas have once again held a successful rush . Thanks to corush chairmen, Robin Meyerkord and Tracey Brown, everything for rush was prepared over the summer. After hearing how many g.irls were going through rush, several more hours were put in making more name tags, place cards and other party favors. A rainbow theme for the informal parties was followed by Alpha Traz for the formal parties. Friday afternoon was the annual "yell-in" where each girl that has accepted a bid yells in to her new sorority. The pledges planned the first date party, a "woodsy" for the Alphas . On a farm , members will build a camp¡ fire and roast hot dogs and marshmallows. Jackie Hoover
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Pledge activities Over the years , the Alpha Gamma Chapter has learned how to make pledging rewarding as well as fun . After rush, pledges are welcomed THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
into the chapter with a bid day party that lasts all day and into the evening hours. This provides an opportunity for members, as well as pledges, to become acquainted with each other. Throughout the semester , the pledges are surprised from time to time by the members with various act ivities. One of the first surprises is a dinner at Pizza Hut. At th is time , the pledges are given gifts and dinner. During the semester, the pledges plan various activities , including eating together in the cafeteria , sharing devotionals at meetings, studying several times a week , visiting members, composing songs and skits and attending sleepovers. Although the semester is a busy one , the pledges still have time to attend several mixers and host at fra ternity rush parties. In the middle of the semester, the pledges are once again surprisedthis time by a surprise breakfast at McDonalds. The members enjoy doing these little extras for the pledges to remind them just how special they are to the chapter. Toward the end of the semester, a progressive dinner is planned for the pledges. They travel to several of the
The members of the Nu Nu Chapter celebrated their 60th anniversary on Aug. 11, 1985. The Nu Nu Chapter was initiated on the campus of Drexel University on Memorial Day, 1925. Nu Nu is the oldest Greek organization still on campus. The celebration was at Drexel Lodge in Newtown Square, PA , and began at 1 :30 p.m. under warm, sunny skies. To help celebrate, the chapter invited all alumnae, the administration of Drexel University and the representatives of each fra ternity and sorority on the Drexel campus. Special guests were the president of the university and his wife . At the barbeque , everyone was able to look through and laugh at scrapbooks , new and old , and see the fun times Alpha Sigs have had through the years. Krys Piasecki
Southwest Missouri State University
Coming home Homecoming is a time for coming home , and for the Beta SigmaChapter, homecoming is very special. Members were busy building a float , campaigning for the homecoming queen . candidate, watching the parade and just spending time together. After the parade, members went to the game and waited to see who would win the title of homecoming queen . Also , during the game the winners of float competition were announced . After the game it was time to relax and reflect over all the good times. It was a lot of hard work , but well worth the effort. Patricia Stelter
Collegiate Corner The Pennsylvania State University A different approach
Pittsburg State University 'Greek' homecoming
Saint Mary's College Autumn fashion show
Fall rush was a huge success for t h e m e m b e r s of G a m m a Eta Chapter. First rounds offered a ..laid-back" look with a beach theme. Members dressed in their favorite casual shorts, T-shirts, Hawaiian leis, and sunglasses and greeted rushees with tropical refreshments. The decorat ing committee went all-out, with a beach complete with pool, umbrella, sand and a stand-up Joe Paterno decked out in JAMS and beach bucket. Second round brought a tradi tional Oriental theme, with members in Asian garb and the suite decorated with fans, Oriental prints and Japan ese lanterns. "The Leader of the Pack'" is a perennial favorite third round theme for both rushees and Gamma Etas. Members dressed in "cool" '50's attire and performed a lively and entertaining skit to the song "The Leader of the Pack." Preference parties added a special touch to rush as Gamma Etas sere naded rushees with their own version of Billy Joel's song, "You're My Home." Rush chairman Susie Rubin son said, "From first rounds to pref erence, I think this has been one of our most successful rushes ever."
Homecoming meant a busy week for Eta Eta Chapter. This year's theme was "Greek Mythology." The week started out with the Gorilla Games, modeled af ter the Olympic Games. All the or ganizations paraded into the stadi um with chariots and in costumes; then the games began. First was the discus throw, followed by the broom javelin throw, the running bag jump, the 100-yard backward dash and the chariot race. The next day the queen festivities were held. Every organization was al lowed to nominate one candidate. This year four Alpha Sigs were cho sen: Shellie Lawrence, Alpha Sigma Alpha; Barbara Lombrano, represent ing Lambda Chi Alpha; Laurie Moon, representing Sigma Tau Gamma; and Debbie O'Sullivan, representing Sigma Chi. Barbara also was one of the five finalists. The Alpha Sigs joined the men of Sigma Tau Gamma to build a float and also to dance in the novelty. The novelty was a dance to "The Greeks Don't Want No Freaks" by the Eagles. Half of the group dressed like Greeks and the rest were freaks. The dance followed the float with the theme "Head off the lcabods."
While many were busy enjoying summer activities, the Epsilon Delta Chapter was writing to local mer chants in the area. Their mission: to urge participation in the annual fash ion show held Saturday, Oct. 6. Ten stores participated from the Winona, MN, area, offering casual wear, sportswear and semi-formal f a s h i o n s . Twenty-five m e n and women modeled, including two fac ulty members and six Alpha Sigs who modeled boots. All members participated by col lecting ads, picking up and returning clothes, writing and reading com mentaries, making cassettes, as well as setting up and cleaning up. The show was particularly success ful since it took place over Parent's Weekend with a full house in attend ance. AI::A sweatshirts, jackets, pins, photo album, scrapbook and tea service were on display to promote the sorority. Ads collected for the program made this a very lucrative fund raiser. After the show, refreshments were served, giving girls a chance to meet each other's parents and compliment one another on a job well done.
Aileen Stickley
Lisa Patti
Lonnie Koperski
Eastern Illinois University Homecoming fun The Gamma Omega Chapter held homecoming activities with the men of Sigma Nu. Activities started off with window painting in the union walkway. Each group involved paint ed a slogan on the windows, which proved to be a lot of fun. On Monday, the big task of the week began work was started on the float. All of the float-building was done at the I: house. The float won third place in the flatbed movable parts division. On Tuesday, competition games were played on the library quad. Thursday night was a pep rally. The parade and football game were Sat urday. Later that day, several alum nae visited the house.
Mary Cress
WI TER 1986
Eta Eta members celebrated the Panhellenic sponsored picnic in style. Standing: Kerry Cobb, Knsti scott. Becky Gorman, Debbie O'Sullivan, Lon Palmgren, Laurie Moon, Marys/ Shulz. . Knee/mg: Sylvia Holt, Lisa Patti, Shellie Lawrence, Kristi Mann. Stacey George, Lori Millard, Heath Williams.
Collegiate Corner University of Southern Mississippi
Seventy-five reasons to win Beta Deltas helped the University of Southern Mississippi celebrate its 75th anniversary this year. With a slogan of "75 reasons to win," members were able to come up with some pretty catchy lines about Golden Eagles soaring over the East Carolina Pirates. Afte r winning first place in the beauty category last year, the chapter knew it had to work extra hard to come up with an even more elaborate and eye-catching display to top the year before. Through countless rolls of tissue and the help from a dedicated group of supporters, the chapter pulled off an exquisite display and had a great time in the process. On homecoming day, Beta Delta held an open house for all AEA alumnae, parents and faculty . Members cherished the opportunity to meet and get acquainted with so many who have played a big part in getting the chapter to where it is today . Karen Kay
Radford University
Too cold to camp The Beta Iota Chapter's fall retreat was all planned . It was the night before the big campout; the tents were reserved , the campsite picked out , menus prepared , suppl ies packed , and the sleeping bags were aired out. The members and new pledges were ready to head off to the woods the following day; however, the Alpha Sigmas woke up to an unusually chilly Friday morning-the fall of 1985 had arrived . The thought of a long , cold night in the woods ran through everyone's mind . After a chain of phone calls , the decis ion was made to cancel the retreat. There was much disappointment, but as an alternative , the members gathered at the sorority apartments for a cookout and an evening of fun . Yes , it was too cold to camp but never too cold to have fun . Jennifer Bowker
Gamma Xi members pose with " Th e Rock" at the homecoming game. The y are Julie Sherman, Valarie Brandenburg, Tina Yingling, Lynne Porch, Diane Flanagan, Valerie Grash, Cathy Strain, Debbie Kron, Diane Scott.
Slippery Rock University
University of Texas at San Antonio
Happy birthday
Homecoming in February
The fall semester was a busy one for the members of Gamma Xi Chapter. Three weeks into the semeste r was formal rush . "Happy Birthday AEA! " was chosen for the theme pa rty The room was decorated in red and white streame rs. Throughout the room were tables set up with AEA memorabilia , including glasse s, shirts , pillows , paddles and oth er such articles. A large Ragged y Ann shaped birthday cake and punch were served. As favors , AEA notepads were wrapped in birthda y paper. A group of members went to Clarion University to help the chapter there celebrate its homecoming . The very next day, Sl ippery Rock hosted the Special Olympics Soccer Tou rnament for Western Pennsylvania and Alpha Sigs lent a hand to help make this event special to the "special " athletes. Halloween was spent with a costume party with Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. Party-goers cut out pumpkins, broke a pifiata and danced to great music. The highlight of the even ing was a palmreader who told all.
Homecoming at the University of Texas at San Antonio is different than homecoming at most universities for two reasons. First of all , homecoming at UTSA is held during basketball season, not football season . Second , February 1985 was the first homecoming ever , and the members of Delta Upsilon Chapter were right in the middle of it all. Activities were held during homecoming week and featured activities for all , such as the basketball game, a bonfi re , and dance. But the event that was most exciting for Alpha Si gma Alpha was the talent show. Deanna Martinez, Dianna Martinez and Alice Tovar represented Alpha Sigma Alpha in the opening act of the show. Later in the show, Monika McGowa n, president of the Greek Council , helped present the homecoming court. Of the five female candidates on the court , three were members of Delta Upsilon . Janet Provines and CeCe Jones were on the cou rt while Trish DeBerry was crowned homecoming queen. Monika McGowan
Valerie Brandenburg
Collegiate Corner Northwest Missouri State University
T he Muppets at homecoming The overall homecoming theme was children 's stories. Alpha clowns were based around the theme of the Muppets. Clowns included Ernie and Bert , Oscar the Grouch , Big Bird , Cookie Monster, Fozzie Bear, Miss Piggy, Kermit and many more. All Phi Phis participated in making the clowns, and new members had the honor of wearing them in the parade . The chapter also presented the Wizard of Oz in the variety show. The skit added a new twist to the traditional movie, with Dorothy trying to get magic football cleats off her feet while the cowardly coach tries for a win against Central Missouri State University. In the end , Dorothy found Wiz Hubbard, the president of the university, and the Bearcats defeated the CMSU Mules. As always, everyone lived happily ever after.
Marita Wurtz
York College of Pennsylvania
Together again The 1985 spring pledge class of Delta Omicron Chapter had an extended pledge period that went into the fall semester. Because of this some of the members had graduated and were no longer living in York PA. ' During the summer, a newsletter was prepared that included something about each alumna , active member and pledge . It also announced plans for a reunion, scheduled for September. The alumnae arrive d in York and all the big sisters were present for the pledges' Starlight Review . By the end of the night, Delta Omicro n had a group of new members. On Sunday morning, a brunch was held at the house to welcome the ~ew member~. and once again say, see you soon and not " good-bye."
Deborah Taylor
Loyola University
Conference paints a new picture Loyola University, home of Gamma Lambda Chapter, is finally begin ¡
WI TER 1986
ning to recognize the Greek system. Fall semester was the first time there was a Panhellenic/lnterfraternal Council conference before the year began . Speakers from nationally recognized organizations were repre sented at the workshop . The " Big Picture" of Greek life was presented by Jan Sladek of Theta Phi Alpha , Joe Curly of Delta Sigma Phi pointed out effective methods of chapter organization and finance and Sigma Alpha Epsilon 's Steve Plunkett presented many tips for good neighborhood relations . Alpha Sigma Alpha National Editor Nancy Reese discussed public relations of fraternities and sororities and the " Greek image." This conference gave members of Loyola's Greek system a new attitude . Groups became more unified by setting time aside not only for education but also to solve any differences of opinion and conflicts that have existed for many years . The enthusiasm that developed made " Greek night" a great success . "Greek night" was part of freshmen " welcome week " this year, as opposed to HOOPLA (Loyola 's Greek week), which is only a springtime event. The night feat u red a miniGreek olympics with a wide spectrum of activities ranging from volleyball to tug-of-war. This was a great way to start the semester out with style by introducing the freshmen to the idea of the Greek system. Gamma Lambda is proud to say that interfraternal relationships have improved a great deal with a combi nation of a little time and effort.
Lori Ann Cesario
James Madison University
Graffiti party The Beta Epsilon Chapter started off the school year with one of the largest rush programs ever . Hun dreds of girls eagerly signed up for fall r~sh with the hope of joining a sorority and starting lasting friend ships. Throughout the three-week rush period, the most successful fall event was a " Graffiti Party." A " Graffit i Party" requires everyone to wear a T shirt and a pair of shorts. Everyone goes from person to person with a colored magic marker and writes a
message on the other person's shirt. The best part about a party like this is that it allows circulation around the party room to meet new rushees. Needless to say, a good laugh can come from reading the shirts the next morning.
Karen Ringler
Dickinson State College
Welcome freshmen! For Beta Eta Chapter, the year started out with a bang. During fresh men welcome, the chapter decorated the freshmen girls' dorm rooms with bright, rainbow-colored foil balloons complete with ribbons and an infor'. mation booklet on Alpha Sigma Alpha and an announcement of rush dates. During orientation week, the Alpha Sigs sponsored a record dance. Alpha Sigs showed their spirit by wearing red and white Raggedy Ann T-shirts . During the activities convocation , an Alpha Sig gave a talk on what sorority is and does. A display table included awards and various red and white and Raggedy Ann trinkets .
Ellen Baird
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Crimson red During homecoming Gamma Psi Chapter held its annual alumnae tea with a luncheon buffet. But the most satisfying reward was the spirit and enthusiasm alumnae still displayed . T_h e evening closed in a friendship circle , when , arm in arm , members and alumnae alike sang the chapter song " Crimson Red ."
Cynde Sullivan
Rochester Institute of Technology
Lip sync sounds great Spirit is one of many well-known assets of the Gamma Iota Chapter. N?t. only_ do Alpha Sigs actively part1c1pate in a variety of academic, student and social activities on and off campus, but also within the sorori~y. ho~se. Fall rush requires the par~1c1pat1on of all Alpha Sigs to make 1t a success . To continue a wellknown tradition , the lip sync contest
Collegiate Corn er== == Ball State University
Homecoming festivities Homecoming activities were kicked off with the traditional Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Tau Delta watermelon bust. Chi Chi Chapter had two teams that participated in the watermelon games. The games consisted of a watermelon toss, running with a watermelon between one's legs relay and the favorite, rolling a watermelon with one's head relay. Chi Chi was recognized in the Muncie Star newspaper for welcoming Senator Dan Quayle with cheers and several bear hugs. After the homecoming parade, Chi Chis hosted a tea for alumnae. Soon after the tea it was game time. The festivities ended with the Theta Xi tug-o-war, one of the Chi Chi's favorite activities . The chapter once again defended its title of spirit award, which it has won for the last two years. is by far the most popular of all rush events. It is a chance for Alpha Sigs to work together and entertain rushees. This year, rushees participated in the lip sync contest as judges. They awarded the best performers with prizes for first and second place. The performers dressed outrageously, mimicking the best of Top 40 artists. Lip sync came to a close with the memorable "American Pie ," sung by Don Maclean with a little help from the Alpha Sigs and rushees.
those who attended felt a warm feeling of sisterhood when the Alpha Sigma Alpha hymn was sung. Thanks were extended to all those visiting AEA members. Congratulations were also extended to Cathy Mayo , rush chairman, for one of the most successful rush periods that Pi Pi has ever had .
Kristine Argento
Henderson State University's fall freshman enrollment was the largest it has been since 1976, and the Beta Mu Chapter took full advantage of this. AEA members showed up early , complete with AEA T-shirts and a welcome banner to help freshmen women move into their dorm rooms. Members then accompanied the freshmen to "Playfair," an icebreaking function for all students. After freshman orientation week, fall rush was in full swing and several girls signed up for rush activities. These activities started with a lawn party sponsored by the Panhellenic council and an information party. "Christmas in September" was the party theme that was followed by the formal rush party.
Buffalo State College
A 'special tea' The Pi Pi Chapter held its formal tea early in the fall semester. Members of AEA's Buffalo Alumnae Association and members of the Rochester Institute of Technology's Gamma Iota Chapter attended. Their support and presence generated a feeling of unity and sisterhood throughout the evening . Each rushee received a carnation with a red or white ribbon tied around it. Debbie Harter , a Pi Pi Chapter member, created nametags "with style" for everyone who attended. A ceremony was conducted by Pi Pi's Chaplain Shawn Brown . All THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Christine R. Clave/in
Henderson State University
Christmas in September
Alana Smoot
Dee Norris
Miami University
Alpha lot Rush changed this year for the Alpha Alpha Chapter. The rush parties ranged from the relaxed "Western" theme to a more sophisticated theme of "Alphalot ." The suite was converted into a castle , and the members became charming young maidens . There also was a time for dreaming and fantasy as Alpha Alpha went "Over the Silver Rainbow." Cotton clouds and silver streamers helped to create the formal fantasy atmosphere. Alpha Alpha alumnae gave much appreciated time and materials to make rush a success. Another change for the Alpha Sigs was a philanthropic project titled "Alpha Sig Kiss for Kamp ." Hershey Kisses were sold to raise money to send a disabled child to summer camp. Deborah Dettore
Concord College
A busy beginning The Beta Pi Chapter had a busy semester. Formal rush began the second week of school and there were more girls involved than in recent years . Dee Dee Harris, rush WINTER 1986
Collegiate Corner chairman , and several other members put together one of the most successful rushes the chapter has ever had . The best event was the theme party , " Life 's A Beach in AI:A! " Every member was dressed in beach attire and decorations were a small swimming pool , sand , beach towels , fish netting with shells and other nautical and " beachy" items. Club sandwiches were served as dinner. Susan Yurchak placed as first runner-up in the race for homecoming queen . Aided by Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity , Susan ran with a casino theme, " Don 't Gamble, Place the Winning Bet , VOTE SUSAN! " Many alumnae returned for the tea and football game and helped make homecoming a success .
Lori E. Cooper
was " Pullin' On The Ritz. " Paired with Phi Kappa Sigma, members competed in softball games , canoe races and a dance con¡ test in the Student Center ballroom. Kathy Roth and her partner performed dance routines. Another event was the "Yell Like Hell " competition , in which all teams compet ed with cheers, chants and volume. The chapter elected Melody Groebe as our homecoming queen candidate . Homecoming day, members had a pre-game barbeque and slide show and then headed to Huskie Stadium for the game, where a block of seats were reserved for the Alpha Sigs .
Kelly Keenan
East Stroudsburg University
A rush press conferen ce Central Missouri State University
Hard work pays off Zeta Zeta Chapter celebrated a very successful rush this year. All the hard work and dedication really paid off. After the girls picked up their bids , every sorority ran out to the Panhellenic lawn for pledge yell-out. Each new pledge introduced herself, and then the pledge class did a sorority cheer. The following weekend , the men of Lambda Chi Alpha hosted the annual watermelon fest with different events involving watermelons . Zeta Zeta 's Brenda Rupp was crowned watermelon queen . A surprise ceremony was given for the new pledges; they were taken to a park where their new pledge moms were waiting with gifts. Afterward , everyone roasted marshmallow s and ate s'mores . The excitement of homecoming brought much enthusiasm to Zeta Ze ta . Brenda Weber was crowned princess to the homecoming queen.
The Gamma Rho Chapter was eager to have a productive fall semester. ¡ The Alpha Sigs participated in an informal rush program early in the semester. It was decided, through Panhellenic council, only to hold formal rush in the spring. Gamma Rho introduced rushees to its pledge program in a press conference format. The press conference allowed the girls to ask any questions they had concerning Alpha Sigma Alpha while members interjected questions to reveal details they felt were important for the rushees to know .
Recently, many alumnae have expressed interest in chapter activities . As a result, joint festivities were planned for homecoming and Founders' Day. This year, the homecoming theme was "The Roaring '20's ," and members constructed a float with a campus fraternity. The Founders' Day celebration was held at Stoney Acres, the university's recreation lodge.
Lisa Vasturia
Virginia Commonwe alth University
'Twas the night before bid day Epsilon Ga mma Chapter had a very successful rush. Many girls attended the function, which consisted of five days of social events. The first two nights were information nights. All of the campus sororities met with the rushees. On these two nights only a few representativ es from each sorority were present. The third night of rush was skit night. All the girls of Epsilon Gamma presented a slide show of the past year. For theme night Epsilon Gamma hosted Christmas in September. Christmas trees, lights and red and green were everywhere. There was even a visit from Santa and Rudolph. To top off the evening, Christmas cookies and punch were served and Santa read, '"Twas the Night before Bid Day."
Cara Proffitt
Northern Illinois University
Homecom ing activities Hom ecom ing '85 had the Beta Rhos excited for a first place victory and a lot o f fun . Kathy Powers, activities chai rman , wa s very busy with prepa rat ions. The theme this year
Members of Epsilon Gamma at Virginia Commonwealth University give blood under the watchful eye of a nurse during a recent blood drive at the school.
Collegiate Corner Rush came to a close with the preference party/inspirational night. It was the last chance to meet the rushees before bids would be offered. The following day was walk. Which rushee would choose to accept her bid? It was a secret to the end. As names were called and cheers hollered, girls ran to their choices. Epsilon Gammas were very pleased with their new pledges. Tracey Meehan
Murray State University
Spending time with alumnae The Beta Nu Chapter has spent a great deal of time with its alumnae chapter. All during formal rush, alumnae members helped out, whether by lending plants or helping with the food. They greatly added to a successful rush and added just the right finishing touches. Our alumnae chapter held a fashion show and lecture at a church in Paducah, KY. A fashion expert from a local store discussed the latest fashions. She talked about "colors" and how accessories can keep Alpha Sigs looking the best. After the lecture and fashion show, the alumnae provided some good home cooking. In October, Beta Nu sponsored a Teeter For Tots. Members teeter tottered for 24 hours to raise money for the needy children of the community. Beta Nus extend a special thanks to the alumnae members.
Spirit shines through on Letter Day for Gamma Rho members. First row: Julie Corr, Liz Thompson , Gina Dickinson, Tina Bitter. Second row: Jane Miller, Leslie Jones, Melanie Smith, Lisa Reibel, Lia Vasturia . Third row: Cindy Kolodzinski, Sue Drexinger, Chris Riley, Nicole Murphy. Fourth row: Donna Downs, Stephanie Morse, Patti DeLucia, Anne Varvaro, Donna McClain.
Michele Vena
Sarah Swick
Adrian College
Spring break in September The Gamma Mu Chapter had a very successful rush this year. One of the contributing factors was the second party with a theme of "Spring Break '86." Everyone wore shorts, T-shirts, sandals and, of course, sunglasses. Members sang "Alpha Sigma Girls" to the tune of "California Girls." The words were changed to give the rushees a sense of what Adrian Alpha Sigs are like. The words were as follows: THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
The Adrian College girls are hip , I really dig those styles they wear, And the sorority girls with the way they talk They knock me out when I'm down there. The Adrian farmers' daughters really make you feel all right, And the Alpha Sigs with the way they kiss They keep their boyfriends warm at night. I wish they all could be Alpha Sigmas repeat repeat Oh Herrick beach has the sunshine and the girls all get so tan, We dig the tight bluejeans on the Adrian men And their glowing savage tans, They've been all around this great big campus And they've seen all kinds of girls, Yeah, but they can't wait to get back to us, Back to the cutest girls in the world . I'm glad we all could be Alpha Sigmas repeat I'm glad we . all could be Alpha Sigma Girls! Stacy Hardy
Clarion University
Blind date party
members of Gamma Omicron was the blind date party. The pledges were in charge of setting up the party. That included such things as establishing a theme, decorating, getting refreshments and finding blind dates for members. On the night of the party, the pledges' dates arrived early and remained downstairs while the pledges remained upstairs. When they all arrived, the girls were introduced to their dates one by one. Then the members went upstairs while their dates arrived, and it was the pledges' turn to make the introductions. It was a great evening for pledges and members to have fun together, get to know each other better, and meet new people as well.
Mansfield University
Come join the gang The Delta Epsilon Chapter had a very successful fall rush. The party opened with a skit titled "Come Join the Gang ." Members dressed up as college students in the '50s at a university dance. Following the skit, refreshments and punch were served. During this time, members mingled with the rushees and answered any questions they had . Stacey Walters
Popular for both pledges and WINTER 1986
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Alpha Sigma Alpha is compiling a cookbook that will feature recipes from our collegiate and alumnae members. This cookbook is being published for the enjoyment of members and for the benefit of the sorority. Each member may submit three or four of her favorite recipes. One or more of these recipes will be published in the cookbook. Deadline for recipes is June 1, 1986. Recipe t i t l e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ingredients--------------------------
Send recipes to: Marilyn Garbee 49 St. Andrews Circle Broken Arrow, OK 74011
Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _State Alumnae Chapter
College Chapter _ _ _ _ _ __
CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME You can help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amount of money each year by sending to National Headquarters any change of address or name. The U.S. Postal Service charges 25 cents for each returned magazine or change of address. You are responsible for changing your address promptly if you wish to continue receiving your Phoenix. Mail completed form with mailing label attached to ALA National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802. College chapter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Year of initiation _ _ _ __ Married name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Husband's first name• Last name
-=--,-----------::-:c--:-:-:---------- ---------First Middle Last
Maidenname _ _ _ _
-=------------,,----------- -------------Street City State
Address _ _ _ _
Active In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,..lumnae Chapter. Hold office o f - - - - - - - - - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ I am enclosing $8 for my annual alumnae dues.
•used tor ease In locating phone llstlngs.