of Alpha Sigma Alpha
Summer 1985
Epsilon Eta installed in Virginia -PageS
====ALSO==== fE?\ Drinking & Sorority '<SY don't mix-Page 4
In Memorium June 1, 1984-June 1, 1985 ALPHA ALPH A Ethel Pfeiffer Barnes JoAnn Perrine Schulien
EARLY ALPHA ALPHA Pauline Good Preston Mary Zeck Rockhold Letha Edgar Spade Viola Warren Sadler Isabelle Key Reeve
ALPHA BETA Pauline Ethel Brenner Nellie Mudd Heck Hilda Sloop McCuskey Jo McKinely Wady
ALPHA GAMMA Rheva Miller Poindexter Janeanne Schnell Swain
BETA BETA Denise Davenport Ruth Day Davis Pearl Leininger Morison
GAMMA GAMMA Ethel France Deadrick S. Ethel Albright Duncan lcyl Baldwin Gourley Viola Burt Laubach Carrie Chesnut Lee Hazel Nash Stauffer Ora Firebaugh Wells Louise Glaser Wethington Gertrude Broadrick Green
Virginia Moore O 'Donnell Carrie Williams Patterson Ethel Ireland Randel Elladean Thomas Rudesill Patricia Shaver Ann Nanninga Trusler Ruth Hail White Jane Osborne Jolity
ZETA ZETA Elizabeth Casebolt Hart Ruth Bryant Pennell
ETA ETA Mildred Hammers Donnel Hyacinth Matney Kindig Christine Cottrell Loy E. Pearl Nicholson Zook Lodema Wiley Corey
THETA THETA Geneva M. Smith Ruth Mae Twiss Mildred Allen Ayers Gertrude Forge Weaver Mary Leszkiewicz Jones
NU NU Elizabeth Haines Hunsberger Phyllis Evans Miller Claire Bowman Wells
BETA GAMMA Clara Belle Lenox Do nna Jean Leno x
BETA EPSILON Naomi Hyla Branso n
BETA ETA Byrt Redmond Bashey Emma Porter Doty
BETA KAPPA Marcella C. Hall
BETA NU Mable Elrod Allen Jo Ann Morris
BETA XI Eileen Murphy Wilko
BETA PI Rhonda S. Roberts
Mattie VanHuekelom Reinhold
Mildred McNaught Blankenship Madelon Walto n Reeves
Patricia McCormick DiCamillo Ramona Barnes Revell Marjorie Duthie Townsend
CHI CHI Dorothy Murray B raun Mary Baldwin King
MUMU Margaret Chestnut Spicer
Ferne Gooley Ring
Frances Robson Anderson Jennie Jensen Agrelius Aileen Howell Barnett Catherine C. Brower Gladys Rice Clough Naida Stevenson Cravens Kathleen Markowitz Dancer Barbara Beverly Drake Doris West Jenson Jane Ladner Helen G. Loveless lssbel Milne Lowther Edna McCullough
PHI PHI Mary Todd Bird Mildred Medsker Lyle
BETA PSI Marsha Caro l Brown Marilyn Schuldt Chapman Marilyn Huggett Graham
Dorothea Saunders Cameron
Catherine Ehm Gassoway Jane Bernica Mullaney
Anna Raney Teal
Esther Fisher Horchem Mary Mae Paul Grace Kumberg Redger Rita Joacobs Whinery
Patricia MacKinney Herz
GAMMA PSI Pattie Nist
In This Issue Volume 70
Number 4
Summer 1985
7 Seven win annual scholarship awards Six Alpha Sigma Alpha members and one nonmember have been awarded AEA scholarships for the 1985-86 school year. Alumnae editor Kim Meyer tells you more about each of these women .
8 AEA installs new chapter in Virginia
4 The fight against alcohol abuse There has been a growing concern in the Greek community over the abuse of alcohol by college students. Alpha Sigma Alpha has definite guidelines and policies concerning the use of alcohol by its members. Read more about this issue and how your chapter can help fight this problem in a series of articles in this issue.
EDITOR Nancy I. Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac Des Plaines , IL 60016
PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor Kim R. Meyer 8014 Rossman Gulch Rd . Morrison , CO 80465
Collegiate Editor Cretia Rowlette 3861 N. Cherry Ln . Kansas City , MO 64116
Feature Editor Sue Zorichak Hagen 3612 70th St. E. Inver Grove Heights, MN 55075 Historian Esther Kaufman Gatseos 6659 E. Eastman Ave . Denver, CO 80224
Last spring, Epsilon Eta was installed at Virginia Wesleyan College, a 19-year-old school with 848 students. Feature Editor Sue Hagen takes you there with story and photos.
year will be Suzanne Kilgannon, 1985-86 chapter consultant. Read more about this woman , who is likely to visit your campus.
10 Beta Iota is new chapter consultant Traveling the miles between Alpha Sigma Alpha chapters this
THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA ~~J!::",c:::-.._ SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430· 640) , an educational journal , is published in the fall , winter , spring , and summer of each year by the So· rarity, 1201 East Walnut Street , Springfield , Mis· souri 65802 . The subscription price $1 .50 a year . Printed by Shepard Poorman Communications and Maury Boyd & Associates . Indianapolis , IN 46268 . Member , College Fraternity Editors Association. Send change of address and business correspond· ence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters . 1 201 East Walnut St .. Sprin gfie ld , Missouri 65802 . A:Jdress all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor , Nancy I. Z. Reese, 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac , Des Plaines, II 60016
2 ........................ In Memorium 11 ............... State/Province Days 12 .................. Collegiate Corner 21 ................ Stars in Our Crown
On the Cover Members of the newly installed Epsilon Eta Chapter pose for a group picture on the cam· pus of Virginia Wesleyan College.
In the Next Issue Look for a sneak preview of events at the 1986 National Convent io n in Denver, CO .
ARTICLES are invited for publication in this journal. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial staff for consideration . Acceptances are on a con· tributing basis only and subject to editorial review . "'' 'icles published are the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of Al:A . Second-class postage paid at Springfield , Missouri , and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to National Head· quarters, 1201 East Walnut St. , Springfield, Mis· souri 65802.
A :E A National Convention Denver July S-9, 1986 SUMMER 1985
Alcohol abuse Chapters are responsible for helping solve problem by Jean Weaver National Standards Chairman With the increased emphasis among college administrators to develop awareness among students about the uses and misuses of alcoholic beverages, many fra ternities and sororities on the local and national level are intensifying their educational programs on the effect of alcohol consumption. The wisdom of these educational programs is underscored by the legal problems connected with alcohol consumption at sorority or fraternity functions. Every Alpha Sigma Alpha chapter should conduct a program an-
panel discussions on the university radio station. At the University of Illinois, students are invited to take the " BACCHUS Challenge," which involves signing a contract among roommates promising not to drink and drive during school breaks. At West Virginia, BACCHUS will provide "alternative bar" service for parties . For a nominal fee, it brings all the supplies and mix drinks containing no alc<:_>hol, but tasting as if they did. The "Alcohol Bowl " was held at Oklahoma State University, patterned after the " College Bowl" with questions about alcohol facts and trivia . Greeks Against Mismanagement of Alcohol meets
Every chapter should conduct an alcohol awareness program annually in addition to ongoing efforts to make each member and pledge aware of the effects of alcohol abuse. nually in addition to on-going efforts to make each member and pledge aware of the effects of alcoholic abuse. Throughout the country , excellent alcohol awareness programs are being held to en courage responsible drinking attitudes and behavior.
Alcohol programs BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students) is a nation al , nonprofit organi zation represented on as many as 110 college campuses. To promote responsible drinking, it uses a variety of techniques. The Un iversi ty of Georg ia has 4
weekly at the University of South Carolina. Its projects include providing transportation to Greek affairs held off-campus , checking IDs at those events, and offering alcohol awareness programs. In any good alcohol awareness program , many myths, opinions and rumors are encountered. Modifying an attitude toward alcohol abuse is important and clearing up the misconceptions about alcohol usage is the place to start.
Increasing awareness Across the country there is a steady increase in the awareness of hazards associated with alcohol Continued on page 6
Putting a lid on the myths Alcohol is a stimulant Alcohol actually acts as a depressant on the central nervous system and slows the activity of the brain and the spinal cord.
It's only beer One beer or one glass of wine is about equal to one average highball. The effect may be a little slower, but you will be just as drunk on beer or wine as on "hard" liquor.
People are friendlier when they are drunk Maybe. But they are also more hostile, more dangerous, more criminal, more homicidal and more suicidal. Half of all murders are alcohol-related and one in three of all suicides is alcohol-related.
Look at Tom-he can really handle his liquor He may actually be developing a tolerance for alcohol. And tolerance can be a polite word for need. So don't envy Tom!
It's not polite to tell a friend she is drinking too much Maybe if we weren't so polite, we wouldn't have so many friends with drinking problems. And failure to tell her could kill a friendship if she drives after drinking and has a fatal accident.
It's rude to refuse a drink Never. What is really rude is pushing a drink on someone who doesn't want it or shouldn 't have it. Continued on page 5
AEA policy on alcohol The National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha, in its continuing effort to eliminate alcohol abuse, mandates that no alcoholic beverages may be se_rved or stored in Alpha Sigma Alpha housing. Although the social use of alcohol outside Alpha Sigma Alpha housing is a matter of personal preference, Alpha Sigma Alpha requires that each chapter abide by the state and local laws and campus regulations governing alcohol consumption. Each chapter is requested to conduct at least one alcohol awareness program per year. The National Council encourages all members to adhere to the concepts of responsible drinking and individual choice. Adopted by the National Council June 1985
Responsible use of alcohol 1. Respect members and guests who don't want to drink. If someone says, "No, thanks," don't push it. Always provide nonalcoholic beverages at all functions. Invest in a couple of punch cookbooks and serve a nonalcoholic punch for those who would prefer not to drink. 2. Serve snacks along with drinks. Food slows down the rate at which alcohol is absorbed in the blood st ream. Cheese, vegetables and dip, nuts and meat are better choices than salty foods that increase thirst. 3. Think of clever party themes that take the focus away from alcohol. Alcohol should be secondary to conversation, dancing , sports and cards and not be an end in itself. 4. If mixed drinks are served, provide a bartender to pour properly proportioned drinks-not doubles. Allowing guests to make their own drinks is more expensive and many people can get drunk too fast. 5. Open the bar after the party begins and close it about an hour before the end of the party. Some people may get mad, but by serving food or nonalcoholic beverages the last hour, the alcohol can begin wearing off before the guests go home. 6. Social reinforcement of irresponsible behavior should be avoided. Look down on abusive drinking-it isn't funny. 7. Never serve a drunk more alcohol. 8. When planning the chapter's social calendar, make a special effort to provide a good mix of functions. Every party doesn't have to include liquor. 9. Be sure all guests know the starting and ending time of any social function . Th is allows guests to plan consumption of alcohol at their own rate. A function with a reasonable ending time should also lessen "overindulgence" by some guests. 10. Never allow an intoxicated person to drive. Try to provide a ride, a place to sleep or a taxi. If necessary take away his/her car keys. There is no fast way to sober up a drunk. It takes about an hour for the human body to absorb and dispose of the alcohol in each average cocktail or can of beer. *
* *
Myths Continued from page 4
Blacking out is pretty common after drinking and is nothing serious One of the first warning signs of an alcohol problem is often a blackout and waking up in the morning and not remembering anything , although your friends report that you did not pass out.
Everyone has a fake 10-it's not a big deal Wrong! It is illegal to have false identification. You can be arrested for tampering 路 with your driver's license, using someone else's ID or buying a fake ID. You are not being a friend by asking someone if you can use her ID and you are not a friend if you allow yours to be misused in this way.
A cup of black coffee will sober her up In about five hours! Cold showers don't help, either. Only time will get alcohol out of the system, and the I iver metabolizes alcohol slowly. About 1% hours is needed for each drink consumed.
The best cure for a hangover is . . . Not drinking too much to start with. Preventive medicine includes sipping slowly and taking care to avoid intoxication .
The most serious problem in society is drug abuse Yes. And the number one drug problem is alcohol abuse. About 3 million Americans are addicted to heroin, but about 9 million are addicted to alcohol. Continued on page 6
®================= Alcohol abuse Continued from page 4 abuse. States have been ra1smg the minimum drinking age and im· posing stiff, mandatory penalties upon those convicted of driving while under the influence of alcohol. As a result of Public Law 98-363 , which President Reagan signed in July 1984, the federal government will withhold certain federal highway funds from any state that does not change its laws to make 21 the minimum age for the purchase and consumption of alcohol. The law goes into effect at the beginning of the first fiscal year after Sept. 30, 1985, and it is probable that most states eventually will adopt 21 as the lawful drinking age. There is a growing legal trend to impose liability for damages on a social host, including a sorority or fraternity that furnishes alcoholic beverages to its guests, especially minors. The sorority, and possibly the officers or members who actu-
ally furnished the beverages, may be held liable in the case of acci· dent, injury or death if the alcohol was provided by the chapter or was consumed by an under-age individ· ual on chapter property or at a chapter-sponsored event. In some states, the chapter may also be liable if the person was of legal drinking age. Parents who provide their home for chapter so· cial events can also be held responsible for the actions of the chapter, its members and guests. The sorority has a duty to exercise reasonable judgment in selling or giving liquor to its members and guests and to refuse to serve anyone who obviously has had too much to drink. We all want our parties to be fun. However, it is the responsibili· ty of the sorority to encourage the highest ideals of its members, and alcohol regulation and education falls into that category. The sorori· ty should require each member to obey the laws of her community, practice restraint and to learn all she can about alcohol use and abuse. -tt -tt
Myths Continued from page 5
All the publicity about drinking and driving is . .. True. At least half the fatal highway accidents involve drinking. Approximately 7,000 people between the ages of 18-24 are killed in alcohol-related accidents each year.
Getting drunk is funny Drunkenness is no funnier than any other illness or incapacity. Neither is it attractive.
If alcohol is so dangerous it would be illegal It's not alcohol, but the abuse of alcohol that is dangerous. Most drinkers are able to drink moderately and responsibly, so rather than outlaw alcohol, we must find ways to prevent its abuse.
I drive better after a few drinks
DO NOT ABUSE ALCOHOL WHEN H ungry Angry L onely T ired
The legal definition in most states of driving under the influence is a blood alcohol level of .1 0 percent. Scientific tests have proven that even professional drivers' abilities are diminished sharply at levels as low as .10 percent. Judgment is also affected. People think they are driving better than ever, but in fact they are driving worse.
People who drink too much only hurt themselves And their families. And their friends. And their employers. And strangers on the highways. And you.
Seven chosen as 1985-86 recipients by Kim R. Meyer
National Philanthropic Gamma Xi's Julie Dean Sherman is working toward degrees in special education and elementary education at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania. She has served her chapter as editor, housing chairman, assistant rush chairman and is currently president of Panhellenic. She has been on the dean's list for three years and is a member of special education and elementary education honoraries. Julie has volunteered for United Cerebral Palsy and as a leader for a troop of retarded boy scouts. She works actively with Special Olympics and tutors learning disabled elementary students. Julie hopes to further her education with graduate study in physical therapy, enhancing her ability to work with multiply-handicapped children. Julie's home is Dix Hills,
National Philanthropic Gamma Zeta member Shannon Dee Smurl of Fordyce, AR, is a junior studying elementary education with emphasis on special education and reading. She has served her chapter as rush chairman and vice president. She is a member of Student Ambassadors, University of Arkansas at Monticello Assembly, the Institutional Committee on Teacher Education and has been on the dean's list. Dr. Albert Etheridge, vice chancellor for Academic Affairs at UAM, states, "Shannon's extracurricular activities enhance, complement and lend credibility to her academic accomplishments ."
Special Education Kathy Lynne Mills, sponsored by Beta Iota Chapter of Radford University, has a double major in special education and early childhood THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
education. She hopes to continue her studies with a master's degree in learning or multiple disabilities. Her experiences with Radford 's hands-on activities for special education majors "has made me more enthusiastic and prepared for my future than I ever thought I could be." Kathy is the chapter president of the Student Council for Exceptional Children and received the Hanover Education Association Scholarship. She participates in Project INTERACT, a government funded program for special education majors at Radford . Kathy is from Doswell, VA.
Mary Turner Gallagher Pamela Ross Bernard, a Chi Chi at Ball State University, is studying for a degree in finance or personnel management. Pamela writes, "AEA has given me leadership skills and the power to use these skills to help other members of the sorority. " She puts this into practice as president of her chapter. Pamela is involved as a leader on campus and in honors programs. She is in Rho Lambda , the Panhellenic honorary. She has served her AEA chapter as Panhellenic delegate and treasurer . Libertyville, IL, is Pamela's home.
Amy M. Swisher A member of Gamma Zeta Chapter at the University of Arkansas at Monticello , Barbara Jean
Scholarship applications are due Feb. 10, 1986. Obtain applications from your chapter philanthropic chairman or AEA National Headquarters, 1201 E. Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802.
Gilliam is majoring in physical education. She is the secretary and a member of the standards board for her chapter. Barbie has been a varsity cheerleader, serves on the Student Activities Board and is a member of the UAM Lettermen's Club. She is from McGehee, AR, and plans to attend a sports medicine or cardiac rehabilitation program upon graduation. An alumna advisor for rz describes Barbie as "an outstanding college student, church and school leader and a good friend to all she meets. "
Martha Dimond Tamara Markovitz , Gamma Omega , is a psychology major from Frankfort, IL. She is in the departmental honors program at Eastern Illinois University. Tammy hopes to eventually earn a doctorate and go into private practice. She is serving as treasurer for her chapter in addition to working part time. Tammy's statistics professor praises her as "a delightful person. She is friendly, personable and intelligent. "
Wilma Wilson Sharp Kelly Elizabeth McDowell is majoring in political science at Northwest Missouri State University. She is a member of Phi Phi Chapter and is from Kansas City, MO. Kelly is involved in student government and is one of three finalists chosen by the governor for the student representative to the state Board of Regents. Kelly served as president of her pledge class and homecoming float chairman . She also helped meet AEAs from all over the country as they arrived in Kansas City for the national convention last summer. Kelly's aspirations are to go to law school and then enter the political arena . SUMMER 1985
Epsilon Eta Chapter installed at Virginia Wesleyan by Sue Zorichak Hagen Epsilon Eta Chapter and Virginia Wesleyan College have more in common than just the 300-acre campus they share-both are busy building traditions. Founded in 1966, the college is celebrating its 19th year; EH was installed as a chapter April 27, 1985. The first national sorority on campus, the group initially met with MaryAnn Linton , vice president of development, last spring before the Epsilon Gamma installation at Virginia Commonwealth University. Several were members of a little sister organization and at that time weren't interested in going national , Debbie Parr says. That changed last fall , adds Debbie, Province V director and the group's installing officer. Based on what they learned from MaryAnn and researched in the National Panhellenic Conference handbook, they chose Af.A. Paula Foreman , vice president of program , then visited the campus and set the wheels in motion for the group of 38 to be colonized in early December. Under the guidance of Debbie and chapter consultant Cindy Fundis , the next four months were spent fulfilling the contract for chartering. Strong support from the college administration helped clear the way, Debbie says. Situated on the border of resort towns Virginia Beach and Norfolk , VA, VWC is a fully accredited, coed four-year liberal arts college affiliated with the United Methodist Church. With 848 students, enrollment is at capacity , according to the student handbook. In addition to being in the heart of the rapidly growing Tidewater area of Virginia , other amenities include a location just minutes
Al:A National President Rosemary Goss hands over the president's gavel to Donna Steppe, president of Epsilon Eta . Standing between them is Melissa Burroughs, immediate past president.
The newly installed Epsilon Eta Chapter gathers for concluded the festivities on installation day.
away from Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean . How fitting , then, that the installation team was welcomed with a beach party Friday, April 26. One area of the room featured a baby pool , lawn chairs and a beach ball , while another looked suspiciously
a picture after the formal banquet, which
like the Virginia Beach strip. With wall murals of restaurants, shops and even beach graffiti as a backdrop, EH performed a " Welcome to Virginia Beach" skit. Along with the installation team-Debbie Parr, Cindy Fundis, MaryAnn Linton , Paula Foreman, THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
In the reception line at the reception before the formal dinner were (left to right) Rhetta Robinson, chairman of colonies; MaryAnn Linton, vice president of development; Paula Foreman, vice president of program; Walter Kopacz, EH fa culty advisor; Rosemary Goss, national president; Melissa Burroughs and Donna Steppe.
Donna Steppe and Melissa Burroughs hold up one of the many gifts presented to the new chapter.
National President Rosemary Goss, and National Colonies Chairman Rhetta Robinson-were collegiate representatives from Er; Washington, D .C. , alumnae Helen Lortz, Lois Beers and Geraldine Cox ; Richmond alumna Francis Frances; and members of the Vir-
ginia Beach alumnae chapter. Saturday, in addition to install ing the 23 charter members, the chapter and new officers, 12 wom en were pledged . The White Luncheon , featuring a light chicken salad , was held on campus. As someone exclaimed , " It's like a
birthday party," chapter members opened gifts, which included a silver tea service from National Council. Later, several parents and faculty members joined the group at the afternoon tea in the campus library. Capping off the busy day was the installation banquet. Held at the Island House Restaurant in Virginia Beach , guests enjoyed an ocean view as well as a wonderful meal. Melissa Burroughs of EH served as the toastmistress for the evening. Reciting the toasts to EH Chapter were Diane Marsh , Er president, Aspire; Francis Frances, Seek; and Paula Foreman, Attain . Guest speaker Wendy L. Seligmann , career planning and placement counselor at VWC, discussed the importance and advantages of networking. After charter members and pledges were introduced, Rosemary Goss presented the group its charter. Following farewells at breakfast on Sunday, EH got down to the business of building those traditions. Charter members are: Kathleen W. Bell , Cheryl L. Buchanan, Melissa L. Burroughs , Cheryl L. Chatfield , Karen R. Conner , Marshalene Currie , Deborah L. Dougherty , Lauri L. Felton , Katrina A. Gilbert, Page M. Larson, Michelle S. Leary, Amy P. Lowe, Lisa A. Manix, Glenie L. Minga , Kathryn M . Owens, Jennifer L. Pittman, Michele Sabasko, Sharon K. Self, Ruth A. Small , Donna A. Steppe, Martha J . Sykes, Joan R. Weede and Victoria B . Zaremba. Charter pledges are : Rachel Andreatta , Carolyn Callaham , Patricia Crawford , Elizabeth Darnell , Kristine Jacobsen , Victoria A . Maffei , Julie Poach , Mary C . Ragan , Mercedes Simpson, Alisa M . Smith, Pamela Vincent and An1:t gela Ward . 1:t
Beta Iota is new chapter consultant by Sue Zorichak Hagen Fitting four seasons worth of clothes into two suitcases , Su zanne Kilgannon hits the AI:A " circuit'' this fall as the 1985-86 chapter consultant. Born in New York City, the Beta Iota 's family moved to northern Virginia when she was in the sixth grade. She remembers that that area was like the country compared to New York City, but nothing compared to the hills in the southern part of the state, where she attended college . " Even though Radford University is only 6,500 students strong," she says, " I was never at a loss for things to do." Those " things to do" included playing in the school band , acting as a campus tour guide and playing on the school softball team . She also worked at the campus radio station to supplement her program in the speech and journalism department, where she majored in radio and television communications. One of her greatest honors, she
Suzanne Ki/gannon
says, was being a charter member of Alpha Epsilon Rho, the路 national broadcast honorary, as a freshman. She went on to hold the offices of vice president and president. "Even though I was very excited to be a part of AEP, it didn't compare to the times I've had as a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha," she says. She pledged fall 1982 as a sophomore, and was chosen Ide-
Missing Beta Beta's body found After two months of extensive searching by Greeks, university students and police, the body of missing University of Northern Colorado junior, Denise Davenport (BB), was found in a nearby river. Although there are few clues, her death is considered a homicide by police. Denise vanished after leaving work, on her way to officer installation for Beta Beta Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha . She was to become
scholarship chairman and chaplain. In addition to funeral services for friends and family of Denise, there was a candlelight silent prayer service held by members of all sororities and fraternities at the university. Denise's boyfriend was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Denise is survived by her parents, Hal and Carrie Davenport of Littleton, CO, and two sisters, Debbie and Susan . -tf
al Pledge that year. She was elected membership director after her initiation, and also served as rush, standards and Tri-State Day chairman. Add that all up, and it equals her being Beta Iota's nominee for the Frost Fidelity Award. A desire to learn the most she can about AI:A led Suzanne to apply for chapter consultant. "Not only that," she adds, "but I would like to help others get as much out of the sorority as I have. " Leaving behind her parents and a 16-year-old sister, Suzanne spent the month of August at National Headquarters for training before setting out across the country. Post-travel plans include pursuing a career in TV production or even, she says, after her experience as a chapter consultant, corporate public relations. -tf
We'll help you, if you help us .
Would you like your next State or Province Day announced in The Phoenix? You can reach all AEAs in your area by sending information on the location, date and time, hostess chapters and contact person. Please send information to: Kim R. Meyer Alumnae Editor 8014 Rossman Gulch Rd. Morrison, CO 80465
Province/State Days Sharing, catching & feeling magic of AEA Province IV
Province VII
Province II
Share the magic
Feel the magic
Catch the magic
Province Day for the chapters of Province IV was held at Temple University, Pennsylvania, in April. The theme for the day was " Share the Magic of Alpha Sigma Alpha." National officers in attendance were Linda Rogers, vice president of alum nae, and Jane Ramsey , Province IV director. Several Kappa Kappa alumnae also attended. Co-chairmen for the day were Lori Shere! and Barbara Bisirri, both of Kappa Kappa Chapter. Marsha Perry, KK, designed the programs which reflected the " magic" theme. Collegians from Nu Nu and Delta Iota chapters were greeted by the women of Kappa Kappa in Temple's new student pub . They received their workshop folders and breakfasted on doughnuts and juice. The first workshop of the day was a combined rush and public relations workshop given by Jane Ramsey. Members learned how to have a more effective rush and how to " sell " Alpha Sigma Alpha and the Greek system in general. Two additional workshops were offered . Linda Rogers spoke on alumnae participation and improved relations between collegians and alumnae. Debbie Mehlstadt, from the Temple University Student Assistance Center , presented a workshop on time management. She had advice on how to set priorities, establish goals and stop procrastination. The keynote speaker of the day was Doris Pechkurow, an attorney and the president of the Philadelphia NOW chapter. Pechkurow addressed the group on the progress the women's movement has made and how, as young women already sharing a bond of sisterhood , they can take that progress even further. Buttons emblazoned with the "Share the Magic" theme were given as favors for everyone to take home. They also took home the ideas , spirit and enthusiasm shared on that special day!
National officers Silvana Richardson (ritual chairman), Cindy Fundis (chapter consultant), and Karla Kamp (Province VII director) led collegians and alumnae through a very profitable Province VII Day in March at Indiana State University-Evansville. The group included members of Delta Kappa, Beta Nu and Gamma Omega chapters as well as Southwestern Indiana and Jackson Purchase (Kentucky) alumnae . A special guest was Sue Reynolds , BT, who helped establish Delta Kappa Chapter on the !SUE campus in 1972. The Delta Kappas, in addition to hosting the event, had the Gamma Omegas of Eastern Illinois University at Charleston and the Beta Nus from Murray State in Kentucky spend Fri day night in their homes. The Delta Kappas also invited their visitors to come along to a mixer at the TKE fraternity house that night. The party may have cut short sleeping time , but everyone enjoyed their waking hours. The day began with a " Mystery Sister Find ," an icebreaker sending the participants searching for another AI:A by using a biography filled in by all participants and sent in with their registration forms. Workshops included an exchange of rush ideas between members of Beta Nu, Delta Kappa and Gamma Omega conducted by Karla Kamp ; " So What's It Like to Be a Chapter Consultant?" by Cindy Fundis and Karla Kamp ; and an alumnae workshop presented by Ter路 ry Murphy and Lana Bunner, Southwestern Indiana alumnae. Silvana Richardson , the featured speaker, reminded the AI:As about the importance of rituals to sorority. She pointed out that ceremonies , even those for pledging and initiation (without the threat of hazing), can be enjoyable and moving experiences that strengthen the sorority's spiritual bond. Her speech ended with the Rainbow Ceremony .
Capturing the spirit and magic of AEA was the theme of Province ll 's special day, hosted by Gamma Xi Chapter at Slippery Rock University, Pennsylvania , in April. Members of the Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter attended as well as collegians from Gamma Xi and Gamma Psi Chapter at Edinboro University. The welcoming address was given by Rebecca Hulbert, Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, Greek advisor at Slippery Rock University . The morning session was filled with presentations on Students Against Driving Drunk by Jane Patrillo , area supervisor of SADD; and assertiveness by Dr. Anne Griffiths, associate dean of the College of Professional Studies at Slippery Rock University. After lunch , Bonnie Oswald, Province II director, presented a rush workshop to the collegians while the alumnae held a meeting led by Dr. Kathleen Boykin , president of the Pittsburgh alumnae . The day concluded with a ceremony initiating the seniors into alumnae status. Everyone formed a friendship circle, followed by a song led by the Gamma Psis. Valerie Grash , r'lr
Lori M. Shere!, KK
Charlene J. Cain , ~K
Province/ State Days Tri-State Day (Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina)
November 7, 1985 Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA Hostesses: Epsilon Gamma
Kansas-Missouri State Day April 5, 1986 Kansas State College Pittsburg, KS Hostesses: Eta Eta
Collegiate Corner Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Spring fun Spring always brings more than just April showers and May flowers for the Alpha Gamma Chapter. It brings the most chaotic two weeks of the year : Greek Week and Derby Days. Greek Week begins April 14 and lasts an entire week. During this week , all sorts of events occur. Co-ed events are mixed in with individual events to add variety to the competi tion . As the week begins, the AEAs work with the Phi Delta Theta fraternity on a combination dance number that includes "Loverboy ," " Lovergirl " and "Swoop ." Their ultimate goal: to bring the house down. The AEAs have become experts in capturing the audience's attention . Their success rate is phenomenal. Greek sing is the highlight of the week and much preparation is required . In addition to this event, other coed events such as chariot races, pyramid building and frisbee football occur throughout the week . While co-ed events are exciting , the individual competition proves to be very rewarding. Competing against the other 12 national sororities and 18 other fraternities becomes a job for not just one, but all members . Events like pizza eating , tug-of-war, arm wrestling and the new event-the jello jump, which is a pool filled with 1'k tons of jello, take much hard work and preparation . But the AEAs are ready for anything . The AEA 's Greek Week queen representative Denise Hopkins helps raise donations for Meals on Wheels. Shortly after Greek Week , five days to be exact , Derby Days follow . Derby Days' sponsor is Sigma Chi fraternity . The contest benefits Camp Orenda for the mentally retarded . All the sororities parti cip ate . The following three days include raising money, a banner contest, spirit contests, relays of all kinds, an egg toss, ice buckets , the bat spin and other athletic events. Although these events are important, derby hunting is the main attraction. Derbys are h idden throughout the campus and finding the most derbys is the main object of the com petition. This is not as easy as it
sounds. Climbing walls, crawl ing under bushes, climbing trees, no stone is left unturned. Everywhere is fair game, and everywhere imaginable is searched . So every night, the girls head out with flashlight in hand to hunt for the derbys. And the final day of the hunt is an all -out search for the golden derby. This is the grand prize.
Jamie Lynne Knight
Concord College
Scenic mountain setting Concord College is nestled among the West Virginia hills, 2600 feet above sea level. The scenic beauty of the Appalachian Mountains creates the perfect setting for a small college town. Many people believe that Concord 's surrounding hills wou_ld create isolation-this is not so. Two main highways are nearby and the area offers many recreational activities. Some of the region 's finest resorts are in the area . Winter Place Ski Re sort provides excellent winter fun and nearby Pipestem State Park offers many summer activities including swimming , hiking, horse back riding , camping , golf, tennis and many others . Concord was established in 1872 and opened in 1875. It now enrolls just over 2 ,000 students and employes 121 faculty and staff members . During its first few years , Concord was a teachers college. Today it still has an excellent education program and is one of the highest qualified schools in the state . Another interesting program that Concord Col lege offers is its Travel Industry Management program . Concord is one of the few schools to offer a four-year degree in this area , so this program attracts many out-of-state students.
Northeast Missouri State University
Collegians hit the beaches Florida lured 13 Alpha Betas to its beaches. Six women went on a Stu-
dent Activities Board-sponsored trip . Three busloads of NMSU students arrived at Daytona after a 22-hour trip. The Alphas stayed in a motel that was within walking distance of the beach , shopping and night clubs . Since it was sunny every day , the girls could be found laying out or riding the waves. Needless to say , they all came back with great tans. If you are lucky as two Alpha Betas, you have parents who live in Florida . Along with two other chapter members, they traveled to Fort Myers. While they were there, they went to the beach, Santibel and Captiva Island. One woman saw the ocean the for first time. She is ready to go back , as is everyone who went to Florida over break. Another warm place that attracted three Alphas was Phoenix, AZ. While there, they spent most of their time shopping and laying in the sun and attending a spring league baseball game between the Chicago Cubs and the Milwaukee Brewers.
Ramona Richardson
Elan College
Involved with philanthropies The Delta Rho Chapter decided for its February philanthropic project to help the Battered Women 's Home in Burlington, NC. The Battered Wom en's Home, run by the Baptist Church, provides help, not only for battered women , but abused children as well. The home gives counciling , clothing , food and rehabilitation for these people. The members of Delta Rho Chapter donated clothes , appliances, canned goods and $25 to the home. As revealed in a letter of thanks from the Battered Women 's Home, the gifts donated by the Delta Rho Chapter were greatly needed and will be put to good use.
Gail Martin
Collegiate Corner members dressed formally and shared feelings of sisterly closeness during a beautiful ceremony. A few tears may be shed, but they are the tears of AEA happiness. As rushees left to sign their bid cards , members asked them to drop a tiny pearl they received during the ceremony into a wishing well. We hope they obtained their fondest wish . Charlene J. Cain
Loyola University of Chicago
Springing with spirit
Beta Rhos gathered for a Hawaiian theme rush party are top row: Lynn Pawlicz, Patty Hillis, Barb Stengel and Renee Drolet; middle row: Kara Maid/, Missy Cover, Liz Ward, Patti Lynch, Mary Christensen and Sandy Mastandrea; bottom row: Alicia Angone, Darlene Ca ttorini, Melody Groebe and Karyn Crement.
University of Illinois
Indiana State University- Evansville
Greeks galore
Cabaret welcomes rushees
The Epsilon Beta Chapter is unique for two reasons . The first is our location at the University of Illinois. It is the home of the largest Greek system in the world, consisting of 27 sororities and 48 fraternities . With so many houses , there is always some activity in which to participate or at least watch, as well as the opportunity to get to know a large number of other sororities and fraternities. The situation of Epsilon Beta also is unique because it is the only Alpha Sig chapter on a Big Ten campus. Epsilon Beta is unique in another way-the chapter is moving to a new house in the fall. Members are excited because the new house is bigger and there will be room for everyone to live. There also will be more room for rush . With everyone living inhouse , we hope to grow closer, as well as become the most united group on campus! Kathy Sheridan
Each year when Delta Kappa pledges new rushees, they always say the AI:As made the best impression because the members are so friendly! Rush this year brought many new members in the fall and spring . Laura Ackerman, rush chairman, organized the parties, skits and ceremonies. dKs always actively involve rushees in the skits. During the fall rush "Surfin' USA" theme party, rushees laughed and giggled, listening to the Beach Boys while learning the steps to a circle dance. Rushees found members in red shorts, white shirts with AEA garters and hats during the "Cabaret" number for the information party. As members sang the last " . . . come join the AEA! ," each rushee received a dK garter! Rushees left parties smiling and laughing, but they also saw a more serious side. At the preference party,
Gamma Lambda's spirit is "springing!" Members enjoy fulfilling aims among themselves , peers and community through many activities . This semester seems to be exceptionally busy; however , Gamma Lambda's members turn any busy event into a fun and exciting time for all who participate. Spring break '85, filled with fun in the sun in Florida , brings joyful memories to many members. Plenty of sun and lots of dancing are the usual scenario for students on break. Confetti's, in Ft. Lauderdale, even reserved one night just for Loyola students because of their spirit. Spirit at Loyola this semester can be called anything except scarce. A major contributor to the spirit is the school's wonderful basketball team , alias "Ramblers." Loyola finally got the recognition it has always deserved . The spirit in the Greek system didn 't let the community down this semester either. Tau Kappa Epsilon and Alpha Delta Gamma fraternity chapters at Loyola involved all the sororities on campus in an auction that raised over $500 for a local hospital. Lori Cesario
Virginia Commonwealth University
Philanthropic plans Epsilon Gamma Chapter worked with the Richmond , VA , coordinator for Special Olympics to develop a weekly swimming program for the mentally retarded . This program is to develop training and skills to prepare the athletes for competition. This program should further develop and enrich the lives of the special population. Kippy Golbek
Collegiate Corner Radford University
Spring break fun
Zeta Zetas pose at a Skate-a-Than to benefit the American Cancer Society.
In the first week of March several members of the Beta Io ta Chapter packed their bags, piled into cars and headed for Fort Lauderdale, FL, for their spring break. They started off the trip with a caravan of six cars . The caravan, surprisingly, lasted several hours. After having the Beta Iotas all on the same floor, the Lauderdale Beach Hotel will never be the same . The week was filled with numerous activities, including relaxing on the beach, going on a three-hour night cruise and dancing the night away at the popular spots on the Fort Lauderdale strip . With t he red and white letters shining all week, Radford Day at " The Button" especially attracted Alpha Sigmas, who supported their school and spread the usual AEA spirit. Some burned , some peeled and some tanned but all had fun and returned with smiles and fond memories . After a week of sun and fun, the Beta Iotas came back to Radford University to rest!
Southwest Missouri State University
University of Southern Mississippi
A strong family
A full semester
Singing with a band, tending a bar, going to Ireland for a year to study and being chosen as city liasion officer, who is a liasion between Southwest Missouri State University and the City of Springfield, are some of the types of jobs and experiences that keep the members of the Beta Sigma Chapter busy and involved . The chapter strives for individuality and uniqueness , yet has a central place where all live , love and laugh together. This variety of girls and activities pulls the chapter together and results in a strong sisterhood. Like others, members are involved in their own activities , but enjoy going to a foot ball game together and cheering for the college team . With all the individual traits, mem bers have a lot of new and interesting ideas . Everyone is willing to voice her thoughts, which could conflict with some, but not the Beta Sigs. Members are open to each other's thoughts, and willing to blend them into our own special " family. " Drawing all these different types of people together makes us a very close sorority . Thi s individuality makes our c hapter unique and a specia l home to all of us.
Open rush! Formal rush! Fund raisers! Banquets! Teas! Spring formal! Greek games! New officers! New chairmen! New faces, ideas and activities- Beta Delta is about to burst out of its seams. The chapter has been growing at a tremendous rate. Each meeting seems to bring new, bright faces and all sorts of fresh ideas . Thanks to the hard work of many and the extreme dedication of a few , Beta Delta has nearly tripled its size in the course of one year. There are now enough strong , dedicated members to carry out long-awaited hopes and dreams of a newly rebuilt chapter of the oldest sorority on campus. Cindy Fundis, chapter consultant, was here during formal and open rush and was a tremendous help. Also , rush chairman Dee Dougherty has more than bent over backwards to see the growth of the chapter. The chapter plans to repeat successful rush parties from last year and see a quota/total situation for Beta Delta in the very near future . From the southern hospitality of the " Alpha Queen ," to the French " Ooh Lah Lah" of " Chez Alpha ," we ask you to " Con sider Yourself at Home" with the Alpha Sigs of Southern Mississippi.
The Gam ma Om icron Chapter has recently completed another spring rush period . Formal rush began late in January with "Meet the Greeks." The theme party was a " Mexican Fi esta. " Nachos and Mexican Sunrises made for a " refreshing" change from the winter blues. The preference party was next on the agenda. Everyone was dressed for the occasion and the evening ended with the pearl ceremony. Formal rush went extremely well and ended the festivities with many new members. Open rush was soon to follow . The first party had a Hawaiian theme at which ice cream sundaes were served . The second open rush party was a beach theme at which munch ies were served and games played. After these parties , open bids were delivered with pledging planned for next semester.
Patric ia Stelter
Karen Kay
Laura Cochran
Jenni Bowker
Clarion University
Meet the Greeks
Collegiate Corner Pittsburg State University
Greek unity Sometimes when Greek organizations start competing with one another , rivalries form . Occasionally, those rivalries can separate organizations so that they aren 't working together as Greeks, but individually as separate sororities. At P.S .U., the Panhellenic set a goal to bring the three sororities closer together. So far , Panhellenic has organized three activities to achieve this goal. The first was a sorority exchange. Every sorority had two girls stay the night at other houses. This allowed the girls a chance to get to meet new people and to get to know how the other sororities work. The event went over so well that Panhellenic is planning another one before school lets out . During the week of April 15-19, P.S.U. had an all-Greek week to improve relations. All three sororities took fraternity presidents to a park for a small picnic. The last event was Secret Sis. A computer assigned each member a secret sis from another sorority . For two days a gift , such as a devotion , was left on the mantel in the houses for the women to come pick up. Not only did the person get a chance to meet that member, but also all the women in the house when she went to get her present. After the two days, everyone met to find her secret sis. All three events are bringing us closer together, the way it is supposed to be. We' re all Greek sisters , just in different branches of the fami ly tree. The Eta Eta Chapter is proud that we 've helped make the exchange a success. We' re also grateful to our two new Panhellenic representatives, Carmen Colvard and Diane Brackhon, who have done an excel lent job in helping organize these events . Lisa Patti
Bloomsburg University
Family adoption The Delta Chi Chapter has started a new tradition. In the past , the chapter has adopted a less fortunate fami ly in town and helped them celebrate
Jill Dol/away, Laura Ulczynski, Donna Przepiora and Nancy Dietsch, Beta Theta members show off their new T-shirts.
Christmas. We have decided to make this a yearly event. This last Christmas the family had five children. With a little help from the Court House, the chapter decided to buy a Christmas tree , a stocking for each of the children and all the trimmings and a turkey fo a Christmas dinner. Several of members delivered these presents at the beginning of December to ease the worries of the family as to how they were to celebrate Christmas. After seeing the children 's excitement over the stockings and the gratefulness in the parent's eyes, the chapter decided to make this Christmas adoption an annual tradition. Debbie Porter
Western Illinois University
Home away from home The Beta Kappa Chapter was the first sorority on the Western Illinois University campus. Forty-one years ago Alpha Sigma Alpha began a new chapter with just a few members and now has expanded into one of the largest sororities on campus. When I first walked into the AEA house two years ago, I said to myself, "This is home." It is not at all like the other sororities on campus, for we bought an old, 1890s home with
stained glass windows and antique features . It only accommodates 14 girls, whereas other houses on campus accommodate 30 or more. Since the house holds fewer girls, it allows closer friendships to devel op. The members who live outside the Alpha Sigma Alpha house feel very welcome and frequently stop by to chat or watch TV. It is a "home away from home ." Kris Schilling
Dickinson State College
Valentine's Day celebration Philanth ropic has been a fun and special project for the Beta Eta Chapter this year. The chapter has been doing many things for the special education students in the local public schoofs. Valentine's Day brought surprises of hearts and candy for the students. All of the AEA girls made valentine pinatas. The y were delivered to the schools. The kids had a good time trying to break open the big red hearts and eating the candy. For Easter, the chapter colored eggs and delivered them to the schools, complete with baskets . The kids enjoyed the visit and the special treat that the "Easter bunny" left for them .
Collegiate Corner Another special project is " adopted grandparents" from a local nursing home. Members send cards and letters and visit them. The residents enjoy seeing all their " girls." These philanthropic projects have been very satisfying and rewarding.
Ellen Baird
University of Delaware
Giving full measure The members of the Delta Iota Chapter are involved in a diverse range of community events . They helped organized and judge a local Halloween parade , participated in a campus beautification project during Greek Week and recently won a prize for donating the most cans of food in a Thanksgiving canned food drive with the Saint Thomas Catholic Church . They also raised $250 through a raffle to send Delaware's Special Olympians to the Winter International Special Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah. By striving to reach Alpha Sigma Alpha's four aims, the Delta Iotas are growing together in the bond of sisterhood by constantly 'giving full measure' to their sorority, scholarship, university and community.
Jennifer Torbert
Ball State University
Hurrah for our alma mater The Chi Chi Chapter has many unique aspects. The greatest feature is a feeling throughout the chapter to be ourselves. Individuality is stressed , as well as togetherness. Ball State University has various qualities that make it unique. It has the only architectural school in Indi ana . Ball State is the only school in Indiana that has modern facilities for the blind and physically handi capped . The Human Performance Lab is one of a kind and is mentioned in many fitness magazines . There are more programs for students with learning problems than most universities. And Ball State has the highest placement of education majors in the Midwest. All in all, it is a unique uni versity and much to be proud of!
Susan L. Harris 16
Murray State
Campus memories Beta Nus consider themselves lucky to have a chapter at Murray State University. Friendly faculty , lots of school spirit and a fantastic Greek program makes college seem like a breeze for the Beta Nus. Located southeast of Paducah , KY , Murray State is a perfect place for those looking for a college degree. Recreation is not far , with Kentucky Lake less than an hour away, providing skiing, horseback riding and lots of other fun pastimes . For those who don 't seem to wander far from campus , there are many extracurricular activities for Greeks and non-Greeks alike . Annual art exhibitions, hanging of the greens for Christmas , along with student government senate activities and hosts of other affairs, can fill anyone's day. Beta Nus are very involved in campus life. Several members enjoy positions in student governmerrt and as senators of several colleges. A few musicians travel with the Murray State chorus , sharing their voices and instruments with others. Local fraternities host several activities to promote Greek spirit. A few of these are Lambda Chi Watermelon Bust, held in the fall; Sigma Chi Derby Day, held in the spring, along with Alpha Gamma Rho Paul Bunyon Day and Alpha Tau Omega Frog Hop. Beta Nus feel at home at Murray State and hope that the chapter continues to grow . After all, Murray State is a great place to make college memories.
Angela Hearne
Central Michigan University
Successful plans This academic school year has been a busy one for the members of Beta Theta Chapter. The chapter is involved in many philanthropic projects including an annual Halloween Party for the handicapped children in the community . The chapter's brother fraternity , Beta Theta Pi , helped get things organized and off to a good start. The party was a great success .
This semester philanthropic activi ties have included Jump Rope for Heart and Superdance for Muscular Dystrophy. The Alpha Sigs had a fun time jumping, dancing and collect ing sponsors for these events. Needless to say the Alpha Sigs were very tired after both events. Now Beta Theta is collecting old clothing with Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity , for the underprivileged people in Tanzania, Africa. Beta Theta also had an afternoon social with Zeta Tau Alpha sorority on campus, which gave the Alpha Sigs and the Zetas a chance to get to know each other better .
Kathy Burgmeier
Drexel University
Group strength What makes Alpha Sigma Alpha at Drexel University unique is its members. Nu Nu Chapter's members are individuals who work t ogether in order to make the so ro rity the best. Members want to enj o y AEA as much as possible and have fun achieving its goals. Nu Nu is the second largest sorority on campus. With every rush the chapter is increasing in numbers. The program at Drexel is unusual. It is a co-op program, which means that students are in school for six months and work for six months. Many times a member will work outside of the area and will not be around for six months. Members have gone on co-ops as far as Israel and Germany. What is really great is that these girls come back to the sorority and are as involved as if they had never left. They always return to the bond of sisterhood in AEA . Some of Nu Nu's values can be found in these words: Through thick and thin we will get it done. In AEA every member is number one. We always strive to do our best . In order for AEA to stand above the rest.
Collegiate Corner James Madison University
Oh, what a difference
The Beta Sigs celebrated St. Valentine as exemplar by letting off 50 red and white balloons in his honor.
Different majors! Part-time jobs! Dancers! Singers! Clubs! Honor societies! Greek coordinators! Band! Social service projects! Athletics! Studies! These and many other diversified activities help to make the Beta Epsilon Chapter different from chapters at other institutions. The chapter has its own sorority house located on the edqe of cam pus, and although there is a very close sisterhood, outside interests are not limited to "Greek Row " alone. One member recently claimed the title of "Miss Greek Row, " while two members cheered at a basketball game, a few other members served on the President's cabinet , and more were traveling with a sports team to a rival school. AEA letters are seen everywhere , at all types of events. The chapter's endeavors are recognized not only by the faculty and community, but by our peers as well. Beta Epsilon would like to think that it is unique in that it has not only an equal balance of involvement in all conceivable areas of interest, but also excels in each endeavor. Alpha Sigma Alpha is no doubt No. 1 in the J.M.U. community.
Susan Manos
General Motors Institute
Two chapters on one campus? Emporia State University
The Apple Orchard Everyone knows that an apple is a tart fruit , but in Emporia , KS , the name " apple" takes on an entirely different meaning. On Emporia State University's campus , when someone talks about an apple, she is usually referring to an Epsilon Epsilon Alpha Sig. All members of EE , whether pledge or active, are known as "Apples" and more frequently are asked , " Are you an Apple?" rather than, "Are you an Alpha Sig?" The " apple" motto and mascot have been around EE for over 10 years and are taken very seriously . The house is known as the Apple House and the entire membership is called the Apple Orchard . All mem bers have shirts with apple transfers, monograms and even printed apple
oxford blouses. Combining every necklace , poster, mug , pillow , picture frame , Christmas ornam ent , puzzle, toy and hat that each EE member has relating to apples would shock anyone! Apples seem to be everywhere when you 're looking for (and collecting) them. Around the house, there are apple planters, banners with apple trees and bushels of apples appliqued on them and even apple wallpaper in the bathrooms! Once a month, Standards Board recognizes one member who has done outstanding work for the chapter and she is honored as the Apple of the Month . Many new seeds are planted each year as new women pledge, only to grown in the love and care from the rest of the orchard, to become and carry on that Apple flavor. Gilda Polley
Many of you have probably wondered why GMI Engineering and Management Institute of Flint , Ml, has been blessed with two chapters of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Delta Nu-A and Delta Nu-B both exist at GMI and , as a matter of fact, live in the same house! No, we are not the victims of civil war. A short explanation of how special GMI is may clear things up. GMI is an engineering and management college only. Also , in order to attend GMI, the student must be sponsored by a division of General Motors or some other major corporation and be a co -op with her sponsor. This means that every 12 weeks members of Delta Nu-A pack their bags and go to various parts of America , Canada and sometimes even overseas for a work assignment. At this time , Delta Nu-B returns to
Collegiate Corner GMI for its 12 week semester. To sum it up, Delta Nu -A is the winter and summer group, and Delta Nu -B is the spring and fall group. These facts set Delta Nu apart from all the other chapters of Alpha Sigma Alpha . In a way, A and B sections are two separate groups. Yet we strive for the same goals. It is very good to be able to work so closely with another chapter and see areas to improve.
Sheri Newton
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Friendships forever The Gamma Psi Chapter is different from other chapters for ma ny reasons . All members strive for showing sisterhood to one another. All chapters do but the closeness or bond betw~en firs is something that goes bey ond membership to the sorority . The everlasting friendships that are made hold fond memories for all who are part of it. One reason for the closeness involved is that Edinboro Un iversity is a small state school and unlike bigger schools , members tend to know each other's fri ends and activities . firs strive to share in other members路 involvements and activi ti es oth er than sorority. The chapter makes it a point to get to know all other Greek organiza tions on campus . There is an activity with a frat ernity or sororit y every wee k , wh ere ideas and suggestions are shared . It brings the Greek organ izati o ns on campu s closer. All strive t o bett er Gree k reputations and ke ep th em stron g. That too , is partly be cause Edinbo ro is a small college, and intera ction with each other is co nstant. Mos t o f all , we are l ifelon g si sters. We are pro ud and care abo ut our soror ity. We love it , l ive for it and are loyal to it. We' re pro u d to be bett er th an th e rest.
Members of the Beta Iota Chapter pose in their costumes from their fall 1984 rush theme party, " It 's a Small World After All."
University of Arkansas at Monticello
have become c loser to one another and have shown the rest of the sorori ties at UAM what sisterhood is all about!! With keener competition for the " cream of the crop " the Gamma Zetas have worked extra hard this fall . All over campus, rzs can be seen-working , laughing and just having fun . . . together. That's what really makes Gamm a Zeta uniquethe togeth e rness that we share . When you see one Alpha Sig at UAM , you can bet you 'll soon see more! Sharing ou r lives and all our tri umphs, and even our failures , has bro ught us closer tog eth er. And , al t er all , is n't that what being a sister is
Cream of the crop
all abo ut?
Th is ear , a new so ro rity m oved on campus and the Gamma Zetas welcomed t he co mpeti ti o n as a c hance to grow as sis t ers. Th e girls in rz
Adrian College
Trudy Terravecchta
Melissa Johnson
Keeping traditions T he Gamma Mu Chapter ha s many
traditions that are passed d own through the years. Each of these tra ditions brings t he sorori t y closer, and teaches pledges that the women of Alpha Sigma Alpha are special peop le. During rush, at the second party, fM introd uces a very spec ial girl to rushees. She is someone they can count on. She will listen , love and un derstand their every need. College and pledgeship can be a confusing time , but she'll be there to help. " Long ago a young girl, named Marcella , found an old rag doll in her grandmother's attic. She had shoe button eyes , a bright red nose and a delightful smile . With Marcella , the rag doll came to life, and the two of them shared great adventures to gether. Through the stories, written by John Gruelle , the world came to know and love this little rag doll , named Raggedy Ann . She brought
Collegiate Corner unmeasurable amounts of joy and happiness into the world! She is patient, kind and very lovable. If only she could talk, she could teach .great lessons of kindness and fortitude! Through the years, even though she became torn , tattered and loosejointed , she retained her bright smile. This is why Raggedy Ann is special to AEA. " A very personalized Raggedy Ann is designed and sewn by the mother of each pledge , her special sorority sister. The Raggedy Anns are presented to the pledges at the annual Christmas party to signify the loving and gift giving spirit. The pledges then learn the significance of Raggedy Ann , that she is a symbol of our sorority , and that we, the Gamma Mu Chapter, will always be there for each other. Suzette La Turneau
Northwest Missouri State University
Philanthropic activities The Phi Phi Chapter has been busy planning and participating in a variety of a philanthropic activities throughout the year. Phi Phis hosted
a Thanksgiving party for the Headstart children in Maryville . The party was held in the sorority chapter room and was complete with Thanksgiving games and refreshments. The chapter also helped serve Headstart by donating carpet and clown heads to the Headstart building . Members had made the clown heads originally to participate in the annual homecoming parade. Since the homecoming theme was "The Wonderful World of Disney" the clown heads took the form of some of the most popular Disney characters including Captain Hook, Goofy , Pinnochio and, of course, Mickey Mouse . A great deal of time and effort was spent on the heads and the Alpha's were glad to see them go to good use when they were done. Philanthropic chairman Carolyn Evans also helped to organize several projects during the spring. Each member was required to bring one canned good before being admitted to a chapter meeting . The goods were then distributed to the Maryville Food Pantry. Clothes also were collected from each of the members. The used clothing was then put to good use by the Clothes Closet of Maryville . The Clothes Closet gives the clothing away to the needy, in-
The Gamma Mus rela x after their rush party, " Ka leidoscope of AEA. "
eluding disaster victims and the poor. The Special Olympics are hosted by the campus each spring and Alpha Sigma Alpha participation runs high . Everyone enthusiastically participa es to make the Special Olympics a very special day for the special people participating . Phi Phi also decided on another major philanthropic project that will become an annual event. Each fall , the chapter will be having a special fund-raising event to help sponsor a handicapped child at Camp Easter Seals for one week. The chapter believes this project will be mutually rewarding. Phi Phi believes this project will be successful and help to enhance the chapter as well as helping a handicapped child! Sherri Harding
York College of Pennsylvania
A mark of art As part of the Delta Omicron membership program , pledges are required, as a group, to paint a mural on one of the walls in the basement of the sorority house. The entire pledge class gets together and forms an idea . A blueprint of the concept is submitted to the director of housing at York College for approval. The design for the wall is to be original, pertain to the college and , of course , represent Alpha Sigma Alpha. Along with a design, each woman paints her name and date on the wall. Delta Omicron is the only organization on the York College campus with this added beauty and talent in its home . Among the murals are a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, "Reach for the Stars with Alpha Sigma Alpha ," "You Light up My Life, " and The AEA Crest. One of the walls is reserved for seniors to leave their mark with Delta Omicron . Each senior paints her name and something special on the wall as a reminder of her. All members of Alpha Sigma Alpha are welcome to visit this museum of fine art , so please do. It is truly something to see. Maybe you too can leave your mark . Lisa Chorpenning
Collegiate Corner donations went to Margie Husher for a total of $350. Although no one could walk the next day, the event was a success. Over $1,400 was pledged.
Cara Proffitt
Pennsylvania State University
Dancing the night away
Delta Nu-A members Amy Marasus. Lisa Chuang, Kathy Kaminski, Lily Khuntia, Meera Godbole and Kelly Gerdes pose on a swing presented by the seniors.
Indiana State University
Olympians enjoy competition Indiana State University is unique from other schools in that it sponsors the main event every summer for Special Olympics . Each year, mentally and physically handicapped persons from all over the nation come here to participate in the many fun -filled events. Styled after the World Olympics that take place every four years, the partici pants are involved in such events as swimming , track and field and other events. This is important for Alpha Sigs because it directly encompasses our philanthropic goals. Both collegiate and alumnae chapters are actively involved in this event. It is viewed as an opportunity to reach out and help those who are often inhibited from participating in such events in everyday life. Last summer the members helped out in the many booths in order to make things run smoothly . Not only is this a worthwhile occurence , but it
also gives members a sense of satisfaction when they see just how much these people appreciate all that is done for them. Beta Upsilon 's un-iqueness is certainly a benefit to all!
Janice Zbieranski
Central Missouri State University
Great skate The women of Zeta Zeta joined with Pepsi Cola distributors on March 31 to sponsor a Skate-a -Thon to benefit the American Cancer Society. The five-hour " Great Skate" was held in Warrensburg , MO, at Fun Junction skating rink. Each girl received donations by asking people to pledge money for each hour skated . Donations came from various businesses in Warrensburg and other towns, roadblocks and collection cans. Posters and Tshirts were printed to publicize the event. Pepsi Cola contributed by furnishing the cost of the rink, prizes for the most donations collected and re freshments. First prize for the most
February means different things to many people. The arrival of February brings cold, wintry winds, the hope of red, candied hearts from loved ones on Valentine's Day and even the anticipation of tropical vacations for spring break. But to the members of Gamma Eta Chapter, February means one thing and one thing only-the Interfraternity Council Dance Marathon. The annual dance marathon, the largest collegiate philanthropy in the country, benefits the "Four Diamonds Fund" for the care and treatment of children with cancer at the university's Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. For the third consecutive year, Gamma Etas teamed up with Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity for hard work and fun times. The fraternity-sorority team traveled statewide everyday for two weeks and three weekends to " can" in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia intersections "for the kids." During the third weekend of roadtrips, Susie Rubinson of Gamma Eta Chapter and Mike Fekete of Al pha Sigma Phi were back at Penn State representing Alpha Sigma Al pha and Alpha Sigma Phi in the marathon. Although the thought of reaching the end of the 48th hour seemed impossible at times, Susie and Mike were supported by Alpha Sigma Alphas and Alpha Sigma Phis, who worked on various committees such as judging and morale. Enthusiasm soared as the final minutes of the marathon were counted down. The real excitement came with the announcement of a first路 place victory awarded to Alpha Sigma Alpha and Alpha Sigma Phi, raising a grand total of $80,000 . This year's dance marathon experienced its greatest response ever by donating $226 ,000 to the "Four Diamonds Fund."
Stars In Our Crown Phi Phi
Karen held the office of treasurer of her pledge class. As an active, she has served as scholarship chairman and parliamentarian. Zeta Zeta recently held its annual Parent's Day banquet. The evening consisted of a presentation of the seniors, scholarship awards and various chapter awards. Kelly Campbell received the highest chapter GPA award and Kelly and Julie Slattery together received the highest mother/ daughter GPA award. The highest pledge GPA went to Becky Rus-
Kelly McDowell, junior, was re-
cently appointed as the new student regent on the University's Board of Regents by Missouri Governor John Ashcroft. She is majoring in political science with an emphasis in public administration and has a directed minor in business and organizational communication. Kelly's appointment as the student regent marks the beginning of her political aspirations. "Serving in the capacity of student regent gives me some practical policy-making experience that will aid me in my future endeavors, " she says. Kelly is working hard to fulfill her ambitions. Next spring she will serve as a political science intern in Washington, D.C. After graduation from Northwest Missouri State University, she plans on attending law school. Kelly has visions of becoming a U.S. senator someday and says, "law school will be a practical beginning. " Kelly has been very involved on the NWMSU campus. She was a resident assistant for one year and served on her dormitory council for two years. For three years, Kelly has been active as a Student Ambassador and is responsible for helping with the recruitment of new students. She is a charter member and treasurer of Pi Sigma Alpha , a political science honorary. She served as pledge class president and is currently the chapter's academic advisor for pledges.
Epsilon Gamma Alpha Dreams
Don't ever give up your dreams . . . and never leave them behind. Find them; make them your life, cherish them, and never let them go. Eiliya Costarya THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Kelly McDowell, Phi Phi, has been appointed as student regent on the university 's Board of Regents.
The new actives presented an award to Julie Arterburn for being the most helpful during their pledgship. The Jesse Jutten Award went to Sharee Harlan, the Frost Fidelity Award to Julie Arterburn, the Ideal Pledge to Michelle Demar, and the Elizabeth Bird Small Award went to Kelly Campbell. Alpha sweetheart was LeaAnn Starr, and senior sweetheart was Lori Harlan.
Zeta Zeta Karen Hite, a junior at Central Missouri State University , is a computer information systems major. Not only is she seeking a degree in one of the most time consuming and difficult majors, Karen is also one of the few students at CMSU that is classified as a distinguished scholar. With such an honor, Karen received a full-ride scholarship. The recipients of this scholarship must be in the top 3 percent of their high school class and receive at least a 30 out of 36 on the ACT test. Karen is also very active on campus. She is a member of Phi Eta Sigma, the freshman honor society; Lambda Sigma, the sophomore honor society; Pi Omicron Delta, the junior honor society; Data Processing Management Association ; Order of Omega , the Greek honor society; and Delta Sigma Pi, the national business fraternity, all of which require a lot of work and dedication.
Beta Sigma Ann Skiffington, homecoming queen candidate and city liason officer ; Julie Neil, Ozarko Yearbook staff; Shelley McMichael, second place in women 's billiards for SMSU; Kathy Chellappa, sister of the year (voted by all sororities) and an outstanding ability to sing; Jayne Smart, sings in a rock band; Gretchen Clinkenbeard, men 's cheerleader.
Beta Upsilon Recently, Panhellenic and Interfraternity Council held the Greek Awards for the fall 1984 semester. Cathy Miller received the Alumni Association Scholarship. Charlotte Douglass was chosen as AEA's outstanding chapter member. Janice Zbieranski and Kim Goble achieved 4.0 GPAs. Shawn Pflugmacher, Nancy Cottongim and Vickie Boger also were recognized for outstanding academic achievement. SUMMER 1985
Stars In Our Crown Gamma Iota Don't Ever Stop Don 't ever try to understand everything Some things will just never make sense Don't ever be reluctant to show your feelings When you are happy, give into it when you are not, live with it Don't ever be afraid to try and make things better-you might be surprised about the results Don't ever take the world on your shoulders Don't ever feel threatened by the future Take one day at a time Don ' t ever feel guilty about the past What's done is done Learn from any mistakes you might have made Don ' t ever feel that you are alone . . . there is al ways somebody there for you to reach to Don 't ever forget that you can achieve so many of the things you can imagine . . . imagine that It's not as hard as it seems Don 't ever stop loving Don 't ever stop believing Don ' t ever stop dreaming your dreams. Maria Riggio
Delta Rho April Buck worked very hard on fall rush and did an excellent job. She was vice president of the Delta Rho Chapter last year and was rush co-chairman this year. She is ma joring in public administration and minoring in computer information science and business administra路 tion . She has been on the dean's list and also was secretary/treasurer of the sophomore class. April is now an area assistant and has been a resident assistant. Michelle Palumbo was the other 22
rush co-chairman who also did an excellent job last fall in rush. She was also the chapter's intramural representative for which the chapter won the award last year. She gets the members to participate in all the intramural activities. Michelle is a resident assistant and on the new area council. She is majoring in business administration and minoring in accounting. She also has been in ROTC.
Silverette for two years. She was a homecoming candidate and was best pledge of her pledge class. She was recently nominated for the Ideal Pledge Award.
Beta Rho Sharon Hoholik is a senior fashion merchandising major who is graduating this December. She was a NIU Panhellenic rush counselor, NIU 1984 Homecoming Royalty Chairperson and belongs to the Fashion Industries Organization . Within AI:A, she is on the executive board and is standards chairperson. Carol McGury is a sophomore prebusiness major. She is the recipient of Northern Illinois Alumni Association Scholarship (1983-84), recipient of the Glady's Brook Seltzer Memorial Scholarship (from NIU), NIU Silverette, her pledge class vice president, 1984 homecoming chairperson and holds the office of activities this year. Julie Price is philanthropic chairman. She is a senior special education major. She is on the Council for Exceptional Children and the governmental relations committee of CEC. Kara Moidl is a junior majoring in special education for the hearing impaired. She is the assistant rush chairman of AI:A. She is a member of Council for Exceptional Children and a member of Illinois Teachers of the Hearing Impaired. Traci Curran is membership di rector. She was on the homecoming float committee, housing com mittee and has been the assistant social chairman. Connie Gatewood is assistant foods chairman . She was a NIU
Sharon Hoholik, Beta Rho member. is ior fashion merchandising major.
a sen路
Delta Iota Diversity is brought to Delta Iota not only through personality but through each member's unique experiences and aspirations. This is illustrated by many members studying abroad or involved in the National Student Exchange within the U.S. Laura Marron is visiting Northern Colorado University for a quarter where Beta Beta Chapter is located. Kris O'Neill is in Atlanta at the University of Georgia. Abroad are: Laura Weinert in France , Emily Fithian in Spain , and Lauren Roth in London. Members also are involved with university student organizations. Kimberly Kokesh is president elect of the Panhellenic Council. Harriet Berkowitz, Tracey Hahn, Linda Jacobs and Robin Martini are members of the Greek Honor Society, Order of Omega . Ingrid Brommer was recently initiated into the Education Honor Society and Judy and Ann Doberenz belong to the Human Resources Honor Society. THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Stars In Our Crown Epsilon Gamma I Found I found people I can talk to , people no one can replace. I found people I can laugh with 'til tears run down my face. I found people I can turn to when I need a helping hand. I found people I can count on, to advise and understand . I found people I can sit with and need not say a word. I found people I can trust to keep each confidence I've heard. found people I think more of each and everyday. found the best people in the world, I found Alpha Sigma Alpha! Tracey Meehan
Beta Delta Mrs. Morris Yates, or "Mama Yates" to the Beta Deltas, has been a real inspiration for the past few years. She and her daughter Tammy, Beta Delta president, came to the University of Southern Mississippi in 1982 and took on the enor路 mous task of restoring the size of Beta Delta Chapter. S ince then , largely thanks to their efforts, the chapter has grown tremendously in numbers and is still surg ing for路 ward . Tammy is a presidential scholar and an honors student, and is majoring in computer science. Mrs. Yates is pursuing her doctorate in music at USM and is serving as a choir director at her church. Both are constantly on the go and one wonders how they ha ve enough t ime to fit everything into their daily routines . The truly amazing thing about Elaine and Tammy Yates is that they seem to somehow make the time to be around when we need them for anything at all. Having s isters around who are as dedicated to the g rowth and excellence of Alpha Sigma Alpha as they are has shown us that a little hard work and a lot of faith , patience and sisterly love will bring about the best possible results. THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
volved in the Athletic Affairs Committee, Special Olympics, Recreation Majors Club and Residence Hall Council.
Epsilon Gamma
Susan Homola, Alpha Gamma, helped organize a successful rush .
Alpha Gamma Rush is the foremost priority of the Alpha Gamma Chapter. Susan Homola, rush chairman , was a definite asset in organizing an effective formal rush. She achieved an outstanding rush program through much dedication and determination. Without her, obtaining new members would not have been as rewarding and successful. With Susan's help , the Alpha Gam 's were able to gain new members who exemplify and contribute to Alpha Sigma Alpha's tradition of uniqueness. Susan also is kept busy modeling for local stores in Indiana .
Gamma Rho Lisa Parente, one of the oldest and most active sisters of the Gamma Rho Chapter, has exemplified many of the qualities Alpha Sigma Alpha upholds. She has been a leader since pledging, when she was pledge class president. She was one of the founders of the Panhellenic Council at ESU and past president, and was also chapter president. Lisa has served as dance marathon chairperson for two years in a row, helping to raise over $20,000 for Deborah Heart and Lung Society. Outside of the sorority, she is in-
The annual honors program for the nation 's leading college students has announced the selection of Kimberly Garland into "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." A senior communications arts and design major , Kimberly is a founding member of Alpha Sigma Alpha at Virginia Commonwealth Universi ty. She was nominated for her contributions and service to her community and school , because of her curricular and extracurricular activities. Kim is a very active member in the Greek community, presently holding the office of recording secretary for the lnterfraternal Council and standards board chairperson for Epsilon Gamma . She is also a student representative on the Student Commons Advisory Committee and has been an active member of the Communication Artist Association. -t< * -t<
Chapter Efficiencies Top 10 for 1984-85
1. Phi Phi 2. Eta Eta 3. Epsilon Epsilon 4. Beta Epsilon Gamma Mu 5. Zeta Zeta Beta Nu 6. Alpha Beta 7. Beta Eta 8. Beta Pi Beta Sigma 9. Beta Kappa 10. Delta Omicron
99% 97% 95.5% 95% 95% 94% 94% 92% 91.5% 90% 90% 89% 85%
Membership honor roll Chapters taking quota or at total as of May 1, 1985 Quota Beta Beta , University of Northern Colorado Beta Theta , Central M ichigan University Beta Kappa , Western Illinois University Beta M u, Henderson State University Beta Pi, Concord College Gamma Omicron, Clarion State College Epsilon Eta , Virginia Wesleyan College
Total Phi Phi , Nort hwest M issouri State University Beta Iota, Radford University Beta Rho , Northern Illinois University Gamma Iota, Rochester Institute ofT echnology Delta Nu-A , General Motors Institute Epsilon Alpha , Southern Arkansas University
Both Alpha , Longwood College Alpha Beta, Northeast Missouri State University
Alpha Gamma, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Epsilon Epsilon, Emporia State University Zeta Zeta, Central Missouri State University Eta Eta , Pittsburg State University Chi Chi , Ball State University Beta Epsilon, James Madison University Beta Lambda, University of Central Arkansas Beta Nu, Murray State University Beta Sigma, Southwest Missouri State University Gamma Zeta, University of Arkansas at Monticello Gamma Eta, Penn State University Gamma Mu, Adrian College Delta Epsilon, Mansfield University Delta Iota, University of Delaware Delta Kappa , Indiana State University-Evansville Delta Chi , Bloomsburg State College Delta Upsilon, University of Texas at San Antonio Delta Omicron, York College Delta Rho , Elon College Epsilon Gamma, Virginia Commonwealth University Epsilon Delta, St_ Mary's College
CHANGEOFADDRESSORNAME You can help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amou nt of money each yea r by sending to the National Headquar路 ters any change of address or name. The Po st Office now charges 25 cents for each ret ur ned m agaz ine o r cha nge o f address . Keep us i nformed and help us save! You are responsible for changing your address prom ptly if you wish to continue receiving your Phoenix. Have you moved or married? Mail completed form with mai li ng label attached to: ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS-120 I East Walnut. Springfield . Missouri 6 5802 College C h a p t e r - - - - - - - --
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