One Alpha's Opinion Our greatest resource-you! by Rosemary Carucci Goss National President The note from the editor in the Winter Phoenix requesting articles for One Alpha 's Opinion prompted me to share with you my ideas on Alpha Sigma Alpha 's greatest resource-you! Earlier this year I was attending th e state meeting of the Virginia Home Economic Association when I met an AEA collegian on the elevator. As the two of us chatted, another woman on the elevator said , " Oh , you are an Alpha Sigma Alpha , I am an Alpha Sigma Tau ." Now this woman is a dynamic " mover and shaker," and my immediate thought was, " If AST only knew about her, they would have her involved in some type of work for the sorority." As I thought about this AST , I also remembered other women , like the Tri -Sigma doctoral student
in my department at Virginia Tech, who have much to offer their sororities. Likewise, there are probably many talented Alpha Sigma Alphas out there who have much to offer this sorority. But the question is: How do we find these talented AEA? To determine who and where these talented A'f.As are, I am beginning an " AEA Resource Bank," which we will use in locating women with unique talents for unique needs. Think about your talents and ability to contribute. Everyone is busy with school , jobs and families, but there are many ways to be of service to Alpha Sigma Alpha without making long-term commitments. For example, . last year I met Robin Styles during a visit to Gamma Iota at Rochester Institute of Technology. A graphics arts major, Robin has since designed two
newsletter mastheads for AEA. More recently, I have read about an Alpha from Longwood College, Anna Marshall-Baker. For her master's thesis, Anna developed a "visual stimulation device" for use in incubators for pre-term infants. Her exciting research is unique for interior designers and would make an excellent article for The Phoenix. These are just two examples that illustrate how you might share your talents with AEA. Take time today to complete the form below. Add additional areas that are not listed-you may be able to help in ways that no one has thought of before. If you don't want to cut up your Phoenix, simply print or type the information on a piece of paper or postcard and mail it to me, I'll be waiting . Let's make use of our greatest resource-you! * -tr
i-------- - - -----------------------------AEA Resource Bank
Name _____________________________ Chapter ______________________ Address _______________________________________________________ Home phone --------------------- Office phone _ _ __ _ __ __ __ Occupation Job title ------------------------- - - - Yes, add my name to the Al:A Resource Bank I have talent or experience in the following areas and would consider assisting Alpha Sigma Alpha. (Please check all that apply.) ____ Graphic Arts _____ Accounting _ _ _ Photography ____ Investments ______ Writing/Editing ____ Fund-raising _ _ _ Publishing _ _ __ Home construction _ _ _ Archives _ ___ Real estate _ _ _ Developing audio visuals ____ Interior design ____ Leadersh ip training ____ Other ------------------- - - Interesting c areer for Phoenix article _ _ _ Writing art icle for One Alpha 's Opinion Comments: _____________________________________________________ I wou ld also volunt eer for: ____ Collegiate chapter alumnae advisory board member ____ Alumnae ch apter organ izer Colleg iate province director Mail to Rosemary Carucci Goss, 2305 Cap istrano St. , Blacksburg , VA 24060.
In This Issue Volume 71
Number 3
Spring 1986
Back Page
One Alpha's Opinion
Your last chance to submit recipes
What is an organization's greatest resource? Its members of course. Read the One Alpha's Opinion by National President Rosemary Goss and find out about her plan for tapping that unlimited resource-the talents of Alpha Sigma Alpha members. Then, don't fail to share with her your talents by filling out the form for the 'AEA Resource Bank.'
4 50 years at Ball State In the depth of the Great Depression, Chi Chi Chapter was rechartered on the campus of Ball State College and Alpha Sigma Alpha became the first national sorority on campus. In the ensuing 50 years, the chapter has made its mark on the campus of Ball State University. Read about one of AEA's oldest chapters in this article by longtime advisor, Carmine Alvey McConnell.
EDITOR Nancy I. Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac Des Plaines, IL 60016
PHOENIX STAFF Alumnae Editor Kim R. Meyer 8014 Rossman Gulch Rd . Morrison, CO 80465
Collegiate Editor Cretia Rowlette 3861 N. Cherry Ln. Kansas City, MO 64116
Feature Editor Sue Zorichak Hagen 1406 Balsam Eagan , MN 55122
If you have not submitted recipes for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Narcissus, a cookbook featuring recipes from members, don't delay any longer. A special extension of the deadline has been made by Marilyn Garbee, cookbook chairman, to July 15, 1986. Time is short, send your recipes now!
More 'Stars' than ever
1 3 ............ Alumnae Action
As the role of women and their careers continues to change in the 1980s, the women of Alpha Sigma Alpha reflect the growth in full-time, life-long careers with their accomplishments, while continuing to contribute to their communities. Read about the many achievements by members in this special edition of 'Stars in Our Crown.' (Above, Frances Francis receives a plaque upon the establishment of a scholarship in her name.)
J- -
THE PHOENI X OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430640), an educational journal , is published in the fall , winter, spring, and summer of each year by the Sorority, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802. The subscription price $1 .50 a year. Printed by Shepard Poorman Communications and Maury Boyd & Associates, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Member, College Fraternity Editors Association. Send change of address and business correspondence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65802. Address all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Nancy I. Z. Reese, 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac, Des Plaines, IL 60016. ARTICLES are invited for publication in this journal. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial staff for consideration . Acceptances are on a contributing basis only and subject to ed itorial review. Arti cles published are the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of AI:A. Second-class postage paid at Springfield, Missouri , and at additional mailing offices.
Historian Esther Kaufman Gatseos 6659 E. Eastman Ave. Denver, CO 80224
Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to National He~dquar路 ters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65802.
Members of Chi Chi Chapter of 1985-86 assemble around the Beneficience memorial on the campus of Ball State University. The statue and memorial, located on the quadrangle of the campus , were built in 1937 as a memorial to the Ball family, founders of the firm that manufactures Ball Mason jars. The Chi Chi members are first row , left to right , Dawn Rhodes , Pam Bernard , Cathy Terwelp, Nancy Dragoo, Elizabeth Head ley, Dee Norris, Dana Kirsch ; second row , Lori Wilson , Maria Maylayter, Kristen Krope , Dana Light, Jennifer Wellman, Alice Saal; third row , Mindy Shawver, Jennifer Weimer, Bonnie Bamforth , Wende Bowman , Julie Wood, Jill Schoetekotte , Wendy Lane , Tricia Hawkins; fourth row, Tammy Rowe , Beth Ralston, Kris Hanby, Kim Unger, Glory Murray, Deb Ackles, Stacy Crowe.
At left. Nancy Dodds sounds the note for a song in this 1963 photo. Jewelry cleaning was a popular fundraiser for the chapter, as shown above in this photo from 1969.
AEA-50 years. at Ball State by Carmine Alvey McConnell Fifty years on Ball State University campus for Chi Chi Chapter has brought many challenges as well as pleasures . On Oct . 11, 1986, Chi Chi Chapter will celebrate 50 years on Ball State campus in Muncie, IN. Alumnae from all over the state and country will attend a luncheon on that date. Originally, Ch i Chi Chapter was installed in 1928 at Teachers Col lege of Ind ianapolis . The local group had been called Phi Delta Psi . Mary Turner Gallagher served as advisor and Helen Selvage Noblitt was the alumnae representative . On June 1931 , Teachers College of Indianapolis became a part of Butler University. Members of Chi Chi Chapter petitioned National Council for a period of inactivity until a suitable campus could be found for their beloved Chi Chi . In April 1936, Sigma Alpha Sigma . a local sorority at Ball State College, petitioned for mem bership in Alpha Sigma Alpha . The chapter was installed on Dec . 12, 1936, by National President Evely n Bell in the lounge of the newly
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Fifty years ago, Chi Chi Chapter was rechartered on the campus of Ball State College and Alpha Sigma Alpha became the first national sorority on campus. built Arts Building . Mrs . L. H . Whitcraft served as first advisor and June W i lkinson Widmyer was the first president. Charter members were Wilkinson , Velma Haines Thresher, Helen Reed Pennington , Martha Stuckey Glentzer (deceased), Grace Richey Rankin , Margaret Work , Ruth Bickel McFall, Kathleen Darrow Sal zer, Irma Grieve Thieman , Edna Quivey Staley, Marjorie Harper Harader, Florence Howe Notestine, Marjorie Hutchens Scott (deceased}, Delores Karr Eastman (deceased} , Maribel Marshall Cootie, Thelma Waltz Zumbaugh , Margaret Allen Dibert , Alice Jane Baker Ulrey, Vera Hughes Land, Betty Huston Miller, Jean Mitchell Maze , Mil-
dred Teaney Havens, Dorothy Wiley Mayne, Anna Marie Yates Bull and Mildred Hartman Collier. Alpha Sigma Alpha was the first national sorority on the campus of Ball State Teachers College. Today there are 11 National Panhellenic Conference sororities and two others. In 1936, Ball State was a teach ers college with courses in premed and pre-law. Today , Ball State, which became a university in 1965, comprises six colleges . The current enrollment of 18,000 has grown from the 1 ,200 in 1936. The faculty, which numbered 65 in 1936, has grown to over 800 . When Chi Chi was installed, there were no provisions for meeting places, except in classrooms . Then , in 1956, Woodworth resi dence hall was built. Sorority suites were provided in various wings of the building . Nancy Dickson served as first suite chairman. This gave the sorority a regular place for business meetings and rituals as well as an informal area to meet and get better acquainted with other members and guests. A small kitchen area provides a place to prepare snacks or refresh-
At left, alumnae and chapter members reminisce during Chi Chi's 40th reunion in 1976. They are, left to right, Betty Huston Miller, charter member, Helen Selvage Noblitt, ea rly Chi Chi advisor, Lisa Hayne, chapter president, and Martha Stuckey Glentzer, charter member. Above, little and big sis, Bonnie Bamforth and Teresa Prange, share a few quiet moments during a 1985 even t in the suite.
ments for rush , alumnae parties or sisterhood d inners. In 1936, the in itiation fee was $15 . A jeweled pin was $13 .50. Alpha Sigma Alpha had 23 chap路 ters then. Today , there are 52 active chapters, as well as 75 alum nae chapters. Early activ it ies included the ater parties , benefit bridge , knit squares for Bundles fo r Britain (during WWII) , record hops as money making projects, rummage sales , jewelry cleaning projects and intramurals. Since 1952, when the first Indiana State Day was held at the Wash ington Hotel in Indianapolis, Ch i Chi has participated every year, either by attend ing or serving as host chapter. In 1966, Jan Schurr Hassell , a Chi Chi member, was killed in an auto accident. A mem o ri al fund was established by he r mother and husband. The Muncie alumnae group contributes a s needed . Loans , interest free , are made available to students for pins , when they may be wa iting on personal financing . Over the years, standards board maintained the t radition of the 'candle passing .' The members sit in a circle and pass the candle. As each girl receives the candle, she has the opportunity to express her feelings , pos itive , negative or otherwise.
Chi Chi members have been active participants in many organ izations on campus , includin g Student Leadership Development Board, Student Orientation Corps , residence hall officers, residence hall staff, admission coordinating team, Order of Omega , Blue Key and Gold Key. The chapter has participated in and won many campus competitions over the years, including fi rst place for most money cont ributed to Campus Chest (philanthropic), Women's Division of Spring Sing and Inter-fraternity and Sorority Sing , pit decorating for Lambda Ch i Alpha Bike-a-Thon , women's division of Bike-a-Thon, Theta Xi Tug of War (three years), Variety Show, Delta Tau Delta and Alpha Chi Omega Watermelon Bust and Chi Omega Chariot Race. Nearly every year, Alpha Sigma Alpha is represented at the London Center of Ball State for one qua rter. These students study and attend plays, visit a rt museums and go on field trips to Scotland and Ireland. The last three weeks of the quarter are spent traveling in France, Germany and Italy. Special Olympics reg ional activities are held in Muncie in May each year. Chi Chi members co ntribute money as well as assist in the swim and track meets as chee r groups and huggers. Other philanthropic activities have include d
holiday food baskets, caroling at nursing homes and parties at Newcastle School for the Retarded. Local alumnae have played an important role in the history of the chap t er. Founders ' Day is an annual joint event . The Muncie Alumnae Chapter always gives a party for the pledges. And, later in the yea r, Muncie and Anderson alumnae chapters combine efforts for a party for the seniors. At that time, the seniors are inducted into alumnae membersh ip in a special ceremony. The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter contributes financially to the chapter annually. Much credit must be given to those Chi Chi members who founded Chi Chi in 1928 and then to charter members of the Ball State chapter in 1936 . For 50 years the Chi Chi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha has served the commun ity and the campus of Ball State University. As the 'ladybugs' continue to be of service to their sorority, school and communities, they take t he four Alpha Sigma Alpha a ims of physical , social , intellectual and spiritual and add to them a goal of self-improvement. To grow as a member of Chi Chi Chapter is not only a process but a privilege. -t< -t<
Stars In Our Crown
Richmond Alumnae Chapter secretary, Loretta Ross. presents Dee Dee Francis the plaque representing the establishment of the Frances Jobson Francis Scholarship Award.
Frances J. Francis scholarship established The Richmond Alumnae Chapter honored Frances ("Dee Dee") Francis for her unsung service to Alpha Sigma Alpha by establishing the Frances Jobson Francis Scholarship Award in 1984. Dee Dee won the Evelyn G. Bell Award in 1982. She was a member of Beta Epsilon Chapter at Madison College (now James Madison University) and has held all chapter officers for the Richmond alumnae. She has served as president of the Richmond Panhellenic Associ ation and has held several national offices for Alpha Sigma Alpha , including constitution chairman, secretary and standards chairman. To qualify for the award, an Al pha Sigma Alpha senior from a Virginia chapter must: • Be an initiated, active mem ber and be elected by chapter members as a nominee; • Carry a normal number of credit hours and maintain a " B " average; • Show leadership ability through chairmanship or by serving as a special project organizer; 6
SPRI G 1986
• Show strong chapter loyalty since initiation and have given herself in unsung service to her chapter; • Attend one or more province day ceremonies; • Support philanthropic and campus Panhellenic activities; • Participate in campus activi ties; and • Have financial responsibility in the chapter and campus dealings, and honor code adherence. The Richmond Alumnae Chapter will pay the recipient's chapter returning fees the fall of her senior year. The first recipient of the award is Linda Diane Williams of Mechnicsville, VA. Linda is a member of Alpha Chapter at Longwood College and majors in social work. As a pledge, Linda was appointed group leader for fund-raising projects. Money raised from these projects went towards the pledge party for the initiated members. Once initiated, Linda was elected project and fund-raising chairman. She was also appointed chairman of the decorations and invitations committee for rush parties. As a junior, Linda participated in a junior practicum in social work. She devoted 180 hours of her academic year to working at Lynchburg Youth Services dealing with juveniles facing school adjustment and behavioral or truancy problems. Linda plans to work with adolescents facing emotional problems in a mental health clinic for her senior practicum . Sandy Messer
public affairs director for KHMO Radio in Hannibal, MO. From there she moved to Kendall and Davis Company in St. Louis as a technical recruiter. Since leaving that company she has worked for Peabody Coal Company. As a collegian, Lee Ann served her sorority chapter as editor and chapter improvement director. She was very active in student government, many clubs, campus mass communications and was a charter member of Sigma Delta Chi , the society of professional journalists. Athletics was another of her interests, and she was a member of the varsity track and cross-country teams. Her diverse interests continued after college when she lived in HannibaL There she involved herself in the DAR chapter, the Arts Council, the YMCA , the Red Cross and the Business and Professional Women 's Federation. She sat on the Advisory Board for the Salvation Army and the Board of Directors of the Marion County Heart Association , as secretarytreasurer. Her current involvements are nu merous and she has received many awards for her achievements. Quickly establishing herself as a leader in her profession and in the communities in which she has lived, Lee Ann is marked for future achievements. -tr -tr
Outstanding Young Woman of America Lee Ann Howard (4>4>), a management specialist with Peabody Coal Company, is one of 1984's Ten Outstanding Young Women of America. She graduated with a degree in mass communication from Northeast Missouri State University. She began as a news announcer and
Lee Ann Howard,
Stars In Our Crown Panhellenic president Ellen Funk Akers (BA) was the highlight of the Denver Alumnae Chapter's spring activities as she became president of the Denver Area Panhellenic at its spring awards luncheon. Along with sev· eral hundred sorority women, over forty AEA alumnae and collegians attended to honor Ellen and her achievements as a Pa nhellenic del· egate for six years and her fourth year on the boa rd . Ellen's speech on "A Sorority for All Seasons" was meaningful and inspiring to young and old. Ellen was a collegian in Beta Lambda Chapter at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway. She held several offices, including helping plan the deco r fo r the new Greek dorm. Afte r graduat ing with a degree in business education, El· len spent a yea r traveli ng as a field representative for the sorority, a year she enjoyed very much. She served as a province director for six years and as president of the Tulsa alumnae. S ince moving to Denver seven years ago , Ellen has been an integral part of the alum· nae chapter. She was pleased to be part of the first quilting group for the bedspreads sewn for National Headquarters by ·alumnae nation· wide. Ellen's experiences as a Panhel· lenic delegate and boa rd member have become an important part of her life. "The camarderie and ex· tension of sisterhood in our Pan· hellenic is a fulfill ing experience that I delight in. The o rganization works because ever yone in it works, and no one is left holding the bag," says Ellen. The Denver Area Panhellenic is the oldest continu ing city Panhel· lenic , sustaining business meet· ings and pertinent activities for its members for 78 years. Each year they raise $2,000 for scholarships for Greek women o n Colorado campuses. They are al so proud to have 21 of the NPC soro rities rep· resented in t he group. THE PHOEN IX OF A LPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Ellen works as an assistant in the marketing department of a medical products supplier. She has an 8·year·old daughter, Ann. Her other interests include taking an active part in her homeowners as· sociation , playing in the guitar choir and leading the singing for mass in her church, cooking, nee· dlecrafts, skiing and being an avid softball fan . The Denver alumnae honored Ellen at a tea for Panhellenic dele· gates and national officers in Sep· tember in the lovely home of Liz Brock Allison (PP). They are proud to have Ellen serving AEA in the office of president of Panhel· lenic. -tr -tr
Ellen Funk Ake rs, BA
Challenges, joys of alumnae membership The Dallas Alumnae Chapter was begun by Evelyn Songe·Scott in 1954 , in search of a dult communication, on moving to Dal· las from Shreveport, LA. She al so had founded a chapter there , for the same reasons. Being an Air Force wife, left with five children under the age of sev· en and a husband off fighting the Korean War, she put an ad in the local paper for Alpha Sigs. Many responded to her plea . She even found some women from her colle·
giate chapter, Beta Zeta, in Lafa· yette, LA. "Starting an alumnae chapter is the most satisfying of all possible endeavors. Rewards come thick and fast in the finding of new and old Alpha Sigs, new in the soror· ity, old in age and loyalty to the pledge made in long ago college days," states Evelyn. She doesn 't, however, take the credit for the present alumnae chapter in Dallas. The group in 1954 was too diverse in age, geo· graphical location , etc. to have more than one beautiful luncheon , make many big plans, keep up the contacts through the telephone and keep up the desire for an alumnae group. It took Norma Hassler, LaQuita Lehman Carroth· ers and Jan Butler Ellis to start up the good work again , using the original charter, which Evelyn had carefully stored in the proverbial hall closet. Thanks to their hard work, the group was re·organized in 1970. A college chapter was founded at Dallas Baptist College , and the alumnae had fun taking part in rush , games and parties with the college women . As they gradua· ted , there was good new blood for the alumnae chapter. After a Beta Zeta reunion of Evelyn and seven other " girls" (now grandmothers) at the World's Fair in New Orleans in 1984, Lau· ra Nelle McElroy Fruge wrote " Wasn 't there a feeling of love flo wi ng between , among , around us?" Evelyn agrees, "There was, in· deed , a strc;mg feeling of love flow· ing , like the rivers of the World Fair theme. The love of Alpha Sigs for each other , and for our sorori· ty , t hro ug h 40 years of liv ing our creed . We filled our days, we found beauty , we knew faith , and we found peace. The creed in Alpha Sigma Alpha, a belief in Life it· self, sustained us , kept us together through letters during all those years, as it shall continue to do -tr for all time. " -tr
Stars In Our Crown In memory of Jackie When she walked into the Beta Delta Chapter room in 1969, it seem ed only natural that Jackie would become a member of a soro rity with high ideals and aspirat ions. She was tall. attractive and intelligent. She was a dedicated Christian with a deep concern for those less fortunate. She had a quick , dry wit and a love for ani mals, especially horses. At a time when the only women in law enforcement were meter ma ids and secretaries, Jackie an nounced that she wanted to be a pol ice officer. No one doubted that she would . It was no surprise that she became an active part of AEA. She participated in intramurals, served as spirit chairman , helped to plan and construct floats and led Beta Delta through a successful rush in the fall of 1971. During her last year at the Unive rsity of Southern Mississippi Jackie served as second vice presi dent . It was that year that Jackie Dole became USM's first female g raduate of the School of Law Enforcement. Soon she would become Hattiesburg 's first female officer.
Jackie was a street cop! In the local schools, the kids talked of the " tough, white woman on the police force. " At ball games, she'd be leaning against the stadium , gun on hip-just like any other cop except for the feminine features and the blond hair blowing in the breeze. In the next 11 years , Jackie began to work closely with the youth court and with victims of sexual assault. School kids talked of the " officer who helped them " and " the lady who gave them things at Christmas. " She married Captain Charlie Sherill and became the proud mother of Erica , 3, and Robert, 1. Her hard work and dedication were rewarded when she was promoted to sergeant ' and became Hattiesburg' s first femal~ detective. No one was surprised . They had expected it. But on Dec . 31 , 1984, there was surprise and shock. Helping to serve a warrant , Jackie Sherrill was struck in the heart by a single shot. At the age of 33 she was gone-leaving her family and community stunned . How does one measure a life of 33 years? In accomplishments: first female officer, first female detective , first female in charge of rape cases, founder of the rape crisis center and Officer of the Year. In tributes: thousands of flowers, a procession of over 100 police cars, hundreds of teary officers standing for a 21 gun salute and the community center named the Jackie Dole Sherrill Center. Jackie asked for no special favors and received none . She earned the respect and love of fellow officers and a community . Jack ie gav e f ull m easure in all th ings, but most of all Jac kie loved life and joyously li ved each da y to its ultimate. It was fitt ing that an I: sister sang " Lord , Make M e an Instrument of T hy Peace" at t he fu nera l of t he peace o fficer. * *
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Ursula Jones,
Making a difference Ursula Jones {B~) is leaving her mark on the community of Hatties路 burg , MS , in so many ways , it is difficult to know where to start. As a health and drug education teacher for the Hattiesburg public Schools, she is known for her rapport with students and helping them develop their own value systems about drugs and alcohol. Her masters degree in health, physical education and recreation , her background as an Emergency Medical Technician and her own childhood experiences merge into an effective, compassionate teaching style that her fifth and sixth grade students can 't help but respond to. Parents and school ad路 ministrators also see the value in this program . When the state cut all funding for drug education pro路 grams, the local school board decided to finance it themselves . But this is only one part of Ursula 's involvement with her commu nity. She has been a charter and active member of the Hattiesburg Historical Society, serving on the board and in several offices. She helped to save thousands of pho路 tos and negatives that were about to be destroyed in the remodeling
Stars In Our Crown of an old photography studio. With two friends, a member of her junior high track team, and her mother, Ursula moved over four truckloads of pictures to safetyin 100° weather! Many of the pho· tos turned out to be irreplaceable pictures of family members and early Hattiesburg. Ursula is also the coach for the Hawkins Junior High girls' track and basketball teams. The ninth grade team just won the District Championship, the first ever won by a girls' team from Hattiesburg. During her days as a college student at the University of South· ern Mississippi , she received many sorority and campus awards for her involvement and achieve· ments. Cur rently she is on the board for DREAM (Drug Research and Education Association of Mississippi), a Red Cross volun· teer, in several teaching and education honoraries, in the DAR and Colonial Dames of the XVII Century and a member of the First Baptist Church . -t< -t<
Alumnae sponsor community forum The Southwestern Indiana Alum nae adopted a new policy this year and decided to sponsor an event that would be open to the entire community and would address an issue of interest to many people. For their first venture, they chose a public health forum for women entitled Breast Self Examination. The program was presented by Dr. Tom Lutz; Candice Adye, R.N. ; and Leva Lessure , R. N. , of the American Cancer Society. In the first half of the presentation , Dr. Lutz defined terms associated with breast cancer, cited many startling and little known facts regarding the disease and helped ease everyone's minds in the event that something should be discovered during a routine
Suzanne Hillis Ackin, EE
exam. In addition, he showed a very good film, which step by step, revealed the ease of doing this examination. The group .was divided in half as part two of the program began . Each nurse distributed literature and talked about the risk factors, symptoms , d iagnosis and treat ment. The program was then open for questions. When the presentation was concluded , the participants agreed that it had been an enlightening and thought-provoking evening . The alumnae were pleased with the results of their first forum and were especially pleased that so many of the Delta Kappa collegians were able to attend. -t< -t<
A song for the future Suzanne Hillis Ackin (EE) is actively pursuing a professional singing career, as she teaches vocal music at William Jewell College in Liberty, MO. A native of
Kansas City, she has performed in a wide variety of roles in opera, oratorio and musical theater. Suzanne held several offices in Epsilon Epsilon Chapter at Emporia State University, including secretary, chaplain, assistant pledge trainer and rush chairman. After her first year of graduate school , she taught music in Kansas City public school for three years. She has appeared in the Kansas City Lyric Opera production of Leonard Bernstein 's " Candide " and sang with the Opera Theatre of St. Louis. She returns to Emporia regularly to perform in oratorio presentations. She was the soprano soloist in the annual Messiah Festival held at Bethany College in Lindsborg, KS. She recently appeared in Kansas City with the Northland Symphony Orchestra, singing the delicate final movement of Mahler's Fourth Symphony. She has received the Artist's Award from the National Associa-t< tion of Teachers of Singing. -t.
Stars In Our Crown Helen Weis-94 and still going strong Helen Weis of Buffalo, N .Y., a c harming and live ly 94 -ye ar-old fo rm e r educator, world traveler an d longt im e m ember of Alpha S ig ma Alpha , adm its to mak ing j ust one concession to th e aging process: she ha s given up driving. She d id so reluctantl y, she says, because she prizes her independence , but she gave in for safety's sake. Helen no longer sits in the balcony when she attends concerts of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchest ra. Although she would prefer to be seated upstairs, she takes a seat o n the main floor not because she ca nnot c limb th e stairs, but be ca use her friends cannot , and she wa nts to be with them . That says something about the spirit of a person who one might ex pect would be retreating from , rath er than embracing, life. Not so. Br ig ht -eye d , of sharp mind and imbued with vigor, Helen's manne r and bearing beli e her years. T hroughout her life, she ha s re tai ned a zest for living which is re fl ected in an intense interest in the wor ld around her. Nothing seems to escape her attention. Her 49-yea r caree r in educat ion b ega n aft e r h e r graduation in 19 11 fro m the old Buffalo Normal Schoo l later to becom e Buffalo State Teachers Coll ege and now the State Un iversi ty o f New York at Buffa lo . At t hat t im e, th e Buffal o public Schools wo uld not hi re a teacher who lack ed teac h ing ex per ience, so He l en wen t t o a o n e- r oo m school in No rth Eva ns, NY , abo ut 15 mi l es so u t h west of Bu f f a l o along Lake Erie. T here she ta ug ht a total of 17 pupils in seven grades. Sh e recalls vivid memories of that pastoral environment: the clean , sweet smell of the honey loc ust trees, the flocks of bluebirds th at ci rcl ed frequ entl y overhead 10
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(the bluebird is the official bird of the Empire State) and the masses of spring flowers on the hillside. She tells of eating lunch with the children along and creek , picking w i ld flowers and studying the birds. It was then that Helen's interest in birds began developing into a lifelong hobby of bird-watching. However, although this rural setting had its distinctive attractions, it was time for her to move on. Af-
Helen Weis ,
ter one year in North Evans, she returned to Buffalo and began teaching for the city school system . She taught seventh , eighth and ninth grades, and her favorite subject was ninth grade ancient history. Later, she became principal of School 45, which then had about 1,000 pupils , and she remained principal for 32 years . She had been a popular teacher; now she proved to be a popular admini stra tor. She was an insp iration to her char ges; th ey looked to h er for leadersh ip , and th ey were not di sappo inted . Helen was th e kind of pr inci pal who evoked love as well as respect ; pup ils applaud ed when she ente red a room o r the aud itori um . Meanwhile she had return ed to Bu ffalo State Teache rs Co llege to earn her bachelor 's degree . She received her master's degree from
the University of Buffalo, then a private institution and now a part of the State University of New York . She retired from her profession in 1960. Helen was the first president of the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter, at that time called Cleo Chapter. In 1926, the name was changed to Pi Pi Chapter and later to Buffa lo . She chaperoned many house parties. She never talked shop at social functions, preferring to leave her professional life behind on such occasions. She often entertained members at her home, serving tea in china cups that she had co llected in her world travels . She has traveled to Europe 10 times, the first time with Dr. Harry Rockwell , later to become presi dent of Buffalo State Teachers Col lege. The highlight of her travels was her visit to Egypt and the Holy Land , where her knowledge of, and interest in ancient history helped her get the most out of her trip. She has a beautiful collection of hand-carved animals from all over the world. She bought many of her clothes abroad and always dressed in the height of fashion. One Buffalo Chapter member, Evelyn G . Bell , remembers an occasion when Helen appeared in a gorgeou s orange evening gown that made her the center of attraction . Helen became a leader in the Camp Fire Girls and wa s active in the organization for many years. She can still rem ember m emora ble evenings camping out with the girls on the beach at Point Abino , on the north shore of Lake Eri e in Ontario Province, Canada . Re c e ntl y , H e l e n v i si t ed New York Cit y with a n iece, and toured many art gall eries and museum s, quite a feat for a person o f her years. All in all , Helen W eis is a remarkab le perso n w h o h as ac compl ished m uc h , whose en thusi asm fo r li ving see m s to k now no bo und s and w ho m we in Alph a Sig m a Al p ha can be p ro ud to claim as a member. -..r 'y
Stars In Our Crown Coach for the national Mathcounts winner
Kappa Kappa's 30th year reunion
Barbara Sloan Helmer (Br), teacher of mathematics at Madison Junior High School in Bartlesville, OK, won national recognition for her school last spring. One of her students, Tim Kokesh , was the first place individual winner in the national Mathcounts competition. Mathcounts is a nationwide competition for seventh and eighth grade students sponsored by the National Society of Professional Engineers, the CNA Insurance Company and the National Council ofT eachers of Mathematics. Barbara was the coach of the Madison Mathcounts team, which won first place in the state and regional competitions. Because her team won first place in the state competition, she was awarded the position of coaching the Oklahoma team. The state team , comprised of the four top place winners in the state competition, won third place in the national competition in Washington , D.C. Barbara , her hus band and Tim were guests of NASA for a tour of the Kennedy Space Center. They were spectators at the aborted launch of the space shuttle on July 12. Barbara holds bachelor and master's degrees from Northeastern Oklahoma State UniversityTahlequah . She has served as secretary-treasurer and president of the Bartlesville alumnae. -Mary S. Dalgarn
In October of . 1982, Nancy L. Riti (KK) attended a seminar at her alma mater , Temple University. She had an hour to spare and decided to look up the women of her sorority chapter, Kappa Kappa. Two pledges were in the chapter room when she arrived. They were amazed and delighted to see an alumna return. "Look around ," one said. "See if there is anything here with your name on it. " "Oh, I doubt it," Nancy replied. But then she spotted the pledge paddle of 1953, and the names of her pledge sisters. It was a thrill! "Here I am! " Nancy exclaimed to the girls. "Wow, 30 years next year. You ought to have a reunion ," one of the pledges remarked . "That's a great idea . I'll have to give that some special thought," Nancy replied. Christmas season rolled around and on several of the cards from her sorority friends there were words like, "30 years will be coming up next year. Let's have a reunion ." More encouragement. Several Kappa Kappa members live in the area where Nancy lives, and she got in touch with them. They put their heads together and agreed: there should be a reunion. It also would be Temple University's centennial year and groups were being urged to do something special. They decided who would be responsible for typing letters, who would go to the alumni records office and delve into the records for addresses, who would get the names from yearbooks, etc. The women decided to invite the sisters who were three years ahead of them , their class of 1954, and the three years behind them . Their efforts covered a seven-year span. In the planning , they decided to
Leading role Renee Yonce (BT) had a leading role in "Guys and Dolls" produced by Footlite Musicals of the Hedback Community Theatre. She is an Indianapolis alumna .
Mary Beth Murphy, fA
Completes dental extern ship Mary Beth Murphy (fA), D.D.S ., graduated from the University of Illinois College of Dentistry this past June. Mary Beth spent four months of the summer in an externship in the Oral Diagnosis Department at the University of Illinois Dental Clinic prior to entering private practice in Evanston , IL. She was one of two dentists chosen to participate in the externship , which included teaching dental students, rendering emergency care to patients, diagnosi s and treatment of oral lesions, including cancers. Mary Beth graduated fro m Loyola University of Chicago in 1981 where she was an active member in Gamma Lambda Chapter. She served as chapter president, rush chairman and Panhellenic president while at Loyola. She was also the recipient of the Elizabeth Bird Small Award in 1981 .
Stars In Our Crown make it more than just a dinner. They needed something to get the spouses interested in joining the big affair. They decided to attend a football game on Satu rday after路 noon, Temple versus Pi tt wi th a Beach Boys concert fo llowing t he game . Sure ly this wou ld motivate the husban ds to come along, and it did . A n u mber o f other p l annin g meetings we re held. The letters went out in early Jul y for t he September wee k en d reu nion. Th ey selected a hote l w ith co m fort but reaso nab le rates and the Rickshaw Inn in Cherry Hi ll, NJ , as t he si te of the dinner-dan ce . A numbe r of persons stayed overn ight in order to attend t he champa gne brunch at the Hyatt Hotel down the road . A fter t h at, a tour o f th e T empl e campus took place.
T he wee hours of the morning ca m e all too quickl y, but it was good to know that there was sti II part of the next day to be together. Places as far away as Washing ton , D .C. , Eri e, PA, and Boston , MA , we r e r epresented by the gu es ts . Their advisor and dear f r iend , Helen Corey, was invited but was on vacation at that time and unable to attend. She sent them a lovel y note. The Kappa Kappa reunion com mitte e cons i sted of Katherine Keen Smith , Noel Curry Wirth , Ruth Keller Detweiler and Nancy Gingr i ch Rit i. They hope their success will encourage others to organize their own reunions, a special time to rekindle the excitement of college days and the closeness of sisterhood. - Nancy L. Riti
Why you should give to the
AEA Development Fund ForAEA Development of new chapters on campuses across the United States. 路路~ Support of current chapters through the visits of chapter consultants. Expansion of state and province meetings. Continued revision of sorority publications. Increased opportunity for training of national officers and chapter consultants.
For you
No AEA alumnae chapter in your area? Don't despair! In an effort to meet the needs of alumnae residing in areas where no acti ve alumnae chapter exists, National Council has instituted a Member-at-Large Chapter. To become a member of this alumnae chapter , complete the information below and mail it with your $8 alumnae dues to National Headquarters. A s an alumnae m ember-at-large you will receive mailings conce rn ing AI::A and will be kept informed of others in your area who wou ld be interested in establ ishing an organized alumnae group. Mail to: A lpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut Springfield, MO 65802 Name _________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ Home phone _______________B1usiness phone _______________ City Collegiate Chapter
Zip code __________ Year g raduated _________
Are you interested in working with other alumnae in your area to establi sh an alumnae chapter? -----------------------------
SPRI G 1986
Opportunity to reinforce your pride in your sorority and your concern for its future. A way to say " thank you" for the personal rewards and satisfac tion experienced from AI:A sisterhood . Deferred giving , through securities, life insurance, wills and bequests ensures support of AI::A forever. Your gift, when linked with many others, will make a difference to your sorority's strength and growth. A tangible confi rma t i on of your lifetime commitment to AI::A .
Send your financial gift today: AI::A Development Fund
National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut Springfield, Missouri 65802
====Alumnae Action====
A look at AEA's past and future Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Boston, Massachusetts
Attend NPC banquet
Dining on "Boston's Best" clam chowder
The alumnae gathered in September at the home of Wanda Gamble (XX). They welcomed Debbie Bukas (r A) back and were sorry to learn Mary Renfer (B'lr) was moving to the Gulf Coast. Mary Jane Richter (AA) also will be moving in that direction. The very special event of the year came in October when members were privileged to meet so many national officers at the final banquet and reception of the National Panhellenic Conference in Miami. It will be another 52 years before an Alpha Sigma Alpha will be installed as chairman, as Sidney Allen was at this conference. After a year in West Africa , Betty Barnes (NN) was able to join the alumnae for a luncheon in November at Gibby's Restaurant. She shared her experiences at the February meeting. Lisa Guariglia (BN) will be one of the models at the Panhellenic fashion show and luncheon, which benefits the Panhellenic scholarship fund. Ft. Lauderdale alumnae continue to commend Elaine Fuerst (B~) both for her magnificent job at the Miami Panhellenic convention as well as her work for Alpha Sigma Alpha . Her educational toy parties have been money-makers for the chapter. -Ethel Llewellyn Wilson
Indianapolis, Indiana
King AEA to visit Indianapolis Alumnae activities kicked off in August with a pitch-in picnic at the home of Linda Lineback (XX), president. The budget of $1,100 was passed , and a drawing for a color analysis was won by Brenda Messler (BX).
Brenda had her colors " done" during the October meeting at the home of Ruth Strickland (BT}. Members were informed by Lois Busart
Indianapolis alumnae Michelle Oarr (XX ) and Laura Noel (XX) serve Christmas punch at the home of Merrilyn Lindley Bass (XX).
Altman (BT} that she had started her own catering business in addition to her pastry chef duties at a local restaurant. She toured southern France for recipe ideas in December. In March, Lois gave a cooking demonstration for a meeting hosted by Betty Bliss (XX) . The Bay Window was the site for the Founders' Day Luncheon , chaired by Susie Smale (XX) . Betty Bliss (XX) reserved tickets for alumnae and friends to see "Guys and Dolls." Members went to watch thespian member , Rene Rutherford Younce (BT), who got a big break as a lead in that production. Merrilyn Bass (XX) hosted the Christmas dinner, ornament exchange and talent table. In January, husbands and friends joined members at the Old Northside restored home . Canapes and har p music were the fare. Indy alums gathered at any one of four homes-Jana Props (XX), Carol Keenan (XX), Mary Moran (XX) or Maryellen Nease (BT}-to make valentines for special education classes. King AEA will make a visit to the home of Judy Hallett (XX) in May . Officers will be installed at the Historical Hanna House hosted by Judy Elder (XX) in June . -Merrilyn R. Bass
This fall the Boston Alumnae Chapter , after over a decade of suburban get-togethers , met in Boston. The October meeting, under the leadership of Kay Meiser Barclay (Ar) was held at the new Westin Hotel, Copley Plaza , Boston. Members were delighted to welcome Julia Oberweis Kaye and Silvana Fillippello Richardson , both from Gamma Lambda Chapter. Mary McGuire (NN) and Hazel Hunt Vaux (88) also attended the luncheon. Hazel told many interesting stores about Theta Theta's early activities at Boston University . Luncheon was at the Turner Fisheries dining room in the hotel. Their clam chowder was voted "Best in Boston" in 1983 and 1984 by Boston Magazine. " It was delicious, " said Kay Barclay. Later Kay presented each person with a group photograph she had taken. The chapter was saddened to learn of the passing of Edith Berntson Lundquist (88). She had been an active member for over 50 years and throughout the years had provided the chapter with many wonderful meetings at her home and hours of pleasure with her unique fund-raising endeavors. In November , the alums had an opportunity to attend the 2'/2-hour Homemakers Show , which provided an entertaining and informative program of food preparation, kitchen hints and appliance demonstrations . The Parker House , which is situated near the Boston Commons , was the group's choice for the December get-together. How wonderful it was to have as new members Colleen Donovan (B8) and Sandra Emiliani (rH). Following the luncheon , the members shopped or just browsed before viewing the decorated dis路 plays on the Boston Commons. -Jean Barbarick
====Alumnae Action==== President Pamela Myers Koons
(fO) announced the new cookbook sponsored by National Headquarters. Members were urged to send recipes in as early as possible
-Alice Hart Beaver
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Planning Gamma Xi's 20th anniversary reunion
Boston alumnae meet at the Westin Hotel. They are, from left: Hazel Vaux, Richardson, Julie Kaye , (front) Kay Barclay, Slivana 's friend and Mary McGuire.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Newark-Zanesville, Ohio
Sure to catch the Christmas spirit
Gift exchange
Cincinnati alumnae starte d th e 1985-86 season with a joint lunch eon meeting with the Dayton Alum nae Chapter. The annual event was held at the historic Golden Lamb restaurant. This year, a speaker from the Lebanon Historical Society re counted the fascinating story of the Shaker religion . Business meetings were held this year with the emphasis on fellowship and service. The annual Christmas gift wrap was held at the home of Dolores Brown de Hamel. Each year toys are purchased for the children who reside at the Resident Home for Mentally Retarded . Getting together and wrapping these gifts always ensured catching the Christmas spirit. Several interesting trips were tak路 en . In October, members toured the Cincinnati Garden Center. In Novem ber , Founders路 Day was observed in Oxford with Alpha Alpha Chapter of Miami University. January turned out to be a good time to get together for lunch and a tour of the art treasures of the Taft Museum .
-Shirley Bone
In October, the Newark-Zanesville Alumnae Chapter gathered at Zina Kennedy 's for a potluck luncheon. Grace Cogswell and Margaret House came from Newark and Ethel Guthrie picked up fv'1adge Patterson in Dresden and Mildred Benson in Frazeysburg on her way from Marietta. Alice Riley was unable to attend and Helen Smith was out of town . Zina Kennedy and Mildred Benson completed this year's programs. The chapter met at the Granville Inn in December for a gift exchange .
-Ethel Guthrie
Central Pennsylvania
Auction raises money for treasury Alumnae held their December meeting at the home of Marion Gladfelter Gotwalt (KK) in Akron , PA. This meeting was very special because of the Christmas auction. Members brought handmade crafts, all sorts of homemade baked goods and jellies , all to be auctioned off to the highest bidder with the proceeds going into the treasury.
The Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter, working with Gamma Xi Chapter, planned the 20th anniversary reunion of Gamma Xi. The celebration was April 19, 1986, at Pittsburgh's Station Square Sheraton. An early fall meeting found the alumnae in the home of Dawn Ku kich Boyle , where nametags were made for the reunion. Members all enjoyed seeing Dawn and Tom's wedding album pictures and reminiscing about the terrific job they did last May serenading the couple at their reception with the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sweetheart Song . Alumnae, Gamma Xi collegians and guests gathered at Figgan 's Restaurant for a delightful lunch in celebration of Founders ' Day in November.
-Diane Stevenson
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Looking toward Denver A meeting at the home of Ann Borowski started the fall season with a preview of the 1986 convention. First on the agenda was a brainstorming session for ideas for the convention boutique . Concluding the evening, Treasurer Kathy Braun presented a audio -s lide program on Denver and its surrounding area . The annual Founders' Day celebration was a potluck supper held at a local park pavilion . The rustic setting gave an added dimension to the Founders ' Day ceremony and the meaning of sisterhood.
- Ann Borowski
NYC Panhellenic to ==Alumnae Action=== award fellowships New York City Panhellenic will award two $700 fellowships to sorority women doing graduate work at a college or university in the New York City metropolitan area during 1985-86. T ose interested should request an application from Janet Andre, 5 Tudor City Place, 332, New York, NY 10017. Applications must be returned by Aug . 15, 1986. In past years, these fellowships have assisted women working for advanced degrees at such schools as New York University Graduate School of Business, Columbia University School of Physicians & Surgeons , Rutgers University School of Law, John Jay College and Princeton University -t. * -t.
Washington , D.C., alumnae at their annual Christmas luncheon. Th ey are, from left: (back row) Loutse Johnson (BO), Carolyn Mulford (AB), Lois Beers (Br), Kathy Wilson (NN), (front row), Judy Parktson (BO), Helen Lortz (HH), Liz Scheuble (AA), and Maurine Ritz (AA).
Washington , D.C.
Tri-State Day is inspirational What happier way for the Wa shington ,D.C. , Alumnae Chapter to end 1985 than with its traditional Christmas luncheon at a favorite restaurant in Columbia, MD , followed by a de lightful performance of "A Christmas Carol Ballet " at nearby Howard Community Theater. The ballet , presented by the Ellicott City Ballet Guild and based on Charl es Dickens' famous story , was of special interest to the alumnae as Maurice Ritz's (AA) daughter, Kristin , was a member of the ballet cast. November also was an extra special month because five D .C. alumnae attended Tri -State Day at Virginia Commonwealth University and enjoyed a full day of sisterhood and a highly rewarding program with collegians , chapter advisors, national officers and other alumnae from the Tri-State area. One of the highlights of the program for Washington , D .C. ,
alumnae was the " Career Strategies Seminar," conducted by Dr. Geral dine Cox (NN)'. At its regular November meet ing, alumnae who had attended reported on the Tri -State Day activities with special reference to the inspirational luncheon speech by National President Rosemary Goss on " I was an AEA?" Its emphasis was on the importance of collegians continuing their sorority interests and activit ies after graduation. Other topics at the Novemb er meeting ranged from the announcement of a June wedding for K athy Wilson (NN) to the recent travel experiences of Helen Lortz (HH). She landed in Sicily the same day the hijackers of the Achille Lauro arrived there under " escort" of the U.S. Navy fighter planes . Based on this and other past experiences , Helen has concluded that her 1986 travel plans (except for national convention in Denver) are on " hold. "
-Helen B. Lortz
Philadelphia Panhellenic offers scholarship The Philadelphia Alumnae Panhellenic will again award a $250 scholarship to a member of an NPC sorority doing graduate study at a college or university in the five county area (Philadelphia, Delaware, Montgomery, Chester or Bucks) during the 1986-87 school year. Those interested should request an application from Janice R. Stephenson, 136 Hunting Hills Lane, Media, PA 19063. The application deadline is Aug. 15, 1986. Last year's winner was a Drexel University student and a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. -t. -t.
Thinking about organizing an alumnae Panhellenic group in your town/city? For help, contact your N PC Advisor tor Prospective Alumnae Panhellenics: Jan Covington (Mrs. R. L.) 1112 Walnut Drive Morgan City, LA 70380 504-384-7236
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Alpha Sigma Alpha is compiling a cookbook that will fea ture recipes from our collegiate and alumnae members. This cookbook is being published for the enjoyment of members and for the benefit of the sorority. Each member may submit three or four of her favorite recipes. One or more of these recipes will be published in the cookbook. Special deadline extension: July 15, 1986. Recipe t i t l e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ingredients - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Method __________________________________________________
Send recipes to: Marilyn Garbee 49 St. Andrews Circle Broken Arrow, OK 74011
Name _~~~-------~~~--------~~----First Maiden Last Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ______ State Alumnae Chapter
Zip - - - -- -
College Chapter _ _ _ _ __ _
CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME You can help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amount of money each year by sending to National Headquarters any chang e of address or name. The U.S. Postal Service charges 25 cents for each returned magazine or change of address. You are responsi ble for chang ing your address promptly If you wish to continue receiving your Phoenix . Mail comp leted form wi th mailing label attached to AI:A Nat ional Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut , Springfield , MO 65802. College chapter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - Year of initiation _ _ _ __ Married name--------------;-;---:-;::-:--;-;-:-;;--:-:---:------- -- - - : - - - : - - - - - - - - Husband 's first name路 Last name Maidenname _ _ _ _~~----------~~=--------------~-:-::------First Middle Last Address _ _ _ _~~~--------~~------------~~-------~---St ree t City State Zip Active in - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --'""lumnae Chapter. Hold off ice of - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - I am enclosing $8 for my annual alumnae dues.
路used tor ease In locating phone listings.