~ of Alpha Sigma Alpha
Winter 1988
Contemporary symbols
An update on Convention '88 Foundation report 1987's best chapter
Crown of Excellence
Delta Nu-A is 1987 top chapter Delta Nu-A at General Motors Institute in Flint, Ml, is the second to receive the Crown of Excellence Award since its introduction in 1986. Not only does the recipient have the distinction of being recognized as Alpha Sigma Alpha 's most outstanding chapter, the chapter will receive the traveling Crown of Excellence bowl and a plaque for permanent display. To qualify for the award, the chapter had to meet several requirements. As one of three sororities at GMI, Alpha Sigma Alpha ranked number one in scholastic achievement. Delta Nu-A proudly boasts a 86.5% overall average. Several incentive plans are used to maintain high scholastics. A scholarship dangle is given to the active member who raises her GPA the most from the previous semester. As part of the pledge program, pledges are required to earn 12 pearls (three for each aim) and can earn a pearl by maintaining an 85% GPA. Verbal recognition is given during chapter meetings to those on the dean's list. Another Crown requirement states the chapter must participate in at least two projects yearly involving the national philanthropy, Special Olympics. Delta Nu-A members sponsor an annual dancea-than for which contributions are given from local companies and students. The chapter also has a 'tuck-in' sale. An Alpha Sigma Alpha member will read a story, supply cookies and milk and tuck in all recipients. All proceeds go to Special Olympics. A community organized event for Special Olympics is
the annual 1OK Bobby Crim race held in Flint, MI. The runners receive donations, which go to Special Olympics, and Delta Nu members contribute by setting up water stands for runners throughout the course. Other Crown credits include taking quota set for the year at GMI and initiating 95% of the pledge class. One aspect, which is not a criteria of the Crownaward but one for which Delta Nu-A is noted, is the distinction of being one of two Alpha Sigma Alpha sororities on the GMI campus. GMI is structured as a co-op college and offers five degrees: four engineering and one management. The students, sponsored by a division of General Motors or some other major corporation, attend classes for three consecutive months and then have a work assignment for three months. While Delta Nu-A is attending classes, Delta Nu-B is working ; while Delta Nu -B is attending classes, Delta Nu-A is working. Sound confusing? Not really, but it is an exercise in efficiency. * * *
1987 Four-Star Chapters Beta Rho Beta Mu Beta Epsilon Gamma Eta Phi Phi
Delta Rho Delta Chi Epsilon Eta Alpha Beta Gamma Mu
The National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha Announces the colonization of
Epsilon Mu Trenton State College Trenton, N.J. October 4, 1987
Winter 1988
-ufie t .L oentx
Deadlines Summer ......... ... . Feb. 10 Fall ................. . May 10 Winter July 10 Spring Oct. 10
Editor Nancy I.Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac Des Plaines, IL 60016
Staff Alumnae Editor Cretia Rowlette 3861 N. Cherry Ln . Kansas City, MO 64116 Collegiate Editor Anne Hirt Pherson 10517 Drew Ave. S. Bloomington, MN 55431 Feature Editor Sue Zorichak Hagen 6890 Athena Way Inver Grove Heights, MN 55075
of Alpha Sigma Alpha
Vol. 72, No.2
Features Share the treasures at Convention '88
AEA's contemporary symbols ......... . .
Foundation grows with your support
9 ...............
1987 award winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1987's best chapter
Historian Esther Kaufman Gatseos 6659 E. Eastman Ave. Denver, CO 80224
THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430· 640), an educational journal , Is published In the fall, winter, spring, and summer of each year by the Soror: lty, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, Mlssoun 65802. The subscription price $1 .50 a year. Produced by Maury Boyd & Associates, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Member, College Fraternity Editors Association. Send change of address and business correspond· ence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65802. Ad· dress all correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Nancy 1. Z. Reese, 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac, Des Plaines, IL 60016. ARTICLES are Invited for publication In this journal. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial stall for consideration. Acceptances are on a contrib· uting basis only and subject to editorial review. Articles published are the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies ofA!:A. Second-class postage paid at Springfield, Missouri, and at additional mailing offices. Pootmoster. Send oddreos changeo to THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65802.
of Alpha Sigma Alpha
Winter 1988
Collegiate Stars Collegiate Corner . . . . . . . . .
· .:/ ~,.
Foundation list . . . . . . . . . . .
Cookbook cqupon . . . . . . . .
12 14 10 20
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An update on Convention '88
report 1987's best chapter
On the Cover Our badge and the flower narcissus are just two of the many symbols that explain the meaning of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Chairman of Ritual Silvanna Richardson discusses these and other symbols in the second part of "Alpha Sig· ma Alpha-a contemporary sorority." WINTER 1988
Afplia Sigma Afplia Contemporary symbols by Silvana F. Richardson Chairman of Ritual Alpha Sigma Alpha (AEA) Founded: Longwo::>d College, Farmville, VA, Nov. 15, 1901 Colors: Pearl white, crimson Flower: Narcissus and aster Magazine: Phoenix This description, taken from "Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities, " provides the "ba-
sics by which Alpha Sigma Alpha distinguishes itself from the rest of the Greek world. " These outward signs not only set us apart from members of other sororities, but their esoteric meaning ties Alpha Sigma Alpha members together. From time immemorial , humans have used signs and symbols. Visual images long preceded spoken and written language as modes of communication. Images contain a concrete reality of their own but, at the same time, can represent intangible ideas or objects. Words often limit our perception and understanding of complex experiences and our communication of deeper realities and meanings. The old adage that a "picture is worth a thousand words" may be a truism. All of our AEA symbols represent a web of complex interrelated meanings that unite the experiences of the past to the present and future . They allow us to tell the Alpha Sigma Alpha story in a way that far exceeds the capability of words. A brief discussion of each will show that our symbols are not merely historical in nature but contemporary signs providing present focus and future direction. 4
The badge A familiar symbol to each of us as Alpha Sigma Alphas is our badge. Concretely, it is a black enamel shield with four concave sides superimposed on a similarly shaped background of yellow gold. On it are displayed the sorority letters, a star and a crown. It may be set with the sorority jewels. The Greek letters depict our sorority name and the words of our open motto "Aspire, Seek, Attain." The STAR symbolizes the unfailing light of Christ's star toward which we aspire , and the CROWN represents leadership attained. Each of the four points of the pin reminds us of one of our four aims: physical , intellectual, spiritual and social development. Beyond the physical reality of the gold metal from which the badge is fashioned is the abstract meaning: 'The bestowal of an emblem of gold . . . is a testimonial to the ability of the wearer to be a source of power and light." The badge distinguishes the wearer as a fully initiated member of the sorority. Besides these intel-
lectual images, the badge may also evoke complex emotions and memories of past experiences for us as individuals. It may remind us of the ritual ceremony during which we received our badge, of the tears of joy that welled in our eyes that day, of the hugs of sisters and of the intense friendships we have experienced since then through Alpha Sigma Alpha . For the pledge the badge may evoke thoughts of anticipation and feelings of hope. As a symbol of the sorority, the badge is treated with great respect and is worn on the left over the heart. It embodies the spirit and values of our sorority.
Other badges The badge of the pledge is a tiny silver shield with four concave sides that displays the sorority letter raised against a conventional design of the rising sun. The sunburst signifies the self-renewing powers of the phoenix. "A silver pledge pin signifies a time of testing for the sterling qualities of mind and heart." Two other badges may be worn by nonmembers. THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
A gold crown shaped pin set with four pearls is the badge for the Mother Patroness or Crown Degree. This honor may be bestowed upon a woman who has given time and support to the sorority. The Phoenix recogn it ion pin may be given to individuals, members or nonmembers , who have served the soro rity in a special way. Often charter members of a collegiate chapter are recognized with the Phoenix pin.
The jewels Our jewels are the PEARL and the RUBY . The pearl represents perfection attained through tribulation and has been designated as the jewel of the pledge degree. The ruby, according to the ancient Hindus, confers invulnerability from all evil upon those who wear it and signifies " heart's desire ." It is the jewel of the initiated member.
The PHOENIX has several meanings from its Greek origins: blood red, or heart's crimson, or the musical lyre, or the fabled bird of Egypt. Accord ing to Herodotus, the phoenix was a large and beautiful bird that lived in India and Arabia. When it was 500 years old, it flew to Mt. Lebanon and filled its wings with aromatic spices. Then it flew to the temple of the sun in Heliopolis where it burned itself to death on the altar, only to rise fully renewed and more beautiful than before. The Alpha Sigma Alpha coat of arms bears a phoenix rising from lambent flames and surmounted by a crown of gold. The riband beneath the shield carries the open motto. The narcissus received its name from Greek mythology. The tale was about an incredibly handsome youth who was so enamoured by his own beauty that he could nei ther eat nor sleep and so ardently worshipped his image in the river waters that he died from exhaustion. Whe n the nymphs came to prepare his body for burial, they found only a white flower in his place.
The colors Pearl white is the perfect blending of all colors and, therefore , was chosen to represent sisterhood. That is why those attending or participating in the pledge or initiation rituals of the sorority are required to wear "all white." Crimson, like the ruby, is reminiscent of the love that binds us together as members . Secondary colors of the sorority are palm green and gold, both depicting victory achieved. Our colors are combined for our sorority celebrations as follows : Crimson and green, Christmas Green and white, Hermes' Day Crimson and gold, St. Valentine's Day Green and gold, Founders' Day White and gold, installation of new chapters
The insignia Alpha Sigma Alpha has four insignia. The star and the crown have been described above. The PALM TREE stands as the emblem of sturdy development even in the midst of adversity. THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
The flowers Our fall flower is the ASTER and the spring flower is the NARCISSUS. Variations of these flowe rs, the chrysanthemum , jonquil o r daffodil , may be used interchangeably. The DAISY has been designated as the Mother Patroness flower. The aster, whose name comes from the Greek word meaning "star," is found in infinite variety in many lands. In the East, it is regarded as the emblem of human perfection since it comes in the fullness of the year.
Each of these Alpha Sigma Alpha symbols has linked the dreams and values of our five founders to the challenges that face us today. By displaying these signs, wearing our badges and colors a nd us ing our insignia , we com m unicate our membership in Alpha Sigma Alpha to the world and display our pride in our heritage. We sha re our AEA story and re mind ourselves of our commitment to mutual values and aspirat ions. The intangible ideas and deepe r meanings of sisterhood and friendship can be depicted in images that allow for the drawing of individual meaning and exper ience. The time is now to live out the contemporary challenges of our symbols. -{:{
* -{:{
WI NTER 1988
Convention '88 Come share the treasures June 24-27 by Judi Seele Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter Sun, sandy beaches that stretch as far as the eye can see, palm trees that sway in the breeze, vividly colored sunsets . . . these and more await you at the 1988 National Convention, June 24-27 , in Clearwater Beach, FL. The Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter is busy preparing for what we hope will be the best convention ever, and we'd like to whet your appetite with a sneak preview of . what to expect. First, a few facts about Florida in June. Don't be deceived. The sun is very hot this time of year and can be very dangerous if precautions aren 't taken . You will have free time over the four days to enjoy the beautiful beach just outside your room , but take extra care by using sunscreen generously and limiting your sun time to a half hour the first day. Gradually increase that time over the next few days. There's a full schedule of meetings, workshops and social functions that you won't want to miss because of a severe sunburn. Summer attire is in order, but be sure to include light rain gear and a sweater. Also , don't forget your white ensemble (you must be in white from head to toe). Two swimsuits are recommended, to allow for drying time. Upon your arrival Friday, June 24, you'll see Tampa International Airport buzzing with Alpha Sigs from all over the country looking for familiar faces and their luggage. Look for AEA representatives who will help with your transportation to Clearwater Beach and enjoy the scenery on your 45minute drive to the hotel. After checking in and unpacking, feel free to explore the hotel grounds. Holiday Inn, Surfside of6
Keynote speaker T.J. Schmitz, TKE
fers a range of facilities to suit any visitor. Clearwater Beach itself features a multitude of shops and restaurants. Don't get carried away with the beautiful beach area though , because convention activities begin late Friday afternoon with a collegiate orientation, followed by the first business meeting. Dinner is on your own, so try one of the several restaurants in the hotel, or walk down the beach and try one of the many small cafes or snack bars along the way. Be sure to scout out the souvenir shops, too. Friday evening the second business meeting will be called to order. T. J. Schmidt, executive vice president of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity , is guest speaker. He will speak on "Motivation . . The Key to Success. " Start your Saturday with a sunrise walk on the beach, great exercise and a great time to continue forging friendships . Then it's back to your room and into your white ensemble, because the schedule calls for an 8 a.m . white breakfast. This will be followed by a memorial service and initiation ceremony at the Chapel-by-the-Sea, a short walk from the hotel. Saturday continues with free time and lunch on your own. Afternoon workshops
will lead into the third business meeting later that day. Saturday evening, Dave Westol will speak on liability and hazing. The Theta Chi fraternity vice president is assistant prosecuting attorney and chief of the circuit court, felony trial division, in Kalamazoo County, MI. The National Officers reception will follow his talk. Following the reception , everyone is invited to " inspiration on the beach" with Silvana Richardson , national ritual chairman. Sunday's sunrise beach walk will be followed by a gala Foundation breakfast, which is optional. This function will provide an insight into the newly formed AEA Foundation and what it entails. The next business meeting follows the breakfast. Photo sessions will be scheduled during the day, and sign-up sheets will be posted at the registration desk. Afternoon workshops will be followed by dinner on your own. Another business meeting is scheduled Sunday evening. Try for a beach walk again on Monday morning. (This is becoming a habit , but oh-so refreshing!) Grab a roll on the run to the 8:30 a .m . business meeting , followed by workshops. Monday noon is the Panhellenic luncheon, where representatives of sororities around the Tampa Bay area will be our guests. Free time for the beach and shopping will follow lunch. After that, the national officers will be installed, followed by the awards banquet. Tuesday morning will bring frantic packing , address exchanges, promises to write and an occasional happy tear shed when saying goodbye to friends newly made, but never to be forgotten . Join us at Clearwater Beach to enjoy "Sisterhood-A Treasure To Share." 'tr 'tr
Convention '88
Convention calendar 24
4 p.m. Opening session Dinner on your own 8 p.m. First business meeting "Motivation . . . the Key to Success" Keynote speaker, T.J. Schmitz, Tau Kappa Epsilon executive vice president
$60 for four days $20 a day
Room rates $74.90 $37.45 $24.97 $18.73
8 a.m. Foundation breakfast 9:30a.m. Third business meeting 11 a.m. Convention photo Lunch on your own 3-5 p.m. Workshops Dinner on your own 8-10 p.m. Workshops
8 a.m. White breakfast 9:30a.m. Initiation ritual Memorial service Lunch on your own 3 p.m. Second business meeting Dinner on your own 8 p.m. "Hazing on Trial" David L. Westol , Theta Chi national vice president 10:30 p.m. Inspiration on the beach
Registration fee
8:30a.m. Fourth business meeting 10 a.m. Workshops 11:45 a.m. Panhellenic luncheon Free time 7 p.m. Installation of officers 7:30p.m. Awards banquet
Registration packet Convention registration packets are available from Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters. To receive your packet, please fill out the form below or put the information on a post card .
single double triple quad
Name _______________________________
Scheduled meals
Address ______________________________
$10 White breakfast $6.50 Foundation breakfast $10 Panhellenic luncheon $22 Awards banquet
Please send me a 1988 Convention registration packet.
State_ Zip _ _
Send to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 E. Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802
1987 Awards
Angela K. Lungren, EE Elizabeth Bird Small award
Beth Singer, t.I Frost Fidelity award
Lori George, ZZ Ideal Pledge award
Elizabeth Bird Small
a-thon for cystic fibrosis, toys for tots, bloodmobile, Special Olympics and Red Cross swimming instructor. Angela served the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter as assistant vice president , treasurer and president. -f:l -r:.
Beth served Delta Iota Chapter as vice president, housing chairman , fundraising chairman and was nominated Best Pledge and Most Spirited. Delta Iota Chapter members describe Beth as a person who "sincerely loves to help others grow and achieve . .. always willing to give her time and skills to various projects and organizations." -f:l -f:l
The 1987 Elizabeth Bird Small Award was given to Angela K. Lungren, EE. This award recognizes outstanding leadership, scholarship and personality and is the highest honor the sorority can bestow upon an undergraduate member. Now a graduate of Emporia State University, Emporia, KS, Angela distinguished herself as a honor roll student in the college of business. She has received many honors , including Who 's Who, Gamma Phi Alpha Award, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Accounting Scholarship, Award of Excellence Scholarship , CONOCO Accounting Scholarship, Varsity Tennis Scholarship, Girod Scholarship and the Alpha Sigma Alpha Amy Swisher Scholarship. Also active in extracurricular activities, Angela was a member of the varsity tennis team, program chairman for the Cardinal Key honor society, moneymaking chairman for Xi Phi, (leadership) and Beech House residence hall social chairman. Angela took an active part in organizations such as rock8
Frost Fidelity Beth Yvonne Singer, ~I. is the recipient of the Frost Fidelity Award for 1987. The award is based on intangible fraternity values including "unswerving loyalty and allegiance" to Alpha Sigma Alpha . Now a graduate of the University of Delaware, Newark , Beth distinguished herself by receiving the Hofstra University Leadership Scholarship and being accepted to the State University of New York's talented admissions program. Active in extracurricular activities, Beth was a member of the vice president's cabinet, a member of student health service advisory board and president of the arts and science college council.
Ideal Pledge The 1987 Ideal Pledge Award has been given to Lori George, ZZ. Now a sophomore at Central Missouri State, Lori served as vice president of her pledge class, president of Junior Panhellenic, president-elect of Panhellenic Council and as a senator for student government. According to Shelly Stuckenschneider, former Zeta Zeta president, Lori is "always volunteering and willing to take charge . . . many members are astounded by her qualities and have very high expectations for her." -f:l * -f:l THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Foundation AEA Foundation grows with your support by Diane James National Vice President of Finance The Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation board of trustees thanks all of you who supported the Foundation in its first year. Your financial contribution shows insight and support for the long-range goals of the National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha and the board of trustees of the Foundation. The Foundation has a long-range goal of promoting and supporting educational aims and of encouraging intellectual excellence through scholarships and programming. These goals will only be met by having a strong financial base for the Foundation. A great deal of money must be accumulated to enable the Foundation to support such projects
as regional leadership workshops and funding the attendance of members to educational seminars and programs. In the meantime, the Foundation board of trustees, which had its annual meeting during the Panhellenic Foundations Conference, Sept. 25-26, in Atlanta, GA , voted to use interest income from this past year to purchase three tapes on hazing for use by collegiate chapters and to pay the fee for anti-hazing speaker David Westol at the 1988 Convention. These programs are a direct result of your financial support of the Foundation this year. The Foundation needs your continued support to initiate its long-range goals. Send your financial contribution now by using the coupon below or the envelope in the Fall Phoenix. -tt -tt
Whither the Development Fund? by Rosemary Goss National President Alpha Sigma Alpha established the Development Fund in 1982 to provide additional support for new or expanded sorority programming. The money contributed to the Development Fund was used for Province Directors' Training Workshops, training of chapter consultants, development and production of Leadership Procedure Notebooks for each chapter officer, assistance with extension and the development and purchase of Alpha Sigma Alpha promotional materials. The money contributed to the Development Fund has made a difference to many chapters . The National Council wishes to thank those who have given so generously over the years. Last fall , Alpha Sigma Alpha announced the formation of the Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation, and the future of the Development Fund became unclear. This summer, the National Council weighed the advantages and disadvantages of retaining the Development Fund. Eventually, the advantage of soliciting for just one fund, the Foundation, for which a gift is tax deductible , outweighed the advantages of the Development Fund. The decision to combine the Development Fund and Foundation was made after careful consideration. Development Fund monies could be used in their entirety in a given year and for any purpose. But THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
for the next few years, the majority of Foundation monies will be set aside to build an endowment. In the future, the Foundation endowment will produce revenues for scholarships, leadership development and the development of educational materials. Each time an Alpha Sigma Alpha makes a contribution (no matter how small) to the Foundation, that future comes closer. Make it your goal to make an annual contribution that will make a difference to the future of your sorority. -tt -tt
ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA FOUNDATION This is an ___ individual ___ group donation Name -----------------------------------Maiden name ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chapter __ Address ---------------------------------City ____ _____ State _ _ Zip _ __ It is made ____
in honor of ____
Name _______________________
in memory of Chapter __
Address --------------------------------City _________ State _ _ Zip _______ Please notify ----------------------------Mail to AEA Foundation, 1201 E. Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802
Foundation Foundation and Development Fund contributors Aug. 1, 1986 to Sept. 30, 1987 Phoenix Donors $5,000 to $9,999 Beta Gamma Lois V. Beers
Palm Donors $1 ,000 to $4,999 Beta Sigma Karen Hussey Adams Eta Eta Diane Yencic James Kappa Kappa S. June Smith
Gift categories Star Pearl Ruby Crown Palm Phoenix Exemplar
Up to $100 $100 to $249 $250 to $499 $500 to $999 $1 ,000 to $4,999 $5,000 to $9,999 $10,000 and up
Crown Donors $500 to $999 Alpha Beta Amy Ayres Rosebery Beta Beta Polly Smelser Schlosser Zeta Zeta Bonnie Payne Koenemann Betty Urban Wallick
Xi Xi Edith Callahan Titley
Ruby Donors $250 to $499 Group Denver Alumnae Chapter
Pearl Donors $100 to $249 Beta Beta Gretchen M. Otness Delta Delta Evelyn McKinley Schneider Epsilon Epsilon Carolyn Ray Cary Phon Johnson Gillespie Lori White Scott Judith Carpenter West Zeta Zeta Connie Peyton Glidewell Rachel Wilcoxon Green Judy DeMasters Winter Eta Eta Avys Taylor Hagman Constance Cockerill Hembree Virginia Liddle Iota Iota Elizabeth Dodson Carpenter Lambda Lambda August Mitchell Beese Mu Mu Louise McArthur Nu Nu Jean Reimet Shull 10
Pi Pi Evelyn G. Bell Norma Munger Sutter Sigma Sigma Nancy Gibson Mathiesen Phi Phi Marion Tollansen Fischer Chi Chi Letha Heckman Gaskins Psi Psi Sidney G. Allen Beta Epsilon Jean Raup Grady Lorraine Warren Strickler Beta Pi Rosemary Carucci Goss Beta Sigma for Beta Sigma Scholarship Rose Marie Fellin Maryann Donnell Fuller Marilyn Ramsey Garbee Karen Adams Hussey Martha Ray Sweeney Beta Upsilon Nancy Zander Reese Gamma Theta Carol Bates Tanis
Star Donors $1 to $99
Alpha Nancy Parrish Lawson Louise Anthony McCain Alpha Alpha Linda Crumb Bresnan Susan Potts Lastrapes Annee Petree Niemeyer Elise Rice Payne Martha Smelker Alpha Beta Kathryn Stephenson Buchinger Ruth Gabel Dunton Jean Alkire Spurrier Frances Hook Young Deborah Dunn Wheeler Alpha Gamma Kathryn Meiser Barclay Kathleen Rosko Book Myrle Fox Lafferty Anna Shaffer Maurer Jane Shaffer Peters Helen Strassner Russell Beta Beta G. June Bonacquistq Beth Colwell Marymargaret Corbett Dorothy Hughes Johnson Margaret W. Luccio
Cumulative giving All money an individual has given to the Development Fund will be credited toward cumulative Foundation totals . For example, if someone has given $100 to the Develop路 ment Fund each year from 1982 to 1985 and gave $100 to the Foundation last year, she would now be a Crown Doner ($500 giving level).
Patricia Meehan Maim Kim Ramsey Meyer Catherine Switzer Moore Marilyn Manion Stratton Gamma Gamma Della Sunderland Martz Thelma Knowles Ruff Delta Delta Lillie Greer Epsilon Epsilon Sheryl Picking Linn Jeanette Ferrell Neja Carol Reeves Petitjean Susan Lindsay Shelton Nadine L. Sheridan Joelene Wentz Judith Carpenter West Barbara Williamson Zeta Zeta Beverly Hobbs Smith Eta Eta Shirley Ellis Brumbaugh Charlon Makley Caskey Vicki Vaughn Dennett Jeanette Gardner Foster Kathryn Lamb Keirns Nadine Morris Smith Patric ia Scalet Stuckey Theta Theta Harriet L. Clark Jacqueline Stubenvoll Fawcett El izabeth Hagar Mabie Peterson Mary-Louise Phinney Dorothy Herne Pyle Florence Knowlton Smock Amelia Bucky Taxter Claire Torrey Iota Iota Dorothy Curtis Edith Burr Lieurance Ramona Shipley Pendergraft Kappa Kappa Helga Buda Laura Wolf Carson Althea Huston Crabtree Kathleen Mellwig Droboniku Anne Conway Fick Alice Garretson Kathryn Hastings Johnstone Mariruth Atkinson Kremer Ruth A. Nailor Dorothy McNaul Dorothy Wolf Reynolds
Foundation Nancy Gingrich Riti Elizabeth Wilson Rost Anna Price Simpson Anna Willauer Marian Harris Wood Lambda Lambda Ethel Straw Guthrie Mu Mu Jeanne Eddy Hibbard Sarah Brewster Larsen Nu Nu Marlene J. Adams Katharine Wilson Burke Janet Lappin Butterbaugh Emeline Troutman Hunter Julianne Janowski Dorcas Bates Reilly Janice Sutherland Schremp Virginia Cameron Simon Marian Irvine Stevenson Helen Lindenmuth Ware Xi Xi Louise Petersen Hindes Pi Pi Clara Harper Bassett Margaret Houston Collins Syril Penney DeQuillfeldt Mildred Gardiner Finley Emma Coleman Frost Grace Martiny Hanley Janet Stonell Koelbl Betty Grever Morrison Doreen Newman Reilly Amy Smith Roesch Rho Rho Mildred Kincaid Bussell Edith Grogan Shafer Tau Tau Beth Osborn Ridley Upsilon Upsilon Ethel Llewellyn Wilson Phi Phi Bonnie Magill LaVona Staleup Reid Joyce Kroeger Shelton Chi Chi Susan Martin Arnold Sharon Calvin Evelyn R. Marsh Carmine Alvey McConnell Helen Selvage Noblitt Velma Haines Thresher Omega Omega Ruth Bradley Alexander Beta Gamma Maxine Line Beta Delta Dolly Purvis Loyd Beta Epsilon Jane Spooner Allison Ellen Mitchell Britton
Tax deductibility :our donation to the Foundation is tax deduct路 1ble under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. With the new tax laws, consult your accountant as to the amount you may deduct from your income tax. Beta Rho Bonnie T. Kaiser Catherine Breen Majeske Gretchen Werner Oster Rosemarie Huber Swosko Beta Sigma for Beta Sigma Scholarship Elizabeth Hoesgen Banta Patricia Schmiedeke Bosso Brenda Clinkingbeard Caine Patty Coonrod Patricia Williams Goslee Diane Engelhardt Gorman Carolyn Piper Hickman Kim Grant Horton Riebel Kiley Winifred Wylie Laucis Charlene Miller Janet Staley Moore Joan Hughes Moore Juanita Roberts Rowe Liz Hoover Sweet Jean Williams Webber Beta Upsilon Catherine Allur Castor Therese Miller Lorene Kendall Nadzeika Ruth Graddy Strickland
Ann Ingle Elksnin Francis Jobson Frances Allison Steffey Holbert Joanne Beaver Lee Ann Younk ins Shockey Beta Eta Betty Petska Gerholz Adeline Scheuneman Beta Theta Madeleine Ballard Carey Lauralee Pearson Kesteloot Pamela Moore Beta Iota Peggy Hopkins Ayers Nola Ellis Bowman Virginia Pruner Johnston Donna Manoliades Martin Beta Kappa Esther Swanson Epperly Beta Lambda Ruby Fair Griner Beta Nu Janice Wheeler Rorie Beta Xi Charlotte Burroughs Klages Rho Chi Mary Snider Busch
Memorial Donations Marth~ Ayres AB, by Amy Ayres Rosebery, AB H. J. F1scher Jr., by Marion Tollansen Fischer <1><1> Grace Davis Carver, II, by Dorothy Curtis II ' Florine Harley, II, by Dorothy Curtis, II ' John Gillespie, by Emma Coleman Frost IIIT Margaret Wagner Park, ZZ , by Emma Co{em an Frost, IIIT K~thy Gene Hillyard , by Lois Beers, Br VIola Rau Dewey, MM, by Richard S. Dewey Richard Thompson , by Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter Louise George Harris, 0 0 , .by Akron Alumnae Chapte r Cheryl Cureton, XX, by Carmine Alvey McConnell XX Dawna Knight Shurtleff, Br, by Tulsa Alumnae Ch,apter
Honorary Donations Bess Adam , by Emporia, Kansas , Alumnae Chapter Helen Noblett, XX, by Carmine Alvey McConnell , XX Chapter consultants , by Carmine Alvey McConnell XX BETA SIGMA SCHOLARSHIP, by Carnahan Fence Co. Sidney G. Allen , by Alpha Gamma Delta
Beta Chi Doris Hamilton Hill Beta Psi Elaine Schuldt Yagiels Beta Omega Dona Snell baker Meinhardt Judith Whipp Parkison Gamma Epsilon Nancy Andrus Sandra Phillips Brzezinski Florence Devlin Ludwig Gamma Zeta Elizabeth Thurman Gamma Kappa Susan Lowell Bowles Silvana Filippello Richardson Gamma Xi Deborah Kron Bonita Oswald Diane Sauro Stevenson Gamma Omicron Kim Shultz Credito Patricia Semonich Marinich Deborah K. McMillin Carol A. Reigarrd Susan Miller Slezycki Gamma Rho Kim T. Davis Nancy Fisher Kulp Gamma Psi Deborah S. Phillips Delta Epsilon Deborah Smondrowski Wanda Storms Stroud Delta Theta Nancy Hansen Delta Iota Helene Grossman Delta Lambda Dale Harrison Delta Nu Susann Martin Aldrich Kari Gernart Marcia White lole Suzanne Marsolais Sue E. Suchyta Delta Omicron Cynthia Endler Delta Upsilon Vol usia J. Finney Delta Chi Charlene Spock Donna Polak Zimmerman Group Akron , OH , Alumnae Chapter Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter Emporia, KS , Alumnae Chapte r WINTER 1988
Collegiate Stars Zeta Zeta Sonya Granquist, pledge class president, Greek week co -chairman , cheerleader, speech communications society; Lisa George, homecoming queen candidate, chapter rush chairman, student government, American Marketing Association, cheerleader; Angies Slavkovky, chapter standards board chairman, student ambassador, Alpha Phi AI· pha , Phi Eta Sigma (freshman scholarship), Motar Board , Order of Omega (Greek leadership), ROTC superior cadet award.
Phi Phi Diana Antle, president of Kappa Delta Pi (education), Cardinal Key honor society, chapter vice president; Tara Karstens, chapter treasurer , Homecoming committee representative; Kim McDowell, secretary of soci· ety of presidential scholars, chapter standards chairman; Amy Nolan, chapter co-membership director, homecoming committee member; Teresa O'Riley, Steppers dance squad ; Kristen Powlishta, Sigma AI· pha Iota (music), Tower choir, chapter song leader; Susan Riffle, Sigma AI· pha Iota (music), Tower choir; Lisa Robison, forensics team , chapter sec· retary; Jeanne Robbins, Panhellenic president, Student Missouri State Teachers Association , Kappa Delta Pi (education); Susie Soyland, chapter president, chapter state day chair· man, most valuable Alpha 1986-87, American Marketing Association , Board of Trade Scholarship; Karen Thompson, Kappa Delta Pi (educa· tion), Student Missouri State Teachers Association; Judy Wasco, flag corps.
Beta Delta Sharon Bell , outstanding college student nominee; Lena Beta Burford, outstanding college student nominee, Order of Omega (Greek leadership), vice president of Rho Lambda ; Adrienne Cooper, junior Panhellenic scholarship recipient, Gamma Beta Phi ; Lisa Paige Brekenridge, Panhellenic talent show contestant; Ann White, ROTC scholarship; Jame Moreno, Rho Lambda, leadership scholarship; Debbe Sayre, Order of Omega (Greek leadership); Cherie Ladner, 12
National Business Association schol · arship; Karen Innis, Breeland schol· arship, Outstanding College Student of America, Phi Chi Theta (business).
Beta Epsilon Sarah Daly, James Madison honor scholar; Michelle Fournier, executive board of Catholic Campus Ministry; Janice Gaunt, Laurie Kinnamon, Tireia Olson and Kathryn Wirkus, In· ternational Association of Business Communicators; Sarah Lee Harris, Dukettes pompon squad; Doreen Kelley, James Madison honors scholar; Christine McNerny, International Association of Business Communica· tors, chapter membership chairman .
Beta Pi Della Cline, editor of Concordian, co-editor of Pine Tree, Gamma Beta Phi , college activities board, chapter co-editor; Lisa Thompson, ~hapter membership director, Gamma Beta Phi, chairman of college activities board, vice president of student government; Lois Panul, Gamma Beta Phi; Karen Ward, participating in production of "Grease ," Panhellenic representative; Theresa Wise, tennis team, standards board chairman; Sherri Zappi, volleyball and softball team ; Robin Morris, " Grease" production, Panhellenic treasurer, college activities board, chapter co editor; Karen Wilkes, tennis team; Erica Reich, pompon squad; Linda Meadows, Gamma Beta Phi, tennis team; Beth Peters, Gamma Beta Phi.
Sheryl Kraus, Epsilon Epsilon, Emporia State University, Emporia, KS, was Alpha Sigma Alpha 's representative at the second year of Alpha Tau Omega's Leader Shape Institute. Held during June at the University of Illinois Conference Center near Monticello, IL, the six-day session gave Sheryl an opportunity to sharpen her leadership skills.
Lisa Hennis, American Society of Interior Designers, chapter secretary; Katherine Hodge, residence assistant, Motar Board, presidential sera committee, Panhellenic secretary; Cindy Sautter, residence assistant, chapter rush chairman, Chippette pompon squad, public administration club, AIDS task force .
lenic rush counselor, chapter mem· bership director; Leanne Johnson, National Business Education Association , Phi Beta Lambda, Pi Omega Pi (business education), dean's list, chapter philanthropic chairman; Kim Kelley, president of Omicron Nu (home economics), dean's list, chap· ter chaplain ; Cheryl Menold, dean's list, student senator, academic affairs council, Rho Lambda, chapter historian and parliamentarian; Lynn Munari, treasurer of political science club, house council treasurer, chap· ter president; DeeDee Neese, stu· dent alumnae association, student senator, national student speech language and hearing association, chap· ter vice president; Tamara Ponder, tennis team , chemistry society, chap· ter rush and intermurals chairman .
Beta Iota
Beta Lambda
Judy Armstrong, student senator, executive council member for student life, scholarly lectures commit· tee, chapter editor; Cindy Berner, society for advanced management, Radford Redcoats equestrian team; Susan Comache, Rho Chi , Panhel-
Keri Eldridge, Outstanding Greek Woman of the Year award; Natalie Fox, homecoming queen; Kim Shaus, Miss Conway; Ginny Rhodes, Miss Knockout; Rhonda Hawkins, vice president of entertainment for student senate ; Sara Sewart, Lisa
Beta Theta
Collegiate Stars Vauglet and Jill Gifford, Royal Rooters; Natalie Fox, student orientation staff; Kimberly George, vice president of Panhellenic.
council , president of Panhellenic council , standing member of student directorate , policy council.
Gamma Xi Beta Nu Holly Brockman, campus newspaper reporter and advertising sales manager, treasurer of the public relations club, Sigma Delta Chi (journalism), chapter membership director; Julie Tucker, 1986 Miss Murray State University, chapter rush co路 chairman; Wendy Galloway, student ambassador, intermurals, chapter rush co-chairman; Susan Vagner, historian for the Kentucky Education Association , member and former president of the student program of the National Education Association , Gamma Beta Phi , chapter chaplain.
Gamma Eta Lisa Hulek, Panhellenic public relations committee; Camille Milburn, chapter chaplain , American Marketing Association, La Vie marketing staff; Lisa Tait, chapter president, Alpha Phi Omega (service), Order of Omega (Greek leadership), student hearing commission , university hearing board; Andrea Lehrer, university scholars , Alpha Lambda Delta (freshman scholarship), studied ab road in Spain; Susan Kelly, chapter editor, La Vie marketing staff, business ad ministration student advisor, Ame ri can Marketing Association ; Linda Hannon, chapter parliamentarian , economics club, management science club ; Bridget Horanic, chapter vice president, student dietetic association; Shelly Guthrie, Panhelle nic delegate, public relations club; Holly Schneider, chapter rush chairman, Panhellenic public relations director; Kim Podmenic, chapter suite chairman, Panhellenic public relations coordinator for rush.
Gamma Iota Kris Argento, executive editor for college newspaper; Shirley Detmar, chapter chaplain , social chairman for Panhellenic; Kelly Ann Kalkhof, student accounting association ; Vanessa Roberts, chapter vice president , Panhellenic representative, rush counselor ; Sharon Sterner, vice president of sororities for Greek THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Vicki Davis, rush counselor for Rho Chi (history), Order of Omega (Greek leadership); Deb Doyle, presi dent of Pennsylvania student section of health, physical education , recreation and dance ; Maria Michalek, advisor for residence life association .
Gamma Omicron Tracy (Jhrinek, freshman orientation leader; Cindy Karpaw, community theater actress in Plum , PA , Sarah Swick, Clarion Health Care Manor intern.
Gamma Omega Kim Felks, homecoming freshman attendant ; Ann Tosovsky, Panhellenic representative ; Amy Brinkman, show choir.
Delta Epsilon Beth Whitely, captain of varsity field hockey team ; Deb Almond, field hockey team, Phi Sigma Pi; Amy Wertz, field hockey; Christine Kuchinski, swimming team ; Pam Sharp, varsity track and field team 's top female runner; Lisa May, captain of cheerleading squad; Deb Salvitti, dean 's list.
Delta Kappa Paula Byassee, alumni scholarship recipient ; Liz Fravel, first runner-up for co-ed of the year; Beth Martin, Order of Omega (Greek leadership).
Delta Chi Carolyn Alimeco, secretary of the medical technology club; Christine Parmentier, vice president of the society of physics students; DeAnn Elliott, vice president of psychology association; Elaine Ennamorato, news director of" student radio station ; Kristin Lamb, Joan McNichol, Christine Tegge, Kelli Singley and Marie Spengel, newscasters for student radio station ; Marcia Shaffer, founder of Cheers, a nonalcoholic night club, where waiters, waitresses and bartenders are volunteers from campus Greek organizations.
Epsilon Alpha Kathy McNelly, chapter philanthropic chairman , Inter -Greek council representative, Panhellenic representative , bank majorette , Phi Beta Lambda , Baptist student union; Teres a Thomas, chapter secretary, hall council representative, Encore choir; Cheryl Garrad, chapter parliamentarian , campus activities board , student foundation , rifle team , presi dent of psychology club ; Sally Harrison, chapter vice president , biology club , vice president of Lambda Alpha Beta ; Shea Hutchens, Bray staff, Church of Christ student center; Barbara Wilson, resident hall association representative, Upward Bound; Patta Henderson, student foundation, Alpha Chi (scholarship), Phi Beta Lambda , Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, resident hall association.
Epsilon Eta Cheryl Chatfield, Omicron Delta Kappa (scholarship); Tracy Dekking, homecoming princess , Omicron Delta Kappa (sc holarship) ; Laurie Felton, homecoming princess ; Christine Frattin, Lora Liechty, Marie Norris and Martha Platt, Phi Eta Sigma (freshman scholarship).
Episilon Theta Janet O'Hare, Omicron Delta Kappa (scholarship); Erin Rositer, floor representative for joint resident council; Kim Stefurak, ROTC , resident assistant ; Juanita Tryon, orientation leader ; Kathy Veazey, orientation leader, tennis team .
Epsilon Iota Leslie C .. Huey, society of collegiate journalists, chapter editor and scholarship chairman , public relations director of Air Force ROTC Angel Flight; Liz Wallace, Panhellenic representat ive ; Sally Klein, volleyball team , resident assistant.
Epsilon Kappa Holly Shiflett, lacrosse team; Roseann Gambino, varsity springboard d ivi ng team ; Shareen Barnett, varsity cheerleader; Brenda Bauknecht, dean 's list. WINTER 1988
Collegiate Corner Longwood College
Rushees 'walk' to AEA Formal rush was very busy for AI路 pha Chapter. The skit once again was "Arnie's Soda Alley ," a '50s theme and a tradition in Alpha Chapter for 12 years. The week ended Sunday with "Walk," the most exciting moment of rush . All rushees dress in white and line up in front of Stubbs, the dormitory that houses all nine of Longwood's sororities. The sorority members take places along the walkway from Stubbs to the student union building. As each girl's name is called, she "walks" or runs to the sorority that she has chosen. This is an extremely exciting moment, for it is the first time each sorority sees which girls have chosen to accept their bids. Alpha's wait eagerly for their new pledges and carry noise makers, beat on pots and pans and wear anything red . Cecilia Cummins
Central Missouri St. University
New rush theme This year, the Zeta Zeta Chapter changed its rush theme party from "Over the Rainbow with AEA" to "Alpha 's Disneyland Adventure. " Lisa George, rush chairman , came up with this idea and executed everything from beginning to end . She had each area of a room r\present a section of Disneyland. c,路,e corner was "It's a Small World," decorated with different Cabbage Patch Kids that represented different regions of the world . Other areas were a game room and a mural of Disney movie characters. The skit was about a girl confused by rush. This girl falls asleep and has dreams about Disneyland characters, who give the rushee advice. At the end of the skit , the girl decides that Alpha Sigma Alpha is the place for her. Theresa Earles
Pittsburg State University
'Anchors' net rushees The one night that really seemed to leave a lasting impression during fall rush for the Eta Eta Chapter was the "Anchors Away" theme party. 14
Alpha Chapter pledges display their pride in pledging AEA by wearing their "letters."
The decorations consisted of a plank leading up to the doorway &nd posts connected by ropes giving it an ocean-side, rustic look. As the rushees entered the room, they also entered the ship named the Alpha Sig Lady. Fishnet, shells and lifesavers covered the walls , while the tables were accented with candles and seashells. The skit used songs adapted from 'The Love Boat," "Gilligan's Island" and "Popeye The Sailor Man. " The liveliness and humor of the skit were enjoyed by everyone. Michelle Bixby
Temple University
A message to Alpha No one likes to be a senior faced with rooming with two total strangers . Fortunately, everything went smoothly. It wasn 't long before I learned that one of my roommates had friends at Longwood College. This really interested me, since this is where Alpha Sigma Alpha had its beginning . When my roommate decided to visit her friends at Longwood, Kappa Kappa Chapter decided to send a letter to the Alpha Chapter at Longwood. When my roommate returned , she reported that she had hand delivered the letter as requested and that the girl she had given the letter to had
been ecstatic! The description of the girl's enthusiasm made me and the chapter feel great. We all shared in the bond of Alpha Sigma Alpha between chapters. Deborah Heide/baugh
Northwest Missouri St. University
Rush a preppy event The Phi Phis have had a very busy fall this year. After a fun-filled and rewarding rush , homecoming activities began. After the Panhellenic tea Saturday morning , first round parties started. Rush co-chairman Lora Schordock and Paula Dykema did an excel lent job creating several new party themes for this year's formal rush. For the "Country Club" party everyone decked out in preppie attire and put on a poolside skit. For the "USAAEA" theme party everyone dressed as individuals from all parts of the world to show the rushees the diversity in the chapter. Without even a moment's hesitation, homecoming preparation began . The overall theme was TV Guide, and the Alphas joined in by presenting a skit called the "Bionic Bearcat. " Ten members dressed as clowns, including Alf, Charlie Brown and David Letterman, and marched next to the float, which had a "Wheel of Fortune" theme and the slogan "Bearcats Spin To Win! " Lisa Moore
Collegiate Corner James Madison University
In touch with alumnae Good alumnae relations are important to the Beta Epsilons. Alumnae ~ive members, who are presently active, a sense of history that adds to their pride in Alpha Sigma Alpha. Kara Ramsey, as chairman of alumnae relations, has brought Beta Epsilon's alumnae support to new heights. Kara's first order of business was to create an alumnae newsletter. The newsletter is several pages long and contains articles on Alpha Sig activities. The newsletter is sent out to all alumnae since Beta Epsilon was founded. The list of addresses includes cities all over the United States and even one in South America. In addition to telling Beta Epsilon alumnae what their chapter is up to, Kara has invited them back to see the newest additions first hand. As the university holds class reunions, Kara lets these alumnae know that the Alpha Sigma Alpha house is always open to them. A group of members assembles at the house on the mornings of the reunions and greets the alumnae .
Beta Iota pledges fulfill their physical aim by taking a hike in Jefferson National Park in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Lesley Williams
Dickinson State University
Freshmen get AEAwelcome As summer came to a close, the Beta Eta Chapter set its activities into motion . Although the dorms were nearly empty , sounds of balloons being blown, signs being colored and the racing of feet from door to door could be heard. As they arrived, incoming freshmen found a pleasant surprise awaiting them with much information about AEA. As the evenings grew cooler, the thoughts of all turned to homecoming. When royalty was announced , members of Beta Eta were pleased to find that their president, Julee Lundberg, had been chosen as one of the maidens. The day of homecoming , Alpha Sigs appeared at the parade and cheered the Blue Hawks to victory . After the game , the members were treated to a traditional homecoming tea at the home of alum Bertha THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Geiger. Before the dance, everyone gathered at the home of vice president Ellen Baird for a reception . Dawn Frankl
Radford University
A special homecoming The Beta Iota Chapter had its best homecoming ever. The weekend included a sixth annual toga party with Sigma Phi Epsilon and the annual alumnae reception at the chapter room . The highlight of the weekend was an alumnae luncheon , a new idea created by the alumnae committee and vice president. Beta Iota 's 45th year on campus was commemorated, and Bl advisor Dr . Paul MacTeer dis路 cussed the growth and changes of Al pha Sigma Alpha . Judy Armstring
Western Illinois University
Happy days with AEA "Welcome . . . to the white house on West Adams street . . . " could
be heard blocks away as the Beta Kappa Chapter practiced for rush. Practices started the day after classes began , and they included the usual committee meetings, songs, conversation , topics, rotation skills and detailed instruction about rush plans. A few of BK's traditional rush ideas were changed. Instead of the conventional slide show, there was a home video. In place of the skit , seniors Jill Pierce and Sammi Rhein talked about involvement and sisterhood. It wa s very moving and helped the rus hees see AEA in a different light. BK's theme for first round parties was the '505 . An old convertible car parked in the front yard set the '50s mood . In the house, old 45s, album covers and graffiti covered the walls. Me mbers dressed for the theme in poodle skirts or jeans jackets and jeans. The informal parties were all red and white including the decorations, food and attire. For formals , everyone looked beautiful in dresses , and the house was simply decorated with flowers and candles. Anne E. Odendahl WINTER 1988
Collegiate Corner University of Central Arkansas
Indiana State University
A homecoming tradition
Parties add up to success
Beta Lambda Chapter is in the process of updating and renewing alumnae contact. Throughout the summer, letters were sent, and many responses were received concerning an interest in alumnae activities. A newly organized alumnae chapter has a steadily increasing membership. An alumnae tea was held to coincide with homecoming activities. The practice of a homecoming tea is a continuation of an old tradition of the previous Sigma Laurel Chapter. Since the onset of the fall semester Beta Lambda alums have been especially active. Many attended rush activities, while others have volunteered their services to participate on the newly formed advisory board. Keri Eldridge
Beta Upsilon Chapter had not just one successful rush event , but a com路 bination of parties that made this year's rush a success. Libby Sharp and Karen DeMumbrum worked many hours for this excellent rush . The first formal rush party had a "Wizard of Oz" theme . Cathy Waterman and Kathy Booth wrote a skit about Greek life and answered rushees' questions about joining a sorority. Two display tables featured Al:A items. The decorations were a backdrop of a huge rainbow , balloons and rainbow streamers covering the windows. Members were outfitted in white dressess with a red belt and red pumps. Open rush parties consisted of games and functions with fraternities, such as a chili supper with Sigma Phi Epsilon . Teresa Jackley
Henderston State College
Pledges pursue four aims
University of Arkansas-Monticello
The pledges of the Beta Mu Chapter had a very busy fall organizing their four aim projects. For their social project, they rented movies and made popcorn. Members and pledges divided up into two teams and played volleyball to achieve their physical aim. For their intellectual project, the pledges invited the president of the university to speak on the importance of Greeks on campus. The spiritual project was an address by a minister on the issue of morals for college women . Sandra Sanders
Homecoming tradition continues Homecoming is a special event for Gamma Zeta Chapter. New members and pledges get to know the older members and alumnae during the traditional tea party after the homecoming football game. Parents, alumnae, advisors , members and pledges all rave time to share their experiences with college life and activities. This year's homecoming party was extra special because it gave current members a chance to show off the recently redecorated sorority room .
next day, members and rushees celebrated everyone's birthday. The rushees were given gifts and the chapter took more pledges . Next was big-little sister week . The little sisters got presents , and at the end of the week, there was a special ceremony. Lisa Hamilton
East Stroudsburg University
A rush of memories The Gamma Rho Chapter is off to a great semester. Fall rush was successful, thanks to Ginger Lutz and Nicole Murphy, rush chairmen. The theme , "A Stroll Down Memory Lane ," was acted out by Ginger and Gina Dickinson, rP alumna . The sisters, while skimming through an Al:A scrapbook, described the special moments and happy memories of sorority membership. This was followed by a humorous skit that showed rushees Alpha Sig spirit during Greek Week , homecoming and the dance marathon . The induction of the fall pledge class was held on Oct. 5. Members are already planning for another great rush next spring . Gamma Rho is also contributing to the university athletic department during football games by greeting visitors , distributing programs, ushering fans and cleaning up. Tracey Burich and Stacey Simmers are coordinating the efforts of the 16 members involved. Kelly Comerford
Wanda Kulbeth
Concord College
Clarion University
Rush party at the beach
Pledges greeted with a song
The Beta Pi Chapter started off its fall rush with a beach party. Decorations were shells, palm trees and grass skirts . Members were attired in jams, tanks and sunglasses. Members also brought sorority memorabilia to show the rushees. As party favors, rushees were allowed to keep glasses with sorority letters . Robin Morris 16
The Gamma Omicron Chapter picked up its fall pledge class by singing and decorating doors of the pledges. Afterward there was a ribboning ceremony and celebration where everyone got to know each other and members put on sorority skits. At an open rush birthday party the
Gamma Rho members take a break in their busy schedules by building a pyramid outside a residence hall.
Collegiate Corner and created the chapter's banner and float. The banner won $50 for first prize in the banner competition . The float consisted of a spaceship wrapped in aluminum foil with colored lights around the middle. Members wore AEA letters and rode on the float. Saturday's homecoming parade was followed by a tea in the lounge for parents and alumnae. The football team ended the day with a victory .
Christine Kuchinski
pledges attended study sessions in order to keep GPAs high . The ceremony that the pledges performed for the members at the holiday party in December provided the pledges with an opportunity to fulfill their spiritual aim . Taiigates , pumpkin carving, a blind date party and an elaborate Founders' Day celebration were just a few of the events that not only provided members of Delta Iota with exciting and rewarding experiences but fulfilled the four aims of Alpha Sigma Alpha.
Michelle Gilbert
University of Delaware
New aims for pledging Lisa Martin was Gamma Psi 's homecoming queen candidate.
Edinboro University
Come as you are rush Gamma Psi Chapter's most successful rush event this fall was a theme party called "Come As You Are ." This theme helped break any tension the rushees may of had upon entering a room filled with strangers . The room was decorated in a col orful array of Alpha Sigma Alpha items ranging from jackets to pictures to paddles. The rushees were relaxed as they talked with members and other rushees. Appetizers were served as refreshments. The highlight of the evening was the favors each rushee received , a mirror that incorporated the theme of the party.
With the close of a very successful rush week , the Delta Iota Chapter began putting i.t s newly revised pledge program into action . The new pledge class began by journeying to a nearby park for a retreat and spent the afternoon getting to know one another and finding out more details about their upcoming pledge period. Along with attending the traditional weekly pledge meetings and interview parties, the new members socialized with other Greeks at the numerous social events planned for the semester. A s their first philan路 thropic project, the pledges participated in the chapter's walk -a-thon for Special Olympics, combining exercise and a worthy cause. To fulfill th eir intellectual aim, members and
University of Southern Indiana
Mansfield University
UFO floats to homecoming
Retreat for rush
Molly Murgi
Following the homecoming theme of " Those Amaz ing Flying Machines, " Delta Epsilon Chapter developed a float featuring a spaceship that resembled an unidentified flying object. This year, the chapter had four members on the homecoming court. Representing Alpha Sigma Alpha was Debbie Salvitti , while Lisa May, Carolyn McKelvey and Allison Moyer represented other campus organizations . Christine Kuchinski, a newly initiated member , designed
Delta Iota chapter members Suzanne Pike, Sue O'Leary and Judi McCullough look glamorous for the chapter's Hollywood Premier rush party.
Delta Kappa members Liz Fravel and Lori Damn enjoy the great outdoors during the chapter 's summer rush retreat.
In the middle of July , Delta Kappa Chapter went to Land Between the Lake in Kentucky for a rush retreat. To start off the camping trip , members had a fun-filled day in the sun , boating , swimming, and working on tans. After all the activities, members ate and then got down to work on brushing up on rushing skills. New dances, songs and cheers were learned for fall formal rush . Near the end of the evening, Sisterhood Chairman Tracey Rough had a special ceremony . Everyone wrote down five of their favorite things. Each person picked a list and read it out loud . Everyone tried to figure out who the list was describ ing.
Barbarina Deutsch WINTER 1988
Collegiate Corner General Motors Institute
Pledges install pride The new members of Delta Nu-B Chapter got together one Saturday to complete a greatly needed and appreciated pledge project. They pooled their resources and devoted an afternoon to recarpeting the dining room and front steps of the house. The parents of one of the new members, Michelle Gray, own a car· peting business and were able to get padding and carpet at a reduced rate and offered time, tools and e xpertise to oversee the project. The entire pledge class was on hand to tear up the worn , stained car· pet and lay down the new padding and carpeting . The chapter hopes that by giving the house a fresh , clean look , it will attract and enhance the interest of all rushees. Future improvements in · elude new blinds for the sliding glass doors and pa inting AEA letters on the garage door. Jan Marie Malicki
York College of PA
Posting a successful rush This fall , the members of Delta Omicron Chapter worked together and each made a poster and distri· buted them throughout York College Campus . The posters announced rush and information about AEA. At the rush party, members intro· duced themselves to the rushees and explained a little about themselves and AEA. Each rushee , in turn, intro· duced herself. Afterward , refreshments were served , and the members and rushees mingled. Susan L. Pickerill
Elan College
A homecoming to celebrate The 1987 homecoming was one of the best ever for the Delta Rho Chapter. The weekend kicked off Thursday with a skit night called "Celebrate. " Every group had something to cele· brate and ~p celebrated AEA's 1Oth year anniversary on campus. Friday afternoon's activities were 18
Members of the Delta Chi chapter are ready to greet rushees Hawa iian style at their luau rush party.
the float competition , parade and punt-pass·kick competition for the homecoming queen candidates. About 20 alumnae members returned Saturday to help celebrate. The morning began with a tailgate party. Members, alumnae and their guests enjoyed fried chicken , ch ips, rolls and drinks. The highlight of the football game was cheering for AEA's homecoming representative , Lori McManus, who was fifth runner-up out of about 25 candidates. Kathy R. Meadows
University of Texas-San Antonio
Rainbow brightens rush September is always a busy month for the Delta Upsilon Chapter. It started off with a very successful rush . The first night, an all -sorority party was held so that rushees could learn more about the Greek system. The second night , the Alpha Sigs had a "Rainbow Rush Party" that featured a slide show and display tables on the four aims. The third night, several skits had the theme , "A Walk Down Memory Lane. " A candle cere· mony was held during the preference party on the last night of rush . After all of the hard work put into rush, members got to know the new pledges at a retreat. Alyssa Blakelock
Bloomsburg University
Rush goes Hawaiian The Delta Chi Chapter had a suc· cessful fall rush with the theme of " Hawai ian Luau ." Before rush officially begins, there is a pre· rus h party to familiarize wome n with Greek life on campus without the obligation to rush . For ~X ' s Hawa iian luau pre-rush party, everyone dressed in their best Hawaiian outfit. The house was trans· formed into an authentic Hawaiian home, including a grass hut and an aloha sign . Refreshments were a mocktail made from pineapple, or· ange and banana juices mixed with grenadine and topped with an urn· brella and fresh fruit with a dip in a hollowed pineapple. Once rush officially began , the chapter carried out the pre·rush Hawaiian theme as much as possible. Each member wore a name tag shaped and decorated as a pineapple . One of the skits , called the "S.S . Alpha Sig," involved five women lost on an island when a storm overtook the S .S . Alpha Sig . A helpful witchdoctor told them about sister· hood on Alpha Sigma Alpha island and convinced them to go Greek. Thanks to the leadership and hard work of rush chairman Marcie Shaffer, fall rush was a success. Marie Spengel THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Collegiate Corner University of Illinois
Out to the movies for rush The Epsilon Beta Chapter began an exciting fall semester with a successful rush . " Picture Yourself" was the overall theme for rush. Each party had a movie theme . The first party was " Pretty in Pink ," second party "AEA, Red , White and You ," third party "Casablanca" and fourth "The Sound of Music." Members worked for more than two weeks and then went straight into informal rush . The pledges then began working on their many activities. These included a pledge dance , "Dance of the Decades ," held in November. To raise money, pledges and members sold balloons for Sweetest Day. Homecoming , which fell on Hal loween , was also exc iting . One member , Kim Gerwerth, ran for homecoming queen . Returning alumnae were treated to a slide show fea turing slides from when they were undergraduates and then a luncheon before the football game . At the end of the semester, whil e busily study ing for final exams , members went caroling in area nursing homes . Christine Reising
Virginia Wesleyan College
Townhouse unites chapter This year, something unique happened to the Epsilon Eta Chapter. For the first time in its three-year e x路 istence , five members moved into a chapter townhouse . The house has provided a private setting for meetings and a place where all members are welcome anytime. The house has not only provided a focal point for the chapter , but has made the campus community more aware of AEA. The townhouse has supplied a new dimens ion to the chapter and a new sense of togetherness for the members . Cynthia Stokes
Epsilon Beta members find plen ty to cheer about when they wear the AEA letters.
into a second childhood du ring fall rush week . The second rush party was entitled "Alpha Sig Candyland." There were visions of sugar-plums dancing in members' heads , giant gingerbread men and life-size candy canes as far as the eye could see. It was a kid 's dream come true. You d idn't have to be six to enjoy the fun . Members put awa y their adult lives and lived out a fantasy, at least for an hour or so . Me mbers started by d ressing the part in coveralls , kiddie faces, Jots of lace and bows. All membe rs had to do was have fun and get the rushees to join in . The party featured songs and a game, "Alpha S ig Candyland ," wit h informat ion about Alpha Sig on eve ry turn . The room was filled with lots of chatter, the rushees were put at ease by the light style of the party . Everyone mixed and mingled and met lots of people . Members worked and had fun , but eventually the party was over and it was time to go back to being grownups . But . . . we can always go back another time. Leslie C. Huey
University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown
Riding the AEA wave Christian Brothers College
A return to childhood The women of Epsilon Iota slipped THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
On Sept. 22 , Epsilon Lambda Chapter had its first rus h pa rty: "Surfin' AEA." Flowered tops, color-
ful jams and Jots of p izza made this beach pa rty a success. The rushees were enthusiast ic , and the memb e rs of Epsilon Lambda learned much about each rushee in a short tim e because of the informal and re laxed sett ing . The s uccess of the Surfin' AEA rus h party proved to each Eps ilon Lambda mem be r that AEA is an establis hed so rori ty on campus . Lisa Sculco
A memorial fund has been established in the name of Robin Lynn Meyerkord, Alpha Beta, Northwest Missouri State University, Kirksville. Robin died Dec. 12, 1986, in an automobile accident. Contact the alumni department at Kirksville about making a donation. WI NTE R 1988
AEA cookbook Send for your copy now! Please send copies of NARCISSUS at $14.95 per copy plus $2.00 postage and handling per book. (Missouri residents add 5.725% sales tax.) Enclosed you will find my check or money order for $ made payable to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Name ______________________________ Address ____________________________ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State ___________ Zip _____
Order by the case; pay no postage! Pleas-e send ____ cases (12 cookbooks per case) to be sold by Chapter. ($179.40 per case). Enclosed is$ Mail to: ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut Street Springfield, Missouri 65802
CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME You can help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amount of money each year by sending to National Headquarters any change of address or name. The U.S . Postal Service charges 25 cents for each returned magazine or change of address. You are responsible for changing your address promptly if you wish to continue receiving your Phoenix. Mail completed form with mailing label attached to AEA National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield , MO 65802. College chapter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Year of initiation _____ Married Name-- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Husband 's first name â&#x20AC;˘ Last name Maiden name----- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - First Middle Last Address------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Street City
Active i n - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Alumnae Chapter. Hold office of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ I am enclosing $8 for my annual alumnae dues. ¡ Used for ease In locating phone listings.