NPC Panhellenic luncheon toastmistress Nina Bourgeois and Sidney Allen rela x after the Mardi Gras event.
AEA leadership of NPC ends with New Orleans festival by Betty L. Wallick NPC Alternate Delegate
Alph a Sigma Alph a and Sidney G. All en ended their leadershi p role in ational Panhellenic Confere nce w ith th e or ga ni za ti on's 50th bi enni al sess ion Nov. 4-7 , 1987, in New Orleans. Sidney, outgoing NPC chairm an and AEA delegate, was responsibl e for choosing the site and planni ng the dail y program . She made it an ed ucational conference as well as entertaining experience. There was ample tim e for business meetings, edu ca ti o n al sess ions a nd soc ia l functions. The F airm ont Hotel, site of the meeting, honored Sidney by giving the opening reception , which is always hosted by th e sorority of the chairm an. It took pl ace in a garden settin g with ice carvin gs, New Orleans cuisine and ch amber music. Rosemary Goss, national president , joined Sidney in the receiving line. T wo oth e r hi ghli ghts durin g the conference were presentations made by Rosema ry fr om Alph a Sigma Alph a. The first was a check for Panhellenic educational functions from the AEA Foundation . Second was the gift, to each member of every delegation, of theNarcissus cookbook. The wom en were deli ghted , and many compliments
SPRI NG 1988
were made to Sidney as she was asked to autograph copies. Representin g Alpha Sigma Alpha at the conference, in addition to Sidney and Rosemary, were Ma ryAnn Wenzel, vice president of development; Na ncy I. Z . Reese, editor; Rose Marie Fellin , national headq uarter ex cutive; and Betty W allick, NPC altern ate delega te. Also, approx im ately a dozen Alpha Sigs from the ew Orleans area attended the Alumn ae Panhellenic luncheon . T oastmistress for the luncheon was Nin a Bourgeois, Alpha Sigma Alpha member and pr es id e nt of th e New Orl ea ns Alumn ae Panhellenic Associ ation . Part of the Mardi Gras decorations were mini ature fl oats representing th e 26 n a tion a l so ro riti es, a nd AEA 's red and white float was presented to Sidney. It was not all fun , as much work went on from early morning until late at ni ght. The resolutions that passed were mainly related to clarification of procedures in the How to j oT College Panhellenics. One resolution dealt with the entire section of bid-matching. In addition to the business sessions , there were four educational prese nt a ti o ns. Th e pro gra m on
AIDS was presented by Gary H . Bon as Jr. , assista nt director of student acti vities a nd Greek advisor at Vill a nova University, PA . Zeta Tau Al pha sponsored a program on eatin g disorders. D escribing their jobs in 路'A D ay in the Life of a Greek Ad isor" were pa nelists Terry Appa lo ni a , Indi a n a Uni ve rsity of Pe nn sylva nia ; Jill Zimm e rman , Uni versity of New Orl eans; and Ki m Padull a , San Diego State University. The 13-minute videotape, " Greeks T od ay, Here to Stay," w as prep a red by the NPC E xecutive Committee, in association with the University of Illinois. The thrust of the biennium had been education and liaison with other organizations. A major accomplishment w as the field consultants seminar July 1987, in India napolis, IN. This seminar was made possible through grants from an associate member and the individu al sororities . Sidney All en has abl y served NPC as a representative of Alpha Sigma Alpha these past six years. She made a nam e for Alpha Sigma Alpha throughout the Greek world , and we salute her for her -tt acco mplishm ents. -tt
Spring 1988
of Alpha Sigma Alpha
Deadlines Fall ........ . ......... . Winter ............ . . . . . Spring .... .... .... ... . Summer ..... . .. ... .. . .
Vol. 73, No. 3
May 10 July 10 Oct. 10 Jan. 10
Editor Nancy I.Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac Des Plaines, IL 60016
Staff Alumnae Editor Cretia Rowlette 3861 N. Cherry Ln . Kansas City, MO 64116
AEA ends Panhellenic leadership in New Orleans
Superwoman syndrome ......... .
Disney and Christmas are favorite rush themes.
Celebrating ritual
Collegiate Editor Anne Hirt Pherson 10517 Drew Ave. S. Bloomington, MN 55431
Feature Editor Sue Zorichak Hagen 6890 Athena Way Inver Grove Heights, MN 55075 Historian Esther Kaufman Gatseos 6659 E. Eastman Ave. Denver, CO 80224
THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430640), an educational journal, Is published In the fall , winter, spring, and summer of each year by the SororIty, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, Missouri 65802. The subscription price $1 .50 a year. Produced by Maury Boyd & Associates, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Member, College Fraternity Editors Association. Send change of address and business correspond路 ence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St. , Springfield , Missouri 65802. Ad路 dress ali correspondence of an editorial nature to the editor, Nancy I. Z. Reese, 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac , Des Plaines, IL 60016. ARTICLES are Invited for publication In this journal. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial staff for consideration . Acceptances are on a contrlb路 utlng basis only and subject to editorial review. Articles published are the personal expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of AJ:.A. Second-class postage paid at Springfield, Missouri, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster. Send addreaa changes to THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, Missouri 65802.
Alumnae Stars. . . . . . . . . . . .
Alumnae Action....... . . ..
13 16
Cookbook Coupon . . . . . . . .
Corrections *
Linda Ellen Smith Aldridge , Gamma Kappa, was inadvertently inc lu ded in In Memoriam listing in the fall 1987 Phoenix. Linda wrote to say she is alive and well and now living 路 in Virginia. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused.
On the Cover Superwoman syndrome is no longer chic , according to our own superwoman expert Marlys White. Marlys, who has spoken before Alpha Sigma Alpha groups and others on this subject, gives us some ideas on how to cope. (Illustration by Kurt E. Metz)
Nancy Gibson Mathisen , Sigma Sigma, was incorrectly listed as a Pearl donor in the Foundation list in the W inter 1988 Phoeni x. She should have been listed as a Ruby donor. We regret the error.
syndrome is out of style Many of us have this dreaded disease; how did we get it, and can we be cured?
by Marlys Jarrett White Chairman of Advisors
Is it difficult for you to delegate responsibility; are you afraid to sav no? Do you feel guilty about the things you are not doing, as well as the things you are? Are you irritable and resentfu l about your daily duties and responsibilities? Do you feel depressed and wish you could run away from a life you cannot control? If you answer yes to any of these questions, you may be sufferin g from symptoms of th e drea ded disease ... the Superwoman Syndrom e. As women today, we are livin g an accident of histo ry. We are attempting an incredibl e balancing act in trying to manage careers famili es , o utsid e int e r ests and relationships with a multitude of colleagues and friends. Our expectations of ourselves are often beyond safety and sanity, and we p!ace ourselves in jeopardy daily. Smce we are all potential superwo~en living in today's fast-paced society, it is critical that we become aware of the superwoman syndrome phenomenon in order to preserve not only our sanity, but
our sou ls. Just who is superwoman? In all actuality, she is any woman trying to be everything to everybody. She is not a superstar such a J ane Fonda, Geraldine Ferraro or Gloria Steinem. She is not rich and famous. She is not the media blitz image of a Wall Street attorney who is a gourmet cook a nd marathon race winner. She is the extraordinary , ordinary woman. If she is single, she must be everyone's confida nt , keeper and soc ia l compan ion. If sh e is a volunteer, she is th e room mother carpool driver and soccer coach ' because she supposedly h as mor~ time. If she is a grandmother she can~ot just sit back in her ro~king c hair and re mini sce about th e "good ole days" but must be a gra y- haired wo nderwoman who has unbounded energy in all that she underta kes . Th e superwoman has it all and does it all with superl ative standards, but she oftens feels overwhelmed , guilty and exhausted. She plays a multitude of roles in her daily life, but during introspection , she reall y does not know who she is. There are three symptoms of the superwoman syndrome-phys-
ica l , psychological and soc ial. Physical symptoms abound in the form of stomac h disorders, fati gue, long- term exhaustion , migraine headaches, insomnia and heart palpitations. If you are a superwoman , the doctors say you are healthy after a routine physical exam ination. H owever you secretly w ish that they would find something w rong with you , so you could have an excuse to rest and relax as superwomen are only able to t~ke it easy w hen they are truly ill . P syc hol og ical symp toms are quickly ev id ent , but as superwomen, we often fail to recognize them in ourselves. A superwoman may feel incompetent and overwhelmed. She is angry and irritable as well as tense and depressed. She thinks to herself, "I would love to run away from home but I don't . have either a place to go or the time to do it. " Superwomen feel awesome guilt. We are always where we shouldn't be-away from children, husbands , parents, h ousework or officework. Often we are too exhausted to enjoy even the simple things of life such as stopping to smell the roses . Social symptoms are weakened interpersonal relationships. We often .lac~ the time and the energy to mamtam contact, particularly on
the homefront. Anger and irritability often slip into our daily exchanges with family members. As superwomen, we resent all of the demands placed upon us. Often we have increased conflicts with our dearest relatives and friends . All of these symptoms fall into the broader category of overwhelming stress, and superwomen accept the stress as a normal way of life. Marjorie Shaevitz, author of the book "The Superwoman Syndrome," strongly believes that no woman should be made to feel that she should be a superwoman, and speakin g from firsthand experience, neither do I! Regardless of age, education and background we are all potential victims. But, how did we get into this predicament? What happened in our society to lead us to this situation? It all began years ago in the socialization process involving the difference in expected roles for girls and boys. As female children, we were raised to be w ives, mothers and homemakers. Male children were raised to be breadwinners. Throughout our entire childhood , we were raised differently , and in spite of the women's movement , many of us are still raising our children in this manner.
As women, we were taught to be other-oriented. To be self- oriented was characteristic of a selfish , egocentric woman who didn't care for others . We were expected to nurture , love, accommodate and care for others at all times. On the other hand , men were taught to be selforiented. They were told to take care of themselves, keep the other guy on guard, be competitive and strong, and not let anyone else impose upon them or their life goals. Because of these differences, women and men react differently to emotional upset and have different priorities for success. Most importantly, women and men differ in their thinking regarding the household. For women, the home is the workplace. It is the traditional woman's source of identity and opportunity for power and control. They feel all of the responsibility for the household, and because work is never really completed , they find it difficult to relax in their own homes . The traditional woman is short-term response-oriented and feels that what she is doing today really has no particular implications for tomorrow. He r time belongs to everyone else at home. On the other hand , the home is
the haven and place of rest for men. They feel no psychological responsibility because their major focus is on their job or career. Men are future-oriented and they value time as it relates to their own needs. Consequently, they don't feel gu ilty about relaxing and enjoyin g themselves in their own hom e, as women do. Added to these psychological differences between women and men are cultural changes that have made a significant impact upon the acceleration of the superwoman syndrome. First of all, women have become workers outside of the home. Fifteen years ago there was a prejudice against working mothers and career women. Today there is a prejudice against women who do not work . Recession and inflation have forced. more and more women out into the work world . Changed attitudes regarding divorce and alimony have caused more women to have to go to work to support themselves and their children. Women must be tremendously successful and better than men in career performance to make it in the professional world. More importantly , the media Continued on page 10
Disney and Christmas spark skit themes by Beth Colwell , Chairman of Rush Two rush skit themes seem to be most popu lar with Alpha Sigma Alpha chapters. These themes involve either Disney characters or Christmas in September. Below are desc riptions of " Alpha Sig Disneyland Adventure," by Zeta Zeta, and "Christmas in Septe~足 ber ., by Epsilon Eta. You can , of course, adapt the sk1ts and songs to fit your chapter.
The Zeta Zeta " Alpha Mouseketeers " give a big cheer.
Minn ie, Mickey, Donald Duck, Goofy and the Good Fairy gather around the rushee at the end of the skit.
"Alpha Sig Disneyland Adventure" Decorations: Murals were painted with Disney characters and parts of the room were decorated like different parts of Disneyland (ie: " It 's a Small World " ). Nametags: A cluster of balloons. Refreshments: Rootbeer floats. Costumes: Mouseketeer outfits: Disney hats, black 6
SPR ING 1988
skirts, white shirts with red suspenders and tennis shoes. Songs: " When You Wish Upon a Star. " Entertainment: Disneyland skit. Members dressed as various Disney characters try to convince a confused rushee that Alpha Sigma Alpha is the sorority to choose.
"Christmas in September" Decorations: The room is decorated with a Christmas tree, red and green balloons and streamers, and other Christmas decorations. Nametags: Construction paper Christmas trees decorated with glitter. Favors: Red or green balloons. Refreshments: Christmas cake , cookies , chips and peanuts, mints and soda. Costumes: Christmas attire. Songs: Christmas caroles and favorite chapter songs. Entertainment: " Christmas in September" skit.
Epsilon Etas gath er in front of the tree for " Christmas in September. "
"'Twas the Night Before Bid Day" 'Twas the night before bid day And all the rushees Were anxiously awaiting to join sororities. The pref cards were signed with the utmost of care . . . With hopes the Alpha Sigs ' wishes Would be just like theirs . The parties were funAll their smiles were so bright I looked forward to seeing them every night. The excitement of rush was now coming to an end But hopes for our sisterhood Were about to begin. Two EH members perform " 'Twa s the Night Before Bid Day. "
It didn 't take long and this old girl noticed
This sorority 's the best And by far the closest. My friends all wide-eyed just laid in their beds While visions of ladybugs Danced in their heads. My roomie in her PJs and I in my gown Had finally settled downWith hardly a sound! We tossed and we turned and not a wink could we sleepSo out of our beds in the morning we did leap To run to the center and take just a peep. Oh the excitement! My dreams did come trueA bid card that says Alpha Sigs want you!
A by Silvana F. Richardson Chairman of Ritual In th e Ia t two i ues of The hav xplored Alpha igma Alpha 's fou ndin g and its sy mbols. Our sorority wa found ed by five youn g women w ith uniqu vi ion to build a n o r ga nization that would e nn obl e womanhood and th e r by a ffect ociety. Our o rga nizati on is r p r nted in ym bolic language, gestu re and form a nd ets us apa rt in th Greek world. An oth r a pect of orority life that i a r d to m mbe rs is our ritual. Through these special c remoni , op n onl y to m mbers the rich tradition a nd meaning of Alpha igma Alpha isterh ood i unfold d . Our ritual p rovide us the oppo rtunity to pause and r fl eet upon t he deeper mea ning of ou r sorority ym bols. Ma ny c hapter have c rea ted inform al c r moni es to enri c h th e sp irit of love and isterhood , uch as the Wi hing W ell Ce remon y, or to mark oth r p ecial ev nt in the !if of Af.A , such a th exempla r c I bration . Thee informal ceremonies hou ld not b co nfu ed with the fo rm al, fficial ritual , wh ich is ote ri c in natu re. Th Ritu al of Alpha igma Alpha is a p rescribed formal procedure for conductin g ceremon ies to c I bra t ignifl cant eve nts in oro rity li fe: th e pl ed gin g of p rosp ec ti v m e mb r , initiati o n of new me mbe rs, install a ti on of new chapte rs a nd ne w officers, honoring of patro ness s a nd the re membra nce of those members ,. ho h ave di ed . The ri tual ha b e n prin ted , but it re ma ins esoteri c, that i , open onl y to cand idate or me m-
Ph oenix, w
This is the third and final article in a series written by Ritual Chairman Silvana F. Rich路 ardson. In this issue, she explores the meaning of our ritual.
SPHI NG 1988
bers of the sorority. One exception is the Memorial Service to which family members of the deceased sister may be invited. The AEA ritual serves three distinct, but interconnected purposes: 1) The revealing of the "identity" of the sorority; 2) The celebration of the "community" of our sisterhood and 3) The remainder of our lifetime "commitment" to sorority values. Let us explore the significance of these purposes for us today.
Identity During each of our rituals, we express our founding beliefs through symbolic gesture and language. We explain the secret meanings of these symbols and of the challenges they represent for our daily living. It is during these rituals that we proclaim the essence of our identity as Alpha Sigma Alphas. A feeling of respect and awe in this expression of our sorority's ultimate values should be created through careful attention to the environment and through individual preparation. The brass should sparkle and the linens should be crisp. Fresh flowers and soft musiC add to the reverent mood.
Community We do not celebrate our ritual alone, but in the community of our sisters . From the moment we are pledged, we begin to work cooperatively to build a strong esprit de corps. Our lives are committed to serving others, to caring for one another's welfare, and thus we come together as women seeking the same lofty purposes. We wear all white, the perfect blendin g of colors, to symbolize our common friendship. Our attitude should be unhurried to create a caring, loving
"We do not celebrate our ritual alone, but in the community of our sisters."
atmosphere for those whom we honor, whether they be pledges or mother patronesses. We should strive to create an experience of strong fellowship and community. The chaplain can do much to help members prepare for rituals. A quiet reflective period before ceremonies begin is one way to do this .
Commitment Each of us has chosen to become an Alpha Sigma Alpha; just as we were chosen. We made our decision to set our standards and goals high and to align ourselves with the values of the sorority. We need periodic reminders of this decision and of our lifetime commitment. The ritual services offer us this opportunity. We review our identity in union with our sisters. We renew the vows made on our initiation day and acknowledge our allegiance to one another. The words offer inspiration and challenge for daily living. Because the services are meant to empower us in our living of our
AEA values, they should be discussed with other members. The ritual book is not meant to be locked away in the ritual trunk with the .paraphernalia; it is meant to be read, reread and digested. I urge chaplains to select passages of the ritual to be read at meetings and retreats. What better way to focus discussion and decisions? This is necessary for us to be able to translate the message written by our founders to us. Each of us has received a beautiful legacy from the past, and we are now the pioneers creating the future of Alpha Sigma Alpha. The aspirations of our founders are reborn in each of us. We must not lose sight of their vision. Our ritual challenges us to make life meaningful for our members and for society.
The ritual's challenge It is time now: To know our heritage, our ideals and our purposes. To be proud of who we are as Alpha Sigma Alphas. To educate our members regarding the meaning of ritual. To educate nonmembers about our goals and accomplishments. To celebrate our rituals with true reverence. To engender loyalty to our organization, its aims and ideals. To foster lifetime commitment through sisterhood networks. To extend ourselves to others in society through our philanthropic endeavors. If we rem ind one another of the bonds we share and of the lifetime commitment we have made, we can continue to "pass on the torch undimmed" to other young women for years to come. -{;(
* -{;(
Superwoman Continued from page 5 present glowing expectations of who we are or should be. Begin now to critically evaluate the image of women portrayed in newspapers, magazines and on radio and television . From shiny dishes and soft bath towels to women with perfect bodies and gorgeous faces, society is being hyped to the image of the ideal woman. We see these images daily, and if we don't live up to them , we feel like failures. Another critical issue contributing to the superwoman syndrome is the concept of "overwork chic." As women today, we buy into this concept every time we get together with a friend to compare note about how busy our lives are. "It becomes a game of one-up-manship as we try to prove to each other how harried we are in our daily responsibilities and duties. We have accepted as normal a crazy, frenzied workstyle, and we feel guilty if our life does not portray this overwhelming chaos. When we "drop out" so to speak, we are no longer considered chic and overworked-or successful. While women路s roles have changed, society has not caught up with these changes. Women are now a vital part of the work force , but society has not come to grips with their different needs. Some examples of society's failure are: poor childcare facilities, no housekeeping industry and elusive delivery and repair people. What can we do to alleviate the pressure of the superwoman syndrome? We must make behavior changes within ourselves, because that is where we have the most control. We must stop waiting for the knight in shining armor to come to the rescue . The actions that we can take are both possible and realistic. First of all , we must decide what and who is important and essential in our lives. Be selective and don't feel guilty about it. Don't allow petty chores and unimportant people to dominate your life. Prioritize your needs and fit them in with the needs of children, husband, boyfriend, parents and friends.
It is essential that we establish a routine. Schedule time to relax and time to communicate, have fun and maintain intimate contact with important people. Act rather than react in daily situations. Don't allow feeling of guilt because that only perpetuates the myth of the superwoman. We must never say yes immediately or automatically to any invitation or opportunity. Don't be seduced by opportunity , even though it flatter the ego. Think about the request for a while. Stand back and take a look at it. If it doesn't fit your schedule, make a counter offer. If it isn't part of your priorities, say thanks, but no thanks. Don ' t hedge. Because women are uncomfortable aying no , we talk ourselves into saying yes again and again until our lives are out of control. We must learn to delegate at home and at work . If at all possible, hire someone to do it. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to do everything. Allow time to enjoy, not to work more. Don't try to be perfect at everything, it is just not possible. Last, but certainly not least, we must focus upon what is positive in our lives, ignoring the negative and trivial. Charles Garfield, a clinical psychologist, has spent the past 15-20 years studying what he calls optimal performers, such as Winston Churchill, Eleanor Roosevelt and
Saul Bellow. Unlike workaholics, who are motivated primarily by fear of failure, optimal performers derive their motivation from a commitment to a very personal set of goals. They understand the need for systematic relaxation and consider vacations the source of creative thinking. They are extraordinary delegators at work and at home. Even though they set high standards for their work, they are free from trying to be perfect. They work smart, using their time efficiently and focusing their efforts where they will produce maximum results. It seems to me that this is a much saner alternative than buying into the superwoman syndrome. Natasha Josefowitz' poem, "Intimate Time Priorities," sums up this message succinctly: We' re working too hard Accomplishing a lot but . . . The time to play is passing us by. We're in our separate worlds of creative concentration It's wonderful but . . . The time to be is passing us by. We meet for meals and speak of work It's helpful but . . . The time to know is passing us by. We meet in bed and go to sleep It's restful but . . . The time to love is passing us by. As women in today's society, let's not allow our lives to pass us by. tt tt
Alumnae Stars
Marlys White, elementary school principal.
Principal enjoys school atmosphere "She's the second girl principal I've ever seen in my life," remarked one young boy as he passed Marlys Jarrett White, BB, on the playground of Westminster Hills Elementary School just outside Denver. Working as an administrator of an elementary school may be relatively new to Marlys, but working with youngsters is not. Marlys finished her undergraduate studies at the University of Northern Colorado and continued with graduate work at Penn State. She received a master's degree in speech pathology and audiology. After 20 years of service to Adams County Schools as a speech and language teacher, she became the special education coordinator for Adams County. During this time, she began work on an administration certificate. One and a half years later, she returned to the Westminster area where she spent most of her teen-age years. Yet this time, she returned as an elementary school principal. Awareness of her STAR (Supporting Teacher Awareness Resources) program is spreading throughout the Denver metro area. The program supports professional development for teachers either through observation of another class or attendance of a workshop. Marlys conducts the teacher's class and finds the experience very beneficial, for it affords the opportunity to learn more about each student. The program has displayed a great deal of success with both students and teachers. Though very proud of her career accomplishments, Marlys is also
proud of her affiliation with Alpha Sigma Alpha. Through the years she has worked in various sorority capacities. In addition to several offices in the Denver Alumnae Chapter since 1965, she has served nationally as colonies chairman, ritual chairman, vice president of alumnae programs, executive vice president and currently as chairman of advisors. In addition to managing a successful career, Marlys is very proud of her family. Her daughter, Heather, is a freshman at the University of Colorado in Boulder, and her son, Chris, attends the University of Texas in Austin. Also involved in education is her husband, Dennis, who is employed as a library media specialist for Jefferson County Schools in the Denver area.
Dickinson alum earns university award The Chief Award is the highest honor bestowed by the Dickinson State University Alumni Association. The award recognizes alumni who have achieved outstanding success in their career or profession and have made significant contributions to their community, state or nation through public service. A 1946 Dickinson graduate, Dr. Julie Armstrong Anderson, BH, was granted the Chief Award recently. Julie retired from a distinguished career as an educational psychologist in 1979 from the Tacoma School District. She has published articles in several professional journals on the topic of learning disabilities and holds membership in groups such as American Educational Research Association, School Psychologists Association , National Education Association and many other teacherrelated associations. She has been named to Who's Who Among College and Universities and the American Women and International Women. Julie graduated in 1946 from Dickinson State University with a bachelor of arts degree in education and completed a master's degree in psychology from the University of Arizona in 1972.
Writer enjoys adventurous career Everyone likes a vacation and adventure, especially Alpha Sigs. Carolyn Mulford, AB, an active member
Carolyn Mulford, freelance writer, editor and photographer.
of the Washington , D .C., Alumnae Chapter, has combined the two in a book entitled "Adventure Vacations in Five Mid-Atlantic States." Carolyn had her co-author, Betty Ford, boldly challenge adults to " take a break" from the routine and embark on one or more adventure vacations. Now a freelance writer living in Silver Spring, MD , Carolyn's professional life resembles one continuous adventure. After graduating from Northeast Missouri State University in 1960, she received a master of arts degree in journalism from the University of Missouri at Columbia. Shortly after graduation , she joined the Peace Corps and spent two years in Dessie, Ethiopia. Her major assignment was to teach English to 11th graders in the only secondary school in a province with 1 million inhabitants. During th e summer months , she joined several other Peace Corps volunteers working with lepers to build a five-room school at the Sudan Interior Mission Leprosarium outside Dessie. Over the years, Carolyn has written num erous articles on travel and various topics in publications ranging from the .San Francisco Examiner and Miami Herald to Travel/Holiday and National Restaurant Association News. The 1960 recipient of the Amy M. Swisher Scholarship award , Carolyn has busied herself by teaching courses at George Washington University in the District of Columbia and Montgomery College in Maryland as well as coordinating local and regional workshops. Keep yo ur eye out for this author the next time you are in the local bookstore.
Alumnae Stars Dedicated Alpha Alpha leaves fond memories Helen Boggess Swart, 93, of Dayto n, Ohio, died Oct. 10, 1987. She was a retired teacher from the Dayton schools and a retired employee of W right-Patterson Air Force Ba e. Born in Springfi eld , Ohio, she lived much of her married life in Africa and South America . She was devoted to Alpha Sigma Alpha and proudly served as a national officer as well as a fa ith ful mem ber of the Dayton Alumnae Chapter. ""I always wear my sororit y pin," she said. '路I have met sororit y sisters and fellow Greeks w ho have recogni zed my pin in airports, restaurants and shops around the world , leading to interesting conversations and long friendshi ps. 路路 As a n alumna, Helen enj oyed contributing her ti me and efforts to rush activities of the Al pha Alpha Ch apter . She wo uld never miss a fun ction in which the alumnae were involved . She, along with other alumn ae, enjoyed ex plaining the fun ction of national sororities , Pa nhellenic and Alpha Sigma Alph a hi tory durin g rush fun ctions. E ach alumna would particip ate by sha ring the speci al meanin g the sorority had to her . Helen always attracted a crowd of enthusiastic rushees and enthralled her listeners with humorous sorority stories from her collegiate days.
Rosie Fellin and Payne Stewart at the American Cancer Society benefit.
Janice Sch rader, " cheer tea m " member, poses in front of the soccer field at Notre Dame University.
Payne Stewart was the honorary chairm an for the tournament nam ed for his father . Rosie Fellin , BE a nd Alpha Sigma Alpha headqu a rters executive, was the tournament chairman fo r the event , w hich raised over $27,000 for the America n Cancer Society. The day was proclaimed "Payne Stewart Day" in the city by Springfi eld Mayor Tom C arlson . Payne and his wife, Tracey, were able to attend while taking a week off from the PGA Tour . Rosie also serves as treasurer of the Greene County Unit of the American C ancer Society.
Harper College Board of Trustees. Ha rper is one of the most recognized community colleges in the nation . A previous member of the Denver Alumna e Ch a pter , Susanna is a member of the Chicago North Suburban Alumnae Chapter. She received her undergr adu ate degree from the University of Northern Colorado and a master's degree from the University of Denver. Professional and community involve ment include membership in the American Library Associ ation , the Colorado Educational Media Association and the Aurora Public Library Board of Trustees.
Alumna volunteers for Special Olympics
Helen Swart sponso red an ann ual ca rd pa rty.
Rosie takes swings for cancer benefit The Bill Stewart Tournament for Life Charity Golf Classic , held rece nt ly at Hicko r y Hills Club in Springfield , MO , was a tremendous success.
SPR ING 1988
Janice Hays Schrader, XX , was a volunteer for the International Special Olympics held at Notre Dame University in Au gust. During the games, Janice worked as a member of the "cheer team" for the soccer competition . Janice is a Ball State University graduate and was an active member of the South Bend Al umnae Chapter. She is married , the mother of t hree daughters and is employed in Niles, Michigan.
Illinoisan elected college trustee Susanna O rzech , BB , was recently elected to a four- year term on the
Susanna Orzec h , Ha rp er Co lleg e board of trustees member.
Alumnae Action Narcissus cookbooks a nd ac r ylic memo clips were sold followin g the meeting. Anne Rumney Will Dickinson, North Dakota
Philanthropic distributions Cathy Gruman presided at the fir 路t fall mee t ing. Carol Will er , secretary-treasurer, reported on the di sbur seme nts to philanthropic proj ects. Donations from the last card party were distributed among the Beta Eta Chapter, the Special Olympics Track and Field Fund and the Miss Loraine S. Schumacher Scholarship . The first track scholarship in honor of Loraine was awarded to Joan Zay Dent of Shepherd, MT . She is an outstanding athlete and participates on the varsity teams in cross-country, track and volleyball . Bertha Geiger Omaha , Nebraska Yuletide cheer united the Wa shington, D.C., alumnae at a Christmas luncheon . Washington , D . C.
Fall fellowship The chapter launched its fall and winter programs with no thought given to calories or waistlines. The first opportunity to test willpower arose at a potluck supper hosted by J udy Parkison . The annual Christmas luncheon was held at the Normandie Farm in ru ral Potomac, MD. The weather provided brisk winds and snow flurries, and the restaurant supplied the blazing fireplace and delicious food. The chapter was joined by Margaret Banks, a form er member. Judith Parkison Cincinnati, Ohio
Alumnae chapters meet The Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter began the year by joining the Dayton Alumnae Chapter for lunch in Middletown , OH. Fran Dorworth was a guest speaker for the October meeting, cohosted by Sue Shelly a nd Liz Lohse. Fran told of her experiences with the Elder Hostel program. Found ers' D ay was celebrated with the Alpha Alpha Chapter from Miami University. The ann ual gift
wrapping of Christmas gifts purchased for the Resident Hom e for the Mentally Retarded was done at the home of Brenda Hartman , AA . The highlight of a cold January was the annual luncheon . It was held on the Mike Fink floatin g resta urant on th e Ohio Ri ver. After lunch , members toured the Carnagie Arts Center in Covington, KY .
Fall highlights The chapter held a fall salad supper at the home of President Jill Karre . Several new members attended , and a calendar of events for the com ing year was planned . Founders' Day was celebrated with a luncheon at a local restaurant. A fall garage sale and raffie ticket sale netted a nice contribution for the chapter's philanthropy. Jean Ullrich
Nancy Anderson Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania
Graduation tea planned San Diego, California
Crown room site for Founders' Day The September meeting was held at the home of Suzanne McGinnis Collier, BK , and centered around a potluck salad luncheon . During the business meeting, preparations were made for Founders' Day and moneyraising projects for 1987-88 . Donna Martin was welcomed from the Beta Iota Chapter. The Founders' D ay luncheon was held at th e Hotel D el Coronado Crown-Coronet Room , a Victorian gem with handso me domed ceilings and magnificent chandeliers. The luncheon was follow ed by a ceremon y and brief bu sin ess meeting.
The first fall meeting was held at the home of lise Graenz Schwarze, NN, in November, and plans were made for the coming year. Panhellen ic Representative Jane Mowery Geller, AA, hosted the annual cookie exchange; and holiday cookies and recipes were exchanged among members. Future plans include a dinner theater evening with guests and a spri ng tea for graduatin g seni ors from Drexel University and Temple University . Lois Meadowcroft Baker, NN, will be making arrangements for the tea. Miriam FitzGe rald
Alumnae Action Other fall activities included a potluck sup per at the hom e of Kim Matthews, a Panhellenic tasting supper and the Founders' Day ceremony at Virginia Commonwealth University. The Richmond group has spent several years working toward building its membership. With approxim a t ely 90 p erce nt of th e active members holding full-tim e jobs and approxim ately 80 percent with young children , the support and friendship of other Alph a Sigma Alpha members is im portant but a challenge to maintain . Many members have accepted the challenge, and the group has welcomed several new members. Sandy Morgan Houston, Te xas
Founders' Day celebration
Beta Sigma 40th anniversary reunion More than 100 Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae returned last April to the campus of Southwest Missouri State University to celebra te the 40th annive rsary of Beta Sigma Chapter. The activities on April 11 included a lunch at the chapter house, a memorial service and anniversary ritual. A history was compiled by Headqua rters Executive Rose Marie Fellin. Also presented was a slide show of chapter highlights from 194 7 to present. The day ended with a dinner-dance at the Ramada Inn.
Chicago Metro
Rich mond, Virginia
Special moments shared
Members take challenge
As 1987 ended, the Chicago Metro Alumnae Chapter had much to be thankful fo r. Mary Sidhu, EB , married Ga rrett Pitt man, a nd Marcia Vince, ffl , married Tom Dee over the summer. Beth Heidel Zubinski , ffl , gave birth to a daughter. The chapter welcomed two new members: Gunta Hadac, f A, a nd Barbara Ca mino, f A. Marcia Stewa rd , ffl , was selected Ill inois School Counselor of t he Yea r by t he Illin ois Association fo r Cou nseling a nd Development. In September, the chapter gathered a t Denise Pe terson Sifnotis' home to plan the year's activities. As a phil a nthropic project, the chapter chose to do nate money to a special education class at a nearby school. It was "Christmas time in the city'路 w hen members held their annu al party and gi ft excha nge at Karen Adams Hussey's home. Marc ia Stewa rd
SPRI NG 1988
路路what a beautiful da y!" was the repeated phrase during the November meeting. The near-perfect aut um n d ay was th e setting of the Houston alumnae Founders' Day celebra ti on . Suzanne Page served as the hostess. A short business meeting was held , and the Founders' Day program was led by President Marilyn Mitchell. Members then met at a resta urant for a luncheon . Farewell were bid to Micki Wiesner, w ho w ill be moving to Washington, D .C. Selma Ann Wha yne Johnson
The fall hi ghli ght for the chapter was t he a nnu al C hri tm as pa rt y, hosted by Lou and Gary Monger.
Indianapolis alu mnae and frie nds observe Special Olympic ac tivities.
Alumnae Action New Orleans , Louisiana
Memorable installation Alpha Sigma Alpha was well represented at the recent installation of officers for the Greater New Orleans Alumnae Panhellenic . The occasion was especially exciting, for this w as the first time an Alpha Sigma Alpha member had become president of the Greater New Orleans Alumnae Panhellenic. Nina Breaux Bourgeois was installed as president, and Sidney Allen , National Panhellenic Conference chairman , was the guest speaker. Nina Bourgeois Terre Haute, Indiana
Birthday party rings in the year The 1987-88 year started with a birthday party for Beta Upsilon's first chapter advisor , Ruby East. Installation of new officers in September was followed by a carry-in picnic at the Collett Park Pavillion. Several members attended Beta Upsilon's preference party and supplied the hors d'oeuvres.
The big event for the fall was the hom ecomin g luncheon with Ruth Hoare and Mary Fran Wiley as cochairmen and Beta Upsilon Chapter members as special guests. Founders' D ay w as celebrated with Beta Upsilon and was held at the home of Barb Black, treasurer. To end the year, the Christmas party and gift exchange w as held at the home of Brenda Scott. Terry Miller Tulsa, Oklahoma
Various events honored Collecting contributions of food , clothing and personal articles for a different needy organization was a feature of each chapter meeting. F o und ers' D ay was celebr a ted with a brunch hosted by a member . The Decem ber meeti ng combined a business meeting and a Christmas party . Toys, clothing and food were collected for an orga nization . Additionall y, members gathered the orders fo r Santa letters and prepared them for mailing. Regina Sharp
Help wanted: Alumnae stars In order to recognize outstanding accomplishments of Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae , The Phoeni x staff needs your help. If you , or someone you know , have received public recognition or made a significant contribution in the areas of business, sports , government, education , entertainment , media, volunteer work , science and the arts, please complete this form. Guidelines:
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Terre Haute alumnae initiate new officers. Pictured left to right: Terry Mille r, presi路 dent; Ruth Hoare, vice president; Vicki Hindervate r, secreta r y; Mary Fra n Wiley, installing office r; Lorene Nadzeika, chaplain; and Barb Black, treasurer.
Send this form and accompanying information to " Alumnae Stars ," c/o Cretia Rowlette , 3861 N . Cherry Ln ., Kansas City, MO 64116.
SPRI NG 1988
AEA cookbook Send for your copy now! Please send copies of NARCISSUS at $14.95 per copy plus $2.00 postage and handling per book. (Missouri residents add 5.725% sales tax.) Enclosed you will find my check or money order for $ made payable to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Name _____________________________ Addmss ___________________________ City----------------------------State------------------- Zip ____
Order by the case; pay no postage! Please send __ cases (12 cookbooks per Chapter. case) to be sold by Enclosed is $ ($179.40 per case). Mail to: ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA National Headquarters 1201 East Walnut Street Springfield, Missouri 65802 CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME You can help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amount of money each year by sending to National Headquarters any change of address or name . The U.S. Postal Service charges 25 cents for each returned magazine or change of address. You are responsible for changing your address promptly if you wish to continue rece iving your Phoenix . Mail completed form with mailing label attached to Al:A National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield , MO 65802. College chapter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Year of initiation _ __ Married Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Husband's first name • Last name Maiden name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Middle Last Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Street City
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