Special Olympics continues efforts to grow by Sheila Dinn Special Olympics
Last faiJ, a woman stood before special education students in Harrisburg, PA, and spoke about the diffe re nce Special Olympics has made in her life. " In elementary school, I sat behind the windows looking out at the other kids playing sports-something I never had a chance to do because if you were a special e d student, you were labeled with the world retarded. But I started running because my brother was on the track team, then I got into Special Olympics. Now I also play basketball, I'm learning to swim and I roiJer skate." " It's very important for people with disabiliti es to play in sports . For me, it gives me a chance to think. It has also taught me to care about myself and have self-pride, se lf-disciplin e . Thank th e good Lord for the people who are pushing behind this program. Like the people here-your teachers, your administrators, p e opl e who are stretching out to have this program grow. It's up to you stude nts to come and particip ate . Because without you, the sport can't go on. " The speaker was Loretta Claiborne, a 35-year-old Special Olympics athl ete who has run a 5:42 mile, a 3:03 Boston Marathon and more th an 20 other marathons . During the past five years , she has given many presentations on behalf of Special Olympics, but her favorite aud ience is fellow athletes. " If I can inspire one othe r athle te to say,'IfLoretta can do it, I can do it,' then I'm successful," said Loretta. The students she was addressing in Harrisburg are part of an effort to offe r Special Olympics sports to more people with mental retardation in schools as part of Special Olympics' "Join the World of Winners" outreach program . One of these initiatives is Unified Sports, in
2 SPRING 1990
A triumphant athlete celebrates her victory at the Fourth International Special Olympics Winter Games, held in Reno and Lake Tahoe in April 1989.
which athletes with me ntal retardation compete on teams with non-handicapped athle tes through after-school intramural and interscholastic sports programs. Thi s program is occurring in schools and community recreation programs around the cou ntry. Unifi ed Sports leagu es in softbaiJ , baske tball , soccer , bowling and volleyball help Special Olympics ath le tes take on new challe nges, gain new skills and showcase their talents to new audiences. Another program that is being pioneered in high schools, but also can be conducted in coiJeges, is the Partn e rs Club. Partn e rs Clubs match students with mental retardation and those without for oneon-one sports training. Like Unified Sports, Partners Clubs be nefit all participants as the interaction with special students he lps partn ers learn acceptance and tolerapce of diffe re nces; in addition , students can apply the experie nce to a variety of possible careers. These program s are be ne ficial because there is still a need for bet-
ter understanding of the abilities of peopl e with mental retardation . While advances toward that understanding are being accomplished through positive portrayals on television and through the growing success of people with mental retardation in the job market, inhibiting prejudice continues. This tunnel vision is as dangerous as any racial, religious or sex discrimination in denying the rights, uniqueness and abilities of people with me ntal retardation. Through programs like Unified Sports and Partners Clubs, Special Olympics is working to challenge prejudice and enable communities to appreciate the contributions of every citizen. Offering the benefits of sports to hundreds of thousands more athletes while working to overcome intol erance , these are ambitious goals . Yet there are signs that the time is right for the Special Olympics message to be heard. Recently, representatives of Special Olympics visited the Soviet Union and by the trip's end had received an official's commitment to send an observer delegation to the next International Special Olympics Games.The states of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are working to send athletes to the 1990 European Special Olympics Games. In far-off Nepal and Thailand, 1989 saw athletes with mental re tardation p articipat e in thos e countries' first national games. Th ese games and othe r mile stones in Special Olym pics programs around the world are a direct result of th e success of the holiday album "A Very Special Christmas," which has sold 3 million copies worldwide since 198 7 and will continue to sell each holiday season. The album itself is a symbol of all that's best in the Special Olympics movement, as 15 of the world's top rock and pop stars, including Bruce Springsteen, Sting, U2 and Whitney Houston, volunteered their talents to help people with mental retardation.* * * THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPH
Spring 1990
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Deadlines Fall ................ . Winter ............. . Spring ............. . Summer ....... ... . . .
Vol. 75, No. 3
Features Apr. July Oct. Jan.
10 10 10 10
Special Olympics continues to grow
........ . .. . .. .... . 2
Editor Catch the spirit at Convention 1990. ........ . . . . .....
Feature Editor Creti a Row lette 3861 N. Cherry Ln . Kansas City, MO 641 16
Liability crisis faces our chapters ................. . ..
Alumnae Editor Lori Muehl bauer Robinso n Rt. 1 Box 176-C Fal kville , AL 35622
Al:A policy quiz .................... .
Setting the stage for a successful rush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Epsilon Rho installed at William Paterson College . . . . . . . . .
Nancy I.Z. Reese 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac Des Plaines, IL 60016
Colleg iate Editor Terr i Higgs Murph y 4922 Epworth Rd . Newbu rgh , IN 47630 Historian Betty Urban Wal lic k P.O. Box 4727 Yuma, AZ 85366-4727 THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430· 640), an educational journal , Is published In the fall , winter, spring and summer of each year by the Sorority, 1201 East Walnut Street , Springfield , MO 65802. Subscription price, $1.50 a year. Produced by Maury Boyd & Associates, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Member, National Panhellenic Conference and College Fraternity Editors Association.
Departments 11 Rush coupon ............. 14 Collegiate Stars . ....... .. . 16 Collegiate Corner ......... 18
Foundation coupon . .. ..... Send change of address and business correspon· dence to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut St. , Springfield, MO 65802. Address all correspondence of an editorial nat ure to the edi· tor, Nancy 1. z. Reese, 828 S. Golf Cui de Sac, Des Plaines, IL 60016. Articles are Invited for publication in this journal. Manuscripts should be submitted to the editorial staff for consideration. Acceptances are on a contrib· uti ng basis only and subject to editorial review. Arti· cles publ ished are the personal expressions of t he authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of Al:A. Second-class postage paid at Springfield, MO, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster. Send address changes to THE PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA, 1201 East Walnut St., Springfield, MO 65802.
On the Cover Come to Scottsdale, AZ, June 27-30, 1990, and catch the spirit of Alpha Sigma Alpha 's National Convention . (Photo courtesy of the Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce)
nursr:1av will optional rotmaan'禄n ~Al~~~路 8 a.m. That's bright the smart convention goer already been up to enjoy the early morning sun. Later in the day, when temperatures reach 100 degrees and beyond, eve the adventurous roadrunner will be seeking a place out of the hot desert sun. Following Thursday's second business meeting, workshops, convention photo and lunch on your own, the keynote s_peaker, Barbie Tootle of Pi Beta Phi, will address onvention attendees on the role of Greek women. Ms. Tootle will also Conduct a workshop on creativity. After more workshops, buses will epart for th ptional desert outin and dinne
'b\nliness session will be
by workShops. Then. followlunch on your own, there will be province meetiJ!gs, convention photos and the officer installation, an leading up to the grande finale of convention, the awards banquet. While these are the highlights, there will be other activities as well, as Alpha Sigma Alphas from all over the country get together to share their common bond. The convention store and boutique will be one of the places that convention goers will want to visit to purchase the latest in Al:A products. In addition to extra money for boutique purchases, convention goers will want to remember to bring money for the meals on your own. Since the Registry is not near an y shopping centers or restaurants, the hotel will be setting up buffet lunches and dinners to accommodate those att end ing convention . Whi le the Registry is a resort and
Convention calendar
1 p.m. 3 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m. 6-7:30 p.m. 8p.m.
Wednesday Registration Orientation sessions Opening session Break First business meeting Ice-breaker reception , T-shirt trade, skits, singing
8:30-10:00 a.m. 10:15-11:30 a.m. 1-2:30 p.m. 3-5:45 p.m. 8-10 p.m.
8a.m. 9:30-11 a.m. 11:15-noon Noon 2 p.m. 3-5:30 p.m. 6:30p.m.
Thursday Optional Foundation breakfast Second business meeting Workshops Convention photo Lunch on your own Keynote address Workshops Optional desert outing and dinner
9-10:30 a.m. 10:45-noon 1:30-3 p.m. 3-5 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m.
White breakfast Wilma Wilson Sharp tribute, memorial service, initiation Lunch on your own Third business meeting Workshops Dinner on your own Rush and program exchange
Saturday Breakfast on your own Fourth business meeting Workshops Lunch on your own Province meetings Convention photos Installation of officers Awards banquet
Registration fee
$60 for four days $20 a day
Convention registration packets are available from Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters. Toreceive yo ur packet, please fill out and send the form below or put the same information on a post card. Delegates will receive this information automatically and do not need to send in a request.
Room rates $78.00 $39.00 $26.00 $20.00
single double triple quad
_ _ Please send me a 1990 Convention registration packet. Name __________________________________ Address ________________________________ City _____________ State ____ Zip ________ Send to Al::A National Headquarters 1201 E. Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802
casual attire is appropriate for some events, pin attire is required for business sessions, workshops, speakers and the memorial service. White outfits are required at the white breakfast and initiation service, while after-five dress is appropriate for the awards banquet. Come catch your moment in the sun and join other Alpha Sigma Alpha sisters at the 1990 Convention.* * *
How much you can expect to spend Collegians, advisors and national officers and chairmen delegates all spent about the same amount of money on convention in 1988. Alumnae delegates and visitors spent slightly more because they were responsible for paying for their rooms. This year, after several conventions of paying for
their own rooms , alumnae delegates will have the cost of their rooms paid for by the national organization. Transportation costs to Clearwater Beach ran about $200$300 for all groups. Convention goers in 1990 can expect this
Continued on page 6
News to Note Dorothy Harris honored by JMU
NYC Panhellenic offers scholarship
Fulb right Schol ar, Dr. Doroth y Harri s, Beta Epsil on, was award ed th e Ja mes Madison Uni ve r sit y Alumni Achi eve me nt Award for 1989 . A pioneer in th e fi eld of sp orts psychology, D orothy received th e fi rs t Fulbri ght Schol arship eve r awarded in that fi eld. She also was th e first reside nt sport psychologist at th e U.S. Olympi c Training Ce nter in Colorado Springs, CO , and the first female president of the North Am eri can Society for th e Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Dorothy started the graduate program in spo rt psychology at Pe nn State Uni ve rsity, wh e re sh e h as taught exe rcise and sp ort scie nce si nce 1970. She also has taught at Hollins Coll ege, JMU , University of North Carolin a at Gree nsboro and University of Iowa. Dorothy will return to Au stri a thi s year to complete her Fulbright research. fer * fer
New York City Panh ell e nic will award one $2,000 fellowship to a sorority wom an doing fulltim e gradu ate work at a col lege or uni versity in th e New York City me tropol it an area during 1990-91. Those interested should request an application from Jane Ri emenschn eider , 671 Bron x Rive r Rd ., Apt. SH, Yonkers, NY 10704, and should return the completed form by June 1, 1990 . fer * fer
Want to organize an alumnae Panhellenic? Is there no alumnae Panhell eni c in your area? Then maybe you would like to help organi ze one. For furth er informati on, co ntact your NPC advisor for prospective alumnae Panhellenics , Jan Covington, 111 2 Walnut Dr. , Morgan City, LA, 70380. fer * fer
Convention costs Continued f rom page 5 cos t to run sli ghtly high e r to Phoenix. Collegiate visitors, advisors and alumnae delegates and visitors are responsible for th eir own transportation costs. Collegians are issued an amount for their transportation so that they can drive and take others from their chapte r with the m. Food costs, in addition to the regularly scheduled meals that are covered for d elegates, ran 1988 conve ntion goe rs e ithe r just under $50 or between $50 and $100. Most people spe nt unde r $50 at the 1988 boutique. At Clearwater Beach, lodging costs ran under $100 for colle-
SPRI NG 1990
Alumna serving Special Olympics Carla Phillippi, XX , is currently serving in her third year as director of Area 8 Indiana Special Olympics. She is responsible for planning events, arranging locations, recruiting and training volunteers, recruiting athletes and serving as a liaison between local and state functions. A member of the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter, Carla received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Ball State University. She is employed as a special needs vocational teacher coordinator at Noblesville (Indiana) High School. A member of the Indiana Vocational Association, Carla received its Outstanding Service Award in 1987 . fer *
giate visitors and b etween $100 and $200 for alumnae . T he higher cost was incurred when less than four p eople shared a room . T he cost of rooms at the Registry w ill b e slightly more than in 1988. With all costs added in, the average collegiate delegate in 1988 spe nt unde r $100 for convention . At th e othe r e nd of th e spe ctrum , an alumnae vi sitor who stayed in a room with less than four p eople spe nt approximately $650. While the costs will be slightly differe nt for the ' 1990 convention in Scottsdale, this will give convention goers a place to start planning. Please reme mber that everyone p ays th e registration fee of $60.
* **
The National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha Announces the colonization of
Epsilon Sigma University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA Sept. 10, 1989
The National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha Announces the recolonization of
Beta Gamma Northeastern State University Tahlequah, OK Oct. 26, 1989
The National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha Announces the colonization of
Epsilon Tau University of MarylandBaltimore County Catonsville, MD Nov. 27 , 1989
Facing the
by Cynthia R. Christfield Province VI Director
Greek groups have made the top 10. That is, the top 10 most undesirable insurance risks-better than hazardous waste disposal companies and child-care centers, but worse than doctors and lawyers. In the past few years, there has been an alarming increase in law suits involving Greek organizations. All ALA chapters, ALA members and the national organization could be exposed to liability due to the negligent conduct of members. What may begin as harmless fun can unexpectedly turn into injury or death, resulting in civil and possible criminal liability for all who shared some responsibility. It does not always happen to the other guy; it can happen to you. Even though such tragedies cannot be totally avoided, the chance that they will occur can be significantly reduced if risk manage m e nt is practiced.
Civil liability You are responsible for preventing accidents that could lead to claims or lawsuits. You also are reCynthia R. Christfield, Province VI director, is a senior attorney at U.S. Drug Enforce ment Administration.
Top 10 insurance risks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Bars Liquor stores Child-care centers Asbestos contractors Hazardous waste disposal companies Fraternities and sororities Engineers Doctors Lawyers Accountants
sponsible for controlling the behavior of th e attendees at any event sponsored or co-sponsored by your chapter. If you are negligent in your responsibilities, you are civilly liable for the results. In other words, if you knew or should have known that an activity could result in injury or death, you could be found to be negligent. For example, you may be held responsible for the death of someone who was struck by an automob ile driven by a person who consumed excessive amoun ts of alcohol served at a
chapter party. As a result, the mone tary judgm e nt imposed to pay damages could financially ruin you , your chapter and possibly the national organization of ALA . Even when not found to be negligent, the time and money invested in fighting a negligence claim is costly. Yes, the national organization has liability insurance to protect its members from the cost of lawsuits and awarded damages, which can reach into the several thousands or millions of dollars. However, liability policies usually insure against liability for negligence, or those actions that a reasonable person could not foresee would result in injury. Therefore, such insurance policies would not cover actions which constitute " hazing." Hazing is not a negligent act but is the intentional infliction of harm on another, which is considered an " intentional tort. " Intentional torts include assault or battery, fals e imprisonment and infliction of mental or emotional distress. In addition, liability policies do not cover lawsuits arising from an injury or death that resulted from an unlawful activity, such as serving an alcoholic beverage to a minor. You can also incur civil liability from not maintaining your chapter house in a safe mann er. You and
Continued on page 8
You, your chapter and the sorority could be sued Continued from page 7 your chapter can be held responsible for injury caused by not correcting fire hazards or not making necessary repairs to stairs, porch supports and other items. Furthermore, you and your chapter can be held liable for the amount owed on a contract, oral or written. For example, an oral agreement to buy chapter supplies from the local stationery store is just as binding as a written contract, and you are liable for the full amount.
Criminal liability In addition to any civil claim against you, criminal charges may be brought against you by the government (city, county, state or federal), if your actions violated the law. Over 20 states have anti-hazing statutes that make hazing a crime punishable by a jail term. Whether a hazing statute is in place or not, hazing participants can be charged with other crimes: simple or aggravated assault, kidnapping , false imprisonment , manslaught er or murder. Criminal liability applies to the persons who actually commit a particular act, and extends to those who assist or encourage the crime to be committed (accomplices). Accomplices in a hazing activity would . include those who lure the victim (pledge) to the crime scene, act as a lookout or restrain the victim. Moreover, it is a criminal offense if you drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, particularly if, as a result, you injure or kill someone. " Drunk driving" is not necessarily the same as "driving under the influence of alcohol." As a result of many scientific tests, states have designated by statute the minimum blood alcohol level a person can have to be presumed under th e influence of alcohol, usually 0.10 percent. While you may not feel " drunk" at this level, your judgment, motor skills and perception are sufficiently impaired to drive a motor vehicle. As to drugs, the possession, distribution and growing of controlled substances are serious 8 SPRING 1990
criminal offenses. Illegal drug use in the chapter house could result in the house being forfeited to the investigating police agency.
Risk management The only way to decrease the possibility of someone suing you, your chapter or the national organization, is to prevent the negligent activity from occurring in the first place. It is essential for your chapter's continued existence that your chapter establish a risk management policy and vigilantly enforce it. In addition, each chapter should evaluate its risk management prac-
'Over 20 states have antihazing statutes that make hazing a crime punishable by a jail term.'
tices at least annually to best reduce the changes of an unfortunate accident involving its members. To assist your chapter in an annual risk assessment, form ASA334d is supplied in your fall packets. It is to be completed by your ch~pter president and sent to your province director. When it is determined there are weaknesses in your risk management program, immediately initiate new policies to make thos e areas of your sorority life more safe. As part of your risk management program, review with pledges and members at the beginning of each semester all applicable AI:A national policies and position 路statements, chapter policies, university/ college rules and ,criminal statutes. Also, chapter enrichment programs could include visits by representatives of your local police and fire departments to discuss local laws and prevention techniques. Your risk avoidance program should also include careful consid-
eration of each event sponsored or co-sponsored by your chapter. Chapters should conduct an activity risk assessment by addressing the following points before hosting any function: 1. Is the chapter advisory board aware of this activity? 2. How will the chapter officers maintain control over this activity? 3. What city, county or state laws or ordinances have the potential of being violated? 4. What ALA policies, chapter rules or university rules have the potential of being violated? 5. What safeguards are being implemented to prevent the laws and policies from being violated? 6. What liability does the chapter run the risk of incurring? 7. List the possible problem situations that could occur at your activity. 8. List how you will solve each of those situations. 9. What will the officers do if the activity gets out of hand? 10. Is the potential liability for the chapter worth the benefits of the function? Despite best efforts made in risk avoidance, accidents will happen. In the event of an emergency situation involving the chapter or a chapter member, all chapter members must follow the AI:A Emergency Procedure (See ASA-336, 336a). Since you will not have the opportunity to read this procedure during an emergency, you must know and understand the procedure beforehand. Your chapter's risk management program should include periodic review and discussion of the chapter's response to a crisis or any activity that exposes AI:A to liability. While practicing risk management adds time to your already full schedule, isn't your welfare and the continued existence of your chapter worth it?
Policy II
by Linda B. Rogers National Standards Chairman
As Alpha Sigma Alpha moves into a new decade, the Greek community is also moving in a new direction . Greeks across the country are becoming more aware of the impact of their image and actions. Primarily social organizations, we have grown beyond that purpose to involve areas of academics , philanthropi es and personal growth. Related responsibilities increase with organizational growth. Membership in any organization requires commitment to its purposes and goals. Lifetime commitment to Alpha Sigma Alpha brings with it many rewards-and many responsibilities. The high standards of Alpha Sigma Alpha are evident in the policies that have been established to recognize the responsibilities of membership. The National Council has approved and distributed sorority policies to each chapter, and in some cases, to each member. Alpha Sigma Alpha has established policies in each of the follow areas: • Hazing • Alcohol and drugs • Out of town parties • Little sister and big brother organizations • Risk avoidance THE PHOE IX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA
Alpha Sigma Alpha policy quiz Answer true or false to the questions below. Give yourself 10 points for each correctly answered question . 1. Alcohol may be stored, but not served, in ALA housing. 2. The sale of alcoholic beverages by a chapter is prohibited. 3. At a chapter sponsored social function , members and pledges are not responsible to the chapter for the conduct of their guests while attending the function . 4. Alternative beverages must be readily available at the service bar area. 5 . The sorority endorses out of town , overnight or weekend • Social activities • Housing matters • Sexual harassment • Emergency procedures • Chapter dissolution All of these policies are contained in each chapter's leadership notebook. The chapter's leaders hip should make sure that each member is familiar with the content and meaning of each of the policies. In-
parties as long as they are planned carefull y. 6. Chapters should reject or boycott all activities that are destructive, demeaning and abusive to NPC groups or promote a negative image of the Greek community. 7. Pledge activities that have been endorsed throughout a "chapter's history" are not considered hazing. 8. Embarrassing a pledge is considered hazing. 9 . Alpha Sigma Alpha discourages hazing. 10. An Alpha Sigma Alpha . chapter can be dissolved on a campus where it is guilty of violating stated sorority policies. eluded with this article is a policy quiz to measure your knowledge of Alpha Sigma Alpha policies. Collegians and alumnae alike should find th e quiz informati ve-and challenging. As women become members of our sorority, it is essential that they become familiar with the policies
Continued on page 10 SPRING 1990
Membership has its rewardsand responsibilities Continued from page 9
Answers to JU:A policy quiz
and standards that govern Alpha Sigma Alpha. In this way, members take a "proactive" rol e in their responsibilities as an informed sorority member. A "reactive" sorority woman only checks the policy when a problem arises or liability is question e d . We must adopt a " proac ti ve" approach to b e coming knowledgeable members of Alpha Sigma Alpha. . Part of becoming a proactive sorority member is recognizing that more than ever b e for e sorority women are being held responsible and accountable for their actions and intentions. Attitudes, circumstances and laws governing the Greek community have changed dramatically as the media and the public have kept a close eye on Greek life. Liability is becoming more and more of an issue on college campuses across the nation. As Gary B. Tash, past grand sage of Sigma Pi Fraternity commented in its fraternity magazine, liability brings with it " personal and public embarrassment, the stigma of criminal prosecution , the expense of defe nding civil litigation and th e potenti al loss of the chapter's campus recognition or inte rnation al charter, all as the result of inappropriate (not to mention illegal) conduct. " Become more familiar with the policies and standards that help us to be more responsible sorority members and avoid the liability issue. Remain faithful to the moral obligations and conduct codes that we solemnly promised to uphold. An educated and informed member is a " proactive" Alpha Sigma Alpha. Become policy wise! T:l T:l
10 SPRING 1990
1. False: According to the ALA Alcohol Policy, the National Council has mandated that no alcoholic beverages may be served or stored in Alpha Sigma Alpha housing. This policy not only applies to ALA houses, but also to suites and living areas occupied by ALAs. 2. True: Chapters are not allowed to charge fees for parties or to sell alcohol for fundraisers or to work in a place selling alcohol, according to Risk Avoidance Policy for Social Activities. 3. False: At a chapter sponsored social function, members and pledges shall be fully responsible tu the chapter for the conduct of their guests while attending the function . This statement, also from the Risk Avoidance Policy for Social Activities, indicates chapter liability for the actions of your guests. Be aware of this additional responsibility. 4. True: According to the Risk Avoidance Policy for Social Activities, both snack foods and alternative beverages must be provided at every party where alcoholic beverages are consumed. 5. False: Alpha Sigma Alpha's Statement of Position on Out of Town Parties specifically opposes any out of town, overnight or weekend party, regardless of the reason or planning involved. Safety factors , liability implications and cost considerations are the major drawbacks to such activities. 6. True: The Statement of Position of Sexual Harassment states that chapters should take a firm stand against any type of sexual harassment or abuse of women to any degree
because it is detrimental to self-worth. False: Hazing because "we've always done it, " is still hazing. With greater attention being paid to hazing on college campuses, the state legislatures and in the media, chapters need to be concerned about their pledge programs and possible hazing violations. The National Council has taken a firm stand against hazing. Violations will not be treated lightly. True: Stay within the guidelines of the current pledge program. Do not stray from the direction and intention of the program. Embarrassing a pledge can be considered "mental anguish" and be interpreted as hazing. False: According to the sorority National Policy on Hazing, Alpha Sigma Alpha forbids hazing. Eliminate activities from your program that are "questionable." Problems will not be treated lightly by the national organization or by a pledge's attorney. True: The National Council may decide upon whatever disciplinary action that they feel is appropriate for violating sorority policies. If a college or university so rules, a chapter may be withdrawn from the campus and then be declared inactive by the National Council, according to the Policy on Dissolution of Chapters.
Scoring 100-81%: 80-61%: 60-41%: 40% or below:
Expert In-the-Know Policy Problem A littl e bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.
ttNAlpha Help the Foundation reach its goal of $90,000 The Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation has grown by leaps and bounds in the three years since its founding in the fall of 1986. Your many donations have supported speakers at National Convention, contributions路to the Em Frost Leadership D evelopment Institute and will ensure the future endowment of the Foundation. When endowed, the Foundation will be able to fund more scholarships and sorority educational programming. Please consider a tax deductible gift to the Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation and help it reach its goal of $90,000 by 1990! * * *
Foundation contribution form Check Enclosed For$_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~------~~~---~~-~---Maiden Married College Chapter First Address_~--------------~~-----~~--------~=--
If a memorial, please state: In memory of------.,----=----,----,-. , - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - (If an AI:A, give full name and chapter) If in honor of someone, please state: In honor of-----::-:---:-:=-:-~--:--::~-----,--,-~---,----颅 (If an AI:A, give full name and chapter) Name and address to whom acknowledgement card is to be sent: Married
Please return this form with check payable to: Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield, MO 65802 Thank you for your support. Contributions are tax-deductible, Section 501 (c)(3).
Setting the stage for a successful rush By Cretia Rowlette It happens every year-rush week arrives. Anxiety rides the air as members wait for the entrance of the first group of rushees. What will their impression be as they take that all-encompassing first glance? You can turn that first glance into a positive reaction that will permeate the whole party. Let's take a look behind the scenes of rush to show how rush week can run smoothly because your group was prepared.
Rush workshops/retreats Conducte d b e for e school r e sumes or between semesters, a rush retreat can be a work and social session. Use this time to organize and finaliz e plans. It is important to agree on rush themes, while keeping your audience in mind. For example, is it a theme that will be entertaining to rushees? Is it a fresh idea or have you used it twi ce before? New themes will enlist new leve ls of e nthusiasm from the members. Once the th emes are selected, . pay careful attention that nametags, skits, decorations and costumes are in tune with the mood of the theme. 路 Take this opportunity to make nametags and decorations as well as write, choreograph and practice skits. Does every member have the songs me morized? Also consider making a check-list for each rush party so nothing is omitted at the last minute.
hobby do you enjoy?" " How did yo u b eco me inte r es te d in that hobby?" " How did you select this unive rsity?" These serve as ice breakers to help put you and the rushee at ease, as well as get to know each other better. *Etiquette: Simple rul es of e tiquette will strengthen the rushee's impression of the group. For example, the rushee is to be served first. Be sensitive to the fact that she'll be trying to eat and still answer your questions. *Rotation: Display the utmost consideration and never leave a rushee alone. Establish a time &arne for each rushee so you'll get to meet several. *Remembering names:. Discuss various systems to remember names and consider that you may meet quite a few girls at each party. This is important since national policy dictates that 3/4 of a chapter must know a rushee before a vote can put
her on a bid list. Don't risk losing someone because not enough remembered her name.
A collective effort An effective rush is the result of a collective effort and a commitment from each member. Rush can be somewhat overwhelming as a whole, but each member can help break it down to manageable tasks. How, you ask? By setting group goals . Since rush is a collective effort , have each member submit a goal. After goals are submitted, read them aloud to the group. Some sample goals are maintaining grades during rush, staying within the rush budget and meeting at least six girls at each party. Consider these goals as intermediate steps toward obtaining the overall goal of a successful rush. With all this preparation, you're ready for the parties to start and meet the new group of future Alpha Sigma Alphas. *
* *
Practice rush skills This is also a good time to polish rush skills such as conversation, etiquette, rotation and remembering names. *Conversation: Make a list of open ended questions (those requiring a response other than yes or no). Practice the questions, so you'll remember when you're talking to a rushee. Examples ar e , "Wh at
12 SPRI G 1990
Members of the Epsilon Sigma Colony seNe their guests refreshments during a rush party. (Photo by Maria Malayter.)
What rush is Rushees say it is . . . busy . . . confusing .. . inspiring . . . exciting . . . a time to meet new people . . . a time to form friendships . . . a time for decisions .. . an opportunity to match sorority ideals to your values . .. an opportunity to become part of something special.
Epsilon Gamma member Staci Turner, at left, spends some time between rush parties with Raggedy Ann. Beta Nu members, below, wear matching T-shirts and shorts for their Alpha Sig Mania Day during rush .
Chapter members say it is . . . the future and success of the chapter . . . inventive party themes . .. hard , but rewarding , work . . . a positive experience . . . smiling until your mouth twitches uncontrollably . . . a time to cooperate to improve the sorority . . . a time to feel proud . . . a time to meet new young women ... a time to provide for the sorority's future.
Members of Delta Upsilon, left, wear matching all-white formals for their preference party. Two Gamma Omega members show off their Alpha T-shirts. (Photo by Maria Malayter.)
SPRI NG 1990
Alpha Sigma Alpha rush information If you know of a young woman who is attending, or will attend , college on a campus where there is a chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha, please fill out this form and send it to Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut Street, Springfield, MO 65802. This form is for information only. It does not obligate the woman or chapter in any way. Rushee's name ____________________________________________________________________________ Co liege or university rushee is pi ann i ng to attend ------------------------------------------------Homeaddress _____________________________________________________________________________ Nameofparentorguardian ________________~------------------------------------------------Rushee's high school __________________________________________________Graduation year _ _ __ Rushee is now a ___ freshman, ___ sophomore, ___ junior, ___ senior If rushee is a transfer, former college: ----------------------------------------------------------Relatives in Alpha Sigma Alpha or other Greek organization----------------------------------------Do you know the girl personally? _ _ ___ If not, source of information------------------------------Please describe: Academic achievements and honors: ----------,---------------------------------------------------
Community activities: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Other comments: ___________________________________________________________________________
Yourname ____________________~---------------------------Chapter _______________________ Address __________________________ Phone _____________ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Parapelegic returns to finish school Tena Hamilton, Gamma Pi , recently returned to Missouri State College after being left a parapelegic from an accident. She returned to school to continue h er education after 13 months of recuperation eve n thou gh it is not accessable to wheelchair students. Her positive
14 SPRING 1990
attitude, strength, pride and courage has been reinforced by her family , friends and fellow sorority members.
Poem selected for greeting card Blue Mountain Greeting Card Company has recently recognized the poetry of Janine Stahl, a member of Gamma Rho Chapter.
Janine submitted her poems to Blue Mountain in February, 1988. One month later, she received a response from the company stating that her poems were accepted for the first step towards publication. Janine's poem will be featured in a special occasion gallery and is due to appear on an anniversary greeting card.
Epsilon Rho installed at William Paterson College Forty women became members of Alpha Si gma Alpha 's newest chapter when Epsilon Rho Chapter was installed Oct. 21 , 1989, at William Paterson College, Wayne, NJ. William Paterson is a suburban campus with approximately 7,500 students, most of whom commute to the school. ALA joined Phi Sigma Sigma and Delta Phi Epsilon to become the third NPC group at WPC. The colonization of Epsilon Rho took place last February when chapter consultant, Karen Parsons , along with five alumnae, performed the Phoenix D egree, followed by a reception in the student union. The colony took part in numerous activities, including a daffodil sale, with proceeds going to the American Cancer Society; chapter visits to a boys orphanage in Paterson, NJ; an all-sorority skate, sponsored b y ALA; and a dance marathon , with proceeds of $2,.500 going to the Passaiac County Special Olympics. The installation weekend began with a get-acquainted party Friday evening. Unfortunately, bad weather held up the arrival of me m-
hers of th e installation team with some not arriving until after midnight. However, all was in place for the Saturday morning initiation and installation, which took place in the hospitality room of th e Sheraton Tara Hotel. Th e chapter was installed by the installation team of Diane Jam es, national presiden t; Rosemary Goss, national vice president of development; Rhetta Robinson, chairman of colonies; Maria Malayter, chapter consultant; and Karen Parsons, installing officer and newly appointed Province V director. They were assisted by visiting collegians from Epsilon Mu and Delta Iota. The white luncheon followed in the Junior Tara Ballroom. Suzanne Elman, chapter president, and Cynthia Read, vice president, opened the gifts given by the national organization, the installation team and the visiting collegians. A reception in the afternoon included visiting paren ts , relatives and fri ends and the president of the college, Dr. Arnold Steert. The installation banquet took place that
even in g in th e Grand Tara Ballroom. Guests included the chapter faculty advisor, Patty O'Connor, assistant director for fr eshman life; H e nry Morris, assistant dean of students for student development; and th e guest speaker, Michelle Collins, assistant director for student development. Charter initiates of Epsi lon Rho are Suzanne Elman, Anne Baccaglini, Ronna Beam, Celia Broussard, Cindy Bruno, Anne Caldiero, Julianne Conroy, Julie Crisalli , Bobbie Delvecchio, Dana Depalma, Casey D e Stefano , Suzanne Doll , Jan e Dunsky, Janine Facher, Cathy Jo Ferrara, Kathleen Flynn, Therese Gorman, Michelle Grassi , Brooke Henessy, Kim Holohan , Tracy Holohan , Th eresa Ke nny , Janice Kluxen, Michele Kojundzija, Debra Li eb e rman , Ve ronica LoDrago , Debi Loffredo , Janet Mastin , Donna Molnar, Marlaina Musto, Patricia Parcells , Mikol e Pezz ulo , She ila Phair, Sharon Prill, Cynthia Read, Tracy Ruhre n, Lisa Russo , Kim Schubert, Gina Sparta, Marie Wostry.
* **
Collegiate Stars Alpha Beta
Zeta Zeta
Beta Iota
Diane Karl, chapter presid en t, Northeast Missouri State President's honorary scholarship , one of 10 ' women awarded a St . Louis, MO , Panhell enic scholarship, Order of Omega, varsity tennis team , association of busin ess communicators , Panhell e nic representative; Laura Kemper, Outstanding Gr ee k Woman , Cardinal Key, Order of Omega vice president, Psi Chi (psychology), peer counselor in the uni versity's career planning and teacher placement center, secretary of the student ambassador tour program, chapter vice president and scholarship chairman; Tiffany Morton, chapter's best pledge award of 1989 , chapter standards board me mbe r, student activities board; Maurya Lyons, Panh ell enic scholarship award rec ipient , chapter assista nt public r e lations chairman, summer study in Spain.
Carrie Seigel, chapter assistant editor, homecoming queen candidate , porn pon squad; Lori George, national A1:A Ideal Pledge Award, Panhellenic council president, student government association, chapter fundraising chairman, Taco Bell campus marketing representative, Mary Turner Scholarship; Shelly Brungardt, chapter Ideal Pledge Award, chapter treasurer and assistant rush chairman, student government association; Terri Se lzer, chapter president, porn pon squad, concert board member , chapter Frost Fidelity Award; Angela Martin, chapter rush counselor, Panhellenic representative , honored as 'Athlete of the Week' for intermural sports.
Noelle Byrum, chapter philanthropic chairman, Greek of the month, sister of the year, Muscular Dystrophy steering committee; Laura Thomas, dean's list, national dean 's list, all-American scholarship award, national freshman honor society, chapter scholarship award; Loretta Petty, Radford University senior class president, class officers council, student government association senate, university tour guide, senior Panhellenic representative.
Epsilon Epsilon Jennifer Johnson, Ka ppa Omocron Phi (home ec onomics) vice preside nt , chapter membe rship director; Missy Malone, Emporia State University grant for gen etic research , Beta Beta Beta (biology), Xi Phi honorary award for grade point average , pre-med scholarship; Cynde Wood, Emporia State ambassador, union activities council member; Jody True, received Gamma Phi Alpha award given to top 20 grade point averages for all sorority women on campus , campus outstanding pledge award; Kim Smith, Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization , crowned Miss Emporia State Univ ers ity , r ece ived b es t tal e nt award in Miss Kansas Pageant.
Judy True, Epsilon Epsilon, was given the Gamma Phi Alpha Award for her high grade point average.
16 SPRI G 1990
Pi Pi Melissa Olivett, social work major, student director of clinic operations at the sexuality center at Buffalo State University, resident assistant, dean 's list; Colleen Busch, one of Buffalo State University's first female public safety aides.
Phi Phi
Beta Kappa Carrie Guenther, chapter editor, student government association, student orientation leader, university union board special events committee , college bowl recruitment chairman; Leanne Ba t man, chapter president, university union board, Orde r of Omega, corrections club vice president; Sandy Baker, university union board parents weekend committee, economics club; Janine Sacco, student orientation board, university union board special events committee, honors program; Audra Woods, psychology club, summer board, student orientation board.
Faith Chapman, national A1:A Frost Fidelity Award , resident assistant , announcer on KDLX (campus radio station) , chapter philanthropic chairman and song leader ; Kristi Beahler, Shannon Dowden and Teresa Slezak, cheerleaders; Mary Stevenson and Julie Vogt, Cardinal Key; Susie Beach, Jane Lauer and Kari Moser, student ambassadors; Kelly Harrison, Mindy Lee, Stacy Smith and Krisyi Wolfgram, Northwest Missouri State Steppe rs .
Mia Wesselman, chapter president and rush chairman, Order of Omega, Beta Beta Beta (biology); Jenny Goodman, chapter vice president , student alumni association, student government association senator, student ambassador, Gamma Beta Phi (honorary), Kappa Omicron Phi (home economics); Rhonda Kasten, chapter secretary and house manager, Order of Omega, Gamma
Carrie Seigel, Zeta Zeta, was a homecoming queen candidate at Central Missouri State University.
Lisa Bumpus, Beta Nu, was named to Who 's Who Among Outstanding Young Women of America.
Beta Nu
Collegiate Stars Beta Phi (honorary) , pompon squad; Lisa Bumpus, ru s h c oun se lor, Panhelle nic re pre se ntative, Alph a Kappa Psi (busin e ss), Who 's Who Among Outstanding Young Wome n of America.
Beta Sigma
Elizabeth Boone, Concord Commanders , symphonic band, chapter standards board me mbe r; Jennifer Catron, Cardinal Key, Kappa Delta Pi (education ), Alpha Chi (scholarship ); Kelly Collin s, c h apt e r president, stude nt governme nt association bo ard of direc tors; Kerri Crotty, chapte r vi ce preside nt , Cardinal Key, Alpha Chi (scholarship), Kappa Delta Pi (edu cati on); Nancy Jarrell, stude nt governme nt pres ide nt , travel club , co ll ege hearing bo a rd , food se r vice com mitt ee , president's advisory coun cil , chapter social director; Susan Jarrell , student government associati on board of directors, psychology club , sociology club, fo od service co mmittee, environm ental task force .
Jill Adams, ad network , chapter social ch airman, hom ecoming chairman, Greek week committee; Katie Fitzgerald, Catholic campus ministry, intramurals chairm an, Greek week sorority representative; Julie Betlach, ad network , chapter secret a r y , d ea n 's list ; Joanie Himmelberg, chapt e r treasurer , Rho Lambd a (leade rship), acc ountin g club; Julie Lemmon, ch apter scholarship chairman, regent's scholarship , rush counselor, Greek Merit Award; Amy McCue, reading association , Mi ssouri State Teachers Associ ation , Kappa Delta Pi (education), Rho Lambd a (l e ade rship ), Who 's Who Among Ameri can College Students, Greek Merit Award, chapter vice president ; Renee Vandegriffe, chapt e r pres ide nt , Gamm a Si gma Si gma (servi ce), De rby Day qu een candidate , Mi ss Mis souri Pageant candidate , Mi ss Mi ssouri Communication Award, nati onal council for teache rs of edu cation , Rho Lambda (l eade rship).
Beta Rho
Gamma Zeta
Marijo Marciano, chapte r president , Outstanding Coll ege Stude nt of Am e ri ca, two uni versity Alpha and two Gamm a awards fo r CPA, marketin g frate rnity, teacher's assistant ; Amber Mullin s, Panh e ll e ni c r e pr e se nt ati ve , ru sh co un se lo r , campus ac ti viti es b oar d , h o me coming p arade chai rm an; Leah Borkovitz, hom ec omin g co mmitt ee, pl edge cl ass preside nt, hi ghest CPA for sprin g se mes te r 1989 ; Ka ren Hauseman, first wo man accepte d into North e rn Illi no is Uni ve rsit y Coll ege of En gin ee rin g, socie ty of mechanical e ngineering secretary.
Kim Thomas, chapter president, stud e nt gove rnm e nt ass oc iation , university judicial board, Alph a Chi (sc hol ar ship ), acade mi c app eals, Gree k Wom an of th e Year; Katy Sha rpe, ch apte r chapl ain , debate t eam , bu sin ess honor s se min ar , d e bat e soc ie t y , Pi Kapp a D e lt a (speech); Gina Wallace, Mi ss Unive rsit y of Ark a ns a s-Monti ce llo swimsuit competition winn er.
Beta Pi
Gamma Eta Deneice Covert, chapt er preside nt , univ e r sit y schol ar , stude nt government supreme court, student
hearing board, Order of Omega; Michelle Tracy, chapter editor, university scholar, student advisory board; Stephanie Awn, Golde n Key , adverti sing club , pre-law club; Barbara Sabel, nutrition peer educator, stude nt di e te tic association ; Angela Popp, university choir, business student council , business logistics club; Laura! Eppley, Ch e ster County Miss Mushroom 1989 pageant winner , chapter membership director, chapter Ideal Pledge Award, Penn State dance marathon participant.
Gamma Psi Kathy Begg, first female student government association president at Edinboro University, chapter secretary, uni versity se rvice s, concert committee, chapter public relations co-chairman.
Delta Epsilon Amanda Hutchins, Army ROTC , advanced training graduate at Fort Bragg Arm y Base ; Sonja Stebbins and Colleen Quinn, fi e ld hockey team; Pam Sharp, Jackie McCullough, Colleen Hickey and Karen Pero, Mansfi eld University cheerleade rs.
Delta Kappa Becky Theroff, activiti e s programming board, chapter sisterhood chairman, Outstanding Stude nt on Campus Award; Jackie Miller, activiti es programming board treasurer, chapter rush chairman , spring week chairman, Red Cross volunteer, stude nt government association treasur e r ; Anne Fletcher, activiti e s programming board vice president of ope rations, Inter-Greek council re prese ntativ e , intramural chairman , rush counse lor , bik e team ; Paula Byasse, student gove rnment associ ation president; Lori Damm, student government association senator , ru sh counselor , Panh elleni c representativ e , Krista Tracey, stude nt government association secretary; Krista Karcher, cheerl eading squad; Stephanie Knowles, activities pro g r a mming Bo a rd , pom pon squad .
Delta Nu-A Amber Mullins, Beta Rho, was a rush counselor and homecom ing parade chairman.
Renee Vandegriffe, Beta Sigma chapter president, competed in the Miss Missouri Pageant.
Karen Powell, senior manufacturing systems and engineering major, student government committees, intermurals , mu sicals.
Collegiate Corner
Collegiate Stars Epsilon Gamma
Longwood College
Samantha Shortwell, Panhellenic co uncil president, fashion society; Mary Beth Becker, P anh e ll e nic council vice president, rush coordinato r, chapter chap lain and fundraisin g chairman , int e r-frate rnity council representative, fashion society; Amy Wanko, chapter pledge class vice president, Greek council rep resentativ e, chapter assistant vice president.
Octoberfest fun
Epsilon Eta Marie Norri s, Phi Alph a Th e ta (history), Sigma Tau Delta (English); Jodie Browne, Phi Eta Sigma (freshman honorary ); Michelle Mazzeru lli , Phi Eta Sigma (freshman honorary) secretary; Susan Hearn, Sigma Tau Delta (English ) president; Michelle Nichols, tennis award.
Epsilon Iota Step hani e Sexto n , dean's li st , Amer ican Leg ion Auxili ar y girls state counselor, chapter scholarsh ip chairman; Andrea Tunia, Business Womens Association scholarship , chapter president.
Epsilon Kappa Jodi MacNair, inter-sorority counci l pres id e nt ; Margaret Whelan, student senator, chapter chaplain, Greek counci l treasurer ; Mary Lesko, society for the advancement of management president ; Kerin Essig, cheerleader, peer counselor; Stephanie Coomber, Greek counci l publi city chairman.
Alpha Chapter celeb rated Octoberfest this year with parents and friends. All members participated in a Saturday morning parade and afterwards set up a booth to sell hotdogs. Ashley Smith Miami University of Ohio
Rush 'Remote Control' Alpha Alpha Chapter changed rush third period parties to a special edition of MTV's "Remote Control. " Th e ALA suite was transformed into a sprin g-b reak paradise with guest appearances from Kim Ober, Stud Boy, Colleen and Laughing Gal, characters from th e popular game show "Remote Control. " The skit was performed with Bam bi, Cindy and Abigail competing as contestants by a nswering questions concerning A L A. Lights, buzze rs , music and audi e nce participation e nhanced the skit. Barbara Drees Northeast Missouri State University
75 years on campus Th e Alpha Beta Chapter celebrated its 75 th ann iversary on campus the weekend of Oct. 20-22 to
coincide with the university's 50th homecoming. The first homecoming queen at NMSU in 1939, an Alpha Beta membe r, returned to participate in the festivities along with many other ALA alumnae. Members participated in such homecoming activities as a pep rally, football game and parade, whi ch featured a 75th anniversary float. Alpha Beta Chapter sponsored two receptions with dinner, slide shows and ente rtainment. A banquet ended the Amy Walker week-end activities. Indiana University of Pennsylvania
75th anniversary celebrated The Alpha Gamma Chapter celebrated its 75th anniversary on campus with a banquet on Nov. 11, 1989. Approximately 300 alumnae were invited to attend a dinner and dance. Alumnae spoke on the many changes that had taken place to the sorority ove r the years. Tabl es exhibi ted photo albums and other memorabilia from years past. Mary Furnanage Emporia State University
Chapter puts on the 'Ritz' The Epsilon Epsilon Chapter celebrated homecoming with the theme
Epsilon Lambda Shannon Herlinger, dean 's li st; Lynne Nelms, chapter Frost Fidelity Award, chapter president; Tammy Eged, Air Force; Lisa Galus, physical therapy school; Beth Lehman, Washington , DC, law office intern.
Epsilon Nu Lisa Argento, Panhell e nic council secretary and treas urer; Donna Casanova, chap te r standards board chairman , business club president ; Gilda Gross, U.S. Army speciali st rank; Victoria Lathrop, ROTC ; Cot路ey Nadel, The Stylus \newspaper) staff, co ll ege rad io and te lev ision staff, ath le te tutor, special friends program.
18 SPRING 1990
Alpha Alpha members Sue Fehlan, Margaret Fuller, Jennifer Kosak, Cindy Gantt, Barbara Drees and Natalie Reynolds pose on pledge day.
Collegiate Corner "Putting on the Ritz. " Chapter members kicked off th e week with a dinner and then participated in a bonfire/chant contest, a Panhellenic exchange and a campus clean-up . Along with Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, members worked many long hours on the parade float. Many ALA alumnae came from all over the state to attend homecomin g and the alumnae tea hosted by the Epsilon Epsilon members . Afte r hom ecomin g, th e chapte r hosted its annual chi li-fee d fundraiser. Melanie Taylor Central Missouri State University
Collegiate-alumnae relations Z e t a Z e t a Chapter me mb e r s worked hard at planning acti viti es to involve alumnae . DeAnn Heckman, alumnae chairman, was in charge of the effort. First, members assembled an alumnae directory. Each member of the chapte r p as t and prese nt was in cluded. Names, addresses, occ upations and acti vati on numbe rs were listed. On Nov. 11 , an alumn ae weekend was held and a dinner banquet, slide show and skit were prese nted . A dance followed. A program entitled Alum/ Chum is schedul ed to begin second semeste r. Each member will get an alumna big sister to write letters to and keep in contact with about chapter events. Members will contact alumnae to speak at senior sendoff, whi ch will allow seniors to hear about becom ing a p art of an alumn ae chapte r aft e r graduation . Marian Lukowski Pittsburg State University
Zeta Zeta Chapter presents its 1989 pledge class.
Alana Fu lcher wrote th e the me night skit, whi ch was much like " A Christm as Carol ," only it featured the " Gho st of Int e ll ec tu al D e ve lopment," the " Ghost of Fun and Frolic" and the " Ghost of Sisterhood. " Amy Taylor Buffalo State University
Chapter helps celebrate homecoming Fourtee n me mbers from Gamma Iota Chapter at Rochester Institute of Technology came to Buffalo State to help celebrate homecoming with th e me mb e r s of Pi Pi Chapte L Th e th e me was " We 've got it all together.' ' Me mb e r s fr o m b o th c hapt e r s shouted chants such as " We're back. We're better than ever. We' re ALA and we've got it all together! " during th e footb all game. Pi Pi me mbe r Mike Olivett won fi rst runn e r-up honors for homecoming queen. Coleen Meagher
Chapter 'raps' for rush Fall rush for Eta Eta Chapter included a " House Party Rap" and skit for theme ni ght. The " House Party" ended with a rap song that stressed the four aims of Alpha Si gma Alpha. Michelle McCall, Lori Schmidt, D enise Schultz, Keri Cronbaugh, Sharese Swanson and m as t e r r a pp e r Michelle Bixby rapped, costumed in their Attitude of Excell e nce shirts, bl ack coats and dark glasses.
Northwest Missouri State University
Rush at Phi Phi The Phi Phi Chapter's fall rush, led by Rush Chairman Susie Beach, included party th emes such as " Red and White," " Paj ama Party" and " Nautical. " The prefere nce party included the traditi onal Raggedy Ann poem and mother/daughter talk .
Ball State University
'Uniting to Achieve' The Chi Chi Chapter celebrated homecoming to the theme " Uniting to Achieve." Chapter members and Si gma Pi fraternity came up with their own pe rso nal the me, " Unitin g to Achi eve fo r a Better Future." Alumn ae from Indi anapolis provided food for the alumnae tea and co ll ecte d don ation s fr om Chi Chi alumnae from across th e country. The mon ey was presented to the chapter at the alumn ae tea and will be used to pay off so me of the loans for th e newly decorated chapter suite. Ann Marando James Madison University
Parents welcomed to the tropics The Beta Epsilon Chapte1路 opened it s do o rs to fam ili es on par e nt s weekend . A Mother Patroness Ceremony was h e ld o n Saturd ay m o rnin g for mothers of seniors. Later in the clay , Alpha Sig famili es were treated to a tropi cal luncheon at the sorority house. Clair Handy, activiti es chairman, created a buffet of food from the islands and decorated it with tropical trimmings. The luncheon ended with a traditional prayer ceremony and a slide show. Blair Gregory
Amy Schmidt
SPRI NG 1990
Collegiate Corner Radford University
Alumnae hosted to brunch Beta Iota Chapter hosted its annual alumnae brunch on Sunday, Oct. 1, at the AI:A apartments. Current members gathered to greet and talk with the approximately 25 returning alumnae. Members dating back to the graduating class of 1963 stopped by to reminisce about the past and catch up on the present. Cheryl Ferguson University of Central Arkansas
Sorority mixers planned by Pan hellenic Beta Lambda Chapter will be participating in a new concept-sorority mixers. During the MIFCA/MAPCA convention last year, the Panhellenic delegates from Central Arkansas discussed mixers between different sorority chapters. Emphasis will be placed on sorority chapters getting to know one another. Laura Musgrove Henderson State University
Chapter visits churches The Beta Mu Chapter members :rre ~isiting different religious denommahons of chapter members. Karri Capps Murray State University
Picnic welcomes new pledges Beta Nu Chapter's rush week began with " Alpha Sig Mania" in which the rushees learned about ALA colors and symbols. On skit day members shared their version of " Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" with rushees. Day three was "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow," followed by preference night. The day after rush , a picnic was held to welcome new pledges.
Invitations resembling monkeys , nametags designed as bananas and safari hats created a jungle motif The room was deco rated with green trash bags, black streamers and artificial trees. A witch doctor played tribal drum songs as the rushees entered the room .
Chapter sponsored a different rush event than in previous years. A preference night was added to the rush events. The entire evening was c~remonial and showed rushees chapter sisterhood. Michele LaPietra
Kristin Griffin Indiana State University
An international homecoming
Adrian College
For homecoming 1989, the Beta Upsilon Chapter was teamed with the men of Pi Kappa Alpha and Sigma Tau Gamma fraternities and Rhoads and Mills residence halls. The theme, International Passport, had each team portray a different country. Switzerland was chosen by the ALA team. Members participated in competitions such as "yell-likehell," " Sycamore sillies," a scavenger hunt , float competition and trike race .
Gamma Mu Chapter organized new pledge activities this past fall. The activities included a poem exchange where members and pledges drew names out of a hat and study buddies in which members and pledges grouped together to study for two hour periods. After bids for pledge moms were matched, pictures of Raggedy Ann and Andy were cut like a puzzle. Pledges got one half and the pledge mom the other half When they were matched, the pledge and pledge mom were united.
Pledge activities organized
Melissa Glogowski
Jennifer Cummings
University of Arkansas
Road block raises money Gamma Zeta Chapter held a road block to rais e money for Special Ol ympics. Dressed in orange vests, ALAs collected money in the middle of a busy inte rsection and raised $566. Other projects are underway to raise money for Special Olympics and the Arkansas Children's Hospital. Gina Crump Loyola University
Chapter adds preference night Fall semester, Gamma Lambda
Slippery Rock University
Turning the channel for rush Gamma Xi Chapter used the theme "Channel ALA" for one of its parties. Nametags in the shape of a television were used for both rushees and chapter members. Th e skit, "AI:A Awards ," had members sing and use props for the "Oscar Meyer" song, the "Flintstones," " Adams Family" and " Brady Bunch. " Tina Schmouder
Lisa Goewart Concord College
Rush safari "Welcome to the jungle, we've got what it takes . .. " was the chant and theme of the Beta Pi Chapter rush. Sounds of roaring lions, screeching birds and laughing monkeys was the background for the Alpha Sig safari.
20 SPRI G 1990
Beta Nu Chapter members participate in " Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. "
Collegiate Corner Clarion University
Members, alumnae entertain pledges During Gamma Omicron Chapter's fall rush week, three separate theme parties were used. An Egyptian Paradise," a " Playboy Night Club" and "ALA's Calling You," a cruise ship theme, were included. A "Wishing Well" ceremony was held on preference night . Each rushee was presented with a pearl to drop into a water-filled bowl and invited to make a wish. At the end of rush week, new pledges were picked up on campus, and members gathered in the chapter room for the ribbon ceremony. Following the ritual , the new pledges were entertained with skits and songs about sorority life performed by previous pledge classes and groups of alumnae who had joined the festivities. Cheri Graham Missouri Valley College
Mock wedding promotes friendship On Sept. 24, Gamma Pi Chapter President Kimmie Bastian was united with the commander of Beta Gamma Chapter of Sigma Nu fraternity in a mock wedding. The ceremony was p erformed outside the Maybee Chapel , and the wedding party included family members and friends portrayed by members from both chapters. The bridesmaids wore black for the occasion, contrasting with the groomsmen, who wore tropical shirts and shorts. ALA members were dressed in semi-formal attire while LN members dressed in long-johns and boots. The commander's ex-girlfriend , portrayed by ALA member Maria Lourus, came to the wedding to break it up. After causing a big scene, she happily left with the best man. After the ceremony , everyone headed to the reception, where the bride and groom cut the cake.
Each chapter house painted banners that were displayed in the fraternity's backyard, and Gamma Omega took third place. A volleyball tournament was held each night of the week. Chapter members also participated in the Sigma Chi fun games and attended an all-Greek party on campus the final evening. Michelle Glover
screen, and members wore red shorts and Raggedy Ann T-shirts. The skit centered around Club MTV and "Downtown Julie Brown," played by Kara Quakklearr. She interviewed chapter members to find out more about ALA. The "Pearl and the Rubies" sang a song to the tune of "Express Yourself' by Madonna.
University of Delaware
GMI-Engineering and Management Institute
A successful preference party Delta Iota Chapter members contribute their rush success to their preference party. The ceremony is aimed at showing rushees the closeness among members and the seriousness of sisterhood. Rushees were presented with a pearl and ruby hanging from a single gold thread. The items were later placed in the chapter's jewel box. Memoers and alumnae presented personal readings that conveyed what sorority membership means to them. Members wore black formal dresses and h e ld small white lights and candles. Gina Barreca University of Southern Indiana
Rushees urged to join 'Club A:EA' The Delta Kappa Chapter's information party was entitled "Club ALA." The room was decorated with ALA paraphenalia. The stage was made to look like a huge television
Teresa Pancake
Christmas in July One of Delta Nu-A Chapter's best rush parties has always been " Christmas in July. " Christmas decorations , cookies, candy and frozen yogurt were used to promote the theme. One member dressed as Santa Claus, and rushees were entertained with a slide show and various games. Karen Rothacker GMI-Engineering and Management Institute
Chapter hosts barbeque Last spring, Delta Nu-B Chapter was proud to host GMI's first barbeque. The event was held at the chapter house, and members from each of the other five sororities were welcomed. An icebreaker was played as well as many other activities, including volleyball , basketball and frisbee. Even though it rain ed, there was a great turnout , and the barbequ e successfully promoted better intersorority relations. Brenda Marcotte
Carla Carr Eastern Illinois University
Sigma Chi Derby Days Gamma Omega Chapter participated once again in Sigma Chi fraternity's fundraiser, Sigma Chi Derby Days.
Delta Kappa Chapter members rushed " Club A.EA" style.
Collegiate Corner York College
Chapter rushes Hawaiian style The Delta Omicron Chapter decided to hang onto summer just a littl e bit longer by hosting a luau rush. The rush committee turned the sorority house into a Hawaii an deli ght , complete with fish , nets, animals and much more. As ru shees e nt e red th e hous e, members greeted them with a lei and hung it around their necks. The song "With an A" was used to introduce chapter members. A limbo contest was held, and the evening ended with refreshments refl ecting the Hawaiian theme. Lori Hosler Epsilon Gamma Chapter members with Raggedy Ann and Andy during rush. University of Texas at San Antonio
Chapter picnics on skit night Delta Upsilon Chapter held a "Picnic in the Forest" for the fall rush skit night. The theme was carried out by putting white paper on the walls and placing wooden trees and a wooden fe nce decorated with miniature li ghts in the room . Red gingham tabl eclothes were used and chopped vegetabl es were served in mini ature bask ets . Rush ees were prese nted with clothespin nam e tags in th e shape of Raggedy Ann . The entertainment for the evening centered around one member, playing granny, who reminisced about her . past sorority years. For each decade, a skit was presented, and popular songs were sung. The 1990s skit was done to Roger Palmer's song "Simply Irresistibl e." The theme was carried throughout the evening with T-shirts and pl edge posters. Stephanie Dotson Southern Arkansas University
Chapter rushes to Mexican theme Epsilon Alpha Chapter's fall rush was hi g hli g ht e d by a " Mex ican Party. " The party included taco salad, a pinata and Mexican dress. Rushees took turns trying to break the pinata to get to the candy inside. Leah Welch
22 SPRI G 1990
University of Illinois
Campus crime safety Epsilon Beta Chapter has become involved with a crime safety program, along with Panhellenic and interfi路aternity councils on campus. Members have taken an active role in the prevention of crime on campus by vo luntee ring once a month to drive for nightrides, a program set up by th e univ e rsity student patrol organization. A fi路ee alternative to walking across campus alone at night, the program begins at 9 p.m. and runs until 2 a. m. Individuals who walk alon e on campus can call nightrides. Student patrol officers then di spatch a van driven by volunteers to pick up the individuals . Volunteer drivers work in teams of two and carry a student patrol walkietalki e for backup in case assistance is needed. April Landers
version of " Family Feud" surveyed th e memorable events of the chapter during the year. Mary Margaret Hingst Virginia Wesleyan College
'Around the world with
Al:A' The Epsilon Eta Chapter used the th e me " Around th e World with ALA" to rush with an international flair. The members and rushees experie nce d diffe rent types of cultures throughout the rush period with an array of activities such as a flamingo dance and the tasting of different international foods. During hom ec oming weekend, Oct. 13-15, members held a parents ceremony and reception. Victoria Schaller
Virginia Commonwealth University
Pennsylvania State University Behrend
Chapter adopts 'An attitude of excellence'
'Happiness is Al:A'
Epsilon Gamma Chapter compl eted fall rush under the leadership of Jill Hammer, rush chairman and Kim Little, rush assistant. ' Using th e reso.urces provided by National H eadquarters, th e th eme " An attitude of excellence" was used. New shirts, buttons and red jumpers were worn by members. For skit night, a game show theme, adapted to the topics of Alpha Sigma Alpha, was used. Epsilon Gamma's
Th e th e me, " Happiness is ALA," was used by the Epsilon Theta Chapter during fall rush. Decorations included balloons with rainbows tied to the end of curly ribbon. Rainbow-colored streamers and posterboard replicas of Peanuts characters were set up around the room. Members wore plain, one pocket Tshirts in rainbow colors, blue jeans and white sneakers. Skits p e rformed were " Dear Lucy," about a rushee who needed
Collegiate Corner State University of New York at Brockport
Teeter totter-a-thon aids Special Olympics
Epsilon Nu Chapter members participate in " Teeter totter-a-than. "
some advice about joining a sorority ; "The Case of th e Mi ssing Blan ket," about Linus whose bl anket had been stolen by two thugs but no one knew how to help until Snoopy call ed on three A1:As; and a mu sical performance to the song " Charlie Brown ." A fri e ndship circl e an d refreshments oflemonade and peanut butter and j ell y, heart-shaped sandwich es concluded the party. Paula Holobaugh Christian Brothers College
rowed from an Epsilon Theta Chapter report in a previous issu e of The Phoenix. The evening began with members who wrote an original " rap" song and performed it for the rushees. Act two included a group of four who pe rform ed to the song " Alpha Sig's Got the Spirit." Two members sang " My Sorority has a First Name ... ," and a cheerleading squad performed the final act with three members doing an original routine to an A1:A cheer. Jennifer Buck
Chapter chooses Christmas theme Epsilon Iota Chapter c hose a Christmas theme party for its primary fall rush event. As the rushees entered the room , members greeted the m, singing " Al pha Sigma Jin gle Bells. " The room was decorate d with th e traditional Christmas tree and presents, and refreshme nts consisted of cookies and hot cider. Santa passed out gifts to all good rushees. " 'Twas the night before .. . " skit was performed by members, and the Alpha fairy spoke to rushees about ALAs sisterhood, friendship and love. Angela Trainor Millersville University
Chapter wins with 'Star Search' The Epsilon Kappa Chapter's most successful fall rush event was a " Star Search " party. Th e id ea was bor-
In April , 1989, the Eps ilon Nu Chapter held a teeter totter-a-thon in order to raise mon ey for Spec ial Olympics. The local Brockport firemen built a teeter totter from wood bought at a local lumbe ryard. Donations were taken at the event and raised through sponsorships . Me mb e rs of D e lta Sigma Phi fraternity served as safety patrolmen, and hot cocoa was served by me mb e rs of Phi Sigma Sigma sorority. Chapter pledges collected money through a dime drive so that those unabl e to make a large contribution could give some spare change. Contributors were recognized on a sign hung nearby, and television crews fi lmed the event. Debbie Lysenko Kutztown University
Members take vacation Last May, members of Epsilon Xi Chapter visited their favorite vacation spot, Sea Isle City, NJ. Chapter members stayed about a week and visited other nearby resort areas such as Wildwood-by-the-Sea, famou s for its rides and boardwalk, and Atlantic City. Geraldine Zahn University of Virginia
'Late Night with AI:A' University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
A 'Mouseketeer' rush Epsilon Lambda Chapter ente rtained rushees with a generic theme for first round parti es. Th e rushees attended each sorority party for an hour, met members and talked about Greek life in general. For the second round parties, Epsilon Lambda chose a " Mickey Mouse Club" theme. Members wore black shorts, white shirts and bl ack suspenders. Som e me mb e rs wor e Mi c key Mouse ears and sang a song to the tun e of th e Mou se ke tee rs th e me song. Mickey Mouse ice cubes were used in th e punch, and Mickey Mouse lollipops were given to all rushees as favors. Lorin Sculco
Fall rush for the Epsilon Sigma Colony was topped off with the " Late Night with A1:A" party. Patterned after the David Letterman Show and all of its crazy happenin gs, th e room was covered with televisions made from posterboard. Vic e Pres ide nt Tanya Emmet路t , starred as " Dave," complete with tie and oxford shirt, jacket and hightop sneakers, an d Carole Schnieder masqueraded as " Paul Shaffer. " Included in the script were standard "Dave" antics, such as ti e-dancing, reading the mail, college tricks and the top 10 list. Donnelle Mitchell shared with the rushees long-kept secrets on making sorority and fraternity dolls out of milk cartons . The show was interrupted by a commercial break from Karen Schroedet路, who put a humorous slant on slides taken at recent A1:A events . Jennifer Magness
Official AlQha Sigma AlQha Sorority Watch A Se iko Quartz timepiece featuring a richly detailed three-dime nsional re-creation of the Soro rity Crest, fin ished in 14 kt. gold . Electro nic quartz movement guara nteed accurate to w ithin fifteen seconds per month. The leathe r strap wrist watch is $200; and the two-to ne bracelet wrist wa tch is $230; and the gold-tone bracelet wrist watch is $255. Shipping and hand ling is $5.75 per watch. On shipments to Pennsylvania, add 6o/o state sa les tax. A conve nie nt inte rest-free payme nt plan is available thro ugh the distributo r, Wayneco Ente rprises, with five equal monthly payments pe r watch (shipping and handling and fu ll Pennsylvania sales tax, if appl ica ble, is added to the first payment). To orde r by Ame rican Express, Maste rCard o r Visa , please call toll free 1-800-523-01 24. (Pe nnsylvania residents o nly call 1-800-367-5248) . All ca llers should ask fo r o pe rato r 716JM . Calls a re accepted Monday through Friday from 9 a. m. to 9 p.m. Easte rn Time. To order by mail , write to: Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority, c/ o P.O. Box 511 , Wayne, PA 19087 and include check or mo ney order, made payable to "Alpha Sigma Alpha Watch". Cred it ca rd o rde rs ca n also be sent by mail please include full account number and expiration date. Allow 4 to 6 weeks fo r de livery. Illustration reduced . Actua l diameters of wa tches are 15/ 16 11 •
CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME You can help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amount of money each year by sending to National Headquarters any change of address or name . The U.S. Postal Service charges 25 cents for each returned magazine or change of address. You are responsible for changing your address promptly if you wish to continue receiving your Phoenix. Mail completed form with mailing label attached to Al:A National Headquarters, 1201 East Walnut, Springfield , MO 65802 . College chapter--- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Year of initiation _ __ Married Name - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·- - - - - - - Husband's first nameLast name Maiden name - - -- - - -= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First Middle Last Address _ _ _ _~~-----------------------Street
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