THE PHOENIX ' - - - - - o f ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA _ _ _ __.] loA
is published in October, December, February and April. Subscription price one dollar per year.
Application lor entry as second路class matter at the postoffice at Richmond, Ind. , pending.
President-Mrs . \tVm. Holmes Martin, A and AA, 5 Cobden t., Boston, 19, Mass. V ice President-Ida A. Jewett, AB, 106 Morningside Drive, New York City. Secretary-Mrs. J erry M. James, AG, Hooversvi ll e, Pa. Treasurer-Ruth Duffy, AA, 1350 Ethel St., Lakewood, Ohio. Registrar-Naomi Caldwell , DD, Wapakoneta, Ohio. Historian-Mrs. Charl es M. Chenery, A, 311 S. Jefferson St.. Petersburg, Va. Librarian-Mrs. Carl T. Brunson, BB, 330 N. Avon St., Rockford, Ill. Ritua li st-- Minnie Shockley, GG, 704 Church St., A lva, Okla. BOARD OF ADVISERS Alpha Alpha-Miss Amy Swisher, Oxford, Ohio. Alpha Beta-Miss Lola E . Brandenburg, Box 435, Kirksv ille, Mo. Beta Beta-Miss Edna F . Welch, Greeley! Colo. Gam ma Gamma- Miss Minnie Shockley, A lva, Okla. Delta Delta-Miss E li zabeth Garber, Athens, Ohio. Epsilon Epsilon-Miss Catharine E. Strouse, Emporia, KaL1S. Zeta Zeta-Miss Bess Carter, Warrensburg, Mo. E ta Eta-Miss Eulalia E. Ro sebe rry, P ittsbur<Y, Kans. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A lumnae-Edn a McCull ough 1017 Rural St., Emporia, Kans. A rtChapter Ac ti vities-Ed na McCarty, 1106 N. Marion ve., \\ a hington, Iowa. Extens ion-Helen Boggess, AA, 236 E. Macli on, pringlleld, 0 . Membership-Rosamond Root, , pt. 83. 106 l\Iorning id e Drive, New Yo rk City. i\Iu. ic-Marie Richter, 1050 i\feil Ave., Columbu s, 0. cholarsh ip-i\frs. Russell Magee, 604 outh Ave., Springfie ld, Io. orority tucly- ue Edwa rd s, Box 354, \Iva, O kla.
Alpha Alpha-Miami University, Oxford, Ohio . Alpha Beta-State Teachers' College, K irksv ille, Mo. Beta Beta-State Teachers' College, Greeley, Colo. Gamma Gamma-State Teachers' College, Alva, Okla. Delta Delta-Ohio Un iversity, Athens, Ohio. Epsilon Epsilon-State Teachers' College, Emporia, Kans. Zeta Zeta-State Teachers' College, vVarrensburg, Mo. Eta Eta-State Teachers' College, Pittsburg, Kans. CO LLEGE CHAPTER SECRETARIES
Alpha Alpha- Kathryn Osenbaugh, 22 Hepburn Hall, Oxford, 0. A lpha Beta-Dorothy Ma rtin, 301 S. Franklin, Kirksville, Mo. Beta Beta-Cora N . Sickles, 1644 Eighth Ave., Greeley, Colo. Gamma Gamma-Lucelle Chew, 829 Church St., Alva, Okla. Delta Delta-vVinifred Rosina, Howard Hall, Athens, Ohio. Epsilon Epsilon__:_Lillian Richardson, 1314 Highland St., Emporia, Kans. Zeta Zeta-Pauline Jaqua, 205 N. Maguire St., VVar rensburg, Mo. Eta EtaEX-COLLEGIO CHAP T ER S E CRET ARIES
Alpha Alpha-Mrs. Daniel 0. Shoup, R. R. No . 8, Dayton, Ohio. Alpha Beta-Jean McKinley, Unionville, Mo. Alpha Gamma-Mrs. Ralph \i\Taring, 730 Horner St., Johnstown, Pa. Beta BetaGamma Gamma-Mrs. James A. Lane, 801 Cent re St., Alva, Okla. Delta Delta-Helen Hudson, vVorthington, Ohio. Epsilon EpsilonZeta Zeta-Josephine Dixon, 616 vV. Lexington St., Independence, Mo. Eta Eta-l\llaude Laney, Bazine, Kans. CITY ASS OCIATI ON S E CRE T ARI ES
A lva, OklaClevelancl, Ohio-Ada Haun, 17511 Riverway Drive, Lakewood. Columbus, Ohio- Helen Millikin , 77 Eldon Ave., Columbu Emporia, Kans .-Ada Shearer, 1226 Rural St., Emporia . ~reeley, Colo.-Miriam Smith, 918 Twelfth St., Greeley.
Kan a City, Mo.-Lucille Chri topher, 20-t N. River Blvd. Independence. John town, Pa.-Ruth Dempsey, 137 Green t., John town. Kirk ville, 1\Io.-Callye Davis, 601 . High t., Kirk ville. Moberly, l\Io.-l\Iae 1\Iiddleton, 205 Hagood t., 1\Ioberly. Pittsburgh, Pa.N ew York, . Y.-Ro amond Root, Apt. 83, 106 1\Iorningside Drive, New York. \iV arrensburg, 1\Io.-
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief-Ida . Jewett, Apt. 83, 106 Morningside Drive, New York City. Alpha Alpha-Helen Stepleton, 57 Ea t Hall, Oxford, Ohio. Alpha Beta-Louise Sublette, 516 E. Jeffer on, Kirksville, Mo. Beta Beta-1\Iary \i\ hite, 1625 Eighth ve., Greeley, Colo. Gamma Gamma-lone Clark, 719 Maple St., Alva, Okla. Delta Delta-1\Iaude Dorsey, Lindley Hall, Athens, Ohio. Ep ilon Epsilon-Adda Anderson, 1128 State t., Emporia, Kans. Zeta ZetaEta Eta-
ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATIONAL SOR ORITIES Chairman-Miss S. Ed ith Todd, PKS, 666 Lothrop Ave., Detroit, Mich. Secretary-Miss Maude Morris, DSE, choo l of Mines, Rapid City, S.D. Treasurer-Mrs. A. ]. Hathaway, Jr., SSS, vVelland, Ontario . Director of Local Panhellenics-Mi s Ida A . Jewett, ASA, pt. 83, 106 Morningside Drive, New York City.
It's a Long Way to Convention Oh, ye girls of Alpha Sigma, hearken to the call That from far-off Missouri comes to each and all; Alpha Sigma Alpha \Vants you; jump right on the train, Come from the East, come from the West, come singing this refrain: CHORUS It's a long way to Kansas City; it's a long w::ty to go; It's a long way to Convention of the sweetest girls I know; Goodbye books and study, farewell work and care; It's a long way to Convention, but my heart's right there. Come from windy Oklahoma, come from Ohio, Come from hilly Pennsylvania with its ice and snow, Come from Boston, come from Kansas, come from every state; And, if there is no other way, just ship yourself by freight. You'll meet a jolly bunch of Alpha Sigmas here; For they're all your loyal sisters from both far and near; There'll be many hours of pleasure, there'll be jollity; And if you don't believe it, why just come along and see. - A dapted from Alpha Ga111ma Delta Quarterly.
ALL ABOARD! ALL ABOARD! FOR ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA CONVENTION! W HE R E ? - K ansas City, Missouri, Hotel Muehle bach. WHEN?- T hanksgiving-November 23-27, 1921. WHO? - Every Alpha Sigma Alpha from Everywhere. WHY? - To Celebrate Our Twentieth Anniversary. CONVENTION ! W hat real happ iness ! W hy not make it yours? Deprive yourself of other pleasures, if necessary, and save your pennies until T hanksgiving. O r perhaps Father will give you the trip as an advance Christmas g ift. But don't miss the experience. It is one you will never forget and never regret. The meeting with other A lpha S igs fr om far-away states, the reunion with g irls you k new in college, the acquaintance with the people behind t he names so often seen in the PHOENIX , t he theatre party, the Thanksgiving D inner, and oh, all the pleasures, t he benefits, the inspiration of convention! L et's all be there. PROGRAM FOR CONVENTION Wednesday Morning and Afternoon- D elegates arrive. Evening-Songfest and Get-together, Advisers' Meeting . Thursday Morning-T hanksgiving Services and Luncheon. Afternoon-Matinee. Evening-ASA Thanksgiving Di nner and Model Initiation. Friday-Business Sessions and Evening Theatre P arty. Sat urday-Business Sessions and Stunt Ni g ht.
W hich chapter will have th e largest delegation at Co nvention? ZZ, EE, AB, or HH? Zeta Zeta has already announced its intention of having every member of its college chapter present.
THE TIME-November 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. THE PLACE-Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas City, Missouri. THE GIRL-Every Alpha Sig. ALUMNAE!
We ha ve 800 Al umnae. Vl/e want at least 200 of them at Convention, because we hope to do some splendid constructive work for A lpha Sigma Alpha, and we need the co-operation of many alumnae. How much will it cost? The price of your m~a l s c<tn be as much or as little as you may wish. T here are many cafeterias in the neighborhood of the hotel. The Thanksgiving dinner will be $3 per plate. The theatre tickets will be the average rate. The Muehl ebach Hotel has made the following Convention rates for rooms :Single Room, 路without bath-$2.50 to $3 .50. Double Roo m, with out bath-$4.00 to $5.00 . . Single Room, with bath-$3.50 and upwards. Double Room, with bath-$5 .00 and upwa rd s. Twin Beds; with bath-$7.00. 2 Double Beds in Room, with bath ( 4 people)-$2.50 apiece.
Will yo u need an evening dress? No evening dresses are to be worn. Send your request for reservations to the Conventio n Manager :-Miss Minnie Shockley, 704 Church Street, Alva, O klahoma.
ASA EXAMINATION STANDINGS Gamma Gamma ... . .. . Zeta Zeta ........ .. .. . A lp ha Alpha . . . . . . . . . . A lpha Beta . ... .. . . ... . Delta Delta ... . .... . . . . Beta Beta . .. ... ...... . E ta Eta .... .. ....... . . E psilon Epsilon
98.1 97.8 95 95 94.5 93 92
This seems to be Convention season for Association SororJtJes. Delta Sigma Epsilon held hers in Chicago, August, 1920; P i Kappa Sigma held hers in Detroit in June, 192 1 ; Sigma Sigma Sigma held hers in August, 1921 , in Kansas City. The third biennial conference of the Association of Education Sororities was held in Kansas City, Missouri, April 30, 1921. Our Miss Shockley presided and Wilma Wilson, ZZ, Hertha Cornish, AB, and Gayle Showen, AB, were Alpha Sigma A lpha visitors . S igma Sigma Sigma also had a number of VJSJtors present. Much was accomplished for the educational sororities and the ties between th em were greatly streng thened. Of the changes made in th e AES Constituti on, tho se of mo st interest to the college chapters were two made in the Model Constituti on for Local Panhellenics. To Article Three was added the sentence, "The Association recommends that one Faculty Adviser fr om the AES g roup shall attend each panhellenic meeting but have no vo te." Number 9 of the Model Bvlaws was eliminated . E ight Alpha Sigs attended the University of Colorado at Boulder this summer. They had fr equent get-togethers and enjoyed knowing each other. The lucky g irls were: Clara Turner, F lorence Tyrrell, and Ed ith Taylor of Beta Beta; Ruth Long and May Ottinger of Gamma Gamma; Georgia May Thurman and Hertha Cornish of A lpha Beta; and Bertha Brady of Epsilon Epsilon. Boston was the meeting place of Alpha Sigmas from seven different chapters last Aug ust. When Mrs. Martin learned of the possibility that so many A lpha Sigmas would be in or near Boston, she arranged a houseparty for four of th em, Miss Duffy, National Treasurer, Miss Shockley, National Ritualist, Miss Jewett, National V ice President, and Miss Root. Other visitors during their stay were Edna McCullough, EE Faculty Adviser this year, Lorna Duke, AA, Anna Schade, AG, and Marguerite Po hek, HH . Ma rguerite now lives in Boston; Lorna is studying there; Anna Schade was on a motor trip through New E ngland. A lumnae members known to be in New York City this winter are :- Ida J ewett and Rosamond Root, AB, faculty members at Columbia Un iversity; Osta B. Feurt, AB, graduate student at Columbia; Daisy Rankin, AB, at work in the city; Katherine
Schul tz, AA, student a t Columbia. It is thought that L yda Hardy and Mo llie W ilson, EE, are teaching near by. Miss J a nney, Patroness for ZZ, and Miss Mabel Arnett, fir st faculty member of ZZ's local club, are also stud ying at Columbia. HONORS WON IN 1920-21 ALPHA ALPHA LETHA EDGAR House Chairman Hepburn Hall , President A lph a Alp ha Chap ter, Madrigal Club, A ri on Choir, Treasurer Sophomore Class, YWCA Second Cabin et, Stud ent Senate Delegate to Y'vVCA Conference, Eaglesmere. CARMEN RICHARD Secretary Pierian L itera ry Society, A rion Choir, Madrigal Club, Chapel Choir, Historian AA Chapter, Sop homore T. C. Dramatics. ALICE GOOD A rion Choir, T. C. Panhellenic. SERELDA WOOD Ar ion Choir. MARY W RNER Captain Hockey T ea m. KATE WARNER T. C. D ramatics. GRACE MARVIN A rion Choir, Chapel Choir, Secreta ry Student Council for 192 1-22. MARJORIE FO UKE T. C. Panhellen ic, A rion Choir, V. P. F res hman Class. MARY HELEN CL ARK Arion Choir. MA RGARET EHRHARD Or~h es tr a, Arion Choir, Podac, Freshman Commiss ion, T. C. Pan hel 路 len1c, Delegate to Eagles mere, YW F irst Cabinet. SHIRLEY TAYLOR T. C. Panhell enic.
ALPHA BETA NO REPORTS OF ANY KIND BETA BETA MORNA BEEBE YW CA Cabinet, Philharmonic a nd Coll ege Orchestra. DOROTHY CA LLIS Presid ent K inderga rten Club. RUTH CARR Secreta ry Story-T ell ers Club.
FERN ELAM College Play and Dance Fete. IRENE GREGG Corda Fratres. RUBY KAVICH YWCA Cabinet. EDNA McCARTY Elected Ideal Col lege Girl, President YWCA, Secretary of History Club, Kappa Delta. IRENE McWHORTER Corda Fratres. HELEN SPRINKLE President Home Economics Club, YWCA Cabin et. MARY WHITE Pres ident Physica l Ed. Club, College Play.
GAMMA GAMMA BESS DAVIS SeCI路etary Senior Coll ege Class, Pianist for Orchestra, Business Secretary for "Northwestern" magazine, Sec.-Treas. Al um n!i Association, Leading part in "Chimes of No rmandy." OLIVE ANDERSON Leading part in Senio r Coll ege Play. LUCELLE CHEW Leading part in Sopho more Play, Rep resented Co llege in State Reading Contest, Ass istant Editor of College Ann ual. NELLIE HEATON Assistant Editor College A nnuai, President Freshman Class . DORIS ANDERSON Assistant Ed itor "Northwestern" magazin e. FERN CLIFTON Member Coll ege Trio, Assistant in Domestic Science. ETHEL ALBRIGHT, LUCELLE CHEW, EDNA KERST Members Student Coun cil.
D ELTA DELTA PEARL MACE Social Chairman Women's League, Oyo, Panh ell eni c Council. FERNE GOOLEY President Home Ec. Club, Beta Pi Omega, Charter Member Phi Upsilon Omicron, Advisory Board of W omen's League. ANN ABEL ALEXANDER Beta Pi Omega. WINIFRED ROSINO Chairman Finance Committee YWCA. EMMA HELSEL. General Secretary YWCA, PH Council , Delegate to YWCA Conference Eaglesmere, Cresset, Arts Club. GARNET GOULEY Ohio U Girls Glee Club. BERNICE FAWCETT ~ Arts Club
MARGARET PETERS Star in "All E mporia" Movie. MARJORIE ADAM E lected Queen of Beauty at KSN. LOIS KOONTZ E lected Queen of Popularity at KSN
ZETA ZETA ETHEL PHILLIPS Secretary Senior Class, Phi Delta Delta, Assistant m Science, Secretary Science Club, President Wireless Club. EDYTHE STONE Pres ident Primary Clu b, Ass istant Primary Supervisor. EDNA GHELKIN Sec. Campbell Literary Society. WILMA WILSON Debate Team. KATHRYN RUDDY Secretary English Club. DOROTHY ANDERSON Secretary Osbornes. CATHERINE COLLLINS Secretary Osbornes. LILLIAN FORD Secretary Osbornes. MRS. NATTINGER College Faculty.
ETA ETA RUTH CRONIN Efficiency Award m Penmanship. MABEL MARSHALL Efficiency Award in Penmanship, Phi Upsilon Omicron President, Program Chairman YWCA, Secretary Home Economics Club. HYACINTH MATNEY Ph i Ups ilon Omicron. MAUDE LANEY Debate Team, President Pi Kappa Delta. THEO NEVIUS Kappa Delta Pi Petitioner. RUTH ISERMAN Kappa Delta Pi Petitioner.
ALPHA ALPHA Miam i University opened September 12 with an enrollment of 1202, the largest in our history. The la rge number has necessitated the building of a temporary dining hall for women in connection with Bishop Hall and a new girls' dormitory near East Hal l. Practicall y every department in the University has added to its faculty, the changes numbering twenty-nine in all. One of the most unique courses is the one for the stud y of subnormal and delinquent children, offered by Professor vVallin, one of the three most eminent psychologists in the U nited States . And how fine it is to be back at Miam i and with the girls we love so well! We miss the "old g irls" but we shall add to . our strength by assuming their responsibilities. And we now have twelve little ! M ildred Louden from Geo rgetown and Blanche vVahl ers of Lakeside, came 路 to us recommended by Margaret Ehrha rt ; Kath ryn Bowlus and Mildred Perkins came from Marjorie Fouke's home town , Fremont. Alice Good sent us Vio la Warren from Cleveland. We also welcomed as ASA sisters Louise Barrett, Vi/ilmington; Gertrude Branstetter, Bucy ru s; Gene Converse, Columbus; Geo rg ianna Irving, Manchester; R uth Neff, Camden; Lenore Egan, Saginaw, Michigan; Juanita Wo lfe, Palouse, \iVashington. Each of these was recommended to us by various fraternities and soro rities. The regular rushing extended over three days, and each day was brimful of excitement-and anxiety, for most of our rushees we re popular among rival so rorities. However, not one to whom we extended an invitation to membership refu sed our bid to accept another. On Monday evening, we entertained with a delightful, though informal, dinner at the Spinning Wheel, the quaintest of Oxford's various tea rooms. We had with us our patconesses, Miss Cone, M iss Alice Swisher, and M rs. Richard,
and our Faculty Adviser, Miss Amy Swisher. On Tuesday we had one o'clock luncheon th ere. The tab les were attractive with red and white zinnias a nd place cards. Toy balloons in our colors were given as favor s. Carmen Richard, who was with us for a few days, sang several selections, thus add ing to the effective ness of the affair. A theatre pa rty on Tuesday evening, foll owed by refreshments at our fav?rite \iVilli s Brothers, ended th e week. But the most delightful party of all was the tea g iven for us by Miss Swisher in her charm ing rooms in the Tallewanda Apartments. O nl y those who have had th e oppo rtunity to be present at one of Miss Swis her's parties can know how delig htful it was . O n Sunday morning we breakfasted in a cozy little nook along the Tallewanda. T he long hike, the ea rl y morning air, and the appetizing breakfast were all enjoyed. 'vVe think that nothing brings each g irl into such close u nderstanding of the other as a picnic or other such informal out-door party. So suc<;essful was our breakfast th at we have arranged for others this fall. T here ! Now th at you know about the subj ect nearest our hearts, should you like to know what "old girls" have returned? vVell, let's see. There a re Shirley Taylor, Grace Marvin, Kathryn Osenbaug h, Sara Laug hlin, Margaret and Leona E hrh a rt. Marjori e Fouke, a nd Ma ry Helen Cla rk. special initiation on Septemb er 21 added Mildred Cockerell to our college members. She was pledged Ia t sp ring . Three old A lpha Sigs who returned a re Dorothy Yelton, who has registered in the fouryear home economics course, Zelma Sargeant, a nd Helen Stepleton. Just twelve g irl s ! I sn:t that lovely, for with twelve pledges, each one of us ca n have a little sister for whom to be re sponsible. '0/e hope to make them not onl y realize but ideali ze the standards of A lpha S igma A lpha and become true and loyal members. A nd how happy we are that the Phoenix can find his way to us again! \iVe are a nx iously awaiting his coming. Love to all. I-IELEN STEPLETON, Editor.
R ESUME OF 1920 The most important thing that happened to us last year was the securing of Miss Amy Swisher as our Faculty Adviser. Her services were invaluable to us. Her encouragement, her enthusiasm, her comradeship sustain the chapter and promote its interests. She stands for scholarship, social culture, and moral integrity, and will help us keep Alpha Sigma Alpha respected and loved at Miami. In the fall of 1920 only three girls returned to college but they soon added thirteen to their number, and in the spring pledged two more. The chapter roll for the entire year included: Letha Edgar, Alice B. Good, Serelda Wood, Mary \Varner, Kate \i\Tarner, Olive Pierce, Sara Louise Laughlin, Margaret and Leona Ehrhart, Grace Marvin, Marjorie Fouke, Mary H elen Clark,' Mary Zeck, Kathryn Osenbaugh, Shirley Taylor, Carmen Richard, Hazel Calvert, and Mildred Cockerell. Among our interesting good times socially I must give first place to the pledge stunt. Such a varied program of songs, reading", and instrumental music! Such ingenious costumes and such clever dancing! Vve were more than pleased with the talent and versatility of our new girls. Another evening they gave us a delicious dinner, with toasts and songs, at the Spinning Wh eel. Soon afterward Miss Swisher gave us a most enjoyable dancing party "with men"! Founders' Day we celebrated with songs and a social good time. Another delightful memory is that of a party at the home of Miss Adelia Cone, a patroness, at which all the "talented" were invited to display their accomplishments. The chief event of the evening, however, was the announcement of the engagement of Letha Edgar to Mr. I. G. 路 Spade, of \i\Tauseon, Ohio. Of great interest were the Sunday evening parties and teas, the former given by the girls and the latter by the patronesses. These informal gatherings enable the girls to get better acquainted and they will be remembered as among the most delightful experiences of the year. Mary and Kate \i\farner attended an ASA dance at Athens and brought back reports of interesting chapter life there. Our dance was held February 26 at Bishop Hall. The details were worked out with great cleverness and originality, a unique
feature being the use of flashlights as favor s. The effect during the favor dance was that of a myriad of huge fireflies flitting about the 1~oom. Excellent music was imported from Cincinnati and the ASA Formal was reported as one of the most creditable affairs held on the campus last year. In scholarship Alpha Alpha girls more than held their own. 路 Seven of the thirteen new girls were reported above average in all their work, while Letha E dga r, our P resident, not only maintained her past reco rd in matters intellectual, but also ach ieved enviable social distinction . CARMEN RICH ARD,
Mary Harlan has the sinceres t sy mpath y of th e so rority in the loss of her beloved mother. Sympathy is also extended to Miss Molyneaux in the passing of her aged fa ther. . L eona Ehrhard's home is now in P ittsburgh, Pennsylvama, where her father is mini ster of the First Evangelical Church. Miss Molyneaux' new position is that of Dean of Women and Di. recto r of Instituti onal Economics at Charleston, Illinois. I sabelle Key Reeve spent the winter in New Mexico, where her husband, an electrical engin eer, was working in a copper camp. Cath erine Arbogast and Helen Boggess ta ugh t in Cos mopolis, Washington, last year. We missed them g reatly, as it is the first year s ince they graduated that th ey have not visited us. Miss Chloe Edgar was ma rried on Thanksgiving Day to M r. Harry L. Reese, B.A., Miami, 1918. They live in Cin cinnati, where M r. Reese has a position with the Proctor-Ga mble Company. Eloise Cunning ha m returned in September, 1920, to help with ru shing. Her a id was mu ch appreciated. Edna Finley, Mary Harlan, Genevieve Hoy, A lice Ottman, Ruth Parrott, Wanda Shambaug h, A manda Steinkemper, and Marjorie Stier were week-end vis itors. Rovilla Hanna, A nn e Roberts, Ma rj orie Stier, Mary Ha rl an, Martha Rosebrook, and Helen E dwa rds return ed for initiation, November 27. Many others wrote or telegraphed their regrets. Goldie A dams, E loise Cunning ha m, Margaret Duncan, Helen F ix, Zelma Sargeant, Helen Stepleton, E lizabeth Spivey, Marjorie Sti er and J eanette Stolze nbaugh return ed to Maimi fo r the annual ASA for ma l dance on February 26. Saturday afte rn oon before the dance, M iss Swisher gave a del ightf ul tea in her pretty apartment in the "Tall ewancla," in o rd er that all the new gi'r ls might meet the alumnae and get acq ua inted before the dance. A lpha Alpha held its annual ca mp during the first week of Auaust at Orchard Island, near Lima, Ohio. o Helen Milliken, J:Ielen Hudson, Myrtle Fairman , Thelma Groome, Ruth Donnelly, and A ilee A nder son held pl easant Associati on meetin o路s in Colum bus, Ohio, last winter. Added pleasure was had when alu~nae from other towns or chapters visited Colum bus and met with th e Association. The alumnae renewed touch with th e coll ege chapte rs and g leaned news of scattered alu mnae through these meetings and think that an important part of an Associati on's work. They hope to acid othet features this winter. Letha Edgar is teaching mu sic an d art in London Ohio. ' A li ce Good is staying at home this winter.
Carmen Richard supervises music in F a irport, Ohio . S erelda W ood took advantage of the newly establshed manumental course in Mia mi las t summer and this yea r is utilizing her knowledge on the subnormal children of her native city, Lima, Oho.
ALPHA BETA A large college enrollment, money for a new building, many changes in the faculty, a small number of returning girls, and a new facu lty adviser,-these are the big points of our fall story. College opened September twelfth, with an enrollment of nearly fi ve hundred students, but A lpha Beta has the unusuall y small num ber of twelve back for work. And our Miss Feurt has left us for New Y ork! W e are thinking of suing Columbia University for taking our faculty advisers away from us year after year. Miss F eurt had so endeared herself to us that we cannbt reconcile ourselves to her go ing. But we are hopi ng t hat Dr. K irk will permit ours and E ta E ta's Miss Brandenburg to become our official adviser. We are already using her unofficiall y and are so pleased to have a claim upon her time and interest. A lpha Beta g irls for thi s fall are as foll ows :-Elizabeth Romans, Preside nt ; Madeline Ga rdner, V ice P resident ; D oro.. thy Marti n, Secretary; Beulah Vvay, Treasurer ; Vanda Mitchell Merner , R egistra r ; Chaplain, Eva Riggins; Histor ian, Louise Su ~ l et te; Song L eader and Ru shing Cap tain, H elen J ohnson ; Librarian, Mabel W ilson. Mary Friday is also living in th e House this year. Since fo ur of our number are town girls, only six members are left t o suppor t th e House, but we are all so determined to keep a house that we shall make some sac rifi ces for it. We are already u sing it as a means of becoming acquain ted with new g irl s, bu t formal ru shing does not start until October. Then we shall fi nd it invaluable. It seems almost empty in comparison with th e crowd it held at meetings during th e summer. D o you know of our summer chap ter ? W e did no rushing , but we had a num ber of parti es to get reall y acquainted with our own forty members. Many of the g irls had not been with us for several years an d delig htful were the fri endships renewed and formed. A "Kid P icni c" in the early morning at Ownb y's Lake, a dance, and a recepti on, were on our social calendar.
Our guests included, during- the summer, girls with whom we wished to become better acquainted, alumnae, patronesses, other so rorities, and faculty. 'We were warm but happy. LouiSE SuBLETTE,
LAST YEAR IN ALPHA BET A A lpha Beta started the year established in its new-old sorority home at 30 1 South Franklin Street. It was old in the sense that we had lived in it for several summers, but new in the sense that we had now leased it for the entire year and had furni shed it ourselves. This furni ture we had been enabled to purchase by our own good management and the generosity of Monna E lms, who loaned the chapter one thou sand dollars at a lower rate than 路she coul d have received elsewhere. At the end of the summer of 1920 the chapter found a balance of nearly four hundred do llars in its house treasury. The ease with which the house girls had accumu lated such a sum encouraged the incom ing g irls to borrow the remaining amount necessary to furni sh a home for themselves. There was no furnished house for rent in the town that was large enough to accommodate us, and the purchase of our own furniture enabled us to have a very comfortable home for the yea r round. vVe lived most happily all year in thi s house that we felt to be our real home, and by careful management saved almost enough to cancel our note to Monna, while pay ing no more for our living than we should have paid for the same comfort and conveniences at boarding houses. In addition, we have had a real home and have had a feeling of ownersh ip that can't be had in a mere rooming house. We have decided that it is good business to live co-operatively and pay into our own treasury the money we should otherwise pay to landl ad ies, and we a re more than pleased with the success of our first big business venture. Kirksv ille has no dormitories, you know, and our house has made us such a comfortable home and has been managed so we ll that we have received many compliments on it. O ur dream is to come back for post-grad uate work when Alp ha Beta owns not only its furniture but also its ow n home. vVe have found that nothing binds a chapter so closely together as living in its own hom e, eating three meals each day together, a nd savm g
for a common purpose. \/Ve recommend the plan to all chapters who do not have dormitory life. Alpha Beta was well represented in college activities last year with Ann Collett secretary of the Senior Class, Virgini a Shouse secretary of the Junior Class, and Lela Dawson Undergraduate Field Representative in Y. vV. C. A. and our representative in the Student Senate. Our chapter had one hundred per eent. enrollment in Y. \IV. C. A. For our joint party A lpha Sigma Alpha and Sigma Sigma Sigma hiked to Ownby's Lake for breakfast. Everyone enjoyed making coffee and fr ying eggs and bacon over a camp fire, and the informality got us well acquainted. After such intimacy the two soro riti es could not develop any real strife during the rush season. The following week, Alpha Beta gave a dance for new girls at the Heinz~1an-Swigert Hall. Esther Clark from Lancaster, Dora Murphy from Downing, Edna Deuel and Rose May Murphy from La Plata returned for this dance. The next Saturday afternoon, we gave a matinee party and Japanese tea . After the matinee our guests came to the house for tea. As they entered, they seemed to step into the land of Japan. The rooms were lighted with Japanese lanterns and decorated with Japanese parasols and flowering sh rubs. Two Japanese maidens, Lenore Vanskike and Mae Middleton, seated on cushions on the floor, served tea. During the afternoon, each girl wrote an original Japanese story. Ruth Dale's story won a Japanese favor. Our memory book contains some clever pictures of this pretty party. O ur parties seemed successful, for the next week we had eight pledges to introduce :-Ruth Dale, Bethany; Fannie May Blake, Salisbury; Lora Grayce Patrick, Moberly; Florence Blakemore, Harrisbu rg; Gladys Hutchison, Kirksv ille; Annie Smithey, Strother; Mary A lice Stewart, Kahoka; Mrs. Madeline Gardner, Carrollton, Illinois . The pledge service was made especially impressive by Juanita McGuire's singing of "Pledging Day." We had almost an ASA reunion when the Northeast Missouri State Teachers Assoc iation met, October 21-23. The returning girls were :-Nettie Dickerson, Jean McKinley, Grace Jones, Lucile Nickell, A lice Vaughn,-all from Unionv ille; Esther Clark and Lettie Merrick from Lancaster; Dora Murphy,
Edith Gamble, and Katherine Sens from Downing; Eva Riggins from Green City; Carmen Williams, Lennye Tucker, Moberly; Edna Deuel, Evangeline 路webber, Rosemae Murphy, from La Plata; Elizabeth Frazee from Gorin; Clara M udra, Chillicothe; H elen Johnson, Ione Smith, and Pearl Nolen, from Hannibal; Lena Tomlinson from Bosworth; and Morea Booth from Milan. vVe gave a dance at the E lks' Club for the girls路 on the last ni g ht th ey were here. It seemed like "old times ." Beginning with th e winter quarter, we held one program meeting and one social meeting each month. 'We gained information a nd inspiration from th e programs and our social meetings " ju t for ourselves" brought us more closely together. O ur first social meeting was our Chri stmas part y. A fter dancing for a while, we gathered r ound the fireplace while Miss Feurt read Van D yke's "The O th er Wise Man." Then we had our Christmas tree. Santa brought our M iss Feurt a sorority badge with a jeweled AB g uard-just to show a bit of our appreciation of her interes t in a nd work for us. Mrs. E lm s and Mrs. Stevens each received pretty handkerchiefs, and each g irl received a toy. Then we each wrote a letter to Santa. O ur annual Valentine dance was held on February twelfth. Red and white was the color scheme a nd this dar1Ce ch ri stened our big new ASA crest, a permanent fixture for our home. vVe had fi ve very clever favor dan ces a nd the Stephenson g irls sang. O ur only regret was t hat so few alumnae were able to enjoy the evening with us. Anoth er especially pleasurable memory of the yea r is of th e dinner and dance given by our alumnae. Following a wonderfully appetizing meal at the Pool Hotel, where Mrs . McCahan made one of her characteristicall y charm ing talks and Miss Feurt a clever response, we spent the remainder of the eveni ng dancing. O ur annual Hermes or May Day breakfast was held at Still's Pond on May 15. Not all the "guilty ones" walked around the tab le, but we felicitated th e four who did, as heartily as if they were the only ones of whom we had su picions. The four who confessed were Helen Gardn er, Vanda Mitchell, Lenore Vanskike, a nd Anna Collett, and all ASA congratulates th e young men :-Roland Zeigel, Dr. Harry Merner, Dr. Dewey M illay, and (D r.-to-be) Roy Lill ey. The excitement over the ASA-i shness of th e number confessing almost made u s forget
how tired we were from the dance the night before. That dance had been a very happy one, though less 路e laborate than our May Dances usually are. The out-of-town girls back for the occasion were :-Mildred Morris, Jean McKinley, Lettie Merrick, Esther Clark, Lora Grayce Patrick Murrell, Katherine Sens, and Mabel Hutchinson. Lora Grayce, by the way, had escaped the "walking round" by marrying during her term of school. vVe forgiv e her, however, since her husband, Francis Murrell, promises to keep her in Kirksville. The parties during the summer were mainly among our own forty members but the house girls entertained many dinner guests and had a number of informal house dances. Our house was th e scene, too, of a chocolate for our alumnae and patronesses, the other sororities, and the faculty. An unusually large number of faculty members were present, in spite of rain, and all enjoyed songs from Phradie 路w ells, Juanita McGuire, Julia Stephenson, Helen Johnson, and harp music from Margaret Baxter. O ur Christmas bazaar was very successful and brought us $117 profit. Of this we put $25 into the bank for the purchase of a bond to replace the one belonging to our scholarship fund. which had been burned when fire destroyed Dr. Kirk's office. Dr. Kirk has offered to pay the other half of the cost. The remaining bazaar money-$92-was added to our furniture fund. Our alumnae have been very generous in their response each year, and the success of our bazaars is due as much to th em as to the actives who manage them. _ Our silver chest was added to steadily all year. Many alumnae left silver to remind us of them during their absence; Mrs. Rossiter and Janette Boone left us six teaspoons; I one Smith left five dollars for this purpose; Mr. Burchett, our jeweler here, gave us six knives and forks; and Miss Feurt also gave us a set of knives and forks. Just in case any of our alumnae readers are interested-our pattern is Patrician, Community plate. A word to the wise, etc. A lpha Beta contributed $28 to the Children's Relief Fundthe largest amount contributed by any KSTC organization. We have not told you of our new Adviser. Miss Root being in New York (And oh, how we hated to have "Dad" leave us!) we were so fortunate as to secure Miss Feurt as our Captain.
Miss Feurt is so trul y interested in young people, so young in spirit herself, and gives so freely of herself to others, that we heartil y second the words of praise spoken for her by Gay le Showen, V irg inia Shouse, an d Helen Williams Estill, who had known her long before we did. The fifteen members back for th路~ opening of the year were :-Anna Coll ett, Lela Dawson, Go ldie Deierling, Mary Grubbs, Hila Hall, Helen J ones, Gladys Mo rgan, Mae Middleton , Vanda Mitchell, Lena Peterson, E uni ce Selby, Bess Shouse, V irg ini a 路Shouse, Maurine Spa rks, and Lenore Vanskike. When the winter quarter opened, we numbered twenty-five, including some "old gi rl s" who had re-entered college a nd our three new g irls: Julia a nd Kat herin e Stephenson a nd E li zabeth Romans. The sp ring quarter took away some of our g irls but gave us two new membe rs: R uth Bailey and Louisa TerrilL \Ne have been very happy with our new members and they have seemed equally so with us. Some life was added to rushing by our friendly contests with the other sororities but when hostilities were over, we found our selves victor ious on every count. Vl/e a re as proud of Louisa's P hi Beta Kappa key (awarded at the University of Missouri ) as s he is, a nd greatly en joy the beautiful sing ing of our two Stephensons. We have a new soro rity on our campus now, a chapte r of Delta Sigma Eps ilon hav ing been installed in Feb ruar y. Alpha Beta feels almos t as if thi s new sorority were its own child, for we helped select th e cha rter g roup, conferred with them frequently while they were petitioning, and appeared wit h S igma S igma Sigma before our faculty to ask permission for Delta S igma to enter KSTC. \ fl.!e joined Sigma Sigma S igma in giving a tea for the new sorority and th eir installing officer at our house. (\IV hen anything like this comes up, we Alpha S igs a re certainly proud of our home !) \IVe made use of it again by entertaining all the "big bugs" of DSE and of ASA at dinner that evening. The next nig ht Delta Sigma entertained all the faculty and the three Greek-letter organizations in KSTC with a reception at th e Sojourners Club. A nother event of importance last yea r was the organi zati on of a g roup to petition Kappa Delta P i. \IVe were very proud that A lpha Beta could claim a large r number in the petitioning group than could any oth er organization. O ur honor girls
were: Go ldie Deierling, Lela Dawson, Eunice Selby, and Lena Peterson. O ur grades were very sati sfactory all year. At the end of the fall quarter, M iss Feurt found th at the average for our chapter was such as to allow a student to carry excess credit in college. Nex t in importance to th e establishment of a new so rority and an honor society came the re-organizati on of Phi Lambda Eps ilon, our TC men's fr at, into a chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma, whose mother chapter is at \tVarrensburg, Missouri. Our men's fraternity is now a chapter of a social-professional national teachers college fraternity which will place chapters only in four-y ear teac hers colleges. Alpha Beta congratulates the boys upon their action and S igma Tau Gamm a upon securing such a fine chapter. A lpha Beta had a big representation in the degree li st this year, the fo ll owing路 g irl s receiv ing their BS deg rees :-Fannie Mae Blake, Anna Co llett, Ma ry Grubb s, Ma ry Jo Harris, E ugenia Ringo Moorman, L ena Pete rso n, Eunice Selby, Georgia Vaughn, and Ruth Woods. Esther Clark changed her mind abo ut returning to college this yea r, much to our disappointment, and is to superv ise music in Ponca City, Okla homa. F loy Wolfenba rge r spent las t year in Cuba. She bad an amu sing and interest ing tim e teaching a small priva te schoo l of children who knew as little English as she did Spani sh . Clai re D. McCalli ster accepted a position with the Bankers Mortgage Tru st Company in Ka nsas City last winter. Mary Ruth Early hopes fo r less strenuous work in her new position iu Detroit than she had last yea r teaching arts and crafts in A nn Arbor. Ruth had a seriou s illn ess during the winter. Nan Crews is teaching in the San Diego schools this yea r at a salary that sound s fabulous to her Missouri sisters . She received her diploma from th e San Diego Nor mal School las t June. Janette Howell toured the South, Ohio, Illin ois, and Iowa, la st year as a member of the Nevin Concert Co mpan y. Gladys Fowler is enthusiastic abo ut her wo rk with the Federal Board for Vocatio nal Education in Cin cinnat i. 路 Celeste Noel was principal of the Consolidat ed Independ ent School' at New hall, Iowa, last yea r . Frances F lowers taught in East Chi cago, Indiana, last year a nd carri ed a course at the U ni ver sity of Chi cago. Manna E lm s received a deserved recognition of her work last winter in the form of a wr ite- up in the Pittsbnrgh Dispatch of her department's activities at the Pittsburgh Y. W. C. A . Manna is Head of the Department of Cooking there and this yea r has been g iven a liberal in crease of sala ry. She spent the summer as dietician in the YWCA camp for working gi rl s and is proud of hav ing made a success for herself and the Association both financially and from the standpoint of health. Mary J o Harris taught in Sher id an, Montana, last year a nd lived in th e home of Mabel Holloway Rossiter to the delight of all concern ed.
Mabel 1s grieving that Sheridan could not retain Mary J o's services and hints that she is not th e most g rief-smitten person Mary J o left behind her. Alpha Beta extend s deepest sympathy to Bessie Smith Starr, whose husband lost hi s life last July while swimming; to Gayle S howen, whose brother was killed by a train; to Mary Grubbs, whose broth er was drowned ; to Mrs. B . H. Stephenson, whose husband died last fa ll ; and to Yanda Mitchell for the loss of the uncl e with whom she lived while in the South. The Unionville Association officers last year were: President, Alice Vaughn; Vice Pres ident, Grace Jones; Secretary, Lucil e Nickell. Jean McKinley and Nettie Dickerson were general roust-abouts. Hertha Cornish and Gayle Showen did the honors for A lpha Sigma A lpha in Kansas City la st winter by enterta ining the officers of the Association of Ed ucat ional Sororities in conference th ere. We were much g ratifi ed at the favorable iJ;llpression they mad e upon the delegates from the other sororiti es. Esther Harrison King was in Kirksville last winter for an operation. Edith Gamble studi ed at the U ni ve rs ity of California this summer and visited her sister in Berkeley. Thelma Kramer taught in Gr eat Bend, Kansas, las t year. Helen Pfeiffer Cummings had a ve ry serious illn ess last winter. Julia Sparks was in Kansas City working last winter, Ne!le Wells taug ht th ere. Neita Brawford Pearl has go ne to Des Moines, I owa, where her husband has a position in th e college of Osteopathy. Weddings on which we have no accu rate d'lt::t and hence cannot list on our page of weddings. a re the following :-\Villie George and Mr. R. Lester Rhodes; Helen Gardner and Mr. Ro land Zeigel; Nell e Eubank and Mr. R. H. Brooks. Helen Gardner Zeigel will teach in th e public schoo ls of Columbia, Missouri, where her husband is finishing hi s course in law. Rosemae Murphy will spend the winter in New Mexico. Ex-collegia members are teaching in the following places this winter: Mae Middleton. Moberly; Katherine and Julia Stephenson and Willie J ewell Duncan Hazzard at Linneus; Sue B. Parr, Marshall; Mabel Hutchison, Keytesville; Gladys Hutchison, Gill ia m ; V irginia Victo r, Springfield , Illinois; Mary Grubbs, Excelsior Sprin~s; Hila Hall, Trenton; F lorence Blake more, Rocheport; R uth Dale, Ridgeway; Eunice Selby, Ma rshall to>A:n, Iowa; Ann Smithey, Clear Lake, Iowa; Goldie Deierlin g, L3. Plata; Lela Dawson, La Plata; V irginia Shouse. Shelbina; Bess Shouse. Green City; Maryalice Stewart, Macon; Pearl Nolan, Hannibal; Lettie Merrick and E dith Gamble, L ancaster ; Fannie May Blake, Salisbu ry; Ann a Collett, Memphis; Lena Peterson, Fayette; Geo rg ia Vaughn, Can ton; Jeanette Vaughn, Monroe City; F lorence Sublette, Fort Madison, Iowa; Mary Shouse, Brawley, Californi a; Juanita McGuire, Burlington. I owa; Gladys . Mo rgan and Maurine Sparks, B ig Heart, Oklahoma; Ruth Way, Twin Falls, Idaho; Mildred Nulton, Riverside, Illinoi s; Dora Murphy and May Thurman, A urora, Minnesota.
BETA BETA The coll ege t erm opened October 4 at Greeley; hence there is no letter from Beta Beta telling of events of this fall. News has come th at Dorothy Calli s, expected back as Chapter President, will attend the university at Los Angeles, California. The chapter hopes to rent a hou se and to have Miss 路welsh live with th em.
LAST YEAR IN BET A BET A College opened September 27th with an enrollment of more than five hundred, with only five of them Beta Beta's. They were: Lois Greer, Mo rna Beebe, Fern Elam, Clar ice Potter, and Edna McCarty. We had expected eig ht othe rs to be with us, a nd as we five had form ed the hab it of relying upon the older g irls for everything the year before, we were not prepared for all that confronted us. Had it not been for the advice a nd help of ou r alumnae and our patronesses, the visit of ou r M iss S hockley, and the fact that we secured an enthusias ti c Faculty A dviser as our leader, we could not have accompli shed what we did. We cannot fu lly exp ress our appreciation to these helpful women. Our alumnae encouraged us to search for real Alpha S igma Alpha girls in our college and to strive for quality rather than numbers . They made us realize that a few extremely desirable new members would be more va luable th an a number of medi 路 ocre ones and that we were too few to ass imilate a large number of new girls, no matter how desir able they might be. Vv'ith th is thought in mind, we pledged onl y three girls at the end of our short ru sh period at the opening of coll ege. They were Ruth Carr and Do rothy Calli s of Denver and Ruby Kav ich of F remont, Neb raska. Our fourth pledge was our Faculty Adv ise r. Our discouragement at the absence of our former Adviser was changed to joy when Miss Edna vVelsh, a member of the faculty in the Commercial Department, consented to sponso r us. Miss Welsh was a member of our old local society, Theta Zeta Beta, and it was la rgely through her efforts that we went into A lpha Sigma A lpha in 19 16. In Feb rua ry we initiated Helen Sprinkle and Mary W hite, both of them splendid g irls. The most unusual thing happened during th eir initiation. Just at th e m ost impressive point in the ceremony, th e clock st ruck eig ht. vVasn't that an ASA-ish number and most appropriate? The whole service was carried out beautifully. The outstand ing event in our year was the visit from our National Ritualist early in December. Miss Shockley gave us just the advice and encouragement we needed and inspired both the college chapter a nd the alumnae with greater ASA enthus iasm. We learned to love Miss Shockley and wish she could
viSit us eve ry year. How fin e it will be when A lpha Sig ma A lp ha has sufficient fund s to keep a na ti onal visitor co nsta ntl y in th e fiel d ! Th e Greeley A lumnae Association is very much ali ve. O n September 28, the Associati on gave an evening of five hundred to th e college chapter and th e patronesses at M iri am Smith's. They sent out cards to all near-by alumnae for a luncheon and th eatre pa rty in D enver at the Sta te T eachers Associati on. Earl y in May th ey gave th e college chapter a formal dinner at H otel Canfie ld, foll owed by a n enj oyable evening at bridge. M iss Jess ie Autrey, one of the alumnae, also entertained at a delig htful dinner. O ur patronesses, too, enterta ined us fr equentl y. One of the cleverest of th eir pa rti es was held at Mrs. Abbo tt's home 0 11 Ap ril fi rst. vVe enj oyed our evening of Dutch whist ir: spite of the fac t th at th e bonbons passed us during th e evening pr-oved to be chocola te-covered oni ons ! Foll owing sorority examinati ons, Misses L oud en and Welsh served us a most delicious lu ncheon. Never can a noth er meal be so welcome as that one coming afte r our toil upon th ose examinati ons ! Another much appreciated fes tivity was the ca rd party g iven u s by our patronesses in May a t Mrs. Heilman's home. . The p retty luncheon served by Mrs. Heilman an d M rs. Ca rter was enj oyed by all the coll ege chapter, our alumnae, a nd Dean Gil pin-B rown. O ur own pa rties were very informal in th e fall, beef- steak fri es being the most popula r. Ch ristm as we celebrated with a vesper service, at which we sang Christm as carols, read t he wonderful story of Christ's bi rth a nd some Christmas poems. T wo of the g irl s sang a du et with violin a nd piano accompaniment. '0/e closed th e evening with a Christmas tree. A ft er serving home-made Chri stmas candi es, we at tend ed evening services at our respecti ve chu rches. During th e year we gave a se ri es of teas for th e other sor oriti es a nd ended them with an open house for all students. A t our spring formal we used the song, "An O ld Fashioned Garden," for our fav or dance a nd carried the idea of the song throug hout th e decorati ons and da nces . Dean Gilpin-B row n very k indl y loaned us some wicker chairs for the occasion and pleased us all by her prai se of the way we conducted th e dance. Following the dance, we began planning for our annual
camping pa rty in Estes P a rk during th e spring vacation. Twenty-the largest number we could accommodate-was all too few to include college girls, alumnae, and patronesses who wished to go, for every one who has ever been to Estes Park wishes to go again. And an ASA camp is the most fun ever! 路 Vve should lik路~ to compare notes with you, Alpha Alpha, on your camp at Buckeye Lake. 'vVe wish . all our ASA si ters could join us in a huge camping party in our wonderful park. 'vVhy wouldn 't Estes Park be an ideal place for our next convention? Many of th e 1919-1920 girls who plann ed t o return to college fail ed us because of the call to other positions. Jess ie Autrey, Rubye Worley, Rae Broman, and Mildred Guiles, were all here in Greeley. R uth vVilson worked in th e P ost Office at R ock Springs, Wyoming, and Irene McWhorter in A r vada. Ethelyne Rhiner ta ug ht in th e Greeley Public Schools and Clara Turner in the Greeley Hig h School. Clara ori g inated the F reshman Fr isk w hich was ca rri ed out so successfull y under th e auspices of our Edna McCarty, Y. W. C. A . P res iden t. Cora Sickles and Inez N icholson taug ht at Hillrose, Colorado; Gladys H andy near her home at Ma rble, Minnesota; F lorence Mason and Carrie Mae Diggs at A in sworth, Neb ras ka ; Ethel Olinger taught commercial arts at Ordway, Colorado; B lanche Weidman taug ht at Eaton; and E sther Vv'heaton at Wi nd sor. Esther Shultis attended th e Agricultural College at Lansing, Mich iga n. Ma rtha Gardner marri ed in August and located with her hu sband in Denver. L ena Mayer was Superintendent of th e Norwood, Colorado, Pu blic Schools; Helen Bruce taught at Casa Grande, A rizona. Those who were g radu ated in th e sp ring of 1920 tau ght as follows:Emily Buck in Minnesota; Maurie Perkins at Kersey, Colorado; Mildred Schaeffer at LaPorte; Esther \1\lheaton at Windsor; Mildred L a rson at Pierce; F lorence Wolfe and Fay Burnison at Fort Lupton. Miriam S mith kept house for her father and brother in Greeley, thi s year. 路 Florence Tyrrell gave a dinn er party and shower in Arvada fo r H ester Caldwell , whose marriage to Captain Sibley o f San Francisco had been announced as a late summ er event. Florence and H ester were roo mmates in the ASA H ouse at Greeley in their college days . Hester Caldwell spent the winter in Honolulu. The Denver ASA's held irregular but very enjoyable meetings during the winter. Helen Bruce wrote with joy of the fri endship started betw een her and Mildred N ulton of Alpha Beta when they met by chance enroute t o th eir positions in Arizona. Our representative on th e National Council, Agnes Sandine Brunson, is now liv ing in California. She has improved g reatly in health and spirits but so rrow aga in entered her life when her brother-in-law, with whom she and her mother made th eir home in Illinois, passed away. Beta Beta extend s sincere sy mpathy. Our Ada Baker Miner suffered a long and serious illness following the death of her baby girl on June 22. All of us hope she is now well on the road to complete recovery. FERN ELAM AN D M YRTLE Mci NTYRE
Northwestern has a large enrollment this year. We are looking with especial intere t at the large freshman class in high school, for we see much material that w ill interest us even more in fo ur years. Eight ASA's returned for college work, one for each chapter office. They are :-Sue Edwards, P resident ; Margaret Frawley, Vice-President; Lucelle Chew, Secretary; Icy! Baldwin, Treasurer; Nellie Heaton, Chapl ain; Luella Harzman, Registrar; lone Clark, Ed itor. In addition to these we have three new girls, pledged September 15. T hey are : F loris Patterson, a sister to our Elberta and Lora; Wilda T rueax, from Pond Creek; and Thelma Branson, of Alva. A ll our pledges are lovable and each has a particular talent. Wilda is an artist of exceptional ability and she sings well. F lori s is an artist, also; and Thelma, though tiny, is mighty when it comes to playing the piano. Sue Edwar ds is President of Pa nh ellen ic this year; Icyl Baldwin our stud ent representative; and Lorinda Mason Lane the representative for our alumnae. We lost many faculty members this year but welcome the new ones who came in their places. vVhi le Professor Herod is away on leave of absence, P rofessor Hall .has charge of mathematics. Mi s Maud Mo rri s has left us to become Head of the Depa rtm ent of i[ode rn Languages at the South Dakota School of M ines; her place is filled by M iss Wiggins from Oklahoma City. Miss Center, from Columbia Un iversity, is directing the Home Economi cs Department, and we shall now be able to graduate Smith-H ughes teachers. Ma ny stud ents a re availing themselves of th is opportunity. A llen Thomas, 路one of Alva's own boys and a fo rmer student here, is our very efficient Librarian. M iss Oats is the P resident's new Secreta ry. lONE CLARK, EditO?'. OUR CHAPTER LAST YEAR
P r obably the g reatest single step in Northw estern's development took place in the spring of 1920. Two years of college work were added to her curriculum and she was granted the right to confer bachelor degrees. History was made in the halls of Old Northwestern when President J. P. Battenberg conferred upon ten stud ents the degree of Bachelor of A rts. Some former
students returned to receive their degrees from their old college and our graduating class was the largest in the state. Of the graduates, Gamma Gamma claimed four for Alpha Sigma Alpha: Olive Anderson, Fern Clifton, Bess Davis, and Grace Mauntel. Gamma Gamma suffered from the teacher shortage in that several of the girls whom we expected to have back with us accepted positions as teachers. Among them were the following of our summ er pledges: Clara Baxter, Marguerite Craig, Mabel C. Fortune, Edith Mayfield, Leslie Mellick, Gladys Oxley, E lberta Patterso n, and Gladys Wright. Later in th e year our President, Ethel A lbright, Secretary, Mary Fraizer, and Historian, Edna Kerst, were persuaded to leave college to teach. Ethel went to A ltus, Mary to Enid, and Edna to Tulsa. We hope each of these will return with in ,twelve months and fini h for her degree. In spi te of this loss in membership, Gamma Gamma returned ten gir ls to the fall chapter-a number larger than that of all the other sororities on our campus combined. The returning girls were: Ethel Albright, Doris Anderso n, Lucelle Chew, Fern Clifton, Bess Davis, Hazel Dunavant, Margaret F rawley, Mary F razier, Belle Rackley, and Edna Kerst. During the year we added eighteen gi rl s to our chapter. They were :-Nellie Heaton (sister of our Ed ith Heaton), Icyl Baldwin, Leona Cavett, Ma ry Miller, Juanita Murphy, Marguerite Bowles, Vella Frazee, Helen Graham, F lorence Hassebroek, Bertha Frazee, F lorence Berry, Emma McClellan, and Bess Hubbard. During the summer, Gamma Gamma numbered twenty-five members and added two new pledges: Vivian Chandler and Delores Newcomb. Faculty changes were few. Professor Carter went to Greeley, Miss Henrietta Pyle to W ichita Falls, Texas. Miss Helen Ford's place was filled by Miss Grace Pritchard. Miss Anna Ford became head of the M usic Department. Captain Wyatt returned from service in the army to be Coach and P hysical Director. Our oldest faculty member in point of service, Professor Herod, was chosen representative to the State Legislature. l orthw estern hated to give up this popular teacher even fo r a short time, but felt that his work was ably carried on by Mrs. M . E . Wood, a graduate of Clark U ni versity, and the wife of our histo ry professor. In athletics, Northwestern had a great year. The 1920-21
season was the most succe sful ever experienced in the annal s of our school. O ur football team won th e N ormal championship for the year. O ur basketball team made a clean sweep of its Oklahoma schedule and was beaten only three times in twentyseven games. In the national basketball tournament at Kansas City onl y four out of the t wo scor e teams representing state and division championships could claim superiority by their record over the No rthw estern team. At th e close of the basketball season Northwestern held a very success ful tourn ament for the high school team s of thi s secti on of th e state. T wenty-five high schools were represented. W e kept open house in our room for th e conveni ence of our tournam ent vi sitors. O ur alumnae seem glad of any opportunity to get back to Northweste rn and the chapter and we a re alw ays glad to have them . T he fr eshma n coll ege girl s had a splendid team that made a good r ecord. O ur Hazel Dunavant and L eo na Cavett wer e on thi s team. At the beginning of the fall semester, th e Faculty enter tained 路 the stud ents with a get-acquainted social. The Domestic Science Depa rtment, und er direction of M iss Cruml ey, serv ed a fourcourse luncheon in honor of :M rs. R obertson, wif e of the Governor of O kl ahoma . N o special ru sh season was set apart last yea r. A girl could be bid at any time a fter she had done nin e weeks' resident work and had made an average of eighty per cent. in her grades. U nder this ruling, Gamma Gamma decided not to have any rushing parties . O ur fir st social of the yea r was an informal party at which we entertained an equa.l number of our young men fri ends. Not long after ward , M rs. 1VIays opened her home to u fo r a jolly party. In th e early fa ll , L ora P atterson, a n alumna, entertained us at her home. A nother delightful memory is that of October 15 spent at the home of M rs. A rthur L ane, an alumna, when an ann ouncement pa rty was given in honor of Edith H eaton, an alumn a, whose marriage to E arl A . J ohnson took place October 20. The sorority members staged a mock wedding as entertainm ent. E dith was presented with a silver casserole. W e celebrated F ounders' Day on th e Saturday before the fifteenth of N ovember, our set elate. \ i\fith this set elate, our alumnc.e make their plans long in advance and we can alw ays count upon having a goodly number present at our celebration. O ur pro-
gram was both instructive and interesting and was followed by an eight o'clock dinner at Lane's Tea Room. During the Thanksgiving Holidays the Northwestern Oklahoma Educational Association was held in Alva . A very interesting, entertaining, and educational program was given for the teachers of the di strict. One of the special numbers of the program was the Fantasy given by one of the English classes, in which our Lucelle Chew had the leading part. Our alumnce here for the Association were:-Jewel Cavett, I one Clark, Bernice McCready, Sue Edwards, Jamie Hayes, Jennie Hayes, Hattie Knight, Helen Healey, Edna Hockenberry, \1\Tinifred Oxley, Edith Reeg, Lucy Reed. Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnce joined with the alumnce of Northwestern in their annual banquet. The greatest sorrow of our year was the death of our Ruth Affholder, who, wi~h her affianced, was killed by a train on Janua ry 30. Ruth was one of the most loved girls of our chapter and Gam ma Gam ma misses her greatly. Among the interesting events of the year were the lecture by the famous actor, Freel erick \1\T arde, and the series by Dr. Margaret N orfeldt, a physician sent out from New York by th e National Board of the YWCA. O ther inspirational talks were those given to the chapter on its program nights. They were made by members of the faculty that are interested in particular phases of our ASA aims. On January 10, Mrs . M. E. Wood gave a very inspiring talk on "The Ideal College Girl." The great social event of the new year was the play put on by the school on the night of January 17. Our Lucelle Chew took the leading part and was continually applauded. The local daily spoke of her work in the following terms: "On the capable shoulders of Lucelle Chew fell the larger portion of the comedy and her costumes and her clever acting kept the audience in an uproar of laughter throughout." Having heard Lucelle many times we were not surprised when she won first in the preliminary reading contest and was sent to Talequah to compete with other prize readers. We were equally proud to have our Helen Graham win second place . In the summer our Bess Davis starred as the "fisty" young peasant girl in the "Chimes of Normandy," and thu s added more laurels to Gamma Gamma's crown. The other less talented members have helped keep the chapter scholarship where it should be, and have enabled Gamma Gamma to boast of having
more of its members on the staff of the student publications than any other group. To cap the climax, as we thought, four of our girls made the honor society organized to petition Kappa D elta Pi. The honor girls are : Bess Davis, Fern Clifton, Helen Graham and Lucelle Chew. A ll these honors elated us gr eatly and wh en th e news came o f our high standing in sorority examinations and in general chapter efficiency, even M iss Shockley could scarcely keep us from getting a collective swelled head. But, let us whisper to you, M iss Shockley knows o f a number o f things about us that we don't report in chapter letters ! O n Alpha Sigma Alpha clay in chapel, the Northwestern Trio, two members of which are A lpha Sigs, sang two selections, after which we presented a playlet entitled " The R eader." T he play is a very clever one and we wer e assured t hat our program pleased our audience. We, however, enj oyed the programs that foll owed ours more th an we did our own. O ur Valentine party was a great success, but our celeb ra tion of Herm es Day was even more delightful, for at that time we gave our Mother s' degree to six o f our ASA mothers. T he initiation was followed by a musical program and a lunch at the ca feteria . T oasts were given, songs sung, and kodak pictures taken. Summer school, with its enrollment of nearly eight hundred, was one g rand ru sh. T he Federal Con ference on Rural E ducation, closely followed by Chautauqua, supplied us with in tellectual treats. T he Conf er ence was the biggest, the best, and by fa r the most significant educati onal congr ess ever held in this section of O klahoma. O ur tw enty-fi ve members ate dinner together every T uesday in the Cafeteri a and fo und it a very pleasant way of keeping in touch with each other. At the panhellenic d inners no sorority girl could sit beside one of her own sisters. O n the fo urth of June we waked our ru shees early and too k them to a six o'clock breakfast in Young 路s Canyon. T hey declared themselves amply repaid for their loss of sleep and the long tramp, however, by the fun w e had. T he fourth of June brought us five new pledges : Bertha F razee, E mma M cClellan, V ivian Chandl er, Delor es Newcom b, and Bess Hubba rd. Their initiation, our welcome to our new bride, Clar a Baxter F uzzell, o ur J apanese lawn pa rty at M iss E thel F rance's home, and other
good times came all too soon to an end with the close of the summer session. ED N A KER ST AND L ORA PAT TERSON . . Two of the girls w.hom we rea lly expected back this yea r a ccepted pos1t1 ons and a re teachmg now, Juan ita Murphy at Forgan and V ella F razee a t Ma rlow. Other g irl s who a re teaching in neig hboring towns are, E lberta P atterson, J ewel Cavett, a nd E dna Dale at Cherokee ; Edna H ockenberry at H elena; Bernice McCready, L ambert ; Bess Davis, Woodwa rd . A num ber of ASA's ho ld pos itions in the A lva schools, na mely, L ora Patterson, Grace Ma untel, Belle Rackley, L orinda L ane, Dori s A nderson, and Ruth L ong. Mae Ottinger is to teac h again in Bo ise City thi s year. Bess E lliot t taught at Ren fr ew, O kla homa, las t yea r. A nna bel Har ris studied at Greeley this summ er. Marguerite Bowles ha s been given a schol a rship in the Baptist M is路 siona ry Trai ning S chool in Louisville, K entucky. She began her studies tl~ ere October 1.
DELTA DELTA E leven girls returned to O hio U niversity as ASA's thi s fall. T hey are: Annabel Alexande r, H elen Dill, Maude Dorsey. Rebecca Eisenbr ey, Fern a nd Ga rn et Gooley, E mm a Helsel, Hazel McGrew, Pearl Price, W inifred R osino, and Mary Taylor. \t\Tithin another week Dean Davi dson wi ll be with us, makin g our number twelve. Fe rn Gooley is serving as P resident and W inifred Rosina as Secretary. Dr. Dryan from Colgate U niversity is the new P resident arid a successful year is expected under his leadership . Thi s year ma r ks the absence of P rofessor F r ederick Trendley, who served O hio U niversity fo r nineteen year s. We miss his sincere and lovable personality. Wed nesday evenin g, September 14, Dean Vo ight held a mass meeting fo r girl s. Incidentally she mentioned soro rities to the freshman girls. Later she held an open panhell enic meeting to rem ind us of our panhellenic r ulings. We met many new g irls at the YWCA and YMCA mixer Septemb er 16, and enj oyed the r eunions with old friends. O ur enrollment is la rger this yea r than at any tim e since ' the vVar began. T hree hun dred and fi fty freshmen- the ma jority of them g irls-have enrolled . Among these we expect to fi nd many more new mem bers in add ition to the three we have already pledged. Saturday aft ernoon many of the new g irls were at our "Delta Delta Drop-In" at the so rority r oom. V.J e followed thi s affai r by a dinner to the girls whom we ar e considering fo r membership . M \RY T AYLOR, H istorian .
Though few in numbers last year, Delta Delta was well represented in college activities and all the members were good students. Most of th e girls were well known and well liked on the campus and all were font! of each other. A ll belonged to YWCA and to th e \A/omen's League and we are proud of our list of Honors. The following gi rls started the year for Delta Delta: O live Culp, Bernice Fawcett, Fern Gooley, E mma Helsel, Esther Kenney, Pearl Mace, Guinevere Smith. Our fall ru shing parties were three: a porch party, a spr ead at our sorority room, and a dinner at th e Colonial Hotel. Small theatre parties filled the intervals. After pledge day, the new girls returned our hospitality by a party in our room. T here they presented us with a wicker tea wagon to match our furniture. A tea at M rs. Garrett's g iven by M iss Garber, a breakfast hike to East Hill, and a Hallowe'en spread ar e other happy memories of post-rushing days . Founders ' Day was celebrated with a p r ogram meeting. Fo r our C hri stma~ party Fern Gooley arranged an attractive program, followed by our Christm as exchange. \ ,Y e then assisted at th e Christmas party at the Gym fo r the poor kiddies. We gave our dance on February 15, and were told that is was lovely. 'vVe did not have many decorations, as they were too expensive, but we had a good orchestra and tried to make the dance a success through good cheer and democracy and geniality. 'vVe were delighted to have three M iami girls as our guests . How we did learn to l ~ve our M iami sisters ! O ur dance was in the nature of a jubilee over our grade report for th e first semester. Cressett, the honorary girls organization on the campus, made 92.7 per cent. Next came A loquin, a local scholarship society, with an average of 92 .1 per cent. Then came the first on the list of Greek-letter sororities, A LPHA SIGMA ALPHA, with an average of 90.1 per cent. The lowest average made by any sorority was 85 per cent. The week before our dance we had a tea for our patronesses, charming, lovely women and much interested in Delta Delta. We had a schedule for calls upon them by actives and pledges, so that they might not be overwh elmed with our attentions. O ur
Valentine program meetings was one of legends and songs. It was really a lovely, quiet evening, the kind that brings hearts nearer together and knits closer the bonds of fellowship. Initiation was held March 10. To the initiates it was a service never to be forgotten. The impressiveness of it all, the new meaning of Alpha Sigma Alpha to the ones who had before been but pledges, in fact, every step of the initiation, made us see things in a new light. The 1921 initiates are: Annabel Alexander, Maud Dorsey, Helen Dill, Garnet Gooley, Pauline Charles, Bernice, Oldaker, Pearl Price, Mary Taylor, \1\Tinifred Rosina, and Janet Miller. We were then taken to the Colonial Hotel and served a three-course luncheon. Between courses we sang our songs and made the dining room fairly shout that we were ASA's. We closed our year's festivities with a dance at the Masonic Temple on May 28, Pearl white celluloid programs bearing the coat-of-arms, a good orchestra from Springfield, and a unique favor dance added to the pleasure of the evening. A keg containing corncob pipes in the bowl of which were to be found the name of each man's partner elicited much fun. Ohio Un iversity made strenuous efforts to arouse its students last year to the necessity of reforming in some social matters where laxness had crept in during the war. The students seemed much impressed by the seriousness of the matter, and sororities and fraternities were urged to co-operate to better our social life. One hundred forty couples enjoyed the Girls' Panhellenic Dance given November 13, and we hope the dance will become an annual one. The receipts helped to send a representative to the meeting of the panhellenics of this field at Bloomington, Indiana, and to pay Ohio U's membership clues in the Intercollegiate Vocational Guidance Association. Delta Delta closed the college year with the feeling that much had been accomplished and that a good preparation had been made for the coming year. Chapter meetings had been helpful during the year and the bonds of sisterhood had been made very strong. Our girls entered more of the worth-while activities on the campus than ever before and these contacts broadened and strengthened us. The year closed with a meeting in which each girl told what she thought had been accomplished during the year and what the next year's girls should concentrate upon. After such a meet-
ing the incoming officers should be able to take up their work with no lost motion . P EARL M ACE BERE N I CE
H elen Hud son has g iven up her work as Y W CA Secr eta ry in Columbus and is teaching in W orthington, Ohio. P earl Mace is teaching in her home school s, Chilli cothe, Ohio, but hopes to r eturn to 0. U. in 1922. Ru by and R eba Carey, A lice and Ma rga r et Larkin tau ght in CleveJanel last yea r and kept h ouse together. Eth el Godd a rd and Ada Haun were also ir. Cleveland. H elen Milliken, who was employed by th e A uld J ewelry Company at Columbus, O hi o, visited D elta Delta in O ctober. Mary Ma rga r et N ye taught in th e L ancaster Sch ools ; Gladys A rnold an d Cath erin e Book ta ught in Vvell svill e, Ohio. D ean Davi dson was employed as r a ilway cl erk in W ellsvill e. Ohio. M a ri e R ichter ca me back to O hio U to sing a t th e wed din g of D ean Voight's si ter. Gr ace F ultz directed th e operettas given by th e Brem en Schools on M ay 20, 1921.
EPSILON EPSILON The officers for the p re ~e nt yea r are as fo llows :- President, V iolet R and olph ; V ice-P resident, Helen Brickell ; Secretary, Lilli an Ri chardso n; Trea urer , Gladys Thoma s ; R egistrar, M arjorie Adam ; H istori an, Adela And erson; Libra ri an, A rline Brovvn ; Ritu alist, Ruth 路w ilson. O thers in the chapter are : K atherine J ensen, L ois Koontz, R osedel Ogden, I sabel K naus Poe, Gladys Sitton, E ugenia Smith, M arj orie Thomas. With thi s large num ber of old girl s alrea ly in the chapter, we felt th at we co uld add very few new memb ers, and that these few shou ld be th e choicest material to be had. Vv e wrote to the high schools for th e g rades of the prospective members before is uing any invitations, and in every way tried to in sure good scholarship in E psilon E psilon. As a result o f our week's ru shin g six new girls signified th eir acceptance by coming to our house on bid clay. T hey were O live Irene E llis, Ve ra \iV est, and Beryl F isher , all of E mpori a; Irene L oren and Ma ri e Purely of Atchison ; and Beul ah 'vVeaver of Dunl ap. 'vVe ar e already very fo nd of our new girls and the year seems to be sta rting out very happil y fo r our chapter. Vve have the sa me house at 1128 Sta te Street and are enj oying it and th e dinn ers we have there togeth er. Vve hav e already be-
gun to dream of a house that shall be our own and built to fit us. The mothers of the town girls and our patronesses have organized for the good of our chapter. Each one has "adopted., an out-of-town girl and the plan is for no member ever to feel that she is far from her mother. The college enrollm ent rivals that of 19 16, an increase of 37 per cent. over last year. There a re many new faces among our faculty this year, fifte en faculty members having left us for other positions or further study. Epsilon Epsilon has four members on the fac ulty : Maurine Smith, Marie P ierson, E lizabeth Smith, Adda Anderson, and Edna McCullough.
LAST YEAR IN OUR CHAPTER The fourteen girls who r etu rned in the fall to ca rry on for EE were :-Ann Braley, Vesta Gross, Wilhelmina Gufter, Marie Jensen, Lois Koontz, Mildred Overton, Margaret Peters, M urrell Peter (President), Lillian Richardson, Marjorie E. Thomas, Marjo rie T homas, Marion Welch, Ruth Wilson and Frances Potter. Frances Potter, who was in college only a month before she marri ed, made an efficient ru sh captain and had every detail organized. One other factor in our success was our new sor ority home. It is situated in the prettiest part of the residence district and is only four blocks from college and centrally located for our town members . The house is clean inside and out, has new hardwood floors, and made us a very cozy home. Ou r house mother, M rs. Smith, was a delightful woman, always planning some surprise fo r us. Chief among our pleasures were the dinners at th e house, which brought us into closer touch with each other and brought M iss Strouse and Edna McCullough to us every clay. We are always glad to have them with us. T he social li fe of the college was lessened a bit last year, partly by panhellenic's limitation upon the number and cost of our rush parties. O ur chapter did not spend even the maximum allowed. Our parties we re a garden party at Wilhelmina Guft er's lovely home, a Japanese tea at the house, and a dance at the Country Club , secured for us by ou r patronesses. O ur new girls wer e :-Gladys S ittin, Wichita; Rosedel Ogden, Coffeyville, I sa路 bel Knaus, McPherson; Mary Gardner (sister of Ruth), Eureka; Roxanna P lumb, Helen Brickell, Matj orie Adam, Kather-
ine Jensen, (cousin of Marie ), and Gladys Thomas (sister of Marjorie E.), all of Emporia . O ur masquerade dance on Hallowe'en brought back the following alum nee: Violet Randolph, Helen John son, Virginia Haynes, Helen Travis, Madge Brown , Dorothy Hooser, Sarah J\Iartin, Ruth Gardner, and Aileen Ellis. On 1 ovember 19 vve celebrated King Asa's Day by a dinner party at the House. M rs. Kerr, Dean of Women, and Mrs . \i\Tade, Patronesses, were the guests of honor. Four pledges served dinner; little place cards core the likeness of King Asa, as portrayed by M rs. Martin; Ruth \i\Tilson and Maude Barrigar told us of King Asa's meaning to us as college girls and alumnre. Ou r vice president, Ruth \i\Tilson, kept all the pledges at work on sorority study, and added incentive was given by the announcement that only the two who stood highest in pledge exams and in sorority citizenship should have the honor of being initiated when om National Ritualist visited us . Epsilon Epsilon is very proud of the way she conducts her initiation services and can prove by l\Iiss Shockley that we make them dignified and impressive to the n'th degree. Another addition to our family last year was V ic. To secu re her we had help from alumnre and u ed graft on our college girls by charging them more for their Sunday night lunches than the food cost. The roa st turkey that Maude Barrigar ent enabled us to clear seven dollars for our victrola. A very successful all-Emporia performance last year was the Pageant of the Pilgrims given on December 10. Twenty-five 'hundred people took part, but the whole moved as smoothly and swiftly as a professional play. It was most powerful and effective. Epsilon Epsilon again had a visit from Miss Shockley last year. She has come to see us four times and we all feel that we really know her. And how valuable her advice is to us! She was here for our Christmas party and for the initiation of Roxanna Plumb. The most recent addition to our Greek-letter organizations is Theta Sigma Ups ilon. Epsilon Epsilon is pleased to welcome the new sorority. F lo Brown, Edith Savage, and two former Kappa Delta Thetas, Agnes and Nell N incehelser, were initiated during the second semester. Our other initiates were eleven of our mothers
and two patronesses, who were given the mother-patroness degree as a climax of our Mothers' House Party, May 8 to 10. Social events of the sp ring were the reception for our mothers and patronesses on May 7, the spring formal , the alumnce house party and dance, our patronesses' party for us, and the party given for us at th e Country Club by our new members. Lors KooNTz, Historian. The E mporia alumnae organized this fall with ten members, all EE g irl s except one, M rs. Hill, a Zeta Zeta girl whose hu sband is in business here. Our plans a re ( 1) to keep alumnae in touch with the national and th e local organizations; (2) to provide sociab ility and continue our interest in each oth er ; (3) to aid the co ll ege chapter. O n September sixth we initi ated a fo rm er member of ou r old local society, F lorence Hale Porter, of Salt Lake City. On September seventeenth we initi ated five others, Pea rl Wayman Foucannon, Grace J ohnson Turner, Ethel Delong Corbett, Nell Bachelor Everett, and Ina F ulton. After initiation the Association served tea at Ada Shea rer's for tl:e patronesses and coll ege girls. Rox::. nn a Plumb is attending Kan sas U ni versity thi s yea r. She pledged Theta there, as did Virginia Haynes las t year, and as have at least five others of our chapter. Nell Gra nt taught in A ri zo na last year and spent th e summ er in California. where she is tempted to stay. Mary Forde was chosen President of the New Yo rk City alumnae last year a nd Mo ll y W il son, Secreta ry. Ma ry plans to go into co mmercial home economics a nd Molly has a position near New York. Ruth Jeremy was in Lyceum work la st year but came home at the Holidays and entertained with an ASA dinner party. Rosalie Brig ham resigned her position in KSN to fini sh work fo r her degree. We were glad to enroll her as a col lege student aga in . Hazel Brown Vaug hn und erwent an operati on for appendicitis last December. Irma Brown taught in Clearwater last year. The sympathy of the entire so rority is extended to Miss Strouse in the loss of her fa ther A ugust 29, 1921. We shall welcome her return to us with the opening of th e n ew semester. ED NA McCuLLOUG H.
ZETA ZETA Zeta Zeta r eturned an enthusiastic group thi s September, for we knew we should still have with us our Miss Carter as Faculty Adviser. Only those who know her interest in A lpha Sigma Alpha, her devotion to Zeta Zeta, and her tireless efforts to help each girl to reach her highest and best development, can appreciate what it means to our chapter to have her with us year after year. A nother source of happiness to us is our sorority suite-a real so rority home. A piano, fern s, flow er-boxes, and blooming plants make the rooms attractive always, but last year we added many conveniences . Chief of our delights is th e floor lamp pre-
sented by last year's new members. How we wish others of you might drop into our room s for a meal and a visit with us! In the south room our dining-room table makes . a fine study table when not otherwise occupied. Those not in a studious mood r elax in our living-room, sure that the closed door keeps their chatter from the studious sisters. Our kitchenette is the envy of every organization in the college. With some of our bazaar money, gifts from alumnce, and an electric stove from our patronesses, we have fitted up a cozy kitchenette that helps us get away from boarding-house meals frequently and thus draws us closer together. O ur officers for 192 1-22 are as follow s :-President, Irene Sherman; V ice President, May Freund; Secretary, Pauline J acqua; Treasurer, Dorothy And erson ; Chapl ain, Mamie McDonald ; Registrar , Gladys Rice; Librarian, Mabel Lobban; Historian, Ruth R oberts. Mrs. Maude Nattinger is a member of the faculty this year, and Mary Mason Wilson and Pauline J acqua have student fellowships. Two of our patronesses have left us : Dean J anney to study in Columbia U niversity, and Miss F itzger ald to become Principal of the U niversity High School at Columbia, M issouri. O ur fir st meeting was filled with plans for letters to alumnce and other means of keeping in close touch w ith th em. Vle have already begun to plan, too, for our annual Christmas bazaar. We hope, thi s year, to hold it both afternoon and evening, December 9. PAULINE JACQUA, Secreta?'Y路
ZETA ZETA LAST YEAR 'vVe started the yea r with the follow ing officers :- President, Wilma W ilson ; V ice P resident , Loutitia Yankee; Secretary, Lillian Ford; Treasurer, Mabel Lobban; H istorian and Librarian, E uda Bettes; Registrar, Edythe Stone; Chaplain, Bess Carter. During the year we added the following members : -Mrs. Maude Nattinger, E thel P hillips, Kathryn Rudely, May Freund, Dorothy Anderso n, Ernestine Bennett, Edna Gehlkin, Su an Gregory, Gladys Rice, Ruth Roberts, Margaret Willis, Catherine Collins, Florence Breece, Lucille Christopher, Cora Cook, E lizabeth Dozier, Lycla Hale, Pauline J acqua, Gwenette J ordat~, A ugusta Shim fessel, Virginia 'vVelch, and May Wilson . Other important acquisitions to our chapter were two new
patronesses, Miss Julia Hatz, of Bangor, Wisconsin, and Miss Ruth Fitzgerald, of Sedalia, Missouri. Miss Hatz is in the Sewing Department and Miss Fitzgerald was Supervisor of Languages in the Training School. Our chapter social affairs were very delightful. Of these one of the most charming was the party given us by Misses Ball, Hatz, and Fitzgerald, our faculty patronesses, in our sorority rooms. The evening was one round of surprises and showed us what ingenuity and thought can make of a non-dancing party. The climax of the evening came with the presentation of a twoburner electric stove. Our stunt at the ABC Club contest may interest other chapters. We think the whole idea might be suggestive to them of a way to raise money. It was a competitive vaudeville contest, the Club offering a prize of ten dollars for the best stunt and securing the help of ever'y organization in town or college. The rivalry between the groups did the rest. Admission was charged and more than one thou sand were in the audience. Pi Kappa Sigma won first prize with its beautiful "Oriental Fantasy." Zeta Zeta's "Old Fashioned Garden" was quite a success, with costuming, music, and lighting effects cleverly carrying out the theme of the song. Among the interesting joint meetings of the sororities were the lecture on the Passion Play by our Miss Ball and the music recital given by PKS faculty members. The sixteen "old girls" and the ten new ones of the summer had many a jolly time together. Chief among them was the house-party given by Mrs. Palmore Greer at her lovely country home. Our annual camp at Pertle Springs closed the year for Zeta Zeta. But I must tell you of our study for sorority exams in the sp ring. Miss Carter required each girl to keep a note-book and conducted lessons in her class room just as she does her college class work. We thought we had to work pretty hard, but we were pleased with the results and thank Miss Carter for helping us gain them. The biggest event of our college year was the celebration of our fiftieth anniversary on June 28. Most of our college activities throughout the year had been a preparation for this jubilee. On that date a monster parade of fifty floats and speeches by dis-
tinguish ed alumni and visitors honored our college's birthday . O ur ASA float won many compliments and was r eally beautiful. Two gold phoenixes form ed the central motif. The car was decorated in red and white paper chrysanthemums made by th e girls . Seven girl attendants preceded the car and seven followed, while seven rode in it, all dressed in r ed and white. Red and white streamers extended from attendants to phoenix. After being tied in their decision for some time, the judges gave Sigma Sigma S igma fir st and us second prize. vVe hope that the 192 1 bazaar will be as success ful as was that of 1920. We had a Japanese tea room, the decorations being flow ering branches made by the girls, and we sold candies, cookies, cakes, and other eatables, potted plants, handker chiefs. aprons, towels, pillow slips, and other dainty articles suitable for Christmas gifts . We also took orders for hand-painted gifts and cards, upon which we got a commission. O ur 'Miss Hatz helped us greatly as did M iss Carter and our alumm.e. We wer e so happy and received so many compliments upon our bazaar as a desirable money-raising scheme. We cleared $120 and could have sold much mor e food, if we had had it. EUDA BETTES,
Zeta Zeta's first g reat sorrow came last yea r in the death of Dorothy Hale Ma rtie, on Apr il 18, 192 1. O ur chapter mourns the loss of a loyal, devoted, and much-loved member. Teaching positions we re held by our ex-collegio membet s last yea r as follows :-Ruth Barton, St. J ames; Mamie McDonald, Meadville; Kathleen Magee, Chilli cothe ; Marie Campbell, Silex; Dott Nelson, Ottawa, Kansas; Catheri ne Walker, Ottawa, Kansas ; Mary Rector, Fort Smith, A rkansas; Flora Duffendack, Cole Camp; Maurine Lemley, Knobnoster; and Gladys DeMoss, Hale, Missouri. A delightful meeting of alumnae during the State T eachers Association was had at Hotel Muehlebach. We hope no Alpha Sigma Alpha at the meeting this year will fo rget the dinner a lways held at the headquarters hotel on Friday nig ht. Miss Bess Carter, ZZ, welcomed last year Miss Feurt, Hertha Corni sh, Gayle Showen, of AB, and the following Zeta Zetas: L etha Berry, ]o Dixon, Eunice F ulton, Ethel Phillipps, Miss Hatz, a nd Miss J ann ey. St. Louis ex-collegio members will await you at the headqua rters hotel thi s year.
ETA ET A The PHOENIX has received no letter fr om Eta Eta this fall, but Mabel Marshall says the chapter is very much alive with its ten "old girls'' back for work and play.
ETA ETA'S FIRST YEAR IN ASA Our first big sorority affair in the fall of 1920 was a joint party given by the four sororities to all sorority girls in college. It was a great success and Alpha Sigma Alpha had many alumnae back for it. Following the party we had a so-called slumber party at Miss Roseberry's home. Had you been in the neighborhood, you could have heard sounds of hilarity mingled with ASA songs. Our year began with the following girls on duty in Eta Eta: President, Ruth I serman; Vice President, Maude Laney; Secretary, Pearl Nicholson; Treasurer and Librarian, Nina Loudenslager; Historian, Grace Iserman; Chaplain, Esther Gable; Registrar, Leona Anderson. The month of November burst in upon us with a "rush," November second being the fir st clay of our formal rush week. Our first affair was a charming informal dinner at the "Wayfarers' Inn," a very attractive tea room. On Tuesday evening we gathered the clan in cars and hied us away to the Phantom Forest, where we imbibed chili around the fire to the tune of ghost stories and Alpha Sig songs, with Jacko' Lanterns and Feu Folletts grinning at us from all the near-by trees. Wednesday we had a progressive luncheon. Thursday began peaceably with a Farmerette Frolic, where the girls came garbed in overalls, whiskers, straw hats, and such masculine attire, but the evening ended wth a thrill. Suclclenly, while everyone was quietly chewing gum, came the far-off sounds of "Boolo Boo" and M-A-N-UA -LLLL. Heavens! something doing and we not there? In spite of our motley garb we dashed clown to Broadway, from whence the raucous sounds were proceeding. The Normal Gorillas were advertising in their unique, if somewhat boisterous manner, the coming game with Fairmont. Garbed in pieces of borrowed lingerie they came. On seeing us, thinking we too, were boys, they yelled: "Come on, Gang. Get into this." And then we saw that they were being escorted by policemen! 'vVe stood not on the order of our going, but went back to our little party with an at-onceness that would have pleased Lady Macbeth. Smaller parties, another slumber party, prcnic breakfasts, and the like, filled every moment. The "be-all and end-all" of our week was the formal party given by our patronesses at Mrs. Spencer's very beautiful home. An enjoyable program of music
and readings featur ed this party. A nd let me tell you, our patronesses have been the r eal helpers ! Other soro rities are envious of us, but I should think th e patronesses would soon begin to cry for mercy-we call upon them so frequently. \iVhen invitations to membership were sent out, we received not a refusal and Eta Eta was enriched by nine fine members. They were: Mae Harpole, \iVagoner, O klahoma; Hyacinth M atney, \iVichita; Helena Van Gastel, Alice and Ruth Cronin, and Edith Marsh, all of Pittsburg; l\1arjorie McFarland of Liberal; Bertha Bachtel a nd Hertha P lagens. T he contest was practically between the ASA's and th e DSE's, as the Lambda Ph i D eltas confine themselves to stud ents in special departments althoug h they are good-naturedly encroaching a little. Miss Shockl ey's visit to our chapter early in December was of great interest to us. V/ hat with confer ences with officers and g irl s, talks to pan helleni c and faculty members, teas, receptions, and initiations, we certainly keep he;: busy. vVe were so sorry we did not have our Lola Drancl enburg present for in itiation, but we were glad to give Alpha Beta th e honor of revealing to her our mysteries, since she is so closely associated with that chapter by being a member of th e K irksv ille faculty. O ur Christmas pa rty on December 2 1, the indoor picnic g iven us by Miss Roseberry on January 19, and our Valentine's Day masquerade, helped the time to pass swiftly. Then came the exciting contest fo r the most popular girl in school. O ur Mae Ha rpole won the honor and was presented with a silver loving cup and given a full page portr ait in the KANSA. O n February 17, came Stunt Fest Day a nd Eta Eta's ro se drill. O ur Bertha Bachtel won honorable menti on in the contest to work up enthusiasm for the stunts. During th e next few weeks social affairs were almost entirely neglected. O ur M iss Roseberry had gone to a hospital for an operation and Eta Eta g irl s were anx ious about her. vVe tried to put our thoughts on so rority stud y, but we were pretty much up set. As soon as she was out of danger , however, we went on with our social program . O n March 18 we had a party for our pledges, on May Day a picnic, and four clays later a tea for Lambda Phi Delta and D elta Sigma Epsil on. Then, too , we all danced in the big May fete given in Carn ey Hall-but, oh, those examinations ! O ur relieved sighs when they were over made the
natives of Pittsburg hold onto their hats thinking the sp ring zephyrs were blowing. By May 25 we had recovered sufficiently from the strain to hold open house in conjunction with the other sororities. Almost one hundred and twenty-five enjoyed thi s party with us and it was a complete success. Many of the alumnce returned for the occasion, some from a distance of two hundred miles. Our farewell party for our seniors that evening was a cheery-tea ry affair, but we expect them to visit us often. GRACE I sERMAN, Chapte1' H is torian. S ummer school brought eighteen ASA's back to work and added eight new pledges-girls who will be here next year, sisters of members, two nieces of our Miss Roseberry, and three of our old local members. Among our summer activities was that of add ing to the treasury of YWCA . VVe cleared almost ten dollars each clay by selling sandwiches and ice cream. YWCA app reciated the money and the overtaxed eating houses appreciated our help in feeding the tw enty-five hundred summer students. The crowning even t of our whole year, howeve r, was our first birthday party on Jul y 9. Thirty-six were present, including eight of the twelve charter members. The banquet was served at the \ i\1 ayfarers' Inn, and was both beautiful and delicious from fried chicken t o cake. Yellow and white decorations and clever place card s designed and mad e by two of our girls, with big yell ow candles at intervals down the long table, made the room attractive. With the last course there was brought to each girl an individual birthday cake with a tiny candle upo n it. 路w hen each candl e was lighted and the electricity extingui shed, the mellow light reflected the happiest faces you can imagine. I wondered how many other hea rts, throats, and eyes felt the teariness mine did. T he toast program was built around th e birthday cake theme; utensils, bowl, mixer (our M iss Ro seberry, of course), the baking, the frosting. At the end came Miss Roseberry's bea utiful toast on the candle of achievement. \ i\Te all wished our installing officers could be present to see how we had grown and to hear us sing. A ll through the yea r we had burst into song at the least provocati on, but that night we surely made the welkin ring. O ur Faculty Adv iser is recognized as an authority on local sorority matter s and is an ever-present help in time of trouble. As Maude Laney says, " The harder the boat r ocks, the tighter
Miss Roseberry sits, and we all pull through withou t losing a man in the briny deep." We have all been so happy in our association together, and we bless the lucky fortune that brought us Alpha Sigma Alpha. MABEL MARSHALL, V ice President. [And M iss Roseberry praises her girls in equally lavish terms. She writes, " I am proud of my girls . They measure up - unselfish, helpful, sweet . Alpha Sigma A lpha has clone much the past year for SMTN and we hope to do more next year. We are r espected and loved on the campus. I am glad I am an A lpha Sigma."-Eclitor. ] Muriel McFarland taught in Coffeyville last yea r and r oomed with Geraldine Mollin ex of Eps il on Epsilon. Mabel Marshall and Evelyn Smith taught in Carthage, Missouri, last year. Mabel res umed coll ege work thi s summer. Frances Herron taug ht in Oswego. May Harpole's mother (or is she May's twin sister?) visitf'd us this summ er . We a ll fe ll in love with her. Esther Gable studi ed in Chicago this summer .
Each new Adv iser last year found old friends among the Alpha Sigma Alpha Staff : Miss Swisher of Alpha A lpha had known M iss Lyle when both were studying in New York; Miss Roseberry of Eta Eta had opened her home to M iss Payne while th e latter was a student at P ittsburg; M iss Feurt of A lpha Beta found that she had known M iss Shockley in the University of M isso uri and that M iss Carter and Miss Jewett were Pi Lambda Theta sisters of hers. Note the number of chapters reJ01cmg over fin e scholarship last year! Doubtless others could have made similar r eports. Don't neglect to tell us such little details, Chapter Editors. Several chapters write of attending church in a body once each month. It's a good chapter tradition to hand on. A lpha Gamma alumnce w ill be glad to learn that Eleanor Lowry is recovering from her long and serious illness. Delegates to the 19 18 Convention will remember meeting the National Registrar of those clays and will rejoice that the businesslike littl e Convention Manager is on the road to recovery.
WEDDINGS AA and DD-March 26, 1921, Goldie Adams and Wallace Byron McLaughlin, <P6.X. At home, vVellsville, Ohio. AA-February 17, 1921, Nelle Berry and William A. Innker. At home, St. Paul, Minnesota. AA-June 1921, Bertha Runyan and Mr. Edwin McFarland. At home, Norwood, Ohio. AA-September 1, Martha Rosebrook and Mr. Robert Scott Tomlinson. At home, New Jersey. AB-June 15, 1921, Lenore Vanskike and Dr. Dewey Lee Millay, @\]!. At home for summer, Brooklyn, New York. AB-September l, 1920, Ilene Fisher and Walker Harrison McDonald, K::S. At home, Harris, Missouri. AB-Louise Harding and Dr. vVilliam Earl Bodenhamer, <P6.II and IT:$. At home, La Grange, Missouri. AB-May 21, 1921, Jen Fray and Dr. Don 'vV. Gudakunst, AKK. At home, Roswell, New Mexico. AB-June 4, 1921, Vanda Mitchell and Dr. Harry Burdette Merner, ::SN and IT:$. At home, Kirksville, Missouri. AB-March 12, 1921, L. Vivien Walther and Charles Leslie Bowdlear, A<PA. At home, 918 Acoma St., Denver, Colo. AB-July 28, 1921, Eunice L. Schofield and Edwin Terrence Kelley, <PBK. At home, Tulsa, Oklahoma. AB-November 2, 1920, Vivian Parker and Mr. Jonathan G. Mouser. At home, Humphrey, Arkansas. AB-November, 1920, Ruth Crookshank and Mr. E. F . Grigsby. At home, Kansas City, Missouri. AB-December 30, 1920, Alta Victor and Mr. John Francis Barclay. At home, Mexico, Missouri. AB-December, 1920, Helen Jones and Mr. Ralph Lehr. At home, Kirksville, Missouri. AB-August 22, 1921, Lennye Lucille Tucker and Mr. Carl Lindsey Kaufman. At home, Moberly, Mo. AG-July 13, 1921, Margaret Veil and Dr. Jerry M . James, AKK. At home, Hooversville, Pennsylvania. AG-November 10, 1920, Martha Hill and Mr. Ralph Waring. At home, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. AG-March 26, 1921, Zola G. Grumbling and Mr. Richard Marion Hess. At home, Indiana, Pennsylvania ..
BE-September 8, 1920, Eileen Kelly and Mr. Francis M. Shideler, A~ci>. A t home, Mancos, Colorado. GG-October 4, 1920, Lydia Rank and Mr. Alexander W . Kerr , Jr. At home, Fairview, Oklahoma . GG-Novemb er 19, 1920, Ruth Ann Pettit and Mr. Howard A. Masters. At home, Watonga, Oklahoma. GG-May 28, 192 1, E dith Harris and Mr. Robert 路wilson Powell. At home, Cherokee, Okl ahoma. GG-June 16, 1921, Edith Reeg and Mr. Herbert Reginald Rainey. At home, Ca rmen, Oklahoma. GG-June 30, 192 1, J enni e Belle Smith and Mr. Bert Marion Roark. A t home, Earlham, I owa. GG-July 2, 192 1, Mary Clara Baxter and Mr. Ray R. Fuzzell. At home, O ri enta, Oklahoma. GG-December , 1920, E ugenia Huddleston and Mr. X . Speegle At home, Tonkawa, Oklahoma. DD-August, 1921, Ruth Baker and Clifford Schindler, ATO . At home, Tuscarawas, O hi o. DD-December 27, 1920, W ilda Stuber and M r. W . Mark Bell. At home, New Kens ing ton, Pennslyvania . EE-October 1, 1920, Frances Potter and Mr. Harry Colburn. At home, McPherson, Kansas . EE-October 12, 1920, Ruth \N . Scott 路 and Mr. Cha rles Fay Buck. At home, Ente rprise, Kansas . EE-December 5, 1920, Mildred Ove rton and M r. Otto Teichg raber. At home, Gypsum City, Kansas. ZZ-June 25, 1920, Mildred Mo rrow and M r. Amos L. Burks. At home, Yankton, South Dakota. ZZ-September 1, 1920, Do rothy Hale and Captain Edwa rd Martie. ZZ-October 10, 1920, E rma Lee Burri ss and M r. P. M. Rusk. At home, 路w indsor, Missouri. ZZ-October 14, 1920, Ada Lucille Campbell and Mr. Marion F. Pa rker. At home, vVarrensburg, Missouri. ZZ-October 24, 1920, Gladys Hutchens and Mr. Russell D. Magee. At home, Sp ringfield, Missouri. HE-December 24, 1920, Nina Loudenslager and Mr. J ohn M. Gaines. At home, Fayetteville, A rkan sas.
NEW ARRIVALS IN ASA Alpha Beta Announces the Arrival ofJennie Lou at the home of Dr. and M rs. R. N. Blackwell . (Marion Gardner), Dallas, Texas, October 21, 1920. Har riet Louise at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. \ i\/alter Meyer (Geo rge Adams) , Hannibal, Missouri, November 18, 1920. A baby so n at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Grace (Frankie Gentry), Stigler, Oklahoma. Herbert Mauri ce at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Alexand er (Ethel Newmeyer) , at Trenton, Missouri, December 17, 1920. James Franklin at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Royston (Ma rie SimmOJ1s), Roch eport, Missouri , January 30, 1921. Edwa rd Laughlin at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Higbee (Eileen McGinnis), Kirksville, Missouri, March 18, 192 1. Martha An n Johnson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O lie N. Johnson (Ann Higginbotham), at Bowling Green, Missouri. May 9, 1921. Edna Barbara at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Jones (Lena Newmeyer) , Atlanta, Missouri, June 18, 1921.
Gamma Gamma Announces the Arrival ofAnnabel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Beck (Belle Byers), Sti llwater, Oklahoma, August 16, 1920. Th eodore Claud at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Baird (Nora Crabtree), Stillwater, Oklahoma, October 26, 1920. Jennie Ma rgaret at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \ i\1 . E. Lane (Aria Smith ), January 1, 192 1. E ll a Loui se at the home of Mr. and M rs. John Hyde (Frances Snow), A lva, Oklahoma, May 13, 1921. Keith Kilbourn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Reid (Mayme Spurri er), Great Bend, Kansas, September 9, 1921. A baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Stanl ey May (Louise Mi ller), Alva, Oklahoma .
Zeta Zeta Announces the Arrival ofVirginia Dee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B'enjamin B. Brown (Jewell Hutchens), Bakersfield, California, May 30, 1920. William Robert at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hunt (Nelle Mayes), Leeton, Missouri, September 8, 1920. Alpha Sigma Alpha extends sympathy for the loss of this wee son on September 13. The latest Alpha Gamma announced to the PHOENIX is the little baby girl brought on September 9, by United Storks Express to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Waring (Martha Hill). According to the announcement she was "received in good condition with charges prepaid."
An announcement of interest to Alpha Sigma Alphas is that of the marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Sipple of Richmond, Missouri, to "our Bobbie's'' father, Mr. Charles R. Reed, on March 1, 1921. Alpha Sigma Alpha extends best wishes.
/ I