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Programs To Prioritize Your Wellness
Our National Philanthropy, the Women’s Wellness Initiative, prioritizes women’s mental and physical health to support successful, fulfilling lives. We encourage wellness among our members through a variety of opportunities and programs, which support our members as they promote wellness and engage with their communities.
Occupational Wellness
Occupational wellness is the ability to function at an optimum level of physical, mental, and social well-being in professional settings. In addition to the leadership opportunities available within our chapters via the Executive Committee, we offer programs that develop career and financial skills.
Entering a professional field, searching for a job, or making a career change can be daunting tasks. Our Career Coaching program can help you get off on the right foot! Three video courses offer you advice and guidance throughout the job search process, from tailoring your resume to preparing for your final interview. Additionally, there is a course that discusses the best way to network and find mentors in your career field.
Once you’ve got the job, you want to stay on top of your finances! MoneySmarts U provides insight into your finances and helps you develop financial literacy, no matter where you start. From student-athletes to medical school, there’s a course for everyone and everything, whether you need help figuring out taxes, insurance, or major life purchases.
Emotional Wellness
Emotional wellness is the awareness and management of feelings and behaviors that result in positive selfesteem and healthy communication. Women with emotional wellness develop positive relationships with others, are self-reliant, and hold themselves accountable for their mistakes. Through self-awareness and selfcontrol, emotionally well individuals manage stress effectively and express their emotions appropriately.
Our Caring Confrontation course is a 21-part series designed to teach all members how to create positive interpersonal relationships and view conflict and confrontation as moments of growth. It will help you learn to differentiate between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, clarify intentions, and identify the circumstances needed for effective conversations. Whether at work, in your chapter, or among your friend groups, this course can give you the confidence you need to navigate rocky times.
Social Wellness
Social wellness is when one acts while considering the greater good and taking an active part in society. In order for Alpha Sigma Tau women to contribute our share to the progress of humankind, we have to think of others, develop healthy relationships, and create positive change in our communities through our careers, volunteerism, or elsewhere.
Part of the Women’s Wellness Initiative is advocacy work. In order to achieve wellness, our members must be fully engaged in their communities and take steps that support others. This can include volunteering, protesting, and educating yourself. We have provided a library of DEI resources for all our members to engage with – the skills gained will intersect with all parts of your life, from the personal to the professional.
Our anti-racism resource library was curated by Dr. Grace E. Henry, Director of Diversity and Inclusion at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. She has over 20 years of experience in student activities, student leadership, and multicultural services. Dr. Henry is an accomplished author, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur, who holds a B.S. in psychology, an M.Ed in counseling psychology, and an Ed.D in higher education administration.
Whether you have 10 minutes or an hour, prefer to read or watch a video, there is a resource for you to learn more about defining racism, what doing anti-racist work looks like, discovering the meaning of intersectionality, and more.