The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta: 125th Anniversary Celebration

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125th Anniversary Issue

the of Alpha Xi Delta

Celebrating Alpha Xi Delta




12 18









24 32


20 1970-1979



6 1900-1909

14 1940-1949

22 1980-1989


Chapter Listing

8 1910-1919

16 1950-1959

24 1990-1999


18 1960-1969

26 2000-2009





Volume 115/Issue 2

Copyright 2018 by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity; all rights reserved.

YOU ONLY TURN 125 ONCE, SISTERS! Our Founders attended college at a time when it was not customary for a young woman to seek higher education opportunities to pursue professional careers. Because of that, women at the time were looking for ways to support one another and contribute to society. And, our Founders were no different. In those secret meetings at 629 Day Street in Galesburg in 1893, Harriet Luella McCollum shared her vision and the need for women at Lombard to have an organization that could provide female students with friendship, support and a positive collegiate experience. The idea for Alpha Xi Delta was born.

“We hoped by the formation of another sorority

In 1902, Alpha Xi Delta’s Constitution was

to provide an educational and social center which

adopted and declared Alpha Xi Delta a national

would make new students feel at home and which

fraternity. The Beta Chapter at Iowa Wesleyan was

would benefit them in a number of ways,” wrote

installed on June 9, 1902. Since that time, Alpha Xi

founding member Almira Cheney in the August

Delta has installed 219 chapters across the United

1909 issue of The Alpha Xi Delta. “Our aim was to

States and has initiated more than 175,000 women!

be democratic, not to allow wealth or position to

influence us in choosing new members, but rather

ideals and rituals of which our Sisterhood

to regard the true worth of the girl intellectually and

represents has remained constant. Alpha Xi Delta is

spiritually as the test.”

a home away from home. It’s a place where women

are supported to be leaders, pursue their passions,

On April 17, 1893 ten bold, courageous women

For the past 125 years, the values, traditions,

entered the chapel at Lombard donning their

become trailblazers and realize their potential –

crisp, double blue bows and pink long-stemmed

just like it was in 1893. As a member of Alpha Xi

roses and sat together at the back of the room

Delta, you play an important piece in our collective

to announce their new fraternity. Moments later,

history. It started with your initiation into our dear

cheers and applause rang out from others as a

Sisterhood, and it continues throughout the next

sign of approval for this new organization – Alpha

decades through your commitment to fulfill the

Xi Delta. One recruit, Jessie Brown Robson, said, “I

vision of our Founders. How will you better yourself?

remember so well the girls marching in with their

Your chapter? Your Sisters and friends? Because of

pink roses and light and dark blue ribbons. Right

you, the Fraternity we hold so dear in our hearts will

then I decided I was going to Lombard instead of

continue to flourish for the next 125 years.

Knox – and join that sorority.” Jessie was initiated into Alpha Xi Delta on November 9, 1893.











Four brothers of Sigma Nu at Lombard College who


Almira Lowry Cheney, 1875-1946

helped the Founders develop plans for Alpha Xi Delta.

Almira Cheney was Alpha Chapter’s Secretary and

Of our ten Founders, only six ever married. Five of them

was one of three commencement speakers at

married Sigma Nus. Julia Maude Foster once said, “Five

Lombard for the class of ’96.

of ten married Sigma Nus. The other five of us failed.”


Alpha Chapter members in their basketball uniforms

in 1898. Edna Epperson Brinkman, National President 1903-04, is shown second from the right.


Alice Bartlett Bruner, 1878-1966

Alice was instrumental in establishing the Beta

wrote many of the Fraternity’s early songs. Bertha Cook Evans, 1874-1957

Bertha served as Alpha Chapter’s Marshal. She

Cora served as Alpha Xi Delta’s first Chapter President


Frances Elisabeth Cheney, 1869-1901

Frances served as Alpha Chapter’s Chaplain and


Cora Bollinger Block, 1869-1944

and National President.


served as Chapter President in 1895.


Eliza Drake Curtis Everton, 1867-1934

Eliza came to Lombard College as a widow. She served as Chapter President in the fall of 1893.

Epsilon Chapter at Monmouth College in Illinois.

The Quill | 4








Julia Maude Foster, 1875-1948


Lewie Strong Taylor, 1867-1950

Julia only attended Lombard for one year. She

Lewie served as Treasurer and was one of the oldest

served on the committee that drafted Alpha Xi Delta’s

Founders at the age of 25. She is most well-known

first Constitution.

for designing the Quill badge.



Lucy W. Gilmer, 1872-1939

Lucy served as Alpha Xi Delta’s first Vice President.


The original Quill badges were smaller than they are

today and were set on stickpins. Shown is Lewie Strong Taylor’s original badge, and it is the only badge from a

Harriet Luella McCollum, 1874-1948

Founder in the Fraternity’s possession. The Quill badge

Harriet was Alpha Chapter’s first Historian. It was in the apartment she shared with Cora that the

was standardized at the 1909 National Convention.

first plans for Alpha Xi Delta were made.



NOTABLE NEWS 1893-1899

•A pril 17, 1893: Alpha Xi Delta’s founding date and the

• Grover Cleveland inaugurated as the 24th President.

Quill is adopted as our badge.

An early photo of the Alpha Chapter.

• Hawaii annexed to the US in 1898.

• June 17, 1893: The Constitution is formally signed.

• First Nobel Peace Prize awarded in 1899. | 5




The Old Main Building on Lombard’s campus where

many students congregated.


Ella Boston Leib, Alpha Xi Delta’s first National

Secretary from 1901-02, and she also served as National President from 1903-09.


The Alpha Chapter in 1905.


The new member pin was adopted at the second


National Convention in 1904. Gamma Chapter Sisters

Sisters of the Gamma Chapter at the University

of Mount Union pose for a photo with their charter in 1903.

Mary Emily Kay, Eloise Patton McKnight and Fern Fogle Holtz selected the design that is still used today.

The Quill | 6





• 1904: The first Alpha Xi Delta magazine was

HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS DECADE •A pril 17, 1900: The Delta Theta Chapter of Sigma Nu published the first Alpha Xi Delta songbook and presented it to the Alpha Chapter. It contained six songs that were handwritten by Cora Bollinger Block. • 1902: Alpha Xi Delta’s Constitution was adopted and Alpha Xi Delta became a national organization. •J une 9, 1902: Beta Chapter was founded at Iowa Wesleyan University. Gold was added to the existing colors to distinguish Alpha Xi Delta from other • 1903: Alpha Xi Delta was one of the ten organizing • 1903: The first National Convention was held in

were officially adopted. • 1907: Alpha Xi Delta became incorporated in the state of Ohio.

NOTABLE NEWS 1900-1909 •L . Frank Baum published “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” in 1900. • The first electric typewriter was invented in 1901.

organizations. groups of NPC.

published. The new member pin and Coat of Arms

• The first World Series was held in 1902. •T he Ford Motor Company produced its first car – the Ford Model A in 1903.

Galesburg, Illinois. | 7






Alumnae Sisters from Syracuse in 1914.

were required to participate in at least two university


Alpha Alpha Chapter was installed at the University

activities and recommended one of them as the Young

of Pittsburgh on May 17, 1918.

Sisters promoting a local YWCA meeting in Silver

Bay, New York in 1912. In 1915, all active members

Women’s Christian Association.


The Upsilon Chapter at the University of Vermont

in 1916.


The Theta Chapter house at the University of

Wisconsin in 1918 at 434 Sterling Court in Madison, Wisconsin.

The Quill | 8





NOTABLE NEWS 1910-1919

• 1911: The National House Fund was established.

•W ashington became the first state in 14 years to

• 1911: First Honor Ring was awarded to recognize high

extend voting rights to women in 1910.

individual scholastic achievement. It was discontinued

• The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912.

in 1918 nationally.

• The first crossword puzzle was published in 1913.

• 1914: The cornerstone of Alpha Chapter’s lodge was laid.

• World War I began in 1914 and ended in 1918.

• 1918: The first central office was established. | 9






4 The delegates of Province VI Convention in 1929.

Sisters at the 1922 National Convention held in

Lexington, Kentucky.


The province Convention was held at the University of Washington with Nu Chapter acting as the hostesses.

The Chapter President of Alpha Psi Chapter at the

University of Denver in 1929.


The purpose of the province Convention was to clear ground for matters to be presented at the National Convention held in the next year. There was a topic

The founding members of Alpha Nu Chapter at the

University of Montana in 1924.

assigned to each chapter and the discussion was led by its delegate.

The Quill | 10



NOTABLE NEWS 1920-1929

• 1920: The first province system was implemented.

•U .S. prohibition of alcohol began on January 16, 1919

• 1924: The Symphony of Alpha Xi Delta was approved. It was created by Helen Willis Lynn, Almira Cheney and Alice Matthews.

and continued through the 1920s. •F irst Winter Olympic Games took place in Chamonix, France in 1924.

• 1927: The first new member manual was produced.

• Babe Ruth was the most famous baseball player.

• 1 928: Alpha Xi Delta adopted a resolution to prohibit

• The National Football League was founded.

pre-Initiation hazing of all its college chapters. | 11







Sisters of the Theta Chapter at the University of

Sisters taking a break for tea at the 1947 National

Wisconsin-Madison in 1939. The chapter was founded

Convention in Murray Bay, Canada. This was the first

on January 16, 1905.

Convention to be held since 1941 due to cancellations


because of World War II. In 1930, Convention delegates decided to support

a teacher from the Carcassonne Mountain Settlement


in Kentucky. The Fraternity’s Carcassonne Fund was

of California – Berkeley in the 1930s. The chapter was

supported by a per capita tax of 50 cents from each

founded on May 5, 1909.

active and alumna member. “It seems like a worthwhile

Sisters of the Omicron Chapter at the University

undertaking just to give them a chance to know some


of the comforts we all take for granted; just to let these

South Dakota in 1939.

boys and girls make homes that will be healthier and

Sisters of the Epsilon Chapter at the University of

happier for what Alpha Xi Delta has done,” said Grace


Cogger Carlson, National Second Vice President, in 1932.

the train in front) and Cora Bollinger Block (sitting in

Founders Julia Maude Foster (standing closest to

wheelchair in front) enroute with other Sisters to the 1937 National Convention at Yellowstone Park.

The Quill | 12





NOTABLE NEWS 1930-1939

• 1930: Carcassonne School, in a Kentucky mountain

• The Great Depression halted the economy.

settlement, was adopted as Alpha Xi Delta’s national philanthropy. The partnership ended in 1937. • 1930: Lombard College and Knox College merged. • 1932: A National Expansion Secretary was appointed to supervise the Fraternity’s expansion efforts.

• Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president in 1932. •W alt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released in 1937. •T he chocolate chip cookie was developed in 1938 by Ruth Graves Wakefield.

• 1939: The first officers training school was held. • 1939: Alpha Xi Delta’s Headquarters moved from Mansfield, Ohio, to Chicago, Illinois. Postal employees at the time reported that the mail handled for Alpha Xi Delta was second only at that address to that of the General Motors office in the same building! | 13






Alpha Xi Delta’s first shipment of shoes to Noordwyk


Founding Sisters gathered in 1942. From left to right

is examined by Mary Kinnavey, Iowa ‘15, a chairman of

are Julia Maude Foster, Almira Lowry Cheney, Bertha

the special 1946-47 committee on emergency relief to

Cook Evans and Alice Bartlett Bruner.

the Netherlands.



Due to World War II, most service efforts were

The Beta Chapter at Iowa Wesleyan University

in 1943. This second chapter of Alpha Xi Delta was

directed towards The American Red Cross. From left to right: Olive Johnson, UC – Berkeley ’09, Winnafred

founded on June 9, 1902.

Corwin Robinson, UW-Madison ’15, and Rose Mueller,


Alleghany ’35, inside an American Red Cross Mobile

Convention in Murray Bay, Canada. This was the first

Canteen in 1944.

Convention to be held since 1941 due to cancellations


Sisters taking a break for tea at the 1947 National

because of World War II. The Sigma Chapter at the University of Iowa in 1943.

The Quill | 14




• 1 949: Order of the Rose recognition for 50 years of

HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS DECADE • 1941: National Convention delegates decided that money in the National Philanthropic Fund would be available for use by needy chapters and no national philanthropic project would be adopted until the fund was sufficient to develop a project of fundamental value. • 1943-1945: National Conventions were cancelled due to World War II. • 1946: Alpha Xi Delta’s headquarters moved from Chicago to Evanston, Illinois, due to the cost of rising rent in the city. • 1 947: Alpha Xi Delta became involved with the village

membership was created. Edna Epperson Brinkman was the first receipient.

NOTABLE NEWS 1940-1949 • World War II took place from 1939–1945. • J ackie Robinson signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1945 and opened the door to the integration of Major League Baseball. • Swing became the most popular type of music. • Velcro was invented.

of Noordwyk in the Netherlands that had been severely damaged by Nazi raids during World War II. | 15







The women of the Omega Chapter at Stetson

University performed a sailor skit.


housemother giving out pink roses. A composite of the Beta Omega Chapter at


Memphis State University.


The Rose Formal at the Alpha Theta Chapter at

Northwestern University in 1952. Shown here is the

Collegiate delegates at the 1953 National Convention

in Pasadena, California, take a break at the pool. Dr. Elizabeth G. Van Buskirk cutting the surprise

birthday cake presented in honor of the Fraternity’s


60th birthday. She is wearing the National President’s

Convention in 1953, the National President at the time,

medallion which was adopted at the 1953 National

Hannah Wollaston Schellenbach, died in her sleep

Convention. Each link on the medallion bears the

of coronary occlusion at her home. The remaining

name of each college chapter and is passed down

members of the National Council decided to carry

from one National President to another.

on with the Convention.


Three weeks before Alpha Xi Delta’s 23rd National

Attendees at the 1957 National Convention

in Gulfport, Mississippi.

The Quill | 16






NOTABLE NEWS 1950-1959

• 1951: National Convention was cancelled due to

•T he Korean War took place from 1950 to 1953.

the crisis in Korea.

•T he Vietnam War began in 1955.

• 1953: National President Hannah Schellenbach died while in office. Betty Van Buskirk succeeded her as National President.

• NASA was established in 1958. • Alaska and Hawaii became states in 1959. •D r. Jonas Salk developed the first successful

• 1953: The National President’s medallion was

anti-polio vaccine.

introduced at the 1953 National Convention in Pasadena, California. • 1956: The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation was incorporated. • 1956: The first Chapter Officer Round Table (CORT) was held at Indiana University. Nearly 125 Sisters were in attendance. • 1957: The first year of Alpha Xi Delta’s Field Counselor program was completed. | 17







The cornerstone of the Alpha Xi Delta cottage was

removed in 1967. It contained Founder Almira Cheney’s rose and colors worn on April 17, 1893.


Convention attendees at the 1962 National

Convention in Bedford Springs, Pennsylvania.


Sisters of the Pi Chapter at Ohio University in 1966.

Boulevard in Indianapolis, Indiana. The building was


Mary Burt Brooks Nash served as Alpha Xi Delta’s

purchased in 1963 and was used until 1975 when the

National President from 1957 to 1962 and held the

present Headquarters on Founders Road was built.

National Panhellenic Conference Chair from 1961 to



Alpha Xi Delta’s Fraternity Headquarters on Washington

1963. Mary also helped establish the Alpha Xi Delta Field Counselors in 1966-67. The Field Counselor

Foundation to help fund educational programming

week-long training program was implemented in 1965

and leadership opportunities for the women of

and proved to be very successful. The training program

Alpha Xi Delta.

covered Fraternity operations, membership campaign assistance procedures and new chapter education.


Attendees of the Diamond Jubilee Convention

in 1968 in Sun Valley, Idaho.

The Quill | 18




• 1968: Alpha Xi Delta celebrated its 75th anniversary at


the Diamond Jubilee Convention in Sun Valley, Idaho.

• 1963: Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters purchased a building on Washington Boulevard in Indianapolis, Indiana. • 1963: Mary Burt Brooks Nash served as the National Panhellenic Conference Chairman. • 1965: The Quackenbush Award for an outstanding senior was given for the first time. • 1967: The cornerstone of the Alpha Xi Delta cottage on the Lombard campus was removed which contained the rose and colors worn by Almira Cheney on April 17, 1893, and the message delivered by the Reverend Almira Cheney at the dedication of the cottage in 1914. • 1968: Betty Robertson Wert took over as Executive Secretary after Jeanne Dickson married and retired.

NOTABLE NEWS 1960-1969 • President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. • The Vietnam War continued. •D r. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. He was assassinated in 1968. •C ivil Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. •T he Beatles appeared on “The Ed Sullivan Show” in 1964 and “Beatlemania” ensued. •A stronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon. | 19






New members from the Delta Chapter at Bethany

College after the Pledging Ceremony in 1970.



A resident of Pittman Hall in 1974. Pittman Hall was

a private institution for delinquent girls. Alpha Xi Deltas donated money, along with other items like clothing,

Sisters during the award ceremony during the 1971

games and books, to the institution as the national

National Convention held in Hollywood, Florida.

philanthropic project.



Sisters participating in a fun and games night potato

Sisters waiting to register and pick up their welcome

sack race during the 1976 National Convention in

packets during the 1974 National Convention held in

Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Chicago, Illinois.


Sisters from the Delta Epsilon Chapter at the

University of New Orleans during recruitment in 1976.

The Quill | 20




• 1978: Respiratory health was designated as the

HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS DECADE • 1970: Members of the Ohio National Guard killed four students at Kent State University in Ohio during a mass protest against the Vietnam War. Sister Sandra Scheuer, Kent State ’68, was one of the victims who was killed while walking to class. • 1970: Alpha Xi Delta adopted Pittman Hall as a

new philanthropic focus. • 1978: The Loyalty Fund for the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation was created.

NOTABLE NEWS 1970-1979 •P resident Richard Nixon became the first President

national philanthropic focus. • 1974: Al Fuzzie was adopted as the official Alpha Xi Delta mascot. • 1975: Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters was dedicated at its current location on Founders Road in Indianapolis. • 1975: CORT was held and the name was changed to

to resign in 1974. • Vietnam War ended in 1975. • Women’s movement gained momentum. • The U.S. celebrated its 200th birthday in 1976. •T he disco era took hold in 1977 after the release of Saturday Night Fever.

Combined Officers Round Table. | 21





Sisters getting excited for the Convention

announcement in 1982.



The first BetXi Bear costume created in 1989.

The costume was designed by Kathy Spetz, Florida State ’70.


Bid Day in 1983.


Sisters show their Alpha Xi Delta pride at the

1983 CORT.


A recruitment party at the Gamma Alpha

Chapter at San Diego State University in 1989.


Sisters at the 1988 National Convention held

in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The Quill | 22





NOTABLE NEWS 1980-1989

• 1986: Order of the Pearl and Diamond recognition

• Mount St. Helens erupted in Washington in 1980.

for 60-year and 75-year membership was created. • 1986: The first Woman of Distinction Awards were presented to Alice Frampton Dittman, Nora Stine, Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne, Susan Loehr, Rita Elizabeth Prescott and Mary Burt Brooks Nash. • 1986: Xi Boutique opened. • 1989: BetXi Bear became the official mascot of Alpha Xi Delta.

• The personal computer experienced explosive growth. •S andra Day O’Connor became the first woman to be appointed as a Supreme Court Justice in 1980. •M TV was launched and music videos began to affect the record industry. •H IV/AIDS identified and more than 200,000 people became infected by the end of the decade. | 23







Sisters taking a moment to explore Baltimore during


The Iota Delta Chapter at the University of Central

National Convention in 1990.

Oklahoma after its Installation on May 1, 1999.



Phi Chapter Sisters at Albion College celebrating

after winning tug-o-war during the 1995 Greek Week competition.



Sisters from the Delta Rho Chapter at California

Bid Day 1994 for the Beta Theta Chapter at Michigan

State University.

State University, Northridge taking a break from their sorority intramural softball game in 1997.

The Installation of the Iota Beta Chapter at California

State University, Stanislaus in 1999.


The Beta Eta Chapter at the University of Maryland

posing with Testudo, the university’s mascot, in 1990.

The Quill | 24




• 1 999: “Inspiring women to realize their potential” was


adopted as the Fraternity’s vision.

• 1991: Fraternity Headquarters was remodeled. • 1 992: The 100,000th Alpha Xi Delta member was initiated. • 1993: Alpha Xi Delta celebrated its 100th anniversary. • 1 994: Heart Fund Grants were established to provide emergency financial assistance to members from the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation.

NOTABLE NEWS 1990-1999 •T he World Trade Center (1993) and the Federal Building in Oklahoma City (1995) were bombed. • The first web browser went online in 1993.

• 1 996: Alpha Xi Delta launched its first website at

• 1 999: The National Housing Corporation was formed.

• Cell phones rose in popularity. • The “Harry Potter” series debuted in 1997. • The first MP3 player was released in 1998. | 25







On April 2, 2009, Alpha Xi Deltas announced our

new philanthropic partnership with Autism Speaks on the “Today Show”.



Past National President Jane Sutton cutting the cake

at Delta Chapter’s Centennial anniversary at Bethany College in 2003.


Sisters from the Rho Chapter at a philanthropy event

at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2003. Sisters from the Delta Rho Chapter at California

State University, Northridge in 2006.


The alumnae team at the Volunteer Leadership

Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, in 2008. From left to Members of the Zeta Nu Chapter at Miami University

right: Julie Schroder Lindsay, Marshall ’92, Jill Potts,

celebrating Founders’ Day with the Cincinnati Alumnae

Rider ’91, Heather Roberts Lerch, Rider ’92, and Sara

Association in 2009.

Konopka, Purdue ’01.


The cover of the Realize Your Potential program

in 2003.

The Quill | 26






NOTABLE NEWS 2000-2009

• 2002: Choose Children celebrated 10 years of being

• September 11 attacks occurred in New York City;

Alpha Xi Delta’s philanthropic focus.

Washington, D.C.; and Shanksville, Pennsylvania in 2001.

• 2003: The Realize Your Potential Member Development Program was implemented.

•T he PBS series “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” aired its final episode on August 31, 2001.

• 2005: Alpha Xi Delta partnered with First Book, a national

•H urricane Katrina at peak strength made landfall

non-profit with the mission to give children from low-

in New Orleans, and was recognized as the costliest

income families their own first new books to read.

natural disaster with $108 billion in damages.

• 2007: Alpha Xi Delta Foundation celebrated its 50th anniversary.

•T he 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic was declared a national emergency.

• 2008: The Workout, a recruitment workshop,

• Facebook was created.

held four sessions for collegiate Sisters. • 2009: Alpha Xi Delta introduced the Be The Heart of Alpha Xi Delta National Alumnae Dues Program. • 2009: Alpha Xi Delta partnered with Autism Speaks as a national philanthropic partner. • 2009: Alpha Xi Delta launched new jeweled Quill badges. | 27







Sisters from the Beta Xi Chapter at Marietta College


Sisters from the Beta Eta Chapter at the University of

in 2010.

Maryland in 2013. The chapter was reestablished in 2013.



Theta Zeta Chapter Sisters from the class of 2010 at

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott.


Summer Immersion participants visiting the

IvyMount School in Maryland in 2014. The Summer Immersion experience allows collegiate members

Sisters gathering in Washington, D.C. in 2016 for a

to gain a deeper understanding of autism spectrum

Let Your Strengths Shine event. The event taught Sisters

disorders by collaborating and developing connections

how to use their strengths and build upon their talents

with Autism Speaks while spending a week fully

to become better leaders.

immersed in the four pillars of our partner’s mission:


understanding and acceptance, family services, Sisters at the Centennial anniversary of Pi Chapter at

Ohio University in 2011.

5 In 2014, the inaugural Founders’ Academy was held at

advocacy and research.


Past National President Jane Sutton (right) taking

over the gavel from Eve Woods Riley of Delta Delta

Georgia Tech. The Founders’ Academy is a comprehensive

Delta to become the National Panhellenic Conference

experience, designed for Chapter Presidents and

Chairman in 2011. Jane served as chairman from 2011-13.

emerging leaders, that is centered on StrengthsQuest™. The Quill | 28



8 7

• 2017: Inspire replaced the Realize Your Potential

HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS DECADE • 2011: Past National President Jane Sutton served as NPC Chairman from 2011-13.

Member Development Program. • 2017: Alpha Xi Deltas raised more than $7,000,000 for Autism Speaks.

• 2012: The first Summer Immersion was held. • 2013: The 50th National Convention was held in San Francisco, California. • 2013: The Foundation received its largest gift in history. Helen Lee Wayne Riddle, Oklahoma ’47, left a $1.2 million unrestricted gift. • 2014: The Founders’ Academy (TFA) was held for the first time for Chapter Presidents and emerging chapter leaders. • 2015: Alpha Xi Delta became the national presenting sponsor for all Autism Speaks Walks across the

• 2018: Alpha Xi Delta celebrates its 125th anniversary!

NOTABLE NEWS 2010-2018 • Google developed the world’s first self-driving car. •A pple Inc. launched the iPad in 2010. •A n estimated 2 billion people watched the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton in 2011. •M ichael Phelps became the most decorated Olympian ever after winning his 22nd medal.

United States. | 29

Installed Chapters During the 1901-02 school year, the dream to make Alpha Xi Delta a national organization was born. “Of the work we are doing now we can say but very little,” wrote an unidentified member of Alpha Xi Delta on Thursday, April 17, 1902. “But we hope that by the next year it will play a very important part in the history, and prove to us that the greatest of all our dreams has been realized.” On June 9, 1902, the Beta Chapter was installed at Iowa Wesleyan. The members of Alpha Xi Delta revealed their secret as they entered the chapel at Lombard, but this time they were wearing double blue and gold ribbons to signify the nationalization of the Fraternity. Gold was added because an existing national fraternity already had light blue and dark blue colors. Since the inception of the Beta Chapter and the nationalization of Alpha Xi Delta, the Fraternity has grown to 219 installed chapters. On the following pages is a listing of each chapter, its founding university and date of installation. Alpha Chapter, Lombard College (now Knox College in Illinois) The Alpha Chapter was founded on April 17, 1893 and remained a local chapter for nine years. In 1929, Lombard College closed, and Alpha Xi Deltas approached the local sorority, Zeta Pi, at Knox College with a plan for pledging and initiating the members to continue the Alpha Chapter. The Alpha Chapter went dormant in 1973.

but was reinstalled on May 1, 2016. Zeta Chapter proudly claims two Past National Presidents – Anna Miller Knote (1920-22) and Maxine Evans Blackburn (1982-86), and three Fraternity headquarters executives – Anna Miller Knote, first Executive Secretary (1918-20; 1922-39), Betty Robinson Wert, National Administrative Director (1968-82) and Diane Curtis Gregory, National Executive Director (1982-95).

Beta Chapter, Iowa Wesleyan University Cora Bollinger Block presided at the installation of Beta Chapter on June 9, 1902. The chapter’s history dates back farther to 1869 as Chapter S of the P.E.O. sisterhood. The Beta Chapter attended the first National Convention in 1903 and hosted the third Convention in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, in 1905.

Eta Chapter, Syracuse University (New York) Eleven members of Kappa Rho local were initiated as charter members of the Eta Chapter in 1904. Eta proudly claims three Past National Presidents of Alpha Xi Delta – Lena Grandin Baldwin (1911-18), Dorothy Bryan Dengler (1932-37) and Dr. Elizabeth G. Van Buskirk (1953-57). Eta Sisters Bertha Cleveland Patterson and Ethel Baldwin-Bruce were both Editors of The Alpha Xi Delta in 1907.

Gamma Chapter, University of Mount Union (Ohio) The Gamma Chapter was installed by Cora Bollinger Block on August 20, 1902. The chapter hosted the second National Convention in Alliance, Ohio. Mary Emily Kay, Alpha Xi Delta’s fourth National President, was an initiate of Gamma Chapter. Delta Chapter, Bethany College (West Virginia) The Delta Chapter was started by seven women who met regularly in the Phillips Hall Dormitory at Bethany. They prepared a constitution and bylaws and petitioned to become affiliated with Alpha Xi Delta. The Delta Chapter was installed on June 6, 1905. As the oldest national fraternity on campus in 1905, the chapter organized the college Panhellenic Association. Past National President (1947-53) Hannah Wollaston Schellenbach was an initiate of Delta Chapter. Epsilon Chapter, University of South Dakota Edna Epperson Brinkman officiated the installation of the Epsilon Chapter on June 15, 1903. The first chapter home was acquired in 1919. In 1937, a new home was built for the chapter and used until 2017. The chapter tore down the existing home and is currently in the process of building a new chapter house that will open in fall 2018. Elysia Gallivan, an initiate of Epsilon Chapter, has served as National Executive Director since 2008. Zeta Chapter, Wittenberg University (Ohio) Zeta Chapter was installed in 1904 with members of the local sorority, Sigma Pi. The chapter was declared dormant in 1992,

Theta Chapter, University of Wisconsin-Madison In 1903, nine young women at UW-Madison met regularly for meals together. By 1905, the group had grown to 15, and the women became the charter members of Theta Chapter. Theta Chapter has given the Fraternity many leaders, including three Past National Presidents: Polly Fenton (191820), Frances Trewyn Kuechenmeister (1941-44) and Winnafred Corwin Robinson (1944-47). Polly Fenton also served as Editor of The Alpha Xi Delta from 1911-18. Iota Chapter, West Virginia University Iota Chapter was organized in 1904 as Beta Pi local with the purpose of petitioning Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. Dr. Charles Ambler of WVU’s History Department was instrumental in bringing together Alpha Xi Delta and the original seven founders of Beta Pi. The chapter was installed on May 8, 1905, making Alpha Xi Delta the first sorority on WVU’s campus to become a national group. The chapter was also the first sorority on campus to purchase a permanent chapter home that has been remodeled throughout the years to accommodate for the chapter’s growth. Kappa Chapter, University of Illinois Seven young women formed Omega Omicron in 1904, working secretly while pursuing a charter with Alpha Xi Delta because they did not want to be known as a local. The petition was submitted in October 1905, and the Kappa

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Chapter was installed on December 15, 1905. Rosalie Retz Bell, National Executive Secretary 1913-15, was a Kappa Chapter initiate. The chapter went dormant in 1995, but was reinstalled on March 13, 2009. Lambda Chapter, Tufts University (Massachusetts) Originally Tau Epsilon Sigma local, the Lambda Chapter was installed on March 8, 1907. The chapter’s roots go back to 1896 when the local Tau Epsilon Sigma was originally founded. Twenty-five of the 46 charter initiates were alumnae who immediately organized the Boston Alumnae Association. Ruth Sibley-Haskell was the Editor of The Alpha Xi Delta from 19091911, and Persis Hannah Brown was the Associate Editor. Brown also composed the song “The Rose of Alpha Xi Delta.” Lambda Chapter became dormant in 1956. Mu Chapter, University of Minnesota Lambda Beta local, founded in 1905, was installed as Mu Chapter on May 25, 1907. Marjorie Marchbank Parker, a Mu Chapter Sister, was an Editor of The Quill. Mu Chapter became dormant in 1960 and returned to campus in 1982 for four years. It closed again in 1986. Nu Chapter, University of Washington The local fraternity Sigma Alpha Sigma was organized by several women in 1905. Early in the fall of 1907, Madie Wlliman, the chapter president of Sigma Alpha Sigma, met a Theta Chapter member of Alpha Xi Delta at a dinner party and became fast friends. The local petitioned Alpha Xi Delta because of the connection to the Theta Chapter from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Nu Chapter was installed on May 31, 1907. Past National President (1993-97) Linda Belles Dinus was a 1960 initiate of the Nu Chapter. Xi Chapter, University of Kentucky Alpha Xi Delta was the first women’s national fraternity at the University of Kentucky when it was installed on September 11, 1908. The chapter hosted the 1922 National Convention. Past National Presidents Kimberly Kay Starr (1997-2001) and Sandi Edwards (2011-15) are initiates of Xi Chapter. The chapter became dormant in 2001. Omicron Chapter, University of California-Berkeley A group of women known as Dal Riada petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter and were installed as the Omicron Chapter on May 5, 1909. In 1950, Omicron Chapter topped the campus and the fraternity with a new member class of 36. Omicron Sister M. Olive Johnson Thompson served as National President from 1922-26. In the 1960s, the campus was a hotbed of protest and dissension, and many national fraternities, including Alpha Xi Delta, found it necessary to close. The chapter became dormant in 1969. Pi Chapter, Ohio University Pi Chapter was founded on April 28, 1911. The chapter has consistently produced leaders and captured honors, both on campus and in the Fraternity. Ruth Fowler Brown, a Pi Chapter Sister, was National President from 1968-71.

Rho Chapter, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Installed on June 5, 1912, the Rho Chapter was a dream come true for Mildred Daniels, a student whose mother was a member of Chapter S of P.E.O., which became the Beta Chapter, and Lulu Runge, a math teacher at the University of Nebraska who was an initiate of the Theta Chapter from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 1929, the chapter moved into the house it still occupies to this date. Past National President (1988-93) Jayne Wade Anderson was an initiate of the Rho Chapter. Sigma Chapter, University of Iowa Lena Grandin Baldwin and Anna Miller Knote installed the Sigma Chapter on June 12, 1912. The chapter moved into its present home in 1930 and the members later painted the house inside and out themselves to save money during the Great Depression. Gertrude M. Anderson who served as the National Executive Secretary for more than 20 years, beginning in 1940, and Past National President (1939-41) Olive Torgeson Wagner were initiates of the Sigma Chapter. Tau Chapter, University of New Hampshire The Tau Chapter was installed on September 25, 1914. Ten years after its installation, the chapter had the distinction of building and occupying the first women’s fraternity house at the University of New Hampshire. Upsilon Chapter, University of Vermont On February 15, 1915, the Alpha Sigma local was installed as the Upsilon Chapter. Meetings were first held in the homes of members, then in a succession of rented rooms, suites and houses until 1935, when the chapter moved into its own home. In 1941, the chapter relocated again. The Upsilon Chapter became dormant in 1947. Phi Chapter, Albion College (Michigan) When Phi Chapter was installed on December 3, 1915, it marked the first Alpha Xi Delta chapter in Michigan. Chi Chapter, University of Kansas National President Lena Grandin Baldwin installed the Chi Chapter on December 10, 1915. Due to low college attendance during The Great Depression, the chapter closed in 1935. It was reestablished on May 2, 1992, but unfortunately became dormant again on September 15, 1998. Psi Chapter, The Ohio State University The Psi Chapter was installed by National President Lena Grandin Baldwin and Grand Treasurer Ellen Ball on January 14, 1916. Psi Chapter’s building corporation established a house fund which enabled the purchase of a chapter home in 1926. The house was demolished and completely rebuilt in 1941 to accommodate the need for more space for the chapter. The Fraternity’s Quackenbush Award, presented for outstanding service and loyalty, was established in honor of Psi Chapter initiate Elizabeth Roberts Quackenbush. Past National Presidents Grace Cogger Sherwood (1937-39) and Betty French Unkel (1976-78), as well as past Editor of The Quill, Wilhelmina Slaymaker Kinsey, were Psi Chapter initiates. | 31

Installed Chapters Omega Chapter, Stetson University (Florida) In the fall of 1916, Eirene Esh Milligan transferred from Ohio University to Stetson University at the request of Stetson’s president. She began the task of organizing a group of young women, known as Alpha Phi Delta, who petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. The petition was granted and the Omega Chapter was installed on May 31, 1917 by National President Anna Miller Knote. The chapter met in rented rooms until 1948 when Stevens Hall, a former women’s dormitory, was vacated and presented to the Panhellenic groups on campus. Alpha Alpha Chapter, University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) Pittsburgh-area Alpha Xi Delta alumnae were instrumental in the establishment of a local organization, Alpha Delta, with the hope of petitioning Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. On May 17, 1918, the local was installed as the Alpha Alpha Chapter by National President Lena Grandin Baldwin. The chapter became dormant in 1938. Alpha Beta Chapter, Cornell University (New York) On May 21, 1918, National President Lena Grandin Baldwin installed the local sorority Delta Pi Alpha as the Alpha Beta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta. The Eta Chapter from Syracuse University assisted with the installation. The chapter closed in 1964, an early victim of the rebellion against tradition and organization, but was reestablished on August 28, 2005. Alpha Gamma Chapter, Coe College (Iowa) The local Chi Rho Phi became Alpha Xi Delta’s Alpha Gamma Chapter on May 23, 1918. Past National President (1962-68) Ethel Garnier Thompson was an initiate of the Alpha Gamma Chapter. Despite its successes in scholarship and leadership, the protest years of the late 1960s and early 1970s created unsurmountable problems and the chapter closed in 1974. Alpha Delta Chapter, Oregon State University Alpha Xi Deltas supervised the growth and development of the local Delta Psi for more than a year until it was installed as the Alpha Delta Chapter on May 30, 1919. A dedicated building corporation purchased property in 1924, and in 1926, the chapter moved into its own new home. The chapter became dormant for a few years and was reestablished in 1978. Unfortunately, the chapter was closed again and then reorganized in 1999. It became dormant again on December 4, 2005. Alpha Epsilon Chapter, University of Michigan Three members of the Phi Chapter from Albion College who were attending the University of Michigan worked to bring the local organization Alpha Delta up to Alpha Xi Delta’s national standards. On February 18, 1920, eighteen women were initiated into the Alpha Epsilon Chapter. The protest years of the late 1960s and 1970s affected the chapter’s membership, but the chapter successfully reestablished in 1985. It became dormant on April 28, 2000. Past National President (1986-88) Dorothy Clarkson Dodd was an initiate of the Alpha Epsilon Chapter. Alpha Zeta Chapter, University of Oklahoma The local sorority Chi Delta was formed in 1919 and petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. The charter was granted and Alpha Zeta Chapter was installed on May 6, 1921. The chapter moved into a home in 1922 and was the first group on campus to own its own facility. The chapter closed in 1950,

but reestablished in 1984. The chapter was unable to cope with the early problems of campus pressures and lack of community support and again became dormant in 1985. Alpha Eta Chapter, Purdue University (Indiana) Although officially installed as an Alpha Xi Delta chapter on May 9, 1921, Alpha Eta’s history dates back to 1911 when a group of women living in a university-owned house decided to run their own house on a cooperative basis. In 1919, the women petitioned the university for recognition as Omega Tau sorority. In 1920, they petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter, and it was granted. Past National President (1974-76) Ernestine Brown Marks was an initiate of Alpha Eta, as well as Sara Nash who served as National Executive Director from 2000-06. Alpha Theta Chapter, Northwestern University (Illinois) The local sorority Alpha Delta became Alpha Xi Delta’s Alpha Theta Chapter on May 11, 1921. Mary Burt Brooks Nash, National President from 1957-62, is one of the chapter’s most distinguished alumnae. She also served as Chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference and served as Alpha Xi Delta’s NPC delegate for several years. Alpha Theta Chapter Sister Ann O’Connor Briggs also served as National President from 1926-32. Jessie Olsen Pulcipher, a founding member of Alpha Theta, served as Editor of The Quill for many years. The chapter became dormant in 1974. Alpha Iota Chapter, Drake University (Iowa) Although installed on September 10, 1921, Alpha Iota Chapter dates back to October 14, 1909 when it was founded as the Idona Club because Drake University banned Greek letter names. By 1911, the Drake administration relaxed its stance on Greek names and the became Iota Delta Omicron. In 1921, the group petitioned Alpha Xi Delta and became Alpha Iota Chapter. The chapter was the first collegiate chapter to make a gift to the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation. The chapter became dormant in 1976. Alpha Kappa Chapter, Kansas State University The Alpha Kappa Chapter was founded on June 1, 1922. The chapter celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1947 with a new chapter house, and the facility has been remodeled several times to keep it up-to-date. Past National President (1971-74) Lois Kopper Stump was an initiate of Alpha Kappa Chapter. Alpha Lambda Chapter, University of Oregon Zeta Rho Epsilon, a local sorority, was organized in 1919 and petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. The Alpha Lambda Chapter was installed on June 10, 1922. In 1925, the chapter had its own orchestra and had many representatives in music honoraries. The chapter became dormant in 1968. Alpha Mu Chapter, Ohio Wesleyan University Pi Mu Psi local sorority petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for affiliation and was installed as the Alpha Mu Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on May 23, 1924. The chapter became dormant in 1979 due to the protest years of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Alpha Nu Chapter, University of Montana The Omega Xi local sorority was installed as the Alpha Nu Chapter on June 14, 1924. The Depression-caused decrease in college enrollment also caused a decrease in Fraternity membership, and Alpha Nu became dormant in 1938.

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Alpha Xi Chapter, University of California – Los Angeles The local sorority, Gamma Lambda Phi, was founded in 1919 at UCLA and petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for affiliation. The members were initiated into the Alpha Xi Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on May 14, 1924, making it the second national women’s fraternity on campus. The chapter became dormant in 1980, when rebuilding membership after the tumultuous 1960s and 1970s was not deemed feasible. Alpha Omicron Chapter, Hunter College (New York) Alpha Omicron Chapter was originally the Phi Alpha Phi local sorority. It was installed as an official Alpha Xi Delta chapter on June 6, 1925. Unfortunately, it became dormant in 1971. Alpha Pi Chapter, Middlebury College (Vermont) The Alpha Pi Chapter was installed on June 13, 1925 by Anna Miller Knote, National Executive Secretary, province officers and the Upsilon Chapter from the University of Vermont. Alpha Pi was another victim of the campus unrest of the 1960s and became dormant in 1965. Alpha Rho Chapter, Allegheny College (Pennsylvania) Past National President Anna Miller Knote officiated at Alpha Rho’s installation on May 24, 1926. Originally a local sorority, the new Alpha Xi Delta chapter assumed leadership positions on its campus. The chapter became dormant on May 1, 1970. Alpha Sigma Chapter, Washington State University First founded as the local sorority Xi Delta in 1922, the group changed its name to Gamma Nu in 1924 and petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter a year later. Gamma Nu was installed as the Alpha Sigma Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on June 5, 1926. The college population declined during World War II and the chapter became dormant in 1943. It was reestablished in 1968, but closed again in 1973. Alpha Tau Chapter, University of Alabama The local sorority Sigma Pi became the Alpha Tau Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on May 4, 1927, making it the seventh sorority on campus. The chapter home sat at 10th and Magnolia Streets and marked the beginning of “sorority row.” Financial pressures combined with unsettled campus conditions caused Alpha Tau to be dormant for a few years, but the chapter was reestablished in 1981. The chapter became dormant again in 1988.

Sisters in 1954 outside the Alpha Xi Chapter House at UCLA.

Alpha Upsilon Chapter, Brenau University (Georgia) The local sorority Pi Gamma Theta was installed as the Alpha Upsilon Chapter on May 7, 1927. The chapter closed in June 1941 after a decline in college population because of the Depression years followed by World War II. Alpha Phi Chapter, University of Pennsylvania The Alpha Phi Chapter was installed by Anna Miller Knote, National Executive Secretary, on September 3, 1927. Another local sorority, Beta Phi, merged with Alpha Phi Chapter in 1933, and in 1946 the chapter moved into its own home. The chapter became dormant in 1966. Alpha Chi Chapter, Randolph-Macon College (Virginia) The local sorority Gamma Phi Epsilon was installed as the Alpha Chi Chapter on May 7, 1928. Many members achieved campus leadership positions and success in their careers, but the chapter became dormant in 1946. Alpha Psi Chapter, University of Denver (Colorado) The Alpha Theta local sorority petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter and was installed on March 16, 1929. The Denver Alumnae Association was also installed the same weekend and became the first alumnae chapter to have its charter presented by a member of National Council. The chapter closed in 1952, was reestablished on November 8, 1992 and became dormant again in 1994. Alpha Omega Chapter, Florida State University The local Beta Tau sorority and the Delta Rho local combined to create the Alpha Omega Chapter and were installed on May 15, 1929. The chapter became dormant in 1980. Beta Alpha Chapter, University of Texas The Beta Alpha Chapter was installed on May 24, 1929, but became dormant in 1942. It was reestablished in 1963 and the chapter moved into a new home. Current National President Micaela Isler is an initiate of the Beta Alpha Chapter. Beta Beta Chapter, Washington University (Missouri) The local sorority Kappa Psi was installed as the Beta Beta Chapter on June 8, 1929 by Past National President Ann O’Connor Pettibone, Past National First Vice-President Myrtle Coker Combe and National Executive Secretary Anna Miller Knote. The chapter became dormant in 1963.

The Alpha Lambda Chapter orchestra in the 1920s. | 33

Installed Chapters Beta Gamma Chapter, Centenary College of Louisiana The Zeta Delta local sorority was installed as the Beta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on March 28, 1931. The first chapter house was obtained in 1932. The chapter became dormant in 1977 as a result of changing attitudes toward the Greek system. Beta Delta Chapter, Denison University (Ohio) The Beta Delta Chapter was installed on October 17, 1931. It was first comprised of a local group known as Eta Sigma Eta, then as Alpha Sigma Alpha and finally, Delta Psi. The chapter was closed in January 1948 due to the war years. Beta Epsilon Chapter, Monmouth College (Illinois) The local sorority Phi Delta Sigma was installed as the Beta Epsilon Chapter on May 14, 1932. The Phi Delta Sigma local dates back to 1903 when the group was know as the “Fidos” because membership in Greek letter groups was not sanctioned at Monmouth. In 1919, the student senate approved national fraternities. Alpha Xi Delta Founder Alice Bartlett Bruner was Beta Epsilon’s chapter advisor for many years. The chapter became dormant in 1980, but was reestablished on November 22, 1997. Beta Zeta Chapter, Lake Forest College (Illinois) The Beta Zeta Chapter was installed on December 3, 1932. Beta Zeta members lived in the women’s dormitory and maintained a suite of rooms in Durand Hall for meetings and socials. The chapter became dormant in September 1961. Beta Eta Chapter, University of Maryland Beta Eta was organized in 1931 as the local Delta Xi sorority because the university mandated that the chapter had to remain local for at least three years. The chapter was officially installed on March 3, 1934. In 1936, a lot was purchased and construction began on a new chapter home. The house, still Beta Eta’s home today, has undergone many renovations to keep it up-to-date. It was the first chapter on campus to pay off its mortgage and celebrated with a “mortgage burning party” in 1950. The chapter became dormant in 1994, but was reestablished on March 14, 2013. Beta Theta Chapter, Michigan State University Fourteen women formed the Ero Alphian Literary Society at Michigan Agricultural College in 1904, and thirty years later, the society petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. The local was installed as the Beta Theta Chapter on October 20, 1934. The chapter became dormant in 2001, but reestablished on February 24, 2014. Beta Iota, Louisiana State University Beta Iota Chapter was installed on February 19, 1938. In 1965, the chapter home was completed and dedicated. Despite the support of loyal alumnae and the Fraternity, Beta Iota Chapter became dormant in 1988. Beta Kappa Chapter, Baldwin Wallace University (Ohio) The local Gamma Sigma sorority was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Beta Kappa Chapter on November 1, 1941, making it the fifth national women’s fraternity on campus. The chapter became dormant in 1998.

Beta Lambda Chapter, Pennsylvania State University The local sorority Krimcron was established in 1939 with the goal of becoming an Alpha Xi Delta chapter. The chapter history reveals the name Krimcron was derived from the first letters of colleges that had an Alpha Xi Delta chapter. Beta Lambda Chapter was installed on April 18, 1942. Beta Mu Chapter, Bowling Green State University (Ohio) The Beta Mu Chapter was installed on Alpha Xi Delta’s 50th anniversary on April 17, 1943, making it the first national sorority on its campus. The chapter moved into a new home during the 2016-17 academic year. Beta Nu Chapter, Culver-Stockton College (Missouri) For 22 years, the local Phi Kappa Chi existed on CulverStockton’s campus. In the late 1930s, the group began collecting paints and prints. The collection, named for a sponsor of the local, now hangs in the Carl Johnson Memorial Library on campus. On November 20, 1943, Phi Kappa Chi was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Beta Nu Chapter. The chapter became dormant in 2002. Beta Nu Sister Barbara Stuckwisch served as National Executive Director from 2006-08. Beta Xi Chapter, Marietta College (Ohio) Formally known as the local sorority Beta Sigma, the Beta Xi Chapter was officially installed on May 26, 1945. Jeanne Dickson Mendenhall, a Beta Xi Chapter initiate, served as National Executive Secretary from 1963-68. Beta Omicron Chapter, Missouri Valley College When Alpha Xi Delta was installed on October 20, 1945, it became the first national sorority on campus. Beta Omicron was originally organized in 1930 as the Valkyr Club, a society to serve as a cheerleading organization. The chapter became dormant in 2002. Beta Pi Chapter, Indiana University Founder Julia Maude Foster was a special guest at the April 13, 1946 installation of the Beta Pi Chapter. The chapter acquired a chapter house immediately and lived there for more than 20 years. In 1969, the chapter was closed due to campus unrest, but was reestablished on April 11, 1987. The current chapter house was dedicated on October 24, 1992. Beta Rho Chapter, University of Utah When Beta Rho Chapter was installed on April 27, 1946, the new group was honored to have Founder Lewie Strong Taylor and her two Alpha Xi Delta daughters in attendance. Hannah Wollaston Schellenbach, then National First Vice-President, was the installing officer. The chapter became dormant in 1955, but was reestablished in 1969. However, the problems of the 1970s and campus unrest brought the chapter to a close in 1977. Beta Sigma Chapter, West Virginia Wesleyan College Installed on October 18, 1947, Beta Sigma originated as the local sorority Sigma Delta Chi. Beta Tau Chapter, Kent State University (Ohio) Alpha Xi Delta’s Beta Tau Chapter was installed on November 22, 1947. The entire Fraternity and nation joined Beta Tau in mourning the death of Sandy Scheur on May 4, 1970, during

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the well-known Kent State demonstration. Having overcome that turbulent year, Beta Tau moved into a new chapter house in 1971. Beta Upsilon Chapter, University of Rhode Island The Beta Upsilon Chapter was installed on May 29, 1948, and its chapter home was dedicated on May 4, 1969. The chapter closed in 2004, but was reestablished on March 28, 2013. Beta Phi Chapter, University of Connecticut The Beta Phi Chapter was installed on May 22, 1948. The chapter moved into the four floors of the center section of Hall Dormitory in the fall of 1948, which enabled the women to enjoy a chapter room and private lounge. While the members were recognized leaders on campus, the chapter became dormant in November 1951. Beta Chi Chapter, Gettysburg College (Pennsylvania) The Beta Chi Chapter was installed on February 19, 1949 and became dormant in October 1999. Beta Psi Chapter, Carroll University (Wisconsin) On September 25, 1948, 22 collegiate and five alumnae members of the local sorority Alpha Kappa were initiated as the Beta Psi Chapter. The chapter first occupied a suite in Voorhees Hall, but moved into a sorority suite in 1960 to accommodate the growth of the chapter. Beta Omega Chapter, Memphis State University (Tennessee) On April 2, 1949, 23 women were initiated into the Beta Omega Chapter. Due to changing campus conditions in the 1970s, the chapter became dormant in 1977. Gamma Alpha Chapter, San Diego State University (California) The chapter was installed on January 15, 1949 by Past National President Hannah Wollaston Schellenbach, making Alpha Xi Delta the first National Panhellenic Conference sorority on San Diego State’s campus. The chapter was originally a local sorority named Delta Chi Phi. Unfortunately, the chapter closed in 1998. Gamma Beta Chapter, Marshall University (West Virginia) The Theta Rho local sorority was founded in 1922 with the goal of becoming affliated with a national organization. In 1930, the group needed a new faculty advisor, and Charlotte Barryman served that role for fifty years. In 1948, Charlotte proposed that Theta Rho purchase a house. When Gamma Beta Chapter was installed on March 4, 1950, the chapter already had a home which helped it start off strong. Past National President (2005-07) Deborah Fenwick Maas is an initiate of the Gamma Beta Chapter. Gamma Gamma Chapter, University of Arizona National President Hannah Wollaston Schellenbach presided at the installation of the Gamma Gamma Chapter on March 10, 1951. The chapter became dormant in 1961. Gamma Delta Chapter, University of Nebraska Omaha Phi Delta Psi local sorority was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Gamma Delta Chapter on June 3, 1950. The chapter proudly claims Ellen Hartman Gast, former Editor of The Quill, as one of its notable alumnae.

Gamma Epsilon Chapter, California State University – Fresno Gamma Epsilon Chapter was installed on March 29, 1952 at Fresno State University, now known as California State UniversityFresno. The chapter was originally founded as the local sorority Sigma Phi Gamma. The chapter became dormant in 2011. Gamma Zeta Chapter, Eastern Michigan University The Theta Lambda local sorority was established on Eastern Michigan’s campus for 72 years before it was installed on December 11, 1954. Past National President (1978-82) Kathleen Drumm Boscardin was an initiate of Gamma Zeta Chapter. Gamma Eta Chapter, Georgia Institute of Technology The Gamma Eta Chapter was installed on September 4, 1954 at the Biltmore Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. Alpha Xi Delta was the first national sorority on Georgia Tech’s campus, and individual members claimed a number of firsts in its early years. The first article written by a woman student to be published in the Georgia Tech Engineer was written by an Alpha Xi Delta, the first woman student to be named to Alpha Pi Mu, an honorary industrial engineering society, was an Alpha Xi Delta, and Shirley Clements Mewborn, the first woman to graduate from Georgia Tech, was an Alpha Xi Delta. Gamma Theta Chapter, East Tennessee State University The Gamma Theta Chapter was established on February 4, 1956. The 1961 academic year ended sadly as the Panhellenic Building, that housed each sorority’s quarters, was destroyed by a fire and nothing was saved. The building was later replaced and occupied by the chapter women until the chapter became dormant in 1978. The chapter was reestablished on January 18, 1992. Gamma Iota Chapter, Lambuth College (Tennessee) The first national women’s fraternity at Lambuth, Gamma Iota was installed on October 5, 1957, succeeding the local Beta Sigma Alpha. The chapter became dormant in 1984. Gamma Kappa Chapter, Susquehanna University (Pennsylvania) On November 16, 1957, the Nu Sigma Tau local sorority was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Gamma Kappa Chapter. Because of changing campus conditions, the chapter became dormant in 1983. Gamma Lambda Chapter, University of Tennessee Past National President Mary Burt Brooks Nash, assisted by several National Council members, installed the Gamma Lambda Chapter on March 22, 1958 as the 13th national women’s fraternity at the University of Tennessee. The chapter reorganized in 1996, but became dormant in 2006. Gamma Mu Chapter, Ripon College (Wisconsin) Pi Delta Omega local, the first and only sorority at Ripon that had been on campus for 36 years, was installed as the Gamma Mu Chapter on April 19, 1958. The chapter closed in 1971, but was reestablished in the early 1980s. The chapter became dormant again in 1987. Gamma Nu Chapter, Southeast Missouri State University The local sorority Kappa Tau Gamma became the Gamma Nu Chapter on May 17, 1958. The chapter occupies an on-campus home in a cluster with other fraternity houses. | 35

Installed Chapters Gamma Xi Chapter, Valdosta State University (Georgia) The seed for the Gamma Xi Chapter was planted in 1956 when three women banded together to make their college a friendlier, more stimulating place. Their efforts culminated in the installation of the Gamma Xi Chapter on May 3, 1958. The chapter became dormant in 1987. Gamma Omicron Chapter, Central Michigan University The Gamma Omicron Chapter was installed on April 18, 1959. However, the difficulties in the late 1960s and early 1970s brought about the closure of the chapter in 1976. Gamma Pi Chapter, Northern Illinois University The Gamma Pi Chapter was installed on January 10, 1959. At the first National Convention the chapter attended, it received the National Philanthropy Award for organized activities at the Haish Elementary School in DeKalb. The chapter became dormant in 1985. Gamma Rho Chapter, Parsons College (Iowa) The Gamma Rho Chapter was installed on May 11, 1959. Problems relating to unrest and protests caused Parsons College to close, thus bringing about the closure of Gamma Rho Chapter in 1972. Gamma Sigma Chapter, Thiel College (Pennsylvania) The Gamma Sigma Chapter was installed on May 2, 1959. When only two days old, the chapter won its first trophy, the Women’s Intramural Sports Trophy. Gamma Tau Chapter, Ohio Northern University The local sorority Tau Kappa Kappa was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Gamma Tau Chapter on May 16, 1959. A highlight of 1978 was moving into a new chapter house that could accommodate all the Sisters at that time. Gamma Upsilon Chapter, University of Georgia The Gamma Upsilon Chapter was installed on January 23, 1960 and ranked first in scholarship on its campus during the fall quarter of its first year. Despite a strong beginning, Gamma Upsilon became dormant in 1976.

Gamma Phi Chapter, East Carolina University (North Carolina) When the local Delta Chi Delta sorority was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Gamma Phi Chapter on February 6, 1960, the seven other local sororities on campus also became affiliated with National Panhellenic Conference groups. Alpha Xi Delta called a floor in a dormitory its home until 1965. When the members moved into their new chapter house, it was the only home on campus to be built especially for a sorority. Gamma Chi Chapter, Tennessee Wesleyan University Eta Upsilon Gamma, a local sorority for 16 years, was installed as an Alpha Xi Delta chapter on February 18, 1961. Due to declining college enrollment during the late 1970s, the chapter became dormant in 1978. Gamma Psi Chapter, Frostburg State University (Maryland) Gamma Psi Chapter was originally organized in 1938 as the local Phi Omicron Delta. It was installed as an Alpha Xi Delta chapter on May 20, 1961. The chapter attempted to reorganize in 2007, but with a decline in interest, the chapter closed in 2008. Gamma Omega Chapter, Henderson State University (Arkansas) The Gamma Omega Chapter was installed on December 2, 1961, making it the first Alpha Xi Delta chapter in Arkansas. It was also the fifth national sorority on Henderson State’s campus. Delta Alpha Chapter, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse When the Alpha Phi Pi local sorority was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Delta Alpha Chapter on October 7, 1961, it became the first women’s group on campus to join a national fraternity. Delta Beta Chapter, Southwestern Oklahoma State University Past National President Mary Burt Brooks Nash presided at the installation of the Delta Beta Chapter on April 28, 1962. One of the highlights for the chapter was the presentation of the Grace Ferris Library to the Tuberculosis Sanatorium in nearby Clinton. The chapter became dormant in 1970. Delta Gamma Chapter, University of Nebraska at Kearney The local sorority Zeta Chi Alpha was installed as the Delta Gamma Chapter on April 7, 1962. The chapter closed in 1969, but was reestablished on January 11, 2014. Delta Delta Chapter, Northern Michigan University Delta Sigma Nu local sorority became the 100th chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on May 5, 1962 when it was installed as the Delta Delta Chapter. It was the first group on its campus to become a national women’s fraternity. The chapter became dormant in 2014. Delta Epsilon Chapter, University of New Orleans (Louisiana) The Delta Epsilon Chapter was founded in 1958 as the local sorority Delta Epsilon Beta. Early in 1962, the group petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. At that time, the next Alpha Xi Delta chapter was to be designated Delta Delta, but Delta Epsilon Beta wanted to become Delta Epsilon Chapter. The chapter was installed on May 12, 1962.

The founding members of the Delta Gamma Chapter in 1962.

Delta Zeta Chapter, LIU Post (New York) Beta Beta Chi local sorority was organized in May 1961 and was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Delta Zeta Chapter on November 10, 1962. The chapter closed in 1977, but the chapter was reestablished on April 4, 1992.

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Delta Eta Chapter, California University of Pennsylvania Delta Eta Chapter was organized as Beta Chi Epsilon local and was formally installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Delta Eta Chapter on December 8, 1962. The chapter became dormant in 1981. Delta Theta Chapter, St. Cloud State University (Minnesota) The Anthenaem Society was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Delta Theta Chapter on May 11, 1963. A chapter highlight occurred in 1967 when Delta Theta served at a dinner honoring Vice President Hubert Humphrey during his visit to the campus. The chapter became dormant in 1977. Delta Iota Chapter, Chadron State College (Nebraska) The Alpha Phi Pi local sorority became Delta Iota Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on May 4, 1963. Because of declining population of sororities in the 1970s, the chapter was closed in 1980. Delta Kappa Chapter, Slippery Rock University (Pennsylvania) When Delta Kappa Chapter was installed on April 6, 1963, it was a merger of two local sororities. The chapter became dormant during the 1970s, but was reestablished in November 1987 by Past National President Dorothy Dodd and a team of national and regional officers. Delta Lambda Chapter, Rochester Institute of Technology (New York) After 44 years as the first women’s Greek letter group on its campus, the Phi Upsilon Phi local petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. The chapter was officially installed on October 5, 1963. Delta Mu Chapter, Old Dominion University (Virginia) The Delta Mu Chapter was installed on February 15, 1964, making it the first Alpha Xi Delta chapter in Virginia. Delta Nu Chapter, Indiana University of Pennsylvania In January 1963 at Indiana Normal School in Pennsylvania, a local sorority named Omega Phi petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. The petition was approved and the local was installed as the Delta Nu Chapter on September 21, 1963. In the fall of 1965, Indiana Normal School became Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Delta Xi Chapter, Georgia State University On October 26, 1963, the 27-year-old local sorority Kappa Theta became the Delta Xi Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta. Immediate Past National President Mary Burt Brooks Nash was the speaker at the Installation Banquet. Delta Omicron Chapter, Fairmont State University (West Virginia) The Alpha Delta Chi local sorority was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Delta Omicron Chapter on November 2, 1963. The chapter became dormant in 1982. Delta Pi Chapter, Defiance College (Ohio) The Delta Pi Chapter was installed on May 19, 1964. When the chapter celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1989, the historian proudly stated that “every woman who belongs to Delta Pi is a notable member.” Delta Rho Chapter, California State University, Northridge The local sorority Chi Sigma Delta became the Delta Rho Chapter when it was officially installed on October 31,

1964. Past National President (2007-11) Deanna Wollam Detchemendy is an initiate of the Delta Rho Chapter. Delta Sigma Chapter, Ferris State University (Michigan) Theta Tau Omega local sorority was founded at Ferris State in 1958 and was officially installed as the Delta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on March 14, 1964. The chapter earned the highest scholastic average among sororities in its first year. Delta Tau Chapter, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh The local sorority Gamma Sigma was organized in 1922 at Oshkosh Normal School for the purpose of studying literature and promoting acquaintances and friendships. The local grew when the college expanded into the Wisconsin State University System. On December 11, 1965, the Gamma Sigma local was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Delta Tau Chapter, making it the first national sorority on its campus. Delta Upsilon Chapter, University of Wisconsin-Superior First organized as the Alpha Kappa local sorority, Delta Upsilon was installed as an Alpha Xi Delta chapter on May 22, 1965. The chapter became dormant in 1981. Delta Phi Chapter, University of Charleston (West Virginia) Alpha Xi Delta became the third national sorority at Morris Harvey College when Sigma Iota Chi was installed as the Delta Phi Chapter. The chapter closed in 1983 after the college became the University of Charleston and policy changes occurred. Delta Chi Chapter, University of Northern Iowa The Delta Chi Chapter was installed on May 15, 1965. Chapters from Iowa Wesleyan, University of Iowa, Coe College, Drake University and Parsons College assisted with Delta Chi Chapter’s installation. Delta Psi Chapter, Texas State University Delta Psi’s roots go back to 1923 when the Philosophian Literary Society was founded. The group later became Phi Delta Gamma local sorority, which petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter in 1965. The charter was granted, and the chapter was officially installed on April 25, 1965. Delta Omega Chapter, Winona State University (Minnesota) Delta Omega Chapter was originally organized in February 1964 as Winona Keys, a local women’s society. The following year, Alpha Xi Delta accepted the group’s petition for affiliation and the Delta Omega Chapter was installed on November 6, 1965. Because of declining interest in Greek life, the chapter closed in 1984. Epsilon Alpha Chapter, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire The Epsilon Alpha Chapter was installed on December 4, 1965. In 1985, the chapter moved to a comfortable house near campus that better accommodated the chapter’s activities and size. Epsilon Beta Chapter, University of Findlay (Ohio) The Epsilon Beta Chapter was installed on October 30, 1965 and celebrated its first anniversary in its dream-come-true “House on a Hill.” Originally formed by members of Sigma Delta local, Epsilon Beta Chapter was Ohio’s 12th Alpha Xi Delta chapter. The chapter became dormant in 1977. | 37

Installed Chapters Epsilon Gamma Chapter, Western Carolina University (North Carolina) Alpha Delta Chi local sorority was organized by forty women in February 1964 for the purpose of promoting scholarship and social unity. The members petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter, and the local was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Epsilon Gamma Chapter on May 7, 1966. Past National President (2001-05) Jane Hooper Sutton is an initiate of Epsilon Gamma Chapter. She also served as the National Panhellenic Conference Chairman from 2011-13. Epsilon Delta Chapter, Indiana State University Epsilon Delta Chapter was installed on May 14, 1966 with 45 members. The women immediately sponsored a Girl Scout troop and participated in the Terre Haute Cancer Fund Drive. The chapter became dormant in 1985. Epsilon Epsilon Chapter, California State University, Sacramento Delta Sigma Nu, the oldest local sorority at Sacramento State College, petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter and was installed as the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on May 21, 1966. The chapter moved into its own apartment in 1969 in a new student apartment complex that was specifically modified for the use of Panhellenic groups. The chapter became dormant in 1970. Epsilon Zeta Chapter, Eastern Washington University Past National President Ethel Garnier Thompson presided at the installation of the Epsilon Zeta Chapter on October 19, 1966. The chapter became dormant in 1971 because of lack of interest in the Greek system at that time, but was reestablished on February 15, 1992. Epsilon Eta Chapter, South Dakota State University In 1967, only one national sorority existed at South Dakota State, so the administrative assistant to the president of the University asked Kathleen Nagle, an Alpha Xi Delta and member of the faculty, if she would start a chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on campus. She agreed, and National Council approved the new chapter. On November 15, 1968, the Epsilon Eta Chapter was installed. Past National President (2015-17) Michele Herbst Evink is an initiate of the Epsilon Eta Chapter. Epsilon Theta Chapter, West Liberty University (West Virginia) On October 29, 1966, thirty-six members of the Iota Psi Alpha local sorority were installed as the Epsilon Theta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta. Epsilon Iota Chapter, Newberry College (South Carolina) In May 1966, five collegians petitioned the board of trustees for permission to organize as a women’s social club. The petition was approved, and the door was opened to allow sororities at Newberry College. In September 1966, Kappa Tau was formed with 30 members and later petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. The local was installed as the Epsilon Iota Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on April 22, 1967. Epsilon Kappa Chapter, Western Kentucky University Alpha Xi Delta became the seventh National Panhellenic Conference group on Western Kentucky’s campus when Epsilon Kappa was installed on April 1, 1967. The chapter became dormant in 1993, but was reestablished on January

29, 2012. Ginny Carroll, an initiate of Epsilon Kappa, served as National Executive Director from 1995-2000. Epsilon Lambda Chapter, Rider University (New Jersey) The local sorority Sigma Iota Chi was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Epsilon Lambda Chapter on March 4, 1967. The chapter occupies a chapter home on the University’s campus. Epsilon Mu Chapter, University of Northern Colorado Epsilon Mu Chapter was installed on September 30, 1977. In 1986, the chapter’s building corporation, with the help of parents and alumnae, purchased a chapter house that accommodated 20 Sisters. The chapter became dormant in 1993. Epsilon Nu Chapter, University of Hartford (Connecticut) The 10-year-old Delta Phi Alpha local sorority was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Epsilon Nu Chapter on February 3, 1968. The chapter closed in the 1970s, but was reestablished on February 24, 1985. Epsilon Xi Chapter, University of Missouri-St. Louis Ruth Fowler Brown, then National Collegiate Vice President, presided at the Installation of the Epsilon Xi Chapter on January 27, 1968. The chapter was originally organized as the local sorority Alpha Epsilon Omicron, and was the first National Panhellenic organization on its campus. Epsilon Omicron Chapter, Oklahoma State University The Epsilon Omicron Chapter was installed on March 16, 1968 as the 12th National Panhellenic group on its campus. The chapter closed in 1981, but was reestablished on January 31, 2015. Epsilon Pi Chapter, Jacksonville State University (Alabama) Twenty-eight collegians and 12 alumnae were initiated on March 2, 1968 into the Epsilon Pi Chapter, making it the first National Panhellenic group on its campus. There are no sorority homes on campus, so the chapter occupies a space in a sorority hall with other groups. Epsilon Rho Chapter, University of Southern Maine Sigma Chi Omega local sorority was organized in April 1967 and petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. On September 28, 1968, the Epsilon Rho Chapter was installed with 37 women making up the chapter. Epsilon Sigma Chapter, Georgia Southern University The Epsilon Sigma Chapter was installed on May 18, 1968 and became the sixth Panhellenic group to be chartered on its campus. The chapter closed in 1979, but reopened in 1994. Sadly, the chapter became dormant again in 1999. Epsilon Tau Chapter, Central Missouri State University National and province officers, along with assistance from local chapters, installed the Epsilon Tau Chapter on February 1, 1969. The chapter became dormant in 1990. Epsilon Upsilon Chapter, Woodbury University (California) Originally Sigma Iota Chi local sorority, the Epsilon Upsilon Chapter was installed on March 15, 1969. It was the second of the three locals on the Los Angeles campus to become affiliated with a national organization. The chapter became dormant in 1975.

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Epsilon Phi Chapter, Iowa State University The Epsilon Phi Chapter was installed on March 22, 1969. On October 8, 1972, the chapter home was dedicated and marked a new concept in fraternity housing – an apartmenttype living setup. It provided a chapter room, a number of suites, a dining room and informal living room. The chapter became dormant in 2003. Epsilon Chi Chapter, Villanova University (Pennsylvania) Alpha Xi Delta became the first national sorority on Villanova’s campus when it was installed on October 11, 1969. Ruth Fowler Brown, National President, was the keynote speaker at the installation banquet and presided over the initiation ceremonies. The chapter became dormant in 1977. Epsilon Psi Chapter, Boise State University When it was installed on May 3, 1969, the Epsilon Psi Chapter became the second national fraternity on Boise State’s campus. Alpha Omicron Pi was installed just one week prior! The chapter closed in 1973, but was reestablished on February 8, 2003.

Zeta Delta Chapter, Indiana University-South Bend The Delta Sigma Nu local sorority was organized in June 1968 and later was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Zeta Delta Chapter on April 11, 1970. It was the first National Panhellenic Conference group on its campus. The chapter became dormant in 1977. Zeta Epsilon Chapter, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Originally Kappa Mu Delta local sorority, Zeta Epsilon was installed on October 3, 1970. Ruth Fowler Brown, then National President, presided at the initiation ceremony and was keynote speaker at the banquet. The chapter became dormant in 1982. Zeta Zeta Chapter, Northern State University (South Dakota) The Zeta Zeta Chapter was installed on December 5, 1970, making it the first National Panhellenic Conference group on its campus. Because of the lack of interest in Greek life in the 1970s, the chapter became dormant in 1978.

Epsilon Omega Chapter, University of North Texas The Epsilon Omega Chapter was established on November 22, 1969. The chapter became dormant in 1989.

Zeta Eta Chapter, West Chester University (Pennsylvania) In early 1970, Delta Psi Omega local sorority was established and installed as the Zeta Eta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on April 17, 1971.

Zeta Alpha Chapter, Jacksonville University (Florida) The 20-year-old local sorority Sigma Tau Epsilon petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter and was installed as the Zeta Alpha Chapter on February 14, 1970. The chapter was the third Florida-based Alpha Xi Delta chapter and the fifth national sorority at Jacksonville. Because of declining interest in Greek organizations in the 1970s, the chapter became dormant in 1977.

Zeta Theta Chapter, Wright State University (Ohio) The Zeta Theta Chapter was formally installed on September 16, 1972 as the second national sorority on its campus, with the first having been installed the day before! At the time of installation, Zeta Theta was the 13th Alpha Xi Delta chapter in Ohio. Zeta Theta was instrumental in the organization of Panhellenic at Wright State.

Zeta Beta Chapter, Clarion University of Pennsylvania The Zeta Beta Chapter was installed on March 21, 1970 as the 136th chapter of Alpha Xi Delta. The chapter became dormant in 1985.

Zeta Iota Chapter, Lyon College In May 1972, Sigma Alpha Sigma, a local sorority at Arkansas College (now known as Lyon College) for many years, petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter. It was installed as the Zeta Iota Chapter on January 13, 1973.

Zeta Gamma Chapter, University of Mississippi Zeta Gamma Chapter was installed at “Ole Miss” on February 6, 1971, making it the first Alpha Xi Delta chapter in Mississippi and the 11th national sorority on campus. Zeta Gamma became dormant in 1976 because of difficulties in obtaining competitive housing and declining membership.

The Epsilon Kappa Chapter in the 1970s.

Zeta Kappa Chapter, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown (Pennsylvania) Zeta Kappa Chapter was installed on November 10, 1973. When campus interest in national organizations waned, membership decreased and the chapter closed in 1977.

Alpha Xi Deltas at North Carolina State in 1983. | 39

Installed Chapters Zeta Lambda Chapter, Texas Wesleyan University Zeta Lambda Chapter was installed on March 8, 1975 with the assistance of local collegians, Fort Worth alumnae, national and province officers.

Clarkson Dodd and a team of officers, along with chapters from Rider University and Syracuse University, presided over the installation of Zeta Phi Chapter. The chapter became dormant in 2011.

Zeta Mu Chapter, Methodist University (North Carolina) When Zeta Mu was installed on April 27, 1974, it was the first national sorority on its campus. When a second Greek organization came on campus in 1977, Zeta Mu was instrumental in organizing a Panhellenic. The chapter became dormant in 1987.

Zeta Chi Chapter, University of North Carolina at Wilmington The Zeta Chi Chapter was installed on March 28, 1987. Past National President Dorothy Clarkson Dodd led an installation team of national, regional and province officers for the installation ceremonies.

Zeta Nu Chapter, Miami University (Ohio) The Zeta Nu Chapter was installed on February 23, 1980. The chapter was closed in 2010 and reestablished in 2012. Unfortunately, the chapter was closed again in 2014. Zeta Xi Chapter, Auburn University (Alabama) The Zeta Xi Chapter was installed on January 19, 1980. In 1983, the chapter moved into a new, larger chapter room, the largest of all the sororities on campus at the time. Zeta Omicron Chapter, University of Florida On May 16, 1981, twenty-nine collegians and one alumna were installed as the Zeta Omicron Chapter. The chapter was reorganized in 1990, but unfortunately became dormant in 2000. Zeta Pi Chapter, Lincoln Memorial University (Tennessee) The Zeta Pi Chapter was installed on May 15, 1982. It originally was organized as the Kappa Pi Omega local sorority, a literary society that had been on campus for 52 years. Alpha Xi Delta was the second National Panhellenic Conference sorority on campus. The chapter became dormant in 1985. Zeta Rho Chapter, North Carolina State University Sixty-five young women signed the charter for the Zeta Rho Chapter on April 16, 1983, making it the third National Panhellenic Conference sorority on its campus. The chapter became dormant in 1990. Zeta Sigma Chapter, Hillsdale College (Michigan) The Zeta Sigma Chapter was installed on April 30, 1983. It became part of a Panhellenic system that was more than 100 years old at the time, with the most recent chapter joining campus in the mid-1920s. The chapter purchased a house in 1991 after renting for several years. Unfortunately, the chapter became dormant in 2004. Zeta Tau Chapter, University of North Carolina at Asheville National President Maxine Evans Blackburn presided at the installation of the Zeta Tau Chapter on March 23, 1985. Zeta Upsilon Chapter, Alma College (Michigan) The Zeta Upsilon Chapter was the local sorority Alpha Zeta Tau when it petitioned Alpha Xi Delta for a charter, but the group originally began as the Philomathean Literary Society in 1902. The chapter was officially installed on September 20, 1986, making it the third sorority on Alma’s campus. Zeta Phi Chapter, Binghamton University (New York) On January 31, 1987, Past National President Dorothy

Zeta Psi Chapter, University of Virginia The Zeta Psi Chapter originally began as a group of women known as Alpha Xi Club. The interest for a chapter at UVA was sparked by Andrea Anderson, an initiate of Alpha Xi Delta’s Gamma Omega Chapter at Henderson State, when she transferred to UVA in 1986. On October 10, 1987, the Zeta Psi Chapter was installed. The chapter became dormant in 1993. Zeta Omega Chapter, University of West Georgia The Zeta Omega Chapter was installed with 46 women on February 11, 1989. The new member class that year summed up the emotions of installation weekend by noting, “We are a body of incredible love and Sisterhood that leaves us with peace in our hearts at night and puts a smile on our faces in the morning.” Theta Alpha Chapter, Millersville University (Pennsylvania) The Theta Alpha Chapter was installed on April 22, 1990 with 45 collegiate women and six alumnae initiates. The chapter originally began as the local sorority Omega Theta Sigma. Theta Beta Chapter, Sonoma State University (California) The Alpha Delta Zeta local sorority was installed as the Theta Beta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on November 5, 1989, making it the first National Panhellenic Conference sorority on its campus. At its first National Convention, Theta Beta Chapter won the Gertrude M. Anderson Newsletter Award, given for most outstanding collegiate chapter news publication. Theta Gamma Chapter, University of Delaware On April 7, 1990, Theta Gamma Chapter was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s first chapter in Delaware. Sixty-eight collegiate and three alumnae women were initiated by a team led by Past National President Jayne Wade Anderson. Theta Delta Chapter, Towson State University (Maryland) Alpha Sigma Delta local was installed as Theta Delta Chapter on April 8, 1990. Thirty-eight women formed the founding member class. Theta Epsilon Chapter, Marquette University (Wisconsin) Forty-four collegians were initiated on November 11, 1990 as founding members of the Theta Epsilon Chapter. The chapter was previously a local sorority, Kappa Zeta. Past National President Jayne Wade Anderson led national, regional and local officers during the installation ceremonies. Theta Zeta Chapter, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Arizona) After months of hard work, the first women’s fraternity at EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University became the Theta Zeta Chapter on April 13, 1991. Alpha Xi Delta was the first National Panhellenic Conference organization to install a chapter on this campus.

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Theta Eta Chapter, Western Michigan University The local sorority of Kappa Gamma became the Theta Eta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on April 14, 1991. Collegiate members from Albion College, the University of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University and Hillsdale College assisted with the installation ceremonies. Theta Theta Chapter, Brooklyn College (New York) On April 28, 1991, the local sorority Alpha Zeta Delta was installed at Brooklyn College. Theta Iota Chapter, Florida Atlantic University The Theta Iota Chapter was installed on August 24, 1991. Because Alpha Xi Delta was the first NPC group to form a chapter on campus, Alpha Xi Delta was responsible for forming the Panhellenic Council, along with hiring the Greek Advisor. Theta Kappa Chapter, University of Albany On April 5, 1992 the Theta Kappa Chapter was installed at the University of Albany. Shortly after installation, the chapter became involved in many philanthropic projects in the community. Theta Lambda Chapter, Southwestern University (Texas) The Theta Lambda Chapter was installed on April 25, 1992 by Past National President Jayne Wade Anderson, a team of national volunteers and collegiate members from the University of Texas and Texas State University. Theta Mu Chapter, Case Western Reserve University (Ohio) The chapter was installed on November 14, 1992. The new members held their first philanthropy project by caroling for young children in the Cleveland community. The chapter became dormant in 2002. Theta Nu Chapter, Elon University (North Carolina) The Theta Nu Chapter was installed on Elon University’s campus on February 13, 1993. Theta Nu Sisters held many leadership positions in student media, sports, service, religious, performance and academic organizations. Theta Xi Chapter, Florida International University The members of the Xi Delta local sorority began on April 20, 1992 with Bid Day. Hurricane Andrew precluded the university from starting classes on time and affected many Alpha Xi Delta Sisters and families. The chapter was formally installed on February 20, 1993. Theta Omicron Chapter, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Florida) The Theta Omicron Chapter was installed on February 21, 1993. The uniqueness of the campus made Alpha Xi Delta a necessary comfort zone for our founding Sisters. At the time of Theta Omicron’s founding, the ratio of men to women at ERAU-FL was ten to one, with many Sisters having only one or two new female friends since entering the university. Theta Pi Chapter, Christian Brothers University (Tennessee) On April 30, 1994, the local sorority Chi Delta Omega was officially installed as the Theta Pi Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta. Past National President Linda Belles Dinus presided over the installation ceremonies along with a team of volunteers and collegiate Sisters from Henderson State University and Lyon College.

Theta Rho Chapter, California State University – San Marcos The Theta Rho Chapter was installed on February 25, 1995, making it the first national sorority at CSUSM. It originally began as a local sorority called Kappa Chi Omega that began in 1992. At the time the chapter was founded, CSUSM was a new university that was started in 1990 and only enrolled juniors and seniors. Theta Sigma Chapter, University of Central Florida Ninety-five collegiate members and 17 of their mothers were initiated as founding members of the Theta Sigma Chapter on May 25, 1995. Alpha Xi Delta was the sixth NPC chapter to join the University of Central Florida’s campus. Theta Tau Chapter, Marian University (Wisconsin) It was a pioneering event as Alpha Xi Delta was the first sorority to be installed on Marian’s campus on November 4, 1995. Thirty-nine women were initiated as Sisters with the assistance of local chapters from the University of WisconsinOshkosh, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, Carroll University and Iowa Wesleyan. Theta Upsilon Chapter, Youngstown State University (Ohio) Until their affiliation with Alpha Xi Delta, most of the founding members of Theta Upsilon Chapter were members of a local sorority, Xi Delta Gamma. The local was organized in 1989 and was one of three local sororities on campus at the time. In 1995, the local decided they would like to become affiliated with a national women’s fraternity. On April 13, 1996, the Theta Upsilon Chapter was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s 187th chapter. Theta Phi Chapter, University of Alabama at Birmingham On January 25, 1997, an exceptional group of 45 pioneering women at the University of Alabama at Birmingham became founding members of Alpha Xi Delta’s Theta Phi Chapter. The chapter was supported by many local alumnae and the Birmingham Alumnae Association, which ensured its success throughout the years. Theta Chi Chapter, University of Toledo (Ohio) On August 9, 1997, the Theta Chi Chapter was installed at the University of Toledo. Alpha Xi Delta was the eighth NPC group to join its campus. The Toledo and Ann Arbor, Michigan, Alumnae Associations traveled to the installation ceremonies to support the new Sisters. The Theta Phi Chapter from the University of Alabama at Birmingham even drove 10 hours to support the chapter because they knew from firsthand experience how hard it was to begin a chapter and wanted to support the newest founding Sisters.

The Theta Sigma Chapter on Bid Day in 2009. | 41

Installed Chapters Theta Psi Chapter, Dartmouth College (New Hampshire) In the summer of 1997, Alpha Xi Delta began at Dartmouth when the local sorority, Delta Pi Omega, chose to affiliate with a national women’s fraternity. On February 21, 1998, the Theta Psi Chapter was installed, making it Alpha Xi Delta’s 191st chapter.

Iota Eta Chapter, University of Texas – El Paso The Iota Eta Chapter found its roots in the local sorority Delta Epsilon Beta that was known for its strong leadership and campus involvement. The chapter was officially installed on April 26, 2003.

Theta Omega Chapter, New Mexico State University On May 2, 1998, the Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta was installed, making it the sixth women’s organization to join NMSU’s Greek community. Past National President Kim Starr was the keynote speaker during the ceremonies, and more than 16 Alpha Xi Delta chapters were represented at the installation ceremony.

Iota Theta Chapter, Southern Polytechnic State University (Georgia) The Iota Theta Chapter was the sixth National Panhellenic Conference organization to join Southern Poly’s campus when it was installed on April 3, 2004. The chapter became dormant in 2015 when Southern Polytechnic State University merged with Kennesaw State University.

Iota Alpha Chapter, George Mason University (Virginia) An inspiring group of women became founding members of the Iota Alpha Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta on November 14, 1998. Past National President Kim Starr presided over the installation ceremonies that were attended by the Northern Virginia Alumnae Association, several local and national volunteers and chapters from the University of Delaware, Towson University and the University of Toledo.

Iota Iota Chapter, Greensboro College (North Carolina) The Iota Iota Chapter became Alpha Xi Delta’s seventh chapter in North Carolina when it was installed on December 4, 2004. Past National President Jane Sutton presided over the installation ceremonies along with Fraternity volunteers, staff and collegiate members from the Theta Nu Chapter at Elon University.

Iota Beta Chapter, California State University, Stanislaus Alpha Xi Delta became the second NPC organization on CSUS’s campus when it installed the Iota Beta Chapter on November 21, 1998. The Sisters celebrated their installation with more than 100 friends, family, guests and alumnae at the Brookside Country Club in Stockton, California. Iota Gamma Chapter, Rockhurst University (Missouri) The Iota Gamma Chapter was installed on April 17, 1999 at Rockhurst University. As a new chapter, the Kansas City alumnae quickly became involved to help the chapter have a strong foundation. Sadly, the chapter became dormant in 2001. Iota Delta Chapter, University of Central Oklahoma More than 130 friends, family members, guests and alumnae gathered on May 1, 1999 to welcome the Iota Delta Chapter into our Sisterhood. Alpha Xi Delta became the fourth NPC organization at the University of Central Oklahoma and quickly began making a name for themselves on its campus by taking second place in Greek Week in the chapter’s first year. Iota Epsilon Chapter, University of Nevada-Las Vegas Of the 25 collegiate initiates of the Iota Epsilon Chapter, 17 were members of a local sorority who wanted to affiliate with a national sorority. Their desires were met when Alpha Xi Delta installed the Iota Epsilon Chapter on May 8, 1999, making it the fifth NPC organization on its campus. The strong image and reputation of the local sorority helped to establish the new chapter’s presence on campus, and it was welcomed with open arms by the other NPC groups. Iota Zeta Chapter, Wingate University (North Carolina) The Iota Zeta Chapter at Wingate University was installed on September 14, 2002. Past National President Jane Sutton presided over the installation ceremonies. Collegians and alumnae from 12 chapters were represented during the installation celebration. In its first year, the chapter held the highest grade point average among the Panhellenic groups on campus.

Iota Kappa Chapter, Idaho State University Alpha Xi Delta became the second national fraternity on Idaho State University’s campus when it installed the Iota Kappa Chapter on February 26, 2005. Iota Lambda Chapter, St. Norbert College (Wisconsin) In fall 2004, Alpha Xi Delta was invited to absorb the local sorority Alpha Sigma Chi on St. Norbert’s campus. The chapter was installed on February 27, 2005. Iota Mu Chapter, Lycoming College (Pennsylvania) Nearly 60 members and guests attended the installation banquet of the Iota Mu Chapter when it was installed on April 17, 2005. During its installation weekend, the chapter added a philanthropic focus by participating in a walk for the Multiple Sclerosis Society in nearby Montoursville, Pennsylvania, in honor of a Sister’s mother who passed away in December 2004 from MS. Iota Nu Chapter, Monmouth University (New Jersey) In 2004, a group of women on Monmouth’s campus persuaded the Monmouth Panhellenic Council and administration that a new sorority was needed on its campus. In 2005, Alpha Xi Delta was chosen as the new sorority, and began recruiting new members who would be the founding members of the Iota Nu Chapter. The chapter was installed on April 22, 2007, with Past National President Debbie Fenwick Maas presiding over the installation ceremonies. Iota Xi Chapter, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Massachusetts) Fifteen women at Worcester Polytechnic Institute formed a group known as “The New Sorority Interest Group” and worked with the campus Panhellenic Council to extend the Greek Community. When it was approved to add a new group, Alpha Xi Delta was chosen and recruitment began. On October 6, 2007, 66 initiates gathered at the Crown Plaza and were officially installed as Alpha Xi Delta Sisters.

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Iota Omicron Chapter, San Jose State University (California) Alpha Xi Delta became the fifth NPC sorority on San Jose State University’s campus when it installed the Iota Omicron Chapter on January 24, 2010. Past National President Deanna Wollam Detchemendy presided over the installation ceremonies along with Fraternity staff, volunteers and alumnae from local associations.

Iota Omega Chapter, The College of New Jersey Alpha Xi Delta accepted the invitation to join TCNJ’s campus in December 2013. The chapter celebrated Bid Day on February 28, 2015 and was installed on May 3, 2015. Founding Sisters at TCNJ were involved in many organizations on campus including student government, academic honor societies, student nurses’ association and more.

Iota Pi Chapter, Coastal Carolina University (South Carolina) April 17, 2011 not only marked the 118th anniversary of Alpha Xi Delta, but also the installation of the Iota Pi Chapter at Coastal Carolina University. The founding Sisters of the chapter were very active on campus participating as resident advisors, club lacrosse players, members of the Life Executive Committee and service as Coastal Student Ambassadors. Iota Pi was the fifth NPC organization to be installed on Coastal Carolina’s campus.

Kappa Alpha Chapter, Kennesaw State University (Georgia) Just one week after its Bid Day, the chapter participated in Homecoming Week events and took home third place in the Lip Sync Competition. Alpha Xi Delta became the 7th National Panhellenic Conference organization to join Kennesaw State when it installed the Kappa Alpha Chapter on February 7, 2016.

Iota Rho Chapter, DePaul University (Illinois) Alpha Xi Delta installed the Iota Rho Chapter on February 19, 2012. Past National President Sandi Edwards presided over the installation ceremonies along with Fraternity volunteers, staff and the Alpha Xi Delta chapter from Marquette University. Iota Sigma Chapter, Virginia Commonwealth University The Iota Sigma Chapter became Alpha Xi Delta’s 116th chapter when it was installed on April 29, 2012. Past National President Sandi Edwards presided over the installation ceremonies that were held at the Downtown Richmond Hilton Hotel. Iota Tau Chapter, Bucknell University (Pennsylvania) In November 2012, Alpha Xi Delta received an invitation to join Bucknell’s Greek community. On April 20, 2013, the chapter was installed as Alpha Xi Delta’s Iota Tau Chapter and became the 8th NPC group on its campus. Iota Upsilon Chapter, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Bid Day for Alpha Xi Delta’s newest chapter was celebrated on September 30, 2013. Just one week later the new chapter placed first in a Homecoming contest and quickly became involved in the Greek community at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. The Iota Upsilon Chapter was installed on January 26, 2014. Iota Phi Chapter, American University (Washington, D.C.) The Iota Phi Chapter was installed on April 12, 2014. Approximately 150 Sisters and friends gathered in Washington, D.C. to celebrate the chapter’s installation.

Kappa Beta Chapter, Texas Tech University Alpha Xi Delta became the 12th National Panhellenic Conference sorority at Texas Tech University when it installed the Kappa Beta Chapter on February 21, 2016. In its beginning stages, the chapter participated in homecoming activities, held a meet-and-greet event at their lodge and hosted a Parents’ Weekend. Kappa Gamma Chapter, University of South Carolina Alpha Xi Delta celebrated Bid Day on September 12, 2016 at the University of South Carolina. During the new member period, Sisters participated in the Greater Charlotte Autism Speaks Walk, Homecoming, Greek Week and hosted a Parents’ Weekend. The chapter was installed on February 12, 2017, with Past National President Michele Herbst Evink presiding over the installation ceremonies. Kappa Delta Chapter, California State Polytechnic University – Pomona The Kappa Delta Chapter celebrated Bid Day on October 23, 2016. In its new member period, the chapter volunteered at the Orange County Autism Speaks Walk, held a Parents Day and met its philanthropy fundraising goal in its first quarter. The chapter was installed on April 8, 2017. Alpha Deuteron Chapter The Alpha Deuteron Chapter consists of women who are initiated at Alpha Xi Delta’s National Convention. Initiates are sponsored by an Alpha Xi Delta Sister and must be approved by National Council prior to Initiation.

Iota Chi Chapter, Temple University (Pennsylvania) During its new member period, Sisters at Temple placed first during Greek Sing, raised more than $3,000 for Relay for Life and represented Alpha Xi Delta on the “Today Show” for World Autism Awareness Day. The Iota Chi Chapter was installed on May 3, 2014. Iota Psi Chapter, Franklin & Marshall College (Pennsylvania) The Iota Psi Chapter was installed on December 7, 2014, making it the 5th National Panhellenic organization on F&M’s campus.

Bid Day 2012 for the Iota Sigma Chapter at VCU. | 43

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