The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta - Spring 2018

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Spring Issue 2018

the of Alpha Xi Delta

Words to Inspire

"One thing

Alpha Xi Delta has done for Us to take our minds

away from self, and turn them

to others. A beautiful memory." Lewie Strong Taylor, a Founder of Alpha Xi Delta


Realize Your Potential |


Celebrating 125 Years of AXD |


In The Know

Dates to Remember


The following chapters are celebrating a significant anniversary this quarter. Beginning with this issue, we will share upcoming 25th, 50th, 75th and 100th anniversaries in each issue moving forward.

100th Anniversaries 5/17

Alpha Alpha Chapter, University of Pittsburgh

Wow – what an exciting year 2018 is for Alpha Xi Delta! When our Founders gathered in Cora and Harriet’s apartment at 629 Day Street in Galesburg, their dream for Alpha Xi Delta at that point was to have another organization on campus that would allow their fellow Micaela A. Isler National President

female classmates to form strong friendships, support one another and ensure a positive collegiate experience.

The day our Founders marched into the chapel at Lombard to announce the formation

of Alpha Xi Delta was groundbreaking – especially at a time in history when so few women were even permitted to pursue a college education.

5/21 Alpha Beta Chapter, Cornell University

It’s important we take the time, especially this Founders’ Day, to pay tribute to these

women who were visionaries in the women’s fraternal movement. Their effort to shape a bold, talented organization that inspires women to realize their potential and provides a

5/23 Alpha Gamma Chapter, Coe College

foundation for lifelong friendships does not go unnoticed. We see it every day in our Sisterhood. We see it through programming opportunities like The Founders’ Academy, Summer Immersion, The Workout and Volunteer Leadership Conference. We see it through

75th Anniversaries

the stories we share with potential new members during recruitment about how Alpha Xi

Beta Mu Chapter, Bowling Green State University

50th Anniversaries 9/28 Epsilon Rho, University of Southern Maine

Reminders and Updates Member Recommendations If you know an outstanding young woman who will be going through recruitment this year at a university that has an Alpha Xi Delta chapter, please fill out a Member Recommendation Form on our website. Recommendations for fall recruitment are due by August 1. Recent Graduate Email Address Update If you recently graduated, please be sure to update your .edu email address in Exclusively Xi so that we have your most accurate contact information. You can find a link to Exclusively Xi at A New Alumnae Association A new association has been chartered in the Bay Area! Learn more about the association at

Delta is our home away from home. We see it in the laughter and camaraderie at an alumnae association meeting. And, in the passion our Sisters have for service through their

Thoughts from Micaela


support of Autism Speaks. It can also be seen through small gestures, too – helping a Sister out with childcare in a pinch, taking a moment just to listen to a Sister during a rough patch or having a weekly ritual of watching and discussing a favorite television show. My point is, although we don’t always recognize it, Alpha Xi Delta is a constant presence in all of our lives.

This issue of The Quill honors our past, celebrates the present and inspires our future.

You may notice you also received a special magazine as well with this mailing. This special anniversary issue shares our history throughout the decades and tells the story of each chapter that makes up our Sisterhood.

We all have a special Alpha Xi Delta story to share. Every member is a unique piece that

collectively makes up the history of Alpha Xi Delta. To celebrate this historic anniversary, Alpha Xi Delta wants to share the stories of our members. I invite you to share your story with us at We’ll share the stories we collect throughout the year as we celebrate our 125th anniversary! We’re also encouraging Sisters to participate in the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation’s historic 125th Anniversary Campaign. This comprehensive threeyear, $1.25 million campaign, will encompass the Fraternity anniversary of April 17, 2018, and wrap up at National Convention 2019. Every gift received from June 1, 2016 through May 31, 2019 counts toward the goal. To learn more about giving to this Campaign, please see page 40. Whichever way you choose to celebrate this anniversary, please take a moment to honor the vision our Founders had for Alpha Xi Delta as a place of love and friendship. In the bonds,

Micaela A. Isler National President











5 SocialiXIng

10 Honoring The Past

31 In the Know

6 Realize Your Potential

20 Celebrating The Present

32 Member News

8 NHC News

26 Inspiring The Future

40 Foundation News

9 Celebrating 125 Years

30 Autism Speaks Walks

45 Chapter Eternal

Connect with us!

Join the conversation with Sisters and keep up-to-date with the Fraternity by following us on our social media channels. As always, you can email your story ideas, comments and suggestions to

The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta is published three times per year in spring, summer/fall and winter by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity.® POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE QUILL OF ALPHA XI DELTA, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268

Letters to the Editor

Volume 115/Issue 1 Copyright 2018 by Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity; all rights reserved. Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 317.872.3500 Submission Deadlines Spring issue – January 23 Summer/Fall issue – June 1 Winter issue – September 6 Submission Procedures Text and photographs may be emailed to the Editor or to the Fraternity Headquarters address listed above. Photographs submitted become the property of the Fraternity. Digital images must be taken using the highest settings on a camera that’s at least 3.2 megapixels. Address/Name Changes Visit or mail changes to 8702 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268.

COMMENTS ABOUT THE WINTER 2017-18 ISSUE Hi! I found myself in the pic. I was Chapter President at the time, Delta Mu Chapter. It was an exciting time, full of energy! We didn’t have all the tech but we had spirit! - Deborah Long, Old Dominion ’81 How wonderful to see Jessica Brown, as well as her Iota Omicron Chapter Sister Gina Esposito, in this issue of The Quill! Thanks for having this nomination process. - Julie Lambert, Oregon State ’81

National Executive Director Elysia Balster Gallivan, South Dakota ’93 Director of Communications and Marketing Lauren Blankenbaker Felts, Indiana ’03 Communications Coordinator Jenna Lanzetta, Western Michigan ’12 National Council 2017-2019 National President Micaela Isler, Texas ’91 National Vice Presidents Leann DiAndreth-Elkins, Indiana University of Pennsylvania ’86 Gretchen Balling DiMarco, Syracuse ’96 Andrea Fouberg, South Dakota State ’95 Linda Biersach Matkowski, University of Illinois ’83 Rebecca Richter Perrett. University of Nebraska-Lincoln ’96 Alicia Woo Sadler. Georgia State University ’93 The Mission of The Quill of Alpha Xi Delta: To inform, inspire and challenge. To sustain and nurture membership loyalty and interest. To recognize individual, group and Fraternity accomplishments. To provide a forum for the exchange of information and opinion. To be the permanent record for the Fraternity.

This issue would not be possible without the assistance of our guest writers. Thank you to our past National President, former Quill Editors and a Panhellenic Sister for lending their time and talents to write our feature story. •M ichele Herbst Evink, Past National President, South Dakota State ’86 • Ruth Goodman Akin, Quill Editor 2000-2011, Northern Iowa ’80 • Alanna Williams, Quill Editor 1990-1995, Albion ’88 •G inny Carroll, Quill Editor and Managing Editor 1986-1990; 1994-1995, and past National Executive Director, Western Kentucky ’82 • Kristin Walker, Ph.D., a member of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority

What’s on your mind? Have a comment about an article in The Quill? Drop us an email at or send a note to The Quill, 8702 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. We reserve the right to select letters for publication and to edit for style and length.

Corrections: The picture on page 27 for the Northern Colorado reunion that appeared in the Winter 2017-18 issue was submitted by Debby Mauck. Her correct email address is Rebekah Fenstermaker Druetzler was incorrectly listed on page 4 of the Winter 2017-18 issue as a National Vice President of National Council 2017-19. Rebecca Richter Perrett, Nebraska ’96, was not listed, but is a National Vice President on the 2017-19 National Council.

The Quill | 4


Check out

what’s been buzzing about Alpha Xi Delta on social media this past quarter! @AlexaSutton16

I have some awesome sisters #AlphaXiDelta

kaylenchang Welcome to our crib #osupha #IamMeWithAlphaXi


Thanks to my @alphaxidelta @westvirginiaU big sista DenaDaSilva14 for digging up this #bighair pic of us #JerseyShore



February 1, 2018 My sisters of @UNI_AXiD and I spent time together making cards for residents at Bickford Senior Living for Valentine’s Day! #Sisterhood #AlphaXiDelta



I don’t know about you, but going Greek was the best thing I’ve done in college #AlphaXiDelta

delaneyhoggyt HLove my Alpha Xi’sH | 5

Realize Your Potential

Loosening the Grip of Perfectionism Erin Wiley, Bowling Green State ‘91

Do you ever find yourself procrastinating on a that seems overwhelming?


Worrying that you can’t do a good

our thunder. The siren song of perfection tells us that we will only truly be worthy of love once we are good enough to deserve it. So we try and earn it. But that’s not how real love works.

enough job, so you put off starting until the last

Here are three things you can do to help loosen

the grip of perfectionism on your life so you can live in

minute, or just walk away from the challenge all together? Or maybe you’re on the opposite end of the

greater joy and peace:

spectrum: when faced with a challenge you spend


a disproportionately inordinate amount of time making sure that it will meet the scrutiny of the most

which you are not great. Accept those things and find peace in being able to let go of

exacting critic? Either way, it’s possible you suffer

pretending to be better than others.

from, at least a touch of, perfectionism: the belief that perfection can, and should be achieved at any cost.


Perfection demands a high price, and since it requires meeting super-human standards, it’s a perpetually

Spread Love: Take some of the energy you might have put into showing others how great your life is, and instead, throw some positivity

unattainable goal.

Practice Authenticity: Admit the things at

their way. Compliment and applaud the success

Everyone has some level of doubt when it

and achievement of those around you.

comes to his or her self-worth. Being “good enough” is a fear that resonates deep within all of us, and is


consequently a strong motivator of human behavior. When people question their self-worth, they seek ways

E xtend Grace: Be generous in how you view others, and yourself. Choose to see imperfections not as character flaws, but as

to soothe themselves, to assure themselves of their

part of people’s humanity. Practice giving

worthiness. That can mean pursuing the approval

people the benefit of the doubt. It will help

of others in the forms of trophies, scholarships, job

you be forgiving of others when they fall short

titles and promotions. Seeking the self-acceptance

of your expectations, and help you forgive

and praise of others ultimately leaves us empty and

yourself as well.

exhausted. And if achieving perfection is difficult, then maintaining the illusion of having reached perfection is even worse. It’s a hollow, lonely victory that can

Rehearse these skills until they become habit, and

you will find that the desire to attain perfection will

leave us fearing that others might knock us off our perch. Then suddenly all of life is a contest and those around us can seem like competitors trying to steal

lose its allure…and you will experience more authentic joy and real inner peace.

About Erin: Erin Wiley, MA, LPCC, is a licensed clinical counselor, and Executive Director of The Willow Center, a group counseling practice in Maumee, Ohio. She has shared messages as a guest speaker to groups throughout the U.S. Erin has taught students at Michigan State University, Davis College and the University of Toledo. She is an on-air consultant for WTVG 13ABC in Toledo, Ohio. Her articles on mental and emotional health can be read in several magazines and business journals, as well as online at She’s been married for 20 amazing years to her husband, Michael, and has two teenage sons.

The Quill | 6

Tackling Those Difficult Conversations Christina Krost, Albion ‘99

I’m the wife of a pastor and work for a nonprofit, and recently was invited to preach at a nearby church. I thought it went well until I received a distressed phone call from the pastor a few days later. It seems one of the members of the congregation was upset by my message. So I gave the church member a call.

That phone call provided me with a framework

"You can be politically right but emotionally wrong".

her journalist hat” during difficult discussions. This question shifted the tone because people stopped

on how to have a difficult or emotionally-charged

defending ideas and started embracing feelings. This

conversation with someone whom which you disagree.

can yield important reasons for why a person holds a

And because this may come up from time to time

particular view: a painful event from his/her childhood

within our Sisterhood, I’d like to share what I learned:

or a deeply held belief. Listening to these feelings can allow you to see where this person is coming from in

Listening to understand and listening to formulate

a new way.

a response are not the same thing. When you’re trying to form or maintain relationships

Restate/explain/clarify your position.

with people, you need to suspend the desire to “win” an

People hear things wrong. People connect dots that

argument. Instead, make sure the person feels heard. This

you don’t intend for them to connect. So, you may

can be disarming to the person you’re disagreeing with

need to restate your point or rephrase theirs to make

because they’re not expecting this grace.

sure you’re hearing each other correctly.

How you say what you say matters.

Acknowledge that you both have rational, valid

I recently watched a Ted Talk by Sally Kohn in

points even if you disagree.

which she said, “You can be politically right but

This is perhaps the place where relationships are

emotionally wrong”. Your tone, attitude, eye contact,

made or broken. Even if you disagree on a topic, you

and body language can determine the outcome

might have the same end goal in mind. You may each

of a disagreement just as much as your words can.

have a different vision of how to achieve these goals,

Remember that your goal is understanding and

and that is OK. It’s important to find what you have in

relationship building and your attitude will follow.

common and end on a positive note.

Ask, “Why do you feel that way?”

In a recent episode of Ana Marie Cox’s podcast “With

What would you add to this list?

So, how do you have difficult conversations?

Friends Like These”, she talked about “putting on

About Christina: Christina Krost joined Phi Chapter at Albion College in 1999. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Albion College and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Marygrove College. She joined the interfaith earth care non-profit Faith in Place in March 2015 and United Methodist Women in November 2016. Christina loves to share her passion for green living and environmental justice with others because it reflects her love for creator and neighbor and leaves a healthier planet for her three young daughters. | 7

National Housing Corporation

The History of Housing Some of a Sister’s fondest memories are time spent living in an Alpha Xi Delta chapter home. Our chapter facilities serve as a place for study sessions, philanthropy events, recruitment events to meet potential new Sisters and just simply living with some of your best friends all under one roof.

The Beta Eta Chapter facility at the University of Maryland was renovated in 2013.

The National Housing Corporation (NHC)

corporation volunteers; and the overall reactive, rather

strives for competitive, safe, properly maintained

than proactive approach prevalent to housing issues at the local level. All of this information was evaluated

and financially secure chapter housing. It supports the Fraternity, the local corporation boards and the collegiate chapters; collaborates with the Fraternity, the local corporation boards, the collegiate chapters, the National Panhellenic Conference and universities on housing issues; and counsels the Fraternity on Fraternity-owned properties and administration of the National Housing Fund.

Foundation, the NHC is the newest branch of Alpha Xi Delta. In 1997 a task force was mobilized to thoroughly review what would need to happen to make the NHC a reality. This group reviewed information collected from a survey sent to local housing corporations regarding the state of Alpha Xi Delta housing. Though many strengths of Alpha Xi Delta’s housing were cited in the assessment such as reasonable cost, a number housing quality; a lack of a checks and balances system; time commitment required of housing

the NHC should be.

After many discussions and brainstorming

sessions, two years later the dream of a national housing service entity became a reality on April 29, 1999. With the NHC and its resources, new ways of accomplishing old tasks became immediately possible. The NHC eliminated the need for the local

When compared to the Fraternity and the

of weaknesses were outlined as well, including

and discussed to further define what the objectives of

corporation board members to be experts and made serving on the corporation board less intimidating. Because of the NHC, an alumna member who is willing to donate precious time doesn’t need to worry about having to do the corporation taxes, research home insurance, bill members, renovate and file an annual report.

Today, the NHC manages 43 properties and assists

local corporation boards.

If you’re interested in learning more about the

NHC, visit

The Quill | 8


Past Present Future

The Nu Chapter at the University of Washington. The chapter recently purchased an annex located closer to campus with the assistance of the National Housing Corporation.

The Beta Eta Chapter facility at the University of Maryland was recently renovated in 2013. The chapter purchased the lot and began construction on this home in 1936, and was the first group on campus to pay off its mortgage in 1950. | 9



The History Behind our

Outward Symbols

Our most important symbol, our Quill badge, is widely recognized amongst Sisters and Alpha Xi Delta friends and family. But, there are some of our other outward symbols that some may not know the history behind.

Colors: The first time

Chapter, with the help of Alfred Newman, a student at

double blue and gold

the Chicago Museum of Art.

appeared as Alpha Xi Delta’s official colors was in 1902 as the women of Alpha Xi Delta entered the chapel at Lombard to signify the

Charter Pin: The charter pin is

nationalization of the Fraternity. The gold was added to

used in place of a new member

the existing colors of light blue and dark blue because

pin for founding members of

another fraternity already had the same colors.

a new chapter. The charter pin should be worn below the Quill.

Pink Rose: Founders Cora Bollinger Block and Lucy W.

New Member Pin: In the early

Gilmer chose the pink rose to

days, Alpha Xi Delta pledged

complement the white rose

new members with ribbons,

of Sigma Nu. But, have you

as did many fraternities at that

ever heard of our flower being

time. When the change to use

described as the pink Killarney rose? At the time of

clasp pins was adopted, pledging was done with

Alpha Xi Delta’s founding, the Killarney had not yet

the Quill stickpins and double blue ribbons. After

been hybridized. It was created in 1898. According to

nationalization, it was decided that the Quill should

a memo in 1967 from Jane Kutch, Oregon ’60, she

be limited to only initiated members. So, in 1904, a

stated, “The term Killarney was apparently the idea of

committee was appointed to select a new design

Anna Miller Knote, for there is no reference to the pink

for the pledged member pin. Mary Emily Kay, Eloise

Killarney rose before the 1927 Manual of Fraternity

Patton McKnight and Fern Fogle Holtz, all members of

Education.” The theory is that at the time Anna Miller

the Gamma Chapter at the University of Mount Union,

Knote was pondering roses, the Killarney may have

selected the design that is still used today.

been popular, which led her to specify this particular rose. Today, Alpha Xi Delta lists the pink rose as our official flower.

Recognition Quill: The original Recognition Quill was worn on the outer clothing that concealed the

Coat of Arms: The Coat of

badge. It was a triangle of black

Arms is most commonly

enamel bearing our three Greek letters. At the tenth

referred to as our “Crest”,

National Convention in 1920, the Kappa Chapter from

but in Alpha Xi Delta’s

the University of Illinois was appointed to submit new

Constitution and Bylaws it

designs for the Recognition Quill. The design was

is formally listed as the Coat

adopted at the eleventh Convention in 1922.

of Arms. The Coat of Arms was originally designed in 1904 by Marion Wrigley Fischer, a member of Alpha

The Quill | 10


President's Medallion and Her Adventures

It was 1953. We were in Pasadena, California, and it

Sister searches through the links to find the one

was time for my big reveal. I had just arrived from

engraved with their chapter’s Greek letters.

the jeweler and all my links were ready to shine. At

Each time a new National President is installed,

this time, I had 76 links on my necklace that were

I am passed down to her, and she also receives a

engraved with the Greek letters of each chapter

National President’s ring. As you can imagine, I have

that had been founded at that time. The medallion

seen so much since that debut in 1953 and have had

portion of the necklace bears the Fraternity’s Coat of

the opportunity to be worn by so many great, inspiring

Arms. Gamma Epsilon Chapter from California State

women. Here are a few highlights:

University-Fresno was the last link added before the 1953 Convention. A new link wouldn’t be added to

• In 1956, when I attended the first leadership training, CORT, at Indiana University with National President

my necklace until Gamma Zeta Chapter at Eastern

Dr. Elizabeth Van Buskirk.

Michigan University was founded in December 1954. Dr. Elizabeth Van Buskirk, Syracuse ’29, who was National President at that time, was the first person

• In 1964, when I visited Alpha Xi Delta’s new headquarters that relocated to Indianapolis with

to wear me. One of the earliest photographs of me is

National President Ethel Garnier Thompson.

of Dr. Van Buskirk cutting a cake at Convention 1953 to celebrate the Fraternity’s 60th birthday. What an exciting time! Since my debut, I have had the honor

• In 1975, when I was there as we broke ground on the current Fraternity Headquarters at 8702 Founders

to be passed down to 18 National Presidents. And, my how I’ve grown (and gained a little weight)! I now have four chains on each side of the medallion

Road with National President Ernestine Brown Marks. • In 1986, when National President Maxine Evans Blackburn presented the first Woman of Distinction

because of Alpha Xi Delta’s growth throughout the

Awards at National Convention.

years. Our jeweler, Herff Jones, even had to add an extra piece above the medallion to accommodate the additional chains. I’m proud to say that I now

• In 1993, as I celebrated the 100th anniversary of Alpha Xi Delta with National President Jayne Wade

have 219 links! One of my favorite moments is when


our members have the opportunity to see me in person. It’s always a scurry of excitement as each

• In 2011, when I was worn by National President Sandi Edwards at the installation of Past National President Jane Sutton as the NPC Chairman.

The next time you’re at an Alpha Xi Delta event

and the National President is there, look for me and don’t be afraid to say hi! I’ll be sure to shine bright for your photo.

Mary Burt Nash (left) with Dr. Elizabeth Van Buskirk (right) at Convention in 1957 during the transition of the National President’s medallion. Mary Burt Nash was National President after Van Buskirk from 1957-62. | 11



Sharing Our Story: April 17, 1893


By Lauren Felts, Indiana ’03 with excerpts from Alpha Xi Delta’s “A 100-Year History” book

Lombard College students filed

into the chapel on April 17, 1893,

Bollinger Block’s apartment at 629 Day Street in

The shades were drawn at Harriet and Cora

ten young women were anxiously

Galesburg, and the women began having secret

gathering in a room of the Zetecalian Literary Society

meetings. “There was hurrying and scurrying,” wrote

and feverishly pinning crisp, double blue bows and

Almira Cheney. “Often we held several secret meetings

pink, long-stemmed roses onto their attire. As they

a week. We had thrilling escapes from being found

finished their pinning, the women eagerly entered the

out at some of our afternoon meetings behind closed

chapel behind the other students and sat together

blinds. The mystery of it all provided enough fun to

at the back of the room. After a moment, students

counterbalance the wearing work which was necessary.”

caught on to the women’s plans, and cheers rang

out throughout the chapel. The women could finally

assistance to help the women organize the sorority.

breathe a sigh of relief as they were accepted as the

The Phi Delts on campus already had a close

new sorority on campus – Alpha Xi Delta.

relationship with the Pi Phis, so Sigma Nu was the

logical choice to ask for assistance as to ensure their

“I cannot remember that my heart ever thumped

so loud as when we met at the chapel door, a minute

The men of Sigma Nu were asked for their

secret was safe.

or two behind the student body already assembled, and marched in with pins, colors and roses all in

Getting to Work

evidence,” remembered Julia Maude Foster. “From

The “wearing work”, as mentioned by Almira, was

the expression on the faces, it was very evident that

beginning the foundation of Alpha Xi Delta. Hours

our secret had not leaked out.”

upon hours were spent discussing and debating the framework of the new fraternity – known today as our

Behind the Secret

Constitution and Bylaws. It was in Julia Maude Foster’s

Lombard College sets the scene for Alpha Xi Delta’s

room that the first version of this document was

founding and its principles. Lombard was the second

signed by all ten Founders.

university in the United States to admit women

as students from its inception. It was founded by

serving as Chapter President. Lucy Walker Gilmer

Universalists who believed in God’s universal love

served as Vice President, even though her Alpha Xi

and ultimate happiness and equality for all persons,

Delta Sisters really only knew her slightly since she

whether male or female. This culture, coupled with

was at Lombard for just one year. Almira Cheney

our Founders’ desire to have an organization that

was elected Secretary, and Lewie Strong Taylor was

provided female students with friendship, support

elected Treasurer. Frances, Almira’s older sister, was

and a positive collegiate experience, was the perfect

the first Chaplain. Frances was a gifted writer who

environment to ensure Alpha Xi Delta’s success.

wrote some of Alpha Xi Delta’s first songs. Harriet

McCollum, the woman behind the idea, served as

Harriet Luella McCollum first saw the need

Officers were elected, with Cora Bollinger Block

for another women’s organization at Lombard. Pi

Chapter Historian. Bertha Cook Evans, who was friends

Beta Phi was already established and successful on

with Almira initially, accepted the position of Marshal.

campus, but Harriet felt it was time for another group

to be available to her fellow female classmates. She

through the completion of the Constitution and

shared this idea with her friends, and they agreed.

Bylaws, the women had to finalize their outward

Rather than go public with their plans, the women

insignia to prepare for the big reveal on April 17.

chose to wait for an appropriate time to reveal their

new fraternity. Attempts by other students to form

badge as a quill because she was inspired by Edward

societies had been unsuccessful, and the women

Bulwer-Lytton’s words, “The pen is mightier than the

wanted to make sure they were prepared before

sword.” As a child, she had watched her grandfather

going public. So, they got to work.

whittle the end of a poultry quill and fashion it into

Although the bulk of the work was accomplished

Lewie Strong Taylor designed the Fraternity’s

The Quill | 12

An early photo of the Alpha Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta.

a pen. Her first design originally was drawn with a

admission because of Lombard’s small size. During

rose above the quill, but the flower was removed

the 1901-02 school year, Edna Epperson Brinkman,

because the jeweler was afraid the rose would break

the Chapter President at that time, became Alpha Xi

off with normal wear. The women agreed with his

Delta’s biggest cheerleader for nationalization.

recommendation, and the first Quill badge was a

stick pin, costing $1.25 each. Dues were set at 25

of Alpha Xi Delta, the Sisters kept their plans for

cents per term. To round out the preparations, light

nationalization a secret. During the fall and winter

and dark blue were chosen as Alpha Xi Delta’s colors,

of 1901-02, Alice Bartlett Bruner and Edna Epperson

and the pink rose was selected by Cora and Lucy to

Brinkman made their way to the office of J.J. Welsh,

complement the white rose of Sigma Nu.

an attorney in Galesburg and member of Sigma Nu,

to get his assistance with drafting Alpha Xi Delta’s

The finishing touches were to perfect a song,

whistle and yell.

Just as they had done in 1893 with the founding

Constitution that would declare Alpha Xi Delta as a national fraternity.

Delta! Delta! Alpha Xi Delta!

Anig banan geefen way!

Sprechen sie wohl, Alpha Xi Delta!

Avon l’intention rester!

The second line includes a collection of Anglo-

“On a quiet, balmy, fall evening, Alice and I drove

their faithful Maud (the Bartletts’ white horse) hitched to the road-wagon down to the business section of

Saxon words with no particular meaning, the third line is German for “You say well, Alpha Xi Delta,” and the fourth line is in French and means “having the intention to stay.” The women raised their voices on the last line to emphasize the fact that their new fraternity would be a permanent fixture on the Lombard campus.

Galesburg,” recalled Edna Epperson Brinkman in the May 1943 issue of The Alpha Xi Delta. “We did not dare tie Maud to a post near this man’s office, but we drove past and tied her to Mr. Bartlett’s favorite hitching post. Then Alice and I hurriedly went through the dimly lighted back street to the stairway leading to the man’s office.”

On April 17, 1902, the Constitution was presented

to the membership and was adopted. That same year, the Beta Chapter was formed at Iowa Wesleyan

The Early Years as a Chapter The Alpha Xi Deltas at Lombard were quite pleased with their success on campus, but they couldn’t help to think about what it would be like to share their Sisterhood at other colleges and universities. Several times the members of Alpha Xi Delta sought to exist with other national fraternities, but they were denied

University when the women of S Chapter of P.E.O. became affiliated with Alpha Xi Delta.

For more information about our history, please be

sure to look at the enclosed 125th Anniversary issue of The Quill to see a breakdown of significant pieces of Alpha Xi Delta history separated by decade. | 13



The History Behind Chapter S By Michele Herbst Evink, Past National President, South Dakota State ’86

Michele Evink shares the story behind our Beta Chapter, the P.E.O. and Alpha Xi Delta connection and a special bond about being double sisters. Sisterhood is a beautiful gift we give each other when we join Alpha Xi Delta. I am fortunate to have been given a gift in Alpha Xi Delta that led to another gift of

November of 1919, she wrote: If there is any virtue in the founding of P.E.O., it is not on account of the founders, for we were all ordinary girls,

sisterhood, sisterhood in P.E.O.

but on account of the time of founding. It was the age

There are many women within the Alpha Xi Delta

of vision, reconstruction not only along national lines,

realm that have been touched similarly by P.E.O., but

but reconstruction of thought, minds, souls. Women’s

as we look at the 125th anniversary of Alpha Xi Delta,

Clubs were demanded, they came just at the right

it’s a beautiful time to remember that each Alpha Xi

time. It was strange soil for them to grow in, our lives

Delta owes a part of our Sisterhood to P.E.O.

were rigid, our paths were straight. Economy was the

When I moved to the small, rural town of Osceola,

order of the day, but like Alpine flowers blooming in the

Iowa, in 1998, I quickly looked in the Alpha Xi Delta

snow, they bloom all the more luxuriantly because of

directory to see what other Sisters might live near me.

the rigidity of the atmosphere, P.E.O. thrived, we were

I was blessed to become acquainted with Sandra Kale,

not bound by criticism or cynicism.1

an initiate of our Alpha Iota Chapter at Drake University, and Dorothy DeHaan, an initiate of our Beta Chapter at Iowa Wesleyan. In 2007, we all became double sisters when I was initiated into Chapter K of P.E.O.

P.E.O. is an international women’s sisterhood, a

pioneer of women’s societies. It started very similarly to Alpha Xi Delta at a small, liberal arts school in the Midwest. In January of 1869, seven young women found themselves at Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. A year previous to the founding, a small chapter of I.C. Sorosis (a sisterhood that became Pi Beta Phi) was organized. The seven women were close and not all of them found a place in I.C. Sorosis and if they all weren’t together, none of them would join that society.

They each recalled later that someone remarked,

“Let’s have a society of our own.” The idea was planted and P.E.O. would be born. The P.E.O. founders announced the birth of the new society with a grand march into chapel. They had each sewn an apron, specifically designed to be higher on the left shoulder. The left bib was cleverly held up by the shining emblem of their sisterhood, a pin in the shape of a star.

P.E.O. had founders, like Alpha Xi Delta’s, who

were pioneers in education. One particularly engaging account that reflects the attitudes of the time came from P.E.O. founder and first president, Alice Bird. In

P.E.O. would take a unique growth path after

its founding. Interested women were allowed to ask Chapter A for permission to create a local chapter and the newest chapters were formed both on and off of college campuses. Chapters were named based on their founding order (A, B, C, etc.) until it had expanded into many states. At that time, chapters became chapter A, B, C of their state chapter. For instance, my chapter was Chapter S, founded in 1885 in Osceola, Iowa. When renaming took place, we became Chapter K.

Chapter A continued to thrive in Mount Pleasant,

but grew beyond the college chapter. It included women both in college and in the community. Over time, the college women at Iowa Wesleyan found it more and more difficult to fit into the schedule and activities of the existing chapter and requested their own chapter. Chapter AJ was chartered at Iowa Wesleyan and would become Chapter S Iowa.

As time went on, it became more and more

difficult for Chapter S to abide by the P.E.O. constitution and bylaws and the rules of the college. Iowa Wesleyan was writing rules for Greek letter organizations and Chapter S often found itself making its own rules to remain competitive with Pi Beta Phi. They went to an incredible local resource they

1. Clapp S (1968) Out of the Heart: A Century of P.E.O, 18691969. Des Moines, Iowa: P.E.O. Sisterhood

The Quill | 14

had, founder Alice Bird Babb, and asked her for her

The story continues and weaves a golden thread of

opinion. She encouraged them to seek affiliation

sisterhood that crosses through both P.E.O. and Alpha

with a sorority, preferably a new one. Consideration

Xi Delta. That thread touched me, 105 years later, in

was given to several groups and Alpha Xi Delta

Osceola when I made a vow and joined the sisterhood

was chosen. On June 7, 1902, Chapter S disbanded

of P.E.O., gaining new sisters and many double sisters.

and became the Beta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta.

All members of Chapter S retained their P.E.O.

from that vow. Two years after my initiation, Dorothy

membership, making them my first double sisters.

DeHaan approached me at a P.E.O. meeting and

asked if she could give me her Quill. I turned the Quill

As a special seal to the bond between P.E.O. and

I often tell the story of a special bond that came

Alpha Xi Delta, Alice Bird Babb was initiated into Beta

over to read “Dorothy Gipple, March 8, 1936�. When

Chapter on June 4, 1924, in the same room in which

I commented on it, Dorothy said it was not a 1936

P.E.O. had been founded 55 years earlier. The 1924

Quill. She had gone to Iowa Wesleyan during the

P.E.O. Record shared the following regarding first the

Great Depression and her aunt, Eula Hankins Hagie,

closing of Chapter S and then the exciting initiation of

had given the Quill from her own 1920 initiation into

our dear founder:

Beta Chapter to Dorothy, saving her from buying a

It was with some misgivings and not a little sadness that the alumni of Chapter S heard the news of the passing of the dearly loved chapter. This cloud had a silver lining, however, in the eligibility of every college P.E.O. to Alpha Xi Delta. Most of them gladly claimed this privilege and took the second vows which made it possible for them to encourage and assist this new little sister who was to carry on the same noble ideals and keeps the same high standard only in a little different

way more suited to college needs and conditions.

new badge. Dorothy went on to share that Eula, also a P.E.O. sister, had been the one to convince her to move to Osceola with her husband, Dr. Fred DeHaan, to start a dental practice here. Were it not for Eula, Dorothy and I would probably never have met.

Dorothy passed away a few years ago, but I

will always have the gift of our double sisterhood and a beautiful, physical reminder of our bonds of sisterhood with a lovely Quill bearing her name.

None of this could have been possible were it

not for the vision of seven young, brave, pioneering

It was a memorable scene when the girl of 1869 and

women in 1869. Scarred by the pain of the Civil War

the girls of 1924 met in this room made sacred by

that had marked their childhood, they entered Iowa

memories of long ago, and as the girl of 1869 pledged

Wesleyan with a valiant, new plan, much like the

allegiance to the Greek fraternity, those seeing the

country was launching a new plan. They quietly and

beautiful ceremony again were impressed as never

secretly created an oath to bind themselves together

before by the meaning of it all. The girls of today feel

not just as friends, but as sisters, as they prepared for

a pleasure that one cannot express in the fact that

the bold future ahead, setting in motion sisterhood for

one of the founders of P.E.O. now wears the Quill of

a lifetime, sisterhood in P.E.O.

Alpha Xi Delta.

The Beta Chapter members in 1905. | 15



Change Same

The More Things , the More They Remain the

By Ruth Goodman Akin, Northern Iowa ’80 (former Editor of The Quill 2000-2011)

Whether you became a member of Alpha Xi Delta 75 years ago or are a new initiate, the close friendships we develop with one another is something all generations of Sisters experience and cherish.

Two Beta Tau Sisters from Kent State University, Order of the Diamond Sister

Ethelyn (Lyn) Scott Ryder Wilhelm, Kent State ’47, and Andrea Gump, Kent State ’15, have found this to be true as well. Here are their stories.

“I loved and admired all of my Alpha Xi Sisters, and my years with them inspired me to aim high, to be the best and to accomplish the most I could.”


In the early 1940s I was a freshman at Kent State

University and soon found myself being rushed by

love and romance – the music, the movies, Of course,

The 1940s were a time when our lives were full of

local sorority Gamma Sigma Phi, which later became

romances proliferated the campus too. My [future]

the Beta Tau Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta.

husband, John, belonged to Kappa Sigma Fraternity.

Our [chapter] house had 20 girls in it, two

When a girl was “pinned,” his fraternity came to her

houseboys and our housemother, who we all loved.

dwelling and sang to her. Isn’t that delightful? Our

The boys kept the snow shoveled and the furnace

marriage was 63 years – long and very happy.

running, and served and cleaned up our dinner in our dining room. We ate breakfast at the local hangout by the entrance to campus, which was called Capt’n Brady’s. At night we sometimes went downtown to one of our favorite places where we could get a good meal for $1. All of the economical eating places were packed full of students singing and eating and playing the jukeboxes. What great fun we had!

We had many formal dances during the year,

sometimes with famous orchestras and singers. I loved the formal occasions for the gowns and for the flowers we received from our dates. They were special events in our maturity, times we always remember. I had a great collection of formal gowns and usually wore Grecian sandals because I was tall and didn’t want to wear heels to dance in!

Lyn babysitting children while their mothers went to vote in the Harry S. Truman vs. Thomas E. Dewey Presidential Election. This photo was originally printed in the February 1948 issue of The Quill.

The Quill | 16

On Saturday nights [my Sisters and I] had dates

Lauren Bacall in her classic belted raincoat, and there

and went to a movie or out to eat or to a formal Greek

was a Sinatra tune playing.

function. One of the worthwhile things we did as a

sorority was to advertise that we would babysit the

that the famous clergyman Norman Vincent Peale

children in their homes so the mothers could go and

was our main speaker. I had read his famous book

vote in the big presidential election [between Harry S.

“The Power of Positive Thinking,” and in fact it was the

Truman and Thomas E. Dewey]. We even made it into

textbook for one of my philosophy classes.

the newspapers!

and my years with them inspired me to aim high,

The special fall event that we loved was

Another great event was graduation. I was thrilled

I loved and admired all of my Alpha Xi Sisters,

Homecoming. The Greek houses were decorated and

to be the best and to accomplish the most I could. I

floats as well. I rode on one float and was dressed like

hope sororities and fraternities remain a healthy and beneficial factor on our campuses for years to come.

“I have made memories that I know I will look back on in 50 years and still smile because they meant that much to me.”

Andrea My Alpha Xi Delta adventure all started in 2015 at Kent

people to get to know on a personal level! I live with

State’s academic and informational carnival where

10 completely different girls, and I could not ask for

campus groups provide information to new

more positive, outgoing, fun roommates.

and returning students at the beginning of every school

year. I had just moved into my residence hall and lived

the chapter, Aliza McConnahey, and I hang out most

by myself, so I was a bit nervous to try new things alone.

often. Whether we’re spending time downtown with

I finally talked myself into going out of my comfort zone,

other friends or in our PJs eating ice cream watching

putting on my lucky teal flats and attending the event,

movies until 4 a.m., we always have fun no matter

even though I knew absolutely no one.

what we’re doing. I have made some of my greatest

memories having heart to hearts with Sisters!

There was a lot of chaos (it kind of reminded me

On a typical Saturday night, my best friend in

of the streets in Times Square), but the thing that

seemed to calm my nerves through all the noise

chapter for Autism Speaks, and we’ve raised more

were the women at the Alpha Xi Delta table. The

than $63,000 at our main fall event, Xi Man. Each

two women I talked to had the biggest smiles and

sorority/fraternity that participates gets coaches from

genuinely seemed so happy to talk to me. When I

our chapter, and each group has a few weeks to put

went through the recruitment process, I could not

together a skit that incorporates dances and Autism

get the conversation I had with them out of my head.

Speaks facts. I love it because the entire Panhellenic

Those two women were the reason I chose Alpha Xi

Community comes together to support us and Autism

Delta, and I could not be happier I met them.


I’m Chapter President now and live in the

Beta Tau is Alpha Xi Delta’s top fundraising

I have made memories that I know I will look

chapter house. Moving into this old house completely

back on in 50 years and still smile because they

changed my college experience. (We call it “this old

meant that much to me.

house” because it’s been a part of Beta Tau for many

years of Sisters.) I grew so close to women I never

inspired me and opened many doors I know I’ll be

would have expected I would ever be friends with.

able to walk through. And for that, I am so thankful.

Alpha Xi Delta has broadened my knowledge,

I mean, we’re all Sisters, but 172 women is a lot of | 17



The Legacies of


By Alanna Williams, Albion College ’88 (former Editor of The Quill 1990-1995)

Only a lucky few of us can say that 125 years ago a

relative helped to found a national organization that

in 1962 into the Alpha Rho Chapter at Allegheny

has enhanced the lives of thousands of collegiate

College and two of her three daughters are Sisters

women. That organization is, of course, Alpha Xi Delta

as well; Christine Barry Nelson was initiated at the

Fraternity, and it is the descendants of the Founders

Zeta Tau Chapter at the University of North Carolina-

that feel extra pride when they see an Alpha Xi Delta

Asheville (’86), and Miriam Barry Keeter was initiated

bumper sticker on a car, or women wearing their Alpha

into Epsilon Gamma Chapter at Western Carolina

Xi Delta letters proudly.

University in a special alumnae ceremony in 1995.

Founder Alice Bartlett Bruner’s Alpha Xi Delta family

Helen’s daughter, Jean Welch Barry, initiated

At age 15, Alice Bartlett Bruner was the youngest

tree includes her two daughters, a granddaughter, and

of the ten Founders. Because of her youth, she was

two great-granddaughters. Alice’s two daughters, Helen

on campus a little longer than most of the other

and Lois, graduated from Monmouth College but at

Founders and was able to serve a very important role

the time of their attendance (late 1920s) Beta Epsilon

in the nationalization of Alpha Xi Delta. Alice was

Chapter had not yet been founded. The daughters of

chosen, along with fellow Alpha Chapter member,

Founders who attended colleges without an Alpha Xi

Edna Epperson, to work with an attorney to organize

Delta chapter were extended invitations of membership

the plans for becoming a national organization. Alice

in honor of the Founders in the late 1920s, so in 1931

helped to establish the preliminary Constitution, and

Helen Bruner Welch and Lois Bruner Barr were initiated

was instrumental in establishing the Beta Chapter at

into Alpha Chapter.

Iowa Wesleyan College in 1902. The fraternity grew from there and now has a total of 219 chapters and more than 175,000 initiated members.

Although Christine Barry Nelson was not yet born

when Alice was living (Alice Bartlett Bruner entered Chapter Eternal in 1966 at the age of 88), she heard many stories from her mother, Jean, about how her great-grandmother Alice, her great-aunt Lois, and her grandmother Helen had a flair for entertaining and would often host Alpha Xi Delta alumnae meetings, and meet with newly initiated members for tea at their houses in Monmouth, Illinois. Christine said her greatgrandmother Alice “…was a great hostess. We still have so many of the things she used throughout the years… sets of china and linens, such beautiful things.” She goes on to say that she “…saw from pictures that Ahma [the family nickname for Alice] was a unique and smart looking beauty…and very tall, as was my grandmother, Helen. It was a little strange to see her [in Alpha Xi Delta publications and in photos] and realize that she was part of something national.”

Alice Bartlett Bruner in her later years. She was the longest living Founder and entered Chapter Eternal in 1966 at the age of 88.

The Quill | 18

“I always enjoy seeing Alpha Xi Delta bumper stickers and the sweatshirts/ t-shirts on young women perpetuating the Alpha Xi Delta Sisterhood.”

During Christine’s college years at the University

of North Carolina-Asheville, she lived with her grandmother, Helen Bruner Welch, to whom she was very close. She said, “I was a commuter student and had not spent much time on campus outside of classes. Joining Alpha Xi Delta provided me a connection with so many neat girls and I became much more engaged in campus life. Three of my best friends are Sisters, and I believe we never would have met without the sorority. Outside of the friendships and social events, I enjoyed the philanthropic activities and learning the Robert’s Rules of Order for chapter meetings. I was an economics major, so I served as the chapter treasurer my senior year of college. Although I have not been consistently involved with the local alumnae chapter, in the early years after graduation, I served as treasurer and philanthropy chair. These ladies are lovely and many had known my grandmother from the alumnae connection. Social media has of course helped some of us stay in touch.”

When asked what her family might think of

Alpha Xi Delta today, Christine says, “I think my great-grandmother and grandmother would be very pleased with the Fraternity today. I think they’d be surprised at the magnitude of its numbers, and I think they’d be pleased with the philanthropic side of our organization. And, of course, as far as scholarships go, they were both so pro-education.” Christine’s mother, Jean, said in a 2004 interview in The Quill that “I think my grandmother Alice was very pleased with the Fraternity and was absolutely amazed at how it grew from just that one group of young women…I think how amazing it is that this all came about, all this multitude of people.”

Christine says, “The Alpha Xi Delta experience

enriched my college life outside of academics and introduced me to lifelong friends. In life beyond college, the sorority’s encouragement of women to engage in volunteer and leadership opportunities continues to round out the social aspects of the Alpha Xi Delta Sisterhood. I always enjoy seeing Alpha Xi Delta bumper stickers and the sweatshirts/t-shirts on young

Alice, pictured second row, far left) with other Sisters of the Alpha Chapter in the late 1800s.

It is truly amazing that Alpha Xi Delta has grown

from ten Founders to 175,000 initiated members. The vision of the Founders was to create an organization where collegiate women could come together and support each other in friendship, in academic studies, and in serving their communities through philanthropic endeavors. The Founders valued higher education for women at a time when that value was not necessarily embraced by society. The Founders valued friendship and high ideals of Sisterhood, but also valued responsibility, integrity, service to others and compassion. They believed Alpha Xi Delta would help women achieve their goals and strengthen their ideals and experiences.

I believe Alice Bartlett Bruner, and all the

Founders, would be thrilled to see how education has empowered women and changed the world and to know all the ways in which Alpha Xi Delta has benefitted so many women in their pursuit of higher education.

women perpetuating the Alpha Xi Delta Sisterhood.” | 19



Sorority Matters By Ginny Carroll, Western Kentucky ’82 (former Quill Editor and Managing Editor 1986-1990; 1994-1995, and past National Executive Director)

Do you remember the day you pledged Alpha Xi Delta? Whether it was in a courtyard full of screaming women or in a small circle surrounded by soon-to-be Sisters, it was most likely one of the few moments in your life when you knew you really mattered. At that moment, you felt you were going to be a part of a very important group of people; women you would call Sisters.


how about remembering the

skills. When I think about my undergraduate sorority

moment you realized that

experience, I was provided the opportunity to develop

Sisterhood was more than

and hone these exact skills and I could articulate

friendship? Or think about the time when you were

that on a resume and in an interview. I believe that

the proudest to be a member of a sorority? Who was

the sorority experience provides the right mix of

there, where were you, what was happening, how did

leadership development in numerous areas that

you feel? What words would you use to describe these

make young women more marketable than most

experiences? Would you use honored, appreciated,

students coming out of college today. The opportunity

supported, loved, happy, excited or accomplished? I

to have developed leadership abilities in the comfort

bet you felt like you mattered. All of these moments

of a sorority environment that involved conflict

– the one when we joined and the ones when we

resolution, risk management, event planning, goal

felt our proudest - are what make this experience so

setting, and even competition set me up for success

singularly important.

as a young professional.

Have you joined a group in quite the same way

I am a very lucky Alpha Xi Delta. I’ve had many

since? I am a 35+ year member of Alpha Xi Delta and

exceptional experiences because of the Fraternity.

I can say unequivocally that I have not, in the past

For my chapter I was pledge trainer (now called

35 years, ever joined another group that accepted

New Member Orientation Director) and Chapter

me with completely open arms and truly caring

President and then went on to travel the country as

hearts. Little did I know when I was just 19 years old

an Educational Leadership Consultant. In that one

the impact my decision to join Alpha Xi Delta would

year as a consultant, I was on 33 college campuses

have on my entire life. It has lead me to opportunities

in nine months and met hundreds of Sisters. Then

unimaginable when I was an undergraduate and a

I went to work at Fraternity Headquarters and did

career that I love – every day.

so for 14 more years. I served as Editor of the very

magazine you are reading, and then got to work in

And I would attest that membership in a sorority

is more important today than even when I joined.

the extension area (establishing new chapters), the

With the advent of technology and the way most

chapter services area, and finished my tenure as the

people communicate today, committing in college

National Executive Director. I met amazing Sisters

to membership in an organization that facilitates

from coast to coast - accomplished professionals,

interpersonal and intrapersonal growth at levels unlike

purposeful mothers, lifelong volunteers, proud

any other student organization is critical to future success.

grandmothers, and caring citizens of the world. In

my work life, I’ve been honored to work with over 24

The National Association for Colleges and

Employers (NACE) 2016 Job Outlook indicates that the

national sororities in a consulting role. And now I serve

top five highest attributes employers want in potential

as the Executive Director of the Circle of Sisterhood, a

hires coming out of college are leadership, the ability

U.S. charity working to remove barriers to education

to work in a team, written communication skills,

for girls around the world. The impact of the Circle of

problem solving skills and verbal communication

Sisterhood is powered by sorority women on more

The Quill | 20

Sisters from the Iota Sigma Chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University.

than 250 campuses and alumnae all over the country.

few dozen characters via text. The written words of the

I have seen first hand the power of this community of

earliest Alpha Xi Deltas were poetic and their priorities

women to have a positive impact not just in their own

were beautifully expressed through ceremonies.

communities here in the U.S., but all over the world.

of “The History of Alpha Xi Delta” written in 1923.

I’ve met thousands and thousands of sorority

Let me give you an example from the first edition

women from every walk of life and have been so

Mary Meek Atkeson of Iota Chapter at West Virginia

impressed by their contributions to their communities,

University wrote in the introduction:

their families, their employers and the world. If who I’ve met and what I’ve seen accomplished by sorority

“To those of us who have once stood within the charmed

women is any indication, we are a powerful force for

circle of white-robed girlhood, touched with a mystic

good in the world and our role in it is very relevant.

beauty by flickering candlelight and fragrant roses, as we

waited with tremulous hearts for the words which would

With all this said, the foundation of our existence

as a sorority movement is important to understand as

make us sisters in that fair company, Alpha Xi Delta has

our Founders fought for our right to be on the college

a deep significance. In all the experiences life may hold

campus. And, today, the sorority community is still

for us, never again can we be more deeply stirred than by

fighting battles for women whether it’s combatting

the first electric thrill of sisterhood. And we know in our

sexual assault on campus or fighting to maintain

hearts that magic circle can never be broken – though

our single-sex status. To hear and understand the

some are scattered to the ends of the earth and some

thoughts and feelings of our Founders gives us

have gone across the great divide. Age, occupation,

context, especially when we try to navigate the Ritual

distance and environment have no influence on our

and ceremonies. History gives a glimpse of what

friendships in the fraternity. In the problems of maturity

life was like when our Founders came together and

we may forget for a time, but when we come face to face

perhaps their hard-fought fight for the right to higher

with one who has stood with us in that dear company,

education will provide insight and inspiration for our

the flame that has burned low leaps up into new life and

battles today.

vigor and we know once more the youth that is eternal.

By its magic charms our troubles are dispelled…It is

I am sure today’s college women often wonder

about the terminology, intent and length of our

youth that sees the thought in the heart of the rose – and

ceremonies when they are used to communicating in a

forgets the thorns.” | 21



Mary Atkeson’s words are written quite differently

It is important that we help our youngest

than those of today, yet we know what Mary intended

members, and those to come, to realize that being a

because we have lived it. She speaks eloquently of the

sorority woman is relevant. The number of integral life

importance of sorority sisterhood to our well-being

skills one builds because they chose to attend college

and growth as women. If you delve into her words you

and become a member of a sorority are limitless.

could easily translate them to the present.

These skills are not alone taught in a classroom but

honed through the trials and tribulations of a sorority

With an understanding of history, we learn how

important the support of a sisterhood was to our

experience which is a living laboratory of leadership

Founders in a time when women were ostracized

development. The social intelligence gained through

and ridiculed for being on the college campus. We

this student involvement makes our members so

understand why education was so important to them.

much more marketable in the workforce.

To know that in the late 1800s, scientists and medical

professionals provided “evidence” that females “were

stop the day one graduates from college. Membership

physiologically unsuited for academic training” and

is a lifetime commitment. Let’s challenge ourselves and

that higher education “damaged a woman’s health

every Sister to take advantage of all the opportunities

by inhibiting her reproductive system” was to more

presented to alumnae to be role models and stewards.

deeply understand our Ritual and the words our

The experiences and opportunities I’ve had as an

Founders used to describe the challenges of their

involved alumna far outweigh the benefits of the time

day and their hopes for our future. And with this

I was in my college chapter. The friendships I’ve made

knowledge we better appreciate our organizational

during my alumnae years are invaluable. My career

roots and the importance of our Sisterhood in inspiring

path has had Sisters all along the way connecting me,

confident and contributing women as much today as

encouraging me, and supporting me.

125 years ago.

This personal growth and development does not

As sorority women, we need to help not only our

own members see the true relevance of sorority, but the people in our circle of influence as well. The best way we can do that is to share our stories, to support Alpha Xi Delta, and to model the way for those who will follow.

I know not everyone has had the same

membership experience. Some are happy leaving their sorority experience behind when they graduate. But if you’re reading this article you must care and if you care it’s because Alpha Xi Delta made you feel that you mattered. Alpha Xi Delta is family by choice. You saw something there – you felt something there. You felt special, you felt you mattered, because you did and you do. And you have grown as a result.

So yes, sorority matters.

What’s Your


Storytelling allows us to connect to one another on a deeper level. Stories help us build relationships, compare similar experiences and learn more about another person and their journey. As we celebrate Alpha Xi Delta’s 125th anniversary, we want to share stories of our Sisters. Although they are from different women, from different chapters and oftentimes even different generations, the common thread of Sisterhood, support, friendship and loyalty is weaved throughout each submission.

Photo submitted by Rhonda during her collegiate years at Missouri Valley College. Rhonda is on the far right in the front row.

eventually gave me wings to fly solo. They armed me

Support and Guidance “Alpha Xi Delta was a pivotal component of my college life at Missouri Valley College. Those young ladies in the chapter influenced my life then and are beacons in my life to this day. They gave me sound advice on campus and helped me grow as a leader through sorority teamwork, which later carried over into my adult life as a teacher. They provided a cornerstone and foundation in my youth that

with poise and confidence to triumph over adversity whenever it confronted me. Most importantly, they inspired me to be charitable and kindhearted to those with whom I interacted. To this day, these same ladies are the foundation I lean on for support and guidance when I need it, and they are always willing to share their hearts. I cannot imagine my life without Alpha Xi Delta.” - Rhonda Helling, Missouri Valley ’78 | 23



modern age of technology, are able to keep each

A Secret Sister “I went early my freshman year for rush. It seemed like I had waited all my life to go to the University

those UK basketball games!

of Kentucky, and there I was. A dream come true!

other posted with what’s going on, especially

When I registered in my dorm, there was a very

nice RA named Sandi. She wasn’t my RA, but in my

I loved my Sisters then, and I love them now.

I will always be proud to say “I am an Alpha Xi Delta.” - Marijon C. Lococo, Kentucky ’76

building, and we would chat every time I saw her at the desk. She’d ask me about rush and we’d talk about where I had gone that day and who I liked. As the week passed and time was drawing near to make my choices, I knew there was only one place for me. Alpha Xi Delta. There were so many different types of girls there, all welcoming and I knew I was home. The day came to make my decision and I did. When Sandi asked which sororities I had chosen, I said “Well, I suicided.” She looked at me and asked which sorority, and I said, “Alpha Xi.” She said, “Oh, I hear they’re a nice group of girls”, or something like that. I soon found out that I was accepted and ran to tell her. She looked at me and told me welcome to the Sisterhood. I said, “What?” She replied, “I am an Alpha Xi and couldn’t say anything while you were rushing.” I was so excited that I gave her a big hug, and we talked about all things Alpha Xi.

Choosing a Big Sister came fast and of course

I had no qualms about who it would be, Sandi. So when I asked her to be my Big Sis, she wasn’t sure she wanted to take that responsibility on because of school, her being an RA, etc. She didn’t feel like she could give me the time she felt I deserved from a Big Sis. But, I was relentless! For every reason she gave me for not being my Big Sis, I gave her one why she could...I won!

I am very proud and profoundly lucky to have

Sandi Edwards as my Big Sister. She was, and is, everything I thought she would be and still is. We’ve shared many experiences over many years, good and bad, and are to this day as close. I will always be grateful Alpha Xi brought us together. I am so happy that I was able to share her accomplishment of becoming National President of Alpha Xi, it is something I will never forget.

My college days were my most memorable

and Alpha Xi played the biggest role. We were all so close and shared so much and through the

Marijon (right) with Past National President Sandi Edwards (left) at a Xi Chapter formal in 1975 at the University of Kentucky.

The Quill | 24

In honor of Alpha Xi Delta’s 125th anniversary on April 17, 2018, we are collecting stories from our Sisters about their Alpha Xi Delta experience.

Why stories?

Alpha Xi Delta would not be the bold, inspiring organization it is today without our Sisters who

have shaped our dear Fraternity into a home for more than 175,000 women. Every member is a unique piece that collectively makes up the history of Alpha Xi Delta. Please fill out the form below with your story, and we’ll share them throughout the year during our celebration. Or, if you prefer to submit your story online, please visit Feel free to send copies of photos with your story submission. Questions? Email us at First and Last Name:

Maiden Name:

Initiated University: Initiated Chapter: Email Address: Phone Number:

My Alpha Xi Delta story: | 25



Dear Future


Just as Almira Cheney buried the cornerstone at Lombard College many years ago, we thought it would be fun to provide a “time capsule” for the next 125 years that shares thoughts, hopes and dreams from current Sisters for our potential new Sisters. So, we asked, “If you could write a letter to a future Sister, what would you say?”

With Alpha Xi Delta

Dear Future Sister,

you not only gain new

friends, but you gain a new family. Some of the

I am so excited that you saw the same spark in

women in my chapter have become some of my best

Alpha Xi Delta that I did. You are going to witness

friends throughout the years. Why AXiD? Because

and experience the amazing bonds that are all part

they’re genuine, they’re sweet, kind and so different

of this Sisterhood. Like me, you will realize that the

than the many other women’s fraternities out there.

word “sisterhood” will only gain more and more

If you’re looking for women who are intelligent,

meaning as time goes on. Sisterhood means having a

grounded and who value themselves, this is the

support system, someone who inspires you, genuine

fraternity for you. There’s so much more to a fraternity

friendships, and, overall, being surrounded by so much

than what meets the eye. Though my chapter is at

love. You will fall in love with everything that Alpha

a small school in South Dakota, I’ve met so many

Xi Delta stands for. We will always encourage you to

women all over the U.S. who are also Alpha Xi Deltas.

realize your potential!

No matter where you go, they are so accepting of you just because you’re “one of us.” You can’t go wrong by joining Alpha Xi Delta!

- Brittany Otterson, South Dakota State University ’09

“No matter where you go, they are so accepting of you just because you’re “one of us.”

- Isabel Maldonado, New Mexico State University ’17

“You are going to witness and experience the amazing bonds that are all part of this Sisterhood.”

The Quill | 26

“My future Sister, the wonderful thing about this is that you have an entire network of strong women who will guide you and help you and love you through your work.”

position, they will support you in your events, and they

Dear Future Sister,

will challenge you to grow. Your Sisters see something

I am so excited right now, and I hope you are, too! The sorority you are about to join has blessed me in so many ways, and I cannot wait to see how she will bless you. I can see the excitement, the hope, the potential in your eyes. When I got my bid to join Alpha Xi Delta, I cried. To put things in perspective, I rarely cry. So, the fact that tears came to my eyes when I opened my envelope and saw the Crest of Alpha Xi Delta, shows you how excited and proud I was to have been selected as a new member of Alpha Xi Delta. And the moment when I got to join my new Sisters is a memory that I will hold close to my heart forever. I hope you smiled, screamed, and yelled “yes!” when you saw the Crest of Alpha Xi Delta on your bid card. And I hope you will remember the moment when you ran out to join your new Sisters.

The best parts of being a Sister of Alpha Xi Delta

start with having someone to wave and smile at you when you walk across campus, someone to eat with in the cafeteria, or a study buddy to help you do your best in your class. It’s someone to offer a kind word when you need it most. Then, to dig deeper, the best parts of being an Alpha Xi Delta Sister include taking a leadership position, if you so choose to. You may be nervous, wondering if you got in over your head, and worrying that you will let people down. My future Sister, the wonderful thing about this is that you have an entire network of strong women who will guide you and help you and love you through your work. They will

wonderful in you; they help you because they want you to realize your potential and become the strong woman I know you can be.

Sisterhood in Alpha Xi Delta keeps getting

better when you step off campus. This past summer, I had the privilege to attend to the 52nd National Convention in Chicago. And oh, future Sister, what an incredible opportunity this was! It warmed my heart to see these women still coming together to celebrate Alpha Xi Delta. That’s how you know you are a part of something special.

Future Sister, there may be days where you

wonder why you are here. You may have times where you feel discouraged, wonder where you belong. It is in these moments when I most thankful for my Sisters. When I feel down, my Sisters remind me of the love that I have for Alpha Xi Delta, and how to be a woman of courage, graciousness, and peace. My Sisters give me the courage to keep my head up and believe that everything will be alright. Lastly, my Sisters help me to find peace in myself, in my activities, and in whatever circumstance I’m in.

My future Sister, I’m so excited to meet you! You

will do wonderful things for your chapter, I know it. Alpha Xi Delta has helped me to realize my potential, and grow into a woman I had always hoped to be, but never thought possible. I hope Alpha Xi Delta does the same for you.

- Diana Kloboves, Mount Union ’16

help you when you have questions about your | 27



What Does the Future Hold for

Sorority Life?

By Kristin Walker, Ph.D. and a member of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority It’s impossible to watch the news without hearing

something related to #MeToo or Time’s Up. Seeing

high scholastic standards. As a result, we contribute to

women of different ages, races, sexual identities,

our workplaces more than our non-affiliated counterparts

ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, and industries

as noted by the Purdue Gallup Study published in 2014.

empowering each other is inspiring. Women have

Additionally, the National Association of Colleges and

always been fighting and using their voices in a male-

Employers annually surveys employers to determine the

dominated world. Despite the lack of technology

skills and competencies they need in college graduates.

to create a national discourse and movement, our

In my dissertation, it was fascinating to hear women

founders found a way to disrupt our country and

credit their collegiate and alumnae membership with

higher education.

providing them with the experiences to gain those skills

necessary to navigate their careers.

Unfortunately, the same media used to further

We balance co-curricular commitments while having

women’s empowerment today is the same medium

combating women’s fraternal organizations, holding

wellness-based programs tailored to women. These

us accountable to our values, and questioning our

programs often fill gaps in campus offerings or allow

relevance. How do we reconcile this reality? How do

members to dive deeper into issues like mental health

we hold each other accountable before things go viral?

and bystander behavior.

How do we ensure our existence and articulate our relevance in higher education and the non-profit world?

As a woman, educator, scholar, and former board

member of the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority, I spend time thinking about these questions, especially before I spoke before the NPC annual meeting last October. I’m honored to be a guest writer and share thoughts about women’s empowerment and the future of our organizations. I would like to offer four interconnected challenges and how we could leverage our organizations to face these challenges in ways that would make our founders proud

Our organizations develop and deliver skills and

Questions To Ask Ourselves - How are we measuring membership outcomes? How can we connect outcomes to campus missions to articulate our value? How can we demonstrate the skills members learn with us and the impact it has on other campus opportunities?

Challenge 2

– Rising Costs of Higher Education

Today’s students are incurring more student loan debt than previous generations. Even though scholarships and financial aid help, it doesn’t make college affordable for

and ensure our relevance.

everyone seeking a bachelor’s degree. We can provide

Challenge 1

students cannot afford membership and all the extras

all of the values-added programming we want, but if

– Women’s Empowerment,

it entails, we are only supporting students who already

Development, and Wellness A Hewlett Packard internal report shared how men will apply for jobs if they meet 60% of the qualifications where women will apply if they meet nearly 100%. This data is somewhat reflective of my conversations with students at Clemson University’s Center for Career and Professional Development. Anecdotally, I have seen female students’ confidence increase when considering opportunities, but how does that align with what’s happening across the country, industries, and generations? Even though I can’t answer that question, women’s fraternal organizations develop members’ skills and increase their confidence to be innovative and adaptive.

have economic advantages. If we remember the vision our founders had of empowering each other to overcome all societal odds, we need to critically examine the costs of membership to ensure our relevance. Questions To Ask Ourselves - How are we able to justify our financial worth when students are facing choices on where to spend their money? How can we ensure collegiate chapters aren’t out-pricing themselves and creating disparity between the have’s and have not’s? How can we help members with their financial wellness that will help them for a lifetime when institutions may not be able to provide this support?

The Quill | 28

Challenge 3

intriguing, we also have more generations than ever in the

– Changing Demographics of

workplace at the same time.

College Applicants Knowing who college applicants will be in the coming years shouldn’t be a surprise since they were born about eighteen years ago. With the recession of 2008 and the rise of for-profit institutions, individuals have more options than ever to pursue advanced education, yet we are experiencing a decline nationally in high school students applying to four-year institutions.

In an age of countless data points, institutions

of higher education and fraternal organizations that run like businesses must leverage this information. Institutions have individuals focused on enrollment management to determine who institutions will recruit, admit, lose, retain, and graduate. Our organizations tend to forget this data exists and more so, neglect to use it to inform our decisions. It could allow us to have strategic conversations with campuses on how we can help contribute to institutions’ retention and persistence efforts thus making our value known.

With the world of work, career options, and

work and volunteer organization dynamics constantly evolving, our organizations provide the perfect space to leverage knowledge, experiences, and relationships across generations. We often will “sell” how lifetime membership can provide members with a worldwide network, but we don’t leverage these networks in practice. More so, we don’t help members look past their local chapters and affiliations to see the larger Panhellenic network they can leverage when considering geographic or career moves. Questions To Ask Ourselves - How could all members regularly interact with members outside of their generations to increase their ability to effectively communicate and work together? How can college and alumnae Panhellenics hold networking events and career development panels or support women of different generations? How can we engage alumnae members more creatively (beyond chapter advising) so

Questions To Ask Ourselves - How are our organizations and chapters able to be inclusive with shifting demographics of college applicants? How are we educating our members on the value of and advocating for diversity of all kinds in our chapters? How can we articulate our value in helping to ensure students are retained and persist to graduation?

Challenge 4

– Highest Number of Generations

in the Workplace Research is projecting college students will experience an average of 15 job changes over their lifetimes, and have a 20% likelihood of relocating for a job - that doesn’t count if a partner relocates causing the other to look for a new job in the new location. Finally, by 2020, a quarter of the work force will be contract or time-based. With rising costs and changing regulations to health care and retirement, companies are becoming reluctant to bring on individuals full-time. If these data points are

lifelong membership becomes the norm? Some of these questions ask us to rethink the women’s fraternal experience and how we can evolve. If we don’t, will we become like companies that didn’t adapt and are no longer part of our culture? Unfortunately as we have recently seen at Harvard University and in the state of Tennessee, our ability to exist is in question now more than ever. It’s our job to remain relevant and articulate the value we add beyond the clichés of sisterhood or money donated.

The biggest question of them all - How can we

evolve from being one of the things keeping campus presidents up at night or in the news and be the most effective strategy to equipping women of all backgrounds with skills and experiences that will improve campuses, help them graduate, and allow them to be confident in tackling the world’s biggest challenges?

About the author: Dr. Kristin Walker is a member of Alpha Sigma Tau and has 15 years of experience in education and fraternity/sorority life. She earned her B.S. in English from Radford University, and her M.Ed. in Counselor Education and Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Clemson University. Kristin works full-time as the Associate Director of Analytics and Initiatives at Clemson University’s Center for Career and Professional Development and teaches in Clemson’s masters and doctoral programs. Outside of Clemson, Kristin has 15 years of volunteer experience for Alpha Sigma Tau, 8 of which were on the National Council and serves as the webmaster for the Northern Virginia Alumnae Panhellenic Association and as the Vice President for Marketing and Outreach for the Southern Association of College Student Affairs. Through her professional and volunteer roles, Kristin has traveled to and worked with students at over 40 college campuses. Her research interests include career development, fraternity/sorority life, and STEM education. | 29

We'll see you soon!

All Alpha Xi Deltas are encouraged to Do More. Raise More. Be More. for Autism Speaks. Joining your Sisters at a Walk is an easy way to get involved and make a difference. Find a Walk at

Upcoming Walks 5/6/18 - North Shore Walk, Northfield, IL

9/16/18 - Northern New England Walk,

5/6/18 - Denver Walk, Denver, CO

Manchester, NH

5/12/18 - Chicago Walk, Chicago, IL

9/16/18 - Laurel Highlands Walk, Ligonier, PA

5/19/18 - Cincinnati Walk, Cincinnati, OH

9/22/18 - Austin Walk, Austin, TX

5/19/18 - Northern New Jersey Walk, Bloomfield, NJ

9/22/18 - Boulder Walk, Boulder, CO

6/2/18 - W estern Connecticut Walk, Waterbury, CT

9/22/18 - Western New England Walk, Westfield, MA

6/2/18 - S outhern New Jersey Walk, Mount

9/22/18 - Indianapolis Walk, Indianapolis, IN

Laurel, NJ

9/22/18 - Jersey Shore Walk, Long Branch, NJ

6/2/18 - Pittsburgh Walk, Pittsburgh, PA

9/22/18 - Seattle Walk, Seattle, WA

6/3/18 - Greater Hartford Walk, East Hartford, CT

9/22/18 - Greater Charlotte Walk, Charlotte, NC

6/3/18 - Westchester/Fairfield Walk,

9/29/18 - Richmond Walk, Richmond, VA

White Plains, NY

9/29/18 - Minnesota Walk, Minneapolis, MN

8/18/18 - Nantucket Walk, Nantucket, MA

9/29/18 - Kansas City Walk, Kansas City, MO

9/9/18 - Toledo Walk, Toledo, OH

9/29/18 - Broward Walk, Sunrise, FL

9/15/18 - Michigan Walk, Milford, MI

9/29/18 - Dallas Walk, Richardson, TX

9/16/18 - New York City Walk, New York, NY

9/30/18 - G reater Hudson Valley Walk, Pomona, NY

9/16/18 - Rochester Walk, Rochester, NY 9/16/18 - Fort Worth Walk, Fort Worth, TX

Please visit for up-to-date information.

The Quill | 30


Each National Convention includes a number of educational and leadership sessions for collegiate and alumnae attendees and is a time for Sisters to bond while creating funfilled memories. We’re heading to Seattle for our 2019 National Convention. Save the date for July 3-6, 2019!


We’re celebrating our 125th anniversary all year long! If you have a special reunion coming up, please consider incorporating the 125th anniversary into your party plans. We have free party printables, resources and more on our website at


Alpha Xi Delta will be offering three leadership programs for our collegiate Sisters this summer: The Workout (#AXiDTWO), The Founders’ Academy (#AXiDTFA) and Summer Immersion (#AXiDSI). Be sure to follow along on social media with each event’s hashtags. We’ll provide event recaps in the summer/fall issue. | 31



5 The Quill | 32

Member News 1 JACKSONVILLE (FL) The Jacksonville Alumnae Association participated in the Autism Speaks Walk at the Avenues Mall. Sisters enjoyed walking to enhance the lives of people living with autism. - Susie Crosbie 2 GEORGE MASON Sisters from the Iota Alpha Chapter celebrated their new leadership positions at officer training this past winter. From left to right are Claudia Torres, Anna Dua and Dani Rambal. - Marvi Wahla,


3 VIRGINIA More than 86% of all chapter alumnae participated in events to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of Zeta Psi Chapter. A dinner was held on October 6, 2017 in Alexandria, and Sisters attended the UVA/Duke game on October 7, 2017. - Liz Pope Battaglia, 4 KANSAS STATE The Alpha Kappa Chapter spent World Autism Month volunteering at an after-school program for children affected by autism. The after-school program flourished within the first month and was so successful that Sisters have decided to continue volunteering their time at the school every April. - Ashton Thomas, 5 INDIANA U OF PENNSYLVANIA The “Sisters of the Seventies” celebrated their fifth annual reunion by attending Homecoming. They enjoyed the parade,


explored campus and had dinner at Bruno’s, the site of many post-Initiation celebrations. The weekend wrapped up with a brunch hosted by current collegiate Sisters to honor the alumnae. - Sharon Kozy, 6 IDAHO STATE The Iota Kappa Chapter participated in AXD‘s national writing campaign, Letters of Love. The chapter ended up exceeding their goal and raised $1,200 for the campaign! The chapter ranked as the 4th highest fundraising Alpha Xi Delta chapter in the nation for total donations for the Letters of Love campaign. - Phoebe White,

6 | 33

Member News 1 DENVER This past November, the Denver Alumnae Association held their annual live auction fundraiser to benefit Autism Speaks. The association sold more than 100 tickets, and the live auction generated more than $16,500! Rebecca Miller and her teenage son, Max, who has autism spoke to the attendees about the positive impact they’ve seen through Autism Speaks and Alpha Xi Delta’s philanthropic involvement. - Debbie Tapp, 2 WISCONSIN-EAU CLAIRE Sisters at the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at UW-Eau Claire welcomed new Sisters with a “Sweet Home Alpha Xi” Bid Day theme. - Taryn MacGibbon,


3 SLIPPERY ROCK Sisters of the Delta Kappa Chapter had an opportunity to volunteer at the Autism Speaks Walk in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They interacted with participants by handing out and applying tattoos, worked in the quiet zone and colored with kids, and even had the opportunity to hold up the posters for the silent countdown to the beginning of the Walk! -Abbey Ciancio, 4 TEMPLE Sisters from the Iota Chi Chapter hosted a photo shoot to market their chapter and have some fun! - 5 TALLAHASSEE Alpha Xi Delta was well-represented at the annual Alumnae Panhellenic of Tallahassee Luncheon and Silent Auction to support Scholarships for Greek women at Florida State University. Pictured from left to right are: Nancy Staff, Florida ‘83, Cindy Phillips, Georgia Tech ‘77, Shirley Campbell, Florida ‘83, Alumnae


Panhellenic President Carol Sprlng, Mount Union ‘66, and seated Gail Faughn, Stetson ‘63. - Carol Spring, 6 GEORGIA TECH The fall 2017 new member class of the Gamma Eta Chapter at the Georgia Institute of Technology was thrilled to celebrate Bid Day and meet their new Sisters. - Sarah Choi,

5 The Quill | 34



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4 The Quill | 36

Member News 1 NEBRASKA-LINCOLN This past fall the Rho Chapter held a photo shoot as a Sisterhood bonding event to showcase their friendship. It was a little chilly that day, but that made their hugs even tighter and smiles a little bit wider. Photo credit goes to Maddie Rose Photography, located in Lincoln, Nebraska. - Keleigh Ketelhut, 2 SOUTH DAKOTA STATE Five Sisters, both blood-related and initiates of the Epsilon Eta Chapter, pose together for a photo. Pictured from top, left to right, are Annie


Berkner Selken ’02, Jackie Berkner Toft ’00, Katie Berkner Baker ’99, Jimmie Berkner ’17, Pattie Berkner ’13 and their mother, Diane Berkner. - Miranda O’Bryan, 3 STETSON Alpha Xi Delta alumnae Nancy Slater Larkin, Stetson ’55, and Alice Worthington Schmidlin, Stetson ’58, and their friend Edna DeHass Siniff visited the Plantation Historical Museum (PHS) in Plantation, Florida, this past December. Nancy and Edna shared their book, “Living Seminole”, which described Edna’s childhood experiences while living among the Seminoles in the 1940s and featured Nancy’s watercolor illustrations. Pictured from left to right are Alice Worthington Schmidlin, Nancy Slater Larkin and Mary Jo Braddy Eakin. - Alice Worthington Schmidlin, 4 BOWLING GREEN STATE The new executive committee for the Beta Mu Chapter was recently installed. They wrote, “We are all extremely excited to work together and take on our positions with the new officer structure. We think that we will have a successful year because we are all in different majors, meaning that we all have new and creative ideas that can be brought to the table.” 5 NEVADA-LAS VEGAS The Iota Epsilon Chapter on Bid Day. - Sierra Hickey,

5 | 37

Member News 1 HENDERSON STATE Sisters from Henderson State University from the 1960s recently reunited in Hot Springs. Sisters left to right are Jane McVay Bennett, Nancy Funderburg Newell, Ovita Goolsby, Kitty Looper Wright, Martha McCown Altom, and Karen Green Granderson. - Karen Granderson, 2 CSU-NORTHRIDGE Sisters from the Delta Rho Chapter during a Big and Little Sister bonding event. - Bryanna Wozniak, 3 BOISE STATE The Epsilon Psi Chapter had a great time hosting Football FrenXi on their University’s famous blue turf field! Kirsten Kelhetter, the AmaXIng Challenge Chair, said, “Given the opportunity to work behind the scenes of a great event like this, I was humbled to see how much support we received not only at the event, but throughout the week prior to Football FrenXi. It is nice to know our community is just as passionate about Autism Speaks as we are!” - Madison Gallagher, 4 WISCONSIN-LA CROSSE The spring 1976 new member class from the Delta Alpha Chapter held a reunion this summer. While spending time together, they recreated a cherished photo from their years at school. Front row, left to right: Cheri Broderick, Wendy Kerr, Linda Peterson and Lori Kasper. Back row, left to right are Diane Gmoser, Candy Headson, Lynn Mattison and Patti Pagel. - Lynn Raley, 5 RIT Sisters from the Delta Lambda Chapter at their local Autism Speaks Walk with Rex the Rhino, the mascot for the Rochester Rhinos professional soccer club. From


left to right are Chrystie Tyler, Victoria Nicholson and Leah Kramer. 6 FRANKLIN & MARSHALL The Iota Psi Chapter waiting to welcome new Sisters on Bid Day. 7 SAN FRANCISCO The Bay Area Alumnae Association met for a champagne hike to ring in the new year. You can learn more about the association at or email to - Michelle Kanan, 8 CSU-SAN MARCOS The Theta Rho Chapter hosted a 5K Color Run for Autism Speaks and raised more than $26,000! - Kendall Black,

6 The Quill | 38






8 | 39


125th Campaign Update Alpha Xi Delta Foundation is in the midst of a three-year campaign that was designed to help fund the development of strong Alpha Xi Delta leaders. We are well on our way to the $1.25 million goal in gifts and pledges, but we still need you! A key focus of the campaign will be to establish a fund that will allow the Fraternity to support The Founders’ Academy. Your gifts will help ensure that Alpha Xi Delta can continue to provide high quality leadership training and personal development for generations of Sisters to come.

The 125th Anniversary Campaign is a milestone opportunity for members

to collectively give thoughtfully and generously. Our combined contributions during this campaign can be a pivotal point for the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation

to increase the support it gives our Fraternity. Our determined, capable, optimistic members, nurtured by Alpha Xi Delta’s talented staff and selfless volunteers, depend on the growth of the Foundation. - Debbie Maas, National President 2005-07

$1,108,609 87% 3,677

raised to date for the 125th anniversary campaign.

of donors to the 125th anniversary campaign made gifts of $125 or less. donors have already participated in the 125th Anniversary Campaign.

The Founders’ Challenge All Alpha Xi Deltas are the legacy of our

About The Founders’ Academy The Founders’ Academy is the premiere summer educational opportunity for Chapter Presidents and emerging leaders that focuses on the development and application of StrengthsQuest™ principles for individual and organizational leadership. With your donations, you help make a difference to women like Payton Johnson, Central Oklahoma ’15. Payton

attended The Founders’ Academy in 2016. She credits her experience at TFA and the connections she made with Sisters across the country to her success as a leader in her chapter and on campus.

Founders who stood up for something they believed in, something they thought could change the world for other women. The Founders’ Challenge is your opportunity to give in their honor and memory. Your gifts are used where they are needed most in support of the Fraternity’s priority educational and leadership development programming. Make your special gift at or call 317.872.3500.

Make your gift now at The Quill | 40

Memorial and Honor Gifts MEMORIAL GIFTS

The Foundation recoginizes the following memorial gifts received from November 1, 2017 though February 28, 2018. Jeff Beckman By Nancy Gainer, Iowa State University Linda Bennett, Georgia State University By Jacquelyn Brandon, Georgia State University Mary Bonnell, Purdue University By Jeanette Horrall, Purdue University Joanne Braucher, Albion College By Jane Schauss, University of Mount Union Ruth Brown, Ohio University By Emily Waters Foundation Paulina Chiriboga, Florida Atlantic University By Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Helen Clark, Ohio University By Betty Harden, Ohio University Shannon Corley, University of Kentucky By Lori Holt Julie Lambert, Oregon State University Elizabeth Williams, Alma College Sharon Richardson, University of Texas at Austin Suzy Prucka, Southwestern University Megan Frisque, University of Kentucky Dianne Coughlan, University of Maryland-College Park By Gloria MacKenzie, University of MarylandCollege Park

Roberta Cox, West Virginia Wesleyan College By Nancy Whitham, West Virginia University

Marian Hoke, Kent State University By Marian Knipfer, University of Mount Union

Rosemary DAiuto, Kent State University By Ellen McGregor, Kent State University

Harriet Holtman, The Ohio State University By Janice Kidd, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Evelyn Dice, Northwestern University By Suzanne Petru, Northwestern University

Vicki Kaspar, University of Nebraska-Omaha By Gina Mangine, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Mary Gleske, Ohio Wesleyan University By Elinor Spiller, Ohio Wesleyan University

John Terry Kelsey By Barbara Dykstra, Ferris State University

Anne Godlewski, Kent State University By Roseann Livingston, Kent State University Mary Gilbert, Kent State University Leslie Carlson, Kent State University Rose Goodwin, University of Arizona By Peggy Gluski, University of Michigan Allison Green, Albion College By Shirley Stevens, Michigan State University Cheryl Christoff Sara Molnar, Ferris State University Mary Brown, Central Michigan University Sue Fackler, The Ohio State University Carol Hall, Northern Illinois University By Anita Drake, Northern Illinois University Irma Harmeson, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign By Linda Harmeson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Catharine Konvicka, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign By Dorothy Ebi, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Stewart Lambert By Suzy Prucka, Southwestern University Ruby Leonard, Oregon State University By Janet Baillie, Oregon State University Judy Loftin, Georgia State University By Robert Loftin Sue Love, Kansas State University By Rena Armatas, Kansas State University Isabel Marshall, Monmouth College By Lois Myers, Monmouth College

Carrie Melton, University of South Carolina By Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Lamar Merck By T.J. Parker, Georgia Southern University Roger Meyer By Dorothy Meyer Audora Milani, Oklahoma State University By Jeanne Jones, University of North Texas Andrew Moreland By Claressa Basile Ginny Philp, University of Arizona By John Philp Stephanie Quimby, Southwestern University By Suzy Prucka, Southwestern University Collene Richenderfer, University of Washington By Janice Baumback, University of Washington Alma Runge, University of Wisconsin-Madison By Jean Young, University of Wisconsin-Madison Cary Russell, Marshall University By Sasha Tackett, Marshall University Jeff MacLeod Taylor Watts, Marshall University Patricia Rust, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign By Carol Root, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Betty McCurry, University of Maryland-College Park By Jeanne Kuller, University of Maryland-College Park

Lawrence and Opal Sabo By Karen Indusi, Long Island University-C.W. Post

Donalda McMath, Michigan State University By Mary Paule Bierlein, Michigan State University

Helen Severson, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign By Carol Severson

The Quill | 41

Memorial and Honor Gifts Fed and Katie Sherrod By Vera Greer, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Jill Bortel, Defiance College By Jan Belka, Slippery Rock University

Karen Shulstad, University of Wisconsin-Madison By Pat Feingold, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Kristin Brierly, George Mason University By Omega Financial, Inc.

Kelly Sizer, Thiel College By Monica Anderson, Thiel College Margaret Slocum, Georgia State University By Emily Tilden, Georgia Institute of Technology Linda Snyder, Bowling Green State University By Carrie Humes, University of Toledo Ally Suhy By Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Isabel Thompson, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign By Dorothy Ebi, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Joan Turner, University of Charleston By Cathy Leikhim, University of Charleston Mary Wells, East Carolina University By Judyth Hustrulid, East Carolina University


The Alpha Xi Delta Foundation recognizes Honor Gifts given from November 1, 2017 to February 29, 2018. Paula Barnes, Oklahoma State University By Bambi Hora, University of Central Oklahoma

Jackie Colish By Cynthia Zelenak, Clarion University of Pennsylvania Elizabeth De Jong, Bethany College-West Virginia By Kevin Garvey Gay Dull, Georgia Institute of Technology By Cheryl Weldon, Georgia Institute of Technology Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Board Members By Sara Molnar, Ferris State University Elysia Gallivan, University of South Dakota By Kevin Garvey Marissa Goranitis, Indiana University of Pennsylvania By Rose Kunkel Roarty, Ohio University Pamela Higgins, Purdue University By Mary Hood, Purdue University Amy Hopkins, Iowa Wesleyan University By Shelley Grider, Iowa Wesleyan University Sara Huey, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityDaytona Beach By Carley James, EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach Amy Ivester By Jill Mouton-Theut, Ferris State University Epsilon Kappa Chapter By Kristin Stuedle, Western Kentucky University

Carol Kelly, University of Wisconsin-Madison By Donna Gager, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Jane Schroeder, University of Nebraska-Lincoln By Emily Stander, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Kendra Lewis, Purdue University By Kevin Garvey

Jennifer Shepherd, Lyon College By Heather Skinner, Lyon College

Bettina Lubke, Northwestern University By Georgine Johnson, Northwestern University

Melanie Staten By Lindsay Sharpe, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Sue Mamber, Kent State University By Carrie Kashawlic, Ohio Northern University

Lucy Ward Bodnar, Stetson University By Linda Rodriguez, University of Georgia

Alyson McClave, Bucknell University By Omega Financial, Inc.

Karen White, Frostburg State University By Sheila Benac, Frostburg State University

Christine Meyer, University of South Dakota By Dorothy Meyer Caroline Rose MoltkeHansen By Suzy Prucka, Southwestern University Alpha Xi Delta National Council By Sara Molnar, Ferris State University Alpha Xi Delta National Housing Corporation By Sara Molnar, Ferris State University Bunnie Olsen, University of Nebraska-Omaha By Cheryl Miller, University of Nebraska-Omaha Cathy Pierce, The Ohio State University By Janet Marvin Mikala Ross, San Jose State University By Omega Financial, Inc. Stacy Rowland, Auburn University By Martha Magnuson, Auburn University

The Quill | 42

Dottie Williams, Western Carolina University By Myra Grant, Western Carolina University Shirley Winckler, University of Iowa By Susan Winckler, University of Iowa Maddie Wischmann, East Tennessee State University By Donna Wischmann, University of WisconsinMadison Alpha Zeta Sisters University of Oklahoma 1945-1950 By Anna Hefner, University of Oklahoma Alpha Xi Delta Chapter UCLA By Patricia Clegg, University of California-Los Angeles Alpha Xi Delta Volunteers By Vanessa Hill, Jacksonville State University


This Valentine’s Day parents, alumnae and friends sent Heart Sunshine to their special Valentine’s Day Honorees. The Foundation is pleased to recognize the honorees. Brooke Ackerman, Western Kentucky University By Trena Ackerman Jamila Adams, American University By M Adams Sydney Anway, Michigan State University By Jerry Anway Sabrina Balent, University of North Carolina-Wilmington By Vanessa Balent Regann Barbier, University of South Dakota By Kelly Barbier Emma Barina, University of South Carolina By Kara Barina Lauren Barker, University of Maryland-College Park By Dori Stibolt Anna Bechly, American University By Kathy Bechly Emily Beggiato, College of New Jersey By John Beggiato Bria Booth, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityPrescott By Joanne Booth Shaelee Bowers, University of Washington By Dawn Bowers Elizabeth Bradley, Boise State University By Tracy Bradley Kayla Brewer, University of West Georgia By Kris Brewer Meghan Bruns, Purdue University By Candace Bruns Claire Bush, University of South Carolina By Natalie Bush Samantha Camacho, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona By Lizanne Camacho Fiona Carroll, Syracuse University By Christine Stephenson

Hannah Carter, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh By Chris Carter

Paige DuGas, Texas Tech University By Lori DuGas

Heather Gosebrink, Western Kentucky University By Janine Gosebrink

Dana Cate, University of Maryland-College Park By Dori Stibolt

Karina Dulberg, Sonoma State University By Marlene Ehlers-Dulberg

Gillian Graham, Ohio Northern University By Gina Graham

Ashley Cavagnetto, Michigan State University By Missy Hamilton

Jackie Durst, Pennsylvania State University By Beebee And Inky Coyle

Kaina Chen, Dartmouth College By Douglas Chen

Monroe Dziersk, Elon University By Elizabeth Dziersk

Myra Grant, Western Carolina University By Dottie Williams, Western Carolina University

Susannah Cole, Georgia Institute of Technology By Kim Cole

Lexi Edwards, Southern Illinois UniversityEdwardsville By Kaky Edwards

Claire Connors, Michigan State University By Lisa Connors Leah Cooper, Syracuse University By Barbara Cooper Carole Cox Peters, West Virginia University By Scott Peters Amanda Crow, DePaul University By Suzi Robinson Caitlyn Curran, University of North Carolina-Asheville By Claudine Curran Ashley Daniels, Texas State University-San Marcos By Kim Daniels Becca Davis, West Virginia Wesleyan College By Barb Davis Ceci De La Rosa, Texas Tech University By Rosie Morales Meagan DeLuca, Michigan State University By Rhonda DeLuca Melissa Dettlaff, University of Nevada-Las Vegas By Lisa Dettlaff Leigh Dillon, Long Island University-C.W. Post By Jodi Dillon Mackenzie Doege, University of Central Florida By Karen Doege Ashleigh Donato, Pennsylvania State University By Jill Donato Aileen Doyle, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityDaytona Beach By Peggy Doyle Miranda Dretzka, Coastal Carolina University By Susan Chmiel

Samantha Engelmeier, Michigan State University By Joan Engelmeier Ashlie Escalante, Texas State University-San Marcos By Brandee Escalante Emily Evans, Texas State University-San Marcos By April Evans Sarah Everhart, Wingate University By Leslie Mahon Ana Febres-Cordero, University of New Hampshire By Patty Mathison Jennifer Ferree, University of Toledo By Eileen Ferree

Julia Gydus, University of Rhode Island By Mary Frances Gydus Casey Hargis, California State University-Northridge By Marissa Hargis Cookab Hashemi, University of Maryland-College Park By Dori Stibolt, University of Maryland-College Park Kimberly Hilliard, University of Maryland-College Park By Dori Stibolt, University of Maryland-College Park Emily Holmes, Eastern Washington University By Maureen Holmes Heather Hutchinson, Michigan State University By Christine Hutchinson, Michigan State University Micaela Isler, University of Texas at Austin By Sharon Richardson, University of Texas at Austin

Abby Ferreira, Christian Brothers University By Mirna Ferreira

Ginny Kemp, Newberry College By Dottie Williams, Western Carolina University

Emily Feuerstein, Southeast Missouri State University By Peggy Feuerstein

Taylor Kirsch, Western Kentucky University By Taunya Kirsch

Tia Fichera, Florida Atlantic University By Jeanine Fichera

Lauren Kupferschmid, Rochester Institute of Technology By Judy Kupferschmid

Kait Flook, Kent State University By Carri Milano Jaclyn Forman, University of Delaware By Donna Forman Madeline Frick, University of Northern Iowa By Suzanne Frick Kahla Fury, Kent State University By Sandra Sanford Rachael Gilbert By William Gilbert Grace Gill, The Ohio State University By Laurene Gill

The Quill | 43

Victoria Lai, College of New Jersey By Kasey Lai McKenzie Lee, American University By Patricia Lee Missy Lewis By Kendra Lewis, Purdue University Tim Lewis By Kendra Lewis, Purdue University Addison Linder By Courtney Fluty, Texas State University - San Marcos

Valentine Gifts Lauren LoDolce, East Carolina University By Sandra Lamparelli

Sadie O’Malley, University of New Hampshire By Hilary O’Malley

Cate Mahoney, Purdue University By Anina Mahoney

Liz Orr, Elon University By Kathleen Flanagan

Michelle Marchand, University of Mount Union By Tracy Stainbrook, University of Mount Union Piper Matthews, Eastern Washington University By Linda Matthews

Tea Parks, University of Nebraska-Lincoln By Joni Parks Elizabeth Payette, California State University-Fresno By Barbara Ellis, California State University-Fresno

Stephanie McAfee, Marietta College By Christina Newell

Rachael Pepin, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign By Denise Pepin

Abigail Mccandless, Ohio University By Trina Mccandless

Tara Pittman, Newberry College By Linda Pittman

Autumn McDonald, Youngstown State University By Stefanie Ciro

Brittany Plecinoga, Newberry College By Peter Plecinoga

Kathleen McGovern, West Virginia University By Bridget McGovern

Sarah Plitnick, Rochester Institute of Technology By Barbara Plitnick

Emmy Middleton, University of South Carolina By Deeley Middleton

Lindsey Plum, Boise State University By Dana Plum

Emily Miller, University of Iowa By Kimberly Miller Carlie Minott, Stetson University By Minott Allison Monaco, Pennsylvania State University By Kathleen Monaco Heather Murphy, Boise State University By Cary Estes Murphy Callie Naser, Texas Wesleyan University By Angela Naser-Duong Juliana Neesvig By Courtney Fluty, Texas State University-San Marcos Kathryn Newsome, Georgia Institute of Technology By Jim & Elizabeth Newsome Taylor Newton, Kent State University By Margie Newton America Nunez, California State University-Stanislaus By Norma Nunez Kristin Olansen, Texas State University-San Marcos By Jon Olansen

Brittany Remy By Jeannette Remy Erin Riney, Texas Tech University By Beth Riney Lauryn Ritterbusch, Southern Illinois UniversityEdwardsville By Karen Ritterbusch Abigail Russo, Georgia Institute of Technology By Lori Russo

Fiona Steiwer, American University By Shauna Steiwer Serena Stout, Youngstown State University By Kelly Stout Jane Sutton, Western Carolina University By Dottie Williams, Western Carolina University Emma Kaye Thomas By Laura Thomas

Erica Ruth, Marshall University By Cheryl Ruth

Katie Thomason, Western Kentucky University By Rhonda Thomason

Sarahellen Sankey, St. Norbert College By Patty Sankey

Kaela Tidus, American University By Michael Tidus

Lange Scanlan, Syracuse University By Julie Topkis

Joy Turner, Western Carolina University By Dottie Williams, Western Carolina University

Peyton Schard, University of Texas at Austin By Brad Schard

Debra Verde By Alanna Verde

Natalie Schueddekopp, University of Washington By Susan Withee

Emma Volpp, Greensboro College By Shelli Volpp

Sarah Ellen Poston, East Carolina University By Joanna Poston

Kathleen Serio, Wittenberg University By Kim Starr, University of Kentucky

Katie Waddingham, University of Northern Iowa By Penny Waddingham

Olivia Potenziano, University of New Hampshire By Erika Potenziano

Morgan Shinaberry, The Ohio State University By Shannon Shinaberry

Lauren Potts, Stetson University By Jillian Potts, Rider University

Julianna Silveira, California State University-Stanislaus By Jennifer Pacheco

Diana Rafanello, Indiana University Bloomington By Linda Matkowski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Jennifer Randall, University of Maryland-College Park By Dori Stibolt, University of Maryland - College Park Kara Raynor, West Virginia University By Dottie Williams, Western Carolina University Kara Raynor, West Virginia University By Dottie Williams, Western Carolina University Cherokee Reinhart, University of NebraskaLincoln By Teresa Reinhart

Alicia Skeath, Lycoming College By Lori Skeath Taylor Smith, Monmouth University By Renee Smith Jazmine Solares, George Mason University By Amarilis Lugo Alayna Spencer, University of Washington By Jessan Spencer Abby Springfield, Western Michigan University By Jacquelyn Springfield Brooke Starkey, Kent State University By Jodi Hutto Alexandra Steinberg By Jack Steinberg

The Quill | 44

Bayla Waite, Carroll University By Beth Waite Olivia Washabaugh, Alma College By Kathy Washabaugh Riley Weeks, University of Texas at Austin By Christine Weeks Annika Wellman, University of Wisconsin-Madison By Kim Wellman Kiley White, University of Southern Maine By Mark White Anne Wilson, University of Alabama at Birmingham By Cindy Leake Hannah Yeager, Bucknell University By Tara Yeager

Chapter Eternal This listing is of Sisters whose passing was reported to Headquarters between September 1, 2017 and January 31, 2018. To notify the Fraternity of a Sister’s passing, please send an obituary notice, memorial service pamphlet or other written confirmation to Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity Headquarters. ALPHA CHAPTER Knox College

Elaine Nordhaus Bauman ’43 Mary Taylor Beneventi ’43 Betty Tupper Braun ’45 Jean Yesberger Dearmond ’42 Kedrin Harr Gross ’45 Enid Gullickson Hanks ’50 Beth Elaine Lewis ’40 Ardathe Stone Lindberg ’58 Jean Burchett Morley ’44 Florence Astor Lowe Ouderkirk ’47 Marilyn Dountz Porterfield ’66 Susan Gordon Stone ’57 BETA CHAPTER Iowa Wesleyan University

Dolores Harper Bell ’48 Jane Graham Malone ’43 Edna Hall Moseley ’30 Frances Wagamon Robbins ’44 GAMMA CHAPTER University of Mount Union

Jeanne Keppler Boich ’43 Ruth Dunn Cordes ’33 Jean Weaver Gwin ’43 Mary Catharine Pappenhagen Horne ’37 Joan Ogilvy Jones ’43 Jessica Marie Kossin ’15 Georgia Wilcoxon Lane ’49 Barbara Koch Lindamood ’66 Wilma Tope Longsworth ’32 Esther Pickles Smith ’36 Florence Ferriot Stiegele ’43 Sabra Tinklepaugh Tolerton ’46 Mary Jane Shaweker Trustdorf ’41 Betty Fisher Wood ’36 DELTA CHAPTER Bethany College

Joyce Adams ’47 Nancy Oberman Baker ’38 Eliza Northrop Beak ’80 Joan Updegraff Bleyle ’56 Juanita Polly Williams Kendall ’44 Florence Elder Kisinger ’41 Ruth Cleary Machamer ’39 EPSILON CHAPTER University of South Dakota

Linda Wohlman Dutt ’62 Marjorie Bruyer Farmer ’51 Margaret Hubbard Flemmer ’68 Shirley Roth Hammil ’55 Kathleen Maureen Hedge ’59 Jeannene Reaves Libby ’59 Kathryn Kaltsulas Masten ’44 Helen Ostrem Montgomery ’63 Mildred Fiksdal O’Neill ’44 Esther Jonnes Peterson ’38 ZETA CHAPTER Wittenberg University

Kathryn Rolli Abbuhl ’35 Millie Feaster Daubenspeck ’41 Carole Cranz Gould ’63 Betty Rader Hoskins ’42 Reta Riecken Lashley ’46

Marjory Baird Otte ’45 Margaret Eichel Potts ’40 Barbara Yannie Velloney ’59 Jane Wagner Wilson ’42

Patricia MacDonald Page ’48 Marthabelle Griffith Paulson ’48

ETA CHAPTER Syracuse University

Llewellyn Holmes Aull ’39 Shannon Ruth Corley ’94 Ann Smith Ehlers ’43 Barbara Faye Harrod ’57 Mabel Carnes Hutchinson ’43 Mary Elizabeth Meade ’50 Lillian Unger Rathell ’43 Alice Wood Bailey Shaw ’36 Ursula Joe Marshall Spears ’40 Sara Elizabeth Delong Trigg ’32 Anne Wyatt Wills ’37

Edna Deyoung Burlingame ’37 Jean Jacobs Cuculo ’41 Jane Riehlman Downes ’41 Frances Whyland Egan ’47 Addie Clark Flower ’31 Diane Davis Henderson ’50 Marilyn Whyland Johnson ’46 Lucy Southerden Ladd ’36 Gloria Santoro Neale ’43 Barbara Conger Shedd ’43 THETA CHAPTER University of WisconsinMadison

Barbara Benedict Brown ’50 Margaret Baker Derse ’39 Brenda Lee Hoffman ’85 Jean Longenecker Jones ’47 Elizabeth Lean Lyle ’44 Jean Leistikow Sepstead ’44 Karen Anderson Shulstad ’68 IOTA CHAPTER West Virginia University

Phyllis Cox Cline ’49 Hettie Jo Gates Hawvermale ’43 Sue Carroll Hines ’50 Carolyn Holstein Meador ’47 Ann Bickens Little Muffly ’45 Virginia Edgar Seamon ’35 Patricia Floyd Staker ’59 Emily Flint Humphries Warden ’45 Virginia Orr Little Winn ’32 KAPPA CHAPTER University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign

Janet Horstman Anderson ’38 Marjorie Schroeder Bratcher ’43 Jacquelyn Waldman Gruben ’44 Marian Joyce Millett ’43 Patricia Culp Rust ’48 Hazel Harriette Ericsson Theis ’19 Janice Gillen Walsh ’20 LAMBDA CHAPTER Tufts University

Joyce Sampson Gamble ’48 Loreto Besa Hepburn ’41 Priscilla Dade Hutchinson ’38 Pearl Schendel Kennett ’37 Pamela Hancock Knapp ’51 Nancy Nelson Sullivan ’43 Victoria Sears Thaler ’43 MU CHAPTER University of Minnesota

Esther French Thom ’31

NU CHAPTER University of Washington

Kathleen Yates Angel ’43 Lois Marie Hofstetter Bianco ’49 Betty Lainhart Himmelman ’45 Adele Hoelting Iverson ’43

XI CHAPTER University of Kentucky

OMICRON CHAPTER University of CaliforniaBerkeley

Marilyn Blanchard Amsden ’63 Betty Bonnikson Brooks ’43 Elissa Wolff Burrell ’43 Beverly Hocking Case ’43 Phyllis Botto Clark ’41 Patricia Royer FitzGerald ’56 Dorothy Dexter Kirkman ’35 Joan Ynez Frazell Marable ’58 Carol Pennock Sullivan ’47 Virginia Lake Waddill ’41 Barbara Douglas Ward ’41 PI CHAPTER Ohio University

Priscilla Hallam Osberg ’43 Virginia Ross Shelmerdine ’51 Natalie Painting Smith ’38 UPSILON CHAPTER University of Vermont

Gladys Muriel Baker ’21 Doris Schlaf Bixley ’39 Celia Marion Cioffi ’43 Idora Cooley ’38 Marguerite Benoit Downes ’40 Jane Riddell Gay ’36 Dawn Nichols Hazelett ’39 Catherine Zwick Keefe ’43 Marion Mills Phillipsen ’36 Patricia Erikso Bennett Stoudt ’44 Natalie Lavania Spear Wheeler ’40 Ruth Wimett ’36 PHI CHAPTER Albion College

Eileen Malnar Burkholder ’49 Catherine Huxtable Graham ’43 Allison James Green ’56 Eleanor Harper Peterson ’45 CHI CHAPTER University of Kansas

Harriett Wells Diller ’25 Amy Jo Hetager ’93 Karen Kirk Peters ’95

Charlotte Ackermann Bloomfield ’43 Catherine Ferro Dobbert ’49 Gretchen Plum Featheringham ’35 Helen Hess Garvey ’40 Sara Algeo Smith ’51 Allison Suhy Rosemary Novario Thomas ’38 Helen Hayes Ward ’34 Marian Bowers Woods ’42 Breanda Joyce Young ’65

PSI CHAPTER The Ohio State University

RHO CHAPTER University of Nebraska Lincoln

Martha Barnes Bartholomew ’57 Dorothy Rollins Carefoot ’39 Annette Bolton Clark ’42 Phyllis Brown Gilpin ’39 Gere Howard Johns ’50

Jean Jensen Minnick ’47 Arlene Magnuson Norris ’37 Pauline John Walburn ’40 SIGMA CHAPTER University of Iowa

Jane Baldwin ’43 Jerrine Russ Deering ’43 Jacqueline Giles Gilbert ’43 Coralie Grimm Kessler’47 Chloe Schutte PerkinsRosenberg ’44 Carolyn Wagner Warren ’58 TAU CHAPTER University of New Hampshire

Eleanor Gould Bryant ’38 Marie Marden Currier ’43 Anne Donovan ’43 Suzette King Georgiou ’85 Frances Wakefield Hutchins ’43 Patricia Lincoln Johnson ’45 Judi Buote Malcolm ’67 | 45

Judy Kraemer Burns ’60 Elda Celli Butler ’52 Sandra Fitzgerald Dolbec ’57 Marylyn Sayle Evarts ’57 Laurena Fraser Gustafson ’53 Ellen Marsha Shapiro ’70 Christine Worth Skeen ’64 Ellen Price Solter ’36 OMEGA CHAPTER Stetson University

ALPHA BETA CHAPTER Cornell University

Jane-Ann Polly Schiera Bell ’60 Priscilla Buchholz Frisbee ’36 Dorothy Zimmerman Jones ’42 Elizabeth Dewee Shanaman Meier ’35 Elaine Bushart Sievert ’56 ALPHA GAMMA CHAPTER Coe College

Marion Ross Heald ’46 Shirley Sorenson Noyes ’55 Ursula Vogeler Rickman ’58 Patricia Thompson ’44 Gertrude Shoemaker Weaver ’35 Kathryn Miller Wessel ’55 Jean Dempster Zollars ’43

Chapter Eternal ALPHA DELTA CHAPTER Oregon State University

Margaret Riggs Arndt ’38 Marilyn Buxton Landeen ’42 Henrybelle Faulkner Marks ’43 Elsie Loennig Newman ’52 Margaret Johnson O’Leary ’46 ALPHA EPSILON CHAPTER University of Michigan

Jane Cameron Bochenek ’54 Betty Beernink Burns ’43 Theda Temple Drake ’44 Martha Cox McGillicuddy ’58 Marian Burton Potter ’45 Beverly Grunewald Schairer ’58 ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER University of Oklahoma

Margaret Broome Oates ’44 Phyllis Colpitt Reid ’47 ALPHA ETA CHAPTER Purdue University

Maude Johnson Angell ’23 Kathryn Lang Blakslee ’39 Betty Wiladean Doster Carter ’42 Elizabeth Burnside Cattron ’43 Susie Robbins Croeber ’59 Barbara Gregory DeBoer ’43 Ruby Clement Doyle ’46 Phyllis Borkowski Eckman ’48 Sandra Schenke Emery ’51 Sharon McNerney Fisher ’55 Mary Elizabeth Jordan Fraustein ’43 Vera Rose Hickman ’44 Betty Seliger Hlinka ’42 Arline Loesche Hofland ’43 Eileen Nesius Hogan ’44 Lois Atcheson Johnson ’29 Janet Olson Kakavas ’50 Estelle Young Lamm ’39 Mary Elizabeth Anderegg Marzano ’38 Margaret Servies McCormick ’28 Marjorie Droll Meek ’38 Ruth Pifko Pond ’53 Frances Hutcherson Reichart ’43 Carol Schneider Shaw ’46 Mary Bailey Spears ’39 Florence Hester Spencer ’35 Miriam Kellenberger Still ’31 Marlene Heydorn Sullivan ’53 Mary Rentschler Waldrop ’45 Dorothy Ells Warlick ’38 Karen Vanurk Watson ’59 Eleanor Miller Weyand ’54 ALPHA THETA CHAPTER Northwestern University

Genevieve Chapin Barton ’36 Martha Berry Devine ’43 Mary Lewis Pierson ’45 Patricia Donahue Rink ’42 Betty Tsaros Rooney ’50 Audrey Forrdrescher Vidimos ’49 ALPHA IOTA CHAPTER Drake University

Darlene Ornce Barrett ’43 Harriett Swanson Cole ’43 Carol May Goodwin ’46 Evelyn Lehman Wielage ’43 ALPHA KAPPA CHAPTER Kansas State University

Twila Irvine Bailie ’55

Ruth Dailey Becker ’47 Marguerite Jahnke Brockmann ’56 Julie Blanchat Brown ’84 Jacqueline Vaughan Church ’48 Laura Skillin Coleman ’35 Mildred Beach Corn ’45 Patricia Gaston Delker ’56 Marcia Gronis Dimond ’56 Mable Wesley Dressen ’47 Evelyn Crawford Fenyk ’45 Vanora Weber Fry ’39 Deborah Demoss Gatz ’71 Betty Parker Gunter ’43 Dorothy Hanson ’34 Jean Vogt Herr ’48 Sharon Linville Johnson ’58 Wilma Reinhardt Kalmans ’32 Marilyn Riley Kelly ’51 Thurza Ellis Koger ’43 Frieda Werts Krouse ’36 Marguerite Duer Lubratovic ’43 Deanna French Luck ’56 Shirley Frazier McKitterick ’49 Pearl Lindquist Miller ’34 Cora Chapman Ogle ’40 Sharla Kae Perry ’88 Dorothy Cossell Reed ’48 Donnelle Nesbitt Rodack ’38 Flora Hulings Romeiser ’38 Ann Perry Schumacher ’85 Maybelle Ausherman Sessions ’26 Judy Jackson Smith ’66 Nina Elizabeth Spencer ’79 Janet Bieberly Wilkerson ’62

ALPHA PI CHAPTER Middlebury College

ALPHA LAMBDA CHAPTER University of Oregon

ALPHA CHI CHAPTER Randolph-Macon College

Amy Brattain Bailey ’43 Viva Leseberg Jensen ’50 Helen Frahm Nordling ’38 Ellen Wachtel Turner ’37 Marilyn Daggett Verrijden ’58 ALPHA MU CHAPTER Ohio Wesleyan University

Margaret Thomas Allen ’39 Laura Pierce Bump ’55 Marcella Smucker Clark ’34 Beatrice Ricker Elder ’32 Mary Ellen Bauders Gleske ’53 Mary-Anne Marr Legett ’55 Hazel Stratton Parsell ’46 Ruth Palmer Roberts ’51 Barbara Tobener Sanford ’55 Anne Child Shaeffer ’49 Monnette Weir Sullivan ’43 Joan Heyman Whittemore ’52 ALPHA XI CHAPTER University of California-Los Angeles

Laurel Bixler Fosness ’43 Mary Clark Horning ’59 Barbara Delamare Huffer ’62 Beverly Delamare Nocas ’58 Vivien Webb Owen ’47 Barbara Roush Stafford ’47


Lola Demayo Conway ’50 Ruth McFarland Deal ’42 Elga Gambarana King ’43 Francine McFarland Liebman ’44

Gaydell Maier Collier ’54 Florence Goeltz Hagen ’43 Charlotte Hickcox ’42 Elizabeth Scherholz Pell ’40 ALPHA RHO CHAPTER Allegheny College

Barrie Herbert Finnemeyer ’67 Evelyn Dale Johannesmeyer ’33 Ruth Fenn Starman ’43

BETA GAMMA CHAPTER Centenary College of Louisiana

Doris Finley Adams ’43 Edith Bailey Barisas ’33 Ida Kern Papert ’46

BETA DELTA CHAPTER Denison University

Ada Wold Walz ’39


Linda Broback ’68 Elinor Sexson Loiselle ’42 Carol Reyburn Peterson ’68

Sarah Hill Campbell ’49 Hazel Kuntz Gibson ’38 Faye Tendick Hamman ’33 Ruth Trotter Hollis ’40 Marjorie Peyton Parson ’48

ALPHA TAU CHAPTER University of Alabama

BETA ETA CHAPTER University of Maryland

ALPHA SIGMA CHAPTER Washington State University

Carolyn Brinson Barbree ’49 Juanita Weems Hinton ’47 Judith Wheeler Price ’68 Martha Thigpen Lincoln ’37

June MacBayne Jacobs Brown ’46 Janet Poland Crump ’52 Mary Thornton Olsen ’45 Mary Pence Parsons ’36 Dorothy Wall Smith ’35 Jennifer Maurene Wooten ’87

ALPHA PHI CHAPTER University of Pennsylvania

BETA THETA CHAPTER Michigan State University


Elizabeth Palmer Chadwick ’58 Phyllis Seiger Hover ’38 Nelle Cowder Kearns ’63 Marie Digiovanni Pierpoline ’43 Margaret Mosteller Gamble ’45 Winston Ivey Hall ’31 Jacqueline Merl Howery ’45 Janie Morgan Kash ’36 Helen Eddy Lang ’34 Ann White Livingston Osborne ’42 Virginia Crawford Steck ’35 Eleanor Newell Steere ’38 ALPHA PSI CHAPTER University of Denver

Melba Claussen Buxton ’42 Mary Calkins Pawley ’39 Edyth Lederer Schaible ’45 Joann Borgelt Thomas ’45 ALPHA OMEGA CHAPTER Florida State University

Ruth Rogers Anderson ’43 Patricia Rogers Beltrand ’47 Mary Powel Dukes ’58 Mary Deloney Dye ’58 Geraldine Puryear Ference ’55 Lorraine Chalker Harry ’50 Ann Hughs Hatfield Norton ’47 Janice Kaminis Platt ’55 Sarah Hendry Steen ’37 Lavinia McMaster Wade ’47 BETA ALPHA CHAPTER University of Texas

Judith Calk Bridges ’68 Vicki Volela Bridges ’68 Ann Powell Clark ’39 Karen Parmer Maxwell ’66 BETA BETA CHAPTER Washington University

Juanita Johnson Alden ’45

The Quill | 46

J. Cecelia Coon Angel ’45 Elizabeth Tibbetts Campbell ’42 Elizabeth Irish Curtis ’97 Nancy Hayes Gault ’45 Mary Jane McCall Jewett ’43 Evelyn Blum Masty ’53 Marion Craig Rogers ’47 Virginia Boehler Wenstrom ’43 BETA IOTA CHAPTER Louisiana State University Audrey Clark Gurie ’84 Betty Baudin Heard ’48 Mary Wray Jones ’46 Marguerite Edwards Kniffen ’50 Elaine Calloway Millsaps ’42 Kathryn Smith ’40 Eileen Waltzer Stucky ’43 BETA KAPPA CHAPTER Baldwin Wallace University

Carol Parsons Bailey ’43 Ruth Schenk Hamula ’50 Arlene Beardsley Hargate ’50 Lucille O’Malley Olinn ’45 Carol Wenger Otto ’42

BETA LAMBDA CHAPTER Pennsylvania State University

Judith Herron Brown ’58 Ann Pearson Dover ’45 Penny Embury ’43 Martha Herr Keesey ’44 Joann Buterbaugh Ketterer ’60 Patricia Werner McCloskey ’61 Gloria Shoemaker Rothenberger ’50 Dee Hauser Smith ’58 Frances Jean Weaver ’43 BETA MU CHAPTER Bowling Green State University

Janet Jacobs Bartch ’43 Patricia Meil Bellard ’43 Martha Davidson Gainok ’43 Cornelia Rogers Gifford ’43 Mary Greetham ’44

Eloise Bucher Horst ’43 Elise Truesdall Hutchings ’50 Ordella Walker Kerckhoff ’43 Dorothy Mercer Norris ’43 Martha Parks ’43 Ethel Zimmerman Ritchey ’43 Rita Zeller Shrader ’49 Linda Schoeni Snyder ’72 BETA NU CHAPTER Culver Stockton College

Maribeth Knight Conkin ’44 Genevieve Farris Eisiminger ’43 Katherine McCarl Klassing ’43 Dorothy Thomas Malison ’54 Patricia Rose Hass Pilger ’53 Robilee Waterston Powell ’43 Karen Ridgway ’58 Mary Bowman Seekamp ’43 Shirley Peterson Shetler ’43 Doris Debruine Volle ’48 Reba Richardson Waterston ’43 Maureen Shepherd Watkins ’47 BETA XI CHAPTER Marietta College

Noele Doyle Clews ’62 Ruth Trifiletti Fulgenzi ’47 Nancy Dalrymple MacNaughton ’48 Jean Maddigan Sanford ’47 BETA OMICRON CHAPTER Missouri Valley College

Mary Dewar Barger ’65 Ruth Eisenstein Bunding ’45 Anna Marshall Hader ’49 Bette Bright Harrod ’46 Lavinia Lower Lile ’45 Carol Muehlenbrock Phillips ’49 BETA PI CHAPTER Indiana University

Bonnie Bryant Baum ’47 Sara Sanders Gartin ’61 Lucille Valentine Noblitt ’47 Desma Krhin Way ’49 BETA RHO CHAPTER University of Utah

Lou Davis Jensen ’47

BETA TAU CHAPTER Kent State University

Georgia Kennedy Johnson ’47 Hester Harkins Peterson ’48 Rosamond Hottenstein Shannon ’51 Kathryn Gill Steller ’56 BETA UPSILON CHAPTER University of Rhode Island

Dorothy O’Connell Brennan ’50 Patricia C. Carroll Feeney ’58 Anna Patrarca Hagan ’48 Vera Main Robinson ’52 BETA PHI CHAPTER University of Connecticut

Janet Cochrane Barrows ’48 Mildred D’Apice ’50 Barbara Whitmore Parson ’50 Marilyn Hjortland Pierce ’48 Elaine Ives Schultz ’48 Margaret Plunkett Shroyer ’49 Norma Buttery Sposta ’48 Diane Ferris Taylor ’51 BETA CHI CHAPTER Gettysburg College

Janet Stetler Covey ’53 Betty Louise Culp ’49

BETA PSI CHAPTER Carroll University

GAMMA PI CHAPTER Northern Illinois University

EPSILON THETA CHAPTER West Liberty University

BETA OMEGA CHAPTER Memphis State University


EPSILON MU CHAPTER University of Northern Colorado

GAMMA ALPHA CHAPTER San Diego State University

GAMMA TAU CHAPTER Ohio Northern University

EPSILON NU CHAPTER University of Hartford

Barbara Hicks Lantow ’52 Virginia Roper Ebbing ’50 Susan Lewis Guthrie ’68

GAMMA BETA CHAPTER Marshall University

Joanne Raddatz Hackett ’60 Marcia Molter Tooley ’62 Kathleen Clark Heck ’68 Veda Ross McFarland ’62 Lisa Morris Summers ’85

Marian Waterhouse Kelchak ’67 Anne Fisher Tooley ’83

Sharon Louise Jarush ’68 Judith Victoria Latina ’68

EPSILON OMICRON CHAPTER Oklahoma State University

Lorraine James Bannister ’87 Beverly Cain Bunch ’59 Eileen Hall Casdorph ’50 Dorothy Brookman Corrie ’50 Cristy Steiner Farrell ’70 Patricia Bazel Geil ’73 Doris Plymale Hoke ’06 Ellen Burnett Huston ’50 Phyllis McCoy McCall ’55 Nancy Dunn Miller ’56 Helen Darby Moore ’61 Marlene Spradling Skehan ’53 Betty Plott Weiler ’52

GAMMA UPSILON CHAPTER University of Georgia

GAMMA GAMMA CHAPTER University of Arizona

Kathryn Cotten Hesse ’79 Jewel Williams Vincent ’73

EPSILON SIGMA CHAPTER Georgia Southern University

DELTA ALPHA CHAPTER University of Wisconsin La Crosse

EPSILON TAU CHAPTER Central Missouri State University

Larae Watson Essman ’52 Rose Greenwood Goodwin ’52 Janet Wood McGill ’51 GAMMA DELTA CHAPTER University of Nebraska Omaha

Linda Knight Hoffman ’67

Orlean Robinson Hunter ’66 Audora Rizek Milani ’71

GAMMA PHI CHAPTER East Carolina University

EPSILON PI CHAPTER Jacksonville State University

Beverly Carmichael Jaquays ’65 GAMMA PSI CHAPTER Frostburg State University

Kimberly Dickinson Jarvis ’90

GAMMA OMEGA CHAPTER Henderson State University

Marsha Thornton McAuliffe ’62

Donna Clark Barefield ’79 Frances Howard Dear ’68 Phyllis Pearson Griffin ’68 Miriam Wood Haywood ’68 Martha Holcombe Merrill ’72 Kathleen Ashley Stansfield ’03 Trudy Smith Stewart ’68 Linda McCrary Ellison ’68

Arlene Kliethermes Richert ’74

Nancy Weymiller Ostermann ’53

DELTA DELTA CHAPTER Northern Michigan University

ZETA ALPHA CHAPTER Jacksonville University

GAMMA EPSILON CHAPTER California State UniversityFresno

DELTA EPSILON CHAPTER University of New Orleans

ZETA NU CHAPTER Miami University

Leola Moxey Miner ’52

GAMMA ZETA CHAPTER Eastern Michigan University

Caren Clague Ketchum ’60 Virginia Schnell Walters ’56

GAMMA THETA CHAPTER East Tennessee State University

Janice Kidd Kennedy ’58

GAMMA LAMBDA CHAPTER University of TennesseeKnoxville

Sharon Murphree Eakes ’68 GAMMA MU CHAPTER Ripon College

Kathryn Hammelev Griffith ’58 GAMMA NU CHAPTER Southeast Missouri State University

Marilyn Bailey ’64

Claudia Schuth Shepherd ’64

DELTA OMICRON CHAPTER Fairmont State University

Paula Jeanne Spiker ’70 DELTA PI CHAPTER Defiance College

Bette Benien Brumbaugh ’65 DELTA SIGMA CHAPTER Ferris State University

Karon Purdy MacDonald ’64 DELTA CHI CHAPTER University of Northern Iowa

Kathleen Janca ’70

Christine Serra ’89 Jaclyn Wulf ’13

ZETA XI CHAPTER Auburn University

Stephanie Roop Chevalier ’82 Mary Coleman Mapp ’02 ZETA SIGMA CHAPTER Hillsdale College

Virginia DeRose Freed ’84 THETA IOTA CHAPTER Florida Atlantic University

Paulina Chiriboga ’14

Kristin A. Carstensen ’77 Jennifer Brower Mumm ’91

THETA NU CHAPTER Elon University

DELTA PSI CHAPTER Texas State UniversitySan Marcos

IOTA ALPHA CHAPTER George Mason University

Jeanette Lynn Brokenik ’78

Jennifer Dorsey ’93

Kristen Riley Gorman ’02

Carole Dohm Nalband ’58 Elizabeth Tetley Schneider ’58 Mary Catherine Gallaher Smith ’63

EPSILON ALPHA CHAPTER University of WisconsinEau Claire

IOTA DELTA CHAPTER University of Central Oklahoma

GAMMA XI CHAPTER Valdosta State University

EPSILON EPSILON CHAPTER California State UniversitySacramento

KAPPA GAMMA CHAPTER University of South Carolina

Laura Bowen Forehand ’58 Betty Eldridge Hathaway ’58 Sue Hilton Kenneally ’69 Margaret Jones Langdale ’58 Della Raulerson Stovall ’58

Mary Kaye Zenk ’88

Michelle Fenton Egan ’70

EPSILON ZETA CHAPTER Eastern Washington University

Megan Magner Brinson ’66 Susan Smith Edwards ’66 | 47

Susan Estep ’99

Carrie Melton ’17

Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity 8702 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268

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The Quill | 44

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