1 minute read
We are investing in the UK and making sure we are responsible and fair in the way we set up our business.
1. 0% of waste from Alpkit HQ goes to landfill
2. 97% Use of renewable energy
3. Gender balance of senior management team: 50% female
4. Gender balance of whole workforce (excluding shareholders/directors): 44% female
5. 0.5% gender pay gap (excluding Board)
6. Highest to lowest pay ratio of less than 6
7. Updated our privacy policy and comply with GDPR
What We Need To Focus On
1. Gender balance of Share Ownership and Board: 0% female
2. 7% non-white British
This Year We Will
1. Take positive steps to encourage a more diverse workforce
2. Ensure every member of the team receives at least one week’s training on lifeskills and workskills
3. Move to Living Wage Foundation as our basic pay rate
4. Send zero waste to landfill from Alpkit stores
5. Move to B-Corp Certification
6. Introduce staff sustainability training
There’s loads more we do here - check out our sustainability policy at alpkit.com/sustainability
I’m an Accounts Apprentice and started in October 2017 as my first proper job. I started doing book-keeping, then moved onto looking after management accounts and assisting senior members of the team. After just over two years I’m now training people on how to the job that I used to do when I first started!
Alpkit has paid for my formal training as well as what I’m doing on-the-job. I’m in college one day a week, training for my AAT qualification, which will be finished this year. The next step for me is to get the CIMA qualification, which will take three years and mean that I’ll be a qualified accountant, which is amazing.
I love working at Alpkit, it’s relaxed, positive and everyone here is supportive. It’s also been interesting to go on Adventure Training with the team, which totally took me out of my comfort zone! Hiking up hills, mountain-biking and running along trails in the dark learning about headtorches is very different to reconciliations and posting prepayments and accruals. Apparently the mountain biking was a beginners route but seriously, I could barely walk some bits, let alone ride them – great fun!