ALSAGER SCHOOL ICT USE POLICY (updated May 2010) Use of Alsager School ICT equipment is subject to these terms and conditions in association with the parental agreement set out in the pupils’ organizer and by acceptance of the Alsager School AUP presented prior to system logon. By logging on to Alsager School computer systems you agree to abide by these rules. Main Computer Use Terms • Computers are provided in school as a tool to aid learning and must not be used for recreation or entertainment purposes unless specifically approved by a member of staff. • Passwords must be kept secure at all times you must not tell anyone your password even your best friend. If you suspect that someone knows your password inform your teacher as soon as possible. • Any loss or damage incurred as a result of password insecurity shall be the responsibility of the username/password owner. • Lower school pupils are allowed to store up to a maximum of 500mb, 6th form 1gb, attempting to exceed this limit may result in the loss of your data. • Storage space is regularly monitored for users attempting to store inappropriate file types (games, music, etc) • Your use of computer systems in school may from time to time be monitored and/or recorded. • Computers must be correctly logged out after use and shut down at the end of the lesson. • Computer should be logged out when you are leaving the room • Computers should be left in a tidy state neatly aligned with the desk, the keyboard should be in front of the monitor and the mouse placed to the right of the keyboard. • You may use your own USB data storage (Pen drives, Memory Sticks, etc) however you are responsible for this equipment and any data stored, you must ensure such data is appropriate and legal. • You may only use Memory sticks etc in front USB slots, you are not allowed to use USB connectors on the rear of PC systems as hazardous voltages may be present. • Alsager School IT Support can only provide assistance and support for equipment owned by the school/LEA. • For your own safety, you are NOT allowed to move computer systems for any reason. Email Terms & conditions • You may store a maximum of 1000 messages amounting to no more than 50mb in your mail folders, this includes ALL folders, inbox, sent messages, drafts and trash. • Maximum file attachment size is 5mb. • You may not use your email address for entertainment material, games, music etc. • Never attempt to use someone else’s email addresses. • You may not use any other email service in school other than the address provided to you by Alsager School. Internet Use • Internet access is provided for educational use only. • All Internet use at Alsager School is filtered, monitored and logged to restrict access to inappropriate or illegal content. • Any attempt to gain access to unsuitable material whether successful or not will be taken as a very serious matter. • Use of Anonymous proxy sites are prohibited. • Use of chat rooms, MSN Messenger, SMS messaging and net send is prohibited. Printing • You should only print documents when absolutely necessary, as paper and ink wastage is a serious environmental concern. • Pupils found to be printing entertainment material may be asked to contribute to the cost of these print jobs. • Pupils should not refill paper trays in printers unless supervised by a member of staff. • Pupils MUST NOT touch printers except to retrieve their printouts. • Pupils should not under any circumstances open any service flaps or doors at any time, as there are parts inside printers that can be very dangerous. Minor to Moderate Breech of conditions procedure • Your actions may be logged for future reference. • You may have your internet access withdrawn for a time. • You may be barred from using computers in school for a time. • Your Form Tutor, Head of College or the Head Teacher may be informed. • Your parents may be informed. • You or your parents may be charged for the resources you have wasted or damaged. Terms & Conditions are subject to change without notice and as such should be referred to from time to time.