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Alya Azzahra, Cherilla Izzata, Dila Alfira, and Fadhlan Masykura Internal Affairs Division

Abstract: In the past two years, the outbreak of Covid-19 in the entire world has caused much impact in various fields, especially in education. A decrease in learning achievement characterizes it by changing the education system due to the pandemic. The development of information system technology is overgrowing. It impacts the emergence of trends from society 5.0. Many reports indicated that this would change the world into a new normal. Working or learning from home using information and communication technologies will become a new standard of the future. The hybrid learning system aims to reduce the number of people involved in each activity by offloading some groups of people online from their homes. The hybrid learning system allows online and physical attendees to interact during operating sessions. The learning objectives achieve if hybrid learning as an instructional medium is appropriate. Keywords: hybrid learning, covid-19, pandemic, society 5.0


In the past two years, the outbreak of Covid-19 in the entire world has caused much impact in various fields, especially in education. A decrease in learning achievement characterizes it because of changing the Education system due to the pandemic. However, on the other hand, pandemic opens the gate in developing innovation in education through technology.

The Era of Society 5.0 is the era of advanced and refinement of industrial revolution 4.0, which requires us to access various information on the internet. The Era of Society 5.0 makes the internet a place to access information and undergo various fields of life. This period's rapid development of technology and

information is a solution to the limitations of implementing the learning process where the biggest challenge in education is the pandemic, through The Circular Letter Of The Ministry Of Education And Culture No.4-Year 2020 on the Implementation of Education In The Emergency Covid-19. The Minister of Education said that transforming the initially conventional learning system (faceto-face) into an online learning system is done without time and place. Change learning system drastically, making some of the parties have not yet fully ready to implement online learning.

Some units Education has not been able to learn a new system optimally because of the limitations encountered in its implementation, such as the limitations of the facilities and infrastructure of online learning and limitations in the ability to use technology by teachers and students themselves. The cost factor becomes one of the significant challenges in implementing the learning system online. With full consideration of the end, the government can find a solution to this problem is to implementing a learning system for a hybrid.

Learning system for hybrid applied by dividing the lesson into two portions, namely face-to-face unlimited and online. The application of the hybrid system also opens the opportunity for students to implement the learning in a more selfsufficient and by each individual's learning style. A learning system in hybrid is a system that can complement each other. The online system learning will enable students to access knowledge and information more freely without the constraints of time and place. In contrast, learning systems face-to-face are limited to use as a place for teachers and students to discuss the matter more clearly and maximum. The implementation of the learning system for this hybrid expects to support education on the pandemic in Indonesia.


The Era of Society 5.0 is the era of advanced and refinement of an earlier era, namely industrial revolution 4.0. The birth of innovation marked the era of industrial revolution 4.0 by utilizing information and communication technology such as the internet, Big Data, robots, and various other innovations that aim to improve and support the quality of human life. Society in the Society 5.0 can

solve various problems by leveraging various innovations encountered in industrial revolution 4.0.

The Era of Society 5.0 is emerging and rapidly growing with the pandemic Covid-19. The development of technology and information in the era of Society 5.0 can solve the problems in various areas of life during the pandemic, one of the problems in education. The development of information and technology can help teachers and students to access information and carry out the learning process in hybrid to be more effective. With the solution, the innovation of the Society 5.0 can make time learning more flexible, help teachers and students use technology in learning, reduce social mobility that can reduce air pollution, and provide a learning experience that is more creative, innovative, and fun.

Learning Can Be More Flexible by Applying a System of Hybrid Learning

The enactment of a hybrid learning system allows students to attend classes online. Most students in this system will carry out online learning, while others will carry out offline with sync. This system can cause flexibility in the mode of teaching, flexibility in the way students engage with the learning material, and flexibility in the collaboration and communication between students and their teachers. Flexibility meant that it was flexible for the place or the time.

Learn, which was initially only carried out with the media board and books, can now be innovated with the help of other media such as media Google Classroom to provide material and tasks, task delivery, and retrieval of the list of attendees. Another example is by using the media Youtube, which allows students to learn the material through the help of videos that can give a new mood to learn. With the help of other media such as these can accommodate teachers to deliver teaching materials so that students can access them whenever they want.

How students are involved in the teaching mode is also becoming more diverse. If most students are offline attending classes face-to-face, most of the other online students can follow the class by using the media of video conferencing such as Zoom Meetings. When participating in learning through Zoom Meetings, students in the home adjust to their learning style. Learning can be more flexible.

Communication between students and teachers through other media such as email, WhatsApp, telegram, and many other media. Despite the presence of students who are separated, not hinder information in learning. Communication with fellow students is also not interrupted to work on group assignments well and without a hitch.

Learn with the Help of Technology

Progress in information and communication technology has brought a massive change for education development a suitable learning method on a personal level, the media of learning or the learning process. The form of the development of information technology that applies in education is e-learning. Learning internet-based/E-Learning is an innovation that has a significant contribution to changes in learning, where the learning process is no longer listening to the description of the material from the teachers. However, the students also do other activities such as observing, performing, demonstrating, and others.

User growth of information technology and the internet shows the numbers that are so fantastic. Even the internet has become a part of a household and the education unit. This phenomenon indicates that in the coming year, information technology will master most of the learning patterns of learners.20

Online learning course has a positive impact and a negative impact. The positive impact of online learning is a distance learning course, and a student does not feel that his name is in heat and rain while going to school because all learning is in each house. However, the negative impact of online learning is that students do not understand the material presented by the teacher due to the lack of facilities and infrastructure that can support online learning. The internet is a support that should be present in distance learning. Distance learning will not execute in the absence of the internet. Therefore, it is not only adults that use the internet, but

20 Warsita, Teknologi Pembelajaran: Landasan & Aplikasinya, (Jakarta: Rineka. 2008), 135.

among all the good from adults to children, everyone has been surfing in the internet world.21

Using the internet in learning is expected to stimulate students to learn independently and sustainably according to the skills and potential of natural possessed. The development of creativity and self-reliance for learners also opens very wide with the help of the internet as a new learning system. The use of the internet as a learning system is quite helpful. Students connected to the internet can download the information or learning material delivered anytime and anywhere.

Students and teachers have felt some of the benefits of using technology in education. The following among its benefits:  Improve the quality of education

Education is one aspect that believes to be open to opportunities to improve the quality of life. However, education is not running optimally and will not have a good impact. So, the existence of technology can be one way to improve the quality of education, especially the quality of education in the country.

The technology can serve as a tool to facilitate the process of teaching by the teachers. In addition, it may utilize by the students to dig much science. If the teachers and students can use this technology correctly, then the quality of education in Indonesia is getting better.  Supporting Media lesson

It is not uncommon for students to feel bored with the subject matter delivered in a monotone learning activity. With the technology, teachers can now create an alternative teaching method more interactive, for example, by exposing the subject matter through a live slide presentation or video. This video invites students to focus on learning.

By applying innovative learning more to life than the presence of technology, it will very likely be learning in the class will be more fun. Students will also be more eager to receive the subject matter.

21 Megayanti,

“Pengaruh Kepemilikan Handphone Terhadap Uang Saku Peserta didik Untuk Pembelajaran Pulsa Paket Internet di SMK YAMAS Jakarta.” Research and Development Journal Of Education 5, no. 1, ( June 2019): 25-44

 Means got the information.

The benefits obtained from any other technology are easy to get information. When working on assignments and getting the material that is hard to learn, students will often look through the book given text. Nevertheless, now other alternatives could pass search engines thanks to the rapid advancement of technology.

Almost all students often use this ease. The teachers were few who used

technology to find more information about a subject matter delivered.  Media learning without boundaries

When in conditions fraught with limitations to education, technology is present as rescuers. For example, when a pandemic occurs at the beginning of the year, teaching and learning activities in school are forced to terminate to avoid the spread of Covid-19.

Indirectly, Covid-19 makes the teachers and learners rely on technology 100 percent in the learning process. At first, it might take habituation due to learning online indeed bringing something new in education. However, if seen from the other side, technology has become a helper of learning media without limit conditions.22

Learning Becomes More Fun

The outbreak of cases of Covid-19 hand in hand with the development of information and communication technology is the result of globalization. The development of information and communication technology is a solution to solve the problems of various fields in Indonesia, especially in education. The development of technology can help solve the problems of the education system in Indonesia during the pandemic. System learning online is a solution through the Circular Letter of the Minister of education and culture Number 4 2020 on the

Implementation of Education In The Emergency Covid-19, the minister of

22 Gita Amanda, “Manfaat Pengguna Teknologi untuk Pendidikan”, https://republika.co.id/berita/qjj68s423/manfaat-penggunaan-teknologi-untuk-pendidikan, accessed 16 January 2021.

education. Performing the transformation of the learning system that was initially conventional (face-to-face) into an online learning system is done without the boundaries of time and place.

In reality, the online learning system cannot work optimally because of various obstacles. Based on the survey results, the students' problems are incomprehension of the teacher's material. They say that the teachers give the learning process tends to be boring, and sometimes the material is difficult to understand. On the other hand, teachers also have difficulty conveying the material optimally due to time constraints and an understanding of the use of the gadget. There are still many teachers who do not know and understand the technical use of the gadget.

Some of the problems set forth above are a task and a new challenge that the government must immediately resolve. Not only the government some institutions also help in resolving this problem. Until finally issued an innovation of the method of online learning that is fun. This learning method is present in animated video and made as attractive as possible, followed by many online platforms that began issuing applications containing fascinating video lessons. Video of the material will also include a summary of the material, podcasts, live streaming, online mentor, daily quiz, weekly quiz, test preparation exams, and many new comprehensive and fun features.

Based on the research and the results of a survey conducted by one of the online learning platforms. Namely, "Ruang Guru" indicates that students who have a subscription with a sample of 20 people are talking at random. There is a 95% or 19 people who expressed satisfaction, and 5% or one person expressed are not satisfied. Students who feel satisfied reveal that following the guidance of the online learning value. They help than who was once the less, the better for, the better. In addition, they reveal that learning through their online platform brings the spirit and fun in learning because learning using video animated, podcasts, and live streaming will not make them bored. It is contrary to the teachers way of

learning in conventional schools. For the students who did not feel satisfied, there are constraints when using the application from the platform as an often error.23

Hear the assessment of the less good it will be used as a task and enter for online platforms to maximize the application of these in the future. The students and the parents also give it a good rating regarding the online learning platform. They said that since his son follows the guidance of learning with the online platform, achievements and their ability are further improved. Motivation to learn is high. Because it got good ratings, it is not uncommon for teachers who teach in schools to advise students to follow the guidance of learning through the online platform as additional learning so students can understand the material to the maximum.

The statement above concludes that the method of online learning has a negative impact, but there are still many positive effects. Online learning Platform has an essential role as a solution in solving the problems of the education system in Indonesia during the pandemic. With its online learning platform, the government and the community to help improve the education system and help realize the generation of more intelligent in the future.

Reduce Air Pollution by Decreasing the Use of the Vehicle for Transportation for Students

Pandemic Covid-19 impact that is concrete in the ecosystem of the world today. It affects the health aspects and biological, but Covid-19 also affects many aspects in this life. It can not deny that influenced by the presence of the outbreak of Covid-19. It is starting from the holding of online learning, the activities of students in the countries affected by the Covid-19 using the base digitally. Not only that, but the issue of Environmental ethics is also a concern that is no less important during the spread of the Virus-19. Reduced mobilization, then the impact on pollution, be it from the rest of the burning vehicle or of the pollution from industrial activities.

23Syamsurijal.,”Survey Kepuasaan Siswa Yang Berlangganan Bimbingan Belajar Online Ruang Guru.”,Jurnal PAUD 2, no.1 (April 2019): 10.

Quoted from Bisnis.com, "NASA: Air Pollution Fell by 20 Percent During the Lockdown of the Pandemic Covid-19", the data about the decline in carbon emissions during the period of the pandemic released by NASA. Based on the computer simulation of NASA, a decline of 20 percent in the reduction of emissions of nitrogen dioxide global as the impact of the lockdown.

Based on the above data, we can see that applying the hybrid system can also help reduce social mobility. With reduced social mobility, the risk of air pollution also can be reduced. This activity has a good impact on the environment.


In society 5.0, we focused on an intelligent system to support living. Hybrid learning is one of the implementations of society. Implementing a new normal phase is a new lifestyle during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Considering that the spread of this virus still not over if reopening school activities are implemented, mature readiness is badly needed. Student participation in hybrid learning elicits responses in capturing information that varies from those who attend class and those who attend learning from their homes. The application of hybrid learning by applying the development of modern technology gave some benefits for students. Hybrid learning consists of media that bridges messages. Teachers must anticipate obstacles in hybrid learning. When a good internet network assists participants, hybrid learning that uses communication channels to reproduce information can run optimally.


Amanda, Gita. (2020). Manfaat Teknologi Untuk Pendidikan. Acessed 16 January 2021. https://republika.co.id/berita/qjj68s423/manfaatpenggunaan-teknologi-untuk-pendidikan

Megayanti. (2018). Pengaruh Kepemilikan Handphone Terhadap Uang Saku Peserta didik Untuk Pembelajaran Pulsa Paket Internet di SMK YAMAS Jakarta. Research and Development Journal Of Education,5(1), 5-44.

Syamsurijal. (2019). Survey Kepuasaan Siswa Yang Berlangganan Bimbingan Belajar Online Ruang Guru. Jurnal Paud. 2(1), 10.

Warsita. (2008). Teknologi Pembelajaran: Landasan & Aplikasinya. Rineka.

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