"Legal Protection of the Rights of Victims of Deep Fakes in Pornography Viewed from Law Number 27

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an artificial intelligence programme that resembles humans with models in the form of machines or robots that can then act on data without the need for human intervention.4 In its development to help human work, AI is often misused, one of which is in the creation of deep fakes. Deep fakes are a type of pornography in the form of publishing sexual content belonging to someone without the consent of the person concerned made with AI using photos or videos of someone uploaded publicly. The perpetrators usually use certain applications with artificial intelligence that can match the victim's face with porn artists. This action clearly disturbs the victim's personal data in the form of photos and videos. This article will discuss the role of Law Number 27 Year 2022 on Personal Data Protection on the rights of deep fakes victims regarding their personal data, namely photos and videos that have been manipulated in deep fakes content.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Deep Fakes, Personal Data, PDP Law, Pornography.


The rapid development of technology, information, and communication can require other fields to follow its direction. Seeing that the Internet and gadgets are indispensable in daily activities, it can be concluded that the world is in the digital era. In the digital era, it is seen that technology and the Internet greatly facilitate human work. One proof can be seen from the many messaging and teleconferencing applications to support work and distance learning. Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being discussed as one of the proofs of the development of science and technology that exceeds human expectations. In fact, many agencies or individuals are competing to create or develop AI.

1 Hukum Online, "How Ready Are We to Protect Personal Data in the Age of AI?", https://www.hukumonline.com/berita/a/seberapa-siap-kita-melindungi-data-pribadi-di-era-ailt642e8aa14441b/, accessed 07 July 2023.

2 Tasya S. Ramli, Ibid

3Padjadjaran University, Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang KM.21, muhamad21040@mail.unpad.ac.id , student of Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University.

4 Padjadjaran University, Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang KM.21, rieke21001@mail.unpad.ac.id , student of Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University.

"Legal Protection of the Rights of Victims of Deep Fakes in Pornography Viewed from Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection"

According to Mirjana Stankovic, AI is a science and a set of computing technologies inspired by the way humans use their nervous system to sense, learn, reason, and take action. However, John McCarthy defines AI as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programmes. In general, AI is synonymous with a futuristic impression so it can be concluded that AI is an artificial intelligence programme that resembles humans with models in the form of machines or robots that can then act on data without the need for human intervention.5

Human intelligence in creating AI sometimes makes the sophistication of AI out of human control, especially the growing human intelligence that makes humans cheat more and more so that it can make a big threat to the world. In the development of technology, many digital-based crimes have occurred such as digital attacks in the form of Cyberbullying or Blackmail and Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online (KBGO). In this article, we highlight revenge porn in the form of deep fakes which is one of the Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online (KBGO). According to SAFEnet or Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network, a regional organisation focused on fighting for digital rights in Southeast Asia, in the first quarter of 2023 there were 118 complaints. Extortion was the most common form of KBGO with 78 complaints, followed by unauthorised distribution of intimate content with 76 complaints. Of the many complaints, there are victims who claim to have been framed by the perpetrator through video call sex (VCS) calls and secretly recorded by the perpetrator. Then, the victim was threatened that the video recording would be disseminated if the victim did not pay a certain amount of money. 6

The threat of spreading the video footage is called revenge porn which can be defined as "the practice of posting and distributing sexually explicit images of an ex-partner on the Internet after a breakup"7 . Revenge porn is a type of pornography that is committed by spreading sexual content of photos or videos belonging to the victim who is an ex-partner without the victim's consent on various social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Telegram, as well as porn sites, such as IsAnyoneUp.com and UgotPosted.com. 8

5 Padjadjaran University, Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang KM.21, soraya21002@mail.unpad.ac.id , student of Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University.

6 Anton Muhajir (SAFEnet), "Digital Rights Monitoring Report Quarter I 2023", https://safenet.or.id/id/2023/04/laporan-pemantauan-hak-hak-digital-triwulan-i-2023/, accessed on 8 July 2023.

7 Samantha Cole (vice.com), "People Are Using AI to Create Fake Porn of Their Friends and Classmates", https://www.vice.com/en/article/ev5eba/ai-fake-porn-of-friends-deepfakes, (2018), accessed on 18/7/2023.

8 Article 4 paragraph (2) of the PDP Law.

In the current era of science and technology advancement, technology and science are also growing rapidly, hence, the growing areas of crime and lawlessness. The crime of pornography is growing over time, one of which is the presence of non-consensual pornography, which is divided into revenge porn and deep fakes (fake pornography). False pornography is the act of publishing explicit sexual images or content of a person in the form of photographs or videos without their consent, which can be created using aspects of artificial intelligence (such as artificial intelligence) or without using such aspects. 9 These two types of pornography are similar in that they both aim to avenge the perpetrator against the victim, but the difference is in the authenticity of the sexual content. Revenge porn can be obtained from real photos or videos of the victim, while deep fakes are artificial photos or videos obtained from footage that has been spread in public, then processed with artificial intelligence (AI). Deep fakes can be created using several apps with facial recognition technology, such as Porn World Doppelganger, Porn Star By Face, and FindPornFace, to match porn performers who look like the person the perpetrator wants to exchange faces with.10 It is apps like these that allow people to freely create revenge porn with the help of artificial intelligence, creating fake pornographic content that can be used to take revenge on others or bring others down.

Nowadays, there are many websites that upload a lot of deep fakes content, such as Reddit. Most of the objects in deep fakes photos or videos uploaded on Reddit are famous celebrities. Initially, the content creators only made deep fakes as an unpaid hobby, but gradually, deep fakes became a business field. Usually, customers will order photos or videos according to their wishes, for example, the object in the photo or video must be 18 years old or above, the sexual video must be 2 minutes long, and so on.11

Deep fakes are obviously very disturbing and attack the human rights of the victims. Indonesia's legal shelter regarding the protection of human rights from threats has actually been stated in Article 28 G paragraph (1) of the Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik

Indonesia Tahun 1945 which states that, "Everyone has the right to protection of self, family, honour, dignity, and property under their control, and is entitled to a sense of security and protection from threats of fear to do or not do something that is a human right". However,

9 Article 4 paragraph (3) of the PDP Law.

10 Mesra Betty Yel and Mahyuddin K. M. Nasution, "Information Security of Personal Data on Social Media", Jurnal Informatika Kaputama (JIK), Vol. 6 No. 1 (January 2022), pp. 98.

11 Ananthia Ayu, Titis Anindyajati, and Abdul Ghoffar, "Protection of the Right to Privacy over Personal Data in the Digital Economy Era", Research Results in the Registrar and Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court, (2019). p. 97

efforts to protect victims from perpetrators of deep fakes are clearly not enough by only using the Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945.

As the role of law follows the times, the legislation in Indonesia regarding pornographic content has also evolved. First, it is found in Article 4 paragraph (1) of Law Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography, as follows, "Every person is prohibited from producing, making, reproducing, duplicating, disseminating, broadcasting, importing, exporting, offering, trading, renting, or providing pornography that explicitly contains: a. intercourse, including deviant intercourse; b. sexual violence; c. masturbation or masturbation; d. nudity or the appearance of nudity; e. genitals; or f. child pornography". Then, it continues with the article on punishment listed in Article 29 of the same law, " Every person who produces, makes, reproduces, duplicates, disseminates, broadcasts, imports, exports, offers, sells, rents, or provides pornography as referred to in Article 4 paragraph (1) shall be punished with a minimum imprisonment of 6 (six) months and a maximum of 12 (twelve) years and/or a fine of at least Rp250,000,000.00 (two hundred and fifty million rupiah) and a maximum of Rp6,000,000,000.00 (six billion rupiah)".

Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Electronic Information and Transactions jo. Law No. 19/2016 on the Amendment of Law No. 11/2008 on Electronic Information and Transactions also contains regulations regarding pornographic content, namely precisely in Article 27 paragraph (1), "Every person intentionally and without right distributes and/or transmits and/or makes accessible Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents that have content that violates decency". In this article, pornographic content is defined as Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents that have content that violates decency. Article 27 paragraph (1) is reinforced by Article 45 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, "Every person who intentionally and without right distributes and/or transmits and/or makes accessible Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents that have content that violates decency as referred to in Article 27 paragraph (1) shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion rupiah)".

Although there are already several laws and regulations that serve as a legal shelter to prosecute perpetrators of distributing pornographic content, according to the author, these laws and regulations are inadequate for the protection of victims' personal data. The perpetrators can still be prosecuted, but the victim's personal data can still be freely accessed by the public. In fact, the aforementioned laws and regulations are also inadequate to punish

the creators of fake or artificial pornographic content, who not only spread, but also create content by misusing AI.

The use of AI in deep fakes not only violates the privacy of the victim, but also involves a violation of personal data as it uses someone's personal photos or videos without their permission. Therefore, deep fakes clearly violate a person's right to privacy and honour. From a jurisdictional point of view, deep fakes are already considered an illegal act and violate the law of privacy and one's honour in terms of social norms. To date, there is no legislation that specifically regulates the use of AI in deep fakes. Although there are the ITE Law and the Pornography Law, both laws only focus on the disseminators of pornographic content, not the rights of victims, such as personal data. This certainly threatens a person's personal data in the form of photos or videos that signify that person's identity. Not to mention, if the creator of the deep fakes content also includes the name, address, and other important things of the person who is the object of the video. Personal data protection must be upheld to prevent AI abuse in cases such as deep fakes. Adequate Law No. 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection and awareness of the legal consequences can help protect individuals from exploitation such as deep fakes and KBGO. In addition, awareness campaigns on the negative consequences of deep fakes with the use of AI need to be conducted to prevent more cases of revenge porn and deep fakes in the future.

Law No. 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection, which was published in 2022, is an important breakthrough in protecting personal data in the context of the use of AI technology. Although the PDP Law has identified issues arising from the use of AI technology in personal data processing, it is still unclear how the PDP Law and its implementing regulations address the issues of AI-assisted revenge porn and deep fakes.12

Problem Identification

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that there are three problem identifications as follows:

1. How to identify the types of personal data that are misused in the phenomenon of deep fakes in Indonesia?

2. How does the importance of personal data affect victims of deep fakes?

3. What is the role of the PDP Law in protecting the rights of victims of deep fakes in Indonesia?

12 Tasya S. Ramli, "Artificial intelligence as object of intellectual property in Indonesian law", The Journal of World Intellectual Property published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, p.1. (2023)


This paper uses a type of normative legal research whose use refers to the rules or norms that behave in society. Then, this writing is based on applicable regulations, especially on the norms in accordance with the law. In this case, it relates to the protection of the rights of victims who own personal data used by others for the creation of deep fakes content carried out by the perpetrator to take revenge or bring down the victim, and this writing uses sources that are relevant and related to this issue.


Identifying Types of Personal Data Misused in the Deep Fakes Phenomenon in Indonesia

Deep fakes are one of the form of publishing someone's sexual content without their consent that is created with artificial intelligence (AI) using photos or videos of a person that are uploaded publicly, for example on social media. The way deep fakes are created is sophisticated and slick. Currently, there are tools or features, such as Instagram Scraper and the Chrome extension DownAlbum to download personal data in the form of photos or videos of publicly available Facebook or Instagram accounts to the hard drive. In addition, the perpetrators of deep fakes can also use personally obtained photos or videos of a person.

The perpetrators will then match the faces from the photos or videos with the bodies of the pornographic video performers using browser-based apps that claim to use facial recognition software to find porn performers who look like the person they want to swap faces with.13 The three apps that have facial recognition technology to find people who look like porn stars are Porn World Doppelganger, Porn Star By Face, and FindPornFace. To use these three apps, users will enter a photo of a person, then the app will bring up an adult performer who matches the photo, then users can search for the performer's video on sites like Pornhub to create a fake porn film.

AI works according to the data provided and the corresponding function, so this also applies to the facial recognition technology found in the Porn World Doppelganger, Porn Star By Face, and FindPornFace apps. These technologies receive data in the form of photos or videos of a person that can be matched to the body of a porn performer in a sexual content. This technology also not only matches eyes, nose, and lips, but also matches the shape of the head, jaw, and so on. Therefore, a person in deep fakes content through facial recognition

13 Article 1 Point 1 of the PDP Law

technology on the three apps will look like the real thing. This is clearly very intrusive to the privacy of one's personal data in the form of photos and videos because the data is obtained and used without permission by the data owner for indecent content.

According to Article 1.1 of the PDP Law, personal data is data about an identified or identifiable individual individually or in combination with other information either directly or indirectly through electronic or non-electronic systems. Personal data itself is divided into two types, namely specific personal data and general personal data. Specific personal data is data that includes health data and information; biometric data; genetic data; criminal records; child data; personal financial data; and/or other data in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.14 Meanwhile, general personal data is data that includes full name; gender; religion; marital status; and/or personal data combined to identify a person.15

A person's photo or video that is used and matched with the body of a porn film, photo, or video performer through AI technology in deep fakes is a person's personal data. Why is this so? Because the photo or video of a person shows the identity of a person. The public or the closest people who are likely to see the deep fakes content will find out and know who the person in the content is.

Photos or videos fall under one type of general personal data, which is personal data that combined identifies a person. Although the deep fakes content does not explicitly show the name, address, and full identity of the person in the content, the photos and videos clearly show the person's face. This clearly confirms that the creator of the deep fakes content has invaded a person's personal data.

The Importance of Personal Data for Victims of Deep Fakes

Data will be considered to be personal data if it is possible to identify a person in the data. 16 Personal data is important because it can be used to identify a person to assist in a process that is not unlawful. This needs to be understood as a result of the use of personal data that has crossed its boundaries such as being used in illegal acts of identity theft. Every citizen has the obligation and right to protect their own personal data. Personal data is data whose ownership will only be known and can be processed by each owner individually to which this

14 Article 66 of the PDP Law

15 Article 8 of the PDP Law.

16 Shigenori Matsui, "The Criminalisation of Revenge Porn in Japan", Washington International Law Journal Association, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 289.

owner is attached.17 Every personal identity is a form of personal data, and the existence of deep fakes is no exception.

Deep fakes are a form of manipulation in the world of digital media in which identification will be very difficult to distinguish from the original form of data. The emergence of deep fakes is a disaster in the use of social media today. The very open nature of social media is indeed a form of freedom in expressing oneself. However, of course, in every action that is too free, there will be loopholes that can cause harm. Deep fakes with their manipulation style can seemingly change a person's identity by using technology to transform personal data into a new identity. This change of identity when seen in the act of deep fakes will make a threat from the owner of the original identity because as it happens, this change of identity becomes indecent and sexualised.

Through AI, identities can be generated into new identities using visualisation algorithm technology. This technology works by making a new match to an identity, then pairing it up and transforming the identity into new data that looks as if it is the original identity. Deep fakes occur when the original identity has become a new, visually convincing piece of data. The perpetrators of deep fakes can do this easily and freely, resulting in the destruction of reputation and even defamation for their victims. Victims of deep fakes will suffer tremendous harm if their identity is used to create pornographic deep fakes. Despite the manipulation, the display of the victim's face is humiliating and obviously harmful. The victim feels that a crime has been committed against him/her, resulting in defamation of the victim's name or identity.

The Role of the PDP Law in Protecting the Rights of Victims of Deep Fakes in Indonesia

Recently, there was a case of one of the artists on the TikTok platform who found out that his photo was indecently edited and disseminated on the Twitter platform, netizens speculated that his photo was edited via Telegram Bot. Bot is short for "Robot" and Telegram Bot is a robot or software programmed to automatically execute a set of instructions on the Telegram platform.18 Seeing the fast-paced development of technology, it is unfortunate that the law cannot always keep up with changes and new threats that could potentially arise. Therefore,

17 Shigenori Matsui, Ibid, p. 291.

18 Attwood, F. "What do people do with porn? Qualitative research into the consumption, use, and experience of pornography and other sexually explicit media." Sexuality and Culture, 9, 65-86, (2005), quoting from Karolina Mania, "The Legal Implications and Remedies Concerning Revenge Porn and Fake Porn: A Common Law Perspective", Sexuality and Culture, 24, 2082, (2020).

when looking at positive law in Indonesia, provisions regarding AI have not been specifically regulated but such provisions can be obtained from legal interpretation of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE Law)

To this extent, AI is recognised by the copyright law regime as a copyrighted work of the creator and recognised by the patent law regime as an invention. Despite artificial intelligence, the actions of AI moving unilaterally may give rise to rights and obligations. Article 1367 of the Civil Code states that "A person is liable not only for damages caused by his own acts, but also for damages caused by the acts of those who are his dependents or by goods under his supervision". From this article, it can be concluded that the owner of AI is not only responsible for his own actions, but also for losses and goods under his control. Moreover, Article 27 of the ITE Law prohibits the distribution or creation of electronic information that contains immoral offences (pornography). In addition, the creation and dissemination of deep fakes can be categorised as defamation because deep fakes contain a manipulated person's identity, so it can be concluded that the AI owner and the creator and distributor of deep fakes content can be held liable.

In the context of the Personal Data Protection Law, deep fakes can be considered as personal data because they fulfil the criteria described in Article 1 point 1 of the PDP Law that "Personal data is data about an identified or identifiable individual individually or in combination with other information either directly or indirectly through electronic or nonelectronic systems."19 According to the author, deep fakes are included in one of the categories of personal data because the results of deep fakes still identify or show a person's profile individually or in combination with other information either directly or indirectly through electronic systems or non-electronic systems even though the results are obtained from manipulation or engineering processes.

The basic concept of understanding the prohibition of using other people's data has been regulated in Article 65 of the PDP Law Paragraph 1 that "Every Person is prohibited from unlawfully obtaining or collecting Personal Data that does not belong to him/her with the intention of benefiting himself/herself or others which may result in harm to the Personal Data Subject." If we trace the actions of the perpetrator, the process of creating deep fakes by obtaining a person's photo from social media without permission and manipulating it for personal gain, has shown that the personal data does not belong to the deep fakes creator and 19 Samantha Cole (vice.com), "People Are Using AI to Create Fake Porn of Their Friends and Classmates", https://www.vice.com/en/article/ev5eba/ai-fake-porn-of-friends-deepfakes, accessed on 7 July 2023.

that the personal data was obtained unlawfully without the consent of the original owner whose identity was manipulated. The content of deep fakes certainly harms certain parties, a similar prohibition is written in Article 66 of the PDP Law.20 Victims of the deep fakes phenomenon as owners of personal data in the form of photos or videos are called Personal Data Subjects. Based on Article 1 point 6 of the PDP Law, a personal data subject is an individual to whom personal data is attached. As a personal data subject, victims have rights over their personal data. The rights of personal data subjects are listed in Article 5 to Article 15 of the PDP Law.

The process of creating deep fakes occurs with the victim's ignorance, even without the victim's consent. Therefore, in this context, there has been a lack of agreement or consent, resulting in a violation of personal data processing. Before we discuss consent in personal data processing, the scope of personal data processing itself consists of acquisition and collection; processing and analysis; storage; correction and updating; display, announcement, transfer, dissemination, or disclosure; and/or erasure or destruction. The processing of personal data is controlled by the Controller of Personal Data.

Article 20 paragraph (1) of the PDP Law affirms that the Controller of Personal Data must have a basis for processing Personal Data. A Personal Data Controller is any person, public body, and international organisation that acts individually or jointly in determining the purpose and exercising control over the processing of Personal Data. In the context of deep fakes, a Personal Data Controller is a deep fakes content creator who possesses the victim's personal data of a public nature, i.e. photos or videos. The Personal Data Controller has obligations that are located in Article 20 paragraphs (1) and (2) of the PDP Law. Paragraph (2) states the grounds for the processing of personal data, one of which is the explicit legal consent of the Personal Data Subject for 1 (one) or more specific purposes that have been conveyed by the Personal Data Controller to the Personal Data Subject. Looking at Article 20 of the PDP Law, it can be concluded that the creation of deep fakes content is not personal data processing because it has never obtained explicit legal consent from the Personal Data Subject. Therefore, the victim as a personal data subject has the right to have the processing erased.21 However, the guardianship of the rights of personal data subjects is not escorted by proper supervision, so there are still many deep fakes content out there. It can be assessed that 20 Samantha Cole (vice.com), "Personalised Fake Porn Videos Are Now for Sale on Reddit", https://www.vice.com/en/article/7x799b/selling-ai-generated-fake-porn-is-probably-a-good-way-to-getsued, accessed on 7 July 2023.

21 Deanna Durbin Hutagalung, Cholis Hanifurohman, Redi Darmawan, "Utilising TELEGRAM BOTS AS A COMMUNICATION MEDIA AND INFORMATION SERVICE FOR SMP DANBI BERSINAR", JOURNAL OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY, Vol 3, No 1 (2022), Abstract.

the role of UU PDP in protecting the personal data of victims of deep fakes is actually not sufficient for the needs of the victims. Moreover, there are no detailed sanctions for the creators of fake pornographic content using the help of artificial intelligence (AI) in Indonesian laws and regulations, especially the ITE Law and the Pornography Law. Even in the ITE Law, sanctions are only regulated for distributors or disseminators of content that contains immoral elements.

Conclusions and Suggestions


Deep fakes are one of the form of publication of sexual content belonging to a person in the form of photos or videos that are disseminated without the consent of the owner, and the sexual content is created using AI from a person's photo or video footage uploaded publicly, for example on social media such as Instagram or Facebook. A photo or video of a person taken by a deep fakes content creator is a type of generalised personal data, i.e. personal data that in combination identifies a person. Even though the photo or video of a person does not explicitly contain their name, address, and full identity, the data already identifies a person.

In today's digitalised world, it is important for every individual identity owner to understand the importance of their personal data. After all, victims of deep fakes basically have to ensure that their personal data will be safe and not misused by irresponsible parties.

Personal data must be guarded as well as we guard highly confidential data.

Personal data is regulated in Law No. 27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection, which emphasises the protection and enforcement of acts that violate the general and broad use of personal data. When viewed from the problem of deep fakes, the role of the PDP Law has accommodated the right of victims to protect their personal data as well as prohibitions on the dissemination of personal data and acts of falsification of personal data. However, the role of UU PDP is still general and has not been guarded by proper supervision, so deep fakes content is still spread across various platforms and cannot be dealt with optimally. Moreover, there are no detailed sanctions for the creators of fake pornographic content using artificial intelligence (AI) in Indonesian laws and regulations, especially in the ITE Law and the Pornography Law, even though the ITE Law only regulates sanctions for distributors or disseminators of content that contains immoral elements.


With the rise of deep fakes using AI, the author argues that it is necessary to create laws that regulate AI in general and regulate the use of AI specifically so that people do not act at will to cause harm in the use and dissemination of deep fakes content. In addition, the PDP Law can regulate in more detail the liability of the perpetrator for his actions that have harmed the victim, and the PDP Law can further detail the prohibitions for deep fakes and other acts of misuse of personal data.



Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945

Law Number 44 Year 2008 on Pornography

Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions jo. Law No. 19 of 2016 on the Amendment to Law No. 11 of 2008 on Electronic Information and Transactions

Law Number 27 Year 2022 on Personal Data Protection


Ananthia Ayu, Titis Anindyajati, and Abdul Ghoffar, "Protection of the Right to Privacy on Data

Self in the Era of Digital Economy", Research Results in the Registrar and Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court, (2019).

Attwood, F. "What do people do with porn? Qualitative research into the consumption, use, and experience of pornography and other sexually explicit media." Sexuality and Culture, 9, 65-86, (2005), quoting from Karolina Mania, "The Legal Implications and Remedies Concerning Revenge Porn and Fake Porn: A Common Law Perspective", Sexuality and Culture, 24, 2082, (2020).

Deanna Durbin Hutagalung, Cholis Hanifurohman, Redi Darmawan, "Utilisation of the TELEGRAM BOTS AS A COMMUNICATION MEDIA AND INFORMATION SERVICE OF SMP DANBI BERSINAR", Journal of Community Service, Vol 3, No 1 (2022), Abstract.

Mesra Betty Yel and Mahyuddin K. M. Nasution, "Information Security of Personal Data on Social Media", Jurnal Informatika Kaputama (JIK), Vol. 6 No. 1 (January 2022).

Shigenori Matsui, "The Criminalisation of Revenge Porn in Japan", Washington. International Law Journal Association, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 289.

Tasya S. Ramli, "Artificial intelligence as object of intellectual property in Indonesian law", The Journal of World Intellectual Property published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, p.1. (2023).

Electronic Articles

Anton Muhajir (SAFEnet), "Digital Rights Monitoring Report 1st Quarter 2023", https://safenet.or.id/id/2023/04/laporan-pemantauan-hak-hak-digital-triwulan-i-2023/,

Hukum Online, "How Ready Are We to Protect Personal Data in the Age of AI?",


Samantha Cole (vice.com), "People Are Using AI to Create Fake Porn of Their Friends and Classmates",

https://www.vice.com/en/article/ev5eba/ai-fake-porn-of-friendsdeepfakes, (2018).

Samantha Cole (vice.com), "Personalised Fake Porn Videos Are Now for Sale on Reddit",


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