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Foreword President ALSA Indonesia


Foreword Director ALSA LC UNPAD


Introduction : ALSA MAGAZINE Oculus Vol. 5


Board ALSA LC UNPAD 2022/2023


Horoscopes : 2023


Movie Recommendation


Legal Review


Article Review 23



Event Review


Song Recommendation



Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum

Warm Greetings, ALSAians! With pride and joy, I welcome readers to enjoy ALSA Magazine OCULUS, creatively and comprehensively compiled by the ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Padjadjaran. This magazine contains information related to ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Padjadjaran, as well as informative and engaging discussions on legal issues. ALSA Magazine OCULUS brings the theme about Cyber Law with a specific topic about “Behind The Screen: Exposing The Cyber Horror”. I invite readers to broaden their knowledge and insights about ALSA LC Unpad, and specifically about legal issues through the content presented in this magazine. I hope through this magazine, readers can always feel the presence of ALSA Indonesia through its positive impact on its members and the society. May further works like this continue to be produced and become a source of entertaining, educational, and easily accessible information for the public. Additionally, I would like to express my highest appreciation to every individual who is involved in the making of this magazine.

Happy reading and enjoy! ALSA, Always be One!


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb., Shalom, Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, Greetings, Everyone! Welcome to ALSA Local Chapter Universitas Padjadjaran official website. ALSA LC Unpad is one of the Local Chapters among the other 15 spread across Indonesia. Turning 34 this year, We still strive to develop our beloved Local Chapters by initiating high-quality programs that reflect four pillars of ALSA, Legally Skilled; Socially Responsible: Academically Committed; and Internationally Minded.


Our official website will reflect our dedication, hard-work, and commitment in order to expand ALSA LC Unpad. On this website we will display our activities and program, our achievements, also as resources for our Members. Hopefully, our Official Website will be valuable to you.

Thank you for your attention. Wassalamualaikum Wr, Wb, Shalom, Om Shanti, shanti, shanti Om Nhamo Buddhaya, Salam kebajikan in ALSA we learn, in ALSA we connect, in ALSA we develop, ALSA, always be one! Sincerely,,,

Antonio Bryan A.

Alsa Magazine Oculus Vol. 5














division and other subdivisions, such as Law Development, English Development, and Fun & Gathering. It provides the latest ongoing content, from event and article reviews to movies








magazine among



Student about current hot topic from a legal perspective. ALSA Magazine : Oculus Vol. 5 brings up Cyber Law as a topic, with the title “Behind The Screen : Exposing The Cyber Horror”. In this digital era we could easily interacting with each other only by our phone. Not only interacting as in texting and chatting, but also doing an online transaction. In order to raise awareness about cyber crime, we proudly present this volume. We came up with a fresh theme for the design, combinging several colors that representating “Law” & Cyber” such as Black, White, Red, and Yellow.



LC UNPAD 2022/2023

ALSA LC UNPAD 2022/2023

Treasurer II - Emma Yovela / Treasurer I - Tiara Putri F. / Secretary I - Annisa Syifa E. / Secretary II - Diandra Adristiara

VD of Academic Activities - Bernadetta Satyaayu / VD of Internal - Rendy Claudio K. I. / Director - Antonio Bryan A. / VD of External- Rafi Andriawan Z.



VH of Funding - Ario Dipta / Head of Funding - Windy Riani / VH of ICT - Marcella Putri / Head of ICT - Nadzira Terana

Head of External - Luisa Oktaviana T. / head of Academic Activities - Marcellino Joshua. / Head of Internal - Amarisha Ikesha



Vice Manager of Fun & Gathering - Langgam Ihutan / Manager of Fun & Gathering - Onma Ezra / Vice Manager of Fun & Gathering - Kaina Medita



Vice Manager of Domestic Affairs - Rafles Rico / Manager of Domestic Affairs - Nur Hasanah Ariyanti / Vice Manager of Domestic Affairs - Tiara Agustina Sitorus


Vice Manager of Alsa Development - Ilham Daffi Syabana / Manager of Alsa Development - Raisa Safina / Vice Manager of Alsa Development - Mutiara Putri Adelia



Vice Manager of Law Development - Eliezher Marcellino / Manager of Law Development - Dzikra Zahira / Vice Manager of Law Development - Muhammad Ammar


Vice Manager of English Development - Revina Putri U. / Manager of English Development - Illona Novira E. / Vice Manager of English Development - Siti Nahrisya N. G



Vice Manager of Seminar & Workshop - Khalida Rachmawati / Manager of Seminar & Workshop - Elchika Zalfa A. S. / Vice Manager of Seminar & Workshop - Shafa Salsabila


Vice Manager of Alsa Visit - Citra Delia Anjani / Manager of Alsa Visit - Nadhira Zahra Farida / Vice Manager of Alsa Visit - Bintang Rajawali A. H.



Vice Manager of Foreign Affairs - Aileen Griselda / Manager of Foreign Affairs - Kintan Prameswari A. / Vice Manager of Foreign Affairs - Michael Datu


Vice Manager of Alumni Affairs - Revaganesya / Manager of Alumni Affairs - Rifa Bagus / Vice Manager of Alumni Affairs - Sheryl Asmahaan M.



Vice Manager of Social Activities - Nayla Shellyta / Manager of Social Activities - Gazhy Diemas / Vice Manager of Social Activities - Feliany Kowanda


Vice Manager of Creative - Alya Aurora Prameswari / Manager of Creative - Jasmine Abigail / Vice Manager of Creative - Syifa Adyafadiyah



Vice Manager of Networking Development - Annisa Rami R. / Manager of Networking Development - Sevin Aulia P. / Vice Manager of Networking Development - Nabila Syifa M.


Vice Manager of Merchandise - Rizky Kurniawan / Manager of Merchandise - Muhammad Arasy / Vice Manager of Creative - Sarah Chairunnisa



Vice Manager of Sponsor & Partnership - M. Rafi Hakim / Manager of Sponsor & Partnership - Gerhart Armandho / Vice Manager of Sponsor & Partnership - Karent Nadhir


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You Should Watch It ! Cyber Hell : Exposing an Internet Horror

Black Hat

Written by Desi Yanti Yohanes Lauw and Olga Saraswati Rona Kencana

Technology of this era cannot be separated from internet connection, making everything in human life such as trading, communication, and education more efficient flexible, and convenient. All these activities are carried out on websites or applications where users are required to register by providing their identity, such as name, date of birth, or phone number to create a personal account that can be protected with a password and a username known only to the account owner. In this modern era, leading to a growth in online transactions or electronic media commonly known as e-banking, e-commerce, etrade, e-business, e-government, e-education, and e-retailing. Although technology has advanced and developed, it does not only bring positive impacts to society but also negative impacts known as Cyber Crime. Cyber Crime is all kinds of ilicit activities that exploit computer networks and the convenience of modern digital technology to engage in criminal acts, as outlined by British law enforcement. One form of Cyber Crime is Phising, which has become a popular choice among hackers due to its affordability, convenience, and effectiveness. Despite many organizations implementing security systems to block phising attacks, attackers are also increasingly equipped with more sophisticated phishing tools. According to Kaspersky statistics, there were 356,786 cases of phishing in Indonesia alone. Phishing involves fraudulnet actions in the digital realm, where in the perpetrator disguises themselves as a trustworthy entity, be it an individual, institution, or organization, aiming to acquire sensitive details such as personal information, account credentials including usernames and passwords, as well as financial data, credit card data, and more. To obtain data such as someone’s account passwords or credit card numbers, a “Phisher” exploits someone’s carelessness and lack of attention by using emails, fake websites, or messages that mimic the authentic or official appearance of the actual website/account. A phishing case that hase recently been widely spread and has damaged many people is a digital wedding invitation sent to the victim via Whatsapp in the form of a file so that the person who is sent the invitaiton must donwload it first to able to view the contents of the invitation. The invitation contains applications from outside the Play Store or App Store which when the victim has downloaded the file, will steal OTP (One Time Password) credentials from the victim’s device. The perpetrator took this action to access the victim’s Mobile Banking and seize the money in the victim’s ATM. In truth, it is not easy for perpetrators to access mobile banking victims so the “invitation” helps perpetrators to access User IDs, Mobile Banking Passwords, PINs for transaction approval, adn OTP. Phishing is a criminal act probihited by the legislation, in this case, Undang-Undang No. 19 Tahun 2016 jo. UU No. 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik. Phishing is a criminal act that involves fraud. In the second book, Chapter XXV, Article 378 of The Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) explains that fraud is punishable by imprisonment for a maximum of four years. In addition to the Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) perpetrators of phishing can be prosecuted under the provisions of UndangUndang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE) and its amendments, with charges such as manipulation, intrusion, and unauthorized transfer or transmission. Some articles in the UU ITE that potentially can ensnare phishing perpetrators are :

Manipulation (Article 35 jo. Article 51 of UU ITE) Perpetrators who send fraudulent messages that appear genuine can be prosecuted with a maximum prison sentence of 12 years and/or a fine of up to Rp 12 billion. Intrusion (Article 30 paragraph (3) jo. Article 46 paragraph (3) of UU ITE) This article prohibits the perpetrator to intrude or breach a specific electronic system, using the identity and password of the victim without authorization, for this they can be sentenced to a maximum of 8 years in prison and/or a fine of up to Rp 800 million. Transfer (Article 32 paragraph (2) jo. Article 48 paragraph (2) of UU ITE) This article prohibited transferring of electronic information and/or documents belonging to the victim, such as bank account details, phishing perpetrators can be sentenced to a maximum of 9 years in prison an/or a fine of up to Rp 3 billion. Without a doubt, the newest phishing cases caused panic to many people and they were wary of incoming messages on Whatsapp from unknown people, therefore, it is all the more reason for us to be extra careful when receiving messages, especially from unknown numbers. There are many ways we can do to prevent us from falling victim to phishing cases which have started to worry many parties. Firstly, dont hastily believe messages that come to Whatsapp and dont just download files that are sent from unknown numbers. Banks that provide transferring a mobile banking account to a new cell phone or new cell phone number such as verification of an ATM card original KTP, or physical account owner. Moreover, since phishing is an illegal act punishable by law, if somehow we become a victim of phishing, we can bring the issue to the legal domain and the perpetrator can be prosecuted under the ITE law.

REFERENCES BOOKS Abdul Wahid, Kejahatan Mayantara (Cyber Crime), Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama, 2005. R. Soesilo, Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP), Bogor: Politera, 2019. OTHER DOCUMENTS Dista Amalia Arifah, “KASUS CYBERCRIME DI INDONESIA”, Jurnal Bisnis dan Ekonomi (JBE), Vol. 18, No. 2, (September 2011) Moh. Khory Alfarizi, “Pembodohan M-Banking, Kapersky:356 Ribu phishing Sektor Keuangan di RI Terjadi Tahun 2022.”, accesed from on 8 August 2023. OTHER DOCUMENTS Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions as amended by Law Number 19 Year 2016 and Law Number 1 Year 2023. Criminal Code.

By : Illona Novira Elthania The development of increasingly sophisticated technology and information currently has relevance to the development of criminal acts. The development of criminal acts as a negative impact of technological and information developments requires integrated law enforcement efforts based on technological and information developments. This is called cybercrime. Cybercrime is a crime committed by a person or group using computers and other telecommunications equipment. This criminal act is the same as criminal acts in general, except that the action takes advantage of developments in technology and information. This can be done by destroying data, stealing data and using it illegally. The object of cyber crime is data which is generally not in physical form but in electronic form (based on electronic information systems). One of the developments in criminal acts caused by technological developments is related to the sniffing phenomenon. Get To Know About Sniffing Crime Sniffing is actually a form of cyber crime whose criminal orientation is related to personal data. This sniffing threatens cyber network security because it is the same as data theft by using the internet network. This sniffing method aims to bypass existing security restrictions on the victim's personal data. Sniffing works by sending sniffer packets to more than one target or user to hack and extract the victim's data. Sniffing is data interception using data transfer back and forth between the server and client, where as a result of this action, the substance of the existing data does not change and does not have certain signs so that the victim is often unaware of the sniffing action. they experience. The sniffing action is carried out by trying to infiltrate the victim's device and then the sniffer enters certain applications which, if opened by the victim, can have implications for stealing the victim's data. Sniffing is done using special applications designed for sniffing. Example of Sniffing Crime Sniffing is closely related to media such as email, telephone, and the WhatsApp application. One of the massive sniffing actions that occurs in society is that perpetrators send certain application files in Android Package Kit ("APK") format which are opened via WhatsApp and this sniffing action automatically steals personal data. Apart from that, another mode of fraudulent sniffing action can be through the digital invitation method. Online fraudsters send messages in the form of digital invitations via WhatsApp.

The development of increasingly sophisticated technology and information currently has relevance to the development of criminal acts. The development of criminal acts as a negative impact of technological and information developments requires integrated law enforcement efforts based on technological and information developments. This is called cybercrime. Cybercrime is a crime committed by a person or group using computers and other telecommunications equipment. This criminal act is the same as criminal acts in general, except that the action takes advantage of developments in technology and information. This can be done by destroying data, stealing data and using it illegally. The object of cyber crime is data which is generally not in physical form but in electronic form (based on electronic information systems). One of the developments in criminal acts caused by technological developments is related to the sniffing phenomenon. Get To Know About Sniffing Crime In contrast to digital invitations which include an invitation link containing wedding invitation details such as location and time, digital invitations sent by online fraudsters are only sent in APK format. If the APK is clicked and installed on your device, it will allow the sender to steal your personal data, including your banking accounts data, such as username, password, pin, and OTP code. The perpetrator tries to direct the victim to an application designed to access and steal the victim's personal data to break into the victim's account. Thus, unknowingly they will use these data to break into and the victim’s account balance will be stolen by an online fraud perpetrator. Legal Liability for Sniffing Crime In positive law in Indonesia, cyber crime has received special regulations in Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic, Information, and Transactions (“UU ITE”) and its amendments through Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to the ITE Law. Aspects of cyber crime, especially those relating to personal data, have been regulated through Law No. 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection (“UU PDP”). Sniffing is a categorization of cyber criminal acts in the form of wiretapping and taking information or data carried out unlawfully by using the internet network. Therefore, juridically, the most relevant regulations regarding criminal acts in the form of sniffing are regulated by two legal regulations, the UU ITE and the UU PDP. In the UU ITE there is an article that regulates the prohibition on anyone intentionally tapping an electronic document or information which results in the loss, alteration or disappearance of a document or electronic information as contained in Article 31 of the UU ITE and if that happens. causing harm to other parties is regulated in the provisions of Article 36 of the UU ITE in conjunction with Article 51 paragraph (2) of the UU ITE with a maximum penalty of twelve years. Then if there is a personal data being hacked and causing harm to other parties, this is regulated in the UU PDP, especially in Article 67 paragraph (1) of the UU PDP which states that it is prohibited for anyone to unlawfully obtain or collect data which may harm another party shall be punished with imprisonment a maximum of five years and/or a maximum fine of five hundred billion rupiah. Therefore, criminal sanctions must be applied if these elements have been fulfilled. Additionally, in dealing with cybercrime, it is important for law enforcement agencies to cooperate with the public in terms of information exchange, incident reporting and crime prevention.

References Book M. Dikdik et al.. Cyber Law Aspek Hukum Teknologi Informasi. Bandung: Refika Aditama, 2005. Journal Aziziyah, Tsania et al.. “Sniffing Cybercrimes in M-Banking via WhatsApp: Comparative Legal Framework and Implications”, Rechtsidee, vol. 12 no. 2 (December 2023): 8. Mahrina, C. Z., Joko Sasmito. “The Electronic and Transactions Law (EIT Law) as the First Cyber Crime Law in Indonesia: An Introduction and Its Implementation”. Pena Justisia, vol. 21, no. 2, (2022): 345–362. Saleh, G. S. “Juridical Analysis of the Crime of Online Store Fraud in Indonesia”. Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan, vol. 11, no. 1 (2022): 151. Other Bank Mas. “Online Fraud Mode Through APK Files You Should Beware Of.” Accessed November 19th, 2023.



1. What "B" word signifies a legislative body that has two bodies or chambers? 2. Generally, the ____ shall prosecute, direct, and control all criminal actions commenced by a complaint or information 3. I wear robe, my words are my might,In courtrooms, I fight for what's Date of aEvent : right. I defend or prosecute, depending on call,In the world of law, I stand tall. Place WhatofamEvent I? : 4. A branch of municipal law, which defines crimes, treats of their nature, ini deskripsi nya diisi saama event nya ngapain aja terus apa aja esensi yang and provides forevent their punishment didapet dari event nya terus kalau ada yang menang juara itu juara berapa siapa 7. I'mnamanya. a witness to signatures, it's true, But I'm not a lawyer, that's not terus cantumin juga apa aja rangkaian event nya siapa aja delegasi event what Inyado. I certify documents, I make them official, In legal matters, my dan angkatan berapa role is crucial. What am I? ini deskripsi event nya diisi saama event nya ngapain aja terus apa aja esensi yang didapet dari event nya terus kalau ada yang menang juara itu juara berapa siapa namanya. terus cantumin juga apa aja rangkaian event nya siapa aja delegasi event nya dan angkatan berapa ini deskripsi event nya diisi saama event nya ngapain aja terus apa aja esensi yang didapet dari event nya terus kalau ada yang menang juara itu juara berapa siapa namanya. terus cantumin juga apa aja rangkaian event nya siapa aja delegasi event nya dan angkatan berapa


Law Alumni Mentoring Program Date of Event : Place of Event : ini deskripsi event nya diisi saama event nya ngapain aja terus apa aja esensi yang didapet dari event nya terus kalau ada yang menang juara itu juara berapa siapa namanya. terus cantumin juga apa aja rangkaian event nya siapa aja delegasi event nya dan angkatan berapa ini deskripsi event nya diisi saama event nya ngapain aja terus apa aja esensi yang didapet dari event nya terus kalau ada yang menang juara itu juara berapa siapa namanya. terus cantumin juga apa aja rangkaian event nya siapa aja delegasi event nya dan angkatan berapa


ini deskripsi event nya diisi saama event nya ngapain aja terus apa aja esensi yang didapet dari event nya terus kalau ada yang menang juara itu juara berapa siapa 5. I'm a set of rules, guidingjuga theapa way, the courtroom, I have my say. From 9. I wear a gown, in judgment I sway, Deciding guilt or innocence, namanya. terus cantumin aja In rangkaian event nya siapa aja delegasi event investigation toangkatan the final plea,I ensure justice and fairness will be. What am come what may. With a gavel in hand and wisdom in mind, I'm the nya dan berapa

I? 6. I’m the document that starts it all, Outlining the charges, both big and small.In courtrooms, I set the legal stage, Defining the case, page by page. What am I? 8. A compulsory measure to physically restrain a person who is suspected of committing a crime (the suspect). What am i?

authority in legal bind. What am I? 10. It is an organ of the government belonging to the Judical department, whose function is the application of laws to controversies, brought before it and the public administration of justice


(Law Alumni Mentoring Program)

Law Alumni Mentoring Program 2023 ("LAMP") is a work program under the auspices of the Alumni Affairs Sub Division of Asian Law Students' Association Local Chapter Universitas Padjadjaran which carries the theme "Exploring the Various Professions Within Alumni". This event includes several series of activities, starting with the Opening Ceremony which was held on August 12, followed by a 3-month mentoring activity carried out by Alumni as mentors to Faculty of Law students of Universitas Padjadjaran semester 4 to 8 as mentees, and closed with a Closing Ceremony which will be held on December 2, 2023. This year, LAMP mentors consist of 8 professions, namely Lawyers, Prosecutors, Judges, Inhouse Counsel, Notaries, Curators, Public Policy and Diplomats. Mentees will have the opportunity to get direct insight from legal practitioners who have been in their respective fields for at least 7 years and of course who are Alumni of the Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University.


(Pra-Musyawarah Nasional & ALSA Leadership Training)

Pra-Musyawarah Nasional & ALSA Leadership Training (PALT) is an annual event hosted by ALSA Indonesia that also acts as a tool for the organization. This year's event, the XXX PALT, was held by ALSA Local Chapter Diponegoro University from September 22-25, 2023 in Semarang City. The theme for the event was "Swadana Maharjeng Tursita." PALT includes Pra-Musyawarah Nasional and Leadership Training as its main activities. ALSA Local Chapter Padjadjaran University sent 15 delegates to attend PALT this year. 3 delegates attended the Pre-National Deliberation and 12 delegates attended the Leadership Training. Pra-Musyawarah Nasional is a session series aiming to discuss the mid-year performance report and work program of the National Board, set the draft agenda of the National Deliberation, and determine the maximum limit of national event registration fees. Leadership Training helps to develop and refine leadership abilities through seminars, workshops, teambuilding exercises, and games. There are also additional series, such as the National Seminar and City Trip. At the National Seminar, the theme was "Developing the Banking Industry through Financial Institutions After Ratification of Law No. 4 of 2023 on P2SK". On the final day, we toured Semarang City, visiting Lawang Sewu, Bandeng Juwana Souvenir Center, and Sam Poo Kong.





01. August 7, 4:15

02. I Dont Like Mondays

03. Suffer Little Children

Bon Jovi (1997)

The Boomtown Rats (1979)

The Smiths (1984)

04. Let Him Dangle

05. Get Your Gun

06. The A Team

Elvis Costello (1989)

Marylin Manson (1994)

Ed Sheeran (2011)

Listen On


07. Hurricane

08. Nebraska

09. Rehab

Bob Dylan (1976)

Bruce Springsteen (1982)

Amy Winehouse (2006)

10. Pioneer to the Falls

11. Di Udara

12. Berita Kehilangan

Interpol (2007)

Efek Rumah Kaca (2007)

Feast ft. Rayssa Dynta (2018)

Listen On

CONTRIBUTORS Project Officer: A'isy Nasywa Rusmanto Designers:


Amellia Noor Azzahra Aprilia Danastri Rifasya Naura Salsabila Shavna Farah Khalisah

Aqshal Faiq Syawalilah

Content Writers:

Other Contributors:

Azzahra Nurintiara Desi Yanti Yohanes Lauw Illona Novira Elthania Lunaya Putri Ambarsari M. Afwan Syuja Ali Olga Saraswati Rona Kencana Shania Handayani Soraya Imani

EDITORIAL BOARDS Editorial in Chief: Director of ALSA LC Unpad Antonio Bryan Ardyawan Board in Chief: Head of ICT Nadzira Terana Putri Vice Head of ICT

Manager of Networking Development

Marcella Putri

Sevina Aullia Putri

Manager of Creative

Vice Manager of Networking Development

Jasmine Abigail

Annisa Rami Rivani

Vice Manager of Creative

Vice Manager of Networking Development

Alya Aurora P.

Nabila Syifa M.

Syifa Adyafadiyah

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