2 minute read
by alseed5
Excelsior Cucumber
CAULIFLOWER Snowball Self-Blanching (hl) 72 days. Smooth pur e-white heads, 6-8” in diameter. These medium to large plants hold vigorous, curled, upright leaves that will self-wrap in cool weather.
1/4 oz $1.99 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $10.99
CELERY Tall Utah (hl) 110 days. Vigor ous str ain often used by commercial celery growers in Southern California. Tall, dark green plants with thick, smooth stalks reach 12” to the first joint. This variety is sweet without blanching.
1/4 oz $2.19 1/2 oz $3.49 1 oz $5.49 1/4 lb $17.99
CUCUMBER Excelsior (hyb) 50 days. 4-5” cucumbers with American-style spines. Excellent flavor. Does not require a pollinator.
10 seeds $2.99 25 seeds $6.49 100 seeds $22.99
Spacemaster (op) 50 days. Dwar f 36” vines with no runners. Adaptable to a wide range of climates; resistant to Scab and Cucumber Mosaic Virus. Produces smooth, slender and dark green 7-8” fruits.
1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99
English Burpless Cucumber
Boston Pickling (hl) 55 days. Smooth and br ight green, this blunt-ended variety is perfectly sized for pickles. Tapers slightly and has a black spine. Bears continually if picked.
Homemade Pickle (hl) 55 days. This plant pr oduces heavy yields of small green cucumbers bred for making pickles. Fruits are solid and crisp with superb flavor.
1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99
1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99
Smr 58 (op) 56 days. Vigor ous, ever-bearing vines produce heavy yields all season. This nearly cylindrical, easily sliced variety is also disease-resistant.
1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99
English Burpless (hyb) 58 days. Long, slim English variety is thin-skinned, tender and crisp. Harvest fruits every few days for the longest production. Slice wafer thin for sandwiches or salads.
1/8 oz $2.49 1/4 oz $3.99 1/2 oz $6.49 1 oz $10.49
National Pickling Cucumber Muncher Burpless (op) 58 days. Smooth, mediumgreen 9” by 3” fruit with vigorous vines. This prolific variety is mosaic -resistant, and remains tender at any stage.
1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99
National Pickling (op) 58 days. Shor t, thick and bluntended when small; smooth and cylindrical when larger. National Pickling bears 7” by 2” dark green fruit with black spines. An excellent pickler with heavy yields.
Straight Eight (hl) 65 days. Str aight, smooth and cylindrical with rounded blunt ends, Straight Eight is tolerant to mosaic, and produces dark green 8” by 2” fruits. An early, prolific and vigorous variety ideal for home use.
1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99
1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99
Marketmore 76 (op) 68 days. A high-quality slicing cucumber with rich, glossy, deep green fruits reaching 9”. Semi-bush vines offer resistance to Scab, Mosaic and Mildew.
1/4 oz $1.79 1/2 oz $2.99 1 oz $4.99 1/4 lb $14.99
Pickling Cucumbers Boston Pickling Homemade Pickle National Pickling SMR 58 Slicing Cucumbers English Burpless Excelsior Hartley Hybrid Marketmore 76 Muncher Poinsett 76 Spacemaster Straight 8