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Winter Spelt

Winter Spelt, a subspecies of wheat, is a new crop for us. We have added it to our lineup because you have been asking for it! Often used as an animal feed (both for grain and forage), it is growing in popularity in human food (after the removal of the hulls) because some people with wheat intolerance are able to eat spelt products.


Best Use Adaptations Planting Date

Livestock feed as hull-on grain, hay/ silage (comparable to triticale). When de-hulled can be used as flour in human food.


All soil types; can handle heavy wet soils better than wheat and is also a better competitor against spring weeds. Less prone to lodging than other spelt varieties.

Similar to winter wheat, after the fly-free date in your area. (Sept. 10 – Oct. 10 in southern MN; date range will change as you move north or south)

Other Heirloom Grains

Organic Turkey Red Winter Wheat

• Heritage variety with taller growth habit and late maturity

• Tall height, shades out weeds better than modern varieties

• Lower yielding than modern varieties

• Can tolerate poor soils because of extensive root system

• Seed threshes free of hull like modern wheats

• Unique rich and complex flavor with excellent baking qualities

• Seed 100-120 lbs/acre in early spring

Available as: Organic

Perennial Grains

• Should be rotated with other, non-grain crops

• Generally more winterhardy than SRWW; we recommend testing these on your farm on a limited acreage

• Seed will come with the hull on, and should be seeded that way

• Fertility similar to wheat except for nitrogen (75-90lbs N/A); can be split applied in the fall and spring


150-180 lbs./acre at least 1 inch deep


Organic Zollernperle Spelt

• New northern European winter spelt

• Very high yield potential

• Medium maturity, good standing, medium height variety

• Awned variety with reddish grain

• MR to septoria, powdery mildew and leaf rust; susceptible to FHB

Available as: Organic


• New northern European winter spelt with food-use potential

• Excellent grain quality, high protein

• High yield potential

• Medium maturity, very good standing, short variety

• Awned variety with red grain

• MS to Septoria, rust, and powdery mildew; susceptible to FHB

Available as: Organic


• First commercially-viable, perennial grain crop, released by U of MN in partnership with The Land Institute

• Larger seed size and seed retention than typical perennial intermediate wheatgrass varieties; good lodging resistance

• Extensive, deep root system and perennial growth recycles nutrients, sequesters carbon and aids in water infiltration

• Typically produces top grain yields for two years, with drop-off thereafter **Grower must have license from The Land Institute to purchase and plant Kernza—no exceptions—visit kernza.org/growers for more information.

Planting Dates

Aug. 15 - Sept. 1

Seeding 10-15 lbs. per acre (~12 lbs/acre PLS) Seed ½" deep using a Brillion or drill

Available as: Conventional

Wendy Johnson inspects her field of MN Clearwater Kernza (Northeast IA)

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