The memoirs of Al Stokes' first twenty years in the TV, press and motion picture industries, 1968 to 1988. From production runner to film producer with a few tangential meanderings as a press photographer in 1970s war zones and as an inky fingered printer.
This is not written as a po-faced tome of grandiloquence and should be approached as one does life - with a sense of humour and a flare for the surreal. It is about the people met along the way and not about the person writing it. Well, maybe just a smidge ...
'Senseless Kindness' is part one of a three part series of memoirs from Al Stokes; part two, "An Actor's Life For Me", will be published in 2015 and the final part, "Selling The Dream", will be available in early 2016.
Love, light & peas.