Lollipop 1 Teacher's Guide Unit 3

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Lollipop 1 THEME 1


My Family



Identifying family members

   


Happy Family

Describing one’s family tree

  



My Feelings

Our Feelings

Unit 3



Communication: vocabulary (high frequency words) Penmanship Visual discrimination: matching by attribute Creativity and art experiences

mother, father, sister and brother

Communication: vocabulary (high frequency words) Visual discrimination Family and Community Values

mother, father, brother and sister.

happy, sad, tired and angry.

mother, father, brother and sister, happy, sad, tired and angry.

Identifying and expressing feelings

   

Communication: vocabulary (personal experience) Penmanship Visual discrimination: matching by attribute Language practice

Describing feelings in family members

   

Language practice Left-to-right sequencing Visual discrimination: matching by attribute Language practice in everyday context

Lollipop 1 3.1A–3.1B CONTENTS

Pages: 50–51 Phase: ESA (ENGAGE)

Aim To identify family members Skill Tags Vocabulary (high frequency words)


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS

Vocabulary mother, father, brother, sister


Functional Language Who is this? Mother. Is this mother or father? Father. Is this brother? Yes. / No. Is this sister? Yes. / No.

CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.1A (page 50)  Get students to open their book to page 50.  Draw their attention to the picture and ask who they see.  Get students to point to mother and repeat: “Mother.”  Get students to point to father and repeat: “Father.”  Repeat several times.  Go to individual students, point to either father or mother, and ask: “Who is this?”  Tell students to color mother first, followed by father, and then the house.

Materials Flashcards no.: 33, 34, 35, 36 Homework Color page 51. Notes / Evaluation

Exercise 3.1B (page 51)  Direct students’ attention to page 51.  Repeat the same presentation for sister and brother. WRAP-UP  Homework: Color page 51.  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

My Family


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.1A (page 50)  Open your book to page 50. Who do you see?  (Point to “mother.”) Who is this? It’s mother.  Show me mother in your book.  Repeat after me: Mother.  (Point to “father.”) Who is this? It’s father.  Show me father in your book.  Repeat after me: Father.  (Go to individual students and point to “mother/ father.”) Who is this? (S1: Mother.) Who is this? (S2: Father.)  Now let’s color mother. Let’s color father. Let’s color the house. Exercise 3.1B (page 51)  Let’s look at page 51. Who do you see?  (Point to “sister.”) Who is this? It’s sister.  Show me sister in your book.  Repeat after me: Sister.  (Point to “brother.”) Who is this? It’s brother.  Show me brother in your book.  Repeat after me: Brother.  (Go to individual students and point to “sister/ brother.”) Who is this? (S1: Sister.) Who is this? (S2: Brother.) WRAP-UP  Please color page 51 for homework today.  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!

Lollipop 1 3.1C–3.1D CONTENTS

Pages: 52–53 Phase: ESA (STUDY)

Aim To identify family members Skill Tag Penmanship Matching by attribute Vocabulary mother, father, brother, sister Functional Language Who is this? Brother. Is this sister or mother? Mother. Is this father? Yes. / No. Materials Flashcards no.: 33, 34, 35, 36 Homework N.A. Notes / Evaluation


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS

❸❹❺❽ CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.1C (page 52)  Get students to open their book to page 52.  Point to father and ask: “Who’s this?”  Get students to trace the dotted line with their finger.  Repeat several times.  Then tell students to trace the dotted line with a crayon.  Ask students who is at the other end of the dotted line.  Get students to color father.  Do the same for mother. Exercise 3.1D (page 53)  Do the same for brother and sister. WRAP-UP  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

My Family


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.1C (page 52)  Let’s turn to page 52.  (Point to “father.”) Look! Who’s this? (Ss: Father.)  Good! Now trace the dotted line with your finger.  Trace a few more times.  Now trace the dotted line with a crayon.  Who’s at the other side of the line? (Ss: Father.)  Correct! Please color father. (Repeat the above for “mother.”) Exercise 3.1D (page 53)  Let’s look at page 53.  (Point to “brother.”) Who is this? (Ss: Brother.)  Good! Now trace the dotted line with your finger.  Trace a few more times.  Now trace the dotted line with a crayon.  Who’s at the other side of the line? (Ss: Brother.)  Correct! Please color brother. (Repeat the above for “sister.”) WRAP-UP  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!

Lollipop 1 3.1E–3.1F CONTENTS

Pages: 54–55 Phase: ESA (ACTIVATE)

Aim To identify family members Skill Tags Creativity and art experiences


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS

Vocabulary mother, father, brother, sister


Functional Language Is this mother? Yes. / No.

CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.1E (page 54)  Get students to open their book to page 54.  Ask students to identify the people on this page.  Ask students what is missing.  Get students to complete the drawing of father.  Get students to complete the drawing of mother.  After drawing, tell students to color father and mother.  While they are drawing or coloring, go to individual students and ask: “Who is this?”

Materials Flashcards no.: 33, 34, 35, 36 Homework N.A. Notes / Evaluation

Exercise 3.1F (page 55)  Direct students’ attention to page 55.  Ask students to identify the people on this page.  Ask student what is missing.  Get students to complete the drawing of sister.  Get students to complete the drawing of brother.  After drawing, tell students to color sister and brother.  While they are drawing or coloring, go to individual students and ask: “Who is this?” WRAP-UP  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

My Family


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.1E (page 54)  Let’s look at page 54. Who do you see?  (Point to “father.”) Who is this? (Ss: Father.)  Good! His hair is missing. Draw hair on father to complete the drawing.  (Point to “mother.”) Who is this? (Ss: Mother.)  Correct! Her hair is missing. Draw hair on mother to complete the drawing.  Have you finished drawing? Color father and mother.  (Go to individual students and point to “father” or “mother.”) Who is this? (S: Father. / Mother.) Exercise 3.1F (page 55)  Let’s look at the next page. Who do you see?  (Point to “sister.”) Who is this? (Ss: Sister.)  Sister’s face is missing. Can you draw her face?  (Point to “brother.”) Who is this? (Ss: Brother.)  His face is missing too. Can you draw his face?  Now color sister and brother.  (Go to individual students and point to “sister” or “brother.”) Who is this? (S: Sister. / Brother.) WRAP-UP  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!

Lollipop 1 3.2A–3.2B CONTENTS

Pages: 56–57 Phase: ESA (ENGAGE)

Aim To identify family members Skill Tag Vocabulary (high frequency words)


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS

Vocabulary mother, father, sister, brother, and


Functional Language Who is this? This is mother. Who are they? Father and mother.

CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.2A (page 56)  Get students to open their book to page 56.  Ask students to identify the people on this page.  Ask students to point to the correct drawing in their books as you say: “This is father.”  Get students to repeat after you several times.  Do the same with mother.  Then point to father then mother while saying: “Father and mother.”  Get students to point and repeat after you.  Explain with simple words the usage of “and.”

Materials Flashcards no.: 33, 34, 35, 36 Homework Color pages 56–57. Notes / Evaluation

Exercise 3.2B (page 57)  Direct students attention to page 57.  Continue with the same presentation for sister and brother. WRAP-UP  Homework: Color pages 56–57.  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

Happy Family


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.2A (page 56)  Let’s look at page 56. Who do you see?  (Point to “father.”) Who is this? (Ss: Father.) Yes!  Show me father in your book.  Repeat after me: This is father.  (Point to “mother.”) Who is this? (Ss: Mother.)  Show me mother in your book.  Repeat after me: This is mother.  (Point to “father” then “mother.”) Father and mother.  Repeat after me: Father and mother.  We say “and” to join two words. Exercise 3.2B (page 57)  Let’s look at page 57. Who do you see?  (Point to “brother.”) Who is this? (Ss: Brother.)  Show me brother in your book.  Repeat after me: This is brother.  (Point to “sister.”) Who is this? (Ss: Sister.)  Show me sister in your book.  Repeat after me: This is sister.  (Point to “brother” then “sister.”) Brother and sister.  Repeat after me: Brother and sister. WRAP-UP  Please color pages 56–57 for homework today.  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!

Lollipop 1 3.2C–3.2D CONTENTS

Pages: 58–59 Phase: ESA (STUDY)

Aim To identify family members Skill Tag Visual discrimination


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS

Vocabulary mother, father, sister, brother


Functional Language Who is this? This is mother. Who are they? Father and mother.

CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.2C (page 58)  Get students to open their book to page 58.  Ask students who they see in each row.  Explain that they need to find and circle the two that are the same.  Guide them through the first row.  Allow students some time to complete the activity.  Ask students who they circled.

Materials Flashcards no.: 33, 34, 35, 36 Homework N.A. Notes / Evaluation

Exercise 3.2D (page 59)  Continue with the same activity. WRAP-UP  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

Happy Family


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.2C (page 58)  Open your book to page 58.  (Point to the first row.) Let’s look at the first row.  Who do you see? Who’s this? (Ss: Father.) Yes! Who’s this? (Ss: Mother.) Who’s this? (Ss: Brother.) Who’s this (Ss: Father.)  Who is repeated? Which two are the same? (Ss: Father!) Yes! Circle the two fathers.  Now look at the bottom row.  Circle the two that are the same.  Who did you circle? (Ss: Brother!) Well done! Exercise 3.2D (page 59)  Let’s continue on page 59.  Look at the top row.  Circle the two that are the same.  Who did you circle? (Ss: Mother!) Very good!  Let’s look at the last row.  Circle the two that are the same.  Who did you circle? (Ss: Sister!) Well done! WRAP-UP  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!

Lollipop 1 3.2E–3.2F CONTENTS

Pages: 60–61 Phase: ESA (ACTIVATE)

Aim To identify family members Skill Tag Family and community values Vocabulary mother, father, sister, brother Functional Language This is mother. Who is this? This is father. Materials Flashcards no.: 33, 34, 35, 36 Scissors Glue Homework Paste photos of family members on page 60. Alternatively, color the family tree on page 60. Notes / Evaluation


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 2.2E (page 60)  Prepare scissors and glue for each table.  Tell students that they are going to cut and paste pictures of family members.  Get students to turn to page 209 and look for the cutouts of Paty and her family.  Tell students to cut out the pictures of Paty and her family.  When they have finished cutting, direct them to page 60.  Tell students to have their cutouts and glue ready.  Get students to paste the picture of father in the correct space.  Continue with mother, Paty, brother, and sister. Exercise 2.2F (page 61)  Direct students’ attention to page 61.  Invite individual students to come to the front to present the family tree.  Ask them to point to each picture as they present.  Encourage students to say: “This is father. This is mother. This is sister. This is brother.” WRAP-UP  Homework: Cut and paste photos of their family members over Tony’s family tree on page 60. Alternatively (if they do not have photos of their family), color page 60.  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

Happy Family


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 2.2E (page 60)  Today we are going to cut and paste pictures of family members.  Let’s turn to page 209 at the back of your book.  Can you find pictures of Paty and her family members?  There are five cutouts. Please cut them out.  Done? Let’s turn to page 60.  Have your cutouts and glue ready.  (Point to the correct space for “father.”) Paste the picture of father here.  (Point to the correct space for “mother.”) Paste the picture of mother here.  (Point to the correct space for “Paty.”) Paste the picture of Paty here.  On the book, where is brother? Yes! Paste his picture there.  Where is sister? Good! Paste her picture there.  Look! This is Paty’s family tree. Exercise 2.2F (page 61)  Let’s look at page 61.  Now it’s your turn to present your family.  You will come to the front, point to each member, and say: This is father. This is mother. This is sister. This is brother.  Who would like to go first? WRAP-UP  For homework, paste photos of your own family members over Tony’s family tree on page 61.  If you do not have photos of your family, please color Tony’s family tree.  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!

Lollipop 1 3.3A–3.3B CONTENTS

Pages: 62–63 Phase: ESA (ENGAGE)

Aim To describe and express feelings Skill Tag Vocabulary (personal experiences) Vocabulary happy, sad, tired, angry Functional Language How do you feel? I’m tired. Are you sad? Yes. / No. Are you happy or sad? Happy. Materials Flashcards no.: 37, 38, 39, 40 Homework Color pages 62–63. Notes / Evaluation


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS

❶❷❸❹ CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.3A (page 62)  Get students to open their book to page 62.  Direct students’ attention to the happy face and have them repeat after you:”Happy.”  Ask them to point to the happy face and repeat after you: “I’m happy.”  Get students to imitate the happy face while saying: “I’m happy!”  Continue with the same presentation for sad. Exercise 3.3B (page 63)  Continue with the same presentation for tired and angry.  Sing: If You’re Happy (make use of the flashcards) If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! } X2 If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! Variations for extension: If you’re angry … stomp your feet! If you’re tired … go to sleep! If you’re sad … cry boo-hoo! If you’re happy… stomp your feet! / shout hurray! / do all three!

WRAP-UP  Homework: Color pages 62–63.  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

My Feelings


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.3A (page 62)  Open your book to page 62.  (Point to “happy.”) Look! This is a happy face.  Repeat after me: Happy.  Can you show me the happy face in your book?  Repeat after me: I’m happy!  Now make a happy face and say: I’m happy!  (Point to “sad.”) Look! This is a sad face.  Repeat after me: Sad.  Point to the sad face. We cry when we’re sad.  Repeat after me: I’m sad.  Now make a sad face and say: I’m sad. Exercise 3.3B (page 63)  Let’s look at page 63.  (Point to “tired.”) Look! This is a tired face.  Repeat after me: Tired.  Show me the tired face in your book.  Repeat after me: I’m tired.  Now show me a tired face and say: I’m tired. (Repeat the above for “angry.”)  Let’s sing If You’re Happy! WRAP-UP  For homework, please color pages 62–63.  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!

Lollipop 1 3.3C–3.3D CONTENTS

Pages: 64–65 Phase: ESA (STUDY)

Aim To describe and express feelings Skill Tags Penmanship Matching by attribute Vocabulary happy, sad, tired, angry Functional Language How do you feel? I’m happy. Are you happy or sad? Sad. Are you happy? Yes. / No. Materials Flashcards no.: 37, 38, 39, 40 Homework N.A. Notes / Evaluation


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS

❺❻❼❽ CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.3C (page 64)  Get students to open their book to page 64.  Point to the first picture and ask what expression it is.  Get them to repeat several times: “I’m angry.”  Tell students to trace the dotted line with their finger.  Next tell students to trace the line with a crayon.  Then tell students to color the faces in the same color.  Do the same for the tired faces. Exercise 3.3D (page 65)  Do the same for the happy and sad faces on page 65. EXTENSION  Invite students to ask each other how they are feeling.  They can ask: “Are you …?” / “Are you … or …?”  Encourage students to vary their facial expressions. WRAP-UP  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

My Feelings


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.3C (page 64)  Open your book to page 64.  (Point to the angry face.) What face is this?  It’s an angry face. Repeat after me: I’m angry!  Follow the dotted line with your finger and say: I’m angry!  Now trace the dotted line with a crayon and say: I’m angry!  Good! Color the angry faces the same color. (Repeat the above for “tired.”) Exercise 3.3D (page 65)  Let’s look at page 65. (Repeat the above for “happy” and “sad.”) EXTENSION  Let’s ask each other how we feel.  You can ask by saying: Are you happy?  Or you can also ask: Are you tired or angry?  If you’re happy, make a happy face and answer: I’m happy! (Demonstrate a happy face.) WRAP-UP  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!

Lollipop 1 3.3E–3.3F CONTENTS

Pages: 66–67 Phase: ESA (ACTIVATE)

Aim To describe and express feelings Skill Tag Language practice Fine motor skills Vocabulary happy, sad, tired, angry Functional Language How do you feel? I’m happy. Are you happy or sad? Sad. Are you happy? Yes. / No. Materials Flashcards no.: 37, 38, 39, 40 Homework N.A. Notes / Evaluation


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS

❺❻❼❽ CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.3E (page 66)  Get students to open their book to page 66.  Direct their attention to the happy face and get them to repeat after you: “I’m happy.”  Tell students to trace the happy face.  Then get them to color the happy face.  Get students to vary their facial expression and tone of voice while saying: “I’m happy.”  Do the same for the sad face. Exercise 3.3F (page 67)  Do the same for the tired and angry face. WRAP-UP  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

My Feelings


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.3E (page 66)  Let’s look at page 66.  Show me the happy face. Good!  Let’s say together: I’m happy. (in a happy voice)  Please trace the happy face with a crayon.  Done? Please color it.  Show me a big smile and say: I’m happy!  Show me the sad face. Good!  Let’s say together: I’m sad. (in a sad voice)  Please trace the sad face with a crayon.  Done? Please color it.  Show me how you cry and say: I’m sad. Exercise 3.3F (page 67)  Which is the tired face? Good!  Let’s say together: I’m tired. (in a tired voice)  Please trace the tired face with a crayon.  Done? Please color it.  Show me your tired look and say: I’m tired.  Now point to the angry face. Good!  Let’s say together: I’m angry! (in an angry voice)  Please trace the angry face with a crayon.  Done? Please color it.  Show me your angry face and say: I’m angry! WRAP-UP  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!

Lollipop 1 3.4A–3.4B CONTENTS

Pages: 68–69 Phase: ESA (ENGAGE)

Aim To describe how each family member feels Skill Tag Language practice Left-to-right sequencing Vocabulary father, mother, sister, brother, tired, happy, sad, angry, is Functional Language Mother is happy. / Brother is angry. How is father? Tired. Is mother happy? Yes. Is sister angry or sad? Sad. Materials Flashcards no.: 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 A paper with “is” written in big letters Homework Color pages 68–69. Notes / Evaluation


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS


CLASS ACTIVITY  Invite three students to come to the front.  Hand the “father” flashcard to S1, the “is” flashcard to S2, and the “tired” flashcard to S3.  They should hold the flashcards in front of them at chest-level so the class can see them clearly.  Get students to read the flashcards from left to right as they repeat after you: “Father is tired.”  Repeat with different flashcards for the following: Mother is happy. / Sister is sad. / Brother is angry. Exercise 3.4A (page 68)  Get students to open their book to page 68.  Tell students to point to father and then trace the dotted line towards the picture of the tired face.  As they do so, get students to say: “Father is tired.”  Repeat several times.  Do the same for “Mother is happy.” Exercise 3.4B (page 69)  Repeat the presentation for “Sister is sad.” and “Brother is angry.”  Sing: If You’re Happy WRAP-UP  Homework: Color pages 68–69.  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

Our Feelings


CLASS ACTIVITY  Who wants to come to the front to help me?  (Hand the flashcards to S1, S2, and S3.) Thank you! Please hold these flashcards and face the class.  (Point to the “father” flashcard.) Who is this?  (Point to the “tired” flashcard.) What face is this?  Now repeat after me: Father is tired.  Let’s say it together: Father is tired. (Change the flashcards and repeat the presentation for mother/happy; sister/sad; brother/angry.) Exercise 3.4A (page 68)  Open your book to page 68.  Where is father? Good!  Now trace the dotted line with your finger  How is father feeling? (Ss: Tired.)  Yes, father is tired.  Repeat after me: Father is tired.  Now trace the dotted line with a crayon and say: Father is tired. (Repeat the above for “Mother is happy.”) Exercise 3.4A (page 69)  Let’s look at page 69. (Repeat the above for “Sister is sad.” and “Brother is angry.”)  Do you remember the song If You’re Happy?  Let’s sing it together! WRAP-UP  For homework, please color pages 68–69.  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!

Lollipop 1 3.4C–3.4D CONTENTS

Pages: 70–71 Phase: ESA (STUDY)

Aim To describe how each family member feels Skill Tag Matching by attribute Vocabulary father, mother, sister, brother, tired, happy, sad, angry, is Functional Language Mother is sad. / Brother is tired. How is father? He’s angry. Is mother happy? No. Is sister happy or sad? She’s happy. Materials Flashcards no.: 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 Homework N.A. Notes / Evaluation


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS


CLASS ACTIVITY  Hand out the family members and feelings flashcards to different students. The “is” flashcard(s) can also be handed out if the class is big enough.  Tell students to stand up and come to the front when their “word” is called out. For example, say aloud: “Father is angry.” The students holding the “father,” “is,” and “angry” flashcards should come to the front.  Arrange students in a row such that their flashcards show from left to right: “Father is angry.”  Continue with other combinations: Brother is tired. / Mother is sad. / Sister is happy.  You may shuffle the flashcards so that students get to hold different flashcards during the game. Exercise 3.4C (page 70)  Get students to open their book to page 70.  Point to father and ask students to guess how he is  Get them to repeat after you: “Father is angry.”  Ask students to match father to the face that matches with a crayon.  Repeat for brother/tired. Exercise 3.4D (page 71)  Repeat the above for mother/sad and sister/happy.  Sing: If You’re Happy WRAP-UP  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

Our Feelings


CLASS ACTIVITY (To individual students while handing out flashcards)  Who is this? (S1: Father.)  What is this word? (S2: Is.)  What face is this? (S3: tired)  (Explain after handing out all the flashcards.)  I will say a sentence. If I say the word you have in your hands, stand and come to the front.  Let’s start: Father is angry. (Repeat the presentation with other combinations of family member and feeling.) Exercise 3.4C (page 70)  Open your book to page 70.  (Point to “father.”) How is father? (Ss: Angry.)  Yes! Father is angry.  Repeat after me: Father is angry.  Now take your crayon and match father to the angry face.  Did you match correctly? Good!  Let’s say again: Father is angry. (Repeat the above for “Brother is tired.”) Exercise 3.4D (page 71)  Let’s look at page 71. (Repeat the above for “Mother is sad” and “Sister is happy.”)  Let’s sing: If You’re Happy! WRAP-UP  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!

Lollipop 1 3.4E–3.4F CONTENTS

Pages: 72–73 Phase: ESA (ACTIVATE)

Aim To describe how each family member feels Skill Tag Language practice in everyday context Fine motor skills Vocabulary father, mother, sister, brother, tired, happy, sad, angry, is Functional Language Mother is happy. / Brother is angry. Is mother happy? Yes. / No. How is mother? She’s happy. How is father? He’s tired. Materials Flashcards no.: 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 Homework N.A. Notes / Evaluation


WARM-UP Daily Routine:  Good Morning (song)  Ten Little Fingers (song)  Days of the Week (song) / What is the Date Today?  The Alphabet Song (song) LOLLISTEPS


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.4E (page 72)  Place the feelings flashcards on the ledge of the board so that the students can see them clearly.  Get students to open their book to page 72.  Get students to point to mother and repeat after you: “Mother is happy.”  Tell students to draw mother’s face with a pencil. They can refer to the flashcard to draw a happy face.  When they are done, get them to repeat after you: “Mother is happy.”  Next tell students to color mother.  As they are coloring, ask individual students: “Who is this? How is she?”  Continue with “Father is tired.” Exercise 3.4F (page 73)  Continue with “Sister is sad.” and “Brother is angry.”  Sing: If You’re Happy… WRAP-UP  Sing the good-bye song: Skidamarink

Our Feelings


CLASS ACTIVITY Exercise 3.4E (page 72)  Open your book to page 72.  Where is mother? Good. Mother is happy.  Repeat after me: Mother is happy.  Now take a pencil and draw her face.  You may look at these flashcards to help you.  Repeat after me again: Mother is happy. Good!  Please color mother.  (As students are coloring, go to individual students.) Who is this (S: Mother.) How is she? (S: She’s happy.) (Repeat the above for “Father is tired.”) Exercise 3.4F (page 73)  Let’s look at page 73.  Where is sister? Good. Sister is sad.  Repeat after me: Sister is sad.  Now draw a sad face for sister.  Repeat after me again: Sister is sad. Great!  Please color sister.  (As students are coloring, go to individual students.) Who is this (S: Sister.) How is she? (S: She’s sad.) (Repeat the above for “Brother is angry.”)  Excellent! Now close your books.  Let’s sing If You’re Happy! WRAP-UP  Please stand up!  Let’s sing Skidamarink!  Thank you! Sit down please!  Good-bye! See you next class!








OVERALL ASSESSMENT Pre-production Early Production Speech Emergence


4) How does brother feel? (Combine brother and sad flashcard)

3) How does sister feel? (Combine sister and angry flashcard)

2) How does father feel? (Combine father and tired flashcard)

1) How does mother feel? (Combine mother and happy flashcard)


Show one feeling flashcard and one family member flashcard to the student and say:

5) What is this? (Point to angry)

4) Is this angry or tired? (Point to tired)

3) How do you feel?

2) Is this happy or sad? (Point to happy)

1) What is this? (Point to sad)


Place the happy, sad, tired, angry flashcards before the student and say:

4) Show me sister.

3) Where is brother?

2) Show me father.

1) Point to mother.


Place the mother, father, brother and sister flashcards before the student and say:




Lollipop 1

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Unit 3

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