TOP Science Workbook 3

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Living Things and Their Life Processes Name:





How Do I Survive?

Process skills: Comparing, Evaluating

You are given a challenge to survive on a faraway deserted island for seven days.

need What do you ? to stay alive

You are given a list of things that you can choose to bring with you. a. Study the things in the table below and colour the stars according to how important each thing is in helping you to survive on the island. Not important — do not colour any stars Important — colour one star Very important — colour two stars Things you may choose to bring Pillow

A story book

My favourite toy

Matches and candles

Fork and spoon

20 litres of water

A picnic blanket

A chair

Canned food

Extra clothes

Computer games

Photographs of my family


b. From the table in ‘a’, choose the three most important things that will help you to survive on the island. Explain why you chose them. The things I will bring with me are... 1.




Chapter 1

I chose this thing because...

Living Things and Their Life Processes Name:





Move It!

Process skills: Observing, Inferring, Classifying

The pictures below show animals moving for different reasons.

ment Why is move r important fo living things?

Animals need to move to: A. Look for food B. Look for shelter C. Escape from danger For each picture, choose the correct letter from the list above to explain why the animal is moving. You may use each letter more than once.

The bear needs to move to

The snake needs to move to

The zebra needs to move to

The springbuck in front needs to move to

The giraffe needs to move to

The owl needs to move to 3

Living Things and Their Life Processes Name:





The Toy Test

Process skills: Observing, Comparing, Inferring

Your teacher has brought a battery-operated toy to class.

Does a ted battery-opera life t toy carry ou s? e process

Your teacher will conduct some tests using the toy. Complete the table using the sentences below. • • • •

It cannot grow. It does not need food to live. It is not able to respond to changes. It is not able to move on its own.

Test My teacher says that the toy has not eaten for a month but it can still stand firmly on its feet. When my teacher removes the battery from the toy, it is not able to walk around. When the toy walks to the edge of the table, it does not stop or turn around. My teacher says that the toy is the same size as when it was bought some time ago. 4

Chapter 1

The battery-operated toy is not a living thing because...

Living Things and Their Life Processes Name:





Plant Senses!

Process skills: Predicting, Inferring

Rita placed a potted plant beside a window in her classroom as shown in the diagram below.

Are plants eir sensitive to th s? surrounding

Window Plant

a. Put a tick (✔) below the diagram that shows what Rita will see a week later.

b. Put a tick (✔) beside the statements that describe the life process or processes shown in ‘a’. i.

Plants can move.


Plants can reproduce themselves.


Plants can respond to changes around them. 5


Living Things and Their Life Processes Name:





Plant or Animal? nts How are pla m different fro animals?

Process skills: Observing, Classifying, Comparing

Instructions: Take a walk round your school garden. Take note of the living things you see. a. List in the box below ten living things you saw.

b. From the list you have made, group the living things into plants and animals. Plants



c. Below are some statements about the ten living things you saw. Put a tick (✔) in the box beside each correct statement. i.

Plants cannot move from place to place but animals can.


Plants cannot take in air but animals can.


Animals and plants can reproduce themselves.

iv. Plants can make their own food but animals cannot. v.


Chapter 1

Animals can grow but plants cannot.

Living Things and Their Life Processes Name:





The Amazing Seed

Process skills: Predicting, Communicating, Inferring

Aim: To find out if a green bean seed is a living thing. Materials

• Green bean seeds • A small dish • Cotton wool Procedure Step


Place some green bean seeds in a dish containing wet cotton wool. Wet cotton wool

Green bean seed



Leave your set-up beside a window in your classroom. Predict what will happen after a week.

Prediction: Step


Observe the green bean seeds every day for a week.



a. What do the green bean seeds look like after a week? Draw what you observed in the box below.

b. Write down the changes that you observed. c. Is the green bean seed a living thing? Give a reason to support your answer. 10

Chapter 1

Living Things and Their Life Processes Name:





Same But Different! l plant How is a rea m a different fro plastic plant?

Process skills: Observing, Comparing, Inferring

Instructions: Prepare a potted plant and a plastic plant.

Potted plant

Plastic plant

Place the two plants next to a window in your classroom. Give each plant a little water every day for ten days. Observe the changes in each plant over ten days. Record your observations in the table below and on the next page. (Your observations may include changes in the size or colour of parts of the plants, or the movement of the plants.) Potted plant

Plastic plant

Day 4


Day 7

Day 10

a. Which life processes did you observe in the potted plant? b. Which life processes did you observe in the plastic plant? c. What does this tell you about the difference between real plants and plastic plants?


Chapter 1

Living Things and Their Life Processes Name:




A Diversity of Things

Process skills: Communicating, Classifying, Comparing



g things How are livin rom different f gs? non-living thin

Visit the zoo or your school garden. You may also take a walk around your neighbourhood. Take note of the different things you see. a. In the box below, write down eight different things you saw. They may be living things or non-living things. Draw a picture of each thing.


b. Group the things you saw in ‘a’ into living things and non-living things. Living things

Non-living things

c. What can living things do that non-living things cannot? Write down three points. (i) (ii) (iii)


Chapter 1

Living Things and Their Life Processes Name:





Growing Plants

Rita wanted to find out how light changes the way plants grow. She got two identical pots of plants. She made sure each pot had the same amount of soil. She added the same amount of water to each plant.

She then placed one plant in a large box and put the lid on it. The lid has a small hole to allow a little light through. She placed the other plant in a sunny place in her garden. Rita left the plants in each place for one week. a. Put a tick (✔) beside the variables that Rita kept the same to ensure that her test was fair. [3 marks]

(i) The type of plant

(iii) The amount of water given to each plant

(iv) The amount of sunlight each plant received

(ii) The amount of soil in each pot


A week later, the two plants looked like this:

Plant A

Plant B

b. Which plant did Rita place in her garden?

[1 mark]

c. Plant B had grown taller than Plant A. Why do you think Plant B grew taller? [2 marks] d. Give ONE other way in which Plant B looks different from Plant A. [1 mark] e. Rita then put Plant A by her bedroom window. After one week, it had bent towards the window. Why did this happen? [2 marks] 16

Chapter 1

Living Things and Their Life Processes Name:





Monkey Business!

The pictures below show a wind-up monkey, a monkey and a monkey tree.

A wind-up monkey

A monkey

A monkey tree

Use the words below to fill in the gaps in the sentences. You may use each word once, more than once or not at all. grow

move from place to place


make food

a. Give ONE way in which the toy monkey and the monkey are similar. [1 mark]

The toy monkey and the monkey can when they have energy.

b. Give TWO ways in which the toy monkey and the monkey are different. [2 marks]

(i) The monkey can

but the toy monkey cannot.

(ii) The monkey can

but the toy monkey cannot.

c. Give TWO ways in which the monkey and the monkey tree are different. [2 marks] (i) The monkey cannot can.

(ii) The monkey can

but the monkey tree but the monkey tree cannot.



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