TABLE of CONTENTS THE BIG PICTURE....................................................................................................................... 1 UNDERSTANDING THE VISION........................................................................................ 2 ESTABLISHING THE LONG TERM VISION................................................................... 3 PROJECT BACKGROUND...................................................................................................... 5 Formation of a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)........................................5 Stakeholder interviews..................................................................................................... 6 Existing conditions and best practices review.......................................................8 Goal setting............................................................................................................................ 9 RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................................................... 11 Phase 1: Reinforce and Enhance the Foundation (Year One) Refresh the image............................................................................................................. 14 Build a new website.......................................................................................................... 14 Conduct an individualized marketing program................................................... 15 Develop a communications plan................................................................................ 15 Conduct an annual ETC survey.................................................................................. 16 Share the plan with key partners and stakeholders.......................................... 17 Reallocate staff responsibilities.................................................................................. 18 Benefit from the Transportation Options (TO) Advocate’s position ........ 18 Establish new performance metrics......................................................................... 19 Phase 2: Evaluate Progress and Adjust Activities (Years 2-3) Conduct a market analysis............................................................................................ 22 Develop new collateral materials............................................................................... 23 Develop an outreach plan............................................................................................. 23 Showcase the strategic plan on a roadshow......................................................... 24 Multiply effectiveness by developing new relationships................................ 24 Develop and deliver an ETC recognition program............................................ 25 Add staff capacity at 1 FTE – Travel Options (TO) Assistant ...................... 25 Develop prioritized service tiers................................................................................ 26 Communicate program accomplishments............................................................. 27
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Strategic Planning Team Cherriots Rideshare and Salem-Keizer Transit staff Roxanne Rolls, Rideshare Coordinator
Phase 3: Expand the Program (Years 3-5) Implement strategies to reach new audiences....................................................30 Maintain the one-stop shop website........................................................................30 Market to new employees............................................................................................. 31 Convene key partners.................................................................................................... 31 Multiply by leveraging partner relationships....................................................... 31 Broaden and deepen ETC network.......................................................................... 32 Add staff capacity at 0.5 FTE – Transportation Options (TO) Representative .................................................... 32 Reevaluate and prioritize service offerings.......................................................... 33 Refine program goals based on performance metrics.....................................33
Kiki Dohman, Rideshare Specialist Allan Pollock, General Manager/CEO Steve Dickey, Director of Transportation Development Consultant Team Jessica Roberts, Principal, Alta Planning + Design Derek Hofbauer, Senior TDM Specialist, Alta Planning + Design Katie Mangle, Senior Associate, Alta Planning + Design Peter Valk, Transportation Management Services Manuel Soto, Mobility and Walkability Consulting
Phase 4: Reach and Maintain Maturity (Years 6-10) Work with new partners and organizations......................................................... 36 Stay present with changes in technology............................................................... 36 Continue outreach to new employees.................................................................... 36 Maintain relationships with partners and organizations................................ 37 Maintain ETC network and recruit new ETCs.................................................... 37 Work with peers and partners to increase program awareness................. 37 Market and grow the program.................................................................................... 38 Maintain current staff levels and create the capacity to grow.....................38 Continue to offer services that achieve maximum ROI..................................38
Technical Advisory Group (TAC) members Mike Jaffe, Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments Jamey Dempster, Oregon Department of Transportation Jean Palmateer, Oregon Department of Transportation Phil Warnock, Cascades West Council of Governments Special thanks goes to the following stakeholder organizations: The City of Salem Salem-Keizer Transit Enterprise Rideshare vRide Cascades West Rideshare Point2point Solutions (Lane Transit District) ODOT Region 2 Salem Bike Club Woodburn Transit Employee Transportation Coordinators (ETCs)
Cherriots Rideshare will evolve the ways it markets its services to connect with all travelers within the service area.
This action plan is the culmination of a year-long process of evaluation and visioning. The strategies in this document will lead Cherriots Rideshare to a future that builds on past successes.
This Action Plan builds on the past and present of Cherriots Rideshare to create a dynamic future. When it was founded in 1971, Mid-Valley Rideshare (as it was known at the time) was out in front of a new trend: promoting rideshare as an important part of addressing the fuel crisis and growing concerns about congestion. As the oldest ridesharing program in the state, Cherriots Rideshare evolved in the 1980s and 1990s to serve large employers through building a strong Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) network. Today, Cherriots Rideshare is a strong and highly functional program. The ETC network is stable, employers and community partners call on staff for help at appropriate times, and staff have a reputation for stellar customer service. Cherriots Rideshare has begun expanding the mission of the organization to support open streets events (e.g., Salem Sunday Streets), Limited English Proficiency (LEP) communities, youth organizations, and individualized marketing (IM) programs. This action plan is the culmination of a year-long process of evaluation and visioning. The strategies in this document will lead Cherriots Rideshare to a future that builds on past successes. In this vision, Cherriots Rideshare is operating at peak performance. Staff are proud of their many accomplishments and realize the vision has come
true—Cherriots Rideshare is now the place people look to for transportation options solutions. Awareness of the program is at an all-time high, staff capacity increases, and fruitful partnerships have been cultivated. As Cherriots Rideshare becomes more successful reaching people throughout the service area, the program will evolve the ways it markets its services, employs new technologies to make it more effective, and expands its reach to connect with all travelers. To accomplish these big-picture goals, Cherriots Rideshare will work with existing partners and continue conducting outreach to new target audiences, including residents, Latino communities, youth organizations and new employees. The organization will embrace new technology such as mobile rideshare apps and new types of social media. Staff will work with employers to provide customized transportation resources to new employees. Additionally, new staff members will be hired to assist with administrative and outreach tasks, ensuring the program touches more people within the service area. Program services that achieve maximum return on investment will continue to be implemented; those that do not meet expected goals will be scaled back or discontinued. New performance measures will be established and results across all programs will be effectively communicated to partners and stakeholders.
Cherriots Rideshare will become the place people look to for transportation options solutions in the Willamette Valley.
The Cherriots Rideshare program strives to provide all travelers within the three-county service area (Marion, Polk, and Yamhill Counties) with transportation options (TO) information and services. The program historically focused on commuters; however, the strategic planning process has identified opportunities where Cherriots Rideshare can connect with all travelers for all trips, regardless of whether or not they are for work purposes. This shift in thinking about how the program connects with people is an important first step in this process – Cherriots Rideshare will become the place people look to for transportation options solutions. Through the strategic planning process, the project team identified a set of four goals that will help Cherriots Rideshare reach its vision. These goals are woven throughout the strategic plan, which help guide program recommendations through four chronological phases. CHERRIOTS RIDESHARE GOALS
Build and use the right tools to support the vision Nurture relationships to achieve greater regional success Be a stronger, more effective and efficient program Measure results
The goals set forth in this strategic plan will help Cherriots Rideshare connect with different types of travelers across the service 2
area to foster greater use of travel options and less reliance on the personal automobile. Cherriots Rideshare will become a one-stop shop for people who are looking for transportation information and resources. The program will use all of its available tools, resources, and relationships to achieve success and measure outcomes, and continue to become a stronger, more effective and efficient program as it matures. Cherriots Rideshare has an opportunity to hone its tools to accomplish the goals and objectives outlined in this strategic plan. The organization has a solid foundation, talented and passionate staff, strong partnerships, and receives high levels of support from Salem-Keizer Transit, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), the Salem Keizer Area Transportation Study (SKATS) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Valley VanPool and other key partners. The Oregon Transportation Options Plan (TO Plan) provides policy guidance for state and local partners to enhance and expand transportation access for all Oregonians. This strategic plan advances the goals of the TO Plan by providing effective approaches to further decrease drive-alone trips in the region and promote a more balanced, equitable, and sustainable transportation system. Historically, the program has served a wide range of customers and continues to be a leader in implementing transportation demand management (TDM) programs in the Salem area and beyond. Now is the time for Cherriots Rideshare to build on this foundation and become the place people look to for transportation options solutions in the Willamette Valley.
ESTABLISHING the LONG-TERM VISION This plan highlights a series of recommendations that will guide Cherriots Rideshare over the next ten years. Goals that were established during the strategic planning process are prevalent throughout four program phases: CHERRIOTS RIDESHARE GOALS
Phase 1 – Reinforce and Enhance the Foundation (Year 1) Phase 2 – Evaluate Progress and Adjust Activities (Years 2-3) Phase 3 – Expand the Program (Years 3-5) Phase 4 – Reach and Maintain Maturity (Years 6-10)
While each phase builds upon the other, it is important to note that the timing of the recommendations do not necessarily need to occur in the exact order presented in this plan. If Cherriots Rideshare staff is confident in moving forward with specific recommendations earlier or later, it is to their discretion to do so. Variables such as land use patterns, economic conditions, funding mechanisms, and technological advances in transportation can all play a role in the program’s development; thus, the goals and recommendations laid forth in this plan should be used as guiding principles that will help Cherriots Rideshare become more effective reaching all travelers throughout the service area.
Cherriots Rideshare serves Polk, Marion, and Yamhill Counties in Oregon
YAMHILL COUNTY McMinnville Woodburn
Keizer Salem
Cherriots Rideshare staff will nurture key partner relationships to ensure the program’s continued success.
PROJECT BACKGROUND The strategic plan was developed according to eight different phases shown in the figure below. Each phase of the planning process was important for establishing goals and program recommendations.
materials, inform decisions, and guide the strategic planning process. The TAC and the Strategic Planning Team met three times during the course of the project. TAC members represented four different agencies:
• Oregon Department of Transportation
A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was formed shortly after the project kickoff meeting in February, 2014. The TAC, which was composed of a subset of key stakeholders, was convened to review project
• Cascades West Rideshare • Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments • Salem-Keizer Transit staff
TAC FORMATION Cherriots Rideshare Strategic Planning Process
The strategic plan was developed according to the eight different phases shown here.
Ten stakeholder interviews were conducted during early phases of the strategic planning process to receive candid feedback and insights about Cherriots Rideshare’s service offerings, TDM goals and practices in the region, major external opportunities and constraints, travel and employment trends, and new ideas that should be considered for recommendations. The following agencies and organizations participated in the stakeholder interviews: Stakeholder interviews were an important component of the strategic planning process emerging themes were used to identify and develop appropriate program recommendations.
• The City of Salem • Salem-Keizer Transit • Enterprise Rideshare • vRide • Cascades West Rideshare • Point2point Solutions (Lane Transit District) • ODOT Region 2 • Salem Bike Club • Woodburn Transit • Employee Transportation Coordinators (ETCs) Once the stakeholder interviews were completed, the consultant team presented results during the first TAC meeting. Feedback from stakeholders was grouped into the categories of program strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and constraints. General Program Strengths Stakeholders had many positive things to say about Cherriots Rideshare services. Staff manage the Valley VanPool Program (including partnerships and vendors), which delivers impressive results. Staff also have an excellent customer service ethic and are proficient
at managing the ETC networks within the service area. Cherriots Rideshare staff are knowledgeable about TDM practices, and apply that knowledge towards making continual improvements to the program. Program Weaknesses One common theme emerging from the stakeholder interviews was Cherriots Rideshare’s limited staff capacity. At just two full-time employees, it is difficult for staff to serve all people within the service area. Additionally, stakeholders mentioned there is a general lack of awareness and clarity of services among partners and the public, which was perceived as a branding issue. Other weaknesses included limited employer outreach efforts, too much focus on the commute trip, and not meeting potential vanpooling growth in the region. Future Opportunities Stakeholders mentioned a variety of opportunities for Cherriots Rideshare to become more effective and efficient, many of which became recommendations in this plan. Feedback indicated staff should reach out to new audiences and demographics (e.g., residents, new businesses, millennials, youth, and Latinos) and become more involved promoting active transportation. In addition, refreshing the program’s image and branding was considered important to stakeholders— the existing name and image was perceived as having too much focus on ridesharing and commute trips. There was also consensus that staff should prioritize which transportation options should be promoted throughout different parts of the service area (e.g., encourage carpooling in rural areas with no transit service and bicycling infrastructure). Tapping
Cherriots Rideshare works collaboratively with regional partners to manage the successful Valley VanPool Program.
into the sharing economy (e.g., car sharing, for-hire transportation services) was also mentioned as a potential platform for future promotions and messaging. Potential Constraints Program stakeholders discussed a range of potential constraints, including a very large service area with limited transit options, limited funding opportunities, an underperforming ridematching tool (Drive Less Connect), and a lack of regulation or mandate that requires large businesses to participate in travel options programs. Additionally, stakeholders mentioned that driving is the status quo and is perceived as easy, cheap, and convenient.
The first TAC meeting was also used to conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of the Cherriots Rideshare program. The discussion helped identify problems to be solved through the strategic planning process. Many of the SWOT analysis findings were similar to those from the stakeholder interviews, but included a category of “threats” as opposed to “potential constraints.” Major discussion themes included: • Vanpooling and carpooling promotions • Awareness of Cherriots Rideshare and services • Communications and outreach barriers • Promotion of commute options • Working with the ETC networks
The next phase of the project involved developing an existing conditions and best practices review among peer TDM agencies across the United States. A list of potential best practice topics were developed during the second TAC meeting, with the purpose of learning which other comparable peer TDM agencies can inform Cherriots Rideshare and study recommendations. Fifteen TDM agencies were selected during the peer benchmarking process based on their similarity to Cherriots Rideshare in size, budget, geography, and/or services. A 70 question survey was developed and sent to key staff members in September, 2014. Once the initial data was collected, follow-up phone calls were made to gather additional information about budgets, TDM services, funding, incentives, outreach, and communications strategies. An Existing Conditions and Best Practices Review was produced
Youth education programs are core program servivces among many peer TDM agencies.
by the consultant team and sent to TAC members for review in February, 2015. The following practices identified through this process helped inform Cherriots Rideshare program recommendations by documenting effective outreach and communications strategies other peer TDM agencies employed throughout their service areas: • Organizations embedded within transit agencies • One-stop shopping transportation services • Operating in a regulated environment • Commute trips vs. discretionary trips • Community outreach • Latino outreach • Youth education programs • Enhanced employer outreach techniques • Successful marketing strategies • For-hire transportation services and apps
A facilitated goal-setting exercise was conducted among Cherriots Rideshare and SalemKeizer Transit staff to better understand the program’s mission and how to accomplish the new vision. Program goals were discussed and ranked in order of importance. The list of prioritized goals became the pillars for the strategic plan’s foundation. The consultant team then developed a matrix of program recommendations1 that aligned with the new goals and vision of the Cherriots Rideshare program. The goals developed from the meeting are highlighted below:
Look for these goals in the following Recommendations chapter
Build and use the right tools to support the vision
Nurture relationships to achieve greater regional success
Be a stronger, more effective and efficient program
Measure results
1 A matrix of program recommendations is located in the Appendix
Cherriots Rideshare will work more closely with partners such as the Salem Bike Club to promote bicycling in Salem and beyond.
RECOMMENDATIONS The recommendations presented throughout this plan are grouped according to a series of chronological phases (e.g., Phases 1-4). The four overarching program goals are referenced within each phase, which include actions that build on the program’s growing capabilities and capacities. Program recommendations are comprised of many different elements from the strategic planning process and incorporate findings from stakeholder interviews, the SWOT analysis, Best Practices Review, and the goal setting exercise. Recommendations presented in Phases 1- 4 highlight new tasks, services offerings, and staff responsibilities, in addition to lists of metrics or deliverables.
There are four phases presented in this plan. Phase 1 begins on July 1, 2015 and covers the first full year of the program under the new strategic vision. Phases 2 and 3 each have a two-year duration, while Phase 4 has a four-year duration. Each phase represents a new strategic program focus, as listed below: Phase 1 – Reinforce and Enhance the Foundation (Year 1) Phase 2 – Evaluate Progress and Adjust Activities (Years 2-3) Phase 3 – Expand the Program (Years 3-5) Phase 4 – Reach and Maintain Maturity (Years 6-10)
Cherriots Rideshare will use the right combination of outreach tools and communication strategies to build upon the program’s foundation.
During Phase 1, Cherriots Rideshare will put into practice the first set of recommendations outlined in this strategic plan. The program will begin developing the necessary tools to reinforce its foundation and embark upon a new strategic direction of becoming the place people look to for transportation options solutions in the Willamette Valley. Refreshing the Cherriots Rideshare image is the first step to this process, which will enable the program to change the public’s impression that Cherriots Rideshare is solely a commuter-focused program and only promotes carpooling and vanpooling. Along with the new focus comes a new website—a onestop shop resource that will provide valuable
travel information and tools to all people living and working within the service area. During Phase 1, Cherriots Rideshare staff will leverage key partnerships and enhance communication channels between program funders, stakeholders, and existing employer outreach networks such as ETCs. A communications plan will be developed, an ETC survey and individualized marketing program will be implemented, and key partners will be notified about the new direction the program will embark upon. A measurement plan will then be developed to establish new performance measures. Specific elements of Phase 1 recommendations are outlined in the following pages.
Refresh the image RESULTS:
New logo Style guidelines Image
Stakeholder feedback indicated that the existing Cherriots Rideshare image conjured thoughts of vanpool, carpooling, and commute trips. Armed with a new vision, goals, and a strategic plan, Cherriots Rideshare will refresh its image and service offerings to reflect the program’s new vision of supporting all people living and working within the service area with a variety of transportation options tools and resources. This strategic shift will help change the community’s understanding of the types of services Cherriots Rideshare provides. The program will no longer focus solely on promoting ridesharing and vanpooling. People living and working in the service area will know what types of services Cherriots Rideshare provides and there will be more clarity around the program’s relationship with Salem-Keizer Transit. During later phases, Cherriots Rideshare may want to rebrand and develop a new name, logo, and identity that is independent, yet complementary of the Cherriots brand at Salem-Keizer Transit. A new look and feel to the program will distinguish Cherriots Rideshare as a program that serves all people with all types of transportation options.
Build a new website RESULTS:
Establish a website working group Build a new website
Cherriots Rideshare’s existing website has limited tools and resources. The new website will increase program efficiencies by increasing awareness, reaching a broader geographic audience, providing electronic resources, and promoting social media tools. Analytical functions will also be used to measure click-through rates and web traffic, which are important for setting a baseline and including metrics in annual reporting. The new website will initially be housed at Salem-Keizer Transit to offset costs associated with server purchases and maintenance. Cherriots Rideshare staff will assemble an internal working group with the Cherriots IT and Marketing Departments to develop a plan and timeline for launching and maintaining the new website. The new website should include the following features: • Direct link to Drive Less Connect and instructions for signing up and registering for the Emergency Ride Home (ERH) program • Trip planning tool • Search bar • Trip savings calculator • Links to partner resources (e.g., Valley VanPool, City of Salem, Salem Bike Club) • Links to transit information (SalemKeizer Transit fixed route services) • Links to other connecting transit services
• Relevant pages translated in Spanish • ETC network page listing upcoming meetings, trainings, and best practices • Social media buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) • PDFs of bike maps, transit schedules, vanpool routes, walking information (also in Spanish) • Telecommuting information • Contact number for inquiries • Web analytic measurement tools
Final report highlighting quantitative and qualitative program results List of contacts from community and neighborhood organizations, small businesses, and other program partners
Conduct an individualized marketing (IM) program Cherriots Rideshare’s new vision of reaching all people, and not just commuters, will be demonstrated during an IM program called Drive Less Save More: Connecting Salem. The program will be conducted among 4,400 households within the Northeast Neighbors (NEN) and Grant neighborhoods during the summer and fall of 2015. Cherriots Rideshare will hire one temporary staff member—a Transportation Options Advocate (TO Advocate) —to assist with event outreach, fulfillment, and bicycle deliveries of transportation options tools and resources. Custom events throughout the neighborhood promoting active transportation will showcase the new direction of the program and allow for greater collaboration among partners, including Latino/Hispanic organizations, neighborhood associations, the Salem Bike Club, Willamette University, and local businesses. The IM campaign will provide Cherriots Rideshare with an opportunity to test out new outreach strategies and educate neighborhood residents about upcoming Moving Forward transit service changes. Furthermore, results from the program will provide a new way to measure and report on important metrics such as vehicle miles reduced (VMR) for all trip types. Future IM projects are also recommended as Cherriots Rideshare builds staff capacity. Potential IM programs may include the following target audiences: • New residents and employees • College/University students • Latino/Hispanic residents • Seniors
Develop a communications plan RESULTS:
Communications plan
Cherriots Rideshare will develop a communications plan for rolling out its new strategy and identity to key partners. Employers and other program stakeholders will need to recognize the new shifts that are coming to the program. A solid communications plan ensures the rollout is successful, easy to understand, and reaches key audiences. The plan will describe which partners will be contacted and when, as well as identify the approach used (e.g., personal visit, telephone, email) and any potential messaging that may result in more substantial partnerships. The plan will also identify potential use of Cherriots Rideshare’s existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software tool (Sage ACT) that will help the program track partner and customer relationships. The communications plan will be written in-house by the Rideshare Coordinator and Specialist, with potential collaboration from the Salem-Keizer Transit marketing team.
Conduct an annual ETC survey RESULTS:
Survey results Memo or presentation back to ETCs
ETC networks are fundamental to successful employer outreach. As such, it is important for Cherriots Rideshare staff to learn more about their ETCs by conducting an annual survey. Stakeholder input from two Salem-area ETCs indicated a desire to be more engaged with the program. The feedback obtained from this survey will allow the organization to better understand the needs of ETCs so they can more effectively message to employees. The survey will be administered online and questions will garner the following information: • Employer support in fulfilling ETC duties • Greater understanding of their roles and responsibilities as ETCs
• Comments about current levels of training and if it is sufficient for the type of work they are doing
• Better ways to communicate and coordinate with ETCs
• Soliciting their ideas for how to better engage employees
• Opinions about how Cherriots Rideshare can more efficiently and effectively serve employees
• Thoughts about an ETC recognition program or other incentives that reward ETCs for outstanding service (e.g., coffee cards, gold, silver, bronze levels of recognition)
• Barriers to using transportation options at workplaces (e.g., lack of bike parking and showers, free parking, lack of information, shift scheduling)
Survey results will be analyzed by the Rideshare Specialist and used to develop a more comprehensive training and support program for ETCs.
Share the plan with key partners and stakeholders RESULTS:
List of partners reached Meeting outcomes
During the first year (Phase 1), Cherriots Rideshare will share the strategic plan with the most important project partners and stakeholders to provide clarity around short and long-term programmatic changes. To help communicate the new vision and goals to key partners, members of Cherriot’s executive staff will participate in presentations.
It is also necessary for Cherriots Rideshare to unveil their new vision and goals with other partners and organizations so they better understand the new mission and charge. Such entities may include:
Key partners include:
• Western Oregon University
• Salem-Keizer Transit leadership and the Board of Directors • ODOT – Public Transit and Rail Division • Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments • Cities of Salem and Keizer • Valley VanPool partners • Polk, Marion, and Yamhill Counties
• ETC networks • Willamette University • Chemeketa Community College
• Salem Health • Spirit Mountain Casino • SEDCOR (Strategic Economic Development Corporation) • Transportation Options Group of Oregon • Neighborhood associations • Salem Bike Club • Northwest Hub • Just Walk Salem • Vanpool providers (vRide, Enterprise) • Schools/youth organizations • Latino organizations • Other community groups • Salem Police Department (road safety) • Other large cities inside the service area • Small and medium-sized cities within the service area (e.g., Woodburn, McMinnville, Monmouth-Independence)
Reallocate staff responsibilities RESULTS:
Staff flow chart outlining new responsibilities
Existing base-level staff capacity is at two Full Time Employees (FTE), in addition to a part-time Transportation Options Advocate working on the IM program. Low levels of staffing contribute to the program’s inability to reach all travelers across the service area. Prior to adding a new staff member during Phase 2, Cherriots Rideshare will work more efficiently in Phase 1 by reallocating responsibilities between the Rideshare Coordinator and Rideshare Specialist. The goal is to lessen the administrative burden on the Rideshare Coordinator by shifting some tasked-based responsibilities (e.g., National Transit Database reporting, program mailings) to the Rideshare Specialist and also to Salem-Keizer Transit administrative staff. This transition of responsibilities will allow the Rideshare Coordinator to focus on strategic planning, marketing, staff training and management, funding and performance measurement, and increased partner engagement. As the Rideshare Coordinator spends more time forwarding the program’s strategic direction, they will be able to seek new funding opportunities through the MPO or other potential grants that come available. They will also grow the program’s reach through enhanced partnerships and marketing efforts to employees and residents who will benefit from the program. Cherriots staff will continue to do what they do well, such as promoting vanpooling and ridesharing options within the service area, outreach to large employers via ETC networks, and supporting active transportation within local communities, all with an outstanding customer service ethic.
Benefit from the Transportation Options (TO) Advocate’s position RESULTS:
List of community organizations and businesses reached
The TO Advocate’s outreach during the IM program will become an important community relationship-building tool for Cherriots Rideshare staff to build from. The TO Advocate will have reached out to community organizations and businesses within the Grant and NEN neighborhoods, all which have potential to become Cherriots Rideshare partners and stakholders. The TO Advocate’s temporary position will be leveraged so that all contacts made during the IM program will benefit future outreach, especially to Latino communities. Additionally, the TO Advocate will assist with various other tasks such as event tabling and data entry during their tenure with the program.
Establish new performance metrics RESULTS:
Measurement plan identifying new performance metrics Web tool analytics
As Cherriots Rideshare shifts its program approach to reach all people within the service area, existing performance measures will be reevaluated to reflect the program’s new direction. Staff will develop a measurement plan that includes an evaluation approach that not only meets existing ODOT and MPO funding requirements, but also reports on other important program elements such as website clicks, the number people touched by the program, new partnerships formed, customer satisfaction, commuter profiles and stories, event participation, and IM program results.
New program accomplishments and outcomes will be communicated to partners, funders, and stakeholders.
While Phase 1 builds the foundation and reinforces the program’s structure, Phase 2 will evaluate progress and establish new program initiatives by conducting a market analysis, developing new collateral materials, and communicating the strategic direction to interested cities and communities across the service area. TDM and employer outreach services will be prioritized using a tiered service approach, which will allow for clear communication with customers about what services Cherriots Rideshare offers to different parts of the service region. Staff capacity
will be augmented by one FTE during Phase 2. The Travel Options Assistant will provide much needed staff capacity by performing vanpool administration duties, employer and community outreach, and website and social media support. New program accomplishments, outcomes, and baseline metrics will be communicated to partners, funders and stakeholders through annual reports and presentations. Specific elements of Phase 2 recommendations are outlined on the following pages.
Conduct a market analysis RESULTS:
Market analysis report CRM tool training
The Cherriots Rideshare service area covers a large geographic area; thus, it is both difficult and time consuming for staff to continually monitor and track every business inside the service area. As Cherriots Rideshare (or whatever new name and branding they choose to become) becomes more widely known among employers and residents, a market analysis will help the program prioritize employer outreach strategies, which are essential for expanding the ETC network and bringing in new businesses. The research will help answer the question “where are the people, the jobs, and the trip generators within the service area?” The market analysis will also be used to help identify the following employer/ employee characteristics: • New businesses located in the service area • Receptive businesses with high potential for participation (e.g., environmental companies) • Large businesses (over 50 employees) in and adjacent to larger cities • Large businesses throughout the service area • Downtown centers that attract commuters from multiple workplaces • Types of shifts at workplaces (day shift, night shift) • Points of contact at each business for follow-up (e.g., owners, HR representatives, transportation managers) Outreach strategies and messaging will be tailored for businesses based on the following characteristics: • Location (proximity from where the majority of employees travel) • Number of employees • Parking management (e.g., free vs. paid parking) • Employee access to viable public transportation options • Accessible park and ride locations • Nature of the business (e.g., health care firm = promotion of active travel modes) The market analysis will help staff more efficiently reach employers and employees throughout the service area. A database will be regularly updated by the Rideshare Assistant to archive notes for contacts and follow-ups, which are useful metrics for annual reporting. Updating contacts and information in Cherriots Rideshare’s existing CRM tool is an efficient and effective approach for tracking leads and interactions with partners and customers. This approach will also help staff re-engage with large state offices to help employees reduce drive-alone trips and use commute options more frequently. State employees make up a large percentage of the Salem work force; thus, identifying and tracking new points of contact will help Cherriots Rideshare more effectively promote its array of service offerings.
Develop new collateral materials RESULTS:
New program brochure Menu of services for employers and employees New travel options resources
Cherriots Rideshare offers a nice suite of existing program materials; however, there is a need to develop new materials as the program grows and reaches new people. In addition to offering electronic resources through the website, staff will continue updating and printing existing program materials (e.g., Program Brochure, Salem Bike Map, Wander Walks Book, and Drive Less Connect (DLC) information) and also develop new collateral materials to distribute to residents and employees. New collateral materials may include: • Updated program brochure with links to website resources and social media
• Menu of services for employers and employees • New employee kits (pilot program for Salem-Keizer Transit staff) • Park and Ride locations map • Enhanced bicycle and pedestrian information and safety materials • Other partner resources such as walking for health information, parks guides, and ODOT materials (Bicycle Manual, safety/visibility resources)
Develop an outreach plan RESULTS:
Outreach plan Newsletter development
As the program shifts its focus from primarily reaching commuters to connecting with all people, it is important for staff to develop a plan for community outreach. Cherriots Rideshare will reach residents through community events and by working with youth and LEP populations. Working directly with LEP organizations is an effective outreach technique that establishes grass-roots connections within diverse communities. The one-stop shop website and social media are also excellent outreach tools for conducting community outreach, as program resources and partner information can be shared with the community. As Cherriots Rideshare grows in capacity, staff will have dedicated roles for conducting outreach to residential, Latino, and youth communities. The outreach plan will also highlight tasks and deliverables that will benefit employer outreach, such as the development of a quarterly E-newsletter to provide program updates and promote upcoming events for participating employers, employees, ETCs, and residents who have opted in or received program offerings. The outreach plan will highlight many of the potential markets within the service area that are ripe for contact. The plan will also take into consideration planning and implementing custom events. Staff will limit event planning only for activities that help increase program awareness, change travel behavior, support active transportation, benefit program partners, and/or sign up participants for DLC or challenges.
Showcase the strategic plan on a roadshow RESULTS:
List of cities and organizations reached Meeting outcomes and scheduled follow-ups
Cherriots Rideshare will use the strategic plan during Phase 2 to communicate its new vision and priorities with stakeholders, partners, customers, and interested communities. The Rideshare Coordinator will travel to larger cities within the service area to meet with local jurisdictions and share the goals and objectives outlined in this plan. This activity will help Cherriots Rideshare reach more people with vanpool services, transit connections, carpool matching, and messages around active transportation and health. A list of potential cities for strategic plan outreach includes McMinnville, Newberg, Sheridan, MonmouthIndependence, Dallas, Woodburn, Silverton, and Stayton.
Multiply effectiveness by developing new relationships RESULTS:
List of new contacts and follow-ups List of potential small businesses to work with
Stakeholder interviews indicated Cherriots Rideshare should be more closely aligned with program partners. Cherriots Rideshare will strengthen existing relationships and forge new ones as it adds staff capacity. Current partnerships with ODOT, the City of Salem, and Valley VanPool will be enhanced by holding regularly scheduled meetings, attending conferences and participating in TDM-related initiatives. These activities will ensure greater collaboration for travel options events and challenges such as the Oregon Drive Less Challenge, Salem Sunday Streets, Carpool Karma campaign, and the Bike Commute Challenge. Relationships must also be built with interested communities and organizations such as Latinos, youth, neighborhood associations, colleges, and universities. These communities will directly benefit from Cherriots Rideshare services and will be encouraged to direct people to the website to access relevant transportation resources and online travel tools. The Rideshare Specialist will initially be tasked to reach out to these organizations, thereby becoming the “go-to� person for follow-ups and further inquiries. Cherriots Rideshare will also strengthen existing relationships with large employers and seek new businesses within the service area that are ripe for outreach. The Rideshare Coordinator will be responsible for making initial contact with businesses and establishing a dialogue with key staff who can help communicate messages to employees. Small businesses have good potential for outreach because they can offer in-kind donations (e.g., gift certificates, volunteers) as a result of the partnership. Small businesses also tend to be more connected to the community and can help Cherriots Rideshare grow awareness of the program.
Reporting on ETC participation Messaging for the recognition program Communication to ETCs
Develop and deliver an ETC recognition program ETCs are valuable assets for employer outreach and will be recognized through a recognition program. The data collected from the ETC survey in Phase 1 will be used to identify the various types of rewards recognition that are appropriate to keep ETCs engaged. ETCs performing at a high level (e.g., taking on new duties, signing up large numbers of employees in DLC) will receive special recognition such as a framed award, a letter of achievement, small reward, and mention of the company’s name on the Cherriots Rideshare website. The criteria for meeting recognition standards will be established using a tiered structure (e.g., gold, silver, and bronze levels of achievement)
Add staff capacity at 1 FTE – Travel Options (TO) Assistant RESULTS:
Develop job description Post job position Interviewing, hiring, and training
To be able to effectively serve more people within the service area, Cherriots Rideshare will add one FTE as a Travel Options Assistant (TO Assistant) during Phase 2. The new position will help support staff with vanpool administration, employer and community outreach, and website/social media responsibilities. Cherriots Rideshare will conduct outreach with the Latino community; therefore, the TO Assistant will possess proficient Spanish language skills. Staff responsibilities for the TO Assistant include: Administrative tasks • Answering phones and responding to inquiries
Communications • Maintain database contacts and distribution lists
• DLC reporting tasks and customer service
• Develop newsletters
• Manage the ERH program
• Tracking businesses in the database, adding new businesses
Valley VanPool • Gather information from VanPool vendors • Enter NTD information
• Provide web and social media updates
• Assisting with ETC recognition program • Outreach to Latino organizations and other receptive LEP communities
• Strengthen brand by working with Valley VanPool partners The Rideshare Coordinator and Specialist will be responsible for training the TO Assistant. Several duties may overlap in the beginning phases of employment; however, the TO Assistant will take on assigned tasks as early as possible to become familiar with various Latino and community organizations throughout the service area.
Develop prioritized service tiers RESULTS:
Develop unique messaging for both residents and employers for each of the prioritized areas Incorporate tiered structure into existing and future planning efforts
Limited staff capacity at Cherriots Rideshare has made it difficult for the organzation to reach people throughout the large service area. As Cherriots Rideshare expands its reach to all people, staff will prioritize service offerings (e.g., which travel modes to promote) to compliment the land use patterns, geographic characteristics, and available transportation options in the service area. The following graphic proposes a hierarchy of services, with the complete range of services offered to those parts of the tri-county region that have all modes available to them (including fixed route transit and carsharing options). Lowerdensity areas, such as suburbs or small cities (that have flexible transit services rather than fixed-route services) will have a subset of these options (ridesharing, flexible transit services, vanpooling, and bicycling), while rural areas will be best served by ridesharing. The same tiered service structure will be used to inform employer outreach strategies. Promoting carpooling, vanpooling, and park and rides is recommended for businesses located outside of urban areas; whereas biking, walking, transit, and carsharing options are options more suited to businesses that are in or near larger cities that have above average travel options infrastructure. CHERRIOTS RIDESHARE
SERVICE TIERS Cherriots Rideshare Service Tiers URBAN AREAS Fixed Route Transit
SUBURBAN AREAS & SMALL CITIES Flexible Transit Services e.g. Carts, Cherry Lift
No or Limited Access to Transit
Communicate program accomplishments RESULTS:
New list of metrics that will help support the strategic direction of the program New format and data included in annual report and quarterly ODOT reports
TAC members and stakeholders indicated during the strategic planning process that some partners are not aware of Cherriots Rideshare’s many successes and accomplishments. Strong evaluation metrics are critical components to TDM programs and will be directly tied to outcomes and deliverables. Program outcomes should also align with performance measures set fort in the Oregon Transportation Options Plan, when possible. There are many different ways to evaluate program effectiveness; thus, it is important that Cherriots Rideshare staff reach out to funders and stakeholders to ensure proper metrics are collected. The program currently produces quarterly and annual reports to showcase the program’s many accomplishments. This reporting will become more robust as new partnerships are formed and as staff conducts outreach to residents and small businesses. Cherriots Rideshare will also communicate program accomplishments to MWVCOG on a more frequent basis. Existing performance measures for Cherriots Rideshare include: • Vanpool - # of active vans, VMR
New performance measures needed to track progress toward the goals and objectives include:
• Carpool - # of DLC matches, # of Carpool Karma registrations
• Photos, charts, and maps
• DLC - carpool matches formed, $ saved, GHG reductions
• # ofwebsite clicks and impressions
• ERH (# of rides, # of people)
• # of new partnerships
• # of meetings attended
• ETC survey baseline data (qualitative)
• # of events attended with # of people reached
• Neighborhood-based outreach efforts and results
• Commuter profiles and stories
• Social media - # of posts, followers, likes
• Employer outreach - # of employers participating in transit pass program • Oregon Drive Less Challenge # of participants (greenhouse gas, $ saved, non-SOV trips logged) • # of partnerships (youth poster contest, YMCA, Wander Walks book and map, Be Seen Be Safe)
Cherriots Rideshare will further increase staff capacity during Phase 3, allowing for an expansion of program services across the service area
Cherriots Rideshare will use the first two phases to identify possible enhancements that may expand the program’s capacities, capabilities, and activities. During Phase 3, Cherriots Rideshare will expand the breadth of the program by reaching out to new employers, partners, and organizations, and by developing a significant online and social media presence. The program will also provide tailored information and services to new employees. With a better understanding of employee trip patterns and ETC needs, Cherriots Rideshare will continue to change travel behavior and reduce drive-alone trips throughout the entire service area. The program will also report on new performance measures and compare results with baseline data collected in Phase 2.
Cherriots Rideshare will hire an additional part-time staff member (TO Representative) at 0.5 FTE to support staff with administrative tasks, and also conduct outreach to youth organizations and new employees. This approach will help the program reach its goals of connecting with the community and supporting workers who are new to the service area. As the program grows in size and strength, Cherriots Rideshare will report on progress reaching new audiences, in addition to performance metrics associated with contacting new employees, workplace challenges, levels of ETC engagement, and employee commute patterns. Specific elements of Phase 3 recommendations are outlined on the following pages.
Implement strategies to reach new audiences RESULTS:
Meetings attended Messaging around safety and health Number of participation schools and youth organizations Number of programs initiated
As Cherriots Rideshare increases its staff resources and becomes the place people look to for transportation options solutions, the program will continue to reach out to new target audiences and demographics such as LEP populations, youth organizations, and millennials. This focus will allow staff to develop new partnerships with many different types of community organizations. LEP populations include the growing number of Latinos and other limited English proficiency groups residing in Salem and in other parts of the service area. Outreach to these demographic groups is important from an equity perspective and builds upon the work the TO Assistant will have conducted in Phase 2. Cherriots Rideshare may also reach out to other disadvantaged or low-income populations to ensure they have access to the workplace, medical appointments, and other critical services without needing to own a car. Cherriots Rideshare will expand its outreach to youth by becoming involved in school programs and initiatives such as Safe Routes to School coordination. These activities will help the program become more closely tied to the community and ensure that children have safe and active ways to get to and from school. Teachers, parents, and students will be more aware of the services Cherriots Rideshare provides. Staff will continue to partner with Salem-Keizer Transit for the student poster contest and also to promote transit services to this demographic. In addition, Cherriots Rideshare will utilize program partners such as the Salem Bike Club and Northwest Hub to teach bicycle education programs in classrooms. Developing partnerships with youth student populations is also a means to acquire additional program funding through Safe Routes to School programs.
Improved website performance and reach Implement new technology that has measurement capabilities GOAL:
Maintain the one-stop shop website As Cherriots Rideshare expands its reach throughout the service area by driving traffic to its website, staff will continue to update content based on technology changes, new social media trends, new program content, and customer feedback. In addition to hosting a toll-free and local hotline for inquiries, staff will consider developing online feedback tools to more efficiently answer questions about available travel options, carpool matching, trip planning, and other services. The Rideshare Representative recommended for Phase 3 will assist with these types of activities.
Market to new employees RESULTS:
Work with employers and local jurisdictions to collect local transportation resources Design kits and fill them with information Number of kits distributed Number of participating businesses
Assess existing and potential partnerships List of new partnerships formed GOAL:
One of the ways in which Cherriots Rideshare staff can reach new audiences is by marketing to new employees who have recently joined various workplaces throughout the service area. Employees transitioning to new jobs are more receptive to trying out commute options. Staff will work with employers to develop new employee commute kits that inform new workers about their transportation choices. The kit will provide transportation materials such as free transit passes, vanpool and carpool information, and cycling, walking, and transit maps. New employee commute kits will also contain literature about the benefits of active commuting and also any information related to discounts or perks (e.g., wellness benefits) the employer offers. New employee commute kits will contain locally relevant resources, in addition to a mailback postcard that includes the employee’s contact information and a short travel survey. The Rideshare Assistant will follow up with the employee in three to six months to answer questions about and offer solutions for using commute options, and to evaluate effectiveness of the information.
Convene key partners As Cherriots Rideshare grows its service offerings, staff will continue to convene together key partners to identify workplace and community transportation needs. Cherriots Rideshare will leverage these relationships to spread the word about service offerings, educate partners about new transportation-related innovations, and glean information about new employers and community groups that may benefit from learning about Cherriots Rideshare’s service offerings.
Multiply by leveraging partner relationships RESULTS:
Meetings with economic development associations and other key partners
Once key partners are convened, Cherriots Rideshare will have the ability to service the entire geographic area with a well-developed, efficient, and effective TDM program. Leveraging partner relationships is a key component to achieving this goal, as partners have the ability to provide funding, staff support, in-kind services, and word-of-mouth advertising. Partnerships with economic development agencies such as SEDCOR and Chambers of Commerce will be used as a networking tool to learn about employment trends and new employers that are moving into the service area. Leveraging partner relationships will also help connect Cherriots Rideshare to other transportation options programs and services located throughout the Willamette Valley.
Purchasing and hosting webinars Monitoring and reporting on ETC participation
Job hiring announcement Post job offering Interview, hire, and train employee
Broaden and deepen ETC network The Cherriots Rideshare ETC network is an excellent tool for reaching out to employees with information about their commute options; however, existing practices do not take full advantage of ETCs as a resource. Building off the ETC survey results and the recognition program developed in Phase 2, the program will have the strength and resources to provide deeper levels of service and engagement with ETCs. Exploring more effective ways to collaborate and share information with ETCs will help Cherriots Rideshare develop new curricula and content for trainings and seminars. Increased levels of engagement with ETCs will ultimately lead to enhanced communication strategies and a better understanding of how ETCs perceive their roles and responsibilities. Hosting occasional webinars for ETCs will foster a greater understanding of TDM initiatives and best practices. Annual ETC surveys will continue to identify which trainings and activities are working and which are not. The Rideshare Specialist will oversee all program aspects related to ETC involvement.
Add staff capacity at 0.5 FTE – Transportation Options (TO) Representative During Phase 3, Cherriots Rideshare will reach maximum staff size at 3.5 FTE. This action is needed to extend staff capacity and build capabilities beyond previous staff enhancement recommendations. The addition of the TO Representative will round out the program offerings and pave the way for a brighter and more successful future. The TO Representative will have multiple duties and responsibilities, mostly concerned with developing and organizing employer events, conducting TDM research, and database management. As new FTE are added, the Rideshare Coordinator and Specialist can focus on forwarding the program’s strategic direction. RIDESHARE COORDINATOR TASKS
Strategic planning
Web and social media coordination
Grant and budget management
Maintain ETC networks
Work Plan management
Manage/report on Emergency Ride Home
Performance measures
Coordinate with bike/ped groups
Manage Valley VanPool Program with partners
Manage youth outreach
Marketing and outreach management
General marketing/ social media/website
Presentations to stakeholders and partners
Staff training and communication
Outreach for Wander Walks project
Develop and maintain partnerships
Manage Employer Programs
Presentations to schools/ community organizations
VanPool (NTD) reporting
Print and media purchases TDM research Web and social media Event/fair coordination and tabling
DLC administrative support TASKS THAT SHIFT OVER TO NEW FTE
Outreach for Wander Walks project Develop newsletter Vanpool (NTD) reporting
Prioritized list of services offered to employers/ employees and residents List of new potential performance measures
Reevaluate and prioritize service offerings Cherriots Rideshare will continually reevaluate its service offerings based on the performance metrics developed during Phases 1 and 2. Program offerings that do not meet internal or partner expectations will be scaled back or phased out. Cherriots Rideshare will continue to focus on what it does well and promote program services that are not only meaningful to customers, but also to funders, partners, and stakeholders. This strategic direction will allow the program to be both accountable and transparent in its actions. As new performance measurement goals are established in Phase 3, the Rideshare Coordinator will ensure the range of services offered in future years will result in meaningful partnerships, useful data, and increased program efficiencies.
Refine program goals based on performance metrics RESULTS:
Monitor and improve performance metrics based on current program offerings List of programs that are achieving desired performance measures
During Phase 3, the Rideshare Coordinator will assess performance metrics and make necessary changes to program goals. Assessing and reacting to service offerings that are working well and those that are not is an indication of the program’s maturity. Program successes will be reported to partners and stakeholders and Cherriots Rideshare staff will have a clear vision of how the new program direction has helped shift the community landscape and workplace cultures. Fine tuning of program goals will enable Cherriots Rideshare to stay present with new technology changes. The Rideshare Coordinator will work with staff to track and monitor program participation for both employers and employees, in addition to new partnerships formed and the number of people touched by the program. Community events and workplace challenges will be measured by the number of partnerships formed, number of participants/attendees, materials distributed, social media posts and impressions, and commuter profiles and stories. The TO Representative and TO Assistant will be responsible for tracking this data. A colorful and data-rich annual report will be developed by the Rideshare Coordinator.
Cherriots Rideshare will celebrate its success and the program will become a leader of TDM initiatives in the region and beyond.
During Phase 4, Cherriots Rideshare will operate at peak performance. Staff are proud of the program’s many accomplishments and the vision has come true— Cherriots Rideshare is now the place people look to for transportation options solutions. Awareness of the program is at an all-time high and fruitful partnerships have been cultivated. Staff excel at all of their tasks and the team works together in unity and with purpose and drive. Each staff member knows their respective role, which contributes to the program’s many accomplishments and outcomes. As Cherriots Rideshare becomes more successful reaching people throughout the service area, the program will work with existing partners and continue conducting outreach to target audiences such as LEP populations and youth organizations. Staff will embrace new technology changes such as mobile ridesharing apps and new social media tools. Staff will continue managing a program for
new employees and will consider expanding it to larger organizations such as ODOT, Salem Health, casinos, and other large agencies. Program services that achieve maximum return on investment will continue to be implemented. Results across all programs will be effectively communicated to partners and stakeholders. Cherriots Rideshare will also bring new partners to the table such as neighborhood organization chairs, bicycle and pedestrian advocates, city transportation staff, and elected officials. Staff will oversee a thriving ETC network, as new curricula developed in Phases 2 and 3 will have led to new recruitment. All staff members will collectively market, grow, and represent the program. Staff will work with peers and partners to increase awareness of the program and celebrate success. Cherriots Rideshare will become a leader of TDM initiatives throughout the mid-Willamette Valley and beyond.
List of new businesses reached Assign staff responsibilities for outreach and continued partnerships GOAL:
Best practices research for new transportation technologies New data collection techniques (GPS, real time data, bike and ped counts) GOAL:
Number of participating businesses and organizations Number of new employers and employees reached GOAL:
Work with new partners and organizations During Phase 4, Cherriots Rideshare will maintain existing partnerships, but also seek out new relationships that will help it reach the vision of becoming the place people look to for transportation solutions. Each staff member will play an important role in bringing these relationships to fruition. Outreach to both small and large businesses will be prioritized, with a focus on those that are most receptive to program offerings. Other potential partners include neighborhood organizations, bicycle and pedestrian advocates, and city governments outside of Salem but within the service area. Continued outreach to students and Latino organizations is also an excellent way for staff to build new partnerships. Cherriots Rideshare can potentially offer student “ambassador� internships for promoting active transportation in the community.
Stay present with changes in technology Technological advances in the transportation field will change the way people live, travel, and consume information. It is difficult to predict what those changes will entail; however, Cherriots Rideshare will be in a strong position to stay present and react to any foreseeable technology changes. Funds will need to be available to purchase new rideshare matching platforms, GPS tracking services, and software that allows for more efficient use of staff time and better data collection techniques. Staff will also need to be trained how to use these new tools as they become available.
Continue outreach to new employees New employees to the service area will continue to receive commute kits from Cherriots Rideshare. The outreach program, led by the TO Assistant, will be refined in Phase 4 (based on lessons learned) and offered to larger businesses and organizations such as state employees, city staff, hospitals, and casinos. The TO Assistant will continue to follow up with new employees to ensure they have the right tools and resources available to explore commute options. Staff will work directly with employers to better understand various workplace environments (e.g., free parking, shift workers, long commutes) to promote reasonable alternatives to driving alone.
Checklist of businesses reached Schedule of business follow-ups Number of partners and businesses reached for reporting GOAL:
Implementation of ETC satisfaction survey and recognition program Host annual events and webinars Number of new ETCs added to the network
List of peers and partners that can help continue to shape and grow the program Refinement of data collection processes Travel to conferences GOAL:
Maintain relationships with partners and organizations It is important for Cherriots Rideshare to maintain existing relationships as staff reaches out to new businesses and organizations. Stakeholder interviews indicated Cherriots Rideshare staff have excellent customer service skills, which will grow even stronger as the program matures. Prompt delivery of services, consistent messaging, and routine checkins and follow-ups are a few ways in which staff will perpetuate relationships with partners, stakeholders, and funders.
Maintain ETC network and recruit new ETCs The ETC network requires special attention to ensure the information Cherriots Rideshare provides is transferred to employees at participating worksites. Information obtained from annual ETC satisfaction surveys will allow staff to continually refine the curriculum and trainings. Furthermore, the ETC recognition program launched in Phase 2 will keep ETCs engaged by having a positive association to their assigned duties and responsibilities. The Rideshare Specialist will consider hosting an annual event such as a lunch outing or evening dinner to honor and celebrate the work ETCs do at their respective workplaces. These activities will help reinforce a shared bond between ETCs and Cherriots Rideshare, potentially growing the ETC network into a more effective communication tool for employee outreach. ETC networks will also be used to identify new employees at businesses and help distribute commute kits.
Work with peers and partners to increase program awareness During Phase 4, Cherriots Rideshare will have an opportunity to work collectively among peers and partners to increase public awareness of the program. Working collaboratively with peers and partners also helps coordinate and link outreach and marketing efforts among the various travel options programs in the Willamette Valley. Working with peer agencies such as Point2point Solutions and Cascades West Council of Governments is an efficient and effective way to promote the program, as peers and partners can provide special recognition of the program’s successes at meetings, conferences, or press releases. Metrics and outcomes play an important role in this recognition, so staff will continually refine data collection techniques and reporting.
Establish partnership guidelines List of questions that inform partnership decisions GOAL:
Market and grow the program During Phase 4, staff will continue to market and grow the program to serve the transportation needs of the community. With this growth comes a responsibility to ensure program service offerings and outreach techniques are prioritized according to successful outcomes and returns on investment. The Rideshare Coordinator will make sound decisions, investments, and commitments to strategically position the program to reach its goals. A set of guidelines will be established to help inform decisions to engage in partnerships. The following questions will be asked: • In what ways will this partnership ultimately benefit Cherriots Rideshare? • How much time and effort will be spent? Is there enough staff capacity to take on additional roles and/or provide resources? • Do the potential outcomes of this partnership align with the Cherriots Rideshare goals and vision?
Checklist of roles and responsibilities Reallocate tasks between staff to increase efficiencies GOAL:
Prioritized list of service offerings that achieve maximum ROI List of peers and partners Refinement of data collection processes
Maintain current staff levels and create the capacity to grow A total of 3.5 FTEs are recommended for Cherriots Rideshare staff during Phase 4. The two additional positions that were added during Phases 2 and 3 will directly align with the program recommendations outlined in this plan. New staff responsibilities are critical components to this plan that will guide Cherriots Rideshare to continued growth and success. If additional funding is available in Phase 4, the program will consider adding staff capacity, if needed.
Continue to offer services that achieve maximum ROI As the program reaches full maturity, Cherriots Rideshare staff will reflect on past experiences, partnerships, and program offerings and decide which are worth continuing into the future. This retrospective vision is very important for maintaining program offerings that achieve a maximum return on investment. Prioritizing service offerings according to different geographic areas within the service area is one way to maximize investments in staff and resources. This process will be emulated across all program areas to ensure the right people are getting the right types of services. A one-size-fits-all approach does not work for the large area that Cherriots Rideshare must cover; therefore, staff will make thoughtful decisions about which customers, partners, and target audiences receive the most attention. This type of focus and strategic thinking will allow Cherriots Rideshare to thrive well into the future.
Build and use the right tools to support the vision
Nurture relationships
Be a stronger, more effective, and efficient program
Measure results
Reinforce and Enhance the Foundation (Year 1)
Evaluate Progress and Adjust Activities (Years 2-3)
Expand the Program (Years 3-5)
Reach and Maintain Maturity (Years 6-10)
Refresh the image
Conduct a market analysis
Implement strategies to reach new audiences
Work with new partners and organizations
Build a new website
Develop new collateral materials
Maintain the one-stop shop website
Stay present with changes in technology
Conduct an individualized marketing (IM) program
Develop an outreach plan
Market to new employees
Continue outreach to new employees
Develop a communications plan
Showcase the strategic plan on a roadshow
Convene key partners
Maintain relationships with partners and organizations
Conduct an annual ETC survey
Multiply effectiveness by developing new relationships
Multiply by leveraging partner relationships
Maintain ETC network and recruit new ETCs
Share the plan with key partners and stakeholders
Develop and deliver an ETC recognition program
Broaden and deepen ETC network
Work with peers and partners to increase program awareness
Re-allocate staff responsibilities
Add staff capacity at 1 FTE – Travel Options (TO) Assistant
Add staff capacity at 0.5 FTE – Transportation Options (TO) Representative
Market and grow the program
Benefit from the Transportation Options (TO) Advocate's position
Develop prioritized service tiers
Reevaluate and prioritize service offerings
Maintain current staff levels and create the capacity to grow
Establish new performance metrics
Communicate program accomplishments
Refine program goals based on performance metrics
Continue to offer services that achievie maximum ROI
Produced for King County Metro 40