Gulliana Contreras I.C.:20.431.102
DRY FRUITS APRICOT The apricot, also known as damask or apricot, is the fruit of the apricot-tree, tree of the family of the Rosy ones.The fruit has the juicy, firm meat and with a delicious sweet flavor. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is a drupe rounded with velvet skin, a typical rut in the average part and a seed in the shape of almond inside the fruit. Size and weight: small, big or very big, according to the variety, though of minor size that a peach. The most common calibres of commercialization range between the 35 to 55 millimeters of diameter in the equatorial section of the fruit. The weight of an apricot is of about 50 grams. A normal share considers three apricots to be approximately 150 grams, that is to say. Color: the tones of his skin change according to the variety between reddish, whitely and yellow or orange. To the tact it is soft and velvet.
APPLE The spring season is the most ideal for the apple flowers to bloom along with the leaves. Flowers are white, initially tinged pink with five petals. The leaves are alternately arranged, simple oval with an acute tip and serrated margin, slightly downy below, 5-12 cm long and 3-6 cm broad on a 2-5 cm petiole. The season for the apple fruits is usually the autumn. Apples are always known for healthy reasons as said "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". There are many reasons for why we say so! Apples are suggested to reduce certain levels of risk of colon, prostate and lung cancer. Apples are a host of Vitamin C and antioxidant compounds, which explains the reduced risk of cancer. The fiber in the fruit is responsible for reducing the risk of colon cancer. They weight much for their rich calorie content. There are about 2500 known apple varieties, so you can try at least ten among them.
CHARACTERISTICS It forms: they are handles in general of ovoid form, sometimes elongated or round, that hide numerous seeds of dun color in his interior. His skin is almost always brilliant and smooth. Size and weight: the most commercialized apples are those which calibre goes from 75 millimeters to the 85 or more. And his weight ranges from 170 grams up to 250 grams. Color: the different colors of the skin do that the fruits differ in four groups: green, red, yellow and two-color. All of them with different flavors, aromas and quality of his meat. Flavor: the flesh can be hard or soft, but always refreshing and juicy, and his flavor goes from the very sweet one to the very acid one happening for the whole mixture of acidulated and sugary tastes. The meat is more or less aromatic according to the variety.
BARGAINS The bargains and the figs are the infrutescencias of the fig tree, tree that belongs to the family of the Morรกceas. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: the bargains are in the habit of having form of pear, stunned in the base and it reduces in the stem.
Color: the skin of the bargain is green initially and vinoso turns of a purple color on having matured. It parts easily with the flesh, pale pink color, on having stretched down from the stem.
BERRY A berry is a simple fruit with seeds and pulp formed from a single ovary. In nontechnical usage, berry means any small fruit that can be eaten whole and lacks objectionable seeds. The bramble fruits, compound fruits of genus Rabus (blackberries), are some of the most popular pseudo-berries. There are different varieties of berries which are classified as true berries and false berries
BANANA The structure of bananas looks like a long curving cylinder. The bottom end is narrowed to a point and the top end has a thick stem that attaches the fruit to the inflorescence stalk. A small group of bananas is referred as "hands". Many hands are collectively called as "bunches". Banana has smooth and thick skin and often has a few vertical ridges that run along the length of the fruit. The flesh of the fruit is in creamy white and soft. Banana is an energy booster,it contains tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that is known to make you feel happy and improve your mood, Banana is a rich source of iron, thus it is helpful in cases of anemiaandBanana is good for people who have high blood pressure because it is low in salt. To the banana macho also knows himself it as " banana of cooking or hart贸n ", bigger and less sweet than the rest of varieties of the same family. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: they have oblong, elongated form and something curled. Size and weight: the weight of the banana macho is of the biggest, managing to weigh approximately 200 grams or more every unit. The bananito is much smaller than the rest of bananas and his weight ranges concerning 100-120 grams. Color: depending on the variety, the skin can be of yellow greenish, yellow, yellow - reddish or red color. The banana macho has a thick and greenish skin and his flesh is white. In the bananito, the flesh is of color ivory and the skin, thin and yellow. Flavor: the banana and the bananito stand out because his flavor is sweet, intense and perfumed. In the banana macho, the flesh has a floury consistency and his flavor, unlike the rest of bananas of consumption in crude oil, is not sweet since scarcely it contains simple carbohydrates. The bananas can be gathered all the year round and are more or less abundant according to the station. They are cut when they have reached his complete development and when they start yellowing.
The cranberry is a berry that grows of the small homonymous shrub of the family of the Ericรกceas of the kind Vaccinium, which reaches from 25 to 50 centimeters of height. This kind is formed by a dozen of plants that produce berries, bluish or reddish, rich of dark color in antocianos, vegetable pigments that they award his typical color. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: the fruit is a spherical, round berry or oval. Color: it is having color is black when it reaches the full maturity or red, according to the variety. He turns out to be covered by a bluish fine dust or a resistant more or less brilliant movie. Flavor: the skin is smooth and his juicy and aromatic flesh of sweet and sour flavor.
CHERRIES The cherries are the fruits of the cherry-tree and of the cherry tree respectively, trees of the family of the Rosy ones that reach up to 20 meters of height.
CHARACTERISTICS It forms: they are drupes, of rounded, globular form or with figure of heart. They possess a globular and almost smooth bone. Size and weight: its size ranges according to the commercial category between the 13 and 20 millimeters and they have an approximate diameter of 2 centimeters and a weight of 6-9 grams. Color: it is presents colors that change between dark purple or black, tones you cremate paler with a light pink blush and the red one, depending on the variety.
CURRANTS The currant is the fruit of the different varieties of currant bushes, shrubs of up to 2 meters of height, of the family of the Saxifrag谩ceas, herbaceous and woody plants that grow spontaneous in moderate and cold regions. CHARACTERISTICS: It forms: it grows in the shape of small clusters, and they are similar to the grapes but of very low size. The fruit is round and globular Size: there has an approximate diameter of approximately 7 贸 10 millimeters. Color: depending on the variety we find red, white or black fruits. Flavor: its flesh is beefy and juicy, of acid flavor and something insipidly. It is full of tiny seeds that they do not hinder at the moment of consuming the fruit. On having chewed the grains, his thin and delicate skin explodes in the mouth, producing an agreeable refreshing sensation.
DEFAULTS The popular wild default, it is actually the blackberry, also black raspberry called. It is a question of a fruit that it grows in shrubs of the family of the Rosy ones, which includes more than 2.000 species of herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees distributed by the moderate regions of the whole world. CHARACTERISTICS : It forms: it is a fruit of small size, round or lightly elongated, composed for small globules that contain in his interior a tiny, perceptible and sometimes troublesome seed during his consumption. Size: a length has from 1,5 to 2 centimeters. Color: they tend to be of black brilliant intense color. Flavor: it is sweet when it is mature well with acid shades.
The endrina, known also like arañón, wild plum or pacharán, is the fruit of the endrino, tree that belongs to the kind Prunus, the most important of the family of the Rosy ones, in which also the blackberry or wild default is included. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: the fruits have form oval. Size: they have an approximate diameter of 10-14 millimeters. Color: the skin is violet or blackish with a whitish pruina that it remains in the plant during the whole winter. The flesh is green and hides a spherical bone of approximately 7 millimeters.
FIGS Fig fruits are bell-shaped, with a wide, flat bottom narrowing to a pointed top. When the fruit ripens, the top may bend, forming a "neck." Figs can be brown, purple, green, yellow or black, and vary in size. The skin is slightly wrinkled and leathery. They are often dried for preservation, since the fresh fruits are highly perishable. The fig flowers develop inside the fruit and cannot be seen. The edible fig is one of the first plants that were cultivated by humans.As the figs were of the parthenocarpic type, they are of an early domestic breed The bargains or figs are the infrutescencias of the fig tree, tree that belongs to the family of the Morรกceas. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: the figs adopt diverse forms, oval, with form of pear, flattened in the base and broader than high, according to the variety. Size and weight: normally the figs are of small size, of 60-70 millimeters of length and 45-55 of diameter and weigh approximately 28-40 grams. Color: the skin of the fig can be pale green, purple or black according to the variety and the maturity of the fruit. It is eatable, though in general it is not consumed. On having opened them the flesh appears, whitish, pale pink or purple that hides hundreds of seeds that they do not hinder on having eaten the fruit
GRENADE The engraved one is the fruit of a called select tree that reaches up to four meters of height, of the family of the Punicรกceas; small family of trees and shrubs, which fruits have prismatic and rugose seeds. The fruit possesses a thick skin of color scarlet or gilded with crimson tone in the exterior and a great quantity of internal seeds surrounded with a juicy flesh of color ruby. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is a berry called balausta, of round form.
Size and weight: lnormalmente his diameter ranges between 70-90 millimeters or more. Color: they give themselves different ranges that go from the red brilliant one to the green yellowish one or to the whitish one. Flavor: the interior of the grenade is divided by means of a whitish membrane where every receptacle shelters numerous seeds of pink or red color of sweet and sour flavor that he remembers lightly to that of the currants.
GRAPEFRUIT The grapefruit, also known as grapefruit or pamplemusa, is the fruit of the homonymous tree that belongs to the kind Citrus of the family of the Rut谩ceas. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: the grapefruit is a fruit with form of sphere lightly flattened, though in occasions they can have form of pear.
Size and weight: citric this one is in the habit of having a mean diameter of between 10-25 centimeters, being the average size of 7,5. Color: the bark is thick and resistant though also it can be thin or rugose. Initially the skin is of green color and as it is maturing the fruit, becomes yellow and even orange reddish. This fruit combines the form of a big orange and the yellow color of a lemon, though there exist varieties of green color, similar to the skin of the lime. Under the skin a flesh divided in 10 is 贸 12 clusters replete with juice, with a tone that goes from the yellow one to the reddish one.
GRAPES The grape is one of the oldest fruits to be cultivated going back as far as biblical times. Spanish explorers introduced the fruit to America approximately 300 years ago. Some of the most popular ways in which the fruit is used, is eaten fresh, in preserves or canned in jellies, dried into raisins, and crushed for juice or wine. Although, machines have taken the place of much handwork, table grapes are still harvested by hand in many places
CHARACTERISTICS It forms: beefy Fruit that is born crowded in long clusters composed by several round or elongated grains. Size and weight: the clusters that are commercialized adjust to a few procedure of quality that determine the weight and the average size of the fruits; these will have a mean diameter of 1,6 centimeters and a weight of between 200 and 350 grams. Color: the skin is greenish, yellowish, reddish or purple, depending on the varieties.
JAPANESE MEDLAR CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is a handle of ovoid or globular form. In his interior it shelters from 2 to 4 elongated seeds of brown brilliant color that can manage to occupy almost the half of the volume of the fruit. Size and weight: it has approximately 30 to 50 millimeters of length, and a weight that ranges between the 50 and 100 grams. Color: the skin is thin, smooth and delicate, though in some varieties the rind is strong and tough, of yellow or orange color and it detaches with facility on having been stretched from the peduncle. The flesh is in the habit of having a yellowish or whitish color.
LIME The botanical kind Citrus is the most important of the group, and consists of approximately 20 species with eatable fruits very abundant all of them in vitamin C, flavonoides and essential oils. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: the lime, it is a small fruit of rounded, globular form or oval. Size and weight: the lime measures approximately 5 centimeters of diameter and weight about 60 gram. Color: the bark of the lime is smooth, green or yellow, thin, compact and his flesh, which is divided in clusters, is green translucent, juicy and aromatic and is not in the habit of containing pips. Flavor: the flavor of the lemon is acid and very agreeable. The flesh of the lime is sweet or very acid, depending on the variety, and very refreshing.
LEMON CHARACTERISTICS It forms: the lemon has an oval or elliptical form, according to the variety. Size and weight: the lemons are calibrated in a scale of descending diameters between 0 and 9, corresponding 0 to a diameter of approximately 85 millimeters and 9 to approximately 30. Color: the lemon is a fruit between yellow and green, with a strong bark that conceals a white spongy and insipid cap and his flesh has a pale yellowish tone, formed by eight or ten segments or clusters that enclose small pips.
MANDARIN The mandarin is the fruit of the mandarino, tree that belongs to the family of the Rutรกceas, with characteristics similar to the orange tree, though smaller and delicate. They have the particularity of which his flesh is formed by numerous bladders full of juice. The mandarin he is considered to be like the citric most related to the orange. His small size, his more aromatic flavor and the facility of removing his skin, do of this fruit one of the most valued. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: the majority of the varieties have spherical form lightly smoothed. Size and weight: the fruit is of medium size, which affects in the quality of the product and ranges between 40 millimeters and the 86 or more in the mandarins of major commercial quality. The calibrated one of the mandarins carries out in a descending scale between the 1 and 10, being those of the number 1 the biggest and those of 10 smallest. Flavor: the flesh of the mandarin performs sweet flavor, lightly acidulated and turns out to be deliciously juicy and refreshing.
MELON CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is one of the fruits spherical of major size, and his form, a few times and others oval or elongated, as a ball of rugby, depends on the variety. Size and weight: it ranges according to the variety from 800 grams to 4 kilos.
Color: the bark can be green, yellow, orange, white, and his flesh acquires tones that go from the white, cream, yellow, orange up to the greenish tone. The interior of his flesh shelters a cavity where they find multitude of seeds of color cremates, mixed with a gelatinous and viscous mass that is eliminated easily.
The sweet orange tree is most cultivated of all the citrus fruits, being the most important species of the kind Citrus. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is a question of a fruit in spherical form, more or less flattened by the poles. Size and weight: a mean diameter has from 6 to 10 centimeters. The oranges calibrate in a scale of descending diameters between 0 and 14. The number 14 corresponds to the fruits of minor size and 0 to those of major diameter (concerning 100 millimeters or more). His weight ranges from 150 grams up to 200 grams without the skin. Color: his rind, call epicarpio, is very colored and is provided with oily bladders (flavedo). Under the smooth or rugose rind according to the variety there appears the second white skin that wraps the fruit protecting the flesh or albedo, the latter very spongy and of orange color. Flavor: the flesh is replete with 8-12 elongated and curved clusters that provide abundant juice of sweet flavor with shades acĂdulos, more or less declared according to the variety.
PLUMS The plum is the fruit of the plum-tree, tree of the family of the Rosy ones that reaches 5 meters of height. Plums are hard-pitted fruits like peachs, cherrys, almonds, and apricots. About 12 plum species are cultivated throughout temperate regions for their fruit and as blossoming ornamentals. The common European plum, the most important genus, has been cultivated since earliest times and probably originated near the Caspian Sea. It was introduced into North America, possibly by the Pilgrims, and is now mostly cultivated in the western United States, California in particular. Fruits of varieties of this species range in color from yellow or red to green, but purplish-blue is most common. Dried plums, or prunes, are made from the varieties that are richest in sugar and solids. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is a rounded drupe or oval and shaped like a heart. With oblong bone formed by two seeds in his interior that they lose his germinative faculty after one month. Size and weight: the most common calibres range from the 35 to 55 millimeters and it has an approximate diameter of approximately 7 centimeters and a weight of 65 grams. Color: the skin and the flesh have a uniform and intense color, which depending on the variety will be yellow, green or red purplish. Flavor: depending on the variety of culture there are flavors that resemble the strawberry between acids and sweets or more perfumed flavors. The contrast is typical between the bitter skin and the sweet flesh, which makes them exquisite as ingredient in different plates.
PEAR Pears are original from Europe and Asia. The first cultivated races were selected from the wild varieties in the prehistoric ages. Pear, common name for about 20 species of trees of a genus in the rose family, and for their fruit. The common pear is native to Europe; the Chinese sand pear is native to the Orient. Both species are extensively cultivated for their fruit in cool, humid, temperate regions throughout the world. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is a handle with rounded form or of tear. It contains 5 celdillas with 1-2 seeds, though there are varieties that do not have them. Size and weight: they are different depending on the variety. The weight is in the habit of being about 170 grams. Color: the skin of the fruit is more or less smooth, green, that returns parduzca or yellowish on having matured, depending on the variety. Flavor: the flesh is hard and very acid or astringent when still it is green. As it matures, is softened and sweetens. The pears present better quality when they are harvested lightly. The autumns pears must be gathered immature, scarcely they have reached his maximum volume. The winter pears are gathered when it starts falling the leaf, since if they are gathered too soon the bark and the flesh fades up.
PEACH: The peach is the fruit of the peachtree, tree of the family of the Rosy ones. Peaches can be red, pink, yellow, white, or a combination of those colors. On one side of the fruit is a distinctive vertical indentation. Peaches and nectarines look very similar, but they can be told apart by their skin texture: peaches are fuzzy and dull, while nectarines are smooth and shiny. The peach has often been called the Queen of Fruits. Its beauty is surpassed only by its delightful flavor and texture. A tree-ripened peach is something to behold -- and better to eat.Bacterial leaf spot is prevalent on peaches in all areas of the state. Sprays are not effective against this disease. If severe, bacterial leaf spot can defoliate and weaken the trees and result in reduced yields and poorer-quality fruit. Peach cultivars show varying degrees of resistance to this disease. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: the peach is a drupe of form rounded of great size. All of them, they shelter a bone in his interior that guards the seed and that in some varieties it is very adhered to the flesh and in others it separates with facility. Size: the calibre changes according to the variety, from 55-65 millimeters to the 75-85. Color: the skin of the peach and of the Paraguayan is smooth and velvet. The color of the first one is red intensely, pale pink or yellow orange, according to the variety, as the nectarine, whereas the Paraguayan has the skin of greenish and yellowish even mature color. The flesh is beefy, sweet and juicy, a few times white, compact and very sweet and in other varieties, red or orange, soft and less sweet. The flesh of the nectarine and the Paraguayan is often white or color cremates very clearly. Flavor: both the peach and the Paraguayan, according to the variety, happen for an extensive range of sweets. The nectarine also can have a sweet flavor, lightly acidulated.
QUINCE: The quince is the fruit of the quince, tree of the family of the Rosy ones that reaches approximately 4 meters of height CHARACTERISTICS: It forms: it is a handle with form similar to a pear, in most cases, though also it has rounded them. Size and weight: the quinces present a length of up to 7,5 centimeters or more and the diameter is about 85-95 millimeters. His average weight is about 250 grams. Color: the skin is of yellow color gilded with a downy and rough texture in a few varieties and smooth and brilliant in others. The flesh is hard and rough, of white yellowish color, and turns out to be floury and slightly juicy.
Flavor: the meat of the quince has an acid and rough flavor that makes her inedible to the native; nevertheless, it is a very aromatic fruit.
RASPBERRY The Raspberry is not a true berry which is a composite fruit. It is also known as Red Raspberry which is a tart and sweet fruit. It is similar to blackberry but has only few differences like it is smaller, softer and has a different color. You can find it growing in places like forests or fields especially where there is free space due to fire or wood-cutting processes that has occurred The raspberry, known also as strawberry of the forest, is a beautiful fruit of the raspberry-bush or sang端eso, plants that it grows wild in all the countries of moderate climate. CHARACTERISTICS
It forms: it is an infrutescencia of round or conical form. The raspberry is formed by many drupes or rugose grains very near and arranged in pineapple. Every drupe has adhered a fluff of yellow color I pray. Size and weight: its base has between 15 and 20 millimeters of diameter. A cup of raspberries has an approximate weight of approximately 125 grams. Color: the skin is velvet, of red color scarlet and is covered of a thin perceptible down when it is tasted, though there exist varieties of yellow, white or black color. Flavor: The flesh, beefy, juicy and of sweet and sour flavor, very aromatic and perfumed, it shelters in his interior tiny seeds that they do not hinder when the native is consumed.
STRAWBERRY The strawberry is a accessory fruit as discussed earlier; that is, the fleshy part is derived not from the ovaries (which are the "seeds", actually achene) but from the peg at the bottom of the hypanthia that held the ovaries. So from a technical standpoint could be, the seeds that are the actual fruits of the plant, and the flesh of the strawberry is a vegetable. It is greenish-white as it develops and in most species turns red when ripe. The rosette growth of the plants is a well-known characteristic. Most of the species send out long slender runners that actually produce a new bud at the extremity. The leaves typically have three leaflets, but the number of leaflets may be five or one. The strawberries and the strawberries are some of the most valued fruits and evoke the spring beginning. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: from conical form to almost round, depending on the variety. Size and weight: the strawberries are calibrated measuring his diameter. The most commercialized calibres go from the 18 to 22 millimeters or more, being the strawberries of minor size. The strawberries have an approximate weight of 25 grams. Color: red brilliant or red orange, depending on the variety of culture.
TROPICAL PINEAPPLE The pineapple is a fruit native to the Asian tropics, with a delicate and fresh fragrance that's simply irresistible! The top of the fruit resembles a royal crown or as some would say the feathers of the mythical Phoenix bird and the flesh is golden like the skin of the Asian pear. In Taiwanese the pronunciation of the word pineapple sounds like a propitious blessing of good fortune and future prosperity. It is a popular custom to decorate one's home or office with symbols resembling the lucky and auspicious pineapple to ensure that all of one's efforts will be blessed and all of one's goals will come to fruition. The pineapple has been referred to in traditional culture as the best gift for a house warming party and upon the opening of a new business or to wish one's favorite political candidate success at the election boxes CHARACTERISTICS: It forms: they are infrutescencias of oval and thick form.
Size and weight: the tropical pineapple measures approximately 30 centimeters and has a diameter of 15. His weight is about both kilos. The pineapple baby weighs between 300 and 700 grams. Color: in both the flesh of yellow or white color is surrounded with bracts that form the skin of the fruit; in the top end the bracts transform in a showy crown of green leaves. Flavor: the flesh is very aromatic and of sweet flavor. The small pineapples are in the habit of having a flavor more delicate than the big ones. The pineapple baby has the gustatory properties of the tropical pineapple, corrected and increased.
WATERMELON Watermelon is the fruit and also plant of a vine-like (climber and trailer) herb originally from southern Africa. This flowering plant bears an accessory fruit of a type that are actually botanist's call a false berry. The watermelon fruit are, loosely considered a type of melon (although not in the genus Curcumas) it has a smooth exterior rind and a juicy, sweet, usually carries red interior flesh. The species descriptor Catullus vulgaris is sometimes, synonymously, used to refer to this plant (vulgaris meaning "common"). Fresh watermelon could be eaten in a variety of ways and is also often used to flavor summer drinks and smoothies all taste good. The simplest way to cut a watermelon is to slice it crossways and then to slice the resulting round slabs into halves or quarters. This method is generally used in a casual setting where people do not mind the juices flowing everywhere. Since the rind provides a handle, no utensils are needed. If the watermelon is to be eaten in conjunction with a meal, it is generally cut into bite-sized squares or balled with a melon baler. The resulting pieces are often mixed with other melons and fruits and possibly syrup to form a fruit salad The watermelon, also known as sideburn, water melon or melancia, is one of the fruits of major size of all those they are known and it can reach up to 10 kilos of weight.
CHARACTERISTICS It forms: the fruit or watermelon, which botanical it is named "pep贸nide", can have rounded, oval or cylindrical form flattened by the ends. Size and weight: it is one of the major fruits that take place with a size of up to 30 centimeters of diameter, and though they can reach a weight of up to 15 贸 20 kilograms, the destined ones for the trade are in the habit of weighing between 3 and 8 kilos. Color: his bark is smooth, lasts and of approximately 2-4 centimeters of thickness and his color changes between dark green, light green or yellow, and enclosed it can have specks of yellowish, greyish or light green color. In his interior one finds the flesh with a reddish or pink very attractive coloration, though varieties exist with flesh of yellow intense and even orange color. In the flesh of some varieties there are spread numerous black, brown or white seeds. Flavor: the flesh has a watery, porous, very juicy texture. It is refreshing and in general it has a delicious sweet flavor.
TROPICAL FRUITS AVOCADO CHARACTERISTICS It forms: with form of pear, in his interior it contains the only seed rounded of clear color and 2-4 centimeters of length (except the variety date), that turns out to be covered with a thin woody cap of brown color. Size and weight: though there exist varieties that weigh approximately 100 grams and others that can reach 2 kilograms, which more are commercialized to be in the habit of measuring 1013 centimeters, with a weight of 150-350 grams. Color: the bark, thick and hard, with ruggednesses, presents a green coloration that changes in intensity depending on the variety. The flesh is creamy, oily, of green color it cremates or palely to yellowish white, very similar to the butter. Flavor: the flavor of the flesh resembles that of the nuez and the hazelnut.
CHARACTERISTICS It forms: globular berry which aspect there resembles that of the cherry or tomatoes cherry surrounded with a cover named chalice; as a species of membranous not eatable bladder. The berry contains in his interior numerous seeds. Size and weight: the fruit is small, spherical and smooth, depending on the variety, with a diameter from 1,5 to 3,5 centimeters. His wrappers present marked nervures and have a length of approximately 4 centimeters. Color: of red or orange color when it matures, according to the variety. Flavor: agreeable and slightly acid and sweet; his flavor resembles a mixture of pineapple and maracuyรก.
CHERIMOYA CHARACTERISTICS It forms: though his form can be globular or ovoid, depending on the varieties, generally it has form of heart. Size and weight: of 7,5-12,5 centimeters of length, his weight ranges between 150-1.000 grams. Color: he presents a skin reticulada of green color and a white flesh of creamy consistency. It contains numerous seeds squashed of black color that measure approximately 1 centimeter of length. Flavor: the flesh, refreshing, very aromatic and of sweet flavor, lightly acid, he resembles the mixture of tropical pineapple and banana or the flavor of the pear.
CHARACTERISTICS It forms: rounded, he presents an external, tough or fibrous rind, of 4 贸 5 centimeters of thickness, with hair strongly adhered to the nuez. Him follows an intermediate and thin and different cap harder that he has near three orifices between yes, with a triangular disposition and placed in the apex. One of the above mentioned orifices is vulnerable to the pressure, place where the water of coconut can be spilt before breaking the rind and is where one finds the seed. The flesh contains in his central cavity the water of coconut, a sugary liquid that one finds in an approximate quantity of 300 milliliters, enclosed in the interior. Size and weight: it is a covered drupe of fibers of 20-30 centimeters and can manage to weigh up to 2,5 kilograms. Color: the external rind is yellow or orange and the flesh is the eatable part and of white color.
CHARACTERISTICS It forms: according to the variety, the guava can have rounded form similar to a lemon or to become closer towards the peduncle, taking a form similar to the pear. Under the rind one finds the first cap of flesh, consistent, firm, of approximately 0,25 centimeters of thickness, variable according to the species. The interior cap is softer, juicy, creamy and is replete with seeds of woody and hard constitution. Size and weight: it has approximately 4-12 centimeters of length and 4-7 of diameter. His weight ranges from the 60 up to 500 grams. Color: sweet, I acidulate or acid, he resembles a mixture of pear, fig and strawberry in the sweet varieties and banana, lemon and apple in the acid species. Flavor: the flavor of the flesh resembles that of the nuez and the hazelnut
HANDLE CHARACTERISTICS It forms: his form is variable, but generally it is ovoid - oblong or arri単onada, glaringly smoothed, rounded, or obtuse in both ends, with a central big, smoothed bone and with a woody cover. Size and weight: of 4-25 centimeters of length and 1,5-10 of thickness, his weight changes from 150 grams up to 2 kilograms. Color: the color can be between green, yellow and different tonalities of rose, red and violet, mate or with sheen. His flesh is of yellow intense, almost orange color. Flavor: exotic, succulent, very sweet and aromatic.
CHARACTERISTIC It forms: with rounded form, similar to an apple or to a tomato. Size and weight: he presents a few dimensions of up to 7 centimeters of diameter and a weight from 80 to 250 grams, depending on the variety. Color: the skin is smooth, dies, glossy and of yellow, orange color or purple and the flesh, orange or reddish. Flavor: The flesh is in some varieties gelatinous (Red Brilliant and Tomatero), with a texture similar to the jam. Nevertheless, of others it is very consisting and compacts and even so (Sharon) lasts as that of an apple. His flavor resembles a mixture between peach, apricot and pear, sweet and very soft. The astringency of the fruit owes to the presence of tannins in the flesh that they are diminishing with the ripeness. The packaging is realized principally of manual form since it is a very fragile fruit.
It forms: it is similar to a cactus but of alive colors, with covered rind of beefy thorns and flesh gelatinous and replete with pips. Size and weight: it has a length of approximately 10 centimeters. His approximate weight is 200 grams.
Color: the color of his skin, gross and not foodstuff, it is yellow and with orange specks. The flesh has a green glassy color, fills completely of small pips. Flavor: his flavor is tart and refreshing simultaneously, is alike the cucumber.
KIWI CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is a berry with form of ellipse and cover of a skin fills completely of hairinesses. Size and weight: his size is similar to that of a big egg and weighs approximately 80 grams, according to the variety about which it treats itself (Abbot, Dark, Monty, Hayward, etc.). Color: the skin is brown and is covered with small filaments like hair and his flesh has a green color emerald and is replete with small pips of black color, arranged in the shape of circle. Flavor: it has a sweet and sour and very refreshing flavor.
The kumquat or " dwarf orange " belongs to the family of the Rutรกceas, kind citrus. CHARACTERISTICS: It forms: it has an ovoid form and the flesh is divided in 4-5 clusters by 2-3 seeds depending on the variety that treats itself (oval or Nagami, round or Marumi). Size and weight: his size ranges between 2-3 centimeters of diameter and 20-30 millimeters of length. His weight changes between 5-20 grams. Color: its skin is smooth, of orange and very brilliant color. Flavor: the flavor of the skin is an acidulated sweet and that of the flesh lightly I am bitter. Very aromatic and easy to eat.
LITCHI CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is very small, oval and the flesh covers totally a big, hard, smooth and brown not eatable seed. It has an external aspect similar to the tree srtawberry. Size and weight: from 3 to 4 centimeters of diameter and an approximate weight of 20 grams the unit. Color: its skin of red alive color, or often yellow, is covered of small warts and his flesh, is of white glassy color or cremates and very juicy. It is of brown - reddish color covered of numerous hexagonal scales. Flavor: it is very sweet and exotic, resembling that of the grapes and with a certain aroma roses.
MANGOSTĂ N It is one of the exotic fruits most quoted and estimated by his exquisite flavor and consistency. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is a berry with spherical form, woody and thick bark of approximately 0,33 centimeters that yields very easily to the pressure of the fingers. Four hard sepals surround the petiole of union to the branch. The flesh is divided in 5-7 clusters or segments. Size and weight: the mangostĂĄn that is commercialized in our country has a few dimensions of 7 centimeters of high place and a diameter of 65-70 millimeters, and the weight places between the 80 and 150 grams. Color: the fruit is yellowish until it matures, moment in which the skin becomes red and purple. Within, the skin is of red color vinoso and the flesh is white. Every cluster or segment can have a seed of green color; in some cases, soft it turns out to be to the being eatable; others lack seed and occasionally they possess a hard seed. Flavor: its flavor is honeyed, sweet, extremely sugary, a mixture between peach and raspberry, though also it is compared with the sweet and sour flavor of the plums or the grapes.
MARACUYĂ OR FRUIT OF THE PASSION: CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is like a round or ovoid berry, being the yellow variety and the granadilla those of major size. The thickness of the skin depends on the variety. In the sweet granadilla, the rind is smooth, lasts and quilted to protect to the flesh and his form is oval, with an end ended in top. Size and weight: a diameter has from 35 to 80 millimeters and an approximate weight of 30 grams. The fruit of the yellow passion is longer than the mansion and can manage to weigh up to 100 grams. Color: its skin changes between the yellow one or the purple one and orange, depending on the variety. The internal cap is white and the cavity contains great quantity of covered pips of an orange or yellow and greenish, very tasty and aromatic meat. The granadilla is replete with creaking seeds of black - greyish color.
It is a soft, very juicy fruit and of buttery consistency. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is an ovoid - oblong berry, piriforme or almost cylindrical, big, beefy, juicy and ranurada longitudinally in his top part. Size and weight: of 10-25 centimeters of length and 7-15 or more of diameter, his weight is about 500-1000 grams, managing some copies to weigh more than 5 Kilograms. In Africa, there exist dwarf varieties of approximately 300-400 grams of weight. Color: its presents a thin skin and of green yellowish, yellow or orange color when it matures. Some varieties continue being green when already they are mature, though in general the skin yellows with the ripeness. The flesh is red orange or reddish, with a more or less intense tone. The papaya of red flesh is tastier. Flavor: its aroma resembles the melon, and the sweetness of his flesh, that of the pear, the melon or the strawberry. His interior is full of black or gray seeds of piquant flavor.
There exist two eatable varieties of different size and color, the yellow one and the red one, both proceeding ones from plants of the Cactรกceas. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: both varieties have an ovoid form. The yellow one is characterized for having a bark with thorns and the red one, for his thick bark and with bracts. The flesh of both is very aromatic and is replete with seeds. Size and weight: the red one is of major size that the yellow one. The yellow one measures approximately 90 millimeters of length and a diameter has from 65 to 70 millimeters. The red one has approximately 12 centimeters of length and a diameter from 75 to 80 millimeters.
Color: the yellow variety, initially it is green and yellows in the maturity. Both have the flesh of white color and replete with tiny black seeds. The red variety is characterized because his rind is red and thick and has green bracts, unlike the thorns that there presents the yellow variety, which on having matured they return yellow, giving him a very decorative aspect.
It forms: it is very small, oval, is alike a hedgehog due to his skin full of wavy and raised hair when it is gathered newly or withered or blackened a few days after his crop. In his interior it has a hard pip. Size and weight: from 4 to 5 centimeters of diameter and 30-40 grams the unit.
Color: its skin is a brown purple and his flesh, of translucent meat, has a white glassy tone. Flavor: its flavor is similar to that of the litchi; sweetened and with certain seemed to that of the almond.
A samara is a simple dry fruit in which a flattened "wing" of fibrous, papery tissue is produced from the ovary wall. A samara is bicarpellate (two carpels) and indehiscent (not opening along a seam) type. The shape of a samara allows the wind to carry the seed from the parent tree. A special form of samara is sometimes called a key, where the papery sheath widens far out to one side so that the seed spirals as it falls. Trees with rounded samaras are the elms (genus Ulmus) and the hoptree (Ptelea trifoliata). Trees with the extended keys include the maples (genus Acer) and the ashes (genus Fraxinus). The Samara is a wind borne fruit that contains single seed. It is much similar to achene except for the paper-like wing which is produdec from the ovary wall of the flower. Ovary wall forms a winglike structure which is dry, frequently used for seed dispersal by wind. Samaras is similar to the winged seeds of a pine, but they are one-seeded fruits with a pericarp layer surrounding the seed. The leguminous tipu tree (Tipuana tipu) contains a winged fruit that certainly looks like a samara, although it belongs to the legume family (Leguminosae or Fabaceae). Ash, elm are the examples of this type
TAMARILLO This fruit is also an acquaintance with the name of tomato of tree. CHARACTERISTICS It forms: it is oviform and is covered by a skin, thick, smooth, turgid and brilliant, of a certain bitter flavor.
Size and weight: approximately 8 centimeters of length and 5 of diameter. Color: its skin is of red, orange or yellow color according to the variety, and his flesh, gelatinous, of dark orange color and something translucent, replete with seeds; he resembles that of the traditional tomato. The seeds, color intense garnet, they are flat and not very hard, arranged in form arri単onada and of easy digestion. Flavor: it has a sweet and sour flavor, lightly bitterly.
ASPARAGUS Botanical name: Asparagus officinalis Asparagus is a perennial bulb and stem vegetable that greets us every spring. It may take 2 to 3 years to get started, but then the plant can be productive up to 20 years! Asparagus has male and female plants, with the female plants producing berries. Regions with cool winters are best for this cool-season crop.
BEETS Botanical name: Beta vulgaris
Beets are a cool season vegetable crop. This root veggie grows quickly and has many different varieties which showcase deep red, yellow or white bulbs of different shapes. They can survive frost and almost freezing temperatures, which makes them a good choice for northern gardeners and an excellent long-season crop.
BELL PEPPERS Botanical name: Capsicum annuum Peppers are a tender, warm-season crop. They resist most pests and offer something for everyone: spicy, sweet or hot, and a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. For this page, we will focus on sweet bell peppers
Botanical name: Brassica oleracea Broccoli is a cool-season crop that, like spinach, can be grown in the spring or fall. In fact, you may be able to get a continual harvest throughout both seasons if you time planting correctly. A member of the cabbage family, broccoli is rich in vitamins.
CABBAGE Botanical name: Brassica oleracea Cabbage is a hardy, leafy vegetable full of vitamins. It can be difficult to grow; it only likes cool temperatures, and it can be a magnet for some type of pests. By planning your growing season and providing diligent care, you may have two successful crops in one year, both spring and fall. Many varieties are available to suit both your growing conditions and taste preferences.
CARROTS Carr Botanical name: Daucus carota It is are a popular root vegetable that are easy to grow in sandy soil. They are resistant to most pests and diseases, and are a good late season crop that can tolerate frost. Not all carrots are orange; varieties vary in color from purple to white.
CAULIFLOWER Botanical name: Brassica oleracea Cauliflower is a cool-season crop and a descendant of the common cabbage. It is more difficult to grow than its relatives because it does not tolerate the heat or cold as well.
CELERY Botanical name: Apium graveolens Celery is a long-season crop that can be tricky to grow, some might say, the trickiest of all. It likes fertile soil, cool temperatures, and constant moisture. It will not tolerate heat and can be hard to transplant. Summer crops in the north and winter crops in the south make celery a year-round producer. All the work is worth it when you harvest crunchy, green stalks.
CHARD Botanical name: Beta vulgaris Chard is a member of the beet family that does well in both cool and warm temperatures. It can be cooked or used raw in salads and is high in vitamins A and C.
Botanical name: Zea mays Sweet corn is an annual with yellow, white, and bi-colored ears. A long, frost-free growing season is necessary after planting. Sweet corn is wind-pollinated, so it should be planted in blocks, rather than in single rows. Early, mid, and late-season varieties extend the harvest. If you miss the optimal harvest time, corn will go downhill fast as sugars convert to starch
CUCUMBERS Botanical name: Cucumis Sativus Cucumbers are a warm-season vegetable that will grow in any amount of space thanks to its ability to climb. The most common varieties of slicing cucumbers have sprawling vines with large green leaves and curling tendrils. The growth of these plants is fast, and the crop yield is abundant if you care for them properly.
EGGPLANT Botanical name: Solanum melongena Eggplants are short-lived perennial vegetables, but are usually cultivated as annuals. Also known as aubergines, eggplants differ mainly in size, shape and color of the fruits. Eggplants are tropical and subtropical, requiring relatively high temperatures. Related crop include tomatoes, potatoes and peppers.
GARLIC: Botanical name: Allium sativum Garlic is easy to grow and produces numerous bulbs after a long growing season. It is frost tolerant. Beyond its intense flavor and culinary uses, “the stinking rose� is good in the garden as an insect repellent and has been used for centuries as a home remedy.
KALE Botanical name: Brassica oleracea acephala Kale is a hardy, cool-season green that is part of the cabbage family. It grows best in the spring and fall and can tolerate all fall frosts. Kale can be used in salads or as a garnish and is rich in minerals and vitamins A and C.
Botanical name: Lactuca sativa This is a half-hardy vegetable that you can keep growing all season long by planting one small crop at a time. Days to maturity tend to be short. Garden lettuce is far superior, in both taste and vitamin A content, to supermarket brands.
OKRA Botanical name: Abelmoschus esculentus Okra is traditionally a Southern U.S. plant that thrives in warm weather. It is both easy to grow and use and looks great throughout the growing season due to its beautiful flowers. Okra is also rich in vitamin A and low in calories.
ONIONS Botanical name: Allium cepa Onions are a cold season crop, easy to grow because of their hardiness. We recommend using onion sets, which can be planted without worry of frost damage and have a higher success rate than direct seed or transplants. Onions are a basic and essential ingredient in many meals. We will focus on other onions such as garlic in another page. This page is specifically for yellow onions.
PARSNIPS Botanical name: Pastinaca sativa Parsnips, popular with ancient Greeks and Romans, were brought over to the Americas with the first colonists. Although parsnips are biennials, they are usually grown as an annual vegetable. Parsnips are a hardy, cool-season crop that is best harvested after a hard frost. Parsnips are not only tasty in soups and stews, but can also be enjoyed by themselves.
PEAS Botanical name: Pisum sativum, Pisum macrocarpon Peas are a cool-season crop, now coming in three separate varieties to suit your garden and cooking needs. They are: Pisum savitum, which includes both garden peas (sweet pea, inedible pod) and snow peas (edible flat pod with small peas inside) and Pisum macrocarpon, snap peas (edible pod with full-size peas). They are easy to grow, but with a very limited growing season. Furthermore, they do not stay fresh long after harvest, so enjoy them while you can
POTATOES Botanical name: Solanum tuberosum This half hardy vegetable is a culinary staple, and yet is overlooked by many backyard gardeners. The taste and texture of home-grown potatoes are far superior to store bought, especially the early varieties. They need a cool climate, and also need to be watched to prevent sunburn. Potatoes can be grown as a winter crop in warmer climate zones.
PUMPKINS Botanical name: Cucurbita maxima, C. moschata, C. argyrosperma Whether you use them for carving or cooking, pumpkins do not disappoint. Note that pumpkins do require a lot of food and a long growing season (generally from 75 to 100 frost-free days) so be sure to check our frost charts for your area. Otherwise, they are easy to maintain if you have the space.
RADISHES Botanical name: Raphanus sativus Radishes are a hardy, cool-season vegetable that can produce many crops each season due to its rapid days to maturity. Radishes can be planted in both the spring and the fall, but growing should be suspended in the warmer months. They are a very easy vegetable to grow.
SPINACH Botanical name: Spinacia oleracea This super-cold-hardy vegetable is a tender crop that can be planted in very early spring as well as fall and winter. Spinach has similar growing conditions and requirements as lettuce, but it is more versatile in both its nutrition and its ability to be eaten raw or cooked. It is higher in iron, calcium, and vitamins than most cultivated greens, and one of the best sources of vitamins A, B, and C.
SQUASH & ZUCCHINI: Botanical name: Cucurbita Squash is a seasonal vegetable. It is very susceptible to frost and heat damage, but with proper care it will produce a bumper crop with very few plants. There are many varieties of summer squash to choose from, including zucchini. The main difference between winter and summer varieties is their harvest time; the longer growing period gives winter squash a tougher, inedible skin. Here are their various botanical names: Cucurbita pepo (Summer squash/Zucchini), C. maxima (True winter), C. pepo (Acorn, delicata, spaghetti) , C. moschata (butternut).
WEET POTATO Botanical name: Ipomoea batatas The sweet potato is a warm season, spreading vegetable of tropical origin. It is a good choice for a garden because it is easy to grow, is drought and heat tolerant, and has few pests or diseases. The sweet potato is also very nutritious and low in calories
TOMATOES Botanical name: Lycopersicon esculentum Tomatoes are America’s favorite garden vegetable. (Yes, we technically eat the fruit of the tomato plant, but it's used as a vegetable in eating and cooking and, thus, usually categorized in vegetables.) This vine plant is fairly easy to grow and will produce a bumper crop with proper care. Its uses are versatile; however, tomatoes are susceptible to a range of pests and diseases.
CLASSIFICATION OF VEGETABLES Vegetables are classified according to which part of the plant is eaten. Some vegetables may fall into more than one category when more than one part of the plant is eaten, e.g. both the roots and leaves of beetroot can be eaten.
Bulbs Usually grow just below the surface of the ground and produce a fleshy, leafy shoot above ground. Bulbs usually consist of layers or clustered segments. e.g. onion, shallot, garlic, spring onion, leek, fennel
flowers The edible flowers of certain vegetables. e.g. cauliflower, broccoli, gaai laan (Chinese sprouting broccoli), broccoflower, globe artichoke fruits Vegetable fruit are fleshy and contain seeds. e.g. egg plant, capsicum, courgette, okra, pumpkin, tomato, choko, scallopini
fungi When referring to vegetables, fungi are commonly known as mushrooms. e.g. button, flats, shitake, oyster, gourmet brown, wood ear, enokitaki, truffle leaves The edible leaves of plants. e.g. bok choy, cabbage, lettuce, silver beet, spinach, witloof, puha roots Usually a long or round-shaped taproot. e.g. carrot, turnip, beetroot, swede, radish, parsnip, celeriac
seeds Also know as legumes, seeds are usually obtained from pods. The pod is sometimes eaten along with the seed. e.g. broad been, French bean, pea, snow pea, snake beans, butter beans stems The edible stalks of plants when the stalk is the main part of the vegetable. e.g. asparagus, celery, kohlrabi tubers Vegetables which grow underground on the root of a plant. e.g. potato, kumara, yam, taro, Jerusalem artichoke, Ma