rough draft two

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Laredo, Texas Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas

NAF TA corridor

complicit expansion, remission of ground

Thi s p r o j e ct i s the r e s u l t o f s e v e r al weeks of research on the border region. Research included a week long visit to the border region in and ar o und Lar e d o , Te xas and Ne uv o Lar e d o , Tam ual i p as . Th e s tud i o b r i e f asked us to respond to the research and our experience at the border. Th i s pr o j e ct i s an i nd i v i d u al pr o j e ct completed in an academic setting.

winter_2009 raoul wallenberg studio UG4 s t u d i o c r i t i c : A n c a Tr a n d e f i r e s c u 2009 raoul wallenberg second prize 007

Laredo , Texas , U S Nuevo Lare do, Tamaulipas, Mexico 1500’ 3000’

1 in : 3000 ft



laredo, texas


nuevo laredo, tamaulipas

Each year hundreds of Mexicans dies as the result of American consumerism and our desire for drugs, cheaper goods, services, and labor. These victims of fatal crossings of the border go unnoticed and unacknowledged. This project is a memorial. It proposes a constructed territory where each death is recognized and marked physically for visitors. Because this memorial records an ongoing tragedy, it grows physically with each additional death. This project is also then, an act of penance, for as it prows it takes away more an more land are from the American side of the border expanding the Rio Grand into the USA and reducing the capacity for security. The continual erosion of the American banks asks each visitor to contemplate their role in the creation of the memorial. The project is situated in the government-owned Rio Grande River and adjacent derelict land between International Bridge 1 and 2. It is accessible to citizens from either side of the border, regardless of citizenship status, through pedestrian entry points on the bridges.

timmer_ug4_winter 2009 007

plates build up along the political border between the United States and Mexico and cast their shadow accross

timmer_ug4_winter 2009 005

initial studies explored utilizing the space of the bridges and Rio Grande, the existing intersection of the border between Mexico and the United States of America, and the NAF TA corridor the mass, an aggregation of pieces starts to accumulate the numbers of those who had died crossing the border

timmer_ug4_winter 2009 009

this memorial, as it is proposed, constructs a territory where each death is recognized and marked physically for visitors

each death is marked by an 84� x 28� steal plate. The plate is roughly the size of the human body when entombed

timmer_ug4_winter 2009 010

this memorial, as it is proposed, constructs a territory where each death is recognized and marked physically for visitors

timmer_ug4_winter 2009 010

no numbers or names can be found on the plates, they are void of any identity besides that which they have to the viewer and to the structure as a whole

the territory created is ephemeral, as shadow and mass intermingle, the space changes as the sun moves over it and visitors pass through it

timmer_ug4_winter 2009 015

the memorial records an ongoing tragedy; it grows physically with each additional death, giving the polemic of the migrant a physical presence

timmer_ug4_winter 2009 018


1” = 100’


1” = 100’

cross section

longitudinal section

timmer_ug4_winter 2009 021

plan at entrance

plan within mass

section at entrance

section within mass

timmer_ug4_winter 2009 023

a yb detroppus si etalp hcae swolla osla taht erutcurts leets rotisiv eht yb noitapucco rof

9002 retniw_4gu_remmit 520


1” = 100’

a yb detroppus si etalp hcae swolla osla taht erutcurts leets rotisiv eht yb noitapucco rof

9002 retniw_4gu_remmit 520


1” = 100’

The memorial records an ongoing tragedy; it grows physically with each additional death, giving the polemic of the migrant a physical presence. The project then is also an act of penance, for as it grows it takes away more and more land from the American side of the border, expanding the shared territory of the Rio Grande into the USA . The continual erosion of the American banks asks each visitor to contemplate their role in the creation of the memorial, whether this role is passive of active. As the sun moves over head the visitors shadow can be seen projected on to the ground and beneath, beside that of the plates. The project has no real end, as the prospect of political resolution is grim and there will always be a desire for inexpensive goods and services which will inevitably draw migrants across the border.

timmer_ug4_winter 2009 026

complicit expansion, remission of ground

Thi s p r o j e ct i s the r e s u l t o f s e v e r al weeks of research on the border region. Research included a week long visit to the border region in and ar o und Lar e d o , Te xas and Ne uv o Lar e d o , Tam ual i p as . Th e s tud i o b r i e f asked us to respond to the research and our experience at the border. Th i s pr o j e ct i s an i nd i v i d u al pr o j e ct completed in an academic setting.

winter_2009 raoul wallenberg studio UG4 s t u d i o c r i t i c : A n c a Tr a n d e f i r e s c u 2009 raoul wallenberg second prize 007

Utilizing a branching structure with an imbedded logic, public spaces are trapped between the bars of program. The bars contain hotel rooms, lab spaces and offices: private functions. The trapped spaces contain lounges, auditoriums, librarys, cafeterias, etc

cosgrove_peng_timmer 030


SCALE: 1/8” = 1’

green space

major circulation paths

the territory created is ephemeral, as shadow and mass intermingle, the space changes as the sun moves over it and visitors pass through it

timmer_ug4_winter 2009 015

bacteria within custom petri dish

thread used to bind landscape

BAR: bifucated agregation resort

This project for a hotel/resort/laboratory was derived through explorations of biological growth, while taking that information and applying the system to the building as a form generating tool. The system is then located within a defunct quarry at Kelley’s Island, Ohio. This project was completed with a group of peers in an academic setting. With respect to the distrobution of work, all group members contributed in either concept or execution of each drawing or model. No decision was made without each group member’s support

bass wood model

fall_2008 UG3 Alex Timmer Rick Cosgrove Bernard Peng studio critic: Karl Daubman 2009 tcaup undergraduate merit award 029

Utilizing a branching structure with an imbedded logic, public spaces are trapped between the bars of program. The bars contain hotel rooms, lab spaces and offices: private functions. The trapped spaces contain lounges, auditoriums, librarys, cafeterias, etc

cosgrove_peng_timmer 030

first floor plan 1” = 100’ 13




7 9 6


5 4





each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

cosgrove_peng_timmer ug3_fall 2008 035

second floor plan 1” = 100’ 10



5 7

4 8





each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

cosgrove_peng_timmer ug3_fall 2008 035

third floor plan 1” = 100’. 6


5 5

4 4


2 2

1 1


each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

cosgrove_peng_timmer ug3_fall 2008 033

roof plan 1” = 100’

each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

cosgrove_peng_timmer ug3_fall 2008 039

each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

cosgrove_peng_timmer ug3_fall 2008 041

perspective section through central public space trapped within the bars

cosgrove_peng_timmer ug3_fall 2008 049

invisible cities: responding to italo calvino

The goal of this project is to create a response that is directly abstracted from a given section of Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities. From this response, to our individually asigned cities, the construct is translated from the space of the drawing into a three dimentional object.The object is then put back into a two dimensional format.

This project is an individual project completed in an academic setting.

fall_2006 architecture 218 studio critic: dawn gilpin student show participant 2007 051

the initial response to text imagines a city that reaches upward, while drawing from the landscape beneath it

timmer_arch 218_fall 2006 053


1” = 100’

the object dipicts an aggregation of pieces where individual units break free and grow upwards

timmer_arch 218_fall 2006 055

putting the object back into the two dimensional format, results in a blending of language

timmer_arch 218_fall 2006 057

in search of the (w)hole: theshadow pavillion

summer_2009 research through making project leader: Karl Daubman assitants: Alex Timmer Ngoc Thy Phan 2010 AIA Small Project Award 2010 Michigan AIA Design Award

each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

daubmann_phan_timmer professional_summer 2009 061

each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

daubmann_phan_timmer professional_summer 2009 061

each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

”4/1 = ’1 :elacs

”4/1 = ’1 :elacs

daubmann_phan_timmer professional_summer 2009 071

each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

daubmann_phan_timmer professional_summer 2009 075

the plates provide shade and c r e a t e a c o o l e r, s o m b e r s p a c e in sharp contrast to the arid landscapes of the region.

daubmann_phan_timmer professional_summer 2009 062

each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

daubmann_phan_timmer professional_summer 2009 077

daubmann_phan_timmer professional_summer 2009 087


each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor


daubmann_phan_timmer professional_summer 2009 083

the plates provide shade and c r e a t e a c o o l e r, s o m b e r s p a c e in sharp contrast to the arid landscapes of the region.

daubmann_phan_timmer professional_summer 2009 082


each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

daubmann_phan_timmer professional_summer 2009 085

each plate is supported by a steel structure that also allows for occupation by the visitor

daubmann_phan_timmer professional_summer 2009 079

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