City News 15 May 2014

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Sydney Film Festival seeing in the dark

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The Holy Fool: Leunig at SWF

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Sydney’s most comprehensive What’s On guide

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May 15, 2014

Neighbourhood Parking Policy approved

Playing the

bad guy

Justin Shoulder’s 1001 Baddies as part of Pspace Social art festival

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BY Triana O’Keefe Following public exhibition in 2013, the motion for the adoption of the Neighbourhood Parking Policy was carried at the City of Sydney council meeting on Monday, May 12. The final version of the policy comes after Council resolved to review its parking policies in October, 2012, with the intent of adopting a consistent policy that would resolve anomalies between precincts and improve clarity in the management of street parking. The Draft Neighbourhood Parking Policy was exhibited for 60 days, concluding in July last year. Council received a total of over 261 submissions in addition to a survey, undertaken by Taverner Research, with 706 residents and 152 businesses participating. From the results of the survey and submissions, the City found strong support for the core proposals which included the introduction of visitor and business parking permits, two hour daytime parking time limits in most areas, and longer evening time limits in retail and main streets. Proposed time limits outlined in the policy were the subject of significant feedback. While the large majority of respondents supported two hour parking, many submissions considered the proposed neighbourhood categories to be inappropriate or not sufficiently flexible. There were also diverse views about the duration of parking controls, including finishing times and operation on weekends and public holidays. Lord Mayor Clover Moore is supportive of the plan. “[The policy] is designed to make it easier for residents to invite friends and family to visit, improve delivery access for local businesses, and make it easier for quick shopping trips with 15 minutes free parking,” she said. While the City has received overwhelming support for the policy from residents, BIKESydney is one of a number of groups who oppose the plan. BIKESydney is an incorporated not-for-profit community organisation which advocates for cyclists who live, work or ride in the inner city. The group argues that the Neighbourhood Parking Policy is a “very significant barrier to the delivery of the cycleway network, which is the most important element of the City’s cycling strategy.” President of BIKESydney David Borella is concerned for the safety of cyclists, which he believes will be compromised with the adoption of the policy. “Increasing parking supply will necessarily result in increased traffic and congestion, and materially reduce safety for people who ride on the roads,” said Mr Borella.

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City News 15 May 2014 by Alt Media - Issuu