City Hub 25 August 2016

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city hub 25 AUGUST 2016

Teachers talk of terrible conditions BY CHARLOTTE GRIEVE On the evening of Sunday August 21, three Australian teachers risked two years’ imprisonment by speaking out about their experiences on Manus Island and Nauru. Section 42 of the Border Force Protection Act has been controversial for creating a veil of secrecy around Australia’s billiondollar offshore processing centres. This section criminalises “entrusted persons” from disclosing information about the conditions of the camps. The event was organised by Teachers For Refugees, an an alliance of educators campaigning against the indefinite detention of asylum seekers. “We are standing behind our professional values that tell us that this is wrong,” said Rachael Jacobs, an organiser of the event. Speaking on the night was Judith Reen, a registered teacher and trained child protection worker with over 17 years’ experience working with children both in Australia and overseas. Ms Reen has spent over two years working in Australia’s offshore processing centres. “It changed the way I see the world,” she told a packed out room. “I feel I have a duty to do this.” Ms Reen began by explaining her frustration with the lack of change in the conditions of the camps despite a Senate Inquiry and the filing of thousands of incident reports. “This is why we are here today,” she said. Upon arrival on Manus Island in November 2013, Ms Reen received an orientation training session where she learnt how to “quickly cut a bedsheet noose with a slip knife” in clear view of the detainees. Her ability to teach was undermined by the lack of proper facilities. At times, she would teach between 50 and 60 people in a cement hallway. “In Delta, there were no classrooms…no books, no chairs, no walls,” she said. There were “ridiculous student teacher ratios” which made it “impossible” to meet their language needs.

Student in Nauru Detention Centre gives thanks. Source: Facebook Teachers for Refugees page

Classes were regularly interrupted by raw sewerage that would flood the camp every time it rained and diesel and insecticide fumes used to control the mosquito population. “You could track the decline [of the detainees] over months let alone years,” she said. Ms Reen also spent 18 months teaching on Nauru, an island she describes as “in tatters” and rife with corruption and lawlessness. She experienced frequent notifications of suicide attempts, children as young as four responding to their individual boat numbers and detainee’s beds being permanently infested with rats. The majority of her students were on anti-depressants, sleeping tablets and antipsychotics.

Published weekly and freely available Sydney-wide. Copies are also distributed to serviced apartments, hotels, convenience stores and newsagents throughout the city. Distribution enquiries call 9212 5677. Published by Altmedia Pty Ltd. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of content, takes no responsibility for inadvertent errors or omissions. ABN 52 600 903 348 Group Manager: Chris Peken Group Editor: Christopher Harris Contributors: Lucas Baird, Jordan Fermanis, Charlotte Grieve. Arts Editors: Jamie Apps, Alannah Maher Advertising Managers: Mark Barnes, David Sullivan Cover Art: Corey Warren Designer: Nadia Kalinitcheva Advertising: Mail: PO Box 843 Broadway 2007 Email:, Ph: 9212 5677 Fax: 9212 5633 Website:

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“They were given pills in a small cup through a trap door,” she said. “Healthy children have to be proscribed serious medication to cope.” Also speaking at the event, Jennifer Rose started her teaching placement on Nauru in November 2013. She expected the job to last for only a couple of months in the anticipation that the camps were temporary and would soon be closed. Almost three years later, the camps remain. “Think about what you’ve done in the last three years,” she told the crowd. Ms Rose spoke about widespread deterioration of mental health amongst the detainees as a result of poor living conditions. Up to ten families would share a single tent

that would reach temperatures of up to 30 degrees Celsius for extended periods of time, she said. In her first briefing, Ms Rose was told these camps were set up “to be a deterrent and it was working.” She argued that the Australian government’s employment of private contractors such as Wilson Security and Save The Children allowed for blame to be shifted when “something goes wrong.” “Countless reports show that detention causes depression and affects mental health but somehow it was Save The Children’s fault,” she said. She made the point that sexual assaults were in fact under-reported as detainees were worried their asylum applications would be affected. And those reports that were filed to the police were routinely misplaced. She said there was a “lack of forward thinking” in the running of camp schools. In her first five months on Nauru, the location of the school changed five times. “This can be very disturbing for a child,” she said. Eventually the camp schools were closed and children were transferred to local schools where corporal punishment is still implemented. “There were issues around teacher attendance, cleanliness and hygiene, dogs in the school.” Teacher Evan Davies then showed a number of rarely seen photographs displaying the militarised nature of the camps and the unhygienic conditions of local schools. Teachers For Refugees has been organising community events to educate the public on the inhumane conditions faced by asylum seekers on Australia’s offshore detention centres. They are working in conjunction with Doctors For Refugees and the Refugee Action Coalition to organise a street protest this Sunday August 28th starting at Sydney Town Hall at 1pm.

Education ultimate goal for Ultimo School Inquiry BY CHRISTOPHER HARRIS An inquiry into the state government’s botched plans for a new school at Ultimo began last Wednesday. Local community leaders and politicians have welcomed the beginning of the review, saying it could shine a light on the goings on within the NSW Department of Education. Convenor of the Pyrmont Ultimo Education Committee Mary Mortimor AO welcomed the plan. She said it would show parents from Pyrmont and Ultimo and throughout the state how the Department of Education was failing in their statuatory duty to provide education spots for students. She said she suspected that the cost of a new school could have been paid for already if the costs of consulants fees and failed starts were added up. “We think it will. We can’t get any dollar figures from the department. The initial investigation from the department didn’t name any figures, and in the documents we got from Freedom of Information requests, every dollar amount has been redacted, there is no financial information about anything.” Greens Spokesperson for Education David Shoebridge said that the Department needed to revisit the possibility of decontaminating the Wattle Street Depot site in order to build a new school. “We need to revisit the Fig and Wattle site and see what can be done to break the impasse between the City of Sydney and the Baird

Ultimo school kids

Government to deliver the best outcome for public education. “We have spoken to many parents in the Ultimo Public School community who have real concerns about their children spending their primary school years in a stop-gap, demountable facility,” Mr Shoebridge said. Greens Member for Balmain Jamie Parker said there were serious concerns about the school in the community. “Children and their educational outcomes should be at the heart of decision making, yet

here they have run a clear second place to cutting costs. “The ultimate goal here is a school that meets the needs of the community,” Mr Parker said. “This inquiry is an opportunity for school parents to get some answers about how it has come to this, and what needs to be done to deliver quality public education in the city. Mary Mortimer told City Hub that the inquiry would reveal the lack of planning within the department. “With all the extra development happening in Sydney, there are no plans for a school in Haymarket, there are no plans for the extra development in the inner city, it is vital it looks at all of the schools in the inner city, and do the work the Department of Education should be doing, and work out the number of school places that are needed.” She said there had been a systematic failing of the Department, as had been revealed by Parents and Community groups on the North Shore previously. “The largest Department of Education in the world doesn’t have demographers, it has ex teachers or ordinary public servants doing the demographics. The study that was done in the northern suburbs, led by Stephanie Croft, established how faulty the department’s demographic predictions were, and it is exactly the same here in the inner city.” Submissions to the inquiry close on September 18. city hub 25 AUGUST 2016


Greens urge global perspective for Sydney

De Brierley. Supplied.

government again,” Ms Brierley Newtown said. The election campaigning also sees a pitched battle on sustainability. Liberal candidate Christine Forster has just released her ‘Successful, Sustainable Sydney’ policies which includes a bicycle hire scheme, a solar panel and rainwater tank incentive scheme and a commitment to open space at Wentworth Park. However Ms Newton says that the Greens have a strong history of environmentally sustainable policies and presented a new vision for the future. “If the Greens weren’t there you would not

have had many of the sustainability inclusions that you now enjoy in the City. It was actually the Greens that pushed cycle paths, it was the Greens with the refurbishment of the Town Hall pushed for environmental inclusions.” “We are advocating for a 100 per cent sustainable city. We should be a leader as far as making this city a renewable city,” Ms Brierley Newtown said. In July, the Central Sydney Planning Strategy released the largest development plans the city has seen for three decades. Increasing building height limits in the city by 75m and unlocking 2.9 million square metres of floorspace in the CBD. Ms Newton said that these development plans show that the Clover Moore Independent Team is not serious about sustainability. “Going up is not the answer to a city. If you go up you’re not actually connected with what is happening on the ground.” “I find it interesting that we’ve gone from a city of villages to a city of skyscrapers,” Ms Brierley Newton said. In a pitch to voters, Ms Brierley Newton said that if elected to council, the Greens would push for an audit on all council property to fight homelessness and would work towards allocating council grants for live music. “We want an audit to be done for all council property with a view to what would work for affordable housing and two, really importantly, how we can use that property as

Cartoonist: Peter Berner

BY JORDAN FERMANIS The Greens will be hoping to repeat history in the City of Sydney Council elections on September 10 by electing two candidates to council, a feat which hasn’t been achieved since the 2008 election. If they achieve this, first to be elected is Lindsay Johnson and the second Greens councillor would be De Brierley Newton. The Greens have characterised themselves as friends of the community for the upcoming election. A few weeks ago, City Hub profiled Lindsay Johnson where he outlined homelessness and affordable housing as the big issues he is taking into the election. This week, De Brierley Newton added to that list and speculated on the Greens chances of getting two into council. “We’ve had two before. Certainly given the attitude I’ve found door knocking there’s a good chance of having two Greens councillors. It’s going to be tough because of the business vote.” In the prelude to the election the controversial new laws surrounding the business vote has the potential to influence the result of the election. With 22,000 businesses registering to vote, they will each have twice the voting power of residential voters. Ms Brierley Newtown says that the laws amount to an undemocratic process. “I don’t think that any person who resides or does business in the City of Sydney, should have an unequal vote.” “It is manipulation by the Liberal

a resource for homeless women.” “We also want to build on council depots to build homeless accommodation.” “We want to have City grants for live music. When we talk about small bars, we want small bars, not bigger bars, not 120 people. We also want to make sure those small bars are exempt from lockout laws,” Ms Brierley Newton said.

Ms Brierley Newton said she thought it was high time Sydney started operating as a global city, but warns this should not be at the risk of losing the city’s social cohesion. “We will end up with a monoculture. All we care about now and this is the Liberal government is ‘he who has the most money can stay in the city,” Ms Brierley Newtown said.

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Greens to campaign for national Greyhound racing ban BY LUCAS BAIRD The Greens have drafted plans to ban Greyhound racing Australia wide after the NSW Government’s controversial ban of the industry passed Parliament this week. The Greens welcomed the “historic” blanket ban on the sport after it passed the NSW Legislative Council on August 23 and said it was “sad” to see the Labor Party attempt to prevent the reforms. However, Greens animal welfare spokesperson, Senator Lee Rhiannon told City Hub they would now turn their attention to other states as they attempt to shut down the industry nationwide, claiming that it was now a proven fact that abuse is systemic in the industry. “The world trend is away from Greyhound racing. It has been known for a long time that it is very cruel and what we saw in the 4 Corners report showed a much greater level of cruelty than we have even realised,” Senator Rhiannon told City Hub. The Greens’ plan to launch the national campaign in Canberra next week and are hoping that they can achieve their objective through grassroots campaigning. The Senator acknowledged that it would be difficult to secure a nationwide ban, with the Queensland and Victorian governments claiming that they had no plans

to outlaw the industry. Nonetheless she said they had to capitalise on the current momentum and make the most of it. Senator Rhiannon also looked to address the impact that this would have on jobs in Australia, after the NSW Labor Party touted this issue as one of the reasons greyhound racing should remain. “When an industry is in transition a responsibility of government is to ensure that there is restructuring, retraining and assistance so people do not suffer personal hardship. That has been the Greens’ message all the way through this,” she said. This is in line with steps the NSW government plans to take. The Deputy Premier, Troy Grant, outlined the government’s restructuring plans in a speech to Parliament on 11 August. “Businesses affiliated with the greyhound industry will be given access to business advice and assistance through an expanded Small Biz Connect program. Direct financial assistance will be made available to support those who are affected in their transition out of the industry,” The National’s leader said. He also made clear that the government was working on a specialised mental health service to support those in the industry through the transitional period.

Greens Senator for NSW, Lee Rhiannon, said that abuse in the Greyhound Industry is systemic and wants to see an Australian wide ban on the industry. Source: AngMoKio

University won’t bow to student demands Source: supplied

BY LUCAS BAIRD Sydney College of the Arts students barricaded themselves into the Rozelle campus’ administration building on Monday in protest of several changes that are set to be made to the school. The student sit-in is protesting savage job and course cuts that would see classes “watered down” and leave the school a shell of what it currently is. The plan would see the school move to the main Camperdown campus with the loss of courses including jewellery, ceramic and glassmaking. Approximately 20 students began the occupation on Monday afternoon after being led there by Masters student, Suzy Faiz. Ms Faiz released a set of five demands to the University and said that the students would not leave until they were met. The demands included the removal of the current Dean of the College, Colin Rhodes, no cuts to courses or jobs, the reinstatement of the Bachelor of Visual Arts course in 2017, and a review into the University’s constitutional and financial status. “None of what we signed up for is being delivered,” Ms Faiz told City Hub. “They haven’t put anything to the table that

sounds like a legitimate plan… They have not thought this through.” “Anything on main campus would be a completely watered down, smaller form school. With no studio spaces and basically like an art hobby school that other people doing other disciplines can benefit from, but not the people who actually want the training to be an artist.” However, The University of Sydney has indicated it will not budge on its current plans for the Sydney College of the Arts (SCA) in the wake of a student protest. “The University supports students’ right to protest peacefully, but its plans for changes to the SCA will remain unchanged,” they told City Hub Ms Faiz also made clear that she believed a compromise was impossible. She claimed that the University of Sydney would lose many present and future students if they went through with these changes. She also said that student actions would escalate and “intensify” if the University continued to ignore their wishes. As of the time of writing, the students have not left the building.


Voting before election day

Voting by Post

Election of 9 Councillors

Postal Voting and Pre-Poll Voting

You need to be enrolled to vote for the council where you live.

You may be entitled to a postal or pre-poll vote. For details visit our website or call us.

You can apply online for a postal vote from or by calling 1300 135 736. Your application must be completed and received by the NSW Electoral Commission no later than 5pm Monday, 5 September 2016.

To check your enrolment details visit our website or call us. If you are not on the roll in NSW or your current enrolment details are not correct you may be eligible to enrol or update your details when you vote early or on election day. To newly enrol, or update your details on the spot, just bring your NSW photo Driver’s Licence or NSW Photo Card showing your current address, and be ready to provide Australian citizenship details if you were born overseas.

Voting on election day Voting will take place on Saturday, 10 September 2016 between the hours of 8am and 6pm. On election day you must vote at a polling place for your council, or your ward if your council is divided. There is no absent voting at local government elections. To check your enrolment details visit our website or call us.

Polling Places A list of polling places for your council or ward is available by visiting our website or calling us.

Voting early in person Pre-poll voting begins on Monday, 29 August and ends at 6pm Friday, 9 September 2016. You can vote in person at the following location(s). Pre-poll voting is generally available during Council business office hours Monday–Friday. Not all pre-poll venues are open for the whole pre-poll voting period. For specific operating dates and times of each pre-poll venue visit the website or call us.

Voting is compulsory Voting is compulsory for all electors where elections are being held. The penalty for not voting is $55.

Candidates A full list of candidates for your council or ward is available by visiting our website or calling us.

Candidate Information Sheets

Pre-Poll venues Redfern Town Hall

Level 2, 73 Pitt Street, Redfern NSW 2016

St Barnabas Church, Broadway

183 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007

Sydney Returning Officer’s Office

Level 1, 189 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Sydney Town Hall

483 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Each candidate’s information sheet is available for viewing at or at the Returning Officer’s office.

Information: or call 1300 135 736 For enquiries in languages other than English call our interpreting service on 13 14 50. For hearing and speech impaired enquiries, call us via the National Relay Service on 13 36 77. Patricia Lewis, Returning Officer

city hub 25 AUGUST 2016


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BY CHARLOTTE GRIEVE that have been blamed for the mass closures What doesn’t kill you can only make you of businesses across the city. stronger, or so Angela Vithoulkas might think “What we have noticed is that the lock as the Mayoral campaign for the City of out laws have shown that a black and white Sydney kicks off. approach and a knee jerk reaction has had Having been unsuccessful in the 2012 a compounded impact on a local economy,” election, Councillor Vithoulkas has rebranded she said. herself under the Sydney If elected, Sydney Matters Matters party. would appoint a Night Mayor The independent party to work with residents, claims to be centrist in businesses, the City of Sydney, nature and prides itself on the State Government and its its non-affiliation with big agencies to “reinvigorate the party politics. night-time economy.” “For me, it’s been about “We need live music venues, the freedom of addressing we need our mojo back. We’ve the issues of people without lost that ‘let’s have fun’ feeling and being shackled to left or why shouldn’t we have fun?” Clr right, red or blue or green,” Vithoulkas told City Hub. Since the controversial she said. lockout laws were introduced As a small business Angeka Vithoulkas. Supplied in 2014, levels of violence owner of a busy café in the heart of the CBD, Clr Vithoulkas is uniquely throughout the city are on the rise. According to the NSW Bureau of Crime statistics, over positioned to understand the multifaceted the past 24 months incidents of sexual assault nature of local issues at hand. “Our residents are also business people, our have risen by 18.3 per cent in the city precinct. Although the issue of policing business people also live here. We can’t put is traditionally a state government people in boxes,” she said. Among her party platforms is the revival of responsibility, Clr Vithoulkas has called for the night time economy. Clr Vithoulkas wants the increase in police presence on streets throughout the night. to see the winding back of the lock out laws

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to meet its sustainability targets. To this end, she wants to provide rebates to residents who installed solar panels as well as rainwater tanks, as is done in South Australia. She also said that she wanted to preserve Wentworth Park and that the open space was protected. UNSW sustainability expert Professor Dr Deo Prasad told City Hub that the council’s efforts and its 2030 vision had positioned the City well in terms of sustainability. He said Councillor Forster’s ideas for sustainability were all positive but said it was people’s behaviour rather than government in the end that drove the change. He said providing financial incentives such as rebates can be a powerful motivater, but ultimately it was people who would drive change. They have laid the foundations for a leading position on sustainability. He said that sustainable bahviour was normally taken up by people incrementally. He said that the City of Sydney was unique because it had a highest levels of high rise in the country, and this could pose a challenge to sustainable behaviour. “It is slightly more complex, in a city situation which is dense and high rise.”

Christine Forster. Supplied

But he said the current council had done good work so far on major residential developments. “Renewable energy strategy alone, exemplar projects like CP and Green Squar,e these are good stories, they use renewable energy and recycled water.”

Night Mayor a dream for City economy


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BY CHRISTOPHER HARRIS A Liberal Town Hall would focus on incentivising residents and businesses to embrace a greener future. According to Lord Mayoral candidate Christine Forster, Sydney needs more emphasis on helping residents and businesses become more sustainable, not just the council. Clr Forster told City Hub that current Lord Mayor Clover Moore had done a good job with making council itself sustainable, but there was more to be done. Clr Forster said the council should try to engage residents rather than being a player on the world stage for environmental measures. Included in the Liberal’s sustainability plan was a move to bring recycling bins to the streets of Sydney. She said the City needed to provide on street recycling bins and compete with visually cleaner cities such as Singapore and Vancouver. Second was the bike hire scheme that would encourage tourists to explore the city on bike, as well as providing locals with a transport alternative for short trips. “I would like to make cycling as least as convenient as taking a taxi,” Clr Forster said. Clr Forster said the City was not on target

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“keeping the life of Sydney”, and said that developers are merely taking up the opportunity to capitalize on this. Thalis said that developers won’t build housing if there isn’t a demand for it. The development of high-rise buildings isn’t a new concept, according to Thalis, who said that the more than 75-meter proposed rise isn’t unusual. “Sydney has been rising since the height limit was lifted in 1960, so it’s easy to see that trend is going to continue.” The Baird government’s plans to connect South-Western Sydney directly to the city which would involve the creation of seven stations including Crows Nest and Barangaroo, in attempts to meet the projected growth in the working and living population of Sydney. Work on the Metro is not set to start until at least 2017, with an expected completion some time during 2024. Despite this, Thalis is confident that this vacancy is not cause for concern, as people have “smaller desk space, and office spaces can have more people in a room than has been historically possible” he said. Sydneysiders waiting for public transport infrastructure isn’t a new phenomenon either, as the “planning for the City Circle line was planned in the 1920’s, but wasn’t build until the 1950’s… cities take years to build, and they build themselves off public transport” Thalis said. Making long-term structural decisions isn’t an easy decision to make, but Sydney has been suffering from an “enormous deficit of transport infrastructure, and this government is trying to catch up, in the backdrop of neglect” Thalis said. Thalis also cites the pulling up of the 360 kilometers of tramlines as the worst decision made for public transport, and said that it led to “the entire post-war period being one of neglect” [in regard to public transport]. Whether the City’s proposal goes ahead remains to be see, however Thalis said “great cities are made up of a mix of things, and Sydney is becoming a part of that.”


BY KRISTEN TSIAMIS The future of Sydney City will be the focus of the upcoming local council elections on September 10th. Urban architect Philip Thalis is one of the candidates vying for election in Clover Moore’s Independent Party in the City of Sydney. Thalis’ architectural background means that he has a unique grasp of the need for public space, and the integration between built environments and citizens. Thalis’ designs are on display at Pirrama Park in Pyrmont and the Olympic Park. Thalis and his team also won the design plan for Barangaroo, however this was put aside for plans of a high-rise casino, which has now been built. The City of Sydney has said that they are in strong support of and have proposed a change to the maximum height legislation and allowing more high-rises in the Sydney CBD. If you’re one of many Sydney-siders who are afraid of Sydney becoming another Shanghai, you’re not alone. Approval of the proposal would mean that new tower clusters are set to emerge if the City of Sydney’s proposal to change the Sydney building height restrictions from 235 meters to over 305 meters. Thalis’ architectural background offers a strong reason as to why he is in support of more high-density living spaces and high-rise buildings in Sydney’s CBD. Thalis said that Sydney is far better for having both residential and commercial buildings, side by side. Thalis said that the last 25 years have seen a “huge increase [in residents] in the CBD, and its made Sydney far more populous.” In the 80’s, he said, the city was very quiet, and “having people living in the city was designed to make it a 24/7 365 atmosphere” and Thalis believes that in this regard, the combination of residential and commercial housing has been successful. Mr Thalis also said that highrise buildings and increasing the number of people that are living and working in the CBD is key to

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She advocates liaising with local businesses to employ a “user pay” model. This is a pricing approach whereby venue owners can foot the bill for additional police services during peak times. “Police have different powers to a security guard and can obviously be a more solid presence and businesses are willing to pay. We’re not looking at imposing more costs on the residents of ratepayers,” she said. Clr Vithoulkas has plans to make use of the Council’s property assets on Oxford Street. “The City of Sydney has assets that can be looked at and developed. We’ve got a lot of property on Oxford Street. Why are we just leaving that empty or derelict? Why not convert it is as fast as possible into social housing?” Clr Vithoulkas told City Hub. She believes in developing public-private partnerships to create more social housing, not less; criticising the State Government’s plan to demolish homes and businesses in Waterloo to make way for the metro. “People thrown out of their home. Compulsorily acquired properties. So a whole other generation of families and business owners are going to be affected. No one seems to be commenting on that. No one seems to be commenting on the cost of installing infrastructure,” she said.

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A note from the Editor The City Hub has turned 21. Happy Birthday to us! We happen to believe we live in a damn cool city filled with culture, creativity and fun, and the Best of Sydney is the perfect homage to all the places that make it so. So to celebrate once again, we have compiled a list of our favourite haunts, both on and off the beaten track. Favourite food spots, bars of all sorts, artistic excursions, outstanding shops and Sydney’s best services. So if you believe in life after lock-out, if you can raise your head out of your phone for a moment and swipe right on us, join us in celebrating the very Best of Sydney…you might even find a few hints on the best spots to hunt down those little pocket monsters!

Editor: Georgia Fullerton Contributors: Linda Hoang, Alannah Maher, Rita Bratovich, Olivia Stanley,Yael Cassie Brender, Shea Gillian, Anna Rushmer, Isobel Cootes, Leila Enright,Vanda Rudner-Varga, Tammy Shemesh, Bronwyn Fullerton, Nina Beeston and David Sullivan. Artwork: Corey Warren





BEST OF SYDNEY 2016 Best OLD STYLE Pizza Alberto’s Pizza


At 76 years old, Alberto himself still rolls the dough and prepares each meal single-handedly, as he has since 1979. While at work in the kitchen, he’ll happily regale you with stories of the times that he played the piano accordion with bands all over Sydney. As well as pizza, Alberto’s caters to locals of the inner west with main meals, seafood, pasta and dessert. Open seven days a week from 5pm until late, if you spend more than $50, you get a free 500mL gelato. 589 King Street, Newtown. 9519 4262.

BEST GOURMET PIZZA Crust Pizza Pyrmont

BEST LAMB SOUVLA Nautica Watsons Bay Walk into Nautica restaurant and you’ll feel instantly at home. Con Georgiou and his family have championed Greek cuisine, comfortable decor and hospitality. With its tasty salads and an eclectic menu, Nautica has a loyal fan club. Con’s Marrickville butcher brings delicious lamb, so on Friday nights we are treated to Lamb Souvla (lamb on the spit cooked on the balcony). Offering excellent value, accompanied by gorgonzola potatoes and feta salad, it’s Sydney’s best kept secret. Take a trip to Watsons Bay and find out for yourself. Open lunch and dinner Tuesday to Sunday including breakfast on the weekends. 3/27 Military Rd, Watsons Bay. 9337 5022

Best Burgers Bonarche Burgers

Best Greek Georgia’s Koutouki

Everything at Georgia’s Koutouki is hand-made on the premises; the pide down to the filo… everything. Live, traditional Greek bouzouki music entertains as you enjoy great set menus or mezze platters or a la carte dining. No matter how packed Georgia’s is, the service is always incredible and Georgia’s really is a wonderfully authentic experience in Greek cuisine. A night in the vibrant atmosphere of Georgia’s is sure to enliven your tastebuds and the rest. Georgia’s Koutouki certainly has our recommendation, hidden away off the main drag but well worth your attentions. 138 Norton St, Leichhardt. 9560 6614

Best comfort food

Not your average fast food chain, these pizzas are a crust above the rest. With toppings ranging from Chicken Cordon Bleu (complete with asparagus spears) to Biltong Spiced Lamb (dressed with preserved lemon yoghurt and wedge of lime), Crust Pizza Pyrmont has always been way ahead of the trend when it comes to delivering gourmet food to your door. There’s even something a little extra special about their crispy Hawaiian and Margherita options. With sides, salads and desserts set to match their delightful pizzas – crack open a bottle of wine, and look no further for a special feast to wind down with. 208 Harris Street, Pyrmont. 9566 1933

Mac n Cheese Mac n’ Cheese has been a staple comfort food since the Kraft Company put it in a box in 1937. Guess what? We’ve found the best Mac n’ Cheese, it’s at Smokey’s Cabin in Surry Hills. Chef and Florida native Old Spice concocted the recipe, going through thousands of versions until he perfected it. It took him more than a month, and he swears that it’s the ultimate dish to get the girls. 182 Campbell St, Surry Hills,

Best Polish Dumplings Alchemy cafe and Restaurant Tucked in Crown street, Alchemy Cafe and Restaurant is Sydney’s embassy of Polish cuisine. Their signature dish, Pierogi (Polish Dumplings) champions the crowd pleasing marriage of bacon, cream and beef. Just as tantalising are the mushroom and sauerkraut dumplings, pyszne! For a truly authentic and reasonably priced Polish culinary experience set in a relaxing, cosy atmosphere, look no further than Alchemy. BYO & Takeaway, 572 Crown Street, Surry Hills. 9699 2455

THAI SPICE I AM Spice I am is Sydney’s most loved and exciting group of Thai restaurants with full flavoured, innovative and authentic Thai food. Chef and co-owner Sujet Saenkhan, born in a remote village in Ratchaburi province in Central Thailand, is reputedly Sydney’s most talented Thai chef. Testament to this belief is that Sujet and partner Padet Nagsalab are co owners of five successful Spice I am Restaurants in Sydney. The most well known is the original affordable, always packed and lively BYO diner in Surry Hills which has been operating since 2004. This was followed by the elegant restaurant Spice I am Darlinghurst with its cool cocktail bar and expansive menu with delicious dishes at affordable prices. The third venture was the edgy House restaurant Surry Hills which serves tasty north eastern Thai street food loved by the media. Sujet then opened Spice I am Balmain, the first inner western Spice I am restaurant. It’s a cool, humming venue with an upscale cocktail bar and now does takeaway and home delivery. The newest venture is the Surry Hills Eating House which adjoins House. The interior is light, airy, spacious, the food is a lighter style with a regional Thai influence. Spice I am offers a fabulous dining experience. Bookings:

You better skip lunch if you’re planning on eating an award-winning Bonarche Burger. The friendly folks will sort you out with a scrumptious burger of plenty. Whatever you order, you’ll be more than satisfied; juicy beef patties, lovely, tender chicken, flavoursome grilled onions and delightfully crispy bacon… You get the picture.While you can get a burger anywhere in Sydney, it’s rare to find one that will delight your tastebuds and plague your mind until your next visit, which will probably be the following day. 14 Norton Street, Leichhardt,

BEST FISH PIE The Hub at Glasgow Chefs Sini, from Finland, and her partner, Ruji, from Thailand, teamed up in May of this year, creating a fine dining menu that combines Australian, European and Thai cuisines, using seasonal fresh ingredients. Spoil yourself and try Sini’s amazing fish pie. Generous portions of snapper, salmon, prawns, mussels and octopus baked into a white sauce, topped with potato and cheese and a side of peas. The perfect dish for any seafood lover. Facebook: The Hub at Glasgow. 527 Harris Street, Ultimo. 0477 415 348

Sydney-dweller. Pool tables, arcade games and of course unusual food challenges complete the novelties at the place you’ll want to bring your friends from out of town or for something just that little bit different. The private karaoke rooms decked with fancy dress boxes are a scream. 84-86 Mary St, Surry Hills. 9212 0214.

Best Kosher Food Amaze In Taste Whether you’re Jewish or not, Amaze In Taste serves kosher delicacies you’ll go back for again and again. The Five-Spice Chicken pieces are like manna from heaven. Their Callebaut chocolate and hazelnut cake… Good enough for Moses himself! And, being a Jewish company, there’s always more food than you can eat, however delicious. L’chain! 55 Doody St, Alexandria. 8324 4500

Best sweets

Most photogenic pancakes Local Mbassy

You’re likely to see Local Mbassy’s Red Velvet Pancakes pop up on your Instagram feed #nofilter. The stack of deep crimson pancakes, sandwiched together with mascarpone, fresh strawberries and a white chocolate sauce are picture perfect and taste pretty incredible too. Recently added to the menu is a waffle counterpart, along with a red velvet latte. Damn. Close to UTS and TAFE Ultimo, this place is a definite go-to before, after and potentially during class. 310 Wattle Street, Ultimo

Best Japanese experience GOROS EXPERIENCE Somewhere between karaoke, delicious Japanese fusion plates and an impressive sake menu to boot is Goros, an izakaya-style bar for the fun-loving

Pampering Patisserie Pampering Patisserie is living proof that it’s never too late to quit that job you don’t like and follow your dreams. Former accountant Amy did just that when she opened her Asianinspired patisserie in Newtown, offering tasty treats at excellent prices. An absolute highlight is the Japanese Light Cheesecake, and the staff are just as sweet as the pastries. The diverse menu offers cakes, bread rolls, tarts, slices, high tea and more, and offer flourless and glutenfree options. With a unanimous five-star rating on Facebook, Pampering Patisserie is a must for anyone with even a hint of a sweet tooth. 571 King Street, Erskineville. 8065 7656 BEST OF SYDNEY 25 AUGUST 2016


BEST OF SYDNEY 2016 Best Udon

BEST CUPCAKERY BLACK VELVET, darlinghurst Describing Black Velvet as a ‘bakery’ would be a sinful understatement. The name alone evokes the luxe style one might find when stepping into this designer Darlinghurst concept store. Shiny stands of impeccably adorned cupcakes attract your gaze, while the room’s Chanel-inspired décor (complete with Breakfast At Tiffany’s references) make the store feel extra special. As expected, the cupcakes are gorgeous – try the bacon, golden gaytime or pink velvet flavours, or even the award-winning Lemon Vodka cupcake for a little indulgence. They don’t stop at cupcakes either, with birthday, corporate and wedding cake catering services. 3a/110 Darlinghurst Rd, Darlinghurst. 9331 8183.

BEST ASIAN DUMPLINGS Din Tai Fung Soup dumplings; welcomed by Sydneysiders with open arms and with good reason, especially if you know where to look. One bite and you’re hooked on the soupy goodness of Din Tai Fung’s acclaimed pork dumplings. Flavoursome hot broth, delicate steamed pastry, you’ll feel a growing sadness when you realise there’s only one left on your plate. One more promise of that flavour explosion you so foolishly took for granted three minutes ago! The Central Park Mall branch of this global restaurant chain fills up quickly and for good reason. Level 2, Central Park Mall, Chippendale. 8072 9425

Mappen Noodle Bar It’s winter. It’s cold. How about tucking into a bowl of steaming hot udon? Mappen Noodle Bar is the no-fuss way to eat cafeteria-style: grab a tray, line up, pick your noodles and then add meat and side

dishes, starting at just 50c. There’s also a weird and wonderful range of drinks that you wouldn’t see outside of a Japanese commercial, as well as sake and plum wine. On the way to the counter, help yourself to sauces, tempura flakes, seasoning free of charge, and then take a seat and start slurping. 183 Oxford St, Bondi Junction. 9388 0609

Best Chinese Golden Century Golden Century has been at the forefront of authentic Chinese cuisine since Cantonise migrants Eric and Linda Wong founded it in 1989, in the heart of Sydney’s bustling Chinatown. Since then, Eric and Linda have expanded, Introducing its new addition The Century at The Star, in July 2012, to rave reviews and packed covers. With signature dishes and classic favourites, Golden Century captures the essence of great Chinese. It also has an impressive twenty four double glazed aquarium tanks with an array of live seafood of the freshest quality. This iconic establishment can accommodate 400 guests and also offers VIP rooms. 393 - 399 Sussex Street, Sydney 9212 3901

Best Pasta Buffalo Dining club The Buffalo Dining Club provides Sydneysiders with a charmingly quirky and relaxed Italian experience. With its small outside tables, Buffalo transports diners from the middle of Darlinghurst to a bustling Roman curb-side cafe. Start with a serving of cheese (we recommend the burrito), which comes with two sides (if you don’t choose the pecorino crusted eggplant, you’re a fool).The pinnacle is their signature dish: simply dressed pasta, served in a Pecorino wheel.The final product is the perfect al dente pasta crumbed in salty, creamy cheese. 116 Surrey St, Darlinghurst 9332 4052.

Best Indian Maya da Dhaba With an ever increasing number of Indian restaurants in Sydney, it can be hard to stand out from the competition. However, Maya da Dhaba in Cleveland Street manages to do just that with their varied and delicious menu, providing both popular Indian dishes as well as more authentic cuisine, appropriate for both vegetarians and meat-eaters. The restaurant’s home-style cooking is showcased through their signature dishes. The chefs choose a selection of each season to demonstrate their skills. The goan fish curry and goat masala are particularly recommended. For great food and great prices, head to Maya da Dhaba. 431 Cleveland Street, Surry Hills. 8399 3785.

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Made In Italy •Pizza, Pasta & Traditional Italian dishes •Dine in/Takeaway •Free Delivery •Catering Corporate Functions •Private Parties •Birthdays •Hens & Bucks Nights •Intimate Weddings and much more 55 Miller St, Pyrmont P: 02 9518 8182



BEST OF SYDNEY 2016 Best Chinese and Malaysian fusion Bluestone

Bluestone Chinese and Malaysian cuisine celebrates two wonderfully diverse heritages, to create a crowd pleasing menu and has established it as a go to culinary haunt. Located on Crown Street, Sydney’s centre for culture and great dining, Bluestone is no exception. A great place to share dishes, you can order a few signature and classic meals, all bursting with the much loved flavours of Chinese and Malaysian cuisine. The service is friendly and effortless, the drinks menu include stellar wines, beer and a decadent cocktail list that compliments the dishes perfectly. Once you visit Bluestone you’ll be hooked. Shop 2, 118 Crown Street, Darlinghurst. 9361 4567.



Best DINING PRECINCT Australia Square Dining Australia Square Dining, the freshly refurbished food court underneath the iconic Australia Square building, was launched in May 2016. The precinct’s varied offering includes take-away, eat-in and restaurant options in a convenient location forCBD workers. The cosmetic upgrade included improvements to the indoor seating areas and common areas outside. Four exciting new, best class food retailers opened at Australia Square Dining, including Catch 22, Thr1ve, Thai Riffic and Sushi & Nori. The food court also welcomed back Rossini and Square Sandwiches with recently refreshed shops and menus. 264 George Street Sydney. Ph: 02 8247 5200

BEST STONER HANGOUT D’MunchieS Those with an appreciation for the green herb often crave a good bite. D’Munchies’ must-haves include: ‘the Dutch Oven’ burger’, their over-thetop desserts and unique sides -- including their ‘420 chips’. Want some art while you munch? The vegan/vego friendly store features local art pieces which celebtrate ganja gurus Jimmy Hendrix and Bob Marley. On the wall you’ll also find a map pointing patrons towards a ‘greener’ environment, at nearby Camperdown Park. On your way out, the door make sure you leave a ‘high suggestion’ in the jar. 170 King St, Newtown. 8542 0030.

Best Italian Made in Italy The motto of Made in Italy is to create real Italian dishes that transport you to Italy, and they certainly achieve this. Since 2001, Made in Italy has delighted diners with the finest Gourmet Pizzas that are all about generosity, an important part of any good pizza. A staple of Italian cooking is all about the love and care that goes into it, and this is evident when eating here. With the option to eat in or takeaway, you can enjoy a wide variety of traditional and genuine Italian cuisine, made promptly and without the price tag. What more could you ask for? 55 Miller Street, Pyrmont. 9518 8182.

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The fabulous Spice I am Thai restaurants have been chosen as a finalist in the coveted City Hub Best Sydney Thai Restaurant award 2016

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THERE ARE NOW FIVE Spice I am RESTAURANTS: Spice I am Darlinghurst Elegant Interior. Early Bookings only. Takeaway. Delivery to limited area. Tel: (02) 9332 2445

NortoN street


Spice I am Balmain No bookings. Takeaway. BYO. Limited delivery. Tel: (02) 9555 9224

GreeK tAVerN

Spice I am Surry Hills No Bookings. BYO. Takeaway. Tel: (02) 9280 0928 Acclaimed Thai Chef Sujet Saenkham invites you to try his delicious new dishes Traditional Thai Cuisine Affordable Prices Casual friendly Vibe

House Restaurant. North East Thai Street Food Surry Hills. No bookings. Licensed. Takeaway. (02) 9280 0364 Surry Hills Eating House Regional southern Thai food. Surry Hills. Takeaway. Bookings: (02) 9212 4092

Bookings: •

Photos: George Athanasiadis

enjoy Greek mezze and authentic Greek music

138 Norton Street, Leichhardt 02

9560 6614



393-399 Sussex Street, Haymarket NSW 2000 T (02) 9212 3901 F (02) 9211 6292 E Open Daily: 12noon – 4am

The Star, Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009 T (02) 9566 2328 F (02) 9552 3773 E Lunch: 11:30am – 3pm (Daily) Dinner: 5:30pm – 11pm (Sun-Thu),12am (Fri-Sat) BEST OF SYDNEY 25 AUGUST 2016


BEST OF SYDNEY 2016 Best Rooftop Bar Coogee Pavilion With the (usually) year-round sunny weather in Sydney, it’s important to occasionally take your drinking outdoors. And the best place to do that is the Coogee Pavilion, which has a great cocktail list including the classic Pimms Jug and the must-try minty Cravado. What better way to celebrate the good things in life than to look out over the ocean and chow down on some grub from a team of award-winning chefs? From freshly shucked oysters to burgers and grills, wood-fired pizza to kids dishes, the menu is made for sharing. So whether you’re blowing off the beach or feel like going formal, grab your mates and hit the rooftop! 169 Dolphin Street, Coogee. 9240 3000.

DRINK Best Beer Menu LIST Red Oak If you’re an Aussie (or if you’re not), there’s a good chance that you love a nice cold schooner on a hot day - or any day! The Redoak Boutique Beer Cafe has you covered, with a selection of specialty craft beers and a menu that changes weekly to reflect new imports. It’s got a cellar vibe, like you’re in a brewery, but there’s a separate restaurant and function space if it’s feeling overcrowded. It’s Australia’s most-awarded brewery, not to mention it’s locally owned and operated by a brother-sister team. And you’re a little over the limit, you can grab a pub feed at the bar and wait until you find your feet again. 201 Clarence Street, Sydney. 9262 3303

Celebrity PICKS: FRIENDLY JORDIES Best Vietnamese Yen’sVietnamese

Jordan Shanks’ online persona friendlyjordies has swept the internet with viral youtube videos, commenting on everything from lock-out laws, Masterchef to climate change. In his rare moments of down time, we asked Jordan where he goes to unwind. Being part of the minority of young Sydney that doesn’t actually take personal issue with the lockout laws (as I rarely leave the house), my favourite venue to lock on at would be the little Vietnamese restaurant across the road from FBi Radio. If you’re looking for a scummy venue with clean food, great service, cheap prices and the promise that even if you patronise the restaurant weekly for nearly two years they still won’t remember your name, look no further than Yen’s Vietnamese. After a long monday morning of completing the least consequential part of my career (appearing on radio), I love nothing more than using this Vietnamese melting pot of hope as a litmus test for journalists and future friends alike. Forget your late night weekend plans and spend your hard erred cash at Yen’s Vietnamese like a respectable member of society.

Best cafe with a conscience parliament on king This humble small café lies at the so-called ‘less stylish end’ of King Street. A vintage motorcycle is lost in a wall crammed with books; the record player is constantly spinning and shelves of eccentric novelty teapots overlook the small space filled with eclectic furniture. The day-to-day menu has offerings as humble as toasted jaffles to accompany freshly brewed coffee and tea, and come afternoon you can even enjoy a fine wine, beer or spirit. From its inception, Parliament has always had community at its forefront. Their mission is to build bridges of understanding across people and cultures. Many of the staff and trainees are asylum seekers, refugees and recent arrivals to Australia.You’ll find a selection of zines (handmade magazines) from local creators on sale, and on a Thursday evening you’re invited to take up nude drawing lessons, with a different theme every week. 632 King St, Erskineville. 0414 235 325

BEST ICONIC PUB, BAR AND GRILL LORD ROBERTS HOTEL It’s not too often you come across a pub that manages to have it all. Lucky for locals of Darlinghurst and surrounds, the Lord Roberts has. You’ll find a decent selection of beer, wine and spirits at the bar, solid pub fare coming out of the kitchen, and a relaxed, friendly ambience throughout. There’s loads of space (including on the outdoor balcony) and plenty of seating. Stroll on through to the Green Door cocktail lounge for an array of well-priced cocktails – the classics alongside the hotel’s own inspired inventions (‘Papa Smurf’ anyone?). Overall, the Lord Roberts is a solid choice for a good time. 64 Stanley St, Darlinghurst. 9360 9555,

Best hipster hangout


Lemonia Housed in a small town house on Annandale’s main street, Lemonia is a special treat for coffee and cocktail drinkers. Once inside, it has a spacious feel thanks to the long glass wall overlooking the lush, largely undiscovered Badu Park. As a café and restaurant, Lemonia offers a menu of Greek-inspired meals for all times of the day. From haloumi burgers to the mezze platter, Lemonia has different sized meals just right to quench every appetite. The friendly wait staff and sunglass-coded restrooms make the whole outing a delightful experience. 4-8 Booth St, Annandale. 9552 2425

The Crossing This Aussie-French triomphe is a Bondi hot spot, with cool vibes, ridiculously good looking bartenders and live music that’ll get you dancing. The Crossing boasts an array of fine wines including a stand out Clarence House Pinot Noir from Tasmania, to enjoy with their moreish finger food. If you’re a cocktail lover look no further than the aptly titled Pablo Escobar – whiskey based with honey, ginger and rhubarb shrub – it’ll have you feeling like a Columbian outlaw in no time. 13 O’Brien St, Bondi Beach. 9365 4138

Best Café Spectacle Satellite Cafe ‘Twixt glamour and grunge, sugar and spice, the distinctively styled Satellite Café (of an ilk with sister café The Velvet Garage) is a spectacle in itself. From the glass-skull that is your iced coffee goblet to the sensuous throng of artworks adorning the café… you’ve gotta say it. The place is real cool. Coffee is taken seriously and the Marionette Roastery do a mean brew. An inspired and unique menu of interesting garnishes and touches will have you wanting to try everything on offer. 80 Wilson Street, Newtown. 8065 8572

Best iconic local Vic On The Park The Vic regularly hosts live music, designer markets and open-air cinema screenings amongst their calendar of unique events. On your average day, you can enjoy a beer from a range that covers everything from local craft brews to all the familiar traditional schooners. With a focus on freshness and good quality produce, the menu features fresh takes on your usual pub feeds and an exciting weekly rotation of chalkboard specials. The spacious back deck overlooks a basketball court and a wall jam-packed with wicked street art. And most importantly, The Vic not only welcomes dogs but actively encourages pooch patronage. 2 Addison Road, Marrickville. 9557 1448 14


Best NATURAL HEALTH BOOST Bondi Wheatgrass

Since Dr Anne Wigmore rediscovered the nutritional qualities of wheatgrass juice in 1960, the juice has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world overcome serious health problems. Whether you’re yet to discover the amazing health benefits of wheatgrass or you’re a long time advocate, everyone can agree that adding a shot to your daily or weekly routine will greatly boost your immune system. Bondi Wheatgrass produces premium, organic wheatgrass to help you reach your health goals, and also supplies a wide range of quality juicers, spouters and skin creams. The first to introduce wheatgrass to Australia 18 years ago, Bondi Wheatgrass is the original and still the best! 1 Ireton St, Malabar, 93114740.

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LEVEL 1, HARBOURSIDE ENTRANCE, 80 PYRMONT STREET, SYDNEY | STAR.COM.AU Express lunch offer valid until 31 August 2016. *Free parking excludes Fridays, expires 29 September 2016. Offer subject to car park availability and venue opening hours. Payment must be made either by cash, by debit or credit card. BEST OF SYDNEY 25 AUGUST 2016



Best Mulled Wine

Coffee Alchemy Is your coffee order more of a mouthful to spit out than a curdled cup of milk? Luckily, The Coffee Alchemy has simplified and perfected their craft so that it’s the one reason you actually wake up in the morning. Forget about skinny almond turmeric lattes and go back to basics with a quality brew. The coffee connoisseurs are tucked away on the corner of an industrial zone in the Inner West. With a minimal but spacious interior, they’ve got drips and espressos to serve up through various methods (including a modified popcorn maker) using meticulously-sourced seasonal blends from countries around the world.You’ll be keen as a bean to froth over that caffeine kick! 24 Addison Rd, Marrickville. 9516 1997

Sede Nestled in a cosy two-levelled space, Sede gives and intimate but not uncrowded feel. With winter specials of mulled wine and hot cider that will make you ward off summer, why spend Saturday’s anywhere else? The bright orange door on the corner of Booth and Nelson Street in Annandale beckons you into Sede, a sophisticated pizza bar with mouth-watering share plates such as the potato gnocchi with sultanas, pine nuts and parmesan and the sautéed calamari, but let’s just mention the mulled wine one more time. 37 Booth Street, Annandale. 9660 6600

Best art-deco bar Since I Left You This chic and sophisticated bar takes its name from the Avalances hit song by the same name. To quote the indie pop artists’ lyrics: “Get a drink, have a good time now…welcome to paradise.” Located in the heart of the CBD, Since I Left You serves up paradise. The venue creates a soft and sensual mood that promises to flirt with you, even if your date won’t. The courtyard is strung up in fairy lights, while the interior is decorated with art from the SILY Emerging Artist Initiative, providing creatives an eccentric platform to exhibit their work. The cocktails will go down smoother than any of your moves. The trio of house made dips are nothing less than the holy trinity of bar snacks. 338 Kent St, Sydney. 9262 4986

BEST OUTDOOR BAR The Basement Just a stroll up from Circular Quay is a famous strip of bars and cafes. UPSTAIRS at The Basement is the only smoking bar on the strip if you like a cocktail and a puff. It opens from 11am until late 7 days a week and has comfortable long benches that can seat 6 or 8 people. Lunch and dinner is served inside with great, affordable food and the bar has top shelf liquor, innovative cocktails and great beer and wine. The staff are efficient and super friendly. The Basement down the stairs is the oldest licensed music venue in Sydney, opening in 1972, which enhances the atmosphere. 7 Macquarie Place, Sydney. 9251 2797

BEST COCKTAILS LIL DARLIN’ Not to worry if you don’t have a sweetheart in your life – you’ll have a sweet heart after a night at

Best Pub in the Rocks Orient Truly one of Sydney’s iconic venues, the Orient still retains its crown as the pub that ‘rocks the Rocks’. With live music daily, the vibe is relaxed and welcoming over the three rambling floors and cosy tree-shaded courtyard. The ground floor public bar of the historic building hosts the daily live bands and is popular with tourists and locals, while the classy Cocktail Bar and Atrium on the first floor are geared towards a more chilled ‘city-types’ clientele. The lunch specials certainly pull a weekday crowd, and the weekend atmosphere is very much pre-lockout Sydney classic party-pub. 89 George Street,The Rocks 9251 1255

Lil Darlin’. The creative cocktails will make you want to pick up a sugar habit rather than kick one. The Gummy-beartini and Fairy Floss Martini are served with actual gummy bears and fairy floss, guaranteed to make you as giddy as a child in a candy store; not just from the alcohol! Get yourself down to one

of their three cosy locations during happy hour (5-7pm) and grab one a pizza for an easy ten bucks as well! The perfect start, middle or end to every night out. 420 Elizabeth St Surry Hills.

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BEST OF SYDNEY 2016 BEST LEGENDARY COMEDY VENUE HAROLD PARK An historic home of Aussie comedy, the Harold Park Hotel offers big laughs, good food and great beer. An array of successful comics have graced its stage, including Adam Hills, Jimeoin and even the late Robin Williams. This comedic tradition has been renewed with Tuesday’s ‘the Laugh Stand,’ and Monday’s improv night -- showcasing both quality and up-andcoming comedians with bigger name headliners. Combine this with live music, meal deals and $5 schooners and you’re laughing. Harold Park Hotel 70A Ross St, Glebe NSW 2030

Best Ice Rink - Canturbury Ice Well known as the friendliest, best value ice rink in town, Canterbury Ice us a not for profit entity that returns all their income back into the operation of the rink. Great for skating classes, birthday parties, ice hokey and in-house club skating year around, you don’t have to wait for winter to get your skates on! If you’re in the mood to party like is the 70s, you can skate under the disco lights on Friday and Saturday nights. If you’re in the mood to relax, you can enjoy a hot chocolate rink side and watch the pros and instructors show everyone how it’s done. With $11 admission and discounts for groups, it’s time to get your skates on. Phillips Ave, Canterbury


PLAY Best Kid’s Bike Track Sydney Park Bike Track This recently revamped bike track is the cycling family’s oasis. An enclosed area on the edge of Sydney Park, the track is made up of mock streets, working traffic lights, a refuelling station, tunnels, hills and curves. There’s a beginners section or more challenging adventure section and the Cycling Centre holds Balance Bike Clinics for kids 3-8 yrs. 404 Sydney Park Rd, Erskineville.

BEST ARTIST RUN GALLERY Tap Gallery Celebrating its 28th birthday this year, the Tap Gallery is reminiscent of an older, bohemian kind of Sydney. Boasting a year-round program of group shows and solo exhibitions, the Tap has community at its heart and a deep affection for honest art. The artist-run initiative favours more inclusive and diverse programming, inviting artists of all creeds to hang their work in their themed group shows. The Tap relocated to the present intimate space in Surry Hills late last year. (AM)
259 Riley Street, Surry Hills.

Chinese Garden of Friendship Allow the little patch of zen that is the Chinese Garden of Friendship to hold you in sanctity. Through the constant stimulation that is city living, the gentle, quieter needs to be and breathe and sit can be lost in the tumult and noise. Of water, plant, stone and life, every corner of the garden holds some small gift to the wanderer as per ancient Chinese landscaping principles. Pier St, Darling Harbour, 2000

Best Tuesday Night Out Dr Sketchy’s Take your art seriously? Dr. Sketchy’s is NOT the place for you. But if the idea of balancing your drink against your pad while sketching hilarious models straight from a vaudeville gig in a noisy pub, sounds appealing, make your way to the ArtHouse Hotel. BYO pencil and pad or buy them there for $5.Your entry fee includes a free drink. While you might not come away with a masterpiece you will leave with a smile on your face. ArtHouse Hotel, L2, 275 Pitt St.

BEST BOOKS and caffeine Gertrude and Alice Finding a place where you can actually hear yourself think is far and few in-between. Nestled unsuspectingly in Bondi Beach sits Gertrude & Alice, a cosy hideaway with the promise of Campos coffee and guilt-free, sweet

BEST INDIGENOUS Art Gallery Tali Indigenous Art Gallery

treats. Here, you’re safeguarded by shelves of carefully categorised books which cover every inch of wall. Delve into the worlds of authors from all walks of life. Sit inside or out, converse with the regulars, chai or many choices. No matter what you pick up, there’s food for thought. 1/46 Hall St, Bondi Beach.

BEST COMEDY SPACE Giant Dwarf Pet project of the notorious team behind The Chaser, Giant Dwarf has steadily built a reputation as the city’s premier alternative comedy venue. Making its home in the shabbychic surrounds of the old Cleveland Street Theatre on the cusp of Surry Hills and Redfern, the Dwarf also hosts satirical storytelling and performance art, attracting throngs of notable names in Australian media and emerging talents. Sit on old school seats and expect the unexpected. Regular events to watch out for include Erotic Fan Fiction and Story Club, available also in podcast format. Just don’t put “Giant Dwarf ” into Google! 199 Cleveland Street, Redfern.

BEST MUSICAL THEATRE VENUE Hayes Theatre In the heart of Potts Point, the Hayes Theatre is the go-to venue fans of musical theatre and cabaret. In 2016, the Hayes has already run 29 different shows, including a return season of Rent and an hilarious production of Little Shop of Horrors. The absolute stand-out was their glittering production of Xanadu, which sold out all its performances and had audiences dancing in the aisles. Now showing is Calamity Jane, a musical western based on the 1935 film of the same name starring Doris Day. 19 Greenknowe Ave, Potts Point.

Best Kid’s Theatre Monkey Baa It’s never too early to cultivate a love of theatre. Established in 1997, Monkey Baa Theatre has adapted over fifteen classic Australian stories for stage. Touring internationally, throughout cities and remote areas of Australia, their productions and educational programs appeal to kids aged three to eighteen. Located in the effervescent Darling Quarter, the foyer is usually crawling with bubs. Terrace 3, 1-25 Harbour Street, Sydney. (02) 8624 934,


A little more than just Australia’s ‘Best Indigenous Gallery’ for 2013, ‘14 and ‘15. Tali indigenous Art Gallery celebrates indigenous art with a subtext of ethical sourcing of works. They have cultural programs invested in raising funds for, and providing education to, indigenous communities, for which it has won numerous awards. Another aspect of the galleries reverence for indigenous arts is of course in the education it provides to its audience around the artworks and their provenance, both cultural and literal. Rozelle’s jewel for Indigenous art is a must for aficionados. 134 Victoria Rd, Rozelle, 9555 6555. 18


Old 505 Theatre The big name in little theatre, the Old 505 is committed to supporting indie theatre makers. For over 10 years, this artistrun venue has served a community that is warm, strange and inviting. This unique venue delivers such independent gems as Space Cats and the most authentic programming for the Sydney Fringe. Graduating from their niche theatre space in Surry Hills in late 2015, the Old 505 now has a suitable home in Newtown, in a salvaged art-deco ballroom. Exit stage left! 5 Eliza Street, Newtown.

Best of Sydney 2015


Winner – Best Theatre Best of Sydney 2015


Winner – Best Jazz Venue

Lvl 1, 5 Eliza St Newtown



BEST OF SYDNEY 2016 BEST JAZZ VENUE 505 If you like to hear wonderful live jazz bands whilst sipping your favourite drink and sharing cheese plates and charcuterie with your friends,Venue 505 is the place for you. It is an artist-run theatre established in 2004 by Kerri Glasscock and Cameron Undy with a friendly, relaxed vibe that presents a broad music program from jazz to groove. Monday – Wednesday and Saturday is free entry, featuring Monday’s ‘Jazz Jam and Games Night’and Tuesday’s ‘Old School Funk & Groove Night’. Live music and a lounge bar atmosphere with alcohol and food are the perfect combination. 280 Cleveland Street, Surry Hills.

BEST SCIENCE MUSEUM The Powerhouse Housed in a once-derelict power station built in 1902, The Powerhouse Museum pays homage to the past, while also seriously looking at the future. Sustainability and climate change are the focus of the permanent ‘Ecologic’ exhibition, and the destiny of the universe is a talking point in astronomy workshops. Its events schedule is kept full with tours, talks and events, along with a constant flow of temporary exhibitions to keep things fresh. Entry tickets offer great value, under 16s get in for free, and there’s enough to look at to keep everybody interested. Final verdict? The Powerhouse is a cornerstone attraction for a reason. 500 Harris Street, Ultimo.



BEST PLACES TO POCKET THOSE MONSTERS Urban Bites, Newtown A famously good spot for a late-night café fix, Urban Bites in Newtown is now aiding Pokemon Go players in their mission; laying lures through the night at their Pokestop. Catch a friend (or a Jigglypuff) over must-try favorites like the haloumi burger or crispy pork belly salad. 105, 623 coffees and 23, 732 burgers later, they ain’t slowing down! 70-72 King Street Newtown. Opera House Not that the very image and icon of Sydney really needs another draw card but upon the very steps of the Sydney opera house Pokemon Go-ers have picked up Blastoise, Machamp, Rapidash, Porygon, Aerodactyl and Argonite. Quite the haul! Don’t fear a a walk on a chilly eve as the main drag has enough in the way of outdoor heaters to sate even Charizard. Also, with Pokestops every few paces from the Botanical Gardens to The Rocks you’ll have Pokeballs galore in your quest to be the very best. Sydney Opera House, Bennelong Point. Nutrition Station, Bondi Junction Situated exactly between three Pokestops, Nutrition Station is surely Pokemon Go players’ Bermuda Triangle. A popular lunch spot for folks living and working in Bondi Junction; create your own meal from hundreds of ingredients. Chicken, salmon, vegies, meatballs, you name it. Grab a smoothie, pass through the lure-haven of Oxford St. mall and a hop, skip and a jump away is Marketplace Pokegym. 428 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction. City Extra, Circular Quay Outdoor tables, free WIFI, three Pokestops within reach, sorted. Straight opposite wharf 4 in Circular Quay, City Extra boasts five killer, signature cocktails. Our pick? The Jimmy Olsen’s Update: creamy, sweet and kicks like a Taurus. With lures on each wharf going ‘round the clock, you’ll be hard press to find a better spot for a drink and a good catch. Of Pokemon, that is. Shop E4, East Podium Circular Quay

Enmore Park, Black Street, Marrickville NSW 2024 9565 1906,

EMBRACE YOUR INNER ATHLETE NO LOCK IN CONTRACTS JOIN NOW AND RECEIVE AN ATHLETE’S PACK VALUED AT RRP $130 INcludES: * $50 On-running footwear voucher * $50 HelloFresh voucher * Russell Athletic 2l water bottle * Athlete’s gym towel * Athlete’s gym bag BEST OF SYDNEY 25 AUGUST 2016


BEST OF SYDNEY 2016 their dresses have charming prints. Origami Doll also has an extensive range of arty earrings, quirky shoes and some retro-styled home wares. Like most of Newtown, parking is tight so arriving by public transport or on foot is recommended. 315 King St, Newtown

Best second hand store

SHOP Best family run business Me Too Please Me too please looks to support artists from countries with a little less exposure, like Haiti.They sell a variety of unique products like hand embroidered bags and Haitian art made from oil drums.A quite signature product is their bright, patterned Mexican oilcloths.These can be bought by the metre and the lovely owners are very helpful in questions of sizing. Products made using these oilcloths include lunchpacks, aprons, bike panniers and much more. A unique endeavour well worth your interest. 2-4 Nelson Street, Annandale

Best Fashion Boutique Origami Doll Tucked on the bottom end of King Street, Origami Doll is one of Newtown’s more enticing fashion boutiques. Specialising in modernised fifties cuts,

Reverse Garbage If you’re in need of an insect sculpture made from bicycle parts, (who isn’t?) then this is the place to come.You never know what you’ll find amongst the scattering of film props, surplus manufacturing goods and more that have floated in limbo between secondhand shop and skip bin. Originally established to reduce landfill by encouraging creative re-use. services include educational workshops and in-house artists and designers who can produce commissioned works for projects.They also have a collection of ex theatre, marketing, art project props, garden and building materials. 8/142 Addison Rd. Marrickville,

BEST LINGERIE & LIFESTYLE BABYLIKESTOPONY Babylikestopony is as luxurious as the lingerie you’ll find instore.Whether you’re looking to dress up or rather, dress down, treat your significant other for remembering your anniversary; or plain old treat yourself, nothing says provocative but classy like draping yourself in the finest lace and silk.These garments make one statement; you’re a strong independent woman who doesn’t need mass produced cotton threads.With renowned brands like Agent Provocateur and Atelier Bordelle, you’re going to look fabulous no matter what you strut out of the boutique in. 319 S Dowling St, Darlinghurst.


and second hand market 1 BEST OF SYDNEY 25 AUGUST 2016 22 BSM-T38-RozelleCollectorsMarket-Ad-128x320mm-2.indd

19/08/2016 2:36 PM

BEST FURNITURE STORE ANNANDALE INTERIORS With one of the finest furniture and homeware collections in Australia, you’ll have no trouble selecting leather, timber or fabric – they have everything you’re looking for.Annandale Interiors also has a wide colour palette covering the whole spectrum, so that you can complement the environment and architecture that is particular to your home.With a vast timber collection and highly skilled design service, you’ll be able to pinpoint the perfect piece that suits your lifestyle – and have dozens of matches to choose from. Located in Sydney’s bustling inner-west,Annandale Interiors allows you to cater to your unique living space. 38-42 Parramatta Road, Stanmore. 9565 1275,

Best Market Rozelle COLLECTORS Markets While these markets feature everything you’d expect from your local domestic city markets – coffee, food stalls, handmade wares – it’s hunting though all the preloved goods where you’ll really find the magic. Revamping your wardrobe on a budget becomes a sport here as you barter with designer brand lovers and eccentric clothing collectors all looking to declutter their wardrobes and pick up some cash. The home wares and kitchen wares can also throw up treasures – my favourite find so far has been a bright green cask wine dispenser and cooler, in its original 80’s packaging, picked up for a mere $5. Every Saturday. 663 Darling St, Sydney

Telstra Store Broadway

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There is no shortage of bicyclists in Sydney. Luckily, there is an outlet for all their cycling needs. Cell Bikes, which began in 2002, now runs the Sydney Bike Shop in Stanmore and has sold over 100,000 bikes to date. Their vast range of accessories and clothing include: bottom brackets, gloves and jackets, baby seats, bells and mirrors, headsets, GPS, locks, lights and lube, any type of shoes, pumps and CO2, handlegrip bars for you….just to name a few. 148 Parramatta Rd, Stanmore,

Best Vietnamese Even though there’s a perfectly good Chris Taylor Vietnamese place close to your home, it’s Writer, performer and broadcaster mandatory in guides like this to recommend Chris Taylor is best known as a member a place on the extreme outskirts of the city: of infamous comedy team,The Chaser. an authentic “hidden gem” for white people Local to Sydney, he is a qualified to make an expedition to on the weekend, compass to the best things to do and to enjoy the exact same menu offerings and see around the city. We managed to quality that they could’ve got at their local get a few out of him to help with your joint. to do lists. Best Thai Massage Best Park The rise of Thai Massage places in Sydney is If getting back to nature is your thing, then second only to the rise of Thai restaurants. look no further than the Sydney Transwaste And it’s nearly impossible to go to either Industries park, where dozens of beautiful without the masseuse, or the waiter, wanting Moreton Bay Fig trees from Randwick and to give you a hand job at the end of it. Even Kensington now lie in a landfill tip. Take a picnic Longrain’s now doing it - extraordinary! and enjoy the unparalleled majesty of these Best Non-Merivale Venue historic, beautiful and recently felled trees. Of the handful of remaining pubs that the Best Beach Merivale empire hasn’t taken over, I’d say my Bondi Beach - hideous in real life, but beautiful absolute favourite is the Cricketers Arms in on Instagram. So if you’re craving a gorgeous Surry Hills… oh, hang on, my bad. Just got a day at the beach, my tip is to stay at home with google alert saying Justin Hemmes has just your phone and just scroll through heavily signed the lease. selective and filtered pics of Sydney’s most Best Quiet Night iconic beach. Sydney can be a fast and furious non-stop Best Breakfast party town, but for those times when There’s a great little breakfast cafe in Surry you just want to have a quiet night, I Hills. But due to the area’s lockout laws, they recommend Kings Cross. The perfect place won’t be let in after 7.30am, and no lattes to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. are served after 9am. It may seem a little On Friday and Saturday nights you’re likely draconian but, on the upside, since the laws to have the whole district to yourself - so were introduced coffee-related violence in the relax and enjoy a blissful night of peace area is down by 80%. and quiet.

Celebrity PICKS:

Save money. Save lives. Every dollar you spend in our Op Shop goes directly to The Cat Protection Society of NSW; Sydney’s only no-kill shelter just for cats.

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electronically copy it for you for a City Representative Office Alex Tees, Lvl 16 ,447 Kent St Sydney Tel 9281 3230 very reasonable Annual Fee. Mob 0409 813 622 Email Fax 02 8088 7172 Please contact: city representative office alexCredit tees, Cards and EFTPOS accepted) *(All If you wish to do this please contact: level 1, 299 elizabeth St, Sydney 2000 tel: (02) 9281 3230 Representative Office PostalCity Address 74/78 William St, Sydney 2011 Mob: 0409 813 622 email: Alex Tees, Lvl 16 ,447 Kent St Sydney Tel 9281 3230 fax: (02) 8088 7172 Mob 0409wish 813 622 Email Fax 02 2011 8088 7172 Postal address: 74/78 williamcontact: St, Sydney If you to do this please SkyPe: “alextees” twitter “estatePlanaussi” City Representative Office 24 hrsWilliam /ah email: Postal Address 74/78 St, Sydney 2011 Alex Tees, Lvl 16 ,447 Kent St Sydney Tel 9281 3230 Mob 0409 813 622 Email Fax 02 8088 7172 Postal Address 74/78 William St, Sydney 2011



BEST OF SYDNEY 2016 BEST PIERCINGS Industrial Strength Industrial Strength opened Sydney’s first body piercing studio in 1992. Since then, they have set the standard high with continual progression and education, and opened their high-end, streetfront studio in Newtown sixteen years ago. They offer a breathtaking array of the highest quality body jewellery coupled with cutting edge piercing techniques. With two fully-equipped, purpose- built piercing rooms, and with prices as low as $40, you’d be crazy go to anywhere else. 192 King St, Newtown,

SERVICE BEST FunkY Hair Studio Tai’s Hair Studio With massive ornate gold mirrors, wooden floors and chandeliers, Tai’s Hair Studio is a pretty funky place. In the heart of Annandale, it is known from the outside by its quirky window display. The studio offers a full hair and nail experience specialising in colour and special events. Prices are competitive for an indulgent hair experience, but they will work through payment options to be as inclusive as possible. 101A Johnston St, Annandale. 9660 1373.,

Best Yoga with a view Yoga by the sea There is no shortage of yoga classes in Sydney but nothing beats the picturesque views at Yoga By the Sea. Classes are held outdoors at Bondi Icebergs, and indoors at Tamarama Surf Club and Bronte Surf Club. The experienced teachers cater to all levels with both yin and yang style classes. Harmonise the body and mind in an oceanic setting, with the added bonus of dolphin and whale watching during the winter months. This is one of Bondi’s best kept secrets. Until now., 0411 336 476


Best Dental services

Best tutors NumberWorks’nWords Leichhardt

Advance Dental

BEST INK LDF Tattoo Getting a tattoo is a big decision, but deciding where to get inked shouldn’t be. LDF Tattoo is far and away the best tattoo studio in Sydney. You can trust this reporter, since she has been inked there on 13 occasions. Les Rice, the owner and founder of LDF is an award winning artist, who recently won the Moran Prize for portrait painting. From the hospital-grade cleanliness of the work spaces to the upfront, no-nonsense approach to pricing, every single one of the talented LDF artists make you feel relaxed and comfortable, which is an impressive feat for someone who’s about to use a needle on you. With such a broad variety of talent, you’d do well to give them a call if you ever get the itch for some new ink. 26 King Street, Newtown.

BEST YOGA YOGA NIDRA Have you tried Yoga Nidra? Yoga’s deepest form of relaxation, it’s a great way to take a break from the stress of the city. Housed in the upper level of the old Glebe post office, you can experience it for free at Life and Balance on the last Sunday of every month. With complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits up for grabs, the classical architecture gives the studio a great atmosphere for deep yogic meditation. Mats and props are also provided. Level 3/19-21 Hunter St. (02) 9232 6667.

BEST POOL Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre

We all need a helping hand sometimes and this is particularly the case with the pressures of school learning these days. Time for some after-school tuition. Providing a customised learning program and focusing on maths and/or English, NumberWorks’nWords has established an excellent reputation for helping countless primary and high school aged students. With a free comprehensive assessment (what have you got to lose?), they provide a personalised program for students that puts the fun back into learning. “NumberWorks’nWords is a safe and happy place for your child and they truly love their time with us,” says Lauren Nalty, owner and manager of the Leichhardt centre. Happy children perform better and NumberWorks’nWords is unique because of its positive atmosphere! 8068 6624

Best Barber shop The Barber shop At its flagship York Street location, the parlourstyle barbershop up front exudes the nostalgic atmosphere of a bygone era with shelves of leather bound books and vintage sporting paraphernalia. Through the partition doors at the back you’ll find yourself in a refined, dimly lit bar serving only the finest selection of gin. Sister store at Barrangaroo focuses more on the grooming, but a well stocked bar and a complimentary beer with your haircut are all part of the service. 89 York Street, Sydney 9299 9699.,

Edgecliff’s Advanced Dental Services has provided quality dentistry to eastern suburbs families for years. Offering an immense range of treatments and services including orthodontics, whitening, fillings, denture work, oral hygiene and all things general/cosmetic dentistry (heard of snap-on smiles?). For a team that will endeavor to offer efficient, caring and price flexible solutions to your dental needs look no further. Keep that white smile on your dial. 201 New South Head Rd, Edgecliff,

Best Creative Business Resource Creative Plus Business Monica Davidson learned the pragmatic side of freelance business early in her career. Taxes, invoicing, budgeting, marketing, planning and all that other eye-glazing stuff is taught through workshops, mentoring, speaking, online courses and an informative website and newsletter. It’s all in simple language. Her approach is fun and outrageous and she really knows her stuff. 1/66-70 Oxford St, Darlinghurst. 8091 2082.

BEST RETRO SALON Doppelgänger Hair With a reputation for bold colour work, this salon has been serving up eclectic ladies’ and mens’ styles since 1999.You’re just as likely to see a head of vintage curls, a blunt fringe or a blue mohawk walk out the door of their sweet pastel pink retro salon. Doppelgänger’s skilled staff don’t always follow the industry rules, but what they will do is hear out your desires, achieve maximum results, and arm you to maintain the look. 31 Enmore Rd Newtwon,

Best Local College

The Telstra Phone Shop in Broadway Shopping Centre is a spacious and attractive store with plenty of room to stroll around and try before you buy. You are welcome to explore and learn about the equipment with one to one advice available. Customer have commented that the shop is efficient, professional and helpful. The shop is open Monday – Friday, 10-7pm (Thursday 9pm), Saturday 9-6pm and Sunday 10-6pm. Shop 119A, 1 Bay Street, Broadway. 26


Drop your child into the crèche, take a fitness class and pamper yourself in the heated pool. Or, drop your child into the swim class and indulge yourself at the Kellerman’s café. The state of the art Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre in Marrickville caters for all ages and needs. Hydrotherapy, aqua aerobics, yoga, pilates, zumba and wow, even boot camp and Swiss ball. There is also touch screen cardio equipment with staff on hand to assist in all activities. Enmore Park Black St, Marrickville.

CECC City East Community College is your local, non-profit, adult education provider. We offer hundreds of short courses to the people of Inner and Eastern Sydney. For new skills, improved fitness or to advance your career take a look at our wide range of affordable courses. This non-profit organisation has provided a range of vocational, artistic and creative courses to students since 1952. Working co-operatively with local community organisations, schools and neighbourhood facilities, CECC introduces new courses each term that cater to educational needs of small businesses, parents school leavers, job seekers and seniors. Put simply, there’s something for everyone who wants to enrich their lives with knowledge. CECC prides itself on celebrating diversity and inclusion, you’d be scarce to find such a wide range of opportunities to learn at your fingertips.

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A missing tooth can cause so much harm to the adjacent teeth and it should be replaced to restore Aesthetics, Function and Oral health. Implants have undergone many developments over the past few years. Nowadays it takes about 15-30 minutes to place a dental implant with only few drops of local anaesthetic.


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Implants The main alternative to dentures Dental to can replace each tooth with an individual implant, this can be Awas missing tooth cause so much harm to the adjacent teeth and it should be very expensive and time consuming! replaced to restore Aesthetics, Function and Oral health. Implants undergone manyis less than 1/4 of the price and you will get the final The new procedure of Full teeth on 4have implants developments over the past few years. Nowadays it takes about 15-30 minutes teeth immediately (within 1-3 days only). to place a dental implant with few drops of local anaesthetic. No more Dentures means stable only teeth that you can eat and taste everything with, it means having a confident smile and restoring a younger more vibrant look. Snap-on Smile Full teeth on 4 implants The main alternative to dentures was to replace each tooth with an individual implant, this can be very expensive and time consuming! The new procedure of Full teeth on 4 implants is less than 1/4 of the price and you will get the final teeth immediately (within 1-3 days only). No more Dentures means stable teeth that you can eat and taste everything with, it means having a confident smile and restoring a younger more vibrant look. Dental implant consultations are FREE so cal 9328 1423 or visit:


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BEST OF SYDNEY 2016 Best service for Cat-Lovers Cat Protection Society

Since 1958, this feline friendly organisation has helped find hospitable homes for thousands of stray cats. Their crusade has contributed to a more controlled population, less delinquency and preservation of wildlife. Sydneysiders alike have benefited from the joy of adopting desexed, vaccinated cats at CPS. 103 Enmore Rd, Newtown,. 9557 1011


Best Buttons All Buttons



Next time you watch Star Wars or Moulin Rouge, look closer at the costumes. Since 1989, owner Lucy Godoroja has supplied theatre and movie personnel with accessories from her impressive button emporium. Once a humble haberdasher, Godoroja’s collection now includes Swarovski, diamonte, enamelled, wooden, novelty, antique, metallic and so much more. They make buttons to order and will cover them with your chosen fabric. With it’s quaint interior and quirky paraphernalia, something here is bound to push your… you know. Mon – Fri:10am – 5pm, Thurs: 10am – 7pm, Sat: 10am – 4pm. 419A King Street, Newtown.

It’s an exciting moment when you make the final decision to renovate your kitchen. It can also be quite daunting unless you know where to go. You don’t need to do exhaustive searches. BV Kitchens in Yennora comes highly recommended and has been operating since the 1970s as a friendly, family business. With quality materials and the latest control technology, BV Kitchens realises that craftsmanship, know-how and experienced personnel in the production process are essential. The furniture is backed up with a ten year guarantee. 63 Railway Street Yennora. 98922522

For those involved in the world of fine art, a new retail store has opened on Enmore Road in Newtown. Pigment Lab is a purveyor of fine art, design & illustration supplies. All products are of a higher quality so the shop is filled with exciting colours, surfaces & accessories. Staff are practising artists & professional educators who can advise you on which products best suit your requirement. You can check them out Monday – Friday from 10-6 (Thurs 7), Saturday 9:30-4:30 and Sunday 11-2:30. Plus the bonus of free parking. Shop 3, 80 Enmore Road Newtown 9516 1519,

YOUR CHILDREN ARE AMAZING ALREADY. WE JUST HELP THEM PROVE IT. From Kindy to Year 10, NumberWorks’nWords afterschool tuition brings out the best in Aussie students by: • tailoring lessons according to each individual’s needs • setting achievable goals and monitoring their progress • developing our own programmes using only qualified Maths and English experts 28


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EcO-LiViNg EcO-LiViNg FaIr FaIr CeLeBrAtE SuStAiNaBlE DaD’S DaY LiVe EnTeRtAiNmEnT DiY WoRkShOpS OrGaNiC MaRkEt StAlLs FrEe KiDs AcTiViTiEs SoLaR ExPeRtS

- SpEeD DaTe WiTh An ExPeRt -

BoOk NoW! O RG A N I C


Bee Kee



Market stalls

SuNdAy 4 SePtEmBeR 9:30Am–3Pm


RaNdWiCk CoMmUnItY CeNtRe 27 MuNdA StReEt, RaNdWiCk 30


ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT His “male Bridget Jones” soon evolved however to encompass religious issues, as he pondered what his Greek Orthodox parents would make of it he were to bring home a Lebanese Muslim partner. “All the characters are misguided rather than out and out racists, it’s their ignorance which is at play rather than out and out hatred,” explains Lykos. This production marks the tenth anniversary of this whirlwind Australian romantic comedy. It’s a perfect opportunity for fans of the play to revisit, for fans of the movie to see the roots and “what happens next”, and for first timers to become besotted with this endearing tale. (AM) Aug 25–28. Factory Theatre, 105 Victoria Road, Marrickville. $14-$18.40.Tickets & info: or www.

Look Back in Anger Robin Goldsworthy and Andrew Henry Photo: John Marmaras

The 60th Anniversary Production of Look Back in Anger has a message about being heard, finding a voice, and themes of love, class distinction and gender roles in society. Look Back in Anger is considered the first of the Kitchen Sink dramas. “There was nothing like Look Back in Anger in the theatre before, it was the first time for a play that was so raw. It was wrong for people to show how they were feeling, you had to hold back your feelings and be proper about it. It was a very loud point of view, hard hitting realism during a time there were a lot of comedies and silly musicals,” explained Melissa Bonne, who plays Alison.

Because of the times it was written (1956), even if they had an education the working class in Britain weren’t given the same privileges that the upper class had.There was a lot of anger about not having access to certain jobs, for example, because of their background. There was a ridiculous gap between the classes. “It’s a bit horrifying in parts, it gets ugly and awful, very in your face and confronting, emotionally intense but there’s bits that are light and funny so it’s not all doom and gloom.The language Osbourne uses and the imagery is so strong, really capturing each character’s point of view of the world and of each other. It is written deeply and authentically to reveal human spirit as opposed to a plot driven piece,” concluded Bonne. (MS) Until Sep 10*;Tue-Sat 7.30pm, Sun 5pm. Old Fitz Theatre, 129 Dowling Street, cnr Cathedral Street. $28-$38.Tickets & info: *Extension season at Belvoir’s Downstairs Theatre 13-17 September (Tickets not yet on sale).


31 STAGE 32 SCREEN 33 SCENE 34 Sounds

Kooza by Cirque du Soleil The worldrenowned Cirque du Soleil not only returns to Sydney next week, but also returns to its roots as it pays homage to the traditions of circus performance with their death defying and colourful show Kooza. Since its world premiere in Montreal in 2007, Kooza has been seen by over 7 million people around the world. Kooza combines thrilling acrobatic performance with the art of clowning. Follow “The Innocent” as he takes a journey of self-discovery through a comic kingdom of eccentric characters and out-of-the-box surprises. This production marks performer Aaron Felske’s second time with the company. Felske says he “leapt at the chance to be able to do it again” because his Photo: Matt Beard, Costumes: Marie-Chantale Vaillancourt

This charming and unpretentious love story about an unconventional Australian couple was introduced to its greatest audiences when it was adapted into the popular 2015 film. But before they made it to the screen,Alex and Eve first met on stage where their riotous love affair and feuding families spawned three plays. Alex & Eve:The Complete Story combines and condenses the original Alex & Eve (2006) with sequels Alex & Eve:The Wedding (2009) and Alex & Eve:The Baby (2011). Writer Alex Lykos says he sacrificed certain subplots in order to “tell the story, not just the good bits…[of] two people who fall in love whose major obstacle is their parents and their communities”. Lykos was first inspired to write Alex & Eve as a counterpart to all the television and cinema based around the psyche of single, childless women in their 30s that surrounded him in the early 2000’s.

first time around was “a phenomenal experience”. In Kooza, Felske performs as either the Trickster or in the house troupe depending on the night, both of which involve considerable makeup work prior to the show (anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours). As Felske explained, Cirque is such a special experience for many of the performers as it incorporates “all of the elements of performance from singing to dancing and acting plus the makeup and extravagant costumes”. (JA) Aug 25–Nov 6, varied performance times. Entertainment Quater, 122 Lang Rd, Moore Park. $60-$355.Tickets & info:

Aladdin The Musical Seeing Disney’s Photo: Deen van Meer beloved tale transformed from animation live on stage, you could easily be forgiven for thinking the team behind this production found their very own genie and used his magic to create something so stunning. The entire cast does wonderfully in their various roles, but one in particular steals the show with his presence and energy. Michael James Scott as the Genie brings a unique flair to the character (that as a childhood fan of Robin Williams’ portrayal I thought would be virtually impossible to top). Another element of the production that is incredibly memorable are the grand elaborate

Arts Editors: Jamie Apps - Alannah Maher For more A&E stories go to and don’t forget to join the conversation on Twitter at @AltMediaSydney

sets, in particular the golden cave which will mesmorise you when it first appears. The only downfall of the show is that some of the additional songs written specifically for the stage adaptation fail to capture the resonance of the animated films’ originals. Despite this slight downside this show comes with my highest recommendation for people of all ages, at almost 30 years old I found myself wanting to burst out into song with the young

girl next me. (JA) Until Nov 20, varied performance times. Capitol Theatre, 13 Campbell St, Haymarket. $75-195. Tickets & info:

Contributors: Carmen Cita, Craig Coventry, Greg Webster, Alicia Sim, Peter Urquhart, James Harkness, Leann Richards, Lisa Seltzer, Mark Morellini, Mel Somerville, Rocio Belinda Mendez, Sarah Pritchard, Athina Mallis, Leigh Livingstone, Joseph Rana, Shon Ho, Jacqui Rothwell, Emily Shen, Andrew Hodgson, Irina Dunn, Cindy Aravena, Jacob Aguilar, Caitlin Burns, Zeiya Speede, Rita Bratovich, Chantal Walsh, Raffaele Piccolo, Barbara Karpinski, Taylah Felice, Sean Golding.

city hub 25 AUGUST 2016


“The movie created a skeleton plot line which is fascinating. It’s a good enough plot line to be able to be adapted and taken on a different journey.” The plot centres around a female psychiatrist who intervenes when one of her patients is threatened over a debt owed to a shady con artist. After meeting with the con man, with whom she becomes sexually involved, she is drawn into the seedy Chicago underworld of gambling. For the sake of authenticity, Fischer engaged a magician to coach the actors on card handling and the finer points of poker. The cast also went to pubs and played some actual games. “The things you do in the name of art…drink beer and play poker!” Fischer facetiously added. With clever set changes, “kick-ass” music, engaging characters and numerous twists, Fischer hopes her audiences will leave feeling thoroughly entertained but also cogently aware that “yes, it could happen to you.” (RB) Until Sep 10, varied performance times. New Theatre, 542 King Street, Newtown. $17-$32. Tickets & info:

House of Games Talking to director Louise Fischer about her upcoming production is like navigating a minefield of potential spoilers. “I don’t want to give anything away,” becomes a mantra. All the more enticing for a play that already sounds delectably intriguing. Written and directed by David Mamet in 1987 as a film, the script was adapted for stage by Richard Bean in 2010, premiering in London to mixed reviews. The film version is dark and sombre with dry, functional dialogue. Bean’s adaptation is, as Fischer puts it “…Bean-ified… so there’s a wonderful wry humour to it”.

A Conversation With Julie Andrews & Emma Walton Hamilton At this special Sydney-exclusive event, Julie Andrews and her daughter Emma Walton Hamilton will share personal stories and insights into their careers. The ‘informal’ talk will take place on the recreated stage set of My Fair Lady, where the Andrews-directed 60th anniversary production will shortly premiere. “It is a thrill for me to be in Australia and have the opportunity to direct the very musical that significantly launched my career,” said Andrews. “This unique opportunity of having my lovely Emma join me on stage for an open conversation with an audience prior to our opening warms my heart.” Andrews and Walton Hamilton will engage the audience in an informal setting as they discuss Julie’s work as one of the world’s most loved performers and their work together as critically acclaimed best-selling authors and television creators and producers. Together they have published 30 books and created several television projects committed to stimulating a

sense of wonder and learning in children. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get up close and personal with two of the entertainment industry’s most formidable women. (AM) Aug 28, 12noon. Joan Sutherland Theatre, Sydney Opera House. $44-$139. Tickets & info:

The Shallows

The storylines are highly improbable, but the credible performance by Lively and the ongoing scare tactics mandatory to this style of films will keep audiences at the edge of their seats. Ultimately, audiences will humorously question why these killer sharks continually menace the protagonist in films of this genre when there’s evident food supplies in the surrounding waters, and especially after having devoured so many other unfortunate bystanders. (MMo)

Just when you thought it would be idyllic to get back to the beach after a long miserable winter, along comes a ‘B grade’ feature which should ensure movie-goers stay out of the water and in the safety of darkened cinemas. This chilling story of human endurance and the desperate fight for survival is simplistic. While surfing on a desolate Mexican beach, a bikini clad surfer (Blake Lively) seeks refuge on a reef from a killer shark and has only five hours until high tide diminishes her chance of survival. Produced on a relatively small budget in Australia, this is an engaging and genuinely terrifying film with realistic shark attack sequences and blood splattering ‘self-applied’ medical procedures which may be unsettling.

leaves the family home in Newark to attend College in Ohio. Here he finds his values and forbearance tested by incompatible room mates, forced rituals, a fraught infatuation with the beautiful, broken Olivia Hutton (Sarah Gadon), and intense antler clashes with the Dean (Tracy Letts). Focusing the story on Marcus only makes him seem egocentric and tiresome. “How about extending some tolerance to me, sir?” This supercilious plea to the Dean could be Marcus’ motto. He behaves like a victim, but the real drama isn’t happening to him, it’s happening around him. The Korean War is referenced throughout, but its relevance in the narrative is difficult to determine with any certainty. The film is sumptuous and nostalgic, the dialogue is engaging and the performances are very strong. If you’re not too analytical, then you may just be moved. (RB)

Indignation It has been described as a sensitive coming-of-age love story, but Indignation feels more like one long narcissistic tantrum. James Schamus (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) makes his debut as a director, also writing the screenplay, an adaptation of the Philip Roth novel. He has created a film with high aesthetic quality and visual authenticity. What it lacks is intuition. The plot is set in America in 1951, centring around teenage Jewish boy Marcus Messner (Logan Lerman), only son of Max (Dan Burstein) and Esther Messner (Linda Emond). Unable to bear the paranoid concerns of his father – which border on mental instability – Marcus 32

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War Dogs

Set in the mid-2000s War Dogs tells the ‘based on a true story’ tale of two twenty-something Miami boys who got rich by bidding on US military contracts during the Iraq War. Enter funny guys Jonah Hill and Miles Teller, as well as direction from The Hangover trilogy’s Todd Phillips, and you’ve immediately interested a certain cinema crowd. Phillips knows what his audiences want – seemingly everyday characters indulging in the bad risks we wouldn’t dare take – and watching on as it all selfimplodes.

It’s undeniably Hill’s movie, his screen bravado luring Teller’s character’s attention as well as our own. Teller’s portrayal of the gullible friend in desperate need of cash is by far more relatable, but Hill’s absurdity wins fans over in the end. It’s a cheap laugh (with a great soundtrack) but it falls short of becoming Phillip’s next unexpected comedic hit. It does, however, leave a visible commentary on America’s attitude to fast winnings and how easy it is to get tangled up. Not bad. (SG). WWW


THE OLYMPICS – CAN WE PLEASE HAVE THE BILL? With Coffin Ed, Jay Katz and Miss Death The Olympics are over for another four years and no doubt the endless post-mortems are about to follow. Compared to more recent Olympics, like London and Beijing, you have to admit Rio had it all – Russian drug cheats banned, submerged sofas on the kayak course, athletes and tourists mugged, street protests, high level ticket scalping and corruption and controversy over intersex athletes. It was a media feast par excellence and no doubt will continue to be so for weeks to come.The Sydney Morning Herald recently estimated the cost to the Australian taxpayer per gold medal of around $11 million and you might well say, thank god we didn’t win any more! Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way and we wonder whether we will ever see a detailed bill for the four year cost of getting our supersized team to Rio and back. Critics of the big bucks in Government subsidising of our athletes are usually countered with the argument of “look what their success does for our national pride”, translating into increased economic confidence and greater overall prosperity.The latter might well be correct as we look back at the financial legacy of our own Sydney

Olympics.The winner might have been Sydney, but the real winners were the landlords and real estate vendors who jacked up prices post Olympics as Sydney asserted itself as a ‘truly international city’. So what now for the next four years as we lick our wounds for Rio and prepare, no doubt, for another bumper team for Tokyo in 2020.The millions splurged getting to Brazil will soon be forgotten, the naysayers silenced and our national fervour rekindled as we strive for what the ABC’s legendary Norman May once celebrated as “Gold, Gold Gold!”.There’s even a

suggestion that a city like Brisbane may well put in a bid for the Olympics in the decades to come. Silly Brisbane! We might be enthusiastic about repeating the whole Olympic experience in 2020, but will an increasingly troubled and fractured world match that keenness? Not to mention the rampant disillusion that comes with endless doping scandals and countries such as Russia stooping even so low as to dope up their Paralympians. And then of course there’s the contentious issue of what so called sports should be added to the

Olympic schedule, given the IOC’s continual desire to appeal to a younger generation and introduce new and funky competitions like BMX and skateboarding. Here’s where Australia could really come to the fore as we push for some of our unique ‘pastimes’ to be included as Olympic sports. A Darwin style beer can regatta could certainly be added to the rather boring sailing events, emphasising the need for global recycling and a call to real ingenuity in design.Aussies love a good belly flop into the backyard pool and an Olympic style ‘beer belly’ flop, 200kg and over, would be an instant ratings success.We also love those inflatable Sumo suits and you can’t tell us they wouldn’t brighten up the otherwise unfathomable Greco Roman wrestling. There’s lots of things we are uniquely good in doing and we should certainly make our case known. Hey,Aussies love to dump trash, in all sorts of ‘secret’ places like pristine bushland and the bottom of rivers.A submerged sofa comp, in which teams of athletes attempt to drag down as many sofas as they can into some murky waterhole, would be a real test of endurance and a suitable homage to the kayak course at the Rio.

Bronwen Williams – Vox Dissonus Through a hybrid experimental form made up of sonic and visual elements, Bronwen Williams’ exhibition Vox Dissonus, explores the complexities of cross-cultural living and mixed-race identity. Williams describes it as an opportunity to examine contemporary race politics through the process of active listening. “The title Vox Dissonus…translates to ‘voices of disagreement (dissonance)’,” she explained “From my experience, as a Chinese-BritishAustralian citizen, and participating in countless race-based interactions, both subtle and explicit, I have come to understand the power of voice and speech, the agency in the identity of whoever is speaking and the importance of listening,” she said. Her sound sculptures draw upon the use of beat frequencies – a psychoacoustic phenomenon that occurs when two frequencies (within 30Hz of each other) are played in unison. Rather than occupying a single tone, the frequencies create throbbing and jarring pulses. “Historically in Australia, and many other Western countries, the voices of people of colour have been ignored, silenced or made to seem invalid. My work challenges the audience to listen to voices, sounds and opinions that historically would be considered ‘disagreeable’ or ‘dissonant’.” “In my experience I have found that when race is addressed, it is very often addressed in relation to

being Caucasian.This is exemplified in the exoticising of non-white cultures, the fetishisation of people of colour, and the consumption of non-western culture by Western countries,” she said. “I want to destabilise this way of thinking because thinking that non-white people and non-western

cultures are consumable commodities is what strengthens racism and it contributes to why racism still exists in Australia.” (SH) Aug 25–Sep 18. MOP Projects, 2/39 Abercrombie Street, Chippendale. Free. Info:

Sydney born artist Jake Williams presents a collection of his bright and brazen works thanks to Lost At E Minor and Fostered. Inspired by the ocean and landscapes that surrounded him whilst growing up on Sydney and the mid north coast, this influence is still strong in his sweeping landscapes and intriguing use of colour and light which mimics the glittering retractions of light across the surface of water. This collection features colourful scenery tinged with the psychedelic and striking portraits layered with texture. The artworks completed on recycled records are especially unique. In his artist statement, Williams said: “My recent collection of works is an extension of my inner self, a reminder of the infinite possibilities one may be lucky enough to encounter in a lifetime and the endless surroundings of our natural world. It is a journey, an exploration of emotions, locations and living in the moment.” (AM) Until Sep 1. Fostered, Level 4, 78-84 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills. Free. Info: search ‘Jake Williams: The Introduction’ on Facebook

The Art Of Feminism Correction

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Last week as part of our coverage of FemFlix & The Ladies Network in our cover story The City Hub newspaper made an error in relation to Dr Jacqueline Millner’s job title. We incorrectly stated that Dr Milner was the Dean at Sydney College Of The Arts whereas we should have listed her as Associate Dean (Research) at Sydney College Of The Arts, The City Hub apologises for any confusion this may have caused.

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city hub 25 AUGUST 2016


Sydney Live Music Guide LIVE WIRE By Jamie Apps Danny Ross: Ross emerges from a six-and-a-half year silent meditation where he worked on new album Aquamarine while reflecting on the dynamics between people.The unique combination of dark, euro-electro and lucid, folk/blues vocals is bound to captivate audiences. Thu, Aug 25, Lazybones Lounge Jazz Is Dead: A new initiative of Artistic Director Zoe Hauptmann, SIMA’s “Jazz is Dead” band nights will present projects that dwell on the fringes of the jazz scene, living in the limbo between musical territories. Expressing current trends, different forms and musics from other worlds this will be a night of fresh and diverse sound to rattle your bones. This week features Danaîdes, Carl Morgan and Project Collective Ska all hitting the stage. Fri, Aug 26,Venue 505 Leanne Tennant: Having just released an album filled with songs inspired by a movie about a nymphomaniac, named after a 1927 Blind Lemon Jefferson blues number, Qld Music Award Winner and 2016 Billy Thorpe Scholarship finalist Leanne Tennant arrives in Sydney this week to showcase Red Wine, Late Nights. Fri, Aug 26, Sofar Sounds The Umbrellas: As a fitting conclusion to the Winter Jazz

series, Sima is proud to present a truly unique night of music as The Umbrellas play the music of Nino Rota. The concert is compromised of six suites of music from the films of the great Italian director Federico Fellini, composed by revered Italian composer Nino Rota and arranged by Peter Dasent. The Umbrellas perform music from some of the most famous films, including La Strada and La Dolce Vita. Sat, Aug 27,The Sound Lounge (Seymour Centre) Two Steps On The Water: This band produces music which is tragic and furious, heavy and soft, whispered and screamed. Lyrically, the band’s songs deal primarily with singer/guitarist June Jones’ experience as a trans woman with PTSD, while instrumentally, Jones’s nylon string guitar, Sienna Thornton’s soaring violin and Jonathan Nash’s restrained yet powerful drumming place the band somewhere inside a folk music context. Sun, Aug 28, Jura Books Go Van Go: Brisbane based two-piece rock outfit Go Van Go have just released their banging new EP Kill City: Renegades. Join them as they use this show as the ultimate afterparty to celebrate the release. Wed, Aug 31, Frankie’s

By Jamie Apps Georgia first found out she was pregnant just before starting work on her second full-length album release Astral Debris, which obviously dramatically altered the way the record was made. “I felt my songwriting process was my usual, but certainly the album’s production process was different because I had an ever-expanding belly and wasn’t able to go into the studio for three weeks straight, instead I had to do little bits here and there,” Georgia explained.“It was a pretty amazing experience having a little baby inside while also working on my little album baby.” Whilst her personal life was going through some big changes Georgia decided she also wanted to get out of her “comfort zone” and experiment with her sound on the new record.This was achieved by bringing electronic artist and producer Tim Shiel onto the team in order to inject electronic and synth elements into the music.This however wasn’t the only change as Georgia also looked to use some of her other skills, in particular string section

composition, to add another dimension to the record. Early praise for singles ‘Hood & The Hunter’ and ‘Open Orange’ suggest that this new direction was a smart choice. Georgia said hearing the positive

Mick Harvey – Delirium Tremens

This album is varied in execution. Beginning with a dramatic reading enhanced by crashing notes rising in volume and wavering in pitch, the listener hears the story of the man with the cabbage head. Lightening in intensity while holding onto the drama, the listener would miss out on a part of the story if they were to press stop now. Tinkling notes tantalise the ears and attract attention this way and now that. Later the feel becomes more Latin, then travelling folk then another change. Delirium Tremens wavers across genres like the trembling consciousness of withdrawal, flashing with speed and insistency. There are other voices that add to this chaotic mix of creativity, like lucid dreams that visit the sick, there is no clear path but there is no option but to follow until the sickness breaks. Intriguing, compelling, contrasting. (SP) WWW1/2

reviews come in was “really lovely and very flattering because it is a bit of a different sound for me... It’s reassuring to feel as though people still hear it as being me and part of my expression.” While her baby is yet to inspire “anything with words” Georgia explained exclusively to the City Hub that she is already responsible for at least one song, and likely more in the future. “There is a piece of instrumental music that I composed while I was pregnant which features on the film Winter At Westbeth, which I wrote while I was pregnant and was inspired by my daughter.” Although technically “not a baby anymore because she’s nearly two”, Georgia glows when speaking about her daughter and says “I think while you can still pick them up they’re still your baby, but maybe even when she’s 15 I’ll be trying to pick her up and say she’s my baby”. Sep 1. Sydney High Tea – Secret Location, Surry Hills.To get an exclusive invite going the High Tea Society here:

Of Montreal – Innocence Reaches

Sassy and regulated like a robot that runs on jalapeños. Of Montreal’s Innocence Reaches hits the beats with the timing of a metronome and slides from social injustices to satire without altering the speed or the tone of those oh so regulated words. Listeners will go deeper down the rabbit hole without even knowing it, enjoying that sweet and slightly confusing mix of calm and upheaval. Past revelers in the controlled climate created by Of Montreal will know what they are in for and they will fall all the quicker into the rabbit hole.You find the best though least explainable things in this realm of mental underground creatures. The head of any listener may be moving slightly, the limbs may be almost still, but inside the brain where the music finds its mark, there are unknown things moving about, new fraternisation, new ideas. (SP) WWW

NOTICE On 29 November 2015, at approximately, 1:30am, a Black Holden Opel was travelling along Shakespeare Place, Woolloomooloo, in the State of New South Wales. At the same time and date, a Taxi’s Combined station wagon merged onto the same road from Macquarie Street and collided into the passenger side of the Black Holden Opel.



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