Scuola popolare di cittadinanza di Rebbio
migrant population (passing and resident), as well as to the indigenous population, opportunities of knowledge and comparison The meetings already on the fundamental issues of community scheduled for 2019, life. The idea is the result of the migrants all titled with a verb to welcoming and accompanying experience signify their active and by the Parish of Rebbio. This experience has creative value, are: been gathered by different organizations and people from different cultural and political 24 February 2019 areas, engaged in social promotion and in DOING POLITICS the defence of human rights activities for Representation, all. It is based on the recognition of the participation and multiethnic reality of our territory, of its citizenship ϐ overcome, and on the challenge of outlining 7 April 2019 LIVING a common path towards informed, aware, Where, how, with participated and active citizenship. whom
ϐ experimental sessions last year, by gradually 12 May 2019 SELF RECOGNIZING reaching method and work choices aimed at enhancing all the participants
ǡ ϐ as protagonists of the School meetings. and meetings The appointments are held with the September / October collaboration and the attendance persons TO BELIEVE ϐ on the covered topics. The “Popular School November of Citizenship of Rebbio” links its name to GETTING Rebbio and to the human, social, civil and to INFORMED the ethical wealth that belongs to this place.
Scuola popolare di cittadinanza di Rebbio
DOING POLITICS Representation, participation, citizenship
Sunday 24th February 2,30 pm Parish of Rebbio, via Lissi 11 Como
We’ll talk about it with Raffaele Mantegazza, professor at the Bicocca University in Milan. We will try to think about what politics means for us, how it is practiced, in which forms and contexts. We will discuss concrete cases to identify the problematic issues underlying the idea of participation, representation, citizenship and democracy. An exchange that we hope ZLOO HQULFK WKH FDSDFLW\ IRU UHÀHFWLRQ action and coexistence of each one. Migrants and natives are invited together at the meeting, organized by the Popular School of Citizenship of Rebbio.