Presidential Scrapbook 18-31 Ulysses S. Grant through Herbert Hoover
● Served from 1869-1877 ● Vice President- Schuyler Colfax and Henry Wilson ● Elected from Ohio ● Political Party- Republican ● Domestic Issues Reconstruction- Had to recover after the Civil War Fiscal Policy- Adjusting its spending levels and tax rates to monitor a nation's economy ● Foreign Issues: Cuban Insurrection- Cuban rebels from Spain Alabama Claims- Britain owed compensation ● The “S” in his name didn’t stand for anything ● Scandal!!!!!:Black Friday-go speculation ring
#18 Ulysses S Grant
“I propose to fight it out on this line, if it takes all summer”
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1877-1881 Vice President- William A.Wheeler Elected from Ohio Political Party- Republican Domestic Issues
End of Reconstruction- He played to end it by leaving most of the south in the hands of the Democratic Party.
#19Rutherford B. Hayes
Treatment of Native Americans- Gave away several million dollars to aid those who lost their land. ●
Foreign Affairs
Relations with Mexico and China- Ordered the army to keep “lawless bands” from invading the United States. A Transoceanic Route- a connection to the Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean Refused to run a second term Scandal!!!!!!!!!
“As friends go it is less important to live”
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1881- 1881 Vice President: Chester A. Arthur Elected from Ohio Political Party- Republican Domestic issues
20- James A. Garfield #
He was murdered before he had any . ● Foreign Affairs He was murdered before any issues. ●
He was the second president to be assassinated ● Scandal!!!!!!!!!!! Took a year for his killer to be caught and assassinated.
“Right reason is stronger than force “
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1881- 1885 Vice President: Vacant Elected from New York Political Party- Republican Domestic Issues
Reducing Tariffs- High surplus , a condition that presented a major financial problem when money was in short supply. Reforming Civil Service Policies- Signed the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act. ●
Foreign Affairs “Father of the Steel Navy”- Construction of steam-powered steel cruisers, steel rams, and steel-clad gunboats.
● ●
He had no vice president. Scandal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#21-Chester A. Arthur “Men may die, but the fabrics free institution s remains unshake n”
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1885- 1889 Vice President- Thomas A. Hendricks Elected from New York Political Party- Democrat Domestic Issues
Legislative Impact- Bland- Allison Silver Purchase Act of 1878 and tariff reduction.
22- Grover Cleveland
Women RIght’s- He criticized polygamy. ●
Foreign Issues
Alliances and Power in the Pacific- produced a tripartite over the islands signed by Germany, Britain, and United States.
Disputes in the Americas- Cleveland wrote the “twentyinch gun” missive in which he threatened Britain with war ● ●
FIrst president to serve non consecutive terms Scandals!!!!!!!!!! Illicit pregnancy and cover up.
“I have tried so hard to do right”
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1889- 1893 Vice President- Levi P, Morton Elected from Indiana/ Political Party- Republican Domestic Issues Legislating Foreign Trade-Supported tariff of 1890, raising rates an average of 49,5 percent
#23 Benjamin Harrison
Regulating Corporate Giants- Supported the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, first federal law to regulate giant corporations. ●
Foreign Issues
Pan-American Conference- Negotiated the establishment of a protectorate over the Samoan Islands with Germany and Great Britain ● ●
First president to use electricity in the White House. Scandal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Inherited a massive budget surplus
“”The bud of victory is always in the truth”
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1893- 1897 Vice President- Levi P. Morton Elected from New York Political Party- Democrat Domestic Issues
Legislative Impact- Bland- Allison Silver Purchase Act of 1878 and tariff reduction.
24- Grover Cleveland
Women RIght’s- He criticized polygamy. ●
Foreign Issues
Alliances and Power in the Pacific- produced a tripartite over the islands signed by Germany, Britain, and United States.
Disputes in the Americas- Cleveland wrote the “twentyinch gun” missive in which he threatened Britain with war ● ●
FIrst president to serve non consecutive terms Scandals!!!!!!!!!! Allegation of philandering
“I have tried so hard to do right”
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1897- 1901 Vice President- Garret Hobart/Theodore Roosevelt Elected from Ohio Political Party- Republican Domestic Issues
#25 William Mckinley
Race Relations- Mckinley denounced lynching in his 1897 inaugural address but failed to condemn that practice formally Labor Relations - Endorsement of the Erdman Act of 1898, which created a mechanism for mediating wage disputes on interstate railroads. ●
Foreign Issues
Filipino Revolt- sent thousands of American marines and sailor to the island after insurgency broke out. Spanish- American War- Paris Peace Treaty was signed on december 10, United States obtained Puerto Rico, Guam, and the philippine Islands for 20 million. ● ●
First in a automobile Scandal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Used the phillipines for a large naval and marine force.
In the time of darkest defeat, victory may be nearest” “
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1901-1909 Vice President- Charles W. Fairbanks Elected from New York Political Party- Republican Domestic Issues
Square Deal- Deal worked to balance competing interests to for all sides . Conservation-Signed the Newlands Reclamation Bill, used money from federal land sales to build reservoirs and irrigation works to promote agriculture in the arid West. ●
Foreign Issues
Philippines- Taft was able to negotiate with congress for a bill that included a governor general, an independent judiciary, and the legislative assembly. Peacemaker- Won a Nobel Prize for peace for settling wars in other countries. ● ●
#26 Theodore Roosevelt
A boxer left him virtually blind in his left eye Scandal!!!!!!!!!! Purchasing Panama Canal, overthrew government of panama .
“Speak softly and carry a big stick”
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1909- 1913 James S. Sherman Political Party- Whigs Elected from Ohio Domestic Issues
Trust-Busting- Taft moved to break up U.S. Steel, Roosevelt accused him of a lack of insight- unable to distinguish between “good” and “bad” trusts.
#27William Howard Taft
Presidential Missteps - His special congressional session to revise the tariff downward.
“Enthusias m for a Expansion of U.S. Foreign Trade- Pursued a program cause known as “Dollar Diplomacy” designed to encourage U.S. sometimes investments in South and Central America, the Caribbean, warps and the Far East. judgement ● Taft tended to fall asleep at public functions. ” ●
Foreign Issues
Scandal!!!!!!! Political party split
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1913- 1921 Vice President- Thomas R. Marshall Political Party- Democrat Elected from New Jersey Domestic Issues
Federal Wartime Authority-Wilson Established a War Industries Board to coordinate industrial production.
#28Woodrow Wilson
Civil Liberties during the War Years- Created the Committee on Public Information headed by George Creel, a muckraking journalist. ●
Foreign Issues
Neutrality in World War 1- He remained neutral because the American economy was in a recession End of Neutrality- German torpedoed the British Liner Lusitania off the coast killing nearly 1200 people including 128 Americans ● ●
Only President to be buried in Washington D,C. Scandal!!!!!!!!!!!! Navy’s handling of the homosexuality investigation
“The seed of revolution is repression ”
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1921-1923 Vice President- Calvin Coolidge Political Party- Republican Elected from Ohio Domestic Issues
Washington Armament Conference- Negotiate freezing the present status. ●
#29 Warren G. Harding
Foreign Issues
Men of Competence and Corruption- Transformed the Department of Commerce into an efficient and effective support agency for U.S. business at home and abroad. “I don’t know much about Immigration Quotas and Pro-Business StanceAmericanism, Stipulated that the annual immigration of a given nationality but it’s a da** could not exceed 3 percent of the number of immigration from good word with which to that nation residing in the U.S. in 1910. carry an election” ● Pardoned Eugene V. Debs ● Scandal!!!!!!!! Teapot Dome Scandal- put many friends in positions of power and influence with his election
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1923- 1929 Charles G. Dawes Political Party- Republican Elected from Massachusetts Domestic Issues
Immigration Act of 1924- Set strict quotas on the number of eastern and southern Europeans allowed into America and Excluded the Japanese Altogether Mississippi River Flood of 1927Believed cities and states should bear the costs, but ultimately acquiesced in a compromise that spared the localities that burden. ●
Foreign Issues
Kellogg-Briand Pact- Renounced war as a means of solving conflicts. Direct Investments- rose from 1.26 billion in 1920 to 3.52 billion in 1928 ● ●
He was born on 4th of July Scandal!!!!!!!!
#30 Calvin Coolidge “I takes a great man to be a good listener”
● ● ● ● ●
Served 1929-1933 Vice President - Charles Curtis Political Party- Republican Elected from Iowa Domestic Issues Treaty of Versailles- Required Germany to pay reparations to France and Britain. Bonus Bill- allows veterans to borrow up to one-half the value of life insurance policies that Congress had purchased in 1924.
Foreign Issues Disarmament- Sent Secretary of State Stimson and a highly credentialed, bipartisan delegation to the London Naval Conference to discuss further reductions in naval armaments. Good Neighbor Policy- Established a solid foundation on which his immediate successor could build.
#31 Herbert Hoover
He was a self-made multi-millionaire. Scandal!!!!!! A broken promise about giving Army troops a bonus.
“Children are our most valuable natural resource”
Citations Cover page: ●,. (2015). Retrieved 30 November 2015, from http://www.
Ulysses S Grant ●
Ulysses S. Grant: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/grant-domestic-affairs
Ulysses S. Grant: Foreign Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/grant-foreign-affairs
Ulysses S. Grant Quotes at BrainyQuote. (2016). BrainyQuote. Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://www.brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/u/ulysses_s_grant.html
John Adams ●
Rutherford B. Hayes: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/hayes-domestic-affairs
Rutherford B. Hayes: Foreign Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/hayes-foreign-affairs
10 Interesting Facts About Rutherford Hayes. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://www.
James A. Garfield ●
James A. Garfield: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/garfield-domestic-affairs
10 Interesting Facts About James Garfield. (2016) Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://www.
James A. Garfield Quotes at BrainyQuote. (2016). BrainyQuote. Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://www.brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/j/james_a_garfield.html
Chester A. Arthur ●
Chester A. Arthur: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/arthur-domestic-affairs
Chester A. Arthur: Foreign Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/arthur-foreign-affairs
10 Interesting Facts About Chester Arthur. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://www.
Grover CLeveland ●
Grover Cleveland: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/cleveland-domestic-affairs
Grover Cleveland: Foreign Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/cleveland-foreign-affairs
America's Forgotten Presidential Sex Scandal. (2011). The Daily Beast. Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://www.thedailybeast. com/articles/2011/05/23/grover-clevelands-sex-scandal-the-most-despicable-in-american-political-history.html
Benjamin Harrison ●
Benjamin Harrison: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/bharrison-domestic-affairs
Benjamin Harrison: Foreign Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/bharrison-foreign-affairs
10 Interesting Facts About Benjamin Harrison. (2016) Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://www.republicanpresidents. net/10-interesting-facts-about-benjamin-harrison/
● William Mckinley ●
William McKinley: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/mckinley-domestic-affairs
William McKinley: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/mckinley-domestic-affairs
10 Interesting Facts About William McKinley. (2016) Retrieved 8 April 2016, from
Theodore Roosevelt ●
Theodore Roosevelt: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/roosevelt-domestic-affairs
Theodore Roosevelt: Foreign Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/roosevelt-foreign-affairs
Roosevelt, 1., & Roosevelt, T. (2013). 10 Things You May Not Know About Teddy Roosevelt - History in the Retrieved 8 April 2016, from
William Howard Taft ●
William Taft: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from
William Taft: Foreign Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from
Stevenson, F. (2016). Top scandals and controversies of each United States president | Deseret Retrieved 8 April 2016, from
Woodrow Wilson ●
Woodrow Wilson: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/wilson-domestic-affairs
Woodrow Wilson: Foreign Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/wilson-foreign-affair
Woodrow Wilson Quotes at BrainyQuote. (2016). BrainyQuote. Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://www.brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/w/woodrow_wilson.html
Warren G. Harding ●
Warren G. Harding: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/harding-domestic-affairs
Warren G. Harding: Foreign Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/harding-foreign-affairs
Kelly, M. (2016). 10 Things to Know About Warren G. Harding. Education. Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://americanhistory.about. com/od/warrengharding/tp/Ten-Things-To-Know-About-Warren-G-Harding.htm
Calvin Coolidge ●
Calvin Coolidge: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/coolidge-domestic-affairs
Calvin Coolidge: Foreign Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/coolidge-foreign-affairs
Calvin Coolidge Quotes at BrainyQuote. (2016). BrainyQuote. Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://www.brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/c/calvin_coolidge.html
Herbert Hoover ●
Herbert Hoover: Domestic Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/hoover-domestic-affairs
Herbert Hoover: Foreign Affairs—Miller Center. (2016). Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://millercenter. org/president/biography/hoover-foreign-affairs
Herbert Hoover Quotes at BrainyQuote. (2016). BrainyQuote. Retrieved 8 April 2016, from http://www.brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/h/herbert_hoover.html
All Other Information Ex.Vice President, Term, Etc.
List of Presidents of the United States. (1789). Wikipedia. Retrieved 8 April 2016, from https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States