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Static Club
Static Club
Faith Simcox - Staff Reporter - Feature
Clubs in school are usually fun and frilly places where you do group projects and community service. Static Club accomplishes the same thing but is also a safe environment with nice people.
In Static Club, a member from CareNet, Karen Goebel, comes to talk about problems that kids our age are struggling with and how to deal with them in a healthy manner.
She talks about things like STD prevention, bullying, and how to have a successful path for the future.
Other members from different counseling offices and youth services, like Aspen, also visit to try to help students find ways to deal with things like abuse.
Goebel’s main goal for this club is to give students a safe environment where they can find help and support that they may not be getting from home
She focuses on students who have goals but don’t know how to keep on track with them, students who are struggling with teen pregnancy, and kids who are also struggling with things that will derail them off of their tracks, like porn.
One of the many topics that is discussed is how to see the signs of an unhealthy relationship. Many students can fall into a relationship that is very controlling, and they may not see the signs because the controlling person is able to make it not seem that way.
The idea of Static Club is to empower students where they need it. Many students don’t have the support that they need, so Goebel helps students to realize that their choices are their own and whatever they decide to do is on them and not on anybody else.
“Success or failure is all on you,” says Goebel. She helps students to set a clear path for a healthy future and to see life in a bigger picture.
Goebel has been coming to EHS for 3 years now to give kids a safe place to go and to support to kids who need somebody to talk to. She has gone to Kittitas High School for 10 years, and really hopes to be able to go to Morgan.
She says that “6th graders are much more trusting than 9th graders, so being able to get to them at an earlier age would benefit them for when they reach high school.” subject of bullying.
Static Club is a voluntary club, meaning you don’t have to sign up and you can attend any of the meetings. They meet up every Wednesday in Ms. Treadwell’s room during lunch.
Static Club has impacted many students in a healthy manner and has been a home where they can find refuge when they may not be able to find it anywhere else.
Jared Gomez, a senior at EHS, says that “it gave me a little bit of an outlook on life and how to find resources for some counselors.”
Goebel believes very strongly in this club and hopes to have more students attend the meetings because she knows that students struggle with risky decisions and what to do in hard situations.
“I believe it’s made a difference in many students’ lives, and it definitely has made a difference in mine.” Naomi Brons (Sr) decorates a cookie during Static Club